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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Apr 1875, p. 1

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\Il.\l-.‘ URNITURE KOUSE IN DE R. ss of JAUYS. rIM ER, INDING E8TABâ€" AUGHTEN‘3 D Manufacturer, ET, OTTAW A. ing, Numbering ON & CO’S., RKS STREET nnon & NK STANp uriains on Hand. BisasD & CO, hib n pateripe M rgoag . inders May & €o., -':?‘N‘&-w-.hvfi the «tiention of w ork d â€" wire mll_# a Sm Nt , Ottawn ENTRAL HaA: ctor , Ott a W it iL W A \ U RHRLWUVE M. McKaAay Hotel. Rys.. 1.0€ P. M ng printed headlings STR & k me for dinne 4& i tntiouetg k Traies % = and the twr Comsicn» ~scs ptions from 2 serien c vilio nusKQ® ink . Kxpress imwin at 7.40 Ar %e & pPrescolk tawa nualkes mit . Ex prost ng [urector. allways* «ville. ~ Dufferip AN#in ge 19« thom, C l“n CEX . Cditiong â€", 7. 40 p.Gc .« $.00 p.44 Jy P M AL b natr c c «. @ MB d m Ww â€" * 7 "*Olgh, ::l p h hey -m es y 8,00 p.0® S j N ow Fixnoforte, on an 1874 ILK. Ihs s hig mernting CO. public 3818 M 0d in Oured $3 the 3ig per TR ‘¢ Bankers and Stock Brokers, Montreal, . Dealoer in Greent Commercial ~ pa in all parts terest a lowed on OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liveryooi, Londonderry and a lasgow . .. bonro‘ of the largest, {umt :f.'f sules world, Vesseis wili be despatehed a 63, SPARKSâ€"ST., OTTAW A. w. H. CHALKER, «â€"« _ «â€"__ Manager K BEbT GRAMAM & % «Popriet KAP GIBBS & COURSOLLE, 8t FyN0 LET â€" €4,0thate nginize . itior n passage certifica &-fl. lseland or N in Guiada or t Uickets are not used the @ simall deduction.} L . opuy U ~"n Uekew snd i0 iLVC #ep vo ® 100 Or® Particulars free WCA NDLN A V I A N HIBERN EK a N ... HAI.?.\'H%N.. & PERUVIA 8 â€" R\" GLASGOW, _ LIV akPJOL, _ BELFAST, ¢% or l'go&n&pul)lm + A BINBSâ€" & $90â€"Curreney. «elurD teke is ut reduces rm e.:.’ Rhriin . > >4% / ~ Sbnand COMPANY‘S UFFIG&S: 7 Bowling wreen, PRUSS I A N POL Y N E A BJ N M \" M Patents of Invention, New York, or their Agents. _ _ â€" GOULDTRRITE & MUSuRUVE, Ottaws, 10 LET â€"N OND BROTHERS, LILAN LINE insurance and Real Esiate agent. RTHUR F. COTTON, M retiring from the pract @ARD â€" WANTED.â€"A bedroom INT s RM EDL AT i STEED VW ... P ATENTS. ONALD M. GRANT, TORE and Dwelling to let Glasgow Line Musiness E; A ..B3I0N _ OTEL, Provincial Lard Surveyor and Draughtsman. F Favourite route r:;r Aout.h‘u. ‘messe approuch to Greai takn. P‘.m »ccommodalion unsurpassed AT sb Oc lmruu-.: UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMKRS A BLN D. BROW N p ELP WANTED 3. 1874 Wa July 2 i87s 2+ oRK POR ALL LAVERS WANTED â€"Tw \ NTED. â€"We w ANCHOHK LINE. ul Saturday froum _ NE w vuua AND <1AsGUW btcamslups. (TRADE MARKS REGISTERED) RATES OÂ¥ PASSAGE, $ ogst | â€" STEKRAGE Iltk STEAMER» ob THE Business that will Pay D0 Jt RATE« OF PASSAGE MBankers. Banker, Montreal 8 20 ‘\:: Mired All and from WEKOM PORTLAND From NEKW YyRK to 54 _ O TTA W Box FROM QUEBEC sOL4CITORS OF m me le pos Hotcls. rchased it H M pay M liscountea.. Co » Dominion and ( vi D. W, COW ARD & CO Agents, 17, Spmriknest. King se Avenne oney invested in Nrstâ€" 7 «od 8 per cect inâ€" ed avd carried on # wrest at lowest current former R er Ma ATHAM «& o! East W W. R. THISTLE ce of my profession, ner Assistans, . Mr. s and Kecords of ity, and have muct Ont or ie <ireuds Cua i lowos. rates from wl. to any rallway staies, [When P «Lurned, less XO. 3824 VUALALLL. 0t very informatior R M ari is and Checks, â€"â€" Colections n‘s Hardware 3819â€"tf FORGIE. 37 9â€"om bsOâ€"Nea w iÂ¥ ibove BHost 1 Boats tree 3784 Â¥7080 y 3n w k ‘et. 24th rd April .. Geerg $86 m Lhe dee r A in see Sdlct w PP May $61 Ma y Hid k, dat Mav M 3824 $25 Ad Day (iticoâ€"Spactsâ€"s.. Couste Town. igh Officeâ€" at his residevce, Irmw.t.. Centre Town Unneers cured without the uâ€"e of the knife, by a new but certain, speedy and aimost es provess. Nefereuce given to partics a _|_ Netary Publicand Advocate, _ > th 3 operccu ar o dace is Jhe Village 1 Bui Province of :.ueâ€"ec, for ibe transaction ./ all Notarim) and Legx. business, either io the ravinee of 3“"" _ i‘ntario, Special car iveil to the collect 0OR oi »ccounts in both Proâ€" !nCes, Hall, Oct, 24 187s. S# Tllo.u P. FORAN, â€" Advocate, Solicitor, &c. Momwopathic Physician, Surgeen and bg P® Accoucheur. rovess. Nelerence gi }-lhy treated llrl'.oqmra DI. TUPPER may be o.:nlh:d profes« mionuit; at his resldenc», Metc=le »trre!, i0ws¢ tormeriy occupied by the ton, P. Mitâ€" cns i. 8817« ly sirtet, dul Barristers, Attorneys, Selicig@rs, Conâ€" veyancers, &¢., _ FHVAILLON & CHRYSLER, Barristers and Atur-o;--.ul..w. Soljet» tors in Cha weery, Notaries, &0« In P. A. EGLi&SON & Co.‘s old stand, No. 62 Ku s..-x fflm-t. wiun m fuid and wel: mamorte. wlock of « ancy Trowserimgs, Uoatings Neduch, l-:nflun and Canadiao T weeds, Nnom: \ estings, Doesikins , Bromdeioths, Venétiaus, Tricobs, and a complete assortment of Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Conâ€" veyancers, Notaries, &c., &c., Mileoâ€"ueli‘s Block, opposte Russeil House. 4 .. W acks@®. | R.CAssiz1«,Jr. | P. PENNOC K July 21, 1874 _ is McLzop Uet. 17, Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., VTTAWA,; ONT. w MARSHAL MATHESON, + Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &c. Oiticoâ€"Master in Chancery Cha mbers, Co Hiwae. ‘tinwa, Caneda,. Barrister, Q‘.-'t/{..(‘el'. d Sol citor in Chancery. Uiliceâ€"â€" .vppmng the â€" Russell ouse, over Gibson‘s tonfec T3 | | gei~ Mouey to lend ui Real . y Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &c.. Bg. beil‘s Block. Elginâ€"st. HoNBLE. is, W . SOUTT, q. C. MCLroD STEWART. J. J. GORMULLY,. M« &ld suce â€" Albert Street, . vice bours f o jo i1 ®, Is., aud 4t i p m, Specia. atiengon lyon o diseuseu a= . displacements ©_ the lerus, _ 17 > _ The late.t Noveities in _ _ WINDSOR SC&RES, TIE=~, BRAUKS, HO8Iâ€" lonx experieuce in New York, and in ion with tue tw of 1. A. Egieson & Oo., r®, logethsr with the fact that 1 employ but firstâ€"class work men ; I can, with even than usual confidence, sollcit a large share of puble putronage. F P. J, KGLi@BON. AprH 21 3824â€"lnm _ Barristers, Attorneys, citors, f Conveyancers, & $ Mosgrove‘s Building Rideau st., Oltawa. Box . Jo» O‘Coxmor, Q.C. _ G. J. 0‘Donzety Dec. 4, 184. Peter Comrie, Osgoode................... $ 42 10 John MeKéown, Sm reile essares ......‘fl. W . J, Musogue, _ (+ â€".........../...//..‘" 100 Geo, chamberialn & A, W . Blow......... 31 86 {vu;. |wuj-n:'rno-.0wan... :2 I'e‘u-r Crevert u..l) 100 00 NOTES PAYABLE TO ALEX, McEKWAN, OR ORDAR, Ira and A. Anmhl-‘ West Winchoster. . â€".$83 0 lluben.uo.mnr,ll-m................"gfl J in RoOWAn, O8§0000........»14+.......... 12900 ‘VAI.KEI. CASSELS & PENNOCK, Victoria Buildi It is sufflcient to stite that beil nized as. ‘he leadiug Cutier in the ‘Uoml_:_:ll nd trom ROOMS, RUSSELL HOUSE. DiREcroR®s : James M«cl.aren, Keq., President. Unarles .:t‘“ E»q., Vlce-l’re-ldml. U. T. tm lbnt.unun. 1. & Uhurch, M.P.t. wobert . Biaekburn, Kxq., M.P., I-'r‘-unr. Esq., Hon. | George BEryson, Allan Pb reatot MB :104A recmmmc h â€" I)l. BUKRRO WS8,0.1.L.0.P.8.L.0., M.C P.8.0., o. luste MowiU University, Montreal Surg ...;):m‘:mrm and Durham â€"avairy, -x ssociate Coroner N. and D. Ufice and Residence:â€"(Corner ot Hugh and Physician, Surgeon and A QiTT..WA, |OnT: JiÂ¥10k "H. Prx Reb. 5. June wiulee Uver Mr. B. Huckeli‘s Flour Store, ter o. ~usses «i4 Yorkâ€"streel Oll@awa . taw» Sonth â€"ide of Rideauâ€"st.,near Gloucest /s Consuit«tOn® at all bousy, NOTES PAYARLR To MESSRS. FROST & WooD, z OR ORDER. 1CoTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, 10. 1} 3t. J»imes + Lreet ‘ept. 2, JN7:3: The uudersigned ‘miug the pubiic UANIEL U‘CoNxoR. Nept. 9, 1574. | W. W. WARD, + Buarrister, Attorney, Solicitors, &¢., JHaimk Hiatites. ‘BANK OF OTTAWA. Usyoode, April 25th 1875. avings‘ Department. April 21 1878, The Public are b x wiug notes, whict ; + cdue, whd this is t ir hasing the same ty TAILORING arnd Aibertâ€"sus. laws, OCt 24¢ 1874, INHEY, CHRISTIE & MHILL, R. LOGAN, R. J. P. LYNN, E. 0. C. WOOD, R. J. D. R. MACDONELI ‘CONNOR & O‘DOHERTY, R. POMROY, CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN 114275 4Hediucal Cards. CONNOR & HoGG, & Oftice : L oria Buildi Opposite Wester: Block of hm-o-t Buildings. GENTLEMEN‘S kURNISHINGS, ARCHAMBAULT, Merchant . ‘Tailor. Oflicial Assignee. { UTPA w a, County oi C ILLIAM MOSGROVE, C. W. MacCUAIG, irs froo 10 w. n.. uhtli 6 p.a Legal Cards. M Just Received, JAS. BUCHANAN, â€" y now be eunsulted in nis ERY, GLOV es Blook, siideau Stree s igel, Oblawia T. J; Cunustr®. i his Office, dervec 6i c"Cor 74 rm of Lewis & reb . eantinnad tiat the folâ€" h nave gune #mis<ing, are to caution all parties against bas 6 y re in inâ€" hiime ‘So Tias Cpoped i afes ESTABLISHMENT, ATRICK RoBERTson Uashier. ALRX, Mo® WAN os. beaundin‘s, Main & H . CR Y Silis TDt MeO NR iA D 4401 62â€"R ouds= 6100 $27â€"ly P. Hruz they.) 244 3766â€"tf 263uy Commencing at wieven o‘ciock, at the residence of E. MIALu,, Teq., Deputy Commisstoner ot inlaud Revenue, ‘Omuor street, near Murin. The furniture is good, and wl be sold without Uata.gaes will be ready on Monday, 19th, and oan be had by calling ~t the office of the subscriber, und a, the hou»s on the day of sale. : J. BERMINGHAM, Very fine toned 7} ©otave, Rosewood case Piavo, mude by Heinizman expressly Tor Lady Lisear, fAinest quality Brussels (Curpets, ms good as new, Pie: Giass,Chandteliers, with .\nw-u:tvo Spring, marbie top tables, handsome dra s‘l:f reom suit« in ‘green and gold re';;r. arm ersy on :irs with springs in seat and back,hand â€" come gliss ront recretary book case, carved gldebo : is glass biack. fancy ‘nlaid thbles, winâ€" cow .. n(-ln‘!l.chmmm and photographs, sliverâ€" v . cat giiss, china, Brussels stair carpet baw..~ bedâ€"room carpets, B ‘W. bedâ€"room 8~ ~, wing wardrobes, »handsome bedâ€"room chusa, bureaus, glasses, mattresses, &c., «c The above sale will take rlace on Rt. Hon Sir J. A. Macdonald, K.C.B., WEDAESDAY, THE 22nd INST., leserve HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS Monday, the 26th day of April, wot V edA‘y. zfldl). sord altMleverro‘ciock. . De |ivery will commence immediately »fter the sale, ind it is respectfully reqested that all p irâ€" c will be removed aionce. Terms Cash on Dglivery. *\% J. BERMINGTAM, J. 6. B.urinot, Esq., Richmond Road, Auction Sale of Valuable Household Furniture, Com \M% in part, handsome oval mirror,sof â€" oonnz.'ch rs, and easy chair in green and gold reypy rien window cornices with erimson «14 g-ml fringe, . russe s und mmh:‘:rlubvslu.- ble carved cenutre table, carved table, exâ€" teniou «dining table, giit tables, gilt and walmâ€"ut brackets, recretary +ook case, dlul.l:r room chairs in crimson and damssk, h chairs v.ce. Among he bed room furniture wi)t be found un elegant cham ber suite in Freach walâ€" nut with marble slabs, ail as «ood as no w. hayâ€" ing been ree: ntly purchaseaefor $220. 1 wxm*inâ€" atrucud by J. u. Bsurinot E8q4, who is uboct removing io his country cOVA@, to sell at bis resent residenc~, ‘Richmand lic-l, on Saturâ€" gu.iu*hl si,, a_ two 0el9ck, a Iunpnruon of his valuablâ€" | ousebold frirulture, there wll be no »~mall or trifling urticies offered at this sale, intendiug pu:cha®ers wiilâ€"not have An‘y time ‘o wat, as the s.le of vhe valuable funiâ€" ture wiil comuience ar 20‘clock sharp. ___ _ n hurâ€"dsy. the 22nd inst, t woo. e‘.&bmldln; on Lot No 9, North George Street, theâ€"buildings on Lot No. 10 YorkE'mv, the goper y being for the extei . sion the Byâ€"Ward market, the buildings must| be removed before 15th of May. ‘ihe hous< on George Street is composed of very mrgn&m sound timbers, weli morticed, 1nd b with iron, so that it may be removed complete, if vee ssary. Terms Cash. J. BERMING HAM, BY J. BERMINGHAM. On Saturday, 24th Inst., goid fringe, . russe s and mmhq“:rlukvslu.- ble carved cenutre table, carved table, exâ€" teniou «dining table, giit tables, gilt and walmut brackets, recretary +ook case, dlnlur room chbairs in «rimson and damssk, hall chairs and hall stand, various statuettes, marble ciock, several ch ice chromo |‘tho.raphs, Parâ€" ian and other v ses, o.1¢l0*h, com stove drom and plping. a v«luable stone China dinuer sur Remember the day, SATURDAY, 2ith inst. Al: gouds to be semuved the same dâ€"y if possl« bie, und paic for on delivery. * + So ___ J, BERMiNGHAM, Auctioneer. Catalogue Auction Sale PublicAuction of dwposo diat yuist ed 1o the hiswry o tapacse one xo 19 Amons the varied collection m i1 be offer‘ d, the whole of which can.not be, mor- llgld h|n th.:: .dwrr:l;omem. bat catal 'm,&f which can u on @pplication lound Versadah Ornamenits an~ Rasy Uhairs, i. all Stands, Mats and Carpet Drawing Roonn‘ B. W . Qval Cenite Table, 6. W. Fancy om'g,c Tablc, 6. W. gvok \ use, B. W. Couch! B. ‘W. Card Table, B.W. Work Table, Orimson un B. W Chairs, Whatnots in <lack and G< Brackets in White and Gold, Brusse‘s Osrpe:a rien in d sign m-d‘rn.tem. Is. W . Mahogany a Oak Chairs, Oil Paintings, Side Boacs, marble top, Dinner and Ten Kets, Double Dinver Net: of 132 _peces, Fancy Tem and Coffee Set in Gre enâ€" and Gold, splendid . Dssser: Serylee ‘Atiich anâ€" Varied wurtains and Cornices, Rings, « te, Glassware . in endless variety, compris ing (Cham agne, Sherry, Claret and Ales, in th tee dtflhrenl.rmeru and in complete sets, Cuth 3ry of every description, Croc: ery in endless vai ieâ€" mdtha contents of a well«apportioned Nurse 1y, room Sets with Carpeus, w-.mnmdu lirâ€" rors and Bureaus oompleu, Beds and hA the contents of the servants‘ Rooms, with 1 ne yard, garden. snd‘stable Imp.ements, _ _ _ _ The subscribor has received instructions t sell ) the premds28, «t 12 c‘clpek, noor, sbarp Household _ Furniture, Corner of RIDEAU and CHAPEJ, 8TS , ~ The whole to t l;e-â€"u-fi without reserve, as 1 he hon, gentleman is shortly to take up bis rc l dence in Toronto, 1ivtke i S PP _ RBaleso commence at Haifâ€"past Ten o‘clo ek sharp. ‘Termscasb. J § Rowe & Erratt, | Ottawa, April 16th, 1875 hnese Trees: being raised in Lower Can ..I preferable |ou:lom Amertcan N.:E ries, gwfialywcllmm i -uptdzunnl ‘winters of this district.. w{:.....pu-m:ou--pfi- tion 10 ! Wm now reau ree cel ordet II.FI“ k: ..% '6’““ You l.lflm ~ ts TREES, SHRUBS, &c. Rich black Si.ks, Prints, Lustres, &c. lfl,m(u E> etory |Cottons + F Cambric Handkerchiefs, Shawis. Goid and silver Watches, Rings, &c. .u'o!lur‘ol every deseription, Foreign Merebundise, &c. Private Sales during the diy at Auction m fees Auguste Dupuis, Esq., ofvhe #ol kuown o râ€"eries at St, mmm Provines of Quebec, has. esâ€" tabler eC y LoqenQy IN OTTAW8, For the supply of Fruit Troes and Ornamenta Messrs, KOWE & ERRATT have been fuâ€" voured with Instructions from the Ottawa, April 14th, 1875 April 20th 1876 YERY IMPORTANT SALE Apfil, 19th 1875. J zlt\" Household Furniture, â€" ouagasdver ie a * wa lu.w' Auction Sales, | aUCTION sAibr | April Tth. o sell by Public Auetion, the v hole of his [.ll‘l'll AUCTION TOâ€"NIGHT a nd tweive iollâ€"wing nights ar seven o‘cio PC wE3 â€" AUCTION ROOMS, «RIDE .U ~ Ir. Kew Noring bry â€"« cods!1 Jas. Bermingham. RKET EXTENSION o be sold at Public Auction, April 13, 138. by J. BERMINGHAM At his Residence, on the BERMINGHAM. At the residence of OF BY ON BY Auctioncers Aucdioneer, Auctioneer. 3824 Auctioneer 5 &c 6e es 4 e ASK JRLEA «& PERRINS 8AUVOR «nd to see that their uames are upon £40 WrSP~ %â€"» "J’»:?:'m w :c:n.“- naving_been ::nzan:: ‘mmm‘mwwug vrtr and labeis of whi*D 4 names of Dea Shd Porrins have been furged., L hamen J m S t notJce that they have -lll': k mnhnuvmh power of attorney :-' Cm& .nd.\% ld“. ." £ w, l on g Sofieor [ ~uy which rIight may be 1 9 : damot"*" /; 4\sk for LEA & PERRINS! m-‘-" r reau '::‘n. Name on W » meobas . _ berte endbebpet ( L an cnierhot 4 © Whoigs ie and for Export uy ind plopfistomm d OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY. AP!â€"â€" 21, 1875 ranteed, Also, a weduetion on m;u’ taking 10 be. or upwards â€" :4 reancuion on 0. 1 Labrador l:lormxrrom 650 ofts. to $1.00 ueoonil: t qguanut\, of No, % Liabrador Herring, reduc» tion of $1.25 cer boi., dry Codâ€"fisn, Course sall in large bags, @ize ‘Bait, 230 lbs, per bag, G004 Wesiarn Apples andt <mions, also on hand ; ao 0: which »reweliltg at a reduction for CAsH. tare qcsllg 2.3 CIM08, cut ginss ware, in decanâ€" ters, tum blers, \vln:.' «6., ‘El'cu'o plated 'lul table cutlecy in fl"""" furks, epoons, Ha) oll.eloth, 1wo hall eoai stoves, buse burners, ball lamp«, halliable, &o., b w bedsteads, bureaux and glasses, tables and chairs, spring and bair mattrasses, blankets, sheets‘ and quilts, bedâ€" room mm window blinds, bedroom delf, &¢., cooking e and utensils, one set of dish covers, ¢ro@iery, kitchen utensils, &0. HIGH WINES, PROOF AND RYE From T JP \WE andersigned informs his friendsand the l . _ public genernily that ne Inml'uum trom bit . hrother, wusee Bolivard OUharlebols, the ‘44 10« of @roceries. oomoto(?ggoka Datbouâ€" ki : St , wiko the stock, coruer :hmll‘m- Stx.. where he will continueto do all in p o:ei to gl::n his mwn?.n'.- (ble for ‘all t] 10 de: ummmmhmm «ue to ther e establizhments. c JO8SEKPH OVLIDE CHARLEBOIS. Wil! sell at their Ronins, on Saturday the 17th , & iarge consignment of CROCKERY AND MISUCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES. Are offeri General G ‘ ucuonn:t. veustimily :TH bue\ mechsaw 2 e e ETY TE EaEe b w chairs, one mautle mairror, â€" everal pairs of fancy China yâ€"ses, periour ormamen two sets of wincow curtrins. three ;i" carâ€". pets, b w extension dising inble, aix b w cane sent chairs, b w sideboard, lounge sofa, side table, wool carpet, ¢oloured ‘dinner gervice, tea and coffee set, china, cut «lass ware, in decanâ€" ters, tum blers,â€" wines, w6., ‘El'cu'o plated 'lul table cutlecy in knives, forks, spoons, &c., Ha) TOBACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE, OUne English cottage piang seven and aâ€"half oclave, armost naw. m:::flmu‘n.m cAmson. mp?,bwoenhnhble. pair h»ndsome b w fiar\ I::)‘le-, one bw;‘rook_'ng chair, two fancy Carpets, Oilâ€"cloth, New and fecond Hand Chairs, Iame.‘.. Whatnots, String Beds, linsses, Wool Beds, Gold and Rosewood Man« tel Mirrors, Chamber Toilet Sets, Tumblers, and a ; Tuesday, April 27th ‘75, HOUSEHOLD â€"GOODS, Household Fiurniture, Very Fine Seven and aâ€"half Octave Cotâ€" tage Piano, Onrpots. &¢. MARIA STREET W&'fifilâ€".‘m ‘Tins, Brasse«, and ng Krives, and all motais. Wor Mechunics Reintors Photaraphort, Norwich kgg Powder, STAROH, RICE, RAISINS, CURRAXTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and FIROOMS, also, For inuking all kinds o( C@Akes WITHOUT AMuGS. 4 & make room for their pring Stock. 4 5 ibs. of sound. Ten for $1.60, value guaâ€" J. M. ROSS & Co. Worcestershire Sauce! W orcester ; Crosse and Biac &o ., &c,, and by Grocers and MPORTANT SALE CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD The success of th: s del.clons 234 “"I‘_ valediCondiment b‘:"lv caused cor -“w. tor thek on nieries cormporadn, tne $eeen, n bereby informed that st16 0 aly 6 n® LAz AUCTION SALE Baskerville & Bros., Furniture received up to Saturday morning, B@~Sale at 250‘clock sharp.â€" ~ General Assortment It ; surpasses every thing foâ€" Windows, pain P sw CC Dusuaa. m PHlbs‘.yundoni‘nod have b“F instructed Sole Agents for Ontario. THE ONLY GOOD SA1UCE. OoUSEK EEP ERS, 4o be had of all Grocers. For your Houseâ€"cleani all means hdmrcmri%.flm luu:dmm Jn Saturday ?,ltg‘nonu, at 2 o‘clock HOUSEKHOLD FURNITURE, to commence at 12 o‘clock, sharp. > ROWE & ERRATT, LEA & PERRINS‘ Celebrated a Muction Sales. No Distillery, SOLD LOW BASKERVILLE â€" To sell at his Residence Deciared by conr olsseurn to be $ A P 0 L1 0, «_ DICKINSON. 36, Ridiau St., Ottawa, H. J. WEEKES &00., A UCTIONEER®, U YAECUTS, J. M. ROSS & OO., Heneys‘ Biock, Sparks St TERMS CASH NOTICE. THRE POLLOWING â€"OF USEFULâ€" A CAT d it [E Worts Celebrated & bave furnished swer of attorpey toâ€" 3y=" B! dm digy</ ce uh t itipToaire: ind univer» Auctioncers. $784â€"1 y Loxpox, April 20.â€"Lue Mark Lane Exâ€" press, in its weekly review, says of wheat : " There have been layger arrivals and in better condition without the market beâ€" ing shaken, although heaviness yet reâ€" mains. Some markets note hetter prices, but not sufficient to influence London quotationsf‘ ; Erie Canal Survey. . AuBANY, N.Y., April 20.â€" "he following is the President‘s resolution adopted by the Senate last night: Resolved, if the Senate concur, that the State Engineer and Surveyor ‘shail cause to be made beâ€" fore the water is let into the Erie Câ€"nal & survey of the general .conditior« of the canal, and its capacity to hold 1111 seven feéet of water; to r%port the ‘resuls of such surveying, if possible, to the Legislature, and to state at what place and for what distance such canal has not the full depth of seven feet, and the probable cost in order to give that deptfi throughout the entire length. Tam O‘Shanter, third. _ R f Liberal Elected. t Loxnox, April 20.â€"Sir George Campâ€" bfl Liberal, has been clected member of P t from Kirkealdv. Loxpox, April 20.â€"At the Epsom Spring lieeting to day Dalham was the winner of the handicap ; Freeman, 2nd ; Loxpox, April 20.â€"Dr Kenealy ed in the Guildhall justice room“?op;:; in response to a summons issued at the instantce of Mr. Wright,. editor of the Advertiser, charging him with libil. The room was filled ‘with friends of tre docâ€" tor, and a large crowd was in the street. After hearing,the summons was dismissed. The result was greeted with tremendous cheering by the people in the room,which was caught up by those outside. Kencaly was escorted from the building by thouâ€" sands of people. C * Paris, April 20â€" She funcral of the sgeronauts who lost their lives in the balâ€" loon Zenith took place to«lay, and was attended by many emineot men in the gcientific world. M. Lamot{ representa; tive of the . Smithsonian Institute at Washington, imnade a speech tendering the homage of that institution to the martyrs of science. Paris, April 20.â€"A «.«el took place yesâ€" terday between Maggalio, editor of the Union, and Rogat, editor of Le Pays. The weapons used were swords. Both combatants were wounded. New York, April 28.â€"A messenger of the Architectural ITron Works; while reâ€" wmi:;from the bank with $3,500, inâ€" tended for payment of employees, was robbed in a street car yeater&sy. YESTERD Midnight Despatches. Arsaxy, April 20.â€"Mr. Eaton, Superinâ€" tendent of the new Capitol, has informed the Senate Capitol Investigating Commitâ€" tee that with two and a half :fil:'wn dolâ€" lars he will be able to put a on the building in two years. and that the Legisâ€" lature could go into its chambers in three years. He could say how much money xtmldnflnmnish the b'tildih as that would be determined by the -ty%e of finish. He said he could bring a force to lay stone as fast as 600 men Id _ cut it, and added that he was well ed with the masonry practised in all parts of the work. , | Secretary Delano‘s Resignazion; Nzw York April 20.â€"A Washington special says in regard to the Secretary Delano that several times within the last few months reports have hed the President that Jno: Dehn& of the Becretary and Chief Clerk e Departâ€" ment, and several of his intimate associâ€" ates have been engaged in questionable transactions. These were apparently explinaed, but finally a written record of these ogentions was laid befm: the Presiâ€" dent, clearly involving the Secretary‘s son, and of such a character ‘that the President regarded the head of the Deâ€" mnont ws so seriously compromised | he felt obliged to ask forchis resignaâ€" Mansiaughter. _ | PuitapEurH1a, April w.â€"flrewin Ebe and Ho:x Dugan, teamsters, quarrelled toâ€"day, Ebe dealt Dugan a blow on the head with a piece of iron, from which At.ANTA, April 20,â€"The iron factory of the Chattancoga County C was burned on Saturday. â€"Loss 31&),000. Three hundred and fifty men are thrown out of work. | Sale of Centennial lt‘Ll Nsw Yortk, April 20.â€"â€"T Exgmn Companies of the United States have made an agreement with the omovernor, under which their agents are authorized and requested to sell the stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. | Strike of Dpendvq’. A general strike of the lathers‘ took place this morning. The{ are striking for the vn{- they received last summer and eight hours a day _ This morning the hod carriers of Brooklyn went on a strike, in consequence of which the bricklayers and masons are out of e%loymont. ‘The hodâ€"carriers wan# $2.50 for eight hours‘ work, while the masons had previously agreed to work ten hours. Canal Enlargement. _ â€" Wasumoro®, April 20.â€"In the evening session of the Senate the President preâ€" sented a resolution adopted by the he died. ted ‘ a resolution adopted . by the e on March 31st, 1875, requestâ€" ingf th islature to amend chapter 299 of of 1874, making an appro pri for te enlargement of the Chamâ€" plain Canal and for the construction of new work on, and extraordingry repairs of, canals of this State, so as to authorize the â€" Auditor ~to pay ~out ‘of : said appropriation â€" ~so | much as â€" shall be necessary . to â€" pay â€" for the completion â€"of : the locks, not exceeding o aeiorn ty necessary to for en t ment work at Whiuhl:.l.l{ nc t oxooodl‘l‘; .llu_ll)‘nd also thatâ€"vertical walls may be built in the mof mflb wherâ€" ever the Canal may it for the best interest of the State. . New Yorr, A rilZ).â€"-Amongtbop.r Jay, late United States Minister at Vienâ€" ma, and Col. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte. BY T EGRAPH. _ casavian intelcleEnce Distinguished Passengers Ovation to Dr. Kenealy. i# Aeropamts‘ | ‘tneral UNITED STATAS The A41bany Capitol GREAT BRITAIN. The dirain Aavicog. Messenger Robbed. UNITED STATES. Factory Burned Epsom Races, FRANCF 10 ESPATCHES. | uél Complimentary Entertainmentâ€"A HBoy Missing Religious Ceremoniesâ€"The Small Pox. £ Stock market this merning quiet and slightly wemker, In the leading lines there was nothing done, the 5elmnd havin» been exhausted yesterday..Jacques Cartier, 98, closing ut 9'9 to 98; itoyal Canadian, 98, closing at 974 to 98; Telsâ€" graph, 174, closing at 174 to 174}; Molâ€" son‘s, 115, closing at 115 to 115k. Sales at the afternoon Board: Montreal, 192 to 192}; exâ€"dividend, 186; Telegraph, 173§. An entertainment to Lord Dufferin is bflnmg.nuod. It has not yet been deci whether it will be a ball or a dinâ€" ner. ‘The committee, appointed at & meeting held yesterday, meet to day to decide and make the necessary arrangeâ€" A boy named John O-.m;hi aged uine years, who left his home at halfâ€"past eifi:: {:urdny morning to go to -chcl)iol, 8 n missing up to ~last night. He was last seen in the vicinity of the river. _ | Trials of contested elections for East and West Toronto, were set Jdown yesterâ€" dx in Osgeode Hall, to take place on the 6th of May. It is likely that both seats will be voiâ€"l, so that it will be possible to holdâ€"elections for divisions of the wcity on one day. E, A. Panet was married by Archbishop Taschereau to Marie Lobis, wur of Mr. Sioux, of the People‘s The happy couple left for Ottawa by this A circular letter from the Archbishop was read in all the churches at high mass on Sunday, oerdering public prayers for the cessation of the smaliâ€"pox, now so mdont' through the intervention of Le e Sainte Anne. For this purpose a +olemn mass will be surig at the shrine of ?:.“ Anne D:u.guu on 'l‘hurubl:y morn next ; magses will also be sung at the same time in all the . churches of the Diocese, at which the faithful of theé reâ€" spective parishes invited to assist. The bodyâ€"of a male infant was found on '.lr Grand ‘runk Railway track, near the Al 0rlum, yesterday. An inquest wis be held toâ€"day. ‘;: is crime of infanticide is getting fearfully prevalent. | The ice on the river shoved 10 or 12 feet on Sunday afternoon. wharf at Long Point was moved ab ut five feet by the force of the ice. Un Naturday last the body of .nIL:In- known elderly man was found near Dixie and Bush. No means of identification was to be found, and the body was greatly deâ€" cayed. > The "Shaughrawn," produced at Morti son‘s Opera House last night, was a great success. ‘The sceneiy and mechanical effects were very creditable, and it will run all the week, & P The libel suit of McDougall against Carson, of the Markham Eeonomist, for libel in rerublinhing a~ article charging McDougall, M. C. Cameron and others cw.iltih fraud in the Silver Islet affair, w.:; ed this mornigg, but was post till the Summer !wm, to allow tg:n atâ€" tendance of Sibley and True, witnesses for the defen ce. Marriedâ€" Dropped Dead â€"Ice Movingâ€" Bad Result of a Practical Jokeâ€"A Humpty : Dampty Accidentâ€"Burg» laryâ€"Lawless Procecdings. | Haxmturox, April 20. A few nights ago a little girl named Carson was made the victim of a cruel joke. A lail blackened his face, rmd wrapping a sheet about him, stood in such .;xifionthn&hegirl had to pass him, when . suddenly he ..ipu.rod, and she was so terrified that she fell into a fit, and since the night of the occurrence has had a succession of them. There is a mania in the city for building public hails. ‘The Canadian Institute and the York Pioneers each had a meeting esterday, to consider the advisability of iuil_din‘gja.llst Thirtyâ€"eight Icel nders arrived yester day from Portland. â€" They go to Musqueâ€" _The weather :s 1ory cold, with & stro: west wind. ; Petitions are in circulation in :« apeé Breton, ‘fiuying that the Local Govern ment will not grans imineral lands to any Company that will build a railway to Petisionsâ€"Icelandersâ€" Suit against the City Mr. Jennel brought an action against the city yesterday to compel them to pay for his property, which the City Council at one nmo}med @ resolution to build the City upon, out afterwards reâ€" scinded the verdict in favour of the deâ€" fendants. /‘ drunk on Saturday night, quarrelled with his employer, W. A.m'f:y’lor, and struck him>a terrible blow :‘om the head with On Saturday night as Humpty Dumpty mboing‘zl:yodu St. James Hall, the dress of G Wray, one of the fairies of the pimme ignited. Mons. Niblo, ohe clown, with great presence of mind, wrapped the lady up in some cloths, and extinguished the Lmu Yesterday morning an attempt . was made I:{ burfhrl to break into the house of A. t. Dally. Mrs. Dally heard .the noise, and awakened her husband. Beâ€" fta? he got down stairs the burglars made 0 Un Saturday evening the cottage of Mary Carry, an old. coloured woman, livâ€" ing on the kounuin, was entered by two ‘#on who searched the house for money, and not finding any, used the old woman very roughly. s Edward and William Campbell, aged respectively twenty five and sixteen, were drowned on Sunday, in lng)owwn River, about half a mile above the Falls, while attempting to secure a deer which wâ€"s swimming across the river. â€" The bark eanoe‘ they were in was upset, and both were drowned. Murderous Assault on a White Man by a stick. Taylor lies in a very precarious _ GCimts _ A coloured barber named Barber, while Two Persatl Drowned. MONTREAL. (By Telegraph.) HaLiIF AX. TOG RNCGATO RCSSEA .. QUVEBE C. HAKVii_TON. MoxtrEar, April 19 Haurax, April 20, QusBEC, April 20 Rosseav, April 20 Foroxto, April 20. Dessoex, April 20 Wirxgssâ€"I believed when 1 wrote the letter that Tilton had originally made the charges in good faith. In convereation prior to Feb., 1871, Tilton said he did not want the difficully in his family made public. 1 understond at the time I wrote this letter that Tilton did not wish me to visizhiahm.aibut from what source I l mabe: han lnhe poir oo jue mihing. af t io writi thi-i‘-orbofi forbidden m%n‘ his house. In my letters to M‘s. Tilton, whei . referred to not living many days,it was in u.uln thoughts of sudden death from apoplexy were in my mind, as I was ill then, and not ther I had thoughts of taking my own life. « I thought there was great danger of Mrs. Tilton being die-‘ honoured in the public mind if the story of this diflculti::’rlrdohown. I then . thought that ilton had gradually come into feeling of affection for me, and an outbreak of it in the family and it becoming known had shattered her mind. ljudmherwbo a very guilty and ed on her wiflxm made no â€" allusion to it in myâ€"letter o! February 7, because I wanted to win her over to Moulton‘s influence, and not to vindicate myself by any means. I had an interview with Tilton at his house on the first part of February, 1871. Iâ€"went to his house in the morning.â€" Mrs. Tilton was not present. Tilton sent for me, and Xlumgfmhinthootfiut. It was a eonvuis'iu,th:.dfir:.pu-td M": about Bowen, great wrong «Bowen) had done him.hflouidbobu the sions cast on hi npu&a?' not only E; Bowen, but on account of his being removed. from Both papers. His wish, ‘as he expressedâ€" it, was to how _ that he was not guilty of kuo charges. I do not recall that oh:r of . improper â€" proposals were all edtoonthstoomiol:a, at that time he said stories circulated abount him were t.h&:eof’tnodw lt:l:ow withh'-il.i% who went about country doi wrhofthinpforwhiqhhmmbd. Nodlmionwuthanmndounfi‘ll;homu ntianwumrieinrtldb propo sals. . This seemed to be the healing of all difficuities and it was on a way to a fair settlement which 1 believed time . would effect. So far as he‘was concerned, I did not think that it was proper that my in tercourse with the family should be renewâ€" ed. â€"My interview was a brief one to which I received a summons from ‘lilton. When I went, then something seemed to lhave disturbed him,; we taiked for some l."»mmminntuuu;inm remarks I made to him I came over and sat on his knee. â€" Mrs. Titton came in and ?fll and came over and kissed me. : I offered no objections nor did I make any reply then to these At the interview ofthogflddlom_nq,_lqy I kissed them all around as a sign ofamity and amâ€" nesty ; I suppose these kisses were inspiâ€" rations and no covenant was entered into. Tilton said. to â€" his wife that I had acted honestly in © taking all blame to myself. ‘Tilton also said that his wife had also taken all the blame of what had occurred to herself, My femily left Florida in the month of Feb ruary. They met Moulton in the South. I have down in a memorandum book that Moulton went to Florida on March 2d. â€"I think he returned: on the 15th of April. ; (Continued.) | ols ArriL 19th, 1857. mwm-:nhh time J mmi.nk e of improper solicitations were made: at any rate, they were not until his wife had then taken h‘ckborchlm I regarded them as Mrs. Tilton wrote to her husband about them I doubtâ€" ed if Tilton believed that I had done so. I do not think he believed theimn. I did not say anything to Tilton about it. Both Tilton and Moulton were then .ready to coâ€"operate with me in a way that would have implied inbnz if they believed the charges. On the 7 ofMui,whenI wrote the letter, I did. not kpnow t::o c of i made by Tti.l.laroi.wen m.’ goodpmm.h I do not suppos* J cared, as the subject was not broached to me. FuuuzRrTON f»npnod this question furâ€" ther, and could not get a direct answer. Fullefton said I repeat here again that the witness is evading my questions. After recess, Beecher resumed the stand, and crossâ€"examinstion continued. Fumuerrox handed him a letter. Wirx®zss saidâ€"I do not remember re ceiving this letter, but I recalled the fact of receiving it at the hands of Moulton. Furmertox read a letter dated Wednesâ€" day, in which the writer said spring had come again »ud was gladdening every thing. Letter was written by Mrs. ‘Tilton to witness. Another letter, dated May 30th, 1871, written by Mrs. Tilton to him, in which the term * Nest hiding" ooâ€" curred. lov mnnnnn“ generosity, and "nest m?h;" I received'fm Mre. 'xm afterwards, but do not m wrote Other myself. Wh‘?’m&mkwnxm Tilton. I told her I would be in New Wirxgss then continuedâ€"I think I began writing the book "Norwood " in to Mre. Thit Ihopomn chpten,wrb“ o Mre. Tiltonâ€"t in e ut not the whole of it I do not remember borrowing from that book the reference to the bird hiding its nest as the way in which love could be concealed. Witness continuedâ€"I do not think Mrs. Tilton borrowed her terms from this book. 1 never read the works of Hannan Moore. ~I am ashamed to say I am nbt fmiihnwitht.uhom. I do not remember that Hannah Moore used the expressi on, "Does your heart bound towards all as it used to." I thought, when ‘Mrs. Tilton â€"ed the expression in her letfer, that Te was glnd the diffcully in het funity was made up. 1 do not know what the term sprinall:u come, referred to. 1 do not know that 1 interpreted every sen tence used in that letter. 1 do not know m im in ad aoinl to 1 i &m,"mubmqum, 1871. I do not remember what my interâ€" pretation of it was at the time. J under stand it now, that she felt that she had done me wrong, and in all the sad ‘com plications of her household, she said that 1 was not to be annoyed at it Some of her diâ€"iculties were then made koown to me. 1 did. not believe that the difficulty she laboured under was in telling her husband, and getting him notwtfime There was a great ueal of difficulty subsâ€"quent to. the receipt ol this letter, _ which was not _ made known _ to _ me. 1 do _ not remember the impression made upon me by the letter, at the time 1 received i*, 1 di.lnotnullflntmwnh:idlh::duad: o is 10 his wih homend‘-ooo(it-'mfio.lulypn- write to tell this to any other member of my congregationâ€"I may have told fi-J Fururgzrox read a portion of the book written by witness having reference to the bird hiding its nest, but witness said be did not remember writing this nor did he read the book since it came out of the press. I made her a present of a picture of & M arbutus some time in 1866 or 1867â€"I think subsequent to the writing of this story. I do not re member likonl:g the scent of trailing l.rbut.u%w:tl::ch:’t:lrofm X;:ndur I read her ter t trailing arbutus that I gave her the picture, ut ht in that 5oo â€" etencinuinfy ane coug of in i e song the bird with a love call, ast is named. Fumcertox® raad the passage .named from the novel, but witness said he did not remember it ; it was beautiful, who ever wrote it. Haven that week, THE BEECHERâ€"TILTON TRIAL that week, because I be interested in it.“‘lw&' t she __ 2o mnot remember walking with Mres. ‘Tilton in New York in the asutumn of 1871, nor was l in an oyster saloon or resâ€" taurant in that city with bher; in these walke there was no talk between us of her having given her affections to me, but 1 knew that she had at that time. 1 was not made acquainted with the fact that Bessie Turner had been sent away until I received the letter from Mre. Morse wdated January Tth. I made advances to Moulton sometimes in checks. 1 have not jersonally examined my stub check book for the dates of any of these adâ€" vances; nor do I know that it indicates the time and purpose for which they were given. â€" (Shown a check.) .1 remember iving this to Moulton. Before I gave it, fiwlmnid'lilmmonbu‘nnnd,nd a good deal to pay.: Prior to this, ln.Jcbol. on ‘Tilton‘s f %M if it wife:> 1 said> to Moulton â€"that lilton‘s friends were doing amything in &l“”fi“ miein; there was no Muhqficcfibfin in the matter, and. { ~did not regard it as blackâ€" € aletter) T think this money was not for Bessie TDurner‘s expenses at different times.. I gave him money in c romie Tof anotier 1. 4 do nif remmmn «round for another bill. . I do not rememâ€" for Bessie ‘Purner‘s ex=enses. Moulton always made suggestions in a â€"delicate I was to ©00,szate wi::alr never k‘p‘ as. wialts «mounts â€" paid for lh..l.,n‘u 8..0o â€" ing. Moulton told ime about the mort; : & conversation . about Mrs. 'm:: WA a sds pressure . brought to ‘bear on M“‘fn‘tb matter,. When he mentioned the mortâ€" ”-luidlmfld-dh.gphoomd . part, â€" . Moulton said it would be thon:bnthln‘ht'nh.'n friends to do, but he did not suggest that I shouls take teen minutes after the hour when the jury was called after recess. Mr. Beecher during this interlude sat in the place he usually ied in the former portions of the 2:6 side by side with his wife, and chatted with her and Iaughed. Dr. Edward Beecher, brother of the defenâ€" dlnt,lwodnuolidnoftbojuq:ox, and ~surveyed the goene around kriip. Judge Robinson, of ‘the New Yorkb‘u: e Cour ied a on m. with .;'udpmf:on. ‘I‘.‘?;.. nearly wuzyfivoWlbhourvhon Mr. Beecher the witness stand and continued his crossâ€"examination. Mmfll; lfilfidt‘:fly wvuueu\‘n him on the subject 0 am to the time this $0 was paid. mnflu’ bmygn.montom.boutmo up of morlgage. were Meulton paper indisâ€" &Haw‘l‘ilulhmdlum-mfio- im that Tiltoa‘s friâ€"~ds had a consulta uo-nbootgutm: Line on its feet. (On an evening vi uman'uhmho introduced the matter, aud drew a letter out of his pocket from which he read extracts. < The writer stated thore was sent a cash check for $2,000, and two time dr fts nad also been sent. Moulton la:d two time drafts on the table, but said he would not use them. I understood that the cash draft had beenapplied. Gbo”blcaml,-#i:-â€"“‘l‘hi-hwhnl true | friendship. There appeared to me . in â€" this observation, nor did 1 m was given â€"as a hint to me, although I ~ togkk.. it . as a: The _ contribution _ I _ gave _ ne: day wu‘::lu'nnry. I'nld did . not understand payment anything to ::‘v.h m‘:fmdw mm myself; if anythi the kind bo..flditmmdhvobunpwl. I paid the money from motives of kindâ€" ness. .A few daysafter this interview 1 raised money or took.steps to raise it. 1 think I met Moulton on the street when I gave him ‘the $5,000. I did not know wbenlpddthhm{ihlhwbuok- $2,000, but paid none after in I paid this money Mflmm thinkingâ€" I had been taken @#tivantage ol. This, you will understand, applies to Moalton. 1 have no means of geiting at the exact amount of sums J paid. When Moulton %ot’.’),lmmhnwutohmh::dn nndn: it out to Tilton ioi carefully. w mmm Theoâ€" Tilton . was blackmailing me. 1 do not remember that the fact of the money being given to Moulton was to be kept secret. I had a transient ‘idu.florlpdd%hr'mm.ndu the time that I made statement, that Tilton was obtaining money from me, and: was levying blackmail on me. â€" in my direct examination I chided Moulton far not applying to me, but 1 never thought that he had used improper means to get it from me. The dissatisfaction spoken of in my m@:: took place about August, 1874, wi $2,400 was pai ind mhe Shought Tubted fiw‘wm ber the dates of any of these ‘payments. Sometimes theseâ€" bills ran over, and two mmum. At the time of the talk ttbomm,l don‘t rememâ€" ber if anything was about â€" payments An inquest was yesterday on the body of the mfivdhuh was found in Amelia Giyen‘s k, and. after a long sitting, a verdict was returned that the ghM was born dlvd,pnn.:“e‘-' to its death y means of a string mn-hu-.os causing and to the best ou~ knowledge belief was done by Amelia Given, of said child. .A warrant was issued for the arrest of the suspected woman, but she is not 10 be â€" Phaws i caliad e p 1 2niatie Fesirany. No some can beae signed for the act. 7 loulfwnldd- it'ould:h'flold- Age free from difficulties, spoke about the efforts of Tilton‘s friends in that direcâ€" tion. Â¥ do not think the thought of biackâ€" mail came after the Committee‘s investiâ€" gation in 1874, 1t was some other person ‘who mentioned the word blackmail to itwu,lthink;flb-lcrnuonl‘h'm :ad.f..‘b.d Moulton, but it was b:da: to me by good sound ion muulwumlm” aLou, whether Moulton intended to levy blac m«il when he got $7,000 from me Whyn I| am brought to the point the thought câ€"mes to me that it was blackâ€" mail. Moniten appealed to my generosâ€" ity_.pdokfjndou-, ,muv:: species of ° moral ili * yeculked & t h,and.gucht this idea into my They intimated a good deal more } Moulton did. If he used my feelings in obtaining money for Tilton, ] think he did lfl{ blackmail on me. | After the interview told him that I w give this money. He :i:dnot montion a sum; 1 might have id $1,000 or $5 was afser my re turn from the W fi-'hhtwmy lawyers talked to me about it. I had be fore that made a befare the Committee. 1i was not my written stateâ€" ment, bil was (taken down by a stenographer. . After my return.from the, Wh;u Jountdnl I| thought it was biackâ€" Mail Lal More about the Enfanticideâ€"â€"The Mother that i ing. The $2,000 di ho mvoue of biechinel! when 7 j 41 New to PRICE 3 CENTS. NEWMARKET. Buoourisup, April 20 ; April 20.â€"It was fully fif Nywnazker, April 2 did

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