o4 a Ston: â€"cutier® . . Wikegy. â€" ©** M N<@G# MA M K i, Postmaster, 119. L Audrow StrooL a os ail descriptio® baul, UTders #00 BUILDER® ture of Mails. adian slemm ofé which only umâ€" ad PA â€"out 10 entary paCK« e most sod siam p y, Monday w & i weller, the Doâ€" a.n Add w» d1Gi T4. pef 2cKel, &0 Senson, n red avroad caab hh nierest sdec ~1 Wiv s U cue‘s, at 12.00 ‘LEKNAL A = sending ve many Watcbes, ma, Drawings s t, 11 MN El . upare, and m@ i resis aia mlOon,e #oe bulint s ake. in agu Kuagiee dJ«», CZ+ U NQ, "ctory lppars ANi i Papr ro!i-'. x o% rrec‘t:i xing mad dgat Euic. hei Ket‘pt‘l‘, West have been trou for several yea medicines with and relal warded t by Dr. i. dontreal bottle was remarkabl have iemed mony, tution. Full directions cach package, whi preserved. For Qill particu This we tion, but nall uf j. it MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE FROFRISTOL, ¢1.00, and 12} cents lor postage, enclos ed o Northrop & Lyman, [oronto, Unt., $. ural agents for the Dominion, will inâ€" sure a boitle, containing over 3) pills, by retur s inail. And FZC en W W single ) m caust peâ€" be bowels aud w WA DDOCK & C Pu., giving nam« Maurch 3, 1870. LA e sIGN WRIFER HuUSEK Dâ€".:0RA TOR, PAINTYEB, PAP® .> HANGERK, & oaring Wt ied t aaty aly( F4\ PRUNEAU,Junr,, Price $1 Dec. l‘u Fo» samin by all te Af ; Worm, and even Lepi ed itsel{ an almost never special notice.) JOB MOSES FEMALE PILLS in Diskascs, of whatever nature, are pletely eradicated by the use of es Pile and Humour Cure ; its effect arvellous for Serofula, Salt liheum. ; Worm, and even Leprosy ; it has ed itself an almost never failinz cure. PD®, & ng iney.iable IMedicthe, is nsed internally and Exterenaily N N. THOMAS, Phel NORTILROP & LYMAN 1 by all, medicine deaier kull particulars, , a pampblet, or om Ereston s < Mlock, &ul&u j o from Napper‘s tUoods cheap be t any com p i0 plar i D4 sold overy whete, l‘tce D ol% £> KILY DAV!~ a XN, Sole Proprietors mole agents lor [ Eclectricâ€"Selecte Ilecl P A 1 N +B 1 d 1\ FSS NOTICE® HALNLLICLS. OPF A TMOUSAND. ssortmen, of NFW !‘ArERS jat reesived, and anw on view n the pun{))l;lel around ch should carefully ars, obtain free, of the , or refer to advertisoâ€" Irusg and ( t CuRAIE U ous and Spinal Affecâ€" k and Limbs, Fatigue Palpitation of the 1 Whites, th?e Pills en all other? means ithough a powerful in iron, calomel, antiâ€" irtful to the constiâ€" Victoria Chambers. now removed their es from Preston‘s â€" Sappers Bridge, nd see us in out _ people. to aliow d upon them rather in, or to suffer as the different kinds t once to the drug and â€" Humor Cure, and although y contain noth 2 Race »L, PiiMMwcrgsti (= uimper. _ Was Tea Store, ideau stieet ate puany, Montreal, , or will be forâ€" receipt of price tre Dame street, Caunabis Indica 14 a ‘\reax. puoue u, Warkworth, troubled with oyed me very where he wil Curt. Bast Fir as . removed to larger and élore one t is a most | oront en death I M PTION & led to i0 impo medy | lik 3840 â€"( rmanentâ€" ment, or ot, or six retail by remed y W oveu li'y the mony 1J De mce o Withh e peo sOn & affiicwd.â€"l am, Bif, !“l: 7,1088,0° | Viem: . To use, PropHotors 60 roml >@ poes it n caLDWELL & CO. â€" â€"| Managers Respectfully request« his triends and enstomers ta call and see his 70 Sparks Sireel. veen troubled in the past with summed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals + nd have been paying fancy prige, use Craven‘s Arctic and Engine Olls aod so avoids those com plaints for the future. All Olls gusaranteed and orders solicited; W, J. CRAYVEN & Co., 38.3 441 St. Puglâ€"st., Montreal. No. 24 lith March 18 M;‘d': ‘-;:‘nl' mm :.-‘ ‘J.-l“.v of goods Remember the Sign of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Streect, Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware CLOTHINC Establishment, HOTEL COOKING: RANGES| THOS. BIRKETTS. HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! OTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! NUTEL HOT AIR FURNACES!!! Haws, Beiting, Files, Pucking, Files reâ€"cut, & ven, dudson‘s Standard Gogernors and ..mdunntl Vaives, Steam: Punaps, Hoo‘s Litle Giaut Injector. Aiso, Ageney of the GLOBE GAS LIGHT CUOMPANY, &o. Improved Implements A LARG» 8TOCK OF SPRING AND SU MMBER GoOOnS JUNT ARRIVING, Ottawa, December 21, 1874 N thelt thos which Oltawa, Aprit 17th 1875, Wi HOTER CARVING TABLESI ! HOTEL PASTINY OVENS!!! LARGE $TOCK NARMERKS & GARDENER® m\*.moym&nflqwtmmueun 1Ow»â€" t tites, They have also always . . band, ldï¬hmdfloflu.-fl"lfll adles* Kidâ€" ‘g aiidies, Trunks, Vallse®, ». chols, Bags, /m]v-‘nn-l .w..ym?fw in gonr . ction with their ne of Business, CALLAND EX \ MEN E BTOCK, iiryairing neatly and promptly exeeuted. w 4C, 1874 ARDWARE il‘.w FIRM. 1 \ «* THOMAS SHORE & GOMPANY, {Bhocéessora to LEK & THOMPSON.] Yg Idave to call the attention of the Public to t# intge and varied assortment of. all desorip~ BERKELEY H A R D W A R E. Thos, Lawronco ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by ‘ Hardware, &c. @\ thoime Jnists and alt others OlL O!4/ interested who have NEW STYLES. NE AND COARSE HARNES8 iptees the mosgt stylisb garment in the A perfect lt or the motrley refunded. Market Square, gut ho 1e ons SHORBE & CO and the general public, that they Will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing _ â€"AT THRâ€" n e oamey Rereae 0 m benerit I Mnm m wnomile Pills." 1 a g Rarkalay. for the above P mfl In the city iato be found at The retail Clothing Bumi« noss so long carried on by Joseph Metcaifa is now transferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & co Mr. Smaith‘s knoWled. o of the Ready Made Cloth« ing; basiness (14 years exâ€" porteuce), and thelrdeterâ€" Metcalfo‘s old Customers @Iflfl!illg'. The Largest and Best 59 Sparks Street. 1, and to sell at the lowâ€" prices possible, wil! be GUUARANTEE to Mr. TAKE A LOOK AT THE M. MEADOWS & C€0O., lass of Geod® to 1 0o T T i to keep the â€"â€"AT THUBâ€" Ta 18 K LLENT Machin Oil has for the last 12 years been 'und by the leading Manuâ€" fmcturing uublbhmcnt‘ of the Dominion. Bir, yours uWY OTICE to Millâ€" N owners, Machiâ€" Bparicy Htze6t ngir Baniks 3b Mugsex &lfee!i Aurom s Caklee: Â¥Vi0y No.24 3810 that 1781 and Pisl Anouxss at private cost. . Applicatians will be. rece) to LL MAY next. YTsARS. 'Cbh%;dii_ï¬' above upset prif named. LESSEES to maintain guardians River do do do do do do WELLAND CANAL ENLARGEMENT, Notice to Contractors. The Works will be let in sections, some of which are situated on the new line between Port Dalhousie and Thorold, and others, about otie mile in length each, consist princip;llx of deepening and widenin‘f the gruent Canal at places betwcen Thorold and Port Colborne. Department of Militia and Defence. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the underâ€" ai lgncd, and endorsed "Tender for Welland Canal," will be received at this office until the arrival of the Eastern and Western mails on TUESLDAY, the first day of June -d.rfol‘ the coustruction of a Tunnel, a number 0/ l.o«an“i Regulating Weirs, Bridge Abutments an Piers, Excavation, Dredging, &e., connected with several miles of the enlargement, also the extension and deepening of Port Dalhousie and Port Cglborne Harbors. _ â€" C of information relative to the Works north of Allnnbu:g will be furnished at the Resident Engineer‘s Office TImeL:nd for Works south of Port Bo'binson, Plans, &0., m‘: m :} the Residegt Engineer‘s Office‘ elland. â€" Contractors are requested|to bear in mind that Tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the getual ll&tmu, the nature of the occupation and p of residence of each member of the same ; and further, an acâ€" cepted bank cheque or other available mfl: for the sam of from one to three thou?fld = hnd according to the extent of work on the section, must ueompllli each Tender, which sum shall be forfaited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works at the rates stated in the offer submitted. : _ Gouernment Hotices ""'ii-}f.‘ of the several locilh.iud "W‘M with Plans and Specifications of or& n un ainke ", the ay where prin formis of Tender can be obwm; ‘A ll£e class _ ‘The amount required in each case will be stated on the form of Tender. sc ul gie 17. _ The cheque or money thus sent in will be returned to the respective contractors whose Tenders are not accepted, _ > _ â€" _ > m:‘t:e ;!“r:‘ ;:?d‘ ::3 gs?fllflnï¬ of i tltli; To each Tender must be attached the actual signatures of two responsible and solâ€" vent persons, residents cf the Dominion, will« i;g to bemdi ne sureties fï¬r thomurry‘ inm these conditions, as well as ue ance of the works embraced in the contract, _ _ This Department does not, however, bind itself to aceept the lowest or“ny Tender. By Order, F. BRAUN, Department of Public Wor S:truu. 26th April, llfltk..' For the due fulfilment of the M!ï¬ satisâ€" fnc;ors ;:::i:yl will be nqulwre: on m-hto or e money, pul or m u-cuihiel, or bank stocks to an amount m per cent on the bulk sum of the Gontncltl, of which the sum sent in withâ€"the Tender will be considered a part. | _ _ _ _ . work FWiEN Tllnl-l. addressed to the Postmaster Uou;rnu, "1'1‘1 Wï¬ uot::::.!mu on iday the con« veyathoe of Mer Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed it Meusten Balaet and" Tembsemingse way, between wa and from the lst July next. Conveyance to be made in a canoe, in a vehiâ€" ele, or on foot. k The Matis to leave Mattawa every Monday and arrive at Lake Tom not later than the following Th leave 3!0 Temiscamingue, every Monday aod artive at â€" l‘rinted notices containing further “mrâ€"- tion as to condittons of pmmt’n- may snn io tnuie o sptope Slirens l(clurllnm‘ulnl, w mï¬'ï¬â€˜:.-.-mu The lowest dr any Tender will not necessarily be mccepted. : 5 T. P. FRENCH, Post Office Inspector, Temiscam!i every . aF ETD CC nenu."n nm m{thow- t&'ï¬;m . dn wa. e gri 'l'N\L'% } do Inst â€"_â€" CuosEâ€"TIu® FOB W HITE FI8SH. No person shall fish for, catebh, kill, a. soll, or have in possession any Whiteâ€"Fish ween the 10th day of November and the ist day Decâ€" ember in each year, in the Province of Quebec,‘ â€" Colonet Ottaw»n, April 40th, 1875 Cuosk Trv® wFor SALMON TRO "qnovrarsofyeerare »wink6" le‘l.I?lt:' nvv !n:'lm" Tok h‘.,.’ wim Lake Trout or '-h-?ufnmm llth.z of uetober ngio?ol day of Desember in year in the ince of Quehec." Cros®â€"THM® â€" rouk _ SPEOKLED TROUT, BRUK or RIVER TROUT. "No Pivonazemcnent Seaaied Ifurbt role 3; River Trout, bet'un}nolul day of Sapâ€" tem ber and the Ist day of January, in each your in the Province daflbfl.' Cuosxâ€"Timx rou BAS8, "No persop shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, well or have lymâ€"am nï¬n&- between the l5th day of May and the day of June, inâ€" the Provinoe of Quebec."* Cnosxâ€"Trark Fok l’lcxl‘((l’c’l‘t‘l;:;i (DorE®) AND «No persott M for, eatch;, ktll, buy, sell or have in possession any _Pick (Doree) or Maskinonge bet the 16th day of A‘nll.wl the 15th d olmlnmhw.ln Proâ€"‘ vince of :zub‘o atu uO on t PDRen it pergon n vince no shall dunn&tho months 3‘5‘\11{ and August, fish (f»r, cateh, kill, bus, sell or bave in w- | Eu?u any .q{th-olyelle Lobsters . or .I to wh egsl attached, nor shall Lgbm:'ol a loss sizo‘than mine inches in ind en ie oi of ¢ or or, onught, Hil .‘ Pought, wold ‘or ‘bad in prowed gion : butvhonuugl.t acci u‘;o or ‘â€â€˜E'W ully Jï¬ â€˜-% obsters with m&t al , soft shelled an â€::ï¬lm & slze than nine h‘:m houbo::l‘din..ntbmkud i apparatus, or !y"nn ...:x'og the mm on 'lnag every shall, the proof of actual m » 4y FISAERY LEABSES & LIOENSES. i Ci®k1L2 Guis cedtfinal SALMON ANGLING. N THE UNDERMENTIONED Salmon Rivâ€" ers will be LEASED for a term of FIV «Fishing by means of nets or other SPPAIR # (us "without ~Leasee on Ldegnees . EOm the # hibluad in wil, wiaters NPRAN® â€""*""* * y meirig ie ME m order of the Hon. the Minister of I!h e Fisheries. MAIL CONTRACT. Natashquan (North Shore)..... Trinity (mear Point des Monts) St. Hnmrflén_u B@#) c crorrsmeus>> Trout (near oua). Mistassini (near Godbout). ..... Becacie, do Malbaie (near Percé) ............ Grand Pabos, do . .......> Little Pab08, _ do ) ....usle}>+ Tobique (New Brunswick)...... Nashw do vevive N. W. Miramichi, do Jnriwr (Anticosti Island)...... Baimon, do P R ent of ed for L ; the ci W. F. WHITCHER, C en mtunted »ithin thePr0â€" Commissioner of Fisheries} for, catob, kill, bw Becretary. THR TIMES : OTTAWA, THORSDAY, MAY 2?, 18756 20 20 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 en PUBLIC No'nin is dirocted to the following REVISED FISHERY REGUâ€" X following nnv:?&o FISHERY REGUâ€" LATIONS for the Province of Onhfl:‘ adopted byd the Governor Genéral in Council on the 3rd inst. :â€" Ottaw Ottawh Rer fre w ~â€"‘ s« ; % I‘g 850 p.n . -k!%e‘o n..n.. 'l‘x.nln ;\1}: m&m' . Train for the Wwflm CAT~ 4.15 p.m. Train from the West, arch in Ottawa . rPm®y.>.â€" | A. B. FOSTER, _ 1~}â€" 140 P, mlâ€""l"flm.ifl 410 ».m. pross 1.3 oo3 P80 e ty 4 Goucrmnent Ptotices On and FROÂ¥ THtG ADAY, l7th DEO, 1874 CANADA CENTRAL For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EX°RESSâ€"TRAINS DAIL, press | {K very aay, 0 Ilmke r‘l‘aout b:' "gu&pi'â€o;wo&n &-_ ;g:u day of October and the r in {-nch year, in the Province o?OnmP (uosxâ€"tims yon SPECKLEDâ€"TROUT, BROOK ' or RIVERâ€"TROUT, ‘~ â€" " No person shall fish for, cateh, hflh buy? sell or have in possession an ekled«Trout Brook or Riverâ€"Trout bow’oEi?. the: fifteenth day of September and the first day of January in cach fyur, in the Province of Ontario." Cuosxâ€"Tmim rom Fresu Warea HERRINGS. No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession frosh water Herrings between the M\un&n‘q of October and the first day of December, in each year, in the Province of Ontario, Uroszâ€"Timz ron BASS. No person shall fish for, cat buy, sell or f:vo in possession s'nï¬â€˜ B?'u‘\l:lollv:!n the fifteenth day of May and the fifteenth day of June, in each, year, in the Province of Ontario." Quosnâ€"Timz wror PICKEREL (Dork®) faxp MASKINONGE. _ _ _ _ _ 13 |5,00 A.%.\Grand Trunk . P l dn ies c 1: T: e old reliahle, quickest Mnd best route. The shortest line to all points Kast and West. . ALTERATION OF _RUNNING TIME. And accelleration of traing, Brockville & Ottawa Railways A"INMRRITER m No UENTS PER LINK, _ ;_I IHV': f 6 definite Nsx Eud Te ahc hk ce sn tmat s 10 n Brockville, Jan. 11, 1875. Bm o o oN Caua i ovas FISHERY LEASES & LICOENSES. "Fishing by means of nets or other nlppautul without Leases or Licenses from the Durntmontof Marine and 'lmfl"b"' l»rohib ted in all waters situated within the ‘rovince of Ontario." By Order of the 2M16! F. wf'&r'ï¬ï¬‚am Commissioner of Fisheries. THE WEEKLY TIMES aooine d r1el yare From: all gaite of the womatmonie aneatonty, patiy P98 orts, aud all other . 1% CAAA mE y -w'râ€"r"'“~ PME '-- W hon puid wookly, weive and aâ€"haif Oonb: he Lify of Uttaws Canada.|>ll ‘..m:' BLNTH F'hlï¬l‘I‘Q â€"â€"â€"-â€".-_,.;E. __.' .â€".-â€"â€"74-_5‘#' s ’m m f a w on /+* % y w yroved Frtrb» Bet AliI‘rail Frimace, | [ 4s Farms Wanted.. _ _ _ infatoane meranntlse.,, Money Wanted or to Loan. | W hoh paid yearly, iz Doliats 1t advanco. J unotion: Crhosgâ€"trt ro® WHITEâ€"FISH Mattmays. CUBTOMS from Eastand West| 7.35 A.m rand Trunk ©xpress from W-s.......:\ 1.10 P.M. Suaira Api W in =| 7.40 p.u , B of: from. Oltawa make Managing Director,. Arrive in e 0‘1 opens daily from 10 & m. till 6 p.m. on th four m-n..-.u Dnn..hmowwamlflnukyï¬nï¬wlm The SBubscription Books are now open ‘at the Soclety‘s York Atreet. near Bussex street, where!Prospectuses, Byâ€"Laws, aud all other mmzé‘ bouflmm The first payme t on Subscribed Stock will be payable on or be! the 4th March next. i CANADA Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. WILLIAM “;um’. . President. ;;“;';'8;1;;&mmn¢mm Viec»President. 1nspector. Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street. 8 CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. In hereby given to our patrons and the pubije generally in the Ottawa district, that this bhave deo’ld!‘d to eonl-lnl':n Branch «m{-e in this (3{:)‘7 xn.! have leased the le:'l"o and com stone bul o UpP 000“3'04 by Messrs, Angus & Oo., No. 85 8 where they have on AN OFF under the management of Messrs. CLUFF and ML their new ly apâ€" pol al Agents for the Ottawa B:auch, York Street, } . urth Bide, $ 3 Ainad Cadaneltt, Atoiaoelsy" sA ts i. oi ng s. Aiiiaaike Wotaen Hiogpony aey, * C amacef e 00 s Watiakcee â€"0 . * f EXAMINERS ; , a f Tar Rev. GAVIN LANG. I Tur Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. en Tur Rev, R. W. NORMAN, M. A. MASTERS ; P RIN OIP A L : T. 0. FAWOETT, E8Q., M. a. Let is Tiate Senior Scholar and nxnmu:merdnm&'.ug. Cambridge, Graduate in w.w hanirat hamew, 37 1 A limited nuniber of bovs will be recaived by the Principal as Boarders or Weekly. Board & ith the view of the 1 : from | uid en is foras 1 J P D m hvieed 1 re & + P & 4 nemaatiapn s muarnity t stt t (9 lt td w ho cardiat o foca. e ts “1" ufl mu&uhn&«ummA on n owA 'flf w ® | «3816 | 4 V 1 OEâ€"«â€"P RI N OILIP A L : 4 .. _B. W. BOODLE, EXQ,, B. A., Late Bcholar and Prizeman of Magdalen Uollclohouotd-Gndm In Honors in Classlcs f Modern Hisory. ds 4 > SECRETARY : â€" J . W. HOLMES, ESQ. . The Montreal Pmm%l::nl has baan establishe. to of“"“' w liboral elacationâ€"alnallar to that given in the le s of ngland, (The coarse of instraction, however, 'Lg m ‘ exclusively d-ntm t mys wilt be spocially propacel cither for ths Uatvsriity an‘d Profesâ€" slons s c io isfegen Ii-“‘&;o"bu ard in:gl for the Schol ia McTay sh sireek.0 . Fm- 3 Gitys 20\1 immodiatoly a \jaming tha grow1‘s umr"% "Tamsourse of instrastion will inclade Latio, Grook, Mathomatios, Fronch German, Arith| o2 TV _ 40 SPARKS BTREET,.OPPAWA souims, «.0 ol Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Tron‘and Wood ‘Working Machinery, Exaness an» Bomzrs, New asp Szoond; Hn’ut wrus MacknNERy or every pEsoRIpTION, BOGK DRILL&, BELTINQG, FILES, axo ..... im renctai Aonnonse ounerys Btial Slows Pamp; 1.A er a on ometnenso. "DATHS, WATER COOKINC STO U nierveinceeitiniiaiiaanarammenmennenicnmmenrmemmmmmmmetmemmmmemmm t 1000000000 l i2 Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinswiths and 4e Galvanized Iron Roofers. ' DEPOT â€" â€" â€" â€" Desmaraisand A dam. Tinsmiths and Workers in Galvaniszed Tron, and Cornice Work 67 Rideau Street, Ottewa, (opposite the "Teapot".) fimm:,‘m ï¬&lew'u mmmm Itn“. Ottawa, February 18th, 1876 SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, : The Bubscription Books are now open ‘at the Soclety‘s { FOR BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETALL, No nmonrs xo wrar, NoSMELL a perfoct Tesaanre in a fo _ Bend for Uiroulars and Cataiogues OFFICE AND WAKEBOQUSE..»â€". Oct. 17 1874 Near Busser, MINTREAL ~PROPRIETARY SCHOOL, OFFC£, CoOoL. A. C. D,L HARWOOP WILLIAM aNuous, _ * .__"/ ___ VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; PETER REDPATH, ESQ. | _ GEoRrGE STREPHEN, ESQ ASSISTAN T. M ASTERS: s is nity Hall, Cam| -M?wn-‘u Master. ;&m% %?u'u"mï¬mua t"rlll:olo. ceuch. Xmla:‘ [ H. A. lsq. of the University of H«ldelberz, (hrmnWr.. J. W. Â¥Y, of the Seanol of Art, Sou‘h Kensington, Drawing Master J, W. Ex , Reqs.â€"Music Master, 0. H. BOLCHINT, Reg., writing and Shorthand, The "Summe rQueen" MM, Eugene Martinean, Ramue! Benoit, .. Xavier Groulx, ; P. H. Chabot, James Martin, _A 8 O N done in the ordinary . wood or coal ui BoSor â€"At & cost ef,e.:‘,m!!. Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting OF THE BEST CANAIIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE Poter Kearns, 1':.“&.-.; U, Durosher, N. Faulkner, B L VTH & K ERER, PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEK, SPARKSI8TREET 8 . srd DOOR WEST OPMJBANK STREET, â€" & e e CC NOC T W m $ mn"o'flund from the Becretary, J.. W. Ho‘ Eeq., 74 a is M NDAY: the ce oi t t -mb.'en:: for a Â¥ijeg i O A Ee ie aer ie mt on OeE d rht be enrvin o4 h n ie tuye » I «8816 | ESTABLISHED, FEBRUARY oth, 1875. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL, â€" â€" $1,000,000. OoTTAW A BUILDING SOCIETY. Improved~ JUM, ‘Drilling B4 SUSSEX _ST. KHite Assnrance. PrestorxTâ€"M. NazaireGermain. Viorâ€"PRE8IDENTâ€"M. Stanisias Drapean, Plumbeérs, #&c. Machinery. EXEOUTED EXPEDITIOUSLY BY and a half SPECIAL NOTICE. P. B. FERGUSON DIRECTORS. we csgeccitss seses: c«<+: : 70 BPARESâ€"8T., OTTAWA. Cooks any EoOTTAW A. Uod ie Laftromentat Ahng, brsat PRACTICAL , and on Ahe first four days of the month RODOLPHE MATTE, MM. Isaie Richer, Orivier Latour, ro in a familly 4 he . | f twink '3"-?-’:".â€5.‘ i| Levas.seimer P. 0. Auciatr,‘ Octave Latremoutile, H A::hnmh‘nlk / A. Ohevrior 2 Auguste DeGuiso, J.T MASON & CO. 10 a, m, till 4 p. m. OrFICE Day These Paperhangings imported direct from the best Manufacturing Bstablishâ€" Minhghn&rx:noo,mdl}nihd Niatos. _ Great care has been taken in their selection wi rmwodour. The ground tones are soft and plessing to the eye; especi tomed with silver mica; but above all, they are :ree from .the mineral that many of the vawdryâ€"coloured Pape ol the day are surcharged with, The Subscriber‘s long experience as ® and being thoroughly acquainted with the chemical compound of the pigments used in Fain! onsbluhim-brdoct,inhhuhoï¬udl’mhm with plï¬nawdobhm to health. w invited to examine his STOCK of WALL PAPER before purchasing * oifect ReeCmbte Chect" new ‘Fouge Slfir=deniniy 10e mever neien nbouns BSTRIPED ‘AND CHECKED©JAPANESE: SILKS,# NEW .LINEN OOfl'I‘!UMEs. FROM â€" 8#2.5 FRENCH FLOWEESâ€"& FEATHE BRANDIES, PORT â€" AND~ SHERRY . WINE, â€" GIN, â€" PORTER, "~_ _ PuRE asb UNADULTERATELD, ior Fami{ly use and Me.Jicinal purposes, «_ WA OLEH a L BE A NB BR ET A I 4 '-‘Teae,â€"nuon. GREENS and JAPANSâ€"Finest Grades, Oofleeeâ€"-n-n ROASIEH, Groand daily on the premisee, ut arua) pricee, FANCY GROUOARIBS IN GREAT VARIETY &in"flmï¬mm'f'm;" , Glazed and Unglazed For the newest styles in Ladies‘® Hats, For the latest styles in Linen Costumes, For â€"the cheapets stock of Parasols, _ CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREETS. Of the above iist we might 'mmfluflglml /s Phane Fories and Tae W bellâ€"a Oo.‘s but for a med umn&’fl-‘monm'l:am.:u "The o d & Jo.Js Pianu® usve 00'7 beeu recogaised evers wnere a 4 <Bort g in ie worlk! ta weigat ‘of In vfl‘ w Tae ‘puistume; of his recoiving‘a suporier Mistramont 1n pd As %The undersigned is rb; out of the Room Paper Business as soon as his resent Stock is disposed of, the Goode will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating "*RTert instrument fully quarntess. ... e e e 0 0 20e c e o o c Ei ic uiC a W & n ied n nencen sspeaaiie s h & We . Are now show!: OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. The Largest and Beslâ€"selected assorumfientof Monuments, . lleadstones Obeilli~...s 7 Ahromnat «i in Marrbic, Seotoh "Granite, or Sangstone.f ZMP The newest deâ€"ign in UiM tEEY|FEHhOLNG, snitab e for the verions Cemetario .. ...\ CUOiC oo Lipederlhs 1. 0_ uiL 208 Audannda Ricrhlioninknan L O ND O N H O U S E. )0( y T8, AFARKS STRERT,OTTAW A. x" .3 DEALERS IN â€" / PianoFo wabinet Organs, Organettes, : o c Muge Books, etc., aemuie nectosy, batinig, 350 80. maomina oorn (uanpmay «our, Nec. 26 1874. Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferir . __, ~ In Sootel, Inglish, and Canadian Tweedss § Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diigonals, West ot England Broadcloths &c.. &c. &c., S opring Good‘s . THOS. PATTERSON Which he umnu!wu- p in the litest and most fusblona vie #Ly ie 4 large Lnt of Gentiemen‘s FURNISHING GOOlos. A good Fit Guarantoo®, _ All Goods warranted Shrumk. . â€" Pickles, t J-:_J.onu-.nm and * e ts cearers ESTABLISHED 1834. Direct Importations fro ‘the largest assortment of Sleeveless Jacâ€" Purveyor to Min Excolioncy th* Governer Goneral, Rari Daiforin. ; INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY ThE MANUFACIURK® William Queale, CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL Cle Aatlt, Aoly , ¢ WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. J OSE rÂ¥_i D I M B LE B Y, Mes re"eivud and is opening out a large si00k of HANEY & FORGCIE, 83, SPARKS STREET, MILLINERY DEPARTIHENT. English Soda ‘Nater, Potass Water, Lemonade, Ginger Alo an i Also Ginagow Poas Moal. r * THOS8. PATTERSON. â€" A4GENT FOR MALLOGH 4{1DAMB, ARNPRIOR, D. 8. MKINNON & CO., P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. McKAYV‘S In Francs, England, Holland and Spain, Aarble CMorks. Croceries, &f. ry Goovds. Aall Paper, Â¥Cunmberers, , 4o to CHAS. BRYSON‘S, ESTABLISHED 1860. ) ‘" CThare, "2 tnpodien boore» 1 ¢cr01‘4 6) ) reings. OTTAWA, 18744.