18, "bet t iyt* iÂ¥ aÂ¥ A%* e & # w 9 J# *4 #% -mbï¬nmmhmmâ€˜ï¬ ed at an elevation of 200 feet stove the The bell (Kaiser glocke, or Emâ€" m for Cologne Cathedral has _g::(:eut for the third time is Berlin. Its tinal preparation and cooking must have been a tremendous ‘business. ‘The furnace wherein the French gtms of which the bell is made were cooked consumed 200 ewt. of coal, and burned furiously for twelve hours, melting down and artistiâ€" cally stewing 22 tured ‘cannon, somme of which were s.cl?piog of the Louis XIV.hpoï¬:ld,fmd were takddffl: the French royal forces during their pdï¬ in the Palatine. D-em%lfll.d of "mantle," the dimensions of the bell ure as follows: 12 ‘feetiin height, !1 feet in diameter, 34 feet is s 0; its weight‘is 25 tons, its n.u. 16'?":& All the mm?:cuop. Cathedral put together do mm As much as this monster, to ring w 30 men will be required. The insoription is enclosed in a handsome arabesque, above which stands: 8t. Peter, while© it up in the old belfty, under ‘the present one deeply interested in the developâ€" ment of the interest on which so much dmwum-wâ€m, depends, he had a perfect right to point out those advantages; but that any single statement he made would be the slightest num"mmmu reâ€" garded the building of the Mh-.l local or sectional point of view is so maniâ€" fest a misrepresentation that we cannot allow it to pass without contradiction, The letters themselves, if they are taken | in their entirety, and nog in garbled snatches, will scompletely vindicate them from any such iniputation. It would be interesting to M-WL.M[ Wtbo.d-nbpmdlbcm through which the main ling of the Pz cific Railway will pass, and of the 16 sources which these sections. of the Doâ€" minion may happen to possess, as a local work? If so, the whole Pacific Railway stands condemned ; if not, the tr(umont' lpiunhooo&mï¬onoftho(hordn" Bay Branch is valueless. 1f, in order to please La Minerve and those for whom it professes to speak, it would be necessary for the Government , to proceed with the | mtruétimofuyporï¬ondthonflm} where there were no local interests to be | , served, we suggest the ~North Sole as the | t proper place to begin at, if indeed that : muu).mnï¬omu‘ the interests of the seal and whale fishers, | as well as explorers genesally, would not | | be served thereby. We submit, however | difficult it may be for our contemporary P to see the maiter im that light, that the | ; people of Canada are scarcely prepared | ! to pay away large sums of money for the | ‘ construction of a railway through any | , porï¬cnolthoowmrywhlpthlnm,: no local interest« to be served and no reâ€" | i sources to be developed. _ . " of bromevet tw ts t Aihitmntricidiier se s ht itc 2 a 122113200 the shadow of a justific«tion, and which even Lu Minerve does not attempt to justily. .An examination of the facts however superticial, will show how en wrely devoid of truth, and how thoroughly reckless are all those statements. The one point which La AMinerve advances and which we"desire to reply to, is that the letters of "White FPine," and our own prove conclusively that the tk is of a purely local nature, quotations are being made, especially from our correspondent‘s letters, inâ€"support of that position. It is an old trick with the Father of Fibs to prbtequm:ons,mdh'miqn adept who, in this peculiar art, would do credit to his tuition. It is yery true that our own esteemed . correspondent pointed u:t numerous advantages of a local nature which would=sccrue to the Uttawa Valley from the construction of this roud. As a citizen of Ottawa, and. â€"sssertions for/which he never advanced showered upon the Government, and a very .. stramedâ€" â€"«attempt to excite the sectional prejudices of the. people of lhe);rovmog of Quebec against the people of the rrovince of Qutario, on the apeâ€" cious pretext that this Georgian Bay Branch is going to be a great benefit to the latter, while it. wilt bring no advanâ€" tage whatever to the former. This is a repetition of the vegue assertions made by Mir. Massom in the House of Commons ; until the Cathodral shall bo Anighed, the O Stadd, * _ C T2 0 Freosh Fragrant Toa, at +0+., worth 50¢ Chotee Belected do 50¢c. _ do 60e Fxira Cheice . do . 45¢.. deo 63e PFirest in the City, 6d¢. _ de 73¢. Bologna Sausages «t equaily low prices . Breakiust Bacon, t* T % Spiced * aso = T Beiecied Mamas, = * Siiliton Cheose, ** ** Pring and Builier, +* * Auction Saleâ€"ltowe & E lous wiiling, and the most intehse secâ€" malism. It i only wo true that there nothing surprising or ugusual in this, t is nevertheless greatly to be regreited cous Wines, Brandies, Rum, Gin. Ryan‘s New Block, Second Door from â€" ‘CUonnor Street. â€" _ s0eiu New setablis‘ meny ericam Invoivesâ€"J. Johnson MPRE}} #rench organ of the Tory y in ul has been criticising the poli¢y tructing the Georgian B.yF\m;g Pacitic Railway, but in & spirit erised by more. than â€"|usually t rXGnHIGCS. DAY., APRLL 1 8 "Rl C ALS AP s 2 'Ȏ i ve UE GEORG LA N ch :s copiqusly Tmik. acuils. Commons ppos te YAS, 1870 "Since the work was commenced in the mumnofls‘n,ithupmndtdw, with constantly increasing strength, durâ€" No Tich mit mocherery diligence d d wi tb}winw. Nearly a milltion and :-:fl 'O'hrnl. have been spent upon it in that in a hss l "I would merely further that &. hm{ thomi'ntgjahmr- one o * * The work is being vi ly preased, and I have no reason u"m"m the T ues esd oo ies way) by st 1st of :October with rolling zak complete. J : "As to the disparagement of the Northâ€" etn (Colonization Railway, implied by describing it in the article of Monday as a resuscitated schemeâ€"I think that the phrase is not correctly applied to it _ "I sgubmit, therefore, that the Northern Colonization Railway is not a competitive railway with the Grand Trunk in the sense in which the phrase is used in the articles in question; and that neither the fact that through travellers between Montreal and Om.muuh.dhooiliminpldor ence to one which does not spproach within 50 miles of Ottawa, nor the fact that some portion of the traffic of the wostern lakes wouldpnbob:‘.oou- over the Government i.umo Montreal Northern Colonization R&ilway, can be reâ€" mhd as constituting it a competitive ie in any large or reasonable sense. the line of railway which the Northern Colonization forms a section, and from the terminus of the system at French River the Grand Trunk Railway and the Northern Colonisation Kailway, with its connections, will still form two sides of an isoocles trhnt.nch about 380 miles with a * about 180 long, ing the parallel of down the map. _ = _ of junction at Prescott, 56 miles from the Northern Colonization Station at Hull. You will perceive, therefore, that practiâ€" cally the Grand Trunk and Northern Colonization Railways form two sides of an isoceles &rhn‘l‘e,with a base 56 miles long, the sides being of nearly the same lengthâ€"namely, from 112 to 116 miles hn&;.;ndit is not more correct to speak of as competing lines than it would be to call two railways eocapodn‘lhu which run from London to Liverpool and to Hull respectively. " l " The line of the Grand Trunk Railway follows the general course : of the St. Lawâ€" rence, and as a distance from Montreal of about 112 miles it reaches Prescott, a pdnt“mih.MOthCity,bmm- nected with it by the Prescott and Otta rivl uce biacg ) alg sdigr > ny,lntn‘ncofln!mum' of the scheme of the Dominion Government any further effort will be confined to the seoâ€" tion which mxbo to obtain a connection with the lines subsidized by that Government, extending from the Ottamwa Valley, near Renfrew, to the terâ€" minus of the Cansadian Pacific Railway, and thence to French River, on Georgian elr being the foot of the navigation of the Upper Ottaws. | The. company the to conâ€" tinue its line to M and to a junction with the ian Pacific Railâ€" Bay *The projest which the com is carrying gut qmmd Amiqy nit (nhick plape hiee thul::lrd“l to which p ies wi to Ottawa as does with regard to London proper), and the extension of this line sevren miles further, to Aylmer, that «32 Lomb::’,SlmgAprfl 1. t *# Bix,â€"I regret to from portions 0 the| money articles of the Times of this ing and of M. M:&nm ists some misa; ion with respect to lmdp orthern Colonization Rai ,mdlr to ask the insertion of my view of i position. ward; while the Canada Central is fully :gudtoautho}ndowutudmth,md ere are no passengers to . The 100,000 odd of Mont.l::i have liui; busiâ€" ness in Ottaws or in north, and hgve ab t sccommodation for travelling in yothordinoï¬oninwhich'.h:&’mt to Let Sir Hugh Allan build his railway by all means, but with Canadian y." country to the north is empty of people; lomomthnen:llr no;m«f,in the south the line has, or will have, to compete with the other more direct routes between the| capital md{lon&ml. Such is u;q Canadian mania for railway building. It would have te compete in the bulk of the Ottawa, the St. Lawrence, one existâ€" ing railway, the Ottawa & Presoott eastâ€" of the United Shtez where what trade the district has chiefly lies at Prescott, by which the lumber traffic, aimost the only carrying trade there is, can be better conducted tlunit.oouldbo‘fln Northern Colonization by way of real, where the Grand Trunk has a kz over the : St. Lawrence, but where it would have none. There is no busiâ€" ness, then, between the two termini worth competing for; but possibly there is some on the route thatâ€" might be capable of keeping a line alive. . We should much like to know where? The of the great scheme invoiving the construction of the Canadian Lacific and thé * North shore lune,‘ the latter being in | direct competition with the Grapd Trunk Railway,the past struggles of whith ought to prevent enthusiasm. . We fl: however, no motive to defend that way from competition; if people think that where one K:e. not pay, iwo may, we can have no objection. Qur purpose is limpx;o point out to the Engï¬nh public that this renawed effort to get money (it was first heard of in 1872) for those railâ€" wuys ought to meet with no encourageâ€" ment «here. _ Taki the hical position as laid dowl:%y Sir ï¬ngh Allan, what are the facts warranting the supâ€" position that such a railway as his can hgyo to be worked with a chance of profit for, say, the next twenty years ? â€" 1t runs between Ottawa and Monâ€" theal, the former city being the Dominion capital, with a population of some 25,000, and as much out of the region of business as Washi mn. There is already 9 rail; way to itl:mmh a more ulous equaâ€" try and in direct wnnctm&cvu of the United States. where what trade lecter, because uence we cou of the enterp and still OOIISQ The criticisms L referred t« leiter concerning the scueme Allan and the ~orthern Colo« way, have nov assumed a in shape, in that Sir itugh has, pavagraph in the Times, writ journal defending . the _ sc Times of to day says : â€" "We are glad io pull‘sh t 11 CANADAA AFHA‘8$ The Norther:s Co:onizaâ€" tion Railway. . The Graad Trua THE NEWFPOL THE BR1 LETTER he Northern Colonization Raiiâ€" ov assumed a imore tangible at Sir iHugh has, in reply to a n the Times, written to that ending â€" the scheme. ‘The @r olonization _ | allwa) admitt@d, a sectior A MERICA heaps > MINING COMâ€" Great Western Ap es with n x former sir HMugh ALI L A NL land; Hon. Alexander Campbell; Toronto; w:’m Shanley, lcn?:ï¬u'l;o- C. Keefer, Ottawa; John Durham, 31 Great 8t. Helens, London, ; and Joseph Iob-â€"‘mi-bc Bt. Law dor the ¢m~n~| m%-m« elova~ tors for the business Of elevating wheat, RBrevet, To be Major : Captain John Juapmon' a o Cak ca’:&% wa;(owuil\’ .;dn.Z'q;uuqs Henry Gorâ€" man (former & w Tth 1 or, &Vm Fieihfimtery, as a special _ The Byâ€"laws of the Montreal Harbour the late aitiing of Parliament are uilso published. lhea K * . t o ¢ “::‘n‘mu Canada _ The â€" fo _are the Militia Orders \n’lpoctlnu::?lwhoodm:â€" â€"_To be &ymuhr for Military District No. 4, from 3rd April, 1875 :â€"Major David Wylie, from Regimental Division, Town of Brockville, Reserve Militia, vice Lieut. Colonel Duncan McDougall, deâ€" T4th Battalion "The London Light ho Comgeay â€" (GK SEAm AFa) on in ‘8» ) oxâ€" oophdm’fumbo-do“mud- ing to " in the m;&g tain and r Duncan McMillan, to by have the have the Hon. renk of Major. _ _‘ â€" y h wau'mhahhm. 0. elland. 9°3m B. Mm tish Columbia, Gentleman, to be Harbour Master, for the Port of Nanaimo, in the *A copy dn.tflï¬onmu&bctm the British Government and Swins Confederation is published. _ â€" _ â€" J h McoAiman, of Hopewell Hill, in lhoogzntyo(ub“ in the Province of New Brunswigk, Gc-fl-u:I to be Harâ€" bour Master, for the Port of Harvey, in “3338.&:.,« Nanaimo, in the Dis e trict of Nanaimo, in the Province of Briâ€" James Macdonald, of the Port ‘of St. Peters Bay. in the County of Kings, in the Province of Prince Edaward Island, genâ€" tleman, to be Harbour: Master for the Port of St. Peters Bay, in the said Proâ€" Alexander Halloran, of Port Souris, in tlhe County of Kings, in the Province of Pnnmlt{wud Island, gentleman, to be Hubwrlnt«ï¬rtho?oï¬offlourh,in the said Province. sion are ** oaoageraey oo A number of &‘" lawe enmoted during His the GovernorGeneral has been [euo'd;.bn.kotbofollowin‘ in g=l > o Rounid SMdmopasd Grand River, in the County of Kings, Prince Ed Mbiobohrbonrm ter: for the port of Grand River, in the quired for, and the firsts and seconds have risen 2 each, and the thirds and ordinary shares $ each. Great Western dCcnnd.ahnuhurrï¬oip.udhï¬n improvement, and are j better. DKP. OPF THE SBCRETARY OF sTATBR OF + CANADA, the latterl vnill‘do-pu-wn." o Grand e y pre i Trunk preference bonds have been enâ€" E. Hamilton, whose resignation is hereâ€" The general meeting of the sharehold ers was held on Tuesday, at the London Tavern ; Mr. T. W. I, Mackean,"in the chair. Th report stated tbsm or-y- ing all mu, d;duom rebate of inâ€" terest on not making proâ€" vision for bed and ‘:;ub‘!ul debts, the balance at the credit of profit and loss resolution to that effect ingly. stormy discussion, . d upon, and a gupluï¬m&oï¬hnmdpupo:'woold- The meeting of the Company was subâ€" ne_ql(xigntly holsdt‘o confirm the moum'b g: winding up, and was presided over Alexander ‘Malet, the Chairman of the Ooc:}»ny. The ruolu%an for the winding up of the Company was, after a rather day, for the pur of selting â€" aside the appointment of liquidators agreed upon at the former ting, and for the nomination o‘ a Mr. Wm. J. White in their stead ; and a resolution was passed at the preparatory ux:.’l_n; to that effact. slated thal tha sales ior TLe past year amounted to £7,5d;, sterllog, representâ€" ing 12,112 mwores at 1!s. 5§il. per acre, or <s. d}d. above the estimated value. ‘The Directors recommended a payment to the proprietors of £1 ror share, and also a further payment of £1. 10s. Ucd. per share, as a return of . capital The report, after some discussion, was agreed to. NEWFOUENDLAND WINTNG colraNy. A special meeting of the company took place ai the Ugnnon st. Ho ei, on Weiâ€" nesday Inst &# confirm a râ€" solution for the voluntary @ipding up of this underâ€" taking. â€" A Mr. Merriman, a solicitor, on tï¬o part of a sharehbolder, called a preparatory meeting on the same uon luuiway, . The .np.essm@am here is that Sir Hugh has i0 concond Wikth a vevy pousserlui come ginaiion 0. influemeses. ije has an arrsy oi invesiors degply interssced in ai o her Canadian railway enterprises against him, and he has also at the bead and fion. the Grand Junk Railway, who have always declared thei: infention of opposing every Canadian railway enterprise which mas not theiy approval. . ihe annual _ meeting of proprieâ€" torâ€" in the Britishâ€" American Land «he _ annual _ meeting _ of proprieâ€" ~â€" _ in the â€" British American Land mpany _ was held on Wednesday ieneral â€" Awexander, governor of the upany, in the chair. _ 1he report ted that tha sales for e past year T nen BAME OF BRIT(SH OOLUMBIA GiNADLAN MaAJLWAYS. ANADA GAZETTE. ho trea un , as a special GH ALLa®, r.uerh ColQniza THE TIMES : OTTAWA, MONDAY, APRTIL, 19, 1878 ) 80 .0 n you G aes anee reio i en Socee who call at M“WBleâ€# nifieent satook of room . 16 ‘% sideayt tlatk t on taper n sece Estaeten these to the e fitting up “Mb-w& m t us n es on t 0 oi Wt ie dhipr n +1 } bor mt W ed, nor is ‘the general ‘execution and finishing of the work deficient, but the engraving, the review continues, #is overâ€" m-d:'t'&~mtou-d-ï¬-in- distinct and difficult of refarence, the first trount ahiat . is Tevien the s wot tional atlas." nvbwmnguy,.ng considerable ‘deliberation, f; . to be a statement * falsely and calumniously reâ€" ting that th.uwnwundhhlm mm, for the purpose, of Maï¬oombflo,hmdum of A. Keith J tonu-fluwh_iohm4 not the work of A. Kelth Johnston th ‘MQA.umM&M %butolpo::um lkllhdil-:kh;'u‘ atlas, to injury, damage of . the pm‘::? and o%;’wsudu damages to the amount of" under the supervision ‘of Mr." Keith Johnom,lhoyou:‘&p-dhufmht the reviewer was in error dn this point. But the amount of danages awarded for the somewhat ‘curiously censure, of reference, the "first esseritial of an , nh.m h }n“l‘ e ‘u:l,mm we all.ought to m“&’._ Mall Gazette. at ol MDC olA.aï¬Jc not the work es person: atlas, to the of | the purst damages to t] g;inunorï¬o secundus ‘of that name, the son is no longer ‘connected with the house established by hhhu'al'?r, the merits of which he was nowfl to sustain, but is gone to seek his e in Faragaay." â€" No material errors ‘or omis sions were imputed to the atlas ‘so far a known portions of the globe are concern Oal norus® r the defenders. The liboleo:pm.&â€o{ was contained in a Tilse resently publoiied 6; the puivhers recen: house, and ‘K;h wh&n‘h% as showing "unmistakeable signs ‘of > absence of that true 1 scumen which uvlnmu © justly “&n‘;'& th ‘of l.r". e name ‘of A, Johnstom, is the work neither of the Te® Pusits or Crrriomx.â€"An ml- ant action for libel just been in the Edin ofAt-ion, in which Mr. Thomas Johnaston, ‘of the well known firm of W. & a K. .fo::*n&n, geographers, was pursuer, e proprietors and ‘publishers® of the Athe to tom 8 ways be kept by the family as.a burial place, wiï¬h&nn.htofmytoih_porhh The whï¬n&mh.dnto it is the hallway livery horses. The bodies of Arden‘s $wo servants, one a negro and the other an Irishman, who saved. the life of his master in the Revolution, lie with his w o hoits, through hebeous Howignd, the mt heirs, through Rebecca ‘the living heir of Jacob ‘J. Ardeh. The the prosecution depen:lei, fell dead in thoomrt.mmin.lï¬t,nulhh wife reâ€" fused to carry the suit. further, and the other claimants were not able to press the case,. Then it rested for yearss ~ >â€" ers of the land, and employed Col. Aaron Burr as their uwmoy?héol.- Burr was confident of success, but 'hin oï¬oru}vg ï¬m as one. of <the â€"heirs, g:nn, upon wb:e enervy :und 'Qlal prosecution depen:le.i, fell dead the court room inlpï¬t,uul his wife reâ€" in defiance of the oo.dmcmo{ptho i was of course not: satisfactory to the rela tives of Jacob J, Arden, and they took steps to recover their lands. They instiâ€" tuted a suit in 1825 against the purchasâ€" Dr. Arden died about 1824 and ‘his mother ‘:.yur later, leaving to ‘her‘ m family remnant of the mer she had not sold or murtgs:t\. ?oth‘ widew of her son she lefi not a shilling. ere. Sho‘hommm&iwv art :;l’ï¬o pnparz,:; Jacob A:}:t mt omm o oi nee in and Roosevelt foreclosed and took possesâ€" sion of the land." Judge Roosevelt had & d“hauso‘hontho property at the time ofhia _ Then Mrs. Jacob J. Arden, regardless of the stipulstions of thowï¬l,bopnw sell the lauds at prices that attracteg ready mETD CHTC ©UM I9%, VHUDU i. ADCOHE 4115 will provided that the property should always be held by the Arden family, and whxbhummdmmtgermltudto use it.during: their lives, &m deâ€" barred from selling it, and in the event of &m’.hbsw?&wthdmmm» was to fallâ€"to John Summers, a nephew of the testator. Dr. Arden married, and Mr. Bummers: thinking that <his chances of inheriting the estate were slight, ‘sold: out his prospactive title to Dr. Arden for < Mr. Arden â€"died in 1801 leaving a wife and one son, Dr. Jacob 8. Arden. His Work for Two Generations of Lawyors and Perhaps ferâ€"a Third. In the rear yard of a large livery stable in Thirteenth street, near University place, in a deep, sunken stone yault, lies the body of Jacob J. Arden, once a prosâ€" perous {{niokerb;:ker J:rnwr. 3\ plain stone slal guu t on the Â¥xvun , upon; which thg, th and litter of the stable have accumulated, is all that marks his grave. His farm extended from what is now Fourth avenue noar:‘y; to â€" Sixth ayenue. and from| Eleventhâ€"street : to Fourteenth street. (He had also pastures between the modern; boundaries of: Sixth and KEighth avenues| and . Thirtyâ€"first and Thirty third m-oed and .owned . othér roperty . on . Manhattan .Island. *‘ His. b.{:omuund stood d’l‘ï¬hirmmh lt::::,, tween Broadway niversity until .about.. forty ;nom ago, when ?twu torn dowr | k . The Mn{ Traffic Returns for the month of February, show a failing off from last year, on the Great Western and Grand ‘Trunk roads, in the former inâ€" stance of $128,372, and in the latter $110,135. t i. Lawrence imevaiing, Sioring and Fow ward.ng Company," with a total ‘capital stock of one hund:ed thousand doiias ddvided into five vhousanrd shares of ‘wenty collars each. __. Amoag new Posi Offices established on the 1st of April, are: Des Cienes, Co. Carleten, Waiuer Harmer, P. M. ; Daw on, Usgoode, Co. Russell, John McEvoy, P. M., and â€" Maniwaki, Co. Ottawa, John Campâ€" bell, P: NP 1t ol clat * w iArlage . i as. alo esa‘d, tbhe reception and stomge and other produace, goo cuandize and efdects, and or ownin, or leasing or i ing sailirg or steam ve. burges, wharves, trucks asud othes property â€" required currying ~ on _ scel WANTED $80,000,000 ADul , aod sw the Luilding or | living or Claicuâ€" n vessels, tugs and m !s, engines, jeiâ€", ro‘l.as slock or o ner lor ing purpore ol slevaciag, si> ing, arwar ting 0 business ie name o. © The ing, Seoring and Fowâ€" with a total ‘capital ed thousand doilas vhousard shares of &. te£ ,%!4%'}'; 1-" '.’Mtinmc:) of?i:i" % "Nu us Condiment *%“gnumd Cattie," Thore ard Numeroua Imitations ‘"*Liebig‘s Liquid NONE IS ~GENUINE! Doruer.orconornad Spoheine and Uintriet MYRTLE NAVY, ioi o 10 . L Lrler Gaimer parenmcine :é'f&'o'n.-mbn the best kept in stook ,d-oim )Jil and LampGoods wholesale and Romaulta® PCO 444 Brctcnannl ib tys Amey wrepmistaniii mds A \Goo : Mï¬n&gï¬%a selling at ’mlm.&mu otels supplied at speâ€" %mo and insnact hafire nmrahasin« Tap ols m Â¥ "3:00'-'0! m?u-au' . Androw Birook vars renal n moe hy notlh o5 Gnney in W solicited, for all kinds of Stoasâ€" P HOTOGRAPHE R hyas Giasses on Poun nosn 129 ols Â¥. FOUR FACZ. Pamphiet of 100 â€'u iled Free. Send your adrtress us ed Visi i Overwarkted yee to cure Woenk, Watery, ]..‘ Nearâ€"Sighted Eyes, and all other Disâ€" AND ANATOMY of the BY E 81 G H T. . Telly hew to Restore Impatr A Gem worth Reading!â€"A Diamond worth Beeing! SAVE YOUR HB?I s o e ie Te April 6th 1875, ali andare fawnmad was °l ECC ET ali orders favored me, making this department Christian Madsonâ€"I guarantee satisfaction to March 25, 1875, Uhina, Crockery, Glassware, Karthenware, thle':rnmm to my ofl'll’lllllll for MWWM respeotâ€" {glvnmmdï¬:fem hvm;roouv.dmyflpfln( FANCY AND STAPLE GREY CO1ITON FROM SIX CENTS > AND UPWARDS, E*‘ 28T OLAYS Hair Dressor employed. Ladâ€" ie:‘Cow »ings done up in First Class m and on the Shortest Notioe. _ st MaADAXE CoLLI®, lately arrived from Paris. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Under the, Management of a HEAP SPRING GOODS. FIRST CLASS CUVTTER ‘Mathewmar New Bulldi We 25 Blrooi, betwesk Durferin bridge ‘and FIRSTâ€"CLASS MILLINER, Latest Hovelties for the Season, . T i B Eds is GiB, to 0 pos save O CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Dress Goods, Silk, Ribbon, and Tweed, pertiseines senp time. " Wls i mrthiatt: iw24v AND CUNEBERLAND STSs. UST RECEIVED, a large Lot of SPRING 1875. _ and Butter Powder." CHAS. STEPHENSON & Co.. 806â€"1 m . M. ty **"." Seorge SC oob Gentre 55. SIGN Ot THE MAPLE LEAF, HAY & OATsS FOR SALE. L JAMES ASHFIELD, Duke Street, Chaudiere, Filiscellaneous. New Farliamentary: Toneorial m wï¬l‘l your orders, and en inâ€" < FAULKNEER. Call and see, at MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Being complete with the J A R V I S, 69, SPARKS STREET. E. GENDREAUS e Ju Hair Uantting. READ! READ! Under the management of a (LATE JARVIS & ARLRSS.) UNLE*B STAMPED W holesale Jobbers, Fajsotté‘s Block, Wellington Rtreet, 2lry Goods. CcaUuTION. uce ssor to Charges Moderate. vBE THE BUSSEX STREET PE Y â€" 6 0:0 D 8. PARLOUR OTTA W A Yeast Cakes J i&4M ~PROIDUCE P »un. V 4b GUERARD BRO8. is now open. CoRX 0 FELXD S10°& RATTEY & Co., waya on hand to suilt all B OFâ€"â€" TAYLOR, D. MeLarnon, v ai.:nded to, 10e wi.. be pai it ITMâ€"â€" Near Eigin Street. #14â€"1y ciron ; Reoqiaier pubding, ectt Battnos Ten Prizes §100) . Y /.. s ~..0 1 MHorse and Buggy, with Silverâ€"m $5,000 Each i Two Prizes g1,.080 ) _ To be distripated to 1~ Dâ€".8IN4/8 March 22, 1875 AA s will be hihmwrnttma;.m Ravertized * "Tate af Reto is Palere eee ineteniety and *‘ FDLETORAI â€"ooer ndsan Hail * Awumâ€â€˜&nl:‘"ï¬â€œ!ï¬-‘-w;; Teoteâ€"J. w. hi i l Am%#flm‘* k 1 216t. â€"Extensl{ of ® mmâ€"m"‘mlx -.-a Aprilâ€"Real Retateâ€"Primrose Hi‘l. . _ _ _ _ To be drawn IFT ENTERPRISE, which will be advertised in dus time. n D ETE METIRITS SECECERE® dise and Farm m undertaken an d ‘ managed as uâ€"ual. «i~""s To purchasers at our Sales A4 form them "(hae opRt, "o l0R We bog weave to inâ€" Ploted with Foreian Manufponiers n0H 00 pleted with Foreign for ‘he Aale Sm.‘?"_;%mygmuf Spric â€"-â€"-â€"“, â€"-â€"mv;u-a "2F ~unnle We ': also suggest to those proposing to E‘-.:‘!!.e.-e'!'efl-m of the same would entrusted to the new firm will be discharged to the e o e iss o 5 AUCTION SALES : Tn subscriber in this <his mne Card, es . aat y â€" for the coming season, wou U Co=Partnership with MR.JACOB ERRATT, Ottawa, April 5tu, 1875, .. . . : * COs HATS! HATS! HATS! SIGNOF THE RED HAT HATS, ENGLISH AND AMERIEAN HATS ! Approaching: Spring Sates ! ‘To those contemplatingâ€"a S1le by Anction of LATEST NOVELTY | Hatters & F urriers. 56 SPARKSST, , | _ Opposite the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 1876, % I Gift Enterprises. An early call solicited. | . No. 83. RIDEAU STREET, H. HODGES, $ 60,000..0 0 ! ENGLISH RUBBER COATS. **** AETEAS Pon terer® **" Filteon Oases PUBLIC NOTICE. IN VALUABLE GIFTsS, F O R 18 7 5. ANLY & OO., Kochestor, N «w U L §â€"T Eâ€"B so that a suitable day could be deâ€" WATERPROOF All New Styles Goods during the coming Received DEVLIN‘S 1Tind Reguâ€" Y ork For Bale~A Phosphate nf iime, Apalite, Mino ME onmi mtz cunromore aod us siok feln e ob l a ty .â€"â€" i amecteriht moy tope s Peereent en m ce merite FISH 1 ~FISH! ~FISH ! 3817 :.u' * Ti Hou, P caigee 0009 Ottawn, Fou. 2 75b MINERALS ; PEPSINEâ€"The As altested by reports from Medicai ha usmf.ï¬_m %PP__& and the general condition 0 Morson‘s ° Effectual Remedies CONSU MPTIONM, V‘@na 143 NEW nonm..wlnc:l, _w: Anpeinenl ooo e onr ns aat trore g:;uum-. very amusing for Bal and mmel‘s Violet, Rosé, Leat, Hice, and othe "'i?ï¬.‘i‘:"‘l‘.':-_.fl liberal allowance to shirpers prmialta fiencwasladld C C0 EC CIIE: PE EO uisite fragrance. .'alnnd; Lavender . Water, distilled t "p mmmmmm nelebrated for its u » Rimmel‘s Extract of Lime Juice and Te m ntiimnleg 9 * * Ruowuews cworce eerrunes. Athe Worki. munel Â¥anda, B ‘ona Ln:“fleg “&;‘% Otber pertum s o‘ * Mnoama Rtmniaaap . n S3 _ 2U0WADCé 10 shippers. Eugene Perfamer |to H.RK.H. the w':ï¬â€˜b ied onnh oo Sy 1P 96 attand, 138 Regent Bireot, mag cmame + + +) n & 1s warranted : all .-:"n’: the & s Io se en mcb acges ind 24 Cornhiil, " London whone Pn and n e SAVORY & MOORE, mmel‘s Glycerine, NE BOX OF CLARKE®® B i1 PILLS Hoid in Boities by the Manufacturers, UST SUCCESSEH U L. MICM KDiRB L;l Sreatic Emulsion and ‘Pancreatine. . â€" | by Chemlists® ‘and throughout the world. BROW NLEEâ€"&00 Mhommuime t Hil%y ~" Suy SHpunal in atrength, Mons a Som have g.' Bold A CA MI for Asthma, Bronchitis &6 vio C memedics. Belt‘s Htock _ OF OH a R6GH = Seiromddred oo PH INMAN, Shat from Tc ,w-n'al &\ 1 Wilheen Oi Boap, ‘perfumed with Honey, yasw: | BIGN WI Road, Brightor e Dro iss sn4 nd are < d M .. ... C Ne ul ps n “"‘:E;W"qi & | _ ____ POSTPAGEH ETAMPB _‘ T0 "5 E nuld «. ihie> «buak " qg*- a 1eg Zhutler<en :b sent e Matier i h altRap Slookn: Jeweitery and gg t e : FINE: ART BRONZES AND &’.‘:‘ ‘of the‘rie he most accomplished arge® ts mm_ y and City lfl.â€"lum West End Establishmentsâ€"4 « and $0 Westbourne Grove, umï¬, " MERCHAKTS, ED PP KHH aais ~ per ie Temen uomm e es (eoP ho anen L out 1 om the largest siock in the 1 4 PRUNEA C VANSI}LQ'IDOM.‘a.H flfl! .I ï¬:mu:m.. fl 8. ~WINTER ~\EEANG udn naiment4 =p».. _ Just receiyed, a magnificen: [A feaaiite i WRITEL..HuUSKE D08RA POR, PAINTER. PAPRAâ€" . mMQ* 30â€"SPAMMR 975 tignte iL or turough -:-'-z: Arrival and Departure ‘of | §$ 2R Ebrigtbastaite :pnl id 2 ' al-jg L _-Vr'“‘,;'qi{-'. Fag:rmaie gAnveaorvrthe Watchmaker : ! Ail Mails are clos i miputes faster thas T OFFICE OTTAWA, 20, 1474 iedidc is mB ) BERs ifffadt t o n Â¥Se88s2 28 € * Merchaints, S E5 Junr. zn nicr‘s,. Je C «b ; : adyat aippers and and Jewelly N /A drou®t "156 baok of eight gho ' (esea remedy y eoft ot Bow 7 °V pamted TOF en zwï¬hâ€"- croup. m schools wi The publi iull particuis Greater ‘re heating stov Sparks and most Swatont mm.‘:{ mm > eupcr Sapparn Bc :3"’.2'& RHSk we be under the e Rev. Dr. ‘Tai and have th tea is not pl refund the â€" are of the be M.fls warded to by Dr. K. east side { April G¢ ly ouredâ€" by Shoes from which is an rrrdy ~ of piies, wit Ring Worn proved itsel (Bee special tters that ambual -dh-t O‘Conmor a are selling Bold by «l A fow C commer 0 T Apply to $1 Arrives min Canp Leaves Arrives in Fause M Loaves Leaves Leavesâ€" Arrives PERE Y w lagint 12th Apr Leaves. Arrives s wel wb al be su Bofi CA BR