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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Apr 1875, p. 3

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veparture TT 4W a TERL%eq i€e", ang SK D10RA PAPE . â€" I‘S, ails. flee. {nteness _ 5y _ wontreal tme Miawe tume. s a bueslnes® A PFRA KM & NT on vieW, cent P ocb stt the D l us of Mails, Monday JGWBM 14R MITts 7 Jot. meont, $1.00, and 124 cetits for postage, enclos dhu& r, ‘Toronto, Ont., &â€"râ€"<ral agents for uflb -'lfa&h.e.tfi-.u- by _In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" tions, Pun in the Back and Limbs, Fatigne on slight exertion, EPaipitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills :‘HIM. cure when all other means we failed;> and although a powerfal remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiâ€" mony, or anything hurtful to the constiâ€" Full directions in the around each package, which m’fl carefull preserved. Â¥ _ =r1, a pamphiet, or refer baz:: _8 N. TBUXA.'? Phelps, N.: Y., and NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toron®, n tario, sole agents for the Dominion. Je Shepreâ€"Belooted. and Klec Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One bottle has cured bronchitis. Fifty cents‘ worth has cured an old Mm 1t positively cures catarrh, astht Qfl croup. Fifty cents‘ worth has cured in the back, and the same quantity a lame back of eight years‘ standing. The follow: ing are extracts from a few of the y lettersthat have been received from the different parts of Canada, which, we thi muh.-:mcsemw satisfy the most scéptical. _ J. Collara, or Spart, Untarm writes : "Send me six do.nDrThnm Slectric Uil. _ Have sold all I had from you wad want more now. Its cures are trdl‘ «»nderful." William Maguire, of Frankâ€" Â¥u, writes: "I have sold all the agent left ; it acts like a charmâ€"it was slow at first. ut takes splendidly now." H. Cole, ol'J Tond, writes: * Please forward six dozeif This wellâ€"known medicine is no imposi~ mon, but a sure and safe remedy for remale Difficulties and Obstructions, from a0y cause whatever; and:> although a powe Thomas® Excelsior Electric @il â€"Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. January for lhe extinetion of pain best remedy ever known Burus, a¢., but for Dyser any sort of Bowel compiain â€"ur passed for efficlenéy, arw fkll particular Greater red are soid make schools whose The publisher. and nonâ€"sectarian, and supply tant place in the field of Nabl literature. The low rates at v «re sold make them accessil Tiike unde Rev. wh For saie by all druggiste. House Keepers! if you desire to get a pratitable tea call on Baskerville & gv« and bave them to select for you. If the te«w is not pleasing to your taste they will refund the myl for what you return. Their wines, liquors and general groceries are of the best brand. 6 Soid ionceen, parks and O‘Connor str old out by the first of Ma warnded to Sh of pules, without going at 0 gst for Fowle‘s Pile an which is an infallible cure Noviee to Firwzes will removre their sto Apr lisease than cc many d JOBR MOSES FEMALE PIH L8 asBatu Scmoor Parers. â€"The Christian Work Co., in addition to Thée Christian Work, issues also tive smaller monthly pers for the Sabbath school and. Honte, RONE, WATERToOWN, ix»p oeDpgÂ¥sâ€" BURG RALLW AY Leaves (‘gdensburg.. XO0 am 295 nam ts for the Sabbath school and. Honte, h are handsomely illustrated and are r the editorial supervision of the Dr. Talmage. They are evany lical Y LAWRenes ALG oTTAawWA RAart v inga eav®e y all medicine dealers. Price 50 h saup %£ Vaud CcANaDA Cr 18 P A 1N ~K DL L E & Py ecnk css cce s e cea s . L0 sr.m.. id «RAXD T!l?&h BRA ELW AY >. _ Sold wholesale and retail by te Chemical Company, Montreal, _by all. druggists, or will be forâ€" any address on receipt of price Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street, ed T l-u:‘ay and Externally rom Boston. 8.0G a.m., 12.5 To FaR«Eus.â€"l. & J. Neelin re their stock of Boots and i Preston‘s ohl stand to No. 2 ck, Rideau street, two doors rom Sapper‘s Bridge, early in ds cheap before removal. wâ€"tf ery where, Price 3 AVIS & SN. Sole BUSINESS NOTICES luctions still in cook anil s at Moore Bros., comer of Ds (Or L‘iLEs) are permanentâ€" Mathieu‘s Pils Ointment, or ded, Price $1 per pot, or six 1 a YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR st People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street istY.â€"tFor people to allow ome seated upon them rathor a@ physician, or to suffer as ears with the different kinds ut going at once to the dragâ€" ‘s Pile and Humor Cure, un llers‘ Ouide. PF &. M NTRAL KAILWAY. ALOT i, it is still receiving mials to its virtues characier and reâ€" tive tirmk wg & dectual prepar aliin It is not only the " nend us one find it takes 00 no: hin Must be 38SU7T m., 4 d at. . NSends men 10.4 ~> pwm x) auim, 40 wll descriptions of Gentlemen‘sand * a.les‘ Ridâ€" ing Saddies, Trubks, Valiises, â€"* cheis. Bags, }:"u.‘-.wmnu-.hulr â€"uon with their hich the offering to the Public at*: _ 10w 5t rmok." They havle alms atways ~ . hand, Mone but the best work men THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, {Buccessors to LEE & TAOMPSON.] Beg leave to call the attention of the Public to thei lurge and varied assortment of ail descripâ€" line of pusiness, l-mmo(l.gulewmll- Insolvent. Improved =Implements HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS ! MTAWA, in the Coonty of Carieton, to wit. N B.«â€"For prices and quality of goods he defies competion. * Assartment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Nignâ€" of the ANVIL, 2 ttaw , December 21, I874 THOS. BTIREKETT‘S. H MEADOWS & co., 3> sussex U O*tawa, |Apri< l7th 1878 . < 0 o 0_ No. 24 f ‘IM April, 187 CALDWELL & CO The Insclvent made .mn-‘tollb ‘ate, and the eduog hi gb -0: is m Ire r n:'x.ou M :tA{. the Nenth duyw . st Two ‘Fok in the Afternoon, to i o stnenn of pis aiffairs, and to appoint m LARGE S TOCK FINE AND COARSE Wure . & i=7e EW FIRM. HOTEL LAUNDRY &Sr0VEs!! HOTEL CARV!NG TABLES! : Muils‘ Supply Agency |76 Sparks Street. NARMERS & GAEDENERS > ez Noncl: to Millâ€" .Q' owners, Machiâ€" jacte nists and all others w interested who have been trounied in the past with ummed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals ud have been paying fancy price, use Craven‘s Arotic and Engine Olls and so avotds those the future. All Utls guaranteed and m W. J. CRAVEN _ 3818 444 M.m‘ mawe, Heliing, Flles, Packing, Files re Azes, Judson‘s Standard Governors : unduw“\'dv-. Steam Pumps, Rue‘s Linle Giant Injector Aizo Ageney of the uLOBE uAS LIGRT COMPANY &eo. Hardware, &r. ’ 35 Nori& to | MGllâ€" . owners, Machiâ€" ts @ niste -:.:l others w Interested who have ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to 3ith March, 1875 w For tmle by all Oilmen 80. 4: 1874 HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACEs3!! of He guarantees the most stylish g«rment in the city.. A perfect At or the money refunded, HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! Respectfully requests his friends and 0 to ea!! and see his Ne TTA WA ARDW ARE CALLAND EX \MINE BTOCK, & ¢egdl lotices. order by A LARGn STOCK OF SPRING AND sUMMER uoOO0D0S8 JUST aRKIVING CLOTHINCG Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. . H A R D W A R E. Market . Square, INSQOLV ENT ACT OF 1889, Thos, Lawvwrence In the city is to be found at NEW STYLES. TaKE A LOOK it TwE The Largest and Best The retail Clothing Sust« ness so long carried on by Joseph Mteaif> is now Irâ€"nsferred to the Firm of JJHN SMITH & Co «â€"~ _ M#. Smith‘s knowledge the Ready Made Cloth» 3’ buAndss (14 years exâ€" rlence), and thetr deterâ€" Remember the â€" ANVIL, 24 Rideau Street best olass of Gnods to be had, and to s#il at the lowâ€" «1 priges poss|bie, will be a GUARANTBE to Mr. Metoalfs‘s old Oustomers and the general pubUc, that ‘hey will have every satisfaction in baying their Clothing _ . t* #€6., . Saanis $2e¢6 aget bank, }. W, MACt R. C. W. 1 3AIO. "TaAW a Oxt AT THRâ€" Clothing. â€"AT TMEâ€" * _ Machin Oil has for the last 1? years been }“wdbylhe ««ding Manuâ€" inoturing o{ublh-om of the Dominion. ‘ TK 18 ® i. LENT 34 amhuie AWUI es 3819 that No.24 Vi0by ; wi to Moore Bros., corner dw-i‘;-bm-d}m OUsTOMS DEPARTMENT, Ortawa 6th April, 1875 ‘No‘rlcl: is hereby given that His E1celâ€" lene; he «overnorâ€"General, by an in Council bvearing -:m»a..umgm under the suso«i.y: vested in him .L‘.“ no&mdnnal«t\i'*m&at been pleased to onier and direct the hlv'lz artic‘e be trans‘erred to the listiof goods wh‘ca ___ @ISHERY LEASES & LICENSES. is " Fishing by meamg,of nets or other C mpcnuu without Leases or Licenses from 4 Department of Marine and P'nm w Fr':hibmd in all waters situated wil ) " Province of Ontario." FAky se By Order of the Minister, at se) ®. W. WwTonceR, Commisgioner of Fisherigs. *‘ " No person s « s sell or have in possession any Speckledâ€" Brook or Riverâ€"Trout bfinn the Ifieelth day of September and the of January in each year, in the Province of Ontario." Cl,og_lâ€"'l:mx ror Fresz Warks HERRINGS. * No person shall fish for, ca kill, buy, sell or E:ve in possession any S:le.;lon hfil’ Lake Trout or "Lunge" ‘between the ll'.k day of October and the ln?ofbpc-hu in each year, in the Province Ont;do."- ga cu Croseâ€"riwe ror SPECKLEDâ€"TROUT, BROOK C *Tfi ; 4rp»@@ien |~ > PU BLIC NOTICE is directed to the baxiovgmos areeey ctouent ABCt: in @a n ;yd-_i-'&m Geweral Il»m:h o:ptbo IN8t. :â€" C ® April 14 wc-mm::.*fir:*;‘:fi m >â€" "@Ground @ypsum for agricalfaral purpos es. By command. | + Cr1osyâ€"Timx yor LOBSTERS, " In the P&;v’mu of Smbec, mo. person shall, durini e months .lulz:nd August, fish for, catch, kill, b-s, sell or have in gxno- on any softâ€"shelled‘ Lobsters or female Lobsters, with eggs attached, uor shall Lobsters of a less size than nine inches in length, measuring from head to tail, exclusive of claws or feelers, be at arfy time fished for, caught, killed, bought, sold or had in possesâ€" sion : but when caught by accident in nets or other fishing apparataus lawfully: â€"mor other fi? Lobsters with og? uttached, shelled and young Lobsters of a less ‘size than nine inches shall be liberated alive, at the risk and cost of the owner of the net or apparatus, or by the occupier of the fishery, on whom, in every case, shall devolve the proof of such actual liberation." ' FISHERY LEASES & LL_ENSES. * by me«ns ofnets or other apparaâ€" ‘Lfi%l’ Leases or L%.â€" from the *« De ment of Marine and tltl: uroâ€" flumnnnu waters situaied within Proâ€" " vince of Quebec." By Order of the Minister, â€" 2 w WitiGiemk . ©.~ "No person ll£u°. fan for, catch, {bny 0 » or hmr in 1}:0--!@ any 8 Id.-%nun Nolk or River Trout, between 15th day of Sepâ€" tember and the lst day of J«nuary, in euch year in the Province ol?uh-c.‘ Crosxâ€"Tixx ror BA <8, "No cnuu whali fish for, catch, Kil!, , sell or have in possestou any Bass between 15th day of .l:{ and the l5th day‘ of June, the Province gubec." Cruoskâ€"Trace PICKEREL, (Dor®®) Axb / _ MABKIN NGE. No person shall fisn for, catch, kill, bay. sell or have in possession muy Picxere! (Doree) or Maskinong» betw.en the "15.h day of April, and NOCAE P PRmtm EUE ENB 4E UV PR the 16th duy of May, in each year, in the ‘Proâ€"‘ vince of Quebec." _ No person shall fish «or, catch, kili, buy, sell, etogeeie it e ovember ember in cach year, mmgvufln of Quebee,‘ i L®E Tres For SALMON: TROUT, uakkâ€" TROUT or "LUNGE" awo "WINNO: NICHE.* | .duuo g'onmllnll fish for, cateh, II.I% or 8 PH i omone neaimant feginnite o vetober year in the Province of Quehec." * ’\” Cuom®â€"TIME pes _ SHPECOKLED TROUT, l)‘ NOTICE is directed to the = 1 RaVisiGu fisHsBRY REGULAâ€" l‘nuN:L- the Province u{m adopied by the _ overnor Gen«ral in on the| 3rd Mal, 3 Insane, together with certified coples ut diploâ€" mas, as puysicians or -umn:ofi; reâ€" ©oguized medical uthori Bdnr,. 000 (about £100 steriing) per aunum, with fu apartments fue, ligot, water and . furnished xne flur }unll . _ Appointment to take effec; m lst Jui ,{576. : ARCHIBALD McKELLaR, Provincial % Office of Provine al Becretary, | Toroâ€"to. March 16, 1875. Â¥700â€" .. All applications must be vanied : certified testimontais as to character and | posl. desu e o e e e e peet tion; stating whether maurried or unmarâ€" ried, and letigth of service in ah Aspitm hi tiis For the p sition of Medical llxnnlmt of the Toroot: Asylum, % »AiL to becoume vacant by the resignation of Dr. Josâ€"ph Workâ€" uon Asylums for the Insane, "rom reguiamily certified physicians, -vu. ‘Ir.d.:xpollo-oom the management and workâ€" ing of UP TO THE 15th OF MAY, 1875, ols PC Sm o meet oo AR. Government of the Provines of Ontariog, us mED w in valces until j â€" By order of the Hon. the Mikfeter of Marine and Fisheries. Anvames, ! SALMONâ€"ANGLING. l N THE UNDERMENTIONED Saimon $Rivâ€" ers will be LEASED for a term of FIV YEARS. _ Conipetition above upset prit named. LISS& to n-'nhi:lfiuudh,nl : at private co8t: Applioations ha muust to lst MAY next. River do do do do do do do de do PPLICATIONS will be oucrument Rotices CLOSEâ€"TIME oR WHITE } I8H Natashquan (North Shore) "Trcitin, Sire us is o Arthet mogies .ts par donk J. JOHNBT )N, Commissioner of Customa. Commusstoner of Fisheries. *mf! J_.'Jâ€"oi.una'o"i â€"â€"I "; W.F. WHITCHER, (oomtnmersnge o7 Poesict 0 to maintain guardians Applications flfi“::‘.’,.,-.s [ THE_TIMES : _OTYAwWA, wENCPSDAY APrI 21 105 *~ by the Cleared, and vin.aâ€"good stame of:gd) 1 0. BE SOLD OR . RESTED, _ "ind. A -Ery Lighd o ihoau it 0 ) anwcuk s 2 69 s .-“:d- M.ot; c &*fi? # ;Srd. a Fs Aoresjaii ‘W&‘GPM e Margh %, 1876 PVE for buying out a ; a’omhod bq-in.-. * llw-ll I a cvks I ‘ . â€"BOOTS & SHOERES§ ;»~ rade over Att coll, $4 Lazb‘s Clearing wan THREE VALUABLE _ FARMS For Sale â€" f OR "TO "RENT.~ Boots, Shoes, RUBBERS, &c., CORNER OF DaALHOUSIE , STRRET. January 28rd. 1875 3 1t March 10, 1875. Misses‘ _ > . «. at 40 ots. m-wmm at $1.50. 1d other gords at proportionately low prices, ~~â€"WILSON: & ORR, Carvers & Gilders Childrensa‘ Rubbers at 85 ctsâ€" Drug Store. |G T.~T:=SHEPHERD. | .. March 10, 1$75. Which will be sold CHEAP for Cash Chemist & Druggist, Caruers~& Gilders. i: ,SHOW.CASES MADE TO ORDER. March 12, 1874. cb EASO NABLE. UST RECEIVED AND OPENER outr,â€" 85 SPARKS STREET. @60 "narlkseâ€"st. Dedler# If Furniture, Beds, Mattromses, Lookâ€" ing «+.asses, Cornices and Curtains. Furniture â€"Warerooms, ANCUS&%CO. PICTURE FRA ME Opposite Honey‘s New Block. Jan, 11, 1874. $ Boots & Shoes. Aruggists. LOOKING=GLASS and 50 Cases of MANUFAOT URKRAR Â¥urnitare. TO CONTRACTORS Aenders. W. E. WN, lllu-Eng..O_égn 2i : l $lf] A1l 183 Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinswriths and ‘___ Galvanized Iron Roofers. . WATER CLOSETS, STEAMâ€"FITIINGS, lndn'lllml-w mfif"‘"“ mmuu‘?â€"uwu--&-fl-“ ef M A $3>O N: §1 ; _ Bend for Circulats and Oatalogues .__ OFFICE AND WAREROUSKR.... °_ Oct 17 1874 * ;' . AG MILL MACHINERY oK @GVERY VEYCRIPTION, ROOK DRILL< BELTING, FILE®S, sovBoQ â€"bys oi be| » .. ; (»GENERAL MILL SUPPLIES & 4 ;. ||. ANg.SPECLALAGENCIESâ€"Cameron Special Steam Pump ; J. A. Fay & Co., Cincin COOKINC : ~STOVE, 1. O Aiaang ....__ 10 SPARKS STREET, OTTAW A. Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working. Machit: .ry. Exaoinzs ino Bomsrs, New anpo Sgoonp Hasp .I?:'g__-ny‘bolfl at MelLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Sparks Street. MASTERS ; _ ® ; P RPLN CI P 4 L : * T. O.FAWCETT, K8Q., M. a. Late Bentor Scholar and kixhiblit oner of Trinity, Hali, Cambridge, Graduate in Mathematical G. A, bnzmi)riiiy* . F MaCKENZIE F8Q., M.P, HQo®W. L S@UNTINGTN, M P. N.J. M GILLIVR ? E8q. JUBEPH HICOKSON, Eeq. N. mERONMR, m.‘ W. T. BENSON, April, 9th. 1874 _ SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY ~DEPOT, The Subsoription Books are now onen at the Soctst Yâ€"rk street north side, near Bussex stroet, where Prospectuses, Byâ€", ‘ard all oa'orylm'n may be obtained. Ottawa. â€" April fth 1875 York Street, } orth Side,|| oarNED *# "ICK, undâ€"r the managoms patnted Gen« a?lr the 'rm.o-':'Bmmn. Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" â€" .â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street ‘LUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICHK, hare a n 6 tfi Mfomemiegenibeeey h odeatars amoe ompe PEN ED u.:. ’ .f'x‘.&?: tl’:r_gmn:fr;\(rfin.m OL0 rmsm"m:.v’;; Ottawa, February 13th, 1875. The first pay me CANADA 6. Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. 4 EOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. | LOKE, KO H+AT, No »» Treasure in a fai #ul-cth n en medis m d anty miey malreap ue * l ltn.o.‘htho ns wood oflmm:.‘:w DEPOT â€" â€" â€" ~â€" Desmarais and Adam. MONTREAL â€" PROPRIETARY ~SCHOOL. The, ‘‘Summer Queen" 4 A8SSIS TA NT M AST ER S : ow Oouet Oro s Ioiee io‘ Dareeddie, Mathematical Master MONS. CORNU, of the University c , Fronch Mastor, _ _ _ gggw%@ e oe e isnn P natig ienss o. 8. squomim. M . ufitin sod Shormand. EXAMINERS ; Trs Rev. GAVIN LANG. .. | _ Trs Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. Te Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. â€" Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting PETER REDPATH, ESQ OoFFC&, it payme & on Hubscribed Stock will be paymble on or before the 4th March next. ffiee opens‘ dally from 10 am. tili 5 p.m, and the first four days of the month . till 9 p.m., for the purpose of receiving :tYIl'lonh h?"mm i will open on MNDAY, the 12th of APRâ€" L. wad will be 1 0n for a faw cays iroet, the new proniives not being qi io oomploted. foiorto ng COL. A. C. DL > w J0p WILLIAM aNuUs. Pre OF THE BESBT CANALIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE MM. Rugane Martineau, Samue! Benoit f. H. Chabot, ames Ma tin, B L YVVTâ€"Hâ€""K._EK E R BE , ? FICE.â€"PRINCIP 4A L : R. W. BOODLE, ESQ, B. A. and Prizeman dw.wwâ€"flndm in Honors in Olassics an 67 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (opposite the "Teapot".) eW impsoved Rureka Hot Air‘rait Furnace, PLUMBE?, GAS & STEAM FITTER, .~SPARKS STREET e Protinks, it ai Pammmer ~â€" w Hhrmmiee io Work bomg w Te N. Faulkner, Improved COAL OIL ;, American Suw O0y., Frenton, M.J .; Joseph Hall Manufacturing OoY B4 ~SUVUSSEXâ€"ST. E OoTTAW A * (BUILDING â€" SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY Ylumbers, EXBOUFED EXPEOITIOUSLY BY HEAD OFFICE, ~MONTREAL. 25 RIDEAU STREET, Is President Vl'ce-l’mldent. TMaclhinery. P. B.~FERGU $ O N, Presto®xTâ€"M. Nazaire G+rmain, VWicEâ€"PRESIDENTâ€"M. Stanisias Drapeau. Hite Assurance. COUNCIL ; MKS ESQ,. g&.{&ég&.fiw APITAL â€" â€" $1000.000 _ SECRETARY : J. W. HOLMES, £3Q. OTTA W A. PRACTICAL E1 WARD A.GOEE, # JAMES A. SÂ¥I H. +« «««««« â€" 70 RPARKSâ€"ST., OTTAW A. RODOLPHE MATTE 6th, 1875. MM. Isaie icher, Orivier Latour, [ C ts P. C. Auciair," Ootave La:remoutile. H. Arch=mbault, J. T MASON & CO. JOH N M« ‘NAN, E3Q. A. T. PA"F&H, &# sR JUu8® A ht A Â¥. -r'of.i‘"rf‘ fi*m o a. Witkem k3G. Auguste De i""lmflnt ‘treotor l:npour. OPEN 10 a. m;, till 4 p. m OFFIOE Day Lamps &â€"Chandeliers AT THE :l;-‘ Dm: ;iJSSEX-ST C. 8, SHAW & 00. cnafic Geigns uoo aRiie frons the post Am Sricas ans Un â€"_*~ he Largest and Bpstâ€"selected axsorument of Monumeniâ€"»,. . keadstones â€" Obeli s {s in Marrble, Sooich m-u.t- ® S The newes, design in uzBM) (ERY FENCLNG, suitab e for the qemeiert: _A 0 TTA WAâ€"MAREB_E AND GRANITE WORKS. _ CR 2l C o3A T0Cum ‘prided Figtio P we cordiall y o«m men “Pbfii'ifismtx." 'Qum-hap Wn.l‘.m...‘v. puized ever 'v‘-u fin: c w $ 40 um'mm‘a'f wia u!‘&'., ‘have .l.-.u'u kfim&,‘ seth a 5. 'g rc,nm“: cannot be resisted, du.o the purchaser Of his, rece:ving a superior, insirament in ev," ré=péct. inh sls Of the above ‘Hist we 1 Bep Mooâ€"tceltbrated( For the best FTTUING COATS, ~=â€"~ â€"â€" _ _ Ts u. 2o o OMAR. SRYsoms. For the best FITING PraAnTs," "~"‘* g to o OHAS. BRYsome For the best FIITUING VESTS, _ . _ . css o n o o c es AHRYSON‘S. Shingles Every Williamâ€" Queale, â€" + LUMBER DEALER, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STRELK S3 Agents tor HALLET, DAVit & }0, gtkrr‘**~*2 Sune 18 1844 Stoves, Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, at Cont, : â€" in Scatoh, English, and Canadian Tweeds. Meltons, Fancy Vestings,. Diagonals ~â€" ~~England Broadcloths®" &¢. &¢. Ra Anglish S0dea Neter, Potass Wateér, Lerfonade, G: mm Also Ginsgow Foas Moal. Ginger Ale and Leo. 4 1874 * _ THOS ~PaArTERsOE. S pring=~G oo0od s . Which be is prepared‘to me e ~*", AFARKE SATREET,; OTTIAWA _ _ 6 :blmli ; o PianoFortes, v in.t_wow. Organettes Cns ho ‘.,,k‘flQIZBQQh; jete.;. * A geod m qaarentee*, LONDONâ€" â€"HOUSE In Francs, England, Hollahd and Spain. RaANDIES, PORT AND SHERRY winxg.. "[T‘@R«â€",â€"BLACKE, GREENS and JAPANSâ€"Fmest Grades, COfiQer"n-! m“_‘-&lc-u usua) prices, ~REMEMBER _ M O O RE BR O S., The Trade supplied Witk . Kinds of Ln THOS.__ PATIERSON Pigk) ul Fr Tarioty af x nde aues as orendd Cadoe Lymge Arrape ESTABLISHED 1884 ,"*""" Direct Importations from J08 ErA~ D I M BL EB Y, FANCY GROOSRIBS IN ~GREAT vARIETY PURE aNV UNAPULTERATED, is HANEY &:FORCIE, GREAT CLEARING SALES. mmzfi:,?sgfim'”m T8 t " * 4 largse Ltt &f ‘Gentionea‘s PURNISEING"GOObDs. P. Aâ€"TAYLOR, Proprietor. A4GENT FOR MALLOCH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR best FTTYINGâ€"SUITS Patent .ON. » Thursday, the 15th Instant snt on applic GRAND ~SHOW â€" DAY « 8..NMâ€"KINNON & CO., Great Speciality inâ€" Millinery, Manties, Costumes, &¢., T ie wiiy nairitt in Uhntriien Somds Seoading o. Projecs & Hes re "strod and is opening out a iatge #100K of Opposite E. McGillivray‘s, Wellington St. L . ‘ytunsd " es @93 Thgk y Vib & J0¢n J..& C . FLBGC & Pnd oee c Loinch Rorct Sgoadieer * 000 b out The Hallét, Devis g&-.n...‘ fi:;‘.‘:{’:{tl‘mmh- M #Marlic Cotborks, Kailies‘ WHare, ry ©Goods. Coal Oil. ESTABLIAHED 1860.) Hardware. "to to CHA®S. BRYSON‘S, Uroceries, &z p in the iatest and. most fshions ole sty K umberers, All Goods warranted Shrumk. TAILORING di Corner Sparks and O‘ Oonnor Streats. Faw 4y use and Me.icinal pary« & E T A 1 Producers} s WOlt of PORTER, &s DMAN & 00."8, A, 18744. 3K17 * 708

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