y Tonsorial C eraie i(KS, tore. PHERD, ‘ruggist, >y _ Montreal time sawa ume, _ re of Mails, Curtaing. BA NK â€"°% _ ‘Mportation »d CURTAINXS®, USIEB STREET ection 5ts, i. por anount, aby hume. _ Monday and "duy at 12.06 an steamert aich ouly umâ€" entary pack» 33 & business, mployed. Ledâ€" 1 gont. por ass siyle, 2@# 'flb t the season, welley SB8% @~â€"ap 2A@A d € a ab M9ge dur tew UNQ@ CO. Merey, A NT Hargâ€" ‘parks House Keepers! 1f you desire to get & proiitable tea call on Baskerville & %emn. and have them to select for you. If the tea is not pleasing to your taste they will refund the money for what you returu. Their wines, liquors and general groceries are of the best brand. _ It is remarkable that the, principal ingredients from which Fellows‘ Syrup of Hypophosphites is made are alkaloids, from trees which attain to a very great age. This, in connection with Fellows‘ H‘ys:: hosphites increéeasing the longevity 0 Lumnn family, is a somewhat singular coincidence, and . commands oonnisen- tion in selecting remedies, particularly of 21 onic character. Fiius« Moo®sty.â€"For . people to allow dise« _ to become seated upon them rather consult a physician, or to suffer as ‘many do for years with the different kinds of piles, without going at once to the drugâ€" oogae Eowla‘s Pile and Humor Cure, House Keepers! 1 profitable tea call on and have them to se tea is not pleasing to Haxorrzoips (or 1 ly cured by Mathieu m mey refunded. _ Pr ; ota for $5. Sold wh ‘iqt tor Ee which is a by Dr. E. M Jom.ml. the Wingate CLemicd and retail by all dra warded to any addre 0 pro ever DeIOr® DCZEM MOMT 2P given such universal satih in not be equalled. We far recommend it, and would| a own horses to keep a sup bandâ€"it may be the your horse‘s life. â€" Nemenbe and see that the signature 0 is on each package. North own horses to keep a supply ol (% on bandâ€"it may be the E-m of »aving your horse‘s life. lemember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co,, is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, lorounto, Unt., proprietors for Canada. sold by all medical dealers. 3796 of horses hay year, and the Condition P Remedy." Wauat Tusy Say or [t! A Faw Faor ror tur l‘xoruz.â€"There are but few pre parations of medicines which have withâ€" stood the impartial judgment of the peo ple for any great length of time. One o these is Dr. Thomas‘ Electric Uil Read the following and be convinced :â€"Thos, Kobinson, Farmbam Centre, 1‘._6.),, wrties, "1 have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years, and have tried many remeies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Uil, and since then had no attack of it I would reâ€" commend it to all,"â€"J. hi. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefford, P. Q., writes, " I have been troubled with liver et:zrhml for several years, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefitâ€" until 1 tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and 1 would n?thnlh.vouseditnnoo' with the best effect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, wogndniuet.c., and think it is equally as good horses as for man."â€" A. â€"Maybee, _ Merchant, Warkworth, writes, " i have sold some hundreds â€" of bottles of Eclectric U'\l‘, and it is w nounced by the public, ‘ one of the t medicines they have ever used;‘ it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throat, &c., and is worthy of the greatest confidence."â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes : "I was persug ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and } never found anything like it for curing lameness. . It is a V& public benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth,/ writes : " For weeks! I was troubled with a swelled ankie, which annoyed me very much. Mr. May bee, of this place, induced me to try Electric Oil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. It is a most remarkable medicine. _ ce This wellâ€"known medicine is no imposi tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficuities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and although a Eoworful remedy, they contain nothing urttul to the consiitution. [ se In all cases ot Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" ‘ions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiâ€" wony, or anything hurtful to the constiâ€" tution. Full directions in the punil.xlet around each package, which should carefully &. N. THOMAS, Phelps, N. Y. And NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toronto, 0. Sole agents for the Dominion. Not®.â€"Eclectricâ€"Selected and Elecâ€" preserved. . _ For full particulars, obtain free, of the ert, a pamphlet, or refer to advertise 4 “’1“"“' Bept, 1869.â€"Geptiemen, 1 feei |u uty 1 owe you tw ex y .nuw\g mo.ao.lbo:hu huvo:ma wiking "Nor. wa‘s C waomile Pilis." 1 ap loyou-pm Mr. 1+ ., Bergeley, for the avove Pilis, for w in se â€" omacb, from which 1 suffered excruciâ€" ating p ~.« for a leagth of naving trigd nearly «very remedy but without any bewefil at all. After taking two bottlcs of your valua bie p“hhl was quite restored 10 iay usuai state of heaith. Please give this pablicity â€"lor the beneiit of those whQ -‘:y thas be willicted.â€"L unI Bir, yours truly, HryEÂ¥ ALL rass. To the Proprietors of .\uml’nCAl:- tu&mdujmuiotpahp,m‘h ed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Unt., & r.cral agents for the Dominion, will inâ€" sure a bottle, containing over 5) pills, by U After thirtyâ€"five years trial, it is still recelving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persons of the hbighest characier and reâ€" spousibility, â€" Physic ans of the first respectabilâ€" lty recommend it as a most effectaal mï¬;&m for the extinction of pain. It is not the best remedy ever known for Bw Hurns, ac., but for sentery or C or any sort of Bowel com it is a remedy unâ€" surpassed for efficiency, and rapiditr of ac.ion. In the yreat citles of India, and other bot Cliâ€" mlu-.:'lhuuoamlb n;n-hnl..fldlnlm all such com as well as 10r m Ir""wï¬a‘a:.'uou?‘m u.nl:r Asthma, and or and % Kheumatic difficultcs, it has b.onmzfl most abundant and convincing testimony to be XIL8 PliLs mnsed. an inevitable medicine 1t is ...""leâ€"mâ€"_'ï¬â€ and Externally ._ Hoid everywhere, Price % ~~ «‘ERRY DaVIs & SON, snuï¬;m ensiveiy Sold 130B %or Interval and External Use. > famie o iho No mroan acteiiier 1e tet or Rooe «prosy, Sero wer cr Rong= worm, Saitâ€"ithou« , aud all discases of the SKIF. One BHotue warranted to cure al; cases of Piles ; From one to three Botties in ail cases of Humors. This remedy has bean failbRily teatad anid "ms remedy has been fmithfuily tested and found to be an almost iniallible cure ff the above nan ed diseases. Its success hLas been 80 universal that the proprietor mees a cure to thes» wao use his wle{::‘u'u ouse Of failure to refund the money paid. Since i1 was mwun.ummdmw-lfl "Mhh‘:mln( ite eifitucy cure‘ of ns awiu! diseases "It is recmamended for. Pile and trumor curs is entirely vesetable In its compusi tou and can be used with perfect suftly in ail c=+es. Titee is no danger of it ‘l‘l'mmmuu. a» t cures on the surface, and U Im-v-b:ally health continually im proves w under tai treatment. 5 Pase &1 per Bottie. . soid by all Druggista, ; Worn ed itsel special ces to let in the Vierorim Chambers. v to R. C. W. McCuaig. 3760 Fo. saie by all drugrists. x Dissas® JOB MOSES FEMALE PLLLS et t] in y PILE AND HUMOR CURE, -t;y'.ï¬_ medicine dealers, price 25 athie sINESS NOTICE®S rss.â€"The : e been save e credit is d owders and ise P A I N ~KIL L ER s, of whatever nature, are adicated by the use Ofl id Humour Cure; its effect for Serofula, Salt Rheum. ind even Leprosy ; it has i almost never (llllng cure. tice.) 733 NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street â€"The lives of thousands en saved durmg the past dit is due to * Darley‘s ers and Arabian Heave s preparation is being , and exacts from all the Nothing of the kind has i half as successful, or rsal satikfaction ; it canâ€" 1. We lf*;m coniidently adâ€"would| advise all who ble cure & \ua'th_‘;A,; TCB wtect w sast 2our address Th uh ol lc dn . WWe h t 40 _ ues t c t FOW LE3 ‘s Pile Ointment, or ice $1 perivol., or six holesale and retail b | Company, Mom.m{, grists, or will be forâ€" ss on receipt of price )s Notre Dame street, Lks) are permanent o Z9 Nonc: to Mill« 182 N owners, Machi« w‘ mnists and all others ' * interested who have been troubled in the past with ;ummed or beaâ€" tod arbors, and journals +‘nd have been paÂ¥lug fancy price, use Graven‘s Argttc and Eungin@Oils and so avoids those complaints for the future: All 0s guâ€"ranteed and orders solicited; wW. J, CRAVEN & Co., 38â€"3 444 St. Paniâ€"st., Montreal. CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Aparks Stroet w CALDWELL & CO, +‘â€" ~Managers Mills‘ Supply Agency Maro® #, 1874 BLYTH & KERR‘S. No. 24 N B â€"â€"F and quality of ..flel-“or'rl“- < ty M Remember the » * Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware THOS. BIRKETT‘S. CoaAL OIL COOKING STOVES, AVOIDING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, Y For sale by all Ollmen. Dgo. 4, 1874. * Baws, Be L COOKING RANGES! OTEL CARVING TABLES! ! HOTEL PASTRY OYENS!!! JOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY StOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3!!! Also, Agency. f, sbrver s reian dnc anaiei es S e > m‘:’m nnrrxï¬, Paee . HANGER, &o | _ Glazing, Whitewashing, Colort done the shortest notice, and E'I’M‘m‘: edieit Ee o resy vall, o hok 5 ERS, Jt at reee ved, and ucw on view Opposite the Post \O@e« : F121°8t No. 17 Sparkeâ€"st., Near Russeli House. Ds Oltawa, April 17th 1875, TTAWA 11 im â€" Mathewndan‘s.Blook, Wellington 3t Hardware, &. ARDWARE THOMAS SHORE & QWMPANY, [Successors to LEK & 'flaourson.) tawa, December 21, 1874. ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by b Lo 1 ail discriptions; at H A R D W A RE. 1875. SsAVING FUEL â€"&NDâ€" of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Street. PRUNEAU, Jonr., Coal. ‘The retail Clothing Busi« ness so long carried on by Joséph Meteaife is now tranaferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth= ing business (14 years ex» pertence), and their deterâ€" mination to keep : the best class of Goods to be had, and toâ€"sell at the lowâ€" est prices possible, will be a G@UARANTEE to Mr. Metcalfe‘s old Oustomers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction in buying Wlothing. "7:/‘5 * Machin VL Nas {iSNX * .\\tor the last 12 years been pi U by the leading Manuâ€" 0“' (acturing establishments of the Dominion. In the city is to be found at The Largest and Best ALL OrTAW A .O0¢., wz ==g 4 â€"AT THEâ€" amfters. Tuu R LLENT Marhin Oil bas Aig COAL"* GaAB LIGHT NT v‘vvv~.£‘~ 1875. 3874 No.24 Govcrmnent Ztotites L _ following rxVisED PISHENY REGUS LATIONS for the Provinee of On: :huflophd by the Goyernor (General in Uouneil on the 3rd inst. :â€" Cuoseâ€"rtxs ror WHITEâ€"FI8H. " No aball fish for, ‘catch, kill, bu" sell, or fln in xououloa aay Whlu-fllnlll ba. tween the 10th day of November and the 18t PU“MC NoOTICH i P rouowing ruyvisED sell or have in { Tresh WHEVOF Homl hot? M&:&y of Ombg an t eagh yoar, tie prrvihcs $Pataand. * C Crospâ€"Tru» rox BASS. > * No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, alolgl'u:.-'& :l.ny 3 Iqm lhohl.th day &-'l:;:',"ll each [year, in the : Province . of Quosamâ€"Tix® .?’ :wnm (Dork®) anp \'N '.muhhfuo"';oh,kflbny * No person or, CA sell or h?n in possession uy’ Pickerel (Borhj or Maskinonge;between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of May in each year, in the Province of Ontario." FISHERY LEASES & LICENSES. " PFishing by means of nets or other " apparatus without Leases or Licenses from A"TRSRHED ply of such \ mt ieucioon al let, Or. @t in such proj Gr M domoraiftwitl be ..3...‘"“.;'.‘05‘.’- until ‘noon, on Friday the iSth June next, for the C0D~ ‘veyance of Her Majesty‘s on & proposed \way, botv.,n wa and ifromd the ist July next. | Qavg.u. p.nmm.mlnl““ !“k. Maiis to leave Matiawa _ every lmhz and arrive at Lake Temiscamingue, not Jafer :Lp%:‘lll vmw:; ml‘_- lll'dulwunv;iuv-‘: partment ne and Fishe ;rohibmd in all waters sitdated wlun:zhc rovince of Ontario." By Order of the Minister, F. w‘_wuiflg_g.a mtc cctaw Cuoseâ€"ttk® Fo® W HITE FISH. } * shall fish for, soll, o Ropiponstalinany Wiigr on oy pa Lie 10th day of November and Ist duy Decâ€" em ber in each year, in the Province of Quebec,‘ \ urge Trux you SALMON TROUZ, AKKâ€" TROUT 0® LUNGE® axp #WINNOâ€" § NICHE," "No ‘ghall fish for, catob,. ki selt, ot. have in any uflnqi‘mz Lake Trout or between the um:x oloomï¬un of December in year in the ho y Cros®â€"Troos _ r>R KLED _ TROUT, “N"pmon hxu?. u%%‘&&u il1, buy, sell o al se o Aaimes nrom Bomeanh t hi tanse Gope or River between 15th day of Sepâ€" tem ber and the 1st day of Januarty, in each year inâ€"the Province d’gflt&' ~ _ who persoe staivatien for, semiely tll bu «No person 8 + Oxill, sell or gv.mm.&{ Bass betwosnu{o' 15th day of May and the h day of June, inâ€" Uluug CE is directed Ponih es papier faee a ts o * MAIL CONTRACT. 15th day of us and the the Provinoe of Quebec." ~~~~ SMABSKINOGNGIS. _ «No person shall figh for, catch, mm or have in possession any Pickerel ( ) or Maskinonge between the 15th day of A'gfl. and umwnazz May, in each year, in C vince of 4 o. Ch a n tam t h YToRn eE d T 1 L u(.).MFI-TilII vo& LOBSTERS. U rovince m no person :‘::l:" durln‘lu:kg‘ ‘ugntlu ?l July and August, or, cate uy, se or‘ov-urpouu- sion s’ny whâ€"cl’ollex’ Lobsters or female Lobsters, with egge attached, nor shall Lobsters of a less size than nine inches in l-a:l. -.fl“ from head to tail, exclusive of claws or feelers, be at any time fished for, caught, killed, bought, sold or had in possesâ€" sion : but whnou{m by accident in nets or othrhhil‘.wu us lawfully used for other 2&“& th o? attached, soft shelled voune Lobsters of a less size than ninge Colonel Adjutantâ€"General Ottawa, April 30th, 1875.. «»â€" 2 and Lobsters of a 1088 ET uchos shall be liberated alive, at the risk and sost of the owner of the net or apparatus, or by the oceupier ul“txlbh‘g.fl'z}-h every case, shall ve proof such mgLMflslfL._- in Anngasince "‘t“ wâ€".-â€"-‘ ;-â€"-â€" vâ€"d"vl isherl -flum.fl_wm within ~â€" ~MIEHERY LEASES & LIOENSES. . -W means of nets or other apparaâ€" «tus without Leases or Licenses from the TENDERS addressed to the W of Inland Revenue an ! endorâ€"ed : dere Iroa *tandard Weigh‘s," will be received until Crose,Trux yor LIOKEREL (Dorks) AND By Order of, '#Wx"'dm at Â¥i0 4 To TIron Founders. Tenxders for"Coal, FRIDAY, THE 18TH INST, cusrons DEPARIMENTS . t t4 x w----vâ€"â€"'or!l |-““| CE is directéd to the followâ€" ~4 k mem d bythe Department. | / .. . _ | FOR 1875 .. =â€" _:‘ ismm [ ... .cs .. / S Reere dodl e S iniand Reventt . | | Wovonusements and Orders THE TIMES : OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1875 184 ;ï¬oha vw 7 id 1t to 41L@tit the CANADA CENTRAL Brockville & : .swa Railways | For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO. EXPRKESS TRAINS DAILY. LEAVE Brockville G. T, Junction « OttaWwA + 0 + 00 + * C Renfrew w00# . ® L i Ottawa ai jss oa ocm l 7.15 p.m. a fre ® 1: m ~ ow l."fo) R:: u)g.m. gm:kvflle â€"L a> sk i.ww 8.16 p.m« $@~10.45 a.m. Train from wa makes elose connection ‘with Grand .Trunk Expres: ‘Train for the West at 2,00 p.m "a@r 1.05 j m. Train from hm:gu makes glose connection with Grand Kxpres® ';nun from the West, arriving in Ottawa at 7.15 Connections made at Sand Point with for the Uwg.osun. at Renfrow, with 8 to gnd trom Pembroke. ) . run on Montreal time. .. _ ______ THE ST. LAWRENCE ALTERATION OF <~RUNNING TIME. ____â€". | And aeceleration of traing, .. On and FROM TUESDAY , lith JUNK,, 1876 Trains wili run as folloWs:â€" ih e old réliahle,. quickest, best and most direct route. r-wbmnuuumrd-fl Rast and West Li ranaaint S l EL ram i and from both st and W ost. & | t s LGRYO . | No. Prescett| Connecting with. |Junotion : Ex. 1 _ _ | from the Wast....,«« Brockville, June. 7, 1875. 1 | 185 r..|Grand : Trunk /. Mail aBNEBAL . ROQERNING Account Book â€" Manufacturer,; BPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Ruling, Perforating, Numbering Ange i% ‘All orders for Books requiring printed headings nifully aitanded to. * l OTTAWA RAILWAY. Of uniform Gauge with the Grand Trunk Caroers & Gilders. ‘LOUR AND FEED STORE WILSON & ORR, Clarversi&k Gilder : ALEX. â€" TAYLOR, Suceessor to D. McLarnon, » June 11 1475 ©IDEAU AND CUMBERLAND STS. kinds of Farm Produce, BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER, AND Book Ts 85 en Poois io s ces ndooly. zil'msmnd'm‘ schools. EOI IU!IO '!'_mm â€" Now examine and select books {or the next (ee on wtt h mii you neus, on of uie boat quï¬iy. We now remind you K AMERICAN SCHOoL MUSic READERS, For Pianoforte, $3.75. the tost and bost of P-nohnnu'nn“m #re* Clarke‘s New Method SHOW O#SES MADK TO ORDEE. March 12, 1874. ; ue #"° 6O Snagï¬s*st. RICHARDSON‘S ~NEW ~MTHOD, FLOUR AND â€" FARM PRODUCE PICOTURE FRAME oi eunmegar t sonG * MOoNARCH, IIAY & OATS Flour & Feed. Apply to Wm.'sn'(_. m‘l’l‘&l & El"n Mook binders. A. 8. WOODBURKN, iPublisher, Mailways. LOOKING«GLASS and 30 a. MORTAMER, MANUFAOT URKRS GoING NORTH. t ® G@rand Express ( ‘em Weost 1.9 Aa.m | from Wnu.....l.....‘ 100 P.4, Grand Trunt Express FOR SALE. inotion â€" 9.45 a.m, 405 pm« . + + 10.45a,m, 445 p.mâ€" . . _â€" 9.30m%m,, 850 pm. ARRIV E. = & N D wn Managing Director, Ottawa. =AND=* Managing Director» Arrive in OttaWw & 6.20, A. 1. 8.55 r.M. E8TABâ€" â€"â€"|M "Ayms â€"O N ¢â€"&A4 26149 I BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO AN Immense ~Stock â€"for Spring and Summer, STYLE and QUALUTY, combined with CAKAPNRS! In onmmmugr!umq mm.‘f‘,,"."_‘.""“"-""'““ any : yet f Â¥ i# under" no-n-.unnvuy m Sity for the n‘l‘..'?;,."."",s..f""':",'“' mostpopulat “‘ Citawa, May 22 1875, __P. A. ECLESQN. _ Fancy Trouscrings, Moltons, _â€" ; Broad Cloths, ; | Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Venetians. Worsted Cootings, Cashmeres. f Tricot, ~~Fancy Oveorâ€"coatings, _‘ Doeskins, Velvetoons. Also, a Large and Choice Assortment of *# _ â€"Gentlemens‘ â€" Furnishing Goods, _ All the Novelties in Searfs;Ties,‘ Windsors, Hosiery, Undcrclothing, Braces, s *~CANADA _ 4 Agricultural Insurance ~Co‘y. Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" =;~«â€" â€" â€"/ 38 Sparks Street Direct Importations from the CLUFF & MILL,â€"~GENERAL AGENTS. â€" 1000 D t _ _ AuFrancs, England, Hoilanid and Hpatn. ‘ In OPEN IA t â€" @10#3 a .&g..nlmt'flw&o INi 4 3t3 hia) io ©croul d ‘ ¢ c dhrkt a e e o «izna l unds anill R. A NGUS, : KSQ N BENSON, F (v){ 3 BR n'én‘.'. t +. G.:A, DRUM! u‘n' cm HON. L. 8, BUNTLNG P )N, JV [ ; f t 1al. M‘HA“"‘.“'“ ‘rt o 9e t fre & ï¬â€œâ€˜:l‘w.;':’ . 0. FAWORTT, 9. M. 4. . . . , ©.. * | oifscl; Reinbuinate Check, Bew Puoice silke raverdedt) the nemes peodof Lbeemon, " ... Late Henior Scholar and hoauumammw Graduate in Mathematioal _. STRIPED AND~CHECKED | IAPA ~'~1 e ? FILORBâ€"PRIN OIP A L : dn i Spthint! â€" sarld, cluew ~ . rmai Jakge Co i n o in ie Late Bobolar and Prizetnan of Maggeion obtiso atrint COrtricie in Honors is Classica‘ sn | NB W . WN‘OOBa ) m I “‘W 6 mnkh'wy. y rp 3: R > siky h. S yodsA 5 i . C " k‘ T. E. REEVO i sslsurn‘ul,yof-gév%m Masters l Mss is ons . 08 F "mml) pril l3 dG. td 4; d un tantt sng Mï¬ HONS C mA U, ‘af the Untyersity of ®ranoos Rrauch Maiter: .. *".*‘ FRENCH FLOWERS "&£ FEATHEERS pubdtestonninperomes ouvel e ie es i poak s tw euentenntatiee to uht Brfos in esP un aios oll 05 eniteadly t0s co u25 oL,dnin (as y PRREP dal drtagt "* ‘The odurse of fustra ‘tlon will in ‘Latin, Greek, Mithematios, French (Ari th mÂ¥u6, W K Grammar, Literature and s 5 iimante ne fhranaceannie en taninas in oestr opente Iimited number of bovs‘will be recelÂ¥ed‘by the Principal as Boarde ly Board | ui ioi en se ie e en t o rpicd 1 s enen, . pHARE Sitdediare can be Golain the Secretary, f§" Holmes, Eeq., Té Vietor street, to whom all application# for admission must be MMAG@, .( > \oo<. .. .. 00 ... , c cll ls lc se gen Re eveemilet uit oi e Amcpiiend 6 % \J0 SPARKS STREST, OTTAW A. i: "F Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron: and ‘Wood Working : Machinery MILL MACKHILNERY OF 640 t AGENCIESâ€"CameronBSpaoia! Stpam Punip ; J. A., nALO., "'1!'“.'7'%"" stuaticen Saw OnH) Frenton, BJ 1 Joboph Hiall Mabutasturing Goy. *r Sena rot Crroubits uid Ontatogues: > 0> l 1.~:}}7 < 135 ean‘t s d Exemszs anx» Botkrs, NB’WAND . Szooxnp . Hanp Citaws, May 22 1876, COOKINC â€"STOVE, : â€"==<> Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinsuriths and NO ® "SCOTT, CAYLEY & :CAYLEY, : MACHINERY~~â€"DEPOT, .770!4\'-:%;!'% ’18‘7&! Gloves, &o. White DréssiShirts, Oxford and Zyphyr Shicts, Regatta, Fancy FM'nqmgnTwm Bhil"‘t'f.ll Y 1‘ stock of â€" MONTREAL ~PROPRIETARY â€" ~SCHOOL "@®PECLIATL NOTICE:. » § h i f V’ 3 ; The .. Summer. Queen‘"" _ | aoitons, Faney Ve-én.;v.'-mqv-bi’ onais, Watt Improved COAL OIL® ~~ | . .... England Broadcloths â€"&c.. &¢. &¢., â€" :# WATER C EEGES °C ‘E!.,_, Oct. 17 1874 COL, A. C. D,L HARWOOD : :~~BDWARD A. GORF, wiburAÂ¥ arubs |_ i Prestdent. Jmuxsuxr{"""l ye® Vicecpremdent. ©>4~ "O"f péétor. PETSR REKDPATH, Tes Rev. GAVIN LANG. | _ | ~*‘Tar Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M.A. MONH. CORNU, of the University of France, Fret H.a. + UU /s, E q. of the uwzuflmg .}. g Gat\;.':m’ oï¬mew‘ Houth Ket 0. £: ‘bwa&mï¬'ï¬mu Shortband, CAPrAIN BAKNJUM, ‘Drilling." _ _ : * _ _ «JUBT QPENED TN (MY llv PREMISES, No. 10, Corner of Sussex and Rideau Streets, % CONSISTING IN PART OF French, _ English, â€" Scotch â€" andCanadian Tweeds, READYâ€"MADE .CLOTHING . Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting OF THE BEST CANADLAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MAKE 005 â€",il4, -Vi'l..;:"uh;:nw. it BLYXT K & KERR, e qo o ofik ABIOG follgtuers" 10 ~|â€". * fopg . s o emerpainer Samnoominaiee N, Eaq. * "N.‘AER RsQ. . ~~ 0| A. WALKER, ESQ. $ ts .fuml. PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER, FOR *ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ... . _ kn fata heeramrmenearie n o oniiie 2 So0d 4s ound husuing stove qnichker ifes have beek purdhrase i for the Wohoal in rm-h'w:' t.one L- of the sity, and Ammediately nufllq& grou« is of the _ HEADâ€"OFF " CTite Assurance. CAPITAL, â€"~â€" $1,000,000. BA SVSSEXâ€"ST. Plumbers, &t. EXEOUTED EXPEDITIOUSLY BY PMachirery. y wood ¢r cos l 2 vey.â€" PCOE acCE Fy o Â¥r coal sto wihel -m.ï¬!:m-&l&‘-n':eâ€"o‘m s and a half cents per hour. SPECIAL NOTICE, AACAZERIR MV ~, AAAHRADLEEp . PHSCEe JQ.3 1 GEORGE STEPHEN P. B. F ERGUS$ O N, ; GPARKS:STREET _ Angus & C ment of M gpt oTTAW A. ty and ba on :‘&m ty in the Ottawa district, that this Com (lnd nave ieased the iafge and omut 46,, Aitted un with Latest m 1L, ani will be carried on for‘n Tew days ..... 10 SPARKSâ€"ST., OTTAW A, JOHN MoOLENKNAN, Eq. aA t fapesson ds e Drawing Master 3. I" MKASON & CO. ~»»==as | OTTAWAâ€"MARBLE~AND GRANITE â€" WORKS. ind Profesâ€" w m i‘ 48 ul f. gete Su A 64. 4 one of § al « im gae iHiam =~ e, 3816 W ALL P AP ER. ‘These Paperhangings ‘are ‘imported direct from the best Manufacturing Establishâ€" ments in Enghn& France, and United States. Great care lms been taken in their selection wi -:End to colour. The ground tones, are softâ€"and pleasing to the eye, especially those toned with silver mica; but above all, they are free from the mineral poisons that mauny of the tawdryrcoloured of the day are surtharged with. ‘The Subscriber‘s long experience as a m thoroughly â€" acquainted ~with ¢=« oh-nimlw&& ‘ }'d‘:ï¬nq,mfluhimhlï¬wwwhhd:ï¬ud Wm wi so rious to bedith: 3 Terear in seaisise un 2T00K of W aLL LAPFEL bufore pureinaing shonfenarm BRANDIES, : PORT AND. SHERRY : WINE, GIN, PORTER, &e 1"PORE AND UNANULTERATED, tor Family use and Me Jicinal parposes,. L.O N.D 0 N ._H O U $ E. |.6 p ring C o o ds . : LUMBER . DEALEBR, . CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY gTRELCE. Shingles Clapboards, Flooring. Sashes, Glazed and Unglazed, Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. For: the newest â€"styles in Ladies‘® Hats, For the latest styles in Linen Costumes, For: the cheapéts stock of Parasols, v{ 5‘ For. the largest mdrb'mént otllnv?h- Jacâ€" okets â€" S saiman} sn o m s M 4o to CHA®. BRYSON‘®8, * 6e n s (Pimnok muve Tane : reeog u wer > @ :h-nu:-?.::umr{m. rmunn?.- ':‘l guished Phnhunnd -dd--l’lumu wï¬v-ï¬ ? M cannot be resisied, andâ€"assure the ,purchaser of his redet t# L Bell & Co.‘s celebrated Organsites, but for a medium priced PikBo Forle, We 0 pithe Hardntnt,® "Bise Habnt aheh in A 00. 2. nguos nuve ioup beng resepais "To seléect from, all of which weare selling at the lowest prives in the wity»> > 3887 W 2 0 LE MaLE â€"Aa 8 Db EK ETI A L L Teas,â€"mcn.onm-d -J-:?â€"All-l- u-u. ©OFlocmsâ€"remit mois tin,‘Grows aany on Oie prenines. at weon! prices ‘PANCOY GROQIRIES IN" GREAT YARIETY a‘8 oivle ‘.,mfllflmâ€"w M onaments,~â€"ELeadstones > THOS. ~PATTERSON As the undersigned is going out of the Room Paper Business «amâ€"soon as his ESTABLISHED 1834.. .. Which ‘he is prepared to me 6 pin the latest and most fasblenable sifige t Stock is disposed of, the Goode will be:Sdld‘attheo ~â€" DEALERS 1N . PianoFortes, wahhinet «Organs, t ssis «/ Miusic BOOKs, etC., steaol4 u0 or} CHOICEANDBEAUTIFUL Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. J OS EÂ¥r iA ~DIK BLE B Y, $8, SPARKS STREET, MILLINERY DEPARTNMRNT. 1AGENTFPOR XALLOCH &"ADAME, ARNPRIOR. A lirge Lot of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOOLs. D. 8. NMâ€"KINNON & CO., P. A~TAYLOR,: Proprietor. McKAY‘ Has re "eived avd is opening Out & large stobk of KCaiecs‘ Ulare, 36MR sn o64 'â€"â€".7' m.\ ,r.gwwlg!qm mgfl‘ < & Marble CUMorks. Croceries, #&t,y â€"~â€"~â€" in Marrbic, Eioh Gréhite, or Sanasmsome.? wlt ._CEBY } FNCLNEG, sultab e for the -â€"-“‘ Hall Paper. | Rry Goods, Â¥inmberers, | ESTABLISHED 1860.] AGENOY oÂ¥ Fuir Haven Marbleized Blate W'n.lm'm , ‘. HATAWA, 18744 Obel 34 18 1% 4