+B *# shipping in. He thought the trustees of the church acted wiseiy in selecting the theatre for a place of worship, having such a precedent. The reverend gentle man wes compelled to deliver his sermon from one of the private boxes, as the the draught of air up the centre of the ie ume ol separation is coming and the sheep must be wtouiud from the gouts. lie concluued by exhorting his hesrers to be on Christ‘s side, and strive o do their dutues. During the coilection be read from a paper an accouut of the work youmg on in England, ot special meetings being held in similar places to uago was rather disagrecable, _ _ manih at hard fabour, ie was Mwmwmflyoung men present, and hoped to live to see the wme when the old ard young, business men, méchanics and labourers would take uy Climist‘s standard and go forth into the highways and preach to sinners. ajie peopie not Chnristians, and abominâ€" whle gnes too, who would be inevitâ€" whiy lost, were the restraints with which Christuanity has bound be loosed. &il lus creatures to rejoice and be happy. Hbe denounced a scurriious attack \m Moody and Sankey, and said the au had undoubtedly been a Christian from lhis knowledge of Seripsure his base appication of it The t inveterate eneimy of ‘Christiairty is a "backslider." Men should pot mauke light of the Gospei. ‘The speaker said there were many good Wusesvas Metwoomst Services. â€"There wus a very lair congregation at Gowan‘s Upera tiouse yesterday, though the weaâ€" mer was very disagreemble. As our readers known, the Rev. Mr. Hunter was called away on Friday by a despatch an nouncivg the death of his eidest brother. He will uikely be back on Thursday, and will carry out; his intention of lecturing on "Aheatre lushing." in his absence the liev. Wim. Hiall preached an eloquent sermon {rom the first I‘salim. â€" He referred wo the brevity of the I‘saim, and expiained it by saying that it was a of the . -w.ww. 1t bas bool:mcdhdn‘h-, looking into wnich a man may discern uis own features. lie is forming a characâ€". wer that will bless bim or wiil damn him. Ihe most dasmgerous thing i tor a man who wofships God to associate with those Luat fear lium not There is a work going on among Christain men of eradicating. wishonest customs, which have been yeneraily accepted on account of their prevulehce. A llidrisee would say that me did not destroy the irvit or pul. down the tences, but a Christian wou‘/d tend to the fruit in the vineyard. A man may not be outwardly bad and not inâ€" waruiy good. God _ has _ made The ievy. W. J. iiunter, the esteemed pastor oi the congregatiqn waus unable to otlicmte, bavicg been called away to the West owing to the death of a brother. The hev. Mr. tiall preached at the mornâ€" ing service and the Mev. Mr. Farries of Aknox Church at the evening service. lhe weekâ€"day services of the congregation will take piace in Musgove Hail, u‘Conâ€" nor â€"Street, until more suitabie arrangeâ€" ments are made. > biuveiay Stzzet.â€"The attention of the City Engineer is caulled to the great number of broken planks that exist on the piatâ€" lorm on the south sde of fideau street. Tue Uimet of Police resides in that locality and couid doubtiess unfoid a melancholy taie in regard thereto. BEroken iimbs and actions lor damages are looming in the not lar uiitant future, unless the grievâ€" «1oes complained of are at once attended ousvay Services in a Tusatkz.â€"Yester day the Wesleyan Methodists of Metcalfe Street Church inaugurated their umflonq services in (sowan‘s New Upera iouse. eveming al ; 0 cock in ad ol the church uebiâ€"Zo€ls, sunussion. A large attend~ auce is Loped for; aso that the Christian anu iJierary Ssociety would meet this evemiug punciluaiy at 3 o‘ciock in the basement of the oud ehurcih. Social Smuvicas.â€"iev. Mr. Hall anâ€" nounced to the congregation yesterday, Lisi tue young men would give a social m the hing street Uburch on Tuesday A Avisaxcds.â€"iuere con,regate nightly wb thealrical pertormances, unimanageabie auu Lroubliecsome imds, who praclice a reâ€" gular system of begging tor checks trom persons coniing oul trowm the theatre durâ€" y u ervais. . Lhey disturb the gomimunâ€" iby reswient in Lim neiguibourhood, are a muusmmuce lo theatre goers, anud should be 10oked alter by Lie pulice. IEMaALE Mixstizcssâ€"Hiarry Phillips, adâ€" Vance agent ol dudame kents‘ iemaie Miustreis, is in town arringing tor their appearance on the iUtna and iith. . ihe oupe is compused of about iwentyâ€"ive persous, many of whoum have ceen inâ€" ported uirect iromm lLue Parisian Lheatre 1or Lhe uan Can. iLhey save bad unparâ€" mileiou success wherever they have apâ€" in bhe Vicimity of Comumog s biidge al the wiasti euu ol Luc cliy.. JSie was uned pgo ald COsts. lliree intuaies ol the place were arrugned al the same Line, and senl yaoi lor two weeks eaci. wilernouny lhe coupany did runieu in pigying 10 a nou appreciale Lutl h aclor‘s inerlt wil aclors imerlt ibe forrestels will be einimily Woicoimeu . Oy theatre goers. lus PomeEstems Marixa® ail suulenoe asselnbied al lus â€" roxuxsteks.â€"lhis troupe leave Villawa this imoruing . at . teu o‘clock With Lhe best Wisues Of our citizens, Who IBW*“II‘ ass@eido! y virr Corxcicâ€"fThe City Counail will meet this evening, it being ‘the regulur meviumg lor lie (ransaction ol generai Dbusmiess, i( prouises to be an unusuaily Liowe nivskal CaNAaLâ€"â€"Llhe water will be let mmio the bideau Canalto day, so that by W ecunesuay moru.ng i4 Wili be ‘ready for D&Â¥ igabliOLs. eares Uyuensbulg.. 3.00 sullm, <20 pus Amiveoe m New ) um lUUy puu, â€"/.U0 10 MemÂ¥yes me@# 1 Ork... O p.ubg 1kAV p.11 AITIYO® | D | Uyideaisâ€" s iLX TMAL YELNUONX I KaiiBROoAal Ldnyee â€" Oydensbury _ 4L2°TÂ¥@bvernees bwbb Sebking NulQ) prubking 6 +4 4) J AARADA OB N TIAL InAal WAX. AINY Obes s cor n snn eses <+++++ bubpth) tbelliey Oeb peDL Arnm......:.-.: a vessee " keall p)lidey 4 HU pudlk ~". LaAWwikNCk AND etTTawa mairl | _ Sxow,â€"The Tiw: s‘readers,on awakening & " this morning from a refreshing sleep, will 1AMMY@keâ€".s».. lUrto atq ZAU pi» liio p | behoid/ the "beautiful snow" profusely AmÂ¥es.s..... {ai0 milly tIV priep 7.1V p | scatte#8d about. it had been hoped that AARADA CY TIAL Ink al WAX. the snow hud bid us a final adieu until MMMNY Oibes s cne n snn e90+ > »++++ dUp U tbeldiey Oel) peDa dread winter again makes its nccustomed AITIYOBeccsserersee s reccee beW Dulihe 440 pnan | VI8LD, ut it seems thas. this is denied us.* ; AlliÂ¥V@s . in . Uyuens N} â€" vury Lrom poston. tbollkyy 1e 0V pLid Bkastlisks Cuiile. «2768 _ £ 70000b J uisw wOi dydPLCAL gULi¢liigciuice. to ts Jn AP 4 MA M Do 6A bl Gh A & ;DL N &A Wik L O w N, A Nab Oreea U 4 M6AW Mlild ds WA a a sessssess 4 vessersesccebot0) pailie 1.0/ &ellh east td pA4ily 4130 am N L larixks.â€"Although & vieu alt tue imaiinee orresters on Suburday iraiâ€"The visitors this orsâ€"Messry. Sumuoi caut naimes) Which si _ beiow â€" Julterin pmst, will provabiy ui W ednesuay, and eai with barges in y did uol lee: WaPr i nouse . thal, LNan 140 w2z i uv pJB. â€"bvo V us J.V .D \'d'l::t;om for obstructi ‘Hh.d'::- were dismissed, on t the nuisance would at once be | ed. Michael ()omo-uir1 was ts with .“ln‘lm ver wa m sundry articles from Mr. x hotel keeper on Murray street. ‘Haying been adjudged guilty, he was sent to‘guol for a endesvouring to pass counterfeit money. ltwanoommi-u,:-nai hï¬whiohp’d ,d:bchu b‘-l" nooitaf by her as bone money. The prisoner being an unâ€" intelligent the dismiss dï¬d‘hh.pn person wnu? ed the case, George Permiondier arraigned on â€" a similar charge was muloted in the same Augustine Lambert, arraigned on the durpol‘ assaulting one named Costier, was tined $5 and costs or go to grol for two weeks. . Before M. O‘Gara, P.M. The good walnut furnitureâ€"splendid Pisnoforte, Brussels aid other carpets, all quite new. Attend Mr. Peliant‘s sale toâ€"day. Rideau street, Sandy Hill. Those who had boped for fine weaher were sadly disappointed by yesterday‘s rain and snow, _ Nevertheless all the churches were very fairly attended under the circumstances. . M.P.P, who has been absent for a few days, on a visit to Quebes, will return on Tuesday.â€"The canine race are flooding oshw?ndm-nuinncoto many peoâ€" ple.â€"The water pipes which bursted some time ago on Elgin near Slater St., will R"*‘Nl be repaired fully next week.â€" ‘ork is steadily pnm:um‘ on the City Mall and also on new Post Office, which will be an ornament to the city.â€" Those who had hoved for fine wanihar tors .to the capital at present.â€"Speliing matches are on the wane.â€"The ferry boat makes reguiar trips every 15 minutes to Hull and return.â€"Mr. E. B. Eddy, Brzyities.â€"Saturday was a beautiful day.â€"The market folk did a thriviog busâ€" iness on the |st.â€"There are very fow vigiâ€" _ About an hour after the above a second fire broke out on Murray street in astable, owned by Mr. Christian. He lost: a valuâ€" able stallion worth $600, having refused recen.ly an offer of $565 for him. Another valuable horse, worth $800 is very badly burned and it is doubtful whether he can recover. A cow also perished and some furniture and. wearing apparel belonging to one of the boarders, which was stowed in the stable was consumed The loss is about $1,500 with little or no insurance. No cause as to the origin of the fire is assigned, many improvements being made on the sidewalks and crossings in different porâ€" tions of the city. ‘lhis wili be ukoï¬.:ld vantage of by the " knowing ones happy loving coupl:a,m t-h& thm:f:l( evenings, consequent upon the even May, will have a delightful promenaile. Fizesâ€"A fire broke out in an untinishâ€" ed building at 2 o0‘clock Sunday morning on Clarence street, corner Dalnousie, be longing to Mr. Stamislaus Robert, a butcher on Rideau street. lcmpanhl‘ ly insured. ‘The origin of the fire is atiri buted to incendiarism. Josephine St. Armand was charged with also at Bank and Sparks streets have been repeired, thus nfl'a-djn'hnneuy ynnnf: across to pedestrians. The mud on Spar street is being rapidly removed, and in a few days, with the aid of a warm sun, it will be perfectly dry. _There are a great for example:â€"Mrs. kousby, upon being asked by a Buffaio " Commissioner of the Press " if it was true she received a $1000 a week salary replied : " (Phe weather was very unfavorable when 1 was in Philadel phis and Pittsburg lurzovexzsxts.â€"The corner of Bank and C Evapixne tus lxtzavisw.â€"Reporters are generaily conceded to be, especially on the other side of the lino,n'uchnb'olm of men engaged in any proiession. Now and then, however, they meet with people as old as '.henue!vu.tho following case Fauss Auragx.â€"last night about half past eleven, an alarm of tire was sounded from Box 31, which brought out the reels and u large body of men. 1t, however, turneu out to be a fralse alarm, and many a malediction was héaped upon the head of the malicious individual who sounded it â€" The practice is a wanton and cowardly one, and the otfenders should be severely puuish ed where detected. the music before purchasing, and every witention will be paid to those who wish to call and look over our stock withoGit being p essed to purchase. Axr Ixvitation.â€"D. 8.. McKinnon «& Co,, have now & large stock of music, to which they invite inspect.n ; their wareâ€" rooms offer facilities to try over any of RecmvQuisu®o tus CoXtRaor.â€"It is said that Ald. O‘Connor finding his tender for the erection of the fenges and outbuild: imys of the new Norwal Schooi too low has refused to undertake the work. ©Mr. Forin, who so successfully constructed the main building, being the next lowest tendér, has in consequence been | awarded the contract. * its recital ‘The stirring, pathetic and military drams of "The Relief of Luckâ€" now" followed, aud~during its performâ€" ance eulisted the warmest Ndih of the audience. Gowax‘s Ursra Houss.â€"The Forresters played to anotuer fur house Gh Saturday mirkht, it being their iast appearance, The evening‘s d;orfornunco opened with a farce entitled *Uhe Iwo Fathers," which kept the audience convulsed throughout DetsNtION or StEamzasâ€"Mr. D. W. Coward, of this city, agent for the Allan Line of Steamers received a private teleâ€" gram from Cape Ray, Newfoundland, stat‘ng that the steamship Polynesian and other vessels which passed this point on Sunday last were detained owing to ice in the Guilfl of St. Lawrence, in the vicinity of the ‘Bird Rocks. The Maniâ€" toban is the only steamer as yet that has succeeded in reaching Quebec. Ixcrgase or Stirexv.â€"The salary of the Rev. Mr. Cameron, of the Baptist Church, nas â€"been increased four hundred dollars by the Managing Comumittoe of that conâ€" gregation. This is a commendable «ct on the part of the c.mgu?u'on to one who has not only endeared himself to his o#n people, but who is highly reapecteu } throughout the city. _ . _ ] .»\“i::.unxu Battkay.â€"Lieut . Colonel | Egl , Commanderl the Jitawa _ Briâ€" gage of uarrison Arqfl‘gry. received" a letâ€" ter on Saturday frém Colone} Jaekson, D. A. G., commanding the District, reâ€" questing him to send in plans and ostiâ€" mates tor the construction of a saluting | battery on Major‘s Hill. Aucrion SaLrk.â€"lemember the sale of Mr. Peliant‘s valuable furniture takes piace today at 11 o‘clock, We advise those wanting good furniture to attend. nale takes place in ‘Rocquis Terrace, i deau street, Sandy Hill __All the furniture for sale at Mr. Pellant‘ is firstâ€"class and quite new. Salo to day oderich, Port Stanloy alhoasie, Hamiiton, obourg and Kingston, POLICE CoURT Saturoay, May 1. on{to, 1 DIAFrIO evenm delivered one of his . ;l-o'arTn;‘ est powerfully persuasive impressing on his hearers the abili ln: willingness of ‘God to save his people, as referred to in l-uhf:iml chap, .nd‘i.t. verse, which he took for his text. "Ahnd they nna‘: no w -::s. saylug, Thoua art boolt w n the seals enc y ty tho? Ipaaring ud meayrelpopren us io God by Th out of every »ludred, axd 'm'muu'“t::‘nw esw ; wikd UB i I ;e_.:.u reign on the earih," &¢, zo.â€"mv.bz APTERNOON sERYIOES, ; The Rev. Mr. Farrirs conducted the afternoon services,and ih connection thereâ€" with + delivered anvable sermon ‘from the folliowng text :â€" Jt3 souls, and hoped they like the other disâ€" ciples would follow. “luml.ld Ill‘l:j in his work, and throw into !‘ in order to achieve success, dong, the Master will beâ€"sure to be néar mdtl& their efforta,and when their works was nono on earth they wouldâ€"feast with the Master in heaven. MB L V 3 tion â€" in mfl:bo should _ now ~take place. He felt that the Rev. Mr. Farries would make ‘:r,nbh._pon. and, would be instrumental in saving â€"many souls for Christ. He had been a sugcesaful student. and had a good college carger. in addiâ€" tion to this he had. oqnsiderableâ€"experiâ€" onoou‘:.r.ahnrofthoï¬oigd,mduu a man um“(&"" cu&’w them in the vigour M n felt sure they wm.a mtï¬ï¬‚ yift from God. He exhortcd them to w‘:lï¬molinbtbdrhou- 4 H families as one in whom the ‘have contdenc s. _ He started out like Pater to soune@ t BV OBAAA Oufofic Sfaaving ed his e m:Fw g’*"bflm in troducâ€" ;ion‘% mb. tor to M He it it to t u.) mlt.roduoo;&.o uuyl.l.r\:r‘-?;;: gg‘?:g Church, tev. Mr. ) oe::::-.""m t;tthnh‘:mm social gathering of last m only necessary ‘that a‘formal‘, ¢ reward for those who worked éarnostly fn the cause of the Great “.’&: ‘The réverend gentleman soncludâ€" bnavon 0e | ht ht Aptoreds ho were and in this he saw‘an indication that when the toil and turmoil of the Chrisâ€" tian‘s work ‘was ended on earth, there would be prepared a joyous "feast in En"in’ Â¥ain without ,the presence of ‘arist. t‘,‘d.ï¬t the uet on the right side, and ‘You have success saith Chrigt, 'l'lllo simplie¢ity or this admoll;it.ion ht & o-opiomnn'r' isters to sim e gospel" truths their ]?ooee. They should not be philosophers, but .simple witnesses ~of ‘the u-u&, as ~ they: were heralds to announce the message of Chinist... As .a concluding..lessonâ€"they found the miracle ending with a feast, instrumental in wfnn’[‘:flloï¬ï¬‚ï¬ Christ. There would, undoubtedly, be an eternal As a third lesson the miracle taught them that the sugcess followed the monï¬on to receive the blpssing. The of the disciples le? to their pro&:ndon in this respect, and they found that all suocess who _ engaged in the (labour of fishers for men. In the strength of the pet and the securing safely of all the fish,he saw a simile in the success attending the collection h&f -oul:L:nd preventing their @scape into the sea of the world and sin. As a second lesson, the miracle was designed to cheer the fisher of squls: in his irksome work. The work was & tryâ€" ing one for a minister of the G6s t was a w work to go around mhin::r{bo net of Christ. In all work, without the Master was near, there would be a want of success, like that which attended the disciples prior to the pearance of Christ on tho&aool the gtof(hliloc.’ ’l‘h«:"preuneomdpow‘r of the Living Head of the Church was abâ€" solutely negessary to success in the saiveâ€" tion â€"of souls. . |. ci. § C beak P | the latter was usually of a more impulsive temperament. John was the first to recognize his Saviour, but Peter was the ï¬ntwmintbomuuof‘oi:-ghtomt their master. The draught of having veeum hauled to the shore, was found to contain one hundred and fiftyâ€"three, an unusually large catch, without abything happering the net. ‘The fish having been seouredl.n,ecua called upon his disciples to dine with Him. , The vision of Christ at this juncture was another proof of His reeurrection, and added w link to that historical data which up Chrisâ€" tianity. Christ exhorted them to follow him, and \he would make them fishers of men. The learned preacher recognized in this a symbol of their future work as fishers for the salvation of souls. Christ would be with them but a few weeks, after which the disciples were expected to enâ€" ter on their work. ~â€" The speaker next dwelt upon the deâ€" sign of working such a miracle. He first saw in it a means to inspire men with a hope of sugeess when engaged in Christian work. The miracle as a success was intended to act as a blessing ‘to those and Peter, showing the former to be sessed of iA loving instinct of nq'.um wï¬: + Under the first head he referred to the fact of | Simon Peter having taken the initiativg in the matter of this journey, and the force of example whether for good or evil being generally strong, the other disciples followed ;. him. ; On reachâ€" ing the Sea of Galilee they immediately engaged in fishing, they had used all the arle audhpfl)hgnou_' #0 success and no (llg‘xht visited zo best parts of the sea to further their object. ‘Fhey how: ever, failed. and were very downoast and weary at their being so unsuccessful. In the midgt of their disappointwrent ‘Jesus makes his appeatanceion the shorei\They saw a person coming in the distance, but they knew not who it was. He spoke toâ€" them when about 100 yards off and asked them if they had any mutâ€"mufln&hi-f they had succeeded in catching any Aldxou‘ï¬i He addressed thomu"ï¬ familiar terms they did not at first ize His voice. Finding that they m unâ€" successful, Jesus told thent ‘t0 cast their net to the right side of the ship. They obeyed the injunction, and succeeded in olfuinin&. great draught of fishes. This marvel of nmut once moved the curiosity of the @isciples, and John, who vsually possessed considerable foruiflxt, said itâ€"was the Lord Jesus. The preacher here contrasted the two disciples John draught of Fishes," The speaker preâ€" fmf hib discourse by a refopr:noe‘tol:ho departure of the disciples from Jerusalem northward to the Sem of Galilee, where they met Christ a third time after he had rison from the dead. He attributed their daparture to perhaps the sacerdotal inâ€" iluence ‘exerted in the city and from which they suffered, or to the ciroumâ€" stances of necessity that m:Â¥ have comâ€" pelled them to visit the Sea of Galilee in ursuit of their avocation of fishermen. Yje discuissed the sitbject of his text under two heads : 1. ieh History of the Miracle.. 2. The design of working such a Miracle. | aire & THE MORNING 8ERVIOR. | After| the usual introductory scripture d deyotional exercises, the Rev. Prof. fclLaren tead thorï¬r:; l(‘}ov.u'toonp.l verses of the 21st chapter 0 e Go« nooordmg to St. J@hn ‘t)..k‘mg for his text that por tion refhrri’ng to the " Miracle of the YVesterday somewhat more than ordin: ary intirest was attached to the services in Knox Cliurch, owing to their being in connection with the ‘introduction of the Bov. Mr. Farries the newly inducted pastor ¢o this congregation. There was a large aftondance at the different services, The Rev. Prof. Mclaren: occupied the pulpit in the forencon and evening and the Rov. Mr. Farriese preached his inâ€" augural sermon in the afternoon. At the morning service the new xtw occupied the pulpit along with the officiating dorï¬.- man, who formally introduced him to ple in the latter part of his very eloâ€" «':::ut ahd appropriate discourse. «h4 Kl+D0X CHURCKH. INAUGL RAL SERVICRS SHRVICES. r Mclaren, in the THK TIMES : OTTAW4 MONDAY, MAYr3, 1875 A Gressmaker‘s a prentice speaks of her cross:â€"eyed lonr.pn the fellow whose looks are cut bias. The spelling schools that are spreading luWOhhmuidhhndumum ed the fact that a woman can spell five times better than a man. 4 To many the nath af uk m ol‘ . ko /. â€" h line.of businessâ€"the fis ;‘{52? draperyâ€"the ourt:i-ï¬:b: ‘" . 1oBey, amd. many people “i:: vddpmmt'o? heshall smoke 6 ra says rifboohpowubo.l mt Signt wfll ,w, â€" Retiring . early ni .& whorten a man‘s days. P ’. When a man bows to circumstances he uflc;:wd to be polite. lndy sould Ipet The way a you could 3 * Mâ€":,f’ ncznly’: w:.‘--l-o ulâ€"t«on, Many editors are of such tmoï¬u nature that they will not put a on o ooo m es ts hk e ak whish ladies are fondest of are the first last words. > -~--‘Wlhl3‘:uinhvuâ€"m1:;ndr on UA a very good can ;:.hï¬ ula.fl.-lolzmu m-. musioâ€" store 75 Spark‘s street, for 30 ote. Free of postage by mail. ‘ ‘Send for it. _ It seems to have been the fate of the Republican party since the end of the war to legislate nothing for the South but &v_mble‘md misfortune; to set up State 'fl:rn ishts and hand them over to out: and rebberse ; to create a " benevolent iuumum ';o:nd tu;n it inwn.nlmtn}- mentality . transferring black men‘s money zxio white men‘s ts. Yot, T essmb cE city"i t ve &u it in m‘:‘ro-{bh w very class of cheated and negleoted depositors will vote solidly, in the next Republican con: vention, to"linsk, down u?. barrier â€" of; common consent which has restrained all mi:- for the last seventy years, and : the issue of a third term upon the country, _ Helf made men are t to Btock takes the place of land in an item of $75,000.| One wz gontleman, a proâ€" tege of the late Cashier Huntingdon, obâ€" tained several thousand doliars on the stock of a lmouun Paving Company, an American ~Lock Company, and the Capital Publishing Company. ‘The real estate loans are, in part, on country proâ€" ‘m,onplmhuou,onhndsin the which cannot find a purchaser and had no " cash value," and on a " forest tract." Of the " bonds, Treasury no and gtlm securities og'. thoh.Ul:}‘% States,"" _ supposed to the _ - basis of investment, we find only four hundred dollars Amy description of "wui.lg-:n" collateral seems to have been â€" sati securi the unfortunate freedm::t’l nvmp.'w fqlr 1 real estate mortgages, we find chattel mortgages on furniture (and in one c & loan of $50,000 on such a _F chattel onpdnï¬np,ongwo- lery, on groceries, otc. Senecm Stone Co. of the ring on Seneca stone stock, than they ; would think of indicting Governor Shepherd or the Président or of indicting themselves. . In looking over the schedule of the asâ€" sets of the bank, one cannot but â€"be struck with the v i:“&.:“’ of the hwllounm uhnncm-lm management. Instead of United States securities and "firstâ€"class" A dressmaker‘s In 1873 a National Bank examiner, u:_:dor gut.ruoï¬cm from the ‘ï¬:mbgot.rgor of the Currenoy, examined ks of the, Freedman‘s Bank and rogorud ite affairs to be unsatisfactory, and pointed out a number of irregularities which mi_ï¬tmllhn been characterizeq firs as last as so many robberies. In 187 another examination was held, and the concern ‘was pronounced i rsolvent. A feeble attempt at reorgavuization was made, snd then the bank collapsed. In four yeats after the Amendatory Act tion, might have pursued a wellâ€" beaten business path, was ruined ; its asâ€" sets, intended to be the safest kuown to a business wmfï¬f practically worthâ€" lses ; and several ons of mon‘y taken from the savings of the ï¬oor hop »lessly squandered. And in little le«s than a year from the time that the insolvency of the bank became knownâ€"such was the i:h_v.c:lv‘od and ?t.:ocioul oo:&hu‘: of its irsâ€"none of its depositors has meimoont. Finfllyn“d{ To fharg y the mod oo promsodind ty un nor the oï¬o}n of the Government. The leniency of the former occasions some astonishment ; the inaction of the latter awakens no surprise. The President‘s district attorneys in Wuhi.n&:n would no more think of indicting trusteos who lent freedmen‘s money to members The @successors" of . Messrs. Cooper, Bryant, etc., therefore induced one of their friends, Mr..Cook, of Illinois, to preâ€" ent an amendment to the charter, pro .viding that the trustees might invest in mortgage securities, and might hold and improwe the real estate owned by the bank in the city of Washington. ~ This amendment passed both Houses without debate, although one of the Radical Senaâ€" tors voted for it on the rather si ground that "if the coloured ple wanted to be cheated he did not know that it was worth while for him to make, much trouble" about it.‘" Now mark the final result of this remarkable fxinm of. Rudical flnnnouring It is told in a few words by the New York Nation. . ©/ and after those branches had been in operation five years, and had received g‘go amounts of“nLoney t‘mml t.hi confidâ€" freedmen, "the .original charter," says the Nation, "was found too narrow for the successful investment:of the deâ€" mu"â€"-thn charter, as first adopted, imiting the dpowor o{ the naox-ï¬mm‘rlll to invest the deposite to "stotks, de, Treasury notes or other securities of the United States.‘" The an%ul trusteos bdn{ all citizens of Massachusetts, New York and: Ohio, soon gave way to "succéssors"‘. who at once went to work to establish branches at thirty &hou in the Southern States, Altbonu';‘ eir charter did not convey any such right upon them. Be this as it may, however, no one at the South objected, [ The Nation expresses a ‘doubt as to the (‘uution whether the names of Peter Cooper, W.C. Bryant, Gerrit Smith and other equally ï¬uowinent citizens were inâ€" serted in the ch... tor with their knowledge or consent, and waether that eminent body of éorporators ever assembled in Wuhix}‘ton City, although, of course some of them must have done so, if only to select their "successors."‘â€" The charter provided that the porsons therein named should be the first trustees of the corpora tion, that vacancies should be ï¬llego by ballot, and that at least ten rotes should be noootu\y for the election of a trustee. "Therefore,‘ ~says the Nation. "we may conclude that ,tev- of these cdrporators: mllr assembled to organize the Freedâ€" man‘s Soviixp‘ Bank and to set the machinery it motion." _ ; [ ‘ The original act adopted in 1865 only oonumogl:.:od the establishment of a savings bank in the District of Columhinl and the corporators named in the bil were mostly men of fgood repute, although it was remarked with surprise that none of them resided in the District. At all events, the bill was fw,orabl,[bnmrwd upon and adopted without debae, and the gentlemen above alluded to. " and their spocessors ‘‘ were constituted a bod corporate under the title of the © FM{ man‘s Saving and Trust Company." TWME STORY OF THE FREEDNAN‘® _BANK. The New York Nation of the 15th instant bas an interesting article on the rise and fall of this stupendous Radical awindle, by which thousands Of ignorant and conflding yiegroes were robiod of their hard barng uvingl‘g{l the saintly thieves who m ed the affair, . } money, and the »eraAWA, in the County _ _ «C © * _ C ,:t'm% wit | INBQLVENS® AUT OF 186. k in he maiter of LOUIS BELANGER, an The t has made it of uis ohe Insdiyen ons itone an assignment of his ba mel, PosiPol 8 Po,sioale Cns + /0 wiininey e rapalcgle sey, ks . dtoertiee: VERmn ky PE l'.-; OnO w yéar, $1000 ; or, two onl for one yoar, An i‘xtra copy of eithor the 4 io ie Yentiaortifeve '.'W'm""' uhk Fomite ofâ€"Fivo tabge; or, Mix Coples for $2000, wil out extan onpy : postage froe, . Haee nun 0008 can be supplied atao 7 t m e w ( omploi® s0Lt of HARPES â€"M ag ARE now eomwm-(“dvdumu, in neat Clot bin log, will bo sent su froryht &t e vp e n purchaser, for $ . 35 por vollum<,.Riugle xfyâ€"iteg free 1« aft x *iugg Pouk® (retphieod aontcs"!"*"" 1t the tiaspER‘s MAGAEIN® one Year...... ;... mw payment ‘&% i. postage w“fl Hubscriptions to Harren‘s _ WikEkLY, and bama n 46 B20‘s MACAgciE 'l'ho-m\tnuwuq otroulation Of this lent mâ€˜â€œï¬ proves its continued T4 tlar desives and needs. t ml into how many hmuf lï¬ month, we must cousider it as tors as ::L‘P"..'.-;.‘r:!a'.-::.e.&-ï¬m_ Th foailp Stapid Projudites 0F depraven n\ Dated at Olth . on oT tw L.nds,. Rott yeubtal PME T en e money by mall, _ . 8 cemal Pvat omtoes in im aâ€" "Ruverummsente â€" / T94 number, wil be "‘:d"“o'fn‘:‘nmï¬â€˜r“nuj“’%ms oug. a manl nubsortplion proa B4 atvege _ Write the on letters to the ar ‘oux e ‘&n and l “;“me*'mméz_& Aidfess HARPER & BROTHERE, New Yor ere will be Ne lound Fresh usoful o the furmer, um‘nunbu of m‘ï¬dwudul.ll im ‘"w the Weekly sun is paper 0s « It belongs io no ol;edyl no dictation, oonw:. tor ho durtaytion that 3'".9.... e sountiyh Whreaiens the overthrow. of n.ub# inggine gmu. 1t has no‘fear of knayes, seeks no vae markets of évery ns ‘and‘ the aahisne “‘:‘.’..!M"'."E’"ï¬â€˜!- MUcca f K102 wark conlain the most interesiing stories |and E\"ï¬ï¬‚am "day, carefuily ...."'.3:: "elht Aircuigral Dopertament i i tmitent “!H',,waemlmm ‘Othe furmer. in P S n Msa4P +1 tuli of entari and & eveey sony i on oae Aotoben ts meatl most sorupulous ~and delicate x «iways contain the most interesting stories Mb udn can â€"’*““'ï¬â€˜."' IA anmrie Tc " Btate so plain‘y (hat Do errors in malling f BPARKS 8¢REKT. | and takes this opportunity of thanking the wblle for oï¬:ul. fayours, as well as to iolt eir patrobage in his new place of I The p ies of the Weekly Aun: is one doliar a Wednesday, May 5th, MERCH 4 NT‘S BANK BL.OCK [TRADE MARK REGISTERRED.]| VICTORIA CHRAMBERS, :fl.mdnx STREET, OTTAWA. | asse GIBBS & COURSOLLE, Patents of Invention, NOTICE OF REMOVAL _ All persons destrovs of taking shares In the Hoclety are mmlli!nm:&is‘tml f o® oTTaAwWA. _ Tmc Memberk of this Boclety AFe Reroby rotifled 4o moet at the | 8T. PATRICK‘8 HALL, SUSSEX #T., Wodnesday Ev‘g, the 5th, at 7} o"ooh 57 TBS Hhxien uho Haguingoor o the Sonely, . , Mutual Building Society May 8, 1855, HARPER‘8 MAGAZINE â€" _ ILLUBSTRATED, â€" Ottawn, May 8; 1875 PATENTS. The Subscriber intends removing on BROADWAY AND ANN STREHT ew Advertisements. ‘ Notices of the Press. BULIOITORS OF News Dealer, P, 0 TO THE paimace ®# rPaÂ¥arr. unfop, sudcibg Wemn goad The Christian ‘at Work, SUAR TDE m Sald to subscribers oniy, payabie t ininn o nentnaiane acror fully Lilpstraced with Hï¬%ï¬mflm‘m with __ _ Price and Htyle of Binding, M W o as UHRISTIAN A%Bâ€" WOR PRX B®or gKLicio0s Parsf." lnn&exm New York, and in connection wi mnflofull’. A. Egleson & Co., Clu(hil(rru, together with the factthat 1 employ vone but nmum'lu‘:-xm even more than usual confidence, solleit a large share of public Novelties in _ _ WINDpHOR m'rg ", BRACKS, HO#]â€" Â¥Y, GLOV is, &o It is sufficiert to state that being recoznized as the leading Outter in the Dominion, and from a L OPIRUE 3 DTORCUOTOUNTS, Y U Tri and a com: ent of m&‘_&& NIiEniNGs, E | RIDEAUSTREET, CORNBRB® OF ‘DALHOUSIE &"RnE] Jiunuary 2Brd, 1875 . a» In P. A. EGLEBON & Co.‘s old stand, No. 62 | Bussex stroct, vl'glol full and wel assortes stock of F ancy mru‘:n,TF-n‘ny %unp, , Bootoh, &ï¬ and Canadian Tweeds tons, Vestings, Doeskins , Blmdc?othl. Venetians," | TAGUBGABT (Germun, _ .. W . A 1 4 P enre mng en coples ied on appliontion, "‘f" nnkkri®: 4 un?h’n'u'o"h"\’&'u Account Book Manufacturer, BPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Ruling, ~Perforating, Nuwboring All for Books requiri td headi dusdlly aitendeg y Con i printed Iinadings Chemist & Druggist, Booksinp®®. Lamps & Chandelie TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, | Drug Store. .T. SHEPHERD .r.vu:u:‘;wnm hnlgmw‘h:.amu:;m ï¬ bmm &mw P ‘m#hnmmm'. m Nmbu x« ig the pouns t oo P aiant in ds: | Merchant Tailor. Bookbinders. A«Horo® or PAPER RULER, AND Tailortug. a. MORTIMER, ERENY." * have b#s P. J. KGLISON for the B8TABâ€" â€"lun Rnortuuns) o * /10 . C "o00.~@ SHARPEE & munnlmx-h.. Â¥ork ARren‘s W ueKLY, one . s« amlucludu I.Nï¬:mzi....... m the publisher, postage vl'luhbo:lpu..n.m‘o “.o g:’;u‘:‘,vmou( u??, y *L M Ee tamitrah o tonc n un The Annuai Volumes in neas cloth * free ot tor w +« YOby 8: :!-ot‘m â€."- * DeBL With a cirouinté en ieine eante mitee fls i nc " f;v ti @tinc mfu;l& The W imalptaiug a on C $ w "motal peit, ues o 61 is of highâ€"Loned on «olle perniiptentalithier (heparigh Oy on inenie o no amai/horee. B ft am! / lis papors on m‘:‘ and it« ' :nbga ) eartoons heip “mflï¬lm the country,â€" Postage free to ditntoara; bee ty e spompante n dn ind * & Com SIGN WRITER HQUSE DRJORA 3 TOBR PAINTHRB, PAPRuâ€" BOKRDERE, &o., juat reoeired, ans anw 30 view Qpposit® the Post_Offloe :baginâ€"Bt gil follo, AT P. SAUVUGETEN‘®8 RIDEAY STRERT:; Wost Oof Uttawa, N chol‘s Lt H rougond m%’@‘ Witiou ooo J seegly pnle Raicggignd mpild s ho wine tean e l Eor.'lm thely Miustrated, 410 Hiai Uublnel Maker‘s Denigurdor ‘Moders Furoia fl@ neoolan -â€"â€""_ Py Clnon, minernabing Oolering any done d un A largoamortmeni of NJ w / a es THE INEXHAUSTIBLE MAGIC INK 3PA HENDERSON & Co‘s., Woners, Aooney ao "ote on appleations ro pelent: and ll“l..h‘“. % mrote it6, ,tiness = »pecialig mod give fo “A’d_d;- with references ~w atmPsox & lnEm! ‘ThisGom hose j established i: 1667, aod whore imoome in The :‘;.'ll.hunmu Books bought for Oash. 36 SPARKS OGct. 12. 174. Plflllx D CHu havie l Picto: fat Gallery of Art; 2 vojs. toib bai oant Mutual Life Insurance HAXKTFORD, CONN , CAPITAL .. . AIX MILLION DOJ.1 ARS i sompeme Available Funds to meet Claimes, over Halt a INSURANCE CO: Do# & T. o1 fk UNITBD . pTATES, fprOTiAWA and ichifiy, 4 K. W. GALE, Generai Manazer, Moutreal, Aprit 20th, 1876.. L db s is 4 Oltawa. Dxpostr aAr Orrawa, . * 2 . 0 InsYrance Co. Assers Over â€" â€" Tuc svoks & Slationery. Temporary flce : York Street, near Susse 0OK®8 ON SALE Jan. 9, 1875 CllA!l. DESJARDLN®S, < General Agent Citizens Insurance Co‘v. PRUNEAU, Junr, Viia Wa, J an Equitable : Life: Assurance CAPlIPAL, â€".. . $2,000,000. Firs, Luirs, Aocior®t axp Guaraxtes. FIRE AND MA RINK. OYAL CANADIAN * Hhares can t opeh for a No. 1 SPARKS STREET, HAND IN HAND M UTUAL: F RODERICK _ RYAN, Iaulls SAÂ¥REC +« E8 T. .Uw. has been apâ€" Nfuï¬&u“l‘ «4 ‘are uokidinp in this C A P CX K .:; MUTUAL BUILPING soc Jan, 28. U uq (2 , @200,000 â€" from _ ; remiums. use ntene isiness a speoiality aod giep 008E #amunuters, ‘Eig:&oh the . i Wk M. KAVANAGH..........,". " be subscribed for at the off ‘ a toew weeks and where all Insurauite. J» NOT /;X i 28. orfawa. Agent, Oltawa and Viciaity, whole bound in calf gllt rmntried 30 mad out i AGENT, uie mae The Largest Assortment in the Oity, °SCmm Em ::'"?“-“.“ Connor & '“-W OTTA W A Loal Oil. WILLL JOHN . DIRECTORSs OFFICERs. saiet #tiions anidier o alte batod Subscription Rates for the Daily =9 THE WEEKLY TIMES DEPOT, SUSSp C. 8, SHAW & m BIERTHS, MARRILAGES, DEATHS . Oy d1oes 0f Birtbs, Marringes and Deathe W# OTTAW A. at their office on ~he City of Ottowe & % Carvers & No. Deo. 16, 1874 fNE $1. {K very any. For Ottawa 'â€"‘ TWO EK °RK8s T1 CANADA CE] Brookvilie & Ottawa arvers d& JAnvrï¬ 10 T OGRAPH VTTAWA R ‘LOTURE â€"FRAM !__â€" manoraor ol 60 Bvarka+s SHOW Ca8BS MAUK T0 ORDEE WILSON & C rockvilé, Jan. 11, 1878 k BHOR, THE TI M 445 p 1 69, SPARKS STREET, YÂ¥ Tlosst 6 38 19 Pat is O" SH PAT GTBBS & ! Have nuaived of unn-.fl 7 mrNabiguro ts out OF ROYAL $100 > i i V KB Moard «6 thaa.. Ailyo 20 as es 11 oo =f streol, New .}"-7 ws tranmco# JPP W * ie *"iige und “i YÂ¥ UL4. r evenin ackaâ€"e € ably OÂ¥ l!& Bociety are TTA WA Qtuwwse Jaly ® LILAN LMEN®EK lunvite 3 w us The Members withuut «& NAPETAL rORK POR home, male PA SÂ¥ten dow Ous Courk