IETY, dof and Te a s0t exceeding Lwice a weew, Ltdwott'-ly se whose copy our unties of Russef, sale given. E’. l'usuc 54â€"4¢ fom lrom excité= pmedt of hy giemic ained eisewhere. = partiquiany di~ neral wWaler 08e# liers ew York. rwui.â€_' " “ Lo#, apply to RTHWICK, ; ichoiss street. ers can be accomâ€" »prings.; nvailgs «f the benefits to e best Minerai fll"h-mm intry abhould By invauids whe water can be a% ‘, whilst its ow prings. Tipton, inserted wer, rIFTEEN DEA THMS. a4i. Y TA M MBS x Exchanga at *3 id Deaths, Wo alizched 341.0y of a aeb by those UÂ¥ iy. The Adver 8i *te be made g> etter, _ and i» ag. Tais‘ )fne dont to a dreak aunual revenue "~ > ment af w . _ Rebtor xierate cha ements for ity in 3 K book wil be \ y fyAgakH RONTO Xâ€"S T r a defnite ‘-:"y. eu." abd real trge ..u\“ a -\-uu." The im. BATHS, on V eam ; iy, m‘ AMS RE s R {RON Jr Residenceâ€"Albert Street. Office hours f om 6 w lia. m., aod 2to 4 p. m. Specia! aitention yiven to disessed anu dispiacements of the chell. City of OTTAW A, County oi Carleton T-‘m P. FORAN, Barristers, Attorneys, Selicif@rs, Conâ€" veyancers, &¢c., |Uf tbe la urm of Lewis & Pinhey4 OrvrICERSâ€"aigin Streel, Uliawa. C,. H. PiNEEY. _ A.J. Omxisti®.| H.P. Hum w MARSH AL MATHESON, & Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &c. Officeâ€"Master in Chansery Ca« mbers, Co House, .tiawa, Cana da Barrister, Advocate, &e. for the Province of Quebec. Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chan %.6.. for theFrovince uf URAAIO surmet, Huil, P. Q C Barristers and Attorneysâ€"aiâ€" Law, Selictâ€" Tumx #& CHRYSLER, Barristers, Sollcitors, Auon?-. Conâ€" veyancers, Notaries, &¢c., &¢., Offlceâ€"seli‘s Block, opposite Russell Hoose. w H. Warks®. | R.CasseLs,Jr. | P. PENXOCK. Juiy 41, 1874 46ido. Dl.o.c.wo‘i Accountants, Amuu::‘a General Commission * uts . OFFICEâ€"NoR Viewria Chambers, O‘Conner Btreet, lately cccupted by C. Siephenson & CO. Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &c., w Bell‘s Biock. Eiginâ€"st. ______ MonBu®. . W. Scort, Q. C, _ _ _ NMcLsoD STEW ART Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soltâ€" citers, Conveyancers, &c., â€"_ OTTAWa, oT. _ 000 0 00 J.'. W. WARD, Barrister, Atiorney, Solicitors, &¢., Office Ahor_!l‘. B. Huckell‘s Flour Store, coruer of suse" 4 «n4 Yorkâ€"streetse Oliawa. _ ‘vu.lJA. MOsaRov E, Barrister, Conveyancer, &c., Sol citor I-.{‘h-eo'r,. Officeâ€"pposite the Russell House, over wibson‘s Confectionary, K Mouney io lsnd on Real Estate, â€" T‘ 2 -vâ€"--â€"â€"n-.â€"â€"m-â€".l;'m; .â€"mmwm’m pd!hfl BHeference givenâ€"to parties su¢cors mâ€"- 16 neqatred, e 21 OO % OO o6 M®Dustomers add the public geners wily that be °t Cl from bis M:m&m on the south side of York street. :mwwu-m »d» un his new Co his utmost to supp:y themy Wikl the Jimanilias to and from the Cars and Boits fre S Mosgrove‘s Buudug Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa BHox. Jon»s O‘Cox®or, QC. G. J. O‘Dokx®ry nasescicl _ =2 1O Uipg: y Lbeme A mlcummaz‘@ï¬g FISH! FISH! FISH 'l\) LETâ€"For two or thn e month®, from lst | July neal, a Furpished House with ta den &c., ai worner of Anguste and Wilbrod | Btreets, sandy Hill. 0 Advocate, Solicitor, &c. No. 12 St.James ®treet, . . MONTEBEAL Bept. 8, 1873. 2362â€"8m w H. CHALKER, R (BKNFP GRAH M A d v o c a t o. Tamporary uuilee at Ut. Jos. geaudin‘s, Main treet, Hull. Aun, March 9, 1874. wiliy Furnished House to Let. __ sors in Chancery, Notaries, & 0« Ufceâ€" Hardy‘s Hlock, Ridean Streei. boeir Rouse or two i« use« a@joining for the "Chorch of Engiins Ladtes‘ Sehoo!." Apply to Yen Archdesco l im migr. 3808 1w 0. T: muo® Jung @1§ Feu. 3. 1874 Physicizsn, Surgeoun and Accouchear, & OTITAWA, Ont. x lawa South side of Rideauâ€"st.,near Gloucest wa. Consultatons at all hours, DaxIEL O‘Con®o®. Hept. 9, 1874. ~COTT, STEWAERT & GORMULLY, YOL. VIIL NO. 8884. Boavrd S Lodgiug. Nieward at the }lospital a\" WAYZ Soa.rat pesiion, a GAfamodious in a ceatral pesiiion, a @Af@modious 1 H. TAYLOR & Co. InS3â€"6 R. TUPPER may be consuited profes« sionaily at his residence, Métcalle Street, :m,wqmuv.:nâ€"; SIN«ly E. J. P. LYXS, HWMedical Cards. ‘*CONNOR & O‘DoHERTY, Barristers, Attorneys, Soliciftors, Conveyancers, &c.. ‘CONNOR «& HoGGg NHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, JALKER, CASSELS & PENNOCK, Â¥. H. FERLAND, W. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., OABRD « iin . -um Trooms, and rooma â€" witnout « & e aud rooms frstâ€" s.. Corne jparks and sank streets, and in two soidules‘ walk of the . arliagent A,.BION â€" HOTEL, ARCHAMBAULT, abor 8 FEW GENXTLEMEN can be accomoâ€" Gited ith Weil iurmished 1coms and 1 Apply at No. 4 McCormaek‘s Blcek, " ANTED o general Servants al the Protestant Hosâ€" ugod wages will be paid.. Apply to the AwTED TO RENXT by the im ef Juiy % ""C MOSES LAPOLNTE desires to 1 £cegal Cards. Appiy to 187 Court Hoase Avenu «ol, OT mb TTA W 4, On¢. EK. A MEREDITH, Department Buildtng, Kastern Hiock «HMants. <AN‘3 RESTAURANT Hotels. se oi bus Mells the‘ 20 Pok ie 'ub-.:hhn' stand ; Nparks Nt oet West M i8. FORGIE. £+9â€"5m F. H. C MB YSLE® J. J. GoRxOLLY, Manager Pep es 'slv-.‘ 8 --'l--â€"â€"vâ€"?'â€" 2 ©d ISH ( Cas atem oc tm en mak JSH | . n a ns ooo t e oo w n lst ConcessiOn, neat & es :40 M\ o ~ ‘ biie geners ‘ TLet 6 in * 1"2.‘5' All to be sold on reasons MPDA® . . _ | «Poprh 3% 6â€"3m 3106â€"1f 1738 â€"ly *‘ ist _A Farm »of 90« Actes, of w hich . | cleared, ane bzï¬ms_“!’!}:’.ï¬Ã©ï¬ COMMISSIONS â€" UNDERTAKEN NICHOLLS â€" & ~CO,, ‘HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, Registry & General Commisâ€" sion Agency Office. ° o‘coNNoR sSTREET. Next Victoris Cham bers» cutting. 4RECN "‘E mt -'" e -fl" t be E,E:.amb., H. Hardman‘s .dl;:.%&‘ es Montaiy O (‘te" SLek 'l\. COKTRACTORS & BUILDERS®. The andersigned epened a Ston r‘e .Yfldf Cbtl.or of Km.lnd -L..Ax dro:-' a:‘ whiâ€"s e building gione and posts 0. all Jescri wil} be Kept o-nnmu‘:.l hand, Ord«:s are respectfully soliofted, all kinds of n‘£: 530?""" all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT on for Shicot aind eo®ifatiot 10 30 o on hiR Cc L T o gï¬.)fl"‘.’.‘i } Patents of Invention, |f [TRADbL WARK REGISTERED.] ; Â¥ICTORILA CHRAMBERS, WELLINXGTON ( STREET, OTTAWA: 3834 Norwich Egg »Powder, P ToU WANT G00D BREAD ppurin 9Bt» _ Rustnuess Cards. Bankers and Stock BErokers, Montre al, Negottate saies of Properiy and Patents, and organize Companies. »...«y :uvested in lum Cimss sequrities to puy 7 ud $ péer cent. terest‘ Stocks purcuusea und cartied OR & margin «1 10 per cen.. inlerest at lowest current Banker, Montreal Dealer in Greenbacks, U. 8. Bonds and Cheoks Commerciai paper discounted. Coliection majein &ll parts of the Dominion and U. 8. In lerest a lowed on deposits. Jot. 2), 1874 36%0â€"8aw i ec. 4, 1374. 3 19 GISBBS & COURSOLLE, in retitivg from the practice of my profession, 1 have lef with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. COTIVN, my Pians and â€"Kecords of wirveys in Utiawa and \lelnh.z and bave much pleasure in recommending bim as my sucâ€" P HOTOGRAPHE R TTnee;Aw;zh FARMS or SAl@~.. .. â€" OR TO ‘RENT. © â€"_____ H. v. WEEKES &00., y# Toronto. | Saole Agents ~r Ontario. g4â€"1 F. METNDL has opened out, as a Merchan‘ Tailor apd Oftfitter, on Elgin st., opposite th Post Office. Firstâ€"class goods always on hand oWner is lea ving 1amond Yeastâ€"Cakes . 8. McKinnon & Co., ‘l‘l‘ll’l Â¥. CoOTToN, Provincial Land Surveyor and Suceéesor i0 W â€" io. Thistie & Co. Offlce, as formerly, over Mann‘s Hard OrrICEâ€"Np. 2 Weilingtm 8t., ock, OttaWa, Ount. * it taini, 220 Aafedt ‘ahd shost 10 be had of all Grocers. ME n & r ' u.g."ï¬ Hxccuri T6 Demers And Tes¢bers Visiin w“.‘d'fllllm- dnE o R E A DI!I [EW Tailoring Establishment. P ATENTS. ONXP BROTHERS, LUx®RRR D. BROWXNr T8, Sparks St., J a EvIs. 69, SPARKS STREET. (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS ) Carriages. Mankers. AxD OMAnMestow BROKER, &¢. BOLICITORsS OF ues Ttaxk °* C1JEABDP 1 KC6+ W. R. THISTLE. Xrencet Arm 3630â€"Saw i 2700 y Sn w k : Banx| _ MISS McL AU GHL IN,> J M‘L Ofs! blagd » in 1# affad) fee Estabâ€" :."...’fj.a-;o":é:u‘ us 'd-%‘m o. t e Rak . poppit norn e sesanir se Sach mitoipmils iwtie meay ‘hal biib; piet+â€" prices JOSEPH H1ICKSQN, or THOMAS SY MINGâ€" ‘TON, Montreal, Execulors of the Estate, _ _ _ 2 a w a. â€"2 @97 Ves dike Rtmand ;"} &k‘ m“mhy&m?:m“mnsg e:;l::‘ a r, the t.l;oonurom-) and for other particulars apply MORRIS, HARR!S a McSRI 5t Boiictors, Jordan :tno:.hgs Valuable Timber Limits of Lake Huron, vis:â€" Terms easy, Apply to J. BERMINGE A) Auctioneer and WAml. Kigin 8t. Ottewa. N ‘l‘holnuflndlhodm of the late John Shedder, wi olhrm-hh‘hbuc Auction at the Avction kooms of,F. W. Coate, & Co., in the city of Toronto, on 1oes P anofop e oï¬ her Mmitt aituse lheh'l'ovnnhlpm::‘olm thirtyâ€"six square miles. These limits are most advanâ€" AI at the 5 sale at, the mitin oi‘ Fostouse Houes of aaciaiinett poatte Bales daily by private. Auction Sale nightly. Next, at Two O‘Clock im the afternoon, the folâ€" Where everybodyskould go if they want to AVE MONEY, | ~ â€" â€" "Flour & Feed. J. M. ROSS & Co. 82, Sparks Street. oOTTAW A. IMPORTANT TO LUMBER MERCHAHKHTS 42. im ~. . LAUZON & DUHAMEL By J. BERMINGHAM. We scan {.ruish on short notice and at iqwest 1 oem fLOUR AND FARM ~PROOWE AUCTION SPECIAL. Forgings and other Car smu-nmnp_gg_ THURSDAY, 20th DAY OF JULY. Wheels and Ar‘«s fitted to order, um«w Platforms. Forgings and othsr Car Supplies. MISS McL AU On the Bank Street Road, POR Ei4 B Nos. 100, 101, 105, 106 and 183. You Can‘t Stop Us. HAY 4& OATS RIOK MOUBE AND LOT, "*"nEW Hnzes goote. Aucttonr® SBales. on Welliagton Street. Auction Sale Of BALBâ€"N. &R quate«r of No. % First Buscessor to D. McLarnon, gun-. These n.:lt‘.ib _most advanâ€" : and on merpent B'v?adw Â¥iru ©oods. QOnl-d(mnnry. 6 Rarreis of Glassware 10 Crates of Stoneware. 1 n aik e Case of Bilk 1 Case of Silk Umbrellas. 2 Boxes of Clothing, Sheels and ON EASY TERMS Ge there acd look at the TAOMAs MUL:, Manager, pâ€" yp>®ys»® Mills‘ Supply Agenty aomy o cl;?ol‘-‘n‘d on&lé:& ‘be in % }mrï¬s%'mory’m‘ re; sole | «gent for City and Coun a Cc HOCIOT wor wiks on Tilmine bom $ @90 ealioes of ofl, ful &6., bonk ohers sad, duratte uit sate thele own price in oll. in a short time. .. ... 00â€" price in hl..a'-..lï¬nl-o. is i t canvass. Ans.l AWATTG | ASHFIELD® Orcokery Btore, _ CLOTMHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. wony "PB *R PW £BE. Nes 1‘ Sparkeâ€"st; Pone Rustelt® Houss. .. :_.COAL OIL |, !© COOKING STOVES, OTUTAWA, "SXTURDAY; JUEY: 8; 1875. TTAWA THE **DOMESTIC" 24 COMPLETE IRONS 1N ¢OQNE., Htardmare, &t. .# SAVING FUEL ; best. class of Goods to be _ bad, uxd to sell at the lowâ€" a G@UARANTEE to Mr. Metoatf®‘s old ‘ Customers ness asolong carried on by. Joseph . Meicalfe 1s now wanaterred to the Pirm ‘of JOHN AMITK & 00 MÂ¥X Siith‘@ Inpwiedge of n«qmm\l years ox. that they will have every perience), and their dgterâ€" The Largest and Bost CEToathing. â€"AT THRâ€" 1d¢) BB uin 2000 00 4. .8 4 Bc Oe it N Baskerville: & . Bros., i Bilk, OÂ¥ailgl.s ,BHIDE . UOC ' D "Laliled6, RidediBt, Oftnedy | | > J. Liberal ‘advances made on consigt t esc PC " ad} 14 ‘(‘::ut“.‘. Boa 304 u/s nCgovenrrintinc.ommor, aln ol l |Jmnicuile «/ WSRingio®h Street. To the. Indepéndent Electors or private life, sheir "#lph. J;:Steers & Coâ€", Lt L to hese. people or puy tm (Pey wouia tharter ae nreauly 25 hey e ons 3 1 oan a=F, 4 , with the full convi¢tion that they w hi Hull. June 16 â€"184%4. COUNTY ~.OF ~OTTAÂ¥A. "~ MOroters, th IASKE,BVILLE"‘,O’NS.‘ 4 boneiatid du» swwo? 20. | Obedient | is valued at £25 ‘and â€"@I! ‘Treland Chillenge shield." . Americans "will cortest in ‘the laét and 1i u‘»bï¬ ',ns&'uu‘a or the shield is attracting much interest and will ‘undoub ww out ths bést sho 71 esn the mm _ "The" profiald actuiles Ratcbes tor the Protsaigy lod appointed Judge of the tin:8d huwaanua;wm“ ties of contest the riding in,the év(mr-,n.,»w-fl and : will in all probability:be:opposed by Mr‘ Oole, late M. P;/P:for the County. mmmmm th at salmoin :flï¬u’iï¬ been (Â¥5 nibck 1th interâ€" . fered with in the daway by floating land:> ber : and| .driftwood:escaping~from . the, net fishermen have caught yvery few. Mr. Mowatt, the . local. fishing oversper "Tiné $NGA0N300 tor New Yorlk ooo 9n WV . ters, to g6 Kubhart dista Bench Work . c 0 c <scrs0 s â€" segirery j we 2o d wadlnliie NDE t ce ru ow‘ PE â€" Quebec for Liverpool ‘to ‘day. x d & ons ily 2 â€"The £ 1 gix 1 - “mm , July ‘1?““ insl competition tontinged, ‘the ontestaily as an yesti ¥‘s shoott t ‘:fm;m%: #o;?'* [3 ‘Z'i" seach â€" i d eb ce us s ’ 18 4or Tgie Aaoiit o.‘ m mflo":â€"- .‘.4?1 em M -‘-':n“ ’; 275 en â€" ; ‘Banks, 197 Wileon, ts ty ies 99) m We 179, N 'I. ’lg‘fg $,! ï¬ Talb and ian, 191 each ‘; Bodine, 186 each, ‘and: BallaF The & V T n $ . foatoh is for Inaividus o hn h%nm*‘d the Athen & ou in apmefnat h ons ï¬"“’"‘ggl‘ i6‘ disxagredubleneas of Jn Cup is prodéeditig. "_, _." ‘ ) | ... KF*®k*.â€"C the ‘westher it was decided to dontinue mogue ht Ainveminn £p 0500 Mr. Buell, M.P. for Brockville, hss been, New Advertisements" ‘The Hon. A, B. Foster who has Jjust reâ€" To Carpenters. Wiï¬w yesâ€" 6 ; Huatington ~also distance out of 2i Minister of it uoi ILJ-m"flY: . & a M afllzthp&m-hodtb “%-L-‘th:o:h. |ion. w as “'. Department, as Secrotary. shallow water ""gnuh site St. Jean Baptiste Aug within about a foot of, the deck. |‘The Grwaly hx Aourl| p e vube oo puly wnigpine Sifu’ï¬ï¬i'ï¬"â€?-;‘rï¬ put.on /.,-lu‘:m-)h!;:_-lh Solemenes Sot e en en | EP IpabatmmagP "uba ‘SEAY. sal>~ 4 Th i J m&*'un«. The Grangers building a Railread. . Lawerse, July 2. â€"D. W. Adams, n&!ï¬l&lflfl ;ux the Patrons of Huzbandry . is. nomen m East for the object of getting ~Iron :t arrow ) Guage . Railroad: bide ir to be built and in successful ~ working Arerctary Delanor\and> the President in accor@~~ : 4 d in a ipus ‘opinio hie Pnblvon e Whant mrgunare nert Yoor ment in any way 60 Wwitk. the taw rsidto( the> 0. B. Newcomb. <Forthe "last" he mrane: 15 § WOL Sountain, antriemingdd tr door neueip e wheihiin w> card ho‘Genoutous HiÂ¥ assall ‘ Te oem i it at e atiites is Snthinaite dncad 6 CA NA D T A N } Yij o 7. MONTREAL . HUNTIN@TON: LANSING. 10 .A6il * 0) qALMMyO0 ©L) oi oward, was for many ister. 1t petinetae m' from ‘n shore d‘ï¬vMbfl“ï¬wh uwmm mbh&mdvdb-h?m la. usual compliment of a perâ€" the Luue ol a noyel,called "ihe Last Man, â€" eftiaistes, MBleme may i hok a cane rore to him of conducting on the British side i ’.x%&hi‘ Baltimore than paisted his front ~steps tweaty three Boheneciady girl, at spelling school, Siroim -.-u-:"-r' l“ ‘.â€"' 4““ hie "Wraoés of OuF New ~York" Rowens % *iw .Yorr 0 apio O Remomber fhe pronrs** There were gathered the IT“ Non i Muftmaps, ;. Mrs. and. ; Paran Titk * De Is We routs 1 lus" mew pose ms teyone, apd the Butlerâ€"Duncane. _ _ _ _ ki oi eerincaia §00h? 2eh Tt t Tok 10 15 and 1 ‘10 to 9 and B; for ©#>and Qto 9 and 6, for ciub cerm:3i.und:8 to: 81 and 04 tirley 3 and ary vivification, it is nbt unlikely Mi Sutem y Artues o Ner Fo on ) NORTH LEN+ REW. ad la««z09 to ain50gdy #ii bous ‘Pritbabic®, Fily #WTheé evidditce in the election trial against Mr. MO#¢! M. D. respondent, closed b?l. on The mage: ments of the counsel‘are goin; on. No bribery or corffupt prastices have been 1â€"Â¥siÂ¥0oi, July 2.â€"Sales ‘of Cotton toâ€" 36# in Londin "At Aioot whiit" ies reaches its full bloom with the blossom of cious to mmention theds / > “vi’-mrâ€"uâ€":; ':‘Aï¬ is 4 uplands #:3:16. Eales £000 belos, 1,000 SV ind 6 to 52; Taetibw 217 ‘cheese 37 and‘¥ ; t aiimare s $ and .4. for. winter &.and 10. â€"..â€" * FASHTONâ€" NOTES ©FRON : LONXDON adeaouic 2 sedt 1 mus 96 07 _ eS 8 8 P ie M ies Aicaliet "Ihe Lact Mam * CO M M E R C I A L. Loxbox, July 2 e Aph sn t sn h in iaratne ane on ihe PBRICBE 3 CENTS. «qwdegobyO in sscunt to Ogdéens 19}