int. uiring : ‘oof and :l cap‘ and ew York THING up L vam ONR + id cbe»r be Parts ubnsned O0D Y t c Geneâ€" lce. AKEN, SPHALTE, niiUMCVS * $ \ -S'.' CO I [ \Rre â€" Riritisiy #yrimont des Mines liers A M 447 ‘:“L\m ky ab <#4» Ay P | â€" IDP "mobaily at his realdence. Metcaife Btreot, _ bouse formerly o o:o-npbd by the Hon. +. Mitt $ . cheil. i7 ly [ 6. ___ Netary Public and Advecate, Hus ,«â€"ued an office in the Villago of Hull Provin«» of Queses, for the transaction > All Nowriai! anmt Legai business, either in the giyes to the coftectio . o sccounta ip bon Pro: T-o-u P. FOoRAax, > Adveente, Solicitor, &0. No. 12 St. James ®tredt, . . MOB SBept. 9, 1873. 2262â€" Dl J. D. EK. MACDONELL, â€" wmuamm near Glouâ€" SM" Consuliations at ail hours, s be consuited at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" %ï¬,‘!m;m ol B' C, W. MacCUAIG OMclal Assigneo. City of OTTA W A, County of Carieton __ veyancers, &e., _ _ (Of the late Urm of Lewis & Pinhey.) Orriczsâ€"Kigin Stree‘ Otiawa. . 0, H. Poewey. A. J. OK usti®z.) H.P. Hrut Pob. 5, 1874. > 9 484â€"3m Barrister, Advocate, &c. for the Provinee ot Quebec . Barrister Atiormey, Solicitor in Chanâ€" ##7, &e., for theProvince of YbRiaiio. Muin Bureet, Huil, P. Q. wcasâ€"tinn Pll-". CHWRISTIE & HILL, _ Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &c. Uffliceâ€"Master in Chancory Una mbers, Co Hoage, ~tiawa, Cana da Office â€"Uver Mr. B. Huckeil‘s Fiour Store, corner of Mussex and Yorkâ€"streets Ollawa. . Accountants, Auditors a.(.hnonl Com mission OFFICEâ€"No3 Victoria Chambers, O‘Connor Btreet, lately cccupiedâ€"by C. Stephenson & Co, Barristers and Anonm.l:".l- tors in Chancery, &G» Uficeâ€"Hazty‘s Block, Kideaun Streoi. @. Tamsos. I . . Catgvi June %, 1573. 'l\All-l..l & CHREYSLER, Barristers, Solict Attorneys, Conâ€" veyancers, lm‘ #&¢., &€., UOflceâ€"ueli‘s Block, opposite Russeil House. Â¥ .H. Warke®.| K.CAssSELEJr, | P. PENNOO K. | juiy 21, 1874 Wt A d v o c a t o . Tamporary Qiice ai Ur. Jos, Heaudin‘s, Main Hull, Oct, 26, 1874. Ottawa, Oct. 24, 1874 ALKERE, CASSELA & PENNOCK W EKA « uns reet, Hull. _ Huii, March 9, 1874 Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &c., wa. Beil‘s Block. Kiginâ€"st. ,, Barristers, Attorneys, Nolicitors, l All = Conveyancers, &¢., . S Mosgrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa 3i3 Hos. Jow® O‘Conmox, Q.C. _ G, J. O‘DoHeRrtY, DeC. 4, 184. reâ€" Officeâ€"Jpposite the Russell House, Uibson‘s Confectionary S Money o lend on Real Estate, _ ) ARCKHAMBAULT, Barrister, Conveyancer, &c., Sol citeor * Am {N..'t! May Sint. Barrister, Atiorney, Solicitors, &¢., w. N. CHALKER, % (BERT GRA HA M )Jmail as to and from the Cars and Boals free 384 1;CoTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, DE4IRA BLE Cottage Resiience on Stewâ€" i Ntreet, with «l1 Ganden, stogked A- \’rmumet now n:a’y for use. Medical Cards. _‘ FEW @ENXTLEMEN can be accomeâ€" 4 Jdaied with weil furuished »rooms and wuid . Apply at No. ¢ McCormack‘s Block, U Gonior Mlreet, or at W. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., ‘CONNOR & HoGg, ~°Ifl't‘l‘l‘l wanted a young Neotchm C 26 years ofage. Active, intelligent, » sobers W. W. WARD, ‘CONNOR & O‘DOHERTY, Board % Kodging. . M. FERLAND, TH EEE French Compositers WANTED â€"ArT TARâ€" uov‘T PRINTING OFFICER, ‘ Weitlington Street. JILLIAM MOSGROYVE, J,. P. LYXHN, H. TAYLOR:& Co. LOGAN, VOL. VIII. NO. 3894 Ai.BION HOTEL, MARSH AL MATHESON, Â¥UPPER may ba consulted profesâ€" ters and Attormeysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., â€" _ OTraAWaA, oNT. 000000 To French Compositors. Legal Cards. Cottage to Let. At ic Physician, Surgeon and Acceonchour. NOoO NAN‘3 REST \URANT, Sparks Str eot Wost Court House Avenu», vTTAWA, Ont Hotels,. cdants. ys, Soliciggrs; Conâ€" House of Commons. F. H. CiBYSLE® C. BOW LES, J. J. GoRMULLY iâ€" Law, Bolict« MONTHEAL, 2262â€"%m Tiw®s Office $766=f Manager «Popric o 1y over | Diamond Yeast Cakes. im in maaiee mee heomn: o Cogwre weleiees o y Sikiines.""A spoomigininee af in retiring from the practice of my profession, |nnmmu-yw t, Mr. &A. F. M, my Pians and of s irveys in Uttaws and vu‘nun:-l much pleasure in recommending my sucâ€" l' YoU WwAaNT G00D BREAD GIBBS & COURSOLLE, P HOT OGRAPH E R Patents of Invention, [TRADE MABK REGISTRERED.] V1ICTORIA CBAMBERS, WELLINGToN STREET, OTTAWA. 3884 F. MEINDL has opened out, as 2 Merchan‘ Tailor and Outftter, on Rigin 2.. opposiie th Post Office. Firstâ€"class goods always on hand nd satisfaction guaranteed. | dA se . [ «egh t‘ y tndoiernt hn stend woiin voutiage where building stone and posts oï¬ all will be kept consiantiy on hband, Orders respectfully solicited, all ‘kinds of Stoag» Norwich Egg [Powder March 11, 1874 ‘I‘I'IUI F. CoTToN, & Provincial Land Surveyor and _ Hnccessor to W i. Thistle & Ca, Office, as fhrmerly, over Mabn‘s Mardware OFFICKâ€"No, Weilingtob Bt., look, Otla Wa, 0:‘ t _Ait _/ intorested who have been troubled in the past ‘with yummed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals : nd Rave been paying famcy price. use Craven‘s Arctic and Kngine Olls aad so avolds those com plaints for the future. All Oils gnarantee.1 and ordgrs solicited; W. J. CRAYVEN& Co,, 3i3 141 St. Pauiâ€"st,, Montreai, or making all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT _____ M. J. WEEKES &00., Toronto. Roloe Agents (~r Ontario, 8784â€"1 P ATENTS. This is the ouly Company in < mow building Passenger and \wi. For sale by all Oilmen, Dec. 4, 1874. Gar Rolling Stock EW Tailoring Establishment. Street Railway LUMBER AND CoMMISSsTON) MERCHANT, Wheels und Axies fitted to arder. Miller Couplers and ) iattorms. F‘uct-q:’mm-»wnn tem. Street Car Fittings and C: ns 1 THOMAS MUIR, To be had of all Grocers. At the General Ofices, Toron and at the other Offices of the Company . t By order of the Board, _ _ _.\!:_e‘mumonm;otbon-lu lowest Business Wards. SATURDAY, 24th JULY Next reb Dividend at NUNCR id h:' nicflc‘ï¬" :’h&.(!m. PER tYh. "l‘: the liaif year endi the 3th .‘N’i'" .l;u this been dee upon the JUN i nu-':p Capital, nfl'lll be payable on and L®. THE DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY T. LAMBERT. Toronto #th June, 1875 The Victoria Stables RAILWAY PASSENGER COACHES ï¬m Bank of UhCBT toike, beat ad shoet copyamient ONTARIO CAR CO., CONTRACTORS & BULLDERS. J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS S NoW MANUFACTURE ALL CLAsSES or OHL Ah, OlL DIVIDEND (LATE JARYIS & AULESS ) Warriages. PMiscellancous. BROWNLEE & CO sOLIC1TORS OW No‘nn to Mill» y suners, Machiâ€" how, Jniets and ait othere ol Tht SUERARD Pre> * Machin Oil bas tor the last 12 years been ised by the leading Manuâ€" incturing establishments of the Dominion, Tu 18 LLENT Maahin LWY ham W. R. TRISTLE. 3836â€" 1 m HiWy CE B a an saclim \i: 008 ly § kinds of Farm pâ€"mâ€"*orna* . FISH MAREKEET. Freah arrivais this morning, at â€"10}â€" Ridean Anhoudmld'x;ol hand to sult all parties, Orders prom attended to, _ mit The highest price will be paid for the _ â€"â€"CORNER OFâ€" RIDEAU AND â€" CUMBEE ALEX. 'TAYLOP, Suceessor to D. McLarnon, § 0 18 _ " Coolietre Jordan strest, Toronlo. “.j(ï¬l'lll’l HIOWN‘ or ?&IAN lYI::(!- Each Township eood-ul‘ of about thirtyâ€"six square miles. These }imits are most advanâ€" lpnhh’n:‘:u o â€ï¬‚ w area is tmbered mfln of white oeoe hen 56 the mte, ic report of Mr, Ga s ho t:oo-un“:-) and hl(:flnt particulars apply MORRIS, HARR!S a McSRIDE, CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. [ Next, at Two O‘Clock in the afterncon, the folâ€" luo:-’t;‘.'r‘m"m% o%.h:: Tauiite suon ot L-nn:h‘um. TiksL * June 10th 1875 HAYV & O AT S OCEAN, LAKE AND RIVER FISH, The Executors of the estate of the late John at the Agction Hoome of tP. W T o mu..uMuu.a 2 0C * Auctiox} Sale Of Valuable Timber Limits. J. M. ROSS & Co. 82, â€" Sparks Street. oTTAW A. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMERCHAKTS FLOUR ANKND FEED â€" STORE. lwdlflm i Case or Bilk 1 Case of brelilas. 2 Boxes of Clothing, Sheets and ’A‘lp‘&aï¬lï¬:mumnm Montreal (‘ustoms unndmln-dnor. SBales daily by private. Auction Sale nightly, FLOUR AND FARM PRODUCE a mowing machine mw’ "‘i’gn-’"“'?nd‘toâ€" end. Torm.c‘ny w to J. BERMING B AM, Auctioneer and Agent, Eigin8t, Ottawa. FOR BALE â€"N. tawd!o. % First Mfl' Fron: acres more 40 ot higk ao in ine sieey of piiivanice. onh un By J. BERMINGHAM. THURSDAY, 20th BAY OFP JULY. Negotinte smies of Proj and Patents, and organize Companies. m in vested l.:n.'lno- claas o 1 «nd l:":-s.h- ie Snss fardtil hn Sanel t n margin <f 10 per inicrest at lowest current wee,. 8, 1974 ( #0ySawk Nos. 100, 101, 105, ‘106 and 135. *"* Getrge Btrvet, bear Can ral Ranoot, Qommerciai paper discounted. . Goltestion made in all parts of the Dominion Dl??l . In terest allowed on deposits. it â€" Denier in Green Flour & Feed. AUCTION SPECIAL. On the Bank Street Road, FOR 84LR RICK MOUSE AND LOT, The retail Olothing Busi« ness so long carried on by Joseph Metcaife is now transferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth» ing business (14 years oxâ€" perience their deterâ€" -lnua:h’l: keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€"» eat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metealfe‘s old Customers that they will have every satisfaction in _ buying Auction SBales. ND BROTHERS, ‘.‘u'-llbcui Brokers, Montro al, C©lothing. 20 Crates of % $ Antoner Stoauie 10 Orates of ! l «â€"DEALERS INâ€"» ON EASY TERMS Bankers, â€"AT THEâ€" I°% . 8. Bonds and Cheoks n anin stt Sinama mergas W latkp, Dass, Pine Aail, fon ihs, por basge Go9d J.H..‘:.-IPLI. Importer, &c., 53 St, Potor Bt., JAB. HARTY .m\qhm' Kingston, 0, J. CAMPBELL, easrs Cam & Onsselis, Bankers, %l.n; luu!“&n ces fhory 0t qs to $100, inccording ito Western Apples and Unions, also on band, alt uvhlzg ï¬.-.m:‘u.mmzm':h. From Gooderham and Worts Distillery, 8OLD LOW. Liberal advances made on consignments. make room for their Spring Stock, 5 Ibs. of sound Tea for $1.60, value warâ€" ranteed a redustion on ar, taking 10 Te n upwards n redurnon on tha i ronianr HIGH WINES, â€" _ â€"PROOF AND RYE _ . NONE IS GENUINE! UNLESS STAMPED 4 GROCERIES, WINEZS, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 10N8, £TO., ETC., "l:mm ".f muuuygnow al(""n“an 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUR STAROH, RICE, RAISINS, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, THOMAS SHORE & GQGMPANY, {Buccessors to LEKE & THOMPBON.] Bog leave to call the attention of the Public to w;:mmwmmd ail desorip MYRTLE NAVY, Ioflw Nl' FIRM. Marok Â¥6, 1874. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES! | HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3 I1! CALDWELL & CO., â€" â€" Managers, No. 17 Aparks Street, Npar Russell House, Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, Mills‘ Supply Agency Ottawa, April ;1th, 1875 Alph. J. Steers & Co. Â¥Files reâ€"out, Baws, Beiting, Fties, Pracking, Fil Also, Ageney of the GlQuK GAB LiGn‘t of oil, fluids, &0,, all sizes from 5 to Â¥0 gallons, poas ouets and duraitte, will save thelr own erimping IRON, a great iabour«saving maâ€" chine and one that should be in every %1 ;.!%L.l.iuuom“ ‘:‘rl; ::d 5:".‘.."m""'bu'-‘-.‘“.u agent for City and Counties. BLYTH & KERR‘S. ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by > H, MEADOW 8 & CO., AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, COAL OIL | _ COOKING STOVES, RUSSELL HOUSKE BLOCK, (Oppbsite Sappers Bridge.] ~OTTAWA, ONT A -ouh:u lossing, futing and H_-m*mï¬. & 8 J'Alul!oac'l-lflu We OTTAWA, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1875 THE "DOMESTIC" IRON. COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. Htardwatre SAVING FUEL eap and durabieâ€"will xave their own oil in & INI'“III. leave your orders. Agents wanted to ASHFIELDS Crockery Store, Duke Streot Grocers,. BASKERVILLE BROS. ==DEALERS INâ€" CcAUTION,. emmemnnene «O fmvames, OTTAaWA Ont., Bafety Oil Cabinets, for all kinds Bparks Streot, near Rideau. GUilant injector, Wines And * ~TELEGRAPHICO 341 3874 Illinois, and across the river in Kentucky. Ths Jislh in nou‘k Jarge m ut but ""’.'amdzâ€ï¬ uidthmhnlng i mm 10.80) the sun '3'-21’1‘-'3 POURTH DESPATOH, The boats have just started in the great intercollegiate three miles race. At the half uy Antnd in, harng samd cmd %h"hwor h.d.:‘n f.‘:ï¬ at the first half ï¬..mof w-'l‘::lm tmouth: ~was second, ï¬dfln mile and a half â€"Mar» econtinued to lead, but was by w-mm%m -m woere % . | second fag wm | Harvard second at two and a half miles. Cornell still m M.l-dmflnnu. Timeâ€"16 utes 51 seconds. The Government offered a reward of :‘ux)fwth'm‘:'domofm Iau-nï¬ Creston, a woeks There uvv&euhc&wuï¬:‘;flmwt his throat, with a rasor when about to be taken was connected with the murder, _ what there The College Regatta~ The Cornell Crew at this hour (mx&m sun is out, the weather fine, and hkolnflodm- dition for the race. ‘The crowd in attendâ€" ance is large, y mu.mmmmmq &ohkohyfl enough for rowing. ‘lhmhtheodlofthobo.u into line was at 11 a. m., and eight: minutes after all were in position for starting but Dartmouth. The Cornell fnohmon&boh winners of yesterday, are out in shell in front of the grand stand. ‘There Sararoga, July 14.â€"The single scull race, distance 2 miles, between Keld of Harvard and Julian xmm of Yale, eccurred this afterncon. contestâ€" ants got into position quickly and at 3:03 An immense multitude of people are mpbdonthomd stand, and the of the lake are crowded. There is was some confusion in getting the ‘boats ro all the time and there are reâ€" ::f.of a difficulty at the â€" starting point. â€" Dartmouth was the last boat to get into line, Desxu July 14.â€"â€"Last: evening a tull corps of combuitioce wore Slsctec to make arrangements for the army of the Tennessee reâ€"union in September. Wm. Alms a Spaniard, was toâ€" '."'“'.â€â€˜d“.m.‘."!'s% P"“"% 1 Mermon Emigrants, * New Y July 14.â€"Seven hundred and mnq landed toâ€" daybfr‘!o number of n between 18 mdmmqunlhl‘rp. The men are mostly. They all go diâ€" rect to Utah. f * BALTIMORE, M. D,, Ju‘lz. 14,â€"â€"Thos. Moâ€" Novbere ‘Conirit Reilived ‘Cotighny, in eorm t trying to board a train of the @..&..,.’M ou:{dqtboolt limite, lost his m and fal on t.h’ track the entire train over his neck severing the head o ‘rhe decomied wat ts mpport of s was the su mnd mother and six children, The Brooklyn grand before whom xn.“'guwa and MJ"&M .v:_ pected to make their tments d.,,umuupum:m-m move for his trial next week. Frank Moulton went to Nu!ï¬uu yesterday, it is said to see ~Gen. Butler, regarding the libel suit against Moulton to force the district attorney of Brooklyn to bring the matter to an issue, I Bararooa, July 14. â€"This Naw Â¥YoRk, July 14,â€"Cardinal McClosâ€" key saile fo:‘iuropo August 7th, for the m‘onohillfln‘mw recelve the »t hat and rm.ï¬on the P‘?o. This ceremony will “moh e public Consistory of the V , in presence of other Cardinals, Bishops and Ambassadors in llomo]n'l‘ho Cardinal returns to the city late in the fall. The hg-llnv% Monsignor Roncetti and Dr. Ubaidi, * return to this city in the latter of this week. ‘They sail for Liverpool July A boreâ€"A man who persists in Loxnox, July 14thâ€"Mr. Mackentic in inimenta anied i i bent & as resources of Canada. Hecontended that it was quite consistent for two nations to exist on the North American Continâ€" ent, governed differently and with differâ€" ent political institutions. was conâ€" the pruuw m to::.irda colonies, Mcndaup and confidence be mainâ€" The Premier at Dundcosâ€"Recep the Hon, Mr. Mackensie, Brakesman Killed. Baurmors, M.D., July 14.â€"Thos. Moâ€" 4220000 7 C Mlt . Ine Steamshi of same Y A ; Boypt of same line, New York, July ard. _ Lownow, Ju3 14.â€"Arrived out Steamâ€" ship France of the National Line, New Yw 14 for London. Arrived off the at 6 p.m. yesterday. The Steamship Helveten of same line from Boston 8rd July. Arrived off the Fastâ€" nett at 8 a. m. yesterday. ‘The Steamshin Naw York, July 14.â€"Cardinal McClosâ€" well, but fruit generally th:no’xhr.tof former years. A M L R 1 U 4 al go was given. Kennedy wo ahl&d‘b& Nofl!ï¬lu F OR E I G N DESMOINES. wARATOGA. BALTIMORE: REâ€"UNION. CREAT BRITAIN,. NEW YORK Arrivais. I N. Departure â€"â€" Voluntcers Gone into Campâ€"On a Vaccinating Tour. â€"â€" QuzBzo, July 14.â€"A sailor of the lbuumn}:'MM Jonnn,ï¬dz Gottsborg, while on his way along the boom to board the vessel on Saturday, flppdd‘inbthoï¬mudnm Andhcdrmuddnthud. man J A who w.;'?",;‘““'""" %m. w on Saturday â€" h n«’:.u.â€"".'iamu,mm left for Pictou, yesterday afternoon. A base ball match, the first in the anâ€" pals of this section of the country, is arâ€" ranged to come off on the Plains mext Thursday, between two local clubs, Monsignor Rocetti took his departure by the Gulf Ports steamer Miramicht yeu: terday afternoon. He has expressed himâ€" self much pleased with the ancient ‘cap ital and its people. The rev, gentleman was accompanied to the steamer by ecâ€" clesiastical and lay dignitaries of his Th.Vdmf:‘udQubw County left on Monday for Batiscan, where into camp for their mnddrfllwm talions from Portneuf and Champlain. . Pr. J. M. Turcot left yesterday for ‘beâ€" where some 200 families hnonmtd the Government to take steps for their re the Government to take jor Mfmtbdmdodpmu Presbyterian Mooting â€" Crops â€" Coal Shipm ents â€" Robberyâ€"Wreok Saleâ€" Insolvent. Haurix, N. s.%July 14.â€"A large meetâ€" of the Pres i > Ts hald at St Saiihon s Charch tnesugr last year, but above the average. _ _ 14;000 sons of doal â€"were. shipped ‘ at Pictou last week. The carrying of coal from g’&og is now almost ::l-inly done by the steamers, very sailing A daring robbery was committed in Granville street at 4 o'ohak, Thursday m. A soldierin passing a lady gl;d:, who was assaulted on the 12th, he played Bt.m‘ndqflflo Puk,uuinuvoryfm Board of Publict m?;*:rm'*‘“‘ uoonflmhz‘o“hmm he is soon to enter the Cabinet. A workwoman named Sarah Moan, this morning before the withbo.fln’nhum,s of about six of age, in an mer,w{thahnvyuhk,owhg tosome flaw, was discharged. Deaths by Drowningâ€"Hon. Mr. Fourâ€" evening. Addresses on the union recentâ€" ly consummated at Montreal were delivâ€" ered by Rev. Messrs, Grant, Sedgewick ..u‘i’..,..u,w.:. Staire, and others. " ane erofe ie Â¥imten devn| M w hand and made off, but he was caught beâ€" fore going far. The wreck of the brigantine Eibi was sold here Lm&.lfl. Geo. F. es, of Yarmouth,has become insolvent. } _ On Tuesday Detective arrived from Ottw Mh(ï¬â€˜".flhnfl & woll-how:“nrdn named Souchereau, who recently escaped from a police ofticer ;vhiloumuhoandrnfltothh city or trial, CUatholic Irish citizens of Montreal shall be held in the Mechanics‘ Hall at as early & dstoiupoulbk next mk,.l::; operate in making arrangements + celebration of the centennial anniversary of Daniel O‘Connell on the 6th proximo. Due notice of the mesting will beâ€"given in the no The meeting was hwum.w- P bed towards defraying the exâ€" Bomnln;bvdm and Providence Line, :dï¬xu succeeded obhh:mh. con« viction of 25 illicit liquor before the magistrate at Beauharnois. Aumdthnfloum of Irish ul and citizens holdul: 8& Patrick‘s T‘l.l’ly , Deviin, M. P., President d&%'l Bociety in the chair, it was resolved that .pubgnmoowxo{both Protestant and CUatholic Irish citizens of Montreal shall list with the sum of $1,000, and so far Mr, Perrault has been very successful in iC 9. 7. Camphell, Heveune Detsoure; r. G. J. venue a"'mï¬."“"d'i’m&mgï¬ ham, Hemmingford, and Providence Line: at this has 0; \ a subscription Mhmm-umw the late disâ€" m-inumï¬onlhmw- tlemen of the have the list with the sum of $1,000, and so far mm oi se oi to treat with the Indians kkmm gufl-of citizens who to go to the lmkflllloouh-yutln{.dum umb. there be forcibl drl..d out, who are now v driven The Lieut. General in Command desires you to take such steps with the force at Lmr%wduwmwmflumm; view. Signed. Oxara, Nzs,, July 13. “Inauplhm'lth mï¬â€˜ tboMoc}o&t.dï¬o nd“dthm&: romltofth.hbounoflhocnnhl-z to treat with the Indians is known, gufl-of citizens who |r{ to go to the Brooks ;:â€" CHr1oa00, July lt-mf% tions were sent from Lt.Gen. s ;i;?'_ho_fd quarters to Brigadior General National Convention, â€"Detrott, July 14.â€"â€"The friends of an bh:d N{:flo‘:’l Con: ol:o- hnA'm & v P 26%-& whthmu:me 3*‘ Gordon of Ga. and others, will deliver Aihell, Judge of Common Pleas, and H. 8. Hagit, Clerk of the Quarter Seasion BPe hnntemi,July 14.â€"The Demoorati® Convention to day nominated E. Coffee C A N A D 1 A N . Trouble in the Black Hills. TORONTO f ious Conditionâ€"A Rumour HALIFAX. William Ayres, DETROIT. . 0. Duxx, few days since,was one hundred and three years old. He was present at the burial of Sir John Moore, and at Wa he was lioutenant in the â€"eighth Connaught Rangers, then com mend â€" of Colonel Bnmk,bnï¬.'ud- Lord Castiemaine. | In 1852 he came to Wyï¬o help of of the Assonsion 'ruu-ï¬mam an & + tion which he beld until seven years ago. tion which he beid until seven Th+. Taylor ied reculged Auodudte from the British Government for bravery. mn&mm hs a narrow oo?ï¬':aum"h@aï¬:-:flm cn.:bâ€'mm c inhh.:‘:v‘crtoln' shout right and ioh with hh whip til the beasts were cowed. The ngs of the audience during this Q‘m" can bnfluflb conceived than desâ€" oribed. women fainted, and had Sn outl the o uh'um:“& enter once mm?uuw- Paris Oorrespondent. >.â€" (| _ ‘hï¬-::u Orh;: y comes ow & Mr, Harmon Jones. lr.Juhm*: with the gold fever in ‘49, and set out for California, ‘The vessel in he sailed mmhflg‘:‘mfl course it wu-md board, including Jones perished. ‘His widow still lives his thigh, and in his endeavor to free rindr%um Te other ani TRRLMS,â€"‘ ‘l‘ho?ut ; of Col. Oscar Mack, Inspector of National Cemeteries, shows Mthummdldflu. " tacles for the Muï¬& m e m which has not boen frat United States: â€" Within the wall of these w;fl Mmdll:h national flï¬l"‘u white and nfm :qu..d gndu,ooimt.'Mam. . Count Waldeck had a rival centenarian Thomat Inylety nho dink in that ony s about to in him, when Tis tiop thmer y n Miwonenaoet shouk Jones had perished. ‘His widow still lives and is still a widow, that is to she is still ln.Juu,fntnotomu,h there‘s where the romance comes in. An vessel cruising in the Pacific lately an island hitherto unâ€" z'-,nnduu%wm been there twenty among them Mr. Harmon Jones, MdNn Orleans. The are to resoue him from his strong exile and bring BSince the historic period, fourteen thousand millions of human beings have flhhhwfl-'flmh'ï¬ him home. He 0 be write 3 Piok & giod as Robinatn Crtage." they would extend over fourteen millions, five hundred and "three &omn:} three hundred and thirtyâ€"three miles ground, and would encircle the globe on which we dwe‘il six hundred and eight we fl forefingers of every one of that fourteen dllmdhnnmmhfl in a straight line, they reach more than six hundred miles beyond the n.oon ; and that if a person were to undertake to amazing number of men were to hold each other by the hand, at arm‘s length, hlnb':'dq, -d“h-y'lbnngk -u&omd‘zxwlnth-. 1t and u-.fl vears! _‘ cent is the dividend on the paid up * The totaliength of tramways laid down in Vienna is about five ' and the service is omdm moeg ‘of fln jays t famoat Lane unable to Ifl%‘d hrm“ still other lives . be smorificed i ie marmae on m the same day, Mmlnus ed iy. Fryer then sailid forth into m nmum:% asaying that he : lhhtb&-d lighting a fire in the grate. D muz mncnh-rydthdom wbo'u"&l.?to burn his premises, the wim,mhna-n';r was shot thn%:ohuflbhr&-nu husband, he to the cradle where his infant was and deâ€" liberately blew its brains out; This was the crowning act of the almost unparaie}â€" Richard Fryer, a 'hmflb (Utah) man, who has recently under the hllm&huh-u.mhu: the family, in his house a few evenings Terrible Work of a Religiouns Manine. Bmith‘s Falls ; M. K. Dickinson, Manoâ€" tick; W, J. m.-nur Hon. Henry Aylmer e; H. bohu, Toronto 1/ 4 Poris and son. Win leor i Finngy Boston ; 5%8&:&@12 TunUxirup Sratms Navioxat Cau» u'l...d""‘“w"u.m““"ui&... fman ; 4d Â¥ 6 E&M;mmb.! A.zmo.r.:: m%w;.! Bulliv uï¬" on m&’;‘luu;- M:f -‘“‘lll“mi %mscllhp; Wm Richmond ; H C Heward and ’253 M * w£ Wh‘fl.?, Monâ€" al ; Rev W March )} Bcales, Nee hn‘ 4 W R J Toâ€" route ; . A" B Wood, Ogdembney ; * % Miller, Trenton ; John D Renald, Chaâ€" ï¬-iunm.,‘.u".?.u Uxiox Hovs®.â€"8 A Ward, Montreal ; D McEiroy, Richmond ; H C Heward and lavzaroot, July 14, 12:30 am.â€"Cotton ns Rrenenne ma‘g &Anmmdmmuw. "‘Tlour 21 to 22 . Whesat hll:mll fl; 98 .ugl‘a:,.†winier; 0s 54 to 9e Td for white wostere ) #2 6d for club. Corn 338 6d‘ to 33s 39d. Barley 33 6d. = Peas 40s 64 to 412. Loxnox, July 14, 12:30 a.mi.â€"Rates for \’moyuth Stock Exchange on Govâ€" ""‘mhflgwwm S“Mlulz'ddl 4 ; new, 1867s, 106% ; for new lm;'iu. August -hu,uu-s..'*l Â¥r 12:30 am.â€"â€"Cotton ,dmnfldn- Ssn sawe rof 66s. Bacon 5%s 34. Tallow 40s 6d. 1eese, new, 55. S United States bonds 104s;â€" * % London and Liverpool O M M ER C I A L HOTEL ARRIVALS. Bhaw, 17 'l\i-“ d'M Cnakt o rec on amimit mhwm;nd'o-'m breakage of ‘the nets of our fishermen The is Qpited shrk n giy . chathy, is % or m:huduuotwdvmw destructive among w shark is a formidable fellow ; but aithough :hh‘olul ooouh:lly send over to our deputations of one or we have, um:jl,, 0t had io reourd of late year such a> visitation as that of 1875, waters. . fury, however, was soon exâ€" mpreearierob :’uw shark had given himâ€" nlfup::.fl» ï¬du,-or.hbnm were ufq!‘l body unresistingly to the beach." _ Crouch, in his Pishes of the B itish 1s+ one, in which, b.dd-f&- , he found the whole skin olflflh a short time before had been thrown overâ€" board from his ship. The blue shark is a horrible nuisance to the fishermen, but, fortunately, it is with us only in summet, It is stated upon recent statistical reâ€" turns that there are 1,000,000 more womâ€" en in Germany than men. One million dollars‘ worth of coral was fished up out of the depths of the Mediâ€" terrancap by the coral gatherers of Naples lands, would indirectly claim some logy for the mflumuï¬ in reference to which he asks why the lion and ihe eagle should occupy the elevated places they do in the popular estimation, as the king of beasts and monarch of the air. mun by the exercise of powers to those of when it makes itself known by -ï¬ gï¬uï¬ofldwhï¬o* it does by seizing both fish and net with ite keen and serrated and swallowâ€" ing fish and mesh ‘As it is not have sharks following & cannot be 400 wellâ€"known that a bucket or two of bilgeâ€"water has been S clioming oig, a it dndinativeat aogunt budy or a white‘ shark. "Captain King, in & a his survey of caught m.-um & -3 the greatest ease. Blumenbach says a in mt mosn d m heave u-o:::oud. m wu.&om: a few minutes; and the effect was triumâ€" burst through the dark if writhâ€" Tg with Herge nad secrigleâ€"copfaitions. mz. The monster followed after the like * dash or'm“:“"u & almost immediately moâ€" twons ‘soon bï¬d’ the mu..dth mancouyre. agonies became terrible; mmq“zputduflwhya vidlent squall, and the spray was driven OVU'“- & e stoo ile the T amie Tolg of tbo fnh Tepudcdiy the water, as if listening to our voices and thirsting for our blood. As we were watobe Wflmdï¬hm,hh little lively negro, and my cook) suggested nose satineed shemritee, sed o guinin broath rose through the warks of ?&bm"":}r .â€";u;;d pondent journal, saw one these watchiul monsters winding las~ him, and this they would sometimes efâ€" fect at a t of more than feet M&?‘gfld&hm mum ate the tales that sailors tell of the variâ€" ruk“:% 1% w:ha. was cnnininl ch o omioise > m“'“ details a cruel trick, as das oribed in the @lasgow Observer, dispols this illusion: * on . board: ‘the . slave ships was Te 'a.""""-.-..u:‘ n moerdiri y watch the efforts of the sharks to reach remembered that every man‘s hband is against them, and that no tortures are oouldcndhommtouhcq-a.. when caught. If they are relentless to mnulovu-{, their insatiable appetite renders them Wymumums.a., aud we of the white population this globe ought io recallect, with some show rflwsh?.-uwidw J are fond of men ny’o‘br,nu'.z to them ~ as the choicest venmon. Commerson tells us that ~one of these internal parasites, either with dead or Ilvlnm;nd&-‘h.uh Te gotr s emmaiiont girghe ons on a quarry, and gorges him«â€" self beyond what he is able to contain. habits of the Aquatida;, 4 (Tys _@CCCO °C NOm SU NHG Deen gifted with enormous abdominal viscers and that, more , & third of his Whï¬wbmuh.m bile and other juices which are secreted from an apparatus, l.:.:di.lml )to AMEECEN appetite on almost any part of his body. _ " . Two things contribute to the shark‘s determinate ferceness. ht“m -“-!Vlzï¬riohh teeth, :hh.- to hi partioularly bountiful; and this species h‘mtybh..p.?r. sure in exercising. ‘ If he could speak, he twounddd »od P ooo oen petidee not help keeping in use, he had a is undemiabhiec. o w ane o feend s Bqualide, when quite in his infant state and only a few inches in length, exhbibits :E\ without parallel for agoe. : He will attack fish two or thren and placed r:;mu-f:gm a vessel, be â€"resents handlinc. and. with on m :&:&:‘- l- Having said thus much of the . ai_ . CCC uenally spokenâ€" of as the rapacious and abhorrent of sea an‘mals. PRICE 3 CENTS. About Shaurks. reoth, which he soulf it e#