Ed it: ' fl in m " " 'ii)' a; then. In rem Mt oouvor Ytrh the hon. m. (Mr. no. l about! aaious m incumng obugauions. (Hear, hes.) it was unpoasibm for my prudent mm to look wound and not feel WWW an to the future of a» country, ' Ho In not an chm-mt, and hoped and w; the may would manna to pmpor, The hon. [New went on to m an nth-aver money we “It! “fad should ho lye-m in budding the and ttumqdt and opening gap me our» can"? an "sqisset “at to emu. . Haart but.) " was. not. by grin. Mm on. rho. aml m... MAW...“- tl,,. osmium umlMlL: - .r.od " tetutti Storm-n Ba: the can of The" was no yroupect. of either focal " through tunic nor “mummy. 1.'aauuercial. ty the mad must Mm g'1t'etegte, “Mun. trho had on Intelsat your vim-n the bill was dimmed he would hue opwimt AL. "no, neither he um I!!! trMustiv, i n..uuld dew till nll “I. “mun untied-II, P-ester to tan (Her, event-1 tirst spa 300991: " in hogan-n I would . be Thor. was no through tmiBe In, of the French B many, and WM 1% country . :ultunia. "womb! In: applied to. the ' " Hem perm muggy]; ml: of this on -r, that, u lb "aagaMtrMM3" mom-both to," m tCl a an ulna“. ot ad and In; It?! Of t.tu.oyd Jun: Jriape when r than cargoe- tot railway of tho (and: Riva-2’ Thu gum, for the products od more economically, 3nd "ditioasly, talcum-“l by an than by I railway from Be I.“ [M W LN) â€W0 meet when of “motion wouldbo mi and m of the in. â€Ho contonded, .ommeroiar under. '-houts fovit. He brunch otloruw ' 'In winter' In em Bay, wofsuu with m the 1h that IP" the 10S had o canals Tte a; Racqu- 'tl liov from built. W " '" ll tact. " (Mr. Ska-d) matter, and being done l Marie with the Northern 2,tit'gt,ip,'d"l any nt once he should go mi rur4hssk with than, that they had CII', irnr enough in thatdirectiou. (Hear, car. He waned to no a mod across the Con inent belong» ingtoourselvos. He tho tif 'tht tteen: (Mr. Alexander ) res" oi at than, he would Pet qui a ditrerertt View ol' this Georgina Bay eh. (Hear, how. and laughter.) East m mombisrs should beat In mind they would nlwnyu tind those gonthm raiding an the Ohmic frontieu count wil W, and favoured with water c nnication, and tho'Urnnd Trunk and that railway syswms. which had had i the beneiit of n vary large public "pealiitago the last 30 or 40 you-s, invariably o minus my plopooed improvement or e vendi- ture to the north. (Hm; hear.) Our lion. Mr. VlDAI, haying asked for th radius of the amendmem, aid ho tri osrarly mud tho Action of this chm would be innocent-nee with the un' mum of Humour and noondoro! T motion. Heahould hopesthusuaha solution In the madman, laying should not. “he tim'o to caudal-01' im nut. Matti t, wand hour pa it po this at)â€. (Hour A An mdmom to get rid J the' motion should, 2,tttt ho in a an». ,form. He dig)?" of hosting tHt may: P'?, and an,“ 10be .mlwn. 'lPs.qiitatAt,iPtttt should beat dwayu tind th the Otstario tr and favqured _ and the Gram autumn“ an no mo mu! of would be the other. ' to commend construction that of the snmttioood l sanctioned by legiskliom th was of the Government on t qu which it was injudicious to I (lieu-Jenny ate Hon. Mr. tRrl'WituMh'D was tutatale to m the thanâ€. of the . Ba brunch, which, from all he ' dl T would not be a portion of . Paeitic. ifit was it was notlfdr to " the land for its con-true . from other part of the Dominion. Ontario, t be benetito4, should pay the .1Ht (Hon, hear.) The 9tmshuryht, had counter to the feeling“ PM Gary . wryinsjhelir 'toett of Mm!- g Elan ttt M Ml Mr 9tl SKEADSU MKCPIIER.‘ ;K EA D-ol, MhCPH5lRsoN--l gentleman to point u ne'Northem .0 hey go my ad a. ( “m5: We Ah with {018 o ly-His hon. nod some new this subject. od pl tent q il tl ll‘ll a question} to disturb, (t tan. Ms an l, Home mmpporuumy on IN mm"... l (a sentiment: on this imp, H lo l ir. Vi Ill weut on to any I; 1.. I l imlu let amnion shogld “It‘ll! '. l utilisation tu, them tbat l lup. M Jtttytnor wait wite,fo w; the ight and privilege to em :1-exuli- ully the particulars of ossi1G. urea simply because the rmlmL lawn at the a-leventh hour RUN“. l as! year, owing to the vol f lhmr ion ot the Neitie mm, n m- " ot closely, serutiniaod, '. and vaulted an nhnegMion l tl legislation power to the pubiik pendltore now prom that tho railway .csittmot mined h this Home for was required to be to the lion. Mr. SCOTT corrected ithe hon. gentleman with the reminder that thh railway contract, by the Act Int session, was not to be submitted to Ptus liament. It was announced the Act was who entered upon hot summer. This House was in full possession} 9! all the facts. The' Uovernnienl. mlutions were before Parliament for nenrly smooth be. fore it mee: Surely, then, it we: unfair to charge the Government with taking the Home by surprise. The hon. leader of the Uppowition in this House told him thir. Scott) voluntarily that he did not in. tend to oppose the Government policy on this railway. (lieu, hour). After some conversational diseuaaion between Messrs. AIKINS and BCOTT, Hon. Mr. VIDAL said what he wanted to undtsrytaltd, war-had not this Home the same right to be informed shout these things as the other Chamber t If so, by this hasty iergisiatioef of but you we have tied ul! our own hands, so that Ministers, despite of my resolution pe- ed in the Beyte, could tell us _b_oldly they mg could be better than the motion of Mr. Alexander. The arguments adduced esulmahel its truth neat mphtely. The Georgian Bay branch never could be part. of the Pt=itie Railway, end its con- struction would be throwing may six or seven millions. lt was wholly unneces- my as e “y of renown; the upri- lakee, there being already four or ive railroads to the waters of late Huron end Georgian Bay, by mean of which ample t'ge,t,od'eriot is provide?! tor tho speed (no; rto . to he t to 'ldnd'er guy or . gipigoa. .PHed IBlithe proposed expenditure been thr-opening I railway from either of these points west- werd towards Mitch. it would ur, med his hearty support, and and the approval orthe whole country, at e t at. French River It present, it fauna money thrown my abl he hoped the rouse would Mt the motion. (Beer. could take tifisir own course. He thought it well thin we should have mo fortun- lty of recording the fact. that 'le, Act M last session was far the oonatriUtion of the Pacitie Ruhr-y and cousin hunch- " a whole, and thguho Senate in pm to this substitution of a branch, n redent of no use; in“ on portion o the' main line. Us argued that, as to what wh- aid aboutthig Micah:- _oxpoqdituro, jnoth: Him. Mr. BUREAU mu , tug ther ream-x3 withdrew his Amen out. (To be armband.) ' The Speaker took dolook. Mr. DE COSMOS ukod‘what d be the result of We vote in $11080th the Ihredts f1eestel 892-341;__ _ _ _ _ Hon. Mr. HACKENZIE said i be had nomambg'wo. no 3010 "t did not know m: m‘would best-ken in the matter. _ 'lhe8psalrertodk be irtt . .m. Amendmtc to 2'td'ttt g,t, con- curred in, and the Eon-e sdjgulpod until 0 p. m. _ l 1- ‘ The Speaker took the chi: nt9o'olpck. Amendments to the North-wait Terri. ry Bill were '.1',?e.ee.hi't, and the Home :journed u 9:45 until - o'clock tomor- for peorostation. _ The SPEAKER red . mange from the South mnounoin tint HU Excel- lency (fem would pm rogue, it than)?“ attymooy., "PM a litor dun-e. n. to be dia'uitMtuatd'-St an; whil- hurling uno- mmr low of Uurmponden no In In now" vb. hem W. _ the opt-bargain!“ S ',aaskttie-stArvesesyiit "'""T'" M"'." 1M t..'tht, 'iiiiiis,i!?ititi't; '0'. r,e,eei . In N†t' NW. ' 'i,Wlit dm'ndl ,' W Tsrvu0th.ttttt ifâ€?! um Me. 2gea-rlt Cihurs trdlittst, a correspondence bc_weon " Iii, ilioy and the “Priest of St. Alum," f min; to which church a dead MINI! be longed. Them in a “pint?“ ooeWIrt" of “Mumm- About. the beta. " It not, very unfortunate tut "it ' II can- liict."occuu whenever a . teof 8t. Album figures, in grim? Pouihly, both reverend: m tity, " the pcor man my luv. got c e t','StrY1i " idea between St. Jouph‘n In St. hllohn's, mk‘gh It: tttttf tis my att, and more edi . tothe mambo of the 912mm: 'liitttiltut','; t , V new muq To an tltrmmttr'rmt TIMES trc-ltmuat be ltsarirt a taialt "no Mttiafg tg' L'JU'l adamant “on of Dr. Jones in the aim of the th imt., “arousal to the Rev. M. Holley, which he 'tates that he frt 'U'ilrdr'tg, to tl. than Fn'ud‘op _ . r , n tiggmlyiuim conduct 3r th7i'luii7; - m sand-an; n"; mva. " , - "1110 publi on course, will not Wade that Dr. 'dht,',1 Jones " last in ' ginning to mogul-o Humor of tho hi in tho autumnal}! of 011th Ind t'tmblio o Man in romancing 9 et of, onward that ha ox- peck the public to pm their iopinion upon him and his couductin nu itt uus mutton, sud that he gum governed mendingâ€. _ l, _ -e l _ M33, M blic «a: ltr, _,st,t..A " ')'ir'i?ili' wha' Ile, a ' 'J/tf, Minister what is air opinhttt . , ttttt "iiriiiiii'i'/ln which be conducts hi4 crunch There cm u no" Uiautri “at the Rev. ' In», " sultan. t'ill',',f pop at you In â€wwmgmhww- we. _ "In 'litliMrodHitioauFintit five )‘clock. To the Editor of THE TIKES me. 30". Atm PUBLIC OPINION. out Eggs-n. t% T noun: or gonna“. A LITTLE MIXED. 1n.'sritottvTtttttt BVINLIO “I“. SIOON D â€ION Qh'h",','f.'ittteigei- ik. peu may? it,'ii; “with: a... . mu Jli'k;1'lf/ttatt',',tk_se.ir; Wu Wnoxnsnu, Aprlil 7 NIP the his tall: chnir and three SKA HATES: 0T1'AWK _ititrsiiijiri' Jillhï¬misjï¬ inattentive, and leave the iyuuanu to themselves; when this is tho chunky tire tsuo-and so the controversy ends. Thus will it Gre with the New Brunswick Helical Bill altercation, continuing Whisk lfully believe there are Winning! persons who have not "v1rtadr"itn'adii u"p Itheir minds, and though an auxiliary ins pppoared in the person of Mr. Degjardina on the ContiganJide, Mt. Devlin, the Killer champion, ii far froth quitting the eld. ', i T Sir, we seldom practice what we preach, no at the risk of {belonging to the army, legion l should any, of bores who have distinguished thrives in the content, I crave permisai n to add a word or two. _ The persons who claim for .the Roman Catholics ol New Brunswick tho stunts" rights and privileges accorded to the Proud-nu of new Cansu,in both use» the minority, woul I, â€may be badly satisfied if taken st their TJG. Take for example n {2er Roman Catholic parish near Que ,with, any, two Protestant famili‘s to 50tror (300 Catholics. . A "motion mil is made and on izaschool rate levied to which, Bro. tenants as well an Catholics must in law contribute; a school is opened nominally under the supervision of true“, but in stem reality undor the control of the Two Protestants attend the school, what are they taught? They are com- pelled to leer“ the Roman Cntholic cate- chism in which they are plainly informed. they cannot. be saved unless they turn their coats and profane themselves mum- here of the Rominh Church. . They are made to knoesiArhon the cure enbenu the school, to cmi themselves and repeat theeheplet, to observe the saints deye of the Church, prey for the Pope and ignore the person of our Gm. oioul Queen, term their .fabhtsr and mother heretics, certain inherilom of a reip9tt_urtpl-nutrtbrm., . . . . . Well, _sir, are 'these the gteut privi- leges for which blood has been shed in New Brunsw.ck and such a. terrible, {use mulein Parliament. For pity's sake grant our Blue-nose cousins our advantages and give is in exchxnge their system of secular instruction, for I really have no deaire to pay for the kmledge that I am damned, the plain English-') not being seed?) , The Rev. Mr. Frauen, perpetual curate of a miserably-paid parish in the North of Englaud, in: so mum averse to the Adina-inn Creed that he never would read it. The Archbishop of York having been informed of hi muretuteysatsntNys Amhd’ewon to ask him his m. "t do not heave it," said the curate. "But your metro limo does," rejoin- the Arclpdea con. "It may be so," replied the curate; "and he can well Alford 1t. f He believes It the rate of ten thouaandla year punc- mpy paid, and I only " pm of a. pre- eatiinuNttl'. . I . V t... Now, gtitharo in some“: in u aiottg way such as this; in the 1'AtstigswDovlin in quoque than is not my. C I remain, Sir, Your obedient servant, J. Ste. Sophie Magnum, March iti,' 1875, BOARD or, TiuDe.-A meeting of this bond will M held 'this eveningin the Victoria Chambers, Wellington street, at 8o'pioek. ' . _ , Scum-mo socurrv.-.%smemusr Di Harman's lecture on " 'W. Tendency of Recent Physical Enquiry,’ in the mom of the Ottawa “new and Suientitie Society, this evening. A Gomnnu mrituras.-e,BtvOgt. Jean, M.P., has presented each of the guardians of the' several tim station: of the city with cards of idmiaaitmto the Parlinmentnry library. Thinect of cour- tesy on the put ofono of the city repre- sentative. id duly gt',t'l,ttf endjho sandin- heu-tilyac nowledge the un- nolicited oomprummt. - Exams MAu..-Am wk . will can dignity post . . arrow l . 'y), the 9th lush, at-IA 'oloek pm.,deatin9d nor the 5mm Scandi- navian, which nil- from 1%2'r.'7,'; Liverpool on Saturday. A supplemen- ury hxwill closed t.2 in), ti! sane . iss, but 1 ' Q0- registered has“ only. - ~».' "tt The followh nddras tit 'e - ing jewel, win 1s,vieiii'i1ftt'4 tit; full Put Mum:- of Chuudi lodge No. 264, on Monday night Int, to wLich. Hut q"ttten a made 'trite-tIrie. F a To Worthy-[1d Brother Ir.) Timbers, T. t g Quintin? Lodge No. B64, A. F. f Cqstmm--The annual meeting of the Comment] Cricket Club for the election of oftrmm, was held on M18sdpaasight, with the following rmyslti--fy"t1as,tt; J. W. Russell; lat vice do, C. Ytttli, 2nd do., V7.51] Wilson; 3rd do., J. at _ Fr rotary, . {man} u; 1t'ttTd', J. _ , Committee, 8.8impmn, Knnn' W. Payne, W. Johnston, S. McFor a. Mobbrlnner J. ‘Connor, H. J? ' _ Jump; Custodian, J , Connor, Tho F . inguinal: will be ployed on tle In" of y. T l ' Tun. or "a "Cottqmtum."--c1'lus re timment f 311-.me A. 09831;?) nfromt the podtiorio chic auxin M ot', tire engine 'tif,2'gtttfStd'i"iitlle, Finn“ 911M?†my. in, the hwdi of Mr. Alex. PM, assistant engineer. He undertook the manage. meat in a skilful and c annular, evinced s thorough know! 6 of the machinery of the enginqand fully proved his “peony to run he! in the event of an 01116380110]. ' k ‘I'i Minnâ€; ', Tittt RIOIN‘I‘ Hoarmn 1uzaNt.r-Att joint meeting of the Directors of . the Pro, - Iroripital and the lediea'wholvl we fully moored the recent banner in We! its building fund, held in the Urplnn’l Home the day before yeeterday. it was decided to have the money in the hands of those. Iadimto bmviide nurse- end furnieh the hoopitel. The Indie- preeont epproved of the proposition, end med toeppoint A committee to fat rate-with the Supply Committee of e Baud of Directors in carrying oat thi proposed work. _ ' _ utmmtr.--TU next lecture befofethe Ottawa Literary end o'oitrrttitht ‘89.†will be delivered on 'ihurudaf evenlng next, by J. A. Harlburt, LLD.. on " The Tendency ot Recent Play-ice! Btiquiry." The tttt in one of deep interest in the den o eel-nut. epocu'letive thought. and would: and 39 lave little doubt the.“ will be iii; handled bras gentleman Q,'. is . clone student of historka1 and sci . title toploe, and in the author of never“ won-T whlob have been most fevounbl reoe rod by the public in Canada uni elsewhere. . . - _V.._ -._ -, . u."- much measure in presentin you with this Past ter’s jewel on halt of the members of the Gb' Ohich you have prodded, with so much satisfaction to them and honour to yo If, for the past two years. The thawing Ir, tion of our " " tf 't,t, (fml term of oftim, was s p"ro , o your energy, unload 'devotion to our “use; and to {sm- oourteey and athbility are ma’nly to " , , .mmzfeemmmmm wot . 0 our lodge.. Tr . y Lu may b',1tilh'ifg'ti to weer 21"tlutg Of our “lion, in rel, inv [ " Seeing anho Wot†bid pol you Mo tin ï¬fe hdrpi. 'r'Nilllvtr. my ' wan?“ *' WWW‘M m nah-u Local inhumane»; PIESBN'I‘A'I'IGN .-o 'p-r MM 'nnonsnn HolinnEA meeting of l the Directon of the Protestant Hospital. W3? held on Tuedtry afternoon, MnGeorgeti llhy, it2t,itty, occ " f the chair. The 3 question†it . tie . yy, iti l, w fuiie _iiiiiiliii" mar? up wit! hearing t the Soggy‘chmr mitten should not in concert Wt a Cpur mitteeegfhthe het,' 1at,itte, being mane; t e " 13, Irhi If _ enl appointedbyg&fol = Mon. . ris9lufioi1Bf condolence with the widow and family of Dr, 2,'ergte,y who for *3 long time held tt $216011 o Tamma- ‘ing hynioien to e 't)ttal, m passe Ay the plpksayy: Steps were also taken l towards ouao1idating theme-mt debt of the institution, in ordertopeybdnncee due 1xmtntetots, and other liabilities, amounting to nearly 86,000. Itis fully intended by the Directon to hove the new hospital managed in momma with the moat approved, syste as to nursinii eppllgncee end other com%rte. This wil h'e'etfaccedb a . . tCommittee of the ladies and tie Eel,', of'Dirocoou, who purpose" taking tht work. uhde' their special supervision. . . P' The annual meeti of the St. Ntttek's Literary 11'l'd,'l'2',a','r1 the election of ottieers for the eatrent you took Elam on Tuesdey evening in the Shrunk 'e â€all. The annual report eMbe ham-er of the Association, Mr. P. “A. EM, shoved the receipt: of the "" f ell sources to be $1,582.98; the 't5tll%te,d"ll'Jlt,", ' l ,402,33, leaving e Manon hand clear of all liabilities of “835}4' The follow- ing report of the Trustees of the Institu- tion was read by the Secretiry: , G'ssrt.r:srtrtr,--Your hostess in this their annual report, no glad to be able to congratulate you on the tttgl, prosper- i one and truisl'aatorrreon ition of the af-l an? of this Association. The annual re- sor of the Tron-urea which lscleu and qtailed, shows the total receiptl of the fee from " source" to he $1,582.98, ehving a balance to credit utter ding in; all liabilities to date, of 8178.65. 'lllis your Trustees consider: yen-y satin. factory result of the year’s transactions. The following statement will show the po- sitionol‘ {be â€â€œ03, taking“ into oo- count all its wet: and doduetitighs total “winner: momma) , _ light t?.ttr.crrr.icc.r'tii2ilg Real eta AA.'......,.....;... 5 lt.l'n7..'.'.tt.tfi"1r.rr,,r.y.:.t'..r..rr. 'tit/lf] Scio . loud -is.-........h. 300.00 l‘lbrgry... 250.00 I all fumitur--...........,. 250.00 Wm. Maids inst: our "stiustirii" of a. nada on the broad but of the Imam... ,1..,t,tghi,'r"2fr"ititg,f tam, 1116qu . hts or / emote s"",',','!').?",',',",, rigging}: any out t',',.gSpti the mxmon ’en r juniper: M; The 13mm of'dho 1'Qs'l'llhrfl'Ate,t' of CW. em 'Te: ntl b _ $smteretty' i1ttlll,.dplifils'..h') ttpet withing: which . tt publglhed, his con- tsitfi'i'tgt 1ltltltl'.'.f, mthmu luhliiimttto?. . "r"." ... - _ Il This show the unimuunbergd real. en- me, movable propo' nd cub all of the 'a?i'i'i,'iiil',ii?ittt'ilti',, to tht'! 855.65, a eonditid of things that must be pleasing to - member of the Antioch- tion interested in ita was.†and pros- perity. la conclusion your haste“ ex- press the can!“ hopg he with! the management and supervinjon of gheir suc- cessors, the Wail may continue to ptx?tpered ndvance. - Aft which is ww’uly i'tiltt) John dirdirt', ' min: ' ’3’ Sun; Bingham, June: It. Gouldel), J _hfts8uatti.c, . H.135 Waller, , ' William White, P. . Ryan, 1villia1n99Woti,; Jamel-0y. "-_. P. A. Egleson, M. Stun-a. Ottawa, Apil 6th; 18N. ' nun". m. "itii",'tjiltott; Mod pm at. is; m 1ibtfi,ith,et,. ItNAh,u,tmta, , unwin'the caused tiaKPtiiiiiii'i; "oddity.“ he tftfdAhnrlfot hi. . _ [ . 38,257.98 Deduct liabilities (discharged) 01,402.33 iiiiiirieitieie mama inoedil -- - new»: liberty, its pro- ity 2f,YTt glory. Ile us not mum-m Tu. iittit1 1eglgg'.t'ttt 'brr1'ptshir"diis, in†w - settttMaltfu9t.mittIitkiiik s W. ft,rt “i. H. Waller, J. Casey, M. tar P. . an J. M. Ppt,, 8. 'r'i'il'li'lLi,' J. see', It km, . . Won, P. A. Egleson,, J. D. Ilpsrqr.tp, W. hit†J. Mes'traftie, W.ti'aft'wy.' '. . _ " ' T _ own}; , .'.'. Preddent, W. H. Waller; Vice-Pied- dent, W: Kshoe; Treuum, P. A. Ptt son . V Conan" . Minty a iraur,: f'teiit, Spent-1;, John Casey; Assistant Strata, W. Slang}; ELI-arm: J., Mist) , “Isfahan. . , I". h, L . Services were held yesterday morning in the Roman Cethohe Churches of the city in memory of the Into Hon. Thomas D'Arcy McGee. At St. hushâ€: Church, the Read}. McD.Dewem elivomd e hudelorg oration 9n the, cleansed states. man. T e 1iterariritamisof the deoeued -the extreordinuy number of biogm phiee, hhtoi‘les, learn, my, jnd which he publi ed before loving E's native Und, with agave enlighten- in . . . V . ' â€will,“ , .t/s'phu)ltrlttItit.,tlit', mm. 3:. history of Ireland, written _ mar his ami. gntion to f/tttft.,', dun auitioitsnt estublilh n. It literary re nation. None who read th binary will tl inelln~ ed to u that Mr. McGee will tmrmtsern. bend St') on neonate! the crud-ad tragic manner of his death. Hie industry wu extraordinary. In addition to hbouru " en author, joumliqt, end Wm, he computed and delivered,in the time of his sojourn in America, no Martina 1,000.to 1,10pltsotymsa. ,The rev. gentle- man 'qnoted from the Archbi-hop of Heli- fu's funerel omtlorts--*Che . tie â€duct-I of hilihqrtbnt "We, must be roof poem"; even to hid mania, o eeubleee industry, and e mnr. VOW mumbled intellectuel culture, in irN'rithsstriotmfttu1trotani “a? bothelevenmd " tare! _ r an “I 1."; T e (unnumbered ttrt of much!“ elo- euce wind hit',tn,it --hia' iiiii')' epegéh'n‘ si,,'it,i _,',),).:).')',),'",;,?? men “hi! vohtlttiy _ 9" “an“; "lie',')' the Per. hlenry works in page and terin he . -endleetl;,the i'i'ilii, ihook of t'.,t',ii5F",i,s,?i', liking of [an the Mag. unlined, Ipuka truinptMtmgtett' for the model-men and the siiesry?tol,d tirtutothiy Wish Ith" -In advance of the sleotion,' eloquent speeches were made by the President and IrieH?rytsidenty giving reopens why they should be permitted to retire this year, but their, ransom were not convincing enough, qk'the result of the election raved. Allthe old oftioers were reelect- 'd. Tlttcttlssotion why ballot and woe con-led on in the most good natured way throughout, J. M. Geuldon and W. Slattery acting as Icrutineen. . Maisux. in...“ ""2atd""", mill-0,60. " r. . . "essst8rp4. . this 'ifid'dti'ltrdttg Alive id 'ae thing affecting Fatherland, has learned witlh dsep regretof the tet of mu); [roan s'. a“ has .. respec sons, It/tttid'? 2.1%. 'Martin , that fully sensible to tho great has thus sustained. Mtrt cm . sociation 'slrt'ir',t1,tt on muff-f; precision of its my. 3:8 the belnhcholy events tltat,hrA6', dgrlvdd Ireland. of tho' importmt services thoao honest, te, ful and immsliiah patriot; and its 00p sympathy with the friend. of the illu- tgiduss dqseb-41mied., ( L" .41th tt ti himrtion of in. no {than in 'pu its on h. passed, the meeting Itlu'l't l'" " PATRICK“ LITE-LIV Alb. .MIITION. Moved tr {If-Qt. AFiras,. segondfag by Balance RESOLUTION " common " mama. ANNUAL RINK! 31,582.98 5 so $3.00 300.00 36,855.65 Which is now o renting n t and bene- ii'iii'G"k'll'u"ti2, in 11-":an wordsi 'Trtapoken in presence of the Minister! - of State in Canada, of the members of l both Houses of Parl'uutttsttt, of the Bishop i T Mid Clergy, at in public banquet held " _ Ottawa, in honourof Mr. X0600, on st. N Patrick". my, tltis time sewnâ€... u' mu "I shall not. presume, Mr.Mey0r,be- on: cause I am your' chief /P.eit,toeoiyyro1isa the evening: I will only my hrtherttn the eub'ieot of Ireland, my. I chin) the --.. right to mic and serve her, end her Ions in Canada, in my own wey, which is not by either approval hr connivence with enterprises my reason condemn. es futile ( in their conception, and my heert react! as criminal in their cause u-ncee. ( ud lcheersq Before] [fl'ld,'hulr'.' Mayor, per- '; mit me to add one thing more: ope-king from thisphrce--the"apital of British o', America- in this presence, hetero so tal mny of the mosthohoumd public men of " British America, let me venture to my, in F the name of Brimh America, to the statesmen of Great Britain-Hewett» our coke. and your own; for the “he of international peace, settle promptly and generously the 'suciel and oc‘le- sineticel condition of Ireland, on term» to setiufy the majority of the people to be governed. Everyone sees ail feels that while England 1i s her white cliffs above the woven, she neuronal with e rival " o3rittnettb-a hos0rta'overnmettt-to be set up on the other side of her; whatever the aspirations for Irish eulonomy, the Union is en inexornhlc politic-l malty, as inexornhle for England es for Ireland; but there is only one miraculous agency which has ft,', to be fullyind fairly tried out in Ire and; brule, force luv mile}, . proselytism has failed, osg1ifiaAioa him failed; try, if only is a. novelty, try pn- C tiently and thoroughly, eteieemen of the ii Empire! the miraculous agency of equal It and tet! justice for one or two generw Bl tions.' (Loud cheers.) Gentlemen and 7 Mr. Ma or,I again thank you for the three-foil gratification you hare afforded me this evening; for your great made. * served compliment to myself personelly; ': for being allowed to unite ttpat . this way in, a. union banquet of 111311 a- ' diam in the capital of Cumin; and lastly, for the opportunity you hove afforded me, , ofeayingaword in min behalf“ that ancient end illustrious Mind, the , more mention of which, especially on the rl7thof Mhtxsh,mtrmss theheertof every _ Irishman, in whatever tft' the day my arm, or the our: '1 down upon ) his political detrtinissts,or his prim Ith. I jotgysn9." Mum) - _ L _ l 21'fttttete "was†In had no um “I Imam- wish-ml. an. Milo-I M "I.“ "e on 1-11 . LFtp..u1"a"dff2'lfk'd'rl'/lrNkiiJti, Extract of loaf." " Nutritious Condiment {or "one. and Cattle." " British Egg “n. --u --6_ I vu - noun “I. I Apply erMr. E. 'cih"S1'itGlrr, {some at August-and thbl'od Hum. 811.8t " Liebig’s Liquid t'rtpruto'r-ormrciuriirGr"rN'GaG at tit. noun It',,, AM PM or aloha. A. a†u AGENCY "rorrAwa _ The last writing, I letter to the Earl of Mayo, with a. view to the some great re suit, was written 'he dag before his lamented decease. Mr. MoG‘ee's rewenl in this world was one which few attain to,--the esteem and efectim of his fel. Iosroounteyrmstt. Several cations were held in his honour. A myetii.Utn.t home stew was presented to him by his grote- ful fellowcitizens of Manhood. At his death these was universal lamentuion. The House of Commons held 3 specie! meeting, at which discourses ehsmcter- ised by the deepest feeling and expres- sinus of unfeigned sadness and sorrow were pronounced as well by his political opponents on by his most Quoted friends, TREES, SHRUBS, &c. J,'t,'.'l'a'lt'tlgtttgtegttlufatatrgtt pre 0 tttLlttat il'luTdl'.',t%L, 'iti'lirr Mum and toga-1mm no raw tome-3a 1"gutt.""t"'o's'"" !‘u. III “I...†yJ'dWs rdtatatttogtzt, "",,li'ig'h: on ' O n q 0 B, youngest. an of in». Malaya. mum mm, “an and I p. m'. PM“: “an-0n Romy. no Wtt Avril. 1875, Jane Pltlgem'd. mallet orute we Carroll Eugenia A man of the as. For-m Item aged 19 you. The Fuml will have the mucosa of not byway, John Murray, court 030mm and Baum Bu. " Mo o'clock. a. In ' “by. mm. “at fi,tefe, In. my o Mr, of Ma-tas.- a gain Term“! we third yoer opus- uu the th hit. Written Kl- nmlnatlonu In all the brnnoh- dimly; the 1th and 8th, for Admin-Io n magnet ow, Ipply to _ E. 9.150 SUN, an“ - To Lumber MerchaHtE no“ hula I In nanny at Pine, Tye-I emu, '/a,h 'tsurf, ap., 'hhlnu A Dell emu, refuse min Wir, Aer,, ',i1itiiiii'. to null-a nine ttro un annals in no“ datum . 'tdd?emrpartMrutatm toa. WELLS, (Monu- ml, uncanny. - (kinda. . 381 at Utti mockery Ola-win. III-man"... In. La7ik"ra'irihT11 I. he. Flam-r For. "-tvturutp," not lam-c a a "all am on can lit-Min. houn- nnd Hot-u awn-d n I).- olal pet.- for In†[ML 2thtt come um Inspect hem punk-Inc {09:15 "im-oem. an an but an In no: 1- t%n m and meuooa. muons. at fowl. , “TAN". " T lama Funklmblo Tailoring Wuhan“. Spurt- m. Dress Goods, Silk; Ribbon, _ and Tweed, , A180, - GREY COTTON £1201!st ems AND wanna Héutreal decreed a. public funeral, and the highest funeral tumours were beam edon im. A popularpmcher, the Rev. Father O'Farrel], delivered . most 3 pro- giate funeral cation which fouls an ho in the public hen-t Minna-t made haste to vote unanimously-sh pon- sions as were proper, and they won lib oral to his bereaved wife and orphan Tamily. Quando alum WWW“ ' P"" RECEIVED. . In!“ In of i can. - _ I _ - " a but. Inna. P' whom the highest. M VIII be puld _ Apply uggujl ----- ,, . and Butte: Donut." on“ urn-sum A. Hal um camseroi1','lf'mAftltlltget1',tttd 'tt _ -- _ mmfhawaf'ton. spun mu cue", ApHi?th um. aisle-a “momma ulna-mi â€5,25%! af 'Po. 1'2.ttt.ece.es.d.rtr no! an? SEEING GOODS. Call and no, " n1'isct0atmms. Tailors Wanted. “£9953. 4359!.“0. READ! READ! _‘:m_.M_M - wtr18rrtiuéiji4m mum's 31ml; ngllvm “we“. Duke Street, 7M7 - - Tu: - --- OTTA WA. DIED. “$1339.99. " F- " ii7Mii'iiii m" Prinélvu. “ll NOTICE In hereby'glven an .00“)! It! per Gem. upon We lull-cubed cupid muck ot the Bank or on" 1111 Lo, an. Ind wablonggo 'ii'i'iv1tiliih'iii'. “Ionian, u out: by In . on ' , , P. nonngrsgn,» In F" 'geh',u'e,St to my 25','.'r,t'gd,t my 1ti'r'iR1tlfll't) mung â€cum Gr" Spun. lmpurlsuom 0' ' FANCY AND? STAPLE Chi-[wan Hadrian-X mum um I ah was lowered rh5'ltGh'llt this W a 'speettaiiry., __ --e __----, “J --c- I! so“. new our. flu-mu. New numb?“ a?†_l'll','fllVMl'Ltl tn poll‘s In I And an Woolly an; In that paper v. “kahuna.†In! obey- no dictation. annually tor Funk. and 'l8tltd,tlal'0lt but an. tape.“ I 0 “mm. 0mg no mm on t)88trut,t,ttit . an; lt MI. 't1itr',ht,,gr?t'l'1'h"2tt I) '7,iF,"i'iirt'i",iiiiiflm--s. 1110an .- band‘s 'tart,)..-:, out i'J,raA"f,f,,'Sie, coll-[rm 'llh'h2",thtr,1 use! up: an: panting†Ul'UNNa' In, a.ttttttstturtuh6iratt m“- h trt-b ttio who: up“; a and In dram. (Intuit-v ia"t,'g.Ngr2it â€montvofmln (no In. ' um: (my with out o! par-Id \wmmg;xnl:dnhmmbï¬h I C n in. ','iriiitiLi')) itEl3,tatftiftl no mend-one mtwuo-uvupv. a. "N?fgati,"o"u%U,e; e ouwmmvom t has - I. any-In column. Only I ,- pup-Id. Nady-5192,»- . A " wrégéi'r'n'ny mllcltlnz your anon. “a n m- speeuou or the nu)“. N. FAULKNER» BANK OF OTTAWA. Mail-ch " lb?!) Museum. ' 3" 35-3": .55 our. .' ' In 'Ntl'gflwitt.'itll,,'i “gnu-53: 'l""'"'"' -iiWmet 's AM - of '†-"CV $31339: ttgill mmt‘n. no ra'aflil.il, . C _ . ft421'a - " An, I was. tollo hug-5 Tho "1.15313 Girl; t m. aï¬minmm 'rti'i1i'li'ib, mu» y nah mm. IsT,54rlUl'd'lL"l'itrh't1 but tllG'll'l. mu "gnu; “Tim. '9i'sti, u" Mu by ammu- â€" and In lama?- an a or Wlll'g' vacuum- Jtf, '!e'iEiir'i,il.t?l, any,†all ii? tigi, 'Jlt2M'1t'a1'ag'c an» Lyath"elteetPy/,esqtnets-tooeoum-. and" mum' entk 7TGTG ttiiii,kif, iicii,tFicidi iii, iuirriti'd,- 'f%'l'lr'llf Dianna-r1 " ath.adu a; -fafiJrhGkrr- Eiir 'tsGGoTr%a"iidi' . mi;- uonntover gv'?,'lfu'J,'luf,'ll . lug-don t'Jllll'l'tl " other“; h . ' "l',lilk 8t'l'ft'pgltl'P,'g?p (any c . Eh' dd "and-rd, but. to ham to m nEtfttr.pnApt?roe. __. _ - Inboun- u at. unwatyon. the t?ertmu-y-qrrsrttirimr- . It lthe ttttt Mia-ad or ““th punt tonal-dun nonunion. and ho. nun 1t.ltetvyyityy.ui_fiiririittiiFiiuiGi'ia m at the day. ml; In!“ no 'l'PUPHFM- - p,t,5,1eiiSiittdettgytt 1u,'a'e'at "tt.trtttre!1eqt-iirid W, om, humor. "r-i-EWU-viii-CARL., low-n. an. Vd'o$w. 't"i1ti$t t'M,%'llllt 18.ttettNtteAPP9t - _. hiss-nu . Bulimia] aim; etritiU. in: Sci - metal wk. 8m when bound In Cht'tt iguana, and, mama. M “I Ah ttthid" -___ -- , _ - _ , r 'v v . 1:11: "an“. MIN Lit mio _ _ - . - _ V -L Wuhan Promlum. ' vim Fri-l "l.'2lslr'hp2'r"dlrh'ur,L1"ltL . u“ GOOD WORDS. I? - 0.0- cum OLD All. "tPeuf. I 11m“:- (Gel-nun ' .mmmuqh Aetoetddt.mt.- igiri; 'i'khhr4'l'ril'llld'l2tl',tt can and an..." menu of no lull.“ new? 'tl' i.' vi P1.tt?1eMr9etqtet- mm on $tnNttttqg help In,“ ~m¢ "t-nter.-NgitiitrTiiiiirGaE - . - .'"e'" "m, Gd _,_“_w__ "h,t?tilt?Atii1,'lt]gtttlti: :,'iitiisris; Ml'Mttld ',tiiti"i)'i1Stll, has by Wd', u ',i,'titii?tiiEit'lrefi, 'ltttt'atdgiiitiiii m ' mama 'ietesto9 7a'gGiWii"iri'G'ahu'llr'Jlll'l,t: HENDERSON & Co's, riie"rti',iit':yi'rr,tst7i.e1?,rdt1f.lji't' I†att â€an?“ â€WINK“ .- ._._~. wiiiGirisG ii",ii,ihili?Ct'eiilaeNo".i' â€' h'llll2tlu'l'lf%'l Mull-l " a 58559. Also, Five . 8ahbath-tkttttttl Ham IV“ numberom-pam Mao-arm 21:592.“?! meupwm-J noun. " Indy“. an Mott 'ttttr New York. *2: WW" t "ftd'l"gJt,reNpte,RaNt C 'l,'ll2ltrd modem-ed that Dal-Mn a mwémmam‘aï¬a ii%i' _ luv .1] M. It....: .. Win-h. by irio it 1"] ‘~|.:.n. Wm}. 'tit/tttitat/tEi-iii' ; " N 'fA-riifiu"iira'i' 'dtgiie'2t'lfi"J' inn-mu. The ihitlia at Wink} "I“ "ETriCE . ,.._- can": a um Pi-Firm'" - Under the nine .11th I†W,l'i'."'!l monthly, and “ppm. by a a e. Tue betrt and MI. In . mum Premium: with than“. _ . The gm of “I. PtNPtl 5]". manual 'Ng?",".", Us b'gr.4i, evolopmenuof I . V.“ r to egyAtlt 31393 telrn. {£19erqu and W: "ttteh 1ivsialllNga'ssctt- THE SUN. Daily & Weekly for 1875 s'Se.e.teMAhe-tsrrt- " MA "All Conan, lately -tTod non Put MAGIC INKSTAN D, Late’st “MW ttlit Wain? FIRST CLASS CUTTER FIRST-CLASS MILLINIR. 'atttiiiiTe2fi,aEf.e.'cifiiiRiisi,i SPRING 1875. Eton bought. tor Gun mm 3. In SIGN tf THE ttttttIU, T. DdWitt Talmage, Editor. â€KS " CALI 35ruraiuatrums. a ohsr t. Stationery. KILLINERY DRAW“ new autumnal: the I'MUNUN0 DEPARTMENT. No. -1 SPARKS STREET, TH E I NPA, HA USTIBL. AT P. 'ftSt'ktl8P R1135: 5x 'Tied, , Under the Hum-lent of I -. ., .3 ' Y. aluminum SUSSEX STRIKE DIV-9.5...- 1f?rf'f"e'""g'o'"o_ttles, - -..... “I M . ' ova-y by a , Mg... 11htkflttlaa I fIg,tt8tt'. “THE tRm," iGrr't2 3% “all“. â€LIN I £3 “a on m, ar. Haul PHOTOGRAPHER . " m- tMI om. J2tttttit Surveyors & Engineer; -EEiiargiiE '_-'-'- Tar, - O“ I“ I a a I! with“ locked. I 'l,'a'lttlt."'i', fungal“ la“: all men". rue-u?“ Inbou- od toMr, ll. W and M Gal8 unenc- than: the In: Mar an T "gg'llt't ' In _ new a t i. W udul,2'l'gltitlt%lt QM... _ IT, " on Vanuatu-r I...“ I. m tt','yllT,ttt'tll".tt'e'Ppt', m, “u -', . , tor mm . ‘\., mum-o wet 1'fdMtaMt ' madman-m. " '88 2'fgtlttAthg2ed - ' Columbi- them " ' i! - nnd no! 'itat' an ., b r r.' tuna-Illa mm m G do“. Ordinary banana m, 'd '-’- per month“! and; oh ' " lollrd. tft [' (e ar ',2g'Pdldltg"g',fllet,' L"lth": liberal In Imam"... a... “"‘r-r-1-~ hv â€an -hn h-tnlm . - [ m was tmar-aol, my MW at» ord ','tittttt8 S"rS'tf,l1tlilltsi?era2'2reo't m te'k'Fii-imr-atrlrt!,rtti When “notâ€, Mums-bu“. thn ywmmmmuvum- aiGrd'"iiih7G"fii"ii" The land luv-arm . teg hbeml In irate a. «am by that. who Mum- ','t?a'ilh'iirii'i%"eut,t/ ' r a g til = - 2Pit l about. tft . ' PM and: are) a.“ a. In. Ii oi WM nth T F'tihai'F'iFth' gm... it!xh'itit/ t'llt'='l'U4ttrd1d'lt FG;, ff“ A-re-tseo- l’bcllboo'C-h‘ , 7 L060: ' -.-. a trfgg.".','at'tt :4 _ "q-- - ' .34 'dar, BPdri. " tllt2at't, -4 . 'iii' “V. - â€an?" to H d I Iva -." to... . ' iiiiiigi - ."" Yuk-O.- Mn-Io-lnn um gamma?" 'ii,ilifiig& tPLta'dgr,,tg2g â€fail-who's ,,, n that»... rumba. _ . h Wm M M d - ii'diFtii'dri w an. on will IIâ€; can. 'i'h'Eh'ii'l, m- d I. chateau-m arm: 1"Ch"HriiiiB 'ehtrttAtgrg-hip-is-. _ . .._... II"... IMM‘ rteh. I od It“; luv-u... and“. Inn has.“ 2e,trtldttWG THE \VEEKLY " [mo-u, I â€#3933 um um Mina- in. " Mo '""""'"'gelt,'V Shiistepamanii' JARVIS, as, sums 37m (LAY- JAIN- a Au- omeé â€out... Max-d- Mill “‘3 377;:13 W gun in 85 N " Sun“: tpd â€a...†Mil-“II blit- tt'vaw"d'lt?t $100 '),',d, " Dbl an n VOL. A BUNK“ rAIN%tB.-th "it-um- 110115 “I - land- if!