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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Aug 1875, p. 3

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im â€"POuineh T C 00e = ily T A W a ary OL i°C A M 473 arture of Mails,. 2 is / 4e V iNGS BA M K. W1 LE®, ken ult @p postt o '“ >r=0 When 6 bet t ragye, * Livery Steties. es, Carriggtcs NLEE & CO ‘"A N LOR, «o. oy Moutrea: UR ils. svery Friday at 14.99 AM PRODUCE, \areic liand attentive «Junce when required. «1 ai ail hours by meeayâ€" I ABL ES i1gCos. A No K ME NT Canadian s4eATOTT in which oniy 42* nroughout the wWroat MHLan very Stables w, will be IMM" ementary pRAE® ® . No#utrrmenm * goo. a 4 g a onsoriaf 1@ ihe aitention merica, W BLâ€" =\ conveniont STORE. â€"med in the m=ly nhmde o6 A ND m l'lu.“ sacted U aq dbisy AAAA s «i «b ab s28% " gg * l!“ 2®z2* i wl . Tihash i I v. ment @n v, AepL., 1t0.~ Gentieamen, 1 feeli it & duty 1 ows .u_»guwupnrmy ;n':funh for the great benefit I hnave uerive« by taxing "Norion‘s Camomie Puls,"* 1 applicd t lcclllllr. Peal, Herkeley, for the above & wind in the ‘stomacb, frunm which i sufle udiating pain for a length of time, havi tried nearly e\'orx remodym‘d. & without any beneil at all. tuking 1wo boitles of your valuable ptils, 1 was quite reâ€" stored to my usua, state Of heallb. Please give Lais publicityâ€"tor the bengfil 0t these who may thus be afflicted _ 1 am, Mir,; yours truly, HKaRY ALLBASS, io lhe proprietors of ** Norton‘s Camomiie Pilis.‘ Full directions in the pampbiet around each package, which should be carefully JOB MOSES, NEW Yoix, s0LE PROPRIETOR $1, and 124 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & lyman, Toronto, Untario, general agents for the Dominion, will in sare a bottle, containing over 30 pills, by return mail. â€" For lntersal and Wm:x‘dn BURI ans kinds of Pliex, kej n sy 8c worm, mll»filmum, wne akin. Une boitle warran Piles; from one to three This remedy bas been faithfuily lu%lnd found t« be ab ajost infullible core the wbove samed disgasos. Its sutcess nas Been xo universal that the propriel T guarantees a cure to tnose who use his mediciue, or in case of failure Wrefund tne money puld. Since i\ was frst introduced he has received many thousâ€" ands of testimonials, ; roving its efficacy for the cure of the awlul disemes i1 18 10 Om i ended Sm : Having, whnle at your establishâ€" ment, carefully examined your prescrip« tiens, and the method of preparing your Compound Syrup, 1 feel anxious to give it & fair trial in my practice. For the last twelve montbs l have done so, ard | tind that in Incijpient consumption and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs, it has deone wonders. _ in restoring persons suffering from the etfect of Dipfher'm, and tbocou&lh following Ty phoid Fever, prevalâ€" ent in this region, it is the best remedicai agent l have ever used. But for persons suffering from exhaustion of the powers of the brain and nervous system, from long continued study or teaching, or in those eases of exhnausiion from which so many young men suiler, i know of no better restoraticn to health than your Compound Jon NEFSEK~ Es MALE Pliis § fThis weli known medicine is no in tion, but a sure and safe remedy fc male Difticuities and Obstructions, In all cases oi nervous and Npinal Al fections, Pain in the Back ang lambs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, liysteriecs and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a pow erful remmeJy, do not contain iron, calownél, antimenmy, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" stitution. : ttum ore. for. The Pile and Humo tabie in its com positiOn, perfect s«fety in all cases f it driving the humor surface, anda the pai ent Uinmuaily im proves while Price $1 por boitie, o A ConsUMri1ivs CUKED.â€"W hen douth Was hourly expected trom Consumption, all remeâ€" Mh.vlntnmu. accident led Lo & dneovoz whereby , H. James cured is orly chi with a preparation of Canmabis Indicaâ€" He now gives receipis iree on u:ru( iwo tamps to pay expeuses. There is a single ymptom «i congum plion Lhat it does not dissiâ€" mn;:: Bweat, iritation of the f:ug Neausea at the Stomach, leaction of the Rpeck on t Reas Phusdeiam 4 JN st, Pb . giving as me of tliis paper. 200 eases of exhnausi young men suil restoraticn to he Syrup. _ _If you think this letter of you are at liberty to use i fit. any cause wi ful remedy, to the consti commend it to a i, â€"JV. li. barl, lWols. Keeper, West shettord, P. Q., writes, " 1 bhave been troubiei with liver complaint for severai yeurs, and have med diilerent wedicines with little or no benetfit until | ned br. Thomas\ Eclectrnec uii, which gave me immediate relief, and 1 would say that 1 have used it since with the best etlect. No one should be without it. l bave tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, wounds, eic., and think it is equally as good for horses as for man.‘"â€" A. _ Maybee, â€" Merchant, Wark worth, writes, "i have soid some hundress of bottles of Eclectric Uii, and it is pto meunced by the pubjlic, ‘ one of the best medicipes they have ever used ; it has done wonders in hemiing and relieving pain, sore throat, &c., and is worthy of the greatest contidence.‘"‘â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes: "1 was persua ded to iry Thomas‘ Eclectric Uil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or ou. years, and | never found anything like it for curing lameness. it is & great public benetit:" A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes : " For weeks 1 was troubled with | a swelled ankle, which annoyed me very. much. Mr.Maybee, oi this place, mu'ueed‘ me to try Electnec Uil, and before one bottle was used i was cured. it] remarkable medicine. s 1 Sold by all medicine dealers, price 25‘ cents. ned b1.. ihomas gave me immedial say that 1 have use etlect. No â€" on it. l bave tried it of cuts, wounds, equally as good for A. â€" Maybee, â€" Me Brain Exhaustion. Mr. Jaxes L. Feciows, St. Joun, N. B. Sm : Having, while at your establishâ€" trized commend i Keeper, W. have been t for severai 8 N. THâ€"MAs, Pheips, N. Y. And Nok iHhROlL & LYMAN, ?omnl«o, U nole agents tor the Dominion Notk.â€"â€"Electirieâ€"selected and Elecâ€" U these the fo by Dr not be FoRr tHk 1 and ret warde i Foront grat lis on Lrea or saie L uU ld t W u. r full A MAN or a THOUSAND. W inua PILE AND HUMOR CURE, ull particulars, obtain free, of the A pamphlet, or refer to advertise: orre s e that ach || No one should be w e tried it ou my horses in wounds, eic., and thin good for horses as for m bee, _ Merchant, _ Wark i have soid some hundr Eclectric thi, and it i by the public, ‘one of the s they have ever used ; m M BUSINXES® NoTHIOHS umor cure is entirely vege 100, an : ‘can be used with ases. There is no clng: mor in, as i; cures on ent‘s bodily beaith conâ€" hile under this treaiment. Houl by ail ruggisue. hem ixne t d he lhves of thousands saved durmg the past . is cdue to * Durley‘s and Arabian Heave preparation is being ul exacts from all tha thing ot the kind has rall as successful, or I satislaction ; it can W 18 t perfict CURE for all orius, leiter or Riugâ€" wil diseases of tue ed tq cure ail cases Of bottles in wil cases of D External Usg licine is no im post afe remedy for Fo Obstructions, fron id altough a power in nothing hurtfu LFY r of any service, e it as you see 1 is of thousands durmg the past o to * Durley‘s Arabian Heave ation is being eceipt of price re Dame street, eople to allow «in tham rather or to autler as chilerent kinds M. D ure it UX ure. the m COOKINC STOVE. and Drili 00. n&l umber of, will be ived trhor 'w m‘mm:hvdlumtmlup:rmn;:’n do. that all be entered a8 Day Boaders, who wili dine in the Further particulars can becobtained from the > w. Ts Victoria "r"'".'..':-"'.‘.‘.'.@‘:. MoHbDaÂ¥, the m«%& earried on for a fow dilys at To Viokorin street, the new premises not being k e \The ‘SummerQueen‘: uet ggiven in the Public Schools of England. The of 1 be g'xé’?:c'v'.;r'y ciassical; and Boys will be spocinily mml-':w University % eligible prem ises have t ~chased for the MoTavish of . o Atont sthpttie prem tres Bave Leen purchaned SOLiint Saioiving the prounts ‘of the Meoin Late Sobolar UmIVOTMRY® The course 0{ instruction wi include Latia, Grek, Ma o don Prne kactioh tte m n t inee t ons Tt t Halien iiptor en â€"esrer apoume University., CoUNCIL ; &. B. ANGUS, k8q. JAMK8 JACK, E8Q. JOHN MOLENNAN, Eq wW. T. BENBON, Koag. w*r.Rat n'&-fi aA T. farkRsoN "t U, J . BRYDGEA m'w HENRY LtMAN, KBQq. mR JUSIL IIAE: s G. A, DRUMMOND, K8Q. F. MACKENZIE, *?. M.P, JOHN RANKLN oN. L. . HUNTNGT »N, M. P. N.J. MGILLIVRAY, ksq.‘ T. . TaAYLOR tsqy. JOSEPH HICKS)N, EXQ. _ N. »ERCER, EXQ P R I N 01 P 4 L : 8 i LT. 0. FAWCETT, K8Q., M. a. Late Senior Schoiar and b:nluuourdT\v. fl:&m Graduaate in Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting Tinsmiths and Galvanized Iron Rooters. mfln(mlmplly to fitting up Water Rervices, Baths, Sinks, &¢., with Hot and Cold Wa }‘ iJ pes, Pipes and Fixtures, Hot Air Furnaces. ga Wstimates for work in any of Abave l ues ou appiication . P R A C T I CA L PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEER. Ottawa Branch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 88 Sparks Street. CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. â€" SPECLIAL NOTICE. NO SMOKK, NO HRAT, NO SMELL, a perfect Treasure in a family dulutholu:-orm or for Pic nicx, or ; ariies going to the seasice, or in a sick ehamber, or Cooks any and every thiny that may; be done in the ordinary wio«x| or coal burning stoveâ€"quicker anc betterâ€" . al cost of not more than from one :o one abd & balt cents per bour, CANADA Agricultural Insurance Go‘y. (Late Yarrow & Hsoust,) r ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR, LONDON Small $teamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL SECRETARY : J. W. HOLMES, Kso, 7 1P to a liberal tion similar The Montreal Proprietary School has been established to provide a liberal educstion similar Fol0 Agsowfer the New im prove! it Ottawa, A r Oet 1 SCOTT,*CAYLEY & CAYLEY, > MACHINERY DEPOT, MONTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. We SPKCIAL AG xi Working M.c‘in ‘ompany, &e., S¢ DE POT Ncrew Sicamers with specds;ranging up to 20 miles an bour, Paddle sicamers, with draughts ranging down to 6 inches of water, Tas Rev. GAVIN LANG. T. E. BEEYOR, Esgq., Trint mm-mu’umm. xofiu.%fm% o?moumv‘zlfltydm reach Master, & H. a. KFUOH L:.q.o«m.ummum»o«-m. 3. W. umvf‘h%ormmx Hou h Kensington, Drawing Master ‘J) \»‘vi Sbl%\:lnl N, na.. Music Master, CaAPrALIN nulln'u.' 'o-fl-"". a * PETER RKEDPATH,4ESQ COL. A W ILLIA M aNut MiNswiTl:~ AND WORKERS IN GALYVANIZED lRoN, AND CORKICE Work 101 Rideau Street, Ottawa, (oppos ite Dalhousie St.) Orders miy be left at McLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Spark Street, r Cirenias: and Catalognes, OFFICHE aND WAREHOUSK f FICE.â€" P RIN OIP 4A L : B. '.‘II)DLI. EKBQ,, B. A. and Prizeman of lm.mfiegdm in Homors in ”fl:ud Contracted for. _ Prices from £200 upwards. MACHINKKY CONSTRUCTiED FOR BOATS;BUILT AUROAD, Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal, YÂ¥ A P R 0O W‘S B LV T H & K ER R , 25 RIDEAU STREET, Y A R R O W & C 0O ., . B. Ferguson, D,L HARWOON, 18 TO MEET sSPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ASS§1IS TANT M ASTPTERS: HEAD )©7iS, MINTR AL. CAPITAL â€" _ $1,000,000. Viceâ€" Prexid Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, 0O T T A W A. [EAâ€"Cameron Special Steam Pum merican Saw Compauy, Trenton, M LANG. _ | _ Tu»s Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. Tus Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. Improved Coal Oil Lite Assurance. #linrnmnibers, wt. PRESIDENT _ ANDREW ALLAN, EsSQ C "_"_""""""~TEORGE STEPHEN, ESQ Pre«l tent TUW:itchinecry. EXAMINERS® : â€"â€"â€"â€"(0)â€"â€" i Special Steam Pump; J, A. Fay, Cincinnat!, 0. Compaay, Trenton, B?"Y. ; Joseph fHail I.uume'lllh ;E'."'m" ree of 1 fm‘afifimcflmfih EDWARD A. GORKF, Man: JAMES A. BMI H, ir Draft Furnace, Desmarais and Adam. 7) SPARK ST, OTTAWA i;idmu Director In#spector. pHE TIMES ; OTTAWA, THUORSDAY, AUGUST i12, 1875 ects for HALLET, DAVIS & ©0‘8, J. & 0. FI8CHER & O0‘3, HARDMAN & CV8, THER At hATHUBHEK OO‘8. i‘mo-rm\v. BELL & OU‘4., Onbinet 4 * Organs and cele Orga aettes, es 5 Of the above list we might single out The Hallet, Davis & Co , Planoâ€"Forte‘, and the 1 & Co‘s. celebrated ur‘.m«ll‘s. ut tor a nhediour m:’-d PiÂ¥pe Forte, we cor 1ai} 3:--’ Hor/mao.* The Hallet, tmvic& Co‘%s. Pi nos bave long been n«?ntndg e here Ma ‘ among the very bexst made in America.. The reports of the Judges at the 4) ‘erebt which Lhe gnv-- been exbivl.ed, Loxethgr the opinions 0 ths most di<tt la~d mnnu‘m in the world pokea ' tertmony in their fuvor that ; be resisted, and assure the purchaser o( his recaliing o #uperior instrument in every respect. ... \ 6 171@ im i Ste â€"~ No+! oi 4 \alzl-z Cooee io miirina s Efanas new "Pon" "o Aiidarsreaidedi ton an’fi.e’f C oisnopoogey STRIPED AND LHIQI(;D JAPANESE ~SILKS, 3 â€"A ‘Large Consignment ofâ€" FA"A good Pit Guaranteed, All Goods warranted Shronk, March 11, 1875. * j FRENCH FLOWEERS] &KFEATHERS These Paperhangings ‘are imported direct frow the,best Manufacturing Establish ments in England, France and United States. Great care has been taken in their selection with rougl:nl to colour. The ground tones are soft and pleasing to the eye, especially those toned with silver mica; but above all, they are free from the mineral poisons that many of the tawdryâ€"coloured Paperhangings of the ;]:g are u;xrchn:god ;vexdt.h. 'l}‘f:o gubu;r‘lbor’n long exporiono: a: & oolouru't: and bohi;: roughly uain wit e chemical compound of the pigments used Pi.inting, on:l‘:;lu him to rqjoc:; in his selection of Pm those coloured with poisonous pigments, so deleterious to healtli. io are Nmflllb invited to examine his STOCK of WALL PAPER before purchasing elsewhere. _ William â€"~Queale. _ LUMBER DEALER, | _ CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STREL‘CS The Trade supplied : kinds of Luw berâ€"tor Building purposes, inclading Shingles Clapboards, Flooring. Sashes, Glazed and Unglazed Doors &c. . AGENT FOR MALLOOH & ADAMB, ARNPRIOR. SBELLING OF) SU MMER GOODS: W A L. L. To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city, | 3827 As the undersigned is ’.oing out of the Room Paper Business as soon as his resent Stock is disposed of, the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating NEW LINEN CGOSTUMES, FROM $2 BRANDIES, PORT & SHERRY _ WINE, GIN PORTER, &c. 100 100 .25 COn .)0 Un 10 Ho lo Ht OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS _ In Sooteh, inglish, and Canadian Tweeds, 1 Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, W :t of England Broadcloths, &¢., &¢ , &¢., & Lâ€"O N D O N ~â€"H O U S E. HANEY & FORCIE, S pring G oo ds _‘ dw ‘Marbie, Seotch Granke, or Sandsione, ad i44 . ‘Tue newest desigin in OEMETENY PIENO!NG, sultable for the various Cemetories. A oi arrenged stock or Manton, Io American; lisuan, sud Colpored Matbres o on Their Excellencies the Earl an! Countess of Dufferin. & 78, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, _ & + DIALIII‘I, â€" tnoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, Music Books, etc., Teasâ€"Hlack, the fAnest Imported, Greon, do. Ceffeeâ€"Vory superior, frewh roasted and grouud daily, * Byrups«Meplc, A mber, Goiden, «o , vory tine. Mugiarsâ€"All grades, for presoryving very strong. A inge and wel setectcd stock of faney groceries too numerous to detail always on hand. Ginsgow Peas Mont, Mackenato‘s Digestive Biscuits, and Angastora Bitters at Which ho is prepared to n-povp in the latest and most fashion ible styles, A large Lot of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. Direct Importations from the Producers CAMoOs. PATTERSON Onses BANSN‘ Fine ALES, pinis and quarts, por order HMogehowis Fino Old BRANDY, 10 yoirs old, direct order Hhds, i ino Uld PORT WINE, unrival d in quality, xome #) years old ; different prices Casks SHEERBY WINE, Y.1,, Gno invour, fine bronds Purysron to His Exonuusnor tu» Goverxon GI'IIAI, Eare Dorrenx, INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER 4* Monuments, .Headstones, ~Obelisks Da:reik G L 1 /s a MA# | PORTER, piots and quarts put ap to 0: dc PURE AND UNAPULT WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. Y " HED 1834. Casos CLARET, Jas, Viojots, +peclal order, vary fino CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL D. 8. ~RN.KINNONâ€"& CO., JOSEPH DIMBLEB Y, P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. & Jur Has received and is .openinug ont a large stock of The Largest and Eeslâ€"seiected »ssortment of McKAY‘s In Francs, Enginnd, Holland and #patp, Kxwlies‘ CMare, (ESTABLISHED 1860, ; ~â€"â€"The. Choisest Lot ofâ€" @4 w1 Dry ©oods. At CHAS.BBYS(){N’S, 53 Sparks Street. lall Puaper. winbcecrers, &A N b» 0 ly use and Medicinal yury ose®m P ngs. M mmd w t rfwm." n-mmw i o. olfi.:ai Paper Business as soon as his | â€"â€"|)â€"â€"â€" d at the Lowest Remunerating &‘t'-’n s boa A x. WM. McKAY. | *z ‘ 54. 1wA liels‘ Hotel; | TRHO8. PATTERSON‘8, No. £6, Ridean 8t. Ottawa. OTTAWA, 1875. u. V WHL, Ex» l "i"| xB( stablis A.&e hkenl.l P'gull feeued | T3( s of the | Car 3819 to be an insvitable medicine. =â€". â€" > 1t is nsed Internally and Externally. ' Bold overy where. Price 2 ate. PERRY an«» PWR s\ ft â€"< <int ooo d ng y ahriee. o5 ; * sng Postage tree to 8iU/Eubacribers in she Ind a. ts datlse tnat they hay .'mu‘?fi_thll train nava time for dinner g:'n‘nu or Sofe mu !«-4 '.=|:1 and from both East and 3'-' inbnde. s thelr correspondents with pow=r, of mL to ies eqearmnit by which ‘their right‘n | y be‘ x Ask for LKA & PER lfl'mndm KName on Wi« pper, .‘nlomo"huuMMl.l.l ubrive to apply the name of -gmpvq_:!n !‘;:g W he informed that the «y‘ way to secure a:W T:iuuo y‘ way ABK FOR LEA & PRRRILNY AAUOCE, and 16 ree that their names are upor the wrapâ€" and to ree that their are upon the Wrapâ€" C w.:- Dikurnb o NP Foralen "larkets initing. been Nwrao!hhnwm A ouolul:fm m%&%% will be held in the Comnrany‘s Office. in City of Ottawa, on :l'w,'llth hd:?:nm at RLYVE o‘ciock _ election ?.mhfiw%“uww all A.B-Qfll":fi R Canada Central:Railway Co, On and FROM . TUESDAY . t5th JU 18756 7Tgumrm m« huuwu-." LEA & PERRINS‘ Worcestershire ~Sauce. ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIMK .__ Aud asceleration ~* trains, The old reliahi 1mui| and most direct fi.‘l thn.t‘l‘odlm Kast ano W asi, ____ Leave j No. Pnnou: Connentin« with, |Arrive in |Junotion _ _ | Ottaw THE $T. LAWRENCGE na da &O“I'fl:l :'#81'%“ Brockvilic Q. T. Janotonu â€" OUnw a * s© m } @P"* 4.05p m, Train from Brockville make alowe cum&hu with g:-‘-‘ Trunk m Train from the West, arr‘~*ng in Ottawa at 7. mp ;B from the West, arr‘~‘ng in Ottawa at 7.15 ‘Jounestions made at Band Point boats for the "mwmvr at Reutraws with apiges to snd from m;mto. s ins run on Mon ?‘.:lru.'r ‘, puclilans 10 0K I.Q; it “‘n.#u * Ottawa C + â€" _ 1.9% p m., 7 16 p.m,. wenfrew « «00 % Â¥,10 :.m: ME-. Brockville _« «_ .. _ %,00 pym , 6.16 p. m. -‘li.m. Train from Ottawa makes elose cour zl{(!llml Trunk. Rxpress Train for the West atÂ¥,u0 pm, ‘ _ _ * ***** |'.'u.|"°° Ace 5 â€"l1.4 o m, Priker o ramum inbemmuleeye.® June 11, 1475. CANADA CENTRAL Brockville & Ottzwa Railways 1 l w:-.v.i £x» {Kvery ary For Ottawa via Brockville. [WO EXÂ¥RESST tAINS DAILY Brockville, June 7, 181 wgoh sc tragh Pb win #"% + ifi fi:gl fi‘lwlnfi- OTF‘AWA RAILWAY. Of uniform Gauge with **» Grand Trunk Lw! m w% 200 P.M. ‘ ‘@rand Trunk Express $ 215, A.I.I Liain frot Pust... flt.l). Aâ€"M. Declared by connnisseurs to be THE ONLY @(Y‘D SAUCE Bautmnruys. GOLNG SOUTH GOLINGQ NORTH, Ro Line of su-“.lm% '-t.: and Central Vcr-ant! Railâ€"=a4. Grand Trunt Kxpress Grand Trun» Rxpress| _ . munw-v‘ | 790 A.M, from Wers ........'18 P.M. F!mm Rast & West & Kome Watertne~ ‘H‘y.‘l riown Yuutwaye, from the Fast Connect‘~~ with, ‘“P a Ja A BR UV R LEAV i AF® Te hn uts on ol of altorney io 0,30 A.01. t: 10,60 610044 4.30 u.m., 8.50 +,90 p. x. 850 PM. A iarge assortmen Gold and Bilver Watches, ua-rm%r":‘uc gentiocmen‘s OOAAA e ~â€"We | ‘wHOLESALE AND RETA!. Jeweller, Watchmaker, MJ* 8â€"SAPARK®3 â€" 8TKhEFTâ€"3 "wn Insurance Co. Mutual â€"â€"Life Insurance Co‘y., ‘. MERTFORD, CONNâ€" spratizzen fo td nes: offoncr anomonin Tat npstatnpnte %&_ & lmwm'r\:r M references and experlence, if Ottawa, 3rd August 1875, mumu%mum sawing ever introduced COanada. DISTRESS â€"WARR ANTS 200 in Use in Canada. SELFFEEDING. & SELFSETTING, DELINQUENT WATER CONSUMERS *All orders for Books r e n ko CHAMPION SHINGLE â€"MACHINE ! ~â€" Woots & Bhores. Watchmakers, &C. J EW E_E_LERY â€"~N. MARKS. Account Book Manufacturer, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Boots, Shoes, RUBBERS, &o., Jan. 9, 1876. _Jvs®r nseoeryep» axo orzxzo out, 50 Cases of ‘All orders for Books requiring prinied hneadings Missos® _ * _ at 40 ets. Ladien‘ Long Hubber Boote, at $1.0¢. _‘mmmuwy low prices, At ashade over first cost, at: Lamb‘s bale, n fet you can rave lots of t DzPoSIT AT OTTAWA â€" â€" . Which will be sold CHEAFP for Cash Lamb‘s Clearing Sale July 80, 1876, m a;m & CAYLEY, m'llullwAwulh »Ai inst., four sites Befreshment Terms ; Oash, Sale to commiente at l I‘.M. GEORGE GRAHAM, â€" BOOKBINDE R, Provincial Exhibition, OTTAW A. March 10, 1876, Ohildrens‘ Rubbers at 85 ots March 10, 1878, HAND IN HAND MUVTUVAL 4d § m § 5 Misceliauncous. age lof ofslippors, at sost and under, all BOOTS & SHOES attached. One man attends to both hg and Edging. Only one belt . Bookbinders. Â¥F urimturs. PAPER RULER, AND BIMPSON & HETRUNE, ags a. MORTIMER, Agricultural and ‘Arts Association, PATENTED 1878. We ut%mwl-. Ihe %. Lolesale buyers can as 6 from me as any Other are nolified that ?J;:m; onn Pex»oOKR.. _ ing, Numboring % WR Wum Otlawn, lo only a shart for Canada, Cin tw o Hoing, Peep #5 ~° Houses and Stores To Lt in all Parts o 0‘0 0 N N 0 &# P R 2 E 1 , Next Victoria Chambers. COMMISSIONS UND RTAKEN, Advertising, Registry & Geneâ€" ral Commission Office. |o~hfl_dm~~¢u- Lerest on the DV CHESME LAKEK, in FOR â€"EVERYBODY ! e nihe eeeattaaanes, enc tauare,. "o.s Will commence her OF ho . ALMAIL STEAMSHIPS,. 5;..-:‘&‘-?4‘-%%" Tess d * m e e e ces Bpriugs Wi 1 be lnuded at u.,.%“ lmken Com a gouth Oficn ghecn‘s Whi oi * 1f you have land or houre 4 e if you have any kind of 7 tor uie COomtany‘s OFFICEE: 9 Bowllng Great «o u on fH P Sefhat A4ime. â€"_ _ _ Sb 7 the Hihep w Wharl al6 p m., suturdays and Sunduys 6x« apdee UPW ARDS, } ooperasmen, it ho hn rtecmier Caunas:"" Purtics desirous o s ploment wip may Obi«in excursion Lion@bM, o ug vi ie and back, vaild 10rone “’M QTATWA â€"RIVER AVAATION "Cry, if you have & NiGbT LNE . °_ Bttâ€" QHH EO Nq UTOMIA, . Oopt Apogoneli, DW NW ARDR, _ Passengers by Vay Boai ieave Quern‘s W har? Union Forwarding & Rallway Company, enifad Tamiiway "Vo canty nvurmoniats "0¢ BSPECIAL TRAIN To BRITANNIA, nen they embark on board ofa steamer, For particuiars apply at the Ofice, . Mpurks | : o LLL‘\L us Meipocs" s dund »oule "as (e us C “7“.“.*.*â€"*7â€"" PC P 'â€": W bart :. I:.. Buburdays and unduy® éx« llifiu-_mâ€"'fi Ottawa, May NICHOLLS & O( HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, Oitawa River avigation Company, Auawa duly 28 1875 Mhz June Sud 1875, hn uon t demptien PIC NICS AND Excursions ANCHOR â€" LINK, peninymeas ..W u. 10 eaorar Cigat Pn _ Stcamshiys, ie t t o m h w t i a a wâ€";rwvh PEF C 5 BIGLE A HI P romidout CaledoBie

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