iii a tho o-asian. Mr. WM 51'!th atamsdtudeutaronth-diatgdtr, which" continua-d byâ€. Erin,“ -ttasMr.iorohtt and. um next to valueleo, being memlren glefeuoe of his Gym policy. What hi propouuon would hon 'm’pm mm Mugged 'iiiiii-iiiijiiiiiii, wmim uuo Mb. was“ emduqgtotHatttimithqri hm â€mama-um»: Hum “aluminum it. Mr. High/oh], itr-imrthtoro"se.ert'u1aatdei- irt-ititti-inueitmsct and ,',iii."ii) aetuund-rth? 2tf,,txttt “miningâ€: "'rib*aBiit#l eluded bramosiontetu'ch is linker-nu! Admitted tom's disposed of can)» surrounded with Brent diftieitrandamno (In-germummwhich 1oftnothingto b. We]. H. was followed bylr. Bm"u,utouraasdh'-ignoftu0rantto Urdu-,who ofeouneoppoud thomotion ofthelltmniqrb-it pmpuodwu. Quintin author: dm‘ldouhfmm Imam pundtyuhohin‘ to their reliance. six Jolsnhaodtmnld followodin‘ asenetttrssteeus,trhiiih wan Mn 1 tuitoryof the 4atett-ttitm which " Government. halwith th. who i-ruqrtotsodBowirtorrmentumtssiiim butun portionof the debug,“ - mt to whole-u, ham; “.3 manned . meat coming array ofthe iacta which had led the mama“ to Wmecourse be prom-ad fou- --which were headed down "them u a consequence of the cumin-pen, blunder in; and incapecity of their pmd-om-- the -tion of theNorth-Wou troubles. Phat evening the pepen bearing upon Lhe use were wanted tothe Home. Air. Masson the nine day brought, or “tempteti to brintbtho subject before the House in another twin, by niovingfor papers which were and, “I.“ an in...» pmmMe‘rlier in the day by the “dive Minister. Mr. Bodenb made of similar attempt, hotbed: of then m frustnuexi, the Home being in new to enter mto my discus-in prior to that which must necessarily follow upon the expouiiou‘ of the policy of the Govern ment. on the‘toth Febniery,_the Premier, in e speech ot nun-nu concieeneu and perspicuity, stated the coumthe Govern- mentproyomrd to pu-in-dt) concerned in the outbreak of 1870. Hie] to dad with one of the most. um]. new“ of uoutti-d mailman my we session of IurlinamsttC,.altisth not lor the discharge of business on the 4th umuauy, and mpmwuodonl'hundqy .bL, lawn; at “Ely nine Web, but been ' no“ impaum. ti' not. aver, Aeuguwuod amy marked by much had work, no.†npplinuion to duty (F the part of all when, but sped-Ibo! humane", and productive of upon“: munlof lop-hm than my nation amce 1,'amftd-ains Sir John Mao. "onald,inesritirmiiho plum h cum-303.311.: it, which'wu that it was meagre and yum and! results. Wo took occasion at the in. to)†that "on if plunge: was 1. WM"!- thnuséln of an @3th whoa no dimotod the f."etS.'u.f,t “menu prop-mm. 4 u . which could have bout niece-fully dis. Puted---them m " but tho stiBumeh.tr Mnetbingin thewqyofgpmiuh‘d {and no way into the Speech, which it In. not intended to carry out in notanl Won. How 'mpmu'y hm mo‘ ful- ven'tiod the ms I H4 HULSE 01' Co2tltoNS--gulrMHr " ME SESSION. Pun-n mun-our 2 ii mil-MOM Inn“- uou ' a"' -n.~‘co;~td was; Bron-lion. In, (in, as. “an Mar. Ian. atk we will, a Mod in the Speech fromtUThmetqmado baton. PM taxe-Timm 0500. Baud and 1atdgiastt--Mrs. McIntyre, “fem Street. _ A . New Maia Books-Dillon a Ca, Boston. local hotipo--Blrth & Km. (“tam Ib- lnle-t Eleono- not“ and m - mm Nor-Au... off 7-7-- ..._.._... ran-.mnmuugmuo. A Bond Blank Book Ruler. up'. 59.43104, Sed D- Jhers MAP! n U W- tl3ilAD,3r. stu AWA, MONDAY, APRIL 12, Ito' ue mu 1' J. 10304.»; Wyn s'." 111,38; ALMS. WAN TED. LINN WWW“. Jot I875. a Gag-6r m THE "TIMEts CANADIAn riiscmcuts. E. A. saplity; by mun sue“. um: W irith - . ihiahuightbb mini (31 'g'flr=Tl'lr"dlfgff Ind com. memia1anfittrofthostmntry. When the Mk 1tetgtdyd2',t even by Dr. pmm.rAiett; 0 matter mom 'kttulfintstain-diihr-ofo Pre who propel-mode of Pttt tie WV _oon|tl of the oouniry--. "ounce of frpirgitmwhieh_hadeirtsdRtrrttnnrrears In. whom.“ 1:10qu Iii-nth. nah. h Camila-bud undid, All - also he wig: readily be my“ to smug. .1 My,“de y‘ h.rm.etariih-d96ttW9ttqrtdt-..roCttk autumnal . W; in his tlUuciat “anemia: Tera he :11me that to all intent“ ilriPii-thott' p iotiona had been vorlgd; and so thoroughly at I Ion r'i'gtAt/i'it'tt',iti, leader of 'the Opppnitim'," 9r the means of justifying In: itertthtiryktsn theprevious occasion, which.“ them-knee of mod.- it); '2,eilegtMrg'tfi htl quotien- aqstiiint MB main The l" M_ "UT ld, Min its pwm‘r nursing-9 has; p‘etely denuded of e§ect by the ',',1e,tMt',ff, of the eminent: with which e endeavwred to meet the argu- atenta . Winn and. by Mr. 'drl,tt,,gtT1tt'ligat.g is thghon. doctor's great al-. hilt which is so much qltaetetaristio of All his ttttera-s l a; to piecihde the possibility of their be, in; reached with myth; like general 1iiF'igtefi It All» ennui-kn!) e fact am in Ii'lhidiipinl cannibal; 1;? is a t 2,rt,te,g.1tNit, most e eel. 'l',',',,',',,',.' deg". - on, hot yoga, we were MIMI}. the rest of the world, suffering more or less from commercial depression, the doctor could not see it. Every . mupruperonis es tsfiowur Ell'dem "timatitm. his. the, Speeds ofAit pyr,We _ Imam _ A And A writ for A new election was moved for Audi ordered to be iuued. Since that time, Mr. A. ll. B. Bumtyne has been elected to member for Ptoven eher without oiipoittiort. . I ton the 15th otnstmuur, Mr. Bmune,the member for Smith Grenville, brought un- der the nttentim of the Home the im. podant “Heat of juvenile military edu- ‘cetiou. by moving for sseleet committee ‘ to inquire madly into our present mil- itary flrill, with I view to ascertain if some improvement could not be made thereon. Hie speech in mnkin'g the mo. tionwu a moot exhumive one, nude very interesting debate reunited. Of course, to have e_disouuion we: the'eb-i ject of the mover, and he withdrew the motion in deference to the request of the Minister of Militis' On the succeeding are- “in of Finance made his Budget hr-te-an alert remnrhble tor iturtt1ll,r, and the aid , ',',',2ht,i,etttt inwhich ssAort. gentlemen exp himself . Tup- T :1th in e apeech‘ "rtarked , _ tsoeti1dssmt?1t vigour, but cem- E On'the 13a: to! the lame month the Premier intimated that he proposed to deal with the "a branch of the North- m was; by deeming Loni. Riel, [the wombat ouiet for Provenoher, tut out.. , bl, aadthssmfrmrduqtmiitiod from taking ‘hiaudintholioulo; And a: the 24th Include-Wm togivssemsuto this proposition; Mr. Plumb, the learned mssmurrorNiairm, Wu upm that, an 11pm and other coo-ions, made the cab-pow of the We" of the Opposition, moving!!! amtsbtment chanting in otrdet that M. m [mid tint my regular an†of 2CL',' had been pronounc- ed on: Riot, WW the eertitieatos ottuttut-0aid on the table a. the tirstsustiathie-s; bugmoring for his ssxrmuionoesth) pound that howaa . fugitive from jut'tiees. The Premier’- mo than nu wriodiby tb very Inge majority, - of the“ who, like Mr. Monsoon, advocated complete and‘ unconditional amnesty, sndthcse who, ic, Mr. Bowen. were in favour of the indiction of the extreme penalty of the law. Tho accesicn of the division on the amend- ment was marked by one of the most de but-bl. tricks ot which i leading public man can be guilty. We first to the fact 'hat Sir John â€notional intentionally: left the, House 1 when the members - flmt called in, remained in, the lobbies when the vote was being taken,fand tsoolly came in and took his place in time to vote against the resolu tion moved by the Premier, amid the ironical cheers of the members. His pur- pose in doing so, if we may be permitted to draw an inference hom a course which he has'never explained, was to concilinte, if possible, the Orangemen af Upper Canada by retuaimrto'vote for amnesty on the one held, and the ultra friends of Riel inQuebecbynotvotingagainst t on the other-at sort of duplicity w oh they ought each to see through. If anything would tend to bringthe manandthe party be lead. into canton}: in House and the country, it would surely be the cowardice be displayed on that occasion. The subterfuge might have served the purpose of s tpmhhsror a tebanh well; it was Urfrymt being?rthy oft. mm . It my u mentioned that although the deb“. III concluded intwo sittings of the Home, it In. nevertheless I very peotmertod one, covering, in the ottfeial' upon, e um equal to About "msntriirt column- a ordinary new-pep" miter. Tnken u 1 whole, the upeeches were good, Although [LXI-eon tso-har-indeed very 'arqrtslr--ttansw-d the rulee of propriety by hi violent onslaught upon elem pew in authority, who certainly cushy. not to be referred to in Pun-dent in such We unleu he who}doee no is prepared to challenge the f. of our institutions Br d propane to I't1 them by some other. www- Mr. muo- is propened to take thU attermntiveri-wuttser he in prepared to any one to heir legitimate) conclusion the revolution.†ideas he then give ex- prmsion to, we _ lave his future conduct Marl-ha. i, _ _ _ JuMico Wood, of Minitoba, sun) jury which found upinegui1tr, Mr. Mousseau, who moved e rote q! went. of confidence in the Government, declering for comm plus end unconditional emneaty; Mr. uxtriesr, who“ uttomngtst, were a most nimble eontributim to the debete, both hue the force and originality-of his' an MD, the liberelity of his opinions, msd hie logicel defence of the position d tho Government; and Hon. Mr. Meier, who in a most, mun speech (in French) defended tho when of the Government. A large number of members continued the dis. oueeia: on both eidee, end the Premier lining wound up tho debate, the House thrilled, when the amendment was nege- tived by 152 to 23. The originel motion mefterwerde curled brl23 1050, thus “forever one of th moat disturb: it; end den‘eroue quuibne which in later any: hen minted theiemmtry. It is emerkehle feet that the . reble vote 'retittratpinat thepm itionof the Government wee nude up in about equal pr, espaoully rm: t new, which ought to lance Amount and , when he d can» system in force Mr. ottice and innugu most one, based upon both not hitherto been rf __‘ lis Just a specimen i l0 DUO COMM" 'm""""""""""- ‘ I“ The subject of emigration received a. pretty thorough ventilation at various times and in various ways during the see- aion. The policy inaugurated by the Government of oomhinin the emu-to of the Dominion and the different Provinces under one scheme, owning the chief t of the Dominion " the centre from XII', all Oi oration! “‘8 to mdiaur--a policy which has Eon tte,',',',."), ofiby the Legin. leturee of the mvinoes represented at the convention held in this city in the autumn of ' Par-w" cordially accepted _ Ill hands is . a wise and , _ enamel! desirable I measure. Ytits'pmition 0 Mr. Jenkins l was gt,',' ee 'e matter ofoouree, the sub. ject dietâ€, but the wild medians nude during.†by the ' of th Tory peg re not Jews} in Pane; "meat, w e‘their positive alumnae: that I tho hon, {unaware services were likely soon to ‘e dispensed with, potoriouslr Ptatytftystured out? allele cloth from the begin' receiv sir gamut repeetn edly. like loen to the Kenning to cookie on . -.rttreet at the; has. nity to am that maid- in the me! the Out be home like" N at. {It All. "tw, Niacin! the Momma! e chamber themir'. eble to the pent, end lunacy at then in when fem it wee mule. W. Xenon, who in“ in. bAtqttrtb, with Iracitio Bsilwsy. His speech upon that occasion wss perhspe in ell mstrpssot-irs reprd to the "mngtsment of facts, the compute' knowledge of the subject in hand hum the greatest princi- ples involved down to the minutest do tails, and the power and force of his reasrorsing-oms of the best he ever do. livered on the tloom of Perliement Bid the hon. gentlemen who followed him, and the Government of which he was s. member, taken hslfpsins to inform them. selves with regud to, ,or shown half the cepsbility top-s1) the stern facts with which we ere brought fuse to {we in undertaking the construction of s greet transcontinentsl reilwsy, they would not havebeensorsshto pedge the tis.ittypt; the Dominion to the project. It is bht‘ fair to any of Dr. Tapper that if he, does not know the sthect very thoroughly, so , as, ' the waltz: half of t e pro is concerned, he tare pretence at do. ing so, and his uttersnces were, on the whole, char-ten“ (by less 'sxtraytsemse than is his usual. course, this stete. ment is relative in it. referents: es - statement must be which woul give the doetor.tuedit for not e . An interesting dcbete fdhwx in which Mr. {Blake made s speech characterised by ‘his usual force ind pogoehr, in /'lt12t ‘suonglysu We oyoi e - eminent. TI here slresdy painted out moan-cedars†muchthe GityofOt- tewa id likely to be!“ from that policy, while there will he no injustice done to my pert of the Dminim. The lettersof "White Pine"on the subject, which sp- pesred in our columns some time ago, use been teel'fg copigd 'rg,"',,',":' ablycomrmsnt n n y ep, of Central 82nd; shag how, thoroughly our correspondent Pht ciatcs the advantqittstmts nature or the Ministerial I,,',,",',?',','.,','),", and how well his opinions scco with ose who have,like himself, fiven the matter some attention, the reso ution of s majority of the Senate to the contrary notwithstanding. _ "'i38 ftpfth in: the Premier 1'll,t1',ytg' 3 full and 't"'td “pl-nah o o policy oC Government in re- gnrd to the tNatateuotiim of the The Postmaaterasmsrat ha, perhaps, instituted more useful' reform and made more improvements in the service of the department under his control, during the short period he has been in power, than had any Minister who had ever pmeded him during his entire incumbenci of the offioe. On the 22nd February e took stag; to hgive Pailiamheatary anxieties, to all e 'c angee e tre: the introduction of a Postal 'Isla',',', Bill, which embraced a good my im. provements in principle in addition to those of practice which he hadah'eady put into operation. The 'irttght,t'ttd through ita various slashes in both cone, and was assented to y the Governor General without an material alteration from the form in which it was originally brought before the House of Comm- if we except, indeed, the clanae referring to the opening of letten guarded to be of fraudulent intent. Next {Mellon Mr. Foumier introduced the il1.fbr the qstablislumsnt of th Somme Court. This was a met-auto which done eervice in the tht. from e Throne, with which the to Ministry ere in the habit of meeting Par . t, for many yearn. it waa one ot'.thaso luma whieh, to quote the " reaaiona uaed by Sir John Hae- donald himaelf, were alwaya found Bttating in the Miniaterial parrintrr, but new get beyond it. With an important amend- ment inaertedqthe motiiinofW. Irving, one of the memben for Human, making the decision of ‘alleaaee'referredtothe court final, the measurebaa been mental to by the dour-nor General in pretty stetyrWiu ttrigierfoeln. _ On the 19th 'tre the Minister of Justice introduced 9 Insolvency Bill-. a measure of very great importamyitetd urgently required by the commercial in. terests of the country. 1Mx,te the credit of Mr. Fournier that appre- ciated so exactly the requirements of commercial men in this respect†as to be able to introduce a bill and pass it with so few moditieationa and 2tittet while at the same time he showed himsel ready to accept a valuable suggestion, come from what quarter it might. The discus- sion upon the subject, both in the House and in the committee, was most exhaust ive, and it is generally admitted that, see- ing an insolvency law of some kind is rper. fectly indispensable, the Act is as pe 'ect as possible, and will 've satisfaction to debtor and creditor tuill,1. On the-same day, the Marine Electric Telegraph Bill, introduced some time previousl by the Premier, passed the second reuivin g and was referred to the Railway, Committee, where it was discussed and slightly amended. In its amended form it was finally readathird time and sent upto the Senate, where, after being exhaust- ively discussed, it was passed and is now ready to be placed on the statute book. We have ready commented " length upon the which the Act in question breaks‘ up, _ and we have shown sufficient reasons why the people of the whole continent of America should thank Mr. Mackenzie and his Government for having effected a piece of such useful and highly necessary legisla- tion. It is therefore unnecessary to refer at length to the subject. _ . . been treated-s to the exact extent of its success or want of success as a flnanoial transaction ; and of course he ,proved, st last to his own satisfaction, that a much better bargsyin might have been mule. Mr. Cartwright took ' simfle and easily understood mode of rep yin; to this chase. He did not enter into my of these mystifyin calculstions which have found so much gnom- with the fimuteiat experts who have from time to time in. serted the results of ‘ their "tut',':,', in the public newsp pers. e merel stated the results . of proving loans, negotiated 1 l-y tnt,",',",'.". whom Dr. 'Npper wquld certain y be re. pered to defend word the success of tEeir missions disfuted, ind compared them with the resu ta of t which he Batted upon the London ket himself. It is unnecessary to re those .eomparisons, but to anyone who willing to take an unprejudioed view f the subject, they would be proof posi e that the tun-ec- tion was a most suoc ful end remunem tive one. 1 ottice and inaugurated an enmew new one, based upon th" princigle which hnd not hitherto been nppliod. ' Isis, however; is Jnst a specimen of the gtrirtft'g in which the doctor is Locustom to indulge. of course he dabbled in the question of What has come to be known A: the " Cart. wright Lmn," and sue us another of the phousand exposition: to Mbitsh we have many with regard to expenditures oh ought to be placed to apical mm and income respectively, n ho departed from - tn. em in force when he came into eand iuaugurateduir? 'i',n,tl'i'.2 new .bmmd unon tb" principle whic ' THE TIMES The County Council have detox-mined tomtmiidthd Court Emma in one ofdiMoultrttato tho-mot “PM.“ 13.09029“! tha oitr,to who. their Thou, haw us Some of the lendi facts in nomination 't'Pdhgttie',t 't is - may to t b it cloud wig: the Wave!) more powerful n In position" if ht, 'J.,'prgpfd'tc tttlt "a mm W on it 0pm . JC use he mint Mam habit ourNiiitin system was hubjected to s 1nortthorough and searching criticism, findin , however many more advocates than h, the 'iiiiiiiiC2 in favour of litter. national Arbitration, moved by the Hon. ‘Meloolm Cameron. The FramReynolds accounts . con- nection with the Interooloniel 'way were made the subject of a rigi investi- tion before a subcommittee K of the 15:111me on Public Accounts, 2gtt the progress of which a most ding-ace stem of "him was revealed. The evidence is published in the form of a Blue Book, and a motion founded upon it, oondemn- l ing the whole transaction, is placed on E,'l'e.'l",',t, record on the journals of the ouse. Another specimen of the adminitr tration of the lets Government! The Wallace scoounts were also under inves- tiguion,amrhfr. Wallace was medto have been every careless trltl'i'fl'l,'g' and mat ig't,'tg,tet, ofhoer, but, we no ., an onest man, neverthe- less. The character of 'some of the wit- nesses examined on his behalfdidnot tend greatly to elevate him in the estim- tion of the nTiblic, nor to swell the ttttttpl Mttetrtptesd to outhn them, for he only “Ponies " om. 2.Tet when he dab}; on in Wuhan. . Casey, in In tybuudoaeiaititsdn. Iidered Ipoooh, danced some very than; menu. in favour of the ooistpetWrs system of “muting Tub men to theb Civil Slervioo. Thet issrnoytyryst?ieoti1mqt*ronps, and meal-gm curled in effect in the mother country; but the resulta. to fur, have been much lean an ful than wu anticipated: Know someunng about in: and prescrip- tions , if'he_dooa, be In: better' “mandate The New Bmmwiok tttl Queetion was . brought up, In a. resolution Which, while Inserting the con Ititutionnl right of the 1“noun Pro- vinces to deal with the subject of education I they deem moat expedient, pray: Her liberty to no her int1uertoe wi the poop e of New Brunswick to to In the seventy with which they tat their school lam, to the Roman minority. Itiato be hoped thisiethe last time Puliqment will be called upon to deal with e ‘mntter which is entirely beyond ite jurindiotion. Of dour-e Dr. Orton the member for Centre Wellington' upwind himeelf Iain on the iii'i7iiti';i'ii interests of the Dominion. He any. 353°" t't.Pytth,intr thet 21.11- am! 2W? .' OTTAWA, MONDAY, APRIL, 12, 1875. being "he oaetintTaGm1 of the Solute- , the Emu tiny “but: u possible from his publil ed pamphlet in reply to President. Gunfi- menace to the Senste on the may referred to. It in a pity there wu 'no inoil. of prevent.- ing this. . u ofeon-idmblo in ca ii Hesio- latire mam-n. 'g.o'tt'.' pad the Hon. Peta Kitchen had . mt interacting controversy our tho Treaty of J2,ft,'gtg u it burl upon the value of our orig, or such portions of them um by that Wuhan thrown open to the Amen-icons. Mr. Mills sun- tained tho position he Managed for {grain RM to that mm- mm. [ites.u11'sr tseth "e. imply 'dirisii"ii, in offering objections, which were of the most ,"iilinf, and nun-ow- minded nature. he Copyright- Bill end-even] Amendments to the lu. IuI’tnCGNI" may be accounted u valu- ebie nequieitions to our stock of legiele- tion. The former is reserved for the signifieation of Her Majesty: plenum from the fact thetit tdreoia the 'ufiii'iiii"iik British author: end ublishsms, and there- fore pend“. Magi-t of the neture of en Imperini u well u h Dominion enact ment. Fundy wukoned. The obnduot of the my Morin in tho U Khan in throwing out the . t Bailny bill mar4tnornestttintrto6eds . . shout unanimity when oth . than would have been t ahead. thnt manna land â€not"; yrtuld an hue mkqd The mature for the erection ofa new Province in the North-welt we: one ofthe moot impmtant which marked the lee- lion, preparing, n it does, to lay the foundtitioh of responsible Government in what will lane daybe the rich and po u- loue volley of thss_attthermn. _ .'fl1li, improvement of the nevigetion of the St. lawn-once eyltem, including the canals, was exhaustively treated o t nova-e1 om sions. A considerable proportion of the members were itrongly in fem of deepening the new Welland and to forty feet, and there in no denying that they iupportad their proposition with lever-31 arguments which were of consider- able force. The greatly increased expenle of the change, however, 'tttte,', in View of the heavy obligations 0 country has undertaken in other directions, made it compulsory upon the Government to be Ipu‘so of promises , but it we utiefectory to those interested to know, u the Pre. mier ensured them, that at the very least every facility would be provided for exe- cutingthe work " I minimum cost ehould it be'found at any future time an actual necessity. An Act was also passed to pre- vent the trialof contravened elections being brought on in the courts while Par. liament is in session, and several impor. tant Acts relating to shipping were car ried. Two measures bearing upon the lumber interests were paased--orts mak. in amendmentsto the law relating to the (,'Si'lll', of timber, promoted by the Minis- terl of Jgtt Revenue, and the that bil re . the ex rtdut on logs, introduced and pained through by Mr. Charlton, the member for North Nor- folk. To Mr. Charlton, also, wasrelegated the duty of replying to the allegations of the opponents of rec procity, which he did in a manner that entitles him to a place among private members of Parliament attained by very few. It is true that he had to reply under the actual circum- stances, to a GG and illogical argument ---and that is describing the speech oer. Plumb in its most favourab e Nf,, oer- tainly; butthe memberforNorth orfolk did not content himself with answering Mr. Plumb; he replied in a 'Ill able and conclusive TE." Bto the arguments . t . rown's draft ' treaty, wt: h had been advanced from any quarter whatever. The subject did not evoke that amount of discussion which, from the noise made in the Tory press and by ‘stump craters during the recess, . t fairly havebeenexpected. T%ruadimof the Opposition were endently afraid of " . ma be noticed a. good maurofthossis .th have on former occasions ','.'set tttlatest of Pfe,'get.; Mn, o . dleeex,too eooursein reset-d to the proposed Prohibitory Li nor law which wes wise end extremely indicious, but by which he committed e House to the principle of which he is the 'e,tgt'1c'lgh"t unconsciously, we be eve, so fer as they were concerned. I‘hose who teke upon ,tt'irt,t.t, , Iii-poses, to criticise is po'cy - 'ds,",' would none of them haie showed such excellent discretion, and their efforts would have been fir more benen of results. Mr. Mills succeeded " lest in cert-yin; his resolution condemning the existing system of eppointing Senstors. The meaty, however, wes e nerrow one, and the hon. tlemeni‘ will tind it e much more digit . still to gete decent minority to 1llttt him in even e "er peeftot P1090“ mtttttgtttgtto. tion. Unfortunetely for success of his scheme, thine who " s himdptottuipoint ' r ... esto theproperstepv‘tohke xt,' from this you egox'ceAhe_will lhttl' " heads Among the moat important suhioch which were dealt with' in I specu- lative my, in- the form, of mo lutiom med. by private when, Kunmfiirn lk I A . Tho "theation" rah??iii:ltt,ile whim-full house yum Qua,†Ghoul. Society,und.or the loads-hi of It. Wigwam of the '.'a'l'lli'dlf om i,tsiiiiyii,tlis,'i'i'i', "mm" lllllC/ll,","ll a diNmal . oiitsitN! int. 1: in 'mm £31.: 'iud_to_throtrover damn. Ater gunman} award a: a. â€but! of the who Club . J. H. Clint; Wino- . iiii1tiii: a. Ptit “an -., “W I ILL!†aatsrtreoP1i.emenmseooa11edinih "ht"t1fa,"erta,m,i,aa,, “as ' , hub-mo took place in St. Andrew's Church. " I "It! {nesting- Forth. pas.s.tigxAr1t,1thtLn,tttyioeh.nnet held rntuolumth,e.rinCtot misunderstand. ingon_ttrtqueatieorsaur, batman!» Rir.Mr.Burnat, the pastor,“ moo... tprgatie. Thtsmplt-ntiM-oaimiia. "idlutnWtstrhsn some words pan-ed. , Woonnunol, April 9, Gstherine Blake, the tt charged with murdering her infant y cutting it. that with u pair of sci-son; and. mother confession at the inqnut yester- dq, to the 'sthtt.that In. Baum the landlady of the hotel, udtsomani the ttrima, The W13. jury retained . vudict Mains . Tho ropellon Cage, 0.1.55. Dwarf-r7 Dominion, I“. . . 1.3. Mioltitpn, 'Kiiiiii Ind Pun-is m to form B datlr" line this lesson betmlontnd, mm, .mmipen led 8t. Cuba-in... Amman; ofthe pirmttomoftuthsat Cantu! nirmush.ehrtlyuafymooes, 3nd and. menu for the Coon-Al Fair, which _will be held in Hamilton non new iud ed the first two guilty Ind 2ttf2,fl't lfor -mthdthqtt hbour. There . no evidence taint 11athtar he was . AifredtytMontfoed m . ed on . similar 15t'tt, and was um...“ lagg- begun]; cautioned. w Charle- Green was upon. charged being found drunk on the tee.", _ It being his fimt ottesnoo,' e we. let of with n reprimsnd. - Wm. McDu-by wu 'ld, for Inn-hing one Edward Henry on proving. Sgt- urday night The Haiku: m- unload in 810 cud coats. qtmtelit0'Neii, June. Git-non "etd Arthur lhafrney were Tttyt for the 1grgthr as l'l"ta',ttl 1.33;. gm o on . tmto Wudaed the firt two guilty and A chqiord l, Indian and path“, 'll'i oompgm y In can, In; love may with Inch skill and effect " draw down the mphudita of the Indiana. Votes of to an choir, my“... tankers, y,'tt,"Sitt/ out“ were given in n very . nnnnu- and the ttttht' the Doxology would“. most enjoy lo nine to A clone. "MOI com. won il. tHHm, P. n. The Rev. ifs-n. Yaw, Gordan ad 1%1tmfalitmmd inane oiaqeett " dronu. Than addr-ea were lint-nod towithgrut mum undiluted, oo- pooinlly whenthoupuhn/ my tPtimtalunitr-mutn IA ammo giving " 1ttt2 gel','? to red weapon-1y. cotton It1nW+ ttt In: otliod by an . [can Bit o ildiPq y mob, tlL/lull minute: might be this to oonduottwo -ioasiniteadofoa-h "truth. Thoy expressed their man intomtin tho minim: Mm wishes fg, the [W of Mr. ttt h. an. D. Boyd, of River Bourgeoiu, Nan Scott. to be manure: and Innoyor. of shipping for the Port of River Bourgeois . 0mm ttt 00me - Ground um, or ,trttat,tth'f, for . my urpouc, in tun-f to the 2.. list. p i “The Commie-of Tssmirooasia Kn: mourulu, Quebec, Are oonMitu in Inspection District under the " tummy: Apt.? _ 'i, _ Garlic-t struggle. as th oongmguimt Htd . sunny memzofthe t. The ROY. "NB. 'ii:'ireeee ad Home followad in able dogma; " dronu. Than midis-u were “mood to wimp-rt albumin and interest, ao- pooially w on o apnkon/ can“ Maul F'lii'i,',iiih1t,i'iiiti1i',rni!,t,'?, 81W 9 033mb - to red R. P. Sth, J. Gordon 'and J.D. Mt. Grogor to be arbour amuniaaionerts, to hue the supesriutandenee of the harbour nnd harbour maater of the Port of Pinion. Euttioriadd dinoount on America: in. voices, " per cont. i In the â€Moment of Chartered Banks, we find the Bank of on". placed a follow: Authorised capital, 81 000,000; bubscribed was», $524,000; puciup 'ttl h1,;8160,070; note. in oipmlntiou" l, 613; Governmng $41,284.41. Balance in the of the Receiver- gonenl on Februnry 28th on account of I oat of1iee Swings Bunk, 'ii7d,7iiii2f'. introduoed the programme of entertain. ment in a brief speech. He expressed his great satisfaction“ seeing so many friends preheat ut this figut social who - thized with them in their artrorta to r0 vide tysy1ssanaof-ftsr Mug)". suburb of Ottawa. Theoonwtwn were specially favoured in harm so good . mrprxstmttatioes of the city pastors, whose preeenee there that evening, apart alto- gether from their eddnesses, was I happy omen of the future sueceu of this no" meat for church extension that had been inaugurated it Boehesterville. He trusted with e programme of music and “an... ttuthHtltithH1tetim1tumt- would Iona;beabie winchbaok tothetevening of 'sfiriooitstaaaasmsintad withtheir earliest “rumba as a calm and . "er urinary.“ the pet. "turtmrLArttrtr or own anon mm ( mm at nu moment or olnuo an ( 9mm. i Brmotrum TROUT, 3300! on Rm: tGa-rr-rica 15th September to 1.: iretuarre, -- - . OIMULA'HOI up (rastaar. _ 2t circling? tttjet', 2't2 put on»: 13 . "pooh ti, felt.', point: 1',"g'gelfA' $2,982†.11 on In excel- I 'o 'll'lt/'A.h'."'" _ M grim Cthurph a Mamie, mu mid or. on " an tt'k'l'li2.itL', ara homo nu m to ImrAltnrintr by when of the church and their friends, Sh the: nth-hm!- on I libel-d â€do had mod by the We? Ite, GIMME, Rev. 1L?rtiritthin, Wit. P. Gui E Gordon, J.th Medusa C.Dwyor 1'h W.Cunpbell to be an! Pilougo authority for the District of Pigtail, gov! &etiy _ ', - - _ -- Spams» TIDE!" .8300: on Rim Tun 0-. “Luon' up "Wnmommm.-. Fm 15th September to lltJnunry. 1tassa.--Fmmi 15th by to 1gth. June. 15mm!!- (Dorary.-v-Wom 15th April to 15th lily. Le.""'""""""" 15% April to 15th Y- _ . _ , Lmtrrtua.--ist July to apt August. The of%ial 0mm of Saturday cannin- the, feuqvins. Hyreintayent.t =: -- _ 1 wm-.-Wiom 10th November G in December. Saxon Timur an LA" Trtotrt--6orn am October to In December. Faun Wynn 1httutnraa.-Piom 15th October to lot December. ' 1uaa.--nom 15th May to 15th June. Flaunt (Doree).-6om 16th April to 15th May; T se."""""""""" Wh April to 15th _ Y- - - Wmeimtur.-nom 10th November to let December. SALMON-TROUT, LAKE Tim" on "Umm." -rrorn 15th October to let December. comm: " maumvn u.“ A oolipt in, connection with the Pro-b: [ 'mml. of -M K’Wn. Ru, $E80woll and WI: GUADA om BANK STAT-I'm Sauna, April 10. that! T wanton-tonn- ti'i'i,stiiiifii!ig an.†w tri.""" QW’a‘dmw-gummw m I-IF. u Ci,Ci'(,i,l,i,i..C'lft tii,"'?,"',!!,,!,',?;?.;";");',',' In...“ . . "eq, a P?JifFiiiiiiiiiiifti,1i, CA"d'TiGil"litl a: 1riiiiiiiiii.oae- M - worn: zigwgik w: WWI-nod to ?IoPI-h- "m' . rm m- - I Each m Cash In Plin- '* .UHI ttte-tarrest Tur.. """"""G'llli'ira "Ye""'"""' "ooo Each in Cash! roumwunnmwnv'u . ur-tr m A “Fl-Io d m m. w. ', “mans. Imam-mu. A “-8.100!!!“ 'YggiMgm.-Wag; I '"'dl8iii8tla',rdrMtet'. A '0tht.-Bat at WWIIBY "um having“- “I" an» a.uttlt.t..u-L. aagattm a.» a m. Lnt--WualAM “rm mood, mum. 9u--t-gt-e ma. I.- “cum-naming- :eiNtlr'Pr"a%r,', MI" in. mmsmnmmnmum humming â€Aâ€. Nth-roman a_tG_iottraamthttrtert M M m It. smut. 'tdt",".',,,,",'),)?. qttmtgq w “in“ toâ€. men '2s%llrll'ldlr'a1Tdg'lltl'l'tJl'&l",'hul 'at'p2t'fth'ttt.r"""m""'""- Manon “Itâ€. We!“ unha- latch-n- 1MMq 'drlh tr Wanna-I. now A. la!- hum-bl in} Fiiyiiii a7duTagTaWiaurrNuiiu w ttrtltt, m att., t,"3hi'li tmmh6hr-.1 mug-a. Ssh-Cm My“ -.Mth.t.trt .31...“ Agru18ttt. mum-mu J'l'hi8tlt8dtMrdWa't LATEST NOVELTY Auden-II qttrttettr-trste_nt1trmtase- mun-mama. no'mwulbodhnuodb u'"'"'""'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'; g T'" HATS! HAT81HATS! I"%t'M'2N'tg,'nf'ui"pru'rfg i'rr,,i'ii'g'd'ii'lii'l'i'id.i?,.'tiF, "an: l','.' an qrttrtotq iii1'iiiiiiii5iiiiiii (on: M! - Br2'it an: In at day rargnett I _ tt-hrtmlti with .llll,lltllll mam. AUCTION SALES! [HUSH flllll Amman HHS l SIGN OF THE RED HAT. V . June Pucdcx. but.“ GIFT ENTERPRISE '"'"""ttra Ott-ttatt/tttg. . Meme-snub!“ Approaching Spring Salon I F O R a 8 , tk “.11“!de “arm, 0“.“ In.“ mum I ENGLISH RUBBER COATS. H. HODGES, (trift inhuman. $60,000.00! PUBLIC NOTICE. mm & Efï¬rrizrs. ULSTER. ID. no. "lint! “In. .1? mm“ can, te.EteE .1; EatiiditEiiri' vin' I)" 1iii AG' _____ - __ " __ WATERPROOF All New am. DWI-I we. t" “no no“. . 'gtkMas"aPa ill8itttfSiPiiitil9itef v',9Sit,i"p't,tt 1311'll,'l1t4f,"3'rllAR' was} 3933 All! Good Vat in" "ara11'lNW'hl'td'2 an to tnatmi in: can. an a. iii. 'INN 'tgrlduTr"a'l8drar= S"K't MPH ' MIME HOUSE. 1rit)t)ugiifij" _& - co. '.fy.tey5irip_qytrtetpeoe-r,m- 2e.e.ePtttiei?iesqrhiaGia"i7rar'ir; "e4ttM_trx9tr _ Us 1tatra%Lc, 1"“ “11.. III-“lull. '- -Maxar. fl)lhSttgltgiratetPigr,'ie,m tc nun nun-mm man. in. m a 1e%tAet'rr.ote.1eqsttrttormr to. I! I but!“ lilo . 'rt'itd:tt,,'i1'i'ri'lt?,,r'f/ lh')ru'fttitPi' " will fteethehes m. ttt mm -_ iiiriiiriaaaT7iii'iu'G'G"l"'uTi"w ’ sd'ra','r, ,'dt an...“ tig'g'ltirpd"a' Wdlf. /irfgtf, an has Hun I. 'leqih I... “hi-awn. Pol-mu. '3Auhtmh w; A!†“tour: Ind w -- WWW-ha vb mega h I at a?" 1U2t Quaint, lar- mm..:g.w°'~“m'“‘-Ww m4: gymnavgmwuw "'agaet2ft2', â€PM... ii1rlllr'.ri'Etl?htl Ytn_e-rthriaritiriiiiai In.“ Th It. 1 1"algtgt nth, "dttetqM h R5P8lle; Wm. duu?. w - 2r4tll'iflllt new": "-"'-i"'"__""._M_ --- iararaT iii?Ji',ttt?titit?,' iii';,',; 'li'-',),",',?,),')!,'?),?",':)','?)",? Thou-VIII baton-n i%'lr'Al'r%'k'flat Em - dun ir, " â€a": u 'tr,5.'rltl.t4'ft'e'1lkhlhtmNlatf..? A "-e.Le.r.hge.y., 0.1m no. 'yteveojaTirraiiiki7F'iirc2utt,. otsi7ik"e'i'itTtylh"latllthlJl'd'lflir,."' run tun-dunno. m nutty my btnMh.rtAoruuuraiF. h has. a. one! unWm't aanax. sii)All'h'hrt4ilAl! ttAr_nemtte 'rttgtgm+ “that h an. m 27F'iFiii',r,i'ittB2rra's'e2ui"a"A Anenn y'mhlouhmyau i.. Mung: tom “In, t'iri"hR'tit Womoop-yvluho‘uthmdm ke'felriylereifii4 mug-u- . . I mum‘s]... ‘I P- -- "“13Ҡmm T '"GrhT,'WaiP,e,ff',,t.Te.?rh,trtv, c-C-iid- iiiErLrtiFiiiiiirar%Fr", rm. 'C.UC.U.'.'C.y.'CC, ',.1r.9ehB..a.....L.C.y.y.y.c.:y. NifiiifiFi will}: "etfiiftt in In“ ammoâ€; tgt a _""- Tn -- awn ii. 0 D. 'd'ddQ'st '?hitfiit,G,tig2it mutton hing“ to , Mn. mm In a. so: In†"05% I 'sueme':tiii'J'idi puts-uni no. "“me 'M ogrum .2... Nbrwich Egg Powder, It2e"t" m that of (It. WITHOUT CWKWW I‘d-Um A we: "t'rrgltf riiiiiiiTfiNiaiyia "'"=t"""'"'"o'"""'"'""'"" a wink Hum 14.... t't'iiitilhti,ii9,sh'iiiiEh'1iitilf"at "a1trd/h%12t,Nttthht no... mummcuun. wmmammm- an. r,r,r,rs-,llilbiie, ‘00.. m __ “N .MQQM CriraEritruFTiarr'u-aii " ._ - P2,P,'li'gt,i,t mun“. th"ii'a"'h'iit'k, In "Aluminum-mu. " In.†mrtrtmg< Angel: - aâ€. J. a. was, - 7 - __ â€llamas"!!! “at o ___ - ___7 _-__f‘-, t"sti'd,nBltNt'l"sitthrtlrl'a. “I: but... 4"ioirsh,teni10tt-nmSP- Imvonda'l. wolf? - V d/d -. v" -- nun up. â€in“ 4'tii'itttls,l4i9,iht. “a mud corn-o. a-- Halter-don. my 32% lot It! g 'riii'i'G_Gttvsetam,g-,im-s- Human. 1"l'ai2l'fJ"g,"tl,'iNyhT, "ree, A%rfis2'f2t,r to u lull ainmolwm ",1'd,t'."gNttttu'l"at .0 I! Omani". Lindon; " - " "et.te..P.e an! 1113‘ It". - “an“ by can ladies! in who Run Ind; an their up.“ Bali). In. 'iiiiiiii'iiiiii'iiiiii rdlbti= 'tthut 'Ttltsl't1llBlrfl,vA"hl'f'g'ah' was q Limb-1pm.!) mac-moun- man-rues, %tiP' up amen ' 757551} taiiiFiiiiN he told by Chemist aim ttmt'tghtmtth-Mtt. PM“? rar'arl'ale'tu'rd noo- Pnu It. can. My“ oe EN IE9!A§-M9’{$9U lk SON. 0 I cumulus All) Humm- nnd a J!Ffill, him “on -.r..%d --- '%8gqtgu-f Inna-Wm]. snafuâ€; Mail-ad Vania. I)" tt,t'fttgttP'iii"""""iaiiiim I“ m BOD-8'1" 1101130]. W wwhaqm‘lt 11tJht4t!tltA,,1lltht ' on! a loom m on 'a'rtftl' $hoqMtu ttte mm WI an. " " ' 124 80:64am Ron, RWWFL, SQUA mriwnnon P"'""'"'""' m _ .- us: run Pan atomic Emulsion and Pancreatine. "iia%Eriiir-v" r-i-i-tGail" "‘ a hammol'l‘uvandor Watt. dgM8uqd It". llwhun maven. Kimmd'u Mt Yum -- k I. I . MI and "etttprr nape . yftey.PEt .ffEeheA lee wen-“m Morson’s Effoctual Remedies In York - m - GORDON "tHmm P-tor, Diamond Yeast Cakes aid 37-11% __ thin irdiarri -e , IE. .1.me ‘00., K Ittiqtqto. Idiom-hem any gnaw; In...“ s'k'h'r'?Jfl"i"lt 'ii'6"6liih, “nomadic-uni. , "If“? Jittiikaan. at.†In" 110. in BOX or cums " mm 11m! CHOICE mlaEhrTtErrB. Lnâ€! sunning-A Ttatim d Troitr--uoatoiarr Amt 'at-hat, (If SUOCIBFUL alum-s Tu mm 18†(Ea n: cts Bmtuina. â€WWBJ- 9w!!! o. T-I 31in". _ lar.re..tt,.ty MW J"fgllhl I“ 'tt I "(am mSsAlt'Wrfh'tr4'd'l, £2 ' : Mgt I. - - -v Iml WRITER. Hum nu“ mum unu- = and I C5303 Ed to?“ I Baton-um; Jan. - """u'tltrir' ftihi"ptig%r" f.] "uMrMttiiattPtatrNit Juan. T _ .,t, 'MW. ' "iris-rt/raid *i, " " t'iit1,'i'ga,'i'tliit.ri,rs'r'i'ihrt, . 1'%,'rMpet mm... "iarrTiUi'iT. -AiirFi'irriiG'irei - 'ttrap, I. m In s'lr'l."t'=t't I ' 'ireC(iEl'l'Ei':p't',iit'tr.iiFitr,1 t.m. k, - Min“ 0pm 2hutdtauft'iili? ,.... """, ,. '2tatttt.t'ti', ttt 5.9523- lummuh- a . m... Q'lP.'PdlPA'd .. "' â€page I I." - ,S:1'iii'a:i'iti,rr'hlh'auut'itF,,,q “than.“ n; 1'2d'a.'g,ti'i'r,ttty""""' ',ttl rtr'la'Sthrd'a'lt.-r- ..., nun. lotion! w. ‘ In nun-tuna w: - Mariam-5‘8 f?tyaxeuse mini-7 - 1' ï¬gï¬ï¬yï¬Ã© 3mm: SIU/hum/iii"';",,"; In mu: may - â€'25.“ "__ Watch-u and “In†by Ina. Didn't. Jul-w, 'i'itl ialTt11tttfp,"d,tdr"'"' - mbt) Emil. Um.- v. I mm EliS'll gain: Jul “can tue, B8a',"trritl 1rate?.?AeMe)teyiFi . “no: 'ls'ltl'a'ltt'l'lW?ht I I IgA" m8htd'Ilt',rrhtettpt mei omen: a†all“: “A 1'fA=,1,hl'. u"emt"Fiiii'i'E t'2,ft.u'r iiirTi bo W "f runs m muz- up i?ji,i?gi?iiitiiiiiiiiii t,tt'l',1'Nglttt m Davina. a In. “- Itt In. - - " '14r.tlfif ii,'ii',iiii,iii'i?iiiiih, human-1..., ' u- an“... an. “Human. 'riie,stl'itt',?i,'i. ' any“... ' tl' 'tePp.e-taL-a.-eo" "in; , ""'""_iimhTr%iuii%".' C _ " -- TWAWf oggnwL-m-qu lain-"m 'mwzgm mFAL‘I'l murAcrc um, , Una: we 1!." .92" If!!! m no HPARKS anâ€; an. x In“. “‘1‘“; iEMWm£L_£a "lii""i'"ihr' ',etli21fa'io1tli.'?etiifi, l I". wan-n in." iui1a e"e ra not... I- Allin]- m '"ifdll'd'.u'.h1'l'ruu Watchmaker_and 1m " EETEEm _ieiatrlttttit tiers ArrhaiandB-rtiro iï¬ " Ad, " 30"â€. Pt ".t.ultitltu" I tt3Le.P2 ti ' .. . 7. 'lt.iftf/,i/,'/,".i,',i. mum-um “I“..- , n nr I n h mum's. ' in». ema- lune , &t. _ I Eu cr' F ti.'at'i tttNt hum; - Illllt;tt.ttttt I: “In . all I “In“ §'9_Od.-II~ tmfyP. Hiya but? - . F a. a: I)». "dl'e"eU2 tttlt, who: banish“: hill-r60!!! u tin-i]; iilletiis' tkilt P"." h. w. M ts'stis,?,.?,ii!! but than... "KT, mum "an.“ “I; at""'". .17 but i'gi'?.?iiil, not-l “and“ I I“ i'iiikl?i' tht Ho may“ ttah'"'" in]. I...†ram-H. t'iitt't'i?itt! mm“. In: Mum -Woe.t5tutr.ct “in . I 'i.Sr,',1,,4it Full-In disc-Inh- tin-~01 do of tliglt,rgtt ='s La.: 7 U’Umm out“ h â€than 0Q...“ Amt-Le: day-nun " unyi- 0&- Whom [can w mm his.“ Liv-bk. t'.Ttkd't c1: 800M.“ Annual “a“ m- 'ell',? Loan-00‘- Anithow “no - y, Arrive. in <h (av- laid-u all» - = n Me. “iii 'iLdnttdlt "- Ad"! E3 G m I†COD-I mi. © 2:313? gran iEiiiiii m iv...†I cum L'T= IAI- - E: [:33 HIDE -Iv-1 and " MI