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Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Apr 1875, p. 3

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i by Mouireal tme n:’:m-'-l-s g T A W A, A M EB, nters. i‘;‘.‘i"u;'.'-'n.“',i' e :;L-. w ‘~ arture of Mails. 2A NG EMENT . w6 I MAILS HuUsE D CR PaAPE alve‘, ® #.10 p.m, '-Ia a sup a=sOriIMe n t t es 4 eniin‘t assortment of ND CHIMNE:» us e o ighest is after designs by Seemame Proves ma as suppar 4 it ufactured abrosd «l this establis e richest and most Ns FaAME S,‘ &to ewel ) ner ling stone =â€"very cholce LRY N ESq ai~ of different +0L LSNMITE mage wh hmaker w uie n ns i rday #4 R nb } Youm ULAEAL a "M : the mane + t xtebe®s 5 Lodgat lhe Darn , UUW of tWe 47â€"b wriy Of finest be wil AND during Nq House Keepers! If you desire to get & profitable tea call on Bukervillo&gu. and have them to select for you. If the tea is not pleasing to your taste they will refund the qcooyfo:n:hntywm Their wines, liquors general groceries are of the best brand. UIrzxorrnors (or Piuss) are permanentâ€" ly cured by Mathiou‘s Pile Ointment, or m mey refunded. Prico.lpemudx pots for $5. Sold wholesale retail t c Wingate Chemical Company, lontnz and retail byâ€"all druggists, or will be forâ€" wug:dxt:o anyaddrr;;%nmoiptofpfiu by Dr. E. Mathicu, otre Dame street, lmtnnl. 3742 Rev. Dr. Talmage. m'xr; mlym ~lical and nonâ€"sectarian, ply an _a untphceindnhldo?g-bhlh&m literature. The low rates at which they are sold make them accessible even to Faissz Mopesty.â€"For people to allow disease to become seated upon them rather than consult a physician, or to sufferas many do for years with the different Kinds of piles, without going at once to the drugâ€" w&ai‘wlo'n ;:'o and Humor Cure, which i% an infallible cure.. 3129 schools whose resources are restricted. The publisher, Horatio‘?o.lot Chambers street, New York, will lnm to furnish samples of all the papers full particulars on application. 3800 January Chomas‘ Excelsior Electric Oilâ€"Worth ‘Ten Times its Weight in Gold. Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One bottle has cured bronchitis. Fifty cents‘ worth has cured an old standing cough. It positiveiy cures catarrh, asthma and éroup. Fifty cents‘ worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity a lame back of sight years‘ standing. The followâ€" ing are extracts from a few of the many diff thnhnv:‘M"'::i.fmth_ ifferent parts ich, we thi lhoukicr u‘x,flzimtto Mtba:fi scepti . Collara, of Spart, vrj&c:"SondmlixdomDr.Tm Nlectric Oil. Have sold all I had from you and want more now. Its cures are truly «»mderful." William Maguire, of Frankâ€" Ka, writes: "I have sold all the agent left ; it acts like a charmâ€"it was slow at first, sut takes splendidly now.". H. Cole, of lona, writes: " Please forward six dozen of Thomas‘ Electric Oil, I am run out ; nothing equals it. It is hi ree 4. Bediord, Yhamestilie, wiites :.* Sond + Thamesville, writes : at once a further supply of Electric Oil, I have onlyon,bot&.l:: â€"I never saw anything sell so w 'nmhr.- N-fi-fiaim.”.!‘j.'l'b‘l:m oodâ€" ve en thing takes like it." m&md.m verton, P.Q., writes: "The Electric Oil i# getiing a great reputaiion here, and is 1 table med! 6 .ls . & :: I:"-l.;d?l-tmly and Externally Sazssaru Scuoor Parzzs.â€"The Christian at Work Co., in addition to The Christian at Work, issues also five smaller monthly papers for the Sabbath school and Home, which are handsomely illustrated and are under the editorial _supervision of the Rev. Dr. Talmage. They are evany~lical thing takes like it." Miller & Reed, Ulâ€" mP.Q.,'ritu: "The lhct!::d(ll img a great reputaiion here, is ‘hl!chHor &&m.fwflnriup& without dohy.; Q"lamoyno,.()ibb & % write : * Send us one ?:'ff‘fi:':. Oil. We find it takes Sam Diszases, of whatever nature, are eanrlotely eradicated b&“fln use _ of Fowle‘s Pile and Humour Cure ; its effect is marvellous for Scrofuls, Bn‘t Rheum, Ring W and even Leprosy ; it has proved i: ul; an almost never ht’lln’;nnn. (See special notice.) Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 50 cents. n Tunue si i uki haten on NORTHROP â€"& LYMAN, Toronto, On tario, sole agents for the Dominion. This wellâ€"known medicine is no imposi~ tion, but a.sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and dw ml" c..'.mn, & to the i §A F In alt cases ot N ervous andSpinal Affec fionn,Punmmbk-dl_hh,Ng on siight exertion, Pdrh of Hua:k‘lciy-uflel' and Whites, those Pills :.m t & ou.:dwhcntn other means ve failed although a M umody,dot’:otmhm,nh-d,fl mony, or anything hurtful to the consté tution. i Offices to let in the Victoria Chambers. Apply to R. C. W. McCuaig. 3760 Full directions in the p-fiht-eu‘ each package, which should be carefully Moore Bros., corner of Sparks and O‘Comnor streets, have still a number of cook and heating stoves, which they are selling below cost. . 38304 preserved. _ of the ‘or full partioulars, obtain :;..m.:* hmb street on Satu It is reported we are to have great stirâ€" rings in Sparks street on Saturday, near the west end. 3814 â€" DUIE .esseessrree.... 1.15 &mMy 7.45 p.M. CENTRAL VYERMONT RALILROAD. Leaves Ogdensburg 30 for Boston ..........12.15, 5.30 p.m. Arrives in Ogdens burg from Boston. 8.00 a.m., 1250 p.m. Note.â€"Electricâ€"Select*d and Elec _ going west. .............1.40 p.m.,1.57 a.m Leaves * * _ east. 445 p.m., 4.35am zoxE, WATERTowN, AND DEN®Sâ€" 6 BURG RALLWAY. .fi_. Leaves U; Arrives in o honaroy & Iymen, Tormice One, Leaves Moore Bros, corner of Sparks and Connor streets, are selling counter scales low cout 3804 JOB MOSES FEMALE PIL 8 A lively scene is expected in Sparks _ soud everywnere, Price B ou. _ _ _ _ PERKEY DAVIS a SUN, Sole Proprietors Eravcllers‘ Gunide. a Te MOSE3, XEW YORX, S0LA PROPRIETOR LA WRENCE G.:g oTTAWA RAILâ€" res.....10.45 a.m., 2.00 p.p., 10.45 p. (ves.â€"â€". 7.35 am., 4.10p£;' 7.10 p. CAaNADPA CEXTRAL RAILWAY. §@4...«++»«++««»««««»+10.40, 5.00 p.m Â¥O8 se e«sâ€"se+s«««»« 1. 20 p.m., 740 pin @RANXDP TRUNXK RALLWAY. s Prescott Junction in New York.10.00 p.m. New York.... 6.00 p.m aid on f:’d authority that Saturâ€" be a day to be remembered by i Ottawa, especially those who he west end. We shall see. P A I N â€"K IL L ER BUSINESS NOTICES. reductions still in cook and ves at Moore Bros., corner of 1 O‘Connor streets. Must be : the first of May. 3807 nes ahead in Sparks street on What a 5.“’ we cannot tell eforehan 3814 People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street. rday lens 11 00 a.m 00 p.m 3814 3814 CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" i Managers (Whee wegumny~g of NEW REVISED EDITION, s J' nzu--dm gecds mnm.nn:t.'m@s Remembe: the "fe with Several h gray Sign of the ANVIL, %A Rideau Streest.| me work originally published under the titl B Prie" Aiey bnve) oo iaimere. . _ band. en t w it Wuips, a 1ything in comr d'!mm Queb:6 No. 24 THOS. BIRKETTS. eg leave io call the attention of tha Public to &?&mmgugzmmdplm’ hewin lioe of busin lssnrtneltaf Shelf and Heavy Hardware Oct, 8. 187%. R.JW' n Illustrated estimates gi -! *"" _ *lafind «)« +H» MEADOWB & CO, _ .. Mills‘ Supply Agency ‘ UPAat _ â€" 7 8 TIP ELN ,&m%w;..r{mg& '."co""_' C n. wc& mug . _~Haxieiy stock the litest and best CaaAL STOY ES I _‘*= >»=; 3( N“m ‘R"“ Notices of the Pross. e ey > §= "“; =¢:t-:ow. 7 rast popularity =-i2 e : l:.un free to -:lmhfl Shile Lodianey popthient OF D it posings ty Th P etecriptions /10 â€" HarriIn‘s " Ma oadwesd BaiX® Sacer. eite ahaag y @TTUTS C L/A ue add one P An Exirm of ly, or Bakar be su ppl f of Five Subscribers al $4 0 0 Anf chaser; for § 4 16 m es * Unqu cwome J nists and all others OIL/ interested who have been troubled in the past with s ummed or heeâ€" ted arbors, and journals : nd have been paylog fancy price use Craven‘s Arcticand Engine Oils and so avoids those com plaints for the future. All Oils guranteed and orders solicited; W. J, CRAVEN & Co,, 3.3 '.C«It.hnl-d-.m _A Com 2o# Com pasing"® 2th March 1875 76 Sparks Street. dn Beliing, Flles, Pocking, Files reâ€"cut :&Juâ€"ia‘u‘h‘mm mwafw. Auw&zum uis LIGBT ANY . &o. He guarantees the moâ€"t stylish garment in the clty. A perfect fit or the money refunded. Respectfully requests his friends and customers to ¢all and see his Ottawa, December 21 No. 11 Sparkeâ€"st., Near Russell House. FINE ~AND COARSE â€" HARNEAA CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. fes _ A LARGs S8STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMES GOODS JUST AR&IVING. THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, } mhl‘!v‘m’-l TTAWA A RDW ARE wark 96 the kind in Ahe World." to stupid. prejudices or depraved tastes.â€" H A R D W A RE. HanPER ) NMiGARIN®E ~BDuUUSTRATED. Hardware, &t. CALL AND EX iMLNE STOCK Thos, Lawrence NEW STYLES. Metoalfe‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction in buying their Clothing The retail Clothing Busi« ness so long: carried on by Joseph 1 oto \f» is new transferr % the Firm f JJ} N BMIR I & co Mr. Smitu s «nowledge of the Ready Made Cloth= ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep: the best class of Goods to be had, and to soll at the lowâ€" eit prices possible, will be a. GUARANTEE to Mr. JOAL STOVES ! ‘The Largest and;Best Clothing. on:â€"ThefoNowing are it TERMiS Tnll & LLENT Machin Oi has for the last 12 years been }-dwmmm tacturing establjsbments Sparks Street,soar Bank, 1874 OTICE to Mili* owners, Machiâ€" E@_Lg:'o VES. ‘tn purdlé buil ings Â¥4 HÂ¥y No.24 W eston, most famous and bie features < ory, architenture, and urt as well as the 0 -.-fihl and ; man egr nopnuhnhu; ;.%mu 2 is feley Orst time in the id e tot siva noen of 34 ~ In prepa the t edition fur the press u%mummmm ag down the to the latest pnesible and to furnish an accurate accoun; of the w recent discoveries in science, of every produgtion in literaturé, and of the pewest invenlions in the prastical arts, as well as to succinet and original recard of the progress flfimu historicu} events. work has been begun after long and care= thasty un fat insy naorece sn Spauienel * The great poiltical revolutions of the last deâ€" -b.:lu:unnn-dunn.ofmhpodum have brought into public vieâ€"w a muititude 3 new men, whose uames are in every one‘s mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious w lu'v.lin:-:.nmm Great battles n: es ttaâ€"â€"._el of the day, but which ought now to take their â€" The work has been begun after long and careâ€" with the g;nl-;flvlml-‘n‘:w‘ nul.-“p: ..':.“'E'.'.z'.,..,“-;.g::v.':. Tolitbae 'l-'lln.'-o and mpags as I pw;:‘ Pm m mhe SA famio, en ces position aÂ¥have been suggested by longer exâ€" m:-‘h'um first time in the preseni edition huye been ience and ITAI MIBLONY, most Janmous And M ory, architecture, art as 9%# W& in h:v:{"w on "oonnimolt nablinhers o anousit it To it satet and thorough revision, and 10 issue a new edition * Wain the hst tepâ€"Feers, the of aj ress _ w Bah io Un q‘-m: of mmd.o n: The movement of political affairs has kept nnvl theâ€"discoveries of selecce, aud thei; wfal ton to the industrial aud usefo arts gud toe convenience o refinement of socia} life. Great wars wnd consequent revolutions have occurred, involving natiohal changes of mm‘ ‘n-“.dvll war of our own enuntry, was allts beight when the iast vciame of the old work lpfi"l":t‘h" happily been ende and a new course commeroial and industrial activity has been commenced. _ of Tus New AMERICAN CYCLOPADIA was com eted io 1864 rince wnich time the wide circu E“'-, on which it has attained in all parts of the sovery in every depurtment 0{ knowiedge tm made a new work of reference an :lp-'u:\.: ~ Large scoessions to Our geogtay 3 mvohm made hymmu- ex "E!_"',P.‘..‘m..- ladatatianna®af Â¥halant As. u:ln-d to w}fiu. mm'nz fl Paimerston Builiings, Old Broad street, 0. Londor, England. â€" N.6 â€"Morses boarded and groomed in the most satisiactory manner. A specialty made of The Company will also gladly entertain proâ€" posals from first class firms or incividuals of mmmum%mdmmiduu and:towns throughout tne Dominion. _ | _ Nd‘l‘l(.’lun terms and conditions of the Wilchrist Scholarsbip and the lis. of the subjects for the examination in the year 1875 have Nonnntwrm':'r‘ndyd Educational institutions in the vce, and can also be Mwmnmw&ufi tary‘s Office, ot Buildings, Torouto. J d‘Asphaites, who are now tae Propr lunol'uneuobnlfi Asphaite Im.orflm mont Seyssel, Ain, are now prepared to supply to contractors and others, the procuce of these mines, either in shape of the natural Rock, or in the form of l-u& uum ine vominion of Cunada, at TLX CEV PRICKB. Insane, fi with eonlldeor'hlu diploâ€" mas, s or rom ear reâ€" afi:«l medical luuam &ln{. 000 (a £400 sterling) per annum, with fur apartments, fuei, lignt, water nndnr.prnhhed table for hlul{ Apj tment to e_ effect from 1st July, 1875, f ARCHIBALD MeKELLAR, h avtne S 1. le ol L P es â€" â€" RrOvinolnd Secrgtary, The next examination will be held on the #th day of June, and Candiiates‘. rames and papers must be submitted not later than (h firs; day of May, t Ro VI!II Compagnic Generale des Mincs d‘Asphaites, who are now the Proprieâ€" Office of Provinc al Secretary, ‘Toronto, March 16. 1875. "‘ q 1 Ix THEB CINDERMENTIONED Salmon / Ri ers w‘.ll be LEASED for a term of FIV | YEARS. _ ‘Competition above upset prir named. LRSSIhS to mai tcin uardians at El;v_l.t?‘gon. 4 Appliu:fln wlfi be recti . Forthe position of Medical rintendent of the hnru Asylum, mfi% to becom vacant by the resignation uf Dr. Jo:uph Wurx: All applications accompanied t cartimad inmtlmntinie an in charmoner mad pal. tion; stating age, whether married or unmarâ€" Tok ‘and iorigit ofnervice in an Avyluin jur tiis PROVINCIAL SECRETAR Y‘8 OF F1CE. Toronto, 20tn March, 1875. GILCBRIST lD?sc‘;g. TIONAL TRUST, AP?LlOA‘flO!IB will be received by the Government of the Provinee of Ontario, wduressed to the undersigned, UP TO THE 15thâ€"OF MAY, 1875, From regulacly certified physicians, having had exper hnool,ul the mlu’::mcnt abd N..‘- Asylums for the Insane, Avonzss, order of the Hon. the Minister of Marine oi o Marci 11, 1874 River do do do do do do do do do do do do do to 1st MAY next. €5 1# @oucrHy rert Hlotices PYRIMONT SEYSSEL ASPHALTE PPLETON‘S AMERICAN CYCLOPADiA SALMION ANGLING. «USTOMS NEPARTMENT, Ourwa, March 23, 1825, UTHORIZED DISCOUNT on Awerican . Anyoices until further notice : *3 per cent. J. J UHNSUC *3 | Commissioner of Castoms. wark is said to subsoribers: able ivery of each voiuume. Teowilt r-z .'fi..up, oBrtmvo volumes, each 60n The Victoria Stables '..-"_"ii'v.u""_” Natashquan (North Shore)..... Trinity (near Point des Monts) St. Margaret }q d04) mss eerennn Trout (near Aloigic)................ Mistassini (near Godbout). ...... Becscie, do Malbaie (near Percé) ............. Grand Pabbs, . do ° ............. Little Pabos, . do â€" ............. Tobique (New Brunswick)....... Nashw do seeprhe N. W. Miramichi, do Jnmhr (Anticosti Istand)....... on, do BROWNLEE & CO ARCHIBALD McKELLAR, Becretary atural , and depict the features Of scen« \ «rt as well as the various echanies ‘ and | munuiaciures l nhn.:m- rather vhan no paing ve L@an spared Lo ie excelience; the cost of their W. F. WHITCHER, Commdact of Figheri Ottawa. &T SX ns $ Ti 3+ is believed that aÂ¥ aha \ T e on ts 3700â€"3 aw BGy THMES +~OTHAWA;~â€"WEDNESDAY;APRtHL: 14 18765 ¢ 800 100 100 50 20 20 100 200 100 There are Numerous Tmi NONE IS® GENUINE! En to & NVAE . mnr&humho:” as, Corre= Lett: moy- orto hess in conscciice with the Preas requiring 10be done at the Capital Koug § HE LATEST mvsfl' TE OSYI‘I'EIA.SPW}'A‘M ddun? weak and Mwmfi 10 read and work or A perfeot e rse and comiort ts Protected by letters patent. Bole agent in Otiawa. & 'c- -‘" i)i @9 81 Mo:tar ndm:l:. lna! D, a & j Td&om-. Microscopes, 40, _ m fl“ At ashade over first cost, at Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, In fuct you can »ave lots of money by buying your fret wear at Lamb‘s Clearing Hale wnich will be opened to the public only a short time, us the stock is fast dis mw:. A‘fned opportunity for buying out a good well esâ€" taciished business. ~Fo sonal application to at wids ofueaaue ntoe ** onl #nt Poden A BOOTS & SHOES â€" Bllll NEWS A.G_I!_“o Misses* _ ____._‘"*_ _ at 40 cis. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Boots, at .IJO-‘ And other go>ds at proportionately low prices, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, R 00M S, RUSSELL Carvers & Gilders Boots, Shoes, RUBBERS, &¢., MYRTLE â€"NAVY, b mgss â€" _,..4_\_ «) ~@ March 10, 1875. Childrens‘ Rubbers at 35 cts "RAY‘S SYRUP oF RED BsHOW CASES MADE TO ORDER March 12, 1874. 25 March 10, 178. Caruers & Gilders. Which will be sold CHEAP for Cash ‘â€" only. * RIDEAU STREET, C ruigs CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STREET "EASO NABLE, 85 SPARKS STREET Drug Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. Dealers in Furniture, Beds, Mattrerses. Lookâ€" img +asses, Cornices and Curtains, w60 Snarksâ€"st. Furniture Warerooms, ANCGUS%CcoO. For all Sights Jannary 814. 1875 UST RECEIVED ANXD OPENED OUT, Chemist & Druggist, E. POMXROY, 4 CLATRVOYANT AST EXD PICOTURE â€"FRA ME Opposite Honey‘s New Block. Jan, 11, 1874. for Cougis Moots & Shoes,. WILSON & ORBR, s from 10 a.m. antl 6 May now be LOOKING=â€"GLASS and Aruggists, UNLE*S STAMPED 50 Cases of MANUFACT URKRS stimrimtnre. CAUTION. A CARD. Market. W. E. BROWN, 15 BuSex St.. Ottawa. us sussexâ€"st 8750 M A_ & t N ON, D T MILL MACHINERY OF IV%IY Dmm Stm m BELTING, FILES, ANI lrm SPECIAL IESâ€"Cameron Specia ; J. A. Fay , i f L%W«xm?umfi 7 Anorican Saw Ooy; Frented, B03 4 Po Raopit nhit hi uactaring Calp: Bend for Ciroulars and Catalogues At wl iaa E* O"l(!l AlD w‘mm‘-’ s t uq.ouo’.«oo.umunr‘"m'. m"‘ Oct. 17 1874 & + in x o fil wo ine wepean < 10 SPARKS STREET, OTTAW A. Â¥ Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. OF THE BEST CANALIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE â€"_ Alimited number of bovs will be mdvody,tho Principal as Boarders or Weekly Boarder and, with the view of kee the from im influences, it is strongly recommend thint‘all be entersd ae bay boatiers ko wl Sine o ho o oooee S Soonualy recomn _.. Further particulars can be oblained from the Becretary, J. W. Ho‘mes, Eeq., 74 Victori siroot io winke ail appitoationt io adimicaion muk nemeader‘ s " ~ L0 men MbQ:, 75. Viel â€"__ The School witlopen on MUNDAY, the 12th of APR.L, sad will be carried o% for a few days ncszm,a‘%MMwm?sab&bwmm * *% COOKINC STOVE, |â€" â€"â€" | Galvanised Fron Rootens._". _ â€"_â€"_â€" |l amnsas & Chanda * | C fipaliecmasmarentat Kike +: is 0c cgnliy g TL3 F . °* | | 0 | +i | [ * 0 as: i4 B J Y R ?fl " 2 s #. i6 h oo . > M *g%Ȏw C t V T S t i n 2 e s | TCM CC A LK RL,:~~ ‘!| _ _ â€"~ * w oet. e smeoupy * 0 0| â€"~ 1A o1 io eoo 0 ob peaaigen se Bhioh ~ororg Sellurty +nseuen | .4L old ies boae o P i s l l in e se : â€"â€" _ ~S5ppraVSstRrEEr, . _ |A | ts‘ t j db TTEN pb } yssm : ~~~ 9 r i / yhele . _1 tz ; e o .. wlogtes o e _ y * Pined bue phuUy 10 Atting up Water Hervic is, Sinks, &o:, w w1 _ ~. _ ~2 oi * ‘ § j f§§, Exam®s anp Boirsrs, Nsw anx» Szooxo Haxp Tus Rey. GAVIN LANG. | _ Tes Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. 6 Ts Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. f MASTERS ; ; i PRINCIP AL: » | T. 0. FAWCETT, £SQ., M. a. Late Sâ€"nior Scholer ani Exhibiti oner of Trinity, Hali, Cambridge, Graduate in Mathematical FICE.â€"PRINCIP A L : E. W. BOODLE, ESQ., B. A. Late Scholar and Prizenian of Magdalen Collegs, Oxfordâ€"Graduate in Honors in Classics an HQON, L. 8, HUNTISGT )N, M. P. ~N.J. M GLLIVRAY, E8Q. T. #. TAYLOR, RSQ $Sskeit moxs?n. EsQq. N. mEKCER, ESQ. _ 7‘. WALKER, ESQ. PRESIDENXT ; ANDREW ALLAN, ESsQ > VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; PETER REDPATH, ESQ 4*A GEORGE STEPHEN, ESQ. ©COUNCIL ; i R. B. ANG JA JACK, ESQ. JOHN MoLENNAN tss .. io. t HoX 1O _RUONNROT 1R, i. p. j.':‘._ummv-k"?.’hq.‘ T. u. TAYLOR, ksq, . _ «@7 Ridean Street, Ottawa, (opposite the "Teapot".) .. Ordcrs may be left at MecKean‘s Heal Estate ExcHaiige, Sparks Stree t. ‘The Bubscription Books are now 0 at Soclety‘s Office, Yourk street, north side, neat Sussex street, vpgn_mm By-l:‘:-, qtih:ll otb.g’mbmau:n‘mu be obtained. ~â€" _ The first payme t on Bubscribed Stock will be payable on or before the 4th March next. ~The Office opens dally from 10am. till 5 p.m., and on the first four days of the month from 6 &.m., till 9 p.m., for the purpose of receiving payments by Stockhoilders. | FOR SALE, WHOLESALH AND RRTAIL / NO SMOKE, NO HEAT, NO SMELL, @ perfoct Tredsuté im a familly during the * o en tacrammerere â€" wud" hericr â€"as a vont $Fpot ntore tnan imcerome te one. © York Stre«t, } urth Side, f wa a 200 40 300 _ 7 WLD RMTCN® NC 1Me pubilc generally in the Ottawa district, that this O ave decidâ€"d to continue a Branch Office in fiu City and have leased the large and com A p':’-lfl. ling, recently occupied by Messrs, Angus & Co., xo. 38 Sparks Street, where th stone bul recently oocu; by Messrs, Angus & Co., No. 48 parks Street, where they have oneaby Al Derich meter me minagemert of Mewirh OLOFE and MILL thel newigay: THS, WATER C WILLIAM muu‘glwm: ::1':”"”: JsaAxes ;.sn;nm:m Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street. CLUFF & MILL, ~GENERAL AGENTS. _ . _ : BCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY â€" DEPOT, 3 CANADA Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. spsoz“t.L .NOTICE. « hereby given 1o our patrons and the pubiic generally in the Ottawa district, that this Com: Ottewa, April 6th 1875 Ottawa, February 13th, 1875. MONTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. The "Summer Queen" Master. T. E. BB '%% Bak,.‘hlnlty mbrOmbnd.; lnhw MONS. .év of the University reach in § $ 9. 19y hn t nge m d L pt en Barie hi 3. W. R. H , Esq. c â€"~~aang r n ind Pipa gatrpn use aod Shormand OFÂ¥.C8, DEPOT Plumbing, Gas and Steamm COL.. A. C. DL mwuorg WILLIAM aNuUs, artt MM, Nonn:l)( n':n, Xavier Groulx, . P. H. Chabot, James fl-fln. l "'.' » â€" t 5. Duraghes, mercial Li PLUMBER, GAS & s''rm, SPARKE sTREELET > â€" Improved COAL ‘OIL B4 SUSSE X AaA88I18TANT MASTERS: ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY 6th, 1875. oTTawaA BUILDING SOCIETY. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL, â€" â€" $1000000. Plumbers, &rc. PRESIDENTâ€"M. NazaireGermain; Vicekâ€"PRESIDENTâ€"M. Stanislas Drapeau. Machinery. Zite Assurance. P. B.FERGU S 0 N, 8rd DOOH WEST OÂ¥ BAXH STREET President Modern EXAMINERS ; oTTAW A. PRACTICAL Desmarais and Adam. BUWARD A. GOE&'; JANMES A. BMI1H, A. T. 'PIi_?so’ ON, E xo. oo inne i isQ.* T. u. TAYLOR, RSq. RODOLPHE MATTE, MM. Isaie R Orvier ufl:«' y ? . wW. Mfly, P. C. Auciair, Octave Latremoulile. . H. Archambault ‘ingusiths and| _ A. Chevrier JOHN MoLENNAN, E4Q. Fitting OPENX 10 a. m;, till 4 p. 1. OrFFICE 3818 01 Day «"__ arble, Sooich Granite, or Sanartons, S The neves, dosign in UEM*E "CRY FEACLNG, suitab e for the yarious Comeleris«â€" T8 _~*â€"__â€"_ gest and Bestaslocted asmortment of Monuments, KMHeadstones Obeliaks _ _ _ TUR UATHGaEN®p 7 "(V,,)° & C. FIECOHER & ©O/3, HARDMANX#00,/3, THE sA NOe ; .W. BELL & O0.‘3 * C T oeunatnnece uid achdlont dedl aacne e t rrin mt emen m on se pos in ienieghoanaithnet being amoung tne very best made in America, The reports of the Jiniccs at the Plle e tate in ie Maie snn td torge s in ;mhmm-.n-m Of his receiving a superior 12 ©Vop fully ) fiu""m_"-nâ€"fcm â€" «es For the best FTTTING COATS, â€" _ _ _ _ _ â€" *. _ 30 to CHAS. BRYSON‘S For the best FTMING PANTS, f yÂ¥ 30 to CHA®S. BRYSON‘® For the best FTTIING VESTS Jo to CHA®S. BRYSON®S F1 STCLABS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT a | snmfli"’fififi’fifi‘?fl&?%&”é‘fi'm’ ‘"and Ung For the best FITYING SUITS OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS William ~Queale, LUMBER DEALER, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREXKTS e io e ic daats 1064‘ s in Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds. | Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, West of â€"_~~ England Broadcloths &c.. &¢6. &¢.. S pring Goods. Which he is prepared o ma*s "p in the latest and most furhionable sty1l6». 4 large Lot of Centiemen‘s FURNISEING GOODS. ‘mmw All Goods warranted Shrunk. T°, AFARKS STREET, OTTAW A § D:A:.m in PianoFo UVabinet Organs, â€" e_-.._____,m_.k"i‘? Books, etc., RNDIES, FCR1 AND SHERRY ~WIRE, ciN, Pil'i& &e PUBRKE AND UNAVUme ERATED, for Familly use and Meicinal LONDON _ WRKOLESALE.AND EB ETAIL T CB@;â€"BLa0ns, @sta0tys and JAPANSâ€"Finost Gradow, Coffegogâ€"rsâ€"= ROASTEL), Grgund daily on the promises, at usualiprie THOS. FANCY â€"GROOCR en coopat: Sart, Jelltes "in The T "Tme Trade supplied With &C kinds of Lu ber for Building purposes, MO0 O RE BR O S ESTABIASHED 1984, Direct Importations from the Prodfieu 0T O _( [ [ IM Fren s, Englabd, Holland and Spain, f * ooo raoint s Granes s (oun) Camate e "*** Peipnt Poolornnouninte 4 »octanons bomnl o C anaie se Parveyor to Mis Excollency th® Gove J OS ErÂ¥rai DIM BL EB Y HANEY & FORCIE, AGENT POR mALLOCH & 4DAMS, ARNPRIOR P. A. ©AYLOR, Proprietor Thursday, GRAND SHOW DAY â€" S. Nâ€"KINNON & CO., â€"Gréat Speciality inâ€"â€" Millinery, Mantles, Costumes, &c., ware & Hes re "eited and is openivg out a large siock of Opposite E. McGillivray‘s, Wellington St. GROCMRIES IN GREAT VARIETY : ECadics‘ Care, ry Goods, iirble @orh tto to CHA®S. BRYSON‘S, Croceries, &fg Htbardware. Sunmberers, i"i'T (t i 15th Instant , T TERSON rmor General, Larl Dufferin.) Organettes, 88 OTTAWA, 18744. ; Ormokers 8817

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