O:, w!y it i, ensiiy appited juiring 1 roof and E, capâ€" wa nurmerics at 5# OrTA W A, s and Ornaments i HALT : } sSSEXâ€"ST T & CO. antial roof theat inste ‘hem there. it flls ! not afect it a few CIETY, UBS, &c. w ellington Sgreed h ned by eliers st w stock book will a ainvend #â€"bw aud Nelwon Ske. ew York. Amerioun Nurus» 1LCRES, Â¥e or maroon se whose copy our +i si»te be made : betier, aod leath Dog. This patnt IURONTO t &ve of ordiz winoed that will Ume im vly on pgriace o d Nails saie givem. TN ® Hotel, « E3 ""-E.wflnas a% »eua somt ; "“-J ’:k{ The : The puint is ex 1875. \ \ iNAGB, 4 OM, Jr at the differeni awe, Kinguon e 20 ature annuaily., «re payanie in Jabllily, whicky e pay ment of yxhoot with ait Nusiness parke which is ai> R*IRON â€l.‘b,". =IS, &e., »veyance xintion as vembe 1, " 20208 T i P ATENTS. Gteru Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Homeepathic Physician, Surgeo@® and Accoucheur. Otiawa, Soulh +»4e Uity of OTTA W A Province oi Q ue be Barrister Attorncy, Solicitor in Chan eery, &e., for LhePiovince of Uniarno . Main surcet, Huil, P. Q sct8â€"4m ~ Heati of Public Bubldirg®s Green Houses, P.lvnu-‘-uhm by h ge or low pressCre, steam and bot waier a s3 ecially I_.rfl-‘er‘. Attorneys, Solicif@grs, Conâ€" veyancers, &c., Nigut (f geâ€"\i his entre Te w . Cancer» cured wilt Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Con veyancers, Noiartes, &c.. &C., INAILLON & CHEKYSLER, Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€" Law, Soltei» tors in Cha sery, Notartes, a «. corue Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Corper Wetlington and Bank streeis Cltaw»s Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., i‘.’m......; Solictiors, Attorneys and wouveyaucers, &c., %V . O \" 0O . F. MEINDL nas opened out, as a Mercian‘ Tailor and Qutftter, onKigin st., opposite th Post Office. First class goods always on hand Bd satisfaction guarmnieed, e Utle Wa, A. F. QuTTu®, my triaes and Kecords oi sarveys in Uttawa any viciuity, and have much piessure in recommeiding thm us my s0¢â€" WOE Barrisier, Conveyancer, &c., Sel citor in Chancery. aa proce=s. . Referesce g.¥¢D :0 . af asfuily Weambed i‘ req ied orritesâ€" tig H. PiSata + Feb 5i isii NesiJenee to l1 a. m., OFFICKEâ€"No,. 2 Wellington StL, . Bajot!, lock, Ortawa, Ont. en ®â€"1 b\} V ol »NXHEY, CHERISTIE & HIL!, Barrister, Aitiorney, Solicitors, &¢c., 100M A8 P. PORA ~ [EW Tailoring Establishment in retiring {re LUWBE®R AXD ComMIssio® MrrCHA®T HROK KR, &C. coTT. sTEWAOET & GORMULLY, R J.P.LYNN, R. 1.0¢6 A N R. 0. C. Woop, & TUPPER K. J. D. K. M i¢DONELL, Barrister, Altorney, Notary, &c HBMcedical C€ards. CEOGP DR NCVWR BR P PPCOPECRARC C CC _ | _ The public are respeci/ully informed that the Barristers, Aitorneys, Nelicitors, | hcuse lately known as the NELSON HOUSE, Conveyancers, &c.. ~| has passed intothe hands of Mr. L. K. CLISBY @~ Mosgrove‘s Building Rideauâ€"st, OUAWA. | whoin ends opening/it as a 2 Jow x O‘Cox xex, q. w, J. O‘DOMERTY. e. 4. is i | + a o in nr e nomweraa. o1 firstâ€"Class Private Hotel. ETHUE F. COTTO®, COoNNOR & Houts, Qusiness Cards. voNNoR & ‘DoHERTY, w. W. wWirdb wW. P. COUTLEE, 8.0.1 T LAMBERT N. JOHNsToN stomeaily at he merly < Preovincial Land Saurveyer C. W. MacCUAIG Consuliatiâ€"us al a ALKEK, CASSELS® & PENNOCK, LLLIAYW Yss RoVE H. TiAÂ¥Los: & co Barrister, Advocate, &e. ior the Â¥ ARSH iL N @THEsON Succeâ€"sor to W . K. Tuistle & Ca. as Rormery, ever Manu‘s Hardware 3819â€"L4 m&ST oF RFEFEKRENCES GIVEN Advocate, Solietior, &¢ OMcial Assignee UTTAW A, NT aia dm l Idle £ m . Mypectal agientiOu i«placeimens ot the au streel, near Glou jos, Beaudin‘s, Ma‘D in w a ne. Melcalfe Street the thon. . Mit« ®Tâ€"ly NO. 3921 REVCtH:! irner of Maria Streel # Imost peul P. PENNOC K CH NT HEAd 3917 .302 **"* / wodaife anguetat miicte of o endon J cogint for the accommodation of visitors The les swoâ€" s w l L;Enu-,' rs, Wines and Cigars > lhe quality. Lunchecn served a! all bours The above gopnlu Resxtaurant has been evlarged by the addition of several -Jvrm and well fuinished rooms 6a the recond «lory. _The Auest Luncheon aod Dining Rooms in | % the cft _ Gentlemen honoring this Establish ment with their patropage may rely on strict attention being paid to their orders. .. oc *‘"‘‘"=‘ HAIRDRESSER Caledonia Springs. Jloyful Tidings to Thousands. Dy a, Lh me nt of the Digestive Orâ€" Mm.\'. ’»f:-":- of the Skin, Ailfbetions of the Liver Urinary Organs are positively cured by uging the waler for a few Weeks. The Royal Oak Hotel, Choic, st Wines, Liquors, Cigars is be brand The REJUVENAYING WATERS so muct sought for in years lOng past &C., &0. &c. Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAYs ON HAND, 1 undred: of Rheumat cs have been cured by the mulpbur Hath«, Sudering is alleviated by the first, and cripries throw away their crotch: s « Ner abou / haifâ€" aâ€"dozen baths. TEETIMONIALS, +! Montreal, 2th July, 1876. "i hereby gertify Lbmt I entertain a very uv-nbnq-tn:-;‘d the feths and Waters of the Caledosia urin many forms oi disease, among when 1 Wouid especialy mention iccine raaie ol the n wilor o / Uolabaugs suraigi«, some varioties o + discase, Dyupepsi=, Chi rosis, and in ‘.'!ï¬. The Dufferin House, Friday next, 13th Inst. Two o‘clock lhe Proprietor boj «s y personal superyvision, and procuring the serÂ¥ieas ol polite and «ttenâ€" tive se: vants, who thorougbly understand their business, to menia fair sharr of suppott trom di but i. ad 10202002 Bc 4b e -mn.q»:'odmulh-â€"-d the lis & mmanding sitcotion being immediately oppesite the Gotcrom>ut Builiings, with a full view down the Uttawa River, and in a line with Dufferta Bridge, with many other advanâ€" tages, place it beyond doubt the bext situated in th : City of Otiawa. + where the choicast Wises, Sp{rits and Mait Liquors that can be proeared| may be obtained al reasonab‘e charges. A Luncheon will be Provided in the European Style. No expense or trouble has been spared to ACâ€" complish this eed, and it |s intended under the present management to make it sSECOND TO NXONEIN THE DOMINION the most Hidcan Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) Magnificently Fitted up Bar this side of New York, CLISBVYV H6S~ OPPoSITE T HE . H. CMALKER, «_ â€"â€"__ Manager DRLET GRAMAM _ . . «Poprib o 1nd n rronn io Aeoceenment and tcerems and every imemus for amusement and exercise U LPHI U R, 8 A LI N B and G A 8. mm e & o ud C AL ovided. ibe wip thither by the w ‘lnr is imost able, .u.mdâ€uâ€" the river uw the ings is in course of conâ€" at ruction. . Uimtil ( railroad is bailt, comâ€" fortable carriages will be in wuiting at the wharf for the couveyance of visitors to the very day, (Sanda Invalids! Attention ! manliias to and from the Cars and Bouls free "m{’,’uï¬%u whese Spric _ wili yet make adoole greaiest in the world jor beaith and :â€"...;-. hï¬\-é@gdmm-n“-nu- Fhe above Hotel is welil suppliiei with the WMâ€" ry to 4o 0, Cornar Bank and Wellington sts., Oltawn August THE RESTAURANT WILL BEQPENED FRED FOOKS July :8, 18 _ v(;gu‘l) GBo, W. CAXPEELL, A. M.,M.D. Dean of the Medical Faculiy, MgGili College. In eonnection with the above, there will be Rheumatics! Read! THE "LONDON," vated Comerof Elgin & Wellington Sts. AZ_3ION HOTEL, id friends a d the public genernily Wellington Street, near Bank. The Elysium of the Invalid is again opem win { Liquors, Cig .r«, ¢Le. all wl be kindly tolicited. E J. HENRY, * Proprietor Meals at all Hours. A0UOMMODATIONS. gurt Hoasa Avenus, TTA W A, Ont n for busine«s after beihg renoâ€" | Notice is bereby given that under and by newly for Cor the conpfort and | THIV 20605 529 EScem of the above namod inâ€" f the tr.velling commuhity ‘ solvent, 1 will offer for Sale by Pubiic Auction. | al:. be fands and premises hereaiter mentioned, mlumw&t‘l.“lb".hthw ‘I'h" B Iot(.‘ulom,n mum% C PM dnaracvs Mieien the enare, wighy une, on er & 48. and inruished with the (‘M\ m“;n““‘:‘,‘mm oJ hnd m m:&"“.: iors, Cig or=, ¢te. ular that certain parcel or tract of land and il be kindly tolicited. ".-d. N“:\l"-(m“b’.'lï¬hm 'l.d‘alï¬ E J. HENRY, l.:‘&ol’mhoodtmnam the Domigion a M Capmda, b+i~g composed of the undiviged one 4 Proprietor. wra.rndau-â€"wsmm 4 + ______ | Fourth Cuncession of the ssid of A o | P e niraramengs & | â€" WB LON DON mo-ncnhon limit of the allowance for road 4 * | between lots numbers t-x-n twentyâ€"one, :3‘“‘ Fourth Concession, the distance of vet, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) nwm‘n{:hmmn-m south s s L POKS â€" . .« Proprictor. _| boÂ¥ihern limit of said alluwance for road, one chain and fity links from thence sorth thirtyâ€" mt .ummmmmam.m .__all> Baltanrant has hasn lb‘b!! !"!‘._,n!fl_g“_d_ .__..’h_*. TERX®. CoYERNMENT Work S4oPr H. LETCH, Proprietor Hotcls. epted) from bleven ul Tht will take hie l~|“- 1875. ke pt on the premises, 3006 31 3909â€"3in J. H. SEMPLE. Importer, &c., 53 St, Poter Bt., Moatreal. _JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. C. J. CAMPBELL, Esg., Messrs Campbell & and fifty links from thenee south wes abx o =2!1th cuat one shxinabd to toe pisce of be: naoing, containing by admeasurement two fl :oqâ€"ruth-nmh\h-o more uf leas, Ther» is a cheese factory on said premises in good repair and in running order, UROCKRIES, WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 10N8, £TC., ETC,, Liberal advances made on consignments. Insolvent. â€" + The aboveilnsoivent has made an Assignp ent of h‘s Estate to me, and the Creditors are hereâ€" by notified to meet at bis place of business St Andraw Street, Corner of Cumberland i + the said Ony, on TUESDAY, the 3ist day of aUGâ€" UST, A. .>. 1878, at ten o‘cicek in the sore to receive statement of his affairs and to am au A: signee. R. C. W, MoCUA!C, In the matter of Insolvent Act of 1869. 5 ibe. ol’oo-.l:“l-'.-h:-fl-‘o.vm.'l; ranteed, tion o tnvanis amouston on No 1 Lapadur los. or upwards ..n;-u-_ullo.lm; wnerring», from + % nn.-mu). or No, 4 Labrador _ m werrings, from 50 ots. b‘l-’ to quanut}, or No, z Labrador m ton of $1.% rer bbL., dry Codâ€"fish, Onafse Hale in large bags, Fine 280 los, per Good Western Apples and Unions, also on alt ot which are selling at a reqauction for CAsH. Lated at Ottawa, thi: a‘xth day of Augnst, A. 1>. 1â€"78, Are offeri General Gna-i;:m 'l:qm : usugually LOW OlBS, to In the maiter of JAMES WELLINGTON DUF FY, of the City of Ottawa, County of Carleton, Tobaeconist, an Insolvent, The above losoivent has made an assignâ€" ment of tis Estate to me, and the Creditors are notrl d to meet at ln{ office, Russell House Bock. on THURS@AY, the 2#th DAY OF AUsUST nexl.-t'rwou’cmmmoAnomoon. to receive statement of his affairs, and to apâ€" point an Asaignee. . R. C. W. MeCUAIG, in the matter of HEIM EN: G1LDE ARCH AMâ€" RAULT, Dry Goods M«rehant, Ottaw», an Ffownship 0‘ Mastam in the County of Ottawa, Provinee of qu-boehu'unn( toâ€" gether as Coâ€"pariners under ‘he vame,firm and »tyle of JHNSTON BRO3., General Merchants, Losoivents, 1 ROBERT CHARLES WILKINS MeCU \1G ‘;{â€â€œ 0;3 ol‘:xu'l. Q)Pe':LAImoo h.‘;o en appoipted Assignee in this m , and the Creditors â€" are nm.‘liod to file their claims before me, and to meetat my Office, 8: arks Street, in the City of Ottawa aforessid, on TUESDAY the seventh day of SEPTEMBER, a ly Insolvent Act of 1869. A. p., 1875, at ten n‘clock in the forencon, for the public examinition of the Insoivent and the orderin,; of the aff.irs of the «state generâ€" Deted at Ottawa this third __, uay bf August, A. D . 1875. HUIGH WINES, PROOF AND RYE From Gooderham and Worts Colobrated â€" E. C. W. MeCUAIG, Dated at the City of Ottaws, this seventh, day of August, A. D. 1875. 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE 1 e ons oo ce o hn harrON . of the ROBERT iilReâ€"M JOHNSTON, of the Insolvent Act of 1869. 'l\. EXHIBITORS. Insolvent Act of 1869. Distillery, SOLD LOW. Terms or saie cash. North Augusta, June #, 1875. ic ooo 20 cnal prodie and quies toâ€" 82, ~Sparks _ Street. STARCH, RICE, RAISINS, CURRAXNTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, Baskerville & Bros., Alph. J. Steers & Co. Bs ct k 5c Tminf onts oo rmad frep 220 90 ame mauke room for their Spring Stock. . H. HABRRISON. RUSSELL HOUSK BLOCK, |Upposite Sappers Bridge,] OTTAWA, ONT. PUBLIC NOTICE. No. ORK FOB ALL cqal (giotices @Grocers. T. W. HILL, Interim Assignee. Interi‘u Assignee. AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICGES ! HAT! HATS! HATS! GREAT CHEAP iLE CALDWELL & CO., â€" â€" Ma oP Kelt, Silk and Straw Hats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &¢., in orier to clear the Stock as soon as possible I have decided to seil all the assortment of RBats, Caps, 40, At cost for cash, s90sâ€"2m Maro® 26. 1874 No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Rus: Mills‘ Supply Ag HOTEL COOKING RANGES! _ HOTEL CARVING TABLESI HOTEL PASTRY OVENSI SUN PROOF HATS Hatters & Furriers. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCELX | Hats! Hats!! alats !!! TLE be opened on the ifth inst., in the WI!.' Bui dings, s uth ‘e of (‘:mo- Bquare, F#EE TO ALL M ALE 1 A D F6 M 4LE PUPILS wHO HAVE PASSED THG NiCESSARY EXAMILNâ€" ATIO®. The StanJard of Admis ton ! o the PreparMOry m&-mm-munmmaflmm pa in the Prtl e Sohoois, and no pupii will be rdrat ted wifo canuct; ass such an @X= Ba Belti ) Pu 4 A:-,'.' Jm&." Hwflmdo'nm uudmuni‘ Valves, Steam F ame, Agrady UfiiPe SHEbaTt roth COMPAN Y, &e. | OTTAwWA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1875. aminat;0n. Ottawa, $th August, 1875 H, MEA DOWS " 35 Susse Ottawa, April ;1th, 1876, H. HODGE 8. BLYTH & KER ITOWNIS EN D‘S Ottawa, Aug. 9th,§1876, Â¥Free Press and Citizen Coyy. HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES HOTEL OT AIR FURNA« AVOIDING HEAT IN THE t JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEw STYLES FOR 1875, RIDEAU SYHEET, CORNER OF DAlLlOUS8IE STRRET 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposite the British Lion Hotel. CcoAL oIL COOKING STO\ 0. CO T E‘S, Drug: Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. TTAWA The Ottawa Collegiate Institute ANY SIZES of the above, su; Chemist & Druggist, AST END January YBrd. 1«4* Hardmarc, MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. SAVING FUE ~ANDâ€" IRON FOR THE MILLION. TENDERS RIDEAU STREET, | UNION BANK BLOCK. Arugaists. DEVLIN‘S. Helmats and Puggeries, ALL S1ZES, By Order, A L0 dEVLIN‘S. Joidn rexNOCK, . * t9* s9itain Prtns mitint, Ipere 3'-‘-'-‘.-.-::'-.0."&" Heeretary, _ // | ANCKE LC s reâ€"cut, .bl..lflu'l' nagers. el? House, ency pplied to E3 111 QUSE, £S, Wll.l. be recelved by the Uor’pu-ul n of the City of Olfawa, unts 8 * T( RDA Y the twenty nï¬u d y of AUSU®T, 1875, at 120 5| ok no~n, for erection of a. new Market Ballding wn an:l Ward warket ground, between aAnd a smugnm«u ozlln I'lrn r«m to be seen al the 0e of J A ME ATHER, hï¬â€ Architect, h‘rm uimw swt').ulwul‘mlm m.“m will re al # uree m on too Prater. Phe Awore hor uy othe Fon: der wi‘t nut recessarlly he accepted by the Oorâ€" i s WM, P. LETT. piroay "2 ol ies < *3 > ~~ Chapi ENBDERS wil! be receive i unti\ 4 p. on T y wih inst, for the erection olflno ket for ard, * ity of Ottawa. . Plavs, ana all other necessary Inf n obiained at the Office of JAMES3 MA mrnh!mv. Eigin Btreet on and after TUESDAY, 2ith inst. UOttawa, 17th August, 1875, Ottawa, Augus® 17th, 1876 Also for the manufacture from Government Cioth of such JACKETS, TROWSERS, and GREAT the lowest or any tender. pEROPEDCIE COR" nEC PCE ORRURICE avd Filteen Doliars, at six menths, cated Ma l1st, 1874, made l:;'hd'am W»nD, payable t’o Jane Wynn. ‘The public are hereby cautioned from purchasing or negotiating the same. _ 8. t p c g,c o tï¬ 1111 on . As may be requireid for militia durin ï¬omu’fll s purpotes & Patterns may be seen and further in formation will u‘gmnnrvu-uon. _ The Uepartment will noi be bound ‘o accept com pa ‘les each ron _ The rideiii ï¬h’i’ui&‘m the morey. All for $3.5), extra Iroos $1.50 each No SPLINGS to get out of eRDER, wap. Be surc and see the Domestic before purâ€" chasi~g any other. . Our ï¬..t nE-h:pll enDl:‘.n= Mu ly, ~Can be seon at our on g;. any tim. Warranted ‘o be as good an rowuen't'.d. C "eegis o evelt ateAnent hetrtek Blot. 11. Ir alun. /J imauain The Funeral ‘will take place at 4 o‘ciock on Thursfay the ‘0th, lust., from bis late residence» Clarenee Etreet, opposite the Market, to the Uathedral.and from thence to the Catholio Cemet°ry, â€" Montresl Road. Friends aud aquaintances are sespectfully requested to atâ€" terd withont further notlce. @BTâ€" At Ironsides, last December, a L%AT. cA 2ronnider,, lest. Decempber, a A‘so a Band and Gasher Tron, com pased of ne Iron a xd + attachments, .r';ln:,! tion recsipt o¢â€" Argï¬ B'I'IAI.YAOB'I‘; accom whhas Apply P. O Box ©DOMESTIC‘ f J. & W. ASHFIRLD, Sole Agents for Ottawa and Courty, and Genâ€" cral Acnh tor the sale of territorry, Agents Wanted £verywhere. . in orvonuqlnmlnglm families. 3 mathemat m“:“on'd also m '."""" rench i ce ape + latto. unonbn'net. Irnqm:.f;‘h‘u been for two years m;! the Lieut, Governor‘s resiâ€" dence fmr ood .. mhe particulars to the TLMES OFFICE, by letter, which shid! be attended to COLLENDE No Pool Tables. h ‘New | Tok August, 7th, 1875. NEW BILLIARD HALL â€" UNION HOUSE orFFICE, immediat Broadway Tailoring and Ge Ontfitting Establishment 15th Day Of September, 1075, For th supply of To be soid at cost, previous to Removing to uuo--‘-‘t.v.nmunm i August, 17th, 1876 frsts i4 <© 8020â€"tâ€"f Haberdashery, White and Coloured Shirs â€" W. POWELL Colonel Adjutantâ€"General of Militia, Ottawas, Aug. 17, 1873. New Advertisements. Ironsides, August 17th, 1875 that the Nok * "EEEtLORan insoe ANCE COMPAN Y, has obtained ftrom the Minâ€" ister of Finance, a L1cENSEAated }ith August 1875, to transact the business of FIRE I®sURâ€" ANnCs in the Dominion of Canade. M. F, L!ENARD, (Belgiam) recontly arrivad c Tan ‘Tiiy Toalk tmosungs. winhes RnGmais n Head Office, Wellington Atteot, Mmmm Militia and Defence. FORAGE CAPS, Glossing. Smoothing, Pluting and HARLES W. LEONAVD, EPFPARTMENT P. C. AUCLAIR, FOER S A LE . COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. ‘To Contractors. Crimping Iron in the Market TENDERS. CITY HALL SQUARE, NOTICE. C A R D . T H E Its PIED. JAMES BLAOCK BURN iNGafon. JANE WYNN odation for 8ilâ€"t d Proffered Festivities Accepted. Ioxnox, Aug. 17th.â€"Admiral Worder o ind dn y Ios coponies es t «l 6 authorities .ndtluCh:born! Commerce of Southampton. : ~= > Wheat 11s. 2d. to 114. M.J California wheat 1!s, 6d,.to 11s.‘; club do. 10s.; red western spring, l1s., red winter. ~Corn 338. 3d. to 36s. Mixed western flour 258. to 258. 6d. ‘Wastern cheeso 54s. 64. ; new American Lard 61s: t Arrived outï¬tho steamship Nevea Scoâ€" tian, from Que The steamer Nevada, -hw.uuuhrufl..; . f Sir Walter Scott Festival nt Edinburgh, the oin’huhdng' ,nd fourth anniversary i nicdogy 4e cond troude festival pms:u burgh in commemorâ€" ation of the event, at which the directors of the London and S¢otch Literary Instiâ€" tute and a large number of others are takâ€" ing part. There will be a grand ball toâ€" of the Grand ‘Trunk Railway Company. It was stated in :a paragraph that apâ€" peared in yesterday morning‘s issue of this paper, on the authority of the Monâ€" treal Merald, that Mr. Cote of the Banque Jacques Cartier was found to have gone to NelYork. It has since been expla‘ned to us, by way of relieving Mr. Cote from a possible and unjust influence, that his going to New York was not to escape the possible consequences ‘of irregularity in Sir Edward ‘Watkin, M.P. for Hythe‘ and chairman of the South Eastern, Metroâ€" politan and Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railways of England, and late President of the Grand Trunk Railâ€" wey, who has undertaken to investigate the affairs of the Erie Railway, on behalf of the English share and bondholders, is, with his son, Mr. A. M. Watkin, the guests of Mr. Joseph Hickson, General Manager TELEGR APHIC. The body of Greenwood, the ne wspaper reporter, who accompanied Donaldson the seronaut/in his last balloon ascension, has been found on the beach of Lake Michigan. The body was identified by means of papers found upon it This melancholy cireumstance . disposes of all theories relating to the : possible safety of the unfortunate adventurers. his management of the bank, but on the contrary a trip for,relaxation with the knowledge and concurrence of all con: cerned with him ‘ in the affairs of the bank. We make this explanation with Box®, Aug 17.â€"A session of the Old Catholic ‘Conference ‘closed toay. The Archbishop of Syria, on bebalf of the Greek Church, ani Buhoi Sanford of Gibraltar, on belialf ‘of the Protestant churches, thanked Dr. Dollinger for the ï¬:&duflod‘m ‘The rh'“l:i;dh . ‘‘They ex & hog:.thu the churches would continue to draw nearer together unt‘l there was an United Universal Church, Bishop Reinkins closed the proceedings with the Té Deum and ajprayer in Latin. Hon. Mr. Huntington, President of the Council and Acting Minister of Public Works, has been detained during the past week at his country residence, Bolton Lodge, through severe indisposition.. A number of petitions have been made against recent elections to the Legialature of Quebec. : Among those which will be contested are Hochelaga, Laprairie and Quzsexstowx, Aug.‘17.â€"Arrived City of Brooklym; N. 4.; Parthea, Boston. _ Arri ltuu‘uhip Egypt from New Terrebone. York. Y::ind steamship Pa-un from New Hav®E, August 17.«â€"Cardinal McCloskey srrindhmwmthonmm Peeris. He is in good health, and will depart toâ€" Paris,, Aug. 17.â€"Of the Presidents of CouncilsGeneral, the returns indicate that a majority areConservatives. CoxptaNTINOPLE, Aug. 17. â€"Advi Syria report the oholmlbltl;l:o while out riding yesterday met with proâ€" leow s mai horllink it seoug MC Booth thrown to the ground with great violence, and sustaine muumd in juries. Information of the sad accident was teleâ€" ï¬phd&ohufï¬ondn. Mr. Booth was to ve travelled through the South with Mr. Ford the coming winter. ‘The point, as that at which Chas. M. Barras, author of Black Crook, was killed several years lltrg is hollbov ' a ot fracture of the left bones and of one rib. He is quite comfortable and will be as good as new in a few woeeks. A reception will be given on &m:fl to the American Rifle Team. ‘There ‘ be a salute at the battery on: the arrival Te perm n aniten se t or & ach of welcome will be <delivered by b ‘m,nd.hlqflnd“d made of some suitable testi= A London despatch says: To day being The weather throughout England is fair F OR EJ G N The Old Catholic Counference. A M L R 1 CA N. was driving in his phrton, and his Reception to the Rifle Team I‘dwin Booth‘s Injuries. Cardinal MeCloskey. GREATâ€" BRITA:IN. Election Returns TURKEY. Cholra Abating. Cimmtcs NEW YORK. PRUSSIA\ IRELAND. FRANCE. 17th. â€" Edwin Booth â€"A«dvices from SaraToé1, Aug 16.â€"The fourth of thonouaï¬withï¬mmth&.d.'{‘he es on ut m unc race, one mi an e eight horées started. At the start MoDanicl‘s gl{ï¬llnlt’lhdhdufl:.got ogonn.)(cD.ni- passing stand a length ahead, lengths at uarter th Countess uooxidlndxhgdmdm:'thhd. Counâ€" tess got the front before reaching the half mile, with Rhadamanthus second. On morrow, and an qz'llosï¬cn will be made lnmodllha.:ï¬er_ a mandamus. Charles k has entered an action in the Superior Court against E. F. Carter, the last quarter Origand made a splen didd.nhqandwcmtothohldm‘:ha rush, putting Rhadamanthus second and n iwo in 1.554 minutes, wi Ymummm& filly Discovery has been made that a warâ€" ranty deed bearinz date of 1878l.by which Archibald Baxter and his wife in considâ€" eration of $75,000 convey to the Internaâ€" tional Packing Company of New York, & piece of property in Brooklyn, was toknowMu;d recorded Aug. 9th 1875, two days after his assignment. The Fourth Day of the Races. The second race was a mile and three quarters. md,bhomer' of the first race, was wii wa, leaving four to start. Nellie Norton_won the race ; time, 3.0%% minutes. . Attempted Murderâ€"Cause, Jealousy. NewsurRe, N. Y., August 16.â€"This af torn"onnoboï¬G{gnn,A-Mut Super hmdutdthoflowbmgw Works, sattempted to murder Post, a mimtrddntdth’udtv.nd?nï¬- of the Highland National Bank of Newburg, by firing a pistol at him in the street. ‘The bullet grazed Post‘s neck, and Gibson aimed a second time, but failed. Gibson h«s been arrested, and committed without bail, to await the acâ€" tion of the Grand Jury. The cause is jealousy. the ’Au"g.;o:tonjw;mpï¬ assessment shows thet Boston has decreased in valua tion about threeâ€"filths ofon:.rr cent. while the tax levy has redu 12} per Thomas Carter, and Alexander J. Auchâ€" :’rlonhmh:urmnr “'m’“.::wa“ on & extingyisher it agreed that plaintiff should have a right to f of them when he called for them. rs, CH10aco, August 16.â€"A gentleman '3 occupies a prominent position in & re estate business in Chicago, and who has been an active member in a Methodist Church here, has sued the of that Church in the sum of ‘ï¬:tmim- plied slander in having refused him the 2†a box of cigars. He committed the inorduwbonurmhm of the: exâ€"member for Quebsc, has instituted ‘a suit in the Superior Court rlut Mr. Andrew Esinhart, the ex M. P. for the sortress city, for the recovery of $500 penalty for an allezed Small Dealers Failed. _ Several small dealers on the Board of Trade, who are on the long side of the wheat market, failed toâ€"day, owing to the continued shrinkage of prices in that the church. â€" The grounds given for the refusal were that the gentloman was not & proper person to partake of the saoraâ€" S rsoueemepene of tnet miahiorns mas one as was their custowm, but it is believed they will continue business toâ€"morrow. A Potsoning Case. Maxosgraree, Aug. 17.â€"An investigation is in progress at Dunbartown, which nkuz':bulop. determined o-:':; poisoning. < Mrs. Jennie Barnard, wife of Amsden Barnard, is the viotim, young servant Qu-‘l. the ui-hd.‘“'l‘h: Centre Election Caseâ€"Tno Guibord Case â€"Law Suitsâ€"Infatuatedâ€"~Money and Btock Markets Moxtrzar, Aug. 17.â€"There was nothing ncwinthlo:g:odcona-lhuhnm today. > ... ; > ic hok In the Guibord case Mr. Doutre sent the plaintiff to the Clerk of the Court of Apâ€" shto-dw.nqn.duumunnddou papers to the Superior Court, which Colnnlnch.lpgur to be those of the John who pleaded in the Polles court this mnning to feal Barnard is slowly recovering. ‘The initials "J. R." at the foot of the letter found in the pocket of one of the women arrested for stealing clothing from i)d-ii? is said to have commenced oul'i:u une, and to have been instigated the h‘ll:boln‘zu)::flyhvflp&. case but no arrest has been made. â€" Mrs. ~â€" The stock market this forencon disâ€" played a little more activity than was noâ€" G?,vfoi;"ï¬&:hï¬h.lm 16; Quebec 1.0] 1.2%; Hamilton, .90 ; Montrant Tok L.87. _ * _ _ The Accident of the * Bothesay Castle"â€" Â¥ducational Department â€" Appointâ€" Tm#l?-â€"mmm say Castle outside the Island yesâ€" m in eight feet of water was exa this morning by divers, who report raised toâ€"morrow morning and will at once go into dry dock for repair. She will re umbcuwumhm.mk,ud m reetnenere eld on September "?gud th in this city. The soruting of ballots for two repreâ€" sentatives to the Council of Public Inâ€" io in aienp arnth e * us . Jones, Mr. F. J . Lee for School Board are serutineers. 1t in that Mr. DavÂ¥id Glass, Exâ€"M.LP uï¬wumwâ€"; LLD. will be clected. % .. Mr, A, Marling has been appointed Eduâ€" n in her place in connection with the B, Artillery Catha Ti AERE: sotgmented" to 4ay at ths C TN ATD ELEA N & anotionary . wili probably ‘do to, Decrease of VYaluation. .. NEW MAMPSHIR®. MASSACHUSETS. MONTREAL. Singular Sait. TORONTO Emba rras: ed Mr Mousseau is the ILLINOIS. biscovery. with the rest of New York, l1ï¬.;‘l'b c_hl&l:’( a statement fyled in court yesterday the assignee of Duncan, Sherman & Co,, Aithe amnual meeting of the Philharâ€" momie Society this evening Mr. "T. H; T was cond nétor. $700. It was decided to :in'. {the ra-pruonuï¬on::dm 8t. Paul till next season, ve sflg concert in uidoftg funds at the ticultural Gardens in a fortnight‘s time. mwmâ€"v;‘â€"-u-ï¬-â€"'_dr An increase of nearly honorary over 100 active members was weported _ The Orange oxoul-nn-; : be taken to (Queenstown yesterday steamer é{otluay lo(,;ath 5d mop MM“ till ve â€"o‘clock this. brought here by fl:m_h‘; toâ€"«day from Niagara, by the steamer City o}l‘zmamt: The d:’n.d on 'lï¬â€œ night in ndoubl’noaul.l boat, and _ from -&h“i’.;uy o “;-., avd from @n;uduluurphnuhdq$ Greenwood have invaded our northern osean this year in the direct track of European commerce ® mm“.ï¬n ï¬o-n:. on fmhflfgmthmtohdlrnln.'l\o course of the ship had to altered to some of them, and they sailed direot â€" motmoflnn. The weather was rainy. 3&“ This t-hu‘.d-u- is dop was west and latiturle 41 deg. north, ï¬z south of where the Late Orosby encount:« orodthoborg:inodqlm&.hh was almost conth::u-nl:'hhh icebergs are seen at time th:, ts o ao however, north latitude, account of the bankrupt firm. ‘The total amount of bills payable, nearly all of The library of Osgoode Hall is under going thorough renovation. _ _ DONALOSON‘S . ILLâ€"FATED BALLO 0. Duccens ofumsen ‘& Cor i ohe $inaiy (.lr, ?l‘\:rn.h. Mo.‘lom seour mmwmmflw lands in Texas. The whole of the tances of A. Burgess, mm 126,000, are unsecured. ‘..:!d& Aargrom Procy youy; rooug «/ 9t m I‘hirty candidates Wtms hb jg :4 : prond. s wuge iA mnines: 40 Joseph‘s School House on Thursday p.m, of boots or shoes. Letters belonging to Greenwood and notes ofâ€"his balloon trip were found on the body, fully establishâ€" ing its identity. .A : “ s & Petagatnrege 3: tarie:no4 i l n 4( Onioaeo, Aug. 16.â€"A special despatch ; wwec‘ahl:ohhd,h.-m F Whitehall, Mich., says toe b%l\'. 8« ; Greenwood, who ascended with deon : in his illâ€"fated balloon, was found yesterâ€" s day on the beach of Lake Michigan, near Stony Creek, by Mr. A. Buckurth The _ / v were s ung hetlie dag.oJann se y ioi paased quite close to a large iogberg, it over and burst with a great like the rumbling of an earthquake. this Captain he could not underâ€" stand how there were so few accidents, seeing the danger so many of our steamâ€" ers run on every voyage. btony Creek, by Mr, A. Buckurth. The body was fully dressed with the exseption last Monday morn fiftyâ€"nine days fmnlandm,pdmw‘nm fleet of icebergs on her way hither, The bark, a very neatly built vessel of 696 'gm.:"mlyh‘n:wvi-gu unter‘s Point. commander, Pm,hwhmh:a part of his lifeand nas been 02 the The bark Kate Orosby, of Yarmouth, Nova Bootia, which arrived at this port 15, »bout seven o‘clock, whenr in iatitude 49 dw S-Sn.mh.uï¬. % "eftoiee was seb . A thitk Pok *hrooth lnfd to be sbanged. To wahort ime, from & the deck, a great -qncndnwa By nine o‘clock twentyseven could be counted from the deok, and the topmest they could hu% the sea to the north as far as the eould reach. â€" Shortly after noon j THR NUMBEE HAD RhAOHEp AUYVENYâ€"THREE | ‘The vessel sailed quite close to some of them. mmwum-fl-’ smaller flioating . pieces of iss. Some sige and the inxjortty mere ar digh s tht wp':mu. They continued in dflg day until about ten p.m., when they be« came less frequent. On the Arst and second days after between ten and fifteen PERILOUS VOGAGES AT THIS 8HA80N a0Ross previous days had just cleared away, and iit thenadienter bed Iallew:. the tht Cap: tain said, it was like a cool Ostober day." No rain was falling and the sky was only Orosby for t Never m all alightly overocast. Soon the ioobergs were Duncan, Sherman & Oo.‘s Statement, checks, certified checks, certilicates 0| travellers, credits and ciroular notes, and reach the sum total of 16,013. The assets amount in all to $2,1 The statement, therefore, shows a deficiency of $2,786,645.85. Aoa-up-u-.'-q-m tee for the exercise dhbï¬ '.y‘?“v‘ fight with our heads here." The youth he Cadiicermdiad utm t y 9T PE C fected, and that butting waen‘t conestcrcd Thir al his last nohool. PRICF > CPNTS many interesting features of the THE ATLANTIO. A Sen of Kee, his Ideniity a youth he of