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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Aug 1875, p. 1

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Jaudh i y enuertaup proâ€" “- or lndividuais of p‘n the diferent citiee eliers & ORR, cC*#ilderszs 1.A88 amd ced, and debis . and most iasi.C, for alhs «l1 Paris, and & «lTlage ways in Lhak »~ve asphaite; while ipWards lhe L‘ try & Geneâ€" n Office. quiring nc )roof and g, capâ€" ) and naite . Mings of Pyriâ€" are now prepuared to tners, tLe prouuce of @BSEXâ€"S‘T «& CO. New York. D RTAKEN, @1312 in all Parts o YBODY I int. | OO’ &2 loronto. 5Mâ€"U AGENTH, & CO., Tormation may B# EN DikBR, To T1 rom! sireet, Z 0. F K A M K «Gilders. ty One perukinde ©! ol tis, irom, fait, ‘ ‘! !, ensily appited »lial roof that Iedte em there. 1t g ! not aftect it a a maklas Gak in ASPHALTE is 0t amounts w ~"90, and al w hich .%‘a wE on e t aces. Roots cor The paint is ex Â¥ICUKEZY # e bt w nose copy our 3 *s1. ORULKR WNTV Ni (‘u.‘z *to be made i et, and lsatim ~ OR LRON _‘ \y. whicn y ment of j ble in "The & Aonuamity thomp £ Â¥â€"1w Detog edule, biedy ufficeâ€" Jpposite lhe 1 _ulbson‘s Con fectionar y, &@ Money to lend on R :rfl-un. Soliciters, Attorneys and Conveyaucers, &c.. w Beil‘s Biock. Elginâ€"st. Hor®u®. i. W. SoorT, q. C. S J wW. W. WARD, Plad Barrister, Attormey, Solicttors, &c., Oflceâ€"Over \Wr. B. huckeli‘s Flour Store sormer of ~usses «ho Yorkâ€"streels Oll&wa. . McLzoD STEW AKT Orflceâ€"Master io Cl i Howp, .tiawa, Canuda Barrister, Advocate, &e. ior the Provines o Quebec Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chanâ€" #@ry, &e., for thet‘ ovince of OntwNno Main sureet, Huil, P. l sczsâ€"6m Barristers and Aitormeysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveynncers, &c., QTTAWA, ONT. â€" Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Con veyancers, Notaries, &c., &c., Uflceâ€"sell‘s Block, opposite Russell House w H. Warkw®.| R.CasseLs,Jr. | P. PENNOC® Jaly 11, 1874 P s _ Barristers, Attorneys, Solictiors, Conveyancers, &c.. K Mosgrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st, Oltawa Hox JoHX O‘CoN®NOR, C o 1. 0 Houk®tr QOrFICESâ€"iCgln Streel, UtiAwa €.4. sak e A. J. Ousisrix 0O Barristers and Alur-r“-au Law, Soliet« tore in Cha mcery, Notaries, & c. Barrister, Conveyancer, &c., Sol citor in Chancery. Acgoudtants, Audilors Ag oFFICEâ€"NoX View Btreet, lately cecupled t Mas Opecrod an ~‘tice io the Village ./ Hul) Previace ol (Quevec, for the transuction > :.;‘”m and Leyai business, eiCher in the of mnch«- oa Untario. Special care givea to the colleetio of recounts in both Proâ€" Tl.‘qt P. FrOoRAN, £@vocnte, Soliciior, & c Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars M @y «QTFAW A, County of Carleon The Royal ONak Hotel, 1 noOHALKER, «+ > lumr] â€" iBb NT G RA HAM P P «Popric 3 T:â€"mportry uflce a treet, tul‘. gbuil, Murch 9, 1374 Memespathic Physician, Surgeoun Acceucheur. No s ‘..Jamas Street Hept. #, 1873. Dl- 106A N .:fil'r:-n- Albert Sreetâ€" t‘flm‘m‘: froum and i to 4 p. m . Special attentiOn .“‘“fiuâ€". and / dispiacemen‘s %1&150 vaxteL O‘CoNNo®m sept. #, 1374. May be consuited ai i. BO azd Albert sireo â€" Ouawa, Oct. 24, 1674. Jane 3, 1563 â€"coTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, Ruil, Oct. 28, 1574 DI- 3. D. K. MACDONELL, '.."t, South »ide of Miseau street, near Giou iE Consuliations at ail hours. o 1 Â¥. H. FERLAND, MJ Oflice â€"=parks street, Ceutre TOWD Wight Oficeâ€"A1 his i.(:kkm‘;n, Maria Sueet Centre Town, 'cile.'enred without the use of the knife, ."" but '.t:rnn. sjeedy and eimost painâ€" erence given 1o nflles su¢â€" ~m‘“ af r-q-m:d. 1 H. TAYLOR & Op Nidean Nimei. moar Nappor‘s Bridge, Barrister, Altorney, Notary, &e. CONNOR & HoGt, ugcheon served a‘ a CoNNOR & O‘DOHERTY, of NMKEY, CHERISTIE & HILL W. P. COUTLEE, 8.C.L., Wedical Cards. ARCHAMBAULT, Notary Public and Advocate, A .23IoON â€" HOTVEL, ILLON & CHRYSLER, ALKER, CASSELS & PExxock, Hotecls. THE "LONDON," ILLIAM MOSGROYVE, TUPPER may be consulted profes slomaily as bis rqunc.. Melcalfe gmol. formerly cesopiled by the ton. r.7flh 3i7 ly C. W, MacCUAIG Wellington Street, near Bank MA RSH iL MATHESON, Pale Ale and G@uiness‘ Extra $tout J P. LYXN, . €. weop, _ Attormeys, Solici@@rs, tonâ€" veyancers, &Cc., ate urm of Lewi® & Pinney., HAIRDRESSER cgal Cards, OMcial Assigneo. TTA WA, Ont aALWAY3 ON BANI Burgeon and Accouchour. UTTAWA, ONT. rt Hooar» Avenu« eilg well suppiled with the H. LETCH, Proprietor d on Real Estate rla C hambers, ‘Connor y C. Mt+pbenson & Co. ». pesudin‘s, Maio XO. 39u0Q9 &c «rs and Boats free J. J. Go®MULLY w. D. Hoge MOnoif RNALL 28%.2â€"nn H C e i x L# & u misai 34 6â€"3m «Popri 3766=4 f . Har §4â€"3m { O‘Con Bily 1y Juse N/ ocr meking all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT _ | uags. ‘Norwich Egg Powder, G1HBBS & COURSOLLE, .ui‘mnln%lh. Hank of ii, N. America, W Eie _1NGTUONâ€"ST, the best and most conveuilent L.llvery stabies in l.:‘. city. oo t ‘arties desirous of secu; C prom p/ atteadance, and n.nn&"ln please «avor the undersigned with a call, _ o _ N.H â€"Horses vomrded and groomed in ‘ne :A‘:t'eu:l;:ficwry manner. . A specially muc.« of BROWNLEE & CO W . CHAMPNESS begs to draw the aitention of his patrons and the public generaily to his extensive . Livery Stables, Carriages AND YEHMICLES, Which caunot be beaten. Carefn lard atten!ive Orivers alw»ys in attendance when required. â€"_______ances can be had at all hours by leayâ€" ing orders at the _ & P HOT OGRAPH E R Patents of Invention, in ielUring frem the practice of my profession, bave left with my former Assistant, Mr. 1. F. CUTTUN, my Vimns and Records of ~ irveys in Uttawa and vieinity, and bave much Centre Town Livery Stables. M Fresh arrivals this morning, at 103 Street, oppo=ite Daihousie St. The undersigned has opeued a Ston «culler‘s Yard, Cora«r of King aud ~4 Ardrew Street where building stone and posts o« all description will be kept constantly on hand, Orders are rurocuully solicited, for all kinds of Stoueâ€" cu » €1IBA}PD ble»~ F. MkIXIii, has opened out, as a Merchan‘ Tailor and Qutfiiter, on Efgin st., oppostte th Post Office. Firstâ€"ciass goods always on hand nd s@tisfection gu\ «uteed. 2. [TRADE MARK R&GISTERED.) v1CTORIA CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. 3834 re w arded Jleasu‘e in recommecrding him as my suc. essor. NONE IS GENUINE! UNLEEB STAMPED Diamond Yeast Cakss. There are Numerons Imitations on the Maroh l1, i274 BrITIs® Lion HoreL. Ottawa. July 2, 1875 __ Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman. Muccesgor to W . :t, Thistle & Co. Office, as formerly, ove@r Mann‘s Hardware ore 3819â€"Lf June l0th 1§756 MYBRTLE NAVY, Role Agents ("+ Ontario. OCEAN, LAKE AND RIVER FI8SH. w For sale by all Qilmen Dec. 4 1874. FFICEâ€"No. & Werltngton 8t ek, Ottaw a, unt P ATENTS. F YOU WANXT GO0D BREAD LIVERY STABLES. 10 CONTRACTORS & .BULLDENS ENTRE TOWN EW Tailoring Esiablishment. FISH MARKET. LUMBER aND CoMMIssION MERCHANT, HROKER, &C. ETHUR F. COTTON, To be had of ail Grocers. H. J, WEEKES & Co., l(I&'I'â€"A Three Dollar Gold Cotnm ETROPOLITAN 4. _ AzgM, _/ interested who have i troubled in the past with ummed or heaâ€" irbore, and jJournals : nd have been paylug y price, use Craven‘s Arctic 2nd Engine Olls so avoids those com plainta for the future. 1 Uils gnaranteed and orders solicited; Musimness Cards. T. LAMBERT The Victoria Stables Htlhiscellancous. J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS STREET. (LATK JARVIS & ARLESS ) Carvriages. er by No TICE to Mill "‘v""w on ners, Machiâ€" C ay v ‘;..;.k.( mists and all others SOLICiTORs OF oll CcAaAVTION. urpivg to this W.J. CRAVEN& Co,, 444 St. Pauiâ€"st., Montreal THIS t LLENT M aahin DN hes ’uu-l by the leading Manuâ€" (acturing estabilshments of the Dom{nion. * Machin Oi1 has for the last 12 years been THE A. STEVENSON W. R. THISTLE Toronto TDt $836â€"1m 2618 fortâ€"ly " “! Hi0y 896â€"U Omo-‘lulnu Front, 80 acres more orâ€"tess, 40 of which are in fine state of vation, Can run w mowing machine th end to end. Terms easy. Apply to J, INGB AM, Auctioneer and Land Agent, Eigin 8t, Ortawa. Bank ors and Stock Brokers, Montro al, imomnen uns mm terest: Stocks w&dm ml.dw & ::.r"lu «{ 10 per cant. lnunu-lmnn‘?l »ec. 8. 1S74. 2700 y 3a w k URKOCERIES, WINKLS, LIQUORS, ;PROVIS8» {oONB, £T0., ETC,, | RUSSELL HOUSE BLOCK, [Opposite Sappers Bridge,] OTTAWaA, ONT Banker, Montreal Dealer in Greenbacks, U, 8. Bonds and Cheoks Commercial paper dheounm Collection mae in all parts of the Dom! and U. 8. In terest a lowed on deposits. Oct. 20, ls"4. 3680â€"8a w k Liberal advances made on consignments. J. H. BEMPLE. Importer, &o., §8 8t. Poter Bt., __ Moatreal. . i ysd JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. By J. BERMINGHAM. as foll we, that is to say, commencing on §: norl.hl:"nl lmi‘ ol‘uao db“l:“ lt:r'md ween pumbers twenty and twen u: im said Fourth Concession, distance siz hundred and nn{-mmwm the south east angle ‘gr l-::;l lot dnu-ut \m thence south elxtyâ€"six west a nort hern nmnohuddhmm for road, one ehain anu fiity links from tbence north thirtyâ€" six degrees wesi, one chain and fifty links from thence north,»!xtyâ€"six degrees one chain and fAifty links from monoom' six de.xe- oust, x‘.uno a‘b:ulnd to the =-~ beâ€" m , contain! Wwo =‘M ;{- qunnor.qn& chains, be the same more or les#, Fher» is a cheose factory on said premises in repair and in running ofder, 1ms or sale cash. uantit:, or No. % Labrador Herring, reduc» on of $1. 20 per God neb. Ooaise Hale in large bags, Fine lbs. por Good Western Apples and unions, also on all oi which are selling at a reduction for 0 AsH. } Notica is hereby given that under and by virture of the powers vesiled in me as u-al’noo of the estate and eflects of the above named Inâ€" solvent, 1 will offer for Saie hy Pupilc Auction, al., he lands and prem‘ses hereaiter mentioned, in the Township of North Go « er, in the County of Carieton, at the hour of three o‘slock in the afternoon, on Monday the 6th day of + ber, A. :. 1874 all ‘Inuxw-.m title, an i mabignes of this eatate: in nn i to, all RGA atuge h Lu n mn mn“n certain paree! or Mdfi‘-l premises situate, 'yln'nud being in the Town» -M?“Nunhuovo-. the County tll)urltfi'm“l in the Provinee of Ontaric, in the Domiaion Canrada, in i~g composed of the undivied one lnlrnl.énn of a lot number t',gw in the Fourth Câ€"ncession of the s=id p of North Gower, butted and bounded and describâ€" Are c‘n: General Gmenfl;aqun. Aund Laquore uousuaity, LOW ORB, to make room for their Spring Stock. '& w reduction on ar, taking 10 rap a itE Ur Apowards & reduction on o. 1 Labredor In the matter of HUIGH WINES, § PROOF AND RYE From Gooderham and Worts Colebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. }OBAm PIOKLES, BALL BLUE \ grirgn, R1CE, rasINS, Insolvent Act of 1869. CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. h muu.u.xâ€"u.r.gmmrun. First oncession, U Front, q-l.lmooflt_‘-.fld North Augusta, June #, 1875. CURRANTS, SUTS, CIGARS, and BROOMS, also, Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, Alph. J. Steers & Co. On the Bank Street Road, F 0 R S 4 L R, OND BROTHER®, RICHK MOUSE AND LOT, D. BROWNE, Auction Sales. L&ogs! Einotices, Commission Merchants, Joseph Metcalfe is now "ransferred to the Firm of JOHN BMITH & CU Mr. Smith‘s knowiedge of the Ready Made Cloth« ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" eat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoaife‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing â€"AT THERâ€" The relail Ciothing Susi«â€" uess so long carried on by BDankers. Elothing. ON EASY TERMS CGrocers. â€"â€"DBALERS INâ€" SIGN WRITER HuUSBK D:JORA TOR, PAINTER, PA PF_.. T.Pm& sear. i .A sortm NEW ERS, soTt finin, oh. Just reuutredt and how on view HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES| | HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! | _ HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! ‘ HOTEL HOT AIR FURNAC E3 t!| CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Mansgers. Maroh 24, 1874 HATS/, HATS/ HA TS / FOR THE MILLION. GREAT CHEAP SaALE Mills‘ Supply Agency No. 17 Sparks S:nd, No:"Bunlle Folt, Silk and Straw Hats and Ca; w"uw Conts, Umbrellas, Qo-...' AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! In or er to clear the Stock as soon as possible I have decided to sell all the assortment of Hats, ( aps, ¢., at cost for cash Opposite the Post Office, Elgin Street. HAT!| HATS! HATS! ALBO, For Ahm‘l Bafety Oil binets, for all kinds of oi‘, fulds, &¢., all size« from 5 to 20 ?nou. peat. cheap and durabieâ€"will save their own P Prvate reave your cidely: Agoents anted 1 ea s w 0 canvass . Awp:t l e ASHFIEL D‘S Crockery Store, Duke Street. Hatters & Furriers. SUN PROOF HATS, A combived #moothing glossing, fluoting and crimping IRON, a great labour«savitg maâ€" chine and one that should be in every bouse, and no douot will bo when seen, at ASHâ€" FIELDS Orockery and Glassware »tore, sole agent for City and CountJes. l. now open for business afler being renoâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfort and accomodation of the travelling commucity. is beartiful and furnished with the choicest btands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEhX | H.IIADOWSCSO‘“. 35 Bussex a Ottawa, April ;1th, 1876 Beiting, Files, Packing, Files balbg regne Prbai in q procerban onl 1 The Dufferin House, _ _ _Ruo‘s Little 'tguu_' ‘Tâ€"njbanr_ â€"'_:;B'r Dec. 6. 1874 OPPOSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRK 8 HoP» BLYTH & KERR‘S. Corner Bank and Wellington sts., BEB. HOD GE 8. 1TOWNS END‘S AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, CoaAL OIL COOKING STOVES, Your call will be kindly : olicited. JU®T RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES® FOR 1875, DEVLIN‘S. Indian _ Helmats and Puggeries, @pposito the British Lion Hotel. ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to 0. C O T E"S8S, TTAWA THE "BOMECTIC" IRON. COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. OTTAWA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1875 Hardmare, &c. | New Advertisements. MONTREAL: AND OTTAWA ALl sizes, SAVING FU L â€"ANDâ€" HANGER, &o > wash Coloring &0., . u‘.:‘d.u.lhl vorkn:mm‘l: OELEBRATED CORK LINRD RIDEAU STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., ~~AT AT DEVLIN‘S. idys The British House of Lords has passed a bill approving the making of a tunnel ‘between England and France. Its ecmmanding situation being. immediaiely opp site the Goveromient Hulldings, with a full view down the OttaWwa River, and in a line with Dofferin Bridge, with, many otheradvan. tages, place it beyond doubt the best aituated in the City of Otiawa. $ In eonnection ‘with the above, there will be the mast + MagnifGcently Fitted up Bar this side where the choicest Wines, #,irits and Mait Liiquers that can be procured mauy be obtained at reamonab‘e charges, UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, Pl.h-u.he Voter« List for he village of Bfi- mond, in uu()onn'? of anm for the year 1875 was fir«t postrd up in my Office on the 17th ins‘ant . I theretore call on ‘the Electors to exâ€" amine the same Clerk ‘s Office. Richmond 17th Jaly 1870 SECOND TO NONEIN THE DOMIN 108. every day, (Bunday . <xcepted) from ..Rleven tiil Friday next, 16th Inst. defeat on the budget, and , will probably resign. The local squabblew of the Aus= tralians are not very interesting outside their own country except in so far as they tend to promote the desires for federation so‘ ably urged on â€"them . by Sir Gavan Isthmus of Darien is progressing undét the supervision of Lieutenant Collins, who had charge of the survey, and it will be completed in about six weeks. Since the examination of the field work, it has been ascertained ‘that the entire length of the proposed canal by that route will be twentyâ€"nine and fourâ€"tenths miles, with one tunnel three and a half miles in No expense or trouble {has beeh spard to ACâ€" cempilsh this end, and it is intended under the present management to make it i ‘! he Proprietar hopes by personial supervision, and procuring the services ol polite and .attenâ€" tive se: vanta, who thorough!y understand their business, to merita fair shars of support from. his old friends a . d the public gengrally, Duffy. When this federation of States is sccomplished Australia will be likely to become of some importance in the world: TELEGRAPHIC. can be procured without extra cbarge at Gowans Btore, mn Streot. ate A Luncheon will be Provided in the European Style. T§eworkofpropu-in¢lhouportoltho Napipi survey for a ship canal across the This Tuesday Evening, Aug. 3, Wil} pe pres: nt Wednesday Ev‘g A ug. 4 Rober tson‘s beautiful Comedy | length, Admission 25, 50 and 7§cents. Reservad seats SCHOOL. The public are respectfully informed that the bhouse lately known as the NELSOQN HOU!B. has passsd intothe hands of Mr, L, K. CLISBY who invends opening it as a $ H A U EHRAUN COMPARY, CLISBY â€" HOUSE Comer of Elgin & Wellington Sts. Quzmnerowx, August 2.â€"Arrived CÂ¥ity of Berlin and Persia from New York. SECOND WEEK CONTINUED SUCCEss f hilkenny, a liberal, denount ?)'Conuflodabnfimum Paradeâ€"Trouble feared. m?onhn Ammesty Association of Publin, will parade on the occasion, in main in ‘British dungeons. %:N. is fmduwwmmm The Irish ves shun the moveâ€" ment. ‘The indications are that Thursday will not pass without disturbance. Col. Vaientine Baker was arraigned beâ€" fore the Assizes toâ€"day to answer to an inâ€" dictment charging him with misdemeanor for asseult upon a young lady in a railâ€" way carriage. evening, Col. Baker wasfound not guilty ‘of attempti : * ravish the euphg:u, but guilty 0. :: .ccent assaalt, and was senâ€" tenced to :> . ‘sonment for 12 months, and to pay 1 :ine of £500. T VeRsalLLEs, August 2.â€"The National Ottawn, August 8 THE BEBTAURANT WILL KE QOPENED The Victorian Ministry has suffered a The Earl of Desar‘. Loxpox, August 2.â€"The Earl of Desart, Largrz.â€"The trial was concludei this owaAX‘%, GRaNp: orPERa F OR E I G N e pres‘nte! for the first; time in C M-eur-lncmmor Firstâ€"Class Private Hotel. Meals at Voted 3.000 Francs. SRFAT BRITAIN. Arrivals. FRANCE. THOMAS MILLER M. Clorkt Or Tik in Ottawa, Plymouth Chuarch is backward in furnish ing the $80,000 voted to Beecher. Several arrest were made â€"in Brooklyn yesterday for violation of the excise law. MoxtEviveo, A t 2.â€"The Ministry has resignedh and andtber one format Story Ridiculouns. Police Superintendent Walling says the story of exâ€"policemen Conkling about the Nathan murder is ridiculous i‘l the exâ€" treme, and must have been trumped up. Om‘.xwumblfimuw be considetred a detective, was a poor officer, and waus disâ€" charged for being found asleep on his Vmiag‘:wu 2 â€"The object of Prince Milan of in coming to this city was to see his mother and consult with a physician about a throat disease from which he is suffering. Fixe h'l a: Colliery. . ... hi Pot:lfvllu. A .Zg-t,“fin in the reate oo afver hupu';m& Loss on breaker $75,000. °. Aor : $40,000. . 1t is not yet known what ‘was done on the the slope to coal. and es. evening served a notice on Shermian and Sterling, Attomyl'ofi&oo?: for H. W. Beecher to be prepared ‘to answer in a new trial on the first Mondcy in Septem: ,{nnulled. mnmh.’'-u:g'-ifiy.”"m meroury fell slowly last evening and this morning stood at 67 : which is unpresedâ€" Falso Remour. . _ It was ‘rumoured mhnlgh“t!hnt the h'Oupu,h.dfimnd:rod. Suspense was relieved this morning when the vessel arâ€" rived safely, bringing her two bhundred BRIAs HB0 AUSTRIA. Muxresn:s, A 2,â€"â€"Rain continued Mdulm.:ndbuupbmto. day. The mercury has fallen to about 60 degrees, and the wind from 8. W., but still very cloudy and threatening. . Four prinâ€" dfimm‘mmmm ol fooded in places or damaged so that trains cannot rum, and most of the Mhthhflm.nd.mbdm The river has risen here feet since last night, and is now rising two . inches pliavs Fvag rvemey Rand mermagh *A ror l A from Kansas City to the Globe and : Robert E. Carr, Pres ident of the Pacific Railway an nounoes that the traffic contract made between that road and the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Line has been Wasmmarox, . A t 2. ~â€"The . several Executive Dopqt“-?ntgl_ Buildings . are draped in mourning, and flags throughout ber. The Nathan Murder. It that ‘the : man arrested by ox-pomcomknummudflyn. g.Amm 1:’0‘ fl-pl:on of burglary t on in coneection with the Nathan murder and proved to be insane. He is now beâ€" lieved to be in Troy. : Later â€"Biver Still Rising, + Telegrams from various parts dispelled the last hope in regard to an overflow. ented in this latitude on the second of this city are at halfâ€"mast in respect to the memory of exâ€"President Johnson. The public ; statement shows m’"gwm" ,Jmmw‘: $1,254,887. The flooded countryâ€"Damage to crops. the Masonic fra s were In‘t Venptifal atfrer sigunty cankor mith a silk laa:bd in his hand was placed a copy ‘of Constitution, in accordance with a repeated request of the deceased when he was alive. rise of the river is within three inches the fiflutm known. &mno total and reports of ‘other come in Completely Submerged. C ist 2.â€"A to the s oemoann ksn ts ho t it Valley is completely submerged, and the Nasevicus, Texx., ‘Aug. 2«5â€"Exâ€"Presiâ€" dent Johnson will be buried with Masonic honours at Greenville, toâ€"morrow. c Porter and other executive officers, with a number of prominent citizens of this 4* What }n'nf’dnoiu:‘mndrm" mlq‘.iwh was executing a double shuffie. "Glory ‘nuff for one day !"â€"reâ€" To be Buoried with Masonic Monours. left for Greenville to attend the obsequies Nzew YoRt, August 2.â€"It is denied that Judge Morris, Counsel for Tilton,‘ this AM L R1 C AN. Draped ~Fia ;s ht Walfâ€"mast, soUTH AMERIT‘ A. Contract Anvulled Decrease of Bebt wAasH tNeTox A Royal Visit. Pot TSVILLE. NEW YORK. COINCINNXATi NASHVILLE. No Timets tias / Rafts Arrivedâ€"Passengers Arrivedâ€"A Fire Alarmâ€"Excitement~â€"Appoints> imentâ€"Pickpockotsâ€" Passoengers for Liverpool. Qusezro, ~August 2.â€"Rafte Arrivedâ€" wxmn t".Cudn square timber;â€" G. B. saw « The passengers by the ne from Liverpool are, A. B. m'z-x-.. A. Telfer, Mrs. Telfer and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. G. A. Cameron, Mr. Hugh ‘Allan, Mr. and Mrs. All=n, Mr. Jas. Allan, Mr. Warwick, Mre: Warwick, Dr. Grant, Mr.: J. A. Onnh“lm Wfi Mrs. McLean, Mr. Hog}r ‘Wallace Sunes Mn A. fiay, M C. Dackoit, Mrs: K ay, Mr. e ar in n aias a 4 children, ln.ulnwhnk and two childrén, @. West, Mr. Fisher, J. Kent, J D.:Btew art, Miss M. McDougall, lhm Mr. and Mrs. Movelle and two Mr, H. R. (km?:,f;pc Ferrs, Mr. T. Baker,: Mr. U. G. Mr. Mrfiln. @oodridge, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Nelson‘ and Delegationâ€"Frands â€"â€" The Dâ€"ssanlles Def:ication â€" Assignment â€" 81 o c k Markets., MowTrEar, Aug 2â€"Mr. H. N. Gx formerly N hayfl, was ‘buried morning. 'Am was attended by a ]th thought gu engine from the an Vermont Central will run over the Northâ€" ern Colonization Road to Black; River this week. The track is being laid to . the Msent it bees Robert J. Hopper has enteréd u& against Jm of $1,000 Tor arrest arising out of the cattlé cate inenw« tioned a short time since. F The fireman at the Albion i1 has boonhd;b‘himndfm to the clothes of the guests. Upwards of $400 Funeral â€" Northern Colonisation Koadâ€" worth was found in his room. Detective ‘I_glzh! hes kindly found him a new to day against Steinhart, the clothes fincug‘ ot Baltimore #re ‘staying at the St. Lawrence Hall. vome to enquire into the co~struction d(-‘:‘zy whr‘:, its waterworks, system of .‘;"ho frauds in the Customs Bonded warehouse discovered by Mr. Barry, last week came to light through the new sysâ€" altogetherfabout $40,000. . Mr Dessaulles‘ diflenitied pear to, have arisen from carciess da:lflq in mines and t mu,mdtb system of dhmzfih to have been resorted to by for the last five or six years, Fa~ + prope us ol M’."""" ‘ wmmwmm tem of checking introduced by the Minâ€" i&orof&utwumdmwutcd’“my«n ce. With regard to the Dessaulles defaicaâ€" tion it scems that no loss accrues to the Government, ht‘itfldlofi.t‘h“ all the Banks of the eity hold at some of his paper, with the exception of the City Discounter, bas lost so it is alleged $9,343. ty cpieiiranie,. puressts, SiAY othare as â€" Benning and Bersaton, . ::dm.nrl Po:‘:rmmorud Nomaudean sums from $300 upwards ; Custom House recé‘pts for the month of July show a decrease of $251,456.33 cotâ€" pared with the same month in 1874. _ Bank. Two it is said are losers to the amount of four thousand dollars each, . It is seid that the heaviest cred.tor is Mr. Volignia, of the Richileu Company, the amount being $14,000. Mr. _ The Patent Rights case, fixed for toâ€"day, is ognum_.d-b?fihmu consent until one =â€"A question was asked in the City Coun cil toâ€"night 1« ‘to whether any communiâ€" nian Secretary of m-w it any extra police constables ‘had 5 sfihflhl-‘ridqun,h O'GJ nothing had been received from the inâ€" udh&%-fl“mw conâ€" stbies yotbouugd-ud. The President of City Council toâ€" (.iifmhduo: Johmm.i:tgnnt o y sus pended, that in one contract for gravel it HMimselfâ€" Custom Receiptsâ€"Caseâ€"A CAN A D L 4 N MONTREAL. TOoRnoATO QucBEC. in Menmepat n Logee ied IH y, Miss Sarah Â¥ irg i I ville; James Righy, Montreal. clibod'wb.‘fi-nzâ€""m Mr. Singer : devoted leisure .houre to M‘,rfcw He , the as: quaintance to a the 1¢nfimy,'u-hm N-&: " Thoatre | During several years he was a theatrical y rn-lw" : able‘s ~vesxing E-:"{Ji "'?..::".‘:SJ.‘:J..'J“‘“‘" Tthe Tas wetl tive world knows h“:tb.a@m pctln;uhr It may ‘be Wrcu 18 ven nc ocm k m TA vemng, "being "Hrod "ofâ€"the "mobid entâ€"â€" ;rou.doutolno life ; and as the little that‘s left of me substance is not much, i hope there will be no quarreling about my disppsing of it in the riollowing mannr: e _ There may be in my bresches pocke! (as 1 put there all 1 had) about something less vhan half a guines in silver and six«~ and some half.pence. Give that m%‘;“"o .( # P AQ 6 made it &.‘dzw one wayâ€"and lave is â€"toâ€" my â€"â€" youngest son, Bobin, because L dove him. : réturned.â€" He soon â€"turned his 4 of Behaéclac? County, N. Â¥2, Where he was inturtt (A_tart ons MA vartrnatih antPiriiesssl &AQG mahmhom-n':;m written by a mian who comumaitted suicide Eugland, Juig 2t in the ainiyrfourts gone fare, ht lwer m 2 Strmay success in his L i o d h on Tok o s S ie ns U tonee Soter he is said to have acted with much sucbess. To the close of his life he had At . & "%le p.hll‘ fi“:fig‘ granted in ‘this uther countries, no practicable machine capable of profitable :::Aqw to do -gnu -*“h:; b"flm p to, that gu mad tatled o u& Tw .:fionmm( umund-dm-ou'am ful. Subsequent improvements, for which: mrummw ;r-dyto value of this machiues but l::i;.niutoin ;‘;n-pdh mfi |-....' i etiedmaneams tirtrmenenins Sike Aelrdene io tork in mhat mith his dru_ breath. 1 lay alse me good Mamemenyoort so it 40 my wite, that she may have no reaâ€" h vimpnty 32004 * wott 206 ellerag Mus his mudder, &;fl de ie‘ C 9 vu not : rouble :" M-M-M-v 1 lsaae Merrict Singer. I, M. or, inventor of the sowhig ma residence at:Old Paignton, : There is rothing new about the aborâ€" tiqn case further than the woman has been identitied and the who l.fiomobox.hwwfi,mu‘g victim was found . has beenâ€"arrestec: Detectives are conident that flz pot fail to F+ring she horrible.crime ho ‘Poter G. Eberman, HKeq., is thrvigh the mtamiy‘ i gn £ 1 forgive all the world except mee wife, and [ 9T t mperrapan en wand kmipe mee own sow! out of pur< . (Adon‘tritel= know where I shall go to, but I‘m, pretty asy about Alist, me taD0® nights" â€" yeviâ€" son‘s theatre, bad a large and fnshionable audience toâ€"night. ‘The opers représented zkl_as:i_b_;. it being receiv0d with grout was never the will b they look sharp. As I noe the people that : hes found my carkas is curious about the manner of my deth, which is some~ thing out ~of the â€"way, ‘il give them au} 4 fiok the whnle sitlier Wow begining bo‘dâ€"flbfl_&u I married a cross woman is never ie‘ my mase & hell tire hard, hee‘ wb benthernari tm eant ht o nccaciLa e Toby Hooragan, the best cratur that ever was atill young he invented a steam arffiing mabhine, which was used with much advantage in the conktraction of .fls"m. quently he in & caryâ€" i-(v_ood,mom m‘u enâ€" lq'vo\uwhm ‘this invention to public and use, his attention was cashally directed to the sewingâ€"machine an estate lent Pean ot hy l mare un ons to the f xC 6 t poore »ibeal bepioangy tod io ui J M Rossmond, unnm"w Pembroke ; Mrs and lm Brockville; Dr Jas Saunders,° Philadel= &:;u- Francis, ‘Pakenkam ; R ipbell, Breadalbage ; Fred Birch, Monâ€"~ Tnhily to will be a severe bereavement. the pruste‘s known! 2. «0 5 Main ald wife and two oblldren, W.‘vi.-‘l_mâ€"T-l ' ont: ’ -'. T. «f tnte Properts Oue Musgred krem 2oo From the Leanoas:or (Pa.) Etpross. Fun. 26, 1797, PRICE 3 CENTS. will MOTED ARBRIVALA. urrang:. & + â€"cme We Deth if 4s

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