ure of Mails, R K ET 38 B A PC NC tore. PHERD. erate sPEL ECX \urtaing. CS 3 ruggist d CURTAINS, nentary pacKe i onsorial Monday and + &'C Â¥ellop T2%%® bat +=+~| be p "REET iy onâ€" CO. Mcsep 5 paur 4 2® Haxor®rsoiDs (Or 1 }L ty cured by Mathieu‘s m meÂ¥ refunded. â€" Pf'c Hoasgs SaTBE of horses have b year, and u}‘ o your hLor»e s and see that is on each packsg Toronto, UnL, pI Sold by all medica Remedy . extensive highest p ever: beic pot be equa Wuir Tuzi ror tus Prcor p.nl..ono oi n stood the im} ple for any ZT ons e neatt A. ~Maybee, Merchant, _ Warkworkn, writes, " i have soid some hundreds . of botties of . Eclectric Uil, and it is pro nounced by the public, ‘ one of lu;. Ert doge wonders pain, sore th: the greatest c Township Per OUeme® U s en ue ut nounced by the public, ‘ one of the best medicines they bave ever used ;\ it has dome wonders in hbealing and roï¬evia pain, sore throat, &C., and is worthy the greatest contiienge." â€"Josaâ€"ph Rusan, Township Percy, writes : " | was persua ded to ty Thomas‘ Eclectric Oit for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and | never found anything like it for curing lamemess. 1t is & vs& public benefit" A. Mr. Hamiiton, arkworth, writes . "For weeks, I was troubled with a swelled ankle, which annoyed me very much. Mr. May bee, of this piace, induced me to try Electric Uil, and before one bottle was used | was cured. 1t is a most remarkable medicine. 2 s W ingate senis. This wellâ€"known medicine is U ton, but a sure and safe rems remale Difficulties and Obstructiof any cause whatever ; and "alth Eo-erï¬xl remedy, they contain urtiui to the counslitution.~ In all cases of ~ervous and Sping +:ons. Pain in the Back and Limbs, on slight exertion, u..n&u,.m'm and will etfect a cure wh« hare failed; and al remedy, do not contai m,’ or m)uun‘ hu tution. _ S. N. THOMAS, Phelps, N. 1. And NORTHRUP & LYMAAN, Toronto, U. sole agents for the Dominion. Note.â€"Eclectricâ€"Selected and Elecâ€" valiOLL Full directions in the P“"g'.““ around each package, which should carefuily pnnrnd. . For full p.rucuhll.om M, of the ;ull,nnd 124 cents 10 ed to Nortarop & Lyma , lisal agents for the . sure a botile, containing nerxkkuzy, Sept. 1#.â€"uentiemen, i ieel iL & tuty L owe to y.u w express nymfl‘lu Lhe reat benedi l have derived b =Nor. ou‘s¢ weomble Pils.* 1 nppnd,loymtwn 2P " C Workeley, lor the above Pilis, for #inc adMicted.â€"L '-I fls AUE rass. Tothe Propri¢iors MILE £11L8 30@ soB MOSES FEMALE PLLLS Far smie by all draggists Saitâ€"iheu », and all diseasen M MIME SDCCC Une Botte warrant d to cure aii cases of Plies; F: om one to three Hottles in all casessof Humor®. Tuis remedy bas been faithfuily tested «nd lound to be an almost ini«llible cure fur the s saria. fisk uht Arberietor guarantese a oure t auad vi the proprmietor gharaniees a Cur6 or Iuter: al and External Use. Warranied a ~URKRK and perfect CUK= for all kinds of Piles, Leprusy, Rcrofula, Teter /r R=.gâ€" wofm. Saitâ€"lcheu â€". and all diseases of the *Kir . t> thos» wuo use his medicine, or in c886 of failure to refund the money paid. Since it WA# m-whu-mnvdug-n-flt uuuu-m:mmm we cure cf tme awini dizâ€"ases u-r:wdno The I‘lle «. munor cnre is vegeta ble tn its compost"ton muuâ€"uwï¬â€œ sefety in »i! c zes. The.e is no of it «nÂ¥ieg se buimor :n, a« ‘L cures on the surface, wl the pelleuis iw«ity health continuaily inâ€"~ , a pamphiet, by medical deaiors. rellâ€"known medicine is no impOsi it a sure and safe remedy for Difficulties and Obstructions, from ise whatever; and "although a b eemadv. they contain nothing reasing the ION_CTN] 21 CCT y, is a somewhat uinsu‘.u ind commands considera ng remedies, particularly of kRRY DAVIS a HUN, Soie People‘s Tea store, 36 Rideau street. s NOTICE® DAY OF IT. [A L EO IAVCS .â€"There are but few pre ~licines which have withâ€" r PiLes) are permanentâ€" mieu‘s Pile Ointment, of Price §1 per Xo‘v or six 1 wholesale and retail by P A I N â€"KIL L EER EW YORK, S0LE PROPRIETOR 12} cents for postage, enclosâ€" is for the Dominion, will inâ€" medicine dealers, price 25 ; AND HUMOR CUAE, is made are alkaloids, tain to a very yreat age,. n with Fellows‘ H"bx: no the loncevity of t ; ~ervous and Spinal Affecâ€" he Back and Limbs, Fatigue rtion, Palpitation of the cs and Wuites, those Pills ure when all other means and aithough a powerful ; contain irou, calomel, anté inz hurtful to the consiliâ€" ys Notre Dame street, 3742 ithe with no muke _ A 16 '."* av'-w l‘ gzry!~g~ ;ï¬â€˜&-i §A MUGSLd . ons sit care us tg «t quaie ts e an ts hat the principal ch Fellows‘ Syrup * t chon dall W ts »Auth @Hhle F OW LE mp&n or refer to advertise as Lo 1a Chambers. 3760 @TML who may thus ve truly, HANEY ALL of No#TUN‘s CAMO ature, aAr® over ) pills, by its effect Rhoum. they wili i return. groceries Lon t a‘ ment ather 3796 Dr CLOTHINC Establishment, ; 10 Sparks Stroek wes a»~<B No'flc: 10 Mill« Iï¬â€˜? owners, Machiâ€" & " nists and all others e interested who have been troupled is the past with summed or heaâ€" ted arbore, and journals : nd have been paying fancy price use Craven‘s Aretie and Engine Olls and so avoids those complaints for the future. All Uils gu~ranteed aod orders solicited; w . J. CRAVEN & Co., us io i+ St. Pauiâ€"st., Montreal. BLÂ¥THE & Mills‘ §upp|y Agency CoAL OIL COOKING STOVES, CALDWELL & CO, ++ AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, * ns Hinty s Seindert Oovernors A:".&";Wâ€â€œ-W:: ‘ x e GLomE Gas LIGHT No. 24 Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware THOS. BIRKETTS. «B and of ‘: B "z..- qnnltw goods Remember the HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES! ! HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!1L HOTEL IRON BEDSIEADVDI umuwumvnsu i â€" HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3IH! Hardware, &t. Nl' FIRM. THOMAS SHORE & @WMPANY, ign of the ANVIL, 24 Ottawa, December 21, 1874 which they are offertng to the Public at !i â€" 10w« est rates. They have also ‘u‘.‘-"-t mwundo-aog- oh.‘ n ing Saddics, Froupks, Valises, ®â€" Mn f 2o ta snn (don with their g CR0ls® P othine in com~ cdon with their W aips, and everything in con~ «tdon MM * p None but the beat ARDWARE saAVING FUEL â€"ANDâ€" pyp rhoxnat, #hnke A o _ P USE D. ORA * s1ex vm;gï¬' o ack . To Iron Founders iA nefny ao, sone im | oofennnrenttone redpret oi n _ Glasing, Whifewashing, Ooloring 40. :1006 9# | of Inland Bevenne . 80 lendonet ~ Cld ce . -nn:lm. Oltaws, Aptil 17th 1875 , _ a&â€"a Te retail Cloting Busiâ€" ness so long carrtied on by t 94, 1974 Ginsing, WERUTEEADUOIIRE O eoecr‘ic io winbatt t whe abortest notice, 20d in a workmagiine aiyl Joseph Metcalfe is now transferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & Co Mr. Smith‘s knowiledge of the Ready Made Cloth« ing busipess (14 years exâ€" perience) and their deterâ€" imination to keep the best class of Goods to be trad, and to sell at the lowâ€" est prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoaife®s old Customers {Successors to LEE & TAOMPSON.] Beg leave to call mumd‘hw“ 6ib u_.p-ndv-ndom ail descripâ€" H A R D W A RE. o inen U it n o recaired, ano see that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing FINE AND Tlothing. Dppoute.the Post OfMe: [OTEL LAUNDEY STOVES!! _ Cross Ts yor HCKEREL m-::-:l j noret nop ain romnacsstit || rmormmisitn is deuiionlt ces ;( ; mm :-r%d May, in each year, in Â¥ ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to | vince "o,%ffl.:...} BSTERS. order by a ue h‘m n &‘. J't..l‘o person i n mAE CS iesns | hib c inch aill, bay, sell or bave in posses® 1875. Coal. ail discriptions; at CALL AND EX \MLNE STOOK. In the «ty is to be found at ALL â€"ATR The Largest and Best Mathewmaa‘s Blook, Welltuztoa $% â€"ATâ€" arnters. &4 8874 No.24 EC "rmiowing nyyiâ€"f"‘ PMNNE~Y "hAWUe LA TIONS for UL.. . . vâ€"iace uluuun:h.uh,' d by the Governor General in Couneil on the 3rd inst. :â€" Oroszâ€"tues ror WHITEâ€"FI8H. * No person shall fish for, catchb, bu* reil, or have in on ant W it Fish b tween the 10th of November and the 1 day of o.g-mmmm,umm Czossâ€"Turs ‘ron Fazsz Warka HBRRINGS m pine mpba oae or ve in Herrings between the shcenth day of October mmm?dmh“"ï¬" the Provinee of Ontario. + Crossâ€"Tms ron BAS&. « Wo person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in Mu&lfl between the fifteenth day of May and the fifteenth day of June, in each year, in the Province of povermntment Zlotices Croszâ€"Tmmm ror PICKEREL (Dosks) Losmâ€" or shog ax nnxgo‘:.al. rey o person shall catch, uuah':n in po.ndolfl.!' H‘*"‘FM or Maskinonge between the fifteenth day April and the fifteenth day of May in each year, in the Province of Ontario." FISHERY LEASES & LICENSES. " Fishing by means of nets or other us Appasiat without Leases or Licenses from un D‘W‘d Marine and Fisheries, is M NOpRAEECDY "/" _ slinatad within the U bLIt prohibited in all waters situ&t ;mm’ ce of Ontario." | had %m\:".&n mfl CA KR, rgexpers, addressed to the Postmastet General, q_nruwuog:"-‘“ M Aa whbedbrt o the 60D« JL _ General wIl 90 TORNTTC let due th noon, on rmmn:mmï¬mfl veyabee of HMar Majesty‘s Mails, on a prOPOS®d nl;'â€"-e‘i'fu‘lo Mattawa every Monday sn arrive at Lake Temiscamingnt pot iaterf than the following Toorsdaysâ€" ._"""m""u x..nunrumm i‘rintéd notices conta‘ning furtber informaâ€" U us ho ioi nsc on Poripratiet may, be o. ta i.umofldmï¬ _Me xartin‘s and Lake Tamiscamingue. i be lowest or any Tender wi‘l not necessarily sn d h DLR Asfuarzved Colone! Adjutantâ€"General Qutaws, April 20th, 1875. * To oo in anig " j == _ _ OmsEâ€"rtxs® Fos WHITEFISH. ':lommflfl.:h“â€"&-w“w_’-n' .u‘flmg‘_;‘" Uinber in cach year, of Quebec.‘ ‘u-h-nmm! TROU :. k“l' 1 ROUT on -buneï¬tll «WINNOâ€" f * *"N1iCHE." oo ::.-nwun.."“.m mum"‘"“m“’ of hm.-;.. * dlh,.b.ll“ Provinte %m TROUV * Ts d on RIVER TROUT. o "No person shail fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell, \Ch“hw“"‘ Trout Brooi or River between 15th day of Sepâ€" V_‘rï¬mzmd _-w’.h‘?" is cu-mu-l “’0:“ shall fish for, -u,klll.hr, seil or have in possesion any Bass between the WW"‘â€""’% day of June, inâ€" the Province of Quebe¢." _ __ . _ ___ _ ln _ ousyorms EPARTMENT Coien pop on deaiug 1 16 per c , SOPw@nt MMATC i the Ist Juily next. “:““‘r-"'.‘.,'y"hu-c P roig e â€"ra s a oi ns sn atoates witain the Proâ€" « vince of Quebec." By Order of the Minister, _ _ _ MAIL CONTRACT. w peiated wem, euppiicd c the Dopariment« ~OTICE is directed to the Tenders for AA «i ve made io a cance, in a vebhi« & w PeC CCTT Com missioner of Fisheries. cnebia i ____J. JOMNSTON, . ___ Corp missioner of Oustoms. P MERERRY COD D paa d waters situated within the w . W HITCHER ommissioner Of ’% + THE TIMES : OTTAWA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1875 une 21, 105 CANADA CENTRAL For Ottgwa â€"\ i. grockville. twWo KÂ¥PRESS TRAINS VAILl |_ LBAVE Brockville G. T. Janetion «â€" 9.%5 a.m. 495 pinâ€" Ottawa +0 > ) > o * » 045 a .m, 443 pmâ€" Renfrow [ (* . * 9.50 a. m,, £.50 pui THE S$T. LAWRENCGE Erookville, Sune. !, i N ickest, best and most direct ":uo. “L‘ohmumm + <| Rast and West a !'miu&u;" Nos. T †and from -_;‘: .M“:.'_‘:_‘_%_ es ... . ... { gg OTTAWA RAILWAY. Of uniform Gauge with the Grand Trunk {K very aay. = A1! orders for Books requiring printed heading* -P_A'nmwb' a . |onuboe SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. "tuling, Perforating, Numb AUQe +4 Traing are run on Juge 11 75. BOOKBI NDE R, PAPER RULER, AND | _ Account Book Manufacturer, Oarvers & Carvers & Gilders. ‘LOUR AND FEED STORE A.%, Grand Tronk Express _ _ | from W 1 wodange t 12730 00000 Lontnge j( "I from West......... .4 160 P.14. }.inds of Farm 210, A A. Nu'md BOOKS ! #60 Svarksâ€"st. &owgn-nn-no-n-_,i, i ie w e e far the v MNastoal Boohfita uko "Ghords pure‘ cart about 100 pleaes. Price per dogon $12. Loreley. AnUnfinished Opgra by Mendelssohn, 0) cts, Per doz $540â€" A selected stock always on How Shall I Tmhlf' Or Hints ___to Teachers. _A pamphiet by Dr. Lowell First Walpurgis Night. â€" PICTURE FRAME Curtis and Behr‘s New Method for the Zither, $1.50 es Sut The Zither is an '.&“‘ Yearhing. Sunr sn nbusie dediors. post irée, for relai} price. OLIVER LiTBON &£00, « fLOUR AKO FARM PRODUCE WILSON & 0O Ralways. 4W Book binders. Successor to D. McLarnon, For Musical Societios, | Wm. I' Apply to W m M. BEATTIE & ï¬ â€˜lour & Eced. a. MORTIMEER, LOOKINGâ€"GLASS and i1 VE THve. REYTNOLDS, ~_ Managing Director, Ottawa. Grand Trunk Express MANUFAOT URERA « &A NDwâ€" ARRIVE The Chorus Choir, Y & OoaAaTS FOR SALE.~ © _ . â€" TAYLOBRB, M uch sou; ht| for. A. . FOSTER chas. H, allveoy: e i o T. W. E. HARR:.SON, haqg., Music Mestor, _ _. BR, . M. BOLO â€â€™ and Shortbhand, § T ) . Ialaciae DBER, | ns se lt hoi o Amp a@‘&w s ving ufacturer, r;-_g. se on 2aT Un n Acsiir, a 0 ";""- ot =E:- will include Latia, Grook, M sh j %‘m‘ m.v‘:n and instraum A 4 number of bors will be received »y the 1 JG | ESTARâ€" a9d y with &mm:fl Li cl4 aadimes M!â€_ï¬ NC .3.‘ Â¥ha m“:.p'mï¬m ?w-na 6 >> paid for all | aruve at 855 P A. 0.20, A.M. for the use 0 I BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTIOXN OF ;THE PUBLIC TO AN Immense Stock for Spring and Sur JUBT OPENED TS (NY NEW PREMISES. No. 10, Corner of Sussex and Rideau Streets, § CONSISTING IN PART OF S oiey Compaqe~~.l.> Yeuses Fent mc & )Voynud Cootings, Cashmeros. T Fancy Overâ€"coatings, . Doeskins, 4 Also, a Large and Choice Assortment of which All the Novelties in Scarfs, Ties, Windsors, Hosiery, Underclothing, Braces, Gloves, &c. © White Dress Shirts, Oxford and Zyphyr Shirts, Be?&l. â€" _ Fancy Fiannel, Haryard and Tweed Shirts, _ NX ¢ <tock o P o o‘o CRNADA: Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. Ottawa Branchâ€" â€"~â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street‘ CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. . a:x_gg::::r“%?ég.:gâ€ï¬‚%smm““:.m %'Mm-né’ Tenenopoyrearatn. hn ies ET EWET AL! NKE ery Complete, and for STYLE an4 QU. P.v-'u.‘ulmw'fl.s!.uodl auny yeot The Custom is my own management, and is the most popolar and ummmmh‘ twelve years. _ _ _ _ _ Cttaws, May 22 1876, ~PRILN OIP 4A L : #, 0. FAWOETT, £8q., M. a. mmumwcwm‘ § FICE. PR 1NX OIP 4A L: ht: Scholar .;lmdï¬:l:' muw-ï¬&u in Honors in C1 & \:{szau'.;:;k\vx‘zb TeR 8 :0 ullll.. o oc tsA oo on o o m y J . W. HOLMES, £3Q. « ‘The Montreal ldhu:'nmu-.a :2-‘1 wof \;flvh :J;:nr;l :‘33.-“':&"‘": ‘ , Te "#% ustra t Lo E'g boys wili uï¬v propa s lLelsher for vias Ju.vcr»&,"flgfl- : ave been parc3A isl(arâ€"4sa â€"Ssa3» )+4 Mouriâ€"n stree} ons of '.E. mdlbw.-llalimfl;-u:nlnz ui4 gi09441 4 of the lofl AI‘“% Literat r:';z.’“fl\-.“flâ€n‘":;‘::‘l lO“Ia'Algg %m ral Philosophy, ’wuu-l instrameatal Mulo, 0caf.0g uy-no' ties ‘mï¬.oMC‘ T m"’m :ul'-':-'.n-"m r"u-.u a &'fllhnfll w'wmhundm&mml-d» iÂ¥ mt o Further can the Secretary, J. W. Ho‘m«s, Keq., 74 Victor street, i0 whom ‘h -:u--ma. mmm on , the 12th of APRIL, and will be carried 0n for a few days ab streots new premises not being qu‘te com plote1. Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. Exom®s ax» Bomasrs, MILL MACHINERY OF EVERY DESORIPTION wood Wirking Machtncs; American Baw 007 MINTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. COOKINC STOVE. _ SCOTT; CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, COL. . C. D,L MARWOOD EDWARD A.oog WILLIAM a2NMGUS. JAMES A. 8Â¥1) H. OFFICE AND WAREBHOUBE..» â€" m «seâ€"nsseesc0s000000 «0 mm.‘lmhwnâ€"s-‘mm- ‘ _ 101 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (opposite Dalhousic St.) French, Enplish, â€" Scotch and Canadian _ Tweeds, J PETS! REKDPATH, K8Q . _ | GEORGE STEPHEN, Tes Rev. GAVIN LANG. | Tess Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. f zs Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. with Letest L pote, L3 agas, watee orpmere emeamcemt neos, an. atted as Tith Iplosin"rony" to o at READVâ€"MADE CLOTH!! SPECIAL â€"NOTTICE. Gentlemens‘ Furnishing mnen_â€" 6A / The "Summer Queen" Improved COAL OIL OF THE BEBT CAKADIAN, ENGLI8SH AND AMERICAN MAKE Plumbing, Gas andl Steam Fitting OEPOT ~====â€"~ Desmaraisand Asdam. B LY TH & KBE R R , PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER, SPARKS:STREET + KTite Assurance. CAPITAL, â€"~ $1.000,000, t O N 70 SPARKS STREET, OTTAW A. id Â¥7 may ppsqhantion, Biik nhllh haurind, F1008 AND B4 SUSSEX â€" ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MPlumbers, X&c. Rtlachinery. EXRECUTED KXÂ¥PKDITIOUSLY BY FAn@ TTRCTL 22 OO is feam ane ts i ‘a cast of uot more than from one to ons and a hal cents per bour.â€" P. B. FERGUS O N, :;%Q:hâ€"“-&w in Hopors in Classics . sn ‘ " bA"'Q:. PPR rmranl srd_DOOR WEST OF,BANK STREET, OUTAW A. Alb _ h 4 viuate. P. A, ECLESQN. Broad Cloths, plan ts ths eanide ‘or in mâ€'_!"r_t 0'._2::;': *** Venetians. Tricot, Velveteons JOHN MoLENNANX, EHQ 10 SPARKAâ€"T.,.OTTAW A Gradaate in Mathematical Summer, J T MASON & COO. HLND l 1 McKAY‘S ! CHOICE AND BEAUJIFPUL w A LL P AP El 1 TNCLUDING THOEE DEDICATED B8Y THE MANUFACTUREE Theseâ€" are imported direc! ! >~ the best Manufacturing Establishâ€" ments in France, and United >« Great care has been taken in their selection wi mboolou I\. wound sones are soft and pleasing to the oye, especially _ toned wit\ sils~. umcs; but above all, they are tree &m&.mhflflphthflmnyo!liwufl,““‘“ day are surcharged with. W&W-hngw.‘ d“. 1&&“&9%_@&.&@«{:1 i coloured with poisonous pigments, so deleter.ous to health. . The Public uï¬umwm«wï¬ï¬rnu&“w ymmï¬pdbziuwtdmxu-m*.-.h present Stock is disposed the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating In Francs, England, Holiand and Spain BRANDIES, PORT AND SHERRY WINE, GIN, PORTER, PURKE aND UNADULTERATED, ior Faw ‘ly use and Me Jlcina! parpostt, s WA GOLESA LE ANBD L ET A TL Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Duferin. Ars new sheine the hk ym in the t is Pooucot ie paver weeeartie e s * STRIPED AND CHECKED J»A.l“d â€" â€"â€"A4 Large Consignment of« areia t w25 L O N DO N HOU S E. NEW LINEN COSTUMES, FROM 82.00. â€"â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" * * FRENCH FLOWEES & FEATHERS n L s en ced i2 C CoiK _ 24 Sn en non i e the se sa97 Teas,-â€"wll ollâ€"-u JAPANSâ€"Â¥Finest Grados, Cofeesgâ€"»*®=« ‘ROASIRO, oâ€"â€"-.-u-n-'-.--- PANCY GROOMRIRS IN GREAT VARIETY THOS.â€" PATTERSON LUMBER DEALEH, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREMNCS. s,,,;;;.fm;ï¬a&am s A1ee. 3 1674 To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city. For the newest styles in Ladies‘ Hats, + wore * d For the latest styles in Linen Costumes, . _ _ â€"_ For the cheapets stock of Parasols, * For the largest assortment of Sleeveless Jacâ€" _ o Re English Soda :N\ .N-'h!“*‘.“ m:’..“'.'S'- Ahoeu::r-lnl- c in evlas) itiiets d s * ‘Which he is prepared io ms 6 pmtm“d“m â€"â€"râ€"u:q;uv-bmu_::muflm s € Direct Importations from the Producers * _ | . for any debt witho his written ordef, 2?7 istabilsbed 188), by : #=~"" BY wWw. MU. SOMERVILLE, | W.‘H. MANSORN, _ In Soptch, iinglish, and Canadian Twoods, Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, We t 0t England Broadcloths &c.. &c. &c., OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. S pring CGoods. & ~ * _ ghe Largest and Bestâ€"sslocted assortmsentiof . |__ Monume»nts, : IIeadstones Obel 3 »9r The hewen. Ge :gn in OkM Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. *8, SFARKS ESTREET, OTTAW A DEALERS IN PianoFortes, wabinet Organs, C Saue . WH ckets William Queale HANEY & FORGCIE, J OS ErÂ¥XI â€" DIK BL E B Y, AGENT FPOR MALLOCK & ADAMB, ARMNPRIOR A large Lot of Genilemcn‘s PURNISHING ©OObs. EPARKS STREET, MILLINERY DEPARTHENZT D. 8. t[â€"KINNON & CO,, Exwlies‘ UMare, Itt h £ 5o8 ricknk a Has re "sived acnd -.-d:nl-u‘fl Crocerics, &t. THall Paper. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. ut Â¥ 1Â¥ « W inu in tert /s Marble, CMorks. BEry Goods. um berers. io Martbis, Sobich â€"Gtanite, of Sanamit it ~ CERY FENCI NG, enltab e for the Â¥ L P11 18, s 4 a hieep, Halit®, £1€ ‘ Marble and CGranile Wors, s, haiiway and Bosding Jo to CHAS. BRYSON‘S8, All Goods warranted Sbrumk. ESTABLISHED 1904.] CKILE AND OTTAWA s uos and € eresle® Fuir Haven Marbisined Slate € d uie Idpone‘ I OTTAWA, 196A e C3 4 oxio SAXB#T 48 HARDMAN 4 00"8,