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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Jun 1875, p. 3

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:19an.!“ 011A 'A. was. AVIS“ m so- T~l1\‘ln(-b . "t ",t't "l'ete '" ...-:r 1‘! N Itty6 ' -‘*nuzmn-mo N I“: an "ai-as-i" thrmy N u Bt"httq h. Ll"il; may- {the "seso,tmt-te ua.i---.. Ali's “mum. - “New "mum omen If}, my» a. tt i d .33 ul Jeweler, 'u. “any "say-t" Mi “ 21:351.- ', RY; "le "e: Fia YOU-g 2221: i " 'l117 ll xuouknalhs tor Puss) no perm-nan» ly cured by Muhieu's Pile Ointmrrth (I m “my refunded. Price $1 cut,,' or six I on: for " Sold wholesale mstail t l‘uoWiAgme chemical Company, Mon unl mail by all druggiau, or will be for landed to my “dress on receipt. of price by Dr. E. Mmlneu, 19y' Nommunot, hound. a“ Wu.” Tun SAY or If! A Ftor FOR rue i'tsiiua:.--TlMm+ but m ith. pmm.on.=. of tuedicitusn which - - “out the impartial judgment. of th q d ple for any great length of. . a. 0...! we.» is 1n. L‘nomu' Eclectno _ ls medicines with little or no benetit until I tried Dr. Thom; Eclecuic Oil, which gave me immediate relief, end lwould lay that I have useAitsimpts with that" 'tttisct. No one should be without it. Ihaostruditort my Wine- of cum, woundai etc., and think it is equally as good or bone-us for man."-- A. Maine, Merchant, Wat km: writes, " l have sold can. hundreds bottles of Eclectric Oil, tad it ll pro- mnuscard by the publio,‘oneof the beet medicine. they have ever used," it has done wonders in healing end Rania pun. note thrust, the, end ll wash, the greatest cotytiuende."--0-hRmao, Tomsship Percy, writes: “Impoun- ,uduse"rpesreyiclrti1s?flPtlet knoswtahteoubled mefcrthreea "arts,aasdit-rfoustd mutt it krtaaringumyysste Itine get public bandit" A. Mr. Emilia, chunk, “311.5 2igr,ttid - "W 'hgh e n o, w . mo much..Xr. Mnybee, of afi'."get mm me to try Electric Gi, and hire up tuihswGu.odi-odrasd. ltieemt rams-labia Win. 1 ttold by Ill; medicine “all, - " ”In. S. N. THOMAS, PM“); N. Y. V And sumumr & LYMAN, ”no. Solo agent- " the Dominitm. Nov-Ecu-is-Fotos' cud Eleo- srbo the following and be omnnood: Robinson, Fuuham f/tSed; "l hare been numbed wi rho tor the last men ye", and M tor we uh“ wu yuul, In" - un- my remedies without my NH“, until I tried Dr. Thomas Balearic oil, Ind lino. then had no attack of it. I would to commend nu) .il,"-0. H. mild Reaper, Wart oie'f',t,t') Q, M l have been troubled wi liver Wain! for several years, and have trim!, . can a“ Ar This woll~known medicine is no impoia. ', tion, but a sure and sub remedy torl, Female 1yitticuitieas and Ulntmctiau, Man l any cause whatever; ttnd although tl gainful remedy, they contain nothing ', mum to the cmsistitutioet. In all cue-lot NervousnndSpinnl "LI Lions, Pun m meBncknnd 1a'niu,8uitgii on slight exertion, i'slpitatiop of the Henri, Hysteric: and Whites, than Pill- will are“ a cure when d1 other mull have IL%rdt Ind although . powerful "My, do not contain iron, emimrul, ulti- Inony, or tanking hurtful to the tit-tb llluou. _ Full dxrectious in the I,trtlf on]: package, which should planned. For full partieulam, obtain h or“. punpblot. or mtg to a .2. ',1, loan, "w .omgfou nor-lul- U Audi: can. ”up,“ ed tlftg'tui,'ac' Lynn. M038, gum-d you“ for the mung- 'amrattoiiusooettairti" -MrgMMr3. nu ”(an k' am Internal and lantern-l Ult War-MIMI nsUKE and period. CUBE tttrail Mud-u: rum. Lawn-y. age-om; Tumor Burc- worm. Holt-m-oum. not! In dun-nonn- In». One Bow;- warnnh-d meme at can MPH-o; In)“: :,gieJt2htihtd'fll"kth1'l,"ki'htiqis'. this 'ara7riiii'TGii7triF.iqfCtrtti.e band who madman minnow-nu- l MII "at ttt Mia; l. on: In we t 0 was. " man man uso tsin med! C In an of “Minna (iit,y,i'dtt.",tgta",,t may. Ina. mun-meal ha ha 'ril1tt,Nl'ti,'tttet ol mmmm pmvlu “I m In. all" or we "ml ilrliiala' " u mad-d tar. The Ptio and Humor cm In v-tttte ['tktt almpn’ILmu. ulnar?!) N all m MMI II ety In "ll Bases Muei, I drtvirtg the humnr m, M ttdU'tptrffAt,t Ind the ptsueut't' bodily mum “anally un- proven vmlo undo: um Wt. We $1 pox acme. Bold um mu. D00. um um. A tsamtrromerlt-trsstad Si',',") colum- tag In ”mutton ttrr everyhndy I: not In! In". l0 more I [will any. my. In" N ALA, PANTS of an World. . " com-1m the New Homo-mud Ind “who! in“ via: :mhor mun-um a“ (a!) tn tttN ”not. SEND F0 IT A T DICE I. n J " vlll on? on you I Palm can <IN “a." for pm Just om. A“... ' _ _ v o tr. '?N.'h. . ' and (mural-loner u. P. in .*- ._A on! Eat-331 alt d-Mu. HEE!’ nr!! FREE III THE PIONEER. Jul! ‘09“ "MALE PILL. wt"e,c-,0mnor.' M“ . Av: IQNIY. oo I mum xiv mum‘s. . ll" “18. New mum 000m. _ nu aims-3* . _ I" I“ all“ - Wo vtm an ”.33.: 'd'al111t munmylovM' I188 IcLAllBIILII. an Mm [manna-1": Block. t-tmatot t,tg?t.tSi'gtii,ryv"itii,h'tig?i"l.r ift2ittifi'd't,l21Tti'dltLt OI.- [ii] tx u I. In: Hump-9: new»: “that!“ It W FOWLE‘H 211.3 an uuxon guns. Cottons and 1875. Coal. a , T.-‘. m tho Wtotoe% Chub“ a I... C. W. Mectmitr 8700 Btisu11auemM'o You Can't Stop 138‘”. u \ r.“ 301““. qty rs! lfyou denim to t. v" on Bankerviuo & gums. to select for you. If the mg to your tarte they will 1w) (or "hat you return. nun and gonad grocerie- ', rand. People‘- Te. Stats, We am boond.ttrethq “I“. on Woman-u- of "ttat- “his,“ heaped by the use of Humour Cure; in “foot ' Scrotum, Sch Rheum, d even lame-y; it has Lama; never failing cum. For people ttt snow med upon than we: Emu-n, or to suffer" nh the difrerstt kinds 'sa' ti, “no. to tho drug. lo and BumCure, 36 mum staeqt. Jaw. M LAUWI O DORA-‘- COAL rtaii-at 1mm -e -__ Vii" hut "vypd 1875. 733 d_".i5,uu".s' " mum 'Io m. mmmummmmmodam udummmh undhnvoboonprln' g-tts-Grave" Anne“ humon- An mmmmwoiud; W.J.ORAVINC 00.. an iaetgt.Neu-ak.Mmnmal. Mllf Supply Agency dinnwxmmoo. . mil-null- In” I. B". No. 24 CLOTHING Establlohment, " Sparks W a" Assortment nf Slit and Heavy Hardware dam 000mm muons: noun 03va um: I norm. “my ovum I n gown. ttttm manna: noun. LAUNDRY mush ‘Mnbhydlm 9060.180. 3 Ian! M hum; In. new. '2'fa', Judi...“ trtimhnatt uo'vunon ad ""2',','.'/fL Valvu. an“. human. A... Awm' i'.tt,'ta%9t'a"rouda, W”AIY,.& _ THOMAS SHORE & ovum, maul: Aruoumon.) Mluvo‘oenlluuuunualol WM” pGirhEiiGiiiarud-k-o"t""- tr A, 1r2ueaserg,tg'tt'gutyP,,t'gt'? - In: 9 925.54me "$224.3 iii" m"ar'i,TGuiaToekkryytis cum" . THU” tut a na. - m an T.Pll1lull. - as! - C m" - ctrauiSiiititiittitretd8ritve 'I. Inn“. .a- can. Arum!!!“ 9.35;“ All. WA tr; _ T mum iErsaru,attmxm. ncau and - C te.' u" I a. min-9mg? 9.2%.. paNNtT,"tr,rlitt'r"ey'; and!“ ttttd 'Mutt t FINE moons: 1lfardttrare, &r. HARDWARE. ANYSIZE chum supp“!!! nom‘norr AIR mnmmsm Mr. Emma‘s knovvrdgn of an. My Undo (‘lotu- In: Induc- (14 yar- ox- peH-moo). uni their dale!- mlnltbn to loop the but CI... of W: to be had, "tdtomsttatttseiot" on prloe- paolblo. will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. lac-1m on MCI and the [snail whim. may, will have on all-Molt In tmrug their cm .A'! Trr..- nonhuman!“ Bull- ueu no long curled on by Jmph M.teatm ll now mm to i Irma or JOHN SHIT C CO 'i1lrtAlb"a"kii; our cm- iFithitiW (Mowing. " '__" u "" LULL.c.L-.s-'.-.--.---------- A'iTlaollrTA"ik'G""i7iii "iii2iik" -" w noon-e- I! A - “A” ',artfl t'dth"llthrd, min YI - - _ -rjij'iiffii!liiiili'l'i,'i 'll'lll' _ None: .0 .m- A own-I'M!- :11]... and on - Emutcrs. IAIlflll-lull Tm. ettettteyett &rtttqrtm m»:- ecu-m Immunity.“ nuuu ohm In. BLED;- " m- rum ii‘ivinm" No.24 Fiiiiiiiil Alph. J. Steers an 00., b the L 'ih Sum " No Irl'd',') man Gh for, Cate an, or “vein mac-lion may Whi lumen the 10th (Ly of November a my ot' rlee1smUr m (such your, in m of Unkrin." - ' Own-Tm you SALMLTLTROUI LAKE. TROUT on “HINGE" no " alum» moan." _ -.a. _ , " ' venous shall fbh for, much, till buy, no in poueu'iuu my salin In freak out or “Lungs" between to l "Y of October and tho m tg bf Member in etch you, in we Province Oatads" Own-m vol. SPICKLlD-TROUT, BROOK on RIVER-TROUT. . "No penon shall tub tor, catch, kill huh all or hue in pooleuim my iii2irhiiii%GT Brook or River-Trout between the Show“! day of September and the Mt dny of Jtrttrusry 'ly nah on; in the vaiuee of 0htario." . Ja','ri1Cr you. “in Wynn mutlq8M. " No potion null thh for, catch, kill, bur, sell or heve in poeeeuion an fresh water 116an between the fiftemtth lay of October end the but a, of December, in each year, in the Province ot Ont-do. _ Own-Tun you BASS. " lo person dull iUh for, catch, kill, buy, sell or hue in po-Psion my Ben between the “heath day of In, And the fifteenth dar of June, in each. year, in the Provlnee of Ontario."' . Owen-Tun you PICK-3331: (Donn) an " per-on Stiuig/'j,'y',; h, kil d tt or an: I ll all or have in pagination my, Pickerel (30:63 or Winona bean the tiftounth day of April And the tiftaeath day of In, In out: you, In the Province of Ontu'io." ”BERRY LENSES & LICENSES. .. I roll Lulu: Department of Militia and Defence. itri2iii2tetiitt - coloun. VIII cum um 'arrttrlreeee 1Ped.ttl't.'lo'1t',rrglllilt TENDERS will be noolved antu monon the m duo! Juno. ner, the lup- puolluch out: o! Curtain gunman-u ttrd", g'sl,'r'u'?f Damien 010mm; M "lt in or mm' 901% m tp8btf1ll4,' -..P."'"""'C"7"'-t --. â€"~ -- -- 7 7,7,,_‘ tii-ti-telle?, Inn be aired. . Mum hamnmid 'nTh'll'l my”. "ariFiifuerirrttott.tqt9Pe1 Tdftirirerfyyer11i,y.?t NW to We» "GToFGTi Fi "iiiyGitutsr., msto--grysit m - " Fishing tir an of net: or other with t honeym- Licemen from Domt Marina and Fisherleo, in p,',',',",?,',',', in All Men; situated within the rovinco of 0n io." Br W of.. ".19 Le.ttu, -.. Ply-us none: " aroma Iowa'- “LRIVLBID [JERSEY um- moxp an grownstarm. tetrew, _ ma-ao-wr-ur. “Romain-um”! mm l g,rP't,ttigyJMtt,',"g v,'NhtitprRk.t1pe1t) momma mnurmdmmm Doe- trLtrlttttgl, (tlli,titlt?tttitih"i-' .'deitiiiiE'i4Ct'iiiii5iiFi ht o- -' on... A!!! m. 1gm an noon and] in u an RI ,ii'13', "trt "Ar" minimum at. Mt! moon the nu: M t#Uquttt" All! the o! mambo: In no mm. mm. as sexual)" XWhtX .1. '2Jhdit,,tiiiiii.'iiiirvri" ...'. a Jd in any 1,iyitiil.'i,to)'li?,itt'. " = "m” " 16ttt “.135 a. and tl a, a Jla'munry, In l ' ""tttgNhttt'ii Ems. “lo am: am at. mu. kill, buy, at g?! Mon nann- have“ tho Is all an any on“ In- "t gm." “an. PI J GI (Do-ls) no mo an: numb. km. _ an an“? new -- .2“. may has. a”? " UBLIC lav-In mam-um..- \"w'v- an nu: at all tiiiiiiiiiiiiii' u. ..... a“... we»... “no . Own-Tm you LOW. “In tho Provision of 'tttt no pun III-ll P,ttgfe mouth- Julian! Aunt, ilrtt (at, at: Lkil_l, tNl eller. no in i'thet: has? UiUiriirtiairGTtiyikiefaAe ole wacrfulen. ho u my duhhdfot, caught, and, bought», gold or had in m- don: bet Ill“ an?!“ by add!“ in an ‘or M30: linking with u kindly and Mot-lul- a Lehman a Itei? stitched, nah Ill-11d you Lot-urn a has is. an. “no tlM'l'lS'flTf2& unauthm“! “enhance! the not. NIPMC tr th. tr.?tthhet, ',t'tg'gitu'fit - an. o n “I Won.“ . _ “may IaBaBglrr a LICENSES. __ w irFiitryeetee.ttee.h" I'll lot, awn In", I)“ ' "a - -__ie'e. r---“ do. my 'ltWiua bobcat: at {on}. Lehman, with = hunched, not 1” Loboun of I ha_ “.5"... help}! befthiificiiiigitr' "gm [Vino-Ill. 31min Anoth- , Lumbe- - manta“: " per cent _ kl _ m!L_,-, oucmmmt, m sae-s-tu-tttttsie.'?"?.'. MAIL CONTRACT. atBttttMtgl" '1... “0.0039. PWWb 8101!. mm. um mum-mm w .w.wm1_v.§u3_ We! MIA!“ pm Rom 81.00:, (0” w hull) (mun, on; l. NOTICE is dirooted to tho : ‘ilIVlSBD FISHBRY REGU- b ' '2ee,'r',r1"tt,t',,'t adopted nor General in Oonn 1 on tin: no r even)” LIPABTIEIH‘ 005's. Am! m Nit (th'trtetm ttittBttth.f.'getrtse """"w. row-u. Colon ol Amman-Genoa! .-qrMqLMBALtF" #Tiirx5Htrn, mum-loner of Philly; main? P, . w a.-qu ___I - mm. Ls, up: that k " PIE .10331'LLE iii- an. Mela. k Hutu-F u. an“ 9.. Mm}: be nd we ut m Ptovinet EQCANADA CENTRAL 'm I mun-Hindu. "gRrvotttttt8rr A C- u 11:51. Biiiiticl' i 9th,": . "iiiaTiri -aac- ‘T -- Palm N 'iittitl?ittihi, 'iiiiii'iik'iii, "rdirl'd In? In". and out. _ trun- m 2jltMr,tfl,',h' Elas- Cu y LVI our MlfiM - 1m GUI!!! uni-:8 gin-Ad Md',1'lurgt8,1s'3h,TS'r8dl% - :" " met I - _ _ I . l _ In“ or 'tae'" , m IN'ptp, _ hi.- “It. null-Wanton. I... hr In“. _ I)“ le.' Igg- Mo. ‘I yiiiiiiTiit7Eijkift tr Brookvlllo, Juno. h ma. 7 i V - ' _ tr no a”. w ESE-"€6.11; new. ., i, _ lawn-“hm. wn - I‘m-lid ' 1pgtu81Br?v'ttsfr"8,at'fln' J'G'loGqi'ii;yif"i. an it. ' u mum gr,,r,p,S,19d,',l,,ikig1,rg,,,g (I it ___ _- "7', V I'll.- 'n“. flttoylelt's" mgr... 53:15.- 1-43..- _- (no, aacl a (ire warm iehrtu-l Dial mm My SAVE YOUR Egtist ct Restore your . l “IRON!“ p. 'rrtb. . . 1'itt"3tti, Cl Pf"r, r. “In to fN htvtlitreii:yC"'f tttff/Nha..? Fj.tr1ttt't I Burnett's» Germaine Burititesrtutame Lava-ominou- Burnettht ‘Oocoalne own-M‘m. Btt2t,ttdt .00coalne m7,l'i'iiltl'itit;i?ne man-unu- Burnett's cocoalno '""e _ 7‘- Burnout 2li;ltaim, THE TI HES Mm m race. EtlfisEttT',ti . “A bison-uplan- t.._B........"T"i'"' m - ',i,iiS"i'ui',ri2,l.ijjt,8ittll'i, WE ‘Gnnd'Lmni " Ei‘Wi-I: ' OTTAWA, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1876 " l Plumbing,Gaaand 8%“:er 1'me "f Ottawa Branch-- - - .. .. - - 38 Sparks Street. .7. mm ' HILL, swam mans. um» nwmril-u'o I Jy,,eifPd, NOTICE. Ht” mfimmnmé‘éfifiwmmfi?flmmfifi:“mafig 1tt,t b)',?,',':),'),',',)')),, 1i'ithmjl'iltilliit'sitstji?s' 1tfl1sl'ta'artek T , “WA Mt os.oit-sratsogytti.tte,tnoyromnas new” ' nut-light: SUI-Inna, whamrlupocm By-Imn. u'M,tie,h1'gl2tu',tfa,h1'ata'lt F .lt. .. -rtr.rmtftr.t'tu-srttrstt-rtiitrormratra-1tr.-"t'"_" ( Sun-mu. im;wm By-I'mn, and .1itttttktn-tigttartt+M" . . t. "O WOO-DWDWI. Mhomtsrarmtfo.m1txtorrttedt%orttr mummy-u. mqmmuwm f l - Rt on“? "','.',tt.yg'."ll1 hum 1‘)ng $1111. pan. 'tlu"', thor-re-r-ts- _ Direct Itnportatiom' mom tht m- un. pan. purpose moo (mm Mtrt9tttti. , L T nun-.2 -qqlt lr I_l-r-tddi-'ts . - CANADA A.grieultqrpLhysttty1yt Qo'r, "ml!!! I ' . rm mum, we: I "f"aN'"rl'rt no. l j neuron. u oak _ a q J " J BBB. ' . . tlr(ir1lii '),illli, fiilrl'1r.'t,tihit'ta., - $h",aiiliiitl f Inc-nun N F w; l J . w. HOLE“. m. 'i'. '. /i.", It. mal'ott,t',tMttlitth!"Wta','t mutual 0W.“ .' t . cum V I. tgiiiii'iilit, “up. was.Wm.ul,‘m..°’mmmmafiim, " . p. lath t Men pummel tor titss4,tia"g" iittiiaiia' . L, In.“ a 8f,Nfllr'l at Mto w, m1mmmu ‘ than“; m [10“.] .1 - 1 no .. so“ will munch-an. amt. an}... , ”a ' n E I u mammal chum '!!flg?lfl,Si?r,,hf, ' r 'iiillt',ts'lit, 1aui'r,' rdi'lm'hralti' n _ and “It‘ll.“ a' [hw| P""""'" 'i'll,liilitvaetrj' “hon :21 he "grind " a» Primal? " 'tatgis,idt,'itLtg.i"d a “I . "tmn In“ t M.” has“ an 'ltTsl'ii1l'ir',lil, will 'ttJilin?,?').'?)'?),)),,. . y r _ T ,". 'ttnt- all" “A?“ “m" pl. . 'Atdlltt,ti.; " ttiw, I)“ t-uttet"tr.d 1tt,'Mll q. T i r', v. . I mm fe 1 7A','ii'iil'tiri!! =/f,l,fltthlttltt1ifd an. and vii no a"'-tiil9tt "I” Amount". I (r L _ . ")"'.ey.", _ '; 10 trrAmratmtaii,tteTA'WA. 7...;w! 1,urrv-r' "tthes-alt""""?',!".,,.- '1’“, 1tetf1?'tt or we: am OMAIIAN. new: “Daniel/IQ“! 1}}: l r.-,' "a i Exam in BOILERS, an um Slump) j «HQIJ man mu m " ' _ a Tlr, ""a',aitN'irfhi'tAf1fd mun. my!!! - noun _ MtMaBrb-Nm-t - - aa.. a ' . Rtrtt4 Ntdllii'fiWAits"., .......... ta'8Y','tttltt' gem. idll'aLPslllllttlM: HIE mnwmm scan, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, , MACHIN ERY' ' JNiiai?(yiri ”79!.IE At “mg-7.23.1 MONTREAL PROPRIETARY is'CH’bOL. 'ffl'i'tllits,tiet tPPfit,ift5fivi2it?2gs'y SUE? t'iill ' a do , P. “mane: LIV“ ' "' . r'lltrllfltr', m,,,‘ .-l mm“: m. ""iiffic. ew"" l t '.' , '. ' a mum: _ - ' T I 'ust.v.UvrtrhaNa.r I "iLsv.ccrosuarr,aiu.' _ "tm1tar.KW.NORMAN,WA. _ " - ii1tiliri1 IV; P. tl 8PA BOL' [All um I '"Nlgr,5g '41h'lkr"' m1 ion, "3 biGEFTiiG, Plumbing. Gas and Atsiyp, Fitting) DEF any-m‘n'..& 51:31:, . I ""t' C, LnL-EELJJI! k.{‘_( ‘LJJ tuf' A "ck, . my mu, Olin In hgygtpr',,9,ttittititttg, rifefti.?Tf2if,iigi"fPiife" T""' I ..' n mam-m. tif,tffitfjiff') ltiii'il.iii?.1ii:i bKlNG nuns-u _ T ' " PR IN OIPA L t ' _ , T. c. “won-r. m. M. A. . 2 _ _ d "aitrutomsrotf_nurcmyy, Myra-aim um I In? A, 51mm, n that . ha| (i'fiititiiiii:i"ii!li'iiii] fiii'igiiiiiiiii5iiiili tq66qe-qtq I can tttAlt th- no- on. to on. . , , and a hull out)" but. . . rrogrrp,irtrrra"'s.. _, l. B.W.BOODLI. 133.34. " v' ' l , l T 'I', an.» o'vt'"""",i',,tl'.,rtg'a",t"'""". "tttf""?' tlt ,. in: 2361'?" "' 1rirlNG7k'N"tGGii m kih"ihi'iyii' Jdl1gtlSthtll'tll?A%tfo8 ”Mm '; IR .. -1 - i." Dammit“! ' dam. ' Imfrrovei1 COAL OIL m, up: new” i2iiii,'lAl'i'fi. gl'ei, memi,‘ GAS a 3mm Hymn, tgratttMtlttmttltRY .. . t 1 . hiii7LirytriFiiisiEjny. mwmuauvgugutgon. mm - Manama, can, orrodue"Prt"'0 , nngeMM-aumw m ISTAllLlsm. Imam“ can. Iml HEAD4 OFFICE, 'IOITBEAL CAPITAL. - " 01.000000. OTTAWA BUILDING SOCIETY. ASSISTANT IASTIRJ: “mm-ll. lumen-nun. Vto.-P-ut---M. It!!!“ I)!“ Sit bsstsraptt, B4 sussaiS'r. Q1 xtnxlyzrs, &r. Btathiatwg. ANDREW ALLAH, m hm “1'me n P. B, FERGUSON. tioqllnrAMrA. P34071011 'tiiEritWiirtisF." ' T"'". -rr= . mum urn, a ket?#,ty?tyr, Is. FaTi','ir': new; 41mm I Elm-mm iii i " IS 9 "rr" 1__'r, ,A.‘>TT.:-..:.. ‘1." I,” .1“ o-a-i-". 1 ' tlc,"..):" /'i-tr'ariibrd.irim.a)r) 1NB' mm""'*"‘ . "' . .W., -..-._- . ?,iyi,":t:':',i.e':t5 . . William Dumb, i 'ii'iii?ii.iiri?iii, ." . ; tumult own ;If 'i,iiiii.l'i'"a2tYr1', comma or sum m;mmr 8mm E. kau0ttpti, rouaarli'iiii, :wééailOTTAWA MARBLE mo mum-wows huh-n I Add“: I.“ “NMB’ a Mhiltt tf,5llli K_N MM.. tlrilikf4.t " 1. h"if, 33‘". F no. EhiiiaiivaikaaL WI MAINS, PM" All! SHERRY “IE, II, "tttst, " mu m unMunAmna nanny-u no“... _ "raqoas'aoianm A!" IIIAII. G?eatiai.--a--t-arai--_ _ ofa5'dfd'tr2's'tt%%%'ntlltti'lljLtd 'Nt'hrgNt1ttlllltltlMtuftt'ltP. , .OTIIPID AID. CHICK” M “I... _ . -LA u-0srtdgss-irtte ' . WALLPAPER. 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SPARKS 872m [El-IN"? pram at" M Laa Liaram, m ua/r- thrtg-ieermtarttugnlNr in.“ "tet-i-A, anqroe--_ou I). 8. HcKINNON & coo, I... n. ._ -_-.---- _ - Mann-dew.“ P. A. TAYLOR. new wr illlllllloiKA.WB a-u-.-- humid «M fe/tl .roreritr,_Ate, mm: was mu gum. -aheattsioastuta.-. m.“- Jd'N1't"""""""'"r no as: _ was I‘m. ttpt m be: 77 on. att to cm BRYBON’B, t mare, ”It, nus Obelisk. y!_'-

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