LOUR .o at totes LHOUSIE STRRET 200 Curtaine. Moderate TA YLOR, 1. MclLarnon, weed by Montreai thim an UllaWe time. Store. 1EPHERD. * mmd (’l'l‘l’m kanurkx£NT ARM PRODUCE, sevinge ansts. i at this office. 4 ur per ©onl. per® STREET, FEED S$TORE spection tary if unpaid, $ comb# HOU®E Canadian steamei® u_i in which only 48° e senmt â€" »P A MPB VINGS BAMK. # on hand to y aitended to. i1ls. A W A, MALLJS every Druggist, MBERLAND STS8, G d every Friday at 12.0# the Hasnsed MamP ser employed. Lad IPST C latesss siyle, and re of Mails, s eed. illlg. «LVA ik or, ve paid for tite go ® 8 1 sont. £@F W \\‘(. CO, men‘y k "1 have been aillicted with rhoumatism for the last ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eiectric Uil, and since then had no attack of it 1 would re: commend it to all,"â€"J. T1. Earl, Hote‘ Keeper, West sheiford, P. Q., writes, " l have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried dn&mnt medicines with little or no benefit until I tried Dr. Thomas\ Eclectric vil, which gave me immediate relief, and 1 would :{ that 1 have used it since with the best ect. No one should be without it. Ibave tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equally as good for horses as for man.‘"â€" A. â€" Maybee, â€" Merchant, _ Warkworth, writes, "i have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Uil, and it is proâ€" nounced by the public, ‘one of the best medicipes they have ever used ;‘ it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throat, &e., and is worthy of the greatest conlidence."â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes: "1 was persua ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four i;nn,md 1 never found anything like it curing lameness. It is & g‘l;au. public benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes : " For weeks 1 was troubled with a swelled ankle, which annoyed me very much, Mr.Maybee, of this place, induced me to try Electric Uil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. 1t is a most remarkable medicine. ) Sold by all medicine dealers, price 25 tho W ingate Chemical Con and retail by all druggist warded to any address on by Dr. E. Mathieu, 198 No Haxoranoips (or Pices) are permanentâ€" l ty cured by Mathieu‘s tile Ointment, or | m mey refunded,. Price $1 per \n)t, or six | J ote fur $5.. sold wholesale an« n-uim tho W ingate Chemical Company, Montreal, and retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price, by Dr. E. Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street, . nopf be equalled, We can confidently nzmmcm\ it, and would advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hwxiâ€"it may be the means of saving your horse‘s lite. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, ‘Toronto, Unt., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all meglical dealers. 3796 Wuar Tusy Sav or It! A Faw Faots wFor ti® ProrLs.â€"There are but few pre parations of mdicines which have with siooud the impartial judgment ot the peoâ€" ple for any great length of time. _ One of these is Dr. Thomas‘ Eiectric Uil. _ Read the following and be convinced :â€"Thos. Robinson, Farnham Centre, P.Q., writes, "I have been aillicted with rhoumatism for the last ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I Horsgs Sav as.~â€"The lives of thousands of horses have been saved durmg the past year, and the credit is due to * Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave kemedy." _ This. preparation is being extensively used, and exacts from all t.s highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever beiore baen half as successful, of wiven such universal satisfaction ; it can dis pat !o Siz : Having, while at your establishâ€" ment, carefully examined your prescripâ€" tiens, and the method of preparing your Compound Syrup, 1 feel anxious to give it & fair trial in my practice. For the last twelve months ULhave done so, and 1 find that in Incipient consumption and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs, it has done wonders. _ in‘ restoring persons suffering from the eifect of Diptheria, and thooou‘th following Typhoid Fever, prevalâ€" ent in this region, it is the best remedical agent [ have ever used. But for persons suffering from exhaustion of the rpowors of the bufm\nd nervous system, from long continued study or teaching, or in those eases of exhaustion from which so many young men suffer, I know of no better restoraticn to health than your Compound Syrup. _ _ _ _ L te â€" Brain Exhaustion. Mr. Jaxzs L Fxuuows, St. Jous, N. B 8 N. THWMAS, Pheipe, N. Y. And NORTHROLP & LYMAN, Toronto, 0. Nole agents for the Dominion: Norx®.â€"Electricâ€"Selected anmd Elecâ€" trized. _If you think this letter of any service, zoumu liberty to use it as you see t JOB MFSEKS8S F®EMALE PILLs, This well known medicine is no imposi tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Feâ€" male Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and altough a power: ful remedy, they contain nothing hurtfal to the eonstitution. the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powâ€" erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" _ In all cases of nervous and Spinal Aiâ€" fections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, ‘E::':‘l}_)_iution of _ Fulldirections in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully _ For full particulars, obtain free, of the agent, a pamphlet, or refer to advertiseâ€" ment. JOB M0SE3, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1, and 124 cents for Â¥oatsge, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ontario, general agents for the Dominion, will inâ€" sure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. +â€"_â€" Fur Interbal and External Use. _ Lum“ud m E:,'NE a;;l perfc cg‘CL'lltE “ï¬;' alt prQ rof fuia,Teiter or Rin wot m , mu»um...m u?ll diseases of uf.‘ skin, One boitle warranted to cure all cases of Piles ; from one to three bottles in ull cases of This remedy bas been faithfully u‘t*ml found to be an ailmost infallible cnre the wbove zamed disgases. 1ts succers bas been so untversal that the proprietr guarantees a Cure to tnose who use his medicizve, or in case Of failure to refund toe money paid, Bince it was first intredueed he has received many thousâ€" ands of testimonia}s, ; roving ts efhieacy for the oure of the awiu} diseaes it is recom mended for. The Pile and Humer cure is entirely vege table in its compo«ition, and can be used with perfect s»fely in all cases, There is no dnng: of it driving the humor in, as it cures on -m and the parent‘s boiijly heaith conâ€" tn 1improves white under this treatment. l’nc-‘s r bottle, Moid by all druggisus, DeK 14, 19. oC ~Bemrxkxizy, Mept., 180 â€" Gentliemen 1 feel it a duty 1 owe to you Lo express my 'ndmdo for the great benedt | have derive+ by taking "Norion‘s Camomile Pilis," | appiled to your ageat, Fais« A eltyâ€"jor the benefit of those who m ï¬m I am, Sir, yours truly um'.i ALLBASS, To the proprietors of "‘Norton‘s Cememile Piils.‘; ______________________ A MAN oF a THOUSAND. A Coxsuwerty® CURED.â€"W hen death was hoarly expected !:om Consumption, ail remeâ€" 'R";T.T.i'l;n the stomach, from G"b:cn 1 -un:‘nd exoruciat pain for a length of time, having ied "uoanly overy t remmecly _ prosoribed, but without any benefll at all. After taking two bottles of your valuable pilis, 1 was quite reâ€" atoped to my usua: state of healtb, Please give Pugwash, N: S., January 14, 1868 un.va-tlwm. necident led to a discovery whereby , H. James cured his orly ehild with a preparation of Canmabis Indicaâ€" He now gives receipts free on recipe of 1wo stam ps to pay expenses, There is nfanln‘b «y m Of congum ption that it does not dissiâ€" pateâ€" Night Sweat, lrritation of the Nerves, Bow ) N“E ":;'u'u:::,'“‘m UE NUE l;;u v‘= For sale by all druggists. oâ€"v"'m"'â€":s'-u.â€"'"&hâ€"(n'm' les. _ Addre & Co., 1041 Race rum >.. aiÂ¥ing name of this m" Tez PILE AND HUMOR CURE, n‘s Camomile Pilis," 1 appiled wnw Mt. Peal, Berkeley, for the above Pill nUSINESS NOTICR®S r. Thomas‘ Eiectric ing and be convin Farmham Centre, een aillicted with st ten years, and edies without any t Thomas‘ Electric U no attack of it it to all,"â€"J. h. Vest shetford, P. Q «styr.â€"ror people to dlowr ome seated upon tham rather a phy â€"cian, or to sufter u' car« with the different kind . . 1 remain your, &¢., Enwaro Cray, M. D FRDc. â€" eople‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street FOW LE‘B tumor Cure nature se _ of etlact heum. turn Ad Uk These Paperhangings "are imported direct from thelbest Manufacturing Establish: ments inpeEngluud, France and United States _ (Great care has been taken in their selection with regard to colour, The ground tomes are m Ml to the eye, especially those ton~l with silver mica; but above are free from the mineral poisons that m:«ny of the tawdryâ€"coloured Pw of the day are surcharged with. ‘The Subscriber‘s long experience as a 60 and being thoroughly acquainted with the chemical compound of the pigments used in Painting, enables him to reject, in his selection of Pgmhm, those coloured with poisonous pigments, so deleterious to health. /‘ i mw invited to examine his STOCK of WALL PAPER before purchasing + As the undersigned is going out of the Room Paper Business as scon as his present Stock is disposed of, the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating Are now nuo;l m 7|m: l-;ntinlue in the City in Siik Warped DRESS GOO new Bilk Warped Check." Now Chinese Cheek, New Pongee Silksâ€"decidedty the mm-nc?\ym BRANDIES, PORT & SHERRY WINE, GIN _ PORTER, &c. 100 "~~ 100 ©= 2.-) Cusks N 20 =e* lu MHoywhen l (’ Hboda, i1 FRENCH FLOWERS:! &HFEATHERS LUMBER DEALER, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREYW‘S. The Trade supplied Wiktk e kinds of Lun bor for Buillding purposes, Shingles Clapboards, Flooring. Sashes, Glazed anmod Doors, &C. | AGENT FOR MALLOCH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR. W A L L. SELLING OFEF SUMMER GOODS. Tices To select from, all of ;vhich we are selling at the lowest prices in the cfty. _ A large Lot of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. RB~A good Pit Guaranteed, All Goods warranted Shrunk. March 11, 1875. ~ i1 oâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, Music Books, etc., i Agoots for mauLiet; tra Vin & Comy, J. 4 C HISCRER 4 0Q y HABIRAN & 008« TH" Organs and eolehmdomm_ Ei t s s Of the above list we might single out The Hallet, Davis & Wm. and 1NO W , BUZ & Co‘s. celebrated ownnotu--, but for a medium priced Pianeâ€" coriaily commend * The Hâ€"rommo.‘ The Hallet, Davis & Co‘s. Planos have long been nu?nud everywhere as among the very best made in America. The reports of the Judges at the direrent labn which they have been exhiniued, together with the opiniong oi the most dbm As and musicians in the world rnnm w weight of testimony in their favor that be resisted, Lnd a«sure the purchaser of his receiving a superior instrument in every respect, - «hnd assurge the purchaser of NEW LINEN COSTUMES, FROM $2.50. Teasâ€"iilack, the finest imported, Green, do. Cotfeeâ€"Very superior, freah roasted and ground daily, Syrupsâ€"Mapie, Amber, Gokien, &c., vory One. | s......â€".fln grades, for preserving very strong. A large and well seleoted stoek of fahcy groceries too numerous to detail always on hand. Ulasgow Peas Meal, Mackensic‘s Digestive Biscults, and Angastora Bitters at THOS. PATTERSON‘8, L 0 N D O N _H O U S E. HANEY & FORGIE, _ F4 1. d 12 0 Arsatdbinisinss._Aon d codie tvanmitnicts mordutiulionact ectenstint 37 us P of now mm A welt arranged stoek of Manties in Amerioasy Italiage B0 SolfeeteaMe t Rrigecting Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. . _ In Scoteb, English, and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, Wert of England Broadcloths, &¢., &9 , &o., S pring Goods, OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. W hich he is pr:pur:d to make up in theâ€"latest and most fashionable styles Monuments, HeadstoOnes, VUVCLISES in Marbie, Scotch Granite, or Randstone. , ‘The newest desigin in CEMETEKY FENCLNG, suitable for the various Cometeries, D0 200 2@ Asifnesd Mabkine Uases BANS* Fine A LE®, 1 Moywheads Fine Old BRANDY, Hbd®, bine Uld PORT WINE, unrivaled in quality, some 230 years old ; diferent prices Direct Importations from the Producers WOAal O L E 8 a 1. Eo OA N STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SiLKS,NR â€"A Large Consignment ofâ€" j TNCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER <ABVER HED 1834. PURK AND UNADULTERANED, for Fawjly use and Maftrinal purpusos, vrav®vor to His Exorunexoy tus Goverxor GrxszraL,, Eaze Dorramy. ks MIEKRIY WINE, \ William â€" Queale ~NOS. PATTERSON! CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. â€" _ Cemetery Feacing. 808 CLARET, Jus, Vi uUINNESN‘s PoIT JOSEPH DIMBLEBY, g:"olt fully guaranteed. lat kent o!: application. P. A TAYLOR, Proprietor. Has received and is opening out a large siock of McKAY‘ 78, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, Francs, England, Holiand and Bpain . RL.KINNON & CO., HMarble CMorks. Exlies‘ CMare, The . rzest and Bestâ€"sele0{0 idAall Papcr. â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" Ery Woods, N{ xels mpeciil ondcr, very And (ESTABLISHED 1800.) Cumberers, At â€" CHAS. BRYSON‘S, 53 Sparks Street. . and quarta per order 10 yeara old, direot order., fine flayour, fine brands DEALERS IN ts and quarts put up to oider AGENOY or No. 26, Ridean St. Ottawa. OTTAWA, 1875. Obelisks THE TIMES : OTTAWA, THURSDAY, AUcGtst 5, 1875 3819 Wa 4. ORAECIUET A0 © T td Lr1 2R. Ei. TELD CAl Â¥ 0. J. BRYDGES, % HRNRY LYMAN, K8q. _ _ :mR JUBLLCH R. t Potaoge .. fhaktt es Patat en JoBKPMH HICKS +N, ©9Q. N. .n EHOINR, 4#0Q» , . . 4 A. WALKE + EXAMINERS Tax Rev. GAVIN LANG. | _ Trk Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. *us Rev. R W. NORMAN, M. A. f P R I N CILP 4& L ; * C ET. 0. FAWOETT, KSQ., M. A, Late Senior Scholar and Exhibitioner of Trinity, Hail, C@mbridge, Graduate in Mathematioal w adi Honors, &¢. 5.b TkMASON 1 mll be entered as Day B0G: wno W 10 10G HOURG aZ° P ‘*Â¥Farther particulars can boom“:a'&dnwk"&'fuguu . J. W. Holmes, Eeqg., 78 Viectoria to u-utwmgrnnhmm n& holio‘wolwmotgoulo DAY, the of A and will be carried on for a few days n’ww new premises‘ not being quite completed, " f Is hereby given to our patrons and the public generally in the Ottawa distri that this Com» lnn,r nave decided to continue & Kranch «flce in this City and have -.NJ&. and comâ€" modious stone building, recently occupied by Messrs, Angus & Co,, No. 38 M ?tim wheore they have OPENED * R OFFICE, under the management of Mesars, uhlll, and IlmL their newly appointed General Agents for the Ottawa Branch 8748 Ottawa Branc} $Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL ;. > Agricultural Insurance Co‘y * HEAD OFFIC, MJNTR AL. Tiï¬ â€"_“(htoï¬ Yarrow & Hlnï¬r,) Â¥ ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS, I8SLE OF DOGS, POPLAR hunemwbobwud Qflnoflnof this Journal. LsM (Uf s on .. .goSPABKS STREET, OTTAWA. Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in fron and Wood Working "Machinery MILL nomnhr oF \IVIIY 1 ION, ROCK DRILLS, BELTING, FILI uuw:w'borrmgn. AB® * «â€"â€"=(O)«â€"â€"â€" SPECIAL AGENCIESâ€"Cameron Special Steam Pump; J. A. cin Woh;:!l( Machines ; American Saw Company, mm,'"z?. ‘¥. ; mm'm ing (‘ompany, &6., &o. ; f Enemxsm Bou.'nns, Nsw AND Snoonn Ing (‘ompany, &0,, &0. : Hend for Circulars and Catalogues. NO SMOKK, NO HEAT, NO 8M of for Pic nies. or rari P R A~C T I CA L c _ PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER. Sparks VStreet, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fittim"*" Tinsmiths an . {Galvanized JTron Ruoiers. Artmrasnuyzts Sest Nok Pasee (~ .. Aole Agentrtor the New Lamproved y SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, _OFFICE aND WAREKHOUSE.... Oot, 17, 1874. © j Ottawa, April 6th, 1875. MONTREAL â€" PROPRIETARY â€" SCHOOL COOKINC STOVE. IYysMTTHS Axp WORKERS IN GALVAXNIZED JroX, AXD CormICE WoRK 101 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (0ppos ‘te Daihousie St.) F __ad mmmwntuom'nmmnmmm DEPOT T. BRE ., Trinity Hall Opmbudgo. Mathcmatical Master. Mt& B. wlb %flno University Of rance, Freach Master, H. A. vuoushbq. ‘of the Uni ‘of Heldelber:, German Master, J, W, GRAY, ?.. of the l!cnoolf Hon h Kensington, Drawing Master J‘ W. F. HARRINON, Keq., Music Master, U. H. BOLCHINT, Esq., W riting ‘fud Shorthind, CAPPALIN BAKRNJUM, ‘Drilling. PETER REKDPATH,§ESQ LoL. A. 0. DL HARWUOI: Pre WILLIAM aNuux, _ ~ _ he ‘Summer Queen‘ TO MEET SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. .. . , Scerew Steamers with speeds :ranging up to 20 miles an bour, le Steemers, with draughts ranging down to 6 Inches of water, 1 Contracted for. â€"Prices from £200 upwards. MACHINEBY CON8TRUOTED and Priseman of Magdalen College, Oxfordâ€"Graduate in Honors in Classics;and Modern Himory. nnte Y AR R O W‘SI}| OPPHE BEAT CANAPIAN, xnoms_n' AND unmourutl CLure & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Y A R R O W B HMV T Hâ€"& LE RR, ‘ 95 RIDEAU. STREET, â€" * FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ASSIS TANT MASTERS: Viceâ€"Pros l ©oUNCIL ; JAMKS JAOK, RA JOKN 1 LW. E. KAY, mi«k Ne actcD Mn u@,“'u ». ib n 4e w.r. &.h taveas ky B S TX CAPINAL, â€" _ $1,000,000. + MASTERS ; Hite Assutrauce, Improved Coal Oil FICEâ€"PRINOIP 4 L : Machinery. ANDREW ALLAN, ESQ. O Tâ€"T A Wâ€"A. President VICEâ€"PRESTDENTS ; ‘ SQ. . | GEORGE STEPHEN, ESQ. Mumbers, #&.. . Ferguson, CANADA POR BOATSBUILT ABROAD, â€"« â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street. EDWARV A. GOKF, Managing Director JAMIS A. SML H, _ =| Desmarais and Adam. 70 SPARK ST, OTTAWA. JP Hhdinctrs werk in any uie RILLS, BELTING, FILES, AND JOHN MOLENNAN, E3Q Inzpector. * 9 LONDON _And gocceleration a‘ traing, On and FROM TUESDAY, iith JUN 18756 ALTERATION OF . RUKNNING TIME OA | 18 iâ€"â€"â€"wm fhris 18 (600 A.m. Rxpress 6 |4,45 p .4. nï¬l‘?&kwfl' i1‘ s KXe . from West...~.....,. 700 P.M, m e woporaniinl trd 7 "-v}tpllu. ul"'fl‘h from Rast... ‘6.20, A.M. *"* Woure, "eue Sirint stt ‘all yorue °* Brockville G. T. Junctiou = Olawa â€" « = = ® Ronfrew + Brockville & Ottawa Railways For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EXPRESST :AINS JAILY. Ottawa > Renfrew = Brockville â€" ° gÂ¥r 10.45 aao. Train from O(liswa makes elose counection with Gmnd Prunk < Expross ‘Frain for the West a12,00 % â€" o oen on t e s m close connectinn * k kfl* ;anlon the West, arrt=ing in Oétawa mt 7.15 'Mmu Band Point with boats for the Upper Ottewa, ‘at Raulreow, with stages THEâ€"ST. LAWRENCE ® en foke Rembtoke. oi rad lâ€"'ï¬w |: A ;._‘;;q CANADA CENTRAL Supk No Protodlh| * Borscomeotion wilh @pist Trunk Trains â€" Mx‘d ol uins inflor than ty may Ather routt, . | enanee spndaes ton f ig Mrcctor, Ottawa. C anada Central Ratiway Co, 1 10R is that the Als Cw e Arniandonnn se eaimzes will be held in the Comvmeny‘s Office, in the City of Diiawp, on . + ® Friday, 13th ~dayâ€" of August next, ‘l‘thlNlm moon, ‘for th:‘daï¬sn.o‘{ q.mn.m other w perso08 m&mmom {Every any, Worecestershire Sauce. Cautton â€" Against Fraud. The sheoéss of this most delieious and unriv« y oactont boreby informed (hat the‘ raly nod. to mevam the geuuine is to. i als â€" ABKFORUEA & PRRRLNB®‘ AAUCE, and To sée that their.name# are pon the Wrapâ€" Trains run _.o- iqqr.rl .\.17:‘.“‘" Brockville, June 7, 1878. wunginy Dirpotor, en on oo e E?. give n that tucy bave. furnished With power of attorney to gd R dm:fl% jmitations Ask for LEA & PERRINS‘ Sauce, and see Name on Wrapper, Label, * oi i rie Higd in <he think intohow many homes it penetrates every manth, we must coutider it as one of the educa~â€" it Toh ontasiip en braw uon hp aeer peal to unflrm «* Aepraved ‘n-"â€". $100 includes. pay ment of U . #, postage .".f. Tie Notices of the iet oi cnie i leut mon Tu conumnes miaptadion to ues desirge and neode. . [ndecd, when we OTTaAWA RAILWAY. â€"â€" LEA & PERRINS‘ to be an insvitable 1t is nsed Internally and Externally. Bold everywhere.. Price % ate. _ _ 200 P.M 9 30 P.M. Leave | THE ONLY GAN® SAUOCR GUING N me on W. , Lt Bottle uml)u GOLING SOUTH. it » ‘ L I ilwmays Royal Mail Line of . |Steamers, route west and OonuIIVnrnonl.l Rallwey. ‘ Grand ‘Trunk Woest Grand Trur® Express Grand Trunk Kast & West & Rome & Watertow= RJ‘y, . Connestisg with. Connectime« with. « ‘. _ 1.9pm. 716 p.m. + % ::: P.M« :.ï¬ p.:. Train_ ream Dimwk mukes with Grand Pruuk â€"Rxpross ARRIV E. «â€"A NJ LEAVH AN® ipteaa‘ a Prougurer. pyrtr 2.35 a.m. 10. 45 A, 00y .80 a, n., that the ANNUAL & Wa Ways. e dti t Arrive in sustained 445 p.m. $50 paim. ‘or®, At ashade over first cost, at : Lamb‘s Ciear Hale, In fact you can rave lots of money Childrens‘ Rubbers at 35 ots. Misson‘ . 6 at 40 cts. Lgdies‘ Long Rubber Boots, at $1.50. And other goods at proportionately low prices, your feet wear at Lamb‘s Clearing mwmhw:m “b-ly- mt omm atss ?.’.mmu-m-. uon.l‘ ion to â€" Which will be sold CHEAP for Cash only, :Anmnsw::‘_mm headings Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, Boots, Shoes, * PAPER RULER, AND Account Book Manufacturer, Ontario Advisory Board Canadian Commission, International txhibition of 1076, ing, &o , for the transmission of power from the w&%w Hall. M?: Mw‘nu ...:-Ilflnuqnd a %M@‘.,,"S:._u nvedeertans! cilia under the provisions ‘of the 8th and 54th Plet rear or sher Mapaty » MRelen: lonay Cowncil: for ‘Canaim: nas: ccon to order and it is h-‘ydmthflb Â¥at Port at Bt. Hyacinthe, and Province a Portot hb:yfl'-w" duaing Poreâ€" m .&o‘n‘gp &b“ï¬w First P oe on e imbas Ml canl And Jundbn BOOTS & SHOES BOOKBINDE R, ONthonoommndAï¬cndthM Y . agble the Minister of O-G:md nnd*tb:‘pmflauof&osth b4th sections flww;.-edhtho“. im agh t;:‘c:fans" Hh'ln:lnl:uy and :#h ï¬o*ndvho ofh-tho M.‘{‘ï¬g m,ndithhnbyahnx‘t-h.udtb ‘Town of Pembroke, in the County ‘of Renâ€" frew, and Province of Ontario, be and the same is constituted an Out Port of Entry, March 10, 1875, March 10, 1876. HIS EXCELLENCY iHKE ADMINTIS TRATOR IN COUKCIL hâ€"dinMdnEMudrudu&' the survey of the Customs of the Port of Ottawaâ€"the same to take effect from the First 59.3 m"*:'a.“q..'?.'wz is / veby h:«.nd,’uuo.m‘: Sutt rt of Customs now under the surâ€" vqaf‘mohud'lmw ton Square, an Out Port of now mtbmwy.::hnduz they are detached from said Ports of Toronteo and Hamilton re HIB EXCELLENCY THE ADMINIB TRATOR IN COUKNCIL epectively, and placed under the full of | t i tin8 be ple of eithor sex, ‘young or ols 3.‘:.“'5‘.{1...:0.:....“.. Mdlm“%‘% EASONABLE. anVERNMENT EOUII.‘OH_‘AWA. Monday, 14th day of June, 1875. GovERrmNMENT HOUSE, ‘OTTAWA. MoR@hay, 14th day of June, 1875. Moots & Shoes d‘::»dm"uï¬;nmnp: with the advice of the Quean‘s kdvy RUBBERS, &¢., RBookbinders. BPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. g, Perforating, Numbering Chairman of Board. a. MORTIMER, A. W. HIMSWORTH, Cerk, Privy Council s s wonn" lerk, Privcy Oouncil. NIGiT LLNK. Str. QUKEN VICTORILA, â€" O n’ow:un ' 8t 7 to Hlkp W hart ae s bl%fln J"&'â€"m‘ ex» "reig| gen mor h hetan Rast Companys h-znwlnul-nm ymw% 6 p. m. train for LAChime. through “’:'me-um“a“ «xtre. % ;"MM“F(.M wdw vi Je aud back, valld 1or oune day. &u:: » dereno on poeinpent abitheirnte of ts per comal *ftireey * ho e‘ edfn the Oenatis 10 fettot ie ons io+ visiting the ‘points of in DV CHESNE LAKE. uinicele ampmon the Purarrrâ€" sirem va | Anfanetepced Rutreon porttea on cace Wines or Liguors. when they embark on board of a.steamer. _ For particulars apply at the Office, Sparks Union Forwarding &Batlw ay Company. n k Snlen kraraing Retinar Oe High School Choir. * The Newest | ,uysre meoxs hymny and yones. For 20 whe prayer meetings, eic Vi.IVER DL TAON us Maarchs wirrran E‘E‘mz:%fé::-:: m-qm& r Toards! Tis pwr aoe! Price 75 ots. Ottawa River Navigation Company, June ind 1876 Chorus Ohoir To 4 85 "° $20 /. " PHiDN MUSIC BOOK®. Urlawa July 23 1875 Rates of Prassage from Qiebes ;:â€" SPECIAL TRAINX ‘TO BRITANKIA, ROYAL MALL LLNE STRAMNR® â€" 3 C W EN â€" ANCHOR LINKE, HOANDINAYARN . .y ... .. UA M A TEA wee s . + + s ++ 00 Iouml 399 snorar sn na PERUVLAN:L...00..clecl, PIC NICS AND EXxcursions OTrCaAWA Steamships, Takey: Waithe u... press. and DAY LLNE. w omm t t t h i i o lgl t in B; '.W‘y'w JDILL » <of Ohorumcs, ADâ€" rmpif- b The New_set book | The Best ! 11