land Whek of R ioxl; Toronto eok, §3; twice a wook, eash word over twenty L l-.hh d‘“’: ac * oi is a~aik Medicai wiud -"ï¬ Price rm auy p â€" » ts ts ues â€" cards inserled â€"0D ar, when not exceeding °D incicate LiG as be Toqrn :y snrl-.h“.â€"g & MOOR, SSE YX â€" i1NGLING is VES TIN OR ReN eliers ELT equiring nc proof and ng, capâ€" p and ver iwenily. The Adver --hlbvu'w\ ast, TORONTO. cnk advertisemsents is i oo pageil measite, aotices nitaghed $h0G We -& Chemists and Storeâ€" s pavoks * e ;Qonu:‘m P tâ€"* + _ w _ >r the Daily TimeS. aive and aâ€"hail Contie Doilars in advance. row has no equai, as # CIETY, JL RK M EDLES [* x Ned at M NoX * New York. I M E8 ained siden t e stock book, ‘@ aAND INDIGEKS >se whose copy ouf ulsion and ugh reasurer s "at .n PHY S UN, . \ V \ Â¥ANAGB, the Bani of 1)â€"A HAL S paint is gi» _ Barristers, Attornéys, Nelicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Sit~ Moagrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st., Otta wa Hoy. Jow» Q‘CoNNOR, Q.C. G. J. O‘Dowkniy, Dec. 4, 184. S(‘dl'l. STEWART & GORMULLY, Marristers, Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &e., w Beil‘s Biock. Eiginâ€"st. HonBLE. k. W. SCort, Q. C. MoL_oD STEW aRT. _ J. J. Goi _ Barrister, Attorney, Solicitors, &¢., Offlceâ€"â€"Uver Mr. B. Iinckeli‘s Flour Store, earner of Susses «04 Yorkâ€"streots, Ollawa. _ Accountanis, Au-nu:l' & General Commission nle. OFFICEâ€"No8, Viewria Chambers, O‘Connor Btreet, lately occupied by C. Stephanson & CO. Barristers, Solici Allor-g-. Comâ€" veyancers, lm-. #&¢., &¢., Uiliceâ€"seli‘s Block, opposite Russell House. W M. W ALKER. | K.OAssELSJr.| P. PENNOCK. July 21, 1874 ¢ 26 i. Barristers,â€" Attorneys, Solicigges, Conâ€" veyancers, &e., (Of the late urm of Lewis & Pinhey.) OFFICESâ€"Kigin Stroot, Otiawa. €. -m". A. J. Oamisrtt®.}| M. lf:_HLI.I. 'l\All.I.Ol & CHRYSLER, Barristers and Auonor-uol.-- Solici« tors in Chancery, Notaries, &o. Ofliceâ€"Hariy‘s Hlock, Ridean Surce!. â€" @, Tambo®. t PF. 1M._.Cammx mr. mt ‘ Notary Public and Advocate, Has opeued an office in the Village â€"f Hul) w Quowee, for the transaction o ï¬l and Legai business, either in the of aubu‘u untario. Bmlcuv given to the tiq: of gecounts in Proâ€" within tw Butlaings. Douer uU mall as w.uul from the Cars and Boats rr’:o â€" 8784 W MARSWAL MATHESON, P4 "> Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢. Officeâ€"Master in Chancery Chaa mbers, Co House, Jtiawn, Cana da JRA a Barrister, Advocate, &e. for the Province ot Quebec . WAW. Solicitor in Chan eery, &e., for theliovince of Oniario. Main Sureet, Huil, P. Qâ€" sumsâ€"6un w H. CHALKER, â€" . .. _ Manager R oBLRT GRAHAM | . 0. _ «Popric o w ILLIAM MOSGROVE, Barrister (‘o-vo{.mr &¢., Sol citeor & Am 'h-ee'n. Officeâ€"Jpposite the Russell House, over tibson‘s Confectionary, set~Money to lend on Real Estate, _ _ T-.m P. FORAN, Advocate, Solicitor, &c. No. 12 St. James ®treet, . . MONTREKAL Emss City of OTTAW A, County of Carleton Resklenceâ€"Albert Street. Uffice hoursâ€" from 6 tolia, m., and 2to 4 p. m, Special attention MS nlomu:;; NIW %-'_‘-P-‘a'l:‘ chell. f * sitâ€"ly * uterus. May be nonsuited at bis Office, corner of O‘Con por and Albertâ€"sta, Ottawa, OCL 24 18k4. 2401. e Einss Og is ‘Vln a central pasttion, . 2 . (@@ifModtous hoose or t wo heuses adjotning for the '-Chr'r::-: of Eoagliand Ladiet Sghco!." Apply to Von ArcNâ€"derisod Landar. 3848â€" 1 w D“.Og'.... _ Physician, Surgeon and Accouchenr, Orrtawa, Ont. oppvonâ€"tmmatiranetnnts ds i haw pie vavtmin, sporky ano minugt paoline DaANIEL O‘CONN®O®. Hapt. 9, 1874. June & 1844 Fob. 5, 1874. Â¥ U in . 0. Box, May Sint. MI.“-M to im« form his customers and the generâ€" wily that he has removed his place of business from his former siand to the new Fish Market on the south side of York street. He will be WATKA Bloavil Wcc A & v o c a t o. Temporary Qulce at Ur. Jos, Beaudin‘s, Mait AERRY 'hléi';u;hi'mw ds in his new stand, and supply them with poraious or in id oter Euds t fiekg w Bapt. 9, 1878. FISH! FISH! FISH Rull, Oct. 26, 1874. P--l IX reet, Huli. _ Hull, March 9, 1974 Mutual \Life _ insurance in.nearly $20004 from . premiums Usnere iroturyd uo »oc o arphaniibra on e tengriges aoo uusttorth, pastiot on ho ean " Adoriss with | on us C L taat L0 m"wm This Com pan: nn.’iym in Capada wus biéH ‘On oap, pertuaes wi c | ao) butt No ain _ ¢ Wm&.-m-.qmum% & =Al ‘W‘ Yoars miyarel us en‘ pbenubramenme | Abfenint utrtris, (suoner, Cortmas | an (4 migidt sTAVENL 18, General Ageney lor the vituws District from 19s. ‘ . | "‘M compeislul aud ““"“"fï¬ wr sote | noli caot uilbwinbe to sh in er, in attnoled make tbe ~usiness a speciality their Tollet n U B. E. U ® * f _ y site enlre atiention. d ‘ v "'"'! e fie ..‘.-3_ , d T ully # ' C _ _ mur o. a ucenune | _ tnhtemrer Waiee ts shranc 19 dhorees a roce | bflolane B BB DC IH Do on inreets o U suue o3 o ernume s( . t oi on uB Pnplorn) Kik$ 0t _ _ pauge geporraxis ind mag w e w ;ui’l duitf stt s < ' awa South aide of Rideauâ€"st.,near Gloucest was, Consultatons at all bonre, s lly treated if required. INHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, AABETHâ€" ONER® _ «. â€" . + > UEPOSIET AF OPTAWA, â€" â€" â€" â€" OABRPD w il 0 Witmout « W. W. WARD, Ai,BION â€" HOTEL, uated with well furnisbed »ooms an« i Apply at No. 4 McCormack‘s Bleck anor Bireel, Of at d L y I87) woloain '“,',‘l‘;:;n | F. MEINDL has opened ou% as a Merchant C222 2222222 . ______ | Tatlor and Outhtter, on Eigin st., opposite; th FEW GENTLEMEN can be accomoâ€" | PO®St Office. [First oclass goods always on Band ied with well furnisbed »ooms and | nd satlsfaction guaranteed. Med CoONNOoR & O‘DoHERTY, Medical Cards. E. 3. P. LYXN, Â¥. H. FERLAND, ALK EB, CA-II-? PENNOCK, W. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., R. J. D. R. MACDONELI , M. TAYLOR & Co. ARCOHAMBAULT, L. TUPPER may be consulled profes» slonally ut his residence, Metculie Slree!, ANTED TO RENT by tm RL& Juiy ©. W. MaecCVAIlt. tors and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soltâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., _ _ OTraAWa, oNT. 0000000 a, m., aud 2to i p. m, Special AlZeAMIDN t diseased muu displacements of the gegal Cards,. 1LOGAN, NoO NAN‘3 REST AURANT, Bparks St: oot West Court House Avenu TTAW A, Ont. {{Mants. VIII. NO. 3881. Hotels. Accoucheur. ) wit&out rooms, and rooms . Table aud rooms frstâ€" perks and nank streets, and na‘ walk of the | ar}ament ivilgiug. MOSES LAPOINTE M 48. FORGIE. ©19â€"53m J. J. GORMULLY, y27â€"1y 34 6.%in $106â€"16 Â¥512y 2d0y «9 Office, as frmerly, over Mann‘s N Store."" ¥» Marluote cessor 8 19 G1BBS & COURSOLLE, uy Banker, Montreal Dealer in Grge nbacks, U, 8. Bonds and Checks Com mereial t discounted. O%kflloll mae in all pm?t‘-‘:»enho Dominion and U. 8. In lerest a lowed on deposits. vet. 21 1=71. 3680â€"82 wit Bankers and Stock i;voh ors, Montre al, Negotlate saies of Pro;«‘iy und Patents, and organize Companies. .\mu:y Tnvuud l:l" lï¬ class securities to pay 7 and 8 per cent, terest‘ Stocks purcbased and carried on & P HOT OGRAPHER A margin of 10 per ceu«. interest at lowest current Patents of Invention [TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] vICTORIA CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. 3831 in retiring from the practice of my profession, 1 have left with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. CUTTON, my Pians and Kecords of ~ irveys in Ultawa and vlc:mn.{x and have much pleasure in recommending him as my sucâ€" A ing the BEank of !U, N. ‘America, WELâ€" ..m%a-\r the ‘{xm. aud must convenient VnE dantieatrein ui nouoring good, rign prompt € attendance, and remwonabie raies, please tmyor the undersigned with a oall. ____ |_ ; _ For making all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT x GGH. ... N J¢ .â€"Mtonges . bogrded. . cmd . gid in the q\gnf satiainotory mianner. _A speciaity made of this feature Norwich Egg ,Powder, T Pm The undersigned has opened a Ston «c»ther‘s \';nlf !:::‘rlx:‘::"ur King and -Lo‘Aaln' * 1r00k whet e w will be hoptn:nuun on hand, &- reaspectiully nlldtd.u& all kinds of Btoce» cutting. _1 wo semlâ€"detaehed bouses to rent‘ on‘ Bank “m....,.'“""-.;‘:‘:’m“"‘."..%' n'c.“nnuoum' for sales | gervants onall Â¥inds Wented, ) ) . andary ipn | 100. 4, 1374 | w,l h."':'u:;;opand Houses for rental n ail part e gity. ie 14 A new House with verandah and fltlflu the centre of, to be sold a bargaib. _ _ applieagioh at this offiee. .| _ _ _ _ .. [ ")~> COMMISSIONS UNDERTAKEN OrPICEâ€"No, !‘ Woilington 8t., oek, OttaWa, Ont. i NICHOLLS & CO., HOUSE & LAND Aqsm‘s," 3 Registry & G,enorgl Commisâ€" sion Agency ‘Officé."""" 0‘C oN X 0 R 8 TR E ET. 1| D. 8. McKinnon &£,,00.,,. _ lAberal Terms rï¬â€œ nl;:m- Bpecial auren o nc oo anoonind Huok MUbG ... conk _1 . .. "fvgaem%u; w":‘?&u wti Tdachers l<m &e., d.‘". ! !h_ [I. W Tailoring Establiskment. m e munmenseibtortiong." Vouk â€" muse ME“ msmmm.o #% .%'u_u"uu Water, distilled tm Wasah 11. 1974 _____ MH.J. WEEKES & To: Kole Agents f*r Ontario. Flowers. n m,mm nelebrated tor 1R W â€" Rimnict‘s Extrast of LAme J uice and Wily corineé \he moanm y reparation ibt Lie doxuir, cnpectinget P ATENTS. Niamond Yoast Cakes A pleasantly T8, Sparks St., Ottawa. Agents for W. Bell «:0o‘s. Prize Medal Ore ans and Organeties, Hallett Lavis & Co‘s. eace JubMes; 4. Haitman‘s and i‘gagâ€"â€" 308 RTHUR F. COTTON, Bustness Cards. OND BROTHERS, 10 behad of all Grocers. Â¥ YoU WANT Go00D BREAD f usk THE O CONTRACTORKS & BUILDEEK® R EA DI! Provincial Land Surveyor and T. LAXBERT $Js 518 g2% sigk 46g3 MMMEL‘S CHMOICE PERFUMES. unER AND ComMirsion MEnowa®» BROKRHR, &0. Miscellancous. The Victoria Stables i ughtsmamn. . _ sme.B.’rM-u.dOo. J A R V I S , 69, SPARKS STREET. ks c Netet in tne satest add n esnt and Creditor," (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) Carrtiges. Next Victoria Chambers. Mankers. BROWNLEE & CO a SBitv 3 23 sOLICITOR3 OF <5s 58 i i idlith g§ limgid 0 gé%ï¬i!_?;z‘:ï¬s-!.iï¬ 00 aa hiï¬ t P the â€"sa fo6t 4 i/ S NUD S OHTAN PIMMAE on l on e Srders by CIFRBABD bPrO» c es=c 5oT seiegri°ke #E3%r@2¢34 ®25 3§3§§§§§ hef 7 As W,. R. THISTLE. Household Furniture, at the «welling, Bessâ€"rer Street. immediatel) in Fenr of ta%o-nng"m&: s othei â€Tï¬ï¬vi.'im‘â€"' m‘m"â€˜ï¬ . Saleat 10 80m.m. _ _ _ _ _ Magnificent Collection Heinbip rniane oc fas es Soosl NBMLIâ€"I.IJW“!O.&M mums. acres more or less, 40 of which are in fine state of cultivation, Can run 82, Sparks Street. OTEAW A. R‘mmnolï¬: n in oity tuuudn- every evening, and By J. BERMINGHAM. vate rale every day at anction price A Aucqon Sale Of Valuable Timber Limits. manufactured clocks and time pleces for draw» Thirtyâ€"aix bronze inch of Peter the Great. 1 oatr he a4v, Shaktapeare, Miton wovie oc ci t io ns io Public Austion dsc ol Ranmeny . "po fran Eim id the city of Toronto, on § ext, at Two O‘Clook in afterncon, the folâ€" g:‘.:'.i'.' Lake Huron, vis:â€" LUMBERMERCHAKHTS Hess,m en dgvil 1op iprniy Seoaicrs of the h4 â€""<+~)~ente sipall the entire The num\:a’m brien Instructed to sall the «wellihg, -.I'O_t Htreet; immediately June 10th, 1973, Street ‘Railway 2 ie enc ies caarrelr 1 Case of Bilk Umbrellias. & QM% Bheets and F _ an J st the recent sale at the hnln-ltmnucmdmhlmm Hales daily by private. Auction Sale nightly. AUCTION SALE Gar Rolling Stock AUCTION SPECIAL. On the Bank Street Road, POR SALZ, THURSDAY, NOWw tAWGVAIfG4A ALut OLASS8} 0F . univans ies iis mentonn d entnens fala‘tanterye hh s good amallty of white has W&fl-&ï¬â€˜ s6al a batize afeay agd tor T foais apply We can furnish on short notice and atâ€"lowest A'V.I-. n-;w.dg go if they want to VE MONE** . Go inere and Jook at he RICK MOUBE AND LOT, RAILWAY : PASSENGER COACHES BAucthon Sales. J. K. ROSS & Co. oN TUESDAY, JUNE 29th, You Can‘t Stop Us. 100, 101, 105, 108 and 135. 2 Crates of s lhrnhdm 10 Crates of Stoneware. 10 Mru Goods. OM EASY TERMS, Snuflew everybody go if t ROWE & ERRATT, Auctioneers of about thirtyâ€"six C henhanee t m.fl\nv'&oh good auality of white ‘UYALE 1A0* & McBRIDE, city before 18, CLOTHING ‘Eetablishm@iit, 59 Sparke Streek .‘ _\ BLYTH & Marcee 2. 1874. HOTEL COOKING RANGRS! _ . _ . wofrks Carvnie Tasudert ©(!| m.rmbmlfl hdiat woreL mon mepsr®aDst |. ‘. HOTEL LAUNDEY STOVESI! . ‘ mmm‘m‘*â€i’}’: \~ mm ; mm 0 ‘o uns i e Atezcns UA swil Hite SR AM’ No. 24 THOS. BIRKETTS. yï¬ ppepran* anal4 hss _Remember th MV““WLE’?"‘-'“ ___ COAL OIL â€" COOKING® STOVES AVOIDING HEAT 4N THE . :HOUSE, Assortment of Shelf and Heayy Hardware N!'Ilâ€"- ALILAV ~Alarirl moms:mkwï¬f;'.. & B mw:&*ï¬% No. 11 Sparkeâ€"st., Near RusssltHouse: Otiawa, December 21, 1874. Oltawa, April 17th 1878 OTTAWA, TUESDAY, J H‘AR D W A RE. S AVINGFUEL ASHFIEL DB Orbdkary Store, LW Te retail Clothing Bust« ness so long m-.' Joceph Metcalfo is now tranaferred to the) (Â¥irm of JOHN SMITH & 00 Mr. Smith‘s, knoWigage of the Ready Made Cloth« ing business (14) years ex» perience), and their detorâ€" mination to <kéep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" :-tpfleupmlbh,vfllh GUARANTER to Mr, &Tsthing.:" *> In the city is to be found at The Largest and Bost â€"AT THBâ€" Ts * .;a' 4::3?..;#‘ uesc | (|Ersonas e 3: TuE. OlsE, . Bs lAiO tm + * "To Frefich Compositors. ‘The powers, with which you honoured ‘me Poorny in ectad ubon, nder the Gonnlitation, the m franchise in rene> ing em. A~ h.l:.. nnn:o: of electors huvomr:_- urvo:o{meywmwmm ‘ mbile ‘n'nyw td trent re d?n“:“E comé forward b'nl;nm'd‘:t“m u':'nndomo. and to solicit your suffages at the ensaing *. During the I ve represented this %‘m&havom phaug the way of progress. ase of industry has greatly augraented our *HREE French Compositors WANTED ture . have -w increased by their com. comfort and material ‘ull etaz#a®, ~1t hus been my , ood to obtain lazge grants of public money, ‘which have beem expended in colonization romds and other improvements, caloulated to gvo remote seitiements access to the best ets for their produce. Over twentyâ€"five thousend dollars of public money have been laid out in this way, «nd have produced most beneficiai results, "I have aiso, with other s: triotis representatives, had the privilege of de 1( I nad offices to give these people or golid to buy them, they would fiatier as meanly as they have abused me. To them i will not deign to Yeply. Butto my flflmmlmnd“ 4 suy, with the IHIOOQMM they wi iÂ¥ nï¬u the lust -q\lncol:s the Mrovetone mt Habolh "ot mbrend rav Routrraland Gasbes? dud when Foun: * on« umlmm@mw uge that this undersianding was carried out. As, however, there are clauses in the act which on the ‘Cathulic popu‘ation, 1 sinâ€" that these features were bot uoâ€" ht‘kod mnn-:pn;ud. un.u,ol :g: 1 W a bw theso del ‘m h.n!mm ufmo( n« glocuing toe intereste of llllb‘lmo( Muil, i con unly mn.umuumuzm- a â€" %my home, .nd which y perseversnce many Adverse choumâ€" nuaul: Liet these: mgitators point t some public lmm.%b b« 36 wollars, in which . they have parficipated 4&A eye on this election, h«ye for months, been ced ie e en L uo. ), an «mber, I have heretoâ€" © the radasures wihich in my Iimapininel Aootene shomtd d 4 1 IFIQ « 1OU :ro’wl?'w&w' the same course, and ShAll l'unhhflu%n;-d-al;‘ho men and I.h‘z ie good ot the Otlawa VNM{. u:‘uu deve» | of its resources, think thal even upp inents will admit 1 h :ve some interest, .abd haveshewn sâ€"ime practical abllity in Luis Pod I win Teplyruntll thoi ant 1 gan doi to m t ..?““m"‘“‘““‘“lt‘nh"{nï¬'%“ .'noa.“ Â¥ fg rg mfl l‘l'lma ve 0; viaumor creed. whP j between me and this w ived«tribeâ€" of ad you turers, who, Wwith | DERS be recel by the Board Wu';‘b{honm ¢-y: 'm Mwlmtw hun ons _ a0 _ (TAB.D.JOYNT,â€" : _ \ Becretary. Liberal advances made on consignments. GROCERIAS, WINES, LIQUORS, PRJVI m uin frls ‘Z’E'.:.ï¬ or No. im:&?% HIGIH WINES, â€"â€"_ PROOF AND.RYE, . C€OUNTY OF OTTAVA Hull, June 16, 1874, rge, bags, Fine Balt, 0 ibs. per bag, Good Ttigh Atocia‘.oremnss ie Psis 10B40008, PIdRiLES, Bart BiUr _‘ ATAROH, RIOB, RAISINS, on of $1‘25 Codâ€"fish, Oontse tHale Aiph. J. Steers & Co., Y !0I9 bhererticle Bros. | the Independent Electors Baskerville & Bros., :; No. 80, Rideau 3t., Ottertd, CUBRAXTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAIL *‘ ~MOrbcers. Tenders for Coal. ; RIONS, ETO,, KTC., RUSSELL HOUSE BLOOK, OTTAWA, ONT. W 6 XIn â€"AT TR&â€" Gov‘T PRINTING O®F:OE, is i Weulington Street. Ontario arrived in the city.last night from the Caledonia Springs. tfntlï¬u 5 v ~ .v 197% 'wi'ï¬â€œï¬. daughter of his Honourthe Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, will be married h Atutumn to a distinguished member of the tionary in the City of Montreal. Grasoow, "June 28.â€"The shw State of Georgia of the State Line at Greeninck yesterday at 5 a. m., and <the steamship State of Indiana of same line, sailed from Lorne, at 8 p. m., Saturday. | TELEGR APHTIC. QuzrEexsrowx, June 28.â€"The steamships City of Berlin and State of Georgia from New York, have arrived. ; Dusum, June 28.â€"The Lord Mayor of London and suite arrived this morning. They were called on by theâ€"Lord.Mayor of Dublin in state, andâ€"conducted him to the »«Mansion : House. w. nvi.:mmo-oldhn at ix Park. The>American B.‘nll: ‘Teami were ~out {:at Drochice to:â€"day were enthusiastically received. : The weather: was unfavorable, and attendence . small. : This is the first time a Lord Mayor of London has visited: Treland. Fime d poin Ariring dgicy Aboug Snk uie be ce fhin wad fthe w‘.}:@% Jae Bmb Adie: "Phe pay will ie $ nml:pdau,. . New Yorx, June 28.â€"A London the town of Yabes, in the Africa. &ma_cbpmigfla The : Ciry a / Brussels (f) Li O 2/ Tidkaton from Bermas; Ouse hom Glupvfl ‘nâ€vo‘urlndhou.A * Trenge en in ioi uns 4 Aonk hawee ns n aradunt _ them two mattresses, of the {jury.beingâ€"unwell.: They..also al: lowed" change . of time, and !ijll‘ll allowed wines. Everything sent to the The Mayor of London Visits Dublin. ~¢>‘Payment of Interest.on Bands, His "Hohour ; the Lieut.. mm;v' bonds at the ‘ Treisti n s city w. contin ‘up to noon. ‘the Assistant Tressurer pald out @1,400)â€" 000 for intersst, and $60,000 for bonds: «» Rumovz® says, and we believe with truth, till Wednesday. â€" A motion will be. made to raise the bail, n al Dnfl:#@mm"’ï¬ï¬ Henry “ï¬ï¬‚»ï¬@dm & the German hi Ammamatday. us uines® o racgied o uces Mr. Duff 'ï¬m ‘and interest, _ Mr, Duff claims that the Company owes him & es ons e cmodkt rnihled aod te flf?’.-“f’&é‘@qnm‘&h se . W were finished toâ€"day for the prive tbmuhn.nd‘ak fgmï¬-flv ;I:l 15th. Bln‘y Hill will ‘be si .’ 4C ‘A pri fight ‘comes off toâ€"morrow beâ€" ,‘mnd(}ouknng,muldl Trexrox, N. J., June 28.â€"A fire broke out last night in the ‘stable of the Harâ€" 1 W Fortunately the r ul in caving the horses "harness. * Peoter Gaffney, formerly er‘of the Harmony hose carriage has been arrested for setting fire to the s‘able. last Friday, snd it is w’?qu' M-i;i: Kaxsas Cirv, Mo., June 28.â€"A territic storm of wind and rain passed over this ‘The Court House was unroofed, and Other: mmmmw was injured, and large trees were uprooted. Tyaliis re on time as yet. :N6 damaige is reported on the ‘rouds. Some of the tel: egraph wires are down. A M EL RA4UA N. EU R EILG N ‘Lawrtwor, Ks,, June : 28.â€"Four white oo o t n oc maffredn GREAT BRITAIN. A Terrific Btorm. IRELAND. t of July interest:on United LAWRENCE. a litigation unless adjustâ€" cvic liull as wood and iron.can make her. She &flo.‘m Pimm,WOnL,mdhwudM by J. E. Wart, who is an expeâ€" and able navigator, â€" The vessel‘s t e is.285, and her value about $20, ’ Brooxiyxx®, N. Y. June 28. â€"At a quarter after twolvoCourt()ï¬ochp-nldhm down ‘from the jury room and Judge:Neilson a note marked confidential It was.received in presence of the lawyers of both sides, who agreed to keep quietas its contents. Various rumours are sothe to the effect that they ask to be‘dischanged, and otliers say it contained i0» information on } points. , . It is deemed certain that the jury will remain locked up fora few. daysilonger, unless they arrive at a verdich and a slight frost was the result. | * Vessel Chartered . The © schooner : Pacific, a > full sized canaler, has been chartered for a cargo ‘of mureefntere | are W. city . He has already sent several cargoes nletey moo foil saprt reftaencunh m smile on him. © He now lies: in a danger goo 0t Etiietloiphin who raprossui ie I w A Ward in that city, is treasurer of the Base Ball Club, has been closely mwboy:. While here he was “:lut.qf a considerable .".‘:5: money a diamond worth A confidence man dfli&m ’ fot all demanils and some to spare. miles gouth‘ of this city, committe® sulâ€" cida"yesterday evening by hanging himâ€" T‘roR1a, I11., June: 20.â€"Theore was a dee truetive :,n h.l:h Mâ€m“ O A ar Ti retploniget mt for % t the entire village was endangered. ‘ About self. ‘The body was found byâ€"some neighâ€" ll:’lf. 'I‘hobodynflou-:fl!g.nu_- re . in a comm a short bors banging in‘s com erib a short time of insurance is about $5,000. Consideracle ‘ excitement created onthedoeh&:nflm f m. ££°:M The m:of h:;.mr‘: + ~The ‘whovel! : o C ‘ertwovugnu,whï¬: ddpflunw;:onwutui“ Pue beiog continued at other cle The Jury Wants Some Information. vators. Harrrorp, Conn., June28.â€"The Com mencement Exercises of ‘Trinity College pcour this week. e o Cmul‘l:;:)h June. 290.â€"The Engnirer‘s So belag maie ts ts Mouestors in (hat Alon a‘“m“'}..':i?‘"“" MMWW :’rv!el in a fow days from Germany, 1 A Man Hangs Mimscel. Pm \Jourst, I11,, June 28.â€"A farmer named Provivexcs, R. L,J“;;&b Portsmouth murderer, â€"was beâ€" fore the Justice in n’.-.-uuzï¬ morning, he waive 1 an and was committed for trial at the Supreme betutenptiin Pye in PA C PWP SF w Eï¬&mum’ f-n',t;n living. recover, fro Rifieas the informicrs duiky wl Jms on property is about $300,000. JQLIET, 1LL,, June 20.â€"â€"A iarMer .“: Frank; residing in Jaoksontown, a fer A meeting of stockholders of the Michiâ€" gan Central Railroad Companies for the election of directors for the year was helkd at the offices of the Company in this city at 9 a. m., when the fol York, and J. W. Brook, 8. H. Hunwilland &Wdluhadl.l..l;ld De ‘The election of officers ocomr in about a week in Boston. ... MONTREAL. | Contractâ€"Electionsâ€"Depr: ased: Trade= s The Road. Comâ€" MowtuzaL, June 28.‘ mittee have awarded a contract for Iz Tniie procimmnnnt hh Th W ask, Oniten A Man Commits Mansiaughter. Persons Killed in the Storm. DPerroir, Mich., June 28.â€"Chas. hk uy in eating on the infand in tato on -Wl potatoes . amd An Alderman in Trouble. CA N A DJA N Committed for Trial. Removal of Jesuits, A $20,000 Fire. BROOKEYN CINOINNATTL CHIUAGO. itn. a Sirike STATEK ISLAND PHOVIDENCE. The Potato Bug MABTFORD. BUFEFAL@O. JOLIET. ously, number 2,000 mon. ioi do M j , Home for ness, ‘Wwere: sent: to ..t:':: Mo-l‘&tuld_qll m y Tokn‘s Obwel Btewar aiceon es Torne: lt aolne umt :~‘The scholars belonging to Bt James Sslorieg. ‘The pariy prigocdta ty ol faes sud beld thair plomic " io. the "a on ttee nbimatize ernatatene. Toronto to about twenty candidates at St. Courville and Cadipux street, 5 ;qbn-d Aq‘ï¬wd:d;;-,z. of Beuhesmsays bast famiyyrnome monng a rough eatimatg, to about #200 in crackers, ‘beer und cheese to be found on oï¬ To of Fromot Revure 6 Pcte be an Associate ‘"and for t be made in the Sheriff‘s office mt the Court House next Wednesiar, between 121?1(%..: h W â€"finngo ) 6t 14 «h oo ie dandernes t Aonge much longer as low y are at m““'ï¬z':““:d to Point St. Tharles by wrack. yesterday the store of MLY, e ;#â€"“‘ United Counties of Leeds :and : Grenville. :‘:ï¬"l’m‘ uhion ':fm bodies, wére pesched, and in <the ‘afterndon a mads meeting of Sunday school children was held in ho tre ons Looo %g;?‘ asimer ane iï¬ es Ahont nad on ackprmiiie fs." thoen in | ite ;flwâ€"iï¬ Â«f good mat zo standces t . RAverpool: Markeots., i fln l to gm .h“h',-:‘ uirwongg 7 :‘:‘““‘::’fl;%mfl%, %&'mi"zg lU.l' bonds, J n oo d in waditeiFupe CHh l brvatet mov atind armase m these whigh, colonial Siet rdepondiennine to nonaldas. . 1 pefer 2ug ioh ty maky pooring ty eA by the intravanous itjection ‘ of aconstomed ‘to use ‘the remedy in India ies ae e m e more iaoce i un reat? thst the Indian Comnts deolaroa that the remedy has proved use» es Australies" mgke biite" are . vmfln rfld the ‘llr -d o agiine Arc‘s rrvidines 240 d ues oo purlice ie ies e o (ine 405 Anfiraiten" preciitionets finvad? ouynu‘hr:ul-- BMalord‘s â€"-tt l&,.thd very fow of the patients die when mntoint boeee in d to a great deal yenomous "“J and, again, it would.seem ‘that the bite i n be dnensnee ges does that of the‘ Australian snaliss. What E'â€"h' ':...‘,.*' ack ';:;‘:;u. -: destined to play a great part. in the .oase dmu:q% ts spomtige‘n nak to add that the Government bas decided um&flzdâ€" i ments in blood , , and especially in ‘cases Of . * ceremony, PRICE 3 CEN pyiu‘s POLLOWING I% AB T hie um put ons New York Markets to his hearers, as ‘far as â€"pojâ€" , but also physically and 17}