l io antluaas." KS STREET ustruimen ts I M ES veorb Bdsmom nder . MacLean rumenis, Tr oÂ¥ & ds M'u 4 _ every . wm‘nii'"im- N â€"A N 13â€" Aâ€"ddA L* weuly. The Advef Ne and Philoâ€" wWays, ag Director, Otfe AWRENCE ~ Engineers all pmils mabtler | & AlLW AY. tawa Railwaysy i3 Brockville, «s Manufacturers S HOTEL CENTRAL advertisements 18 «o. parcll mensure, .. JDE A THLB» k Ex pross turket Reporis, a Hast and West. _ UNNING TIME Pau limmne is y cuteint Lo a Aiuk "Pufsarapbe" Reâ€" ut Surtorbents s insuran«e Comâ€" Daily Times, and Wost, 7.35 4.8, RAPHER fl:l, ® ‘% »‘elock A n.rd-'r&- Managing pWith. , Artivein l DowbDs, ® aitached #1.40 ‘TIMES e wrand Trumk i Brockville makes M g in Ottawre = ;.. jor a defnite Nuws :â€" 1X8 OAULY = 10 uy p y. 13 a4 ts ETiXe p.m, 7.40 p. m DT. %50 p.ur Pâ€"D2., 840 pua , prices of all Au. 410 pum, vening Y EOX A w Transits, SOCHETY, 7.10 P.M, ciety, &e.x. re .",!. m 1t o 415 pue, To mil he im 1874 ry10 LET Tne shortest, cheapest and est to Liverpook, Londonderry -M(;“Eov. mnu is one of the lurgest, [astest | safest in the workl. Vesseis wiil be despatched as follows :>â€" OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. «100 Om kope bouse M WeD 877 comts Dill Portland Â¥. H. CHALKER, K BICT GRA MA M make 1 R\" CABLN.. ... .. <or. . iaevercereane. +2++â€"$08 INTERMEDIATE . . . .. .2 esâ€"a00ecs800+« 304 STKEERAGHE . ... . ...2c ce ccevern en + 2 KK Anexperionced Surgeon carriai on each ssse _ Herths not sscured untilipaic iOr, Persuas wishing to sew:t for thei: {riends can obtain passage certiticates at lowess rates from &A lreland or scotland. to any railway in Camaada or the Uxi‘ . States. IW..» lickets are not used the @NMOW : . less .-fllmt For ‘I-:lwh und every information D. W, COWARD & CO,, a â€"___. Agents, 17, Sparksâ€"st. its intended to +ail between the Ciyde and Portiand during the season of Winter Naviâ€" moarid STEAMERS FRKOM NEW YORK EVERY â€"_ SATURDAY. * PAgSL YG KR A000 MMODATION UNSUR. 4 FANKRED. _ _ _ _ To #lasgow, unlrnli Londonderty, _ ~ n or Belfast: .‘M-“w"m yold, according to accomoda ::-'n tekets hl:::: v‘v.neo‘ rates. 10 or nloralllfl l-d-mmn"lâ€un( non.l.o;gt’rt .%’ HRITE & MOSGBOY 8, Ottawa MI. MOSES LAPOINTE desires to in« foru his cus omers and the public generâ€" wily that be has removed his place o( business from bis former stand to the new Fiwh Markel on the south side of York street HKe will be hpxnoumnum-nam his new stand, and do his utmost to supply them with the latest imâ€" portations of fr sh an other kinds of fish; also all kind« of Poaltry and Game. _ MOoSES LAPOINTE FISH! FISH! FISH! PRUSS LA N .. â€" ©CA N DEN A V (A N MIBERNE a N. ... NARM ATIA N .. ... PERUVIAN ...... io t #20 wl FROM QUEB POLY NESI A N Q;c ABIN....$70togs0 | STEERAGE. THE STCAMERS OF THE Ottawa July 22 157% Tn.lnu:m PAPER. _\ *THBE CBRIYIIAN A% WORK Au Miaminated Fot Jolie of Twelve Gems b Hendgehel, each 8} x 10} in.. Of "“-"" Uhromo. " The m-m-:l:anw Priee $3.2, including pOStage extrus of any lind. â€" Without iPrens lom, 33 per annan. Hum ple u:-râ€"â€"m free. Bend Postal Card at HORATIO 0. KING, « Publisber was in Hive 10A #eow Y ‘ TFO B EAUTIRPUL PR EMLIUV M S WARRANTEV A sUBAG ANXD PZERFECT CUKE for all kinds of P1 .l“na Mw«n?:-:.nml.‘llm-. and dise~som e Un Hottie warraated to cure all of Piles F.om uue %o "Three Bolkiee m -â€"J C 3 This rom y has been faithfully and. found to be an almost infallibie mm Mum-ddtl;:u-. Its success has .h†pmtrath as anmpiess Suiecmest Lo ae money Uâ€"stinwoduced he has received many tnouâ€" sands of t« timontals, pvovln1 its efficacy for we curs o+ the awinl disea=es it is recommend~ #4 for. she ie «»d Houm t cure is entirely Yeqrtable in lis com posit=08, .'=-=. be used In p rfect safety in il cascs is no danâ€" §@f 0. d ivinw the humo« is., &4 it cures on the ='u.d Iving ths humo« in., &# it cures on the 10r und the patient‘s bodily health contne« OA is iD a TY Uttawa, Fob. 2, 1475, LLAN LINE A oARP Glasgow Line Liberm O ELP WANTED Y ANTED.â€"We wili give Men and Women Augusta, Me. Houses »RK FOR ALL BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY i addres qé s/'!h: r‘gï¬' ; E!Q € fek :. ANCHOR LINE, Bates of passage from New York 11 «TION WANTED. â€" A THE BEST RELIGIOUS PAPER." A CHOICE OF $tcamshys. A W EEK to Male and Female Agents in their locality .. Costs NOTHING to articulars FiRE. P. 0. VICERY & M BION HOTEL, AiTENTION, AaAGRNIS RATE4 OF PASSAGE FROM PORTLAND WANTED.â€"A bedroom . aed ; mied for an elderiy Lady in m thero are no on ddren. . Address OTT A W RATES OF PASSAGE, Célants. W #totcls. IlI J. L ATH A M + €CO,, W asiticgtom Ntreet, Hoston n the Cars and Boats f ree . 781 M FOW LE3 D HUMOR CURE can be pursued in you? t is a rare chants for those having a »ure time; fl"" oa8 Well as men. PM . NO. 3818. 15 Brooklyn Teirace Beatuie & Co, George not Kast ‘7& Iim rk for us in their spare | MUP | me than at anything | Bankers and Stock Brokers, -o-tn-l.m: P‘ost Card to StMe* | Negotlate saies of Property and Patents, a ss G. STINSON & CU., | organize Cu':-pnlos ls:-o-".'v invested in firsts y SL&Wâ€" | ciuss securiles io pay 7 and 8 per cent. inâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" | terest‘ Stocks purchased and carried on 2 ie and Female Agents | margin . { 10 per cen». interest at lowest curren .. Costs NOTHING to | rates, t E. P. 0. VICERY & Lee. 3, 1874. ; $0@ySawk to Ret. se . «= Manager A venue, MiS, FORGITE ited. Ail cla ses of sex, young or old, B.! tor us im th«ir spare | P _ Ont i t odglul $3 per week, day e ’j valuable »», Address wiih (ouny, 17 +Greehâ€" coms, Snd rooms w d scoms Orstâ€" nauk streets, and { the . ariha« ent DAY, â€" Agouts «Popriet r 3rd A ]1‘. «6 2ith . ‘* 1st May. 8th May D GIBBS & COURSOLLE, 68' SPARKS.ST', o"AwAn i"..--u-. Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &¢., %eg. Beil‘s Block. Klginâ€"st. s HoNBLE. K. W. SCoTT, Q. O. _ _ _ Harristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soli« citors, Conveyancers, &c¢., K OTrAWA, ONT. _ _ _ _ -':cbaa“l:l‘.lo“. e aaele the vey !ou':‘.. #&c., &o., Officeâ€"sell‘s Biock, opposite Russell House. w . H. Wark®®. | K.Cassigue,Jr. | P. PENNOC K _ NZ&&w® _ _ _[L :._._.._ 4e J.Y* Y wAaRD, ® Barrister, Attorney, Solicitors, &¢., Office â€"Over Mr. B. Huckeli‘s #iour Store sorner.of Susses «Bd Yorkâ€"streets OUlawa _ Barrister, (‘o-ve{ueor. #&c., Bol citor in Chancery. Officeâ€" Jpposite the Russell House, over Gibson‘s Confectionary, _ Z&~Money to leud on Real Estate: e MoLRoD STEW A xT ust, 17, 1874. TAII.DOI Eult Oficial Assignee. City of OTTA W a, County of Carleton l‘:m.-‘Auonc‘fltl.-- tors in Cha weery, Notaries, . Officeâ€"Hardy‘s Block, Rideau Stree. . a. T F, H. O% Jube 4 187%. * ol Banker, Montreal _ > B Dealer in Greenbucks, U, 8. Bonds and Cheoks, Qommerci« parer discounted. Uol'e‘.tlol: made in all parts of the Dominion and U. 8. In+ terest adow.«d on depusits. mM s & _ Barristers, Aitorneys, Solicitors, R Conveyancers, &Câ€"+ SA Mosgrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st., Oltawa Hos Jun; O‘Conno®, Q.(!. U, J. O‘Donsery Deoc. 4, 18/4 . <T Â¥ Barristers, Attorneys, Soliciggrs, Conâ€" veyancers, &¢., (Of the late drm of Lowis & Finhey.) Orriczsâ€"Kigin Street, Otiawa. 0 H. PrwEY. A.J. Cuzistre.| M.P. Hrut Feb. 5, 1874 484â€"3m WII.I.IA- MosaRovE, Ww -'nm. Attorney, Notsy, &¢. Offlceâ€"Master in Chancery Oha mbers, Co House, liawa, Cansda. Lise Barrister, Advocnate, &e. for the Province ot Quebec. Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chanâ€" cery, &e., for theProvince ofUmane. M in Surcet, Hull, P. Qâ€" semâ€"¢in A d v o e a t o. Tmporaty Qiflice at Lr, Jos. Keaudin‘s, Main Street, Bull. dAuc, Marcb 9 1894 _____| ______ W _ _ Hull, Oct. 2, 1874. | MX rgponas r. roRran, . | Advocate, Solicitor, &c. No. 12 St. James®treet, . . MONTREAL Dl.l..OAi- lmmm.“ Accoucheur. Resklenceâ€"Albert Street, (iflce hours fom 6 to lia. m., and 2to 4 p. m, Bpecial attention givan to diseasec anu displacements of the uterus, R R 1753 May be nonsulted at his Office, corber of O‘Conâ€" n r and Albertâ€"sta. i %401 Ottawa, Oct. 4, 1894. ; fpoxAare®e GRANT, | Insurance and Real Estate Agent. lurwuowummnd and Loans negotiated. OrRFICEâ€"No. 3 Beli‘s Block, IginsL, umw paxt®s O‘CoNNnoz. Officeâ€"Sparksâ€"st., Cenire EDWN Officsâ€" at is residence, ihfl“‘é""f';"."'l"‘ us E:mm"'.w“:x:‘ “j.:‘"“vl 3-{ ® “'wn‘ '.'“ srocess. Reference given to Perues Success Othe sde of Rideauâ€"st., near Gloucest "%un .lunnrn ’. is bally treated if required. Patents of knvention, FLOUR AND FZED STORE. ALEX. TAYLOR, uâ€"d"*" |7 RIDEAU riRST C ir Dre hn uhi Sn tiniitis R: Wifet Oiike mo n CoTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, Hept. 9, 1873 ‘*CONNOR & HoGG, ‘CONNOR & O‘DOHERTY, I{m Surgeon and Accoucheur, Q1rTaAWA, OnT. Nigh Officeâ€"8: ksâ€"st t .b'.- Day Officeâ€" .-..m.m m&mm‘ MBusiness Cards. INHEY, CHWRISTIE & HIL1I, OND BROTHER®S, P ATENTS. fLOUR ANO FARM PRODUCE, ALKER, CASSELS & PENNOCK, Medical Wards. E. J. P. LYXNXN, Â¥. H. FERLAND, w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., D. BROWNFE, C. W,. MacCUAIG. K. J, D. E. MACDONELI , ARCHAMBAULT, 27 1874 NMNARSHAL MATHESON, (TRADE MARKS REQSTERED) Legal Cards. E. GENXDEREAUS . €. WoOBD, Barmk «c CHOmY $X.000, sessor to D. McLarnon, r‘l $ollos, AND COUMBERLANPD 8TS. SOLICITOR3 OF bl ck always on is now opeDn. â€"CoRNER OFâ€" :":â€"'('i-w of Hugh and TDt pe altonded to, ECS . J. J. GORMULLY, F. H. CHRYSLEK 36%0â€"8a w k y ban $727â€"ly «& Ca , Soliei« I to sult oyed. Ladâ€" 3760â€"4f 8s9 for | wil _ IMPORTANT Orrawa, March 31, 1875. The property to be sold is In very good order, being nearly new, and oom{:flul hundsome Poriout Suite, in green W andsome B. W . Hair Cloth with Chalrs to mateb; three '“'“,fm i Window Hangings, B. W. Centre "X‘l\ble,u'.“w “ l:ml"('n Tables, ov«l bu\sk Arim "ane pin had quare and corn What !oc-&na‘hblunbu«l Tables, Rel'flcz rator, hand e oak Bedroom isetts, Bureaus, with glass st‘ached; enclosed Washâ€"stand», Dressing 'l'nl“fl. Cane Chairs, Arm ant Rook« ing do,, hair ard wood Maitrasses, Blankefs, Uuupewc«)z Stove and kitchen ulunllr, cut ass Wins Decanters and Tumbles. Sliver= ass Win«s B:unuu and Tumblos, Sliver= ware and Cutlery, Pictures, Yases, China apd Clmlor'{. | "Yhe Shop Furniture comprises Counters ~how Cases of eve y style an : description, lange Awning, Oil l(:“-:‘th. Ot:omu ‘lvl‘u.;lux. .’mnrnwo, mp« and ug. S ndow nds, as E:II as various ou?cr t&l‘ that eannot be enumerated. _ Meth 6e dE CE _ |Male sharp at 11 o‘ciock, on TUESDAY, g'pd @‘h, at M ore‘s store, Robinsou‘s Block, wfl""&n'"lkon view »ll d y Monday. . CÂ¥ # J. BERMING HAM, coUNTER *HOW CASES, WALL or UPRIGHT GLASS CASES, MILLâ€" LINERY sSHOoW CASES, DRUGGISTS‘ PERFUâ€" MERY CASES, MHRROGRS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, OIL CHROâ€" MOS,, WINDOW HANGINGS, CLOCKS3, VASES, SILVERâ€" WARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, AND | _ CROCKERY. Household ‘Furniture by Auction Tlln Rubscriber has recelved instructions A. . from .. F, Dufresne, h«lr.lolollu bis resldence, cyrner of Nelson and Theodore Sis., Sandv Hill, on Thursday the 8th inst., come mencing ai eleven o‘c ock, all his Hovseho‘d Furnitace, the r rlmf‘llpsl portion of which was made by Jacques and Hay, ‘and mn&hlm in l(b a very fine B W Parlor Sait in ir Cloth, Y!M. (‘u:v re Table, very bnnd}(:lln&l:g What« not an e & pler sove English (%lomglk mm-,hmmqm i ining Cbairs in Hair Cloth, Chat‘s and Couâ€" ches in Green Damask, Butler‘s Trays, ‘-'vr- i hina, Cof and émmm ng Machine, &n Cloutl, p. CimeilÂ¥, n.|snd. hrfn quaotity %r Pjants comp:i«i: g double geraniums, touble fuschia‘, double roses, doubie crimyon dOAninbOnt, 0K .1 C 03. o0 ol in m age Tok EXTENSIVE AND TOTALLY UNRE] SERVE?‘ AUCTION Te SALE OF Tï¬':xï¬'z?‘umm:- will sell by PUBLIC AUOâ€" TUESDAY, April 6th, All the Shop |Furniture, Housshold Furniture, Furnsee, i mp\k Pgrln( and other effects of the Iggcolvana T. E. MQU®E, at his store and AUVCTION SA LE. Household â€" Furniture, Insolvent Act CA mCs Bedroom t urniture in Cots, bed steads, wash a earpet«, blankets, uboo'-mqnml, met~ boisters and . pillows. tchen rm and|kitchen furniture, with numerous articles that cannot be mentioned. .. _.__ ; ;Ffl'in'fï¬n‘{ :ï¬ï¬"ï¬aï¬: o rmorihe llm s .' Don gm.emnor of Nelson aud moan:mfln. yR J. BERMLNGHAM, Auctionecr. Ottawa, April 3rd 1475. hitieg * iwe‘llng, Robiuson‘s Block, Sparks streot 82 W EEKLY S$ALES, ï¬lo"nm AUCTION) TOâ€"NIGHT and iWaive tollowing nights at seven u‘c ock. RJWE!3 AUUPION ROOMS, RIDEAU ST° | | _ New Spring Dry Groods ! Rich black Silks, Prints, Lustres, &câ€" isnn Enoond apveorenieemion e‘ Jewellery of every desoription. . _ _ l'\:niflmum’llq. #&c:. Pri Sales during the nt Auction prices A;rflnn. * gay t 8812.21 Worcestershire Sauce ! By| J. Bermingham. CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD ‘The sviccess ofthis most delicions and unr‘ valedlCondiment buvlw caused cartain deaiers mply\noumed’“ orces! rannee"ï¬or own inferlor compovads, the public 18 ...%gmv-.d that the ouly way to secure the Ine is to ASIC FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE, and w soe that th names are upon the Wrapâ€" per, liaboil8, and boitie. Home of the warkets having .been supp ied. with &A 8 Woreestershire Sance, np-u'.ommnnlhhoudvhhh the nun?dm..d Perrins have been forged. L. and P,. give notice that they have furnished take 1 M‘@n::‘numd: e and ~endors of such, of any other imitations by which thetr right may be tofringed . V OO Ecvame ay 20000b lkk Aslé fpr EBEA & PERRIN® Sones, and see _( || Name on P‘.PK"» Label, in rran meaarnmmene ‘W :;‘cm and m.:cln I, voudo0, MOKCEEY 1| V hy Grocers and Oilmen univer» atuad L Y $&r Kasy Tortms, and Satisfaction promised auty Fowe o bene abrDamimi ECOd Mr. Bell, We rkeley the tomach, 1 ating. pain for A_ nearly every TeD «ny bonefit at all. ALE o‘ FURNITURE Ssunt state or bealthâ€" , i0988 MC*may "thas be ~ritbe Pues! oie, yours trule es AlC Baue io ui, Proprietors 0 2006 ARuction Sales. Every SATURDAY, Furniture for ALL parties selling out. * THE ONLY GOOD SaAUCE LEA & PERRINS‘ enentt at all. . MAE Thile "restored to my valuable tored to my Tiite of noaith. Ploase give this publlcity state of health, . * °80 wg'n.e!_'!‘_?'.-- (Commene‘ng at 11 o‘clock), SPACIOUS ROOMS. 3 t T 3 1 enhiainn c ugp \€)~ | m \eir is 2 Declared by con! oisseurs to be i. ROSS & Co. Sparks _ Street, HENEY‘3 BLOCK, xy, S0ple 1809.â€"Gentiemen, 1 feel it a e w yiulo eX my gratitude for tenighiet Prprtorront wl A n gl:‘l‘.*!i for the above Pills, r;m L of tll-‘v: ha + tried aCtor a lensth . me, baving 1 and by IL\, BELL AT THEILR Memedics. m len.th O 2000 Celebrated AND of 1869 serioed, but â€"without taking two bottles of ‘ Sauce, and see Auctioncer. and unrl It surpassos every thing for Windows, patnted. and plain Wondwork;, ï¬Â«l!l‘lu, Buui:, acdk Scouring Knives, and all metais. MAND SAPOLIO, For Mcchanics, Prtnters, Photographers, and 3 im "or Bn‘tl\ 3 ury Oges . phers, s $90â€"im ‘The superiority of these Eaxtracts consists in itheir perfect purity and great strength. ‘They are ‘war~ ranted free from the poisonous olls and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now in the market. ‘They are not only true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only need be [Incorporatod under the Companies® Act, 1806 ! and 1800.] * $ Land & Settlement Co. Capital, _ $1,250,000, in 25,000 WShasres of . $50 Each.!s ’, Of which a Limited Number have been jserved for Vauada. Â¥ DIRECTOR®: p Wm, Arthur, Esq , merchant, Woodlea, Both« well, near Glasgow. John Chinuingham, Feq. ‘[¢f Chaneltonp, of JonElnL llll:llle‘llll:;lll' l"‘l-. l‘r‘o.nl:l"m; Matthew rgrm. E#q ,of M. Fairley & C€o., me t= char w. £ Adam IHoaston, Raq . »sof Mouston & MoNatrwy ARBIT lloluw:hm;euuw-- 2 CCEICT produe m y l-?. * COharles: Maitiand, Fsq , Of Melile, John & Sop. Poss Crest Bn'fl. AllO®. . . James Robert:on. Esq ,.Of Johnâ€"Hobertson & Co.. eott n spinners, Newbhall. James Satmon, )h(b. J.A., of James Salmon & Son, architects, Glasgow . John Spencer, K«q , merchant, 12 West Re« Brown, Duniop & Lindsay, Writers, 87 . New He yent siroet, Glasgow, k MANAGERS AND SBORBTARINS, W. G. & J. W, Lindsdy, Accountants, 3 Wes: Regont street, G asgow. BROKERS. it Moore & Brown, 1(6 St. Vincent ‘stréet, Glase w k Dylfcs & Maclagan, 70 St. Vincent streot, Gn s« gow. hi LEMON, VANILEA, ROSE, ALMOND, _ NECTARINE, . CELERY, OranGE, PEAOH, _ _. NUTMEG, i sn eysouye Yss youne ie uies or Rortie n on Porce tory, exiending to c 250,000° ACRES, Obtained in f;eo nt on condition of settlé= ment from the Do‘:luon Government, | Firstâ€"By -&m\? m‘n‘ u: jands suitable en« grants from Grea n or other t whom free grants of alternate lots m sized farms will be given by the ( onpn{:‘lfl with advances for passage money, ple« ments, seed, &0. and, % Becon‘â€"To bold for increas.ed vdï¬ï¬- als ooak oc e io nrs docat profected Aalfed was, or n the line routes to t{on‘voflt or. of mineral yvalue, mailiions of em&mu leave Britain in course of ev years, nng-fmn the ledge ac otf the Lusin and the, ties possessed by the Company for the mper clars of emigrants, it is +nat number Atl puiated JOr the ment to ha um-nnuuye-n.vu.cï¬ and familier, may be nct mru-hod ha‘f that time. +even townshl; a were §8i00 For your Houseâ€"clean! by all means ask 3 onr Grocer, gist, Or tho Aw:dwnre shops. for cléan> Ing and polishing ha‘f that time, FEVUTUIMTURTU TOUOSNS Lit le last sam n ersituated on both banksOf Je :rxwehovmn River m;: :lmnwubym J ive been in that part ve countr y the meet fertile an 1 _bonatifil churacter 10 D8 found in the No: lll’-We4u R hs i Prospectuses, with fuil Jeta‘ls, c un D0 mol- â€"___~ . BPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Rullng, Ferfeor@fing, N--"'"',_ t [E BRITISH CANADIAN OUSEKEEPERS ! PaAPER RULER, AND . _ Account Book Manufacturels * Affords the Rishest Laistes. FIRST ISSUE, 10,000 SHARES, gert street, Glasgow BOOKBINDER. Burnett‘s Extracts R For cooking purposes. Burnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Cocoaline Burnett‘s Cocoalne Burnett‘s Cocoaine Bumt_!’s Oocg.&lne Burnett’s: Cocoalne Sutsiues Refractory Hair. Burnett‘s Cocoaline Burnett‘s Cocoaline Burnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Cocoaine Ts not ain Alsoholls Wash. . .. _ Burnett‘s Cocoaine KiDb Dasidra® Burnett‘s Cocoaline Gives New Life to the Hitr. Burnett‘s Burnett‘s , Extracts *b io ie WOrililn, e Slotel, N. Y. Bu ‘s â€" _Mmettz E)S:aits Burnett‘s Extracts & mm EWenkL, Ts ie Agents tor Dominios 0t uas=as. 108EPH BURNETT & CO, BOGTON, 50 and 75 cents per Bottle. PERRY DAVIS & S0N & LAWRENOE, TMiscellancous. ~__ Remains Longest in Effect, A..hhr.l.}nludhdo. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO, BO8TONM Boothes the Irritated Scalpâ€"Gkin. Prevents the Hair from Falling. Promotes its flealthy Grdurth. Capt. MacCuaig, ‘Travelliers‘ Insurance Coâ€" SA P:O L 0, CINNAMON, â€" CLOVES, _ GINGER applications OOMMISSIONERS IN CANADA, Ié net Greagy nor Sticky. Mookbindcrs. ()roa: ors. a. MORTIMER, (LIMLTED] LAW AGENTS, OTTAWA, THURSDAY, «PRIL, 8, 1875 onnnnnnninniirrrrrrmrnrmrmmrnmemmemmmeatianaitadaieit it aninihth n Sn n miaimecnnissniinsir Mncinbeniiisrmee | 5.9 â€" a'[:tlso'l')hree:c * & N D â€"â€" Â¥ @054 fail leta‘ts, c us bo obtain= for spock mude 4t Â¥h# 0f rgw § YESTERDAYV‘S DESPATCHES. Correspendences between Germany, aumed 1 | Belginm . «8 Loxbox, April 7.â€"A despatch from Paris ‘to the London Times says:â€"The Prussian note to Belgium concerning the pastorals of the bishops and ot~ or matters of offence, aftér enumerating their â€"causos of complaint, Adds, it is scarely possible that the laws‘of Belgium cannot enable the Governmesnt to stop undertakings which might alter its m?atiom with the , neighbouring States ; noutral States which wish to preserve the advaintago : of their position, should carefully avord nnyt.hing which u:'ight alter that pringiple: ~of »neuâ€" trality which ‘is the basis of their exis> tence. . If the Belgian laws do‘not conâ€" tain the authority necessary to obtain legitimate _ satisfaction . claimed~ by the _ (German,. Government, â€" Belgium should supply the _/ deficiency> by _ fresh r‘egmhtion. The â€"‘ Pimes correoFondent gives â€" | the â€"substance of Belgium‘s answer, which refutes the‘ claims put forward, and reminds Germany that the lpnstoml letters : complained of were pxd:l ished â€" in Gomau:’ against the Pope, and ought mow to â€" '»lur‘l-n. The address of sympathy to the Bishop of Paderborn, another ‘grievance : alleged by Germany, Belgium insists was an act of an individual, not of ~an organized society. ‘The answer continues that the Germans previously thanked the Belgian authorities for their conduct in the matâ€" ter of the Duchesne plot, an ingestigation: into which is still ‘proceeding. Belgian laws aro sufficient for the mpfpmu’nn of actual offences, but offences of the intenâ€" tion cannot be repressed. ‘The liberty en« joyed by Belgium is drawn from the very vitals of the nation. â€" The attitudeâ€"of the people always has excited â€" general â€"admiâ€" ration ; they havoflfl:en an â€" example of liberty allied to , independence and neutrality, Belgium has never done anything notwithstanding the: incessant intercourse between the two countries that could alter its relation with a friendâ€" ly nation which guarantees her independâ€" ence. 5 The Times Paris correspondent states that Prussia hos sent notes: to other powers on the subject of the ~correspondâ€" ence with Belgium, and declares: she would await the result of the Duchesne investigation. The correspondent vouches for tho trustworthiness of â€" hisinforma tion, but it is &rob‘bly incomplete, as the triviality jofthe German. complaints do not seem to justify the subsequent signifi: cant expmliom. The gravest feature of Prussia‘s note is that the: complaints are directed against the Belgians generally, whose attitude is therein : considered hosâ€" tile towards (Germany. t New York, April 7.â€"The release. of J. H Ingersoll and its possible effect upon the Tweed Ring suits has caused n sensa: tion in this city almost overshndowing the Canal Ring crusade and the Beechor trial, ‘The weight of opinion scems to be, and the Sun learns from unquestionab e, au: thority, that the pardon of Ingersoll by Governor Tilden was granted on In&:noll turning States‘ evidence against the old Tammany Ring. : Mis resolutions are. beâ€" lieved to implicate persons against whom no proofs haya hithartn haan entertained, A New Phase of the Old Tamnmany Ring. haya hithartoa _ hash AnbMACRIIRM WB those Bweeney is said to be included. â€" uen ied i Troops the Scene of the Mincrs* for Riots. ParapELPHIA, Pa., April 7.â€"The First Rofl':lent. of the National Guards, under Colonel Browne, has received orders to &moed to Hazleton toâ€"day. â€" Generai borne, at Hazleton, has asked for these troops immediately. ‘The Catholic School Proposals. New York, April 7.â€"The tions made by the committee of Mm ‘to the School Board are nldtg ‘ll)ebethlstthe parochial school buildings sha eased to the Board of Education for school urposes, _ subject /‘ to the _ rules Iud â€"regulations â€" of the sohool | sys tem; that teachers now employed in the parochial schools shall be retained when found qualified, and all vacincies shall be filled according to the laws; in lieu of the transfer of property and auâ€" tll:ority,fltlhe Csthol.iguha‘;o too:xel ;on&dod the pri to te eir children from the k@i‘;.‘m in u.::h ml)oglo‘:oom before or ‘after regular o0 rs. ‘ In ‘the matter of Bgllo-n-dmg in schools, they are indifférent. â€" The Catholics rest their right to impart in their own ‘matiner reâ€" ligious instruction to their children, and from the fact of their willingness to fir nish teachers for this purÂ¥ou ‘they can see no reasonable gronnds for a ‘refusal of Sr. Louts, April 7.â€"â€"Last eveng:f the steamer Paragon, loading for New Orieans, took fire in the hold,burned to the water‘s edge, and sunk in ei(%ht feet: of water. She cost â€" $70,000, and was insureod for $20,000. : The cargo on board was valued at about $125,000, the insurance on which New Yorr, April 7.â€"A heavy snow storm is reported from Poughkeepsie md their request. Port Jervis. is anknown. Sr. Touis, April 7th.â€"The ‘conductor of a freight train on the Indianapolis and St. Louis ~Railway yesterday en rowf« :i::’ mm two pnqaolf thieves o’i- t ve maqra;fww y,ensconce: in cars on hi§ train. The train men: capâ€" tured six, the remaining soven jumped from lm train while© runniing: and :esâ€" Midnight â€" Despdtches. Naw ‘Yorr, April 7.â€" from Hazleton and lPtorll:ll Scrmbm,sho' that great apprehension is still felt rela: tive to an outbreak among the miners, but so far no violence has ï¬oon committed though things are still in an ‘unsettled state. 4 * â€" Wurrssarre, Pa., April 7.â€"The Sheriff wdquwwn it was use: less to try any longer to ‘preserve ‘order is the sou resiont U the porse comtlatia _ "To lfl?r-( ¢ E. S. Osborne, comâ€" manding the :m&n National Guards of Ponnsylvania.® | _ _ ©® Whereas it has been represented to me by. aftiqavits of respectable persons ‘The Pennusylvania Miners‘ Riois River Steamer Burnt, Suicide of a Conviet UNITED STATES GEB MANY. Whieves Captured. UNITED STATES Snow Storm and other sources of information that _riots, breaches of the peace, and unlawful hlemshgesm and going on in‘ "a ce m the county of Luzerne ! by disorderly and unlnwfugyt disposed persons destroyinï¬' andâ€" threatening to destroy the y of the citizens and , corporation ; gd whereas I have become | satisfied, by actual attempts and other inâ€" ‘ formation, that my power as Sheriff and: tt‘;e <f:ivil authority oilu‘. ‘been exercised to the fullest tical extent, now you are hreroby requ};:nt:d und x:o:;uired by authoâ€" rity directed to me by \his Excellency J i P armpinin mm w i ania) and. â€"to you shown, â€" toâ€"furnigh . me, the Sherift ‘of the ~county :of Luseme, the troops | under _ your~ command â€" necessary ‘ to enable n::lelto preeerie order, protect property and life, and. to enforce obediâ€" t gncowthe laws: of the Commonwealth, ‘The district, or districts, wherein . such ‘‘assistance is rel;luired is composed of the: { townships of Foster mlg.,Hulq and the !"‘boroughs of Jeddo and Hazleton, * (b“ndeé) War. P. LarekexDar. ... | Sheriff‘s Office, i "Wilkesbarre, Apri 7, 187525 ~ _ > 1 GemOobpfnen once ordered . the 9th j regiment 0 :gfntrb.{ andorthre Artillery 5 ‘ this city, with a battery, of" four guns, 7 rooee<{ to Hazleton. ‘The General .?d -t{:isstafl‘lefl; here on the 2 p.m. train for | the scene of the disorder. " ® Ausaxy, N.Y., April 7.â€"While truck No. 2 of the fire department was on the way to a fire this alternoon; James Galyin, driver, and John Bain, tillerman, were thrown to the {:mnd. Buin was seriously, and Calvin probably fatally injured. Sinte of the HWudson River. The water has receded rapidly since yesterday, and the docks are now free of wtt.er. ‘The river still contains conâ€" siderable quantities of floating ice. The subsidence of. the flood has cleared the son River Railroad track at Castleton d vicinity, andâ€"trains were able:to pass e point where the overflow occurred this afternoon. ‘The track bed was conâ€" giderably washed and damaged, and a large force of men were . immediately set to work to repair it. _ Trains will now again be run in their order. Information from the scene of the overfiow‘ at and below Castleton shows that tho’dmm was quite extensive; the track of the rail: m about a mile south of (Wn was ly washed; ‘at Schodac tracks were washed for about a milé; four wrockâ€" ing cars and 200 men are at work making repairs, Nsw Yorx, April 7.â€"In the case of Charles A, Dana, of the New : York Sun, who was arrested on an attathment _ from the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, another vljournmm was taken toâ€"day, as . Judge was engaged in hearing another case. , e â€", The Tweed Frauds. nc Shen ulgrmet atl. the . proverey indi. t $ t t] i cated by Ingersoll, WM%M the subordinate officials ‘of that‘ de> ny the fact. This ‘;:operty*h now in the namb of parties. who are only known to i:gemll. These ~attachments ) will proâ€" ly be: served ; toâ€"morrow. to. prevent another transfer of the property. s CUBA. ;) 4 «overnment Loan . 4 Hayixa, . T.‘The .Spanish Bank has tamï¬n:lrgfllmnod m.mh two mill in gold, with which to pay the troops. ' ; Syraouse, N. Y., April 7.â€"The fifth vie titn of the boiler explosion died ‘taâ€"day."1 Judge Neilson was prompt in his atâ€" tendance at the trial this morning and the usual large crowd of. spectators filled the court room. The jur!un:nd counsel were also, promptly. on time. The deâ€" t'e:g:nt resumed the witness stand. About ten minutes in opening were spent by the counsel for the de;::'po. in , conâ€" sultation. : Evarts, tbe&rooe and. said 1t would be better that. Cleyeland‘ , farther éxamination should be deferred until he would have a short stay in the country when perhaps he would be so far recoverâ€" od as to attend at court for further exâ€" C 2 ) on eP T t mA i & nination, Or it might . be conducted as ueforo.m"?bejudge and plaintiff‘s counsel poncurred in that lum{ion. wl age: Woeihull yooul proming m with Mr presiding. at the Steinway H meet.mg was on the ‘day in the evening of fwhich the meeting took place at Moulton‘s house. . The inâ€" gwrviggv too::t ptl::: with gofomlr:o to my \presiding it . mee! lasted ifwmty minutes _ OF fl»::xwu. 1 imâ€" ;medhw‘ll{ went down town._and told ‘the result of it to Tilton and Moulion. \She had then gone Avuarl. I said she met ‘me with some formalities and said she \was engaged in an enpopulor cause and The Boiler Explosion at Syracuse THE ~BEECHERTILTON TBML BEECHER‘S EVIDENCE. t The New York Sun Libel Case. Firemen Injured, Cns â€" Nzew (York, April 7 the proceedings in church.. In one of these interviews, I thought. he expressed l:.isflf as ::ng to oomeï¬u:l‘{ or may have expressed a he would be well recerved lh.n'.h%‘u on,whenhohhlk.dof sending hulo::; eciminuny n o 19 i I said that he could p&en and anâ€" nounce that himself, he did not appear to ‘be inclined to .do so. ‘These conyersaâ€" tions ran on for about two or three months. .. In an interview with him about ::'e at E‘Lou:bo:i’s house, in Dt;cember, 1871. never said to me , that , dfldd not maike muomwfor’ his writing the life of Mrs. Woodbull. There was no conversaâ€" ::'yonutphowthisworkwuwbewo: me, nor did anything takeâ€"place: any of these interviews in reference to the method of taking his name from the church rolls. & ‘ T After recess, Beechor ‘continued ‘his testimony in relation:.t6.â€" the ‘interview at Moulton‘s.. _ He sad, after gxeeupgl,l: sat down by his bed ; he took. the artic and told me to read it. 1 was astounded, and said, iood ‘heavens, Frank, what do you_ mean ? This will â€"defeat all thatâ€" we hare been trying to do,",. This was about all the conversation that kluued between us. ‘ I read Bowen‘s letter, which was attached.. This is the first time I saw it. . 1 â€"~expressed. ~myself strongly, as a Christian . man,, . With, out swearing about it; never . adâ€" mitted any of the charges "contained in that letter in any manner form: or degree. I knew very littlo‘ of the arbitration or the tripartite agreeâ€" ment, and of ‘the settlement made with Tilton ; had something to ‘do with it in regard to Moulton ; he talked to me about whether there could not be an arbitration . or settlement of these difficulties betwee* Bowen and Tilton, and suggested that 1 should get some of" my ‘friends ‘in~ the: Church to take part in it. mokoo(ll:l l:l::elund .ndtlir. Cll;lfllll;éh a draft d.' agreement was brought to , me, and after the changes had been introduced in it by Mr. Tilton, I signed it. Personally I took n# further part in that matter than what I have mentioned. _ I never saw the "Titfor ‘! at" article, but heard it spoken of; do n t think I heard it referred to by Mr. Tilton; I heard him sy the reason he t)‘:ko with the Www.h was because y were going to publish a slip containâ€" ing the names of a number offléu‘emén; h-flht:mwhanhfogh Out he hull -dom:u.he had.iorm.d,flnnj I do! not t the dnof this; never said to him that he was foolish in bn-h%’ his relationship ‘ with them, nor ursed lton and him to:continue it; J did‘ just the opposite thing. I..was mot responsible, for his connection with Mrs. Woodhull in any way, it was a surprise to me from the ‘beginning." In the fall of 1872, prior: to fluwnhhm of the Woodhull scandal, 1 heard of it ; my first definite impression about it was a visit I received from a tall, thin, lank old gentieman, who told me there was an awfulâ€"(her« }¢¢. Beach ohjected toth)o.wituu going «<». with this narreâ€" . Mr, Beecher then continued :â€"I never told Mr.Tilton that [ Liad been blackâ€" mailed, nor had I been.| 1 told: Mr. Moulton of the visit made by the old man, and of his telling me that the story was to be published, and asked me if nothing could be done to stop it.â€" Mr. Moulton said that he thought the main motive was to blackmail me, The first inlimum' of the publi¢ation of the ° Woodhull scandal _ was" from (Mr. Conway, â€" of the Brooklyn Kagle, who ~called on me. I went with him to thollglc office .. and.. hndlae:“iomoewiï¬hlr. i wbou. vyop) i ris sn § ‘ tocs Hesiccie o in ecvoneg Sager a% avle + me and we had some mvw almirt it when his business was over and we were going home. Mr. Beecher further nadflulmhudfmmï¬utw last advis . ed him that he should treat the . publica:, Inftor‘maid in mourd atigmatle fls rerey" r everyâ€" To ie dp erones, »u ioi was & ... written denhf; but it ought to.dfx out #rom ‘Tilton, Moulton . and..my ;‘Imah‘ n en neah e e fnter ver er veniber or December there was an effort to reâ€"open the matter as to whether some Aig npthing dune and tro miinet 1y on was nothing done and we to our original purpose to let the thifig die. I think tm:mmrcmup:wqmm met, ‘They told me what they in their perambulations and I always de‘ ferred to Moulton‘s judgment in the affair. I never remember advisingsilence, but said if we once deniodbï¬mi'n th;mr papers _ we . must ‘ Lm of ~this _ alone ©‘ but _ '5 any [other stories. I always _ said that if anything was to be done it was not for â€"me to do it alone, but that Tilton should also publish against this slander. Evarts read a portion of Tilton‘s testiâ€" manyixib bw%rifln-hd sug gested, but ?Bed, never used one l-yunbloor those suggesiions ; | am not the man spoke them." Wirxzss said in an interview with Moulâ€" ton, when . Tilton . was not present, I said to him that Tilton would not gain the esâ€" teem of . the people until . he cut loose from these women and their doctrines. Moulton suggested that J should draw up‘ a_ card setting. forth . my ideas on â€" the... matter.. L. did.. draw _up two or three of such cards.. <(One of the cards drawn up by witness was read by Evarts, and which stated that in a. moâ€" ment . of â€" unguarded â€" enthusiasm _Mrs. Woodhul!‘s connection was formed.) This was to be signed. by ‘Tilton and pubâ€" Wirxzess testifiedâ€"Tilton never . denied | $ to me that <his connection with Mrs.| Woodbhull was formed in a moment of un â€"| * fmdedqnflmli-m. ]I did not say that knew not what I could do if this siory were published. = Evarts here‘ had a consultation with Shearman, and ‘ then asked exâ€"Judge Norris for a‘certain letter marked exâ€" hibit 47. ‘When the letter was found and handed to witnéss he sait "This réfers to an> interview ‘between Mou!~ | , lished. ton and â€" Halliday, %fln formflll mportedtomr interview dmm-.ywi:%mm Halliday â€" was not io be told the facts." Shown motherletwrâ€""'l‘hh‘mwriwwni.4 by Mre. Tilton within three or four weeks of the time of ‘the mm of the Woodbul! scandal ; ton suggested that 1 should send Mrs: Tilton a letter of sympathy. I handed Moulton the letter, and he sent/it toln.‘mm November, 1872, there was no mu- there, but in the last part of there '-,m“ Mr. Moulton‘s house ; Mr. and Mrs. Tilton were there at w'wï¬inm“!ilu;d :mp. some . plan â€" by % matters _ could be fixed all rround. I had been requested to. preâ€" bmshuerof denial . to . accompany a statement if any was to be made, Mr, and Mrs. Tilton were also to write letters of denial. _It was not prior to this, but at a later period, when t&:fll‘u]â€"ry was read.,, Moulton, Tilton, and mysell, were present there in Moulton‘s bedroon when RCT TT A_AMjL. whawas aittine an it was read._by Tilton, who was sitling the nda,fligho said there was one ] of it I eoul wgmmmu lw C me _Â¥ asking Mrs. Tilton . ‘Q.W.{!â€â€˜ m:ï¬ï¬mwï¬m nam;lmblied- _He was e he re d ‘to ; b.u_ï¬cmonm‘unflï¬â€™:c!fl to the cnd._.Iwz',inbe published this that I must out with a denia}. Then 'mton: angry, and Moulton took him in and mo};‘lpdp lively discussion. Naething further was spoken at that inter view about publishing this true story ; I.Mumm up for publicaâ€" witl art rouslodelt . I prog boary tone peperran the Mss ud nst taing Tanid es watit 2. zmmm ( tion, but ing was then said about it in the early part of ‘Degember, 1872. 1 mtmmmm' !I‘xl.t::lk ree s 'uu!' Frank Carpenter, _ present, » who for eP ; VÂ¥ m mpe slandent ns Sh raily ip," but it was not shown me; when Mrs. w , in l;':lelfl"iï¬l um m ied ie o rmg prenned ying db ephy ~<3 yes, if |it views ; mopied the letter that Was im ®ilton‘s writd tndliqnodil; I did not see the letter in Tilton‘s hand writing, nor did 1 need it. At the interview of flnm 'H'.:i?:"' h"l‘m:m present, deni ‘at he nused to... hi‘ " by m.,"?:"&* * The senteiice about my ‘nn.mmwm. the utmost esteem for not Tilton‘s suggestion or making; he ‘had nothing more to do Exn cce e Was.. & 4 tween and me as~ to m’;ih"elr ought w?u:.‘lmm and read it over to hi some o| w!ï¬chfnm‘ï¬â€˜m' itml::t‘e:thn the letter: whould be addressed tohim. When I read him the letter I remember he fu on. the . bed and : took notes of it. took the preâ€" }:ned letter away with me but I do not know what became of the draft. Evarrs read another portion of Tilton ‘s toatin(:’y having reference to the publi cation thooudnndwhjdq"ileo nied. [ C °P ib 5 The Rain moodtohllmhlï¬m nine, and continued steadily during TheAniuConurd yesterday, wi&h-Jud‘eSum;m Bench. _ There are fiftyâ€"five jury and twentyâ€"eight nonâ€" jury cases. Am‘ï¬o cases entered is that of Hon. Mr. M%ï¬l Globe, for libel, in comnection the Silver Islet strictures of that paper.=â€"~ night. .. A man named James ‘Warren was ar rested yesterday, charged. with having :?odu‘irlafd’xyo-n’d*-w ‘An amicable w: Grand â€" Trunk vers and .I:'p:phli%&-kwu this city on . evening, and the men'wi{l now continue work for the unomolnhryub;c. 00 1¢ 18 Jn opt of engnign aletp S¢ Prl, neer v:}†mrrioddu; 7::‘ ‘wmym nes yesterday by Bishop | Fabre. . .~> Hrrg.lï¬ M':% E’;mm ‘The brida! us is worth m The mnm-.n“h!w m New |Convent â€"Bt. â€" PatFick‘s Societyâ€"â€" Marriage in Wigh Life â€"Veteramsâ€" Six veterans of 1812 live at Pointe sux Trembles: â€"Antoine Jeannbttes, aged 81; Chalifonx, 24; : Toussant 98; J. B. Brouilet, 82, and % . 82. The total of W 500 years, and all enjoy good hes l T to to to Btocks here this were ~ s m + Ave é m st k 1 I at w“x%g; 1 at to 135; Merchants‘, 11 at 1 to 118’[; Exchange, closing at 105 to 106;, Telegraph, 1754, closing «mt 174 An American of the name of Beecher, ‘of Cleveland; Ohio, claiming to be a cousin o_fï¬.mym:thm,uow‘i and fell into the hands of the ) rlnâ€"lglnp --wm * * Loxnox, April 7th, McCairns‘ shingle factory at Dorchester was destroyed by fire on Bunday. Loss #1,000 ; no insurance. * Une of the bridges over the south branch of the Thames, has..been carried away by $250, and left him sitting on â€" the :rugged The vwm ByJlaw to raise the sum of to &id in The payment for the construction of the &u“- mr_m.::du Oliver‘s ferry, ."-;“ resul An. & %a»"ï¬mmw 31 against. Part of this amount had been ,-,'Mpflwcuï¬om &.-u.nmnadqu.dwflh sird wes qarmmitted to gaol in defeule _ .. wWas ' u&:‘mï¬-&‘:fl i6 the retsor dooiining to prosecute they were let go.on condition of resuming theit Before M. O‘Gaza, P. M The court adjourned at this point CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE <(By Telegraph.) with drunk and disorderly. She was fined lund costs, and was sent to pnllorwu&. ME C i q o Ni tnc t Mn Aorbiate * Richard Floyd was arraigned for being drmk.ndw,ï¬'““ he was muleted in $3 and costs. In deâ€" ghomtwpd'hrï¬uvc&l.' %‘I 1 Burns was up on# alnailur M.}mnï¬l’!‘d“.‘“l “"“‘ ing Thee Wilzon, Me was fined $5 and ®"Weather ~Rape â€"Assizes â€"The G. T K. Strike. . & OTK» ... Foisne 6 PRICE*3â€" CENTS, TK, amvuuomd-r‘ with keepâ€" a bouse ‘of illfame. case was wdâ€" ied ‘til} to morrow. hroe inmutes of the same house were MONTREAL. TORONTO. Bridge Byâ€"law POLICE COURT LONDON. Blvuu‘..â€.g.{“ PERTH. â€"t + Gite + & Wepxrsoay, Apri Torowro, April 7 Peers, April 1 cemeuairnn # &