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Ottawa Times (1865), 11 Aug 1875, p. 1

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U 4 AR, HINGLING, requiring nc _ proof and fing, «capâ€" ap and and nose whose Sopy O# aAlt Dupuis, HRUBS, &¢. ed by tary â€" Treasur of . New York To indicate the eslecu® y be -euflonodtfl i> Stock Exchange, sEXâ€"ST & CO. V ES Mathe v.uu.:::"_‘; btained Co., Hotel, CIEIY. CRES, J. W . McKa E*%, l hows m‘_.‘ esiden t int. .e counties of Russé# saie given iz ee® ey liers COAL 1 iA VANAGEK Mjx PHY, aLKH >N, Jr3 icbt amounts 1G . wi). and real pro« w ueh is absol utg= »| other |DLerests â€" snnual te vente nature abn i are yq‘.hb& 1 Juiy, he in x,as per scheduia, \{â€"your;y, chbledyp wn as Doran‘s yhout with all ereace will be :\ nesrest dates TLN .OR IRON g in 4 mlr.n. withua view charge, to al} . Cigara, &o., e con vey ange ormentors, ORONTO iptiy sent ; buk y‘%u. Tue Deâ€" N 1» \~ pay ment 0# Wuter Works ability, which which is mb> »»D = xiation as e=a mention & 1875. â€"1w Ottawa, South side of Riceau street, near Glou May be copsulled at | Ler az d A?herl.-lne Ottawa, Oct. 24, 1871 M Tetiring from the practice of my professton, 1 have left with my former Assistant, Mr. A. F. CuTTon, my Piaus and RKecords of Wlluu.vnun vlclultr,uudluvo much =|o in recemmending him as my sucâ€" GBBS & COURSOLLE, PHOTOGRAPHER Residence~ Albert Sureet. Office hours from #tolla, m., and 2 u> Idp. m .. M,eciali attention gives to diseases and dispiaeemenis oi the uierus. 1753 7« MEINDL has opened out, as a‘ Tatlor and Outfiiter, ou Elgin st., opposite th PM Ofice. Firstâ€"ciass goouds always on band R satisfaction guaranteed. UHEADE MARK REGISTERED.) Fretoria cmansers, wELLINGTON NEREET, OTTAWA. 644 MHeom«spathic Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Cancers cured without the n Ja) ew_but cer atn, spetdy i #pr00@#. . Reforence given WWully Wealed i( req iired, Patents of Invention, cboil OFFICEâ€"No. 2, lek, Otta w a, uvf's 0 ARCH A MBAULT, ® Notary Public and Advocate, Hias Opered au ~Jice in the Village of Hui) Province of Quevec, for the transaction > ail Notarimi and Lezai business, either in the Provinee of Quebec o i‘ntario. Special care given to the collectio _ o: rsecouuts in both Pr0â€" Oity of OTTAW A, County of Carieton TlolAl P. FoRAax, Advocate, Solicitor, &c. No. 12 #t. James "‘reet, . . MOB Bept. 9, 1873. 282. Day Office â€"®park ight Officeâ€"aAi Llu’ a F. MEINDL has opened _ Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢ Oficeâ€"Master in Chancery Chambeirs House, «liawa, Cans da UrFICESâ€"b C. on PiNatbwa LUMBER aXQ CoMMIssioN M®RCHANT EROKKR, 40, P ATENTS. Barristers, Atiorneys, Selici@@#s, Conâ€" vey ancers, &e., W . INAILLON & CMRYSLER, Barristers and Allor-o‘.-.k Law, Soltet» tors in Cha ncery, Notaries, & 6. Uiflceâ€"BHardy‘s Hiook, Kideau Mtreei. U. PaimbO®, | F. H. CH®YeLELE June & 4823 Kull, Oct, 24, 1574 Tamporary Qiflce at DT. Jos, Heaudin‘s, Main reet, Huli, sui, March 9, 1974. Yblay ETHUER Â¥. corron, C Barcisters, Selicitors, Attorneys, con veyaucers, Notaries, &c., &oâ€" OfMceâ€"ueli‘s Block, opposite Russell 110000 Maio urcet, Hu Business Cards. Barrister Aitorney, Solicitor in Chan '..“.*fi. Land Surveyor and ra ug bisu ai. Buccessor to W . it. ‘I histle & Co, 169, as ®rimner‘y, over Manu‘s ilardware t 38 19â€" U Barrisiers nud Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soli« cltors, Conveynncers, &c., €D Y R. LOGA N pINMEY, CHRISTIE & HIL1 Barristers, Nolicitors, Aitorneys and Conveyancers, &c., T 1AMBERT B TUPPEE Htledical E€ards. U Barrister, Aitormey, Nolicitors, &¢ Barrister, Conveyancer, &c in (Ciincery. L . TUPPER lu:l‘y slonally ar bis resid far merly cecepled Â¥,. H. FERLAND, YOL. VIIll. NO. 3915, Uf the cxte Barrister, Advocate, &c. ! hée ol Quebec J. P. LYXX, J A R V I s . W. P. COUTLEE, B.oul J. D. R. M iCDONKLL, 1. W ALK MX. | M.CASSELS.Jr. | P.PRENNOO K €. W. MacCUAIG 69, SPARKS STREET. Tailoring Establishment. CoTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, W. W. WARD, t voNNOR & Hout, BHarristers, Aitorneys, Selicitors, Conveyancers, & c., (LA K gAdbYIH do A d ds ) voNNoR & @‘DOHEKTY, H. TAYLOR & co ALKER, CASSEL® & PENNOCK, M A RS M AL MATHEASON, M ILLLAYX MOSGROYE, Odicial Assignee. BOLICOITORSI OF Surgeon and OTTAWA, ONT woop Weilington t jil C arids spetdy and eimost p«in »!reet side no L, Otinwa O uk teeli® ba cousulted profes nce Metcalfe Streel y the Hon. P. Mit« 38 17â€"1y se of the knife , Centre Town e, Maria Street K x R A ccoucheur TH LMTLE MONTBREA LA B62â€"im urties sveâ€" mbers, C 38ge) ue Late . C. 1. GoRxULLy {O‘Cor ‘®, C Conn nson & CC me m im is« lor st., Ottawn ) Dowuis kT y 2. HrLt 484â€"+m 2401 65et hey.) N 6â€"3u wbliy Nol citor 4464 Hogo tore **/Friday next, 13th Inst 1y Dyspepsia, D« rangem« nt of the Digestive Orâ€" gams, Dropey, Diseases of toe Mkin, Allctious of the Liver and Urinary Orngins are positively cured by usivg the water for a few weeus. AL}:OMNODI‘\'TIORB. > A magnificent new capabie «.. accomâ€" modating 300 guesls, ‘!a l1 be oyuug(;n.lnng_ 1st kiouid® navo beve meprovou abd ibensudedt wiou ve been irprov und every means for amusement and exercise F undreds of Rheumnt‘cs have beeu cured by the Bulpbur Haths. ml?unorlng is alieviated b‘y the first, @and cripoles throw away their crutch. s after abou: h&ifâ€" aâ€"dozen baths. . ovided. ‘Ihe Lrip thither by the Uttawa 'k’uv-r is most enjo and a rairroad from the river to the nmnp is in course of con« airuction. Uptil i railroad is baill comâ€" fortable carriages will be in wuiting at the Bpricgs" The distancp of the ‘Aptings rom bJ 8. e e m Jfié?ou and Uttawa respectively llT.nd U m 5 ur,."\‘v';fiuAlPNl’i will open & good Liy» providing good curriages, hors &m, &e. There is a good mu\h“ ......r;,umc\mw R The PANAQEAN WATERS of these Spriv will yet make Uniadonia the greamiest res t in the world 10r heaith and 800M« B, Thousands of u-u-oa;:u t be procured, but the reputation of Springs repders 14 unâ€" necessary Lo do 80. Caledonia Springs. loyful Tidings to Thousands. Ene A FIRS T CLASS quallty. 00000 000 0 00 0 C 0 Luncheon served at all bours *ne above Hotel is well suppiled with the Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars #0., &0. 0. Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAYS ON HAND. U LP H U R, 8 A LI N B and G A 8. Gentlemen hongring this Estabiishm ent with their patropage may rely on strict attention being paid to their orders. ~ Llfilnon. Wines and Cigars (>f the best The above £npuhl' Re«(gurant has been eularged by the raddition of several »pucious and well furnished rooms on the uoonJ lwr‘y. m’!'h:'flnnt Luncbeon and Dinivg Rooms in The Royal Oak Hotel, vy. N. CHALKER, QLiRT UBAHtM the cit Invalids ! â€" Attention ! mnilus to and from the Cars and Boats lm 3 [Rideau Street, near JUHN KENLY, is beartiful and fuil;l.d with the c brands of Liquors, Cig ir~, etc. Your call wiil be kindly olicited. E. J. HENRY, Proprietor J ul y Rheumatics| Read! Ihe above Hotel is Transient Guests. .. ... .. By Lin@ WOOK.,+ 6+ «0+ ++ By the MQutB.)......... The Dufferin House, OPPoOSITE THR GOYVERNMENT Work 8i ‘the Proprietor bopes By personal supervision, and procuring the ®erÂ¥%0 s ol polite and mltenâ€" tive sei vants, who tho.ougbly understand their business, to merita falr share of support from his old friends a: d the public genernily, â€" every day, (Yunday excepted) from Rleven till FRED FOOKS where the choicest Wines, Mpirits and . Mait Liquors thag.can be procured may be obtained at reasonab‘e charges. _ , + A Luncheon will be Provided in the European Style. Iwo o Cormor Bank and Wellington sts., A«w3IO0ON â€"HOTEL, ® now open for vated and newly comedatin of the Iu eonneetion with the above, there will be the most Magnificently Fitted up BAr this side lt« ocmmanding situation being immediately opp. alte the Government Bull4dings, with a full viewwlown the Ottawa River, and in a ine with Duiferin Bridge, with many other advanâ€" lages, place it beyond doubt the best situated in the City of Ottawa. Ottawe, August 3 be con. ulted at any time. n““-" 6La, E ® No expease or trouble }has been span d to acâ€" com plish this end, and it is intended under the présent management to muke it sECOND TO NONEIN THE Do MINION REJUVENATING WATERS so muc! sbught for in years iong past THE RKSTAURANT WILL BB OPENEKD JThe Elysium of the Invalid Is agair open THE " LONDON," Htotcls. CLISBY | HoUsH, Corner of Elgin & Wellington Sis. Wellington Street, [ s® HAIRDRESSER lntely known ns t sed lntothe haniss yeor eral, will take up his the Bprings during the seasom and TERTIMONIA L3 Firstâ€"Class Private Hotel. ourt Hoase Avenum, OTTAW A, Ont Meals at all Hours. The Bar JAB. A, GOUIN & H. LETCH, Proprietor. 3906 3ua TBR M# . of New York, penl respecLIilly ‘lnass after being renoâ€" led T r the comfort and velling commuoity. Nappor‘s Bridge,} i with the cholcest $2.00 per day, TDht informed NKLRON Mr. L. K. 1875. kept on the premises, Manager «Popric o §U0â€"3in that the HOUSE, CLINBY IIIGH WINES, PROOF AND RYE To EXHIBITORS®. Are (g'onnf General Gwh Wines And Liquors at un ualhy LOW PRICHM, to â€"make room for their Spring Stock, 5 ibs. of sound Ten for $1.060, value warâ€" ranteed, nl:rnl reduction on l?u taking 10 ibs, or upwards . a reauetion on No, 1 Labrador Herrings, from 50 cts. to $ noord‘l‘: to quanut», or No. % Labrador h lug» uunul‘l.%ur bbi,, dry Couâ€"fish, Onarse Hale in large bags, Fiue ‘Bail, B0 lbs. per h‘fl Good Western Apples and unions, also on band, all ot which mreselling at a reqauction for OAsk. LL perrons it the City of Ottawa, or A w&mmu&mgmwm- neu that a General of" ~* Crockery, â€" Glass ‘Ware, an ut 2 Toll on mildh prosis ‘and qukts Monatreal, _ ‘\_"" e ce JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston, C. J. CAMPBEL esars Cam & %::ol:. Bnnm }m. Iuwr“‘l‘lnlnl. n 82, wie?;fi mgtreet. T. H. HARRISON. J, H. SEMPLE. Importer, &c., 58 8t. Peter Bt., 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE From Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. Liberal advances made on consignments. Wou Â¥OoB ALL , uied P epiie UGroCrRIES8, WINL8, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 10N8, £TC., ETO., ed as foll.wa, that is to & commencing on the northern limi‘ of mo.{hvmoo for road betweea lots numbers “.‘S and twentyâ€"one, in said Fourth Oouco:m the distance of six hundred and lfi.{“ feet! from the south east angle of said number l'cnx. from thence south sixtyâ€"six degrees west g the port hern umltfu.lddlom for road, one chain anu flity links from thence north thirtyâ€" s‘xdo‘rn- west, one chain and fifty links from ence nortb, sixtyâ€"six degrees one chain fifty links from thence south nn.thll.'y-p rees oust, une chainand to the place of beâ€" yinoing, cootaining by ad nt two. and jne quarier square cuains, be the same more or jex#, ‘ Fhere is a cheese factory on said premises in good repair and in running order., ‘ Terms of sale cash. STARCH, RICE, RAISINS, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, Ts ny Prove Gowe:, in the County of Carleton, in rovinge of Untario, in the Dominion ot Canmda, i~}~g composed of the undivided one hu!ohdnnoln lot number twenty in the Fourth Cunsession of the said. 'gwfllp of North Gower, buited and bounded and describâ€" i‘ be lands and prâ€" mises hereaiter mentioned, in the Towuship« / North Gower, in the County of Carleton, at rb« hour uf three o‘slock in the afternoon, on Iond&unuh day of Heptem . ber, A. 1‘. 1878 all mno..::hot? title, an i wsaignee of this vainte, in and io ali and ainge masignee 0| uhr':hn certain parce! or ufitd land and piemises situate, lylnfn-nd being in the Townâ€" «hip of North Gowe», In the County of Carleton. Baskerville & Bros., |N0u““7 hereby given t{ut under and by virture of the powers vested in me as neo of the estate and eflects of the above nfiln. solvent, 1 will offer tor Bale by Pubiic Auction, &l‘\ be lands and ii~ mises hereafter mentionad.. In the matter of North Augusta, June ®, 1875. Electroâ€"Plated Ware, &c., In the matter of HEIM ENi G1L.DR ARCHAMâ€" HAULT, Dry Goods Mcrchaut, Ottaw», an lusoivent. . The aboveflnso|vent has made an Al#.'-l ent of h‘s Kitate to me, and the Creditors hereâ€" by notified to meet at his place of business St Andrew Stieet, Corner of Cum berland i 1 the said Oity, oo TORSDAY, the 3ist day of aUGâ€" UST, A. ©, 1873, at ten o‘cl ox in the sore to receive state ment of his affairs and to appoin{ an A. signee. R. C. W, MeCUAQ, . Insolvent Act of 1869./ ) ated at Ottawa, thics xth day of Augnst, A. 1. 1 74, Alph. J. Steers & Co. OUSEK EEPER®, Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of JAMES WELLINGTON NUFFY, of theâ€"City of Ottawa, County of Carleton, Tebacconist, an Insoivent, The -bovhlmv-t has made an assignâ€" ment of t is Eatate to me, and the Creditors ure notifl d to meet at my office, Rn-gl House Bock, on THURSvaY, the 2#th DAY OF A Uu UST next, at Two O‘Ciock in the Afternoon, to receive statement of his affiirs, and to apâ€" polint an Assignee. M R. C. W. MeCUAIG, Mals dan mss oi i o loterim A...m Deted at Ottawa this third __. day of August, A. D , 1875, PUBLIC NOTICE. of the L‘Ia' of Ottawa, â€"Official u:{gu. have been appointed Autsnnln this m , and the Creditors are notified to fle their claims before me, and to meet at my Office, 8: arks Btreet, in 'h.h City ol'x u(.mln afores«1d, on TUESDAY the seyenth day o lrrnug; A. D., 1870, at ten o‘siock i« the forencod, the public examinit/on of the Insoivent and the or erin of the sffairs of the «state generâ€" a ly Insolvent Act of 1869 Dated at the City of Oitawa, this seventh da, of August, A, D. of the Ulty of Ottawa, â€"Official Asi In the matter of GEORGE B, JO g!\NN and Ro RICRE ul MaM JoH N N, of the Pownship 0 Mastam in the County of Ottawa, i2 vipce of Qnobeohuldlu t0â€" gether as C\ artners under ‘he pame,(irm and »tyle * . )HNSTON BROS., General Merchaois, 1â€"solvents, = Insolvent Act _ of 1869. RUSSELL ROUSKE BLOCK, (Opposite Sappers Bridge, OTTaAWA, ONT | _ No 1 ROBERT CH ARLES wn.xla MoeCU AIG ‘the Clty of Ottawn;â€"Official Assignee. have Commission Merchants, 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, BASKERVILLE BROS. Grocers. â€"DHALERS INâ€" egaal Hotices. References ; T. W, HILL, R C, W. MeCUAIQG, 1 »teri :. Assignee, made in all parts of the D« Lerest umfln “.llllll Got. 20, 174. ate saies of Property and Putenis, and dpERIR OomiPntes. . Alquey Inyorted in minp Gluss securities to pay 7 and 8 per cent. in« Lerest‘ Htocks mnuod and earried on & margin J 10 por . Intetest at lowest current yeo. & 1874. E0y 3a w ik Frosh arrivals this morning/ at 10$‘Ridenu Street, oppouite Daihousie St. SUN PROOF HATS, In orier to clear the Stock as soon as possible I have decided to seil all the assortment of RHats, Caps, &¢, at cost for cash, +908â€"2m AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES! GREAT CHEAP SaALE or Felt, Silk and Straw Hats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &c., June l0th 1675 Maro® 28, 1874 TO Ali WHOM IT MAY CONCEN® HAT! HATS$! HATS ! OTTAWA, wWEDNESDAY. AUGUsST 1 CaALDWELL & CO. â€" .â€" Managers, OCEAN, LAKE AND RIVER FISH Hats! Hats!! rlats!!! FOR THE MILLION. . 1 OWN S END‘S DEVLIN‘S. Indian Helmsts and Puggeries, No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! House. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposito the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 1878, 5 q O'I'l'.t wa Mills‘ Supply Agency FISH MARKET. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLESti HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! | HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES 11 0 . _g_q T E‘S, JUST RECEIVED L THE NXEW STYLE® FOR 1875, ETROPOLITAN H. MEA DOW 8 & CO, 36 Sussex Btree Ottawa, April g1th, 1875 * sn _ , ALSO, For dharp‘s Safety Oil Cabinets, for all kinls of oil, flulds, #6,, all sizes from 5 to 2°0 gailons, ent. cbeap and durabieâ€"will kave their own arn. in cil in a short time. ease leave r order®." Agents wanted to can vase . Awmt ABHFIEL D‘S Crockery Btore, Duke Street A combined #moothing glosaing, Acting and erimping: IRON, n great Intovrseayt gâ€" maâ€" chine and one ‘lat showle be in + very ’mm\o. and no doubt wi!l be when reehn, at ASHâ€" FIRLIDYS Crockery and Ginssware iBtore, solo agent for City anu Counties, BLYTH & KERR‘S ors and Stock Brokers, Monire al, MONTREAL AND OTTAW A atters & Furvriers. AVOIDING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to ___COaAL oOIL COOKING STOVES, â€"â€" HO D GE &., THE "DONMEST!IL" IRON ORLR@RATED CORK LINED PDankers. COMPLETE IRONS IN onE Hardware, &r. RIDEAU STREET, 3 UNJON BANK BLOCK. SAVING FUEL â€"ANDâ€" se <anf «()+f mm QOTTAWA Oxv. ALL SIZES, AT dEVLIN‘S. â€"ATâ€" msl &# w L 30 Mâ€"ra ov ) 3998 To each Tender must be attached the actual #ignaturesâ€"of two responsible and solvent For the due fulfilment of the contn“c.t! satisfactory‘ security will be required on estate, or by deposit of money, public or nunlc’lp.l securi or bank stocks, to the amount of five }nr cent on the bulk sum of the contract, of which the sum sent in with the Tender will be considered a part. is Contractors are requested to bear in ml:z that Tenders will not be cousidered unl made lt.rietl{ in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual d&tuu, the nature of the occupation and p of residence of each member of the same; and m:fi'.fi;' accepted bank cheque, or other avi e security, for the sum of from one to three thouâ€" sand ddlcm,. according to the extent of work on the section, must woon's't:ny each Tender, which shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines or fails to enter into contract for the works, when called upon to do s0, at the rates stated in the offer submitted T&‘Ifibfififlfi’ifi _each case will be “,l!b“o‘ on the ol'l'onf:r. j i1 be cheque or mone us sent in, w nturnodhfio the nlp’oeflve p.m':'. whose Tenders are not accepted. Ninety per cent ‘only of the: ';anu" estiâ€" mt:n w’hlp;: paid nnu{ the com%le on of the works, &7 ersons, regidents of the Dominion, wllll&o g:come sureties for the carrying out of conditions, as well as the due performance of works embraced in the contract. . This Department does not, however,. bind itself to accept the '?o\g:; or any Tender. er, Department zfpuuu’n'uu, '} F. BRAUN, Ottawa, 9th August, 1875. Becretary. Nr, J. H. Himâ€"er,:a 10 how the interssts of be b mw prom«ted by Nm.flm INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION Philadelphia 1876. ; at $00) ok w e 1y Hall, to cuonsult with 1J , Commissioper f r Ontario and ur, J. H. Fimâ€"er,:sto how the interssts of The works will be let in sections of the respective len indicated on a m:lp of the line, which, to r with plans and specifiâ€" cations of the rious works, can be seen at this office, and Rt the Lachine: Canal Ufice, lfontrul, on and u:er R‘mue uuu'l‘nul: day oi ember at either of w aces Prgm forms of Tender can be obu?ges. | yita Eipel t octal Aaee 0t Thotont Ohat eÂ¥ern: n :o JNLWTIO * + ment 1 hereby fllfl’lblk Meeting of the WEDNESD.\Y AFTERNOON, 11+8 Insr formation of a channel and basin on { or river side of the existing entrance LAOHINE: Canal | Enlargement. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PUBLIC MEETING August 10th, 1878; hich willâ€" ontit‘e the hoider t\ ndmission to he (gnn m; and oneâ€"0 th of 'n-.&nnn ft b-o" le awanled to the vi le ticket um ber. hi Rer ponsibie azents wanted lw crders for Wokets sent direct promptly Clioulars, Paperr, eto , givingfuil particulars ntl »n:." in writing, i’llun snisign your Ciis 1 Sibel ns oc 2 § and o r ots am s #aad sent C, , D., if desired‘ & P A. R (COLLINS, Sec‘y, Denison, At riss all communications and make all ‘ mi‘tances (f money to *Anva CABMALAL: :: * ~.~. :: $00,000, Berides Gifts in proportion amoun!ing in ali to Price of a Wuo‘e Ticket i five $1. oupous, Price $1.38, or $12,00. per dos, old by all music deaier.. Hent, postiree, for retail price LIVER DITSON & cCO Aoew‘n, OH A8. H. DITSON & (in,, T11 Hronduay, N Y Ilexa: Gift Concert Association, 8 EC o N D GRAND GIFT CONCERT _ The latest collection of Church Mustc by the success(ul compiler, H. K. Paim, ®y is 11 THE LEADNER !; h Not quite as large nor as exy ensive as other mm;qohumu gndo books, 1‘ wtill cuniains a gromt v-ma etrical music, Aotheras, +l6 etle , in addition to the usual S.nein g 8: hool Vourse. 1, Q. EMER8ON cuntribu us a lurge number of tunes, Musical !I.cmlu will bear in min four «oc‘ | kink: anboo 549e P w 1 F em f.n:ioom'eun) 8 for Chorat M‘ooh‘.?o Choits. 1 In aid of & Masontc and I ; O Citizons of Ottawa No book can be t:lhr ;?M ;;N;;J.:;":Q.- able musical enie:tiinment mingled with inâ€" st: net un, than the !!SONG MONARCH !! M good secovd baid Ti k w hlvmuvlll he n;l:l| (‘:IH horse t P Ku.m, Treact rs, uhon..xllll at dnfius\‘llulwk-u. Wm, AB1 For Singing Schools. Lowest Gift To a Whole Ticket, $50. Te a wortor ro ram.o wha) Uhds rslands the as forenees #!Â¥Ou If renniva Musical 8: cle New Advertisements. # 25090000000 f w} 1921 COUPON TICKETS, $1, SEPT. 22, 1875 LEGALLY AUTRORIZED FO R TV NE FGAR $1 secomd mavger Ras on Pand a few secoud bai d Tr KRRMLHING MILLS 1 be sold on reasonable terms, lng- orse lnl-‘l $120 ; ul..nuodfll-l-'.mlg ; reade rs, 2 horse, and some olthers ’-L.El«-o-. W m, xBBOlT. Ottawa m‘ . lock at Lachine, and the nel and basin on the south es will bear in mind our * e oc dither ATL3RSâ€"A situatt n w nt« t in a olnt.nln1 store, hy nve the art in 2l its detai}< Re» »q'l:l_'::l. Er quireat 1. RENIâ€" w CHOIRS ! ST 11, 1875. , $8, which c »mutate er dog.) by Dr Tour i"Book ($1 50) ; both innvodinliony bugte «â€" 0. Â¥. Temple, 4 (4 lin g the crew of the Norwegian bark Veloz from Montreal for Queenstown which had been abandoned that morning. She subâ€" sequently took the Veloz in tow but after six hours the bawser parted. ’l’hz‘flnn put the chief officer and 9 of Re public‘s crew on board, the abandoned vessel, with instructions to make for Queenstown . A sbip Abaudoned. Quzrrxsrowx, Aug. 10.â€"The steamship M& which u:fnd here l:'gny firb ew mu&mfi inst., miles vg:-kt'oltbo Fastvet fell in with the bark Metsolas bound fron Philadelâ€" phis to Shetton and received from her the crew of the Norwegian bark Veloz Advices from Panama ) to Aug. 1st states that the political© situation of the mubfloh becoming more complicated the electoral struggle for President threatens a general war. | .__ Keull Race. The scull race last at Rockaway betr een Biglin and m resulted in the defeat of Biglin. ‘The course was a mile and a half and return. Blflh had du‘lud'tol%ou.hbonwho m 1y the tnith.. Tiikes. 19 mifucte ‘and 19 sec. Bell did not appear in the race. Nzew York, Aug. 10.â€"Mrs. Catherine Maxwell died in yesterday from the effects of a terrible beating she received at the hands of her husband S‘g.nd.y last. Both were intoxicated at workman of an adjoining stoné yand. f The Weather. t § weather througbout > England Jobn P. Churchill, superintendent of the Extensive Kivet Factory on Staten Rioting broke out in the suburbs on Monday, and the voluntéers and regular it:oopowmot%:edu::w themselves readiness, but disturbance was ?uhhdbythomdh;ol;flu Riot Act. t is remarked that mobs of Roman Cathoâ€" lios armed with hatchets, knuckles and knlnemhodmdudn‘ undr leadâ€" ers. Tt is reported that several of the mlnmtoru:dflcdwm. In in defence laek ererdug porind Capt aroos mait oo The amount of builion | into the bank of England to day is £800,000, had been instructed not to interfere with the glamblers in his district, but refused to say who so instructed him. Loxnox, Aug. 10.â€"Special despatches tothomc.ud:%fron(im:vupmthu sixty rioters, many of whom were badly hurt, were brought before the magistrates TELEGRAPHIC. sessed of very respectable ability and personal fitness in other respects for the position. It may appear that under the circumstances Mr. Wood‘s success is in a special respect an evidence of his own and the Government‘s popularity. | _ Mr. Wood, the new Provincial Secretary in Mr. Mowat‘s Administration, was elected yesterday, for South Victoris, by a majority of seventyâ€"four votés. The falling off in Mr. Wood‘s majority since his previous election may doubtiess be sccounted for in ‘the popularity of his new opponent and the vigorous effort" mndcbythooppodfiontodenlnduq- ing blow to the Government. The ma jority is, however, still a fair‘y large one, and under all the circumstances the new Minister and his colleagues are to be congratulated upon the result. Within a day or two we shall have cause and effect fully disoussed from the points‘ of view held by the local organs of the respective perties. In the meantime we shall hold to the opinion that what will be claimed as evidence of a reaction is simply the result‘of bringing into the field by the Opposition an exceedingly popular and influential candidate, posâ€" ELEOTION OF THR PROYVINCIAL , SECRETARY. the hatching house at Gaspe Mr. Vibert, the Superintendent, has deposited in several of the neighboring rivers about 110,000 salimon fry. We learn from the Fisheries Departâ€" meént‘that the saimon artificially bred last season at the Restigouche works, super intended by Mr. John Mowat, have been distributed in the rivers emptying , into the ~ main Restigouche and Chaleur Bay. _ There were disposed of in this _ manner about 705,000 fine, Route," and will visit the different surâ€" veying parties who are out in connection with the Department of the Interior beâ€" fore his return. It is to be hoped that his trip may be a pleasant and satisfactory Lieut..Col. Dennis did not ‘leave for lnlbb.onlondgyuodn;um., nounoodhonrhnuoolynhrdsy.onh‘ to iliness in his family., He will, how»= ever, take his departure at an early day. The Colonel will go via the " Dawson not more, than the last issue of the Water Works bonds, which will be someâ€" thing satisfactory for the citizens of Ottawa to know, AM L R 1 U AN. Ald. Waller received a telegram from Mayor Featherston of an encouraging character, with respect to the negotiation of the last deéebenture bonds of this city, transmitted to London last week. It is probable that they will nett as rouch, if Commons, returned to the city on Saturâ€" day evening. H. M. Deroche, M. P. P., is spoken of as Speaker of the new Ontlario Parliament: The Hon. M. Fournier is expected to roturn to the city to day. F‘ OR E I G N Mr. Patrick, Clerk of the House of A War Threatened. GREAT BRITAIN. NEW YORK. Times _ ‘ raclty . ‘ s t >A “â€"""Td'"-' ks ou the reariarn wige of. the ‘tockade lodges. N pum t bl)l o ve ye received. GononlOtdlndhkp.,rty have left Brownsville for San An asreu, 120 vodies were r.oov.ud“ 1B about three hours ‘afterwards, conâ€" mnc«- to the residence of J, J. Keq., where they were visiting. Immense Damage to Crops Oxara, Aug. 10.â€"Specials from the West report very numerous at Grand m Island, Central mWood River and Hastings, and are fi:. damage in the vicinity of M:& Immense clouds of insects are fAying southward. An Indian Fight. Bax lexas, August 10.â€"Capt Papiefinmig o foesmen cce piicccoang o l Como, Que., Aug. 10.â€"A sad accident occurred at Oke Whar? last night mt 5 ©10°0 his whereabouts,. The rail othâ€" cials have refused heretofore rrige Sn vers his whereabouts. Railway Oficials in Trouble. Sax Aug. 10.â€"The citation io produce the faulter and bigamist uce Woodruff alias toâ€"morrow, or disâ€" clo«e his whereabouts. The railway ofiâ€" Tripoli, to aot with the Hartford. ie Rochaster, "$yrmous" and ‘Ovic, riving at Saratoga on Friday at noo6. crowd to shake hands with the Governor, and ‘1mmense bere . availed themâ€" selves of the &n The Governor, Li=ut.â€"Gov. and then sailed down the canal to Black Rock on the tug 4. 2. Laing where they were met by 8. 8. Jewett, Eeq , who invited the party on his palace steam pleasure yatcht 7Â¥iania and a pleasant time was spent down the river. Lunch being served on board. ‘The Gov. leaves for on specisl train toâ€" _ Burraro, Aug. 10.â€"The largest crowd onr‘hui:n.flhlmdof'lhdolu‘: was present to assist at uoog.fiunw‘lh(}ovem'flfl. by the Board. ‘The Governor was escortâ€" SBric, in »oeibfey with Uiguli Goreram company wi Dorsheimer, who took seats on the rostâ€" rum amid loud cheers.. The President of â€" the â€" Board of ’lmc, Cyrus Clarke then addressed sudience, and in the course of his remarks he inâ€" troduced the Governor to the audience. Goorjon.mbbur.' , Counsel of the Board, then took the floor, and delivered a highly complimentary address of welâ€" Not Seriously Injured. None of the parties shot by McEiro at umt tooiey, Comminiotet Decvprit sioners toâ€"day, Desbecker :&u.dmcmsmw- remarks, and * that he (Smith) mmup tious and quarrelsome." Dis also defended m General Smith reâ€" &L and admitted that the combina s bt:thohondwirnm hostile to the t to himeelf . Matsell expressed N:’;olfu willing to resign thommon whenever called / by any of his colâ€" hquu,uddonmnmyboudoxhud between him and his associates. \ Andan ‘of . Poughkeepric and ‘bis siscer en r Bmanflwifl.,m Henry % %I;Mhuh'&dw. , William Hester, are his executors. The estate of Van Anden is estimated at nearly $100,000. mw:lrlg.tuhhlnn Van Anden Camden Brooklyn was Suaing "at the hug â€" Couely "Tasâ€" sion of Castle & Dealers, Howard stree J. G. Shaw & Co., menufacturers, an Blank, Coote & Co. An evening cablegram refers to a heay failure in the metal trade. No wfiou‘{ â€" Heavy rains and n:rnma lu:f;vuk caused darnage to all kinds in the Rlflvm valley, Ponnnlm Conrad Vorback, a German who owns A Kad Drowning Accident. The Commercial anno SAN AXToX1o Board of Trade. Yellow Jack. WASHLNGTON. Police Shindies A Brookiyn Will OÂ¥ AHA. Meavy Faitures. BUFFALO. Crops Damaged, BROOKLY® were recovered at Bate the suspenâ€" 'l‘o-onaAu. 10.â€"The members of the Fire and Water Committee of the City Council left here today bfio& the working of the fire system of Huron, Mich., and other places. The delegares to grant the Chapter m«fiom Masons, which -nn.: election cf Grand Beribe for that body causes some excitement, the contertants being Messrs. Nixon and Btephens, both fon Pecradbeeraiitetyeirher bewn "eraalietpelharten %Â¥ & Mariposaâ€"Majority for Wood......... Ops L. Beadry, J. Archambauly, J. Gr. evier, N. Valois, J. Fletoher and H. Caverhili. Bome surprise was expressed that a diviâ€" dend should have been deciared so short a time before the suspension of the bank and while it was in so r & condiâ€" t on. Mr. Cotte said he not know the bank was in the state it was when the dividend was deciared Biocks more mouve. Montreal, 1884 ; Merchants‘, 101}% ; Union, 94 ; Commerce, Mr. Wood, Provincial Recretary, Kiootâ€" LixDpsa 10. â€"Mr. W eleot ed by about Toor .-7"-1.“" SECOND DE8SPATCH ‘laxpear, Ont, Aug, 10. DORPG 4 Bd 101}; Montreal Telegraph, 158. 127 ; notes, and ba i and the bank ap pears to “"‘m“-‘l"fi:‘ _ .Hon. Mr. Fournier, Hon. Mr. Buresu, ADu Kmh-,k!,-lu-, m:m:&«&&m of the Jacques Cartier took place :rn%dmd“bfl steps to be taken with regard in the chair, as the has resignâ€" ed and the m;-fl':'-umu attend. Mr. l.bou‘l:dmfl. np:: Regret was expressed . Cotte, last cashier, should have assumed the responsibility of certain acts without conâ€" sulting the hoard, thus in several cases ilc:m:‘dhm It ““hfi woll by the directors to express vi.wlutolhofusun‘::tbh-m ing, but they wished stockholders to n!l)m # :ommo to confer -fi ject. slatement * was then P i iemnitine wnde aemmedin the on be $6,239,876.45 ; assets are largely comâ€" posed of onrdmmmmdu notes, and bai debts, and the LAp» payable to order and not endorsed, so ylpaukduu to smy one but the the stock went into the office, p the lock of the drawer of the wfi- Mamilton Bill of Conts. o-n-.mnhhg everything in the store. The clerk was serviny a customer, and from the respeciavle looking apâ€" pummofmwmmdnfa suapeot any» the Scuvils was +5 mtumey dhaplontt | two. There is up to the present no clue to;holhhna. B L i4 esterday morping, about o‘clock, two men came into the druggist estabâ€" inenid in dn dn im dollars in silver. Mr. Hart went into his rivate office to get it when the men: folâ€" Ennd. Bome two hours afler two men entered, one of whom was the man got the ohnni.r 'l‘lny..::n.‘ hwt cologne. . Hart clerk were the store at the time. . One of the men kept Mr. Hart in conversation whilst the but he is cert office after the he is unable to say whether the thief Jns prtaden Remosd® the us possession h theft was no‘: discovered for some time after the occurrence. ~ The clerk cannot feet. _ As there. was dollars for a third person, succeeded in rfifiwpc--h %M was ce ie ts i ramond o se shade placed on the counter, and the the Exchange of H, D uniil to morrow morning at 10 o‘clock. At 1 c‘clook judgment will be given on the petition for Aubeas corpus. . MONTREAL. Montreal Cenire Election c city, Moxtrra1, 10th August. The Montreal Centre case is postpons Majority for Wood....»..».. berips â€"Porsovalâ€"The ;..'; Caure tier Bank .Mectingâ€"Stocks. PRICE 3 GCENTS TOROATO LINDSAY . the money was an sessenses soetes bathenesanssene ipson was arrested last hreatening _ to . shoot 64 4 D1A N 100. whom he 14 16

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