813 «hving his personal supervision to every act, the ring, the amusements, in quan tity, and quality, are unequalled. The evening‘s performance will conclude with a new sdaption of the exciting equem®t trion drams of "Dick Turpin‘s ride to York, and the death of Black Bess," the title role by James E. Cooke. + ove, mmu Lighet toriely have mss 4 Si Cotts ve also reâ€" pm&mh:flfmmumr- ing the last seven years Mr. Murray has won a reputation as a director of eques trizn amusements. His company is alâ€" ways the best that can be procured at hnnond.h-d.-dunnroâ€"--i- ving ts poraont) repmernund is weny Giving his C supervision to every resent, who seemed to enjoy the perâ€" Lmeo thoroughly, and an enterprising vendor of refreshments, who pitched a stand on the ground, did a brinfbminm in cakes and effervescingfliquors. There was considerable difficulty experienced in effecting an entrance through the little turnstiles, which from time to time be came blocked up completely by the large crowd. The same inconvenience oceurred on the previous band night, and we trust it will be obviated for the future on Wedâ€" nesday evening by ing the large gate. The necessity for mmnuon inl:‘.o that might easily have been foreseen by the party in charge of the grounds, Coaurâ€"Five cm. laden with coal came into the basin yesterday for Messrs. W. M. Beattie & Co. The coal will be delivered almost fortbwith, Mesers. Beattie & Co. having secured the contract for lhoo::rplyo(dï¬public schools, gaol, hospital and other public and private houses throughout the city. Lazrosxy.â€"A man named Somers, actâ€" ing as night watchman at the Albion Hotel, was arrested yuunhf' by Detacâ€" tive Hamilton on a charge of lareeny. 1t would seem that money has been missed in the hotel for some time, awd, as sus picion fell upon Somers, the detective was informed of the fact. A trap was a¢ cordingly set for the suspected thief, and vesterday the marked moneyâ€"was fout«l in his possession. He w ll appear before the Magistrate this morning. _ Taz Swarr Pox Butroixe.â€"The conâ€" tractor who undertook to remove the small pox building in connection with the Protestant Hosvital, to the river side and burn it, was yesterday detected by Mr. R. Cummings, Reeve of Gloucester, tik ing the sound pieces of timber to his home in that township. Steps will } taken to day, by the hospital suthoritiqs, to have this defanitiing contractor accour! for this violation of bis obligation to theip, and such punishment will be meted to him as the law will allow. Tnz G. G. F.G. Baxnp.â€"The Band of t Governor (General‘s Foot Guards pe fermed last evening on Cartior &‘un e the selectios w hich appeared in our issne of yesterday. ‘lhere was a large crowd County Cassz.â€"Michael .Farrel was ‘arâ€" raigned htforohlr. W.IP. Lett, County M assaulting one M m of the Township ‘of Gloueclt‘:r,. He was fined $! and costs. Mary is a somewhat thrbulent creature, and she has become an everlasting source of wouble to the authorities. Exuuiss Mai.~â€"An English Mail will closiat the cil{ post office at 12.05 o‘clock p.m., destined for the steamship Prussian, which sails from Quebec for Liverpool an Saturday. _A wp’hl‘ncnuq bag will close at 1.25 p.m., for the same destinaâ€" tion, but will contain no registered matâ€" New City Haui.â€"The {ohu of the first floor of the new City Hall having been all hid,l.howcrkoummlswry is rushâ€" ing up rapidly, masoury is of the most substantial character, and presents a very solid appearance. Jewreiiey Sars.â€"The great auction sale of Radford & Goyer‘s entire and valâ€" umable stock is being sold by auction each night at 7:30. office when it was used as a theatre, is at fnnnt in the ‘city on a visit to his mends. Retvrxzv» Hous®.â€"Chief Young of the Fire Brigade has returned from his reâ€" cent trip to Montreal and Quebec. . in botb«fhc“ he was most hospitably 1e ceived by the membe:s of the fire briâ€" Ax Orp Face.â€"Mr. ‘ownsend, who is well known to most of the citizens as beâ€" ing the lessee for a term of years of this Jewrireey Sacs.â€"The great auction sale of Radford & Goyer‘s entire and val umble stock is being sold by auction each night at 7:30. The Hamilton Cricket Club arrived by the steamer Peer/ess last evening, and are staying at the Clarendon House. leaves . gGensburg | lor Poston ...6.05 a m., 1240 p.m., 6.19| ~teamer Peerless leaves......... id * RETIVBHL.:...c> <teamer Queen FVicioria leaves. lnd w L. Xves eRAND TEUXK RALILWAY. ; have been a good game. Leaves PresocoiiJunotion ' n New Post Orrtcs Buicvixa.â€"The last “"In.‘ s ."“"x':f?;.::g:‘:’ stone of this building was }aid yesterday ; "_‘|and in token of the event a flag was uomk, WATERTOWNXN. AND O@DUN® |)oi4tel. ‘The rooting was at once comâ€" «BUKG RAILWAY. h meneed. Leaves 0; .. £00 am., 225 pm. â€".â€" Armv@e hmw..m,\‘, 7.00 am. | _ Jovexias Bsuct Rixos®s.â€"Forcpaugh‘s ! eaves New YÂ¥ok.... 6.00 p.m., 11. p.m ’ Museum contains a troupe of girl bell Arrives in (rdensâ€" ringers, automatically constructed. They DUrp ......c.s00.... l.15 am 7.45 pm. l play a great variety of delightful melodies ©rNXTHKAL Â¥FHMONT RAILR@AN. ) upon silver bells. Steamer Jessie Cassels leaves RKeturning arrive at Arrives in Ogdensâ€" bury from Roston. 7.00 am.. 1240 p.m m‘% u'm“ “. .fl“‘ -“b i wo PNC NNUEBOI MEUTCE. way. utss | . Bu% Bariâ€"The Ottawas and a li:icked Leares.... 7.30 a.m., 11.00 am., 200 p.m, | nine ofthe Flyaways, Athletics, andHurons, ~lages le W indso _fith he .10 p m. @TTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION co 100 pm. CARABA CENTFAL RAILWAY. Ayimer every morning at Kravuellers‘ Guide. LKocal Intclligeuce. ROYAL MALL L1NE 620 2am, 7.25 am., 3.55 pm., ve the Kussell, Union a: Houses at 6.31 am., to coupe 140 &.11 A drunkerd‘s fach has .been described as* a clustor of carbuncles with a ruby yrraaat / Mirivhet ~ a+a~Uinatant Inirt ht cextrrd I do; Master W H Fraser, do; W A Cham, berlin and wife, Plan ; John Pur cell, Cornwall ; Jas. nm:,“ Westmeath ; gcw.flw York ; Arch. w; i inegard, Morrisburg ; Jas. es son, Alexandria; Peter l-k.,do; Mr. and Mrs. D D A Ferguson, Smithsfall ; C w 00L OO L0 0 Oe ORDCCOTIEH q A Burnham, Milwaukee ; Jas. Miller, Por tage dn Fort; R C Mills, Renfrew. _ H Metcalfe, Pembroke; J R Metcaife, Cobourx ; Thos R Eilis, Pembroke; R A Mather, Gatineau Mills; D Owen, To ronto; A Bosa, LaGhute; Wm. Alex. Fraser, Westmeath‘; Miss Jessic Fraser, Doi d ) on Ionet, Igronio Henry Richardâ€" son, Montreal ; Rn-e‘l. Quebec; M J Heplinstall, Argprior ; Andrew x’umj Renfrew ; Fran Bnrm:s Buffalo ; J Inglis, Brantford ; W A Nye, Dom Wis. ; L _F Dufresne, Ottaws ; Wintle, Hamilton ; Richd. grn., Port Huron ; Alfred White, Montreal ; James Clark, do ; A J Jobnston, New Yotk; A Mc#en, East Templeton. Aummicax Housz.â€"Rev. J G Manley, Toronto, W k Robertson, Montreal ; J broke ; W P Rocke, Ottawa ; W 0 Washâ€" burn, Renfrew; i‘ Simoneau,. doy Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bristow, Montreal ; R E Kennedy, Hamilton ; f)r. Woolinton, do; H Shaw, do; II H Sadleer,.do; F U‘Ken, do; A H Hope, do; R H Hope, do. ‘ C â€" Wixpsor Houss.â€"=H» Matheson, Shanâ€" Crarexpox Hovsz. â€" Thomas : Eyre, Montreal ; Geo A M , do; G A Dork, Costicle; H A do ; P Stephens, Reford Mil‘s ; J H Oranm, Pem: burgfl A RKeasoner, Bupté Moria & Essex xÂ¥ lï¬aw“&&ï¬,aagumwh' 8 N R R, N. Â¥.; t Syracuse ; Geo F l‘hm Coal Dept DL & W B R, Utica ; atton, Alexâ€" ndthaE;wauk, Gen Supt R W ‘tul:‘lR,ll lM,A;l‘g:OSuEtï¬?g General Frei Agent A hwycrm‘nunrk W & RR, E B Wynn, Attorney R W & 0 R R, HT Frary, Gen Ticket Agent, R W & V R B, Watertown. \ _ Tus Maor‘s Figio.â€"The City Engineer hag put » surveyor on this place with a view to prepare it for the purpose for | which it is intepdedâ€"that of a public | park for the use of the citisens. â€" In a few | days workmen will be put on, and in a short time its present rugged lglpum will be considerably changed. This work is a very desirable one,and no time should l be lost in executing it. nfoat 7 s dWP Dh i 1 O 0 eCA _ DWE eook ; H *‘ R Richards . do; . W M _ Moore, Berlid;‘ W Rosamond, Aimonte ; _ J Hasking,‘ Pakenham. ‘The “Sh-ugnn Company "â€"Miss Ida Savory, C. Savory, Mts. Frank W. Mi:&'l‘l. Bailey, Miss Néunie Egbort, Miss Emma Stone, La Patite Col.ilswlr. and Mrs. Stoddard, E. A. MceDowell, Will. N. Griffith, Felix J, Morris, J. N. Edwards, (has. Arnold, Gus l(onh?. J. H. Red: ding, Frank J. Cotteér, ‘H. J. Owens, H. Milburn ; H. J. Halstead, H. Silkmap, H. John J Walker, Montreal; W L Ogle, l:;‘ J P;nwlt.‘ 'do'; hT RRH‘QJ. do} wdoJ unro, Toronto ; .lohn Ritghie, jr., do ; D McDouf‘u, Burlin ; W gthpontor, Thunder B.y ; J K Patterson, New York ; Neil Robinson, Arnprior ; J Burwash, do, Joshua Calloway, Carleton Place; A C Dalzie}1, Pmlbnrg:; W H (Bailey, Fitchâ€" burgh, Msss.; D C Wheeler Watertown ; R P Street, Hamilton; MÂ¥ and Mrs J S Pappe, do; S O Dook, Coatiâ€" Adoiphe Lamoreux was up on a similar charge, and was relieve > of $2 and Thomas Stewart was arraigned on a charge of inde. ent assault, but his case was remaended for a day. The prisoner was accused of attacking in an indecent manner a servint girl in the employ of Mr. E. Miles, ~| e delivering ale on the premises. * Mogas» mebhed tiret l io tentnbtntartin Snd ntreataccs. 2 E01. B, Phelv, K. M. Nash, Scranton, {‘. y H. Wan Vieck. Sodus Point N Yâ€" H P Peter Hasker was up for being drunk and disorderly. It being a first offence, he was let off with a reprimand. _ _ Mary Gibson was charged with being drumk and disorderly on Wellington street. Nhe was fined $3 and costs. In default she went to gaol for a week. _ James McDowell was up on a charge of being drurk in the publicstreets. He was muleted in $2 and costs. > Namuel Horton was charged with asâ€" saulting his wife. He was sent to gaol for neoupt of days to sober up and regain his senses. ' Thomas Agar was by Theodore Frederick with umm was fined $5 and costs. _ John G. Cox nnd;ia wife were arâ€" raigned on a c vagrancy, both being fourd -:3:".. on the streots without any .{ponnt means of earning a livelihood. They were committed t > gaol for a month. Catharine Beauchamp was arraigned for using insulting words. to Adam Fortin. The case was dismissed without costs. Before M. O‘Gara, P.M :r‘ir visit may prove a source of pleasure 'l.::ï¬â€˜ to ~1men of such enterprise, and that it will not be wit: out advantage to this pait of the country where they have chosen to have a few days‘ recreaâ€" tion. Rainw uy Toriusts.â€"A large number of railway man are at present in the city‘on a pleasure trip from the neighbouring State of New York, and are stopping at she Russell Ifouse. With* a shrewdness peculiar to the Awmerican people they combine business with pleasure. They are studying the present and contem:â€" plated railway systeins of Central Canada, with a view to a connection between them and the railway systems in which they are interested. |t is to be hoped Ruxaway.â€"There was a lively runaway last nigt on Maria Street. The band which was playing on Cartier‘s Square frightenâ€" ed a norse. â€" Hao was however captured on the bridge having done no damage to the Tux 0. B. B. C. Dergatso.â€"The Ogdens: burg club was defeated yesterday in Ugdensburg by the Kingston elub by & score of 12 to 6. ‘The score shows it must have been a good game. New Post Orrtce Buicvixa.â€"The last stone of this building was laid yesterday ; and in token of the event a flag was hoisted. ‘The rooting was at once com:â€" meneed. j play this afternoon at 2 o‘cloek at the Trades‘ Union Picâ€"nic for a prize of $25. Prrsoxai.â€"Mr. A. B. Chaffee, Secretary of the Brockville & Ottawa and Canuda Central Railways, is in town and staying at the Russell {lou. e. Russeru Hous®.â€"â€"J.; Stafford, Buffalo ; MHOTEL ARRIVALS. PoLICE CoURT Wepxespay, July 28. column a splendid rogramme is offered for public unmc-pns Music, dancing, athletic sports and other attractive fea tures cannot fail to mane pleasure seekers enjoy a pleasant holiday. _‘ Trapes Uxiox® P:icâ€"Nic.â€"The first anâ€" nual Picâ€"Nic under the uTEiouol the Trades Council of Ottawa will take %:: toâ€"day on the 1m-ï¬ of the Ottawa Ball Club. m:m .:‘onhfl-..h ; large turn ont to ve ing the working classes of the og. As will ï¬snAnodnionmï¬mni ip and.decorâ€" ating their rooms and w E:iï¬'me- ceivre donations in suitable ‘books, picâ€" tures or money, in order that they may be possible. Rev. Mr. Cameron will be fll to learn Mhoh..tbolm&lhl marnht He intends going to Westerq Ontario a day or two to spend some| little time there, before resuming his duties here. es #e,, Ottawa, 28th July, 1875. * MUSIC AT THE EXHIBITIOXN. To the Edtior of the TIMES. Sir,+â€"For the information of your m respondent D, I beg to inform m ing to thimlmmo published by the the tion is to be opened with music under the leadership of Mr. Mills. It is therefore «to be presumed _ alï¬! ?_-_- . lâ€'b‘" .I I for this purpose. ~â€"? Te Editor degires it to be distinotiy understood that while inserting the o mm»nicutions of t utmnuuhl;: be is in no way to be held mm-lb‘c the ‘Oploidns . expressed throughout in destroying ;The acting of 0703 member of l-L company was, splendid, and there dr.:ot occur & single hitch to mar the of lhhm’i drama. It will be reproduced toâ€"night, o oopomne aare s see lx::ig,bt b.oowflbun gives but a faint idea of this beautiful cdrans The last act restores peace to the disâ€" turbed househoid, and tapt. Lynde and the lawyer and detéctiye receive the merited seorn of those whose peace and bappiness _ they _ wetre instrumental nursé l‘roloflud' arid ‘retired, when the husband reâ€"enters and meets his lawful ~wife, ;’i*th whom n‘h.roconcllh- tion is ! .. through / enc of their ol:grwlo in th.tmy oxl:grtin: manner implored his father to restare to his motHer once more domestic po? and happiness, ‘This appareit restoration is however again prevented bl)“l.he appearâ€" ance of the motherâ€"inâ€"law, Lang and the detective ut:n the scene‘ to arrest the husband as being a dangerous lun» the husband as boing a dangerous luna tic. ‘The indignant husband {l:ono his wife with treadhery, and | all hope of _ reconciliation â€" séemms‘. }itnâ€" possible _ at _ the {closing _ scene. dead, and an | apparent | improper intimacy is on the eve of springing up _ between them. . Just _ as he retires, the mother ‘rushes in upon the scene and clasps her child with exâ€" clamations of delight. An exchange of angry words takes place beétween the nurse and mother, the latter sccusing her of making love to her husband. ‘I he end the detective : kidnapping the child from its mother‘s bedâ€"room durin the conversation between the aunt uui her niece. The latter faints at the loss of her child, pnunu'n{hu. very: affecting scene with the fall of curtain. . ‘The fourth act opens with an interview beâ€" tween i r Lang (W. i. CaÂ¥le,) the deles: tive and the mother, wherein the family uffairs are freely discussed. Mr, Adriause has in the meantime bolgn nrrbd by the doctor as being # lunati® and his removal to the asylum is 1gcommended. A oohl:oquy_noxhz“ onsu}a :::m the nurse,, who is in charge 0/ o husband who pretends that its m,:%gorux: and her husbvand, and in this she suc ceeds to some extent. Her efforts are, however, frustrated by an Aflboï¬n’ scene which follnwsâ€"that of Alfre: Miss Lu Tern Kyck (Miss Ida Savory); also that of Alfred Adrianse (Frank G. Cotter), who regarded marriage as_an ePinodo and found its fate, and Miss Fannie Ten Kyck (Miss Belle Bailoy). The scene closed witlira wédding march and every one seemed happy, and as the briâ€" dal party retitred thogovhl servant maid threw her slipper after them, ‘The seoâ€" ond act, however, reveals a marked con: trast, and the apple of discord is thrown among the newly wedded &rtiu, causing much domestic trouble, Capt Lynde (W. N. Grifliths), who was presumably a friend of the Ten Eyck family, w»s also a friend that always stood in the way of the happiness â€" of the recently mar ried couples. _ This character carries his flirtations to such an extent in both timilies that an open quarrel ensues,which ultimately leads to an nlppllcuion for di« vorce. The services of one Templeton Jitt t}b‘eli.x Morris), a divorce lawyer <f the New York bar, is next sought by Mre. De Wolf De Witt, who comes along with Detective Burritt (Mr. F. Owen) to redress the grievances of his client and grant a divorce. ‘The interview between &o trio was of the most amusing character, the grotesque acting of Mr. Owen producing regular outbursts of laughter, At this stage the divorce lawyer proceeds to the library in an adjoining apartment to reâ€" ceive further instructions from his client. During his absence the detective undorâ€" takes the wgranting a divorce to Mrs. Adriux:a who bad also become alienated in her affections to her husband through the intrigues of Capt. Lynde, and to found it a very lucrativebusiness, Much of the family trouble is caused by the disagreableness of the motherinâ€"law AMfrs. Ten E{lc.bu [Mis. lmnio Stoddara ] who contin gots t daughters into a scrape bï¬i« indiscietion. G@race [Mrs. Frank Murdoch] endeavors to effect a reconcilation along with the Rev, Harry Donean (Thos. N. Â¥Awards] but only to meet with the disdain and scornlul reâ€" buke of the enraged motherâ€"inâ€"law. The Zthird Act opens with an interview between the detective and the servant, wlhoin::.chrpor the house, the former Alyi is vocation to tmnflf' t into {hon’unily qnlnoh.‘. Mrs. Adrianse makes her appearance and â€" flingâ€" ihl;. down bil.l purse -o?n-onu to vingâ€" a re or .& ration from her Eunm She noxm an interview with Captain Lynde, whose firtations she encourages, ‘*‘hh is folâ€" lowed by an interview between Alfred and the Dotooï¬nh:hon a plan is devise‘l to kidnap the child, which has during their separation remwined with the mother. An effort is made in the nmeantime by Mrs. Iw: Emma Stow«) to effect a reconcili beitween Mrs. Adrinnse Reâ€"appenrance of the Shaueghraun Troupe. . The great attraction last rmight was Gowan‘s Opera House, where a large and brilliant assembly of" our citizens ‘greetod the return of the Shaughraun troupe to the city. Agustin Daly‘s 5r¢nt society drams, in five acts, entitled Divorce which has had for over oi?ht consecutive months, such a successful run in the Filth Avenue Theatre, New York, was rut upon the boards, and its rou(‘it. on ast night was of such a character as to fully maintain the reputation gained by the trou'ro in their performances in other cities, The drama presented a true picâ€" ture of social life, and the different charâ€" acters were so well taken as to fully bring out the intent of the author in his greay, emotional drama. _ The first act presents to the audience the courtâ€" ship and marriage of De Wolf De Wilt, an excellent authority on the manage: ment of wives (E. A. McDowell), and Â¥. M.C, A.â€"The Young Men‘s Rev, Mz. Caxzsaox.â€"The friends of the Cove¢tspongecnce. GowaN‘s oPERA HoUsSkE, adver as attractive as improper springing as _ he in upon Thk TIMES: OTTAWA, THURSDAY, JUOLY 29, istb 'l‘h.fluk’:hmmmï¬ohtho where it "vuhbWhml . @ cept six or seyen miles of nppmh tioned yesterday in my address that in that country, although the wood was very scarce in many p that by one of those wise provisions of ; which : sgem never to fail h'up!-:-ll[!i man‘s necessities ldlquruuonho ,wpmroolyon: eave a woody region, or a region mos thickly covered with wood, till we enter upon & coal district which has no equal upon the face of the earth for extent. and that iandsâ€" m{::olaoto Lake Winneâ€" peg, which es trom north to south sboul.mmllu,nnddun‘m are within .bwufl.dfml: i’l‘hhgi‘vhu us peouliar opening up the country, and we are at present ‘trooood~ ing to build our railways on the spots Naiymew . L uky mt menh g topo oo so we e M.Wt&o to obtsin access to the very of the territory, and mido.wof exit for the producâ€" of Canads, when they become so as to require to be exported to 3 ~for sale. (Applause) 1 menâ€" ocean and enter the waters of the St. Lawâ€" rence you can go in the same steamer for two thousand miles to the head of Lake SBuperior. ‘Then, wa have west of Lake Superior, when we reach the height of land, Lac do Mile Lac, Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, and some other small lakes, reaching altogether: to about 320 miles ; obtain ‘in b.:ik'iut s:lrrlwryl.llWofm at t ing a telegrnph line from onrrm of ‘the ‘continent : to another. Every m‘le of it is under cont:act. We will, perbaps, have a third of it constructâ€" ed before the end of this year;: and wherever wood : otcurs, as wood does . o¢â€" cur over the prairies in patches here and there, we clear up two chains wide, or 182 feet, build a telegraph line along this clean plot, and follow with the surveyors. for the railroad to prépare a way for opeâ€" for the railroad to & way for 0; abioms Uporv thir contiruption of se ival. in this=â€"tim frous the tiikle you leats the We bave from Lake Superior westward &l:oodhmmmmluofl.bhmdln place where we have no water navigaâ€" tion, for one of the peculiarities of Canada vides not merely ‘:\‘u land, but: ?l::. mA terial assiatence in pay GY 0 Pas, sages in getting there. I%go,v eat there is the huviutfown on the American Conti nent,and if there is any Trishmen hore preâ€" sent I may tell them that the potatoes grow bigger there than anywhere else. _&m‘h- ter and applau#e.) ‘The Canadian Govéernâ€" ment at the present thenp'ï¬d iqov_oro_omlngptho Inm difficulties that tnrht:n .bl;:lo plou'fh l'oin:hbofor'o the frost ow, and got is seed,and as ï¬oï¬ nowfrï¬ho surface the plants gets the benefit of the otpllh? at traction from the moisture below, and the crops ‘twï¬u as well where this is the fagt as in other parts of Canada wherethe {Ift'.&.' 'iox{; little into the fm:‘hhl ps:u... country ve allu u-)--u d so as it was a new country~â€"the Canadian Government pro settle in mz.m country, but Iâ€" merely point out the peculiar advantages that result to those who settle there. 1 be: lieve that if at the present moment a large number of Scotch or Brilish me chanios were to emigrate to the Canadian cities they might find in some branches | some difficulty in getting some profitable employment. I do not know exnctly whethor this is true but I think it probâ€" able. But mechanics who are there can get otlter ways of omployin# themselves. They can get abundance 0 employment of some kind. When I went to Canada 1 found trade of overly kind very dull. I found w very low â€"and groat diffiâ€" oulty in :ï¬:ining employment. I went at once to the bush and t ‘ok my axe and com menced clearing vhe land. 1 found abun» bance of employment there, and I| tell you it would take all the people here and ten thousand times more to ‘clear tho‘ woods within m reasonable time. (Ap: plause.) Those who do not care to go into the woods and cle‘r farms there have only to go to the north west country, where we have prairies with a soil of ten feet deep, and grass that may be cut naturally lato in the year, and producing abundance of fonfe for all the animals you could possibly have. (Applause.) Last year the Government of Canada sent a large force into the northâ€"west parts to preserve order in our bordersâ€"to prevent au irruption of traders from the United States ulllngxwhhky. And 1 may say in passing that I do not myselt make use of whisky, and do not believe .in it (Ap plause.) I believe it is one of the |great est curses, especially to the workingman, that could| possibly be named. (Ap: plause.) Ah& when enacting a new law tor the ‘ozgl_\monl of the northâ€"west terâ€" ritory we took care to provide, that in a territory bigger than five or six times the aize of this ¢ountry, not a drop of whisky, either in shape of onllnsrymï¬quor or in Perry Davis‘ pain killer or in anythingy else, could lfn.d entrance there. (Apâ€" plause.) In order to sequre compliance with the rigid terms of this law we sent a mounted force of 300 men to keep watch and ward over our boundary, and to rro- vent its introduction from the United States. 1 mention this merely in passing to let you know what you may expect in that country, and to warn those who waunt whisky to stay away from our prairies. (Applause.) To say a little now about agriculture. I saw lately in an English newspaper that it was a great pity that we had eight months of wiuter an : only four of summer, and terrible pictures are drawn of men i)elng frozen to death, and so on. Well, 1 never saw myt.bini of the kind. (Laughter.) never _ felt _ an inconvenienceâ€" not so much as I Lvo sometimes â€" felt hereâ€"in the winter time there. At Fort Peelly, where the headquarters of the Mounted Police were situated, we sent a party with instructions to get an abund: ance of m the supply of the cavairy horses d: the winter, and it is a posiâ€" tive fact that in that part, 300 miles west of Red River, 800 miles west of Lake Superior, 2000.miles west of Quebec, they ‘ got this h{ up ‘to the 80th November, and stored it for horses‘. use. [t is qnito‘ true, sir, that in that climate there is a considerable length of winter, but it is equally true that we have a very njuch longer summer, and that one month of our summer is equal to two months of yours. (Laugbhtâ€"r) I do not mean at all to boast of our climate : I am merely statâ€" ing a simple fact. Although we put in our crops a month later than you we take them fro(m the .rouudlat least a month earlier. (Applause.) In own oduntry Ihnnuflrowheatgot early as the 1st July, and it is v.:;] indeed that it is not all got in bufore the Ist of Augâ€" ust , and it is the same in the northâ€"westâ€" ern territories, It is quite true the frost ::unmhto mud from three to feet every but the surface soon thaws in the spring. The agriculâ€" [Cortinued from Seo mnd Pago.] i thove o. rec e irnie rag! . a e ke ut ons on rnrnfiee Agricuiturgeâ€"in uf.'?dn 4CAL of Hef ago, The funcral will take place from the family inst., at 3 p.i» . #mxum ‘ate 16. and open air concert in Alleson‘s Grove, Adolphunown‘ at which over 3%(» l,.p[. ‘ofthp * 4. yitth e * h Am.:i.,uwb.hommw.mmn a Dairyman‘s Board of Trade. § The Hon. 0. Mowat is here. + The market tolls were let on m evening for $2,155.! :; ; :; |! Tho Clericgl<@Bwindlerâ€" Dairyman‘s * ,mrr......; Dues. ~Kixastox, July 28.â€"The clerical ‘swind" ler who victimized the Roman Catholios of Belleville, on a pretended charitable g:;, sion, duped a large number of people ty hogus repratcdiatithy Anidieigiped on ture. For sale by most Druggists here, s a Crems cculn ) goll Yon cen ¢ T â€"ta oc _ ,00, ,Address the proprietor, + R. V. PIERC § w"n.\'. nada. (Applause,) .And those who have been pri(vlï¬pd to mf::lo with my French compatriotes there will tind amouget themâ€" many men not only of the highest poliâ€" tical intelligence, but of the utmost posâ€" sible hllibooliduy which t:o hunian ;nlnd is CÂ¥ joying, (Applause.) I thank "05;.’ Mr. (?lll‘:i!ml‘l;, 'EI!L.EM: ‘,iind words that . have u, spoken by: yourself. and tha two ‘%cnqlomot'tbo precéded you, ‘I thank the workingmen of dDundig :or thhnbmnpnlflo?n‘t&:xn an induess with , w f noom Itbo fov: wm-?ch:&:l&l: I:.u ts # can on 8 .pgll.mb‘. da fn“g:y life as Kg l live, and I-hd{ never loot I%fl :t. pleasant:â€"three days, 1 have lrn in e town of Dundes except with feel of the utmost pf_nlblo gratification ‘and pléasure. [ App nmfl And while T can promise no peculiar privileges| and make no special J)mmhu to hmen, or even to Dundee men, sh they come to Canada L can promise you thisâ€"that fasion, and tmirpiny and ibomtiny reodild and imirplay you ever think of visiting the l{minlon. (Lond and prolonged applause. ) fore the uniou (wifh Upper| Canada in 1840, was the first hémn on the face of the u&th in u.l'm:l.d oou.nt-ri:“ol that gaye the Jew v wh the mï¬%"ï¬â€™ l.o%i-htfon ans everyâ€" thing else."" (Loud‘ Wppiause.) It may be news to @ nbl:'l‘bb.r of you that nearly, half noonunxot‘ re Britain allowed even a &n.mn hnoléud or .f Sglomon to lit‘:l.l e English House of Parliament ; Jew had the liberty to sit in the Roman Catholio French Assembly of Lower Caâ€" Indian of the west is iguorant they are mistaken. : (applause). _ ‘Those men know everything passing in the country, and perfectly understand the arts of dii)lomao . (A laugh.). They are admir ab oo:‘ï¬o&eu, and to hear on> make a speech you hear at once the natural oraâ€" tor, and you can appreciate the s kill and dexterity he shows in debate» (Ai- plause). This country is inhabited o{ those Indians, ‘and 310 feelings whi« they entertain towards the Cuuz'm is of the best possible character ; but wherever ;hey find the blue Lll::‘;o‘r"m of the United tates, or any one t now to belong to that country, they take the surest dpl ible and dispossess him of his life, ?X:»lplwue). You remember a few. years ago of the terrible massacres of the Sioux Indians. In the States of Minnesota and Ohio whollc districts rdw:mw, and every soul was mu woman, and ychild. But these people although they fled into our borderâ€"we could not recognize the murderers, else we should have given them upâ€"aithough they fled into our border not a child or qvm was l:’tflt. They wtol;i with tl': J ibly propriety, because ow m bolievpodp&hn the Cmndiln.aonm- ment were determined to do them justice at all hazarde,. (Applause). I &o not suppose any one here would be “T‘ld to enter upon a "settlement in the| great north western oountmnboouuu of Awï¬nt I have mentioned, â€" 1 lPly mention these facts to show the policy the Canadian Government have pursued, and which has entirely nouros intending settliers from why mo molestation. _ You are awarp in we are a mixed popula tion; but I think amongst all classes ani malities there is h:gil’“ of patriotâ€" ism which will prevent the cropping up ng'.{)olitiosl characteristin as a bar to ffuï¬ groformo t _ to either Goun of ?rwhnm.:c t“or in ulun overnment )» all _ new _ countries m ours cccasional difficulties in statesmanship present themselves, because there is a natural tendency on the part of a class to ‘combine in order to secure particular inâ€" terests ; and it is the policy of the Canaâ€" Gwdhnl.uit.ouch" t to be thnpouoy&:my ernment,, to . prevent . e = ical distinctions exercising any undue polotical . influence. or â€" any undue social influence. > In â€" such a counâ€" he i ns t d o oc l aven m and_ we somewhat The pooitinn as fases "af ‘The paople of England at the time of Norman invasion,when the old&mn:,& m and tho remnants of the Picts and other tribes in the north here were all mingled together, and a great diversity o(-f:{lu prevailed, as has been so thoroughly deâ€" picted by Sir ‘Walter Scott in "Ivanhoe‘‘ and other works. I hope in our country we shall never have such difiiculties exâ€" isting as are there described. . And I may tell you an instance of uu% (Hear, hear.)‘ Sir Walter Soott is irrin Ivanhoe how lhogzu,'w:zlhuld how possessed a good ol world, were treated.â€" In order to extract from them the :;‘n‘ol:dd their m.lï¬u ‘ever ,'ï¬mg» was given, another %“wu( drawn, till l.ht L: tfl Jew yielded. ter.) There is h Aj e manoh s fone aoe phuu)â€"lnditilt;ï¬q Ao the honour of the French ‘people‘ of Lower Canada that the French Legislature long beâ€" humane policyâ€"and, I might say, from motives oï¬loll(-h policy, if we were to be guided byulflahm as I hope we are notâ€"always prefei to treat with the Indiang on proper principles; and the Canadian Government never ocoupy an inch of soil upon the continent of Ameâ€" \rioa till they have first purchased the right to possess it from the Indians. (Apâ€" plause.) We have the Indians as our creditors for the tracts of ~land acquired in â€" the _ northwest, . and we pay them a : certain . amount per annum, And & certain amount of inâ€" terest and a certain value in .fricult.uml implements, clothing, &c. They know the boundaries precisely ; they are laid down on a map which the chiefs sign ; and those poor people, when they met with the Minister of the Interior and the Governor of Manitoba, held a three days‘ debate regarding the value of the land ; and I tell those who imagine that the red Youmans, of singing fame, held & pionic ways as a Government, from "motivdx of , BAGE‘8 CATARRHRREMEDY KINGsTon. : caused, as ) ; i do& by the vieâ€" | prebiiel ieosing e 'm'm &gmlfldflm tieme mall (post | Pugniabed gootier 4. «lhow i) Oruawe, July 2, 1996 PKERTNSON Ciucthted chaire, wnich can e moreu, * sros onole, or Maquenis, $00 ) ht 5 Bon6, @The Belle of Shandon" Father Provd 6 Nuitional » .' Davis 70&;;!&:4‘.5&%“,"â€"9«... NATIONAL ANTHENM............ORCHBTRA _.._&f?_."‘. at 830, Concert to cemmence u‘:df. Piagiotbrte, ";E,!;H:w (xâ€"'- ’ -m""&wg‘f'w.fl'&' 5 Bon6, ©The Belle of Shaoton® Pather Provd Agmï¬ w‘nha 6 Nï¬ml%_ï¬g}'ï¬_ DaVik | ~~Uents Or Ladles. RL in Sih a Aav amesesinnd: Mep mople esn un Misé Whakier, Mige Hongy: gnd Miss Nagio." addressed in favour of Cath» io #mancipation and of the bnlou. Prominebt and (dis “w’m!ulhum will n:nupy positions on Mr. E. A. MoDowsut, properly known Admission to the Pubiic Free OPERA HOUSE. In addition to the foregoing attraction, Prof, llnqu.ln-. 1?!?. flbnm; 'Mon':"ah an Ascension early in the afternoon, on I.&- All, _ A fow m’"&h nm P d oo w oc c ww Refreshments will be provided on the Ground. en d ue PCO PAp PP ETY P RPUET SWd Association, secovded hy a number Cf lol&lla Citizens, the w 11 bo'yl’moldnod a PUBLE HuLIDAY, e nssociation has also lud: Arrangements with the Canada Cen ral Oltawa & Ht.‘ Lawrence Kallways, for Kxourâ€" slon Tickets to and rom Oitawa at One Fare good for fridey ‘and Haturday, 6th and 7th of Augus t, + e ORDER OF CELEBRATION. in the Cathedral, "The Choir will be under the direetion of folded wiie Orusheen, and the laugnable feat of the Las ‘Man‘s Murc in whioh To who in in t enente ons â€"Of Laziest Au ï¬. MB be invited to '_'.“?".-M whoover 18 The Celebration of the Day wili commerce at 10 w‘elock a. m , with a W °Aping, Hunning K16e8, “mifli;' »tone, the Cuber; measuring Dis «lind» ME‘ wihe Crasheen. and OeC . InvABces *lindâ€" last in on the half mile, will get the prize of $19 ROSA _D‘ERINA. The Reverend Or. O‘feilly, PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Wflunblau t mumoouno.m.- d mn ittediy the Mmlpumwrln&bulzmm will preach the A number of Games mes Leaping, Running Ar6es, Phrowing t it" __â€"_-â€"_':W‘-â€"-uâ€" c e fenanaar on 1 ouop.......z‘n. ight Bell"......Harman $ Watie mor ol aro ber webens‘ . ; s aaner 17 Grand Se ection. ."an London*". Riviere $ oo on tnt s . eoing » 23 / W AtiONAL aAngiike:*~> The Inde t t Baud will be mt Protbe um pentong uiteaighs dritles. & m BALLOON Under the :m.rlm of the Old St. Patrick‘s Litâ€" erary Association, and the Joint Coâ€"operation of the Catholic Yourg Men‘s Society and the Irish Cathoti6 Temperance Society of Ottawa. ï¬&( the fult The Major‘s Hill. Governor â€" General‘s Foot Guards i &‘mm.:‘“"‘ dn hioastt». "Buppe v O% +z en 6 witn + oah 54 d â€Mok'n"....hgrm of the day, & A Collection will en up in aid of the ;@OoD sun-u'?n'ï¬ AB’LU M. L ic wi ng choice f . win ploy ioo ons Soriee, betection of airs Friday, Aug. 6th, 1875. ~~~â€" ~CRAND CELEBRATION O‘Connell Atâ€"the request of the St. Patriock‘s Literary t siers CERWUC SLORTDCY "...., .. . . . OuOt@ "The Rage in Ireland," com prising the follow â€" as Con the Sha PROFESSOR ‘GUSTAVE one o‘clook g.u;, the citizeus and !:.‘.'.' asremble on the Mejor‘s P Grand High gssisted by the Queen cfIrish Melody, MDLLE, 8 E R M O N "Steer my Hurque to Erins Isle." Contennial ()'1‘]‘:;WA, on O‘Connell, Nicholas Flood AFTERNOON. QUADRILLES. B A N D PROGR AMME ; MORNINC. ASCENSION. sy 0n tbe hnge gatherings he EVENING, OF THE Pastimes. "evsmnenee es e omï¬.“iï¬ï¬ hGmutite .A ter cirvien ie i ï¬-frf oo VRA P T: H1 S eenosantcesy Srom in sa7, perres Mess ns amaner ** . Depertment of Publie worke " * * Tite roun te» :.""i..;:.c:w‘? Ned e vanh, unegeet 4 racgo® tz:o:f ‘we, on i ooel is barmeulany diâ€" none of its by t gom aotioc ip L0 ies Eies s ts ie .i teddoins &'&“flu-.‘?:#m:'.:.ux!.. l low _ _Wellvered to all parts of the olty. in 82 mallas Vents or Ladies. 85 to 10. gay guarinterds b "'.u.- Rz. Sm O0,, (P. 0. Box §6t, A liinited nu Of brarders can be Wfln:fl at tfl‘um s.n':., A""" wikhing to avail themseives <f uu..ï¬. ba ¢.3$.4nu the use of the best Water on the uontinent, and parties wishing to o# i > BP AUEKNOY 1N QITAW A, For the supply ot Fruit _ sand Oraamenta «dtins Te betng reiaed to Lower Ogmade, ie sre orar e en w so uin nedppdpned, ato i is wnuiting Trees anouls inbe 6 uhiae o e on . poitncues ho bard qedeirien s 5 TREES, SHRUBS, &c. & Cem worth Reading !â€"A Diamond worth Beeing! SI!:VB YOUR 8“3' f lostore your Emm_t_!'mnxmm By readin New York‘Hlate Roofing Company, Bubâ€"Agent mm?‘nm for County of Curiet n; also, acN ab, â€" iberat us tabi Snd Mhemae, Most Hiberel ares geme ts willie t A roof may be covered with a very cheup »busglnl by of lirst from 20t0 25 years, Old roofs can b» : rtch l‘nud.ra looger than new shingies without The siute, â€"for one the â€"cost e pract y aguinst sparkts or l{tn. embers, aod for in eont aots b{ cold, and wiil bot corrode in the wi Feli cai be made waterâ€"tight al a a will 100 square feet 600 a . bito lt grill cover 100 sauare reet of shingle roo, or 100 10.600 sqnare Otta wa, July 26, 1875, £ ‘ immediately after the @wards: _ :K‘Eï¬.fl%“u“&m'?uu&u&’»m--.‘ on Detailed Schedule with form of tender, can be mh}wzfflm Montreal, or m-;lnn-c m TRLX CC DOards or any #mooth svriac«, Alth« & wp Sm eintent aty ue io en Up &ll boles in ielt rooim stops the leake, EP Afier As nearly all paints that . araminte apoit ol eiol,a s dipcol oo ronnp oo de viaie, @u in riom our red cciour 1t anoally proke ?-'-‘t-m prevent mm mun?i’n r fiat roofs, rec s * %‘;"gr:‘v’&‘.‘“r“mâ€'m d, yermin p ta.rl:-:‘ :lllxgeting%orudy flz :om 6| j , {peqyand, patited, Jn aken on eP FIREâ€"PROOF, Lamps & Chandelfl The Largest Assortment in the Olty, ene . AT THE OIL DEPOT, SUSS ko is C. 8. SHAW & 0o. Oumwa Ht. bet Nov. 6:h 1876 SHOWER ANO OTHEA +mitks, t CPF 0 ®! nres can be subscribed for mt the office of O‘Connor & W»!!r, where The Borthwick #prings. RODKRL gyAn, /. B WaAlech JAMES ul‘l.."l.u:.“’ Roofing Rres can be subscribed for at the office of O‘Connor & W1!l open u-unmmï¬nmmmum General Agents for Province of Ontario, 34, Front “,.-w \~ PWCAP DT ACL :m.’* MUTUAL BUILDING S$S0CQE ALBIO EXTRA RUBBER FEL NOTICE. ?w:;.?%:f : ts 10 P rÂ¥in nml e‘ So0y ooo c N@~ALL OUR PAINTS ARE MIXED READY FOR UsSk.gq RECONOMICAL, are cautioned Delng ralsed in Lower oooA ons hane: nd vluhnquam ind prices can be on es P UPokats Arkfaay t se ‘Bt. bet elson Bix, ORNAMENTAL, : .â€"â€"â€" PRESERVES sSTOPS ALL LEAKS®!:! A4GENTS WANTED IN EYERY TOWX C LINE‘$S$ _ Send for Ontaric Testimonials. lhe i OiTe eng Amitations of our paints, ani oF OTTAWA. [rppemptem sA ipemmmmand DIRECTORS. RUSSELL & Co,, Patent Slate Coal Gg 0 FFICER. 4 Next Victorint w ( COMMISSIONS m’l uom .W : a Advertising, try & 6e +s _ ral Commission : #y05, to dhhe nl.lml Lt their . flce en ho Ciig ol Ovews FORâ€" EVERYB tm sn ol ces . The whole of the e rout 38 mol ie e »90 10y q4aue t 1f you have a house to ; "mhnunchonn If you have any kind of i you want a sorvant or Oar’vet:::gjï¬ 1410K NICHOLLS Books posted Mhz Caruers & °C ~WILSON &8 CONTAINB NO PA BAVES RE#S 0‘CON N 0 & A Â¥K R4L, PYRIMOUT SEYSSEL @60 B n axr ks PICTURE RRA Next AM A NUPAQT URKRH OJ Ja )wi s s i8 TH REE French Choicest Win AcUks MAl OMer «var. MP soruer 0| cunse® Accountants, Audi w M. W aukun.| & july X1, 1874 Â¥eb. 6. v, N. CWALK® vBHERT GRAMA wone"* MMeem 0 ut ~ / y * 2# VOL. Province o( muilas to and 'l\..‘l ®. FFICEKâ€"N id ues soat Barristor, A ufice~â€"BHardy‘s _ @, Tanaon. Uity of OTTA W May Sust Tay be consuli« H4 Outawa, South he Roy Bept. 0, 1673 No To Frenc AKLLON & (Of the dat6 Otiewa â€"Oci. * Pale Ale TKLLAAM Wellingto Med ARCHMA Lega Notary wOVT tA LW w oTT. Cu H