P A M PB s office, but may be LXS. ils. wor‘s m aniite 41y 6 USE D .0RA , PAPE: .> % W A i. Postmasicr» p p.-; wilt be forâ€" pplementary paOKâ€" ery Friday wi wi miy MM0C» â€"l‘o mge i Holl ervilles 1 sulth. PeE C4 ture Satuiday, Monday anadian steamer® in which only 2047 e licepsed stwid} NGEMENT. &5 43 BANK is office. Interest by Mostreal thme IAWB Lome. .. hout the L. ie italas y +* A P Batt m w2b % hP of Mails. wellop x bus 2 2888 “m make. in th buying killed workâ€" ta rrh‘o.- ko of Edin. siiver io re. ALO â€"ous 16 1467â€") wiy J« CHA L & © senair, Th H i M N & Y Kel, &c, Kagtise 6M TR aDromd,. at 12.03 a Derkhy CSs, ©K= retarn ‘h.“ = wing. Hargâ€" \pour Iy uen | Igute Thomas® Excelsior Electric Oilâ€"Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. bottle 1 worth has in th lott given su not be e best rem Burus, « mMat differen should !\‘-.pï¬icu wtrites : Nlectric sehoo The ant see that toront lord, w trie O thing | at W whict ily calied f #‘hï¬_flt delay wross Klectri well." on slight exerti H&t&_ Mysterics will effect a cure have failed; an remedy, do not c« mony, or anything tution. tr burt each package, which should be carefully _ Tor Toif particulary cutas "FFees OF :the or Tul «1*, a pamphlet, or refer to advertise OW J0B MOSEK3, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRINTOR W3 On, xB, WATERTOWY, ixp wa® BE RO RAJELW AY. @L JB MOSES FEMALE PILLS CE burg deddinie Sain bhene ‘49 AIM, /i4o pMm UENTRAL YERMONT RAILROAD. Oil rK ERRY DAVIS « SON, Sole Proprietors all cannot stay where it is used. It heapest medicine ever made. One has cured bronchitis. Fifty.cents‘ un directions in the pamï¬lct around ickage, which should be carefully h samp es .... .30 a.Mm,, 4.10 peins (.10 ANADA CENTRAL KAILWAY. 8e cssc s <s»>>.... 10,40 ang., 5.00 p §.r :<c8 +i in ......“J,'_’U p.m., 7.40 p CRAND TRUN RALLW AY. s Prescdtt Junction AWRENC®S AND OTFAWA RAlLâ€" M »li known medicine is no imposiâ€" . a sure and safe remedy for i{ficulties and Obstructions, from c whatever; and although a t¢medy, they contain. nothing ) the constitution. ases ot Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" J A I N â€"K LL L. E Rt 1 har s lik i V k , an isolated cottage on Rolton ar Nussex ; rent moderate. For BUSINES® NOTICE® Al sues also five smaller monthly he Sabbath school and llonn. handsomely illustrated and are editorial supervision of the ilmage. They are evangelical ctarian, and supply an imporâ€" n the. field of Sabbathâ€"School The low rates at which they mke them accessible even to ose resources are restricted. her, Horatio C. King, No. 102 treet, New York, will be happy amples of all the papers and lars on application. 3800 opesty.â€"For people to allow ecome seated upon them rather It a physician, or to suffor as r years with the difterent kinds thout going at once to the drugâ€" wle‘s Pile and Humor Cure, writ en half as successful, or ersal satisfaction ; it canâ€" . We can contidently reâ€" id would advise all who _keop a supply of it on be the means of saving e. . kemember the name, e signature of Hurd & Co., age. â€" Northrop & Lyman, proprietors for Canada. licine dealers. 3196 Oi .â€"The lives of thousands en saved during the past edit is due to " Darley‘s ers and Arabian Hceave reparation is being exâ€" nll)xd exacts from ‘:lf the Nothing of the kind has addit 18, Pheips, N. Y., and LYMAN, Toronto, On for the Dominion. licine dealers. Price 50 Hers‘ GQuide. | esville, writes : " Seqd ul»yly of Electric il, F tle left. _1 ne:hor saw oll, and give suchâ€" ~ J. Thompson, Woodâ€" «l me some more Eleo sold entirely out. Noâ€" ."_ Miller & Reed, Ulâ€" es: "The Electric Qil ce o 5 Terpios sepply end us a furt y Lemoyne, (libb,;m &x. ., write : " Send us one . _ We find it takes ervyous and Spinal Affecâ€" Back and Limbs, Fatigue m, Palpitation of the and Whites, those Pills a eiegh 2. ponorter al & ntain iron, calomel, antiâ€" : hurtful to the constiâ€" varieties of garden and W s the old standard at Forfar‘s seed store, o only place in Ottawa is kept. 3807 â€"1i Selected and Elec ms still in cook and Moore Bros., corner of nor streets. Must be t of May. 3807 lorward six dozen Xil, | am nearly ran t. it is highly reâ€" who have used it." you desire to get a taskerville & Bros. ct for you. If the our taste they will what you return, 1 general groceries of Sparks and till a number of . which they are X) a.m tX of Sparks and g counter scales 3804 toria Chaml %. M Store The Ch m., 5.30 nat H u ti Colé, "of pills, 04 DE NN4 10.4 0 p.m â€") PAM 00 am. 0 p.m U t tian tian U w. 1a &D mi which they are offering to the Public at the lur- est rates. ‘They bave also always on bar‘, wll aua:n“rm of Gentiemen‘s and Ladies® Kiiâ€" ing ies, Trunks, Vallses, Satchels, Bags W hips, and everything in conneption with their line of business, # Assortment of Shel}ï¬ï¬‚\llgvy Hardware J.I.-â€"l‘or prices and quality ol’Pood- \[Buccessors to LEE & THOMPSON,]; . | ~ Beg leave to call the nttehtion of the Pabile to thel: l&mouuvarwmuwty.‘ol all desgripâ€" CATIVW ELL & coO,° â€" > City reference given .â€"The follow lag »re a f. w q-u%c Bank, Ontario Bank, ‘of Com mer i(r.mwsemnn,l,n Russell. G LC CPhid va.d avinas Wan â€" Tnhn m No.~24 THOS. BIRKETPTS. “. MEADOWS & CO., .. Have in stock the Jatest ad besf 0OAL STOYERX 1 6 4 :xm;'{}.ua' panphiets and ewii:nqv,glpw & 6 penent . MEaDows!« cCO t M 4 m’}xd )xâ€"8t. Oct. 8. 1874 N EW FLIRM. «p_a, ‘Arncine â€"ANDâ€"â€" OHL OIL/ Heavry Engine Oil Are unequalled by any Machine Olls In the market. . Guaranieed not|to freeze, Urders solieited. * W. J. CRAVEN& Co., P 441 St, Pruitâ€"st,, Montreal. kemember the | Sign of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau et Ottawa, December 21, 1§74. Eoo Sm OPm EPCO OO d May, Exq., Johrn THtOs, Jonn m h-a’: James Hope, Esq., MI L. Ufanned, Exq,, and many others.| °_ _/ * | _ PXA Mare® I8. T7 Agents for Otthwna Cistrictâ€" $i4ky WA D W AL Mills‘ Supply Agency Notices of the Press. ; ce ""-:mtwm‘::;::w ml leut montt ves Lo popubur ua!m':“nm needs. Lm“*m we think into how many houres 1t ry nodth, we must consider it as one of the educaâ€" tors as wellas entertainers of the public mind, tor Its vast r«pnhnly has been won by nQ &pâ€" mn\o:}m prejudi¢es or deprayed fastes.â€" Postage free io all Subscribers in the United States, HARPER‘s MAGAZIN® one )uu....\.\.....m $1i00 includes payment oL U, A. postng® by the w!’.‘.u‘i"“-__ 42 °0 W k darai id wb ces 4 _3 * cce e J ted in the World."" J'â€"om‘--v---* L 00 ; > ETT "An Raxtim “'“&’-’;"m’flu%- ty or Bawsut be s1 gratls l she m: ‘&.fl‘."‘«?“m . for $2000, without extra 2th March: 1875. | Subscriptons to Harkrza‘s‘ Macaziye, WarxkLyx, and M&em‘&hm 76 Sparks He guarantees the most stylish garment in the ¢lty. A perfect fit or the money refunded. Haws, Heitth¢, Pler, ° Pack{n?, Axes, Judson‘s Standard Gow Respectfuily requests his triends and customers t o call and see his Hot Air FurnacesOtted up in public buildings ~â€"â€" and private~dwellings. | Ne 11 Sparkest., Near uasell House entwilhout the. express qrders O AARCRE® & mnamufl.“m FINE AND COARSE ‘HARNESS CLOTHINC Establishment, A LARGs 8STOCK OF SPRING AND BUMMERK GOODS JUST ARRILVING THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, ABRD WARE xes, Judson‘s Standard Go Graduati Vaives, Stem T ags Linis Uleit in H A R D W A R E. CALL AND EX iMINE 8STOCK. Hardware, &c. HARPER‘S8 MAGAZINE Thos,. Lawronce _Rue‘s ‘Lm&unint Luje Ageney Of the GLORKE OUMPANY, &c. NEW STYLES. COAL STOVY KS ! The Largest and Best The retail Clothing Rasâ€" ness so long carried on by Joseph Mitcalfo is now transferted to the Firm t JMN SNMITR & co Mr. Smith‘s knowledgze of the Ready Made Cloths Ing business (M years exâ€" perience} and their deterâ€" mination to seep the best class ‘of Gcods to bo had, and to sell at the low â€" eâ€"L prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction ‘ in . buying their.Clothing â€"AT THEâ€" CTTAW A O ILLUSTRATED ©lothing:â€"â€"â€"taoks & Strtiormery.| â€"â€" Furnmiture. 19 Nparks Street CAL DW ELL & Co., Sparksâ€"st PERMS TH 8 ® LLENT achin Oil has Drurl.l 12 yeirs been ised by the leading Manuâ€" facturing / establishments of the Dominion. A RCTIC UR BRANDS OF® COAL STOYV ES Street. ws> LIGQ HT lfMick rnors and Pumps, tOr. Managors iess exeouted No.24 Hi0ty reâ€" Cul, GENERAL BOOKBINDING ESTABâ€" LISHMENT. ornlers for Books requir niod headi :_rucmu; P e S NO e Pn‘ veadings â€" Withlu the last ten yeara 1 uT:greuo(d.. covery in every depurtment /0‘ knowledgo ts m;.q:-m work of referer wih w. wAant. 6y d & . mstountt i J _"The movement of politica} ‘affairs nr h?-( pace with the discoveries of scioute, and their fruilfa! appiicatton to the indastriad : aod; usoful life. Great t #nd uent »mhmdu have oecurred, involving 100 nges |of pecullar mocmeut â€" ‘The ciyil ws of our own country, which was at is when the veiumi« of tue old work ap , hes happily been ende!, and a new coutse Of u#mere and ludustriat activity has comutenced.| | * The great poiitical revolutions of the last de= cade, with Lite n@lyral result of tae Inpse of tinke have bronght mto public view a multitude t new men, whose kames in every on6‘s mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to khow tbe particul<rs, (Great battles have been foug t and Importabt si maintained, :of wnich the details are as . yeL rved . ouly in the mewspapers or in the Lrangient publications of the day, but which ought w to : lake®their place in permanent and authe _l!.lo h‘_lawl::v. â€" 1n proparing the preseut edition for the press it hay mecordingly been the aipi of the editors to bring down the information to the latest prssible dates, and to furnish an accu aecount of the most receut discoveries in kcience, ol every freso production in llwnu:n. and of.the newest Inventions in the prajtic rts, as well as to w REVISED EDITION, Entirely menhl:yutr? ublest wr\lyun .&n every & nted from now unomm Severatâ€"Â¥4ousand mnq arts and Ine conyenience of réflaement of sock life, .aml. wars end anggniï¬vohm‘x: give a succloet and original redord C the progress of political and historical evenks. _ .. ... _._.__ ; Nune of the ariginal s pe plates have been used, but every page has been dmnm n new type, forming in fact a new Cyclopred‘a, mu:uwnmexluand com: as its predeâ€" eessor, but w -tn‘-mhr mlary ex & diture, and with such ments in its copâ€" position as have been by longer 6xâ€" perience and enlarged knowledga. |_____ _ _ _ â€""l_".-';vmvâ€"â€" lions to owr f phicual know» eige have beena made by th¢ indefatigzble 6xâ€" pleretwef Aftiomus .« : )5 [ sous ; 0; _ 5 BPARKS STBEIET, OTTAWA. 4 Ruling, Perforaling, Numbering _ The work has been begun after long and careâ€" ful yreuu;;nv Intor, and with the most ample re.im carrying it on a suceessful terâ€" un in L i wl m § % * The ilinstrations which are Flmdneed for this first Ume in m&meul. ition hayg been n vo prvidebmientitymint toree io tho Expiatin ive L w for » the ex rluu- in the h*xl.;‘g:l:flemh e :d:\ll hrnnclupâ€œï¬ 4 & mflfl Bathres df seanâ€" ery, architecture, aod art, as Well as the various procesg»s 0 mocharics i manu{aciurés. Almmmh.hd for lnstructidi® rather thin embel mon&' no praing ve 1@ n spared us i re their arlistle exceli@0e¢; Lhe cost of their «c cxltion is enormous, and 1 is ulwï¬uw. lw y wili find a wersome rece as an adnirâ€" abto feature of the Oy: aud worthy of 1ts high character, * * * t °is n N d caus.ccl Dd All applications must be accompanied b du'{ certified testinronials as to charaoter u-.i,pm â€" tion ; stating n.:} whether married or unmarâ€" ried, and len‘.:\ service in an An{lum for the Insane, together with certified 0081“ of dipleâ€" mas, as physiclans or 8, from: mr:; cognized “?a-uau -umonaos Bolary, ï¬ (about £400 sterling) per annuzo, with furmshed «partments, foe!, ligbt, water and~furnished table for -.mu{. _Appointment to take_effect from lst July, 1875, __ _ _ _ _ _ .c cul 2l For the p sition of Medical Superiniendent. of the Toroots Asylum, Onnudh:gnl to become vacant by the resiguation of Dr. Joseph Workâ€" man. 5 j Oidice of Provine al Secretary Torovto, March 15, 1875. _ Accouat Book Manufacturer, M¢tBy order of the Houn. the Minister of Marit and Fisheries. Aborkss, UP TO THE 15th OF MAY; 1875, Tai.ovperienco in The management ahd work Asylums for the Insane, APPL ICATIONS will be received by the Governnient of the Province of Ontario, widressed to the undersigned, _‘ .. named. at priv to Ist 1 YEAR BOOICBINDER, ,' Have Removed to their New Premises, | "9di.l + 0 | Russell House Block, ANGUS %$CO. | Dealer® in Furniture, Beds, Mattrprscd Looks 4 No. 1 SPARKS STREET, | ing wiasses, Cornices and Cortains, 1 { oPrrostr® xEw rosr orrtcek 85 SPARKS STREET. roie fint paisa isnn ty alre in Mamss ï¬:l'l‘:wflul Diotionary of the Bible, 2 ;:I‘;, I‘, N. has numerous Arghitectural Books on .m&)okl bought for Cash, _ | _ 8800 Liver Aug, i2 Govecrmment HRlotitces gllt in Halt Russia, extra gllt, per vol in Fuil Moro6co «allque, §1)L odgos, In Full R ‘HENDERSON & C9,, lo PPLETONS AMERICAN CYCLOPZEDiA SALMON ANGLING. (USTOMS DEPARTMENT, _ Oftawa, March 23, 1815 UTHORIZED DISCOUNT on Awmericun iuyoices until further notice : 14 per ecnt. s JUHNS\}\?, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRERs 00K® oN sansm atashqnhan (North Shore)..... rinity (near Z‘oint des Monts) * lsrgmtï¬m SHH) crssrrerserce rout (near Moisic)................ istassini (near (Godbout). ...... cscie, do albaie (near Percé) ............. rand Pabos, do vesessiscren Litile FPabO®;, : @6 _ â€".....««.~â€" Tobique &Ne. Brunswick)...... Nashwaak, do N. W. Miramichi, do Jul)il.tr (Anticosti Island)...... Salinon, do #ookbindcrs. AY next. PAPER RULER, AND a, MORTIMER, C ‘_P._NAUGHTEN‘S RIDEAUY STPREKET. ARCHIBALD McKELLAR, C Provincial Secretary D \dy West of t;til'â€"; W. F, WIHIETCHER, Commissioner of Fisheries Ottarwa. is m io 3 Eo 0o Checrtt lwe NC c ut ma OAUCL s 200 8 4w6 Tob ) Whiy, _ bicontaing »ANDâ€" Â¥a Commisgioner of Castoms T rxse ty Nt THE MMES: OTTAWA, SATURDAY, APRIL, 3 1875 $1700â€"2/aw $9.00 DN " Furniture Warerooms, "‘ ancussco. 795 100 800 100 100 100 200 50 Â¥lans and flp@é:flï¬;‘iï¬â€œ:’ the work oth ho seen on application to the to whom all luml?ru should be Mlmmm F . The n.mmuu begs to aeqnaint hibnother )unruuluhu that he is : + spondent.and io furnish or Leltâ€"np 44, by nall, or to iragsact any â€"busiâ€" or Loltâ€" 18 a_ y by anall, or to 1 mn :I:l. the Cum.. “.fl.‘?:.fll THE LATEST IMPROVEMEN ®, 'rll-rilu CRYNTA!, SPIECTACL ES for the «t diin, Wweak and wllrï¬,u.mt. enabling wearer *0 read and work by day or night with perfect ease aud comiort I‘n tected by letters patent. Fole ageat in Oltawa. f WK HEARN, 00 Chuxmust & Dravoalst, k Duiferin Oltawa, Nign, Mortrrand Spectacios. Télescopes, Microscopes, 46., . a:{‘ For the Repairs to Bri over t 4 Nation lug‘?ll (% wilt h.‘l’bm up till the 29th ‘day of M + Pug is J P RESS NEWS AGENCY. tavor the. undersiy ned. it 4 <All Adjoining the Hank ofâ€"H, N. Americ® W t.lN&n‘?N-H‘l‘.‘nlan_ best and most au.‘?‘" V Alablos & 4 P::fla-deu securing 'ri‘!' attendance, .".‘.‘.‘."‘ri..-.uw . plaase _ N.R â€"Homes bourded . most satistrctory ninuaor this fenture 4 At ashade over first cost, at. Lamb‘s Olearing Snle, In fact cau +ave lots of money by buying your l“:nwur at: Lamb‘s C‘ earing Baie xnich wlll: be pp;l}:dhu:‘tdhoupuul"?:ly lAm»rt me, a8 the 8 Py _ ral opportunity ::l-uylng out & .&m& weli esâ€" taolished business. . Po, sonal application to Notice to Contractors. . _ TENDERS p A large lot of slipper®, at c0st xad under, all kinds of I.g« her BOOTS & SHOES mt Ad other gords a4 proportionately low prices, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, Boots, Shoes, RUBBERS, &c., WILSON & ORR, Carvers& CGéHilders LOOKINGâ€"GLASS and Dl- POMROY, * CLAIRVOYANT PHYBSICIAN May now be consulted in his _ 4 R 0 0 MS, R USSELL HOU8 E. Hours from 10 a. m. until6 pm. sevn | 8 Marain N. 1534 Childrens® Rubbers at 85 cts: Misses® «* at 40 cis. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Boots, at $1.50. March 10, 1878, RIDEAU STREET, CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET. Carvrucetrs & Gilders. Which will be soid CHEAP for Cash March 10, 175. ~AST END NHOW CABIS MADER TO ORDEK. March 12, 1874. > .. JAMES VAN nluuu:‘.n.‘: 1 iniagenet, March 8.h, 1875. l.:;' Drug Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. Chemist & Druggist, @60 Snark sxâ€"st. UST RECEIVED AND OPENED OoUT, EASONABLE Opposite Heney‘s New Block. Jan, 11, 1874. PICTURE FR A M E RMoots & Shors. The Victoria Stables For all Sights Arnggists, 5b0 Cases of A ANURFAOT URKRR BROWNLEE & OO lon with the Press requiring 14 be k Mtflcm‘ï¬: W. E. BROWN, 15 Bussex St., Ottawa. "tu tme smade 0) above lines on :é&;"‘a“;n‘:“wm soubd mds 1 m eeldl ty reaint â€" «mt U Bole Agents for New Improved Eureka Hot Aic Wraft Furuace, ‘These Trees being raised in Lower Uauada, préferabie to those from A merican N urscries, E’.‘W%‘mm.uwa. und . belter m to siand the winters of this district. Yeopraniepremmonte ho eartice # no‘ 9 Shree ‘ordal h 1or the Sprinlg of 195. w Pir Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinswiiths and Galvanized Iron Roofers. 6i. g ‘u‘n“ Dupuis b . w%h‘l‘. -qg“l'u?-wn nï¬l\;fll nb ‘Hl. P ntnbtintred nols, vinee of Quebec, hifs uC AN AGENCY 1N OTTAWA Wor the supply of Fruit Trees and Gruarments! wanling Trées should lose no time in ordering. Â¥FTV i AT THE OIL DEPOT, sUSSEXâ€"ST. C * C. 8, SHAW & CO: NONE IS GENUINE! There are Numerous Imitations on the TREES, SHRUBS, & M A S O N & C o. Lamps & Chandeliers MYVYRTLE â€"NAVV, MILL MACHINERY OF KVERY DESCRIPTION, ROCK DRILLS, BELTING, FILES, aAnD : * GRENERAL MILL SUPPLIRS, * PECIAL AGRNCIRSâ€"Cameron Special Steam Pump ; J. A. Fay &.Co., Cinci 0 Wood ¢ "orkln‘ Machines; American Saw Co‘y., Trenton, N.J.; faï¬.pq Hail u.mm-n:&y.' ‘The Sabscription Books are now open at the Society‘s oflkz York street north side, near Sussex stroet, where Prospectuses, Byâ€"Laws, and all other Information may be obtained. â€" The Office opens daily from 10 a m. till 6 p.m, and on the first four days of the month from 6 a.m. till 9 p.m., for the purpose of recgiving pay ments by Stockhotders. £ 70 SPARKS STRERT, OPTAW A. Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. Enxem®s an» Boiuers, NEw anp» Szoonp» Hanp York Street,} orth Side, ) firstâ€"class workmen. Particularatiention is reanested to our firstâ€"class stock of: x‘l'UM..- workmen. Particular attention is requested to our iflfll“'_“'w of * J. T MASON & CO. lndullo» ind oi M 18 A 1050 Is hereby given to put patrons and the put liy in the disurict, have deohll-‘:i to c01 I.lnn‘;an Bravch @ffice in 2- City znd h.m the stone bulldlng. r nq‘.ow:&wm by Messrs, Angus & Co., No. 'le.' OPENEKD AN OFFICF, under the m%nu.emont of Mesars, CL, and MI pointed General Agents for the Ottawa ranch, O ATHS, WATER CLOSETS, STEAMâ€"FITTINGS, a¢., flted un with Latest Improve: END prom to fitting up Water Hervices, Baths, Hinks, &0., w th Hot ani Cold Waser rsipu, ml‘rgmd F‘l.xt;.m‘e’;. Hot Alt Furnaces m"-',kl.b'l.ldu tot werk in any d’lp Agric ®Ottawa, February 13th, 1875 SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY +DEPOT, _ Send for Circulars an‘l Catalognes OFFICE AND WAHXEHOUSE.~ Oct. 17 1874 * The first payment on Subscribéd Stock will be payable on or before the 4th March next. Stoves, Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, at Cost. Near Bussex Cuatiest.. SetWweo Hings Neinstâ€"ste OFFICE .__ REMEMBER _ â€" M 0 O R E BR O S., Jan, 8, 1875. COL. A. WILLIA Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting UNLESS STAMPED CAVTION. OF THE BEST CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE B LV T H & KE R R, Edgone Martineau, Ramuel Benoit, 1. T. Cimoon," James Maitin, Poter Kearns, P. Chenet, U, Durocher, N. Faulitner, Market. GREAT CLEARING SALES. PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER, ~SPARKS STREET CANADA iItural Insurance Co‘y. D,L uAnwutlu') "re ANGUS, The Largest Assortmentt in the City, OoTTAW A BUILDING SOCIETY FSTABLISHED, FEBRUARY 6th, 18s75. B4 ~â€"SUSSEXâ€"ST. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, CAPIIAL, â€" â€" $1000,000.. Plumbers, ‘&tC. EXECUTED EXPEDITIOUBLY BY PrREstDENTâ€"M. Nazaire Germain. Viorâ€"PrEs! DENTâ€"M. Stanisias Drapeau, 25 RIDEAU STRERT, Aite Assurance. PW:ichinery. Coal Oil. P. B. F ERGU S O N, Srd DOOR WEST OF BANK STREET, Htardware. 731â€"3n1 SPECIAL NOTIOE. DIRECTORS. oTEA W A. L"~ EUWARD A. oo? ~__ JANMES a. Smuifi, " Liebig‘s Liquid ; Extract of Beof.". «* Nutritious Condiment for Horses andâ€"Cattie." " British Egg â€" â€" | and Butter Powder." CHAS. STEPHENSON & Co., nole for wa and Cornaet UOmn:t':"u'Wd“n-‘m. Bis w By re VMege lieh... Shia efÂ¥e10L00Y AND ANATO the / f 2Â¥ BSIGH®E. \Wells ~MP now Impairâ€" .‘ hi cdvmï¬cwfl i"‘ to cure Weak, Watery, I nen-?mnu..u.um* enses mw wWASTE NO M NONEY BY A zUGG' 0::’-0?.0†FOUR NOSE AND s Liso * Agents Wanted, Gerits or Ladiés, â€" $5 to $10‘1 day guarnntood PRACTICAL * D2 7. BALL 6 00, @0 poe e Ho. 2l Liberty Bt., New York Oity, N Xâ€" Corner Sparks and O‘ Connor Streets. have leased the large and com aooF Akpriactiriey Wwhers may have RODPLPHE MATTE, Heoretaryâ€"Treasurer. MM. Ihaie Richer, 2. To m * J W. Peacliy, P. 0. Aucialr, Octave Latremoutile, H Arche mbault, A. Chevrier 70 BPARKSâ€"8T., OTTAW A. Auguste De OrEX | Kyery â€" Day 10 a, m:;, till 4 p. m OFFICE am4ay. â€" "An‘extru copy ol ¢ither the MAGAZINE WasexcLy :lr.'“s:“.’.c“ -nwurdflsm for in one amnâ€;‘u.mm;wtv,m- Debk : al time. ons oo oron n stan y ï¬%ahm oxâ€" freight prepaid, for $7 00 each. .. . _ _______. 1 in endless VRNIOLY, D LC PMCUVENONC + (nres siandniar «wel rj Eo Cures glanduiar mmm&m' n:':!uobhdtm-:l-mâ€"uu, mmmm But Prom whatever cause arising. m’au.â€"rhmu ‘\'""""““""‘1““"‘*"‘ The paper has acquired a wide :::“"““ ""‘I "":.:L m" e mf’;‘- o B L»t'u-nu- e o on D % ervnd T housunds of from all perts. Bos . ©4 THERM®: Hoid im botuies, =-â€" in qmmes, 60+ â€" rostage free 4o all m in the United :em'u u-‘-u ..-1&. ll-us;:‘ ~ MaARPER‘E -,‘gnw..;.. ... . $400 MMYI.IW qasen, .-m is w.w:l“lkl'mklh .......u:.{â€"aâ€"- '.â€"-.Z-"â€"-w r "o Harrr®‘s Macazt BHole . OLARK®E, Obemist, %,, Ipuoih No | M aronuts . MAGaziun, | "Bole Propristor, #. 3. OLARKH Onemitt, _ .. year, $10100; or, two Hurper‘s Per to on Houripiin ow Phar 41 0. Posigk froe." _‘ * _ The Basar commend» itself to every membe: eoity moturan intho Porug lnsice b P Tte malhion is uhdiess varies, to the provideht mm . Ité patrons for the chlidren‘s clothes, io f by t:t-hhl‘mwo-muml and luzurious 1B . M-ma Toe Sarar is auiformiy : t tonce, â€" The paper has acq uired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoy ment it afords.â€" Monuments, lHMendstones â€"O@belislis ., in Marble, Seoich Granite, or Sangstone. P l K The newest design in OEMETERY FENCING, sullab e for the various Cometleris . @4 ..:.y-mm.wxm Ati »rican ant Cimadiior Stomen Rbonding or Protecicee eithor or Mounted. k * lmflï¬u Vrees, The Basar is with a contribution of tc and tlou, that we mlufll':yhunml and the journal: iseif is: the organ of the groa and the J self is: the 0 Toee mieee duninon. Aastior Fravalin. A Repository of Fashion Pleasure, an d Instruection.* address HARKFKE & ERUTHCRS, Mow York guisbed Pianists and musicinns in the w very instrument foll 6 m-?unu |l'=o Mu{\m:m ‘"l the above list ight ringle out The Haliet, Drvis & Co,‘s Pigho and The W Bell ao:.'a ;:lel':m":!‘t‘mn;uu b;n.n for a -.â€I:L-m !‘n." 'ï¬qr‘%m *The Hard oamn."~. T. let, Davis & 00o.‘s rigncs nave n’u.! wihere n boing the v#hnumme in America, \reports of the m‘ g bibitions .f 'ehd oy I.:‘:n btmn efl:_bncd, togpther with :. T w# ., nbhdh-nz:n musicinns in the preseut a weight “-p ;:;noth.rm&ed, and assure. the wdn.lgf- orhup:ouvlu. m“ ".,' OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. inulas ~Alamakaas . ,L_ _ ; ge, _ _ 70 _" *A Derdor nullding purposos, Shingles ‘Clapboards, Flooring. Sashes, Glazed and Unglazed ue Doors &c. . § 4GENT FOR mALLOCH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR LUMBER DEALER, _ CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREETS . Dnentlebrited NABOE PICKLE AND 82008 hy Gem®" * is iogs English Soda Water, Potass Water, Lemonade, Ginger Ale and Brighton Seltzer . Also Glasgow Peas Meal. Dee. 4 1874 *"% THOS. PATTERAON Of the above list we CGREAT CLEARING ‘SALE Agenis for HALLET, DAVJIS & 00,/4, J, 4 C. FISCHER& O . MAN & 008 Hihaatih s onit 10. reunne on eohphe® * June 18. 1874 Ottawa, March 4th 1875 _ __ _ _... AnScotch, English, and Canadian Twesds. _ _ Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, West of England Broadcloths, &c., &c. &c., S pring Good‘s, Which he ux-numw,-mm;mq{.m and most fashionable styles lnb‘rMMW‘“ RENDIES, FORT AND SHERRY Wixd POSITIVELY, the Greatest Bargains REMEMBER this is a bona fide shle os oanr nrin PUKE AND UNADULTKRATED, for Fauwliy u-fli-.n._qkl_;lr-nv W HQ L ES AL E A N “.‘Tlllo. "I:‘eas,-â€"lhwxs. OKKENS and JAPANSâ€"Finest Geades Cofleesâ€"rflflfl ROASTRD, Grgand deily outhe prosaises, etgasual jpric FANOY GROCERIES IN GRRAT vamisty. PIOKInt Kannal es\ A6.. 101 P ud t 78, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. _ _ p | ;g}tm IN ; thos ianoFortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, / o :‘ Mtusic| Books, OtC:, _ â€"=* A large Lot of oat::. FURNISHING G@OODS. A peod Fit Gusranteed, All warranted Shramk. THOS. Pickies, Bauces, Janis, JSelites,. Flavourl . vaneby oi itc nk Orange and ESTABIISKED 1854 The Trade supplied. with bas M ue Ne Frade «upplied. with all kinds of 12 ber for Bullding purposos, 2 _ «7 O Em Ex coltency th" Governer Gï¬ï¬Mâ€" Direct Importations from the Progmas HABPERB BAZaR William Queale, Commencing FRIDAY, 5th MARCH. ins‘ J OS EP Hâ€" DIM B L E B Y 11.1USTRATED P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. IMMENSE â€" SACRIFICE, PIRSTâ€"CLASS ‘ TAJILORING ESTABLISHMENT . 8. M.KINNON & CO., Has received and is opening out a large stock of D R Y G 0 0O D s. The iargest and s of Hanrksa & Our .entire STOCK HRMirble C&Morks. Endics‘ WWare, Jeilles, Flavouring 8 h as Orange nndm fa 4 Yis mss a 4 ae en PE [(ESTABLISHED 1860.] Bry Goods. HANEY & FORGIE, L uimberers, Kavanagl‘s Ifloo.â€", Cl Eargains ever offered in the City Ale as our prices will «how, Aobaad W"‘m." '.J.OIA,IQM.."“ m.:z-r.nuuflo-.:co.. £‘- Lem 4 r 1 ~< muamsamees e t ie frandon W hotomic â€" e P ie covee on gfl_m_&;a:':... For cleansing and the i iicnnn i igurmaniiend io hon tooi sonmidinnad CLARK‘S WORLD FAMED BL000 MMGURE _For en Iniiumrvy. Biis cdseases ans sore: all Kinds i1 is a yneerâ€"failiug and perims ven The Qreat Blood Purifier and Restore will be zold out at an T OR ires blood and aiin disenses, 2 1894 d assortment of i rade Markâ€""Buoop Mucrurk) . and Co. A very, Brown and Oo AGREN is JB OaNADA 261 & 25¢ Wollingron Sizeo. o W uo wikts 1 PATTERSON PORTER, & W holeanie 8t