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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Apr 1875, p. 1

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| N DER, JLER, AND Manufacturer, r the Daily Timesâ€" sive and aâ€"tnmif Ceotâ€"+ U. McKAy RAPH E R 6GEs. OKATH® im ER, LA I LW A 1. CENTRAL ca WA or to Keug, Loamn. FRAIN»s JAILY a Brockville, A WRENGE M STREET. meribers in &0Y P â€" ) per annoum. advertisements 18 otel ;UNNING â€" TIMK, I M E 8 Malte Y TIMES k Express k Kxpreas & it w&;i‘r'\filn N K A N 11â€" Aâ€"HAL x Eusi &\ r Paragraphs. Keâ€" ini Statementis of s, Insuranc« Comâ€" escripton, inserted &,. Numbering ie Tegree E R, m) is pllbl“ N eekly Editio® mchor â€" Macl4a® cY‘s Qw#1CE. pun Murci, 1625* s in ivance Ar:ive a wiua. ‘ Priscott Jun<tion. » 410 pom u:.-., 100 30 auon., 4.10 p.De rockville maker ‘ufferin wn ol > pr~,, 800 0 pun., 840 pr,. Ullawa makes Trunk . Express rot exceed12¢ tor, OTG W ver tweuly tmwa at 7.40 The A dver allways roprictoly FIFTEEN a definite k Traies t DEC TL M 103 3798â€"6 00# wl q408 ESTABâ€" Otlewe ead\uge TR ed ng y3 #8 D " ;."n’ lars® ryN0 LET ry10 LET â€"N R\} &\ " Jn GIBBS & COURSOLLE, 63, SPARKSâ€"ST., OTTAW A. Bix Barveys in Ottaw»« and | pleasu e in recommet In retiring fro 1 have left wi «ht CC 1 Banker, Montreal Dealer in Greenbacks, U. H. bouds and Checks, Qommerciu paper discounted. U%"’“""" mae in all parts of the Dominion and U. 8. Inâ€" terest a lowed on deposits. vct. 2. M74. ig ______ Sexoâ€"sawky. _ Bankers and Stock Negotlate saies of Property «nd Patents, and organize Companies. Money ‘invested in first ciuss securities w pay 7 «nd 8 per cent. Inâ€" terest: Stocks purchased and carried on & mm.lhnun-.lnwm‘“mml ratos. w anidh t w w NOU ND 0o: Bu OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. MeN A 5 ro 820\: lumily where there m KAPPA, Tiamxs (ffice is ove of the C sn t worki. . Vessels will Patents of Invention, o ard K sailing from Liverprot every Thursday _ and verprot ex ol Sutie eroy o aaniey onl fal, oo Foyla to recetve on bourd and land Mails and Passengers to and from Ireland ai d Seotlind] are intended to be despatched from Quebec ; ELP WANTED H. ©eHWALKER, Jam. 4 187. IDOARD â€"WANTED tended to sail from and from Quebee on MaNITOBAN. ...« PMHORNICIAN. .. .. insurance and Real P ATENTS. MBusiness Cards. Toe ONALD M. GRANT, The shortest, Chospesi and quickes! verpoot, Londenderry «ud (G u;"..."' The Steamers of the Liverpoot Mail RTMUR F. COTTON KF* an experiohnood /. [ 304 somdhdinidhconnt Veanel. D.bflr:‘nm seou n-ml ;;am «Or e Corkage will becharged at the rate Of %s pe/ bottle io Cabin Passengers supply}Ng their own & NTED oRK POR ALL House, a Tame Fox, The oND BROTHER®, Rates of Pas The =~teamere of the 4P m a6 40 w ib â€" without + Othawa July H i1873 Fines appronth to Great Britain. Pnu-ufia‘: nccommedation unsurpassed Ta» _ OF | PABAAG»: ~ r'lumullvflfl YURK to ABT or lmfi“". CABIN® $45 & $00â€"Currenty. stetaru + in al rodin0e 4 FbieB, _ wtelace uele M at POTC Bueorage a!way» an bow FIRSTACLASS L COMPANY‘+ urFFIU®®: 7 LILAN LINE PoryN®staN PrussIAN... SCaA NDIN a VIAN MORAVIAN ... .« MA RM A TLAN ... rovincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman. Huccessor to W. K. Thistle & Co. s, as fermerly, over Manu‘s Hardware 38 19â€" U Unt Business that will Pay vouuptizia a MUsuEOVE, mifs 3 1874 (TRADE MARKS REGISTERED) M iO â€" uo dI| EL NITED STATEA MAIL STEAMERS Maail .n? Safturday from NEW YoukK AND GLASGOW. Court House Avenue Stcamshiyps. TTON, my ANCHOH LINE » aunutes‘ walk of the free M QTTAWA, Ont MBankers. Favourite route for iourisia. i tech) i from the rchased an 3 Beli‘s Blo Hotcls. sOLICITORS OP ound. WANTED.â€"A bedroom . aud nted for an elderiy Lady in & there are no ehildaren. â€" Address ME Wjas 3811 from the 5c oo rnatatobed is fotien â€" M Mr.â€" Baker wilsoul rooms, and rooIms . Table aud rcoms firstâ€" arks and ~ank streets, and cclk l d & x\ §¥ Â¥)*A fromm proctic B.::lb Kiginâ€"st., OUiawa Boabile . ne! Enst Brohkers, Montreal, N(O) 3828. ctice of my profession, rmer Assistant, Mr. mns and iecords Of nnlgm and have much ng him as my sucâ€" U, W. OOW aARV & CO Agents, 17, Sparkaâ€"«t. AM & C I‘; REACK “":m Ie:i race ile cce "540 m W. R. THISTLE $% ars and Boats 1 re Estate agent Uinsgow Line are in Clyde woqr':udl’ about every Thursday ..about _ 6th May oks lath ~ * Soy A% #th " ; s gith * Queber MiKS, FORGIE. 87 0â€"Am A odginyg. Government ner ean have LA N K. 7 Bowling «ireen . MAY . MB y May . May Juna J une June week, day Manager «Popri work a 1700 y Sn w ie Sodew arlimn ent M ried on aach M 784 h f 3 g6 18 12 19 Line Victoria IQIW Westes : Block of Buildings, Dirsorors : James MacLaren, Keq., President. CUharles ba., Vieeâ€"President . C:F. u“&u ., Hon. L. K. Uhunfikl.l’.l. Robart ix Ksq., M.P., xnnder Frasor, E;.. Hon. Hny Bryson, Allan Gilmo or, 1., George + k A Gezerai fum Ing Boskness s laterest Allowed on Deporn-. Gold, Currency and Steriing Drafts Purchases R ©C. W,. MacCUAIQ. . l Oflicial Assignee. (Olty of OTTA W a, County of Carleton Barrisier, * * Dhnnagey." in Uhancery. Ufficeâ€" &uv 6 the EusseNn. HQ Uibson‘s «jonfec tionary, #i@~Money to lend on Real Estate Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys Conveyancers, &c¢., We Bell‘s Block. Elginâ€"st. HonBLx®. K. W. S0oTT, Q. C. _ W _* Harristers, Attorncys, Selicitors, _ Conuveyancers, &c., $y Moggrove‘s Bullding Rideauâ€"s. Ottawa Hox . JowN O‘CoNNOR, ¢"8. a, J. odonxery Dec. 4, 1824. p s ©oTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, Mct.zoD 1;:"". 3. J. GoumUuni, JOL, 17, 1874. B 1 io nfi e n ocfi 0'voiio- & HoGe, Barristers and Aitorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., OTTAWA, ONB. _ _ _ ___ WO Barristers, Solici Auov.zl. Com: veyancers, lm-. #&¢., &C», Officeâ€"mell‘s Block, opposite Russeil House, W . H. W ALK®ERE. | K.CAssmus,Jr. | P. PrSn0CK July 21, 1874 3. P ul MBauk Rotices. BANK OF OTTAWA. ‘Qiflce ver Mr. B. Huckéil‘s Flour Store odrher 0: Sussex ind Yorkâ€"steais o«-vt.._“ Eie |,Barrister, I§TAILLON & CHEYSLER, P Barristers and Ammv.loud- tors in Cha 1cery, d €» ( Officeâ€"Hardy‘s Blook, tidean Streou. â€"__ 0. TamLo®. I E. H. COs vena®. Juze 3, 1878. _ ce ronrane pofrnct WBINHEY, CHWEISTIE & HHL!, Savings‘ Department J Barristers, Attorneys, Solicit@rs, Com veym“. (Of the late urm of Lewis & i‘inhey.) UFFICESâ€"tizin Street, Otiawa. 0, H. @Prxwey A. J. Owrterts.| H. P. Hiui Â¥eb. 5, 1874 484â€"3m Officeâ€"Master in Houge, ‘tiaws Car l W. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., & BHarrister, Advocate, &e. for the Province «: Qquebec. Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chane« cery, &e., lor thor: ovince of Onrario. Main sâ€"vet Huil, P. Q. scaâ€"6m Tâ€"mporary Quloo at Lt Street, Hull, i un. March 9, 174. _ W . Hall, Oct. 26, 1874. TI.-AI P. FORAN, Advocate, Solicitor, &¢. Hus opered an ~fMce in Lhe VITMEM iA TT Province of Quevee, for the transaction > all mutho|‘.nlb ma mun-.o:‘\luhth ‘rovince = m« Untario, Special care lwnloshoaflm'c. « mccounts in both Proâ€" aoue 4 Tory n * enell Dl. TUPPER wmay be cousdited PDUUIE siouuily «t his residence, Metcalie Street, Louse formeriy cecupied by the ton. _P. Mitâ€" fi.' 1L.06AN, Mom«copathic Physician, _l-l“- and o es sau tm 1o. m Spech attention xiven to dineasoa aw. dispiacements of the 1 Muy 0e coumtiilod 25 7 u r and Alberiâ€"sls. Oriawa, O6t 24 184. Qilice ar Sparics ste ti Dl- BURRZOWS,C.M.L.0.P.8.L.C., M.C P.8.0», .ca iawie MeUitl University, Montreal, Surgeon !:mhn-horhnu wod Durham Cavairy, Late \ssociate Coroner N.sind D. ETT ME NT _3 0 2 Wncs cemach 920 Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Orrrawa, OnT. Nay Officeâ€"Sparksâ€"st., Town. Nigh Uificeâ€" at his residence, Mariaâ€"st.. Contre 1\:- (J..noers cured without the use of the knife, by x new but certain, speedy and aimost painles K:-o--. Heference given to parties succers lly treated if required. 1 Â¥. M. FERLAND, No. 13 St. James "troot coNNOR & O‘DoHEETY, i pt. 9, 18 ‘The undersigned has pleasure in inâ€" ._,.u.?..un public uum- opened a first In P. A. EGLESON &« Co.‘sold stand, No. 62 sun:x‘u:ut..'ma -mnu-avd-‘;-nu stock of Fxncy Trowserings, atings, Scotcb, Enelisb and Canadian :"-'fl. Meitons, ';r unvlt) l ae assortment : e v a cony c ces t, EM ENS EURNISHINGS, The latest Noveities in W INDSOR SC «RES, 'I'I\F'\ BRACEKS, HOSIlâ€" ERY, GLOV K3, &o It is sufficie=t to st«te that bet reco« nized a« the » tons experience in New York, and in connection with the firm of P. A. l.ce--a()o..cmna logether with the faet that 1 employ none firstâ€"class work men ; 1 with even more than usual econfidence, nunofi.-:\arp share of public milronage. s P P.*®7. EGLERON. Peter Comrie, Oxgoode Et s 7 A N. s E.8 Geo. Shamberiain & A. W . Blow......â€"â€"â€" Wiltium J UBGOOUO. . » »» s s a» ++ ++ + Peter Ore N aveverrtessceces wores PAYABLE TO ALEX. MeEwAN | [ *‘ oR ORDER, W. W. WARD, L. wa South side of Rideauâ€"st.,near Gloucest ts Consultatons At all honrs, es ROOMS, RUSSELL HOUS E. luss LLT Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &c. Acoâ€"Master in Chancery Cha mbers, Co ILLIANM MOSGROYVE, ihe Public are hereby cuationed that the folâ€" low notes, which have gone @missing, are po:.&:rlmumwwm”w pure? the same : Norks PAYABLE To MESSRS. FROST & WooD, OR ORDER Ira and A. m;l_-:"m‘ WMedical Cards. K. J. . L.YNN, . 0. C. WOOD, A pril 21 ARCHAMBAULT, Notary Public and Advocate, opered an ~ifice i1 the Village @ Hul) nce of Querec, l‘lult.nom M tarial and 1~» ousiness, either in the ce of Québe® o Untario, Special care Hours from 10 a. m. until 5 p.m Reqal €ards. Ogcoode, April 25th 1873. _ Plll APPLE®â€" ‘The fitut of the Season, E. POMROY, CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIA] May now be consulted in is Apsil 21 1498, NA RSH A L MATHESON, iILORING ESTABLISHMENT, Merchant Tailor. on and Residence:â€"Corner of Hugh and . D. K. MACDONELI , wio« at nis Ufllos, corner Attornoy, Solicitors, &c., CAUTION. CASSELS & PENNOCK, Just Received, | .JAS. BUCHANAN, _ the . Russoll v o c a 1 o. at i. Jo6. beandin‘s, Main ParRICK Rossetson CUashjer. _ _ be consulted profes« AiM Prod J. J. GoRMULLY TDt vesnes sennes sn es 2B 00 ALEX, MOEW AN. House, . Over MONTEEAL. Sol citor 3165â€"Uf St17«ly ly The subscriber is favoured with instructions fro... F. CURRY mlolluhll residence, No. 7 Motormack‘s , O‘Comnor street, on TUESIL‘A Y, th #7th inst., all bi« housenoid furâ€" niture and effects, compriing the contents f six bedroom®, mmr, dlnl: roome and kitâ€" chen. in the rooms, th the or!inary chen. In the bedrooms,â€" with the or!inary iurniture, will be found sheets, quilts, boisters, pillows, excelleit doub.e and single nglu mattrasses, all nearly new, large dining table, wire. In the pariour will be found sofas and chairs in bair cloth. plctures. centre table, carâ€" pets, and various other articles Sale almaul eleven o‘clock, on Tuesday #7th inst., and withâ€" out ary reserve. Burgaiis may be looked for minin« chairs, china, glas« and crock e% An excellent kitchen stove and furnitule w copper boiler and all necessary kitchen furniâ€" at this sale TOTALLY . UNRESERVED . AVCTION Household Furniture, 1 am instructed tosell by Public Auction at the residence of the Iate F. D. BURROWSB, Esq., McKa: street, New Edinburgh, on Wedâ€" nesday the #8th inst, at eleven o‘clock, all the h«mgokl furniture and effects therein, comâ€" g:,lbh; in part bandsome Jounge, and well u stered arm, cla-nd other chairs lom.hg: cent c tables, tri tables, excellent carpels, pictures, whatnots, window h-m. side +oard«, dining tabie, dining chairs, stove, hall furnirure. stair carpets, b w and other bedâ€" steads, bureaus. wash m&fl' and hair mattrasss, kiichen stove I_ furniture, china glass, crockery. hall oll eloth, tables, LCB( 1B O oonee A P mpestPrandis ar apes AD T90 99â€" chairs, pots, pans, and various other srticles that cannot be enumerated. Special attentin is drawn (o this sale as the furpiture is not long in use and must be sold withont any reserve. Look out for the Mm-unyoq'pn‘uo street cars, Remember the day Weduesday m‘ at cleven q’efinl-llu Las d caaaaas Household Furniture, Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE Householi â€" FPurniture, Very Fine Sevon aad aâ€"half Octave Cot tage Piano, Carpets, &c. April, 24th 1876. Tuesday, April 27th ‘75, Une English cottage piano, seven and a half cetave, aimost new. one parior suit in erimson mh'wmhbu. one pair handsome b w tables, one b w rocking chair, two fancy b 'ohzln.uw-nnlb mairror, wflnégl:o( fancy (China yases, m«n orna m e wo sets of window ‘three w carâ€" pets, b w extension di» ing table, xb w cane seat‘ chairs, n w sideboard, lounge sofa, side dinner service, tea &m-u. out %â€"v.n,h decan» tumblers, wines, &C. . ctro plated 'ne‘ table cutle: y in knives, flm'pou..c., Ha) oil cloth, two hall coa! stoves, base burners, hall iamj», hall table, &c., b w bedsteads, Dbureaunx and zlasses, tables and chairs, spring and hair m tirasses, blankets, sheets and quilts, l:,d- MARIA STREET, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 1 m carpets, window blinds, bedroom couking stove and utensils, one sel covers, crockery, kitchen utensils, &¢, _2 _ ____â€" J, BERMINGHAW, Auctioneor. Ottaw», April 24, 1875 d Jas. BERMINGHAM. AUCTION SALE wili sell at Carpets, Oilâ€"cloth, New and . Secon Mand Chairs, Bedstcads, Whatnots, String Beds, Pallinsses, Wool ldnhdoll-‘l.u'oodl.- tel Mirrors, Chamber Toilet Sets, Tumblers, and a Sal e to commence at 12 o‘clock sharp. ROWE & ERRATT, CROCKERY AND MISUCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES. Jas. Bermingham. 1Hlti,undeni|nodhvobo‘niuemchd C y ‘Tififii’l’"fi SALE & BY MPORTANT SALE J. M. ROSS & Co. PublicAuction Corner of RKIDEAU and CHERRCRI: MHD s And they feel sure that the bare announcement oflh.ha'i'l.} h:“l-thm. &‘)nodflil h:of purchasers » only ready to posâ€" seas a~me article «ut of the very m.n{.h‘.: ottered. if !obolo‘:tuldolnnmom . oc w distinguiabed in the history of Canadn, To sell by Public Auction, the v holeof his HOUSEXHALO FURNITURE AND EFFECTS Monday, the 26th day of April, O PmP EP PCOE OM i2b U Amon« the varied collection which will be offer d, the whole of which cannot be enumerâ€" ated in this advertisement, but calalogues of vhlchmnbemmndon application, will be sound. Veran« Ornaments and Euy Chairs, |..||mu-h‘lau and Curpet Drawing Reom B. W . Q:al Cenire Table, i. W . Fancy m§ Tabie,. B W _ Book \ use, B. W. Couch. B. W. Cami Pabie, B.W. Work Table, Crimson Râ€"pp, B. W. COhairs. Whatnois in BHlack and Gold Brackots in White and Gold, Brusse!s Carpel rich in d d‘unu-lrn.rn. B. W. Mwyua Onk Chairs, Oll ntings, Hide Boacs, marble 192 procest Fam fiee aid Cotioe set in Gignt, 133 pioces, on m nâ€" and Goid, splendid Service, Rich ano Varied Curtains and Cornices, Rings, &c,, Glassware in endiess variety, comprising \Charn Sherry, Claretand Ales, in three ‘ umazamflheâ€"phu sets, Cutlery df every iption, Croc«ery in endiess varieâ€" , the contents of a Nursery, Lw- Sets with Washstands, Mirâ€" yors and Bureans Beds and Bedding, the contents of the _ Rooms, with tne Watdogantes nostaole Img.omente. ‘The whole to be sold reserve, as the hon %‘W to take up bis resiâ€" ‘ .m‘; commend® ‘d Halfâ€"past Ten ofclock I in rmauask. * . _ |. O _. General Assortment Messra Furniture received up to Saturday R@»"Sale at 2 o‘clock sharp. _ | 3. M. ROSS & C©O., | Heneys‘ Block, !I’L"'.E.‘. dawe. April l6th. W9D. â€"â€"A i?'wm'â€"fium iE:e"fiu. ©0., Onemists, Wholesale | Bible Hoos On Saturday afternoon, al 2 o‘clock HOUSEHNOLD FURNITURE, irs. ROWE & £RRATT Invphoonb- voured with instructions from the To sell at his Residence, . DICKINSON. their Rooms, on Saturday the 17th a ‘arge consignment of P of REIDEAU and CHAPEL STS , 8 A LE Sir J. A. Macdonald, K.C.B., AUCTIONEERS®, THE FOLLOWING At his Residence, on the TERMS CASH J, BERMINGYAM, Auctioneer â€"ORâ€" â€"BYâ€" Rowe & Errat! UL Auctioneers m deif, &¢., set of dish ‘ GOWAN‘S GRAND OPERA HOVSE Under the im mediate r.u'u'\ of Their Ex cellencies the Ear! a (‘ounusoflmmm. Grand Musical and Dramatic Entertsinment by the To conciude with the tragle Burlesque Operetta, Orchestra Chairs, (to be bad at Gowan‘s) T5cw , Dress Circle, und Balcony, 50cts., Gallery of the When will be presented for the first time in this city, New Y.rk‘s great successfu! play TWO ORPHAN®S ! Which is now being played at the Union Square 'l'huu.:‘ New Yori. to erowded and mxlon- able audiences, +4 Maurice de Vandrey, M». N. C. }orrester. Louisy, the vlind orphau, Mrs, N. C. Forrester, Bupported by a firstâ€"class company. New ana wardrobe nu-a etc. Admission, 35, 50 and 76 cents. Reserved seats at Gowan‘s, di.d"'.ln “;.'“;‘ 10 i # uin e P td t Tharsday Evening an entire change of Bill. Grand Family mat nl‘nu- Mm at 4 o‘clock. J. R. Fox ER, FORRESTERS, 'l‘lllul-lenw informs his friinds and the public generally that ne ua> be ught trom L s bruther, uéee â€" sollvard Chariebuls, the Stoox of Groceries, coruer of Patmek & Daihouâ€" sie Sts ., wiso the stock, corner of N« lsun & FParry Ste.. where he will continueto do all in his power to plesse his customers, TOOT MB PRCUTE O NCOE OS AELENIE Prue sll Ottawa Cricket Club. | ind TK 4 < im ac h vadreveeane i serce N. B. ihe undersigned is responsible for all the devts and has the right tow licct allaccounts due io there estabiishments. 4 JO8EPH QUViDOE CHARLEBOIS, 1t surpasses everything for Windows, wnd plain Woodwork, aud Fins, Bras Hcouring Knives, and all metals. April 2rd MAND SAPOLIO, For Mechanics, I‘winters, ~Phoiwgraphers, and for Buth purposes. msemones MISS CHATFIELD, Norwich sgg ZPowder, wor madcung wl P NCYCH & OWAN‘S GRAND OPELA HoUSE Worcestershire Sauce ! CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD ‘The success ofthis most delicious and unri valediCondiment havlw caused certain deaiers to nrpl.v the name of*‘W orcestershie Bauce"" tor their own inferior compovnds, the gflb"fl horeb‘ informed that the oaly way to secure the g is to ase wE RRRTOCE CCC ASK © JR LEA & PERRINS SAUUE, mdzmmunan-mwmm r, and bottle. "*2 tad of the Areign markets hnaving been suppiled with » spurious Woreestershire Datice, uponAtho 'rmr and labeis of whish the names of Lea Perrins have been fâ€"rged.. L. and P. give notice that they have furnished fir‘m-!w rrespondents with power of attorney toâ€" proceedings against ufactu &’ma-m or any ot.h!r.. unlullm vy which thetr right may be infringed Ask for LEA & PERRINS‘ S.uoef and see Name on W , Label, § Bottle, nnr:ipg:ppor. W holess le and for Export by m&mpflflu‘. vorcester; Crosse_ and" Blackwell, Lowdon, 10 be had of all wrocers. p H. J, WKEKS &00., Torumie. sule Agents for Ontario. sitdâ€"1 y Commencing Tuesday Evening, APRIL 27TH, Are Artrintg General cce "CSIOREE to Liquors at n:u-mlu LOW _ OKs, to make room for their Spring Stock. 5 lIbs. of sound Tea for $1.60, valuo gua« ranteed, also, a reduction on u?v tauke 10 u.ornl'anrdl..mnqm on o.fhhl;.dz Herrings, fmx& 50 cte. to $1.00, accordi quantit‘, or No. % Labrador Herring, redue tion of $1.25 er bbl..‘d:ly Couâ€"fish, Ooarse Sa in large bags, Fine t, 280 los. per bag, GO Western Apples and Onions, also on hand ; & o‘ which are sellirg at a reduction for CASH. ® your Houseâ€"cleaning, by all means *‘ Suk your Grocer, DrIggist Jf the HIGHâ€"WINES, PROOF AND RYEâ€" Declared by conpotseurs to be THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE TOBACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE, From Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW« WILILSON & ORK, Carvers & Gilders Monday Evening, April 26th OUSEKEEPERS ! OTTAWA, mMONDAY, "BOMBASTES FURIOSO." se from the errors and uninitnnintnes tretitmes 250. seE or on AmoR M America. Send a selfâ€" lope to the REV. JosEPH INMAN, § Baskerville & Brosâ€", No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, STARCH, RICE, RAISIN®S, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, Carvruers & Giders ) LCA & PERRINS‘ BROW.CABES MADE To OR! %‘ March.12, 1874. _ ® First appearance in Ottawa of OUSEK EEP ERS, MANUFAOT URKRS Â¥+ y »GO S nark s *#st! Five Nights Only, PICTURE FRAM® Hardware shops, jor clean Ad faal bolnbing $ A P 0 L 1 0, nurssimetnits. Late of New York and by Grocers and Ollmen univerâ€" ©Gro.ers. NOTICE. LOOKING=â€"GLASS and USE THB BASKERVILLE BROâ€" New York City kinds o. Causes WIHHHQUL Celebrated A CARD. Busi: esa Manager, Woreestershire Sauce, 3700â€"1m painted 3 813 The Government have decided that there sha!l be Brigade Militia camps beld Avring the ensuing, summer, and the regulations relating to the same are pubâ€" lished in the Oficial Gazette of Saturday, After the drill in these camps has been completed, the MajorGeneral will proâ€" ceed to Manitoba, and thence across the continent to British Columbia. Saturday‘s Despatches. Loxnox, Apri! 24.â€"The colliery owners of South W';le-:, have agreed to throw ogen their pits to mine‘s at a reduction of 15 per cent. on wages. A State of Siege Impending in Athens The Daily News dospatch from Athens, says considerable excitement prevails over the approaching elections. A state of siege is reporte« impending. The Govâ€" ernment is concentrating five thousand soldiers in Athens, and it is lup'g:ned in« tends to raise the army to a war ting. Strike Ended. The strike of the cotton operatives at Blaskburn has ended. brge s Killed in a Pruol. . A despatch to the Standard from St. Pmrsb‘urs reports Marquis de Cana, husâ€" band of Adelina Patti, killed in a duel. PuirapeurHia, Pa., April 24th.â€"Last night Schofield‘s large cotton mills at Manayank were totally burned. The buildings were of stone, five stories h'{l' sndrooéntg built, and was ocoupied by Dawson & Shaw. The loss heavy. Anm Address from the Archbishops of Mexico. Ciry or MrRXx100, A{fll 10, ViaA HAV&ANA, April 23.â€"The Archbishops‘ of Kum Guadalajars and Michoacan, have iss an address in regard to recent laws affectâ€" ing the Church in Mexico. They enjoin on the clergy and t.hofptople to have moderation and rsm for the: authoriâ€" ties, and advise all olics to be patient and act as Christians under their trials. New York, April 24.â€"The Reports of the Crop vrospects in the West imfi:pu that in fimoun about threeâ€"quarters. of . the 551“;’."“‘,3.&..:." oa np hn sare panind, is up and eorn inâ€" stead. ére is o":ly about oneâ€"half of the usual average of oats. . The peach crop in Arkansas and Missouri has. been nearly destroyed. . Apples and pears are “M I e e se oo _I__-A‘ i. | cher sn o. 00 e o uy 6 In Indiana wheat has been badly inâ€" jured by cold weather. _ Rye and barley will also be short crops, and the fruit crop will be almost a total failure. . Corn planting is delayed by frost.=rm > ~In Wisconsin the winter . wheat is slightly injured; spring wheat is just planting, and fruit is somewhat injured.. ~ In Kansas the season has been favourâ€" able, the large areas of wheat and oats sown being in a fine condition. _ ... _ . _ In Michigan the season is backward and wheat has been badly injured by the frost, and in many localities farmers are turning it out.. Oats and corn as we ll as most of the small fruits &re killed. _ .. _In Nebraska ”â€"tiefipro- ects for all grain and fruits are wflgl"“‘ Sn ul In Minnesota the season is backwaid. The average breadth of spring wheat is sown ; winter wheat is uninjured, and emall fruits promises well. rg In â€" lowa little more . . than the average . amount _ of spring wheat is sown and will yield well ; but little winter wheat is sown, and that is uninjured. Oats and barley are badly llll“'“_i; F!-uiu_ will be â€"an .vo‘ngo crop. hl::."lllinuoil the prospects f:r winter w are very discouraging ; where large mmu:zlywwn, gm will not be oneâ€"half crop. Many wheat fields are being ploughed for ?E’mg wheat and oats are{i rye and barley. . Fruits are generally destroyed. Ciry or Mrxio, April 13, via Havana, New York, April 24.«â€"Some _ thie" entered ‘ _ St. . Benedict‘s _ German Catholic Church in . Herkimer street last night and stole the poor box and chalice containing the consecrated host. Catholic Charch Burned. Sax Frawcmsco, April 24.â€"The St: Joseph‘s Roman Catholic Church, at San Jose, was burned yosterday. Loss, $50, ‘ 81. Pavi, Mix®., April 24.â€"Another break is _ reported in the _ tunâ€" nel at Minneapolis An immense amount â€" of private _ corporations as well as Government monédy has been :-x‘flandod in endeavors to preserve the and water power. The uolx{ontk:f the resent disaster is not publicly End the damage can h‘u-gly he ropm until the Mississippi falls very materially. The river is now on the decline, but â€"is at a high stage. : PHILADELPHIA, April 23.â€"The strike of the cotton and woollen weavers in this city has now become almost general. Tl:‘o 1 L Li on ae glon ic l ie Gnieco snn Eoi ie e o oo it men in Smith & Thornton‘s weaving mill struck yesterday. All hands to the numâ€" ber of about five hundred demanded the former rate of wages, which had been reâ€" duced by ten per cent. by the employers. The entire number now out is probably nearly 4,000, most of whom have held out for about three months. _A largely attended meeting of strikers ‘was held last ~evening,â€" at which ‘they reâ€" solved * that â€" they nprdan{ a: unsatisfactory eve arrangemen that _ will not lzyouro for _ them a restoring to the standard of wages es tablished Previouslyto last winter‘s reâ€" duction. It was stated at the meeting that the manufacturers had met on Thursâ€" day afternoon, and resolved not to yield, and that if any mill owner made a conâ€" z;-ion to the strikers, he was to pay a 6. BY TELEGRAPH. The extreme scarcity of coal in this city still prevails. During the week stove coal hugeen retailing as high as $8.50 per ton, and there is great difficulty found in obtaining it at that price. _ The latest information from Pottsville indicates a determination on the part of ‘ the miners to stand out for their persistently asked for schedule ofprio:, and as they claim to be in possession of sufficient funds, the prospect of â€"a resumption of work at an early day is exceedingly donbtful. Qnaxa, April 24.â€"The situation on the Union Pncigc is practically unchanged. A snow storm has passed over the entire line from Evanstown t> the mouth of the Platte. In some places snow fell to & depth of five inches. It will make trans fer more labourious and uncomfortable. Povenkzersig, April 25â€"A hesvy _d w?dmpmu_ed by rain wfi here last t. Telegraph 7pd“. were torn dmn‘igtwoonm and New York, south 6f P oughkeepsie.â€"It rained Break in the Minneapolis Tannel ; insurance $17,000 South \...ios ColHiecries APBRI Robbery from a Church CGREAT BRITAIN 4,000 Men (?) on Strike The Union Pacific Railroad UNITED STATES. Crop Reports,. Scarcity of Coal | Rain Storm 26, 1875 1.oxnox, April 25.â€"Moody and Sankey‘s revival meetings toâ€"lay were well attendâ€" ed. Mr. G!adstone was present. Adclina Patti‘s Husband. Loxrox, April 25.â€"The report which was published yesterday by the Standard in its special «lespatch from St. Petersâ€" burg that the Marquis De Cana had been killed in a duel is false and wholly withâ€" out foundation. 2 Death of the Chaplain to the Queen LoxDox, April 26, 5 The morning papers ummfnoe the d:x:of t(ev. Wm. Belwyn, D.D., Chaplain to th? Queen, aged 69 years ; and Henry W. Pickersâ€" gill, portrait painter, in his 94th year. Midnight Despatches. Arrest of a Smuggler. New Yorek, April 23.â€"Charles L. Lawâ€" rence, fugitive smuggler and secrourg.oof the Americus Club, is expected here from ngland next week, in tflzccusdody of the r who followed him sinee the 6th ‘ebruary. The value ofâ€"the silks and laces which Lawrence imported without ying duty is now estimated at three iillion dollars. â€" The fraud began four or ive years ago, under a deputy collector in said to be worth half a million, mostly bonds. â€" What real estate he has is in ife‘s name, and cannot be attached. NorFrouk, Va., April 25.â€"The severe e here on Saturday evening upset two yster sloops near Craney Island. The ws were seen oli:ging to the bottom of the boats. All efforts to reach them with tugs : failed. 1t â€" is thought several persons were drowned. Brigham Young Summoned for Conâ€" tempt of Court. _Baur Lake Cirvy, April 25.â€" Brigham Young was summoned toâ€"lay before Chief Justice Lowe to show cause why he should not:;,mheld li;ornst::w npt for fml ing to pay endiny the suit the ‘o-o was argued for an app~l‘ to the Su r-ne Court. At the conclusion the uttfeodled'for papers in the case, but no decision was given. Ewo Oyster Sloops Upset â€"Several Porâ€" k sons Drowned. Cm10a00, A&ril 25.â€"The following desâ€" patch from Monument, Kansas, bearing no date, has been received at military headquarters :â€"* Attacked at daylight yutordn({ morning on the north fork of Sapper Creek by a Earty of sixty Cheyâ€" enne Indians which I ‘believe to be -omeofltbosoo;bg’have:onnthe ngonaz. out from their ies and demanded their surrender. fl&edo- mand was answered by a volley. After a desperate resistance they were all killedâ€" nineteen warriors,two inqludi::g:hiefi and a medicine man,were among dead. (I captured 125 ponies, the remainder of the Indiaris escaped with a portion of their stock,. I burned three camps, consisting of twelve. lodges and all their effects. Sergennt Papier and private Tieros, of my command, were ‘killed. Signed, â€"Avsrmn Hexuyr. _ Signed, Avsrix Hexiy. Lieutenant 6th Cavalry. kx Un anepikiee. nepigh ity, corres t, telegrap! particulars of a desperate fight between m band of raiding Cheyenres and two wl:&mi“ of the 6th U. S.Cavm which twentyâ€"seven Indians were The engagement lasted two hours, when the Indians broke and fled, leaving their bagâ€" gnfe, ponnies and tents on the field. Two soldiers were killed â€" Serjeant Papier and private Tieros. â€" Among the Indians killed were two chiefs. ’lgurt' yâ€"three Indians escaped, but troops are in close pursuit. Injense excitement prevails along the border. RuTcax ‘, Vt., April 25.â€"The fire which broke out in the basement of ‘the Herald bufldx.:sfio-d-ywu caused by an exploâ€" sion damaged the building and stock to the amount of several thousand dollars. Fully insured. New York, #rfl 25.â€"A fire occurred toâ€"~day in the Union League Club House, which threatened to destroy the ‘whole magnificent structure. © The only work of art damaged was the picture of the sol dier‘s burial ground at Gettysburgâ€"the carpets and frescoes were {destroyed. The total loss is in the n&ighborlwod of $50,000 ; insurance $100,000, _ _Mexican Raiders. Corpus Cmrism, April 25.â€"A letter from Carigo, Texas, says Dr. Love‘l, who was murdered by Mexicans on the 19th, was surprised and shot six times.~ The Mexicans robbed the post office, and atâ€" tempted to break open the safe of t.ho‘ custom house, but &:led .â€" Dr. Lovell had many friends, and a feeling of retaliation for the brutal murder is exhibited. Courriers from all portions of this fronâ€". tier â€"report large bands : of armed Mexicans moving this way. Yesterday a party of Americans who were endeavoring to ascertain the true state of affairs in the vicinity of Ia ranche, about fifty miles from here, were attacked bw Mexicané. â€" A short fight ensued, w one Mexican was killed and one taken prisoner. The Americans lost none, but being outnumbered were compelied to retreat. ‘They received immediate aid from here. About fifty well armed Amerâ€" icans left here this evening and as many more will leave to morrow to meet these raiders who have forced the tolegn&l: operator toleave La Parra and have cut lines.. The repairer from this place startâ€" odoutwm-rtholine. He was chased for three miles. ‘They fired several times at him but hofin.l.lz escaped into the timber, These Me bandits seem determined to keep all telegraph comâ€" munication with Brownsville cut off. A deep sense of indignation is felt at these repeated raide. ‘The le of this porâ€" tion of Texas are gmr:dop to desperation and they are determined that these Moody and Sankey in London. things shall soon cease Grand Operaâ€"Saie of L Lynchâ€"Prohibition. On Monday evening Mre. Wybert Rousby commences an engagement at the Grand Opera House. UE oi ids e c A sale of Fort William town lots took place at the auction rooms of Herderson & Macfarlane yesterday, and proved an extraordinary success. Bidd.m was very spirited, and the property sold realized ho heiwlgohie sum of §1: ome sum of $15,247 Archbishop Lynch goes next week to New York to take ‘part in the grand ceremony of conferring the dignity ol Cardinal on Archbishop McCloskey. ‘The ceremony hkuJ)hoo in St. Patrick‘s Cathedral, New York, on Tuesday next, April 27. BCEA ie e ain e s tm CBLSstats "At the meeting in theâ€" Parliament Street Primitive Methodist Church last night a stronglyâ€"worded resolution in faâ€" vour of a prohibitory law was UN&ANDI mously carried.. < > Pn es en At an adjourned meeting of Grace Church, held last night, it was recomâ€" nwnde& that the rector‘s stipend â€" should be fixed at $800 per annum, together with CARADiAN {NTELLIGENCE UNITED STATRS CGREAT BRETAIN Indian Extinetion Cimmts (By Telegraph.) TONRO N Toroxto, April 24 Lots ~Archbishop a free house and $200 granted by the Church A-ochfioczand that the furniâ€" ture bought by the Church for the rector‘s house, amounting to nearly $400, be made a present. IIN1â€"Celebration â€" Pedestrian caunp Seauâ€" cntionmal. \ The Catholic Young Men‘s Society are m arrangzements for the second celebration of the .nnivu-g.of the poet Thomas Moore on the 28th May. Â¥> G,. E. Clerk, editor of the True Witâ€" ness. is seriously ill of congestion of the biwin. ©4 CA ® A'anoehnq‘ will be held this evening in themGy of endeavouring ko fl":d?: ing to form a + ?rin.u Club. The effort in this direction commends itself to those of our yovng men whose business occupation involves a lack of proper physical exercise, so necessary to health. _:.__ _ _ .__ The Rev. M. F. Richard, of tue Diocese of Chatham, New Brunswick, was in town yesterday and the previous night, solicitâ€" ingâ€"aid to enlarge the academy, in which there are three professors ; also & con: vent, whichinoecufiod by the Sisters of theOonf‘pfiono Notre Dame of this city. < ‘The school is, attended by an equal number of Irish and French ; thereâ€" fore he says no one can have any ohjecâ€" tion to subscribe. A lottery will take place on ~the ist September to aid the rev. gentleman in his ofi:ct,ulfl evary ticket willâ€"draw a prize. is givâ€" ing bis own driving horse, worth ‘h‘, as one of the prizes. ‘The tickets are only 50c. each. The Stock Market quiet and steady. Montreal 191§%, closing 191% to 192; ex. dividend 186. Merchants 113%, closing 113} to 113%. Commerca 130}, closing 1364 to 136%. Jacques Cartier Y74, clos infi 974 to 98. ‘Telegraph 174}, closing 174} to 1744. v Supposed Incendiarism. Pertu, April 23. Iast night the barns and stables be longinglol{r.JlmuMQld&;fi::;m’ cession. of Drummond, were to the ground, the contents being also desâ€" troyed, as woll as seven oow-nd"hi:'z sheep, which were enclosed in the ya and could not get out. Suspicion at once fell upon a German laborer named Jack Amarndis, who had a difficulty with Mr. Mansfield the evening previous, and who, it is thought, took this means of revengâ€" ing himself. This morning, on informa tion of Mr. Mansfield, a warrant for the apprehension of Amandis was issued, and hownwcordinglyapgrchuld-dby(lfid Constable Corry, of Perth, and brought into town for examination, which will Ltfikozhoo before Mr. C. Rice, J. P., next Kiwosto®, April 24. ‘The harbour is again blocked with ice. There seems to be iimmense quantities of ice afloat in the lake. > The ferry steamers to the Islands and Cape Vincent continue regular trips. _ â€" . The steamer Queen arrived here last night from Gananogue. _ . _ _ _ . _ ‘The final examinations in the Art and Divinity faculties of Queen‘s University closed toâ€"day. A large attendance is ex ecbedstthebmqmttobo(r’vm‘- eVedne-dny next to the University graduates and undergraduates by the trustees. 4 Death of a Prominent Agriculturist. Bownaxviuus, April 24. Mr. John Bellwood of Willow Grove farm, in the township of Clarke, died last night after nl.ingufn‘ illness. The deâ€" ceased was well known throughout the Province as an extensive breeder of high bred cattle and sheep. He took a great in‘ erest in the Provincial and Local Agriâ€" ¢ultural Exhibitions. * Becretary ; Fred. Chinneck, Treasurer NAPANEE. 1 Cricket Narax®zs, April 24. A meeting of the Napanee Cricket Club was heldul:‘; evening, and the following officers were W for the current year:â€"Rev. D. F. Bogart, President ; H. L. Geddes; lst â€" Viceâ€"President; T. D, Pruyn, 2ad Viceâ€"President; B.8. Adams, l-horlpu-m'-ln Chureis. Berreviu®, April 23. The friends of the Methodist Epi Church bere held a meeting on the 2ist inst. for the purpose of raising funds to commence a new church. Seven hunâ€" dred and fifty persons attended .and $9,060 in money and subscriptions were re ceived. The schooner Bay Trader left here to day for Port Rowan for lumber. Schooner Wawanish, Capt. J. Reid, will also leave on Saturday for Thunder Bay, for timber, leave for Toledo for grain. Gold ia New York nmuge was quiot hnd stoady: dioeing it ex was quiet ya’lu%.t 4874 for bankers‘ 60 days sterling ; 4904 for demand. Gold opened at 15} and closed at 15%. State bond quiet and nominal ; railroad bonds firm ; Governâ€" ment firm d":l'p-t:cl:mrkumluk‘h ;lfly * olined 1 to reeovered but finally reached at * Cowss, Monday Night. covered from his As the Queen is now in residence at Royal party, havis her marine home in the Isle dWifi't, forty minutes, dro and as Captain exhibited his life throudnhod:g.l dress and its ilities before Her Maâ€"| by which the ‘jfi”’hhmmginflnl.din.iti,l make a detour in 0: ‘presume, quite competent for me to write | drive. A direct ro of the matter as an appearance of the whortly be made # ywnpmcumoflma to the private lan the m_Andcnnlym busy period f« did human being aforetime present himâ€" are being self at Court in such a costume as the season, and the cre indiarubber suit in which Captain Boyton The news of the Qu madé his bow to the Queen on the quarâ€" sccordin gly soon terdeck of the koyal yacht, where for mdw the time the Court was held. In quiet although there we I-low!yfl-‘ nahu~ l“d.:- fecae .-::uillh‘ t ing was c M‘uflh.fll““' â€";ut‘ (From a Correspondent of Daily New York Money and Stobk Markeis. CAPTAIN BOYTON AT OSBORNE MONTREAL. BOWMANYVILLE. KLINACsTOn OLit 4 BELLEVILLE. PERTH. WELLAND. (BY TELEGRAPH.) Moxrkzar, April 24 Navigation. * _ Wetraxp, April 24 Nuw York, April 24 News, April 6.) commenced. It was a "private view," and the secret had been well kept. \â€" By the time the performance was fairly over dwellers in the remote corners of thoodobnud_\mhfi:g. is awoke to the knowledge ‘of Cwas i but not before. Strolling down Meâ€" dxmmd,mt-ho trim yachtsmen passing to orlo::fn" at the gates of the buildingyards, struggling to eefend my headgear from the boisterous winds, about ten o‘clock, 1 was struck upon ° hearing the remark, " There‘s something up this morning, mate," ad dressed by one native to another. At first sight it was not easy to see what that "something" was which the mariner suggested, although it was just possible that since sailors by leng habit make mortals, the hint was worth 1::;«;;. Here was the Medina running swiftly out into the Solent, and glittering in the sun shineâ€"nothing newâ€"{(except the sunâ€" shine) in,; that. Over the way at the Trinity \+lnrf landing »tage lay the Alberta, clean as a new pin, and evidentâ€" ly geuteel from stem to stern, and from truck to keelâ€"the common condition of a well;tendod yacht. From 'duflg staff on the lawn floated the ‘Trin House fiagâ€"as it ought to have done. T .n:?fiantd;'ndt;“s. Manâ€" more ofâ€"war‘smen were preparing the halliards, n“ndiubym&“.hgt the sward ; serving men and women disappearing down the ~staire ; .nnlc‘ouhjfim.m went the rounds to see that i -g,fil\ddood an Cowes nook a small boat over whose stern trailed a blood red hnut' thing uncommon, were noticed one by one, ind worked out by the gathering mn_thhn_-y-uflucumrhmn problem in Euclid. Jast a waterside rtn'nch-uhndpun-dd‘fio‘-‘ ind it y hy," said, 1, F4 K can vorwbhmh 5:. across to Fraunce, and wants to ‘see um start. â€" It‘s to be at eleven o‘clock; she is always punotival." M at Ho'y;l"pufi, having been afioat nearly E{t’ forty mfii:us,dm back to Osborne ® ullm htu.n.l * Maâ€" bywhichtho%'lwub“ p I mgko.duourmm'dctomohmhmd rite | drive. A direct road, it is hoped, will the | shortly be made from the carriage way c of | to the private landingâ€"place. This is a s are being made ready for the the ..-,..aunm--od;-or‘ ton 1\0--0(&0@‘""““:"" a4e lin sly soon amonget the senâ€" : mndm‘::""'“ although there were yery r"‘- so | to witness the of the experi C .".’_..._.imm.d“ U the Alberta‘s deok ladies aâ€"d .-fl-u-no shortly beiore this hour, persons as every Cowes man and woman knew, bolup?wuu Royal household â€" And lo! in their midst, ‘}‘nvh; emerged â€"from the Alberta‘s ‘tween decks," stood a ing figure in a My‘:y.msmdm resemi as we see twom on the stege, of some fully. mailed crusader, _ SBoon, simultaneously, what appeared to be small canisters were run up at each of the Alberta‘s masts, and also at the fAagâ€"pole on the Trinity green ; zp‘w?‘.pmd &umu&qubnz:l. Mu&;'mrhim was . punctual ; drove in an open Wharf inclosure on the * stroke ~of eleven, and the Royal Standard imimediâ€" ately flaunted out its richly colorued foids. mmmbmumm. and mizzen trucks. ‘The« und.rm figure, armea now with «. double &‘:dl.,sndulfywmu tain Boyton, was, without loss of time, escorted to the quarterâ€"deck, where he zodb'b-uoen-.-i :o‘ Albajh'c&nm and â€"plumped e with into the rapidly rolling river. Royal ‘::hifl “fixi::""hh:‘m now . mt tended him in boats, handed him his variâ€" woperties, and g made themâ€" :‘glu'vl- useful u.&:(.:l’ the American ie ie e nte tA ces in unshipped his American flag, and opened that â€"apparently â€"inexhaustible locker. Affixing a small square sail to his feet, he ran back before the wind to the Royal yacht at a nudldu rate ; then he reâ€" turnud © to inexhaustible © buoy und took out a carrier prq“hd- patched to show one of the to which the apparatus may be apj predme with these t:q ae or and hammered and lashed -‘l a sor viceable raft was completed. At this stage of the programme the stars and w_ptdnn,nd_m.-kfl haste to find the middle of the Bolent, wbuoi:pusaw‘l‘no'lnu banner, and tenderly shook briny wwlv‘;fro- its texture.. Returning now to storehouse, Capt, Boyton mrmmm and ing and drinking utensils, certifying by "using the raft that there are other ble d.nner tables than . those of ortLodox ‘?uuh mahogany. A coxâ€" swain in one of the boats passed him a a fishingâ€"rod, and somehowâ€"the romantic history of a certain Roman general and dusky queen naturally crosses the mind â€"in a surprisingly ifl" space of time the floating angler hauled out a fish, which looked alive and even hfi Then T e rpranll. his cigar,hoisted his opened _ a read the morning‘s newspaper, battliing al} the while" against a lu:;z current which, as we spectators on weslern shore could see, had teased him throughout. All the feats were most successlally m:s uring greate t ion 0: the -bo-mihohlw-r:‘:fi- Captain Boyton, streaming wet, ascended the steps, Le hurried below, got out of lus ufifidfl&h‘flmwbqw deck to receive the Queen‘s congratuls fim;wfihub‘*’w- order for a Boyton suit, to be made henceâ€" forth an uulfilmdfiod.-:: eqnipn.'m.nndnqueulhq. announcing the result of his proposed u-ipmdu-eh-ldlhmidbodo gpdohoduth.aflbnmtww borne. â€"Afterwards the Royal party sent dress have its principles ined to them. (er Majesty, ev was deâ€" u‘huwdmv., in best 0 health, and wore her usual biack, with white fur round the neck. The Prinâ€" frige â€" "Taw : ‘ooal> "moro "de on is ol I. Frings vprive of a very biting humour, Prince the eold ©ven bright â€""sun _ "could _ not Fifog m aaine beeee PRICE 3 CENTS The

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