the able which is certainly as much Province as any that made by Parliame: " the terms," should have been submitted to Parliament. That, however, would have precluded the .reference. made to Lord Carnarvon, for the right hon.‘ gentleman insisted that his decision should be "final, and subject to revision by neither party. Mr. Blake thinks that reference should not have been accepted. We differ from him on that point, and we think the great body of the public will also differ from him. Not that we bave any great admiâ€" ration for imperial arbitration in general, ani we should resent imperial interâ€" ference as readilyas anyâ€" one ; but it must . be remembered ~that in this case one of the parties had alveady appealod to the Imperial Government, and the Coloâ€" mial Secretary, perceiving the difficulty which was likely to ariseâ€"acknowledging, sm-oï¬m,-wghgvo-howni-m columns by quoting his own despatch, that he bad no right to interfereâ€"offered his services to bring about an amicable settiement. â€"It was a gracious act, and a wise one, on the part of the (Government to accept that offer, forâ€" thereby the country was saved from what nust have been a humilisting agitation, and we scarcely think that Mr. Blake or any one who takes his view of the Pacific Reilway can complain of . the arrangement, which Friday was a field day in the House of Commons, the occasion being the discus sion of the Pacific Railway estimates in Congmittee of Supply. â€" The Premier made aspeech in explanation which only one who is possessed of his comp!~te mastary of details and thorough understanding ‘of a great practical subject could have made. To analyse it would be impossible without reproducing it at length, which we have alreadly done in our parliamentary report. Mr. Mackenzie has the happy facultyâ€"the very rare oneâ€"of saying nothing that eould be left out of his speeches and ‘not ing, and he is equally happy in being able to leave nothing unsaid which could ‘be said with advantage. . We have no hesiâ€" tation in saying that his last effort, for cledrness and perspicuity, for the mas* terly tact with which he .marshalled his facts, and for the general qualities which make Parliamentary utterances *raluable to the present age and to, pos: terity, has not been eclipsed by: any that has ever been attempted in the Pazrlin ment of Canada. â€" Dr: Tuppe‘rs reply was, on the whole, temperate, although of course exaggerated. He succeeded in Government were proposing to expend tem millions â€" outside of the cost of conâ€" structing the Pacific Railway proper presuming that a shorter route" from the Georgianâ€" Bay to Montredl will ‘be con structed by private enterprise than that Mr. Mackenzie proposes. We dare to say, however, that the member. for Cumber. land will find the public less . easily con= will even convince .. him. â€" tha;, he is wrong â€" in the _ present inâ€" stance. His â€" argument .. that .. the, Pembina hranch should not be constructed © as a Government work, looks raifher trans~ parent in the face of the fact that it was" x proinineént feature qï¬.bonchaneprd- pounded by the #overnthent, of which he was himself a member, This was w shown ty Mr. Blake, who made one of his characteristically able speeches. There was one point, however, upon which th hon. member for South Bruce insisted | with a good deal of vghemence, with‘ which we can scarcely agree. 1e thinks the compromise accepted by the Governâ€" ment and British Columbia, in regard to, Till Thursday, .the I8th inst. ~ R. F. WARD, 3 U IKC. Theatricals: Government House. Auction Sale : J. Bermingham. Bill of Fare: European Dining Rooms Oysters : Queen Restaurant. Hardware. &c." Moore Bros. The Tines. THE THEATRICALS, OTTAW A, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1875 Ottiwn, Fob, 2ith, 18 CAMPBELL & ALMAS, Where they bhge to merlt & eotfisusnce of past favours i-xflunu- by thetr scme= O-n-'_m‘ the public generally, al thetr vd. 7 & “i b‘::fv_m ean alwa)s procure DIRECTL Y OPPOSITE their OLD STAND, Beks “â€%Wmu At any moment, witheu* delay, at who does not admit, that the modification f {" the t " to which the Government Kusnar‘s Luach and fl]&tfl AOMS) |or Canada autt the Govdrnment of the evamus cvs C\ Tr*~~**~1PrDvince have agreed is about "&"fair web. amm, ists. _ ~ _ ___ ________[0 =___ 55/ |settlament of the controversy. It is one % » which cames very near to Mr. Mackenzio‘s NOTICE OF REMOVAL. | mssn e se de mss ) uy o 3he ofssyip‘,whlq!x were largely shared â€"by vor‘ the people of Canadaâ€"and while it f s a seeims to have satisfied Mr. Walkem CAMPBELL & ALMAS u* uo. Sn t ns * ray Hisve Removed to their New Premizes far short of their original demands. We â€" to toal Rew iestsc L e i o se ttdee "a rafo mab Noonan‘s Restaurani Ryan‘s New Block, Second Door from , â€" @Conmor Street. % COVERNMEAT â€" HOUSE, ofTTaAwaA. POSTPONE D For Wednesday, the 17th jinstan e undeotdiably THE PACIFIC RAILW AY. ainly as much in favour" of‘ the on as against the claims of the e as any that would, haye been by ~Parliament; and it has reat merit ‘of â€" "being "‘ adcept. i~ more than could, in all probs a% m@ &A CAPITAL DiNNEK, rti WA# w .:o-.-'? ".i g x e cments .. But thereis" another aspact of | this question which the " intervention of) the paréntState ‘*. forces: upon all colonial consideration of the Gu-n:g: deney â€" of : that â€" foggy â€" island.‘ / That, : if Newfoundland~ chooses to grant a moneâ€" ly within her jurisdiction, Canads must ;glownm,ndm_ ipso facio interdicted from legisiating adversely to: 3& mono« poly, even for the protection of ‘her own people from: its exactions. : ,: 10078y Canada must not even for the is ewâ€" Toundiant neelt The. gare ‘or these pretensions exhibits their absurdity, ing monopoly, too well established to make this kind of intervention ‘politic, just ar benéficial. _ __| + The attempts. of the ‘Angloâ€" American tizans to assail the ter of the Act_hlvebeen-owdl’!;nq that little tore need be said. e "Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Newfoundland " has come over to lit as * abhorâ€" rent :hnr% it ‘(‘;:onll- ate ri 9 ing a one is tempted : to> ask him : to &-m aul ty or adduce some proof in support :.: agat» * If ‘:: will + a great country. . If ill riot, or cannot, I take leave to= tell him he has pulglt:hedn gro=s libel upon thos.‘ C.s, "Speakers," and members of a i gmuuwdlhl’ormod quite as ‘careâ€" fouptiiand. * Angombiy » Li.:'.,..,.:,"" P eg i 4. or | he ‘defends. _ Canada nover gran rights to the Newfoundland monopolists, and therefore: no Act of, her Parliamgept The Hon. Wrm. Macdougall is now in Ottawa using the great influence sv‘:tbbe possesses with members oï¬un e to induce them to reject the‘ Marine Teleâ€" graph Bill, which will come up for sécond reading before that body toâ€"marrow. In Saptember last Mr. : Maedougall published the following admirable letter in the Lonâ€" don smacdmtu'm'arm:-mho is now .endeavouring to defeat.. It is, of course, impossible for us to speculate upon the reasons, doubtless of a purely patriâ€" otic and public nature, which have operâ€" ated within. the ,.last . few . months to produce this sudden and violent change in‘his Sentiments, . but we, feel |sure thit he will thank us for publishing the views he entertained npon this same bill last year, as it will .ï¬d(wnem@;i. of the Upper House the advantege of hay. ing both sides of the question put before thent in the lncid‘ style which tern izes all Mr. Macdougall‘s u&tentf can " confiseate" them. His argument amounts to thisâ€"that Canada is a depenâ€" As you very clearly â€" and ‘ably ‘demonâ€" statecd in a recent number of the Standard, this is not a case “hwwhiehitidw' t or safe : fop the: parent to i <g it was aâ€"grave mistake of themm Government to invite intervention,. and ‘the lesson has not.. been lost on the peoâ€" ple of the Dominion., ‘The power of disâ€" alowance is the : titutional _ remedy where a colonial Act :" found to be ultra vires, or to‘ trench: on rights. »&_u(:.v-y local ‘Act! that| trad ing Companies may. deem iginl to their interests is to be for the opinion of the Colonial ister, we can e...l?fy see what embarrassments are in store for him, and :. ‘dissatisfaction and resentmeut~ will B v in the colonies. _ The Dominion of â€" Canada is too large, and its jurigdiction over its own, territory, the larger part of which it was compelled to buy from another tradâ€" _ The debate ynearthed the existence of ‘a strong seotional feeling. with regard to the eastern terminus.~‘ ‘The member for Terrebonne; who appears to have adopted the â€" role:=â€" of the champion . of sec. tionalizgm:"©*‘ during *« the o lm sessien, fblkm?d tip the tender‘a j of his ~ï¬xiafmflï¬dc"'. in a somewhat lirtther strain;: It is remarkable, howâ€" ever, that the " Allan " section, ‘#ï¬.l member _for Terrebonne [will mr:;t his party to be known by that distinction, should have searcely begun |to complain, should have scarcely attempted to excite tho jealousy of the East as againkt the West, than the West started to play a strong hand> at the same game. If the member for Terreboune is up in arms, so is the ‘City of Toronto, and if, wecould credit both their statements, are both going to be euchred. That, ; would be impossible.~ It is a i since both factions have buckled for the fight ‘with such ardour, that the Capil perbaps «on the ~ground ~that * p rogues," &c., is likely to get its own! Sir,â€"The animated dircussion that has recently taken place in this eonng beâ€" t.\wran intex:alted defenders h‘tlo .'ew%d’ i e monopoly on the one side, th:“?ricndh of ’fr“ trade and. reasonable ehnrr in ocean teleâ€" graphy on the other," has shown that a good deal cam be said on both sides. I regret, however,: that the English i amid the contflicts of bulls" and * ¢ has not its attention more pointedly di rected to the grave political and commerâ€" THE HON. WM. MACDOUGALL, C.B cial questions involved in the controversy. Some five months elapsed since an act of the Canadian P; o‘; all its coasts to the ing of unpriâ€" vileged cables was € ";at the inâ€" stance dfl: ‘Angloâ€" American poly, for the tion of the Crown in Eng land. By a mere act of courtasy to an ex-Gove;:or General the Canadian ‘Minis ter of Justice suspendedâ€"for six months at leastâ€"the constitutional action of the hopes : ofâ€"millions in ‘both hemispheres who are anxiously waiting for a means of intercom@imnnicsation that is now denied to them, and furnished an oceasion for angry recrinfinations between unporph and Governments of two independent colonies that migl!lxl:;;to be, and but for such quesâ€" tions as would sdon: be _m&}-twill be fortunaté if these recrimi do not e:;rnd to embarrass our relations with. the mother country. Of this I am sure, no successor of Mr. Dorion will ever again advise the reservation of & strictly local bill that touches no Imperial rights. mont which wouldat all meet that . which he offéred to the House on Friday night; but theâ€"peculiar circumstances, and espe. cially the tesults, were‘a complete justifi® eation of the means, _‘ , Dominion: Parliament, disappointed the hopes ! of‘mniltions 40 :botk. hequisphores ters of this kind:ought to be submitted to Parlianment forw or disapproval, and were he laying down . a general prinâ€" ciple, it would be chfficult to find an argu. CANADA AND CHEAP TBLE * GRAPHY. | l:iy, have been said of an equally liberal rangement qgreéd to after di 1 by majority of Parliament, in which the embers from the Pacific Province would va voted with the minority to a cer PWKHEU 10 flls mismanagement of.ï¬enuamq sent there t it. At events , Tas a segied book: io: se Pomnte oo in ;;u, procducing a serious x‘ toâ€"â€" trade. e desired any telegrams and reports ;vnhlregunlt‘?ut;hu.fll‘ub‘joct, to know the egal state 0 e alr, causes dug:x'ng this crisis, He mfld lihpl: know whether the staff was organized. Bo far as he was aware, there, were nor _\ en o ayie . announcéments of the working of t railway were given to the people, and Farried w the different staiiong, Snd yeg carr to eren tho rcad was atlowed to be shored up helplessly, and vessels to be frozen in;‘to‘ hd:ogm“o; of Qho‘::do. He would ve more to say on question the (papers were tabled, and fot sent ‘therefore : moved,â€"That ‘an‘ A :::lm-bo presented to His f Mhmgg.m allm we Tm and reports relating to the: Prings Sdward Inland Ratieaye * ) * Â¥ton. Mr, SCOTT :2.“ ‘Governmient had | no ï¬?“ & m y much larger than usual, and the season a short one, shippers faundâ€"lfmoanï¬: employ ";th‘; railway I‘Oi__flio t exten consequen & lhipot’ to the â€" deap w:ww so that the largest amâ€"unt df oats, &c., . might â€" be: cartied ‘ ~theréto. All went well until the rail was hand» ed over ‘to the Douu-ian'gov-nn when it was allowed to freeze ? torn up, so that whilst other parts of the Dominion have enjoyed their railways, no railway communication i:oson on ‘that island, which has a new r 200 miles l:;lng, pmidedml:l:;l:h railway stock and all necessary i for running. < As a consequence there a loss to those inâ€" terested in the shipmient of large quantiâ€" tiee of egricultural uce. _ Again, it was well understood a railway, like any other property allow toremn‘n unâ€" used for a number of months, must neâ€" ces=arily incur inj from . accidents, neglect, &¢., pflfl?j{ rains and snow ; large losses must, therefore, have accrued; they were told by the : Secretary© of State jast night, in reference to..a grant for c‘poBmtun,Mwonoaindmg‘:thn- we have paid into the Dominion. | He, (Mrz.. HLwhnd&):ustalalto undmhndmd:“-f sort trine was ised . &. Sublset Misister would Shof" sieh "a statement to proceed from his‘lips. ~ He (Mr. Emun) presumed thé terms of the‘ eseatily the iniatiers paid ‘® portion of A is id ‘«" ; in ts other provinges. â€" MP thought tint in the @r h fame §iod fe hex‘ "the some reason for a & same _~ facilities <â€" ‘to m It m:glh‘ t be the â€" had papers g good reason for ‘ the road. Be that as it may, he wished to ascer> tain where the layâ€"whethor it was inherent in m itself, or in the mismanagement of gentlemen sent there The House met at three: o‘slock, the Speaker afterwards leaving the chair and resuming it at five p.m.. . _ ‘ THE PRINCE EDWARD ISCAND RAILWiy. Hon. Mr. HOWLAN, on rising to proâ€" pose the motion in his name M& the railway was one of the terms of union of that island with Canadaâ€"it was to become one of the public mh’d C'"“hb.n was mm un£r‘b°oontn_9t u:( was to comp at . ‘ Canada ; it was also to bowm‘ the lsland, to fantlltate the progress of the the to the island had one of ‘the largest erops" ever &Md in. The exports ‘of oats from the island were very lm-d ne» cessarily would have given work to the railway. Previous to handing it over to the Government, the contractor ran the Sovermatnnt of thke infand, ane theâ€"peopis vernment \ â€" of the island had thzo.:{i& fléï¬: very useful to them oats, -mo‘nqudto__.ld,ï¬!\ 'lmflng ACaxapta® axp axâ€"Miisrer or tas Crown. Parliament of Canada secondly, because ‘the message béing extended to London, the precise:meaning of the transmitter may m&b:mély rendered." I have heard‘of a Now the acquisition of the present Atlantic cables‘by the: State â€"that «wouldâ€"involve no burden on ‘the public exchpquer and no foreign intérvention or acquiescence to solve it. The interests of oommorz:‘ of social and domestic life, of politi enlightenment : and om.h“ time of peace, to say of war ; of :urqa;x:;d concord b& the puvhent.ï¬p mis erltmd-lnr. every. human good that the rapid diffusion of intelli« genmce‘ can confer on the millions now separated by a turbulent ocean, but whom this great and beneficent invention is able mnï¬%&bï¬dflhflm mu:‘noide;x:,r or |poli trigue, or poj pagsion can sever, d-nm(f:: oxung‘:imv of this ly. ‘The service it nndug‘ i-nopdyzpm- to cost, but it 18 often inaccurate and misleading. â€" The Canadian &::l of all parties has lately sitves uf thare ieregrions Afteripr i meeats effect ese telograms. ter 6. w-:â€"“lmo‘undnrhkotohï¬a::o language e‘xinployed on all or every occaâ€" sion in my despatches, when they appear amenable wcs.ï¬cinfl. #fl,b‘eï¬zflu heavy charge by cableâ€"one dlollar per wordâ€"compels abridgment to an extent very unfair to the transmitter and often to the subject of the message ; and, people of England: "Are Â¥he ifiterests of a few capitalsts paramount to \hooo of the nation? If not, how isâ€" & cheap, lpoody,nourbk tolegraph service between Lx;fhnd and her North American colonies, including the United States, to be secured? I limit the question to communication between Europe and America, as it nd8ds Third | Parliamentâ€"â€"Second â€"Session, SENATE suxu dil mol) beroy Tursoay, March 2. THE TIMES : OTTAWA, MONDAXz,MARCH yoa iiptagantpme ‘vere aojadh hï¬m’ pirculation. : The _obm' tiof the bill been "M' m by the Houselon.«ité Mg,uj cept that some reference had been;. made putity tinte ‘apartion‘s ‘arovioes aon + @+c ( i oo oo de thkedither moa) no admi ments which followm ï¬gp&qd the change in 1849, were likewise to ‘&ttach to the pres:ntueghhï¬o’ni ‘l;;&f: b6 miuch better n Aï¬bnrpt * . # 1 to be able to say that t,m‘dm., ' o im m hapntiags hok as ~pe were c f= ‘three classes : (General Public Am“.l Aotay and Private Acts.‘ ‘Of the‘ class,only one hundréd and: fifty were faur‘ “i‘hï¬.'.“d, thoz ‘were -g‘ ï¬!:hda ally ï¬ mith "inconvenibnce.© Hon. gent! would "seeâ€" that"thig" bill not only| embraced Publixfl. i Mb&::‘ m were, ‘I theit &fl‘nmm, qï¬cflr m.w numP w†pu mmw that . 6t mhw'wu theirm mcter. ~ But purely personal . nwxuflnl be regarded :as, P m hâ€"â€" T dnank® ~aXur. wal "that‘in/certain cases offenders might if they chooue,.h'nï¬eï¬h‘m.,ap& t 3 d magist: : kn ct o. %." or ‘cm nce DMI oner{’%’gé'beeï¬ (%} .‘u of the bill would be to reduce the tim which;g: risther ‘ would" Have to lie "th Tit! io rermnigtried 0 comis . oony, _ Hon| Mr. . DICKEY observed thatâ€"the princial:nif the bill had long been adopted in F o (95 The blil : was then read a:second time, . oxtatio dextear Phisor," / /. f Hon. â€"Mrâ€"SCOLTT said; this: bill was also. gromqu}i -tht:oï¬g-hnoo of the Attorney â€" e or g‘iï¬,‘ (Â¥24 &ï¬c&;mw 4 i 7 mtuniint o ce i untili ï¬l rison, was ready; * ~ 1 e â€" (‘:n...' 2 :.u' SÂ¥ io the %w iKe> Hou. o â€"MF&‘ bQT .. opp oi mhe reed a eee@ d Noté. .‘ 0C gour ns Cemmitite of. the â€" Whoty on ;. Hom. Mr.; SCOTT explained that the ob ject of this bill was togive .a darger ‘ lation, .toâ€"â€"Asts ofâ€"â€"aiâ€" general: and pm nature, mh.ilomhopcu_qt;uon_ly.bod or prrele metore Sould bate but /m very i ‘pirculation:,The obisct |.of tha hon tneigl foo eooghts m reane m given any reason the Iopme:}m ge.‘, As he (Mr.‘Dickey) mds!"md it, this was an amendment to flloh' u\fl 1869, Wl;lch hmlht:oth;':uln of, 4 to ol commueapto & plorptiont o hm yeam Act any juvenile offender could be sent to the Reformatory for "six months, but ‘this bill extended the period:tortwo ; 4 ;o Mdfm offender, w wmm or an & i m e m ns juveni ormatory. * es ies ro & w & Jurinne qromies fay is d T’%‘g stance, ï¬"w be sent to a Reforma, tory, as under the existing Act. f Hom. Mr. DIDKEY thought the substiâ€" tution of the reformatory for the,jailor.the penitentiary was not so much the un‘hb- ment of youn.ofl'ondenutmbrthm tion â€" Therefore it would seem that s at.two years, the prtimary object of dom mittal to the reformeory woul ma Hnp in omcs 0 j ther N fomamhoh a Jaser ofgube wolld have Jusk as w“ï¬"f idï¬ e s vheaget aimin reforma or ‘ the purpose o tion and amendmen P%a W m W&Sfly.“,“aflviv. ipre heinous offence. * HonLiu.. MILLERâ€"It should.| be./ap â€" plied tosall theâ€"provinces. â€"; 6k "a Hon, Mr. Hamilton dmthe chair term. < | It, had ‘beendfornd that. it was. of very litdeuato.:d.m}o the reformatory, «where theâ€"punishment was much lighter than in »the pertitentiary; for a less term than twoâ€"years. +©Punishment hthomew?#ï¬â€œm little good‘: could : be : lished in a less time than two years, for=six moriths in a reformatory:~was mo punishment at all. ed Un o tad bijor tory, as under existin| \ im l}-{on. MrSO‘(I;Brmd tgergedonfdrt.b'e proposed oï¬hgw that in "order to ‘ac. compligh the object:â€" of sending juvenile offenders to the reforniatory; it was necesâ€" sary to make© arrangements for a ‘longer H‘p}?j Mr.SCOTT said this hfl'\m' to € '()‘ hfh’ O r‘h.‘t‘ Aartain g-n nlï¬nnl?-h-’ seedndckin t IOI . «e bill iygd then read & sedond,timé.‘;} FELONE3 AÂ¥D mmmmvmq'g Hoh] Mr.SCOTT said this Will wastindant ml‘lou Mr. %%Qï¬n_‘szr?d uuuh; posed the . of a proviso fl;qp&;ï¬w raocedire Act SP'Om Yic, in relation «to the tind of fuindrs mpmnaginr Porttaid Tat houd reformatory. vi ‘they i not l;e::;{ for spleu mm_ggx_&o yeu;lf pr a longer te than ,five years, . i their -en:eno:m ljeacbe’t? 'L;longermtgrm‘ than five years, they should â€"‘be sent â€"to the peum{b addition of this proviso to, c welating to the term of imprisonment was ‘the. only change _ Hon} Mr., MILLER asked iant: whose : in: “:lnb'n this bill was inwthom“ “. ‘BCOPTâ€"At i iof.c Attorneyâ€"Generalâ€"for Ontario. > |.., /. case through ‘the wholo line, Ever y knew \hl:flldn'g 6$rchï¬rtbu’ mhm ly blocked up with snow. Similarly one of 'ieynmt important roads in ‘New Yorkâ€" from Rome to Capé Vincentâ€"had ‘been snowed "lIP this winter for two or ‘ three weeks. The papers to be brought down wouldconvince‘ the: House ‘that the Govâ€" ernment were not to blame in the slightest 'dg?‘., ead ¢ ‘Hon, M# HOWLAN rose to make some remarks in ï¬ly,'bm'uï¬iloriu of © carâ€" ried," resumed his seat. $ CORLMINAL PrRrooRDUR®E MiréXBweXt stur. nolne NOA LOAgor . than necessary, mun: fing e mile 5o gef Fut BP it ols Government. _ He knew{very â€"we greater part of hi})-mremnrh @; tremely disingenuous. «The contract for this railway was given by *flm Govemment‘):fwhioshlhohflkw i was .le:du? r, and tl.aesrood was to be d or running in 4 Owihg to Aictiigs suct ds alt mmtinn) contractors .were exposed to, the present were . not \if a P’tfl;:to hnndoeor the 3“;2‘&:‘ Worky wh m ad .dT:::M to be ‘nmtc&nmr,m“uypo& sible effort to : have the xoad,in;rumning order last fall. F mm‘, Mr. Swinyard, an a_xp:;g:g 1 m“fl- way manager, was sent to the island, he did his utrmost to push on the comslo- ï¬o:of theâ€"work. IHI; dooliau:d, I;o:r: or} and v roperly, on the 0 the D:zim}:mpo(}ovemment, to take it ‘out of the contractor‘s hands till it was built. It was some time in Septemâ€" boer before it was in a condition to be transferred to the Gov \] after which they made »every: 0 it worked properly,, But, unfoftunately, a snowâ€"storm came on, and\ we were in: formed that it was impossible to move the traing. Ordérs# Wwere sent‘down to put all labourers procurable gtbe,line, to have it cleared atuw W ith this object, some hundreds of ‘then"‘ were set to w:a but before they had @uite sticcesded, an in a few gny:h'szqge;:umow-squ: set {n,h aggravati %, c & «case, t(‘}gove:mxl:ex(:c ml:bl.: to compete ?‘* %, possible x&?‘ 3 ade ‘%mv.n,;’ m“'m 7 0 )n ;’;‘e‘ effore »withith. the‘ G y of ak .:x energy to commplate the, , road and, work it, INTERP4ETATION ACT AMENDMENT BILL s A gouind .D .A .s0H ; GTEL 10b a 2 TT f2 200. 4 GAGL ~AOF (Continned on fourth page.) for the Vifn‘éfl ind REFILLING mflï¬% BTB llg":m ug'nou «"", PACKING OF HYTDRAXTS, Bpécifications beâ€"seen at ‘the ‘offlce of: wwumm«fl%mm':u? on fll.{nd‘al;!‘-"l-’é 'mn‘nz : Wwaser OomfeLnonere‘ Office, y in inpofTawaAj Aird,‘n, tholl falY: Toh Aod U $ CENTEMNAt & EXHIBMON 1078 A Local Agent and Subsocripâ€" tlion: Solicitors * Wanted for the ... OTTaAWwWA 4 WATER WORKS. A Permanent Situation at "â€â€˜mnl’or Week, . “'. c AP L 80 B.â€" A NGUS8,â€"Jr1. There are This Oompany, whose : f was ostablisned in 1 M'an is n N alone, is prepared to reseive .pï¬mmruu General Acg:oy for the vitawa District from eompetent and trustworth who can make the shndindssis; U entire atteptIQn..,, ,.,.;> becks » anyâ€" _ General Agent ; giny aim\'w & HoB a ouag TA Citizens InsuranceCGe‘v. E* e sbheasd %0 svisimed 10t w‘ 3 M‘PITAL woreos «07 . $8,000,000,; * F T I é;?da»nq x ‘1 CAPITAL . . . 8IX MILL1ON DOLLARS, Available Punds to meet gpror: HAND IN HAND Insurance Co. NONE IS GENUINE! unt;msrmm Soupâ€"Vegetable. Fishâ€"Haddock and Lobster R c To ds U ar e manee Orget Meqers td rien: ant. (reubary‘ meet ryupno,:.(‘lmmz Zadm..: gaan z ?o" ry sauc:; Cabinet Pudding, Peach Sauce. _ p“‘-mâ€"mtfln Beason, Almonds, Raisins, Tea and Coffee, Wollington street, opposite r:;usufit "Bditdâ€" "Feb. u. _ 210860 kavikhomil Mutual L Breakfast on Bundays at 10. â€" Dinner at;$ p. M DINNER, 230; LUNOH, i6e. ... _ Private Dincers prepared to order. riviog daily, per expross, at the INSURANCE CO. EUROPEAN Dining Rooms;, 80 Sparks Street. J. W. ARLESS, Proprietor. Members of Parliament. 20 per Cent. Below.. Combination .Rates i m dm. n 19w Jnnrndl. 4«0., englose 25 cents NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:. ‘Tenders wiI be m until woo® of forâ€"two MYRTLE NAVY, Ottewa, Jan, 23. Sun. 9, 1875, Ottawa, Jan. 23 Address ; ‘with :Féferancet>and eXperionce, 1f 4 A ols un wne o A constant supply 1P sRHSA OTeTRARE ar AssETs OvER 1!° OO â€" _ ‘mished in firstâ€"class style, __ _ . ' tlome Mt ) Month. . / Ioo g':am Sd:on open "l’&'.. Months { 0P Centennial: Journal, FIRE AND MARINE: OYAL CANADLAN Miscellansous. Moaday, the Sth day of March And 10::â€"cents per naime added. Still continne to take Risks at QUEENK RESTAXURANT, : © By Order, DESJARDINS, Insurauce. Market. NOTICE Temporary Office: BL % BETHUNE, e Aistepan it nnnee DINNER ‘â€" BILL OF FARE. BATUBDAY, FxB. 2, 1876. R. DAVIS, Maniager, CAUTION. Agent, Ottawa and Vicioity, R. C.W. MaoCUAIG, OTTAWA. AGENT, Chestaut â€"treet OUNNINGHAM, 3780â€"8â€"tâ€"t OTTA W A $750â€"1m dn ota 190 52 ho Pumivad mmeive velc o in en Copmiry or CaRLETON j ForORtay | p amp.difécted. and, de/ :\?Tt -uu of 35‘:‘:%.‘:? ï¬% AHsfasmeent im the pd- P To be drawn uomm: ms,.,..‘ r.“do 00" M ‘GOLPD:. %Qinghm INâ€"SILF E. _â€" < | . In Valuable, Ci"tg» ,, ..., . FHGUSH AND â€"AMERICAN HATS 3q * Gift Enterprises. $1/0 0,"0 0 00 0| To theamount of Two Million Five Hundred HaATsS, the coomplou of thels Pifth andt Leat Concere " ALL OTHER FURS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Library U Rostocktyâ€"daw 16. 1696 it "ghs y en c was réeailved thai. uwnfgmpho under the late Hon. Thos. E,; was the real ald of the ?»‘néfl: flt‘:‘nmm ' Do io ho is bereby ruthorized to take the f e vacant by Bramâ€" M roreatitas o t % : Tor wey snn 3 o:-':-n ie anarngs lay on t w ver. )o & MERICAN. HATS.. ENGLISH . HATS, FRENCHâ€"HATS,â€" ‘A ' .&.’s:s. m,...u.,' 10 " " oo es Htatter + . Pipdndiial d 1. 15 3 2 3 4 P MA G]ffl T _ENTERPRISE; For Tickets, or in forthAtich,add?bd>» 1 it ca AHH C Goccmunio‘s 2 No. 33. BLIDEAU STREET, Foeb. 27, 1775. H. â€"~â€"HO0D GE S, e C# AML â€" EJC A 25 4 #ARZ Mamee det Fe ces darg, * a90lâ€" mt n i Opposite the British Lion Hotel. EW SPRING STYLES Fi/teon Cases BUFFALO:® ROBES * OP CARLETON virtue of a writ of xo was | . 1 Aters mmctas ipuen out F O R, 1 8 .7 5. fter all communications relating to &o §3P'w es @7th or flw m'lly Tor tiokete shall be rotarhed. M« BRIGGS, Agent and Manager. #'“ by ... tip on of their Fifth and Las 1874. DOLLARS ! THOS.. E. 56 SPARKSST., Thi boDeXA) #00#100_10i0W 10 bis Received ? UVYYLIR Y . i£"" OEVLIN‘S8. HATS, Ky o 1t to indéed Lhat 1 could Dardly w mr‘ 1 : '.-4§-"s‘_ }r«?«:g Papiery Ob in hoa ton Ptnt . bDOHdF â€" Itaproved nm‘?u’:‘rx: :tnur so " > al &o me privately or publicly, as I feel very tha <&; N in mt ns aagres mss biicy* by a careful, experienced m.“:;.-mmzlm daraaue w i u‘,.= development, and is ‘superior to any mediaine | M "A BLESSING TO THE POLICEK, . MoxrErAL 18th J une, 1864 Afrintans Hayife besh dnd Of tne %o&r?lw lzug ‘&uâ€œï¬‚ï¬ last five or six weeks Seree bie dakl fire or aiz woeeks the most herr DIAMOND esc evigie enoaitivens t t m e o. continues painful. This is Ch fam, which may oxist without Ns neual mave To tr Weies ts t comnsUMPtOy, wartiia Anp inp are attested by from Medica) menâ€"wio nï¬nmm specia) study. M"ï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬ï¬‚ï¬â€™m’. """m_-_--u',_"m Pnd promrnee. us the genernl condition © 110 NEW BONDS8T, LONDON, W And Retail of all other ‘Ohemists Pn n enc ader exquisite fragrance, URE CHEMICALS AND NEW MEDIOI® elec and ppiag orde ...“ o.n 1 ‘ï¬vnw_b_sAm‘ ce a mn__,.d?im, ren ‘Water, distilled , tom Mitcham Flowers, « 4 'I%M-‘.‘ “‘!.‘“dm"!.â€â€™ DperbI®8. _ _cotmea®s s snery ue ied opentec arits Tant es in % .._ asth &l.f&‘)z. £ t asas‘ a A“j in | ?f%m':."mï¬'ï¬‚ï¬ _ Rimm. §~@ ng Oil Soap, perfumed With * Rimmers Vioiet, Rose, Leal, Rlos, and Othdl tic Emulsion and {homas monsona s "ma:“ i rane aia of k § C® OB Jockey Club, F _ youthf.iimprudence, causing premature deesy y ner Tou deuiy ies maried tried o vain every known remedy, has found a simple soffere C #ole Proprietor, F. J, | A*dfgtle Tellagoce t ookte â€" %nmhruuuommmj- 4 & &cme, 87 No ‘stzant, L4 %’.sm Muith. AGENTS IN % Montrealâ€"Evans, Mercer &Go# Pantrestadt aiag ies CHLORODYERE is af such o6lebrity that it cap 81, 88 & 124 Southalkipton Row, RUQSFI?BJMMWM Medicing verdors. ‘ and Aro-oldbzchem Druggists PEPSINEâ€"The and Toe Poe ht and profersionat mediâ€" Morson‘s Effectual Remedies Oarefully 1 allfez«Avery Jan, 22, 1875, sa Vorr & â€"MookRE, w TMMNEL*S by all Perfumaery Vendore. otAptzndretoyrâ€" snnb dePrvaiveaaresâ€"scadd o onl pente on Orto _ DEVYINH & BoLTOx, UnICK Worksâ€"HoRXxSET Axp HoMERTOX UST SUCCESNFUL £EMEDILES com position to p mt tJoners. , orodyne Lopie ol enc anes 'J" FREE io his tellow nn-énnis',% io Boctog eHichaiacs. CHOICE PERFUMES. & Owen, INCHES ! Dying M #, « son. . Whitewashing, Coloring &c., Jobe €" the aipfitey notion, Wonck apil. c alyies .. Â¥ipe 1A Isrpeescriment or / w + w it n w on es P‘OlK wNrER, PA PF f§V PRUXEAU, donr, Post Ofiee, Ottawas, Jan. 26, 15 com i name e a m e en P ~Serinmain t ie ,_. . PDBT OFPICE gaviNas BAKE / alfounce, if o 4 mds mama Opposite the Post_Offic: > Des 24, 1874 n Encite tam ancWelt in pappicmenterr P eb imkioâ€"tâ€"re. a0tt nocemptisned arpais 4n tno oches Bracelets, Neok o o bong of on GOot Pierarts. as Boxeh, nd ) Fovided @ P z ad _ Jewe o P ivu-t:’ b:‘:, y :g y aincr !"‘ ; 8i n on id you stt J I t F KUSh Uloglne reDe io: Prize Medalist of ndon, J u.4‘ .; and *a&.-,m-.e-;;%jï¬gh ""-5"1 } _," t :..'.‘ ~ ‘ «B Ddensl¢ p "- ‘I. ‘. s 1 oi wgï¬u% "‘;Q" TS, SHIPPERS and V m%.?m':mm % hakhs," deweliory ~abe" & ncounts booral Put m aeieoton, oan | rmteanatatdane :ï¬'}i.'-...l_...ggi 1000 2 am »ulMaie Are Slosed uy sspntriall 194. WINTER ARRANGENENT CeHMaititinias Shas~ fh Watchmaker and Jewellge | ds BEBS E§ Arrival and "Departure of TX malnabdras‘s | fiuilaetory and City Houseâ€"5# and 6) §f wear and tear satisfuo Purnuters. $ss 8858s; Aighfffif BRIFISE MAILS Jewellory and Plate TA WaA, i1s. jaat ty , 36 wiru w White zen ‘Tor o hn Ar tior hemmer, Excelstor Hiectric @14 profitable tea 0 The Ur h Sror of na t ce is marvellous for Serofuls, Salt footes darnl¢ SE mmone nere id Offices to let in the ~ ' St on 10L Leaves @*~ *~ ~camt 445 pia nouk "ALEE REM whe. Arrives in New York.1040} pam., Leaves New York..: 600 p.m, Arrives in‘ Ogdeneâ€" _ _ ~> . DUIrZ ...........*»««.«. 1115 &u,, CENTRAL Â¥YERKONT RAM "" q‘-ï¬m for Boston ..»â€"â€" 5 pamms, T n en ons rd â€" 18 romoting its healthy growth. or ssle by w w:g&&l-d- ~ going week seevteteesuls AkQ Leaves A* * ‘“; Leave®~ . 10.46 a.m., 200 oomes.... 150em, 4.10 pan CaNADA CENTRAL KAL [‘.'""'""""""“Ml‘- AITIVOL.. . ... »»»««« » at atnk 1.3!_-._ Â¥ @c. d ‘ely : cures Catarth 1AÂ¥ «zENCE AXBD OfFTA WAY. BUSINESS NOTHCES. 1: Qgdensâ€" ;. _ .. !. n Boston. &‘ULL.,I J0 ervous and 4 mum ?&-nfl*% | although _ a . pow Tewsas over 80 pi llers‘ G iggists eot Tor yonu: imdean stree what al6 remé im OT