lags liank business very Friday at 14 ARKS â€"Postage to Hull, terville, 1 cont. pof npaid, 4Â¥ conts. ais office. Interest er conk. per aitunt, wn at any thine. _ ils. pplemen tary pée k# willce, ut may be 10 licensod stamp 4 W A, anadian stoamers in whick riy ui Postmanstor, ag hou ewe‘le* and of uiny, Monday $# of Mails, welp Spe "* C them 2 en n o8 t\ Le» wibed A p 41 loya, writes: " Please forward six dozen of Thomas‘ Electric Uil, l am nearly run out; nothing equals it . It is hlgh{ reâ€" vommended by those who have meti it." !. be«iford, Thamesville, writes : " Send at once a further supply of Electric Qil, 1 have only one bottie left. 1 never) saw anything sell so wdlj and give such erai sa: »«faction." _ J. Thompson, Woodâ€" loni, wr.te : " Send me some more Eleoâ€" nc (nl. 1 have sold entirely out, . Noâ€" thin, takes like it.‘" Miller & Reed, Ulâ€" verlon, 1.Q., writes : "The Electric Oil t viling a great reputation here, and is di.y culled for, Send us a further supply without delay," _ Lemoyne, Gibb & &., Bsuckingham, P.Q., write : "Send us one gross Electric Oil â€" We find it takes each pach preserved Electric Unl. _ Have sold all I had from you andâ€"want moreâ€"now. . ts c are truly ronderful." Williaimn Maguife, of Frankâ€" Ko, writes: "I have sold all agent left ; t acts like a charmâ€"it slow at first, Jut takes splendidly now." | H. Cole, of Afler thirtyâ€"tive years trial, it is still receiving lle. i. omt ï¬_uniu testimonials to its virtues from jersous of the highest spousibility, â€" Physic mus of the «) r commend it as a must effectual or whe extinetion of pain. It is nOt ::; remeJly over known lor m tm a0., but HOF or C or Aby sort o+ Howel Cw it is u remedy unâ€" "U‘pamsed for efficiengy, and rapidit: of action. inthe yreat cities of India, and other bot 6iiâ€" Maks, it has become the standard medicine for _or Internal and External Use. . _ . Warfanted a RUItE d t_CUK m for l1 Linds of Plies, l%&eflfl Tetter of -':T;M""""" «, Nud all dissases of is uie w re ol ooo ie io k en s WAE mmiles Elect: uis remedy has been faithfuily tosted and uns to be gn almoet infailibic cure for the .u:m' nan od diseases. Its success has No u: \efwal that the prietor brvad U» those who use ‘:.‘. m.qlm in ease of lailure to refund the « pm frst introduced h.n.-'w y # kslmounins, proving its effieacy for the cure W"the awiu! diseases it is recommended for, The Plle and t umor cure i» entirely y6,0lable !® is com; oxiiten, and can be used with perfcet isly in ull cames. m.h% 1% ‘lnvmguuhn-uui:un“ t Nud the putlont‘s J‘l‘h-nh jum= Proves wbile under s treatment. & I! is nsed Anternaily and Externally.| _ _ **‘ " F VSR.IHR : ~* / â€" Boid ev Price is : m t "1ea.te ts | iamond Yeast CAK@$ Ion MOsES, NEW YORK, S0LH PROPRIETOR #!/), and 124 cents for postage, enclos w‘ Morthrop & Lyman, Toronto, Unt., & biad s,‘t-llhr(l the M"ub swwre » Coille, containing over 5) pills, by lthe homas‘ Excelsior Electric Oilâ€"Worth en Times its Weight in Gold. 8. X. 'I‘UUHA‘?‘M N. Y, and IRTHROP & L ANP.*'omuw, Onâ€" no, sole nts for the 60m.IlI.IGL Note. â€" :.'ï¬ticâ€"&:locnhl and _ Eleoâ€" ze l. N4 nold by all medicine dealers. Price 50 m, but a sure and safe remedy for uile Difficulties and Obstructions, from y cuuse whatever; and although a werlul remedy, they contain nothing rvlul to the constitution. In all cases ot Neryuus and Spinal Affecâ€" ns, l‘ain in the Back angd Limbe, Fatigue slight exertion, Palpitation of the surt, |lysteries amd Whites, those Pills l etlect a cure when all other means ve lailed ; and although a PW‘“N medy, do not contain iron, calomel, anté ony, or anything hurtful to the constiâ€" ol onge nu-nu'mztg :uh‘lï¬â€œï¬‚v s o be Inevitable medicine. â€" \ in cannot stay where it is used. It he cheapest medicine ever made. One ile lias cured bronchitis. Fifty cents‘ fth has cured an old standing cough. positively cures catarrh, uthml:! up. â€" Fifty cents‘ worth has cured cri he back, and the same quantity a lame k of cight years‘ standing, The followâ€" are extracts from & few of the many ers that have been received from the vrent parts of Canada, which, we think, uld be sufficient to satisfy the most tical. _J. Collary, of Spart, Ontario, tcu: "Send me six dozen Dr. Thomas‘ Jos MOSES FEMALE PILLS ted M PILE AND nUMOR CURE, nowâ€"sectarian, and supply an _ aporâ€" rlace in the field of Sabbath School ure. . ‘The low rates at which they oli make them accessible eyen to is whose resources are restricted. publisher, Horatio C. King, No. 102 bers street, New York, will‘(w happy mish saimples of all the papers and articulars on application. 3800 $1 per boitle. Sold by all Druggists. 18 Y, Sept, 1800. â€"Gentlemen, L ml;: we io you t express my 4 i l-‘n:‘nl 1 have &‘Mb? m“ Nor. membe Pills.* 1 appited to rmï¬ . livrkeley, for the above :Snlut w mach , lm-‘:ul:hul-l.l' l l:!“m 1 dor w lef C V ©sery r m:y prescriced, but without .»..-"..; ...*.. Afler tiking two bottles of usble piils, 1 was quite restored to i of hemith. Mï¬rlh- « In-m-nl.;‘:l those W wu-.“, &â€"1 r, ) ours R To t;;ml'mp}‘m ;‘MQ& h 1874 ull puticulan.obuin free, of the i pamphiet, or refer to advertise lirections tox.â€"As unprin nited Ntates aro a instruments . cont ying Tubes,â€" we . s that we boid the iou, and apy | par wing elsewhere wi t & Co. * Wnn it Senoor Parer rk Co., in additior A, issues also five Cal, ellâ€"known medicine is no imposi« i $o.â€" sold wholesale and retail b igage Chemical Company, Xonuui aul by all druggists, or will be fqr _ to any wddress on receipt of pr& E. Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street, Movesty.â€"For people to allow to become seated ppon them rather mault a ph_\'-wumr or to sutfer as o tor years with the different kinds , without going at $nce to the drugâ€" Fowle‘s Pile and Humor Cure, s an infallible cure. 2 P A 1 N â€" K 1 L L EB by all drusgaste Keepors ! if you desire to get a J unicull on Byulwrvillo'& gm. thein to select for you. if the pleasing to your taste they will 6. mongy for what you return. es, lquors and general groceries .â€"As unprincipled makers in i States are advertising in Canâ€" ruments containing Scribner‘s lubes, we hereby notify all i we boid the sole right for the and apy party importing or ; elsewhere will be prosecuted. Co. 8 3821â€"1i he Nabbuth school and Home, handsomely illustrated and are editorial supervision of the almage. They are evany lical HUSINENS NOTICES. ©DEsTY.â€"For wcome seated it a physicou t years with t thout going mt wle‘s Pile a infallible cur ns in the punt:let around which should carefully houseboid furniture by Mr. n on Friday, at 11 ‘o‘clock, at arant‘s, opposite St. Joseph‘s WO W LICNS in, mm woll waii othor u. Parkes. â€"The Christian wldition to The Christian Iso tive smaller monthly s, of whatever nature, are adicated by the use of d Humour Cune ; its effect for Rerofula, Salt Rheum. ind even Leprosy ; it has i almost never failing cure. ARNERS.â€"J. & J. Neelin eir stock of Boots and «ton‘s old stand to No. 2 iudeau street, two doors ‘apper‘s Bridge, early in leap before removal. wâ€"tf W. MeCuaig n the Vietoria Chambers. the pam;j o‘s Tea Stgre, 36 RKideau street See advertisement. E3 Y wrC Â¥ rem from permanentâ€" ntment, or ‘ pOt, or six ved their Preston‘s â€" Bridge, s in our 3738 THOMAS SHORE & QWMPANY, {Huccessors to LKE & THOMPSON.] low the atten of the Public to FINE AND COABRSE HARNESS a‘%&&i;‘g‘gw'ï¬ Whipe ind evarythile in cont o uon with thelt . «= ud of goods no deties Cofrpetion." *‘ ; Remember the Sign of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Street, None but the best Improved Implements which they are offering to line pf bus)ness. No. 24 Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware HOTEL COOKING RANGES! Notice is hereby given that the Annual Geneâ€" rai of vhe umnnfloflhohmd L}.%um"‘:v vompany, Pbacs o ce lc o. â€â€œa, at tho hour '1‘:"'“'“‘:1 next, @ ®* CALDW ELL & C HOEEL IRON BEDSTEADS ! NOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES1! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACER3!!! Maro® 48, «74 THOSY. °B [RKETT‘S. c ooo on io. | gree® Mills‘ Supply Agency been troubled is the past with .ummed or heaâ€" ted arbore, and Journals â€" nd have been paying fancy price. use (‘raven‘s Arotic ind Engine Olis 0d so avoids those complainta for the future. All Uils gu ranteod and orders solicited; W.J. ORAVEN & Co., L ARGE . STOCK Oftawa, Aprii 17th 1878 Bith March 1875 76 Sparks Street. HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! tm For sale b» Dec. 4 1874 Miawa, December 21, 1874 He guarantees the imost .stylish garment in the elty. A perfect fit or the money refunded, Reâ€"pectully requests his friends and customers to eall and see his ; 3Bid r Â¥aÂ¥ WANT GOO0D HKAEAD Ne. 17 Sparkeâ€"si., Ncear Busseli House lunmmmmedietitinmmmmnn ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by ARMERS & GARDENERK® A LARGa 8TOCK or sPRING AND SUMMER GOOPS JUST ARKIVING CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. ARDW ARE HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! H A R D W A R E. Market Square, CALLA NJ "KX A MI NE BTOCK. Nurwx to â€" Mili+ O"’“’. owners, Machiâ€" @-m and all others 9“' O!L/ interested who have Hardware, &c. Thos. Lawrenceo NEW STYLES. TAKE A LOOK AT THR Phe Largest afid Best NOTICE. The ro}’ul (Rothing Bumi. ness so long carried on by Joseph Motcaif: is now trensferred to l;ne Firm of JOHN SMITH & Co Mr. Smith‘s, knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth» Ing bustness.(14 years exâ€" pertence) and their deterâ€" mination: fo ~keep the best glass of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" @nt prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metonife‘s old Customers and the genafal publi¢, that they will have every smtisfaction in . buying their Clothing H. MEADOWS & CO., + TTa W & Owr al+ g44® Wlothing. â€"AT THBâ€"â€" 'l‘ll 18 R 1 LENT 1 Machin Oil has ler the Jast 12 years been J «! by the ending Manuâ€" ‘ mptur ing . ~â€"abiishments of the Domiuion. {)i!men, 444 St. Puuiâ€"st,, Montreal the Public at‘; . i0wâ€" 3> Hussex Mtree‘s No.24 3819â€"thst K0 y wâ€"Al SEALED TENDERS addrosed to the undersigned will be received at this Office until lonsy, the 3rd Day of ln( next, at noon, for the neeuur‘ Masonâ€"work, OUut Stoneâ€"work, Brickâ€"work, &c., required for the Basement portion of Extension to the West Block, Departmental Buildings, Ottewn. _ For the due fulfilment of the Contract, satlsâ€" factory security wybe required on real estate or by deposit of nfoney, public or “hlg securities, or bank stocks to an amount of per cent on the bulk sum of the Contract. _ _ To leneh ’l‘endo; must be n:lb"l.:b.t the actual signatures of two respoi and so vent pen‘onnl, ‘residents of the Dominion, wfl}: become sureties for the carrying outâ€"of thege conditions, as well as the due performâ€" ance of the works embraced in the.contract. De‘gurtment of Public Works, ttawa, 26th April, 1875. not be considered unless made und!‘ in aoâ€" cordance with the printed forms,â€"and in the case of lirmsâ€"except there are attached the actual signature and the nature of the occuâ€" pation and place of residence of each member of the same. This Department does not, however, bind itself to aceept the lowest or any Tander. * By Order, F. BRAUN, Plans and Specifications can be seen, and Forms of Tenser obtained at this office on and after Monday the 26th April instant. _ __ This Department does not, however, bint itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order, F. BRAUN, L * Alae e Secretary . To the Texder must be attached the actual signatures of two responsible and solvent perâ€" sons residents of the Dominion, wllll:,tobo- @ome sureties for the car;ylng out these conditions as well as the due performance of the works embraced in the contract. Ninety per cent only of the pmfln. eatiâ€" mates wyilrbo ‘paid untï¬ the completion of the work Notice to Contractors. (*52 LR _ General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday the i#th June next, for the con« veyance of Hor Majosty‘s Mails, on a proposed W ieugpen, Aliare and femiroaminges, from the lst July next. Conveyance to be made in a canos, in a vehiâ€" ele, or on foot. The Mai leave Matia‘ every Monday and .mu".‘l'm:'b&g"mn not later thas the following Thursdaysâ€"To loave Lake For the due fulfilment of the oon!g? satisâ€" factory security will be required on estate or by deposit of money, public or munlcirl securities, or bank stocks to an amount of five per cent on the bulk sum of the Contract, of which the sum sent in with the Tender willâ€"be comsidered a part. Ninety per cent only of the progress estiâ€" Matinwa not lator (bat the Tnuiaday‘s following. . Rrinied, notions conitining urther â€"inforne mm imnpae s esd uemrï¬n?flmmt ocm ts " ilbjit ib ++ dlgy o © The cheque or money thus sent in will be returned to the respective contractors whose Tenders are not accepted. _ â€" â€" The amount required in cach case will be stated on the form of Tendér. seen at the Resident Engineer‘s .Office‘ Welland. + Contractors are requested; to bear in mind that Tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and‘â€"in the cm of firmsâ€"except there are attached the act lian.:umo, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the same ; and further, an acâ€" cepted bank cheque or other available mnkll{ for the gum of from one to three thousand dolâ€" lars, according to the extent of work on the section, must nocompn{ each Tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works at the rates stated in the offer submitted. ‘ï¬'f-i‘l T& 2 t) ) 01 ! )~ 3 .4 01 0 / | iipnntianan detomriecatipego ic e The Largest and Bestâ€"selected assortment 20( onl nepasgnt,, Deniersi Puritte, tets Maisremen Look | . > B LY 'l.‘ll &; KE BR 5 i4 ® Monuments, Meadstones Obeli S# A"}'_!l;:_.nflmmï¬.{-*'fl,; 85. SPARKS : ' :‘ 6 Iy ww a “‘mï¬â€˜m Apeentonenniainnin it -mm«â€"-u:%m:‘::muâ€"mf & PSE L. cce | _ s oppestse ntenepramen mieas, _ | We Mee ie HICENT Ni tririons Bnthh Binkt ds wiee mes pns cot armet | .. A motormment meg ctaia me Li in Amenees, Acionc en 4 o Waeeainy ut Wetele of information relative to the Works north of Allanburg will be furnished at the Resident Engineor& Office, Thorolid; and for Works south of Port Ro'binnon, Piuu, #&e., be seen at the Resident Engineer‘s '5&.' ___ Maps of the several localities, togeth with Prang and Specificatioug of the â€altz cl:n bul::\n lzl(l‘l.ii ?zfllc‘o on and -f;.rnw“d AY, the 20¢ y ay next, where feringof Tender gon be obtnined." & Bs ouigs The Works will be let in sections, gome of which are situated o? the new line between Port Dalhousie and Thorold, and others, about one mile in length each, consiat pflnm of deepening and widenin: the gnoant at places between Thorold and Port Colborne. V signed, and endorsed "Tender for Welland c.w..f‘" will be reccived at this office until the wrrival of the Rastern and Western mails on TUBESDAY, the first day of June u-:Pfor the construction of a Tunnel, a number Loukï¬ Regulating Weirs, l;rid;se Abutments an Piers, Excavation, Uredging, &c., comnected with several miles of the enlargement, also the extension and deepening of Port Dalhousie and Port Colborne Harbors. WELLAND CANAL ENLARGEMENT Notice to Contractors. d after Monday the 26th A‘Kil instant. Contractors are notified t Tenders will ’!‘hlu- nln|urt‘li|§1fl&$fl be bound to accept the lowest or an T. fe fows y w. rOWKELL, _ Colone!, Aujutantâ€"Gueneral. _ Vl‘ENI)E!LN will be mlv#’ until noon on the 1th day of June. &br the supâ€" ply 0f such Cloth of Canadian Manuf@otdre as mnr be required for Uniiorm Vlothing fot the Mllitia, dnring the current year, the cipth to {EALED TENDERS addressed to the underâ€" Department of Militia and Defence. ARCHIBALD MeKELLAR, Provincial Secretary. Office of Provine al Becretary, Torocto. March 18. 1875. _‘ Â¥700â€"3: aw All applications must be accompanted hy d mfllfle‘.dpllellhnmhh as to charaoter Jfl- tion ; «tating u& whether married or unmarâ€" ried, and service in an As for the Insane, t with certiied of diploâ€" mas, Nm.)' lans or lnrc:n-. four re~ oi ces aes., shiRroiiet m stor per annum, Smuruu«uu, nw?‘u.m‘ water NJW table for tnmll{. Appointment to taie effect from let July, 1875 ind x peffance in the inmedgornedt "t PaviS® Ing of Asylums for the Insane, artment of lPublic Works, lttawa, 21st April, 1875. Ollawn, April 30ch, 1875 UP TO THE 15th OF MAY, 1875 Governmeut Hotices MAIL CONTRACT. ie 1 . a .’f.llmiture* Wamnums.'f; i a 460 t iÂ¥ x( ) * o. Becrotary celved by the ce of Untarig, Â¥790â€" TBE TINES : OTTAWA, FRIDAY. MAY 7, 18456 day d&pm:oï¬' ‘ and 1 "'hw"" ’â€"m' â€"""\9â€"' ies Fam m%?mï¬lsmoa it No person shall fish for, cateh, kill, buy, sell or have in ".m"i.""" ‘water i ipermatecens oud tanh An i t P the Pwvlluw%hflo. f yoktr a Croszâ€"Tiw yor BASS. ‘* No person shall figsh for, catch, kill, buy, Onos»â€"tw® ror SPECKLEDâ€"TROUT, BROOK on RIVERâ€"TROUT. . " No person shall fish‘ for, catch, kill, buy, seil or have in possben Speckledâ€"Trou ‘.’m: 2:"3*:9'-1‘»'.01?"99 the . M:ï¬ sell or have in possession any Bass between the fifteenth day of May aud {he fifteenth day &f June, in each year, in the Province of ntario.‘‘ | ' Onoseâ€"Tix» vror PIUKEREL â€"(Dor&e) axp MASKINONGE. _ __._ _ i{No person shall fish for, catehb, kill, fay setl octitve in posifeston hay Eiphersk edoree, Cros»â€"Tiur ror SALMONâ€"TROU__ LAKEâ€" TRl(q)lUO'l;lo‘n““LUNuE" un.“ 'lNNO- «a Norm'mwl fish: for, .cai I sell or have in pouullonnn’y &"l:-“ir?).u:k' Lake Trout or "‘Lunge‘‘ between, the 15 day of October and the 1st day of Desember in eaclâ€"year, in the Provinee of Ontarie." or Iulhom ge between the 'fliiiiii"hi‘ of L os, es Promatant Juinian o aC ‘@ISHERY LEASES & LIOENSES. " Fishing by means of nots or other :::&Domm t of Marin :'ndm is partmen e rhbdu‘ # g‘rohibnmd in all waters situated within: " Province of Ontario." a By Order of the '#"'ï¬ F. W . WHiTOH Gomminaioner bf Piahorige, " No gonon shall fish for, catcb, kill, buy, sell, or have in gououlon any Whiteâ€"Fish be« tween the 10th day of Novemberand the 1st da{) of December in each year, in the Province of Ontario." LiA 1IONS for the Erovince of OIIH:.M la){d tlho Governor.iGeneral in Coundil on ngt. ;â€" W A L following REVISED FISHERY REGUâ€" LA TIONS for the Province of Ontario, adopted UBLIC N CR ted to the ._P _following %DmeY REGUâ€" ANCUS%&CO. sion any softâ€"sh¢Hed "Lobstors . or female Lobsters, with ega:. attached, nor shall Lobsters of a legs mn nine inches in lonï¬h, medguring from head to tail, exclusive. of claws or feelers, be ut any time fished for, chught, killed, bought, sold or had in possesâ€" ‘l&n ; fll:mhen _muï¬atuby f:olf;du:‘:d h%,:fl:h:r other appara w u Qther fish, Lobsters with eg'&- attached, ‘soft shelled and young Lobsters of m less size than nine inches ch&l be liberated | alive, at the risk and cost of the owner of the net or apparatus, or id uâ€'o.u, n develye the progl ut sieh ever evolvye such utuzl'libm&on." 3 ,T * FIMHERY LEASIG)} & LIVENSES. "Flm of nets = :m ‘I:l‘nc h{:m ï¬â€˜um 3 “hlaud m.:u m ared wï¬n hl. lgm- « vince of Quebeo." | ‘ "In‘ the Province of Quebes, no perion shall, duriug the months o? Jlï¬?‘ ald August, tish for, uui‘_kil_l, buy, selk or bave in possesâ€" â€" Ouos®â€"Tramk yom PICKE a " Ln n..mfloim fl:‘m “:u ts o % or hiye in possdaaian uy Tiowdrel (Dorke) or ie t d on uid j latls e vince JW' *‘ d Onosnâ€"Tix® yron LOBBTERS,â€" â€" _‘"In‘ the Province of Quebee, no perion «No sell or. _have in possesion any. Bass between the CLOBKâ€"PIRE Â¥08R PrOK EBE (Dourn) axn "N rson shall fish tor mmm{.ml, or lmt:u‘nu possession any Whiteâ€"Fish between the 10th day of November and the Ist day Dooâ€" ember in each year, in the Province of Quebec,‘ C1oseâ€"ITrws For BALMUN TROUT, K TROUT on --umwv hap »wWin M8!** N1OHE." "No shali fish for, catch, kill, b nell, or bave in ahy subhon l!hvn“z Laie Trout or "Mtvunm 16th dn{ of Ustober and the 1st of December in eao ’mu vfln“ 9i wKiID TROUT, -uom-ï¬n ug'w“ rmml:. nI; or have in pdesession %‘Ea:-%mm or River Trouy :vv::{ 16th . day .of Hx tember and the u'uu’num. in each y in mhmfl%rb‘n 2 Ol‘og-.u ® FoR mt No person shall fish for, cateh, kill, buy, the «overnor Inut. ;â€" l)l!lll.ll? NOTAICE i» dlmoltl t the followâ€" luLBIV I9i@D FisHaRY REGULAâ€" ‘FiUN: for the Province of Quebec, adopied hy and Fishortes. ADoRss8, lN THE UNDERMENTIONED Salmon Rivâ€" ers will be LEASED for a term of FIV YEARS. _0 tition above upset prif named. usé"'i% to maintaine guardians > at i;rinu cost. . Applications wlflbonod d to 1st MAY next. w River Natashquan (NortA Shore)......... 4800 do ‘ Trinity (mear Posné dee Monte)...... 100 By onet Of i/ w"]&rd" Husk com loner of By order of the Hon. the Minister of Marine S it Prirn es t Onaden o a |[a{21 Bilii; <if pri SALMON ANGLING. poucattixtift El otices Croskâ€"rx» rorn WHITEâ€"FISH Cuosxâ€"TIM® POR W HITE FISH Â¥ urniture. commissioner of Fisheries, 4 w.p.wmu?%nn, s\ _oatoh, kill, b es Lerwern the "1 . 10 spanks stimer, OrraAWA. . â€" | . lanufactul_-en" Agents and Mmhm and Wood wfll Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinstriths arnd «»__~_~ _ ~Galvanized‘ITron Rooferg.: _ ‘â€" _ M on DESCRIPTL NOK DRILLA BELITING, e acknnuer 0n EV Uik ELC anth donenties (* PPTLN, Yz aup wolmm( D smm | poba d1 6 ! v v,m’m uxm-o.mwsfl%l’- J. A: 4 WouL orking i‘i:a‘hl:ga.{mmunkvwm. Trenton, N.J.; ’M I!:ï¬â€™ m &C., -\u ’ ,.“. Jt Lo ® vi1 V .00Â¥ O 4 OPFICE:AND WAHBEROUBR_at L.).........., .s«si0«/.~i. 70 BPARKBAT!] OÂ¥AWA. Oot. 17 1874 : + pictnornbs ) Bd AdoaL Enxamzs an» Bomsrs, Nzw anp Ee e en TT 1 id iL UA . d %fw‘g:;tmï¬im urhï¬'-: ’.12}‘. w;mx‘fl:fl}' :"t'l‘ou:‘-tnl: f:.“ .2’.%:.' of thhe 'ï¬â€˜- .. . qob @uurte.of Iastraotion will include Latin,/Greek, M ithomatios, Fronuch «German, Ar o lulonm WA%:mrw“n o'w\hll-had to w}mdo &A lllnr:'l ‘olmm:fllflm in 1 m0ols 0 The course 0| instruction over, ." eanyq witi bs wwfy prepared elther for the Jnlznlt\y'nml Profesâ€" COOKING STOVE, ... a â€" v 1OR P BRINOIP A L : . #. W. BoouL®r,, Eeq., B. a., & befewd Late Scholar MPH.-“ ul%fl%«:'-am in !uouhom an A88 18 T A NT M AS TE RS : C Lamite Sonior Hcholar and hixnibid onbr.of Prinity, . I!:lol.(xmh-m Gradunato in Mathematical ityy, PA An, Mn G. A, VRUMMOND, $ on wiogy in COUNOIL ; t ‘ Raw 1. " 2 19°C NABOB FIUKLE AND BAU08, â€" Bey tss au J JAOK, Req. JOHN M« | NNAN WMH css .. M e. . ePAE ""‘" i Shem â€" Aeimer im es cce mes Ho* P aUNriRoT it ,, p, C MACKBNZIE raq. M.P.‘ JORN RA M .i8, Psq . onl f * & â€"ODEPOTâ€" â€" â€" â€" = Desmarais and Adam. _ 67 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (opposite the Teapot".) | c Orders may be loft at McLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Sparks Street. " NO = *@®K The first payme 1 The â€"Offlce. open from 6 a. m. tli # p.m The Subscription gnn are now open the Boctely‘s Hussex stroet, where Prâ€"«pectuses, By-l"l..:bd all othar in SCOTT,.CAYLEY & :CAYLEY, "nâ€"* _ |smsâ€"â€"â€"c se MACHINERY._ DEPOT, |"or me n rramg S e NC C To spranke enfimer, OTPAWA.. â€" . . ..... .. Te 4# s s t oo Pn 0P ATHB, WATER CLOAEKTS, BTEA M York Street, !! orth Bide; A Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" ‘88 Sparks Street. - CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. . meberso iyen to our patrinn nad ts eonearr NC TCOR o. oo mvarte mt sas compay pointed Gotiornt Agonts Af the Otkiwa Brakge,"" _ CANADA _ | Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. HEAD . OFFICE, MONTREAL. ders may be foft at } Olh'u-.,Aunl fth & worae hn ho tnihs n portret s M Near Sussex. The *Summer â€"Queen" ; Improved COAL ‘OIL . ; ï¬um"rï¬ Uy of ig"ozlumlv,a.-mbt rmï¬n’-"nï¬m [.7 Maghe, :l' V $ (:‘ C ""'ors u::'.' :bm? n ’mmfl&lq M. â€" s & , ‘MFGa, usic Ԡ130 6. R 0. H. !QJ«QH!&I'. Kxq., ‘A riiing and Shorthand.| _ « J To i M Oe OoN. oud .O Mttsto Muitar.| i) :. 1 * 0. H. BOLOHINI, it "iting and BShorthand. Cabraiq bamn /. a.~0, age **4 Ba e ‘~‘~ EXAMINENS ; & Tur Ruv. GAVINLANG, °_‘ ‘"| |>"‘The Ray. J. A. LOBLEY, Tns Rev, R. W. NORHAN‘ M. A. & f . MASTER®‘; be . P R I N COI P.A L : y 4 T. 0. FAWORTT, KHQ., |M. a. Plumbing, Gas:and Steam Fitting , Hup bor s1‘.5, WHoLEsALE AND"KRHAIL. .\ *n DIRECTORS. PrestbenTâ€"M. xuinnue Â¥ u»â€"PBEsIDENT â€" .Bnnm.‘n'm.m M. a | ** Kn tendiy * | mn . »**m*edaga® * d UF THE BEATâ€"CANA DIAN,RNGLUISH AND AMERICAN MAKK James Martin, PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM SPARKS STREET Lxu . ®meouret RxbPRomnoteny NÂ¥ 7. _ . . . \.. zes 0 Aod@Wwi s3 O N & C 0‘."/- 84. sUSSExy.3 p;j®msms"â€"â€"â€" S e Oks are now open at the Boctely‘s Yurk street north ‘pectuses, Byâ€"Laws, 0d ail Sthor information may be obtained. PB FERGUSON, ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY oth, 18 OTTaAWwaA BUILDING SOCIETY, Plmuubers, &t. M rchinery. Hite Assurance. 8rd DOOK WEST OF,BANK ATREET, n rtice in this Olly and have leased the large and com medione ; Mosare, com: These Paperh: i aianiiintt s ine 2 of, opras syrey, ® dore tal bave ! ments in En SECRETARY : J . W. HOLMRS, ©SQ. oTTAW A. PRAOTICAL 4i ad ly in the Otta y id e o snn madis omcs wheke i m e aid hiles 6 a m kn = iare 10 BPARKBâ€"8T!, OFtAWA. * | . t Wabk n J. TH MASON & QO. q | hopta Licsidel nost i mt abO bO Isaie h rgzm " F. 0. Auoialy,‘ street. north side, noar ‘«*| _ Williamâ€" Queale ri t f onl All thr Amreare Awey R J mï¬,:,l CORNER OF SLaTER, AND SALLY $Â¥RRE..s enom ]r: ie oo wre‘s 16 * e M x : 2l w ie 1 ï¬ to . mssn | totilsreinttion h ofact Ievecioals, , ne, Srmes tegersare it and Pheaiee lt b toned with silyer mica, . wbor they day are surcharged with. The Suhonbuhmm-mï¬u ce ‘ainting, enables him b'icqoct.* &i.n his selection of P oee those ool-:l Kvery PDar ‘:im ma so deleterious muw ynox t ‘&. und-u':.d i m :n oltl;n Room Paper his + 18 . m;, till 4 p. m. ï¬â€œudï¬n«l:bwwfll hwumm le. 27" | Shingles Ctaphoards, Flooring. Sazhes, Glazodand Unglazed oo ug Mots phonng She ds yalue in the , : ~«â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" thorick" hnX igatdss FRENCHJELOWERS & FEATHERKS NE W LINEN COSTUMES, FROM #2.50 s it 14 V hn on ator cez scl c hnhdhm,-fldwhbhwomumummmth*. MHitpiainhtvpimmmeinrmmemsass ssmc Te T I’WALL _ â€"___| In Sootel, ifnglish, and Canadian Tweeds. Meltons, Fancy ‘Vestings, Diagonals, Wost of . England Broadcloths©~&c.; &0 &0., $ p Which he is prépared to m& ‘e _ p in the intest and m06t fshionsvje siÂ¥iem. ‘\ A good Fit Guaranted*, ~ All Goods warranted Shrunk. f | 1| Y#s MPARKS STREET, OPTTAWA ... > rib ml.l:u um | ~ Piano abine Orgunl. Olm. %o Books, etc., | ESTABLISHED 1834 % *‘ SOrvAWh, 18rek. THOS. _ PATTERSON i’mqnulbwulmm“i i k. * Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of'm The Trade supplied Wise i: kinds of Lun ber tor few Ohindie Cbeck, New ‘Pougee fitke=â€"gocidedt the newest grode af the desuns" STRIPED â€"AND*CHECKED JAPANESE SiLK8,w O ND O N H OU S E. _HANEY & FORGIE, â€" INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED .8Y,TBE_, MANUFACTUREX _ _ WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Dani¢ls‘ Hotel. CHOICEâ€" AND BEAUTIFOTt 10A mx 4 'j.}i"."n‘..i.'l'.' Pabnchiah. d D. FL STOLABS . TAILORING . ESTABLISHEMENT, ring QG oo ds . es re"«ived uhmmihmd Kalies‘ WMare, Marble tMorks. tor McKAY! TAYLOR, Proprietor.> ry Goods, 6 ESTABLISHED 1860.] Wroceries, PSH Ht bere gxs, Ine d eprere welebt, 10 to CHAS. BRYSON®‘S, %Nt%m. BRYSON‘S. 39 to ‘3552{32 BRYsoNr‘«> %I:'g_ ‘C'Rï¬i BRYsON‘®. THall Paper. ky El mt tws (SJU IT9,; OHAs. Thamese Water, Lemonade, Gingur Ale an ; «ow Bilk Warped 10 ©75, &o 4t