"Uy Leaves.....7.30 a m., 11.00 am, 200 p.m | door and window fastenings. _ ~ _ 9.30 p.m. oL ie \| ssm« A.;av..........un a&m., 7.25 am., 3.5) p.m, | ‘ Waxstso Bavcv.â€"The excavations on AMTVOMesrevsccrssssserscer‘l Eurxiturs. â€"At No. 3, Ride:u Street | Mr. W. A. Anuable has on hand a very ’ larye stockâ€"of furniture of every descripâ€" | tion and of the newest siyle. Un SML | urday last we pait his establishment a | visit and was well pleased with everyâ€" | thing we saw. Whether for the drawing | room, the parlour, the bed the library, or the kitchen there is an nmplo whoice, aud we learned lhh:t Mr. A is ing to give up the retuil i and m only by pubolqulu. Pi | desiring really good {urniture N}.'nry moderate pri will do weil by paying Mr. A-nhr‘:-vhit unrler present cirâ€" cumstances. Uf one thing he foels assur C OADK WOBLs us ie esc« | eaves going oust A Novet Staxvagp.â€"In a poucc case yesterday morning heard before Alder: men t‘ratt and Bangs, the magistrates consulted Chief Langrell as to the amount of ihe penalty to be inflicted. .The wortby chief astutely observed " in such cases it is usual to make the fine in acâ€" cordance with the intelligense of the offender ;" â€" "inm that case," remarked Ald. Pratt, we will make it a dollar and costs. This was at once a novel standard on which ta judge of the vaiue of a man‘s intelligence an4 a small estimate of its value. Tus Suootixe Skasox. â€" Toâ€"day the sea son for shootinz snipe, mallard, grey duck, wood or summer duck, and teal in Untario commences, and sever>lâ€" partics started last night or the haunts of these birds. 1t is as well to remind the sportsâ€" men in Quebec, that they are proluibited from shooting the same until the Ist Sept., and that the Marine and Fisherios Deâ€" partment have sent imen in s}l directions in order to see that the law is carried out, and any infraction of it will be viaited by the heaviest penalties. . lLeaves Prescott Junetionâ€" Nearity a Fig®.â€"Shortly before nine o‘clock last night the fire alarm was given trom Hose No. 4!, and the reeks turned out with commendable promptitude. The Paul strect hose was the lirst to arrive on the scene, which was a tinsmith‘s shop on William street. ‘Ihe application of at stream of a water for a minute was flicient to subue what miszht bave been 82 riqus conflagration. The damage gone a se trifling. Leaves Ogdensburg...8.00 am., 232 .\rrivainNono&.lO.wp.m. 7.U Leaves New York.... 6.00 p.m. 11. Amves in Ogdensâ€" RUFG:»+=::s.:ssscisecls (1.19 M&BD â€" 7:4 Tas Caxaba CENTRaAL Rairgoap.â€"The annual meeting of the stockhoiders in the Canada Central Railway was to have been held at noon toâ€"day, but at the time at which the meeting was called, there were only three gentlemen present. Conâ€" sequently it was a case of no quorum, and an adjournment until the Sth of Septemâ€" ber was miade. U ntral Vermont Railway Leaves Ogcdensburg For Boston.......6.05 a.m., 12.4U p. p .m . Armives in Ogdensâ€" burg from boston 7.0tU a m., 12.40 p. &.10 p.m. Otfawa Kiver Navigation < ompany the coiner of El; been haunted by an escape of gas. look to it at once Ax lurrovew®Nt.â€"A bandsome stono wall with an arched gateway leading to the Lover‘s Walk has been placed from the Government workshops going toâ€" wards the bank of the river. The erecâ€" tion forms a most ornamental addition to the remainder of the structure. Keturnit CUsS@FUL EYEN 1 K band fire engine is night it was engage gentieman‘s dellar Y. M. C. A.â€"The liev. Mr. Farries will take charge of the usual Saturday ovenmgv Bible meeting held in the room of the Young Mens‘ Christian Association at 8 o‘clock. Subject, the Bread of Life. All are invited. Nteame Aylu Tus Porick Fomew.â€"Iwo vacancies in the police force have been filled by the appointment of Mr. Edward U'Noi{zmd Mr. O‘Leary, as Constables, in the room of those who were recently dismissed. Ix Duraxoe Viueâ€"At the "witching hour of night" there were only two or three inebriates incarcerated in t{:o apartâ€" ments of the Hotel de Langrell This will make matters judicial easy for the arateur Cad‘s this morning. Mrx. Srac«‘s Fuxz_rai.â€"The funeral of Mr. James Slack, who was drowned . yes terday morning, took place toâ€"day, and was aitended by a large number of his friends and acquaintances, all of whom were most regretiful at the loss of so aid and genial a friend. & Stzawsutr _ Araivar.â€"The â€" steamship Wablensian, trom Glasgow, with nine cabin and twenty one steerage passenger= arrived at Father Point at 1! p.m. last night. Eraucllers‘ Quide. Citvt Councic.â€"There will be a lar meeting ot the City Council hmuou Monday evening. A good deal of busiâ€" mess o! importauce has accumulated and requires the attention of the City Fathers. I‘me Last or it â€"There‘s no more triumphant arch on the Major‘s Hill now, urer rox His Vacatios.â€"Mr. M. O‘Gara, the respecied Police Magistrate, is now on leave ol absence. In the meantime the various Aldermen will otficiate in their judicial capacitios. Those requiring Mattresses, Furniture &¢., for the coming exhibition, would d well to call at Geo K. Docherty‘s 6 hideau street, late Whiteside & _ Co Costs nothing to exaimine. 3916 3w it was taken down yesteruay, not to be erected again until the biâ€"centennial of the " Liberator." teamer Peerless leave w " _ arrives teamer Queen Victoria leaves 84, Lawrence and Oitawa Railway. Rome, Watertown and Ogdensbur; Railway . a leave the :\‘i‘udoor Houses with her x) in néilher aucuon TOSies WE CS re can he be undersold in the city. Kocul intellinonsr p m White .: Neelin B CGrand Trank Railway. Royal Mail 1in nirad Reilway a t rDil Sor ;(« past few nights anu Npurks Street has vile sijpell arising from he authorities &ould u4) am., 1.35 p.m., 2.03 am 4.40 p.m., 4.40 am 0 w.nl Rideau Ntre old "Ottawa‘" ‘ven yet, last mping out i U Nt. V O8 4.4 p. 7.40 pau. 40 p. m m 45 TOs ont 8 a.in N a m &.111 a. 11 ant and n ?’I‘u: Burorariksâ€"Nothing has as yet urned up to point to the perpetrators Turned up to point to the perpetrators of the late burglarios, and it is pretty well certain that the thieves have vacated this region. So much the better ; but still people had just as well look to ‘their Elgin, are left in a n at night; no light i of the @xistence of required badly, ‘ll of the beap of buil« A Haxvsous Arsuu, â€"Today Mr. E A. MeDowell, of the Shaughraun Company, forwarded to Col. Holliwell, of Quebec, a handsome album containing the portraits of all the }wdies ind gentlemen who so recently, delight. d the citizens of Ottawa | with their a Imirable performance, and | the present was made in recoenition of | mauny kindnesses regeived at the hands of | the gallant colonel by the members of | the company,. Mr. Topley was the artist, i and it is to his tuste the credit of selectâ€" | ing the album is to be rendered. call Street, whict obstucles on _ == Nigbt." Wellington Street, near the corner of |__ Figz.â€"This morning about one o‘clock the police on duty mngrut- street dis covered a fire in the cellar of Campbell & Almas‘ grocery store in Mr. R. Ryan‘s new block, on the corner of . O‘Connor 1nu-eet. Boxes No. 3 and 2 were pulled, but neither of them sounded the alarm and the end of it was Sergt. O‘Keefe had l to get to the City Hall and‘pull the bell, in the old fashioned way. sending men in | difforent directions in order to direct the | reels to the spot where they were uir â€" | ed. Before a stream of water eom be C. 0. 0. F.â€" The new Lodge of the Can adian Order of Ocddfeilows, will be institutbâ€" ed on Tuesday next, under the name of the "Unity." _ Already there are a large number of candidates for membership, and the lodge promises to be nnu'ou? one. The Canadian Urder is becoming a favor ite in the district, and a few days ago un: der the auspices of the "Metropolitan," a Lodge was initiated with capital prosâ€" ; ects of becoming a most extensive organâ€" isation. A Wircrxe Prison®rz â€"This morning an old offender wamed Patrick Fallon was Nicholas S chas with asseultâ€" ing Mr. Niut:l:" & ']‘lll‘:l reporter, adâ€" mutted the offence, an‘, at the request of the prosecutor, was fined a nominal penâ€" alty of $! and $1 costs or three days imâ€" prisonment at bard labour. â€" _ ‘Fhe a::;ndm. in the muo. of a length; ress Lo the Bench, cast some uporn’yom upon the whole of the Cana~ dian press, charactcrizing its tone as it was of inlinite rervice. The fiames were soon subdued and without much damage being done, as they had little or notbing in that portion of the cellar where the fre broke outâ€"what small quantity of yoods there was in there, was damaged by water, and the trifling loss sustained is cover@d by insurance, but in what office our reporter could. n>t ascertain. The bwmlding, which is as is well known a new one, is insure l in the Scotlish Impérial, and the dlumage done will amount to but a bayatelle. _ Appsarances would go to prove that the place was set on fire, and an imquést might throw light upon the matter. for *low" and "disgraceful," s that it was time iome sort ou("oho“:“kn&uld be placed upon the writers thereior, his remaks created no *ulo amusement in court. $2 ond one shilling costs, . Michael Young was fined $#1 and costs for allowing his Louoto run at large on the public streets. _ _ â€" Patrick Fallon, charged with stealing a ham, was «lso t as a :_.u:'mt to m n“p-nlh m committed by tho Magistrates for a| month at hard labour, on a slight susâ€" picion of being a vagrant. Patrick knew the ways of the Polica Court so well, that when be received his sentence, he walked out of the dock, and taking himself into ‘ custody, proceeded without the attenâ€" . danee of the " gentleman in blue" to the cells. He had been there so trequently that he knew the road well and required no pilot. labour Before Alds. Pratt and Bangs brought into requigition, the fire had obâ€" tained sufficient beadway to burn thm‘gl: the floor of the lower story, and fill building with smoke. The various steamâ€" ers m«fe their appearance, but the hbyâ€" drants were fount to be sufli¢ient for all the purpose of extinguishment, and there was considerable more damage done by water than there was by fite. One of the hose, as is pretty cust>mary, burst, and was rendered next door to useless, except for the purpose of converting the atreet into® mud puddioâ€"in that respect A Haxvsous A MeDowell, of the forwarded to Col. Cornsurats lxstirure â€"There was a meeting of the Uolleglijnu Institute trusâ€" tees held in the City Hall, yesterday after nooen, to make the necgessary arrangeâ€" ments for the oponix;lg of the school in the new building on Monday. 1t has been decided to increase the statf of teachers, owing to the prospective increase in num ers through the admission of female pu pils. The necessary furniture has been made for the new editice, and such as could be utilized of the old has been reâ€" moved to the new editice. "a tripping of the light fantastic toe." The pipers of the society will also be in attendance. _ Watch for the posters and programmes to«lay and _ jearn full _ particulars. Refreshments will be _ lugvlied on _ the !roumh at reasonsble rates by Mr. J. H. P. Gibson. Bcotch pecple generally and their wives and families together with those who enjoy the {:l:"um aud pastimes referred to should bear in mind Thursday next afid pay a visit to the Base Bal{Groundl. Tois appeal in aid of the charitable fund of one of our leading Benmevolent Socie: ties comes but once a year, and on this aécount it will doubtless receive a generâ€" ous patronagé on the part of citizens genâ€" eraily. Orrawa Aomiovrturar Insuraxo® Con raxy.â€"Ilt is with pleasure we notice that this institution has commended active business in our midst, and with such cheering prospects of success. As will be seen by an advertisethent in apother column they have obtained the necessary Government license to carry on opera: tions. Our citizons and residents Omhe surrounding country will doubtless give every encouragement to a bhome instituâ€" tion. ‘There are over six hundred shareâ€" holders comprising leading business men and agriculturists of Ontario. Most of the success thus far attained has been owing to the judicious ‘character of the management. Scortisn Gari@riNu.â€"For some time past active preparations have beean going on for the I‘orthcominf Carnival of Sports, under the auspices of the | St. Andrew‘s mociety of this city. These athletic sports belong peculiarly to| the ‘Seottish people, and they alone m to hbave reduced the con fucting of them to a re yu‘lar system. ‘The gathering this year will take place on T ursday next the 19th inst., on Lï¬o E. o Ball_Grounds, and â€"as will be seei in _ another column a large and varied assortment of prizes are offered for competition, open to the whole Dominion, as wel! as to the United v~tates. "Tilting at the ring," a novel sport for this city, will bo introduced for the first ti ne, and a number of horsemen are already â€"practising for this exciting pastime, â€" The fine band of the Governorâ€" General‘s Foot Guards has been engaged for the day, aud Sutherland‘s Quadrille Band will contribute music adapted for rPoLIcE CcovURt moast unprotected state is placea to warn folks of the hole, and one is The same may be said ilding material on Motâ€" formm rather dangerous ration _ Moonlight Fripay, Aug. 13 |__Mr D. Galbraith M. P, departs for | Winchester Springs on the 16th inst., for the good of his health. Nh _ Wixnsor Housk.â€"A. McLaurin, East ‘Templeton ; W. Johnston, Montreal ; D. MoLaren, Wakefield ; T. Dennion, Arnâ€" prior; E. HH. Buchanan, Brockville ; «Mrs. Shoriffs, Miss Sheriffs, Mrs. Erly, Almonte; 1. Baily, 0. J. Shieldli Canton, N.Y. ; Mrs l Thistle, Aylmer; S. Hindman, Bath ; R. H. Collier, Prescott ; Mrs. J. M. Mathews, ; Montreal ; McK»y Wright, Aylmer ; R. T. Smith, Arnprior; James Gibson, P. Myers, Toronto Russsur Houss.â€"8. W. Parkhurst, N. J.; F. J. Bowles, Nt. Cathergies; A. Boulter, John McDougali, Montreal ; D. Mcliaugh: lin, Amprior; William Caldwell, Lanark ; R. fLister] J. Hayes, Almoute ; C. Shechy & son, Detroit ; James Knight, Kingston; M. K. Dickeuson, Warwick ; K. P. Cook, Miss Cook, Brockville; D. Hilliard, Pak enham. A fine saw mill is being built on a tri butary of the Bounechere, ten miles back ;of the vilhfool' Douglas, by a Mr. R‘â€" chadrson. Circular saws only will be used in the mill when completed. | Rev. Mr. Muir, formerly a medical | yracï¬tioner in Almonte, preached in St. | ‘anl‘s church, Almontr, on Sunday eve: ’ ning last. . Mr. MUGir is Ineum%m of the Episcopal church at Carthage, N. Y. _ _ Intelligence has be n received here of the death of Mi..James Fitzpetrick, son of Patrick Fitzpatrick, 4th line Ramsay, in San Francisco, Cal. ouAmunr:l unt:u: wriunouk'x'tg nished the theme of w“nor'-."lam course, irreparably injured, while the health of the wearers was seriously imperâ€" illed, ‘The ‘Princess of Wales was not among the number of those who eitlier spoiled their clothes or became candidates flt{)r rhoumatism or bronc;hiuo. Hormltzy;: ighness‘s train was, 1 am assu modest ‘dimensions us oo:m'od with those of many of the other present, but as it would still huve swept the g:und‘llho gathered it up and hefu it in right hand, while she parsed her left under the arm of the Prince of Wales. The Princess looked none the less ‘digniâ€" fied, as among other attractions she has the most charming little feet in the world. ho o proprtramatualy vequested eu " anx & To e J:‘!' . y req "John, 1 came v near shoes the other d:y?’-u another. How was that]" them halfâ€"soled. to see the way in which the trains beâ€" came n&unm with water and ryonnd mth mud. Dmbl u;.z coultvmny or irty, .or ud orty guineas, were tnillyo'd 'um':t:hthyo wet gravel, and, of Colonel Frobil will soon resume his sur. does to the Canadian public, as is shown vey of rivers along the pmm.duno of by extracts we have seen from the‘Otta en tiante 3 (onourn seanere rou « terms. we on yambe made seeqp on it 1t EE‘.a i . OO iny ho Cabe No The English Church manse, which is being built on the site of the old burying ground, is fast approaching completion ; and presents a creditable addition to the numerous fine residences which are in the town. > The summer vacation of the High and Public Schools will enâ€"t on Monday the 16th inst, All the old teachers will roâ€" sume their accustomed dutiés with the exception of Mr. P. C. Mctiregor, princiâ€" pal of the High School, who is at present in Eur:so. lg(r. McQregor‘s post will bo ocoupied during his absence by Mr.J. Motherwell, of Perth. _ i e man. ‘Carson is of dark complexion, .f“ black hair, not cropped, and is blind of the left eye, or at least keeps it closed. He wears a black mqustache, but »o beard. Heis dressed in a black alpaca coat. dark striped pants and a black silk cap. He has & Coltic cast of countenance but claims to be an American, He is by no means so goodâ€"looking as his comâ€" panion, in fact he is rather repulsive in appearance. He would also pass for a tradesman. Cullen has recovered $1,200, and it is said that an offer has been made to return all the money if they are 1 t off, which should not be permirted unger any ciroumsiances. They are safely lo@ged in the cells of the police oftice, THE PRINCESS oF WALES‘ SKIRTS. Owing to the general stagnation: in the lumber trade, and also to the immense quantity of unfold sawn lamber now on hand, the firm of Messrs. Caldwell & Co,, Curleton Place, closed oper vions for the season on We‘nesday. ‘The lumber mills of P. Mclaren, Esq., will closo shortly, it is said, from the same causes,. Uver a hundred men are thrown out of employâ€" ment. Detective Cullen arrived by a luggage train, from St. Johns, Wednesday after noon, at 3 â€"o‘slock, having Evans and Carâ€" son, the two men, in custody, who, it is alleged, robbed Mr. P. 1. Browne‘s oftice of $1,500. The men were arrested on the train from this city through the instruâ€" mentdilÂ¥ of Mr. Stonegrave, the conâ€" ductor of the train, who had read an account of the robbery in the Star, and seeing the men with a roll: of nore‘ corâ€" responding with those mentioned in the Star, immediately suspected thefa and tolemod to St, Johns, to the authorities and them arrested. This is another of the many advanteges of publicity over the silent system of the detectives. ‘The prisomers are probably 33 yoars of ag about nn;%boight, 5 feet 9 {r:rhm, ll;]' lightly ‘ built. _ Evans hes k hair, ltroufly tinged prematurely with fny, and closely cropped. He has small, light ma-uoh-l but the rest of his face is clean shaved. Ido 'd.lomr -um:jne}:l overcoat of pepper an t color, and blue ers withpzrhnk felt hat with a deep bgg'. He has a distinctively marked American countenance, and would pass for a tradesâ€" About halfpast ten a‘clock ‘Tucsday morning, two wellâ€"dressed men epfered the exchange oflice of I1‘. D. Browne, broker, 124 St. James street, and while the clerk was engaged in changing $1000 for a third persoun, succeeded in getting possession of about $1500 which lying on the desk in the front part of lg:. oI‘loe. The desk is protected by a glasg shade Klwod on the countor, and the lou‘ eight is not less than six teet. As there wys only one cleik in the oflice at the time, he is unable to say whother the thi@f reached over the gluss shade or (as that article is. notaitached in any way to the counter) lifted it and thus took posâ€" session of the money. ‘The theft was not discovered for some time after the ocour rence. The clerk cannot say whether the person for whom he changed the money was an accomplice or not, *but he is certain he remained in the oftice after the departure of the other two. . There '&_up to the present, no clue‘to the ieves, & sis00 STOLEN PROM + MoNVTREAL EXCHMANGE OPFICE. From th> Almoute G â€"# 5t to HOTEL ARRIVAL®. ARREST OF TiR ROBBRRS, DISTRICT NEWS ‘Mek . 10€ ‘ £40,000 in fully paid shares of the ¢ “'.““l.n fur | pany," It %flf{flmm the above t 8 1"“‘&-& the interests of the vendors are | made dependent on the success of the ritress at a company, and that the former show m‘t scream thereby their conticdence in the concern. quested a We may add that the board is well comâ€" m@.flMM-nmdlr.M | the well known chemjoal selling my | ought to momuunm Wt M#2 0 to the publice in the uiness of the af hy, I had . fair, as . the mo"-&.flut A ‘M&onï¬qoflh\ohflh me his sur. does to the Canadian public, as is shown sed line of by extracts we have seen from the‘Otta ntic water. wa press, which speak of the mines in LOoMINION OF CANADA PLUMBAGO comPrany. and can testily to their extraordinary ' richness and émy. The following quoâ€" tations from prospectus will show the terms on which the property is handed over to the company :â€" "«"An agreement has been entered into for the purchase of the property, together with the plant, bundi?, ore at surface, Tnd stock <:{ un;ber,m. wblohdthm is a quantity, for «sum £80,000, | p.:y’lble as follows :â€"£20,000, in ordinary shares having £7 10s paid u:g thereon, | £20,000 in deferred cash, wL t interest® | contingent upon and payable only in such amounts as shall be equal to the surplus j rmflu above ten mout each year,until | the full amount has been satisfied, and C. J. Péters & Sons, stereotypers and loleotrot.yan, of Boston, Mass., U. 8S., say :â€"* We have found it superior to anyâ€" ShiB § Sonay pjar %‘"ï¬;l’.«éf.""d“‘ i is, plum ers, of Waortley, near write an the lmn November, 1874:â€"" We duly manu t?ndl into f;c;uoiblu t:?n bm;l of plumbago from sul foaporci z_ t es lhon“"h'om lnp the hands ‘of firstâ€"class houses in Birminofhlm, Bradford . and: Leeds (customers of our own, using large 3u:.hnuuu of erucibles Ai:d their mhm» ith a requost to test re l results :x‘vq n?w uoorhl:g Hin?l affords us much rlruun to flt& your plumbago for crucible pxpoou equal ;.ob(i}eylon." The ui:o plumbago ‘ for ubricating pu nowbooomln’vuy t neral, :::‘d wmnvc it has been intro: ï¬o«l has superseded all other lubri {mu. ; From calculations M it zru'l that !uu best plumbago can ivered in London from the company‘s mines for a :;h'lo cost o&mlli‘t:lo? g:r 8ly vzhlll; ‘o.:‘ Jeylon, at Edoo a. b. bes’t q\:dity is nearly over 171., thus showâ€" ing, in the t}m l::duuo? a very n::uobl.l hr; r margin for t. It ou o‘?pho:st‘o mcn't)lon that lmuor Etherâ€" idge of the School of Mines in Jermyn street hn‘; visited “l‘:ne ut:ï¬ou of the okom; y, and ins e specimens ke we duwg his admiration of their purity. Several of the lu-gr samples are to be sent, at his request, to the Museum, where they will occupy a promiuent poâ€" sition. We have ourselves seen them, 1nes0 opigions are fuil ondonodlb{v Fro fessor Hurd, Mr. W. {'lum r.â€" W. Hoopary ::;i Prof ufum-&o' of bl':al:mc::d Callo, vince of Que w n the ..monf.'.'i ol an inspection made by him last year, for one of the directors says :â€" "I beg, to state that my examination has salisliod mo that the reports, strong as they may appear, seem to be Nll{ borne out by what I have seen; in fact, I am of opinion that any corps of reliable and practical mining and business men careâ€" fully examining the prosorty,would more than confirm w“nt has already been said. ‘The hill of disseminated ore spoken of in the reports appears to e all that is stated. 1 am, therefore, ofolpinion that it is an exceedingly valuable proporty, and that from thoie‘im ing the best of te can be &ommq} ready for market just in proportion to the men and in put into use,"‘ ?)os'ea, and those who have used it give| _‘*AY* !V!" Aug,1870. J _ _ Bec‘y, 1o is guailly." â€" W . 0. Dige. Piambege ow o + . G. | O CONTRACTORS & » mï¬nel:.l Aot.o’t'n, Mas., U. 82 q:m T.,.,‘ undersigned q,:,.m" iess refined and tested ;t,tn do not hesitate | Yard. Cornar of Kl'::nnd :."A.""“'-"m wh?’ gt i:hhnlly oq'llul to th? best Ceylon, :n;"b'.b‘.“.'&"g"lm' ':\‘I'II posta &M while for o oake it is without an eqtad."" RMarsball Miles, | cutling, * "04°8°0 To wl Wigs of rencil and olocu-otyplnï¬ stock manuâ€" LIFRAKP/L ECA actuter, Concord, Mass., ‘.%l reports : + * T onemnew #T have used all kinds of plumbago o mc aacy, y PuCr +»_ y known to the trade, including Ceylon, and | ) faiees owners, Machi« is hte o io mt o ht | CE Teiiecte ) mteer mna an omere e cle in t - : crucibles have been made thmfmnm mal/ interested who have used in steel furnaces of excellent quality," been troubled in the past with sunimed or heaâ€" Butler and.Rutter, electrot of New | led Arbore, and fournals : nd have been payiug York, U. &, say â€"t We have found j; | a8ey price use Cravign‘@sÂ¥rotic and Englne Olls the most uniformly good in quality, and and so avolds those compldints for the future. . the most reliable lead we ever knew." | All Ollsgurrantoed and orders sélicited; With regard to the quality of the plum> bq.o] the analysis of Professor Andznan, of Glasgow, gives the arount of pure carâ€" bon as 92 per cent. Messers. Johnson and Sons, of London, assayers to the Bank of Englanl, set it down ns high as 97 per cent., whilst they state that the dissemiâ€" nated ore taken from the surface contains 26.20 per cent puro carbon. The high value of plumbago, not only for making ronoilu, but as a tubricant for the manuâ€" acture of crucibles and for elootrotn}in‘ purposes, is wellâ€"known. The R:nolm supply has hitherto been drawa from island of CGeylon ; but it is l'ound that of the finer qualities a sullicient quantity eannot now be obtained. It ibn‘thm fore, satisfactory to learn so rich a property as that belonging to the Dominion of Canada Plumbago Comâ€" pany is now to be vi‘gouou-ly worked. The plumbago derived from it has been emâ€" ployed for all the above mentioned purâ€" From th.o Mising World, Loadon TTAWA, SATURDAY, AUGUST a4, isto ih“;;y-fnd?o;l‘;d: ' 6 € spumse P [ 1. P eeirrods id i naurds ;5 gie | is seb shatbou| 125. |4 Aamase) | 9 1 | AMetmouel s fidl f81 »ded all other lubri éarig § HOOI MOPRAITE C ARTCRâ€"RCT, 7. M. Gordod. BANK BTREET PRESSYTERIAN Cuvron,.â€" Mnrnlur Bervice at 11 o‘clock ; Kvening Bervice at 7 o‘clock, â€" I‘asiorâ€"Kev, Wim. Moore. _ Dary StRkesr PRESRYTERIAN COH: Rrog.â€" M rning Serv.ce at 1i o‘clock ; Evening Rervice we 7 O‘clock. â€" Pastorâ€"Re ma, Armstrong, _ Knox PrersByTERIAN OBUROR, City Hall Equare.~ Morning Service at 11 o’ï¬ook; Afierâ€" l;m»lsenm at 7 o‘ciock, rastor.â€"Revy F. W. WT iO s t mMKroALFSE StuRet WEsusraAN CHluUrOU â€" Murmu('l#rv’oe mb 11 o‘c! cit; Eveull‘y Herâ€" vice mt 7 o‘ck ck, Pastorâ€"Rov, W, J. Hunter, Tue service. wili fako place in Gowan‘s New Uperna House, _ | KING STREET WESLEYANâ€" cuuwn.â€"&m Tniffasai t Sude. on m wwe o‘e & ‘astor, â€"Rov, W .%mejA.Uw % Mopae h e o oi t e en en EUE woioee t Efeniay Serticant I waidele." Ractbr=* u ; Eve a i0orâ€" The Kev, J. 8. Lauder. OnuBoa oFr ST. Jolix Ta® EvanozLiisr.â€"~ Morning Service at 11 v‘ciock ; Kvening vice wb 7 o‘givek. His Lordship »sishop Lewis offiâ€" °"““‘k assisted by the key, H. Pollard. T. AiBAN‘! CifUROiLâ€" Morning Service at L1 u‘s.ouk ; iveningâ€"service at 7 o‘ciuce. Rector â€"lev. T. Dedford Joues, 1),D. Br. J aras Unurel, uuu..â€"llornu* Hervice Ab i1 u‘ciock; kyening Service at 7 o‘ciock. Partorâ€"Rev. Mr, Juhnson, Chapitia of the Sen« OTraAWA W EST WESLEYAN. CHURCLâ€"Mornâ€" Ing service at l1 o‘ciock ; Kvening Hervice Al 7 wleiock. Fartor=ltev. Ales. Campbei, __ _ b HOW o and MM&uou‘m.m Anticipated divicends : when Annum . LMANXUKL REFORMED Episcorat CHUROR.â€" Mora uqlt‘lorv:oo at 11 o‘ciock; IKvening Serâ€" vice at 7 otelocik _ Te Rev, Mr. uollisan will aificiate in tuis Church toâ€"morrow. Yuikâ€"st. M, K. uuisom.â€"Morning Service a M ;:"cloo’:‘ ;Jx‘v‘eumu Bervice at 7 o‘ciock. Pastor «â€"~ V. « * Onummul«z.lfl. OHUROHK,â€" Morning Service at 11 o‘c.ock; Kveniny Bervice us 7 o‘diock. Pastorâ€"Rew. J, Â¥ oung, HAPTDSE Ouum'u.-uurulng BHervice at 11 g‘ciock. Kvening Hervice at 7 o‘clock. PasLOr«â€" Rey. A. A. Cameron, + UuNG&EG ATIONAL Unuwu.â€"uumlnkm vice at liovioc¢; «vening Service at 7 o‘clock Pastor= iev, J, b. Handerson. VATHOLIO Arogi0Llq UnuRCRB, Auu.w «liours of Service; Woeek days, 6 i. un 5 un.x Lord‘s duy, 10 min. wod 0 p.m ;’Bl‘i.ol{ Suchurist every Hunday. and Q#ry rth Tuesduy a 10 a,m. } f Poverty is the test of civility and the touchstone of Monduhlp.â€"lhlfltt. What are they which, though always drunk, are never {'ntoxiou:ed :â€"‘l‘oub. Why is a compositor like a cripple ? Mhmtyton wfthoutuï¬gk. «I say, Pat, what are you aboutâ€"aweed« ing out the room?" "No," answered Pat; "I am lquing out the . dirt and leaving the room." ) perlsolly iouteiy imahopany." The Rifincs ectly imi A e surface 18 l.ren.t-’:i with nitric uï¬d’ ‘Then a mixâ€" ture of an ounce and a half of dragon‘s blood, a pint of alcohol, and some carbonâ€" stm lodsp is pml'wlth a soft brush. Furniture thus prepared cannot be dis tinguished from genuine mahogany. f° in Nopway, the longest lasts three months. ‘The man who ldl;’ months 0& Kromlnd to call in a day or two and set is little bill, must have gone to Norway on & VM&â€"M PFalls %cpor“r. % P Iumbagqumcom pany Daes the court understand say that you saw the editor inz:‘iot&:is’ * Not at all, sir, only 1‘ve seen him in such aâ€"â€"aâ€"a hburry as to attem ftâ€i; out out copy with the snuffers ; that‘s all. 8 Lunyg,""""" "‘Vl¢onds | wheo Company‘s works ars}n full weratiion at least 25 per cent, per um‘wl‘m’bm%‘ lnve a65ip ; mummmmnm-wumh-mw *‘ tary of Public Works and endorsed "®Penâ€" der tor Lock Gates," will be received at this ?flloehlantll lfuzoaoo{xs%U:ï¬SDAY, trho :h'.elny- ourth day o ‘, (instant, ) for the conâ€" nruouon’of Gates for the Lot& at LiIslet Rapids, Allumette Island, River Ottawa.s SIALID TRNDERS addressed to the tnwe af BuLIL wriLL000 3 _03 â€"10_ad hrin. it why Snistsanbne adabatitton> ~suirt Mairidbdriiihids recbibecal l}’ln:u and Mt‘wl “tnthb: mnlon application at ce, or a ne vinl Office, Montreal, on and after un%’fm- ‘TEENTH instant, where printed forms of tenâ€" der can be obtained. been troubled in the past with sunimed or heaâ€" ted arbore, and fournaly : nd have been paylug fancy price use Craven‘grctic and Engine Olls and so avolds those compldints for the future. . All Oils gurranteed and orders sélicited; ENGL \KD. J. D. Furtoarr, Keq. Loxpox. ilgk C, Aummusen, Esq., Nawoastenâ€"on. Trxu. J. N. Sears, Esq., Loxpox, & (UPPER OTTAWA.) . NOTICE ~TO â€"CONTRACTORS. Vec. 4 1874 jey. Por sale hy al! oilmen, ‘UBTOMS DELPARTMNENT, e Cuawa July 3 jofo, UTMORIZED DISCOUNT on Aro 1 $X nvotces uu{ ‘wmul .p:w artment of Public W orks, ) F. ttawa, 10th Aug , 1875. } CULBUTE CANAL,~ THE DOMINION OF CANADA Teï¬ chciyr J niatw and alt others 9+ Ah0!L/ interested who hinvo CHURCH SERVICES. PV3 i n «i fifesn (8 fz qs Loxvox Cnarrnaxâ€"J. D. Fixroun®, Keq. t Caxapiax Do.â€"Hox,. R. W. Scort. ‘â€"â€"_ Loxpow Sgoretaryâ€"â€"R, $ Aronporn, Esq. Caxapiax Do, axp Maxaome Dirrororâ€"W. H. W. 58 dgt 400 S uy t NY phcws oedd "inl ay Panvan, toaidap pais & LLENT Marhin AHW! es jased by the leading Manuâ€" tacturing establishments of tie Dominion, * _ Maebin/ . Oil has for the last 12 years been ihea® 1155 Wg sHdl ts Orrios, Loxnoxâ€"2 New Broav Stasut 8. C. m., Oreawa WM “u“nm Baxaeis, Loxborâ€"Ths Uxion Bixk. ° Do., Orrawaâ€"T‘un Quaazo Bawk. . | . By Order DIRECTORS : of Oustrmy. Hiky (LIMITED), Â¥ 44 es i » A t stack will be received by the undersigned at his .Nzrlo: 'P'I'AI.I.QIIâ€"A situath n w ntâ€" as CUT NIHK in a ocouun‘ store, by on6 ;vuo umlrr::unds m&m ln':ll ud::lllljthll:; Mxï¬d-fl?{‘uuâ€".‘: lll'gh boly pos W. F. BUOHANAN. Ese, Agent, Accidect Ins. Co, of Canada, Ottawa Bir â€"Receive my best thanks for the prompt ho deis in battaid o io baze sottied n er Po larflglu muun&d:t llo‘{r: Batson & Cu _ MAXIME DUGAS, + Late imported ir m Kentucky c RLUKRGR \88. ~WAR PATH, > HORNPIPR, WILD BRIAB, | J ABg,; PAX,MARE BÂ¥ RURIC, Messrs Henderson & M‘Fariane FRDAY,,, AUBUST. THE â€"20th j 3 G., .O The following e Ar the COrystal . Palase . Grounds ¢ HAMILTON, ON f The latest col of Ohurch Music by the mulmM.&mâ€"mufl‘ 9 .. 11 THE LEADE®R :: her »eouuiodlene intite met as. exp enntve an other noltnmu etrical music, Antheras, ete Cuilgg, "0 ; Ritmhoon somriog se a lergs number of tunes, tne * h w’fl:l.l-::: or $12,00, per dos. uunb' l1 music deaiers, ‘Kent, post ree, for ObLIVER LiTBON Thoroughbred Horses, CHORUS CHOLB, ©(18,00 per doz.) by Dr Tourâ€" foo} mito pooeng, Aucbainoen, (BNC Loo APaIR MATOHED BLACK WHALREBON®E . _ wMarkes, For full partioulars, m.mqv showi v«umz.nwnolkwmn .B n# CLOTHINC | Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. 1 Glees fu r practice, thus rende terest ng as a good easy Giee Musical 8 will bear in mind our new ‘.11‘.0.‘.‘2".!% ~(18,00 per dos.) by Dr Tour« Epr . Singing , Schools. able" musioal entortainment mingion witk (o" :nmunna.unodm-.’ irse, usua) in Church :RA &a@.immm“ agled with inâ€" !SONG MONARCH !! By H. R, PALMER assisted by L, 0, EMERSON * PRICE 75 Or8. Which will entitle mwm’d&-u Grand Concert atever may be lnr&n th':h:{a:o'w Rer ble agents wanted. Allmh’-‘kï¬m n:.l.ddmu promptly Ciroulars, Paj oto , giving full t iree." in writing, 6e sure nd'un m" ers Tor tickels amount! g to $5 and upâ€" Tokes "CiE Cuncert ~Assoclatio, OF DENISON, TEXAS, WILL GIvE A 8E 00 ND GRAND GIFT CONCERT, aNEROR T UNE F 0o R" $1 Nont. CA DiA :: :: ~: :.: :: $00,000â€" Id;‘u({lmh pmgompla amoun{ing in all to ctaittanoes ragoney y ""O" 800 make all A. R. COLLINS, l..:',_ Denison, Tex, Price Whole Ticket, which consists ""l'l"o.wm r ® $ In aid of a Masontc and I. Q. 0. #. ret istructions from Mr John have m ndile to mell Lowest Gift To a Whole Ticket, $50. Sale { Thoroughbred Horses £250,000.00. Miscellancous. Hox. R. W. Scoorr, Orta wa W. H. Warkez, Esq., Do. FORâ€" CHOIRS ! SEPT. 22, The relail Ciothing Busi« ness so long earried on by Joseph Matealfe is now rensferred to the Firm of JOHN BMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth« ing busipess (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the low= est prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Customers and ithe general . public, that they will have every satisfaction in . buying their Clothing W. H. Warckes, Esg. ©lothing. CHAS. 6 Hurt, fth August, 1878, "Acxets, 31, H. D & Uo. Ti ‘ï¬% NÂ¥ +â€" it quite as in» There are Numerouns Imilationps on the NONE IS GENUINE! UNLESS STAMPED THE LAME NEED NO LONGER SIGN.WRBILTE ... LQUSBK D+»JORA TOR, PAINTER, PA PE .â€" i4 hn fent notion, ani id o worergnntihh rixin A large srsorment of NEW PAPERS, mvcunr'ao.. just received, flimcâ€"vhv Dr, J. fewel), Dr. Mofht, W. . Baidwin,‘Eeq,, John Fry, Heq., J . K. Oilver, Kay son, Ksq., W.J. Adaws, Fsq, William Home,Esq, J. Blanchet, Esq. , Jullen ( Judge Taschereau, Thomas McGreevy, EsQ., h Opposite the Post Oflice, Kigin Street. f§\ PRUNEAUV, samr., These premi Intely occurpied by the Bank of Montreal and kno Hotel. have bo::.’onun\v o renuvated aod newly furnished modern appointmente, ‘The Hotel is y situated, in close mity to Of the clty, and contain® elegant câ€"u-lltu&n‘ Logether with un-ul( larxe airy all of have been promoting the greates mumm\:.rmwo“m‘n Un wulg obbtine] ht ntal ofparestabliabarents, ourretgemente are being nnte e U 8 n . of guests to and from um-u depots and Sleam boats. A Firstâ€"Class Family and Commercial Hotel, owned by | _ MR. & MRS. GEORGE ACR MYRTLE NAVY, l ‘‘J075... s e« COAL The Royal Exchange Pm 2 n PV LC hpregepfitadil cssc t _ 4 bentures will for deli 1 &Il. warde .ï¬;flwhhummmnwmï¬wh-flo Bc aedulé of the Debentures, with form Of tender, can be Branches and Agencies oi uubgnt uf Moutreal, or from Messrs. m New York Slate Roofing Oommy.i,nï¬ Y | 6. A. RUSSELL & Co., General Agents for Province of Ontario, 34, Front St, Rast, TOI m’;?nmb:cw"!:. Wlnm lu‘= for m ol m wnd L.ondon, Ont, oR t NT NEHP TL eeth, a in cases of more thau o+e tender for the same Debenture or pr given to uamfl tender, and [nbentarcs ofâ€"similar amoant or less a d‘uurll‘.vm wllotted to the tenderers in onder, uniess in their preference for Debentures, All of these Debentures torm securities of the very high ' M necurities lar uptegr en mt en ercrel ‘The awards will be made to the highest tenderer®, to whom advice es rigBt ies Tesu ied tot o2 oivetat en alo ce ao putiion _ n deceasod shingles it flls up the holes an~ pores, and gives tot Yora es Guriet Bierarped aiinater o brinparty Their plfeore, Rad Ceape up ail holes in ielt roofs, aqwlo-:. aithough a slow , ralo w hours after ap yw m wl ts that are binok be mmerie ie i uoi in regenannaranat es :h,lo. OQn tin roofs our red colour is usually preferred, one ‘being equs Bubâ€"Agent wanted in Qit for County of Carieton; al Labark, and NMackab. Most Hiberal artm gements wili Appllg'l.loll“toMI Agents jor Onturio, 8, A. I.U‘ A roof may be covered with a very cheap and by of in me in aginneentndine apinnimprer otpn‘?nub’ s .uuuum '5&"& alit-‘nu “‘1:‘&? T ::a_::;hhflqrï¬funbmwuaa y Two gallons will cover 100 square feet of shingle or 400 ï¬-wg . ioh & brucly "iauaithe '.'_-rnu'."..";_- W iliber [“,‘m"'ï¬=..=".===. 4"" i slate. OQn tin roofs our red colour is usually preferred, one cout being equal io Prroty en rieh renang arienons betain] se‘ R@"°ALL OUR PAINTAJARE MIXED READY +0R USK"%e Meers, DRUMMOND, 0 ELB & CO., M ns 208 day 61 June nexl, Fonders for $180,000 of epentures ce e t t P ETRE CART PPR Cirany h 1 Kibgrumâ€""the Iterestmemnâ€"ammuiip t on 3 olcald Bet d ho pad nt ""The m..’:i}‘:.".“‘:.‘z‘i.%‘t_.;&".‘u tiio --u'i! of property, solutely linbic for the Payment of the Debenthres, is $b 1dh an). *â€" * "OP09* bas 0. sc Ainin Nh en zon ~ Th 14 slod irbimene in ht3 ty linble for this debs the &"-'gï¬â€œâ€œâ€˜"‘l All of these Debentures form seant For ready roo for fiat roofs, requ tar or gmvelin}sodn-dmd, vermin prC tarred sheeting, ready fliat roofing, Lamps & Chandel FIREâ€"PROOF, Dec, 6, 1874 D. AFOUNNOR . : «s 2a0 +1 64 14 +1 +208 2 4045144 2 244 +4 69 + Aviateil €! ares can be subscribed for at the office of O‘Counor & Waller, dPSn Tof a ie@w weeks hnd whore l necemaiy hiorfention dan oo Tenders may be portion of the Deben [ j aaoimr esd brom onl ob aiaed on Pne d ‘ovorterat from $100 ;opwards, and are 16 The population of Noi reproduotiye uests to and from the Ingm "â€mâ€˜ï¬ Bteamboats, _ ___ _ _ _" _ _ _ ll’mb;umwm !uumm by applying fir RODERICK RYAN, To SArtie Roofing Pain TTAWA, KINGSTON, AND LoNDO® n-flvl- $180,000, Six and Beven Por Conts. i C A PLT A L 5s MUTUAL BUILDING â€"§0CIE OoF oTTaAwWA. C is DIRECTORS. : * h«ve now the opportunity to alleviate their grievances by son THE FAMOUS AMERICAN SURGEON CHIROPODIST, now only for a few deys at the ALBION HOTEL, Room %, As yet without Reference in this City, he appends the Names of a few altizens of Quebec, Where he pracl se 1 for over a month, W HIJLE THOBE W HO SUFFER WITH f Corns, Bunions, Inverted Toe Nail, EXTEA RUBBER FELT Ja , May 18th, 1876, THE OIL nnmx sussxx.] t > 0. 8. SHAW & 00. ped and painte OF, CONTAINB NO T. ndouomcuawmm‘k SAVES n&fllfl STOPS ALL LEAKS !!! caAUTION, name LOSOMLL L dues dude Cl this 49 DDWenlt Cemnnier sescs in ’ To be Opened about September 1Ist, «â€"â€"AND OTHERâ€"â€" Painful Toe Tormentors, AGENTS WANTED IN EYERY TOWN. C LI| NE*S Patent Slate The Largest Assértment in painted, makes ch DpURABh ROOF. Wellington Street, Ottawa, iNA ARaoF JOHN HENKY, Coal Oi1. mm | O cvmmmes 0 FFICER. ThE dobt, the Water W herd are, all dl % y oighe lirst anys of Jetrunty ‘wad 4 assessod of property, all of 6 Soben "‘nï¬':é: Debentures, prefet â€"almilar amoant or leas eA Of all deseriptions at TREES, SHRUBS, 8, is nearly 80,000, COAL e wity of OTTA W 'l\.“‘f ®. mone! "nnk # ro lis. m., and _l‘"“. 1or and Alber OttaWa, OcL. * iAef* ..g""\ cï¬l-l No. 12 Ht. J Bapt. 0, 1878 U. Tanzor June 5 1574 VOL. G1BB; Paten F. MELN in retiring 1 "**" S6e, Med *CONNOR LAAA 4 MB it