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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Apr 1875, p. 1

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c en uic i Weekly . xander W the Daily tNTRAL 8. mEAFHS. ud aâ€"hLai Vél s in advance ad EPhil with. , Arrivel® LI E6E S i Columrbia,â€" NING TIME, ""** â€" woulf d ue _ ssi route,. The 1 and Wost. rand Trunk ng gall is BC talosments Of aurauce GC"“P F AH’M N iA« A4s* . The Advef EP RRTY WA YC. r a defin‘te )e e * wched $1.00 kville «t . 7.00 4.0, allways I3., l..i.;. Lt wran Aatmadie m â€"Rxpres ©400meurg HCER Farmm w n l t evore* »4iver wuad ©0t+* tm of 11@ . ives u a4Y p ‘ritish COg Reetion o ! ¢. ‘Abe through 4 \lie makes x Rapres wat mb 7.40 EAbrormeâ€"4 i Anive a% bln g 20 15y 11 34 i+ igers DMLY 410. .M 7.10 P.M, ©34, R 4.13 p.ue 00 p mm . 30 y om 850 p m « Hel es win 0 p mM Aft o mat 1874 he #100 Rope ( th &7 7 W R\" 810 LET “ a N w* nt n Bu PyNO L oT volL. VIIH NO. 3809 wW. H. CHALLER, B .BERT GR A L A M Qranibus (o OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Thasbortest, chespest and Ielnnq.: Liverpool, Londonderr .uutflw. ‘The hmnocuouuau‘.{-lcuu wafest in ithe workt. â€" Vessais will be despatehed as follow» :« PREMIUM CHESTER WHITE PIGS â€" | 2 . L. 1 s N NCO nugy pAR ENE it J »r‘ iotended to sail between the Oiyde and o tand during the sewon of Winter Naviâ€" #&" An experionced Surgeon earri~i on onch @axe BHerths not secured uniil pai‘ OF, __ Persuas wishing to seut for thei: nfl: Obtain passage certilicales al lowest rales Eugiand, lreland or n.ull}n-l. t any railway Station io Cunada or the Urt* . . States. {When tiew»ts are not used the amou 1. returned, less & sipall deduction,] C _ For througiy tickeis and every information Appy iTV BTKEAMIERS FROM NEW YORK EVERY BATORLD Y. PASS1 YG ER 4000 M MODATION UNSUKâ€" PASSRD. Rites of passage trom New York To i ow, liver Londondarry, > * is wit Im: PRUNSEA N ... ...« cA N DN N AVIAN HIBERNE a N ... MARM \TIAN ... PERUVIAN ..... A BL FROM QURBEC POLY NE 4A N. 2200 2 2cz 00 .08 § RATES oF rAssAGE. AEIN... $lu togSt) ; STEERAGE. THK STPEAMERS OF THE MOSES LAPOINTE desires to in« M.:.rm his cus omers aud the public geuerâ€" +Uy that he has removed his place of business Iram iMs< former stand to the now Fish Murket o the south side of York street Hie will be e M dumeet ta snpoty Thone witle mo Mb thes wfla-uo-:‘c( mn...imnu of tin; zo wit ktnds Poultry Game. ; NOSES LAPOLNTE FISH ! ~FISH! ~FISH! DA RID w il roavil XLP WANTED Oriawa July 2 1373 FWNALMAGE®S PAPEE. _ #Hlotels, _ A..BION â€" HOTEL LLAN LINE rwo B KAaAUVTIPUOL PREMAIVAS | > Now Pike 44 26 includink J ho ext > '"An‘l‘fl’flUNI ,: 551:"‘:‘&' C Liborns & Bm plew ii ‘l“"""....,...‘ o “““‘:.‘:‘ inormation ap ply to or e or ¢ T enderson HBrothers, T bimfllflt""vzfl- oRKk POK ALL CAMEN...«. .. +1«+ 1 NT HRMEDEATH STRERAGE ..... ALNTE D Juawa, Fo % 1§73, Glasgow Line Houses #Rooms to Kict. hair Agenmt. w0t LJ THRITE & MCSUBOYVE, Ottawa rHE CBRISHIAN A% WORK. =T‘t i) BIGST RELIGLOUS PAPER."* A OHOLO®O® @0 00â€" > T10 N WANTED.â€" A young ma Lo Iul ANCHOK LINE, Steamsluyps. W EE] NES * RATEA OF PASSAGE OTTAW A, Ont FROM PORTLAND od W in At:tnts Y LEH 8 M= T . uussion »ud exclusive territory. 7 citocines trou. hand Postal Curd at use of private sitimg witi in thrce niiuute n M. Beatiie & al School Kast. H J. LATV _ M&C). W ashing 00 B%.â€"«4 Hoston ) gold, acconiing lo accomoda ani M A‘T WILL PAY D. W. COWARDVD & CO., Agonts, 17, Sparksâ€"84, to Ket. zvoidyiig. Avenu Mics. FORGIE $3) per week, day MONTH and to Agents er ibied White | rea lity at e STINNON & C & VIZ Sokt w M I Femal Agents sts NOTHING to . 0. VICERY & oms, and 1 mcd rcom® Aj A dd ind BHoats fre drovnt, W bnat 10 B and Women Cx Iy HUI Manager «Popriet r In} April 104 h r Li _ * Site _ ‘* ist May. "*‘* |GIBBS & COURSOLLE, ets, wid rhaw.ent 8th May « with Greenâ€"« wl it t o. rabe Gearge % l â€"0in h of both »Tnam Arstâ€" 300 . 40 Ly h D dok OfMicial Assignee. City of OTTAW a, County of Carleton Banker, Montreal Dealer in Gréenbacks, U, X. Konds and Checks, Gommeretal | pajer | discounted. _ Colectious ma ie bncall pfu i« of the Domiaton and U . N. bue terest a lowed on depusits. vet. 21 1 74 dus0â€"Saw b y . 63, SPARKSâ€"ST,., OTTAW A. Bankers and Stock Rrokers, Montreal, . Negotlate sules of I'mhrrly and Patents, and organize Companies, oney invested in firstâ€" ciuss seouritles to pry 7 und 8 per cent. inâ€" terest" l‘br*luc purchused and exnrried on & margin «t 10 per cens. Interest at lowest curront cales. Barrister, (‘o-ve{umr. &c., Sol citor in Chancery. | Ufficeâ€"â€" Jpposite the Russell House, oyer Gibson‘s Confectionary, Zil MGrey to lend on Real Kstate. e O Narristers, Solicitors, Attorneys Conveyancers, &¢., . Bell‘s Block. Elginâ€"st. HowBux: &. W. SCorT, Q. C. _ __ Barristers, Attorneys, Selicitors, Conveyancers, &c., FAr Mosgrove‘s Buildiny Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa Hox, J:A:; 3“'!”& qu. G, J oDonsrry McLxop 5e w a P uct. 17, 1874. COF HRarristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Solt« cltors, Conveyancers, &c., OTHAWA, ONT, o0 0000000 Batristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Con â€" Barrister, Attorney, OfMee Over Vr. B. Ha« e wner oi >usses id York IWNAILLON & CHEYSLER, T Barristers .-‘Amo‘u‘-l.uv Solieiâ€" f tors in Cha seery, Notarie~, 10-. Odiceâ€"Hardy‘s Block, Hideau Str c . 0. Tamcox. I i9, 11. Cf@TwELw®, Juné it A8T%_____| j4 / . iL 00! ) j Ccralll Pllll'. CHWEISTIE & HILI, Barristers, Atto Solicidgrs, Com« Veyanters, &c., ‘ (f tho‘late urm of Lewis & I‘mhey.) Orric@sâ€"kKigin Strogqt, Oliawia. 0o iL. Proacey. â€" A)J. Cuisrts. | M. E. Hllj-l Feb. 5, 1871 4%4â€"3m ~_â€"/ veynnucers, Neturies, Officoâ€"neli‘s Btock, 0pposite Russell Houne w .M. W anmer. | R.UOAassiens,) r. | P. PrNNOC K Juiy 21, 1874 _ _ »ees Mortgages purchased and Loans negotiated. UFFICEâ€"NO. 3 BHell‘s Block, Elginâ€"sL., Olliawa Nov. #Â¥ 1874. Aikd Lec. 3, 1871 ‘ 'l:nllwl'. Attorney, Notary, 'go. Officeâ€"Master in Chancéry Oha mbers, Co House, tinwa. Canada. NV . '_n". Barrister, Advocate, &e. lor !"" nce of % a -m-m-q. Solicitor in Clhiawâ€" cery, &e., for theth ovince of Uniario. M in Sunet, Huil, .P. Q. Â¥aBâ€"6m Patents of Invention, ~CoOTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, ‘;; A d v o c a t 6. mom a}t. ur, Jos, steapplin‘s, Main "rront. Maron i WHHCâ€" [_:â€" â€"lâ€"... _ 0 .. vantk1 O‘CoNNon. Nept. 9, 1474. . Has opered an‘ oftice In 'g.vuhau Hul Province of Quensec, ~for transaetion > il} Notarial and Legai business, either in the rovince ulusuobne‘o Unlario, Hpecial cure iven io the collection of Accounts in both Pr0 ri\'.i"o"-â€"ii"p'f-‘.‘-‘.‘-.__â€"*f JÂ¥ ¢ Advocate, Soliciter, &¢. « No. 12 St. James Ftreot, .. . â€" MONTREAL 'OIAI.ID N. GRANT, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Ru sidenceâ€"Albert Street. o.n-ha-uz 6 wu-.n.n-d'lhllw yiven t diseased Ruu in of ulerd®, A____-â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"E n# and Albertâ€"818, oND BROTHMERS, MQy be consiiited at his Office, corner of O‘Oon ‘CONNOR & @‘DoHERTY, P (wn-a.oanmm ufi--tmn‘' Cancers cured without the uo of the a new but certain, speedy and armost K:lw-. Heference given to parties * ly treated ifrequired, .___; __, _ __._ .. ‘CONNOR & HoGG, P ATENTS. P M «aduaie McGitl University, Montreal. Surgeun Yorthumberiand © and Durham .Uavairy, iate ssociate Coroner N, and D. : + OWEsmiet CCRA AOILLE AB Hnaband TILLIANM MOSGROVE, FLOU®& AND FEED STORE: Hull, Oct. 2 1874. No. 12 St. Jt Hapt. 9, 1873 ALEX,. TAYLOR, Suceessor to. D. m % J RIDEAU AND CUMBEELANPD 818. KQ.WM«W“ x@. Consultatons 8t all ho ooo qy l Ottawa, Oot. #, 184 W. W. WARD, D. BROW N3 ©C. W. MacCUAIG. c ARCHAMBAULT, Notary Public and Advocate, ALKER, CASSELS & PENNOCK, iAiutstmess Cards. wW. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., Â¥. H. FERLAND, K. L0GAN, Medical Wards. fLOUR AND FABM .. PAODLCE R. BURROWS8,0.M.L.C.P.8.L.C., M, (TRADE MARKS REGISTERED) Reqal Cards. MARSHAL MATHESON, J. D. E. MACBDONELI , Matkers. Attorney, Solicitors, &¢., SOLICITORS OR r. B. Hackel‘ PFlour Store, x ind Yorkâ€"stect> Olawn Charg Accoue D â€"DEALER 1N â€"CoRNEER OFâ€" TCBDt â€"(Corner of Hugh and J. J. GoRMULLY, W. D. Hogga 100y In w k 3727â€"1y for th wkiity CoOUNTER SHOW CASE8, WALL or UPRIGHT GLASS% CASES, MILâ€" LINERY sHow CASES, DRUGGIST®‘ PERFUVâ€" MERY CASES, MIRRORS, EXTENSIVE ASND TOTALLY UNRE] SERVED AUCPION SALE OFâ€" Insolvent ‘Act AVCTION SALE. Household TUESDAY, April G6th, All the thop Furniture, Moussbold Farniture, Furnace, nmpklrn aixl other effects ‘of 3!10 insoivent, T E. MOU:®E, at his store ans we ling, Robiuson‘s Block, Sparics street. . â€" The Sut PLQGN, on The property to be sold is In very gool order, bring ‘ nearly new, and comprises handsome U‘»riour ou.te, in greea Nm Eu-m. B. W . Hair Ototu i\o% with to mateh; three etta ot:mn Indow Hangings, . W . Centre Table, B. W. »ining Tables, oval back Asim Cane Keat D ning Chairs, quare and corner W hat Not:, Trifie Tables Card Tables, Refrigeâ€" mtor, handsome oal Be«lroom :-I%H-. Burenis, with glass attmched; (g:.hnl ashâ€"stands, Dre«st bies, Cane rs, Arm and Roox«» Ing 404, ad wood Ma‘trasses, Blankets, cwpda BStove and kitchen uten«ils, cut wass Wine« lm-gn and zn'lblou. Hilvere wure and Cutiery, Pictures, Vases, Ohina and Crockery Show Chsex cf+ve y style au : description, lange A'“mng. Uit Ou.hf U{lomt Maltiung, Pm'--‘;s: Purm prâ€" umt I’Iflm""hop Window Blinds, as well 44 vaurlous t urticles that caunot be enum Sparite atreet, 8 at 11 o‘clock, on TS Q.,m‘é.&;qt" store, B-Mnm'm OftaWa, March 31, 1875. ARPRTS ‘OTL CLOTHS, OIL CHRO MOS,|â€" WINDOW _ HANGINGS, clporks, yasEs, sILVER _ AREB, CUT GLASS, _ CHINA, ANb _ _ o CROCKERY. J. M. ROSS & Co. 82 Sparks Street, WEEKLY SALES, The thop Furniture comprises C€ounters, EasterMarket Wilt show this week tha fAsestcollestion of Easter .Me 4 1y this olt; ; A ons his stook will be found iteen of the fiuest 'w cm;u..cml}nu-m&«fl; ‘”mwnu; Veal of th Finest Quality, a‘ Trom the most famous farms in Gueiph. ‘The Mtock will be ou exhibltion to day & wive your orders early . 88 941. i ALE OF FURNITURE Rowe‘s AUCTION ‘Rooms, Rideau Street K Fasy Terms, and Satisfaction promised. Auction Sales. ELE P11A 3 | 3 Nights Only 3 IMPORTANI | THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY! CHARLES AUCLAIR, Every SATURDAY, Furuiture for ALL parties selling out. Enquire at Ottawa, Murch 3rd, 1875, Several Sets of Single Harness Goods on view all day Monday. "WR c o ald FuWLEB x w PILEâ€"~AN D: HUMORâ€"CVRE (Commene ng at SPACIOUS ROOMS» BUTCHER, BANK STREET, riber will sell by PWB .1C AUC WIL\, SELL AT THELR XRNTED | A ‘for all kis ds For Sale Cheap for Cash. For Internal whd External Use HENEY‘3 BLOCK, NOTICE. J. BERMING HA M, A ND ‘been faithfuily tested and Furniture, J. M. ROSS & CO. 11 w» cure all cases of Plles ; Bottles in all “Qx of 1869 v‘elsck) RE AND PERREOCT o e is tnk ail Auctioneer Sexta secured only At t he Pox office or Gowan‘s Mparks stree!, where plan can be seeu. . _ _____. _ Adm| lili&ildféb&t'ri"(‘h"fifi'hiâ€"du.. Par quette and Baicony & ¢, Gallery %°, 3804 \ BOB BUTLER‘S GREAT â€" PANTOMIME 1t surpasses every thing for Wi painted and pu'l?- Wood Work, .-i nm an d couring Koives, and all metais. MAND SAPOLIO, & For Hech-nlo&.' h-lnhn.'l’wm and bacod, inerneca amess . // *\ Land & Settlement Co. ? Act, 1903 Incorporated under :'h; bg»lmm Act, 250,00 .. ooroce 9P 400 Bache" °. Of which a Limitedt Number have been perved for Canada, W i. l|\|nhnr. 5.2., l:crch-m, W oo iles, Both« w II, near gow. % â€" € ham, Feq. [ f Chanaiton} of J(m::au‘:l? Tlal.:uhullm. rofounder®, afl& Bi , Dunt rilers, 87 New Re romm voandilpa e es e Ne" w. 0. s J.W. Tinasay, Accoun‘ants, 3 Wes Rogenln.nd,u.n'(o'. "Sxoruhs." Cl 8 l(o:::'l. Brown, 106 St. Vlnf.nt urfl%l’o- Dykes & Maclagan, 70 St, Vincent streot, GA#» | _ gOWe 2t oA 8 CC iT A m GOWAN‘S NEW OPERA HOUSE John u Tone Col. mvm'- The Comtany is velope 1 In Ma tory, eX ng & 250,000, ACRES, Obtained iy free grant on ‘condition of seitic« meut from the ominion _umm is HUMPIY DUMPTY TROUPE _ gout street, Glasgow For y uir Houseâ€"cleaning, +y a‘"t means usk 3 our (Amacer, Dnrnd. or the tin dware ;homhw clean» Ing and hing founed Te met eC LN ful e m?wwm'm Tor stook thade: at a fce of OUSEKEEPERS ! Worcestershire â€" Sanee | Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine mma-nym Burnett‘s Cocoaine Is not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett‘s QCocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine E BRITISH CANADIAN FIRS CAUTION AGAINST Bubsues Refractory Hair. Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine . The success of this most vaiediCondiment having 6 h-z.lylho_-lm theh. own inferiur com hereby \nform ed that th thogé’nnlub- t Is not an Alooholic Wash, Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoains ~â€" A8K POR LCA & PrRRIN® P ce oo e and potriiirg ~wmmh:uml‘v‘-§ S6., &os and by Grocets Hhiscellancous. New York Theatres. :taokt? dFeop k A muscments. Boothes the Irritated Scalpâ€"Skin. Prevents the Hair from Falling. Ageats for Dominion of Canede. ‘ST ISSUE, 10,000 SHARES, Loaves no Disagrasahis Odor. LEA & PERRINY‘ $ A P 0O L 1â€"0, Capt. MacCuaig, OTTAWA, SaATU Affords the Richest Lustre. 50 and 75 conts por Bottle. Romains Longest in Effect, By sattiing use Ihada suitable0 t is om Great Britain or other countries; to COMMISSIONERS IN OANADA,. ~~. mlop, Kxq., Craigawan, Woodstock. Ist, 2ad and 3rd A pril Wera ovs. ny is formed to take ns and deâ€" in Manitobs or North«West Terri« From the (LIMLTEKD q LAW AGBNTS. DIRECTORS: AND Ce‘enrated coinne W ces YESTEI?Afi BESPATCHES. 45â€" o Beru®, April 2.â€"It is stated that Spain has requested Germany â€" to order its war vessels to bombard Serana for the Gustay outrage, but Germany refuses because inâ€" nocent persons Wwi 1 suffer<‘ More Opposition to the Mitchell Deâ€" monstratien. New York, April 2â€"A petition signed by O‘Donovan Rossa in behalf of the Irish societies of New York, requesting permisâ€" sion to parade in Jersey City on the 11th inst., was rejected by the Police: Board â€"of the city. s AUBURKN, N.Y., April 2.â€"RufusW. Close, of Moravia, awaiting trial on a : charge of poisoning his wife, died this morning. . Labour Tronbles in Massachusctts and New Hampshire SAguc® Bostox, Mase., A pril 2.â€"Labour troubles are reportod in | several }-x;ltton manufacâ€" turing towns in this State‘and New Hampâ€" shire, caused, as alloged, by an imperative order from Fall River, the head centre of the National Union, requiring operatives to demand a restoration of former prices. The strike at Great Falls, N.!., has not been genersl, and the Corporation claims that it is now virtually ended. New hands are being easily procured to fill the places of the simall proportion of ‘dis atfected help. No concession in the price will be made :‘ by the mills. At Lowell, Mass., notice of intention to strike was given by _ ths mule, spinners only in the â€" Massachusetts, Prescott : and Lawrence, while a demand for in creased pay was made in all the other factories. ‘The Mule Spinners‘ Union at first voted not to strike, but upon the reâ€" RDAY, ceipt of imperative orders from the Naâ€" tional Association served their notice upon tl.o mills mentioned. The agents have informally declared that the increased deâ€" mands will not be paid, an:l the places of the strikers will be filled. The liquor bill, as a substitute, for the present prdnibito'&lsw, finull{ passed in the House yesterday, and. only requires the Governor‘s signature to become a law. The bill prohibits the o(i;en sale of liquors over the bar, but provides for licenses in conpection with hotels and restaurants. The Salt Lake Polygamy Trialâ€"A Verâ€" diet of Guilty. Saur Laxe, April 2.â€"The trial of Geo. Reynolds, indicted for polygamy, : was conâ€" eluded yesterday. ‘The" jury rendered‘ a verdict of guilty. The defence waived a new trial with a view of taking: the ~case to the Supreme : Court. The defendant was afterwards arraigned and pleaded not t%mm set ‘at liberty «on giving : / Rarthquake in Neynda. _‘ . San Fraxcmsoo, April 2.â€" desfiwh from Eureka, Novulrdsmgeifih‘&i ere was a heavy shock of carthquake there last evening.. A few buildings were damâ€" aged but no persons injured. Capture of Counterfeiters. Sr. Louts, Mo., April 2.â€"Marshal New combe received u selo.i:sm from Detective PDuckworth, stating â€" that he had captured the notorious counterfeiters Pate lt’o(hrt LeCar ney, Geo. Rankin,‘Mike â€" Rogers, Georke Riu:enhomel and J ohn“ Iffllm% from jail here on Fobruary 5th. 6 prhu&.i“:fll fie brou;!ft here u: vuse. C Negro Chancery Clerk Arrested. VioksBure, Miss.,. April ©2.â€"Uhancery Clerk Wash. Davenport ~and :two". other negroes were arrested for fraudulent issuâ€" suances of warrants, and committed to the county jail VEEneRmoeRt CC CC Son? oi Port. Henty this morning destroyed sevâ€" eral saloouns and dwellings, Kiernan‘s har ness shop aud Moorehouse‘s livery stable Loss about $10,000, partially insured. Hazrrroro, Conn., April 2.â€"The Church man building was burned last night, Loss * Cmexso, April 2.â€"The «0. K." fouring a1g0o, April 2,â€"1he ./U. mills at Pekin were burned. . LosS, $35,000. Midnight : ‘Despatches. _ ~N®WnaÂ¥ex, April 2.â€"The. Hon. James (i. Blaine made a speech this evening to .wnopnblhmm hutk. * hera)F Vandalism{ A ValnablePainting Stolen Bax Friromoo, April 2.â€"Rosenthal‘s noted zm:'w;fildne "‘ was cut from the frame and last night. It bad been mu&mimd was altracting thouâ€" Soilds ofepectkiors: _ : _ T _ P00 Pargrsox, N.J., April| 2 A: wooden span ‘of " the Midlani Railway bridge: at Dundée, which had been temporarily with timbers, was carried »away :a risg in the river toâ€"day.; . .1j .{| N. Y., April 2 â€"Harry, M"m:?wmnwx" ‘years :fld.;gu Tound % in a barn yesterday, : It is supposed he was ing an April fool trick, and. was. _ _ Pall of a Mouse and Losg{of Life, .« t Br. Lour®y Ap:-i J&-â€"-Mh? ‘of Sylvanus Keller, in / Jasper County, Moy: f?,’..%?m dum'dd-ing thmfiflq-% of the "30th March, and Keller and his wife . and‘~five‘ ‘children were ‘buried in â€" the mn:noâ€"-’l“ b’t@m ol . o . is s PAE on arand for awhite WuirsHarn, N.Y. April ‘2 bedui. â€" The ruins took ‘fire and for a while it | seemed ho was WM but by superhuman: oxertions "he man ME hattiywite the axseption of one 1% ‘he uwmfi badiy: barned;©# ) 4: k50caidoga d (#6 6 On Saturday last a party of m ing in NeuCo.,Kanlll.mâ€"'z"‘ of Fort Hayes, found . the d t three men in: a rooflesscabin. .1 ml that they perished : from « OB 4 0) , +4 40e ; $ * Hazmiro®, Paly % T 1 ‘ ® T * .Of* BY TELEGRAPKH. PX The Gustay Oufrage. of the Massachusct s Liquor Bridge Injured by Floods. ‘m»am.’"‘ ventestâ€"| © u0 on and even ° of watér is alroady reported. ,:;g 7 icseif an Alfucst t pumps ‘at Jeldvilh.* f :;‘gg_..;:' pesial uotice.) ‘ _ C UNITED sTATES. ‘also‘ ‘ _ besten _‘ ies * " 18 | =‘co .. Diséises, of whatever nature, are e connected "with xt l 5”‘“’*"":3}?”“’“;‘ a by . pot mm..qmof the interference J /// ""% {‘:53 t S6ro h nA nome end framen seventeat. 4 .0. asic UnAE "oarnin. | Death in n Jail. P1 UNITED STATES Death in the Woods @n the Stump. SPAIN. A Fatal Joke t 19 ) t t nte, (TBTD â€"A fire at aa isry To v n n i0 io. se , damber ofhiunts fourth of §ovembor last a general order was issued by the Treasury Department to the various Assistant Treasurers and designated depositories throughout. the country to give public notice that all United States interest coupons would be prid at any time within 90 days befo:e their maturity, except when. otherwise ordered, at a rebate of interest at the rate of six. per cent. per annum in gold, on presentation at the oftice of the various Assistant Treasurers. This order remains in force. Williaimn Thompson, a farm labourer living at Richmond Hil, induced Lottis Plater, a girl of 16 years,to elgfia with him Ho obtained a marriage certificale, it is alleged, by swearing that he had the conâ€" sent of the girl‘s father. ‘They were overâ€" taken before the marriage took place and the girl was taken home. Thompson was yesterday comumitted for trial on a charge of perjury. U ce M ie udn has Yesterday morning Mrs. Nicoll supposâ€" ing that James Frenchâ€"or ‘ Murray, as it appears his real namse isâ€"one of her boarders, was sick, as ho had not come down, went un to his room and found he had cut his throat from ear to ear. He arrived in this city from Scotland last Christmas, and has ‘been in ‘bad spirits ever since. and the depression was greatly incressed by the non arrivsl of money that he was expecting. _ An inquest was held last night, and & verdict of suicide during temporary insanity was returned. Reform Conventionâ€"Perjaryâ€"Suicide. Toroxto, April 2. A Reform Convention is to be ‘held next week, when a candidate will be selected to contest South Simcoe with Hon. Wm. McDougnll. ‘The name of Mr. Snelling, of this city, is mentioned as a likely choice of the Convention. . H "C The Local elections come off the first week in June. imlttaghs e | It is rumoured that Mr. Geriken, of the St. Lawrence lhlll?'n to control the moveâ€" ment of the new Hotel Company. Mr. Taillon has been detinitely decided on to oppose Mr. Duhamel, the Liberal candidate, in the Montreal~ Eastâ€" local election. Local Electionsâ€"New Hotelâ€"Montreal East â€"Insurance .. Managementâ€"L4â€" cense Commissioners â€"Infanticideâ€" Btocks. f Mr. (Tutchinson, of the Royal Canadian Insurance Company, has accepted the position of manager of the Citizens‘ Insurâ€" &DCO UOMDBMBY.::; oi :i ~o ssctansperrsrs _ ~Messrs. Thomas 83. Judah, John °C. Becket, ::;lu Murphy “t:ld Jc;x‘-:ldermnn En marlhare] P rratmatyec missioners for the cfly of l(ou(.l'ex,C The body of :an: intant .child about.ten days old was found yesterday afternoon in the snow on Coté des Neiges Flill, between Bherbrooke street and the ‘toll gu. The tn.rtiei who found the body took it to the toman Catholic ‘Cemetery, ‘The Coronér had not been notified this morning. The stock market this morifltg was firm. â€" ‘Montreal, ‘ 188, closing ‘at 188§‘ to 1847; Exchange; 106,closing ag 1053 to 106; Jacques Cartier, 97, closing at 96 to 97 ; Metropolitan, ‘99, closing at 984 to 994 ; Telograph, 1724, closing at 1794 to 173. ‘Afternoonâ€"Montreal, 188} ; Ci% 106§; Merchants‘, 1134 ; Telegraph, 173. CANADIANâ€" INTELLIGENCE LBy Telegraph.) TOROATO.> A Lunatic Attempts Sulcideâ€"Incendiâ€" ury'!‘lroâ€"nnflâ€"dn,u Distress. ... 4 . _ Lbxvox, April2 â€" George Hays, a lunatic confined in the gaol last night for safe keeping,attempted to commit mmuiool‘r‘yl h%himulf with & sgheet to the cell door. !’fi fortunately attracted attention, and was cut down just in time. .. _._ _ ___ ;:Z ‘f’i‘;;h‘l');olzt; c‘)â€"\‘x‘-t ;Vliwg:lflur ten o‘clock t ni in a | frame,. building on Kin st;l'eetl,8 ooct’mpiod by Heumd‘nevmxmt Constantine, hitects, and Messrs. R. & J. Ley, plu The fire commenced work of an ndnr{i”’l'ho house was completely t loss is between * Sroat distross provails in Potersville * a revails in s Hactifing os Snd moyalh the vatrent is d piirk bro QuEBEC. | r.-m«-u;-;n-m Wenthor. | i‘atuqm “':::.79' {h: gg '&w&%fi o rapidly Customs :; Receipts ~Disastrons â€"Fire~â€" Comme@rA®R®®R ;| o )32 o1 . 90 1c oLg 900 d\orceoip« at the Castom : House for March ‘wore $101,156; for corresponding month lass year, §0,082;. | O tiass iee Dempstor‘s saw ~mill, in: this : by fire yestorday to Queen‘s Commpanys©" â€" *S~L o1 _ \v-;v"-yvâ€"râ€"r ” Lo Bostor mnmwrfi&m* it de sb 11 MONTREAL. CcoLLINCW J to LONDON. HALIFAX. LC Se. C MontrsaL, April 2 VA Hauras, AprH 2 imitts extent of "â€"in ‘the Reproryurp Eriscorar â€" Cuvron.â€"The Rev. E. H. Jenkyne, A.M., late rector of Holy Trinity Church, Pembroke, will officiate at the services in Emanuel Church, Elgin street, to morrow. Reorxt Arzryars.â€"Mr. James Bethune, M.P.P. for Stormont, has arrivel in the city, and is in attendance at the Court of Chancery now sitting.> Mr. B. Boyle, of the Irish Canadian, is also in town. Cnorar Uxtox.â€"There was a regular iwmtioe of : the: Choral «Union last night. hese practices will continue twice a week until Snout the Queen‘s Birthday, when it is expected a second grand concert will be given. * Hareinores or Smc.â€""fa‘u song. sparâ€" row was seen for the first time in the city yesterday. ~The City Clerk. who usually takes or.mnoe of ‘premonitory tokens, sees in this an indication: of fine weathér at an early date. j Summary Triaraâ€"Bella Warren, charged with the larceny of eundry articles of clothing: from Mrs. Hardy‘s Home for Unfortunate Women, will be tried sumâ€" marily before Judge Ross this afterncon at 2 o‘clock. Uxnercoryg~ Rerazs.â€"The _ Steamer «Poerless‘" of the‘Ottawa River Navigation Company is being thoroughly overhauled and painted préparatory to the opening 0f navigation. Other steamers and barges on the river are being similarly dealt with. Raiwaxy Brmos Coxupueren.â€"The new railway bridge over the Rideau for the St. L. & 0. Railway, to which reference was made a few days ago,has heen completed, and trains are expected to run over it on Mondey., structure is a handsome one, and being strongly built is likely to last for many vears. Araga or Firr.â€"An alarm of fire was rung from Box 25, corner of Rideau and ?tmn‘ -tkr:;ta. y{uterdgv‘ no:gng about ive o‘clock, but it was only a chimney in one of Mr T. G. Burns‘ !{h. on f;ess erer street. | The brigade turned ont, and no little commotion existed for a time on Rideau streot, MFE=<R 15 R | ~Crossmne at tas Crry Hart.â€"The cross‘ ing from ‘the platform on ‘the: north : side of Queen Street to the City .Hall is in a dreadful state. The . Board of . Works should surely provide an u;y means of nocess to the centre of municipal guthorâ€" ity. _ The:: presentâ€"disorganizedstate of the City Hall Square is the cause of much of the annoy ance ijowit Y Ban Inrer110rxor.â€"Mr.‘John MéCarthy, mrmhaut hihr,o(rfl:i-dty,m &A telegram yesterday ml‘van to. aint: ingegim with the death 0 ]ulxwm who somé #ix monih\~ :0 was sent to the «Asylam. â€"â€" A 1 01 Jer" brother went to Toronto «last night: to look . after the ins and to bring them home:; for | Trs Muvn.â€"As anticipa ted, the rain‘ of Thmd“ and yl'eamnlxa&: thaw removed esnow to such an e t 1 este . me% were quite m“m; lm (i on apmitrnns t now F, Frthers io the, muddy.conditien rof e @ , & ,lln’luo‘oh. pr 488 0 * kfln last , night . . A0 uvfion-fi ty roning Dt the ‘at biage A matiice takes place this afternoon ‘at 2 o‘clock, when doubtlcss a large: number of: ladies iand ohfldmorll avail themselves of thei |opportunity of attending. . g .: Prorgsriaxt Hosrrrar.â€"The concert on behalf ‘of the funds «o6f : the Protestant ,liTho:piN h‘k.zpluur:my Monday night. house for‘ so ‘landable an object. Mr, E. \J. Butler, of »"the Ladies‘ Coll ege, has the of the concert, which should be a sufficient guarantee of its success. . Tracurrs‘. Sarartes.â€"The sum of $15, 575 is the amount of the salaries paid the teachers of* the ‘Public ‘Schools for the present year. ~An average of $812:is paid male, .and $336 female teachers, or an ;mqf, to of the t e i Schools. Fr ¢ in C F:bmd-fi h 0. The lowest salary paid a . male teacher is $700, a female $300,, This statement wil} bear & eqmfi that of any other city in the Inurorts»~The following imports for this city . appear in the Wmd.dtb:t ;’uflnd]: %LH&% of mer chandise; order, :9 cases and 2 bales;> J. F. in i mt rcinie won Tsnd, Mulohtnor & Cos" $ ces and 'bfluii.M&W&on',icd ‘of" mer o o maptopangine s Jamien fhape dotim 1 ; Chalpters 1 case ‘of mershandise ; Convent of ‘Grey Nune, 2‘cases of mershandise; lhpo"‘ Russell, 10 cases; Secrotary: of {State <of m% * e Gowax‘s® Oreti House.â€"An imtiense Locil Entclligence Br . . AFDREWs, P TeR Aroeemce t e tae t ie Hramer â€"ioum it ‘Horrice l o0 M agint., {‘,‘...â€"l:&fmu.!r-f yomipet #umes or Exoraxp Misstoxary eonainnney ton ie Sartie acit ooleons Rhe CHURCH SZIEBVICES Brother Dick 1" _ "No, no, Brudder .'55 no chickons." **Thank the Lord, 3 @awer | Dick ! ‘That‘s doing well, my bro a bour, with an Kok | o2‘ id ducks, be‘d a bad me !" â€" The Court of Chancery opened in the Court House yesterday morning, : at ten mock,\'ioewlhh idi fim”fiquufi:â€" Buaisozur vs. McGezs.â€"This an acâ€" tion brought wmnnnmt from the administrators of the estate. Mosers. Lees & Gemmell for the id ; !’mhey, Christie & Hill hmwpm The judgment was ’lfl r except in one or two of the issues, Before Viceâ€"Chancollor Buaks. Before M. O‘Gara, P. M. : Mag Doherty, the irrepressible window : mnstier, was brought ~bolgre Ahf Magie:: =â€"â€"/ Enu&:ym the case was adjoutrned till on . % | Jghn McNamara, found drunk on the Flmt,mfimd.zndoonc-vnk u“. , Joghn O‘ was for . disâ€" orderl oom in m of ‘one ,loeep!{ Brokenshire. ‘The prisoner was vlischarged «after a severe reprimand from the Magistrate. $ A cremation case has occurred in Berkâ€" shire, England. ‘The child of awoman h my moeBbecsar y onl ro ureteig e body . in t .& ptove‘.' mm _Ab Sin is becoming ein%d.’ _ was married in Sacramento, on %,‘0 Misé Ah ‘Toy, whom the Bee destribes : us "a littie almondâ€"eyed horror, on ‘the shady sicle of sweet sixteon." Bhe .. must . .be a pretty plaything.â€" ae Inifussncer tfom, Sin whatis the shamoter witness OWy Lruufluthd._-m" £ Her char aoter is slightly matrimonial,." Barristerâ€" T make of perâ€" ons Inctined‘ 16 Â¥yiaite m Mbddieren, lEu‘hnd. At the un-mmm \im-:db':’n mdndd in ‘%he ~past bind boen reeuu i dn ons Aoaat hear ‘the country over $20,000, ... â€" ...; . monial ‘character ? " _ ‘Witnessâ€"* Bhe‘s been married three times." | 4 < :umulz:h-ydd:o::l&h-k Q-‘ ‘troit directed @grmsshopper sulâ€" ferers, and reveal that it Q:hul only ons ieA mrouch s dheatind giver In Wisconsi of of twenty-anoy::flbd upward ::J.c clected to the office of director, treasurer, and cleric of school districts; director‘anx he: 4 a Board of Education in cities, and ; # Mother voule 40 know jif. you wou‘t lease to &'fluhflmfi ""Ke would with: pleasure, © boy,‘ but thnwohv':nbc.vwn-nn-i:u." “3:‘1{‘. ou ndédn‘ so sasey about Ltd.; mother wouldn‘t have :u‘\d the following offer of marriage on 7e06r( “luuuooyfwwrigotb‘:’m*kw'“uglc & D6 . tis "A ‘16t e ‘know whot ‘the Chin: modldnnlt Jn gor ie n 14 * f is to Asy| y foriunncm- umupa > wNat-n?onyhn 4| you & think‘i Can make you happy. | i .zâ€",-h aun & able : Worke & i whether y9 fl’ CÂ¥ fi,o ie 4 ounty superintendent of schools More at pr days. I s conce 08â€" * ud_fl,' best a Auasaimen tire wrorkd. A California breach of promise sult puts PRICE 3 CENTS. COUET OF CHANCEEY, keys 7. Sn guad un es yor hn § see -v-g..'-“r:‘._'z" Frinay, April 2 All the j grâ€"ae~ Sat

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