‘quiring nc proof and ng, capâ€" p and Go., | & DORK, x C#iiders A + pla.te . Mings of PyHMâ€" ver, are now prepared to â€"* luers, â€"\Le pruwuee Of . shape of the n&LGFM i Mausic, for use in the al uc TLY MEGDUâ€" aD AGENTS, gistry & Geneâ€" sion Office. k G@Gilders. tGenerale des Minc® * UNDERTAKEN, VkGL int. Lton) 1# RYBODY ! W S New York. iT K s tst. i T Y, liers Li x DkER, 10 & 1b Bromd stroot, K. Ce amke MQT F R A M E in all Parts o MrlradiGedcrmand d se must ASPHALTE \â€"S P and debt® stt Lokth t ViCKERY Defog be made t and iestim Ri of Russot :I theat nge, aq \Merent NS Ks 'h’(. »be r m lnf Jally 3â€"lw T ie Tol4? vÂ¥ alb RON Th H M=Lf Has opet. Province o all Notaria Province o given to the Â¥inces, Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Con veyancers, Notaries, &c., &c., Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &e., Barristers and Aitorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soli citors, Conveyancers, &e., Btreet Barristcr, Conveynncer, &c., Seol citor in Chaneery. O l-;rrhter- and Aitorncysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliet» tors in Cha wcery, Notaries, &¢c. Tllo!l.\.fl P. FORAY H *\ " URNAILLLON & CHRYSLER, cory, &c., Main Sm 6 t U Harristers, Atiorneys, SoliciG@#gs, Conâ€" veyancers, &C., (Aty of OTTA W A, ( che Hous Hom.<e pathic Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. May i« LOF m : OLtawa, South cester. by a : ew but cerain, less process. . Refere cessfuily Lreated i‘ re k\ I Pbysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur W . 1Le PLM Ceontre Day Nigut Halos . c missions . T. H. HARRISON, THREE French Compositors WANTED 100 TO $Â¥0 PEK MONTH and o> f penses sure to Agouts ever y e, seling our New Braided ‘mw Wor kope Ciothes Line. Bellis readily mt ev‘‘> house, r«ï¬r iree. _ Audress, | HULE & RIV KB W ©0.,,10, K ing. ytrect,, West, Fore maie Untare . wit AUCTIONEER, 82, Sparks Street. HE4S))$ iss mopt comeostious and cou Fu 4 db @GPALiER Bopt Huil, Oct. 26, 1574 Barrister, Attorney, selicitors, & -Iirrl-ulc-r“\urorney. Solicitor in Chan PENH®Y. CHRISTIE & HILI 1 Â¥. M. FERLAND, coTT. STEWART & GORMULLY, MA NHarristers, Aitorneys, Nelicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. CoNNOR & Howut voNsoR & o‘DoHERTY, W. W. WwArb Barrister, Attorney, Notary R o TUPPER R. L0G6AY%, K. J.P. LYNN, K. J. D. R. MACDONELL, R. 0. C. WoOob, To French Compositors. S Ucatcal E€ards, wW. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L ALNMER, CASSELS & PENNOCK, A RCH AMBAULT, M. TAYLOR & C0 C. W. MaecU AIG Netary Puablic and Advocate, Barrister, Advocnt Office Utiice M MA RSILAL MATHMESON Ha Advocate, Solicitor, &e. M { qQueb« ign ed ected 1M MOSGROYE OfMicial Assignee lations al al -Hï¬urln street, Centro Town Athis residence, Maria Street M Mlants. te of Rideau street near Glou: Htoto )jN 1 )4 a n T. . HARKMISON, Auctioneer, Ki Sparge Bt Oux ut th NT q ecdy a e given 1 comu odi us and cenâ€" )ta wa tor the stofage of Merchandise in UF:IL) + ud u ready marke e most modelale cofiâ€" um dimy 1Nu OFFICE, Weilington Street n AAVUS,. Is. iO T EL ®. benudin‘s, Main Ont ari idean sL, Qltawa UG. J. O°DOHERTY W ) asnited Rrofu Metcalfe Btreel e Hon. P. Mit« ta ind Boats free 3784 MONTREA L. of the kuife, 1 vimost painâ€" > â€" ailies suCâ€" r1ouse GoRM C i EY ALK & isaction . > ther In the ‘pecial care n both P1Oâ€" howrs frem i attention is ot the «Popri Manager FIâ€"ly Hoga P. Hi 18(â€"3m asâ€"0na i.) Mit» 8 .7 ly 90 2464 2401 2:04 over the *) Fy10 CONTRACTORS & LUILDERS been troubled in ted arbore, and J fancy price, use C aad so avoids the This is the ouly Company in Canada now building Passenger and Street Cars. UxH THE Norwich <2zg Powder, respectin cuang. GIBBS & COURSOLLE, cessor 8 19 prices Street Railway A-q‘Mn_‘le the Hank of!H, N. America, WELâ€" ©iNGTUNâ€"ST,, the best and most convenient * Sarfeauesirous of securing good rign, prompt ‘ar eairous of securing g. attendance, aud rearonable ratos, W please favor the undersigned with a call, |_________ _ Gar Rolling Stock _ N.B.â€"Horses boarded and groomed in the most satisfactury manner. . A specialty made of this feature BROWNLEE & CO Yurd, Cor P HOT OGRAPHE R Patents of Invention, [TRADE YAXK REQGISTARED.] v1ICTORIA CHAMBE®ES, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. sta NONE IS GENUINE! There are Numerous Fmitations on the F. MEINDL has opel Pailer and Outfliter, on ‘ost Offiee. . First.class wl sallsfaction guaran Diamond Yeast Cakss. caution. OFFiCEKâ€"No, 2 lock, Otiawa, unt All WÂ¥ Forsale by all O Dee. 4, 1874 Sele Agents i~nv Ontario Miller C Forging Btreet C MYRTLE NAVY, Office March 11, 1874 TEW Tailoring Establishment. RAILWAY PASSENGER COACHES P ATENTS. CMTARIO CAR CO., F YOU WAAXT GOO0D BREAD USE THE LUWMBEEK AND Comatssfon MERCHANT BRoKER, &C. . CoTPOnN, veys In Oltawa RTHRUR P. COTTON, fiisiuecss Eatvtiis. Provincial Land Surveyor and l)rn-fhuln--. Buccessor to W . it. 1 bistle & Co, ce, as frmerly, over Mann‘s Hardware eWny / 6 i4 ean firnish on short notice [. LAMBERT HMiscellaucous. [ HE AV Y * i Ebl"‘c"") nists and all others OHL DL 7 Anpnnmadt2ct uin haws The Victoria Stables W MANUFACTURE ALL CLASSES OF Tht J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS STREET. ind Axles fitted to ord uplers and ) lattorms and other Car Huprnlm‘ ar Filtings and Castings. THO M AS pt led in the past with ummed or heaâ€" and jJournals . nd have been paying , use Craven‘s Aretic and Engine Oils ids those com plaints for the future. moranteed and orders solleite.; W . J. CRAVEN& (o, 444 St. Prulâ€"st., Mosut cal, (LATE JALVIS & ARLESS ) Carriages, UNLEES STAMPED W AND OTH Ei th m y LToR3 i vi pr interested who have N a 4i 1 posst® ned out, as a Merchan‘ Elgin st., opposite th goods always on bhand teed. metice of my profesglon, [ormer Assistant, | Mr. Â¥ians aud g-ecutdl of ,Irinllr and have much ding |hn us my suCâ€" eued a Ston â€"culer‘s d L A«drow Strook posts o ll description on luurt. Orders ure 0 TICE to Millâ€" n & Co W. R. THISTLE )MAS MULR, | Manager Cakes WITHOUT M LLENT achin Oil bas last 12 years been ; the leading Manuâ€" ng establishments Dominion, ow rer®, Machi« kinds of Stoac« Toronto Bt., Rajotie® ssi0â€"ly ind at lowest 383¢â€"1m Â¥10y $781«1 3810â€"Uf JOSKPH H1CKSQN, or THOMAS SYMINGâ€" TON, Montreal, Executors of the Estaie. |___ FOR SALE â€"N. K. quarter of No. % First Ooneaulonlno Front, 50 acres more or less, 40 ot which are in fine state of cultivation, Can run a mowing machine thronsh from end to end. Terms easy, Apply to J. BERMINGB Auctioneer and Land Agent, KiginBt. Ottawa. _ For pian of the !imits with re of Mr. (In\’i‘l‘lrr, the Bun;:yof (who. WIF‘OXM the entire area) and for other particulars apply to MORRIS, HARR!S a MoBSRIDE, 0 Solictors, Jordan street, Toronto. Uuiminerciil paper discounted. Ooélootlon maâ€"Je in all parts of the Dominion and U. 8. In terest allowed on deposits. Cot. 20. RMM. 3680â€"8a w k Bankers and Stock Brokers, Montre al, Negotiate sales of Property and Patents, and organize Companies. rono: invested u‘:"n:». class sequrities to m-nd 8 per cent. inâ€" terest® Stocks purc and carried on a m'::glu i{ 10 per cent. interest at lowest current & . cee, 1. 1874 £10ySawk The Executors of the estate of the late Jchn shedden, will offer for sale h&l‘uwe Auction at the Auction Kooms of â€"F. . Coate, & Co., in the eity of Toronto, on ted in the districts of Algoma, on M of Lake Huron, vis:â€" j Euch Township oundrur‘ of about thirtyâ€"six square miles. These |imits are most advanâ€" tageoualy siturted on the main stream of Apanish and on r-orgent River, and the whole nrea is timbered with @ good quality of white pive, mixed with birch and maple, _ ___ _ __ Auction Sale Of Valuable Timber Limits. UROCKRIES, WINLH, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 1ONS, £TO., ETO,, Next, at Two (®‘Tock im the afternoon, the fol= lowing Five 'lbvnol:yl(pl of Timber lï¬mlu situmâ€" ted in the districts of Algoma, on North Shore J. I1. SEMPLE, Importer, &c., 53 St, Poter Bt., Moatroal, JAH. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston, C. J. CAMPBEL easrs Cam 1 & Cassells, M !ll' ltmrb&n. By J. BERMINGHAM. Liberal advances made +on consignments. (ECERT 3 BC E00, C AERCHACOC HnoRoe CE uu:ol?l.. bii., Cod» Onarse Hale T e s es n ern of which uz';‘:.uu. at a reduction for UASH. 5 ibs. of sound Tea for $1.60, value war» raiteed, m.- reduction on l?-r laking 10 lbg. or upwards a requction on No. } Labrador IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMERCHAKTS IUIGH WINES, $5. ofianntrianes tie" P ‘;.?."’ï¬'.-:'-"..wfl' t se ce Toh “&‘.y#. 4 Commission Merchants, 1OBACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE CLOTHING Establishment, STARCH, RICE, RAISINS, CurRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, & THURSDAY, soth DAY OF JULY. Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, Alph. J. Steers & Co. On the Bank Street Road, F OR SA L E, Nos. 100, 101, 105, ‘106 abhd 135. ler !n Greenbacks, U. 8. Bonds and Cheoks RICK »10USE AND LOT, D. BROWNE, 1 Banker, Montreal make room for their Spring Stock. RUSSELL HOUSK BLOCK, [Opposite Sappers Bridge.] OTTAWA, ONT Auction Sales. Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth« ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the low»â€" eat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Customers that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing The retail Clothing Busi« ness so long carried on by Joreph Metcalfe is now "renaferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO miarthkers, ©lothing. ON EASY TERMS. CGrocers. PROOF AND RYE prham and Worts Celebrated BOLD LOW. =â€"DEALERS INâ€" W HOLES ALBâ€" Groceries, Wines And O‘CGonnell CGentennial! GUS WILLLAMS Unegquaied Dutch Banford & Wilson, Tho Fugny Musical _ koautlful Infunt _ | The Versatile ___ _ _ _ Volocipedists. I § Comediar, TONY PASTOR wili Uively appear at each and 0 pml'l." An ZMmt orâ€" ohounnld"z."n-‘hnd. under the dire don of H. T DRYING, Prices as vsual. EBeserved seat» on sai mt H. & J. an‘s store. ks ca t 918 39 1 1. L. HObuRSr denerat Agents THE COMMITTEE OF THE $T. PA TRICK‘S SOCIETY OF OTraAWaA, Are prepared to receive ON THE BASE BALL GROUNDS, on the 6th of August next, two Booths to be erected at the expense of the contractor, one being already erected . ‘Tenders will be received up to noon on Saturday the Zith day of July, Instant. Booths to be under the control of the Committee of Management. 1 Address the undersignedâ€"â€" Mr, PASTOR would ca‘l par lcular attention to the fact that, in organizing his company, he has selected the butuu-\&mm America aud Europe, and now offers ohrr-undh.l u:ll;o“umd taleut that ever appeared toâ€" gether. ‘The Champion Gy mnasts ¢f the World, The unlg .rrmnnon llvtn‘“vho have accomâ€" pAini the wonderful of throwing & DOUBLE BQ M MEKRSAULT from the BHOULDERS. ‘The Mirthâ€"provoking â€" i ish Comedian. THC FIELDINGS, * 1870. The Grandest Combination Yet! IOO0K AT THE LIST OF STARS, The Garnella Brothers, Marry KELRNELL, in a style of unusual excelle with the strictest attentiqp to All the m inor detailn, Augustin Daly‘s rascinatt icture of the ’umu, entlnugg-p_ Ven ns ANNOUNCH THEIR RETURN TO OTTAWA FOR A BHORT SEASON ONLY AT THIS POPULA® â€" > HOUSH, COMMENCING Wednesday Evening, July 28, 1875, When they will produce in rapid sucodsâ€" sion the latest: I SOCIETY COMEDIES AND DRAMAS _ OF THE DAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS July 28 and 29. MOoNDAY AND TVESDAY, For Aharp‘s Safety Oll Uabinets, for all kinds of oi}, fulds, &6., All sizes from 5 to 2°0 flllool. neat cbeapand durableâ€"will save their own pt& in ofl, in Ilh(t&'élll.. nso leave Em‘ ere. Agents wanted to cahnvass. . Apply at ASHFIELDS Crockery Store, . Duke Street. T EN D ERS FOR. Refreshment Booths!! Tony Pastor, $ H AU GAHRAUK _ COMPARY A combined smoothing g‘os@? ng‘mg SNG erim ping ?lol. 3 |ml‘l.bo=.fluvln mA« chin« and one that should be in every ';ouo. and no doubt will be when seen, at ABHâ€" FIE!,0/8 Crockery and Glassware istore, sole agent for City and Counties. CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Managors. Mills‘ Supply Agency No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russell House. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HoTELCarvING TABLES! _ ~ HorEL rastRY OVENs!! . HOTEL IRON B 1: " HOTEL LAUNDRY.STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR ACBS 111 T WO NIGHTS â€" ONLY. Marok 26, 1874 in new irish Hong«, Sketohes., eto. _‘ Ottawa, July 22. The cast emracing the names of MHR. E. . MACDOWELL, MISS LD AVORY, ~ Aud t:e full gtrength of the Com pany. Pri s usual. Reserved Seats at Gowan‘s Music Store Ju‘y 28, 34, 26 and 2‘. A combined smoothing glossing, finting and BLYTH & KERR‘S. He ting, Files, Packi Files reâ€"cu A'Ju‘fnbun‘omndw Cevernors Rard " Migp 3 x: 735 i COMPANY, &0 H. lltm'lt Ottawa, April ;1th, 1875, f CoaAL OIL COOKING STOVES Adonis, P onutfin? aibBt AVOIOING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, THE "DOMESTIC" IRON. OWAN‘S GRAND OPERA HOoUSE. D I V 0 R C E. OwaNr‘s GRIND O‘?Ra BuUSE. WITH HIS TRAYELLING COMPANY FOR ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. Hardware, &t. OTTAWA, MONDAY JULY 24, 1875." omique, sAyING F U L â€"ANDâ€" Anmscenrenuts. JULY 2th RALPH SLATTKLRY, Recretary 8t, Patrick‘s Society. THE â€"ATâ€" The FOY SI8TERS The Cha: ming Charaeâ€" The Cha: mipg Charae» tor l%‘(l. FRANK GIRARD, The Versatile _ â€"__ Recentrios, _ _ ELLA WESNER, . As the Faet Young Man Of the Day. JENNIE MORGAN, MeKEE & ROGER®S The Great American and Tad Bhino d mentai Vocalist. i4 ENDERS will be recoived by the Board of Public »choo! Trustees until Thurrday 5th of Ausust nex{, at noon, for Heating Aprar« 94", required to heating i’flmsry Sehc ols in Néetoria and =t. George‘s Ward. (Bpecification and all n inform ition ean be obtained at t be office of 3unu Mather, Arohitect, Eigih Bireet. : b The Trustees do not bind themselves to accopt the 1 >west or any tï¬n&ofl. NSON, P e & _1 gg_s_:}mm%mn; CGommittee, Mr. 8.C. Wood, M. P. P., for South Victoria was on Friday sworn in Minister of Agriculture and Provincial Secretary in the Ontario Government, in the place of the Hon, Archibald McKellar appoint, ed Sheriff §§Wentworth. & "|5 rdry." 04 "Hith: in: /s * dn Pharorer Ritmaty n of mR diiats #Qb, #ged soven weeks and oneday. * Funeral to day at 2o‘clock, from his fathet‘s Fesidence, Richmond Road, :o Beechwood Cemetery. Friends will piease acdept of this intimation . i to parties desirous of visiting the points of inâ€" terest on the DVU CHESNE LAKE. â€" Sireet. donald arrived in the city yesterday morn: ing. It is understood that he tâ€"kes perâ€" manent leave of Ottawa within a Jay or two. a Notice to Contractors. Arravugemen‘s can be made with the Canada Centin!" katiway ‘to carry ® Exoursioniata "Af BPECIAL TRAIN TO BRITANNIA, when they embark on board of & steamer, _ For particulars apply at the Office, Sparks The Government have decided upon the erection of a residence for the Lient.. Governor ‘of the new Province of the North: West and a temporary gaol at Fort T-l Union Forwarding Railway Co‘y. a e prepared to mnlc.sn-ngamonu L Pelly, The work has been entrusted to Mr. Hugh | Sutherland, Orillia. ‘The es timated cost is somewhat under $15,000. Union Forwarding & Railway Company, GIANTâ€"OUn Sund 1 nst , the wite of pr. cy3 51 O Prom|ng, Soth inst, Board of Public School Trustees. TELEGRAPHIO handed the Awerican Cap to Major Henry Fulton. Cheers bunth(&\ t‘hoq:owd As they witnessed the presentation. failed. ‘Their liabilities are $1,500,000. â€" * Tb . * The Spanish government has leterminâ€" ed ito m&mt rlos:‘ol $7,000,000, .lt: inâ€" demnify the owners of emancipated slaves in Porto Rico. : §%. ~ Bon (Carlos‘ Letter, Don Carlos hu'm-hthrloallâ€" Tn.repmohin M:ï¬ e vnmwb:ngonduhdun:uho:“ exâ€" ecessive rigour, counselling moderation mdnrrtohhoufoui-uonpdnofn- prisals by the Carlists. a Arrived. The ltunuh.is. Denmark,â€" from York, has agriv Te sn 9n mows 06 the imeatsiblp Aol Meavy Failure. Echults & Mohr, general merchants, of No. 3 East India avenue, London, have The lint reguins nfocting. orf the Sumtoge t I Racing Associati The weather is fine and the track in t order, the list numbers three The first race is for the Travers stake for 3 yeer olds. Harnâ€" eys Osark is favourite at 3 to 4 against the field.. McGraths Aristides and Chesapeake, choice. The horses started wel}, after the first half mile the favourite out out running, but Dart away passed him at the hl, mile from the tinish and won the race b nlm dhhna‘: 1} time &“‘h l came nou;& third, Usark last. mw be the fastest time ever The second race was a sweepstakes for all ages, 1} miles, urrhd’ sixtyâ€"nine ttartod 17 Oliguts " Mate® Rpringpols and 'iLhOHpflcsp 3‘:'-".-:3 won by a ï¬o& second Oliptic third, timp 2:0%§, The time of the third race was Prosentation of Prises at Wimbleden. Ottawe, 26th July. New Advertisements. [July,the Wife of A. COpBtantiveah, Printer, Loxbox, July 24.â€"The presentation of rizee occurred at Wimbledon to day. f Berlin, which leaves Liverpool for ow Yoru" August 12th. The Hon. Lieutenant Governor Macâ€" er Royal Highness the Princess Louise Mapzin, A Paris special : ess concluded it New York, Ju PIC NICS AND EXCURSIONS FUANTLNEAUâ€"I8#!this city A M L 1 IF‘ OR E I (G N The American Team GREAT BRITAIN, BIHRTH ? 1 CUAN. YORK s Concluded, .. Ays the American Conâ€" Meeting of the Saraâ€" &mgm thir?. Th R. 8. CASBE 24â€"A large crowd , on the 2ith PP vhieni. New nt of y of A Washi bers of the of Delano, an si jent sees Six E steamers sailed toâ€"day, carrying 1,600 cubin and stecrage passenâ€" gors, a mar decreas« from previous Saturdays and a sure indiaation that sumâ€" mrtnnlh?.ma-tom. K1l the steam â€" ers had large cargoes. Arrival ‘of the Peamident. President Grant unun-:l‘:d Col. Fred. Grant and wife and R.bsmn. arrived at the 5th Avemue Hotel this Three mlwm United States steam sloop of war hattan, now ly‘ng in the harbour, wer» drowned while attempting to desert by ewimming ashore a feow duys ago. Twn »«liee hare been The Herald‘s commenrcial artiole says at present there is an unuseual amount of grain on the move,. Probably over two million bushels are on cansis, two million on lakes and four milliras in transit to Great Britain. ‘The prospect of trade in &hï¬hy&wfll ba Tolly as great as fall of 1873. f ng M | (Wecne C abiieiicitcs ts ebet Asks n Mortality in the City, The city health rate last week was 45 porl0,0cspcr-nu-. ‘This is a conâ€" siderable increase over the proceding week.. The .uhl& j is due to the duthnoflimudm are dying at the rate of about 100 per day. The Resuit of Rad Candnet. Burrauo, July 24.â€"4ear Folsoma, a well known lawyer, and one of the most prominent citizens of Buffalo, was thrown and received injurics sheut his head occurred last night a% the naval store md&:flu hve hblecks of small es, two wherves, and $2,000 worth of houses, two wharv L T partly covered by insuvrance. s committed suicide by hanging herself to a beam in the bun'm miles from the city. Depraswanm of spirits was the cause of the act. A Dinbolien? woed. Norwmon, Or., July 24,â€"A {onqmu umodlox'ny,swmow kulodahmomln' b{ # mmlz anma avrndon asainet him â€" ‘Tha naorna fiad this morning for Burlinyton, Vermont, where they will pass flnl:ï¬â€˜ with Bishop o. .. _ "Nayy Yarn Puwsacota, .* 4 Freutpa, July 28. " There were twantyâ€"wine easss of fever at Barranoas. ~Our quarantine is direct but supplies have to he furnished from Bal in our viginig T wagare the fand io our boolondndpln’oi uB hxiudl muodumbyo. and let and .f‘.:dlhl hp to save Qh?olnl. No kness tine, or at Pensscola. Womudm: * stripken down 1 Gonx ’m&“'ufw' Quinn, of New York; the Very Rev. Mgr. Decautels, of Montreal, and Rev. M C. Offiel, of Roundout, N.Y., left this city DeGoesbriand. ‘The Ablegate sails for ?mhln the steauwhip China on the , j wiÂ¥onuuerzkn Dpepression of Rpirits, * Ma: N. J 24.‘ . Mixouzerey, N. 05 Julr 24â€"Today some nst him. ‘The fled ed up in the Norwich geol, 24.~~The B of the Nar w To‘ <a the Aooning legraph Company will be sold to the m-hldd October. A boy named Reich is the first of the season‘s selfâ€"murderers at Niagara Falls. Decatur, I11, July 24.â€"â€"The inhabi~ tants in this city are baing kept in a state of excitement over "the discoveries which are being made on farms west ever, and no extra Mr. Grimâ€" wd'.mmm of a thin summer coat and wnolen pants and vest. If they landed safely on ferests they would, it is believed, he able to subsist until they could reach civilise upon ‘whi“klbuth:.dwhhhw in region and upor +=all * game is also abundant. e best authority, to have perished since To provduropiin e n rpraine mapat in _ _ The Missing Beliaonists. Cuio100, July 24.â€"Nine have sailed away in Barnum‘s balloon and still ::i.fll: to thdorrgo. The faot that bodies men nor aoy part of the wnnbdfllhuh- been picked up on the lake gives color to the theory that they did not perish in the waves. â€"'lifl.hor‘â€" s iipuï¬' e e e n ‘ward, wmam Michigan, on the Lake Superior region or Canada; if so we will doubticss hear of them sooner or â€"later whether dead or alive. ° The balloonists took no food whatâ€" Cnaruzstox, 8. C., TJuly 4.â€"A large firt European his carringe while driving last evenâ€" Yellow Fever ia Florids. Delano‘s Restr=atton. The Gold Risseavery. The Papal AMagate. Times ° ~© The Grajn Warkes Fatal Acaident, WASHTNGTON on special four mem inet hmr_-n’b.o retention two oppose it. The Preâ€" re won w*= Dalsno should Fravel a» *me decrease. coxcarn, NOR WI®MH, To be #~*4. * M Vermont, Tolonob.l uly 24â€"The Canadian Grand Lodge, K.O0.8.C,, at t eir closing session i:.r.m†elected the following officers the ensuing year :â€"George Vensel, e y rag L ng mg se o. 17, . K.; Wm. Inagness, No. 8, St. Catharines, G. Scribe ; Wm. Silver, No. 3, Hamilton, G. Treasurer. _ &.Bflddgulthvhit«l‘ao gaol for snn t ments were Â¥. Governor, and City Enzineer was inâ€" Governor, and the City Enzineer was inâ€" structed to carry out the same Jr.c.A.Woodmwo;n in as Provinâ€" Becretary yesterday. It is understood Mboonlyt’nhuuu position temporâ€" arily, and a t recommendation hthhmmu he is a man uy momoine "Ioive Cnmurube ‘-“'(; to the which position Wood said was the only “l;:i.n.tln c:dhg the 22nd inst., year there were 1,855 prisoners sent to the Major Shaw whose leg was broken by the Grand !hmkarflvlry(hnmb’ï¬m since, has quite recoveret and will be able to resume his duties in a few days. Knights of St. Crispinâ€"Gaol Inspection â€"Contempt of Court â€"Oentenuiat Ex» bibition +â€" Inquest«â€" â€"Prisoners . Com« mitted â€"â€" Rocovered â€" Butchers‘ As At the last ular: ing of the Butcher‘s mm:'.m :vu passed abolishing the credit system, and on and after the ist day dAi.um 80 aays‘ credit will be given to ap The Fodel Farm mear the Vill=gs of celebrate the Battle of Lundy‘s Lane, by x &ndnm Hm.'- yHo:g':.l at the Police Court on a su & 48 _r:ihn- against xdwud_flgu:ï¬s:oh! An inquest .was held last night at the Paterson House, corner of Agoes and Elizabeth â€"streets, by Dr. De lma Hooke, Coroner, on the body of William ‘Turner, engineer of the yacht «Flors L. Bain, Llast night Patrick Hagan,a youth of l7yun,wumudtanï¬â€™-lnzwupc pear at the Police Court on a subpcsna as CorxwaL,, July 24â€"â€"A yu: man named Archy MceDonald, employed in the Cauada cotton mills, had his arm literally torn from his body by the picking ma chine. He is not expected to live. Sans . Souci past the historical lage of Bornstedt, near which lies the imdm(mwnff:lm It must be an to have one place where Mmmd their honors and titles and royalty, and I they bar mighpes min nevet Inppier thas was never mm«.w‘mmm as the guadige frau of Bornstedt. Upon applicstion to the old lady to permit us to W hd.od‘noono. 1 have lived huou.&yun, no one ever asked me before." Upuw:dmu boirn‘thr w&“m Americans, promis er we ndd-onal.l.uymu:ln:?ohdnbovn us through the bouse and private garden, i ol in i n m ex down to a stream of water. _ She pointed mmmmmmnmz beds allotted to the :iwhuotboy dug, and planted, and play durh"trbom allowed thein for recreation, " which are esnEX * for the dear things have vasation like other children. ‘They have so much to learn and to study that even when they are here there l_.x._,,_. & liquer contrary to law. w# Wiihnetks meablew dig» 2L some of in wmvm in this Province, for the im i n found in the bay. A verdict * Fou! Drowned" was returned. Currron, July 24.â€"A excursion of about 1,200 from 0 C ares e is about 10 o‘clock, and this evening They had a very quiet time. Weather very warm. kitchen, into a small corridor that led to &Ohh-dl;pm:flcn‘ the old German m&h walls and ï¬w The rooms are with exquisite taste and chairs, curtains, and are covered ::'m eorded pique, with a broad To hn mas magie‘ mm ‘arâ€" * was alaimed. 4 Yes," she said, "that is her Highnoss‘ runs Ewith eight wickets to time was called. tion to the old to permit us to wwflrmï¬m-%.“"" The inscription * Planted the ammvu"‘:'-u.um mb{m.', and another by the Princess A{onndriu T maohs yokh :~ .1 _ . l0 0. 5. don‘t know . mnï¬: has never been given to me to show house to stranâ€" & part of their recreation.‘‘ . On one side of the garden was a little house of white rabbits with the tender little ones uw;zmmf‘&m o) reâ€" turned from England. There was also mpouwl&htn-yddflnnï¬,coah- inâ€"chinas, and Black Spanish soold â€" ing and coaxing the truant chickens that in the pleasant grâ€"ss.. o onl -ll:.h'::.ï¬o ?hhh ldh:: tm miar it uit aoend . &m.-mmpï¬au 7!1?5‘“ said, " Liobe frau, how much of the labor do with Ci inss tage contwes, aea & an â€" m:umwuummu was dug for them. ‘The ladies then put “NTM.NMM it Then mnl’,h&“ '-Nhn;th-. .0 _ qs â€"drowx rammorse‘ rooms. _ "But who can do it, then? We are very anxious to see it." Yesterday afternoon the members of On Monday next, the York Pioneer‘s Bsuusviuus, July 24â€"A cricket match mthlï¬â€™-m.-d Believiile Cornwarns, July 24â€"A sociation Cclebration. THE CROWN PRINCE® HMOME. C A N A 1 / A N From the Cincinnati Gazotte CORNWALL. BELLEVILLE. CLIF TON. DRoO®T0o from two or three fir trees. blic interest in "Yes, l know ; she is not grand and gay enough loplui;(h.n,butdn is a true wife and mother, and L say . it honestly. Yousee i am a very oli woman, but in all my long und varied h never have | sou8 a fnnlly "of chigren tn rany mmmï¬qr%h’wflwu while they are here: young Crown Prince is one of the best hearted boys 1 cnrh.wh,;ndnawopmd â€â€˜.-hy summer, on a rew a fire. I started up hw&. e mid mhieg it out of hy mmnie mit, muhmwhc:;hm'm up the steps with it, and piaced it by the stove. â€" Un another occasion, seeing me move & table in order to hbupnm he said, ‘Do you want that down nd&o-rpd.l throw it &“ng over :&imdovnuuiu-ul&" We said did just such a pleasant “‘c‘h.oou::o‘:‘"{u c paok: s & mean * T d hy punl Yes, one of the servants told me about it. It is just like the boys." _ _ With it ired, * J? upiitipuie mi3ee ghod Seaining eriwely to the moterâ€"has the father nakging to "Inaeed," we exclaimed, "that is very phuuwéhou,t‘ormhuumdou like her, and suy a great many disagreeâ€" able things about her." " Y ou know it is said the Crown Prince vewed neatly on againg ":.z.:a.,'“..“ wi. y iut her mhn,dm .bh"liunuu, sue is so good her fHow of praise -glu i the nanm-vhnL her Highâ€" ness. " Any hour she chooses to come. All L have to do now is to fll the vases full of fowers, and thenâ€"" . children in ber own little one sesated oar~ fednedn ut ;llhtho way h:,u-‘ufllz h‘% ignes: what "ume wink . uo ces flies with their p tails, Uver Jors a hurom Timety f tions as Aurors, Juno, Hmndn on. The cows, the lady me, were ‘all milked twice and many of them three times a day, and .':“n an abundance of good, rich milk, was always in demand . But very fow of them are raised upon the estate, most of them importe1, which reâ€" minds me of the s remarks to a Fe.-mmwmwm in . 'l‘hnmvuLb.w on @K~â€" hibition that had not imported. Afâ€" ter the distribution of the premiums, the mpuum'bnm who ‘W‘.““h had raised -d:“u.“ln.-v:: fellow, you $ i e n en on en unimal, and had an amount of trouble and care with it, until you have brought it to this size mod perfection. Ywmw:fl‘.b“m men deserve no prize grown tiacs" Bas then he adged, Maut sobt macht‘s eben so."‘ x _: The will ofiabert . Ives of ProwMensh :::d. .ï¬ 1t was universally oxâ€" pected that he would leave large sums to various public W-:.. )th)': a big slice, not oxâ€" e mvae ue u,wu.drut.‘.x o-:zm of Brown University, who is now the L.aa-hmhflu-_ inâ€" affection. 8o scon as he heard that his wife was well and had a daughter, he said, tnent .2:‘.:‘;.‘:‘..‘;‘?.' wrz mother & cens." v?h-u?â€" hu:tntt comes down stairs, ron & and says she wants o.k-..r:i a dish for dinner. n my Aurry in waiting on her and handing her the necessary we have the most unbounded respeot, we f:md the old lady‘s fl- this waoge hor uons is Tmdlr 4o we soortned for every iime it iy washed al ..fl‘,wd OlF RQu _ bordering in risj~ll otr o. " We finished for her=â€"* ‘Then it will be a rural paradise, worthy of your Princess." :;â€"i(flï¬.dui-om Mr, 1v@‘s estate being estimated at $29,000,â€" uï¬du,' ioh Wl“*' mysel{, and #a) "sir‘ to her. ‘!:‘- qm.i.:o always amiles so plemsantly, "Oh,nbu-nn-.â€.'l‘hvowulu them to the best of my ability for nine in tmeron had Iwiid m thite mae Thaint toâ€"morrow qm,umumfl- sonabiiinee "of T90 upnmsered ropanes l..rng puh’u-.‘ of a real, m'ï¬â€™ py life in this priscciy family, for whom I never have envied any of + slions before, but I (hq cnvyh:q’..“ charmingly cool rooms, the vases of fragâ€" raut fowers, and, above all, this book case, filled with my favourite English to the udhrhd.u.'aw and that were scoured to a of whiteness that we wondered at no time for the frout steps, A waggon A in w inndt mearonce mitepnier, ed to open his mouth to eall for help, and no time for the Trobt R siood by the door, in whigh the tt ‘okha not know your Crown Prince was a aailk Y ‘“::mm‘uw Wmuâ€"umum and the _ And wo unfered the Toug Tow Sunding: whtinite double row of in which mm two as fine as one could :"uo. As we by the “fl; in vauderiogiy, ‘Then remimed "Thak THE PRINOE A8 a FATHER ndfCs 3 CHNWh Pringe. If they are con contaiming $1,000, went 4 washed all tha vls Wilst De Ive‘s #5%