d 1#] ¢| #*s litule too lnte." Pist as if he had no* been sufliciently mocked by having bis P We W O e PAE D POV WPOC $ ENCYAAAE C Cooe. â€" hB aTOrmion Ww cince well as iD woun! naturaily NBVO | Mdmbmw.u;- humeMI-"““ of the softer | j majority. lhe before last, | Catcer. Twice he has official posiâ€" | virtues 'xa:-hhdwou-“ € :""“‘ been finally decided by the |tions. _ Un the defeat of _‘ the however, one bailad at least |, s nandbebd Macuonald _ Government g and we had almost said j , mv.un‘muwm.m became _ a _ member of b*uboo.oh-nu-n'.u Mr. _ Mecdonald, a _ meeting _ of| Executuve Council, but without portfolio. We me‘n the bailad of Svend or | ) Conservatives outside of the w.w:hd-h:-;*lflh :D}'fl"m%wm'" | | ment hbe declined wore a memâ€" | ., is in » tm t oo on o_ ons in t t DenSt | ber of the Cabinet without oftice. _ We.do | Fue mitie besenu fie mos naod ht "" | | M Romds chaur not present these instances as a eulogy everal., English choose a cundidate, and they chose Mrâ€" wmumnaâ€"u-. w:m and a ml: T. M. Daly, of Stratford. . Poor Tom, his | matter o( fact has not been .,ï¬ï¬â€˜:m.m' experiences of politics would be worth | $20) *‘ "hich his ambition simed bUL BMD | antiged . «The s _ Ghost." "H writing a book about, but this last f2700 | avoijoy. â€" We have no ressan for thinking are a-;mmm“ (aul zt his expense is the most cruel thing | that he is any more in love with it now w‘;, translation, and j ib i |â€" yet. The twlegmuph wires have it lhu,lhnhohn..:nhr-&:rd is hot }mmm"fl-»li his nomination wae handed in yesterdaÂ¥ ; 5/0 U.) |lll, wo beuove with him io be |PABCtC of these * old, unhapyy far off | | under his asusprotgs, _ lim special jorte is edituug the Montreal Gassticâ€"it is cerâ€" minly uot in conducting elections on his own behall or in furthering the elections of lis friends. crclie was beld â€"with the stupid, venerâ€" uble hero of York Roads in the chair to Beaty‘s meeting! We are half disap pointed that Mr. Daly was uot brought out lairly and squarely, that his nomina «y consiueraine ainouni oi sypipaiay for se Lory canduistes. Ais. Ibotuss Wauite, Jun., euter of the Montroal Gaszcitc, was Aud Cenire Teronto has been permitted w go by defeuit. : The Tory Party could man of staiding apongst them refusing to tace what was clearly certsi~ defent. Mr. Unowaki half consented at o0 time, and kept lhis friends on the * ragged edge " for a week backward amd ftorward. At tmance Miuuster and his policy, in what &.mn.nâ€"au“m Conservalive kopt lhe Dacils Hablway acoougle with such Lesulidlui cexeaciness, abd ADOW so wou wihal becalne of milie ouey be prid very ciual Liai his woeluistory us uol sink very ucsply imlo thew Lourts, or evoke spother be wouldn‘t ; snd once when he tbought he would, the Leader said so, pre dioung, of course his election by a triumâ€" phant majority, 1 hbe evening before last, xm mm â€"mammmemmugge, .. ... | 2040¢ s4% 0f $13,1.20.32. _ Tliig 16 & HMLLOF HAMILIUKN,, TURONTU; axuy| us | of cmuriukel on TV 6 to Teogned times cle HLJA\L'. | Assoma«ton s funds wilil not be permitted omm o â€" be â€" lessened, _ but _ rather that lhe miusuon is an awkwandi one tor the | they . wiul . be sensibly . increased, at 1 onservaiive party. . ibeu couruge must | the forthcoming exh.â€"biwon in this city, be very great if they do not i. lue M»‘m'mum,hflybomum ume feel cousderabiy discuuraged. it | \hwn usual interest will be taken. . The dui not take much io imepire Lhew with a | following sbstract statement from the re. Lope lhai Lhore Was a COuservaiive reacâ€" | port teferred to will suflice to give dur won close at Land, anud lthe iaw 0f comâ€" | readers an »dea of what is being. done by peusaton suggests lual it wouid take | the Bdani in theip important missson of eyumau; uile io dusbearten them. liow* | looking after th¢ agricuitural interests of ever tuat may be, Lhey couid not be | the Province of (Jutario: expecies to be in excsedingly goou .:bm«xr;& R&:p:‘:l:rrda nurpqur with bHamuiton lost 10 theimm ty an of the l"'?‘ m seociaâ€" amu nobody eiss would seeim to thrive h upon Hamuton, bul the prople woubd Roi buy 200vinged that they were wrong at Lio poneral cecuon, and repomlou ioi vke wilh wonderfui imiaiuibess. . lhe woul oreiore of the party were unported, wot oniy troum all cormers of the i‘rovince, but aumgost lrom ali parts ol Lhe Uogsunmou. | eapeciea o be in exccedingly goou burpqur with bamuton lost 10 theim ty an overwhsiming majority, and â€" Torunio cenlue surrendered in the bismkest deâ€" UTlAW 4, >ATURKDAY, al » Y Imuracie i1 Lhey were as Auialidus as us They spent a 106 of breaie anu priniers apeciai Notce.â€"l‘. A. Egleson. ) a brvailk. . that‘s the wiay uowans‘s Upersa liouse.â€"Plick x Flock. [ tho jou, out ui thewselves. lLacies liateâ€"Chas. Bry sou. Pocket Book Lostâ€" Ts flce lhs 4 CAMPRE}1. & A| MAS, PFimes in she City, +Be. do _ ~3« Bologes koxsage at cqually low prices silteen Cheesa, * ® Prins and Tnb Baiier, * h Pichies and Sances in large vartet» Â¥rosh Vrayraut Tes, as 416.., worth bu¢c I hetee Auircivad do Sve. « se Wines, Brandies, sum, oln. umber linuts tor s~aleâ€"Morris ucuon nuseâ€"Jainds Leruilngien. owan s Upera bHouseâ€"Buaker & iarrou. owan‘s Opera â€" louseâ€"Utiawa Chor Ryan‘s New Hlock, Secomdi Door (rom; U‘Uenner Street. ttawea, March 1 is " A"3h AnhndluValds &4 is UV mon Also a Vory oBuice stook, o4 hew _R M U\ & 4124 144 4 before the public at Mr. altaough be criticast aneina ce LAITIS & uis. sworn in yestes taking the oflice of Minister of Ju-t'::.“ the Hon. lMr. Fonrmier withdraws from in order to become Postmaster tGeneral. it is with a great pleasure that wo -Mlmb';qlhulhfln.lt.hb has sccepted.a seat in the Cabinet. _ He Executure Council, but without portfolio. Again on the defeat as Nir John‘s Governâ€" meont he declined to be wore than a memâ€" ber of the Cabinet without office. â€" We do not present these instances as a eulogy upon hium, but simply to show that as a alwuys paramount, has compelied hiun to 1t is not in : Canada customary to con skder it a sacrifice to accept an important dh.,u:.-.mnh- been such in Mr. Blake‘s css His aversion to office has boeu marked throughout his political make this morning, that the Hon. Edward Biake was yesterday sworn in at Ottawa a member of the Privy Council of the Dominion, with the portfolio of Minister of Justice lHe takes the place of Mr. Fourmer ; and that gentlieman becomes IMA b:dq oviges es w was Wu&.mg:::dp yrold up his personal e and deâ€" mht-u(..d to the service of the country. _so low is the estimate generaily formed wmmuhpl-i’-li-i. _ Mr. Blake as MI“JJ*- sumes & position ‘he is aimirably quaitied to Sll, and one which will allow luil scope for his eminent legal ability. We are very glmi that he is restored to the Mimstry, He is too able and too influential a member of: the party : er to «n outsider, and we in foukt hi on rprotorces io pies wili strengthon the Government in Parâ€" lam ent and throughout the country. brom poo Liberai i1 would huve given us much gragifio» tion to have been anle to announce at the sume time the accession of Mr. Hoiton to the Calinet ; but we bope that is a plea u. HLAKE® ENXTEY IXTe THE CAMNET. ~», singe there is no comfort for them any where olse, the Tory newspapers haye aken to whistlingâ€"that peculiar kind of muse which coward boys are said to make in order o keep their courage up when they tind themselves alone on a dark might, and the fairies and hobgoblins are supposed to be around. Uf course the Hamuiton election will be a great moral viciory, and AMr. John Macdonaid a thorbughly independent member. _ And of course it i« altogether incousistent and wrouy tor Mr. Blake to enter the Govern â€" went. ihe Conservaluve organs are eX vcemiingly patrotic, and they are desirous o1 having all the ability in the Liberaw) porty engaged in governing the country ; inc: Mr. Blake has done so many things which are disagreeable to the truly Conâ€" sei\alive taste, that it is doubtfui, after |_ RECELPTS ___ D& To buiance in hand,ist January, _ w.. whetber he will not positively be a wvskiiess to the overnment. Tw.‘ guing wiong entirely, shout the organs in a brvailh. _ Uhat‘s the way they frightem AGARICULTUVKAL AND ARTS A8SSO Cla TION. ' L Li C den C 0 ts 0 V . y amount paid on prize acâ€" OOMIHL..â€" :. : . resserseee: seach‘s se * huuneys refunded * l‘rize Account.. .. We heartily congratulate the country «m â€"some of 1f very appropriately â€"had 10â€" rascals â€" charged with Mr.. Daly‘s ominatin papers not beén behind the Exiibition Receipts Legisiative Grant..... ) â€" necessary . to take another out of the Hon. George Brown‘s ch on onfederation. _ Mr. Daly has â€"»egch by heart, as overy man ought ive, and it lhas done yeoman service » elmction mddressos ere now. . It w Opinions of the Press. ive come 31868 48 Balanoe.............. ..l 8126 3% rom the «wi0be.) very conveniently $49994 80 15005 93 uit tho t A Mc tiinecntidinrenndiiceti hn verde. P90 wn‘s / infuential and trusted a leadet a« Mr. \,,, | Blake. . It has always been felt that as he | and Mr. Mackenzie fought the butties of aght | the cause in Opposition they ought to be vice | workers together in power, and no one in t | the country will more eagerly than Mr. utl | Mackenze â€" Iimeelf tind Mr. Blake not Y only uu{:n‘lho Government by . his ad had | vocacy but aiding in moulding _ its aly‘s . policy. The liberal perty â€" will hal the the | sccession with undisguised satisfaction, &6 " securing for the country the undivided counsels of its ablest men, and will feel hent | that if any additiona! guarautee of good mate | government were needed, they have it in e ons | well ned an y ex mK® | views of the duties and responnibilitics of hen | a Liberal Government and the Liberal lark | party, is exercising his proper influence are in public affairs, and giving the country "*~ | the full benefit of his services. 7. | the ifboens s ity, | the ot oltic ore *'u(w-hdf:‘: dur :&M when they sho ol of pol s aor | Rendent ol e mission of high born dame and damsel eoubt ove somponed bultacts fully ‘ected ve Â¥ to those of the MWM.E interma} evidence of femine authorship is that the wives in these ballads alwa "n&.h.tdviolot&ithu-hn: and those husbands who are wise take it, while~ the foolish reject it, and sufler W lesson implied being a cunning of the fair writers to inâ€" their lords and masters. But this sort of fiattery is just what might be expected shmp, it seems much more probable‘that &wWï¬ohn%M from the lips of the minstrels who sang them, than that in those days, when the desire of winning the favors of the ladies, and being t~ade welcome guests in bower as well as in hall, would naturally have some cenuine appreciation of the softer MJTJW-E‘- ights we might r -ddh,lh':%.l'ria,nd f â€"“u.nn,-u- poot among a&.m«mmw of these treasures of antiquity to women. The evidence _ for this W and _ internal, seems, y searcely indisâ€" putable. The external evidence is that the handwriting of the manuscripts in which. the ballads were preserved is alâ€" unmistakeably feminine.. But adâ€" mgglhhn‘b_ahc}.u.oudns*n‘ not &Appear to be based upon anything more positive than the style of pentian " 1t was in the sight, and he batruies !u-u:'uu-'fl'-mc-:wnmï¬" pnï¬ï¬‚n"n(lh-"'dd.ul? far off things" which the instincts &’fln_n umw:.hd:ynd Siniiig to thiee at Scotiand, we and that some of the most beautiful sougs that Wunbm-thw'ï¬u-by ‘;1“ to whose an undoubted E..."...L:I.‘.a.m the ...‘E': ip . of _ many tuneful wails, of In 1 Dr. Prior published a vol d&ï¬udw"l}mï¬o Vl:.’ â€"â€"a collestion of the oldest and most popular balladâ€"literature of Scandinaviaâ€" elncidated by critical notices and annotaâ€" tions. 'l\--d-t-,.dl--nm vindictive and remorceless, and rude 'um in their humour, but full of old rofmance, tenderness and pathos, have been made familar to most readers by reviews and magazine notices; yet e cod momptiine aten radtoges yer, dï¬o*nflou’d.fl who the e qualities as perhays it is not as generally known as in hmh The manner in which the i. state«men _ have «leclined dn-ofoflou,wwnrywlnlw ing to ambition, :« ind a new pheno menon in ow political history, and mu says much for the disinter of their _ political course, when they show themseives â€"thus inde mdy‘ï¬â€œmumb that it is dangerous for a party when its best men persist in remaining outside of the Ministry, however laudable O;Mmmym be. ic, if we are not much see Mr. Blake not only return to the Ministry, but return as the occupant of anâ€" executive office. lHe is a man in The vaéancy male in the Cabinet by the retirement of Hou. D. A. Macdonald has been filled by the accession of Mr. Blake to the Ministry. Mr. Fournier has taken the office of Postmaster General and the incomingy Mumister is to have the portfolio of Justice. We do not suppose that our Conservative friends will even yet believe that the country is safe from earthquake or other disaster, and yot we â€" are disposed . to believe, conâ€" sidering the tragic times in which we live and the imminent danger of a State which has Mr. Mackensie for its chief, and a liberal party for the motive power of its government that they will not think matters are mad> any worse by‘" Mr Blake‘s entrance into the Ministry. in fact some of theim Mhhlxquile ready to exalt very highly Mr. Blake‘s o:r‘cily and integrity as a statesman, but that to bo.un“:uuvhnmy wml’nolhhlv::rd tering ves that he mï¬ t be as an instrument of offence to the Premier. n;â€"rib do, when thus _ driven home by disappointmentâ€"a ‘disappointâ€" ment, however, which has arisen only from their desperate determination to believe just what they wish and only what they wish, _ For our own political friends we can we think answer that try, has been the absence from i A Eol fot i CA We can hardly haE.o‘hum they will retain for him, quite so high an opinion hs they n.â€":xlghd. All we can hope is that they not find the iron entar more danaly into their souls than it must they will all heartily fejoice at sesing Mr. Blake take the plase, where they have desired to see him since the formaâ€" tiom of the| Mackenszsie Ministry, and where, with all deference to bis personal MM_“_M,%Q SOME OLBD BALLADS AND THE WonEy wWHo WROTE THE â€". (Toronto Nation. M place, where they who © besiies the 14 THE TIMES : OTYAWA SATURDAY, MAY 22, 18786. of so _ This m-‘lomom nnn’u::inhh devotion Mr. | is " y womanly,‘ some unkpâ€" :qh. proczuve “mn-ul'nbr" has disduainâ€" les of , fully classed it with that of the faithful to be , dog, in the provberb. + Bositl t may Cepincedrie Lana ofthe u.-s,'&m. ougmm:x whose . bioâ€" graphy has lately been "\Knc. Charles Rogers; and, published, ‘with her m ~Laird djm;'.k," was most uni admired ballad that over mmupvm:ll‘.!‘m Robin Gray," .'1'1: manusgeript of this beautiful h-lkd,..‘in Lady Aune Lindsay‘s m'“fl signed with her name, was exhi at the Soott Centenary in 1872, und excited almostâ€"more interest than the voluminous -n-rg:dmlybihd‘hi&n- thero is Cockburn‘s * Flowers of the Forest," one of the loveliest of ï¬m wildwood flowers in Scottish song, ' plaintive sweetness has drawn, and still to Seotiand alter many of exile, he pasted: the . names of mxfldm over those of the reigning in his * Bonnie .?ï¬mh?%hl father:had been aide de camp. We learn menns |ng bmnely wig t mogp: s ihrigne s when he was . alloy to Seotland after many ; r three of which have b«en â€" « 72 Tne o7 thike in ts well wily of remembrance for its tenderness, â€"eweet (then under the odium of the * superior gircles" of Dumfries) to a friend who askâ€" y Prrie pursing done the aaiene We e Trre mt of ‘the aneot old bailnd" hare O, were wo young, as we ance hae been, Aiouse.of Gaskâ€"a gavled, manyâ€"windowed, rambling, picturesque with pleasure oo tlove liks o gate thak a ghvinn Te aaterions named ufter the devighter of family, standing high above the ery.""© At seven yoars of age could «lance, * like a miniature fine lady." She was a proficient on the harpischord, and with beyond the grave, makes it a sacred song to ious souls ; and the tm ‘bumndur of he «bnirdet eb pens well as to tears. thove us 10 * A“WW:?&“MH- forprionâ€"tlte author of = Aud (76 "shall ow ha let‘st wear ony gate it wil ning, fl"o.'- Mï¬wnwnmm. bemuty, grace, and numerous *3 vrento sffe mp called The Fiower of on thearn; and it was believed that a Royal Dckoun.dohtnoï¬dâ€"nhz'x Md.'nhthd.'lad:it heart, to her cousin, iam Murray Nairue, who when the attainder on the fa«l ."dnr flu 'Q:I;::mn- " and to uw Plpn" “ kl ." e d ':t."?x:?‘,.fl.‘:"&‘a:".nï¬ } Land of the Leal." The u-m inghiened ty light shromly shilicy how beyond the grave, makes it bfl sOng this Heart of Mine ?"â€"not a Scotch woâ€" man, but born on‘;the Border. Susanna And Wereun my heart lisht!! wad doo His kit were for ane o0‘ a higher degre We sud has been zailoptn‘ down on yon . groon, Xug ie 1t se w fiyâ€"or uie hn . «rned â€" many . an legend halfâ€"forgotten _ song. * From wmâ€"«â€"â€" en iaenanenlt| ~ thearn ; and it was believed that a Royal l"" Dchhd-nd-h-n*d-'rh:'x but she gave her hand, and with it | Now Blamire was a Cumberland lassis, and * brought up by an aunt so and that she : goid: ~@= :'l::hd-?:n‘h her .m‘zt* roont, to all_the household. â€" Susanâ€" _‘:ï¬.%z: the was generaily called, | 2 WERKXA XY HKART LGHTI Wwab DEs. . =Phere wis ance n May,and she looed nay mon, AM-l.:n h::: ': no C h‘ # And werna my heart Liont 1 -ï¬ 2:'!.'"~-‘«.-~ His bounet stood ance fv‘ iair on his brow; .. . ith the pencil ; rode as fearlessly .as her the _ estate, from whom. â€" she * mpty nerols whih.oms‘s hier of pniuacs is there anything in the name of Barâ€" bar . that makes women éspecially tenâ€" der hearted ? If so, perhaps that is the reason it has of late yeas ,llu out of fashion. Barbara Allen died for love, we krow, and nfldmm “Mcd:'dg: bara,"‘ so piti reamembered demouna ; and I,Ady Barbara Er kine, when cast off by her cruel husband, wanâ€" dered h-l(omns round the rocks and glens of Arthur‘s Seat. â€" "Oh,. waly ! waly !"‘ sbe sings in the mournful ditty : tils auld ane looked botter than mony no‘d is to be found in afy old book or manu script, it was for a {nq time: believed to be a genuine antique, and as such mude quite a sonsation among dngooh. Gray admired it and Warton styled it a noble mun. Bishop Percy included it among is "Reliques," but Lnd IMlT‘prouom- ced it to be certainly of no great antiquity, and probably the production of Nir John Bruce, of Kinross, through whoso means it hai first appeared in print lady Wardiaw was sisterâ€"inâ€"law to> Sir John unrlhnt critics â€" have ]a.'lrbd that " lHardyknute" has been| greatly over rated, and Professor Aytoun had so poor an upinign of it that ho would 08 sdigtt Ballad Poetry, But it should!| not be bal y | _ argued _ by Jns heuer, "Chalabem m. Anaot Fronots There is, pe no positive proof that Eunbo;h.‘ildm Wardlaw), wrote "Hardyknute," "Sir Patrick Spens," and other famous, ballads, once supposed to be genuine fragments of antiquity ; but the mumptin evidence in â€" her favour, ght forward by Mr. Robert Chambers, is admitted to be very strong. About the year 1710, “lhnl\-k:.‘.‘l.e " was pl;‘l;lli.hod in Edinburgh, in twélve i0,: as an ancient, heroic, mm“l; and tive years later it was inolnded,b{ Allan lamsay in his * Evergreen," a collection of * Scotsâ€"Puems, wrote by the lï¬tnbu- before 1600." in lN%:twupu lished in London ss the " First Canto of an Ancient Epic," with remarks and notes by the editor, who o:‘:‘:gpmul to have been Mr. John M . "Far be it it into Homer," who wrote. * Mardyknute,". mm‘ other soâ€"called ancient the Epoch and Authorship of Seottigh Ballads," th.l:‘:ho fameâ€"wijich she nfl;‘ sought now genera‘ coooghd‘.tq In: _Of years, some A woman, mapanie!, and a Waintt Lree, he meore n;'-- ‘to be«t, the n-t(‘ot thay be 1 waly ! love is be: "X NU tme while it is cow } .. But when it‘ â€"old, it waxeth cold, And frdes away like moruing dew," GENERAL F!RST OLASS Hair les‘ Con blugs done un sn ag ie n nes Bok d 1e oinet iinicen,." y 09 â€" 4490 raakes DOLLR NS \Eurniture ~ Ware w%xgu'?f-%fw""’ Waréroons se erear e o se n "erayrs ptmox m c0,_nestam:. * |kNGUSQGO HATIGHAL HYMN and TVNE BOOK, ing Exer ises ib schoois and Sem .',:‘,,,,....h: sookal and Home pages, 30 cholce tanes, 30 bymns. 30 cocit... g15.@por Hundred.: _‘ _ _ . " """" Aarke‘s Ve ® â€"be Sn on arierie 0 186 ALEX. TAYLOR, kinds of Farm CLARKE‘S REED ORGAN COMPANION, magic, Burns, called Nor&'lnrplylhnd.‘ RIDEAU AND commoue n aae smm Te She was handsomse, though slightl marked with the |mlpoxk"l Lord Orsulton, the eldest son of nkerâ€" ville, fell in love with her. But, in the us ual course of things, = Mis in were fo" 404 0‘ higher degree." â€"~They welcomed the bright and| dleve? country girl as a guest and fmend, bu'_ & old yeoman gd wa &horom no mate for the heir of g noble house. â€" Her lover submitted to the law of noblesse oblige,as he and his kin junderâ€" stood it, and Susanua Blamire livpd and died unmarried.: But like the maiden in Ledy Grize! Baillie‘s ballad, she kept a "light heart"‘ before the world, and tho we mw be sure that she who write "What ails this h of mine ?" would love truly and tgnderly, and feel her lover‘s desertion deeply, she hrs meopen. liis Ahorveghy, # se oo and enjoy ife as joneâ€" so sympathetio and helpful well déserved. In "The Worthies of Cumberlard ".3 Dr, Lonsdale,a brhtmnto!hfl Jid songs is given, an oyo genial and unaifected character . pleasan{ly ,dosâ€" cribed. "She was always affaile, and hy qiraie of pet melanbouls wtep any cirele of her b greotings and nl:gh were tempeo: to the delicacy of her sex. She was 4t home leading the dance with a bashful 4 or smilingly pairing the lads ‘and lasses for a Scotch reel, or & country Hance." "Is Miss Sukey comiag?" was the first ':nuir_yn:nooidrnnl_ .l u&pd was her with thp diver sions and ligh&mm of pastoral swains and damsels. Hor heart m and lightsome, her voice tuned| to harâ€" mony, and her talk as bright as her looks." _ _Susanua Blamire‘s songs W trne our in ** Buh[ Broth" and, " Cumâ€" . , Mrs. Homnu,†Mrs. other lady poo;:.uofm"sr:h Britain," have writte tiful _ â€"room I which will continue to ohrnm n:n'd cultivated audiences ; Lady .. Dufferin‘s " Lament of an . Irish _ at" has much of the plainti sindâ€" phui:L of an old world i and triotic song: of Elizs : â€"* The Floudnhud Old â€" i gained a w pupuhnz,dd.d x sel‘s spirited music. it seems that ‘!‘--;t"*n.“ genuine ballad minstrelsy, core, makingâ€"the veins run lightning, or tears spring unbidden tollglh longs to the North Counties ; in this ift, this " enchantment and ï¬x fl:'gimï¬m."uflu'fnu ofâ€" suc) magic, Burns, called it, the women of the FLOUVR ANDâ€" FEED "STORE prompted by the genuine i of sadness or mirth, and written wi & thought of publication. ‘There| is exâ€" quisite sweetness and tenderness in "What ails this heart of mine?" and humâ€" TEW, ®_ °" @PmAEY CEHZIET EsBS UTCIE] Anagy hoartâ€"fol 4 sumpm, Amztfely spontaneonte: belored girls. She sang, she played on ui she rode after the hounds, and sho wr our in " Baile But A selected stock always on to suit all "aige Apniere prompuy mtended w P0 MD RIDEAU STREET, CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET. . January #p% ©98__a =. iÂ¥ 4 .em J Dru2_§’t'0r‘e.' T. T. SHEPHERD, FLOUR AND FARM PRODUCE Chemist & Druggist, AST END Apply to Wim. lour & Â¥yeed. * For hnman‘sature‘s datly fo~d," stirring ‘ the: heart to ‘its 1 r. ady. Aduptbd forOpening and‘ Olos» Publications. Successor to D. MeLarnon, The precious music of the JUST PUBLISHED likely to be soon forgotten. â€"DEALER IMâ€"â€" â€"CORNKR OPâ€" U W d#a "j;, Fop ‘i' l o Fouq: erfarentipmaie . / w € L te e aaccss y L _ ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HATS ! SIGNOFTHE REDHAT: 56 BPARKSST., . @Opposite the British Lion Motel. March 18, 1878, . | i [ 10.Cases of | MEN‘S & BoY‘s STRAW HATS, ° Ktaiters & Furriers; E ift EKnterprises HAT | HATS! HATY! ~ Neo. 33. RIDEAU STHREET, i« | .. l The -nlu- of the Invalid s again open H. HOD GE 8. l U LPH Uâ€"R, 6 A LIâ€"N B â€"and 0 A 8 JU8T EIVED ALL THE NEW A4 Â¥ans Pon 1875, STRAW HATSJ!! F OR 1 8 7 6. '__f.im g 5id Iatest Shapes now Opening onl bnt oc All New Styles DEVLIN‘S. 11, Rideau Stre i old in Botties by e BAVORT & C felnume "Ti m weniremanores i un srtnee S Â¥or the Suppiy If PralV frete 260 e ind goig Y u“?"-"“'l' iD 'g%l BPRECTAC ...m reat‘ and we A b +w« ar tor Dérdpraten Microscopen: mas Dy rangems« l"l “Ig ve 0: Bhored to Toalth 5y tiig un of the watere. * | *‘ A0OOMMODATIONK ° _ _ _ iniomidl Inging 4A 114 13114A / 1 /. 2bu0 c o , in 1830 ;â€"=But the dissuse above all E‘;m.. the notion olithe: wajer is most «de0l« Rhoumatisna, _ * * * have T Dowh a fow lodiÂ¥iduais stho snffered mooh Rheumatics !.. Readl. .. ® ky %;#Jhï¬mm Calodonila _Springs. Joyful Tidings..to. Thousands. TREE, SHRUBS, &¢. pr. (Wan Robbrtige, of Moutreat, wrote # Invalids! ~Attention ! wa, May 6th, 186 _ Remedies. 9L Auinets, Province of Qusbes, has en © or ho ced OWE AAUAEG is an t â€" patent, Bolo dgent in “ I». "'m sipoogropt, tee no, O jabner orae omes, *iearend ht o cp es farer t | â€" PORTAGE BTa PS Ase m lockor soid mt this oties. but meay te | _ id CI0H MAJLA Â¥in ork, slose every atuiday, Monday "‘é-_ ummnu W_m Jo;l: , MANUFAOTU:ING, JEWRLLRY o ) ope® To #. 1. H. Tss Paines ur Walls t s , ) _ x _ 14 A3â€"x+â€" | We P AYs+ . dHARLLLALARLAS 4 ks »@r 8â€"SPARKS : STREET~3§ <g,, . CAatchmabers, ar m xt e ‘whp) A.ICt9REE 4 Jane 20, 1874, J EW EL L EKR y P | W ATO MMAKIEKG CoOXtRAOTORS a nUILDbERS s souoiiqu, fur all kinds of Mtose« CUUERARD SBHO*, _ & Mbduge i4 uhd 6§ Sussex Elreot and Railw a Stonc â€"outlorts writes : * For wet a awelled a nnnl.n..uu :'.a._m Hold by all am I,h' _ “.;w-.. A% bou.leo“ [ nounced ‘.h done :-.* Arpice dorse ut ho knoo & oaniy unsver lor ouring lamenee wied Dh gave me ..:':IM sc ep hug ldn‘unl& n + :uoeo;udw Soeuillh Td 16 | Robi for tluo uskt u-e wiod DL ofle 1t [mmairei¢y Sorsy +/ Et 3 on & have fl:‘. nony t todftiing Keaper, West have ln’.fl med)oin te »fie Hanmap is ‘.ad.g surd & % PODU L +5 T. Td Pilc and pro #ed isself an : (Ree «pooial noth will nemove The Bell‘s Block, ‘ east sicde from B April, â€" Goode h House Keopers profiiable tea oal! and have them to tan is not pleasing mm hnA I wre ol the best is marvelious for TI%OG ... uy So for yee gist for Fowle‘s which is a» infal and at ii ial invited. RewoY a1=*" froun 88 to 58 the CitY, crociP os :““ to 1 Ridea« .stroot new whop _ h to 1t Noviok To Faus: Mopaery MB rtroal J0N0 MWOnn® nin"‘.h T 'r.l.m POCIC® nakov t i6 » sale by al mt i have PW PILE AN NORRHNOTD® (O »d by Math v refunded. k . t neutis _ Ne oné have uried it C i t se B0b â€" Pb #FRU NEA RTHRO] is OWRLAD Tusy 8 Prorum uen A MA D mite t I &A i ask i5 hen