«} $§ if but supposing thkt Alr. Wilkes were a " renegaue,‘" it is difficult to detect anyâ€" esting io know where the organ got its infurmation, and until it is uble to proâ€" duce its author.ty lor the statement, we take ypon ourseives the responsibility of Inosl yaiueu intérest lor goid, o buy hi sell imio what he Loped woulid be aunother Lhve years ol power. . We are not about to Ustholic a longed L it Can oniy say it knigra Cheise _ 10e _ de 3~@ Piw@®at in the Gliy, 6de. _| de 73¢ W‘& it equally low prices A o ovnands Pam â€" Mhonemnan, ** ** Wou i At thair New netablialiees Ond MMaucict. ) DAAIs so 1i alte: Primg mad Prok bos me possivie ® phe Â¥rocsh Â¥ragrant Tea, at +0v., worth 30¢ Wines, SJfanuics, RuM, uill. Kyam‘s New Hlook, Second Door (rovi U‘Cunnor Street Khaiola ARRIVALS leslabn, We ale aware ol n e is for making iL . Does the aly wil DTOL@BLU&AINLS As caemic Auction sa A W A CE CX AIIYC IPBRF I J @xCopl hi 1 s [2ck obituary, aud hope the opportun CL&NTLE TQ&RONIO W 110 D%â€"4 ruiesses lo be a religious imlended as a syeer, and it repies@lll ind b4a U LDAY,. MA\ @ss@uly ) i.Qltuan Med as 6 hamer «lhad«; yet we are lOid Lhan that this professâ€" ruai imakes upon the W ikes is describedâ€" as 10 Lia AF bakt a Larye vartety es L r€h be iwomman CabhOLiG ), aund that the ihen we are told bhiumnseit a lioman ul ieast the T‘riâ€" hal the choice wias Lt would be imter ilh usical al Lhe wi cheln alsi suudeselui W he se should sucer e is, Lhecielore k iun¢cnts. 10100 ol ULLAW & a00â€"us do.cul V i\ are concerned contradiction, supporters which ushered ham i\ J i0L@d Inc nll § menw, â€" and isod. We do orlmerl especially ut 1v s0, bul it 3 22 rve 2# ) this cily ws . was siuaply a psuccessiul out ol an lend neither ihe Ccharge next Chat yo pposite Lhadtr aal inaller UN MA 1 very in i contem hayo thikt Uy, L1 Noiurmal MAS, lero â€" are @ly do _ 00 atholic digenly , TOasoi w o din alry s )A the Urow b L be 187 3 sL1Qw nde VUnG Wiid Wia rue, LD e j only foo pientil [ tants and Catholi aoek was heart broken. lie inplored her io relwn, but sho. coltiy retort@ed that she was not bhis wile. lle consuited lawyers _ as _ to â€" the _ possibility _ of compelling her to be faithfui, but ruu, told him that although the mar Flkke waus as binding as any in the regard of ie law, a wile could not be forced to luve with her husband. e thereupon swallowed luudanung, and the tirst dose being pumped out by & prosy doctor,t0ok «notuer and died. . lie lett bis sentiments in a letter as follows : "I stuked: my all on your promise to marry me, and 1 have lost. 1 do not charge you, my dear, but lorgive you with all my hearw, 1 wili be charitable with you, and think you thought and believed it was for the best. i only hope such is the case,. Uh, my daruing! never do with another as you have aoud| with me. , Never agirin proâ€" mise to murry a man unless you itend to do so. Unly think of me, who loved fou so dearly, and would: rm’ ied, and doss, for your sake. 1leave my. best wishes tor your furure weilare and happiness, May God biess and protect you, and keep you lrom sin auud hafuus‘‘ $ LM We are not goiny to repeat the old story of "No case ; abuse the plauintill.‘ We have no inteution of saying any thing about blockheads who, when they can‘t reply to an argument, calt thetr opponen is i0oois and liars ; but we commend to pubâ€" lic notice the lollowing etfusion from the cAummns of our Tory contemporary, as a specimen of the gentlemanly and elevatâ€" ed tone in which. the writers on‘ luat journal are . wcoustomed to pursie tueir iterary . watfare. . lt is unquestiOnubly one of the most elegant productions, ons ot the most powerful arguments ever any wditor evoived, either out ol his owu immer consciqusuess, or from any other source : 1 â€" course not. the same candidate. The beautiful conâ€" sistendy of the organâ€"which professes to be a religious organ but is notâ€"is showu by its triumphant announcement in anâ€" other colummn that Mr. P. i. Ciose is likely to be. MUs. Wilkes‘ ounonant W Lo Bain may be to alr, Wikes | and whatever may be the rin« ings which lwe may entertain L Roman Catholic Chureh, of th perfectly certainâ€"that he and likely to be Mr. Wilkes opponent. is Mr. 1. G. Close, let us inquire ? of the conventicle, too? surely Nay, but something even stronger thatâ€"one of the most prominent Onr men in the oity oi Tpronto. _ No e "The L of this morhing, in an article upon Copper Eyrites Company, blanios the trowl Gusslie forcommenting ewhyt Irgely upou the sulject betore evi for the defence is adduced, 1t says: "Tle ‘(Tory organ in this city reâ€" produced the articles and reports in quos: mon with a pgreat Hlourish of urumpets, ut it was care/W to be content with insinwa: tions as to thi bmport of theae documentsyand to stuop shorl «& following the Uusetta‘s cxcumple in mukiny direct charyes, it would be dithoult w decide which course is the _A tragic occurrence in San Francisco was lounded on inconsistency in love, but the usual conditions were reversed. 1. i. Meek, an imsurance ageut, uid unot believe in formail: maurriages, bat held that the mutual consent of the parties was a sullicient marital bond. le tormed a umon upon that basis with Miss Laber the daughter of his business partner, unI during two years they (ived atfecuonâ€" ately «ogether. Not long ago the wite leit their home without warning of her intention, and deciared that as there had been no marriage ceremony, and as she had ceased to love her nusvand, she was not bound to live with hlm any longer. THk GAZRTTER ANV MH. HUNL INGTON. cxcumple in muakiny direct charyes, it would be dithoult tw decide which course is the wost untair; it would be much less ditâ€" lioult, however, to say which is the meaner und more unimanly," _ Then, according to. the logic ol ts pillar. of the Ad: miDistraAbicn, . the CÂ¥tdizen was wroug in not at once proceeding to stigmituze Alr. Huntungton and brand him as ajswindior tho @uscéite is charged with spesking broadly upon the «ase, and the iimxs condetuns such a course. ; Th@ Gilises makes no insinuation, -w revieows Lue articles as copied in yar otlier news> papers of ali poliucal shadesâ€"and the i1ims abuses the Cilizen for teiraining trom abusing Mr. Huntingtou,. When the Timus devotes itsell to any higher mission than that ol bagging piunder,| w::pod with imiserly | reguiarity rom ~Minisserial departments, <lt always appears in & rdicuious light. _ lts babblings on purity are as repugnant to men ol sense as ils cringing semilty must be to those who are bound by a bargaun to maintainh its ex. istence." . much language tells very plaimly of the source whenge it comes. Comment is needi@ss. s 1‘®1 dakeb | t Cabith lay trudging to nade W wUHOn i4 V O *y riu, W U‘ the / the Catholi¢ tor hium that po râ€" to the newspaj ne of the bigots L1 i8 W the wi public ort ambs, and is 101 Cosligin s lal wh th to rea ns,therte are wtont. . in co x we are told th t an aryument, cal} their or wh the ®U ho could not Noman Cathol man _ | gven be VUPC cb h wn nder h it B Buch is the organ s consis to will be found on the } marking their ballots to M lkes‘ oppounent. Wh who untortunately are amongst both Protes: However tfriendly Mr. . Wilkes personally, U we suppos in Counp br Jurihal thi LO W it L s twin lw0t they can t wMLION â€"¢ No enem ro w\ D Y M Ll 0(5X thias _&ro litor 1p0 tion him mly U me I D | boat â€" be only consid: red ns an expression of opinion on the pait . of Count Wialowslki and Lord Clun-m\n i) or is their" addw of | whnt was at tho tfuw.uw Jil‘fl’fllinï¬ opinion in France and Kngland. |t wi be remewbered that the dootrine of the l‘eace party were then at their heigh.. Bug whether or not the Declaration did: lrlï¬}s"flprwom public®‘ opinionâ€"which ja more than doubthulâ€"it rl quite certain that it has no binding foroe in a legnl ense on this country. First, the plopi potentiaries had excooded their luovmu This is ll)hin from what Lord Clarendon said snortly after it had been signed, whon detonding it in the House of Lordsa:=( 1 van tell your Lordships it was no easy matlter to accomplia1, even with a dozon negotiators ; but it a thousmnnd more had been called, with the addition of the daily newspapers, it would have bern quite imposa ble. If we hnd coulined ourselves within the strict limits of our uttributions we should have lost the op: portunity which the representatives of the principal Powers of Kurope were met: together ol «discussing mauy important subjects, which, although they did not reâ€" late to our quarrel with Russia, it was most desirable should be arranged." And, us we have said before, it was not ratilied by the Crown, or approved by l‘arliament or the country. 1t may be inâ€" teresting to hear what represontative men on Loth sides have thoug ht o( this declata: tion from time to tiie. â€"Thus the late Lord Derby said : "Whatever losses lussia may have suffered by this war, whatever embarrassments she may have experienced, | hesitate not to llï¬ that they are more than compensated by t:olh. mwdoption ol that ogp article uito iuseited by the l"re‘l?::h d Bflt“hh pl(mtt potuntiaries, byâ€" which, in the words of Mri. Pity you have sacrificed the mauriâ€" time greatness _ of England on the shrine _ of _ Russia."* Lord _ John Russell thus recognized the fact that it could not have the force of a treaty. which he feared that it might become the basis on which a treaty would be nego tiated :â€"" The rules that free bottoms make free goods, and sh:‘food- ol a belâ€" ligerent are safe in neutral vessels, have always beeir regarded as injurious to the supremacy ol immaritime countrie;, and especially to the maritime power ol Eng land. 1 hope no Minister will set his seal to a treaty containing any stipulation 6f this kind without the most cautious deliberation.‘" So recently as 1871 the sulject was under discussion in the House of «ommons. Mr. 8. Cave spoke of it as a suicidal act on the part of this country, | which must _ inevitably _ cripple _ our i resources in the event of war. And It seems that a certain country girl in Scotland thought it quite possible that there might be an excess in scrupulous regard to appearances. . Un her marriage day, the youth to whous she was about to be united said w herin a triumptant tone : Weel, Jenuy, haven‘t 1 been unce ceevil ?" uuuauu‘u_‘uu fact that during their whoile courtship‘ he had never given, her a kiss.. Her quetreply was, * Ou, ay, mon; senselessly ceevil. iw .3 An insane comvict in the asylum of Auburn prison feels assured that he will become i lunatic _if he does not whistle eight hqours a day. â€" He ‘has uo watch, and that he may be sure of fulliHing his task, he commences at daybreak, and only stops when he falls asleep at night. A porter took an ordinary soap box to the isrie lailway depot, Jersey City, on Monday «vening, marked "Miustress W, Woouford, Van Wert, Van Werst Co., Uhio."‘ ‘The box purported to be sent by Dr.. Watthes ot New York city. ‘The woighmaster saw it was marked "50 lbs,," but the seales showed ‘that it weighed leas than twentydive. ‘The box emittedâ€" an offensive odor, and the weighuraster luid it quietly aside. . Yestorday the box wus opened in the presence ul County.Phyâ€" mcian Btout and Chiel of Police Chamâ€" prey. |A huinan bhan dwith the Hlesh parâ€" ty scraped off rested above a bloody piece ol uewspaper, andâ€"below were the bones ol an entire skeleton, supposed to be that of a woman about four leet aud a hul'luï¬\. Upon the box were marks of blood, ‘The wiscovery made considerable excitment amoug the police, and a dnifeut search tor Dr. Wettues proved. that there was no such physician in New York, but Physiâ€" ¢lans sStout and Bird lastâ€"eyening assured the police that they were the bones of a skeloton evidently digjointed by~ the gkilful hand oi & professor. ‘The bone gleaning was imperiectly done, hence the oflensive odour. Last night the box was s@tarted for its destination. T Mr. Disrueli then said, " The stipulaâ€" ons of the Declaration of l‘aris were im politic, and tended to cripple or weaken the strength of this country; but so far a» we are concerned, we must emancipate ourselves from its trammels in a regular manner." _ Lord Colchester thus Yut- the disadvantage under which it would place his country in case of war with ‘a mari time power which bad not signed it "If we were at war with America, who had not signed the Declaration, Awerioa could seizo our goods in French or Russian botâ€" tom»; while we, bound by this treaty, could not soie American property in the vessels of any nation which was a party to the treaty, _ lle thought it was an agreement injurious to the powor of Eng: land, and injurious also to th@highost interestw . of â€" the world," < We «ould multiply, almost without itwmiy slmular expressions of disapproval by men of all parties,. _ It is quite clear that the atatos nien of Englm‘h do not cousider this de: wlaration binding upon us, and that therefore, in the event of a war they would refuse to act upon it The very «tatement of theso (ncts gonstitutes the very strongest argument for disavowing the dogument, _ 1t we wait aunuil necessity torves us to take this stop our doing so will certainly be OY‘" urthq sus ision of acting unfhirly with a view to our own adâ€" Vllll.fl‘l'. A â€" ~ cussion. was felt to be untimely and| in convenient, and it is quite elear that the cjection of this motion does not pletige the House of Commons againsat a resumpâ€" tiop of the discusaion at a more senson: wble opportunity, _ Tta history. is curious. Ulenipotentiaries met in Paris in 1856 to conelude the treaty which closed the Crimean war, _ Having tiasl ed this, their ouly legitimate business, they discussed several matters in which "'"f had no mwuthority to meddle. Among the fruits ol this curious conference was a "deciam ntion _ re«peoting _ maritinte â€" law," _ of which _ the â€"first ~two _ articles _ were ra _ follows : â€" (1),. ‘That _&nrlvnt«-rhlg is and remain« wbolished, (2.) The neu trnl Hag covers enemies‘ goods, with the exception ofcontrabunrd of war. Now it i to be remarked upon this declaration that it is not a treaty in an{ sense of the word, ~It was never ratified by the Crown or upl:vvml.l-) Parliament. _ It can at boat â€" be only consid red ns nn axpression of opinion on the \m;l ot Count Walewalki and Lord Glarendo i, or us their" idow of whint was at tho time . the nvvdliud epinion in France and Enmlum’. t wi At piresent we would almost appear to be sailing under false colours, and it would be vor{ desirable, it possible: withâ€" out danger of complications, that an unâ€" nustakable declaration on the subject should be made to Pariisment. The Remains of a Woman Found in an Eric Railway Freight Package. Vhe Mizhts of Marbcime® Kations in Vime of War ~â€"BDid Enuland Nurren doe Mor Supremacy on the Ocean titk nEBerAnRATION Or PAlNI®S shbury this year, i 1 ca« affortled to the nâ€" the Deolaration hus maintaining ou iential to the powe endance of the kn n was felt to be A SKELETON IN A Box. loat the 1 Mi9e M OurI R npive n consoquence n held at Brus« al law and the mlerence at St. ourable oppor ountry of withâ€" f Paria in 1848, naritime rights, prosperity and ire. . . ‘The tisâ€" llie Coohrane‘s ‘ommons . ddes ie« the conaid t subjeot _ Mr. rar timks : orrawa, sATURDAY, MAY I, 1878. A Beotch lad | came .to his clergyman for examination previous to his receiving his first communion. , I‘he .pastor, know: ing: that lus | young friend.,. was not vey profound in his theology, and not wigilnf; to discourage him, took| the Uld lestament, and asked . him,. in reference to the Mosaic law, how many commandments there were... After. a iittle thought, he put ns answer.in the riodest form of & supposition, and nphod, om:;.iouul' , "Aiblin (perhaps, a hunner.‘ Th oherLG‘u was vexed, and told him such ignorante was intolerabie. that he could not proool:,l in examination, and toat the youth must wait and learn uore; so lie went away. . Un returning homs he met a friend on his way to the manse,and on learning that he, too, was going to the minister for examination, shrewdly asked him, "Wel, wh&wiu ye say noo if the niinister $p36rs mony commandments there are ?" "Yay | why, 1 shall say ten. to be sure;" _ ‘To which the other rejoined, with grcatâ€"triumph, "Lend, Try ye him dR m Tess Goee washa 84 MOinpiib a 5 F The fifth of the free course ‘of lecture. to imembers: ol the. Catholio Union was deliyored at Uooper Union Tuesday night by Fredrick K. Coudort, "Lyhmull"fno Art | was the text of the lecture, and the burden of the speaker‘s remarks tended to pove that in the remote past the Jmo tice wa« refined into an art, The lie. in the garden | of / Edenâ€"that holnl( as far back as Mr. Coudert wontâ€"was the first to olaim mention. By slow degrees the lecturer tolled through the prevarications in which the untm“luvmn poriod is soâ€" rich and emorged into the anti Christian epooh, which ï¬q\ found to be almost as bad. _ When the, opoch »f( , which we form the nineteenth part ‘was. reviewed the lecture became very interosting, as it dealt with traditions and historical incls donts which ars more agreoable â€"and t mill{ar to the general mind. _ After Sperk» ing of lying universally as it flourl:ho‘d in «difforent ages, the lecturer set about classâ€" iWying lies, but it was too much qf labor for h?m. Make as many olossos as he would, there wore "fbs" which ©â€"aded the pules governing each Olass. Il::roko of the social lie and the histori lie more partionlarly than of any of the other, ‘The social lie, to his miind, was the most common ; in fret tho most correct folke wore strongly nâ€"liotad to it in the wildest forms, such as "You %lm«linnt sorvant," "1 hope you are well," "I‘m ylad to see you,!‘" &0. The habit is so strong that when after lmvin* ordered a person to do sompthing one will ulfn himself as "Your obedient servant." Hopes are expressed every mo nent in the day rgï¬(u'dmg the ulul{rity of the feelings of folks in whom the expressers of suth hopes have not the remotest intoreat, _ "I‘m glad to see you," is used to persons whose presence is alâ€" most obnoxious. _ Historical lies were so numerous vhit Mr. Cowdert lad lost all faith in tho étories detailed by historians, with the single exception of the ‘cherry tree opixite in the boyhood of the ,mrlot. Washingtot _ ‘This ntmmï¬hnhl of faith was not protected from «lemoliti‘on by raspact for l.]u- Ihmistorian‘s versolly, b :t hy mtrmio instinow. _ As reasons for this unusuae eynivism Mr, Coudert quoted many| in astunges of the oumtl.e&_o wnihlhuoï¬ of what had for {:nn ean .nuldurod Axed fuut, 1t hed been said, and recently, that William Tell was a Dane and the q;ple- wplitting business a myth, Horrowed from SNoandinavian song: Lt had been sottled hy the wisg Jmu that 8t. Patrick was Irish, Frenchiand 8ootoh. | It had . trana: pil‘fl‘ that Joap of Aro, instead of being burhed,had beon married, A great amount of doubt axisted as to whether Shakeâ€" apeare was | Bacon or Bucon was Shake: »pewre. _ Caoncord and Loxington had beâ€" come a little mixed and the Declaration ol Independence was umlqrrolng invostd â€" fl\mm. In the presenge u‘l;r, 1eno few facts r, Uoudert thought his soopticiam ml'fl.t be justiNed, About the nom’»por the leoturer said vm‘rv little, be! lï¬ timid lest ha should offend the pross. His timâ€" The jury, following the dmhfl intimaâ€" tions of l{oounler lt?wkm in h ohsrr., found that the prizener had obtained t complainant‘s money by . -ehqmltif and wajolery, and hence was guilty. Having beon sentenced to three yeurs in State Prigon, she went to the prisoner‘s box shrieking for meroy. | Her coumsel, Ou‘gt. James D. McClellan, did~ not open the door for proof ak to her character, as ;lz prosecution we _prfl)nud to prove that she was a professional shopâ€"lifter, and ‘ap adventuress who has for many yeours eaâ€" eaped? punishment for unnumbered oritnes. ~ | i idity deprived him and his. audience of mudh pfouurc. and the newspapers of a look at themselves® The trial of Ellen Lucy, alias Elizaboth Young, aliag Widow Rodgers, on an inâ€" dictment for grandâ€" larceny, occupied the greater part of the time of the General Ression on Friday and yesterday, The prisoner is apparently near seventy years old. She stoutly maintained )owever, that she was a oom‘)cnti- aly yo ing woâ€" man, and her juvenile dre=:=â€"a cross beâ€" &ween the extravagant "Dolly Vardens" and the conventional stage costume ofâ€" a "Scoté‘ lassio‘â€"showed thht sho was deâ€" termined to fight against time with all her might. â€" Martin GunninA; n’l‘o2lh avenue tingmith, who is about hy-ï¬v years old, was the complainant. He swore that in Fobruary last he took a sullden fancy 1g9 visit Boston, and to provide himnlf_lllp.ln with money for the trip, he withdrew his deposits from savings banks, and gon> verted nearly overythm he owned into eash. To account for Kroo% he told his wife and seven children ‘he was going to ‘ Ireland. On the train.he: ::ook for %oukï¬n he found the eldoll“:y m »scinating Ellen. According to him, knaw of lSn contotnfl‘lnlod visit to Boston and had suggested his ample provision o** expense money, which amounted to nearâ€" ly $2,000,. _ At some point on the road she modestly hinted at a. marrage, cou the hint with offars of drinks, of w he partook freely, ~He believes now that he was drugged, and swares that he is entire» ly ablivious as to subsequent events up to x point where he found the frhomr takâ€" ing &1,885 from his boov,’ nquiry made by him as to the meaning ‘of this resulted in the exhibition by Elï¬sn ol a marriage certilicate, evidencing that he had â€" com: mitted an aot $r bigamy, and was then in a Boston hotal) enjoying an lmu&o‘o“d honeymoon, He excepted the situation perforce, and thereafter bent all his enerâ€" &lu to the tas , of mw"flt? his money, Bllen, with tha tenderness of vouth and Enticed by an Adventuressâ€"Brugged, Married while Intoxicated, and then Robbed â€" A _ Widow : Sentenced â€" to State Prison. Kllon, with thq tenderness :Lyoqth aud the portinacoity of age, insisted upon tak» ing onre of Tt for him. The Iu‘)py pair wereâ€"to return| to New York and in part nomwhkip opem h store with the money. ‘They J‘m rotipn, opened two bank | ao counts in the rame of the ferala Brmll',. and spent sevoral days together ul{:g for a store that Mr. Gunning did not w to fnd, and in fisputes about the ~ontrol of the . money, [Ellen had.the best of it all tha,llmo,boouu' she had themono;,b t to satisfy her awaln she went before a lay and executed & power of attorney to Mr. Gunning, auth :inful:lm to do almost anything he could after the business proâ€" joot was established : This did not lsatâ€" isfy him, and after nearly a week of minâ€" gled dalliance |and | quarrel, Mr. Gun f\:reut. hc:iua to his roi:fwil‘el, and she join ‘orces i bhim m le uqmr against the prigoner, who nï¬l helda tight grip upon the money. % "LYING AS A FINE ART. GUNNING‘®S BIGAMY th There are Numerous Imilnti > f % ©/) / Market. . y aar ho migh ALEX. TAYVL us the highert prige whl hy pal FiRST OLABS Hair Dresser employed, Ladâ€" lex‘ Conp hlnfl done up in iirst Class myle, and on the Mhortext Notio@, > _ Huroot. NONE IS GENUL TREE, SHRUBS FLOUR AND FEED STORE. â€"FLOUR ANO FARM PHUIUCE. ‘, Mathowmar â€" New Bulldings, Wellin ton Hureot, betweer Du:!‘hma B;ld;?' and _lgllï¬: ifratyeifionerraten FANCY AND STA Chrirtinn Wadson= L gnir ntee sAtisfiction to nit on (l@:fiyored 1ue, making this d ent "ww'ï¬& policiting your orders, & pd on the |Mlno=° ) 'alu)ot. i fel onthe ‘after date, as I Have ETT EP m.‘u“ilih'. 1 ’ % + v"»l"\:; anim ny % ""","ï¬;‘%‘. ‘ Eoi ips, Lamp G w 8, &o as Klower Pm:"m it '\’m-wu'.' now Helling mt n #mail advance on i L â€"lnmuu'gnw and Hotois supplied at speâ€" “3\.!:‘.?:..-.;".’.!? 'I:’-!:-.l |..l... s o cusgic ds 7 (Diaa da mï¬A land Inune , oo “?'“"";i ::Pb and Inspect betbre purchasing OOAL OILâ€"none but the best kept in stook: _/ g@ Ooal niana Lamp Goode wholesale and aRkyâ€" CoTroN FROM s1X AND UPWARDS. March 25, 1876, MYRTLE NAV W A relooted stock always on t MADANME CobLur®, Uhina, Urockery, Giassware, Earthonware, April 6th 1875, FIRS8T Latest Novelties for the Se FIRSTâ€" Dress Goods, Silk, Rib â€" and Tweed, _ N. FAULKNER. UNT RECOEIVELD, a large Lot of & Gen wort ading !â€"=A Di id worth Boming ! sava YO{?R :Yl?l 7 to P tP o. HOU AMY fou wl(ï¬an. I, c 904 Hy readin t mA M Rab A 'K'M 0 $‘s2rdimnd "rel mt s 10 Vivion and O veiworeei n pur) No Nemurdinhfot ty sor aha ail other Biss enses of thi I WasPrR r yusriNng HUGB GLA D DIS. F!GjURING YOUR FACK, Pamphiet of 100 is ï¬|l.=: Froo. Send your at SPRING 18 WEAP SPRING Goops, {lents or â€"@5 to $10 a day Full Mhlï¬. <~Write 1 t DR J mgo,f’gï¬ M08â€"I n New Parliam SIGN OF THE MAPLE LF‘AF Apply to Wim: |M. BEATTIR & George ï¬l. neat Contral MHAYVY & OATS Onll and see, mt E. GENDREAU*% Misccllancous. MILLINERY DEPARTMEN TAILORLNG DEP Atair Cntlin No. £1 Liberty 8§.. New Â¥ork Olty, JAMES ASHFIELD, Duke Stroet, Chaudiere, | READ! READ Sucoe:ssor to D. Mc Under Under the Management of a Dry Goods. L W holoxale Job! Rajsotte‘s Bloow, Wellt: m Nurm OME â€" FOR SALE., Bolug complere with the OUharges Moderato. UNLES STAMPED PARLOT CAUTION. DR Y â€"60,0 D 8. it Fhu n anngement of a CLASS8 MILLIA CcAaAVTION. CLASS =CORNKR OFâ€" is now open. O TTA W A. ts Wanted, Intely arrived from RATTEY & C« hooy *‘ ARTMEN CcUTTER i MLPOOL, ad %Iï¬ n ners for J0n, y apring JRNTS ErR PLBE rantood. Â¥s dtr Parik sult all for wll B | wlim OBb , ;Brd. . A Farm of 50 Acres, all cleated und‘tn a ueB it Tot 4 10 it i connpnielce wevttprest All to be soid on reasonable terrn®. , For partiouiars apply to 3 : _ CHARLES ROWAN, | lt A Furm of 90 Acres, of which 80 are dotfnt cmion defloner hiten Pn in wis Sleafody oo oie o ooA Tt of Tos & in The Company will also gladiy entertam proâ€" wnl: ‘fn)?"a‘!:t Olnme lfl:‘u bur’uulvu..::r “g .oud tiaina Qn nglow 0 differen fod owne unt ay how ce BJt Site T ï¬gnmbuu\f': t‘"‘f:;ifl&:ï¬â€™i?f&fl E yore of we oo eorniqu ‘Raphaige / B es or :'aw;' d:‘..:u‘.t‘.‘b.. -E mu.: -..3 ht x43 d t C3 e gï¬lm‘.’ofu’ Quoada, mt G TLY D he whole of the Footpaths in Paris, & i endepin i is m nath rliat iotpins farmpat thos Bpomiand Tlll LATEST NOVELTY HATS, Reveived HATS» EXCLISH _ MMDâ€" AMERCANâ€" WITS 1 NOSWNCT ANpHALINO, as Lho c Ond . ble in cunUrnots eut« red luto m uull': Debler in ‘Muic Hheet and Book, Fimnofort HATS! HATS!| HATS! SIGNOF THE RED HAT, mvu.tmems. 7: To be distribute i in 4. 1>. LN# *eguâ€" Two Prizes $1,000 s Â¥ive Prizos 3300 g Each in Cash Ten Prizes 4100 f 1 Horse and Buggy, w th ilverâ€"mounted Har» m Hrreerâ€"FeSqpIu Bs uen ym Tcn.‘%q;flfld Munting watshes, :m: wo (Gold nod Bitver r Hunting Wateber, eï¬ oS â€"+"sidl ME Compnguio Gonerale des Minces $5,000 Each in Cash ! / h. wanted to sell tokets, to whoth liberal ‘l'ulu will be ‘ Ari OlM, $1} gx ols Dweive m twenlyâ€"(ve ky & wining a full list of # +orl ontl:mror rR W1i makion referense to the ‘dim Tlliet aval 1t P ogg «grvierine thomme A . 1), BLNK, Box. ooo |. ic .. 00â€" > Recol En Aot t .1s Oinwig® : Exoeisior bullding, corner Rac j and "ani We tars. _ mw ‘ $60,000.00! Mualless & $ urriers. THREE VALUABLE FARMS \ _ For Sale An early oull sollcited. . 8. McKinnon & Co., _‘ 1856 SPARKSâ€"8T,, Opposite the British Lion HWotel. March 1%, 1876, /‘ 14 0 HE SOLD OR REATED, ENGLISH RUBBER COATS. To be ¢nv‘u’w;‘n& 1, 1878, two Fab. Â¥7, 1778, To only reliable Gift Distribction in the GIFT ENTERPRISE,§ 8790 H. HODGES, 5Pâ€"siNEg, | ;&»3‘4).\‘:, | 'Q \ E»;â€_L 7@ s \ FT F NTERPRISE PYRIMONT SEYSSEL â€"ASPHALTE JUNT RECOKIVED ALL THE NEW NTYLEN FPOR 1875, (Gift Enterpriaes, KUVSICI MuUs1C11 BMiscellanscons. OR T0 ~RENT. F O R 18 7 6. Y Lâ€"S TE R. No. 38, RIDEAU STRE T8, Sparks Si., Otliawa« WATERPROOF ==ATâ€"â€" â€"~Apâ€"â€" JAMEH PKACOCK, DEVLIN‘8,. BnQ4«ct 2w o w Bums Ottawa. -m. me undersigned with agmilo‘ so _ .â€"Horses boatded © and . grovined : most satisfactory manner. A specialty n‘:d:: do his utmost to sup; Eraspertin n Oitawa, Fon, 2, 1876 on l.hwm? ao. m&% x.= 10 U dnnetta mooly tm ar t ons ht portations of !r: sh Chd Obser hindh of hay t \__ For all Sights mmmv Mlil‘ln meak and falllog sight A nop en ic I‘® V y Kie, othey . Jowellery nf'c-vo?g ZW}T&&.}T‘;} "haaae tima d Peslnersti ie | esn ioi t iepored, ied read and work by day or night with perfrot ;E:i‘ï¬â€˜m patent, | Bole agent T6 E‘P}:’:%i ;'l‘:m“ v TV ':W e for th "Ou AE"'“&‘*ouun i :TE Oraokers, nfn;'- iss arrene. E%W"fl li'wnsnnud to oure all Mhâ€:‘.::’.g:: ts Harol onl parps ie ol en FISH ! | FISH 1 ~FISHI Rimmeg!‘s nang, Vanda, _ is ) Jooker Ollh? irmmagifiame afia other ptenth "P8) .Wu ?:V‘:Mfl Warer, distiled tz }‘ v nelobraled for is t e t 31â€" Jomigmetieliainlt Hat . nabge‘ aWoo‘ ; ml'olo K. J. ULARK K, n Bd Nowbory & i no, if Nowpne srodh London. â€" ;%flfl Moap, {ertumed with ;EEE%....‘ZK"'"‘# aintaihe or "Hat id " Rimme!‘s Vioiet, Kose, Leai, Kwe, whd othor Are solid by Chemists Druggists um‘houuhow:&. PEKPRINEâ€"The W uu:pmu in @da« %&ï¬m&:: rodp P teitery o wins UHM LOROQD MQ w’ I m*g%_wm a hoh htvo peapared shin: ‘Bold: if ¢nunun‘e€:’a: ‘%‘ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬w pyc.'uu' 'l':fm{m“““' ' aie sm'un.-' SFPnHARE hi phns aruems she . |" To all wh6 are sullering from the errors and m!‘ 3 .!. '_El. ‘.‘.!!‘.'.-";; Pan wreatic Emulsion and Morson‘s ~Effectual Remedies 143 NEW BONDâ€"8T 141004 $ MORSC M. 4. 030. 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSEL!, SQUARK, LANDON Wioo ieï¬ o mihn t n in % Pigis suptheint, | March 11, 1874 .___. Agents for Dominion of Canade. .\ Melry gurnett a co. eogtms, |/ 7. babitan 'C?"Q%“'" am, ~Dour â€" W aa.,) hn Four Piiik ate uis deociions thofiat ‘OBBU M PTI ON eriprenenmyi i iob i y e en o y oo ult 4 e ilnti FOULMUW ING 1H AN aph Kxtract from a Letter "*. pated 10th May, 1#7% from an old io SA VORY ‘Burnett‘s Cocoaingé } SBoothes‘the Irritated Soalyâ€"Skin. ‘ Burnett‘s Cocoaine t Affords the Richest Lustre. \Burnett‘s Cocoaine NE BOX OF CLARKES B41 PILLA m::,rflï¬'dis?m"" 1. â€" ‘Pale i Amerion. WA‘W -4‘- to the Ray. Joskmu lxMAX, Staion 1)., wene Rimmel, Porfumer to H.K.H. the t or Waipe to itoand, mat magont bolrent IMMEL‘N UHOLIOEK PERFUME®. yA Burnett‘s Cocoaine In not an Alooholle Wash, _ Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burn Burnett‘s Cuuvoaine Prevents the Hair from Falling. Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Oocoaine J8T SUCCBESSFU}, ABEM ®D: KR y wll The Victoria Stables bebq e Tt ald int bohveniest es esirous of securing good, rign prompt veudore Promotes its rfealthy Growth. Leaves no " aéc‘u. 90 Farrin _Aflfl'fl .‘= PM 1N Maclip dihee4ss, Bubstues .5 sfractory Hair. slle avith no risks _A 16 qpore Cimular Mnd taluatle wee. Ai@" A nostal card> on to send your ~Midress costs tut ~~Wiiee at croe 4 Is not Greasy nor Sticky. dlentedies. BROWNLEE & CO ow fork thys . 4o M RIAD bee on by the Maodi "Chuint Alncoom: and the gouaral 601 & MORE; ON W lliihe Y orld 6 LOI'DOI. :w G AND INDIGKE |_ A large aswortment of gold »1»} divep Aulbsifieal LC3 SAE cIS" Kwg, und other . JeWellery of every deseription, Whiy a« W . «7 if OR bo ant | 122 6 MJ & â€"â€"‘W mm RESDOEA.â€"A victm of & youlful iMiyPUsen~ <elumig pPeRMALN an, 20 1876 Post Offlce, Vitawa, Jan. __EXORP1IONAL FOBTAOK â€"Portmce $ Nof ieb sid Retesieryint 1 etoc ut t urâ€"Money mrh.:%m“") !ï¬ from #a.im.to 4p.m. . _ _ _ _ * _ O at _ . «POBTâ€"OFRICEK BAVINGs BARNK,. «4 w v ill be received ut this office, w al at the rate of . ur per cent, pet w and d sposits can be wichdmwn a, abny uime. . eginlered mutier can bewent _ _ _ â€"~! POBTAGE STaMPS h4 sold mt this offlce, but may trom any oi . loensed stumip â€" he M 4 m’ mw and _ warded i oi endWWen es ppicmentery paos» K ©§O8 Lho #h o« in: vis mew Hhrk, cigse every Hatuiday, Mondhy r:&-un.'i::.’o'z'-m + rduy at 12,00 p.m. 0_ > : % ® l #loamert * S Prefon ies buk for taundin istemate WATC d MAKL NC Omian some ‘n my i weare" @000 ons ittt Manh‘s AutSith sold ou! the reâ€"ull business o ford" & | Goyer, 8 t v theuen io fhs ‘ "og for Nee Polnals uuuzlum. "JNQ, JEWELLRY WATC HMAKI NG HOKILN oae dn 38 & houke in the Clty. W their fm uabug «ul parig oï¬ wor d ho "*4 bay* 38â€"SPARKS . 8Ti.4KPâ€"3 and 08 Angsox buvet, W wnolenole Ond Raintt Jowelles, . J, . »*nx»os., |he "rowpiGemmmmmumees Prize Medulist of ‘ u> anai hrrlepnpmet k :â€":::â€"â€"yignes i i/ P“‘l‘ orFICE OTTAWA, Jnse 2 1874 wauhum ba i§, JEWELLKR$ __ N. MARKS, _ Watchmaker and. Jewel M AMUdA i Am’†m H“Mfli W,M Â¥+ m Mhu‘.“\'..b wiod iD \wer) kiown reasvuy) . 7 Yimol »"aimple ure, Which he witi selu. 8 10 Arriyal and Departure of Â¥Aoroni®@ 76 Nassau 444 4* . Jewellay, . 12 fPog: rlcun e 'm ~$A3 V RLLBY ; SOiMLIN nomue .x mlb nnd . w. x »a id * » id a I nlee 4 veral Indian Mo e Hiver w podial | Ap a @ +# ï¬oc‘U i “-; erdig men commiev m“‘"':-...“:. in the and the back of 1e “ï¬y-‘l letters that ; be different es writes : "Bond me i _dm..“'- og Have now c ondociuLs Wilih Un, writes: "I have 4 jona, writes: * Ploa Pullank n out j r...':fl'», um.hï¬a have only one maiam ford, write: * Bend trio‘ Qil. 1 have so thing takes like it." faens without delay." = Buckingham, P. Q, House Keepers | profitable tea oall .u:‘m_‘..‘ MMMM money mdhhm ful h:un.lb wb ves .ddoul.=~= a Work Go in sdd awt at Work, lâ€":’d-' Fain cannot N hm«hfl-?l bottle has brec ;onh has oured an 1t positiyoiy Obite" Cak ‘:?‘L...W“‘..a‘" by Ds LL, 1 wel j ow h. N. THOM NORTHROP & tario, sole agents ly Norion #o Â¥. will remove their Shoes from Bell‘s Blook, oast alde from B April. Goode atle n for Fowle‘s which is «n nfellib ta¢ 'AI.M’ “d&lï¬. *’ m“hm‘ Pull v in each whic , ofer it Cw IMM0G. TT uï¬.lfll- :":-l_'e.-bï¬ SUre & uhy I vas i se v My‘uâ€"‘»-‘u I n onl i the gromi Ld Muserd oniggren in wee ra b» thome. use firit Incrodussd he _ .‘M roas lnhmm -‘-"Mr IL-M Cu en -"&‘. pullents proves while Page &1 per Bot Humornueins (or cured by Mathi mey refunded. . we Reofbirttulive Bel Axiw Dusmasus, 0 T for in the yreat atle For sale by all JOR MORRS Â¥ YOU w. i by wl PILE AND wl lectric O $5. Bold xsmotads KWW and & 4 Jles ever