Let in all Parts o ND Aulï¬s, equiring 1 proof and ng, capâ€" p and eliers A pauline 1 those whose copy our 0 gladiy entertain proâ€" ries or individuails of = in Lhe diferent citle® W s ,0_ RYBOD Y | wed piaseg : Gilders. T UR EA® +o Dour jmiou., _ s ! T% :m_‘*;p“ Ti istry & Geneâ€" ion Office. 8 PR &E & T, muiy i% is enaily appited miantial roof that laste = them there. it fillw will uot aftect it a few usive saie given. amer . for Creditor. above Aspiumil _ upWards the EL ASPHALTE C1ETY, aixbeci â€"v sure you o»ain our #ange or maroon. The aad is to all purposes. pluaite Mings of Pyriâ€" *, ate now propared 10 otners, the pruguce of on ie uies uee . GWBULPTLY RKDUâ€" LK TO ORDKK prop.. ly for asle & ORR, cCGéilders Ni x Z4 Toronto. §4â€"tf New York. e counties of Rumeil int. ND RTAKEN, 1a) o Ove of ordia nlwlmvfl t, TORONTG USE. We SEXâ€"S‘P ‘o. _ The pauint is ox feot of tio, tron, feit, e Ohiy one perimisg» P. u vicxaÂ¥ ® 1 AA VaNAGHW F R A M E Treasur & CO., t wanta bouse stook »slste be made i letier, and i=stim Wy, whien ment of "“t Works )R TRON m%‘ ‘Yable in The in T Detog oA mb a rage 3Â¥â€"iw choil Otiawa, South »ride of Midead streek, near Gion certer. Uay Uffice -â€"z-:.rn street, Contre Town Night Ufficeâ€"At residence, Muria Street Centre Town, Cancers cured wifbout the use of the knife, y a rew but cer ain, s; 6edy a2d simost p=inâ€" m&-. Reference given io arties sucâ€" treated }‘ req=ired, Residenceâ€" A |n § to 1t a, m., and givee to disease uterus. LOF and Aiber OtfeWa, Oct. Pbysician, Surgeon and OTTAWaA, CNT _ 1n retiring irom the practice of my profession, 1 have left with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. CUTTUN, my rians and RKecords of barveys in Uttawa ans vicinity, and have much uty of OTT \CÂ¥ A Momc«spathic Physician, Surgeon and Acconchear. Tamporary uitlee ai |t. Jos, Heandin‘s, Main Street, Buli. moii, March 9, 1874 PBly F. MEKINDL has opened out, as a Merciâ€"an‘ Tailor and Outf‘ter, on £igin st., opposite th Post Office. Firstâ€"ciass goods always on hand Bd satistaction guaranieed. Mn Officeâ€"Master in Cuai Houge, JMiawa, Canada I .'. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., Barrister, Advocate, &e. for th, Province 0: Quebec Barrister Aiiorney, Solicitor in Chan eery, &e., lor theProvince of Uniario Main street, Huil, P. Q sâ€"mâ€"4r0 ivrblot‘. Attorneys, Selicif@rs, Conâ€" veyancers, &c., O. T-.-Al P. FORAX Has opetrad ar ~Tce in the Village f Huli Province ol Quevee, jof the trausaction > wil Notarimi andi Leya: business, either in the Frovince of qQuebec c (miamo. special care given to the collectio â€" oi secnunts in both PC vinces, Mull, Oct. 26, 1NA iBa GISBBS & COURSOLLE, Barristers, Solicitors, Auor-o:.. Con veyancers, Netaries, &c., &¢., UPlceâ€"peli‘s Hfock, opposite Russeil House WO t. W ALKGR. | K.CasskLs,Jr.| P. PENXOC K juby 21, 184. al. LS: Barristers, Solicitors, Aitorneys and Conveyancers, &c., W. ‘.'. H . t,‘\\! Barristers and Auom(“.- Law, sobtet» tore in Cha »cery, Notaries, & c. Ufieeâ€"Haniy‘s Hlock, Kideaun Streei. O O Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" cltors, Conveynncers, &c., orFICE Btreet, late FRNATILLON & CHRYSLER, P HOT OGRAPH E R Barrister, Conveyamcer, &o., Nelcitor h in Chancery. â€" Patents of Invention, OFFICEKâ€"No, 2 loek, Utia wa, On *\" \" ILLIAW MoscRoVE, Huceessor to W . K. 1 histle & Co. Offlce, as former‘y, over Mano‘s Hardware OPPICESâ€" Niyin Stree!, Oliawa. , 4. Prsin®x A. J. Oozisti«. ) H.P. Aria Web % 174 4%4«%m No 12 Nt Jame« > treet «@#. Tamcom June $ i8+8. Â¥(ll.. \VI!l!. NQO. 3912. IEW Tailoring Establishment. Barrister, Attornéy, Nolicitors, &c., La NUE 1 Â¥. H. FERLAND, May Sist LUwBkr ax» Commtssion M®RCHANT PROKER, &C. P ATENTS. ETHUR F. CoOTTON, coTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, INXHEY, CHEISTIE & HIL!, &. 0. 0©. Woobp, R. J. D. K. M iCBONELL, R. J.P.LYNN, R TUPPEE R. 106 A N, Barristers, Aiiormeys, Neliciiors, Conveyancers, &c. "nhlor. Altorney, Notary, &¢ Business Cards. Provincial Land Surveyor and Of Bleilical Cards. coNxNoR & ODOMERTY, voNNoR & Hot W. W. W ARD T LAMBERT ARCH AMBAULT, (TRHADE MARKK RREGINTERE&KD.) Consultatiâ€"ns a Notary Public and Advocate, C. W. MacCU AIG ALKEK, CASSELS & PENXNXOCK, e in recommetr@ng bim as my suc» J A R V I 8. MARSH AL MATHESONX, 69, SPARKS STREET. he late Advocate, Solicfior, &¢ (LATE JARVIS & A RL Em iA CRAMBLRS, WELLINXGTON SUREET, OTTAWA. C d OMcial Assignee coal Cards. W o M 1 -&‘ nl;‘onm..ll)n:’o M Lewis & l‘luhey 14, W. K. THISTLE Ufllee hours from Mpecial attention placemen‘s otf the mP8, i im bers, U"Connor tephenson & CO. F. H.CURYSLEK 3. J. GoRwULLY eels Ollawa Melcalfe Stree Acconcheur W. D. Hoan r ne w (3.9 D B4 46 A L2 Com mission 3536â€"1m .. Ottawa DoHKRTY 2404 24 | Corner Bank and Wellington sts., quality. _ m Luncheon served at all bours Dyspepsia, D« rangement of the ve Orâ€" mx. ulmmammum»?.‘d and nary Urgans are posit! cured by using the water for a few weeks. * 3 m"n»d’iiflie‘néeu avd Dining Rooms in 3. ..“T:“m.g““ e rany" fely n strice niitnuion he rely on strict & being paid to their orders. _ Liquors®, Wines and Cigars o the bost Caledonia Springs. loyful Tidings to Thousanis. . TESTIMONIA LS, +‘ Montreal, Zth July, 1876. â€" "1 hereby eoru&y toat 1 eutertain a very .avorabie opinien the caths and Waters of we Culedowia Springsin many forms of disease, .;.unLvhpAA would especiaiiy . mention chrom Kueumatiam, the signelas of Gout, i%fl‘:‘ ‘C.:l'::fl. -:il:nvd -.:an_-,p-'-dm“du.& (Ridean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) is beasmiiful and furnished with the chotcest brands of Liquors, Cigars, ete. ~ Your call wiil be kindly elleited, E. J. HENRY, F undreds of Rheumatics have been cured by the Suipbur Baths. Sufering is alievimted b ine first, wnd cripoles throw away u.(’; cruteh«s «fter abou: haifâ€" aâ€"dozen baths. ll now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly t‘tai fâ€"r the comfort and accomodation of the travelling community. Choic, st Wines, Liquors, Cigars #0., &0. o. Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness® Extra Stout ALWAY3 ON HAND. Ine REJUVENATING WATERS so muc! sought for in years long pasi. foilows, in 18# :â€"*But the disease above all in which the acuon of the water is most deci« dou is Rbeumatiism. * * * _1 have .uo'?-. low bnlvt:‘-l who ~.'d much h omm oper use of is who were re» wdniflu"t&om‘mm A F1R T CLArSs a niagnificent new hotei, capabse «. accomâ€" Mflmv\lurfl-l-_ ::‘u:n been im and besutified, .0 vo r"'i :ndm-u-lr usement and exercise ovhied. Tue tip thither by the Uitawa kiver is most enjoyable, and a rai road from The Royal Oak Hotel, be river . the BE-'- in course of conâ€" ai ruction. . Until railroud is built, comâ€" fortbie carriages will be is w»iting al the Aauges. wt l'-::ncdu-l UtiaWwa respeciivery is & and 50 wai . Mr. W. CHAMPNESS will open a good Liv= ery Stabile, pruviding gooud carriages, hore ®, &c. ‘There is a good tuceâ€"course on the d\hhfl AN a CKAN WATERS of these Sprir will yet make Cauadonia the greaioest res i1 &*dwrnfli. be bas the repuiation of the Springs reouers it GBâ€" necessary 10 4o so, lhe Proprietor bop« s Bby personal supervision, and procuring the serÂ¥ile s ol polite and attenâ€" tive se: vants, who thorougbly understaed their business, to mefita fair share of support from his old friends a d the public generally, The Dufferin House, Friday next, 16th Inst. every day, (Gumiay exceptel) from kleven till Two o‘cloek. Hotels. _ (‘.LISBY HoUs] Comer of Elgin & Wellington Sts. A Luncheon will be Provided in the European Style. vy. . CHALKEI, UBSRT G RA H A M The public are respectfully informed thai the Iw use lately known as the NELSQN HOUSE, has pase: d intothe banis of Mr. L, K. CLINBY who :n ends opening it as a No expense or trouble ; has been spar: d to a¢â€" complish this end, and it is intended under the present management to make it SECOND TO NXONEIN THE DoMINXION Its e mmanding sitnation being immediately opja site the Goverpment Builiings, with a full view down the Ottawa River, and in a I‘ne with Dufferin Rridge, with many other advanâ€" tages, place it beyond doubt the best situated in the City of Ottawa. _‘ In @ornection with the above, there wiilibe the most where the cholicest Wibes, Spir.ts and Mait Liquors that can be procured may be obtained at reasonab‘e charges. OPPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT Work S4oPS Magnificentlyâ€" Fitted up Bar this side of New York, U LP H U R, 8 A L1 N BR and G A 8. Dr. Wmi. Robertson, of Montreal, wrote as mullus to and rmmm(:mnnlhul'?“o Invalids! Attention ! _ (migned) G®o. W. CAXPBELL, A. M.,M.D, Dean of the Medical Facuity, Mcwill College. Juby :8, 1875 THE RESTAURANT WILL BE QPENED Ottaws, August 3 The arove Hotel is well suppiled with the JORN KENLY, FRED FOOKS Rheumatics! Read! » €39 THE " LONDON." C nrmee ts Traisient Guests. .. .. . .. .. .$2.00 por day, A «,BI0N _ AOTEL, Hy the Mowtt.â€" ... mA Et Te bprings during the soasoie and The Elysinm of the Invaild is again open Wellington Street, near Bank. Firstâ€"Class Private Hotel. HAIRDRESSER Meals at all Hours. WO0K .. â€"â€" .. A0UUMMODATIO® 8. surt Hoass Avenue, TTA W A, Ont. The Bar H. LETCH, Proprietor. JAs. A, GOUIN & CO., â€"OoNâ€" tion of visiters, The | ibs. or up rmm Herrings, usement and exercise thither by the (itawa of ible, aud a rai road from | in t ugs is in course of conâ€" | W railroud is built comâ€" | of Wwhich fauge ‘osr "rumiots io the | 1 on 4 yance o nug.w'!!!. 10BAC Proprietor. 1875. TDt: kept on the premises, Manager «Popric o WOpâ€":in is 15, smm«mru.flmu.m organise Companies. Money invested in first» class securities to 7 and 8 per cent, inâ€" Wfluzn =&nm carried on & margin of 10 per 1. Interest at lowest current 100. 8. 174. 210y 3aw k UROCEKRIES, WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 10N8, £TO., ETC., | JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. C. J. CAMPBELL, Esg, Messrs Campbe J. H. SEMPLE. Importer, &c., 53 St. Peter Bt., Liberal advances made on consignments. Dealer in Greenbacks, U, 8. Bonds and Checks Commercial ~paper discounted. Ounglon made in all parts of the Dominion and U. 8. In terest ailowed on deposits. Lct. 20. 1M4 3680â€"8a . w h aUo UST nokt, at Two U‘Ciock in the Afternoon, to receive statement of his affairs, and to apâ€" potut an Assignee. _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ __; |.; Werting®, mome Bieus "o ghim) Recording to n mase s uiet on well t ho bo bat ons Deted at Ottawa this thind __. day of August, A. D , 1875. _ Liquors at ususually LOW PRICES, to _ make room for their Spring Stock. Western Apples and Unions, also : rd, all ot which %nsmm. In the maiter of JAMES WELLINGTON DUF FY, of the City of Ottawa, County of Carieton, Tobacconist, an Insolvent, The above lnsoivent hasâ€"made an assignâ€" ment of i:is Estate to me, and the Creditors are notifl d to meet u-!ofllooln.ollflouo B‘ock, on THURSvaY, the 26th DAY OF Poes Restâ€"T BE | beven ol P mom mich sheating a trunk chow of ouolers and cole sepaing chett kn k\ '“ o. Obe .’:‘\‘4. esn 'um&m } .:nnnnï¬ :2 }onllpul HUIGH WINES qnouerr heteby given that under and by Virture of the powers vested in me as 1-. of the estate and effects of the above named Inâ€" soivent, 1 will offer for Sale by Pubitc Auction, al:; he lands and premises hereaiter mentioned, in the 'l‘o'nlhl&:t North Gower, in the County of ('nlom,u- hou&;l&bltu dh?l-.u the afterndon, on Monday ith day ptem â€" ber, A. i‘ 1878 all the ulau..l:,hé title, an interest of the said Insolvent mysolf as n--‘lmonhhm in and to, all and sing~ ular t certain parce! or tract of land and premises situate, ylnf and being in the Townâ€" ship of North Gowe», in the County of Carieton, in the Provinee of Ontario, in the Pominion of Canada, i~i> g composed ot the undiviced one hnlln!nscn of a lot number twenty in the Fou:th Concession of the said Townsbip of :‘mm&?vor, bunq.j..?d bounded and describâ€" am wa, that o say, commencing on the northern limi of the allowance for road between lots numbers t'ons and twentyâ€"one, in said Fourth Concesslon, the distance of six hundred and nï¬.{:‘hm teet from the south east angle of said number tw , from thence south sixtyâ€"six degrees west the port hern }imit of said allowance for road, one chain and fity links,from thence north thirtyâ€" six degrees west, one chain and fifty links from thence north, »ixtyâ€"six degrees east, one chain and fifty links from thence south MGII!? six degrees east. one chainand wmloo beâ€" ginning, containing by adm ment two and one quarter square chains, be the same more or jess. M sc l _ Fhere is a cheese factory on said premises in gord repair and in running order, Terms o« sale cash. it css 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE STARCH, RICB, RAISINS, Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. 8 Insolvent Act of 1869. Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, en w. H, HILL, Assigne® North Augusta, June Â¥#, 1875. Alph. J. Steers & Co. yolb BROTHERS, ikers and Stock Brokers, Montroal, RUSSELL HOUSKE BLOCK, (Upposite Sappers Bridge,] OTTAWA, ONT D. BROWNE, Banker, Montreal Kegqal Alotices. The relail Ciothing Busi« ness solong carried on by Joseph Metcaife is now ransferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Mr, Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth» ing busivness (14 years exâ€" périence), and their detor» mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" sat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Meteaife‘s old Customers that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing MBankers. ۩lothing. and BROOMS, also, Grocers. PROOF AND RYE â€"AT R. C, W. MeCU A 1G, 0, 1 Labracdor AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! GREAT CHEAP SaALE Felt, Silk and Straw -.-u and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &¢., CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Managers. Maro® #8, 1874 In orver to clear the Stock as soon as possible I have decided to nll’::l the assortment of Hats, Capa, a¢, at cost for cash. £908â€"2m SUN PROOF HATS Before M. O‘Gara, P.M. Mills‘ Supply Agency No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! House. Hatters & Furriers. HAT! HATS! HATS ! “mwmb,wom- cer Brown with night soil from Government Hill. ‘The case was adjournâ€" ed until toâ€"morrow, in order that a legal objection might be considered, s ssendne paies Porey it thy Antrant ssaulting Peter Percy, at the emigrant HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES! : HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES !i| , on Sunday night last, ‘The cas¢‘ Davis‘ Wife Turns Queen‘s Evidence. mmw' th I There is a rumour in toâ€"night that the Joseph Ayï¬hw With 9#~ ‘woman Davis has turned Queon‘s. ©viâ€" saulting Onesime ’m dence against her alleged husband. â€"The The prosecutor was struck with a nter, Fraser, avrested on Monday A fine of $10 and costs was imposed. :?fodgod in gaol for no orime whatever, Thomas Reardon was d.wl"l\‘h except that he "ulfillied an order for a box, Grant with %“ pay ven him <mlouds to bring an action for W"“'M he had no jurisdi¢â€" 2& imprisonwent .against the sitting over the case, and it was accordingly mmm&.wï¬mh Evan Edwards was charged by Health mnlterentkntenpteeetermrntmmmemass ohanfemin m setto atith | . . css w Bou&d“nflc&e mm“:mgmm“%-‘ ha Morreau was been : wï¬ io ie us o Hol) purest iy cacomber raidot, convafing coabiien ALSUO, For Sharp‘s Rafety Oll Cabinets, for all kinds ofol}, fluids, &c,, &ll sizes from 5 to 20 gallons, neat. cheap and durableâ€"will save their own price in oil. iv a short time. _ â€" _ Please leave {;mr orders. Agents wauted to canvass. Apply at ASHFIELDS Crockery Store, Duke Street A combined emoothing glossing, ficting and erimping IRON, a great labour«savirg maâ€" chine and one that should be in every *umue. and no doubt will be when seen, at ASHâ€" FIELDS Crockery and (Ginssware more, sole agent for City and Counties, Hats! Hats!! aAats !!! TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEA® Ba _ Graduating Vaives, Bteam Pumps, . "ï¬.m.&m.:'r“w. Also, Agency of the GLQBE GAB LIGHT 56 SPARKSâ€"8ST., Opposite the British Lion Hotel March 12, 1875, Ottawa, April ;lth, 1878, H. HODGE 8. BLYTH & KERR‘S. 1 OWNS END‘S Wiliam Cross was arraigned for hav Indian JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLEN FOR 1875, OTTAWA, FRIDAY CcoaAL oIL COOKING STOVES, AVONDING HEAT IN THE HOUSE 0. C O T E"8S, TTA WA ANY SIZES order by THE "DOMEStTiC" IRON COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE #tardmare, &: MONTREAL AND OTTAWA, S AVING FUEL FOR THE MILLION. RIDEAU STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. DEVLIN‘S. Helmats ~and Puggeries, POLICE COUERT. wemomnnene| «) fwomemennn QTTAWA Onw. ALL SIZES, of the above, supplied to â€"ANDâ€" * H. MEADOW8S& CO,, AT Teursoir, Aug. 5. DEVLIN‘S. 35 Bussex Bll':h 3874 Ladtald 40% ‘ for the College of P: ysicians & The prisoners pleaded not , but were very nervous. _ They ‘ ut in the dock together. Charles testified to. finding the box taining the body about 8 o‘clock Bunduy morning. . He described mub&:‘liy the manner of finding it ywuporbou{h::kodmd much posed and was of a young woâ€" between 20 and 25 years m John Albert, County Constable, being called by the last named witness. went for the Coroner. Dr. Fisher passâ€" the ’l)‘lhm about 10.30 on Saturday night. ere was nothing there when iBeatty said he was called by the coroner to hold a post mortem examingâ€" He was assisted by Dr. Wallace,. e corroborated the other witness as to )e m.moninwhhhtho.box‘ud body was laying. ‘He found a contusion of the ft temple about one to two inches in , ‘andâ€" another .on . the . left oulder,.b:g minohmdnq‘u:rhrd“p Dbomï¬od was rapidly. From ocwfwbdu#.fldfltb m e examination should certainly ftage of ons noly " abanek the appearance of the body ~abc the â€" ce of the body ~abortion most Nate Taken ace. and‘ dests e ence to the genital Dr. Wdh’oo stated that he .nnlm body along with previous witness. ‘The body is of a healthy and a Min person, supported by the last witness in everyâ€" di.t' Police Constable Henery, -wa:,' said he brought the body to the place inquest and from thence to the oi.tz- Wm. Fraser o.mnhr,w- then called, Z;Couuol ‘for the defence.It was request: as the witness has had information laid :&I:thimtbflno question should be which would . tend to criminate him, The witness said 1 know the pri soners, saw Davis last Saturdayâ€"Davis asked me to come to his house. I went and he asked me to make him a box of a certain width and length, as he wished to take some â€" furniture into the country, Both Davis and his wife shewed me what S e in e mart wide 17 than Shue t long two feet wide to their house at six o‘clock in the evening, 1 left it outside the door and saw the box at the City Hall Police Station. Will swear it &:::.'Mmzhm -fl:m withdrew witness and he mm-d:a}: own recognizances to appear Assizes in $1,000. ‘The court adjourned at two o‘clock till toâ€"morrow morning,. The witnesses were all subjected to a severe cross examination bur none of thoir evidence was taken. The crowd were very much excited. When the prisoners were expected to come from the Court to be conveyed to the , fears were enter tained for their safety. ~The man Davis was in a fearful state of mind, expecting violence. â€" Both he andâ€"the person he calls his wife were taken out of a back door of the Court but theâ€" crowd had followed the prisoners van and as they came out hoots and shouts of every dlynoh bim," “lw!.mi rope," : "hang uï¬ o “. + fiend,‘" &c. About ten women made a dash for the fema‘e prisoner, evidently, intendln,toharhutopiu.. The O‘Connell Centeniall will be a suoâ€" Bpecial T:legram . wl Toroxto, August 5.â€"At a mooung of optufnld last night from each mic lodge in the city it was decided to d a special communication of Grand on August 19, to lay the corner of Grace Church. Grandmaster err will officiaste and the ceremonies 11 be of a most imposing uature. Arthur and Oliver Davis were put on at the Police Court this morning Masonic Ceremonyâ€"The Abortion Trial | _ Lynebing Threatenedâ€"An Excited | Mob. cessful affair, | The heads of : the Ollng lodges are determined to do everything Mowtrear, ‘Aug. &â€"'I‘E’o" Mayor : has issued a proclamation inviting the citizens observe tomorrow as a genmeral holiâ€" qoueuion again of the cash boxâ€" 1 The monthly meeting of the harbor issioners was held toâ€"day. The busiâ€" ss was chiefly to consider the state of o;‘ks umle{I oomtmgt.io:nm M- ore cattle is to i to â€" l*nd on Saturday, 4 .p nee The Turkish Ambassador to the Uuited Juta is at the St. Lawrence Hall.â€" The late Mr. Guy bequeathed $4,000 'r éo Montreal General Hospital and the Thols power to preserve order â€"= BECOND DESPATCH. Davis‘ Wife Turns Queen‘s Evidence. There is a rumour in toâ€"night that the woman Davis has turned Queen‘s eviâ€" dence against her alleged husband. â€"The :?cnur. Fraser, arrested on Monday lodged in g:w‘ for no crime whatever, except that e ulflied an order for a box. zm him :.uuudn:o bring wm inpnwmmn W “h‘ Magistrate and the Cuief of Police for at interest for o'nuear.' In. July 1874 Mr. Trueheart died ere the year as up, and an action was entered to recov the money but the trial was delayed by | Stocks dul!, Montreal,1884; closing 158 1884. . Commerce 127, !olo-m; mg? erchants 101%, closing 1014 to 102. elegraph 158}, closing 159}. At afterâ€" board, Royal Canadian 944. . Monâ€" al 188. Telegraph 158}, t:ker, at the instance of Mr. Perrault, rench Vice Consul, seized to day the box of the firm oont.iuin? some 6,000, on bebalf of the heir of a Mr. uehart, who died in the lunatie asylum. frer his death: he: placed upwards of ence the novel means resorted '.o5 which ere not fully carried out as Mr. > nd retaining Mr. Whyte in conversation atched an opportunity and again posâ€" roclumationâ€"â€"A CIue obtatnedâ€"A Comâ€"« plicated affairâ€"Mecting of Harbour Cominissionersâ€"Shipment of Cattle to Englandâ€"The Tarkish Ambassaâ€" dorâ€"Charftable Deed. y Special Tclogram. o. arged ~with wilful murder of Jane ahon Gilmour, the victim in the aborâ€" oJ ow pambas fmesaing quads , numbers outside i the whole morning. Alderman i# mthetns & 1J gar own s G. VÂ¥ + ol lor the defeyoty and o. 5.. Mo. me objections raised by the advocates of archand & Son who shortly suspended yment, of which no noticee was given b plaintiffs, ‘The firm also appear to be ginning business under a freeh name, sed himself of the box, and locked it in e safe which bas a combination lock. r. Whyte will therefore have now to get Bome information has been gained by e detectives which may act as a clue to e diamond abstractors. x John * Whyte, assignee for ‘the firm of uis Marchand, son of a James Street AUGUST 6, 1875 CA N A DLA N . MONTREAL. TORONTO disqualification was looked upon throuchâ€" out the county as an act of nz:lupu.nd tyranny on the part of the Government. Above all he belonged to the county ol buhs‘kilrlt';du. Iim l oppet ves, years ; w oppoâ€" nent rested his claims to their confidence on the fact that he represents one of the wards in the City Council of Ottawa. â€" He (Mr. Hughes) knew of nothing during his career in that body that redounded much m had booo:m"hh e and intrigues. Here Mr. umfb-b::f from the minutes of the City Counâ€" cil bearing on the contracts received Tor the main.sower in that eily, ontend og that Mr. Rooque‘s conduct in sending ihn'q tender while sitting as an a‘derman, in proposing Mr. ~A.. J. â€" Baker. who â€"â€" had â€" won the â€" last ~election by â€"an . overwhelming . majority. in a tender vhihmuus'du-n, had been highly table and illegal. He thought the man to be selected should be one resident and well known in the county and conversant with its wants, Msmmh-lr.m.r. who from his residence had ac quired a thorough knowledge of its reâ€" quirem while his ?mt' if he knew any _ of the .'3. was totally ignorant of the ‘county had no inâ€" terest in it. Mr. Prerers Srewarr of Camâ€" bridge seconded the motion. f Mr. Jaxzs Srexuouss nominated Mr. Alexander MceEwan. Mr. Peres Molazex of Cumberland seconded the nomination. would be com; t to represent all clas«â€" on . Alhohs.;:nbnu;ht forwerd by persons of other nationality well convers ant with his worth, he trusted his French Oindiubnowoo'\mimuwuld come forward, to a man, in support (loud 1 Ma 4. w. Huoenes bhad much plsasure country,but upon their entire nationality, management 0 political affairs e Province. Mr.mhflhnm bnvndb{ohh spoaking friends anxious see justice «lone to: the French Ou:ndhu, w‘:o thï¬.u-nml no unimportant _ part, county. When they saw m%tn aiding them, and _ anxious to them _ justice why should they hold back or be divided ? Mr. Baker was doubtless a highâ€"minded and an honorable man, none of them questioned that ; but Mr. Rooln::numy and high sense of hqnor were shewn oo Ohawk where durpig s foug mt h5 wa, w a long had proved himself a useful and able reâ€" tative. He was a man who from Kh varied knowledge and experience He gave a sketch of the reform. moveâ€" ment at the time of the family oo o e aren o pan were under reform m..f'ï¬:: Canada‘s prosperity dated from the time when a reform Government came into Mr. John Kennedy, Mr. Joux Haxmiuro® The Sheriff announced that Mr. Rooque The nomination of candidates to repreâ€" sent the Counti,of Russell in the Legisâ€" lature of the Province of Ontario took place yesterday at Duncanville. ‘The atâ€" leniance was not very @, owimdauu less to the period of the year which is the busy one.. amongst farming classes. The proceedings were conducted Lm out with very creditable order, beyond the good bumoured banter usual on such oooam having interrupted the business of the day. At one o‘clock, Mr. Sheriff Wells asâ€" Toodeg "of ie Win o aald she 0 e ;:.din‘aflnd.dhimmuhplmuu&omdn large and respectable an assembly. It was not for him to make a speech on that occasion. . The duty devolved on others, and he had no desire to deprive them of mufl Mr. Peter McLaren of d as his M‘:rxsnd that Mr. Baker bad appointed Mr. W-‘ Stringer of Oosgoode to act in that capaâ€" city. Thdo&:tym offieer then read a list of polling places ; and the candidates having been asked what colour i l tad latoe, Sn doghs sderind on % ue red and Mr. Baker blue. Here Mr. R. Srarks came to the front of the hustings, and having uncovered his aï¬nflh‘ that the time Mh:'lgx- voiceâ€"give us a speech any! Ald. nmv:“:h- came gh-wqiw; was Wt Totn himee innanhoor t puodles who were evidently a little elevated. He said electors of the County of Russell, I should hnw to address you Mh"mn, Mr. Baker has to say on public M:donhrl.nbou of your county. As he. has already Speeches of the Candidates â€"and their Proposers. the pleasure the opportunity afforded them. ; He had bis own political opinions as well as they ; and like them had been in the past industrious in his political E:rï¬.nlbip; but in the present instance acted under commission and under oath to discharge his duties with strict imâ€" partiality, and thus he would endesvour to discharge them to the utmost of his ability. It now became his duty to call on any elector who had a candidate to to come forward and do so . a:. John Tytler, of Clazence, then COUNTY OF RUSSELL cnmefawudnidpmgnnd' A. 0. Rooque, Esq., of Ottawa, as a fit and proper n:: . of Ottawa, as: a fit and properâ€"perâ€" ï¬â€˜:d’ represent the Oount.y’in thog vincial _ Legislature. .. (Cheers.) _ Mr. Rocque, he said, was well qualified to reâ€" present the county, being a man of high character and standing, of well known integrity and extensive commercial exâ€" mnoo. He wudwdl .oquainud.‘v‘ill'l.l languages, and was aptness and knowledge m‘d in one seeking to so t a oomfltu-no{. he was not a man to be neck heel to any party, he would, if elected, give to the pnnn‘ lmhtg' lfdrndmumgnpu-t. Mr, 8. J. Raiche, who spoke in French. uidholwimuohfl:-xn in . seconding the nomination. . Rocque‘s election would confer an honour, not only on their for some days at least your representaâ€" tive, I regret that the honour of a first Mry Miunrtproppene Me Hogine ns Te you signid riorin Snttmitating of Mr. Baker an act of mean spite and petty gn-vondnmdth:floumm&. ow a candidate to be properly elected mhmb,mmd&»wfl: and Mz‘hbmq or that of friende. Baker has been unseated for bribery ; and he and his friends must wmn.mwfll be sorry to see prevalent among hk bo Lig Priths wik tkgy, revgh. se npoen From our own Reporter NOMINATION Timets CEaZ he was Freach Cansadian by birth secondly, because he was the lrnfflnJ of the great Liberal party to whose wise and liberal administration &g“mw much indebted Mr. Rooque referâ€" ndmhd‘:mmm%mwbm& speec! m y begâ€" ‘umim‘ ?Wmï¬::h h‘: 'm'bn at was v attentively listened to by thlhax Canadian party, notwithstanding that he was personally unknown to most of them. lr.hl.uomh.u?wnd was reâ€" eeived with cheers. He said he was pleased to meet so many of the electors on this cccasion although . the ciroumâ€" stances under which they met were not caloulated to afford him much gratifica tion, It was but a‘short timeâ€"since they were convened together fora similar purâ€" pou.'t'f‘heâ€"l;ld‘;ohch\ m’a him by a large majori .L.. w (cheers.) .They all knew what had transâ€" ï¬ind-hn to necessitate a new election. He would not occupy much of their time ho he sol in n epoey mantaly, spenly, sen & p 9 above his own ~sign but when he foundthnsm than his own had been sent in, he had instantly recordâ€" ed his vote for the lowest offer, as would be seen by a reference to the minutes of the meetisg on the occasion referred to. you, were he to believe for one moment that you look on the solemn decision of judicial tribunals of the country as the mlhdthwhimlorthhdu‘d‘:: party in power no matter what party may be. â€" It is clearly your duty to your Queen as loyal subjectsto abide cheer fully by the decision arrived at in the case by the legal tribunal of the country (applause) and â€"I trust you will dismiss Rooque â€"â€"well, :â€" if saved â€" it, they kept it for a h‘“ï¬.nom S:n'gw.) H&fnrthrpn t mh&erdhm uzw,- well as for th« ballot by which every citizen of whatever calling or occupation was enabled to record his vote faurlo-l tndw:t‘:nut fhvu.lrorm ooamiudcd speech by warmly pnflutoï¬b-‘oï¬nhh’nux‘ support irrespective of creed or nationalâ€" ity. Every vote recorded in his favour would serve to indorse d:“souay of the liberal administration (lldn:it.h.t::’chn.uof iz'ui@?: yo § Lndnpimthhgby_!_r; WJ;:-_ give Mr, Rooque a hearing. Mr. Rooque, resuming said that it became his duty to MM:MGMMW in Ontario was the one they enâ€" cousse and maintain in the interest of the Province, »nd of their county. He referred at length and amid tionk to the benefits conferred by the of the Government in npld,bthomun of schools, the apm of the surâ€" and they > had been ?lu,f?asi.’.mdb t-hnilmbbo-u“ %. .: M present)â€"saved y Conservative Government) Alderman all notions of the spite which Mr. Hughes‘ :gochwonldlnm to indicate pervades Govommntlnnmw Mr. Baker, and which‘is said to have instigated his dhs;-lfl-ï¬-;-dbdpwâ€"-' solely by his personal merits and fitness to represent you. These are the quaâ€" lities by which you should judge of hm ; mdlhnbohl.hn:'opl-n" dt’th..‘.t intelligence to & momen you would%.whmtou man who based his on the grounds of his having been previously unseated for hibuyvm?dnon). Mr. H: has spoken _ to . you:. very glil about independence . as a necessary quaâ€" lification inâ€"mny candidate ugtn‘ of our country for a number of of whom both parties are coun I have become more firmly m».m principles, would like to see them meet the unanimous support of my coungryâ€" men, and am personally proud to be the candidate for the representation of your County in the interest of th@ Liberal party, which for so many years has dhdner the duties of the state with justice and impartiality to all classes. Mr. Baker through his voice and vote will support the opponents of the present administration ; wflu. Ialiberal byw.ndnbm dnll.lTlooud a generous supâ€" port in all measures. which I shall deem calculated to adynce your interests on those of the country at large. (Loud cheers and oonfndon:: Mr. Baker here came forward and his friends to > T _ I% untw .ls a Mana! Mn Bokcer as" an priependent ofhh-u' ho“‘t:d you towards the a f his speech you have had ono;:g useful measure r | Taeried UJ the Adminnitnnies tomeilt the course of recent events, and the men ilify Vhep Adbwighcts n bromaln 9l maunh t iegarding compulsory voting, and he oonfld:::oin .!.hhfll::d Bs that he would to again Tooir repre sentative, (Cheers.) Mr. Ausxaxper MoEwax next addressed the electors. He did not intend to be a candidate for their sufrages, but there were two matters to which he wished to B CIrOCEIEUOC “:,‘â€â€˜â€œ';:wm:m h “PP""I w‘lb-hl .um.-a:‘-: =#, :t'whhconbhdmm expressing the opinâ€" Tw The L ie ns uidigente B e 1 _ Remember, the Last Night. The O‘Connell Centennial Banguet, for the Returning 'l\.nudni favour of Mr. k like to be shown my reom, ma‘am." Lady of the house it like Pou‘lt find it a comiorighte ©â€"Mammondd «â€""1I should to know if it‘s larg aough mt s Phkert i« aggo Saturday Ev‘g Aug. 7, Positively the last night of the célebrated health (cheers and criee of :) He said he intended to go to polls and he was sure of his election. would give an account of his at the “J.'"""'.Zum the Rlaing k0 dis visit ev ENed ow Fark: rmereed iiechgg â€"‘wrie / i (imn-.._w would lu;xuflyum he £#0 to Perliament as an independeéedt man to support the British Constitution (cheers.) Th mmï¬n?awnh’ @ now. Ho.’bo&nd'u the of the on i in uie rae men were would be working for the best thanked the electors for the order that cheers for the Queen, were Pauliament was. ma-::- not all to parliament, they Mï¬h‘mW( Parâ€" liaments oulu.-t the They should let the alone. would nja{q.t..nllth“u been passed since the year 1792 into a heap, pla ed over a ton ' y i%nihd,undnnt eternity, ‘ie hoped they all their wills (hear, hear,) before did they should read the wills Act 1873, which operation would take thetn a few years (confusion) Mr. Wilson z , went intoa very minute financial . regarding the cost of There were two many useless muwm, was & , had always been a 4 and had done good service for when they were in Oppontion. Since got into power they had never paid the compliment to enquire fter _ his in favour . of Mr. Ba mh'tbuwlm SHAVCHRAUN® COMPALY, direct their attention. He held that there was a deficiency in the Game Laws. The protection of game was a of more importance to us than the ton Treaty or any uhn-ru hbad occupied the minds Leginâ€" Mr. John Kennedy on y uuodfcmmhrud-iw nominater and seconder for the :onour they liad done him. He had been a Liberal Conservative but could see no difference between a Liberal Owfll tive ana sound Reformer. He not of the community. B Mdthmhrm bro:ï¬{ against (the government without a tittle o :‘d. It men of d::. Joax ï¬':%@‘-; He first informed the electors as to what the injured man‘s cause his own. ‘(Hear, hear.) He contended % was an ill used man. and he (Mr. ) would retire in his favour. â€" ) The Sheriff announced that proâ€" Mr, E. A. McDowell, Supported by a cast embraging every Member Of the Company. The entire Mechanical and Soenic Effect as used in New York. THE REVOLVING TOWER, THE MOONLIT ABBEY, &o., &o. Admission 20, 60 and T6 cents. Orchestra Chairs reserved without extra charge al Gowane Slore : Orrawa, Aug. 6, 1875, New Advertsements. r-mliâ€"n The wnhld'bh mm; n e BENEFIT OF THE POPULAR ACTOR AND MXANAGER . OWaAN‘8 GRAND SHAUGHRAUN, in Boulcicauli‘s Irish Drama of the Q PRTCE 3 CFNTS. it C O N JAME3 A AUAMSON, #l 4w d the He