to of Mails. 1P ost ubinetier mt up bas lelliow New 1 recesm b...n Im ay be x Li ind p Leremt pmck y ~ 4 wil, NG iG a to to Thomas‘ Excelsior Eléectric Oilâ€" Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. is the cheapest medicine BVer mMade, ON€ | ~â€" .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"câ€"_â€"â€" + bottle has cured bronchitis. Fifty cont..-"l (ntes ‘ boLs worth has cured an otd standing cough. ~ * w It positively cures catarrh, asthina and w SAX 62 bhe, eroup. â€" Fitty cents‘ worth has cured crick . M’f-- med by is the back, and theâ€" same quantity a lame \ O# motart back of eight yéars‘ standing, â€" The follow is o the ing are extracts fromâ€"a few of the many | _ w Forale by all Oitmen letters that have been received from the | _ pec. 4 1874 different parts of Canada, which, we think, | â€" oz zzâ€"_â€"_â€"___â€"_ should bopsuflicleuz to satisfy the most ()“-"A'A aceptical. _ J. Collary, otf Npart, Ontario, â€" mites : "Send me six dqen Dr. Thomas‘| a @4 fAllL d .. Prain cannot stay s the cheapest med bottle has cured br worth has cured ast It positively â€" cures croup. . Fitty cents‘ is the back, and the: back of eight yéars‘ ing are extracts fro letters that have be thing take verton, 1. without delay." _ Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., hckinéhun, P.‘ï¬, write : " Send us one gross Electric . We find it takes Hontreal. ho Full directions in the p.nxtl:let. around each package, which should carefully "Tor fult obtain freey of the for full particulars, i + «i !, a pamphlet, or refer Io% ;ulï¬.ndlz.‘.; cents for postage, enclos «i io Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., & ».~ral agents for the Dominion, will inâ€" sure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by all druggute. Note, rized. tac W ingate Che and retail by all BxRk®LE®Y, Sept. 1860.â€"Gentiemen, 1 feel it a duty I owe o you to o:‘lz‘uâ€" my gratitude for the greai bonefit 1 have ved by taking "Nor Wa‘s Camomile Pills.‘ 1 appiled to your n‘onh Mr. Bell, Berkeley, for the above Pillx, for win i# the stomach, from which 1 suffered exeruciâ€" allng pain for a length of time, having tried Bearly every reimnedy prescrived, but without any beneflt at ail. After taking two Dbotties of your valuable pills, 1 wa» quite restorfed to my Pgmr E2 which is «/ secal e o e es Man any benefit ut ail. After taking two botties of your yaluable pnhl wa» quite restored L my usual state of heaith . M‘:vemhwm â€"for the benetit of those who.may thus be aflicted.â€"1 am, Sir, yours truly, HKNRY ALL Pass. â€" To the {roprietors of NORTON‘s CAMoâ€" MIL® PDo is Jiuease JOh MOSES, NEW YORK, 80LR PROPRIETOR, *TOm une t vhree 5o This remedy is t found to be an alm above named discuse UMiversai that the pr i> those who use h fullure to refund the :l. Introduced he h lestimoniais, provi of e aw jul «ilzease "he iL cind becomma API salety in wil cares . There i% uO ©5 C driÂ¥ing the humor in, a~ :t cutes on t= surf and the putient‘s bedily heaith continually proves while under this L. eatmen(. Price $1 per Bottie. Sold by all Druggists After thirtyâ€"five yours trial, it is still receiving ‘-wum_nh’ll te=timonials to its virtues Mrnuunu( the highest .nmur.nd re» spousibility, . iPhysic au» of the respectabilâ€" lty recom mend it as a m st effectual prepatation for the estinetion of pain. It is not only the best remedy ever known for Bruises, CULs, Burnx, ac., but fOF tery or Cholera, of asy sort of Bowel n-lm. it is a remedy unâ€" rurpassed for «ifcleney, and rapidit: of actiou. in the yreat cities of India, and other hot cliâ€" mates, it has become the standard modicine for ail such complaints, as well as lor Dyspepsia, ail such com as well as lor l:fwoc'-ll. Liver Coun and other #indred disorders, For Cougns and Colds, Canker, Astbma, «ud Rheumatic difficuities, it has been provea by the most »«bundant and colviocing Lestimeny to be &0 inevitable medicine. It is used Internally and Externally. JOBR MOSES: FEMALE PLLLS ttin eÂ¥ oale na Diamond Yeast Cakes ffices to let in the Victoria Chambers ply to K C. Wâ€" MoCuaig. 3760 Â¥ YOU WANT GOOD BREAD PILE AND mUMOR CURE, i to any address £. )‘l‘?tyhieu, 198 . THOMAS, Phelps; N. Y., and [KOLP & LYMAN, Toronto, OUnâ€" le agents for the Dominion. â€"Electricâ€"Selected _ and Elecâ€" sold uvu‘whor FPrice 3 ous, . PERREY DATIS a SUN, Soie Proprietors _ by Mathie efungded. 1 s liK itreet, New i ork, will be happy amples of all the papers and ilars on application. 3800 reductions still in cook and )ves at Moore Bros., cormer of i U‘Connor streets. Must be : the tirst of May. 38UOT etion." _ J. Thompson, Wood : " Nend me some more .Elecâ€" 1 have sold entirely out. No s like it." Miller & keed, Ulâ€" Q, writes : "The Electric Uil a great. reputation here, and is d for. Send us a futther supply lay." _ Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., all medicine dealers. â€" Price 50 ursiNEsS® Netieks. h P A 1 N â€" K J L. L E B her supply of El e bottle left. _ so well, and give F OW LIs bie Cure vBk, THE ss on receipt C 98 Notre Dame Maguire, of F i all the agent â€"it was slow mt lqzen Dr. Thomas‘ lall I had from you ts cures are truly Maguire, of Frank: all the agent left : It ha wl ard six dozen am nearly run t is highly reâ€" -":‘"':_'"- I nad aso avoids those com p | _ Al} Ofl« guer inteed and is used. lt 20L s w...J‘ made,. One ‘ e ho ce rmnecone niomenone Fifty cents‘ agus Y " t ding cough. I ~ *s, ‘ asthina and | T ¢AX 624 cured crick s y 06â€" ed atity a lame \ O+P moy Phe follow l of t o the many | _ w For sale by all Otlm ,;l imulx tl;‘o Dec. 4 1874 h, we think, | â€" Ge Cene snn itts ces cesmm cce y the most ()"“""A ctme Oil, 1 Axens, J Plandgi« GOverngre 1Ud A w unaww Vaives, Steam Pumps, “mlur m: Agoenay ot tg u:"u)‘nll:" TAY Lront such genâ€" Also, & C PCR \\t.’.._; Uom'ANY &o. stree Nend Haws, Beiting, Fuo», Prcking, <Flles reâ€"cut, Li * e iess G t r. saw lag‘s Luue thail Injector. _‘ ‘â€" _ CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Managers " Te mmagge t n 2oo F2 L No'l'lw to Mill» owneérs, Machiâ€" $ + Jucug nists and all others interested who have veen troupled in the past with ummed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and jJournals » nd have been paving fancy price use Uraven‘s Arctic ind Kngine Olls 1ad so avoids those com plaints for the future. Al} Oll« guer inteed and orders salieited; . > , â€" W,J. CRAVEN & Co., i8 4 441 8t. Pivnlâ€"sk, Mout eal, Bth March 1874 70 Sparks Sireel. Mills‘ Sunpnly Agency Maro® 48 1874 No, 24 N B.â€"â€"For prices and quality of goods he defies competion. Remember the â€" Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Respect/ully requests his friends abd customers THOS.. BIRKETT‘S. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! Sign of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Street, ®Ottawa, December 21, 1874. HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS ! CLOTHINC Establishment, Emproved Implements Ne.!1 Sparkeâ€"st., Near Russell House leave to call the aitention of the Public to th?v'luno and v-rm nnnr&:m ol ail desorip= tious of A LARG‘s STOCK OF SPRING AND sSUMMER uoons JUNT ARRIVING w:m- h Luqy;u oa:a‘ns-. Lo uoslblh‘u' . 9# Fn‘n .n&"ï¬mn?.: Gent :.m" "-u?" wg 1 “m M “ \\‘flna n:l"wo‘vythlnclnw cuion with t Ottawa, Apri 17th live of business, _ â€" s CALLAND EX \MINE 8TOCK. LARGE $TOCK Re neatly and prom NapE bat The bost workmes sHip HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES3!H NARMERS & GARDENERS rul Meetl to call and see his 13 o‘glock no0R, guarintees the mdst stylish garment in the ity . A perfect fli or the money refunded, â€" Hreeraar es sns ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to _ order by © YEW PIRW. ARDW A RE FINE AND COARSE HARNESA H A R D W A RE. HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, | 1 {uecessors to LEK & TROMPSON.) Thos. Lawrenco Hardware, &t. NEW STYLES. Market Square, The retail O*flxllu Bujmie vess so long carrted on by Joseph Metcaife is now trauaferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smaith‘s hno"(ho of the Ready Made Cloth» ing bnsiness (14 years ¢xâ€" perience), and their def@râ€" minatfom to keep the best cinss of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lawâ€" est prices possible, will be a GUARANTRE to Mr. Meteaife‘s old Oustomers and the general p\lb‘lc, that they will have every satisfaction . in . buy thg their Clothing â€"AT THRâ€" e ‘ n 18 R i LENT ï¬ a wachin wil has $AX (. Lho.last 14 years beem C â€"Humed by the ‘eading Mauuâ€" o‘ motoring . estabilshmenta of the Domfnion. The Largest and Best Clothing. TAKR A LOOK AT THE 59 Nparks Street H. MEADCOWS & CO., NOTICE. â€"AT THEâ€" &0Q.. a MAS SHORKE THOMAS 8 64 & ONT. 35 Sussex Htree!. K10y No.24 8810â€" that |1 hn t Mn P dn Avsebonr coflisn e "hre?. id nan m 9 N cuguired medical authotities. Balary, $2000 (:goul. £400 steriing) per annum, With Kbmï¬ifli »partments, {\m, u‘ul‘ wate; aod furnished tabie for fans l{. Appolntment to take effeot from lst July, 1873 ARUHIBALID McKELLAR, M â€" .. Provineial Secretary. Office of Provine al Secrétary, Torouto. March 16. 1875. fad txperience in the manigement ahd work» Ing of s Asylums for the Insane, 10 6t t . . 9m All applications must be accom} anled D du}{ certified lesiimonials as to character uui * ton ; »taling age, whether married or unmarâ€" ried, and length u} service in an An{lum for the lnkane, togethe? with eertified copies of diploâ€" ks ns pSyepual. or aurgeons, Foru: fOumre, «No person shall fsh for, catch, kill, buy sell, or tmave in rwum wizy ~mimon !hwt. Latke Trout or * .uuir" beween the 15th day ol Vetoir r and the Ist day «1.1> comber in each year In the Provinee of Quebec." Quoskâ€"Timg Â¥ok _ BHKCKLED _ 1ROUT,. Uuoseâ€"Tix» »or LOBBTERS. "In the Province of juohe, no «person shall, during, the months Jhlly and August, tish for, eatch, kill, bu{, sell ar have in possess sion any softâ€"shelled Lob::sn or female Lobsters, with eggs attaghed, nor shall Lobsters of a less size than nine inches in lalT.h, measuring from head to tail, exclusiye of claws or feelers, be at any time fighed for, caught, killed, bought, sold or had in possesâ€" sion ; but when caught by uccidentin nets or other fishing apparitus lu\vfugly used for other lish, Lobstegg with e“rn attached, soft shelled and young &bdlera of a less size than nine inches shall be liberated alivg, at ie risk and eust of the owner of the net or apparatus, or by the occupier of the lishety, on whom, in evury case, shall devolve the prgof 0 such actual liberation." > FISHERY LEABEKS & LLQEN i Ofilaye in J» ssuse.un uy Wh.leâ€"Fish botween the 10tn day oi Novemoqr and the 1st day Decâ€" ember in euch yeur, in tlfe Proyiuce of Quebec,‘ ©pos®â€"Trws For SALMON TROUT, h‘“"' TROUT on “Ll’)‘l‘.t:l}l‘l; Q'ND "WINNOâ€" UP TO THE 15th OF MAY, 1875 PUILI(‘ NOTICE is divrecled to the followâ€" lug â€" RiaVisisd â€" FirmHrRY â€" REGULAâ€" y3 MlN-\’ur the Province of Quebec, adopied by the overnor General is Counoil on the 3rd Li iâ€" & *No person shall tiso fur, calch, kill, buy, sell ï¬'bnvo in possessiou auy Pioxerol ( ) or askinonge betw; en the l0vh day of April, and ltb. l6th day of May, in euch year, in ie Proâ€"* Ihce of Quebec. on unk Abeplitmen onftemenetsFenpricqye pre 64 tmen! 1 # mnr:l in all waters situaied 'Ilhlu.‘:ko lgn": * vince of Quebec." | By Order of the Minister, B #. W. WHITCHER _ _ __. _ T |following REVISED FIBHERY . REGUâ€" LATIONS for the Province of Ontario, adopted by the Governor General in Council on the APPLIGATIONB will be received by the Government of the Provinee of Ontarig, iwhitessed to the undersigned, Fur the p sitlon of Medical Muperintendent of the Toroit. Asylum, Canida, about to become vacant by the resiguation of Ur. Joseph Workâ€" PUBLIC NOTICE is directed to the ~following REVISED FISHERY REGUâ€" 3rd linst | Cuosezâ€"Tix® ror WHITEâ€"RISH. " No person ‘shall fish for,.catch, kill, buy, sell, ‘or%enve in ?'oueuion any Whiteâ€"Fish beâ€" tween‘the 10th day of November and the 1st day of December in each year, in the Province of Ontario."‘ By order of theâ€" Hon. the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. ‘ Aporsss, Anan CL%BI-TIII ror SALION-TROU&»-LAKE- ROUTâ€"or "LUNGE" axo " WENNOâ€" | NICBE." } " No Eeradn shall fish for, catch, Ki!l, buy, sell or have in possession any Sain ‘fmut, Lake Trout or "Lunge" between #> 15th day of ctober and the 1st cl:{y of Des mber in each year, in ‘the Province of Ontiii@.‘ . l N THE UONDERMENTIONED Salmon Rivâ€" ers. will be LEASRD for a term of FIV YEARS. Uomrsution above upset prif named. LESSEES to mdnhl:‘flundinl ) at rriuu sost. . Applications be recei , : d to lst MA Y uext. River Natashquan (North Shore).......... $800 do Trinity (near Point des Monts)..... 100 do 8t. Hnrg-re\.&n BBB) :srerveveniasssinsss â€" 100 do Trout (mear Moisi¢).................c.... _ 80 du â€" Mistasai..| (near Goddowb). .......... _ 30 do Becaei. do verteritenes 20 do Malbaie (near Percé)..............@.. 100 do Graud Pabos, do _ .............. ... 200 do Little Pabas, â€" do _ .ccsc 100 do Tobique &Ncw Brunswick)............ 100 do â€" Nashwaa! do serressers:. â€" 100 do N. W. Mirgthighi, do religyns) 200 ‘do Jupiter (Anticosti [sland)............ 100 Goucrumeut $l0tices year, in the Province of Ontario." . _ _ FISHERY LEASES & LICENSES. *Fishing by means of nets or other 4 :Lpunmn without Leases or Licenses from i4 Deh!»rtment of ‘Marine arid Fisherics, is " prohibited in aJb watera liwa\orl within the 66 r’rovincn of Ontario." â€" [ or Maskinonge between the fifteenth day of ‘;prilwd égnnhdoy of May in each vaaw in tha Provinee of Ontario." Orosxâ€"TIN® F0# W HITE FISH. *No person shall Ogh t)t .dl"l:u_.‘ll,mlll.l‘. l:uy. sell, "Fixzhing by meaus of nets or Olher &pp&fM« do do do do do do do To: perpross Mauer® from the‘lkt July next. _ SALMUN ANGLING. By Order of the | MAILCONTRACT. 4i o. w '#b“fn‘%ï¬an" n W . W a Commissioner of Fisheries. n W. F. WHITCHER, Commissioner of Fisheries Comimissioner of Fisheries, wM do Â¥799â€" THE TIMEB ;,0TTAWA, AABURDAY, MAY 1, 1875 The cheque or mon? thus sent in will be returned to th: respective ‘contractors ‘whood Tenders are aot accepted. a § 3 For the due fullnl;cnt of the contract, satin~ f'c;"rivmuflz wil} btnquko“mm n rg-;l’mgu or e t of m «OF ! .eeu{ltlel:?:)‘r hnk?lz’eh to an amount of 8:0‘ per cent on the bulk sum of the Contract, of which the ouli.untyinm the Tenderwill be: considered a‘part, :4 C 00. U .SCB H . Ninety per cent only of the catiâ€" mates wyil\»be paid untfl the “-Wd the work. | sB To each Tenderâ€" myst be at actual signatures ;: two mpomlm& ventâ€"persons, residents cf the Dominion, willâ€" i';g to be:onild mu{l fflr the cu&rgzzon; g; ese condit well W | ance of the w‘m.. mu.â€˜ï¬ n the contract.‘ _ ance of the works etmbraced in the contract. * This Department does not, however, bind itself to aceept the Rowest or any Tendet! By Order, / 14 F. BRAUN: ~_ . stated on the form ‘of Tender, Department of Public Wo! St.truu. â€â€˜1 April, lm'k;"' / For the due fulfiment of the Contract, SAtltâ€", fnc.t,tr{i ncuirltg'wfll be required : l“ï¬: or e t money;‘ m " securities, or bank, stooks to an t q:; per cent on the bulk sum of the Contract. °* ‘.| Notice to Contractors. k) the undersigned will be at this Office until I&I:MQ 5&. rR;‘ 3“ u% ;tu n6o8, rokr\ n;;-‘u-:r‘clnm-w 0 ne«wor «w or â€" M Basement portion of l*him Bl;«;k, Depsrgnen‘::.Zulldlnp, (:)':hv.. «al JANB & C ons can l‘o;n:;':f:‘l‘::ï¬:r &h’:\:d n-thh‘go 02 D P & W"" 1| oo c nc sls ced sï¬ fendotenindl, anrdune wilh Ns piin _ To the â€""33'1:;'â€"“-““":..,‘.2"““'...'.,.‘2’.“““',,... f aignatures o respon C lo‘nl.midcnu of the Dominton; -nu:'w come sureties for the carrying out, of 1 conditions aa well as the dug . of the works embraced in the:cORRRACt «. si)o. s . This Department does mot,‘ itself to :c}:'o;‘l the lowest ml’m B’ Old.f' as‘ n d ivad A "TMaX case of firmsâ€"except there are & | actual dgutlu{ud the natare ‘ pation and Place of residence of M e of the same. | .. .. hok ceech ‘ Aos scedad Dzomulu Y Public Works, ttawa, 218t April, 18175. SEALED TENDERS sddmudxlo\%nndon- :iFued, and endorsed "Tender for Welland Canal," will be received .nhh,dn-ï¬tlw arrival of tig Eastern and Western on TURSDAY, the first day of June for the construction of. r ‘hflal' a R 8y Regulating Weirs, o Abutmeits ~ Piers, Excavation, Dndé:g. , connected with u:ursl :xéle‘ of»:he :?I;rgémel;:., llw.\:o‘ extension and deepening of F 0 , ou* Port Colborne Hl':'%orp. C n‘DPl $3 1 & CTS GOInOIINO MAREMUTE The Works will be let in sections, some of which are situated on the new line b@tween Port Dalhoullie :&d 'l‘:borold, and others, n?u( one mile in len ca .cmd‘ m deepening and widenhlxl t t gym ‘:{ places between Thoro: ‘lu'd ;_grr“t golbomot. ;i’-â€Ã©â€™;."i;?;:'.'.;‘ "'I‘E.;&iiil'luld Port Colborn ‘.ï¬; Ma the several ocflitl“’l r with P{:.monud Specifications of won can be seen at this office on ahd WRaPRHURSâ€" _ WELLAND CANAL ENLARCENRNT, > Notice to. Contractors: Furniture . ~Wareroomss ANCUS#%CO. the rates stated. in the offér submitted . _/‘ The mmioeet Adevised. n auop s oang. WiH e 85 SPARKS 3TREET. Dealers in Furniture, Beds, Matitresses. 1,00K= ing Giasses. pommmo-mu-...s o EALED TENDERS addressed . to debis and for ordering affairs of Emtal Insolyent ~Act of 1 _In the miktier of D.°B BAIRD, 6 4AE 1. ihnmesass imocudedfiessAbets ® e sW t % 9 mlâ€".’.lflwmy’ Jam 1. 1e 0|40 >Â¥ _3 18 m f6 3 wuyis nrnituare. i ROQ . The frstpayme ton Subscribed Stock will ‘be payable on or before the 4th March next. ‘ The Offlice ‘opens dallv ‘from 1k m. till 5 p.m, and! on the first fourJays of the month from $ a.m.till P p.m., for the purpose q}mmu wï¬nu by Stockhoiders. m# f tA RODOLPHE MATTE, |~ 1i tor ud1 1 «HNCTOTET® NA NEO uToh hk Alf (Â¥80+2 | d seort i uryâ€"Treasurer. _ " Th Bubscription Books® are now mpen at the Society! Yâ€"ork street &iï¬n}. where Prospectuses, Byâ€"Laws, avd oll dbormfl MAY '?'obm.uf Pripara Ves PR I N CIP 4A Li } whea .__ iT, 0. RaAWORPTR8SQ.} M, A,, | _ Yaite Baxior Scholar and 1¢xhibi 1 oner f ny,'!'g.o-‘um.‘-. Q@raduate io Mathematical sn op PWPRA RarNOIRALRn . .| ; smin |. f l ®. w. BoOuL®," 8q, is: as: Aakeâ€"Sohoigr and Prigemaat of Magdalen. Collége, Oxfo dâ€"â€"GHadtinte iti‘Honors in Classics an ; s mesaid ,uszsï¬wwr,ï¬xâ€nns.--f R 14 \, Trinkty Omb idge, Master» .. _ i us . P e nehy yeal Ainte HMalls Oanen Sb eilci en h in ntherh ... U aACHINEERT AoEECE MACHINERY â€" DEPOT, Wmatnd‘imu-imiwwmum Machinery. | + or THE mm'm‘mu. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE . _ | is al e o ho ob ies e o Wiinh "win 1.O. rripgiht Afl a Eâ€Gm’? ax»p Bomxes, New aAxp . Szoonp: l axp MILL MACHINERY, OF. %m mm BELING, FLLE4,.AND | [ Ro yal e maliiza : | a $Ny 30# L6 Hbibinaie! Dpiiniscanls : ) V pecial Pump ; J. A. Fay & Co., UincinnttiO; i"m*‘““w 90§ rSRTR N dor doboph Hail Manafacturing A 92. Ehfloby v:tbowpflt::u:gl:i a stone b ovcu 3 or:n:u-w* &%.ï¬ï¬â€˜: pointed Ganemi agents for the ts wa York Streat, J orth Bide, l sP L 4 CANADA . Agricultural~Insurance â€"Co‘y. OOL- A. 0. _D,LMRWW] f WILLIAM Ju%ï¬pm‘: Ottawa Branchâ€" . â€" * â€" â€"CLUFF & M VE \,|; PETER RKPPATH, EsQ COOKINC:â€"STOVE, Ottawa, February 13th, 1875. Bd c o0 orrior arp /w act: 17" 1874 to out beivs« y Erasyi t L 4. W Â¥, ths th ie pok MNTREAL PE OFF1C®, Tun Ruv. GAVIN LANG. m erwerei ; |â€" PRACTICOAL + L eaw #ld f ' | . ; TK "PLUMBER, GAS & â€"STEAM : MM. Eugene Martinean, 4+ Plumbing, Gas and Steam.Fitting James B LY TH"&,LERER,â€" | | 8 RTDEAU SPREER, ... ... .__ _ © Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinsuriths and ; yon=a, c MTPr<ai0FmE Eo oT .. vyigpht h Summer: ‘Queen‘"‘ Improved"COAL OIL » ‘. ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY 6th, 1875. __| OTTAWA ) .. BUILDING . SOCIETY; HEAD: B4A sSVUSSEX â€"ST. Plumbers, #&. â€" SECRETARY : 4( J . w, pocu#s, Ksq. is Ofes. .d wfl bean essabllslhnn A 40 provide a !Lbaral a In : stion wiaa l ut : 1 coa Instragtion. bhawraver, will moy v&%.flub“‘}v:m}’o:ue Tor To: Univipeathy mand Aeafane Hite Assurance. EXEQCUTED £xPEDITIOUSLY BY JA W . ‘ h#‘rflfl“‘-â€˜ï¬ &o., with P. B. FERGUS O N, â€"~ â€"=â€"‘ _â€" )=â€".‘â€". 88 Sparks Streot. L.L' :GENERAL AGENTS. . PECIAL NOTICE, ol in Ais At pubsegeperally t« uhe TL wa distriet, thiat i Compiiy this Qity and haye lea«Lthe inr ¢ whd commodious Bramich. & ansleeebiees caes seue es oo Â¥. LXMAN, mR JUSA B A.MIS A Y . lfikrar RHH io »'luncu. ~'nn.‘ * As v'umm.m,., EXAMINERS ; l esvid Tus Rev.J.A. LOBLEY, M. A. . R. W, NORMAN,yM»A. > IE«PRESIDENT® ; 0 .~â€" j in in GEORGE STEPHEN, E8Q. OPRIETARY ~SCHOOL. , _ ©OOUNOIb ; / 1E8 JAUOK, BHQ. | > achinveryg. sident ut. DIRECTO: PRESIDENT ; Nh. VnBNH & C.., No 34 + purks Mue t, « hore they have M on Merark Ond et mak ifeg ABik. S oate Eies 434 derodial D S ces OTTA W A. >E, MONTREAL. â€" :+ $1000.000. EvWARD A. GOEF, M JAMES A. Bx1 A, SPARKS : 8STREET ... Hot Airi‘pait Furnace, th Kâ€"nalugton, Drawing Master, MM. Isaio Ridher, Otivier Latogr, .... 70 BPARKHEST., OTTAW A. U Be feit tas suer ol J. T MASON &.00.. Cotave La:remoutile, H Arch« mbauit, A. Obevrier a Auguste DeGuise. raresnyâ€"aecanye==senp J0 Munsging Mrector Ins pector. OpEN _ Aovery â€" Day 10 a, r9,, till 4 pom. Hot and Cold Warer work in:any of the »NNAN, E3Q. QONkLC < FKEOM ON IWVA L L P A P ER, Rawiing‘s English Sode :Nater, Putass Water, Lemonade, G â€" In Francy, England, Hoiluand and Spain, BRANDIES, (PORT AND SHEREY . WINE. â€" 61 it Tt I 4# Are now showing the 1 mlug in in Bilk Woast» d J «e w ##k Warped Ohock, u.-@n&o&-'ï¬mwmqg rrome prid money Ni haals id in FRENCHFLOWERS® & FEATHEERS Shingles Clapboards, Flooring.. ï¬i&"&,’"’é‘ifl"‘ and Unglazed AGENT POR MALLOGH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR;.» * _ ~Williamâ€" Queale, LUMBER DEALER, : CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREw63. For the best. FTEFVING For the best H'I'P!NGOOA'!'S uks smolets uds 16 stt P ‘30. to CHAS. BRYSON‘S. For the best !'I'ITINGPANTS’.’ peditibzmrs _ For ‘the best I'I'I‘I'};th gï¬sg 4 B_RTSON’" JFOor e c _}o NAL , “ j To select from, all of which we are the lowest prices in the dity. * ‘3827 STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANCSE=~SILKS, # + =â€"A Lange Consignment ofâ€" P & NEW LINEN OOSTUMES,‘ I'ROH_ w2.0500. e Ens recy enaeens ho n 0‘ _ Of the above lisk we _ t, Davié & Uo,‘s Plano Fortes, and The W ‘ Bell .m.w‘awm&.mh Forme, we cordially o mame on \The Hardman," FPue Mlakey AMeris a Co,8 . P‘ianos nave long been recognized evor b Ots & L O ND O N ~H 0 U SE . .. _ HANEY & FORGIE, _ PPDERLT EP NOe Pm UBn PPE CCC TT OO 2F, 20 lovr in thair furorh. * guisned and musiglens tw Lhe worle â€" presout maulmuuu? g,n_np_t_um and assure the purchase; of his receiÂ¥ing a suporior instramont in ©Ve, "Riary instrament fully paaroteen i ratnatvlos Hntainironnande _ec. 24 1874. ons 2 t ie o t mt ces +10h ‘the opinions af the nost i PORE aND UNALULTERALKD,10â€":Fam 4y use and Me Jicinal purposes, W i O L EB a L &0 A N b )B ET a a 4, T eag),~â€"BLACKS, GRECNEana FAPASDâ€"thvonel Shtndes, Ooflees-â€"-n-l ROASTEL, Ground daily on the promuses, at usual prices, OTTA WA MARBLE ‘AND GRANITE WORKS. Monuments, oA cgaigns oeaghe from the either Plain or Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. THOS.: â€"~â€"PATTERSON S pring â€"Goods. f In Scotch, iinglish, and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons, Fancy Vestings, ‘Diagonals, Wost of England Broadcloths &c.. &c. &c., ols a.0.. : #t Martale, Acotoh Grauite, of Bb $ x Sidi oi P The newest design in Lxit . LERY YENOLNG, sultab "'“’-wm emne: hh smoemenen readns rari® f wA Vy 00000 of : ‘Which be is prepared 1@ m e ip in theâ€"latest and most fasbions.ole slÂ¥i6= FANOY G&W‘le IN GREAT VARIETY Pickles, W% .Byrups und & ; RESTABLISHED 18%4. Direct Importations from the Producers "", AFARKS STREET, OTTAW 4A« Â¥ Pigkh DEALERS N: om oFo wvabinet, Organs, m'ï¬uuc“"nooh‘f ete., A large Lot of ‘Gentliemen‘s FURNISHING GOOiws. Ammw All Goods warranted Shrunk. Sune 18, 1874. l’-"q'uuuw&:n:-:;mulm INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER . WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel CHOILCE AND BEAUTIHEFvDL J O $ EP44 ~D.ILI MB L E B Y, D. 8. M:KINNON & CO,, Fi STCLARS:â€" DAILORING Hes re "atwid and is opening Out a lange stoodk of McKAY‘S oi ic Ne nc hin bapadies Hiouses, Receding or P0 10040 om 7-*l7v' ation» £ The Laryest ind Best welsctod assortment of Miarble cuwiorks. Croceries, ry.6Goods. â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" TAYLOR, Proprietor. Mall Paper, TING G, = i "tO to enaAs. BRYSON‘S., Cumberers, ; ESTABLISH D 1800.] ‘ CMare, ATAWA, 18744.] } MNarbits of new * &e