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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Apr 1875, p. 3

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ecranilas atyi * N MW .4* im PHD WE > ; TTA W A, ails, aid pw on viow parture of Mails. gs Bank busine®s, imo« Oy _ Mogtrexi time a) t‘.".h- 3 Postmmastors «n sleam or® icb only unâ€"~ day at 12.00 will bus S« w Hull, sonk. peF ARTISTIC Lhe un un T a 48A d d < c Sk8% Crtm~ xd 6 Laxigng Welloy by Jey aat 4000.â€"2 o 0 R L3A ) , 5$ "troup ies Oe dog Ap~ it wev. Dr. Ts and nonâ€"se tant place i / literature. are sold m schools wh The publis Chambers s should be sul sceptical, â€"J. %rites : " Sen Rlectric Uil. and want mor «+ndeffal." Ka, writes: "L. it acts like a ut takes spl lona, writes : of Thomas‘ E out : nothing letters that have different parts of and want more now.. Its cures are truly «oudefful." . William Maguire, of Frankâ€" Â¥a, writes: "I have sold all the agent left ; it acts like a charmâ€"it was slow at first. sut takes splendidly now." H. Cole, of lona, writ:up: " Please forward six dozen of Thomas‘ Electric Uil, llnm nearly run out ; nothing equals it. liuhgh{' y reâ€" commended by those who have used it." J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes : " Send at once a further supply of Electric Oil; I hvoonlyooohourohft 1 never saw anything sell so well, and givye such wpn~ eral satisfaction." _ J. Thompson, Woodâ€" ford, write: " Nend me some more Kleo wie> Oil. 1 have sold entirely out. . No thing takes like it." verton, P.Q., writes w# a great re @’l‘;‘:meflfor. Sen ::oul dehg.'l’ Le A . Q. es Mrou‘e Un Sold by all medicine dealers 8. N. 'l'HUlA? Pbdpni. N. Y,, and. NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toronto, On# tario, sole agents for the Dominion. rized., NA Pain cannot st is the cheapest 1 bottle has cured worts has cured lt positivety â€" eu eroup. . Filly.cen in the back, and t back of eight yes llg are extracts oth : .. â€" ® For full particulars, obtain of. the _ ""t, a pamphiet, or refer b°=~ It is nsed Internally and Externally soud everywhers, Price D cis â€" PERRY PAVIS & S0N, Sole Preprictors Ja Thomas® Excelsior Electric Oilâ€"Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. § . In all cases ot mervous and Spinal Affecâ€" “M_t',mu‘: on slight exertion, Palpitation of Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills :lud‘::“. a:r:dwhndl other means ave failed ; though .a ful lemedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antié inony, or anything hurtful to° the constiâ€" Sassate Scupor Parzxs. â€"The Christian at Work Co,, in addition to The Christian t Work, issues also five smaller mouthly papers for the Sabbath school and Home, which are handsomely illustrated and are under the gilitorial supervision of the Rev. Dr. Talmage. ‘They are evany ‘lical and nonâ€"sectarian, and supply an â€" aporâ€" tant place in the field of Sabbath School literature. The low rates at which they are sokl make them accessible even to schools whose resources are restricted. The publisher, Horatio C. King, No. 102 Chambers street, New York, will be happy to furnish samples of all the papers and full particulars on application. 3800 Greater reductions still in cook and heating stoves at Moore Bros., torner of Sparks and U‘Connor streets.. Must be sold out by: the first of May. 38U7 spousibiliiy, Pnys.c ans of the (rst respectabilâ€" Ry rcommend it as a m st effectual preparation for the extinetion of pan. It is not only the best remedy ever known jor Bruijes, Cuts, Burns, «c., but for Dysentery or Cholera, or any so: i «i Bowel compluint it is a remedy unâ€" surpassed for efficieney, and rapidit» of aciion. hmo‘r‘.--t eitles of India, and other hot cliâ€" .In-n-. has become the uinnm:'q.l nedhdnedl:- such com ni4, as well as for yspeyp Uvu&-phm.u other Dlndudn{homen: For Coughs and < olds, Canker, Asthma, and Rheumatuc dithcuitles, it has been proveu by the most «bundsnt and convincing testimony to be Full directions in the pn:l»-â€"d from persou spousibili: y. y recom ue for the exti m‘:;bou the sole right for the i apy party importing or Vchu‘mg elsewhere will be prosecuted. . Belt & Co. â€" 3821â€"1i Cavrtion.â€"As unprincipled makers in the United States are ady "tising in Canâ€" ada, instruments containing Scribner‘s Qualifying Tubes, we hereby notify all goods are han sale very cheay Remember that M clearing sale closes on month. A few cookir sold at greatly redu tities of &udwn m}». Heating Stov be sold at any price. n wosks, NEW YORK, S0L4 After ihirtyâ€" (ive ye e most unqualified For sale by all druggists Faiss Monesty.â€"For people to allow disease to become seated upon them rather than consult a physician, or to ‘suffar as many do for years with the difterent kinds of piles, without going at once to the drugâ€" gist for Fowle‘s Pile and Humor Cure, which is an infallible cure. 3729 disease to become seated than consult a physician many do for years with th of piles, without going at gist for Fowle‘s Pile ar which is an infallible cur Nomos to Fazwzas.â€" will remove their stock Shoes from Preston‘s ol« Bell‘s Block, Rideau st: complet Moorée Brothers have a hoist with ropes mplete, now in use in their store, and itable for a warehouse where heavy ols are handled; which they offer for J0B MOSES FEMALE PILLS Lively times ahead in Sparks street on . What a pity we cannot tel seeurdnt> | Morebancd. 314 rent parts of Canada, which, we think, ld â€"be njfic'iemt to satisly the most tical, â€"J. Coltara, ot : Untario, s : " Send me six doz:lln‘lz."l‘b‘mm‘ tric Uil. â€" Have sold all I had fromyou _ iWilces to let in the Victoria Chambers. Oply to R. C. W. McCuaig. 3760 in cannot stay where it is used. It s cheapest medicine ever made. One e has cured bronchitis. . Fifty cents‘ @ has cured an old‘ standing cough. sitively eures catarrh, asthma and p. _ Filty.cents‘ worth has cured crick e back, and the same quantity a lame of eight years‘ standing, . The followâ€" are extracts from q» few of the many rs that have been received from the A fow arvellous for Scrofuia, S@il I ; w\m and even Leprosy ; ed it an almost never failin special notice.) w 0084 P A I N ~K IL L E R ve their stock of Boots and a Preston‘s old stand to No. z ck, Rideau street, two doo rom Sapper‘s Bridge, early in vods cheap before removal. wâ€"tf BUBINES® NOTICKS. inter Scales at Moore Bros., mpor arid Sparks Strept,selling Hardware, !ron Bedsteads ng Stoves, ete., which mus: y price. 3825 it." Miller & Reed, Ulâ€" tes : "The Electric Oil reputation here, and is Send us a further sapply Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., )., write : " Send us one ars Lriad, it is Still teâ€"timonials to | highest characce vhatever pature, are od b’: the use of nour Cwe ; its effect rofula. Salt Rheum. ore Brothers‘ ?rul the last day of this ; stoves still to be ed prices. . Large provide themselves Stoves for summer 1 see samples at Street " Send us one find it takes are permanent some C00oKiI is Virtues Price 50 Neelin orner * 176 Spatks Streei. |NMhe Insolvent has made‘an i fi.“‘" qpoye; ud the C:editors &re T %: Ainwsa, on MOBNLAT, the Fonth day of May THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, | 8 :-hne-nnbl..llt.l'fllolml:] | Snat us es wheg Piiried sinoftmmont of uat dewerip? tioas of shoanp as d y W tek m ©#5 C wo . next, at Two o¢Ulock in the AffeNMKNL . °C meoeive statements of nis «fairs, and 10 Appoint whicih uey;hnoaflh ’1&&0':-&&' «ow 6 wb . )L. e Wiky t > c ronnic‘ + Gonticabtreand" "uates" Sid? w plvlr‘ T uoks, \ @lises, * . %‘m in N B «â€"For prices and quality of goods he deties competion. Remember the Improved Implements HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS | None but Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware CALDWEKLL & CO. _ â€" â€" Managers No. 24 Nign Mure® & I874 UHOS. B[RKETTS. Muilis‘ supply Agency ced Paficiant to wik veen troubled in the past with ummed or hea~ ted arbore, and Journals . nd have been péying fincy price use Craven‘s Aroticand Engine Olls and so avoid~ those complaints for the future. All Cils gu ‘ranteed and orders solicited; Qita wa, Aprit 17th 1876 20th March 875. Repmiring neatly . and LAXARGE STOCK w Jeili FllGs, ’ Files reâ€"cul, :_:‘\ dsot‘s mu.l’n":&'Vm and -n.d-u'm" Vdm:rn Pumps, “l '\h w. Alan, Agene: v‘UBE GAS L1G y o e on OAs iant FINE AND (X)A*fll HARNESA EW FIRM. NARMERS & GARDENERS HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!1 Reâ€"pectfully nqn-':u »is triends and customers to call and see this H HOTEL CARVING TABLES! ! x hor sale by ali Oilmen moc. 4, 1874 Ne.11 Sparkeâ€"si.. Near Russell House LiAw +, December1, 1874 CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. â€" ANY SIZES of the above, WPM"T order by | TVA WA HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3!!! HOTEL PASTRY |OVENS!!! . LARGa -nYt sUMMER «00L A R DW A RE H A R D W A R E. nsolvent by CALLAND EX \MINE8TOCK Market Square, f the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Strect, Thos,. Lawrencoo Hardware, &t. NEW INSQLVENT AOT rantees the im A perfect Ht In the city ‘is to be found at egal Alotices. TAKE A |LOOK AT THE of the Ready Made Cloth= ing bustness (14 years exâ€" perience}, and their deterâ€" m‘uation to keep the best class ef Geods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" & t priges pos«!ble, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metcalfe‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satiafmotion in . buying their Clothing â€"aAT THEâ€" The Largest and Best The retail Clothing Susi« ness solong carried on by Joseph Matcalf:+ is now trinsferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & C M#r. Smith‘s knowledgo H MEADOWS & C€0., cweuy Juists and alt others OIL/ interested who have €lothing. TT WA Ont â€"aAT THEâ€" , work men employed. ..‘ J humas uaua® & o. &. 0. W, MAOUUJAI, i.OULS *BK1ANGER, an W . J. CRAVEN & "o., 444 St. Panlâ€"st., Montreal Tflls R. . . ENT Machin wil has tor the last 12 years been }nfldb’lfi.lfillum incturing establishments of the Dominion. K OF SPRINGâ€" AND 8 JUST ARRIVING net a‘yliah g .rment in the oi the money +efunded. STYLES. Norw: to Millâ€" owners, Machiâ€" 3> sussex ~lree‘. ta with their Wo.24 3810â€"tbst HWy 3781 CEA L8 ih i u-u-c:u.n-t vm&ul-h- m‘hm"rdwm ul’;:.h'h:: waybe imporied into Canada,free of duty, «No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, UST RECEIVED AND OPENED OUT, sell or have :ln pouer uulon T{Mmfifmb.&'r J » the fifteenth day of May an n \ z)leim-, in ca{h yenry, in the Province o’; s 50 'Oms Of $ )ntario®‘ * Tw & 4 AF l @p ht * Croswâ€"Timez wor PIUKEREL (Dorkr) axo iL «4 PRX uityic ©*‘Boots, Shoes i‘No person shall fieb for, nteb, kill uy$ D vJ sell or have in possession any Pickerel ( or Maskinonge between the fifteenth of U B ERS &c. April and the fifteenth day of May ho 38.\ RUBB * 2 year, in the Province of Ontario." Which will be sold CHEAP for Cash FISHERY LEASES & LICENSES. 14 .ts waalty,| :s ol :"l +6 bpeerne CUSTOM+ DKFARTMENT, ... OrrA wa. 6th April, 1876 hereby given that His y‘:fl_ bearing date the 3rd Instant and under the authority vested in him: byâ€"the 1th j Cr1oseâ€"rmms ror WHITEâ€"RISH. . _ â€" " No person shall fishâ€" for, catch, kill, buy, sell, or tve in Xouulion any Whiteâ€"Fish beâ€" tween ticâ€"10th day of November‘and the 1st " No x shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, gell or have in possession any Salmon "‘rout, Lake Trout or "Lunge" between the 15th day of October and the 1st a?(v of December in each year, in the Province of Ontario." Cuoseâ€"rixz yor SPECKLEDâ€"TROUT, BROOK or RIVERâ€"TROUT. % ** No person shall fish for,â€"catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession “LM water Herrings between the fifteenth day of October and the first day of December, in each year, in the Province of Ontario. LATIONS for the Province d)r'()mmizl adopted ;_!dthe Goverfor General in Council on the inst. :â€" s day of December im each year, in the Province of Ontario." â€" Cros®â€"Trng . IVI'EBAL.ONOTBDUT LAKEâ€" TR](‘)%'I;’OBRH“ UNGE" asp 4 WiNNOâ€" l‘l‘ No rno_n shall figh for, buy, sell or have in any Speckledâ€"Trou ic orons tember and t t &n mnch{epur, in the Province of O{nu'lo." Cuose®â€"Tius wos Fresn Warke HERRINGS. "Fishing by means ofnets or other apparaâ€" ;‘ua e n'iuumnfm lfl-nofl:l,h gk ‘mn roâ€" *Aibhed n all waters situated â€"within the Proâ€" "* vince of Quebec." a B UMMDM" r * i. W . WHITCHER Commissioner of Fish eries, 8356â€"31 1e| the (Provines of Apuspone m "In the Province no person shall, durinitb. months 3Jnlz‘nd August, fish for, catch, kill, bns, sell or have in possesâ€" sion any softâ€"shelled‘ Lobsters or female Lobsters, with eggs attached, nor shall Lobsters of a less size than nine inches in lenfih, measuring from head to tail; exclusive of claws or feelers, be ut any time fished for, caught, killed, bought, sold o had in possesâ€" sion : but when caught by accident in nets or other fishing apparatus lawfully used for other fisi., Lobsters with eggs attached, soft shelled m young Lobsters of a less size than nine incues ah!ll be liberated alive, at the risk and ¢w4i of the owner of the net or apparatus, or by ithe occupier of the fishery, on whom, in every case, shall devolve the proof of such actual liberation." FISHEEY LEABES & LLOENSES. **No person shall fisu for, catch, kill, buy, sell whw“:'n possession .ny' Pickerel (Doree) or g:nlmng» betw en the 151h day of April, and 1oth day u('ll._‘y, in each year, in.the Proâ€"* vinee ‘of. (Quebec. he dosk raxk. flo persou +hall fisu ... caich, kil}; byy, sell, or have in poss. s10n «uy \Nn.u-ruh between the 10th day of November and the lst d»y Decâ€" ember in each year, in the Proviuce of Quebec,‘ i Lss Ties FoRr SALMON TROUT, LAKEâ€" TROUT on "LUNGE" awp "WiINNGâ€" . NiCHE." «No person shall fish for, caigh, kiil, buy sell, or_nave in amy salin t !I‘mt. Lake Trout or « " between the lith day Of erover and the Ist day u!b-eanbe}ln each year in the Province of Quehec." > Cuos®â€"Time | por srackkl‘.b 1BOUT, "Bo pefege .:("?-bx:ln\:rnmr ”x‘x’IT , buy, sell, 0 person s se or bavé in ) possession uny éd:eud-l‘lfimt BmoKk or River i, between loth day of Sepâ€" umhq*nd thâ€" Ist day of J auuary, in cach year in the Proviuce ul?mlnc." i«So | person Shiak T00 tor; ~qnioh, Ki uy ‘No person i % » , buy, sell or have in possesiou auy Buss 23".“. the lorn day of l’ und the l5ith day of June, inâ€" “‘&i’:’.!‘fl‘ .2" Pro i (Dork®) 7 ME AND y P adkIN ~NGK #@Ground @ypeum for agricultural purposes UNs for the Province {Quebec adopued by ge<m‘-'ru‘?re6%hmb",wuwm April 14 All applications must be accom, avied y dul certified testimoniais as to charaeter and pu(â€" tion; »tating age, whether married or uumarâ€" ried, and th of service in an A«ylum for the Insanâ€", together with certitied ouriu «i diploâ€" mFas as puysiclans or luweon», rom tour re= o‘&uod medical authorities. flnlar,. m (a t £100 steriing) per aunum, with f . upartments, fue!, iigut, water aud. furnished table for ""‘"f' Appointment to take effect from lst July, 1870. ARCHIBALD McKELLAR, Do e e . _ Proviucial Secretary, btst, :â€" Office of Provinc al Becretary Torouto. Marchoiel875. UBLIC NOTICE is directed to the follow ""ang RiaVID+~ =~ "SHERY RELGULA For the p sition of Medical Superin‘endent of tne Torout â€" Asylum, uunalnfinb.m. to become vacant by the resignation of Dr. Jos. ph Workâ€" main. * Fishi b; ‘of nets 6 m m'a‘n‘um- or U&mfl:‘ '.Ko Department of Marine and Fisherics, is Frohllmcd in all waters situated 'ithinh rovince of Ontario," the Ministe * . . n Ww HTTOHEH, _)© _ > > had experionce in the managemont ahd Work ing of Asylums for the Insane, API'LICATIUNH will be received by the Governme‘t of the Provinee of Ontaric, «ddressed to the undersigned, UP TO THE 15th OF MAY, 1875, By order of the Hon. the Miniater of Marine and Fisherics. Apvoazas, lipe s ghed River UBLIC NOTICE is directed to the _following REVISED FISHERY REGUâ€" do do do do do do do do de do Movernment Hlotices do SALMON ANGLING: CLon®»TIME FOR WHITE FISH (Grand Pabos, do _ ...... Little Pabos, de _ ...... Tobiqug (New Brunswick) Nashw do ‘ N. W. Miramichi, do ‘ Jupiter (Anticost: Istand) North Bhore)..... g;:‘x;q (“:.(Pa'u des 12...) %';vo ':E'W“ ‘:n.b‘.)..- negr ravensense aebves :‘ht.unn_ ini (mrg)odbad). Malbaio® (near Percé) .......... ... Cuoseâ€"Tiwz ror BASS i+# o oc o in 5; ighs. By command Com missioner of Fisheries missioner of Custon: W. F. WHITCHER, . Commsessioner of Fisheries <p¢ } «~I., T. _ SHEPHERD. uz»z,, | Chemist & Druggist, Â¥700â€" THE TIMES ; OTTAWA, SATURDAY. APRI; â€"/ â€" Drug Store. 100 100 100 100 100 100 BO Almahada ovér first cost, at~ Lam Sale, ; In fact you can ave lots buying your fâ€"et Wewr at Laim b‘s (@ Car which will be opened to the puol l) time, ns the stock is fast dis pyearig. A g0® tavilshed business. Po so~al application to tlme, as the stock is fast dis pyc . A Ppoarbpuily Tor buying out a Quodand weiltesâ€" »inaanih Nkifi unssy at. coct mui Medteril ~BOOTS & SHOES . Childrens‘ Rubbers at 3 5 ets. WE Time®) o. ols l .o i** at 40 ets. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Roots, as $1.50â€" Aod other goads at proportionnatety‘ low prices, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, 85 SPARKS STREET SEI\LED Tenaers addressed to the undnn?nsd in heedetinn tA miettsia on [os ut £ 6 cessary Exuv‘m'n and hunn-work rourod for nn‘.hu.s Fence Wall, Gateway, &c., , Ot the Public: ge Grounds, Ottawa. Plans w can bc-un::rrm ® %M'mnd" he lMth fiflhmmm .um' the ant, w neâ€" cef@nry luformation can be obtained. The bona. signat ures of two mflm willing to &mo @ureties for the due of the contract, must be attaehed to each tender. The Department will not be bound to accept the owest or any tendor, Dealers 1 T:mlmflod Maitrerses Lookâ€" ::;n-‘ ssen |‘ornloe:'und Curtains. Depart of Public Works, urrzn::.‘ l9th Apm,%i. Furniture Warerooms, ANCUS%CO. Marcti 10, 1875, This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order, F. BRAUN, [3 o ie h Secrotary. For the due fulfilment of the Contract, satisâ€" factory security will be required on real estate or by ‘deposit of money, public or nnnlci}:l securities, or bank stocks to an~&mount of, per cent on the biilk sum of the Contract. â€" .. To the Tender must be attached the actual signatures of two responsible and solvent perâ€" sons regidents of the Dominion, wim%’ to beâ€" come sureties for ‘the ‘carrying out of ‘these conditions‘as well as ‘the due performance of the works embraced:in the contract. ht > B March 10, 175. Contractors aré notified ‘that Pendéers will not ‘bé ‘cortsidered‘ unless made unca in acâ€" cordance ‘with the printed forms,+ in the case ‘of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual signature and the mature of the occuâ€" pation and lace of residence of each member of ‘the same. _ C o artinent ‘of ‘Public Works, itawa, 2l8t April, 1895. _ Plans and Specifications can be seen, and Forms, of, Teq§:r obtained at, this office on and after‘Monday the 26th April instant, _ __ k) ‘the undersigned will be received t this Office until longny', ‘the 3rd Day of ‘ May‘hext, at A66n, for ‘the necessar luon-woe{, Cut Stoncâ€"work, Brick-work,_‘o., required for the Basement portion of ~Extensionâ€"to the West Block, Departmental Buildings, Ottawa. . .. _ Notice to Contractors. Plans and Specifi¢ations cah be seen at the office of the Engineerâ€"inâ€"chief, at Ottawa By Order, ©f% sR. (BRAUN, ; EASO NABLE. due to be delivered on the River Naskatchawan u,nd the other on Lake Manitobh, or on Lake innepegoosis. ) _ si,g aify L2 conl cl ulc 8k aALED PROPCOS LS addâ€"oâ€" ad to the ‘un dersigned and endorsed * ark itohewsun Nuyviâ€" MWHI be received at. ths oftice up to noon rday, the l5th day of Jay nest, or the eoistruction and delivery gomplote of Department of Public Works Hrokk wa, 15th April 187. Canadia‘nm Pacfllc RiiMy. Tendérs. . AST RBoois & Shoos, REALED TENDERS adrossod to Opposite Honey‘s New Block. 11, 1874 + Two Sternâ€"Wheel Steamers, TO CONTRACTORS Â¥ urniture. Druggists, i 4 AXenders. By order, W.‘E. BROWN, 15 Bussex St., OttaWa&. 3 #ap F. BRAUN, Secretary Plunibing, Gas and Steam.Fitting,. Tinsutiths and 3 "‘ Galvanized Lron Roofers,, ... . . MILL MACHINERY Oor ‘DRESCRIPTION DRILL®, BELTING, FILES, AND bew wm-‘ml?sfim‘ % v:m‘ Asorat, 'Acnuoms-owu' m Pamp ; J. A. Fay & Oo., Oi 8 Wood.o‘ orking Machines; American Saw O0‘y., Trenton, ‘.J.;r!&]fi‘}’lfllm&h;. OFFICOE AND WAREHOUSKâ€"~~ . (_ ss2.002..30.ssec400.... . 10 SPARKEâ€"ST., OTrAW A. COOKINC 06 weio 70â€"BSPARKSâ€"BSTREET, OTTAW A. § i Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. Enginzgs am» Bomsrs, Nsw anp Szconp» Haxp LWInRJI dabucc ie mtc Aurinndiin s nineidbtnes stt s Aihint icmtemiiale scb n eedcicasty @Bt c aidiiss PistiadsAcns: 1 Radl decvrssris s w and D , 4 6 % i ‘ s fown 3 ¢ B‘Efifiamu ‘r of bo : s ‘wiil be received by the |Principal as Boarders or Weekly Boarde -m?v:mfiiwb%?&k is Ghoqbu 1 mmblztrmr mg‘c‘nea, it is tflmy n:on-wl that all be Day : w ho will. dine in,the house of the Prinei: al. Furthgt j ilars can ned from the Hecretary, J. W. Hoimes, Keq., 78 Victdri street, UF l appli Tor‘ad mission mast he »awic. The Sehooil mognon M NDA Y, the 12th of APR:L, and will be carried on for a few days unww e new premises not being quite completed. , April, 8, 8815 SECRETARY : f ; J . w.~HoLMEs, E3Q. 3 The Montreal Proprl Senool has b> ished to .p ovide a !ibsral education siqall i oanairnt oroincp es Heaee haslren o Natl ce to 9 mride a linwrat a tomtien mmtine W-; ® J'u‘y-unbommmmr the Vaiversity and Most ‘effglale premiscs have been pdré asef for the Sshoal in M ‘stree '#.':‘.'.'.'-'.’.‘.'f_. wfl-’iiflu oC â€"this uv.’md l’ln.t.hflhh.l;l»m:‘lnl: fi".‘mfi ‘# o(‘t::. m University, __. The course of Ins.ruâ€"tion will include Latio, Greek, Mithematics, French Germ Arithâ€" metic, Writing, Engitsh Gramimar, Litera‘ure and Composition, History and (ho‘rav. both .nglflm.t‘-#pi amodern, â€"Na‘urat Philosophy, Vocal and instrumontal Music, Drawing, Gymnastlos Orders may be leoft at McLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Sparks Street. hany. ow _ Allcce SUC SHs, SEue In 11 The Subseription Books are now ‘open at the Society‘s Office, Yâ€"rk streat north side, near | ChOCk, New Chinese Check, New Pong: Bussex street, wha'mmay-lnwsvdnumrmm-nmgybeobhlm * I @®IEIMDEFs â€" a aree 0 L. VI1OEâ€"P RIN OI P A L : R. W. BOODLE, ESQ,, B. A. s Late ‘Bcholar and Prizemian of Magdalen Odhphal:;d-ouduh in Honors in Classics an G. A. DRUMMOND , F. MACKENZIE "SQ., M.P, JOHN RAM .ix. ESq, ~ < N . S NOT: Â¥ . s Â¥s Home n negmsesie s + e ie atanr wa 1 sorth ult EXAMINERS ; 5 s Tas Rev. GAVIN LANG. | Tus Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. f THe Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. 4. S ~ MASTERS ; _ : ; PRIN CIP 4 L : { : € y T. C. FAWOETT, K8Q., «M. A. ; Liate Senior Scholar an 1 :ixnibiti oner of Trinity, Hall, Cambridge, Graduate in Mathematical PRESIDENT ; â€" 5 ANDREW ALLAN, EsQ : i T VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; PETER REDPATH, ESQ | GEoRGE sSTEPHEX, EsQ. / 5 ~/ couner. ; q 7.5. EENEON 19 Â¥\ t iav, e t + 22 oo “?'1 ite. & & -Wu& s WA%‘;:% keger. p. JOhS ma d E84, HoR.L S HUNPNa® NN. m. o. I YAGCKENZIE FSQ. M P, JOHN RARN .i~. ES The Office opens da‘ly‘from 10 a m from 6 a.m. till 9 p.m., for the purpose of re FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NEOK At, No: | a‘perré e xo nmSur mb mein o S ht t Werthet Femabia ie Fevittt tinf io se done ..‘&.’:&'.‘.-‘:"r,' wood 5‘% buraing vieve .quicher and betterâ€"at a‘cost of not more than from one to one York Stre«t, ) urth Side, hss and mSPE;’(JIAL NOTICE, Is hereb; ‘ven to our prtrons eplluegl.n.r.ny wa district, that this Com b;Ve am{af& iocgnt.lnu. Bravnch ffoe in this City u:c'l! :h:v‘o)‘l‘:u:d the large and m-m SarneD cB UrPICE Tmbt ue memmanatt se ean oi ieces ty " hore td pate pointed (General Agents "f.... Ottewa Rranch of CLU T L2 EBCE C N UrPlCl‘l'undoru:n llg potnied General Agents the Otte wa .. . SCOTT, â€"CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" . . . g3g Sparks Street CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. C2 Agric ‘tural THS, WATER ©oa8T8, STEAM. Ou lfi.’Ap.:lll:t'lr &95' The first pay me t on Subscribed Stock will be payable on or before the 4th March next. Oft@wa. Fobruary 13th, 1875 MINTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. The ‘"Summer Queen" OFÂ¥ .0R T.4 EVOR, Esq., Trinity. Hall, Mathematical Master “&&B%% of mWnlvam ,ot%nu, reach Muster, H. A. FUOHS, iq. of the vnwgmmmiw German Master. 3. w. Gia y. kuq., of the Boneot of Art, Souh Konsington, Drawiug Master 8: TX bo. CHINLI, EsQ... W riting and Shorthand, CAPPAIN HARKN ;« M,‘ Drilling. 1 DEPOT Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting â€" . PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER, & ) SPARKS STREET WILLLI MM, Eugene Martineau, Samuel Benoit. Xavier Groulx, P. H. Chabt, James Ma tin, Peoter Kearns, Work men. UF THE BESTCANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICOAN MAKE L <«â€" â€"â€"sbntecit 67 â€"Rideau‘ Street, Ottaws, ‘(opposite the "Teapot".) O, Durocher, N. Faulkner, @a‘ly‘from 10a m. tili 5 p.m, and on the first four days of the month for the purpose of receiving goyn’lontl by Stockholders. Improved COAL OIL 84 SUSSEXâ€"ST. e o ardint 4o ol Stekrdam meok af Pal lt * 3. P ‘MABON & OO. 4SSISTANT XASTERS ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY 6th, 1875 OoTTAWA BUILDING _ SOCIETY Y TH & KERR, 25 RIDEAU STREET, f 4 7 EAD â€" OFFICE, ~MONTREAL CAPITAL â€" â€" $1000,000. 1ARWOOD, RDWARN a nare EXEOUTBD EXPEDITIOUSLY BY Plumbers, &c. President eâ€"President. | and a half cents per hour. PrestornTâ€"M. NazaireGermain. Vio®â€"PrREsIDENTâ€"M. Stanislas Drapeau. TMachineriy. Hite P.«B:=F£ RGVUSO N, 3rd DOOR WEST OF BANK STREET, OTTAW A. NADA Insurance Co‘y. Assurance. PR ACTICAL Desmarais and Adam. EDWARD A. gore JAMES A. SMI H, 24, 1875 RODOLPHE MATTE MM. Isaie Richer, Orivier Latour, P. E. Ryan, 10 SPARKSEâ€"S8T., OTTAW A, T L e PPR TY Y P. C. Auciair, Octave Lairemoulile. H &rohc mbault, A. vrier Auguste DeGuise. . A. K & L ®,00 0 EOe OROHT Suny â€" . A. Kay & Oo,, Oincinatti.«>, | Tilustrated price list sent on appii¢ation Hif'.m.u; Director Inspector. OrEX Eysar Dar 10 a. m;, till 4 p. m OFFIOE «Treasurer. #Tiâ€"ly, 3818â€"61 j William Queale, t . LUMBER DEALER, z*®â€"| CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREL o3 e a in Marrbie, Beoich Graufté, ‘or S«nastoné. i BP The newe design in uit AERY FBRNCOLNG, sultab e for thé various Comeiori &t\:‘m 'umâ€"htu'r-m.-‘n" W" either Plain or Mounted. w OTTA WA MARE:â€"E AND GRANITE WORKS. Lamps &: Chandeliers 6201 & mm it im 6 oc Sb cR i 4 w iD io n conmraipn oi eemmitn i hor e danich Bare d On‘s Pane, r orich ant Ihe t "The Hardman." Tue & 18 & Co‘s Pianos wave been recognized ever O‘T winbanet oo ienss Aesiie, ibpsonredt ty different Br mpsenohene en en un ueres ons dtoinng t bar alot cannot be resisted, and assure the purchaser of his recc!ving a superior instrument in eve." Monuiment=, * FKHenandstones â€" Obelisks For the best FITYING SUITS, â€"_". . - "to to CHA®. BRYSON‘S, For the best FTT[ING COATFS3, â€"~â€"â€" â€" | 30 to CHAS. BRYSON®S. For the best FIT[ING l is "3o to mbmxysomw For the best FITTCING i sfuuint s "Fuile Hniouidh 4o to gllAsc BRYSON‘S. PL STCLADBs TAILORING muusxnn. Shingles Clapboards, ?1&'5{3&.’.’.,‘&'33"&_03& 4 w C 2 4GENT FOR MALLOCH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR E T AFARKS STRERT, OTTAW A, 3 PianoFo wabinetâ€" s & es ul oo Orrels: Dreaneties, FRENCH FLOWERS & FEATHEER®S Every 1 Fhory Intrament fully gtarntéee PBR w ind > + ofmompagng, ~ c e ‘Nator, Potass Water, Lemonade, Ginger Ale an Dec. #4 1874 se Meslâ€" THOS8. PATTERSON. BRANDIES, â€"PORT AND SHERRY WINE, GIN, PORTER, PUBE aND UNANULTERATEIL 1or Faw ty use and Me sicinal purposen, WR O L KB a L Eo &4 N W KE T A 1‘"-fl-m'-fl Sune 18. 1814 : in Seotch, inglish, and Canzdian Tweeds. ~ Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, West oft England Broadcloths &c.. &¢c. &c.. To select from, Stoves, Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, at Cost, S pring Goods . Are now showing the best value in the.Olty in Silk Wirp. d DRESE GOGI &, new Hllk Warped Which he is prepared 10 m# * . p in the latest and most fasbions ~16 6tÂ¥ iew. 4 large Lo of Oentlemen‘s FURNIAAING GOO0s. Ammw. All Goode warranted Shrunk. LONDON â€"HOUSE. Dec. 24 1874 ESTABLISHED 1884. ifffffm mt"" 18744. THOS. _PATrERSON The Trade supplied with «. kinds "of Lt~ ber for Building purposes, M O O RE BR O S., arch, 187. Direct Importations from the Producers sa%, In Francs, England, Holiand and Spain. C# m nese Check, New Pong: e Rilksâ€"decidediy the newest goods of theBeason. STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE sIiLKks, â€"A Large Consignment ofâ€" > gusk as 8 W LINEN COSTUMES, FROM #2.50. THE OIL DEPOT, SUSSEXâ€"ST FANCY , Gkix{iRIRS} iN GREAT VYARIETY kies, Jams, Jollics, ‘Byraph whi Hatroot ; Conn vaeriety ot as and Afere ; on n ts caa on 'fifl $s J OSEriA~ D LM.BL EB Y, HANEY & FORGIE, e o cesz GBEAT CLEARING SALES. P. ATAYLOR,; Proprietor. ail of which we are selling at the lowest prives in the city â€" 8. M :KINNON & CO., Has re eived and is openitg"0it® litge #{06k of The Largest and Bestâ€"seibcled assortment of M irble GoLorks: Kailies‘ REMEMBER Rry Goods. ESTABLISHED® 1860.] ©roceries, Coal ©i1. &0 â€"The Choicest Lot of. Hardware. Cumberers, Corner Sparks and O Oonmor Streas. t in the City, arg, PORTER, &¢ 3827

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