int. New York. SE Xâ€"S5/‘P ND RTAKEN, »1L£ 1 Y, juiring nc roof and &, capâ€" and sladiy ontertain pro> in the different w‘:xm s L ‘LI.P.NVEE.I. To ! 11 L ASPHALTE O«, wed, and debt®s i. mud anost + ! K TV OM LAGIK Crilder 4 s of Pyri ty son propared io nerd, 1Le produce of try & Gene a Office. r k s â€"st. «dilor YBODY | & of Up, lromy, fiet. F it :. ensily appited F R A M B To a coduteng T & £ £ T. liers in all Purts & AGENTS, &! a s.aie be made i better, and |+â€"stim c w a Douse :,n“g‘;‘u -“ & )ildgs. ORR, blues of The paint is ex «k book will pe | Wâ€"bw L4 % \ A\ AubBt m unab )NTO toy . M=t] ‘ent of &»14» m la | Patents of Invention, Utlawa., sc Vay Office â€"=parks street, Centre Town Night Officeâ€"At llll residence, Maria Street Usntre Towu, Cancers cured without the use of the knife, Ja rew but cer ain, &) eedy ind vlmost prinâ€" s process. Reference given io arties sucâ€" asfuily treabed i( required, May be cor Lor ard Al Utlcwa, ( Paysician, Surgeon and Mealdenceâ€" Albert 3i #to lt a, m., and 2 to 4 j givea to diseases ind GBBS & COURSOLLE, smy 1 have left wit A. ®. CuTron burveys in Uttaw Pleasure in reed (TRADE MakK REQISTERED.] â€" Â¥ictonsa CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON â€"BTREET, OTTAWA. P F. MELNDL ims opened out, as a Merchant Tailor and Qutditer, on Elgin st., opposite th Post Office. Firstâ€"ciass goods always on band Bd satiawfaction guarinieed. Palie (Aty of OTTA W A, ¢ Homwepathic Physician, Surgeon and Acvcoucheur. Barristers, Attorneys, Solicig@rs, Conâ€" veyancers, &c., (Of the late Orim of Lewis & I‘lubey.) ORPICESâ€"Bigzin Street, Oliawa, c, H. PrSw®X A. J. Quristh®.| H.P. Hice Fob. 5, 1871. 484â€"3m Udice â€" Mast Houge, JLiaw Provinee of all Notarimi ai Provinee of Q given to the coi Province oi quebec. Bartrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chan eery, &e., for theti ovince o| ubhiano. Maio Surcet, Huil, P. Q suus=t n IyNHoMAS P. FoRaN, PHOTOGRAPHER OFFICKâ€"No, Weilington 8t., Rajotte loelr, Otte w a, u:t. e 840â€"ly Barristers and Aitorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliciâ€" tors in Ohs cery, Netaries, & 6. »iNlceâ€"Harndy‘s iiuck, is .oan Storou. _ 4. Taibox, | F. H. CHRYSLEA INAILLON & CHMRYSLER, W . BHarristers, Solicitors, Aiteorneys, Con veyancers, Notartes, &c., &c., ti6. & Consuliations at a Harristers and Aitorneysâ€"aiâ€"Law, Seoliâ€" cltors, Conveyancers, &e., O Harristors, Solicitors, Attorneys . and Conveyancers, &c., 10 fetripg fromm Y Mapt. 9, 1\7 June Tam porary reet, Huli. gui, Marc | Notary Public and Advocate, Has opeted au office in the \llimge of 0O p1NHEY, CMHRISTIE & MIL LUMBER AND CoMMIsstoN M®RCHANT, BROKER, &C. P ATENTS. 1 Â¥. HM. FERLAND, Barrister Barrister, Attorney, Solicitors, &c., YOL. VIIL NO. 8910, W L. 0. C. Woub, ETHUR F. CoTTON, Musinmess Cards. I. J.P.LYNN, R. LOG & N R_ TUPPER m« alonally at ini= re» e flrmeriy ©cou pies T LAMBERT Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman. Buccessor to W . K. Thistle & CO. Rledical €ards. Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &C. ceTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, W.P.COUTLEE, B.C.L., W. W. WARD, ARCH A MBAULT, voNNoR & ‘DoHEETY, Barristers, Aitorneys, Nelftitors, Conveyancers, &c., @m Mosgrove‘s Bullding Rideaunâ€"st, Oltawa | Jow N @ConN%ex, g.C w. J. O°Dom®®TY "AlKER, CASSFTLS & PENNOCK, coNNoR & Howus Hoinix RoD Now W aRT C. W. MaeCU AIDQG "ZRK froim the practice of my profession, left _ with my former AssiSlant, Mr. CUTTUN, my trians and Records of . In Uttawa wbd vicint , and have much h in recommeuding l'rum as my suc» J A R V 1 8. Barrister, Advocate, &c H. TAYLOR & co. March 9, 13 MARSH AL MATHESON, LLL.1A M (LATE JARYVIS & ARLESS Advobate, Solictior. & c. D. K. MACDONELL, sulted mt hi bert atreei» )et. Â¥4, 1821 ath »id la wa, Cana de . SPARKS STREET. former‘y, over Mann‘s Mardware Oficial Assignee BOLLCHTORS OF OTTAWA, ONT conveyancer, &c., Sol citor in Chancery . s Block, oppos scaual E€ards,. wost ROYVE, resldence, Metcalfe Btreet pled by the Hon. P. Mit» 387 ly .. Huekeii‘s Flour St pd Yorkâ€"streeis. OlLawa at Dr. Jos, Benuxlin‘s, Mait Ax for the transaetion > ; busizess, either in the a Onlario, Special care t accountg in both Froâ€" W. R. THISTLE Real Estate R i street, near Glou Oillce hours from Mpecial altention acemen‘s ot_ the 1753 han Step Accoucheur. J. J. GoRMULLY rner of OCor MONTRIAL i mbers, C P.PENNOC K Com mission 3836â€"1m use I%° 6â€"3m [ liu 4.04 2401 T461 rofes H aulby unor 1y _ Partics desirous of securing good "'l prom pt @tiendance, and reasonabie rates, will please avor the undersigned witha call, _ ___|___ _ _ N.6.â€"Horses bo@ided and groomed in the most satisfactory manner. A specialty made of this feature, BROWNLEE & CO Adï¬\lnl the bank of H, N. America, W KLâ€" td u‘l{‘)‘u-&r the besi and most conveniebi Ll_yorqublnTnunuty._ ie es nR W . CHAMPNESS begs to draw the .mnugm of his ‘pumnn und the public generally to his extensive Livery Stables, Carriages AND VEHICLES, which cannot be beaten. canlthu d attentive Diivers alw»ys in, attendance Wwhen required. P ances can be bad at all hours by leayâ€" ing orders at the Norwich Egg Powder, Diamond Yeast Cakes. Fresh arrivals this morning, at 103 Ridean Street, opposite Daihousie St. qualliy. 00000000 00 0 0 Luncheon served at ali bours Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars Centre Town Livery Stabiles. The above f‘u; uiar Restaurant has been sularyed by the nddition of several blnokml aud well furnished rooms ou the second story. ho u} BAvert Lunchoodg avd Dining Rooms in @ Clty. «Gentiemen honoring this Establish m ent with their patrovage may rely on strict attention being paid to rtheir orders. l.gu_prn. Wines and Cigars o( the best A FIRST CLASN &0., &0. &0, Bass‘ Paie Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAYS ON HAND. (Rideau Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) The Royal Oak Hotel, v. H. CMHALKER, OBIBT GRA HA M is beartiful and furbished with the choicest brands of Liquors, Cigars, eto. â€" Your call wiil be kindly » olfeited. Maj cb 11. 1874 Bruris Lio® HotkL, Oltawa, July Â¥, 1875 ir meking all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT GGS. s 4o be had of all Grocers. _ â€" =____ H. J, WEEKIGH & Co. M W Toronto. Kole Agonts f*r Ontario. 3784â€"1 mnilas to and from the Cars and Boals free l! now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfort and rccomodation of the tpvvll(ng commupity. Friday next, 16th Inst. The aboye Hotel is well supplied with the J une 10th 1875 1he Proprietor hopés by personal supervision, and procuring the services ol polite and attenâ€" tive ser vants, w ho th@rougbly understand their business, to merita fiir share of *tppurt from his old friends a d the public generally, OCEAN, LAKE AND RIVER FISH every day, (Sunday excepted) from Eleven till The Dufferin House, Â¥ YoU WANT G00D BREAD where the choicest Wives, Spirits and Mait Liquors thag can be procured may be obtained at reasonab‘e charges OPPoOSITE THE â€"GOVERNMENT WoRK 8 io: LIVERY STABLES July :8, 1875 In @onneetion with the above, there will be the mast | Magnificontly FIQM up Bar this side of New York, | No expense or trouble\ has been spar(d to ACâ€" compiilsh this end, and it is intended under the present manngement to make it Its e« mmanding sifgation being immediately opp site the Govergment Buildings, with a full view down the Oftawa River, and in a line with Dufferin liridge, with many other advanâ€" tages, place it beyong doubt the best situated in the City of COtiawn. s sSECOND TO NONEIN THE DOMINION CLINBY _ HOUSE, {nsolvent Act of 1869 Corner of Elgin & Wellingtor Sts. ; =â€"~~ ENTRE ToWN Corner Bank and Wollington sts., FISH MARKET. Ottawn, August 3 FRED FOOKS THE RESTAUBRANT WILL BE QPENED ETROPOLITAN Phe public are respectfully informed that the use lately known| as the NELSOQN HOUSE, is passe d Intothe hands ot Â¥r. L. K. CLISBY ho ‘n ends openingiit as a A.3I0N HAOTEL, THE "LONDON," Wellington Street, The Victoria Stables uncheon will be Provided in the European Style. Firstâ€"Class Private Hotel. Carriages. HAIRDRESSER Meals at all Hours. ourt Hoase Avenue, TTA W A, Ont The Bar H. LETCH,â€" Proprietor Hotcls. E. J. HENRY, Proprietor A. STEVENSON. TDt Proprietor. kept on the premises, «Popri 2613v $900â€"3in _ Moatreal. _ _ _ 0 0 _ _ _ ' JAB. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. . J. 0 f C d Agflllu.. h&!mwu & UROCEKRIEKS, WINL8, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 1ONS, £TC., ETOC,, quantitly, No, 4 Labrador Herring, reduc= Ton of $1.2 per bbi., dry Uod.fiab, Coéise Bale in large bags, Fine Sait, 230 ibs. per bag, Good doitm apameansteranain oo Beapyt 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUR Liberal advances made on consignments. J. H. BEMPLE. Importer, &c., 53 St, Poter Bt., Are offe General Oma Wi And l.iqm"u unusually, LOW P Ofl.ut'o make room for their Spring Stook. 1200008 Sn a Tednetion on Bugan thiing To HIGH WINES, J PEHOOF AND RYE which are in fine state of cultivatio:. Can run a mowing machine uuoosh from end to end. Terms easy, Apply to J, BEKiINGHAM, i repenranr O Frone 5o nerey more or lote id o Concession, U Front, &) acres more or less, 40 of Auctioneer and Land Agent, Eigin8t. Ottawa. Bankers and Stock Brokers, Montre al, Negotiate sales of Pn;rny and Patents, and organizs Companies. Money ln:uud in frst» Class securities to m-nd per cent. inâ€" terest Stocks purc and carried on a margin i{ 10 per cant. interest at lowest current alow. w ves. 4. 1974. €10y3awk By J. BERMINGHAM. CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. jik STARCH, RIOE, RAISINS, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, ihthomttuof Banker, Montreal Dealer in Greenbacks, U, 8. Bonds and Checks Commercial paper discounted. . Collection made in all parts of the Dominion and U. 8. Ia terest a‘lowed on deposits. Cot. 20, 1n74. 3680â€"8a . w k i here is a cheese {actory on said premises in good repair and in running order, Terms o( sale cash. of Carleton, at the hour of three o‘elock in the afternoon, on Monday the 6th day of Heptemâ€" ber, A. i‘, 1878 all the estate, T h& title, an I Interest of the said Insoivent nn’ m yself as assâ€"guee of this estate, n nuito, all and sing« ular that certain perce! or tract of land and premisos situatle, lylnf «nd being in the Townâ€" ml&c.\t North Gowe», in the County of Carleton, in Provinee of Ontaric, in the Domiaion of Canada, n i‘ g composed of the undiviced one baifofa part of a lot number twenty in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of North Gower, butted and b>unded and deseribâ€" ed us foll wa, that is to ray, commer clny on the northern Iimi® of the allowance for road bet ween lot« numbers lwonx ana twenlyâ€"one, In sail Fou: th Concerslou, the distance of alx humlnd‘ndfll.‘:hmun-: the south east angle of smid number t.'ant{. from thence so uth sixtyâ€"six degrees west along the morthern }imit of said allowance for road, one chain and fiity lluks from tbence north thirty» six degrees west, one chain and ffty links from thence north, sixtyâ€"s}x degrees east one chain and fifty links from thence south mww slx degrees east, one chainand to the place be» ginuing, containing by admeasurement two and one quarter square chains, be the same more or lexs, _ Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, #Notice is hereby given that under and by virture of the powers vested in me as n-‘lanu of the estaie and effects of the above namgd Iuâ€" solvent, 1 will offer for Sale by Public Auction, l‘ be lands and premises bereafter mnm:l. in the Township of North Gower, in the County Alph. J. Steers & Co. Nortb Augusta, June W, 1878 OUSEKEEPERS, On the Bank Street Road, F OR S 4A L B, OND BROTHERS, RICHi 14OUSE AND LOT, RUSSELL HOUSK BLOCK, (Opposite Sappors ‘Eridge.J OTTAWA, ONT Awuction S$ales. Commission Merchants, scqal Motitces. The relail Clothing Busi« ness so long carried on by Joseph Metcalfe is now ransferred to the Firie or JOHN SuiTH & co + Mr. Sthith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth» Ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" eat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metcalfe‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing €lothing. PBankers. ON EASY TERMS. Dprocers. â€"â€"DHALERS IXâ€" W HOLESALEâ€" 1}01 «M 0 T. W. HILL, W, H. HILL, Arsigne® OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1875 There are.Numerous Imitations on the NONE IS GENUINE! SUN PROOF HATS, Folt. Silk and Straw Hats and Caps, W iterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &c., In (rder to clear the Stock as soon as possible I have decided to sell all the nesortwent of Hats, Caps, &¢, at cost for cash, ©008â€"2m rgh, ?808EAV0, sear., SIGN WRITER, HuUSE D ORA TOR, PALINTER, PA P , . â€"~___" HANGER, &o GKEAT CHEAP SaALE AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES sB A large assortment of NEW PAPFRS, Bmm 40., Just received, and now on view HAT! HATS! HATS! Opposite the Post Office, Elgin Street. Des. 6 1874 MYVYRTLE NAVY TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEh® ! HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES! | HOTEL PASTRY OVENS8!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNAC ES i1 Hats! Hats!! alats !!! Maro® 36, 1874 CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Managers. Mills‘ Supply Agency No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! House, @1 Whitewash Coloring #0., c i vux:v.nuun‘m‘l': 56 SPARKSâ€"8T., Upposito the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 1878, : _ Please l;ci;i}'biir orderr. Agents wanted to canvase. . Apply at ABHFIELDH Crockery Store, Duke Street. _ Ottawa, April ;1th, 1876, T OWNS END‘S ALSO, For Sharp‘s Rafety Oil Cabinets, for all kinds Ofoil, fluids, &c,, all sizes from «5 to 2 0 grilons, nent, cheapand durableâ€"will save their own price In ofl In a short time. â€" DEVLIN‘S. Indian Helm2ts and Puggeries, A combined smoothing glossing, fcting and erimping IRON, a great labour«savitg maâ€" @hine and one tbat should be in every house. and noâ€"doubt will be when seen, at ABHâ€" FIELDB Crockery and Glassware Store, sole agent for City and Oountie®s. II. HODGE 8. Baws, Bel ® Packi Files reâ€"cu A'(x:n'l. Jmu"&ui&:.mmg &‘)'ntg:n and 6 Also, Amw.y um&%:mnm' LIGHT CQOMPANY &s. JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLE® POR 1875, BLYTH & KERR‘S. 0. _ CO TE"S, AVOIDING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by . COAL OIL COOKING STOVES, TTAWA atters & KFurriers. THE "DCORKESTIC" i6 MONTREAL AND OTTAWA, COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE Hardware, &r. S A VING F U L »~ANIDâ€" OELEBRATED CORK LINED FOR THE MILLIOS. RIDEAU STREET, O UNION BANK BLOCK. UNLE®S STAMPED ns «O j mm CcAVTION. QTTaw A Oxw ALL SIZES, H. MEADOWS & CO., or AT DEVLIN‘S. 45 Bussex Suree t 38 2 td ‘nUN. 3874 Iitrus Roor, A"f' 8.â€"The river com menced rising about dark last wight and continued to rise for several hours at the raty of one foot per hour until this mornâ€" ing; and has risen slowly all day: since last night, the rise reaches ten feet. It is ng:' nineteen feet and reported falling above. s miners are daily confirmed by recent prospecting. Prof. Jenney believes the mines in JonhoL’s _guich will average three to four cents & , which is conâ€" sidered «_ cautious m‘, while the miners alon« Spring Creek place their lowest estii»~‘~ «bove that figure,and the maximum is without limit, â€" An immense GRANTâ€"A1 MUUHAL EDE chibaid Grant, formerly of River Ronge, Ar genteul}, ue«f 53 years. & The funeral will leave his residence toâ€"day at 2 o‘clock, for th> Hull Cemetery, the place of inâ€" terment , Friends are invited to &ttend without further notice. K.uch'-'sz Menagerie, which exhibits .::I%nwlondny my, August 9th Curcaco, Aug. 3.â€"The Inter Ocean‘s Black Hills spec‘al says the rld discoyâ€" eries repoite. by Professor Jenney and ferreginous ‘~!zo has been discovered, seven to eigut miles in utcnp,xh‘to the north. 1t protises ‘to ‘Be of great value.â€" The.command. left Camp Harney on Sunday for Rapid Creek, thirtyâ€"five GRANT,.â€"At Mount Sherwood, August 2nd, Arâ€" A Pair or Wauirk CaxzLs and a litter of suckling lions are to be seen in Foreâ€" sunday for Hapid Creek, â€"five :nn Ilflfll'“t.ï¬o- Ouhr'?‘ahh, where the next permanent camp will be BOOK, enlarged to nearly 700 nages. 1t conâ€" fains over 2000 tried and proven Recipes, and is auited to all classes und conditions of soclety. A t k c lE .o % se m ever offered to Agents, «amp! % untb{ Mail post paid for $2. Exolustve tory.giÂ¥elMe ... o0 _ tory glveM« _ _..__ ' Wls Wns Apatt mhtat nonut megrmoniet. _ * ing House, Millington Mich.‘" TO SELL DrOHASES NEW RECIPDO® wuld?o lesued lm-ï¬:}e’lg .ud wm‘fl- r as possible, on rrearaffor l:up(‘on’br the Cnrrfonlt&w;' NOOCK " ‘Golicoior, 0. W. w., + Ottawa, 3rd August 1875, I Laina Live Agents Wanted T. H. HARRISON Deputment of Public Werk ‘Ottawa, 3rd Avgust 1810, " (axe o0 ?ret "on Tmaiprofte ana qulbe "#o. 82, Sparks . Street. DISTRESS$ WARRA NTS Notice to Contractors. uie aupar is rerdlrasentert for She diges 1 requ StYOUR, N R., has been extended to the Uh day ot Augirt next.. â€"_ _ DELINQUENT â€"WATER CONSUMERS oA LL ons living in the ol: Ottawa, or A uie the Cif Ihilts, neo herony moue Ned that a General Stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, ~an _ Electroâ€"Plated : Ware, &c., In the maiter of JAMES WELLINGTON DUKFY, of the City of Uttawa, Uounty of Carieton, Tobacconist, au Insolvent, The above Insoivent has an o meut of uis Estate to me, und fl:‘&mm motifi d to meet ar my office Ruswell llo& B(xolb on THURB .+« Y ;:o. #ith DAY AUu UST next, at Two O‘Clook in the Afternouon, to receive statement of bis affiirs, and to &pâ€" pu‘ut an Assiznee. R. C'xieflwm UAIG, Deted at Ottawa this third Amighes uay of August, A. D , 1075, ‘(HENEY‘S BLOCK.\ . Property Commission Sates a RSpecialty for the 1 Coal required for and supplied nl,rlh(,-elyubllo an{ldl r.01.ll'.- nesappl Specification can ï¬mn and mwn- (l’:: ‘é‘."‘ii.".'.‘l:?m B.:?S:'f'onm e and Monday, the 26th Juljun.o‘xl. vhnï¬ :fl necegsary information can be nod. The flbolgn fide ol.mlt.luu o&twooolv:n:::dul:.. ® reons, willing becom Tor the due Tulnitzent of ie contract must 64 alt ached to each Tender. _ _ _ 15 Insolvent â€" Act of. 1869. for the n ‘The Department will n3t be bound to accept the lowu%uot.ny Tender. _ Department of Public Works, itawa Sith July, 1°76. when will hbe rtuenbdou of the strongest is of the season, Admission 25, 50 and 75 cents, Reserved seats can be Auoct;ared without extra chbarge at Gowans Btore, Sparks Street. Thursday Ev‘g Aug.5, Notice to Contractors AS.izned will be received at this Offce, until Monday, the | th day of Augurt pexty at ‘ngon, with an unusu strong distri bution of gh?mhr’- S H A U GHRAUKN COMPAXR\Y, BENEFIT â€" OFâ€" THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE AND 4 OWIPLIRHID‘ . ARIISTE when Will be performed, Robertson s char ming Comedy of ¢ Wednesday Ev‘s Aug. 4 ‘.6 JWAN‘S GRAND OPERA 10â€" s EALED Tenders, sdJressed to the underâ€" New Advertisements. MISS IDA SAVORY PUBLIC NOTICE. C ASTE True hearts are more than coronets And atmple faith than Norman Blood, The River Rising, LITTLE ROTK. are notified that CHIOAGO. By Order, r. BRaAUF, Mills. ‘ F.BRAUA â€" Bm?uf'l Beoret iry MOUSE. |faw, fous soueet stt SAtore opposite | here and betwéen here and Cairo be i dooded, | A dissations Ireahot, howove, is _â€" Tims | ~"â€"‘-'""’" ibaginihs Abs uind o. 00 fhes dnc 4 shall haye a dry spell}: The river here "-'_'-m":dz*m last night, and is about 30 feet above low water mark. No serioqus damage has been done so far. Br. Louis, Aug. 8.â€"The weather cleared lplnt:at‘?dbda{.hohuudoool, no rain has fallen in th -ocï¬onv.& 24 hours, and indications now sre we shall haye a dry spell}: The river here there is a SAY FRANCISCO. Australian News. Bax Friaxwomoo, Aug. 8. â€"Australian adâ€" vices to the tllhdnlan been received. Railway construction is impeded by the heavy rains and floods. The O‘Connell Centennary will be celeâ€" M&.WMM The yield is less than list ‘your. The average earnings of miners is greatâ€" er than for many years past. Damage to Cropsâ€" e trp on pop i ho alone W.W% induced the insurgents to abandon the insurrection and return to their homes. of crops in Austrie and Hungary show there is more likelihood of deficiency than a surplus. Defeat of Insurgents. VirxXxa, Aug, 38â€"A des from the tine a meseong hok announces that the Turkish troops de The Mark Lane Eepress in its weekly review of the:â€"Corn trade says the cereal just reaching maturity has been savâ€" mho'uuhu. We may yet have a moderate harvest:â€" ‘The upward move: T ired ioh Jn cmaaquinennel Aiotvigs n uence : 0/ l:i'lll which are unsociably free, but current rates scarcely reach the av‘nr and still below last year, The harvest in France is gmgmuin‘ rapidly, but general ngm ind‘cate Jess than a fair av at Paris and Murseilles prices luvom two shillings, and German markâ€" ete show a similar c , Official records General Weyler has routed the Carlists under Saballs and another leader. ‘The Carlist General Dorregay is at Berga, in the Province of: Barcelona. novas del President of the Con: stitutional Commi decliares that the meaning of this to be that Protestants may have churches with open doors and celebrate m&l‘&i‘nfl-n, but there must be no manifes in the streets. He believed that the Cortes will be summonâ€" ed to meet soon when the romd Conâ€" stitution will be -uhmmu! thereto, and consequently political agitation is recomâ€" mencing. f § su then‘oring t0 i m’hu] : is raittly, molested on & of Ei.r respe at Beo doul’lmf Spm.l‘l’h lmd-‘!‘uvAo risen IIPNV mï¬mflwmm.m'ï¬sm to be Roman Catholic ‘The i. is obllï¬ itself to ‘maintain its ministers, t mobody shall "be molested on Spanish territory for their nllmu opinions or in the exercise of ir respective worshins, so long :;l:dr'ur‘dmw%fl&?nï¬mhy evertheless, other public cereâ€" moniu’ordnmmlom than those of the State ‘religion are prohibited. Caâ€" The Alfonsist Forces Victoriousâ€"The New Spanish Constitution. Loxpox, Aug. 3.â€"A special from Maâ€" drid. 10 the Fimes rayt the _ Alfonsiste troops continue to be sucosssful in their operations against the Carlists. Several important viotories were "::qu last week. The Carlist forces are evidently approachâ€" ing dissolution. General Nlnr-‘amth three thousand Carlists is in the citadel TELEGR APHIC. Mr. A. J. Baker will doubtless be nominâ€" ated by the Tories. Ald, Rooque, of this city, will contest } the County in the Liberal interest. J. H. SBaddler, the champion of the Thames, has issued a challengo to row any man in America a four or five mile race for £500 sierling, on the Thames, in Beptember. It is expected that Morris, of Pittsburg, ‘|Pa.,‘ will respond to the The nomination for the local election for the County of Russell, takeÂ¥ "place in The Rev. T. Ellroy, Methodist Minister, and successor to the Rev. McRitehie, hasâ€" taken charge of the Methodist Church at The magnificent residence and grounds of the Hon, E. B. Wood, on ‘the banks of the dnnd River, near â€" Brantford, have been secured for the Young Ladies Colâ€" lege in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Canada. â€" Col. Bernard, Deputy Minister of Jusâ€" tice, returned to the city yesterday from the South, and enters upon his duties this mornin;. Inland Revenue, returned to the city yesterday. It is / expected that the Hon. Mr. Macâ€" kensie will leave England for Canada by the next mail steanier from Liverpoolâ€" The Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary ef State, left Quebec yesterday by the steamer Secret for a tour through the Maritime Provinces. * The appointment of official assignees, under the new Act, will not take place before the end of the present month. A M L R1 C AN . F OR EJ G N »damage has been done so far, %ms@m&rné Rise of the River JACKSONVILLE. GREAT BRITAIN. Crop Prospecis. Carlists Ronted. AUSTRIA. ta in aâ€"récent en announces: that Minister of presiding. Beath of an Editer. Cmqxxar, A 3.â€"Robert A. Mc Farland, md &w the last thirteen years, died last nigh The Canal Investigation. Ausaxy, N.Y,. August 8.â€"The 4 e of.thoG;v «s (hnlln‘vbï¬ report ernor‘s tion Commissioners, mainly to the Deniâ€" son contrict between Port Schuyter and the Lower lï¬wkw‘u'fl more than Mï¬!)(l)hn mu work contracted to have been for less than $80,000. casket ... was but : â€" elegantâ€" mï¬umt&noflnuhwh the midet of the falinge and flowers, and was closed that no part of the body was visible, but on an ’ n:{ exvelient steel engraving of exâ€" t Joh-anhsh-g gilt Masonic frame, while on the walls and canopy posts were hung the various porâ€" traits and engravings of the deceased Fully five thousand persouns assembled beâ€" fore noon to attend the funeral. . The fl.oo-ahuwu formed and marched to grave under the charge of the mar shal and his mssistants in mm-u, order:~â€"Johnson Guards, Patrons Husbandry, Odd Fellows, German band, and Dickinson‘s Guards of Knoxvilie, Masonic Lodges and Chapters, Hearse, Jflmumwk of a crowds dpflon he deâ€" Ilfhudb.ddnu. taste and o tholdh-.:zul-n-dw had united to court room sadly beautiful and a sult able place ‘for the remains of even an Exâ€" Nasnv Aug. 3.â€"A special from Gn‘uvu.lo‘;-n.. Banner says the events of t -d-v\'.'_mi:-'!“mh of respect to the memory of exâ€"President igljhcg:whaoobuqui- ug'phoo toâ€" H C. Bowen and Joseph m ery forcas new morv: the case. nok *# Out of Respoct. The Custom House was closed and flags on the city hall ‘und other m‘m- mout Departments were at chalfimast out pose to try Beccher for as he dateral matters. He says there is testiâ€" moby of great importance which will materially alter the complexion ‘of things and: <which : will ve © Beecher 'ifl. He says Mifl‘flzwnfl oalled dase the wwmm have asked for it, and the leading witâ€" neskess of the next trial will be Lees the » A New Trial. Morris, counsel of Tikon, undoubt edly the new trinl will be "short ‘as they A Meavy Robbery. A t girl robbed the residence of e:é:" B?Kngu,min Hoboken, of $4,000 of property yesterday. > ~â€". The Nathan Murder. J in ‘Conklin‘s OWK&M« the Nathan murder is a sheer . fabricaâ€" foods in Frâ€"nce. Rleven French Societies meot M*: to act tagether to aid the sufferers by The sale of the Northern Paoific Railâ€" road was finally postponed to the 12th advantage of all if'?m d_ ps but nbona‘r:edmrunt m“n held by tha ~firm for safeâ€"keeping, and which can now be procured : by owners simply proving property. Arrived. Arrivedâ€"Steamships Bothnia from Liv» "Htired, the stomafaly Rikiopta, frog! Glasgow. that an objection to the firm going in io benktuniy mwmuuq%"u Ootmlouofphdngluan the hands of .Ilï¬â€œ was that the former course would have locked up not only all the assets of the firm â€"without an opporâ€" Nzew YoRk, August 3.â€"Information was rooflvsoltll from Ta“m friend mu?‘- erman br ::'ln oontunplsï¬o‘:to uoureï¬l those creditors who are travelling abroad with L.;:’::t-ho‘ ha ‘u"douh.ud hf" ey have ve bunuub’iounm dnooflugnno( the firm. < Alexander Duncan,‘ father of Wi. Butler Duncan, has offéred to - nbothenormdthol)du h&; some other in on will undertake payâ€" ments, '“g&‘fm.b'w th:ul::.l ar rangemen urpose conâ€" of yen 3 ipagp oc . mepaniartvi advantaca af .i‘ infanaskad ?;.‘3... Duncan, Sherman & Co s Indebteduness, since seven this morningâ€"and.. still: very slowly receding. g::tion oi Lue city located on the western k of the Wabash has been cut off for (2) days by"high water overflowing the bridge and levees,, and oom:nnd&ni. had : by â€" skiffs. _ The tiver _ has in t . away. _ Our city is muf mmm no damage has ‘been experienced except to manu: facturies ‘and mills. ‘The destructionâ€"of the Wabash and Erie Canal, between here and Fort Wayne, is complete. It is broken in & bundréd places.~ Thé canal and river have been on: a level for fortyâ€" wight hours.. The water of the river Nlllz" to the latter and ing over mï¬vm mgï¬oo&cz all low &:“' This will be ‘a terrible blow to people ‘of the State. It is impossible to estimate any more accu rately the acres lubmrcd. The Louisâ€" vilie, New Albany and Chicago Railroad is much i+ ~«~«.1 between here and Battle ground. Oti+r Railroads all right A LararerrE, August 3.â€"The fliood in the Wabash is more than a foot above the settlement of the country. All the triâ€" butaries have been running out and the low ground is all overflowed. In many places the river is 3 to 5 miles wide. The must result to tenants in the low lands whose all is swept away. The Wabash bottoms for an average of * mile and half wide, the whole lumfï¬. river is submerged and crops harvested and CANAL â€" BROKEN AND RAILWAY TRAVEL IMPEDED. igh water mark of 1858, and several mh@q&hfl oan&ondnoo the The Country Flooded. A DESTHUCTIVE FLOOD N INDIAKA Burial of Ex«President Johnsou, CINOINXATLI. Aid for France. NASHYVILLE. Rale Postponéd. ALBANY. NEW YORK. olu&'nud. 1t was. sough m&:flmmx disp und that the respogde furow This ‘and thet the ‘sald »vebed bad been sont as respondent‘s agent, it was‘® Tc t se t tnt sontttion would, as if his own mm the revition ther60h; but th June dispoed uB6 of the wun thought that the vouwuï¬, the individual had some doubts. He, bhowever, went as sorutineer to the North It was held, bowever, that as Mr. Cox anid his agent believed the vote to be a .good and as there was no intention to poll :‘flhflmï¬nnmm. corâ€" mpsmwuurnmbm as to disqualify the even if he on at ‘Toâ€" ies W ednesdigy ths 17th " * ‘After the closeâ€"of the West Poter: borough trial Chief Justice Draper delivâ€" mdbiponhm&oldh:‘w case, declaring election vaid, by reason of ï¬oh-th‘iy-g The Peierborough KEleotion Trials â€" Br. O*Buliivan Unseated in the Ragt and Nr. Cox in the Went, 4 _ Perensonovens,: Aug 2.â€"The West Poâ€" The only evidence offered was an attemnt witnesses for the petitioner. "The arguâ€" mwm-«mm& o‘clock. . The seat is voided through the acts of one Cardinelle, whom the respond ent hed canvassed but whom ‘:onr inbndodloouolhuu:.fl, who assumed | the authority by his acts hvm- Mr, Cameron‘s argu Infote $s ahoul whelly sontined to t be without water, _ . ". °. _ _ °_ * n.onmhu:om.u.m WUMW miserable weather and resulted in a for the latter by m;“qh% flh“n. Oase, GXx> sept that the victim‘s name is Gilmour from Woodbridge. mw- the alty was so great that, Tok we mestrige bas Maita‘e Int mppranguce panp in hovt Toroxto, August 8.â€"The corner Â¥toné ocm':umw..:,.'.muâ€"t was toâ€"day oodgreen, out» -i?dtrmuuud.d %:‘ en volun mnlï¬ &nOIdâ€Foï¬uanquld this Proâ€" vince to reinforce the provisional battalion at Manitoba. They: startâ€"for Samia by the first train to morrow, and will progeed. their chants, 1 rfod:hzh-hubldm Mr." Detâ€" sanelles; in addition to the names of par. ie en are > As ventee mo 0 a’m-:‘:. T biiit/er may probably amountfoaerenty lisbilitles may probably ainount foserenty 18( it 1t . Teimgmph, 187,. aiaing also showed the visitors the paving and Colborne .vmm.†wl There were attempts to open other stores in the sause manner as that of Mr; MoCord, and this afternoon in m steamer down the harbour by Alderman Kennedy burglars. 4oR 8 Smore O epntatin mere Mebeh c“d~| h‘“‘ L ‘s on td inats force béing‘ raised for the Northâ€"West They all belody to the ofly and elwirgak lo::; insufficient ï¬ summer. . ‘They decided,‘at a mesting of the Commission held yesterday, to peuution the Counci! for d uns that :E p hreguivedyrmas remme Macon will be overtliowedy . ;,.., . , The Northâ€"West Service â€"Rails for Canâ€" ada PaciHeâ€"~Policeo Appropriation insu@®cientâ€"The Baitimere Beputaâ€" â€"tionâ€"Attempte . at Robberyâ€"Stock Market. M A iL 100 . Moxnnusy Augost 8~â€"Bightesn men An Overflow Expected. . Nsw ORLEANS, A: 3.â€"General Arkunsas levees near uoud:'.'m. are below and in a bad condition, and proois are caving in. In about ten days the floods from above will ‘&irive at Red River, and should the upperâ€"Jevess give Raieigh, Fau Rivu®, August 3.â€"â€"About 400 operatives in this city are 1dle, and will probably be 1o© ut Jeast thars, days, alâ€" though "-':xoflcduwmo will | neâ€" sume in a There is great dissatisâ€" facuion amoug them, and _qmwt w go to work, including & part 6t *“M‘:wwm ame: mcted . alâ€" most as a unit. uww~~mfl reimuin closed it is imposiIblé ,to A4y,., l‘".VMk.opou have â€"given> notmee that if t oholyummwh vildaâ€" > Mose oi) coaaly | cidilty Liscy. Cddh -Lu to pay cush tor their goods$; and <thst mo t & TCOy r work. Ey nflhm'utc empï¬u?fl‘ld‘u which will soon resent rain, and uence of the ie oi duooantant‘s Or to morrow, which wili necess@rily maike eaoh Pay cush ior their goods; and that uo it will be M credit will ‘be @ive? coid Wmay ‘gnt ho ftor Northâ€"West â€" The . Water IIâ€I?-CI.“ mâ€"_‘ Al.r- tion i ase Th Ner i this i oo Wns taen tobone Conem Burraro, August 3.â€"On account of the CA N A DLA N : hag codtemen rervh rgorm 4 Pm huge an agent of PETERBOROVCHâ€" PCE J CBNTS in fifteen weeks the city would N 85 W ToRronto MONTREAL. 8A R A NOtGaA. BUFFALO, this summer, _ z'l, summer, u’m? vie 1504 )-‘i‘:: ty of the to show