and wiomey was never‘ wanting,‘ when urgently required. A.surgeqn having been unsuccessful. and procuring : the:â€"deatii. of '“‘“w , Still anoth@r‘ aborti¢higg would rise to.. &‘Amm and his wife, werewenly suegsededâ€"by a Bparham and his accomplice. Now we hare ality of a certain course of surgical prac The Secrotary of State, the bomoursble R. W. Scott, bas left town for recrestion. No man deserves a liifle real leisure better than Mr. Scott, He. bas been. most attentive to the dutiee of : his office, very assiduous, and, indeed, ready side trip may be one of unalated pleasureâ€" at every one‘s beck _ Of Bbim truly it may be said he is a deserving. Minister, and one that is fully entitled tp= his holi< day. We earnustly hope ‘thit his sea: there in wâ€"twWofold» cupscity‘; first;:as Commissioners, to make, the. Dappasaty ariangements: for the. represeritation of the Northâ€"West Provitmee at" the doming Exhibition‘} artd Seobint, n his Cipicity of Minister of Agriculture, to visit the townshipsâ€"and denda, allocated, or to be allocated to immigrants orâ€"intending im migrants. He will fuuihervaspertain the derseiation to the cyove Oftng settiers by the grasshoppers, which, we undersiand, bave been, particularly, severg. o those of tte Mennonites who setiled‘in that Proâ€" tempistion, perhaps only a,. fow ~diol. .. . say a hundred doitarsâ€"lias the cdesire vince last fall"‘ Ww are dmforméed that as much as "twoâ€"‘thirds" of theth‘ hite ‘bren destroyed.. in certain places, and th.( serious distpees .is«lhreatemed. . lt thereâ€" fore becumes "the / duty) of© the :Minister careftilly " 10 Recertain the ‘fatts, with a view to enable the GoÂ¥ernment to conâ€" sider what stepe may be necessazy to proâ€", vide anâ€" adbquate ‘remedy . ©‘The Mennon: ites are dï¬ffl‘m#,*w"d?m contraryâ€"a , selfâ€"reliant, edoeqpnéd, and industrious:â€"peoples, : Mn Letellier will Shipwrecks, crimes, diseases, and enorâ€" mities generally, seem to be eépidemic. yreat fireat Smy rna is sugceeeded byâ€"a trem@ndot#! Conflagrition‘ at" Quebes ‘or Chicago, a terrible earthquike dt Chili is followed by a similar disaster at Japan ; a shipwréck near the American: coast, inâ€" volvirig~ the lives of thousands, ‘has "its counterpart in midâ€"Atlantic. Lately, the abominable practice of producing abortion has brought: sout@ men <of, ~apparently» fair attaitithents. ant ottiers of ho attain ments. at all, to humiliftion and" grief Apparéntly, persons are to. be found, who will ran ««it~ risks for ‘moneéy. Qain, is the object ‘of meny perious‘" lives, and npothing, will stay the M1 in the attempt toget it. _ Unfortunately human neatureâ€" is Kable toserr, and this tendericy to errot is invariably taken adâ€" vantage of by the needy and unscropulous adventurer; :An.some cases young and inâ€" experienced physicians "are peculiarly lisble to temptation. Eiring mortals come to them and confess tgnr faulte only to die, for: the cure is tem times worse tham: the disease; ‘Fhere is no abso lute intention to kill. : Ther# is no‘ intent to deprivre anytliing of life, but the m > > > A case of this kind haw â€"again come to light. A Dr. Davis and‘his #{fW BuÂ¥e been arrested, charged with, bavigg. committed a crime which has resulted inâ€".the loss of life.Â¥his crimé has:â€"been véery fatab of late years Tt beyun in‘ New Yofk if report speaks true, and extendéd over, North: America. â€" Woman â€"sinmed, and would bave the sin contioned y imea aequi‘\ OTTAWA, MONXDAY, AUGUBT 2, is?5 buildings Aq\f’ aheds at Whuï¬pog and Dufferip, and generally see to the arrangeâ€" mentsâ€"for the reception.and care of imâ€" migrsnts®it Manitobe and report thereon« Gowan‘s Cpera House.â€"The Shaughraun Company. Clisby House â€" L. K. Clisby. Public Notice. â€"Thos. Miller. Know Thyself. â€"DPr. Pierce. Local Notice.â€"Adam Forepaugh. Hon. Mr. Letetiier, Minister of Agricul~ ture, left this city last night, en‘ rowi## for Manitoba. We under§tdhd that ne goes ng amside . every the first page for ~0s | 6@# w wxr iwenty wonls mA o+ .‘t i. 7 wes $12; and every dav. :~, eaebrword over iwent ID !he s@ADEOQ® GpOPUGMic . vivea . â€"ims BIRTB® WAWNRIAGEN; DRATH® THE HUN. MINISTER OF AGRI CULTUAR L. * THE WEEKLY TIMES: â€" 'G'm“.x.:i;";:.‘.i"‘I\'x':\;}w?qz;iart‘eo Reporta 1 ates: ‘NMM W nquait , Partienmeniary Kejorts. und 4 othenarailer inGade uts ine class weexl;, 'N.‘":‘nk‘h APT § Subscription Rates uh"bdk Times Y hen paid week}y, Twelve and aâ€"O8!1 Cent when pot Twer tfl“. o me â€" 3 ealnaie ies fim y s CENTSTor e@ch over rwe sty. adve (i<om »uid refarged to are «« Tollows : Any cpe «pecibad.arthe @~ Far Sale «r W emied J us 6 on 3 verieed. UNNATURAL CRIMkSâ€" TENDENCY \ THERETO. A 4 CERNTS PER LINM. _ Special Contructs are made pable~. ind matters of ltike uesc. ipHORD PFY w .I"-OT‘._“- TTainment Adverusements is , ©ORBE ETA LCC DOEVT CE RATVL ETTE C27 TK J P D « 1 measure, | rigk f fR 9 4 > ho m bt‘!::':‘ m lï¬l;‘s"- Pax""You." " ThN ruk of bomg hanged; while : « ENTS PER LINE, m‘t: m l:;‘- is even now in another world 'flc“hm- uï¬ Insurance &;‘mf eT? "#tupidity "and positivs Moswew tw feand. B4 oaames S maateds. Bonrt nus Losging l":u.l.'-’o‘ or Stelen. «~ma Wanted, Farms for Sale or to Reni. Live Stoek for Sale or to Ron; Noney Wanted or to Loan. Sitnations “m Rituations V #¢â€". ao. Bmsimess iqr o wie Mane d es $ 4 n vs uwl Projessi pel apd busrc~= cards inserteo Uondensed Advertisements on the Firsi page Notices of Births, Marriag=s< and Death id desthe with tw en net‘ n‘n\.ebnl.l lu.x.u..-ev‘.l'lwy .“:.1““"‘“1 .N‘ t“l:v us he w8 + e w f * Y d hn\ .'nrm.b»"‘.yï¬nu..‘ï¬\:.‘anuflé"mgw lei ed mungb} arciélon i ADAALY HLAM wwmaqu\n-ln xapeeâ€" , o. aie t L I RiS worlhy" Market ‘Reports ven gakt yeurly. Niz Doilars Laâ€"edvance a w Zat Decu adTh t4 bilshed eÂ¥ Its ‘THI C a4ESs the â€" Po@iing â€" Vauer, FlÂ¥FTik 1BE procure soruple, .. indwlee honaible, practices t§4 4A »m 12 any part ments inserte Price 12 ledn:to ; | Such erimes should be put a stop to. .« | E ducated men know what they are doing Mï¬. kind, and there .«homh} be * N 1no false sympathy with them wlen they ; k;, #end themselves to bring about n state of | ‘| things,,which must resolve itsol{ in death. | !Tb. medical, hitherto has been a hichly | ; bemourable ; c»ession and it is the duty of every member oi that profession and of} «bclety to mmmintain it in its integ~ity, preâ€" + | serving the tharicter of tha proféssinn, | and of the professionais themseives. 1t ; wowith pain that we notice these repeated ‘ acts of dlisgusting mariâ€"practice. | &%fl be divided .qlf ali his children. mï¬}lï¬mmd lot No‘ 225 Gatey eW Margmet mm..‘?r ol Lt ts sb are Pecusn ce '.\ Right Rev hapes qpeithed uis w“ o o T 'r.' To -f’ft; 5. sion was passed gtusranteeing the ‘right of way as rs]uindrs;fl Mr. Foster, and two committees were appointed to visit the parties whose land wiil be touched by the rosd on both routes, with the object of obtainirgâ€"aire righo:of. way to as good adâ€" vaniage m« possible. : â€" Numerous «quesâ€" tions were ‘patg to Mr. Foster, and answerâ€" @f by him as satisfactorily as it appeared péesivle they: could© », as: d generally the meetimg seemed sat: «»~l that we were at last within a reasou;.vie uime to have the mouck, desired railway communication._ see in theâ€"matter an.opportunity ofahoyâ€" Any tue:r desire to.promote , the welfare of our county, by pre-cntin‘:snuitoua?, or rgiving for a merely dotmi sund, the oâ€" n-uyri&b:o'wq; We have heard toâ€" day that the Committees have mt with very great encoutagement so far as they have gone. 1 _quar â€"| To his w s r:r?’. l ‘?,yuul Catherine, bo':‘éz m-&- esach. ‘lo the sisters of &e Awro(‘&"ï¬uch, in charge of St. Peter‘s Hospital, is 'Y)e%ilenb.\l', 5 tt. Vingent‘s Home for Newsboys, s the Sisters of > _(fl)ouwhod o â€"8t. ‘Putrick‘s chur 4 ; Little Sisters of :‘fw $ l nd'm(:â€komn&i: ic )rp‘n $ 2,000. ‘Other© }uuu' are Ol,.‘ix)umt:)‘A"thu:. McCaBfery, r‘; $1,.00 io Arthur B B. Bm;wu to Jathes xcnp;:y,‘l‘n,ï¬(‘)o to en: $ f Cgoeé i6 : MéShebe, $230; to" Johnmi'obnnn‘_k Ls Un Néturday evening last a public meetâ€" y was held in Murray‘s Music Hall, which was addressed by Hon. A. B. Foster add William.Moffat, Esy, Reeve, on this all engrossing subject. Mr. Foster said that it the town, was prepared to guarâ€" antec hiin the rikht of way st once from the township line between Biomliey and Stafford to the water‘s edge in this town, by what is known as the Exetern route, with lits terminus at or about Supple‘s whart, or g:c:uto;x’ route, with its ter~ minus in t‘s , he was g:rod to guarantée that 1,000 men wo.ï¬::' at work within a week. He would accept @‘ther routeé if it was offered to him on the spot, but as there anpeared to be a differâ€" ence of opinion e:_vdï¬ngu to whethor tire eastern‘ or weâ€"tern route would be the best, be advised that‘the mutter be left over a week ‘and he would have the eustern ‘route exatined, . he bein already sufficiently â€" well -cqun[mus with ‘the western, and would â€" deâ€" cide, : on _ being ‘further _ advised from the ° town, within that time whichroute‘ holï¬_nld â€"wdopt. A resolu We need moty :wp air of opimion, enâ€" deaveur at any lengéh, to shouwnthat it will. be to gize advantiage of the whole county that a railway .shquldâ€"be brought into the 'cmwfl ~as jspeediiy as possible ; it has o been shown before, and the old argaments arg/just as forcible as ever. Thgre is no doubt whatever that so soon as the‘ railway becomes an established tub’ extensive lumber manufacturing es tablishments will line the shores oiÂ¥ our lake, and titus employment will be created for hundreds ofnuLinmmiuain sum: met snd .the woods in .. winter, Large amounts of money . will put into eirculation, now lost to us becanse all our luniber away to Quebec and is shipâ€" ped to g::bd as square timber, instead of. being manufactured igy,home and the gost ofits manufacture expended amonast. ourselves, thus benetitting the eutire surâ€" % country. Farmers are too apt to think that thee entire gain of railway fommunication will be to the town. That this is a {allacy is eas‘ly. shown. Every fapiily wlded to | tho.!opuhugn of the ‘m'::riï¬n benefit to the farmer of e to "p.uituguuinincmned con: sumption 0/ ov?v.mnu'wa farmer bas to sall; the cost bringing goods to the meichant bas all to be paid by the conâ€" sumer, and in the article of sale alone, of whiqh everyfarmer consumes largely every year, railway facilities paust imevitably obq:unuby about a dollar per bn?‘: gain at once apparent , comparatively t the farmeis but requure to purchase more.or less flour. and pork during the yeur. This too must be brought in much @hbeaper than by., the present transpq ruute, another immediate gain u)pgz farmer. In fact it would not be diflhgt to go on multiplying in:tances where the immediately surroundieg townships will be ioamensely benefitted by the p > za‘lway,.and it mustcertainly be cof f that whatever constitutes to, the <g of the town must inevitably advantage the country. " â€" PROYVIDING POR THE FAMILY AND REMEMBER hss ING THE roor. i1 Application was made yesterdsy in the Kings County Surr gate‘s \ourt to file the will of the weaithy dw goods mer chaut, Air. John McConville, who died ‘last week at his reâ€"idence‘ in Bmc::xn. Peceased bequesths to his widow, Charity, «l the household effects, horses, caurti &cd, Nee from all debts, oontmlom mu‘onu :l‘-o Tz ;:turo hn-hand'm e ; r separate use reas ?::lb’hoomof lh‘:rmq' to m dhased execuiors her ; is devoted to procute such a house. He also bequeaths her $5,000 per annum, Thbe mecretamy of State, Hon. R. W. Scott, has writtén the following leiter to Mr. C. J. Higging, Necretary of the U'gg_u; nell Memorial, and with his usual generos ity, coutribuges $100 towards the fund :â€" < Urttawa, 30th July, 1875. Ds as Sir,â€"I shall be absent from the m during the greater part of next th,@8d wiil cocsequently be unable to titke part in the C‘cntennial Celebration on the 6th of August. e â€" ‘‘The suggestion offered _ by several genilemen of procwing a statue of the s‘eu Liberator, to be placed in some suitâ€" te position in the \i‘nit_v of the Parlia ment Buildings at Ottawa, would, in my judgment, be the moâ€"t suitable form for gving @xpression to our aumiration of his 1aracter, and be the most fitting tribute that Friahmea aud their de cendants can offer to the memory of one who devoted his li fa and great talents to the cause of civil und reugious liberty, We trust that the farmers through .bo_‘e !,ud- d)p road will pass will thus C. J. H19o1Â¥3, Eeq., Secretary ol Comm ttee ‘Connell Centenmia! I hope the comumittee will decide in fatour of having the statue, towards which I wili be glad to subscribe one hundred dollars. & fool called Dav.s with his wife hrought up for attempting to produce that state of things which is contrary to common sense and Dr Davis ai.«4 his wife run the sad risk of being hanged; while their patient is even now in another world, the resuit of thel? "#thpidity "and positivs inbuniauity. THE Q@CUXNNELL STATUL A Milllounmaire‘s Will. Railway Mattors th Yours truly, ith his wife hbrought W. SCuTT hone: ) 7i Sn hon i4 A good .double pun hss been made: by a‘ clergyman. e bad. juat.; united 44 "How did they appearsduting the‘caote; Mony ?‘ inquired afriend.â€" ©"They ap fited," was the reply. ~~~ sA g:w to womanhood, urd fintlfy married Mr. Nat G, Barter, buciness manager.of #h¢ Sentinel and Pronteer, FomSu::M‘ {any where: she,jnow resides. _ Thesduties 0t h#usek=eping and caring for £two chitdren wetemtm‘aei‘m to. eriso thoointense NJ epmany spinin o on aing ad frequently spoken er i within a few years, and Mrs. Barter had léearned the mmecu‘;fugw " and " Harâ€" ding‘‘ as among théim, and when, not w ago, her mothw of a desire to it her sister in‘ Ente, *tthe first Harringtep.. They spentcabout a year in Dubuque, ?an, and â€" 36â€" PaplyMinm s whad: then went on to Texas, 'lh:,:d IL.M 4 was on in ng cate sheep, at ummf::: -ver:yitou and ‘at times not so wellk (‘Whey: remained> in Texas ifor some years and , then: removed? to wékr BaxteriSprings. Kan‘lwhm)(r Pievoeâ€"who‘ had been tailm 3 in health for w Lmot years, died mbout fourteen years «1*o, 10at: ing three sone: by Mra. Harvington, &ll of whom are now living. ~Sheâ€"say@ tie ht or.eti-on‘l}nim-ï¬wob«a:wm another a Spiritual «t:and whérevien he went he won the u;novm good \vilts of his fellow m n. ~A «l her wandor ings and hardships shw hever forgot that he was not her father, ow that cher‘right name was Harringtom :: She‘ ass +ni6d ther own nuime:as:soon as MivPéros didd; then cbeing :about fourtean:years of :ï¬ lnd set about to Jearn,=it possible, _ whereabouts of her fither @hit othor rela« tives, ahould ‘any of ‘them be @live;© She‘. said .nothing to â€" her: motheratout ther efforts in this directiony but ‘hwing some<: how gov an idea .that she hadâ€"esidedsin Bostony she at different timexâ€"got frieni# to write to parties in that city making inâ€" Quitie=, which of cowurse reswited im nothâ€" ny. _ .\ ted, {a‘lyres,sh & i;‘l'x,etlilxaï¬r ov&'}' . thit "Tnight pertiaps Gd} MÂ¥ : Visit her sister in‘ Providenté, "the first time*Mrs,. Barter had {ever ‘heard ‘the nama‘in this city mentioned in this conâ€" nection,) inspired with new hope, she at once took means to learw ifany of her relatives were yet m Another pleaâ€": skint incident conni with this tiiitor) is tho discovery / by Mra; Bartor that her‘ sister, who was a year‘ or ‘two older thant sWe, is married outâ€"west, not 500 miles from her own home, mhog\ xge has already YVisited and wllx)o.r:ht e er is no:; living, havi fered e wi the child to hom l had I)oonl’ Aj"glof'.ulwfmg twantyâ€"three ‘years. it‘il‘Wonderful that of the‘two families #t tlat"titie ‘made desolate. every‘ member except Mr.: Pierce is now alive. ~ * s 1ir .«How are you, count ?"_'â€u,'p,.naï¬ï¬‚‘ way to a spruceâ€"looking specimen of the geotus snob. "Sir!" ex( mdlf nant swell, "who are_ f why do you call me.count ?" . "Why, I. saw you ht track. _ After Mr.DPerce‘s c h gélhgr'igm;lzimeo ’-‘é;'fé' Jlt: }x’& ative t neter voluntee iny information the m‘m ‘and she \‘(ï¬dl {Blhk- ‘wor while to ask for it. Time passed on, she At,. a; spivitgal; camp, megating, held at, Mï¬Â»ï¬m week, a.; he reapanse, i9. the question, .. !; 06# i‘m‘qm?','mw‘c uds pouring k:“ water ;. .Al -m:smm" L‘ mthepiel freabl o .Ys‘:o“n J Appubie Fort Scott at 8 o‘clock the next, morming and by noon a duttnh in angwen was 18; ceive:] here which brought to , young ;Mr. Mr. Harrington and his father . the .meps that their long lost sister and daughter were still living. Letters fq}éqwad and it was ‘ soom * ascertained That the news brought by ‘the teloguph wis true. AIâ€" though so young when ‘she‘‘was "tskeii away, the girl, now married and the mother of two childrem,, remembetred enough of her early life to assune bex..reâ€" l:;.ivu in ï¬hli: city of t:iyndhumpt‘p:.’ 10 is st.ll living, put her in possession other facts. r:‘n'oon as she could .. make arrangements she left her home in Fort Bcott _ to a vini} to her relatives, lw‘ ‘«rrived in this city a fow days From hertagory we pl.i‘r thofollow.?:‘hbtu Bhe: cis â€" tinctly remenbers her mother prowiging her father to take her ‘back atisix o‘clock on the day she wasstolen.‘ She says she was with her mother two orthreb; days before she realized that «se was being taken away from home,â€"She reâ€" members Mr. Perce “é'oinin‘ them, but does not kno:“wl‘luhl‘â€f}pt"n that age being. acquai with, Towns,.gitiqs, .a[c{. bat it :f.qxuher they lelmn city. He had changgdchis nume to Charlés Perce‘ (ihe ie nstonge) and at onde tanght herâ€" to. call ‘herself «Mary Pierce," threaten ing her with severe punishment if she "i;ï¬l any one her© name <«liad ‘oven bken A Sertain young gent lemait‘of Eyans tou, @Prd.;~ recently acobtnpaitied & y6tn lady to a train to see her safely M on her journey . ~~teâ€"carriedâ€"herâ€"railroad ticket in his pocket#Survreaftstyg:aud found it there, when he rewed home, some hours after tHtPEraff® fef@>®te0u°! x Bthet, you had better oemé'mdmm wiiy shadow. It will be cooler for yoh wiy shadow . It will be cooler for you * Founger sister (who.resents patzonage)â€" wirpakare Yort .‘?'L:Kmi c l;g‘},.!!rgz W 1 34 ty l“"‘m"‘b‘zâ€ï¬â€â€˜y o s .‘ i atl T veury threo years @go Jeremigh Porce, a groce in Providence »loped with the wife ot one of his tenants, leaving his own wife and two children. ‘The woman was Mrs. Thomas M. Herrington, and she was the mother of three children, two girlsâ€"and ‘a boy. Six months later the mother came back in an apparently repentant mood and had an interview with her husband, at which she received permission to take the youngest daukhter, Mary, aged fivs years. down street toâ€" purohaee her some needed articles of :\ps-tlrel. promising to return by six o‘clock th&t evening. From that time the father ‘heard nothing from ae chald or the mother until withitr a (ew weeks and they have long been supposed to be «dead. Nor did the family @9a friends of Mr. Perce hear awy thing from bim. _ In May la«tâ€"one of the Providence papers pricted an #dvertisement drted at Fort Seott, Kansas, and asking for infor mation to be sent to N +. Barter, at the office of The Sentinel a‘l":l'g}’iquecr, of that cty, coneerning the whevreabouts ‘of ‘#‘ person by‘the name of Warding; Sg'u'_ § or Harrington, who had resided in Proâ€" vigence for the last twelve_ or fourtee years. It washdded lh\n‘.‘.dy\ixgort‘ Scott, who has relatives with these names, was‘cesirous of hearing from them. ‘The result is thus described, by,the Providence Journal. C o Elder sister (condescendingly ‘â€"* Seef A ftow 'l'-’muy-'lï¬o 40b o0 â€"â€"â€"â€".~ last , ty Slebas 'i_v"â€"' 22c TV‘ ork | & man the 1 ayog S 1 :’rw-.- here, s onviicde Y ears TITE TIMES OTTAWA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, mt FQLOOT loZ Pat ) Sr is kind her lwilleli 4 etter t 405| £o Your He las e prop uC l‘s e have ‘""â€"] on other on y. ; senied Mgr, Roncetti with an address to na | be delivered to the Holy EFather on the to : Mlonsignor‘s return to Rome. The adâ€" py | doess had been read at a meeting of the m ; pastors 6f tÂ¥ city held on Thursday oven y famg in St. Patrick‘s School Hall, Mulberry » p)stveet, by the Rev. Dr. McGlyun, pastor jq ; of 5t. Stephen‘s and was accepted ‘as an m | expreséfon of the feelings of the clergy on ce | the elevation of Cardinal McCloskey to at | the now dignity. ‘The Swï¬u â€"of Mercy, pp | at the convent corger of Mulberry and 6 | Houston streets, had the ofiginal placed at | in their hands on Thursday evening to be ; engrossed. In a nearly finished state yesâ€" > malny it was presented at the Cardinal‘s > | residen:e and was cohsidep?;tobelwrk , | of rare merit ‘on" the port ‘of the Sisters. t l Tlho l:l!utl_nipauotn?l of the tto:t, considering ‘| the brief tim ere was mA 2 i llul-l lwy @!M“&uflu&;‘w#ï¬&m vulng?méaf,cï¬nmmnm‘:x.' AgonIt s UUtTIt TTeCi} rliother his attenijim . he w Large Commission & Cash Premiums to a separt ol the sne ol. Semh: Chandlon 17( > ©"Â¥ijed Yeirike a | im ces m nporc P Psn [AlBaAA» _ of * FAMIUS â€" ACT0Y, ffower from n“ ge‘:.un Ié‘ly whichQ,h: COMPRISING THE TEX saman > w. g‘m‘ ‘#t"the® Sessions / »tâ€" s o ?é?mwmm, J"Y’?.a?f;W'f‘M"%)f ta ufm’ matory P uad ‘Whether;if:| Robinson Crusoe, _ Paul and Virginia, {h.:‘l“lcu:f the case were:_onpm he |Guliiver‘s Travéls,! :m"r neiy g_hrfl@,uï¬#ï¬{eï¬pzï¬?“mm l'!!‘!ls"x ;::':.: "Tale froi Atablan Nights, very small.ingccuracips in, the wqe'm:“ ‘-'mpvmmon:vowunuoverw»p..: e e o deee in oi ioi ie (art en ornnadeniterene se rirl from k and write 1 i irmtmdettenyreces ) 00 _ "$Corpe ic t romeporsanop tne 6, l , . ids Cinp 0y Sir_ E.. Perking. askad whether it was . y me h ammule Om P 0O 0 R <~4& 0 P Y "lo. pop y td oi 000â€"8 fyle 6. betfin: oy Sir_ E. .l': & nk\dwa'd:u it was ‘ A n Aftue Airp " srgynatii‘® mâ€;‘“’ ..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4-â€"â€"â€"-4‘ en grranr Mr, Crossâ€"I b UWAMIY Haikowel ‘m cannot say whether there were more. ait k ___‘_And: that he «whom you, Mest Haly ‘Kathery sent hitheras‘y our A blegate, to be theb mol:yoqu imlbvnln of 10 ‘grest a Well a ‘dignmity, and whoimn because of"his own Â¥it and the cause of his coming, but Mpecially on account of you, who sent lfl.& we hayo endeavoured to the best of our ability bub witly fery eintslkeartg :to ont in and to hongpu:,lump keturn to we cannot permit the opportunity to Dags without sonding aâ€" lett«r,brief, as is «but full of love aw< revérence for You!) and for the See of Pelor, to :tell@you ‘ofcur ijoy and gratitude. We do not jerimit us kneeling to pray God to preâ€" arre you to 15. 10f many "& day, and. to, save you and His Church from the hands QL,its enemies ; permit‘us, last‘of ‘all, to implore your benediction upon ourselves aud our people as a pledge of every pgoodbosasg sed »bind to s«uo‘l d»itit] s art of thid diite l8stfyeaf Jvak ovpt byithe. ?sb of July, the heaviest having passed between April 15th and Jnnofl()t.h. After July Ist ‘abe rter of, ‘d‘rige pupd“:ommm::&cw tfogether with the other fact that large %unbera of cattle h+ve been driven from ‘the Mexican frontier :tocs Northswestern Texas to avoid raidets,and are now on the range from whio&&gï¬m be put on eï¬ ooX 9R ot â€"sharw ) y wilhstirit â€"â€"â€" Â¥hstain thO proQicliontlat tho Urive ‘ of xmgarhgto o this our city and diocese that you have certainly given iOÂ¥A UF new"zaldl for every one of us to strive still more for the glory of God and the welfare of our brofhéin,¢ 10 on auski in at S O PTOW o3 .6 this year will exesedcthat m{.last=s "Vicar We h the a 7 dgw nituate R aoh AiieP whiew td ho. D\-E&Ic(jtl.yl;lu (who was, of coup-ol,‘ ti.::e author of. the t v ; in Latin) ‘wu‘invi“d’wm ï¬â€˜: *&mg. to the Hoaly Father, which was as follows :« To H.s Houtngss Pork Pis IX.:â€" s _ Rermit us W m&my Father W:£l l)‘“&‘g our thanks ; wermit us kneeling to pray God to preâ€" qlhis kindness to us and nis dgvotiqn to wmm-a&rasm o¢ letter to Your Holiness, and will say ‘Your Holiness mary 0t thikgs for is the proper limits ol this letter, * .. We have not failed, mufl"aoly Father, On other ‘onbnmons to marifést our ‘wétitiâ€" ‘ments toward you and bwari the 8¢6 of Feter; but now Y our Holiness has bound Onr hearts to yourself by ‘a "néw and, if ‘pessible, a closor tic, when you have i well to bestow so Mki.ntwmâ€" merdation before the whole Church of God upon the virtues and thé long labours seasin‘ is, as showe#‘ by : M‘!{?owf Pte T61 618,incluiing alikinds;0f ~Tekes! â€" beek Jn 1874 the tota\l drive out of T ;r:ounud,inmund numbers, to }rï¬m of 14,000 more than have thus this representative priests assembled in one of the pariours of the Cardinal‘s residence, and, Migr. Cobtbi hayi wil to atten: v a â€" drosseg 0 «l pi ing the sense of the priests toward the Pope‘s representative personally, and toward the Holy Father as the head of thé Church. ime S 413 0 O ooo n i ca T2 Oy are that inhipapromption you deainâ€" of 14,000 more than hn\}é'thiu far 'thil‘ urt o tiod "h)s ioh io oo foiett ‘The Ablegate replied that he_accepted bith &ufl?‘ &?‘h«wnr‘gu:‘ !Hq,?m Xéuer of the letter of the distinguished Ciergy of t! is: illustrious diogese‘to the Foly Fathor. He thanked the ol #Ad ‘the laity for" the ‘réception hi?ya’i received in this country; becad3& he Khew it was intended then that honour shonld be;done the present occupant of the See of St..Reter. ke would not failsâ€"to rore ‘of the clergy of New York than ;x g_x otessed in the brief limits of a letter, Kï¬‚ï¬ to tell the uoliy Father of the devotion df the clergy and laity to the Holy See. *‘ ‘Most Hory b‘nunâ€"wwq you recently did ro lfl:“ an" honour "th""oup ‘beloved AÂ¥chbishop, one ‘without "preceiJent . on I-‘r:);mi Lhe /Kui-mgiigroq hn-ï¬nlnn. Yoesterday afternoon the representatives ol the ‘prigsthood of the :?'thflobue of New York met at the residente of Cardiâ€" nal McCloskey, Madison avenue,.and preâ€" to be beyond all praise. The New York Priests®‘ Address to the Holy Father on acco unt of Cardinal M‘Closkey‘s â€" Elevationâ€"Mgr. Ron* ceiti‘s Remarks. Giyen, at New., York, J uly, 30,, 1875, be beyond ali praise. At 16 o cloGl IEsipiciay attoribon the to honour the whole Church spread rughmt't& country and the country f as well as their own diocese. The Texas Cattle Drive for 1875 Contrast#®in ‘Pantshment. ADPDEESS To PIO NoXNo. (Signed for . the elergy.) :i vo WiromarQvix»®, VvO, ‘Tnomas 8. Prestox, V .G. â€"= . Wigex, AL, Ceougy..,, . Frâ€"ut(he Lou *A ‘Fim es 210400 W _ .<al Fiom N. Y. Heral Voskba WikrH, ~C. 8. 3. R; Hawar Hovorx, 8. J. > w M/ICARTBAY : ; 1. ï¬-m Aro . M‘Gryyx, 8. T. D, idawor} o iess ied uMc ol VWiigrim rogreas, Vicar kefleld, Robinson Crusoe, . Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Tvavéls,|© Blikabethy ®C 707 ’ c:*m are nofted tat, teuders will not be idated unless macde u;." in: acbords nao,vuh the imnua rornu‘ and. in the case ©riArms, except there are nttached *l«usture and the nature ot\-ml ::m of residence of each member of the Fot the due falAimentof the eu-'%dmf on 09 o ..:f‘.&‘.’:‘i.f'.:.‘f.“"#f,"“ Alclpal securities, or bank-ule‘: to Rt .'Ja?mof‘f-'. per cent, on the buik sum of the contzadt.~" , 4n _ To the ‘tender must be attagbe) the ‘actual Wedpesdays. the Athcof Aughst Nixt} Agent‘s" ‘Outfit‘ Free‘!" | nPï¬ns Specifications, &0., can be sean at the ‘oftice of J" Btead, Esq., Architect, St. Jphn, N. B., un and afterMonday, th agth iu'a, rhure forms of Tehider, &m 4 all nedesdâ€" ary information can be ob . No tender will be T?un'i&;'vif'a:hu made lu'\lctl( ln} accordance wth the printed forms, andâ€"in the qase attached the .setwo&}zmmm{n'!‘ plase of residence of each.member of the SAne. of the above Soclefy Will be held at the VIC Satisfactory security will be required : on real ¢state or by deposit of money, ‘public or mn%xi‘pipal securities, or bank stocks to an ‘timbunt of ive percent. on the bulk Btini of the Contract. seool oe aepond Af Tonghs fornii‘mh Appmthl"'g?vjnl be received at this office unt it THï¬RSDAY, the 5th day of Au*un next, at noon for Heating Apparatus, required for the New Post Office, Bt. John, N. â€"B:; ow bei.(‘alg erected at 8t. John, N. B. _ $Ww ns Batisfectory security will be required ‘on real estate, or by deposit of money,cenblle or munjcipal securities, or bank stocks to an amounlktqfï¬w per cent. on the bulk sum.of the on * j x: Tr tenders to have the actual llm‘uq of two solvent persons; nl:zuï¬ in Domiâ€" nion, willug to become sureties for the due pg‘r_t_'&_tm!uee of the contract. «igngia: tworespousible and, solyent perâ€" m e re oi ootognihe ditiohs, as wel. as the duesperformsucn ol 4he wordreibrace! Oy the tontract." * ~~* 'l‘brt: Department dcoes not, however Itse: mmwéym‘ _| _ ONTARIO AND QUEBEC Lumber & Timber Association ‘WThis Department does not bind itself to aeâ€" cept the lowest or any tender. Y P By Order, ¢ rtment of Pu Rc 18 m‘!-m. 19 July‘,"flrgQ “f 6 m Notice to cases Galleries 60 required for the Aew.Parâ€" llmtnt Library :clldlug Ol.uws,{:l &: @xtehded to the 10th day of August next. â€" (og UbeNodamed gentyhighe. ToH JaTO < 10 [ at thi pihce aind at ths anteq rrend invavebtitrnce rd ive atmesl t ty d x Te Subscriber will sell by Aw& on the Kxhibition Grounds, (m.l'lhol k&s- )l;aa,ulsm ingt., four sltes BR ent un . iParms : Cash. ~Bale to commence at 1 P .M. No Tender will be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual signatiure, ooeng’nï¬o,n and place of residence of each member of the same. Notice to Contractors. noon Plans and Specifications can be seen anid formk of Tendér obtained at this bffice on and after Monday, the 2nd prox., where all necesâ€" sary information can be obtained. The Tenders to have the actu«l signatures of two solvent persons, residents in the Domiâ€" nion, and willing to become sureties for the due performance of Adb:‘)ontmt. ~ s F Department! not, howevet, bind @lf! to accept the lowest or any tender. 1 * II ha. Melvies noon qr eitirante tb 28 for the construction of Cr Notice to "ContrPadtors. Bi) | d -’ffl‘ "‘u‘ï¬li & I'.S'. £4 lXLUX.I 'IEE‘. RMAIJ "P qcl-v,;_-l'\) I{Q‘A{Ll Notice to Contractors. De%dmom. of Public WbFES, S T #OT Jtuiawa, 80th Juiy, 1975.____ Lullm\uwluu';lklulllg' v;xnwu,d:;n‘b Jutâ€"stone, Bri %rponkr iand Joingrs;, other wor'ks; also rought and Cast Ron work required for thé above. _ _ 6 beid PFrenfignd in m amigy oonaidy ous Scaled Tenders, endorsed, ‘t Tenders: for Extension West Block," addressed to the undersigned, will be received at this office unâ€" til Thursday; the 26th day of August, at noon, for the necessaty works req:xiroglor the comâ€" pletion of an addition to the West Block Deâ€" partmental Building, Ottawa, viz : Mason, Department of Ottawk, 7t " Ves ts , Clawa, 26th July, July 30, 1816 Sealed Tenders, addressed to the urd Provincial Exhibition, O TTA W A. nermad Co ANC at LNe officet tire Reevour Kinca rd ;E'g printed forms of Tender will a EALED Tendels Prire«@od 4o ihe bder #iued and endorsed "Kino«rdine Harbot TURLA C &â€"b>K+ &#â€"# [ To . Contractors. aT TWwo 0‘0LO0K. W. G. PERLEY Ctinfrpinp| RXGepti¢e Commmittce. h F2 NCCCG & elvat ty } e aun TTOZOD YAX TL h. â€" Sale to commence at 1 P.M. GEORGE GRARAM, _ "! reasirer, Agricuitura! and Arts Association, ohls. dphAT (AMECEE a $ suedM Acuders. PAAA fylel 4 20[ d 4100090 a & x .};G\m CYV Ral) Puigcal. Coairman Bullding Committee By Order, .Y iP EQ 0W Recrotary Contractors, F, BRAUN, t or any t y Unler Hecretary. Sectetaty oâ€"tw hind y ; alta= JHLAWEY PVYUC REZAMH .. AUCBMONEER, AJASQL A + t \ & & i AY L‘?ï¬tual Life ‘trnisirance Co‘y., HERTFORD,CONDN. .: ., Insurance Go. ,, Cash, Assefs Over $26,000,000 "yNRE York . St eet, near â€"Sussex PMradsa: $20 ‘m."“ gp4€E y * POCAETOTTNORE) J S Nn VBUC 6‘8' ! %:a;;‘mammgu#lgmh&&m’, ULP H U R, 8A LI NE and | Fraser, Esq., Hon, 4 Bryson, Allay | The REJUVEJATING WATERS so muocr f * enmmnniade C Aifenrerenie" ,"" / T ntereat Allowed on Deposits. j T Attention ! Goid, any Ster|iog Pratte Parghsse | Inv 201C m;«s;)-‘m:nenrz n 1 U | | ~ pysnensinkLUErancement of the Digestive Orâ€" _ {:Génertal Agent Citizens Insurance Co‘y, caPIhaD «0 .0 . |> §2,000,000.8 Victoria Buildi Wesrer : Block of hm-e- Buildings. DIRECTORS : Fizrg, Lirs, Aooibext axoâ€"Gvanaxtes. Jan. Ottaws, Jan, 28, BANK OF OTTAWA. M 1.2â€"75. Equitable Life Assurance Company, J. Te Button, _ AGENT for OTA A W A .and, vigtpity. HAS.. DESFARDINS, HAND IN HAND nsva lÂ¥ MILYAb.. .. [lll’l‘agi 1875. fagj §# Ranuk Hotictt, Tusurance. _R W. Ma &o& Ottawa :mcxuv%&v PATRICK RoBERTsom, _ Cashier, _ _ THom, . | gï¬idnï¬ï¬"im'mm""_o?'iiï¬i,]mâ€"' ions of I | and â€"Urinary Organs are positivel sets . | on:qhm;ungthmï¬opmn:m. M 2R 0 ; soucs d d a ds SmE autc Rtk 214 TT eComV eaInl Ti M : k oh. * l e ol 4| $BV0RY £, M00RE | ‘"‘Reevonnerwoones hi .‘ Retail ot all ; and | Deposits will be receivedat l ... ~~EJas‘4pGOUIN #.00,, > > L‘J‘UH!! KpNLY, . Â¥ropdiaters. n teormire enaes ‘may be at me. *A on (a wa, May oh. 19 D. _ *"* $Mâ€"4F 4 (Aiidnic ‘Eboumatiom. the bignelte _of Gout s :t:no q}mw -.W «~> ) (Bigned) Gzo, W»Cax M.,M.D, Dean of the Medical Faculty, : @ill College. Are ; sold y Chemists «148‘ Bivggiat n throughout the world. Wm. Robertson, of Méntze« [â€"4â€" Bméw’?ï¬-’fï¬â€˜m‘{â€wï¬ suoved to heaith ty tng ase of the watere. * *** ~â€"Mt. W.. CHAMPNESS will .open a good Livâ€" table, providi hore eedafen we. Prore hh Aogd caplages hore enrceabie olinien uo ced ate witt ty Aele or ded is Rbeumausm. * * *‘ "I" ‘Hive known a few individuals who sufferedtahch will yet make Caladoni® Morson‘s â€"Effectual Rumedies â€"A875. . 1875. Caledonia _ Springs. Joyful Tidings to Thousands F unidredt of Rhetrat!és bave been cured by the ur 3 ts in meast en s aggroad DyspepsinA|F rangement of the Digestive Orâ€" "TERMS.. . _ |__ Transle %“..g““"'â€"i?n per guy. 9 the MR en ob Rheumatics! Read|! ta wa, Muy 6th, }8%6 _ The.Elysiumâ€"of the Invalid r&; make Ualadonia Te greaiest res t ands of iestimonais might be progured; 8 mon e reputation of the Springs renders it unâ€" sary to do so. a to her @emedies. TFETIMONIALS, *‘ Montreal, 28th July, 1876. ceriify that I entertain a yel Is again open frow Â¥ a.m | ____ $ # HAKEKE, # «1 Ofice, Ottaws, June 1. 1876. RIDEAU AND and Jewelleé.y (f c Â¥ A I w say* 38â€"SPARES® _ STREET and 40 Ausmex AStreot.:â€"sam _ wHOLESALE AND RETAI, Jeweller, WatChthiker, é A large assortmeni o Taudics OFers hord \i. «{prra*A carerr Houlk. SHOOLBRED & Have received of their C oanger . deOt EY qoi AC M gu“m'm unu' % # 14 a STY" Pov n 1w5. ~BUMMEER m.; l their stock as %e.' ap iouse in tom J E W E L LE Ryv. Ed J.e.lh.' 4’ . ‘:,J:? Drug __Store: T. T. SHEPHERD._ Chemist & Druggist, FLOUR® AST: ENE glaichnia lict etmule thy » 6. c oltime Oe Duarggists.. ait Carpcets. remuarid .eroil s’ &‘o & 2i .A $ 8 has & .*%8 anosirqs Lable in its found to be "I have for the ple for any is on each refund t and hav KIN