jearm i e [lore. PHERD. te, pul uje$ be mebimeie . @bome lt @I® whlich obly weâ€" ruggist, vod . WlM ADM re of Mails «d ##% ons ‘ me » sd4ur. » Monireal um «wa time. raker souk the. 1WÂ¥ Tonsorial UU = TAlN® w t a, Weiling on 1 &eo Ner, Mesars Tetury CO. hE ET «Tians Â¥% m ge DONQL w we. o .. 0. it FHEOKNA N 1p, A Consumrrivk Cucen â€"When do«th was BOUFlY expected trom Cousumption, all remeâ€" tes hayi failed, accident ied to uu-a.m‘ """'%t. M. Jumes (Ufed bia or ly ce tiklk mur‘ a Premation of Cannabis Indicn. He dbw ‘gives recelpis Irce on recipe of Lwo to . There is i w s wpernbe to bay expensee. ‘There, in not asingiy maiisl .2 0. 000C7, "TOR e Deimting pain for a leng:t "-#.Y every remedy WiLhGHt â€"atn y hua at an. foities of your valuable piils MOMeG to mm v iss us 0. 5. BE \, i# pubite)ty lhu-‘f: witMict ALLBASs, ; men 1 D Arrainecimtes ic i1101 mÂ¥ :'wnvu recelp: s l;l»- on recipe ol| I.\tl: Mtam Pay expenser. There is not m w â€â€˜m?-‘:ip}mmnmn; n‘l‘!d?gi. weat, Irritation of the 6: ves, m“.pgwu'nm, m--'-rp‘ Pain in the m«;nmm»i h, isaction of the o M usoies. Addreâ€"a, ®*~ qiving mame o this paper: e Mgent, M _ Full directions in the pamphlet around sach package, which should be carefully preserved. ful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. In all cases of nervous and Spinal A!{ fecuons, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powâ€" erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" stitution. JOB MO+€3, NEW $!, and 124 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, "oroul.o, Untario, general agents for the Dominion, will in sure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by all druudgiata Warranted kinds of P1i worm , .Nm’ "Kip. Di ho o) 0 9oy eP Aduty Lowe ts vou the great beveft "Norwon‘s Camoun es Hum ore This well known medicine is no im posi tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Feâ€" male Difficuities and Ubstructions, from any cause whatever ; and «itough a powerâ€" trized We, the undersigne i, Methodist Church in N« used the preparation k Coump» pared Ss. Jc Beexkuay, ® botties of Eclectric Uil, and it is pro nounced by the public, ‘one of the best medicines they have ever used ;‘ it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throat, &c., and is worthy of the greatest contidence."â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes : "1 was persua ded to try Thomas® Eclectric Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and | never found anything like it tor curing lameness. It is a great public benetit." A. Mr. lJumhou,*&'ukworth, writes : " For weeks | was troubled with a swelled ankle, which awwoyed me very much. Mr.Maybee, of this place, induced me to try Electric uwil, and beiore one bottle was used 1 was cured. 1t is a most remarkable medicine. And NORTHROL say ihat | bave used it sin eftect. No one â€" shou it â€" l bave tried it on my 0t cuts, wounds, 6tc., : equally as good for horses A. _ Maybee, _ Merchant, writes, "i lhave sold som bottles of Eelectric Uil, nounced by the public, 0 medicines they have ever doue wonders in healing pain, sore throat, &c., an the greatest contidence."â€" Township Percy, writes : Jed to try Thomas‘ Eclectri knee which tuoubled me fo years, and | never found a or curing lameness. lt is en ts omile PHi sSotd by all medicine dealers, price not be equalled. , W recommend it, and wo own horses to keep :: torass savas.â€"The lives of thousands oi horses have been saved durtng the past year, and the credit is due to " Darlgy‘s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." _ This preparation is being extensively used, and exacts from all the highest praise, Nothing of the kind has ever before bsen half as successful, of given such universal satisfaction ; it can s on each package JO0B MFSEKS FP+}MALE PLLLS Heworrnuorios (or Piues) are permanentâ€" ly cured by Mathieu‘s Pile Ointment, or m mey refunded. Price $1 per Yot, or six 4 ote tor $5. ~old wholesale anc NMN:{ the Wingate Chemical Company, Montreal, and retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price tj Dr. E. Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street «lontreal. 3142 PILE aND HUMOR sale by all d TK dis MAN or a Testimonial to Mr,Feliows. particul amphict, ted lnter 4 Le} n sy,Ser ‘Mum. wid OGÂ¥t6 w nurr mm ‘h package,. Northrup & Lyman, _ Unt., proprietors for Canada. all medical dealers. . 3796 uzy Say or It! A Fuw Faors ‘Seases. . lin succeâ€"s bas been so be proprieL r gusrantees & cuse me his meJicine, of in case of i the money paid, Mince it was d he has received many thous> alals, | roving its efficacy for the Tul disummes i1 is recom im ended £0d Humor CuUtp is entirely vege Apositlon, aga can bs used With n ul'lon es. There it no «auger he humor in, as i1 eures on the a Li in e hetlt. at all.. After takind valumble piils, 4 was quit W L ectricâ€"Nelected â€" and Elec on qualled. ,We can confidently id it, and would advise all who s to keep a supply of it on may be the means of saving ‘s life. Remember the name, at the signature of Hurd & Co., State Of heallb. Please he benefit of those who am, Nir, yours Lruiy, 1 ® ) proprietors of ";Nor Wa. Sarozxt, Jown A. MosHa: ALE BUSINFSS NOTICRS THOMAS, Phelpe TK W A TMHOUSAND. KBD.â€"When do«th wa Cousumption, ail reme Ug i is is ars, obtain free, of l.ho or refer to advertise ® â€"Ge xpress & lYMAN, Toronto, 0 gents for the Dominion orand. People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street from , of whatever nature, are dicated l»)’ the use â€" of i Humour Cure; ita effect r Nerofula, Nalt Rheum, id even leprosy ; it has almost never failing cure. W .â€"tor people to allow > seaied upon them rather physician, or to suffer as s with the ditterent kinds roing at onee to the drug Pile and â€" Humor Cure, dily healith eor r thi« treatmen wil crugginu, k JOsT Mokte ntlemen, | feet it my gral?u-‘c for tlvea by tnking 1 applied w‘Yn.u- the mbove Pills which i lunuro--i of lhur. h.vl.n:a '\Kar ultni Iwo \.u BELLING OFEFE H £ 2M T neral tesire to got & rvilie & Bros. you. If the aste they will you return. eral groceries give may (*iPk ue enaste mighe BA he mout the best a mabieny wad \gei t« for HALLET, DAVIS & CO‘8., J. & C, FISCHEBR & CO"%H., HARDMAN & 00‘B, THR® mATHUSHKEK CO‘s. Pinnoâ€"Formes; W. BELL & OU‘S., Cabinet Urgans and celebrated Orga nettos, Liek Of the above list we might single out The Hallet, Davis & C: Pm‘u. and the W . Bel: & Co‘n. celebrated Urfnnyufu, Imt‘u-ru medium priced Plnn.-*an. laily commend The H rimao.‘ The Hallet, | avis & Co‘s. Pianos have long been recogu‘zed everyw here uwx alnong the very beet made in America. The reports of the Judges at the di"erent which tney haye beeu qruu.hd. together with the opivions 6l the most dhw wed mus‘cians in the world Km-.u' a Welght of testimony in their favor that « nd assure the purchaser of his recelving a superior instrument in every respect, Flv N ment fully guarar teed. uuu.uaz vï¬ list sent on application, . OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. The Tonde suppled win wi Lun beg for Building purposes, incladiag Shingles Clapboards, Flooring. Sashes, Glazed and Unglazed Voors &c. J 4 f 4GENT FOR MALLOCH & ADAMB, ARNPRIOR, LUMBER DEALER, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STRELTS. In Marble, Scotch Granite, or Randstond, â€" ... . The newest desigin in CEMETERKY FENCLNG, suitable for u:nm A well arranged stock of Mantles, in AmeFican, Italian.. y ianoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, Music â€" Books, etc., FRENCIH FLOWERS 4 In Scotch, iinglish, and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons,; Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, W« t of England froadcloths, &¢., &¢ , &¢., S pring Goods, To select from, al} of These Paperhangings ‘are impor(» | dir ments in England, France an\ \ nite their selection with regard to colou . to the eye, especially those toned with from the mineral poisons that many of day are surcharged with. The Subsctibe thoroughly acquainted with the chem Painting, enables him to reject, in his s with poisonous ‘pigments, so deleteriou: invited to examine his NFUCK of WALL â€"A Large Cansignment ofâ€" _ â€" NEW LINEN COSTUMES, FROM 8#2.50 Are now showing the hest value in the Clty in Si Wromi d WBR MGG FinAius __’_ wlersisned is roine out ap |i" Do _ _"o tC PHOAMNng elsonwhere. _ As the undersigned is going out of the Room Paper Business as soon as his resent Stock is disposed of, the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating rices. L O N D O N H O U S E. ȴhieh he is prepared to acaie up in t A large Lot of Gentle PMA good Pit Guaranteed, All i l1, E873 W A LL _ P AP ER. SUMMER GOODS.â€" 20 10‘ 10 29| 100 Na 100 = k, New Ch _ ___sÂ¥iirble @#lorks. H. MANSON, _ \W. _ *° BRANDiES, Port Their Excellencies the 0 ‘ogsheads Fine Old BRANDY, 10 years old, direct order, 0 Hhds, k ine Cld PQRT WINE, untivaled in quality, some W years old ; different prices Teaaâ€"HBlack, tire Auost Imported, Green, do. Coffeeâ€"Very superior, fresh roasted and ground dally, Syrupsâ€"Maple, A mber, Golderi, &0 , very fine. Sugarsâ€"All grades, tor preserving vefy strong. â€" P A large and well selected stock of fancy groceries too numerous to detail always on hand. CGlasgow Peas Meal, Mackensie‘s Digestive mu.n-.-um-tnuu THOS. PATTERSON‘8, Monuments, Headstones, "Obelisks olsn e on en t on tâ€"deckbegryiis i Grare 120008, BOW Silkk Warpea Few Chinese Uhneck, New l‘uu:(‘tl-: :llltl)tliq:u'hh\ll)":b neve.lcw.h??‘lhogouou. STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SsiLKS, William Queale ESTABLISHED 1834 Hogsheads Fine THOS. PATTERSON INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED Direct Importations from the Producers @sits i8es BAMNS Fine Warerooms next to P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL D. 8. MNKINNON & CO., J OSEPH DIMBLEBY, PURKE aAND Cases CLARKT, J veykvror to His rels GUINNES®‘s SMHERBY WINE, v.1 liv®@ recelved an | | opening out a large stock of The _ rrest and Hostâ€"seiected assortment Of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city. make up in the bitest and most fashionable styles. t of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. UNADULTERAT K1, for Faw ly nse and Mo.itcinal purposes McKAY‘S SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, 1 ESTABLJSHED 1860 ) ALE®, pints and quarts, per order Kailics‘ UG import~ ! direct from the best Manufacturing Establish: ce and ! nited States. Great care has been taken in d to colca The ground bum.b:n wwu:d pl.‘lh‘ & 6 toned with silver mica; t ve y are iree that many of the tawdryâ€"coloured Paperhangings of the The Subscriber‘s long experience as a colourist, and being th the chemical compound of the pigments used in eject, in his selection of }w those coloured so deleterious to health. Publi Uwï¬l"y CK of WALL PAPER before purchasing @. Bry Goods. sCuntberers, â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" At _ CHAS.BRYSON‘S, 53 Sparks Street. Franes, England, Hollund and 4 CMall Paper, AND SHERRY WiIRE CiN PORTER, &câ€" XOELLENoY tus Governor GexgriL, Earc Dorrern. Viciets, spectal order, vary fine PORTER, pints and quarts, put up to oider DKALERS 1N Goods warranted Shrunk. ,, fine flayour, fine branda Earl an: Countess of Dufferin. BY THE MANUFACTURER WM. McKAY. Daniels‘ Hotel. i f & N 1i BR OE pain No. 26, Rideau St. Ottawa. OTTAWaA, 1875, THE _ TIMES : OTTAWA, FRIDPAY. Juny $3 3819 Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinsmiths and FGalvanized Iron Roofers. P R A C T I C A L t PLUMBER, GAS & STEAN FIUTTEE NO 8SMOKE, NO HEAT, NO 8BMELL, a perfect Treasure in a family durlo the war m oor%r gle niew. or j artion xom‘z to the »easice, or m a Jei.:{nlblt.u n:hn‘y' Cooka any and every thing that may. be done it the ordinary wood or conl burning stoveâ€"quicker and betterâ€" al cost of not more than from one to one and a half conts per hour, (Late Yarrow & Hzoray,) 7 (2 j ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF® DOGS, POPLAR, LONDON S 7O SPARKS STREET, OPPAwaA. _ _ °. anufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood 'orthf Machinery oF THE BEST CANADIAN, KNGLISH ANI)» AMERICAN M ]l. :o Exagn®s anpo Bomsrs, Nzw anp Szcomp Hax» o 4 25 RIDEAU STBEET, ... irherempe heem e rorima in en Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL The ‘Summer Queen‘ uns i d 7 ! a 1 NA PSR 7 A Hmited number of boys will be received by the Principal as 9 and, with the view of keeping the 1 uell from improper is yï¬m |Iu}=ll be entered as Day Boa ders®, who will dine in the house or PrincipRL. â€" © /( A rther particulars can be ob‘aivned from the u.-o;w:r. J. W. Holmes, | Keg., 78 Victoria street, to whom all appiications for admission must be made. The Hchool wi!l open on MONDAY, the lith of A&n!, and will be carried on for a few days at Ts Vistorin street, the new premises rot being quite com pleted. } April $th, 1873. | S#1G OttaW® April 6th, 1875 ï¬ï¬];;rflv&;â€"â€"â€" i onl hnd‘ itï¬ s 4 fls 2 c d h l.v‘ s The o0urse of Instruction will include Latin, Gre â€"k, Mat metic, Wlfl?. English Grammar, Literatare and Conposi m.u?:lfl ‘l' odern, Natural Philosophy, Vocal and lost»ur TINSMITHS AXp WoRrKkkS 1N UaALVANIZED.Irox, aA®D Corn10R WoRrk * 101 Rideau Street, Oltawa, (0ppo® ‘1e DaJhousie St.) RB" orders may be loft at McLean‘s Real Estats Exchange, Rpark Btreet. sCOTT, CAYI&g & CAYLEY,| _ MACHINERYâ€" DEPOT, COOKINC STOVE. Ont, 17, 1874, . VICEâ€"PRIN OIP 4 L :o l R. W. BOODLE, ESQ., B. A. l} Late Boholar and Prizeman of Magdalen College, Oxfodâ€"Graduate in Ron+n in Classios : ard Modern }‘-lls ory. late Senfor Scholar and Exnibitioner Mn;i""'y' uzlcl. Cambridge, Graduaté in Mathematioa! onors, &c. â€" 6 R B. ANGUS, KSQ. %.59. uENSON, 1 U, 4. BRYDard n:is G, A. DRUMMOND, k8q "C . £, PRNOOR, R W. F. KAY, FBQ. _ A. T/Â¥ U, J. BRYDGES, n:is HxNRY 1t MaAR K8Q. «MB JU G. A. DRUMMOND, ksqy., F. MACKENZIR ksg, M.P, JOHN | HON, L. 8. AUNTINGTON, M. P. N. J. McGILLIVRAY, E8Q.‘ T. M. T JOSEPH HICKS +N, Esq. N. mERCER, RSQ.° A. W Al Berew Stcamers with speeds ranging up to, 20. miles an bhour, . . < Paddlo Stcamers, with draughts ranging down to 6~inches of water, Is hereby giv@A to our patrons and the pubitec generally in the Ottawa dlnfleh‘ that this Comâ€" p:& have deekded to continue a Hravch @ftice In this City and Rave leased the and com» modious stone building, rwenl‘l(l occupied by Mexars, Augus & Co, No. 88 skl,.rn whare they have OPENK!D) AN OFFICK, under the management Of Mesars, CLUEF and MI lt'l.l‘:ir newly appotnted General Agents for the Ottawa Branch Ottawa Branch â€" L ___ Hite Assurance. [ CANADA | ~ = "~~ Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. MONTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL I T. K. nm;vonb Faq., Trinity Hall, Cambridzo, Mathematical Master. MON®, CORNU, of the University of France, Fronch Master, _ H. a. b P&tm&k:q. or the University of Holdelbary, German Mastor J. W. GRAY, Feq,, of the School of Art Kou h Kensington, Dl'lwlllhubr' J. Ww.EF HARR“ON. Keq., Music Masteor, + C. H. BOLOHINI, Ksq., Writing and Shorthand, ; CAPPAIN BAMNJUM, Drilling. I Tas Rev. GAVIN LANG. PETER REDPATH, E8Q. Contracted for. _ Prices from 2200 upwards, ©| | MACHINERY CONSTRUOTED FUOR BoATS BUILET ABR »A» B L V T Hâ€" & K_Eâ€"R R , Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this J OOb. A. c. D,L HARW WILLIAM aNui ) Y A RR 0O W & C 0., TO MEET SPRECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETATL ranch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street. CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICER, Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank‘ Street, Improved Coal Qil ASSIS TANT M 4STERS: s»lunibers, . Ferguson, HEAD .OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL â€" _ $1.000,000. O T T A W A. KA A M ENE ‘ LANG. | _ Tam Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. Tas Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. _ / P RIN CIP 4A L : T. 0. FAWOETT, KSQ., M BMachinery. resident JAMES JACK, K8Q, wW. F. KAY, K8Q. * PRESIDENT ANDREW ALLAN, Esq SECRETARY : J. W. HOLMES, Esq,, VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; MASTERS ; and Praw. waale s idl L ATRIL TT T T ) VoGal wnd 1bsFumental Stoste, ‘©rawingy Cymibaation Prinel or Weekly, nived by ine Erpewal as Doerders or W eekiy Boardare EX A MIN: CoUNCIL ; Desmarais and Adam. 70 HPARK ST, OTTAWA. EULWARD A. gose, Man JAMES A. SMC H, DRILLS, BELTING; FILES, AND GEORGE STEPHEN, ESQ. ssmbus it Hot and Cold Water PusoepiHinit Mmintiktnd.: JOH N i.lsï¬mm Director â€" Inspeoctor, $7Ti«ly , 1875 infranler e irenst it 2:0-. 1t 4# @> i Buris, &6., but §0f â€" Byrontery ‘of anyrsort.of Bowel complatut itds a‘tomedy un> ‘“!_F"â€" raid, $3 00| ; Ointh cuben; bir .0 t mail, pas k sdmigt hus ï¬iï¬e \wbvmnt or P vevent SPv it samwny ) TT CIC he 1 +; has ‘Doen proved vy uin io boathene Enssy !oh.,:_,.. ip Shil T0 Yolse :du 4o Cld i It1s meed Internally and Externally,, . ~; . SBold.overy where, Prjce 25 alh .. â€".:)) in meeagp y srmugoiny? Opbredhiaedt ieaaesh lity recomuend it as a‘ most: 6 Li +A j thombnn mayuabnpd tmnimbarinls wiite SyTHRIE it oc l e t kn tolaah Wwoling enteriainers. of use motio:. mriint, tof "its Ni Fopaterie fe Poee Otie minth * Ueeme eneone it AHe curenines by which their right mdy be infringad. °* * * Adk for I{,u & m'?msf,% and see . u;:la ml% . c med P ohve euppics with‘s ho ols Wepeoits o ts hltee rwa tha : of W orcestarnhiwe Fance,! wx&u,m’ w id "g"m medeenaloient se it ots dedploph tha AiHY ABK mmamu,mw BAUOE, and to s6e tbist their imes ard tpon the Wrip« An P " Worcestershire : Sauce The everâ€"inc at TWELVE o‘clock njon, for the election of Di ectors and for dulwu. *f which ail persons interested wiil Wwke notice. A/B. CHAFFEE, 7 ETs ! as d _ Hecrotury & Treasurer, ky of Oniawnd on C anada Central Raltway Co, ..h enge nmumd'm‘Wn 5:%‘&‘:\- ,d.m-mu" 4 Bure vith :G Mk‘f}'nunn f1 MP#lx| ~ "Time fater prein@ ied Btiiee Souls. Caution | Against ~Fraud. Un and FROM TUESDAY , 15th Traine wili m‘.'mxm’?!"’ 1876 da Central Rail Mtice, s o;unflwfl.y%. June 11, 1875 No. (Prescott]| Connecting with. ;Artive in Friday, 13th day of ‘Atigust next, THE ST. LAWRENCE 29â€" 10.45 ‘ Tram : mond BiBise oyt m.-.-lo.& a.nd. ‘Train nvt'g;gmwn*u Train for the w-ar.:ï¬go"'"". romnane ciomw cmmhih rfom ‘Brocicvttie nake nection with Grand ~Prank -â€. ;‘t:n from the West, arriving in Oltawa at 7.16 ‘Connestions imade at Sand Polnt with â€"boats for the Upper Ottewa,/ at Renfrew, with stages W and from Pembrake: . (on ow‘ =‘O" Staget Trains run on Monireal timeé, ' A. l:om‘lz., € i4 Brockville, June 7, 1876, anfiging Director, LEAVE Brookville G. T, Junction â€" 9.35a.m. 4.05 p.m Ofttuwre ~_ a e SR e NE C Renfrew For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EXPRESSTRALINS DAILY KABPLE" nï¬flul LEA & PERRINS‘ ‘ *~Oclebrated i Brockville & Ottawa Railways OTHAWA "RAILWAY. ons Ofasoh) or any ofker Amitagions THE ONLY GOoP SAvck 7.90 A x. Deciared : by connotesanrs to be Ottawa. on § Souun en peat Slotbin ioi ioee N pf‘ ) e j W dosnn aionthung, or Lt exeet; PAIN KILLER, C onp i io es S c oe h onpie d ht o 1 t ho THOR. ‘REY NO Lbiy .. ;. . ; Managing Director, Otawa. ment of L GoING soUTH Line of . slagre ts We nd Cer rmont aioe Wat ore lflz.fl;‘:.'ea! Exprom Connecting with from West......... en onl mc ngs agninest Mxnaficturers # "Ordars of Haxekn s HaRKPKR RROTH KR Or depravel Pusten. _ â€" > / 190 pM.,7.16 p.m. u. »Wietike Tran fror Oitawe niawos NORTH bors in the Mail| aan, 4 850 P M. , With stages i "Ottaw 700 P . M. 1.9%9 A m «%â€"im under the survey of the Port of Hamilton, mb ees en s m«m‘: Tedl underâ€" the lt in Â¥ha 1N ot the Colleotor of Oustome as the m% es s & .'.. 4 t â€" 1d yLO3C in s "ank Pray omadiel | Haee> U.. ableâ€"the «Minister u'mz' ustoms, and under theâ€"provisions of the 8th â€" sec of the. Act.â€"passed in the Session of the Parâ€" W‘-M!fl“ in the fln“y:; mem io pedartoas euce advice.of the Queen‘s Privy Council for has beenâ€"pleased to order, and it ilhnlmmu Port: Credit, an ï¬ï¬‚'fs‘."h.“a-:'..... #..ï¬â€˜.."‘ 4on . Square, an Out Port of Customs ‘now Cas uow on s en Pn s 0 Pm mt / the Customs," His Excellency by and l:#h_ tho ‘wdvice of the Qunlub‘rlvy Counicil‘for Cung@ds, has been pleased to order, and it is hersby od-'urau the Town of Perbroke, in the County of Renâ€" frow, and Provinte of Ontario, be and the samé is ©onstifuted an Out Port of Bntry, M‘.W%uywm the warvey ‘of the Collector of Customs of HI8 EXCELLENCY i1HER ADMINISâ€" / _ TRATOR IN CoUNnCIL. N of the Honour 0N dn iratiminoiaiines under Imvuou of the 8th niaiynes n Blat year of "Her M Tintinm whay.. Teg norup o take offect from the : First GoOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Mat#ay, 14th day of June, 1875. : Tw Onnadiarh ‘Commiséion ‘will waldhure choice Mgldu(l.y_‘f_&‘ ;o:'u“m Exhlm H.)N, A. Mo GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAW A. Monday, .14th day of June, 1875. HIS EXCELLENCY THE ADMINIG â€" ~TRATOR TN COUNCIL al tha nemamnan w -'â€""" EECEWIT w "the tuaune! CoLstOLS® ONPmiaticn .. lhar“o&n au: all M?.-:’u' cou&: All their o runtorahifie with w@%,, iIng, &0 , for the transmi® jon of power from the rzia'l for the trangmi® on of power from t Eï¬Ã©b@nm&rxll‘m! m dnn& LA + ENUDg ex5°Ditors at the International Exhibiâ€" ish all tbm.u: to furn n'a rï¬% ï¬'wmw at the expense of the Lanad an 7 1CK 4n hepoby tWhrat this Brard ‘are N arecurant annin ze mpicanon t nan, are Oa.nadia.n Cpmminion, Interhaftanal txhibition of 1876, *A1! orders for Books requir .fl ally “‘M ring printed headings Ontario Advisory Board GoVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTrawa. Monday, .14th day of June, 1875 19 â€" |. . BRARKS STREET, OTTAWA Ruling, Perforating, Numb BOOKBINDE R, PAPER RULER, AKND Account Book Manufacturer At antinde over first: at ‘Lamb‘s ‘Clearing Mapromes cenlte thme; a» the St06k is frat diapyearing. "A road ll_unh 10, 1878, =â€"____ ' snuunl.l. obaifeaity Sr buring ~ Mareb 10, ##ro, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, .&"s'wpm at cost and under, all EXCELLENCY THE ADMINIE TRATOR INn CoUncrt,. he recommendation of the Honourâ€" Shieterts® Rokber® mt 20 Ste.. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Boots, at $1.30. 9 And othér goods at proportionately fow priges, blo . Which will be sold CHEAFP fer Cash Boots, Shoes, i Puane ty Ahaieaenty A o ‘tha Cursant °l EUn m e . bepfrines o t mtrml P Mihoatc amed n the Semies ’4‘0"&?% chapâ€" AT PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. UST RECEIVED AND OPENED our, ORDDUROT GaU Aul cpe HHTHfm on max moplel by fe preservation of in Een ie en BOOTS & SHOES Boots & Shoes, Rookbinders. RUBBERS, TR w-f‘v‘u-ry, W. aA. MORTIMER, 50 Cases of Â¥7. Hoott Htreet, Taront, Ont, 4i ®d w athl e Tonet Sppiitation ty *** An Act respect it drmer 9. draue t WORTH, to ‘the Beoreâ€" Numbering is E8TABâ€" P 8 YCHOMAN |v10uu Amusoments, . $150, Airs fo 'Pilflune-. T5 ots. Viclin and Piano NOWVE T 1 NN END OM Bhand P Whass arum c salcl elr ULIVER LTBON 400,, © Vioulu, Guitar, wÂ¥ r};:? 2nd vnnm‘- @TXADSS Dance Music. $100. Vioun and N!OLIN and rinte Duets. $1.00. By Winâ€" ner. C es onl uP iath s t gt i *‘ WEJINNLRH New Schools. . Rach ‘ T5 ots. Collections of Kasy, Brilliant, Popular mira, thai every one can play, and no mm can help Bold by ail music dealiers, Keng, post«free, for rétail price. ruve the sest peoeiectind mo, / uoo spd Olrne _1â€"-'----[-'â€"'“ # reltle en t Miare ies HTeANANT Viniger sessoraist to one T BO0KS Of fASY MUSCH aad from:Quebec on or & ME £ 2+ k 2+ ++ . . 7e Atcamers of the Oorkage will be charged at the rate Of ts OF Ro . AL M Rates of Passage from Quebet :â€" Aawa July 28 4875 ines or Liquors. LUTE Rate« of Passage from Quebes ;â€" 10 .7 / COOOMARCgDzqeue ami Thr o‘ vOmIAR TCB 1 4 9 R ., o u _ o Rew yore primatr agse es USICAL ;Kiowers, $250, Flute & Piavo M w1 i be innded at o:"â€"" l':zln taken tor ali mpany‘s ie es “‘%’%ï¬'# the Office, ‘s Whart, or a° Button, Kusaell Mouse ENeE Lo . 0 (o + Ottawa . River‘ Mavigation: Compaiy, USICAL Gariand, $2.50, Violin & Piano 4 »% wi A8G@ > W.o C ‘r m-mi"'“ii COMPANY® may obtain excursion tbeaets, Otlaws to Grer _;'?_3{_.“.‘.‘.,.‘.;"'&._.5.". T rip at sinâ€" INMEL®S CHOICE PERPUK > Patrontzed the W 1mmel‘s _lhu‘-.fhgl. Vn==' DOWNWARDE, SraHd â€" | Passengers by Day Boat leave Queen‘s Wiar! at 7 a, -.flunf-n m ce » P s BARMA TEA +s1 01 3+« 42440 e« e ooperraianutt, ie Pak ionge ABoganoniere Btr. QU &., OTATWA â€" @IVER aVication ty, Jrave un ie Ottawe, May 18th 1875. hn gn. +»d mt ®"0 pam, _ 0_ = _ A connection is mad x â€"~< anads C Steamer Hir Joun Y For H'&.r Uhuu-ql "â€" mmnm?""“ Thiguar® apply at the oftice ‘o; Ottaws as. _ @u,Rt B;, CABSELS, Presideni, June 2nd 1876 l " PRINOE MDorpenorecodindeennipntrind on exc» UNION FORWARDING & RaILWay P ARTHOR:.....":!!" Clb.+ + +* > rrexeysarreryya SABUN COULL:.:...:....l0.. sIx JonNn YoUuNa......... CHAU Cabin Passongom nupplying their own CA Bixs \ITED STATEs MALU SPRAMKRS hn 400 / â€" m ROYAL MAXL LINE STEANEES . â€"BETWEENâ€" | OTTAWA ax» MONTREAL __ 0_ _ _ DAY LINK ANCHOR LINKE. OYAL MAIL LINE rage always asiow as any opher ec t e yratsiaidedanetiblaabdtbddnsiaisaividss Pvald c o t m i 00 m e w B 14 n w o a . on oi dioedaape i FROM QUEBEC; Steamshiys, rbaniertimeg" m en â€" ++ veg CaSSERLES NIGHT LLNE, UPWARDsS, p B Briac f0 d 45 posseenees se a00000 # T4. 66. «n tpe4 es Airs for Fiute . BHEPHRRD, «agg to yho Â¥, PB BELFA®ST, uy 6 p. m for M ualdgan Smite:" Murphy . Garga wr 00 U