fq“ *o~; _ keep on discha s3B WSB poments, and t wae produced u;s ¢*+ tollow . This is a gr : bess they will rems * _ position to be con > will not be influes» ® their means of ca P fare. An Adminis <$ corrupt in a day or h ;. _ he men rush into +i from chbice the aw i1 takes a lo a corrupt Adminis! â€" must wait patient commitied. . Histo » son, if not that Ad ' come corrupt But. 4 class stock of griew #02" oal and corrupt a ’: become warm in ib i | _ *>â€" _ new to them. They 4; is nesliul io do is to concoct an unlimait [ + â€" ed supply of slander and falsehood, to ig. keep on discharging it at their op WX poments, and that the effect which wa»r produced upon them will be surs to follow . This is a great mustake, and doubt bess they will remain long enough in op _ posituon to be convinced that the country will not be influeuced in their favour by > their means of carrying on political war. fare. An Administration does not become WD.Mwh.m;mdom C bcu-n-hmhlh.mdm ï¬mcbh’nllomlhq“.‘“, a iiberal candidate in the county of Giengarry. Further, that this good man Meintosh could not be coerced. That at the late election in Glengairy he was again sought out with the view of having li-\'oh-nd.'nl.hlln.ahfgmof Mr. McNab, the Government candidate, Aflw*hyfldw mak e a martyr of him, and & martyr he from the employment of the Governmen hdho.m.uou by General, now Lieutena subjected to coercive 1 to induce him to assist and withal incorruptible and efficient nol-o.oodu-om.-oh.vobo.nj, until the other side was toll. We ha! it from the Gazette, and its nar: ative has gone the roumds of the faithful reiailers o‘ Conservative â€" slander, that a riilway mail _ clerk _ named Mcintosh, bad been sought out by the Postmaster our opimeon that a new race of -.nnusâ€"t spring up to represent them before the CWmmn"-hhoï¬ahu. people party in power is corrupt, unless the mumnnlh..dvo-dn'.m record than that they condemn. it reâ€" quires but the least possible exercise of the reasoning faculty to come to the very Patural conclusion that it is as well to lat e 0 E20â€" CERRREOPOE "ll‘ any evuience of a preparedness to do better. It is not â€"enough for intelligent people that they shall be told that the party. And the process of recruiting least likely to be eminently successful is that M“muuhh by an opponent, with>ut giving any evidence of a bropnarminess L 4. year or two to recoustruct and nu.mphwlhmymm...u’ reduced and disgraced lot. They must Ml"“‘.“,lldb-ldlh-cdvuup. It is not the work of a few months or of a son, if not that Administrations will beâ€" come corrupt. But our present opponents would rush into the possession of a first class stock of grievances «nd of tyranniâ€" oal and corrupt acts, before they had become warm in their seats which were new to them. They commenced their caâ€" a cortupt Admuinistration. The assailant must wait patiently. Mistakes will be Tired of bharping upon the Paien con corrupt accusstions do not seem to conâ€" sxder . They think evidently that all that seuse of the effect upon public opinâ€" ion wluch such charges had when made acaunst themseives and their friends. in that case, however, the efect was not traceable to the making of the charges, but to their truthfuiness, which is a cir cumstance which the present vendors of Alimisteriai ty rauny and, of course, corâ€" rupmuon, are fauits which are chargeable, without any limitation except the magueâ€" mumity of the acouser, ag inst the party at present in power and its leailing mon. Those who so free‘y become accusers in this case have doubtless a very lively alilstia Tenderâ€"W. Powe 1CmIeTs IOr Markelâ€" W. i. Lott Nign Painter anu Grainer â€"C. W The Domestso â€"J. & W. AshGeis Nouce to Contractorâ€"lame« V. Agmcu Tender evidence Ssubsertption Rates for the Baily Time=~ J¢t is published every Friday uc inins pews of the week froum work! , Talushie agrouiturai Revorts. and THE WEEKLY TIMES) Live for Sale or to Hear. & m.?fl or to Lonan. 0 Wanied. Mituations Vacant, &oâ€" &o. Protessy &a) and bosi~ ~ _ carts insor d the first wiige far on _ ear Wheb not »xcer} twenly worl® «woe «eck, $3 , twice a wer §1%; and every day. is , cach word over twen in {he saime BFoportir n LIETHS, WilRkiIAiGEs, prarus Nugees of Wirtbs, Marriages and Deaths, and deaile With in erai not‘ces attsebhei 3 CKENTS PEK LIN® _ Speecial Contrac: < ecents per week . » TKEN CENTS PEK LiN®, no pareil measute, &, no T each insertion. Spectal Nou _ TEN CENTS PER UNl‘.ht.u tor Parsgraphs, lieâ€" Lortes oi Meetings, Financial Ntatements «/ Weunlcn, ce Comâ€" m._w [DSOFL xt amougsmt (he Res‘ng . Matier, FIFTEE \ Parms for Saie or to Hent Mc Agu.ilil A W A, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1s, is MINISTERIAL TYR 1NA awe. dist (Dwo i8 ~ ELi 34 Lieutenant Governor, and coercive measures in onder a D v w T ies t it NT s * f | It is a hard as the Gazctle tells I_‘H"l C {BSM. | it : bul'-l;:o u.“:,-a of the outrages er week . > . + ":|u:|flém against the Government, it bore RHrS EDtmnt Revenerienis i | the »itip of irprobability and of false h incarthinn ns en 4 P as us us if on 200 1 r Market â€"W mtractorâ€"James Mather meed (ragsgw w n y oagee n the election a Dh ue to the very s as well to let remain there made for a deffeite ts on the Fipst page c IHIC woenty The Adve E&TED IN THi recruit a nid T1 ME and CTCVS I" Csennal m.m ',"b"\n'u-ll-hhuul.di-‘b" 3,580,000 square mileseâ€"a soveraignty neatly as large as (Continenal ht He represents over four millions of" most intelligent people, and the most in ; mithima nsl â€",1 _ _|_ * "". nbody shaves nothing but the upper lip, has & tine forehead, and a good pair of blue ..’-".bu-,hnqlnn... to look into one very ‘h"""‘luy.h lmoh.. w." "l'll. teil ou what you are sip." When s ing {lv. Mackenzie is calm and -blih‘pu:: rakher than fGiery an » vi and he stamils with his bands behind :h back. He has‘dong more for N....u“." man now living, and it strikes me that I cannot make your reawders all that is ““"Lm-wm vess ; but it may be said that it includes who sways a «s<oniinion extending 40 nvar like to know what like Mr. Méckenzie He is only about five feet cight inches height, very slim of build, fair hatr Mr. Mackenzie‘s _ an i Dr. Taylor‘s . s _ an & Speech. The chsering of the Perthshire nen was very wirixul showed that neir bearts were in tb.ll::::'. At the vlose of the proceedings t cheers for the Queen, wmml‘a Mr. Mackenâ€" ze, three chéers Mackenzie and Mr. Mackenzie‘s family, three cheers for Dr. Taylor, and a lot more of such * | cial " votes :Lthnh were given :rt: en thusiasmâ€" proposers being situated at the end of the hall furthest from the *Would your readers, who must include the demoustration, it speeches made on the a quiet, digniGed, and VOplla@inhian. 2t mnantostn mmallle _ the town hall in the pmd.lll’ll assemblageâ€"indeed, the room was crowdâ€" «1 to excess, and many could not get within seeing or hearing distance of the iflnlfnflin; ceremony . _ Banners were ying, evergteens were t.‘u..“' -o-.rsh-nddnudc played dun.‘_r.' whole course of the presentation in the grounds of the Bay-lpflud " The gentieman who was the object of " Mr. Mackenzic arrived here from Perthâ€"in which city he had been splendâ€" wily entertained the precedi eveningâ€" on Sctunh{ at eleven o‘c C nld.dd three o‘clock was presented with an adâ€" dress of 'olo(ono and congratulation in the town ball in the presence of a large assemblageâ€"indeed, the room was crowdâ€" «l to excess, and many could not gei within sceing or hearing distance of & ~ure) Joursal writing from Dunkeld, gives the following sketch of M:. Macken:â€" town on the 17th ult. :â€" 26 Shure) Joursal for a man of his opportunities of meking for himself friends, of building up that sort of reputation that defies malice, he has remarkably few who care to offer him sympathy . 1 This view of Mr. iangevin‘s situation is in perfect barmovs a .:h our own, exâ€" pressed a few days ago. We held then, it will be remembered, that Mr. Langevin with a singular moral sense, had offered to plead guilty to the greater offence in onler to free himself from the imputation of the léss. Could an bonourable man be in a worse plight? A more humiliat ing position was never occupied by a pubâ€" lbe man in this country than that in which Mr, Langevin has placed himself by his correspondence with Mr. Joly. And the work of a 1 conspirecy to corrupt the people ï¬,...a trustee he was, ne«is no defence. Silence, as a means of procuring oblivion, is the only sensible defence for such honor." > d _ Cupidity is certainly much less ’g::n.u than the lawless use of money to se«Juce and morally ruin the i t electors. Avarice, the princi fault with which Mr. Langevin was , in a virtue compared with the and reta‘l illegal acts which he wishes to prove be did comumit. It be said that he desires to maintain h'i‘;‘zm. The honor of a mivister who could lend himself to THE PREMIER aAaT DUNKBELD. A correspandent of the Dingwall (Roasâ€" | of ab ‘e, and used it in making hiwsolf '.l.-nn y and offenmve and by acting the izan in bis own way agninst the | Gove nt candidate in _ Glengarty. | e â€"w in â€" consequence _ Jismissed, | and _ we think very properly . [ 1t was not required of Mr. Melntosh that ’fw should vote one way or another. it | was lus privilege to vote whatever way he pleas~lâ€"especially was it his opportuniâ€" ty to do so under the ballot. But it was not his privilege to niake hijmself a conspiâ€" cuous partizan and disturber. He was not, could not be. compelied to promote the interest of a varty to whom he was upon principle opposed. (m the other | hand he had no occasion to rush to the othe> extreme , it was not his priviâ€" lege to do so, so long as he was a servant ol the Government. He has, the:efore, been removed from a position which to so enthusiastic and influential a politician must bave been a serisus emâ€" baria«â€"~ment. _A double service will have been rendered by the action which the. Government have taken inâ€"this matter, and which the Gazeffte in Mr. Mcintosh‘s inlereâ€"t strangely epough bitterly comâ€" plains of. The Government will be spared the irritation of ï¬ml‘_-. one of their servauts disturbing the peace in the inâ€" tereâ€"t of their opponents ; and the ser yant will hereafter be hiâ€" own master. ‘ The correspondence, in our opini goeâ€" lar to demonst:ate that the m were uot invested in bank stock and securities for the benefit of bimself and family, but that the money was applied with filelity to the dishonourable and illegal use for which it was intended It woul«d have been a much smaller crime in Mr. Langevin to retain the money received corruptly, than to use it in m thous nds, rendering the many only comâ€" paratively less guilty than himself. . Had Mr. Langevin sai‘ nothing about the malter he would have, in our estimation, shown more wisdom than ho":-r in reviving a bygone scandal, ldo‘ purpose of testifying, not that he was less We quote from the Montreal Evening Stur, an Independent journal with Conâ€" servative leanings, an opinion upon Mr. | angevin‘s position, which strikes us as admirnble. The Nfar says â€" we . are authoritatively informed, is that Mcintosh had _ not been sent for by his superir officer in the Depar i and required to use his vote and e in a cértain direction. â€" The truth is he had no influencs, and on one of the ions specifiel by the Gasette he had|no vote _ But he obtained leayc ANGEVIN VS. JOLJ ribr officer in the | _"The Rev. D. Macpherson, of the Free pet paan oo '“:I(,'bumh here, was in the chair, and ho es ‘ was supporte| by the guest of the even« irtauin direction. Th ; img, th+ Hon. George Brown of Teronto, ifluence, and on one ' Provost Cox of Dundese, Messrs. Duif and cifiel by the Gacsette ll"wki‘-.::-km a‘Anc_m {«whdmn..lh&-‘ | . dian Government cmigration agent in it he obtained 1989¢ | hichiuule ; Thos. Potts and Potor Campâ€" | u in making hitwsolf | beli, from Now Brunswick ; P. C. Ross, maive and by aeting | M‘Lagan, leslio, and others. Mr. Jack the object of Ey tL. Chrysier sof a04s " ol y Oeee o toett! aralah on ons rsoiiincs <c) manchep 6 .' l -Jl* Nl; «x % F n....‘::&“:.m'-....l'.'.."“., PliApqin W:m, sale, and in some measure recompense its © ‘u.'ï¬cn “"‘M i mummuwwgh.%.“,‘_ } its completion. pask~ wl great presence and care. This is the third ghdti-w-k.-d ‘i:“u uu“:'} placed many things and % riper judgment have evabied mes to do. is associate in this work is Mr. the case on the present Statute ascertained. The notes on | 42 Bankruptey," "Forms of Proc. duly appreciated by those interested. l’nn’tb:ala:':‘n‘tmmm ag numerable, notes sare ;mh"yuahuum A note explanatory of the term "trader" covers tnnnbuo(é:.-d.muvp. with au oadl.m m ..)fqm r'O,llbo most eminent jurists of the Province. In wddition to th: precedents are cited from the decisions of courts in the other Proâ€" vinces and England. Another good fem ture of the work is that its annotations "‘“Ptotbommtmntdnu.mmi fl-nhvh made this a subject of care ful study. i'!‘clnlmnohlunhi-m.l “'-:‘.w"' SCs Of 187 3, ;u?’.:‘- 40. bya.l.D mk.-'; ï¬".“"r:i' ned by u..'.’.'.."&f'.. a"t:.' Toronto, ~ A yery useful treatise under the above caption is in press, and will be blished in a fow days. The law of lll‘ol’v:ncy is of so intricate a nature, that sych a work will not only prove interesting to memâ€" h.'oflboL‘l profession, but also to the mercantile community. The subject dln-dvoncyhnhouhyaua&o one orullodnn&huh-um uflhn-‘ kï¬:: of business, and the fict of there losolvent Act of 1873, 'ui no‘en °* Wigar, m;':a‘ F. H, Chry ters i law. hed by Copy Toronto. either writing or returning home with whining mouths aud mournful tales of h‘nhhl;:;ondluujblunm.u?‘gh.: much exaggeration on ndthump:ongbyhmofx put their shoulders to ï¬ wheolâ€"*"a \'wmx"a:“' h‘l.h:-"n consequently, glory -:lhmu.lu-a&-'.::.m._ euthusiastic cheering at uent interâ€" ""d“i‘(urnnql'lvl_tin-..n.l‘hlz xmthillh‘:.lhudthoh:d:.o:: iums paid to our brave Highlanders C""-Eidlhohlï¬m-ybduitm. cess coming from such a quarter, What Mr Nicholson‘s feelings were as he sat beâ€" being a very active agent in the departure of many of vn ammnmw?mnm: Let Hw who â€" really wish to make for themselves and thoir children in » he known what was before him he ~would probably not have had the courage to visit the land of the Gael just then. However, since he was here he must make the bâ€"st of it, and state that he had known Mr. Macâ€" kenzie for between thirty anâ€"\ forty years, During all that time they worked harâ€" moniously together without a single jar to mar their purpose. Th&.hui a single eye to the promotion of the social, moral, and political welfare ol the le, arvd the prosperity of Canada. 15:;" might have into oftice many years ago, but thoynuhtiths&n\nnluï¬l l.h-pl were ripe, and the right time to serure a triumph bad arrived. Mtr. Brown mloydlyormobo ualities of head and heart ?“l I-y‘sflu honourable friend Mr. Machentie ; and from that he went on to speak of the influence exerted by Higblanders in Canada; they were thoav:.-y h::’-uon'd in the country â€"for sol ; were steady, industrious, and intelligent ; they spoke (izelic quite as much there as at home; there was a. county and a town called Perth, a town ealled Dunkeld ; iutbo':nu.ï¬.d'fll.- giry and Oxford, as in many other places in which Gn.lew--pnkin‘ Highlanders lived, there was abundant wosperity ; he would rather one Highâ€" Lndor'hmnor‘::of&o c:‘tm picked up in towns | many of whom got di a at the | want of luxuries to begin with, and did ! q{‘_duy oï¬ql-l to d-oom‘poï¬un, by | . ‘ was croupier. . After an exceilent dinner Lad | en discussed and done full justice to, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair and cordially drunk. ‘l\o:r.t of the ovui;: was then given . Macpherson, who euloâ€" ‘i.-l’)lr. yukouh as a brilliant inâ€" stance of the success won by an exemâ€" plary Coristian possessing patience,perseâ€" verance, industry, and an hcnourable ambition d‘: _ get on. Mr. '::ckouh'n present tinguished was | a source of gratification ul:"'.‘" Neotsmen, amd especially to Highlanders, and he (the chairman) was sure that dlhpnn.t would cordiall {mudn-km.g is very m&h. This was done with all the "In replying Air. Mackentie again ex;uâ€"-lh.!-gmï¬hdo for the cordiality . and kinduess extended â€" to him on his return to his native country a‘ter an abâ€" sence of forty years. No public man could have a greater source of pleasure than ï¬mli:rt.ha his uandurtmocnl.a@ the approval of those who knew him an | followed his progress onward and upward while pushing his way in the world. Mr. M-‘i:nhumicï¬ m‘:,.whiehin fully covere« is replies to people o(l;u-kound,lbrï¬h, when they preâ€" sented him with the froodomofl:eir cities and entertained him right hand somely last week. UL course he was apâ€" »rlauded by the assembled company very L-rtily when hbe resumed his seat. dustrious on earth, and he has achieved it The Dunkeld entertainment was a handsome bangquet in honour of Mr. Macâ€" kenzie at the Royal Hotel. The proâ€" cee«clings on the occasion are further reâ€" ported by the correspondent : â€" question _ will England, that the differences so that the exact bearing of ROOK NoTiCE. give evidence of THE TIMES OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1s: SBF 00 CC THUWOTT 5 uu‘ “ beid matey nuen as ohat, ‘hich wilt ‘be l loes i fores recall the hoz'h%::.( i rat ‘.',"‘".Pp“ Of | the ~futurs. â€" Nan» .. Pash wrnni:‘o' her in E:“ï¬:ï¬ No c j‘ C the modern purpose. â€" But no Sï¬ hangtc t 2c io o .A ve 14 oited Northman" @5 * u0e when he know Northmen. were free; abd Gried" in hi anguish and terror " Varus, Varus, give me back my legions |" i __ The glimpse we have of this hero,whose deods his oontr{‘mou celebrate toâ€"day, is through clouds, it is true, yet not wbguy oonoulod.% bright" the venl of ringe. + Hleduon toot o Htough lhonfldï¬m.f.ndv;‘.w.“ b{- a born leader, is was to ukle th6 divined Tibes of Germmny Toâ€"day his may celabrate in ingian sh and near the scene of his victories, his triuniph over Ronie, with all def land., Tt | W‘qâ€"-v-'“r"".‘" turo-ion.m'rbo a '“-â€"’f"" Toman policy had "ends (¥¥red eRUP ty l1ome was jus j s stence "of: hie. Shtich. . ‘Tor es " woad historian of Rome all the German tribes were but barbarian; but Hermann led his countrymen to victory and united them against allâ€" the world, â€"=~ . :/ ï¬%ï¬. dim wists of time we faintly er the outlines. of a heroic rebel might iaye "tks . P0 OuHat or the rebel might take @the wings of the morn. " yet fly in vain from tetreched: oflhonll-oompolllu 8.‘ Herâ€" mann united the barbarian of the Cheruskii and their allies i over Cn;trl'liml«lf. It was a fight ‘for Father: 10. § uoc ae ue o 2 PBE Ly l 20 [2,f¢ . "O" ~PEmmans produced a harto 'l"’â€P‘l{Odlhoï¬doomeviohy and vindicated the oounpudp..,?“ llï¬mofhiloounh-{:?. ‘This was Herâ€" mann, the hero who; dond-mllbm day commetmorated by Gertnany nearly "““1‘,;;0 W‘;fl-d comparatiye oblivion, was man who, when Rome was suprome. instifiad tha i3222 Tho olviln.:'io- of the New World numnbfl 'u.m."h“ o ï¬" it wi culture ‘of m"&'a ‘orkd. Europe has created America,and this country is little more than the fine olqomdwhkhdnmmho{ s Hintmgack t retr s o tal in e f"t'e'!w_pol:lf'u':mf:.’u banonen th.. them throughout the day and others by about noontide. â€" have very few Irish hereâ€"who had neither lot nor part in the mattor. took the opâ€" E:"""‘“J of securing for themsolves a iday. This was aprarent from the many | mercantile establishments and "‘“{. il istores that were closed. some of flnub-u.rora--w. The civihsstion of the New | For some years after the great change the observance of freedom‘s natal day had been falling in desustude and bade fair to bumnfou in oblivion, save as a matter of dry recard. ‘The reason for this apathetic indifference to an event the most interesting io the island‘s history was a not unnatnral fear that those who should honor the day as a festival might be regarded by the free born with a feeling bordering on contemp!, as belongâ€" ing to an inferior caste; and, thereforeâ€" they refused to advertise or seam to ad vertise themselves as such by any lpod.i recognition ol the great event with which the Ist of August is identified. It is inâ€" teresting to "&'..m, howéver, that with the incoming of a new generation this feeling is dying out, and that Kingston, ’ always foremost in any matter embracing broad, liberal views with metropolitan in: dependance of thought and action, has ’bogun to set an example in this direction to the provinces which mr;m another emancipation, only second to that of the !(‘mudnm slaves â€"emancipation from the slavish fear of being taken to be decendâ€" aots of those who were freed from ‘the bonilage of chattel slavery itself. THE DAY IN JAMAICA. ‘ Following the practice of u.;. last three or four years, which may now be regarded as cryutydhod into an annwal custom, the artizaus and mechanics of this city, early on Monday morning bled at a ‘mt of I vantage, where ifll = selves into a a band of fnusic, with Bage An Molm i;mpriau «device, not; ng | ritish ensign and theâ€"isiand flag, a red St. GOOIEO'I eross on a white Thus equipped and marshalled, they marched up the ï¬i;‘cth the Spanish n road, along which they proceeded . to a place Graenwich, olme’to’un Jamaica Ihflny line. Thus, it wil} be seen, they renidered them:e‘ves independent of the line, and thereby avoided certain very great disâ€" cotnforts to which they had been subâ€" Monday last, the 2d inst., in consequence iT the e h holiday r-{'l'i:'on Bunday. THR Gexivs OP Linrkety, â€" ORBLRBRATION OPF THE ANXNIVERSARY OF NHORO ENANCIPATION IN JaMAIOA, Kixestox, Jam. 7, 1875. The thirtyâ€"seventh an of emanâ€" cipation from slavery m on Emancipation in the West Indies, because of the recent ; but O NTA RIO | TO BE HELY AT OTTAWaA; . On the 20thtoi24th Sant, 1975. il)lonwnl. EXRIBITIO®X 45 Agricultural and. . Arts _ AssocJation Gpneral Agent . ,, Citizens Insurancg Co‘y. C&APITAL ; s > ©. _ $2,000.000. ©ras. bessarpzN8, Ottawa, Jan. Fizs, Lire, Agorgany ano Goa%axrem, t 'lb-l.;-lv Oflee: Oanarvers & Gilder . Cash Assets ‘Over: $26,000,000â€" Have received of their Apring Imjportations, 48 BALES CARPETsS and CURTAIN®, _ @mbracing. ali the noveities, out for the season, 0 which the contidently 6y Invite Inspection. #6Q. Snarksâ€"st. u. .0 18 Teq4 4°* MabE To orven | Catuers® &.Gilders. SHOOLBRED & CO 0"A'A CARPET HoUSE Equitable Life Assurance Company, saisens, so, Jarnlsh dane‘ng music. . The o clety‘s Pipers wili also be in Refreshments w:n be fi by Mr. J H P. Gibson at reasonabie wtin:m opeu at 9 a. m; Quoits begin ‘-1 lintries oah he made with|the Spore tol;m-uol in August, or t'rmul y'-’.ï¬oï¬ 47 inat dage. _ ... * _ £34 t Tickets of Admission, 23 ots. Ollldron 10 ¢ts. Vohicles, 50 cts. J, A. GRANT M.D., D. C, ROBEKR TBON, Proat l0ul, Hecretary Special Value 19 u,.o..m‘â€; Coanls w!H Play some app id E-lfl xi-. T na ae " E222m $25 27 CAmIp+ ooA Pertracutthp, ob meias, 67 hy Hag Pipe Musioâ€"fat priz« clofin and bow $15, ty J.LOMC(F-;M Burn‘s Posms#, by 0.:-5:::.â€:::4 ;!hoâ€"ht iIze, $20, hy M Sandford: Piem tng ; M’E Foot Rail Mateyâ€"Priger cunnipron: belt, given AGENT for OTTAW A and victalty. Miscellancous. wik.. _ . [ o0 C" Atunoinx High Loapâ€"ist prir 'Jf:;"tâ€"i'“.“ Linbats & Ais Ant Aiidinctiiioatcamririzin Hény v fln.T::‘r?‘M prize, $10, by AMr, MeLeod Vaulting W\tn the Poteâ€"1st prize, $10, by Campâ€" 700 al t P3 (PRAde it fifintoen Araficinddvis ib d & 2 &0‘ 4 : Mr, i. MceDougal, : uursbuuo-m vrike, $10; 2nd, $5, . Tlu‘w,u ‘I‘.I'f Rixg@â€"lst ï¬"’x"“'““' te and brisle, $30, by Mr. 'Pu#- m‘f""‘ rliver mouatedâ€"riding whip, y \ m 3.“ r l-‘I: Raseâ€"lst prize, $10 ; 2..:3 $5. _ding High Leapâ€"ist prize, $$; Jud: A tra» GoD saVE THE QUREN, Oltawa, Aug, 12, 1378, P SELECZL N0 6 aG P TTX " s1coricianmg P1 4. by Mr, C, E Hiu % !lnvyâ€&'ouoâ€"-, hlir".' Ok\'hy Major D, A, "o;:ï¬p.:;ln.b?l.dmo, $3 : 2nd, gi T. tue (h%l‘u :fl. .“ .‘:;'.\'rjz. {i.}h_r:ntrmn':omlnr, i by PICTURE FRA ME FIVE HUNDRED DoLLARS valgable prizes and 8 wlil be awarded ‘:«nâ€"ml omn"'.l petitors f-'."in. brated Unleâ€" donian aports. The novel feature of * tiiting at the ring" will be intro luced tor the dret time Hovided Theito it Sn U coepring io tith m o c‘x‘m.m( Boottish pastime. Ti The THURSDAY, AUVG@UsT 19, 1875. St. Andrew‘s Society Scottish â€" Gathering WILSON & ORR, Dimbleby Steot, near ; S Jan. gm"* LAOKINGJâ€"GLASS and Aupyrange, ,, Will b\y ho!d at the BASR BALL GRUU NUS on MANUPAOTURERS UNDER THE T. Sutton, ',_41;3;;_}; mmt.s 2nd, a fur G RA N D arpcts. PROGRA MME ; oF OTTaAWA, the Governorâ€"General‘s Fooy AUSPIORS OP THR Llii?-â€"yi":. J H. Quoits begin at ‘t‘rmul p‘r.oaa seloctions ï¬â€˜d .& the e u?lg-éun music. . The Hoâ€" 84 4 4 5 wa oJ i mmn . 1 U l g‘%:ma?‘.ï¬'.“uwm es z_ .lll .l.ld ?:&% 3.|._;. ..,dh.".‘ = || Emm e t i m ianay o :O'V 1 g..‘:.‘Mr.â€"ro loaye Sfittzanion . . ___ 3910 61 informa be obtal ".a‘â€"'â€""""" aoyry on siroe wolre witem mase Reigmtiier s s3 mtainpe} meal detont CLingtrtuptus or %‘:{?‘z per cent. on tbo-'lfulk ...9 of the dmmdon‘ to have the ..2,.1 %i\ plon, and WM.&, "Tuls Departmnt ow Now hewerer, bina l itself to gocept the lowest “%?h_ B Derertment of Public Workksy .8 pnaun, . " ‘nh® SuUC sopecification# dan be ween â€"and fom.o:. mde{ h‘:wpd :t?h.hb:fl on :g ng’ hfomqmbo ht a x o Tender ..2!.':2:‘;“.;..._L piestie se ty s boene it ol ts undersigned. will he ranatead a% euta . an l °2 tmb raaae ierhn for the ’3?& ï¬r«%» plation of ay oi hoh uO eduited for the dome Cantraat a.» . °S NNeSLY‘s Malls, on & propose penemoooky fenrerdater: OXESRâ€" *« befradgjrenige poon, on Frida y 18th August, 1875, fot the conâ€" Feynilos or Her Majestyo Mhile: 5n € »eopeoe) Wyintating the hours tho Exuidinr m whofenietrnaiies coptr to me e W. H. F K 3!1 A. u&?ï¬-ï¬"’ 59c n pricencs, o oi ncot aisoientnhh m?m-fd? Kind, of 2 nu-n'.é ;fl:f:c the due: ?;Hflfu':;l‘r;'tbeof thie Son‘tnct‘ : security wi uired on rea eatate, ‘:tr',bf de &t of nur.gy, public : or municipal ncurit‘eg or bank stocks, to the amount of five rper cent on the bulk sum of the contract, of which the sum sent in with them‘lhnder will be wnl.ldef"ge a part. n r cent only of t/ es mm'ï¬u"& paid nnu‘ the oommofthbo' wor To each Tender must be attached the .;otul signatures of two.â€"responsible. and vent g:nom, residents of: the Dominion, 'illl:{ to come sureties fo‘r the carrying out of these conditions, as well as the due {imimnoa of works embraced in the contrac * This Department:does not, h ~bind ““ll;hw wocept u:gug:&:«? nyc;:m’r Y 1 ‘ Public Wor F. BRAUN â€3:".&“.‘.2’ August, uu"'} Secrelaty. ‘The cheque or money thus sent in, will be returned to the respective parties whose ehders are not accopted. formation of & olu'nua and basin on the south or river.side of the existing entrance. The works will be let in seotions of the respective |o:gzh| indicated on & mdp of the line, which, together with plans an specifiâ€" eations of the yarious works, can be seen at this office, and at the Lachine Canal Uffice, I’onuul, on and atter ll:::m:‘ tbu‘l.“.u day of September next, at ic r of w laces Printed forms of Tender can be abu.lus \‘wConTtr.n-.tou ufl roqu;.'ud u:‘d?ln mind ‘that era will not be cou "amjless made strictly in accordahce with the p'rlnm forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual llfnnuru, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each memiber of the same; and further, an accepted ~bank cheque, or other available security, for the sum of from.one to three thouâ€" sand dollan, according to the extent of work on the section, must weom{:ny each Tender, which shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines or fails to enter into contract for the works, when called upon to do so, at the rates stated in the offer submitted. * The amount roqnh_iï¬\. in each case will be stated on the form of Tender. â€" 5 Srruubor nezt, for the enlargement of this canal, contisting of the widening and decpenâ€"= e it praay o t up ‘ river 8t, Lawrence at mfl}.‘: bracing the construction of new.locks at .Thbriol and Cote St. Paul, also the taking down and reâ€" building the upper portions of the present locks at these places : bnlldlng‘ngnhunl weire, culverte, bridr {en; the construction of a new chtrahce YTock at Lamhina and tha\ weire, culverte, I)rridr {en ; the construction of a new entrance lTock at Lachine, and the formation of & chunaLA‘nd basin on oï¬u south or river.side of the existing entrance. y lhinkt Sealod Tenders addressed to the Secreta of Puï¬?flf'orh, and endorsed 4 h&tr‘{.z the Lachine Unnal," will be received at this office until the arrival of the Rastern and Western mails on Trursnay the Sixteenth day V 35â€" 00 Soms WnibiefiintaP Sisio‘t nsb inb Nt LACHINE Canal Entargement. To Contractors. Geoevcctnent Ratises Deux "atl the Eost on T...,fl"‘?"':ï¬-.rn"m&“. '-“m"flh. Deux Riveries Matâ€" ’. P. Fum 3 *k } _ Post Uffice Inspector, NOTICR TO CONTRACTORS ter the malls to leave Matiawa on and Thuradays at 6 w. in., wod is o West iopas oo moaahes Lachine, and the arrive at to the PYRIMONT SEYSSEL ASPMALTE Agents Wanted, AGem worth Readingtâ€"A Diamond worlh Seeinr: Medicine vendors. ts or Foruliiit weitriteot 94 Jan. 22, 1875, warranted PERRY DAVis & sow & Lawnenos, MONTREAL, 2. q. Agonts for Dominion of Caned1 JOSEPH BuRNETT & co. coston, Burnett‘s Cocoaine s°0 0 As eR yeg, VW"Cst preparntion is Mor Onrafui f‘ed and shipped, Orders payabie a?m made UELATINEâ€"The purest T ATIN ETe pil 81, 38 4 124 Southampton Ros, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON Helected, anpd s ad â€" detvateh Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s . Socoalne UBREK CHEMIJCALS AND M N ’!."'.":d.z__._‘.ghs'“m" m .w Burnett‘s Cocoaine urnett‘s‘ ° â€"’â€"m iAomas monson, a son. PEPH: Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine _ _ â€"â€" Substues Refractory Hair. SNireâ€" whigb he will send riuce to his fellow» J. K. REK t m m 18 Nassau st., lu‘Yfl:t-, * Jsn not Greasy nor Sticky, . . :. Burnett‘s Cocoaine Pure eountry air and freedom Jrom excite« ment give mzram The benefit of flw result< ln‘zn ble to be ontained "elsew ‘The atten: of the reader is particnlarly diâ€" reoted to the faoi that this Mineral waler losen etlrâ€"oan 55â€"3 mn @piéec id m eay c 1 good health, ber" c.an nue. lnv'sut'hn cannot visil the _ _rin ~_ waler can be as well used in thei. ow wses, whilst its low Mrlueu it within tno reach of all. Delivered to all parts of the city in 3 galion Ju‘\l“ t 0te, per gallon, is 8) gallon barreis at $250 each, hrrJu..xu-& For to the Hprings and other information, to Burnett‘s Cocoaine Morson‘s Effectual Romedies Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s â€"GCocoaine filted With all ndoemsary requirement, Qan 66 w “"lllfl!&lflllllll'l U 2IATCore can be & f Wwhaihsk i t i Dofirie Eprnes, invalide . P Wininlly® s cz comig DC ba derived from the use Of the best Abe the uonti l‘:oudrno:w weeks m‘“mmw these Sorings. | nsumurrion®n, _ NDIGEASTION®, AaAXp â€" _ Is not am Aloohdlic Wash, Ofla wa, July 26, 1876 A liinited number of boarders can be SHOWER ‘ANO OTHER BatHs, Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Promotes its rfealthy Growth BOl‘tthg springs. OTICH ‘NEâ€"The popular & oinp 1or 1eaige poneational mediâ€" the Irritated SealySkin. . Jiy â€" Chemists ;. and throughout the world nellg unegunl ih mm .‘;?.2.1'_%3_‘,“ botties. Bome io S oi y Ohioreizme. UINKARIM, ‘The m.uw'f%- are P “V‘.l.‘.v-.â€"....--qg TTE Ul'l‘l#'l s OPRolniy on raacuoniath‘a J a Renmedies. on °"~_ ColeeIaboly, P reagess. .& T. HORTHWICK, 1 38 Nicholas street. moat approved Â¥im 7..,.. yege Â¥ork stow ‘vrary Mondng Teb fl'& * ns . ...‘ every Friday a m ) as 14.06 Maller ted up to #,00 4p>â€"00, thb S08+ warded East and West in suppleimenteny pase» nges Lhe saime night, P_..I‘OI‘MQI'I_A_'A. AND YEKTOLES, 13 ¢f conog inngn o â€"pannlnt ustt &f‘..":‘:.:“ be had at all hours se i4 Centre Town Livery Stables.. â€" (hantaatrene â€" [( o mm M Main tte closed tby. --&-ï¬ f Bririsx Liox Horter, Ottawa, July ®, 1875 % Arrival and Departure of Mails. _ n-m“w on hand 10 u d‘& " tar rhebietnmine etended w °0 M IVOr the undersicned with a asy * """ Peane ° medicines N.B. y Ww%&.‘ 6 wried ::'. ... _ BROWNLEE & 00â€" â€" »yM44 Mat oi 11. iste ALEX,. RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND LIVERY STABLES BANK OF OTTA'E *‘ Hiioee on pposite Wes Las . 3 ZIaL » cte«i coepogedone up in Fing Onew aiyl A relected stock always on ENTRE Town PO:M..:‘-NM#‘ Bavings‘ Department, FLOUR AND ~FARM ~PRODUCE, BUMMKR ARKANGEMENT, is Lt t «_ nmcu.nm_q.!..! M m un dn t 11â€"2â€"75, The Victoria Stables New Parl PBink Rotin 7â€â€˜ m 7‘7vi.“m Mathewmar . Ne :) eet, betwees M:I'lll lk& Carriages, air Ontting, AnD FEeDd 40 in ey T queorial _ _ TAYLOR,, nm 4 *2 19 48 48 nounced by the fwes, wR se ve been trow l;;lu-l.n‘ $ m g..'ul_yl 8yrup. If you t you are at ‘I have been for the last ten I“I wpc,'nâ€"- stood the i ple for any JoB mFRLIE This well know: =bd a sure a Dificulties gwn horees to ) hxadâ€"it may your home‘s life. and see that the is on each pack Bold by all medic Wasar Pusy 8 FOR Prorum mtadon," 6f m any cause whatev ever before given such 1 Jos wosks, REW ym in rethn heall 9n _ For sale by all Horaus Baves of horses have b and retail by al warded to any : Hxmornueis ly cured by Ms Hpdonn it are of the best ,,...».."""“"‘....; ‘D“M toea relund the mor Their wines, liqu :...'ff.'i“'p&.:: Co 5on lroadf an gist for Fowle‘ which is an inf Pugwash, N. 8., LEX Famm® i r-i i a rf‘ s to tay t PILE AN Por Iotert Anled a AUP consult a it to & it &DG.