% The press of the Tory party are greatly exercised over the fact that Mr. Adam Oliver has made way for Mr. Crooks in South uxford, and are profuse in their in sinuations of cerrupt motives on Mr. Oliver‘s part. There is an old story about the propriety of setting a thief to eatch a thief, for the very ‘excellent reaâ€" son that "he has been there himsel{.‘ It is no new thing, we know, for Tory paâ€" triots to sacrifice their aspirations after Parliamentary fame for a consideration» therefore the organs think it but fair to infer that other people are ready to go and do likewise. We know of one case where a facetious Premier telegraphed to the far west that it would be advisable to get a certain individual, whom, doubtiess for the sake of brevity, he termed the "Provisional,"‘ to retire in favour of his friend and colleague, the late Sir George Cartier. The " Provisional "‘ did retire, and we know from the public records that his patriotic conduct was well reâ€" ‘warded. . But the Conservatives fortunate® ly have a monopoly of the "Provisional‘"‘ stamp of Parliamentary candidates. 1t suits the purposes "of the Tory press and party to abuse Mr. Oliver, as they have abused .nany equally worthy but more prominent gentiemen belonging to the Iiperal side, but we _ take _ leave to _ say that their _ conception of the duty of a faithful and serviceable newspaper organ, and the proper purpose to which to put it, are but little in har mony with the feelings of the great masy of the people of Canadaâ€"an assumption which every new election more than sub‘ stantiates. ‘The tactics which are ex pected to bring about the longâ€"propheâ€" cied but vainly hoped for reaction are just those which will effectually preâ€" vent it. There is one feature of the contested election for West Montreal which has not, we venture to think, been dwelt upon with suflicient emphasis. No intelligent newspaper reader can have failed +~ netice, and having noticed can |: > forgotten, that Mr. White and his frieuus from the very outset cuiltivated the imâ€" pression ,that Mr. Mackenzie was sitting in Parliament by virtue of what was nothâ€" ing more or less than fraud, and the reâ€" presentative of a mingrity of the electors of the division. in such haste was the Opposition candidate to obtain a serutiny of the ballots, that the law, which for some little time prevented the fulfilment of his desire, and _ those . whose duty it was to administer it, came in for & perfect shower of abuse and vituperation. ‘The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery will not bave forgotten the circumstances of Mr. White‘s attempt: to. scrutinize the ballots, it may very safely be presumed. That gentleman, who in the discharge of his duty was compelled to put a curb upon the indecent ardour of the would be member for ‘Montreal West, perhaps never knew before what a bad man he could beâ€" made to appear, Mr. White and the Gasette were not slow to assert in those times that a scrutiny would prove Mr. Mackepszie to be in the minority, and OTTAWA, WEDNEsSDAY, AUG. 25, 1875 NO OLD ADVERTISEMENTS INsERTEO IN THIs LIST. Restaurant. Pension Demandeeâ€"S‘adresser au Times mal Schools. Local Noticeâ€"Brain Exhaustion. New Publicationsâ€"Oliver, Ditson & Co. bresh NewaÂ¥ork Bay Oystersâ€"Noonan‘s Admission of Candidatesâ€"Ontario Nor A NCE 18 H T‘lisc Is publiahed every Friday morning, w»nd con tains news of the week from »l pails of th workd , valuable nï¬r\cullurnl m tter ; and th chief editorial articles of THE 1 \llL.Y TIMES price $1.00 per aunum tu ad vance Complete aed treetworthy Marke! Reporis Latess Telegraphic Despatehes, Prarianmeniars Reports, and â€"il other matler incudent L a sirs clam« wees!s newspaper, Subscription Rages for the Daily Time= "When prid weekly, Tweive and aâ€"halt Cent W ben gald yearly, Niz Donars in «ivance O*ja We ZIst Dec.. 1874 THE WEEKL Y iwenty words, anve | weelt, $®; twice a w $1%, and every day. )8, each word over 1w in the saime proportion. BIRTMS, MARRKIAGEN, Notlees of Birth®, )(u\n'\n.rd a and de@thw with (useral notioes The rate_fy Yranment . Adveni=d IEN CENTS PER LINE, noâ€" pareil n tor aaoh Insertion. Por Special Not! CRNTS PER LINEF, and for Paragrac mfl of_ Meeting®, Finanetal Statem KA, m'-* %w panies, and mattar« of tike deseription, | Imagest the Danding â€" Mautter, F1 UOKRNTS PE LLNK Special Contraots are made for ® . WMouhmnmmH when not 0'?“""“\' Wor‘!s, TW ENT rive CrkN wnd _ ONEâ€"A Ni>aâ€"HAL DENTS tor esch won) over iwenty. The Adve Is published evi*~ Senta per week .+ 7 ¢!Oanada, ALX 10 B@F" This Space reserved jor T. W. KENNY AND SONs Business Wanio«. Mouses for Saile. Mouses to Kent. Mouses Wanted. Heard and Lodgina. Caitle Strayed ar Stolem. Freâ€"ms Wanted. Farmas for Sale or to Reni. Live Stook for Nale or to Keor Money Wanted or to Loan. Aituations Wanted. Situaitions Vacant, &c.. &c. 1: For Nale or Wasiesd Lost or Formud. Board Wanted. Businoss for Naie. OTICE IS MEREBY GHVEN tawa, lith Augus THI S M ES MONTREAL WEST M PA N Y s0OUTH OXFORD. N O T IC E. Merchant Tailors and Outfitters, 86 Sparks Street, Ottawa Wha A ds q d svmW th iR A MES BL.AC BJ Ci ENeR date t isk ;}TCS, DEATH® witach TIMES rlETEE 11 Price 124 any parl Jetn ta DE N rt Un The letter, which with all its exaggeraâ€" tion conveys & useful hint or two to Caneâ€" dians, will be found in another column, and _ will well repay perusal It : but too true that the mania _ for speculating and _ stockâ€" jobbing extends to the very kitchenâ€"maid and labourer, many of whom expend their lives and their labour in amassing little sums of money, which are no sooner wade than they are lostâ€"sunk in hopeâ€" less endeavours to smatch a fortune in a day. The examples which Mr. Fabey quotes to prove how wretched is the state of society, are in themseilves very distressâ€" ing. We, in Canade, bave learned, howâ€" ever, to exercise a good deal of charity toâ€" wards our neighbours in respect of stateâ€" ments of this kind ; "fellow feeling‘ has "made us wondrous kind." If any one preâ€" judiced against our own country through disappointed hopes, as only too many have been, were to group a few of the crimes on our national calendar at the present moment, as ‘Mr. Fahey has done with that of California, and declare they were but specimens of what was occurâ€" ring every day, there is not a new» paper or a man in the country who would not denounce, the writer as unâ€" worthy of credit, but rather worthy of the can bring, nre to be obtained in but two waysâ€"chance or dishonesty, and the latter the more certain way of the two. Let us remrk, parenthetically, that this is asking us to believe, too muchâ€"that such a view of the condition of the counâ€" try cannot fail to be distorted by preâ€" judice or misfortune. ‘The statement that there bave been a large number of susâ€" pensions and consolilations among news papers within the last few months, and a five to forty dollars and lodging, "and as she chooses to i0 tiie and the goveted seat in Parliament fur ther _ wemoved _ from _ his opponent thien e€er. The _ complaints | regardâ€" ing the supposed injustice perpetrated upon Mr. White, in being kept out of a seat to which the public were assured he was entit‘ed, were so loud and oft repeatâ€" ed tha; they assumed the mapect of an agitation ; whilo Mr, White bhimself was regarded as a very martyr. _ He must feel considerably _ chopâ€"fallen _ since . things bave gone so very far the cther way. _ He has probably learned that there is some force still in the time honored warning against "ballooing before you are out of vien{ s counsel which they des ed, they would to give colour t baving take Mackensio‘s of the same refrain was taken up by â€" every Consarvative organ in the Dominion. Doubtless had Mr. White and his lawyers been permitted to make use of the illegal order which they presented when their lirst dod >« ‘wiledâ€"the illegal order which was written out at night at the residence of the judge whose signature it bore, and without the knowledge of the« responâ€", lent‘s counsel â€" and the exuminuion! which they desired to make had proceedâ€" ad, they would some how have managed o give eolour to this assumption. But & egal and properly conducted serutiny rméd into a i LLIFO RNIAN PIQTURE rily w nducted serutiny irns out that Mr. natead of being vias increaged . by ber of voles, Gexorsau‘s lhavin% and haircutting saloon, No. 3 Rajotte‘s Block, Wellington street. Adele M. Gendreau, proprietor. * smm 3023â€"f lwrortaxt to Aur.â€"We would recomâ€" mend our readers of the dentist profesâ€" sion, and all others interested, to o£lmmd inspect the " Packus Water Motor," now on exhibition at Cadwell & Co.‘s, 17 to 19 Sparks street This wonderful instrument is htend&d to run all ‘5ind.- of dental amâ€" chines, Morrison‘s, White‘s, or Suspenâ€" sion, and can be applied to sewing machi+ nes, printing presses, coffee mills, : and everything requiring power. It runs the :ï¬ino very lnoothl‘z,. and is remarkably er the power of the operator. All the motive power required is a small house "Rivers" is a suggestion for holiday rambles, or rather excursions, the ideam bcingâ€hhn from "Our Autuma Holiday on meclh Rivers," the description of a trip made by four young men who went "up the Seine and dowu the Loire" in an ‘outrigged rowing boat.‘" The writer thinks that a sim‘lar excursion on the Thames would be found quite as pleasant, and less Jnnderouu, mentioning two works recently published, which corroborate his opinion. He also notices two books of beautiful etchings, on > of the Loire, the other of the Moselle. In "The Dilemma," the lnutinkhu really begun, and it is rather hard for us to have to wait a month to find out what damage was done by the bullets trat are already rattling around the Residency. _ A case came to the knowlï¬die of our authorities some weeks ago which is now being investigzated, and may add materâ€" ially to the evidence against "Dr." Arthur Davis, MEleunt. charged in Toronto with the horrible crime or abortion. It seems that some six weeks or two months ago, a young married woman (who latterly had not been living with her husband, Geo. H. Laing) went to Toronto to visit her second cousinâ€"the wife of Davis, and, as is alleged, was sent back a corpse two days afterwards. ‘220 of our city under takers conveyed coftin to the cemeâ€" tery from the Railway depot, and her husâ€" band and friends suspecting foul play on the part of Davis, have directed an examâ€" instion of the body, which is taking place at present. An inquest before Coroner White will also be held. The unfortunate woman is a sister to "Dr.‘" Davis‘ first wife, and dc;?hter to the late Gearge II. Cousins, of Hamilton. Then follow about seven pages of poetry, divided into three posms, on variâ€" ous -gb‘iecu, and a long "Review of the Nession,‘" which ends with the remark, that "if we are right in attributing to it unusual significance, we may at the same time pronounce it to be eatis{actory, both in its actual results and also in its indicaâ€" tion of ministerial policy, and of the soundness and strength of the party organization." stream. It is certainly vastly ahead of foot running gear, To those who operate extensively on sewing machines, it must prove an invaluables boon, as it is the first #Nan: a Cumwer Scene,‘ is just the kind ofâ€"story to suit this hot weather, being lif.'.“’ easy to read, and sufficiently interesting to attract the attention withâ€" out requiring any mental exertion. o e aniy r!'“l to those instruments Mr. Cadwell: is in 8i a list of the testiâ€" reestatien at o Tut o ts Oe . 4. The Dilemma. 5. The Swine herd of Gadara. 6. My Swan Song. 7+ Gayacoa | Uayaooa ! â€" 8. Review of the Session. The account of the French Army, which is the first article in the August number of Blackwood‘s Magazine, is said to be written by Frederic Marshal!, auâ€" thor of the articles~ on " International Vanities," which appeared in this magaâ€" zine dur'm%tho past year. In the present iuuno;l‘ the informationâ€"the material for which was collected with much diffiâ€" cultyâ€"is of a cbaracter that must be very unsatisfactory to the French people, and that will make other nations feel, that while military affairs remain in their pre sent state, nothing is to be feared from the Republic. *‘ Black wood‘s Magazine" for Angusl, just reâ€" publisbed |by Tuk o e fard Scorr Pun LISMING Co . 41 Barclay 3 reet, Now York, comes full of plasial roadag s nsï¬â€˜ Contents as forlows : â€" 1. The State of the French Army. 2. Nan : a Summer Scene. 3. Rivers : Qur Autumn â€" Holiday on French Rivers. . Etchings on the Loire. Etchings on the Moselle. Life on the Upper Thames. Taunt‘s Map . and Guide to the labour and a _ tine of _ £500. ‘This constant ery of _ " aristocracy" _ and "aristocratio influence ‘‘ is becoming dangerous to English politics. We think ihat in the case of Colonel Baker there could be notning more un;rst. _ So far as the law is concerne‘, its a‘ministration was prompt, impartial and adufirable, an" the sentence,severso as it was, is the smullâ€" est part of the Co onel‘s punishment. The Colonel has been dismissed from the arimy, in which he hbeld a high rauk. He loses his commission, worth, several tnousand dollars, as well as his pavy and all chances for promotion ; he is dismisaâ€" ed from all his dlubs, and is banished from the society of which he was formery an orjament. His life nractically comes to an end so far as England is concerned. ce is thrown upon the rocks as a broken, worthless wneci, tortur«d by the remem bravce of the splendour that oncs sur rounded him and by, a sense of the hconors he might yet have obtainad. W > do not know any sentence more terrible than this. It is the i»:mt quackery for the demagogues of London to complain of" it as an evidence of misapplied justice. "‘The English journals are discussing the sentence imposed upon Colonel Val entine Baker, of the English army, for an assault upon a young lu?y travelling in a railway car, ‘That prodigious demagogue, Dr. Kenealy, brought the matter Lbefore Parliament and censured the Judge for the leniency of his sentence, intimating that this arose from the fact that Colonel Baker had aristocratic connections and was befriended by people in h‘gh places, The sentence, as our raaders know, was a {en‘r'u imprisonment _ without _ hard abour and a _ fine of _ £500. _ ‘This constant ery of _‘ aristocracy " _ and ANOTHER ALLEGED ABRORTION CASE. ‘Dr." Davis, the Notorious Again. The impartial and fearless vdministruâ€" tion of justice by the English Courts, as exemplified by the case of Col. Baker, receives from the New York Herald the following â€" unqualified _ aud â€" significant acknowledgment :=â€" â€" horse whip. What would he positively true of California is, that the proportion of bad to good is very much higher than â€"hero, and the tone c( society and | politics? decidedly loosor, It is pos sible to mako rich in California much eooner than in Canada, but i‘m- one to ’whom that good fortune comes, theib ave thousands whose lot is oneâ€" continued round of disappointment aud bad luck, Hero there is comfost and plenty for all who ure willing to work for them ; there the winning card is too often in the hand | of the speculatar, It is surely better to stay where competence and even a fair . measure of wealth are in store for the honâ€" est, the industrious, the intelligent, than go there to grapple for the necessities of life with the " smart " and the " sharper," Evidently Mr. Fahey bas found it a land where neither money, good heslth, nor contentment are likely to be soon at tained LAW AND JUSTICK BoOK NOTICE decidedly loosor. Tb is p oâ€"rich in California mu in Canada, but for one nod fortune comes, theib a and plenty for all k for them; there often in the hand is surely better to \ By L. 0. Exxss>N and W 8. Tito®®, Prick $1.00 $9.00. ree Dozex The UIGH P£CHOOL CHOILR is simuar in « neral desiqn to the very popular® Hour sumuml;' walch has ‘been windst nnl'lrn]lz vrelin High Schools, The present work is in -ény inferior to its pr: decessor, and is entirely tresh and uew + Prto® 76 Caxrs." $7 80 pre DozrN: e By P R. PALMER, ass‘sted by L ° 0. kxrRRson . t think of teaching a Ming! Bohook 'lll)g ):'l using thia nnmunv“e,‘ p)pnl':..ud_ useâ€" ful b~ol. . t) I!THE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR!! BY H. 8. & Wi 0. PHRKINS. | _Pr.ok 35 CEnos. _ $0 pee HUuxDreo . ‘Rest in Ihoe ""«Wh t Josus may +av," @W»ndering Ohiid.," "W hat are these » * Watch. man » wake !" ure specimens of the titles of the beautifui new hymus, to sweet ncw n elodies, Ottawa, argust, # h We c C id uTEZyEs, labat e UX PABWCRN REXboen. »ubtishea contatatog m n; =ul con the -xmocuo!uu Entrance luntnoot}m\ the (General Regilations, and the course md: Application« torthe ‘prospectas, and for isâ€" sion at Toront, are to be mae to the Iducation Office, and at Ottawa to the Principal of tue Ottawa Normai School. Envcation Orrio®. % Tornto, August 19, 1875. Awâ€"law. _ homme commix ville. dewrerait trouve i s 22o 9 ty ctable fum!te o.wonw'ï¬'n'w‘u-m r:'uw».rl«: &‘ m%‘m- immediatementian W h. K«lnndu' mes‘,) FRESH NEW YORK BAY OYSTE®S, â€" The se Kohools â€"estabil Firâ€"t and Seeqind: class / Reboolsâ€"will iopen "at 1 Wednesday, the 15t . Nese Soncol#â€"estabilsr ed for. the ï¬u-g of Firâ€"t and Seeqind: class eners in the Fublic Weqnenday, the .}.2 “’..‘r....“"“ mber Hoxt : ® when all canditiates for adm :s onfl_‘ 1 to present thertr se!ves nt resne‘" t Â¥e s0 @. None can be received aiter Thursuay, the 1 entember, The Session will continue until the 15th Jul , Wï¬ wuht;:m:c;n from th= third WJ in ) the second Tuesday in January, and hur mei«&mhy betore to the Tuesday aftar Aazink Niiabnatins THE SHINING RIVER1! A Nom&abbgi!:_pohool Song Rovon®® â€"in this City on M nd?. the #rd sn We ntr."Oneairae. Roucher rged AÂ¥g yoatp ancl wht "0‘.'. T7 ce Yuibigh The funcral will leave his father‘s residen06, Hugh Stre.t, »ppesite St. Pagriok‘s Chnroh, toâ€" day at ten o‘â€"lock, a. m, for the,place of interâ€" ment, R. (, Cometery. Frionds and rognaintâ€" wrces are requested to atiend without iurther notlce, _ â€" | "it Esmorndr,â€"In this (ity on Runcay, the $nd ing!,, the Wife of Mr, Joseph R EKsmonde, of a cuughter. pp»sxysion _ DBMANDEE Un / joune | _ homme commis dan« une huraman da mnatta ‘The George Washington Restauran t York street is now (:Yon for guua and meals can be had at all hours, 39156w. _ Itis needful that those persons who have means ‘should be aroused to the senseof the fact fhat a human being may starve in summer as wellâ€"or, perhaps, it would be more proper to say as illâ€"as in winter, ‘The excursions which are given every few days to the children o’ this city, help to sustain many people whom it has not hitherto been dreamed they benefitted. By taking away the chiliren even for a day and feeding them there is so much of a burden token off the head of a family, and if there he any money at wll in the coffers of a pror family it is thus lengthened out for a few days louger than it otherwise would be. Several societies which have not hitherto been distributing charities have now beg un the work of aiding the poox. Among these is the Cx% Mission, whose hendquarters are at No. 5Q Bible liouse,. 1t is expected that all the societies which are:usually active in the winter will immediately beï¬in to labor, and it is hoped that the rich will quigkly appreciate the necessity of houxing on u{e work. If something be not done speedily there will be more paupers to care for at the beginning of next winter than there were in the midâ€" dle of any ordinary winterâ€"New York Herald. Specimen copies PRIYVATE ment New Advertisements. In She l jus rece‘ved nd Noonans Restaurant, IVER UITAON #00, It is a fnct, but one not remdlily under: stood by many poople, that there is alâ€" ntost as much distross among the povertyâ€" stricken people of this citfr at the present time as there was during the hard winter of 1874+5. â€" Every charitable body in the metropolis is ups)liet.l to daily by twice the number of destitute people that it can help. Mr. Klock, the Superinten: THZ SONC mornArcH. NTAÂ¥IO lflllAl. SCHOOLS, TORONTO AND OTTAWA, TANTER a good Cook TTAWA, WEDNESDAY, ATGUST 26, STITUTION VRRY PREVALENTâ€"THR POOR STARVE WIILR TIR RICB ENJOY THEMâ€" SELVKSâ€"WORK FPOR THE CHARITABLE, JUST PUBLISHED For Sale Only 7 FAMILIGS SUPPLIRD, DONALO : NQoNnanN. e e en e n e e e commis dana une eotte t trouvs ‘una . pesision dR 900 , Apply at . (ha NoONANS itisTaURANT C Npairks & treot. CHWAR ‘H. DITSON 4 o. N!lttran twey, N Â¥ BIRTH. The City Poor seut, p stâ€"paid, for retall @wâ€"law. Iron and + attachmen‘s, a direction receipt 96â€" pavies each iron _ The recet %h Ne SPEINGS ‘to ‘get out of aBbrr obiast s other. ©"Jur Agents w I1 c 1 Band and Gasver I com posed of Arimc e ho o anaciinenie s OO ootePreorliol »ne .. Our. «w l1 call on : you shortly, °C wxuï¬m:m%m Fay i T aolpéfl{'l.! n‘u%n&n-.u eral Agent« Tor the sale of ‘ This is the best shinele machine for biock sawing ever introduced into Canada. BCOTT, OAYLEY & CAYLEY, $906â€"1m 70 Sparks Street, Ottawa. Is a du6 attention will be paid to the mmwuu which are -o:unruon- larly conducive to the Art of Civil neering, Surverings Mamutation Godmeiy ensura try, ‘Natural Philosophy, &6 A TERMSâ€"Per Quarter (payable in adâ€" Telegraphy (extra) course...... 5.00 Class will reâ€"open on the Ist September. SELFâ€"FEEDING & SELFSETTING. ° DOMESTIC‘ ship, Algebra, Arithmetic (written and menâ€" ::u“flnnm:hooi-knpl:..( Bommrdslm(;:- _m.ï¬Ã©onmmlm will ba nald In tha CHAMPION SHINGLE MACHINE ! ;r:é:un;’m young men for Commercial Busiâ€" he course ofstudias includes the complete l‘fl(’“d such . branches as u:usvalhbgchln Ofll1 ngâ€"house <transactions, : Grammar, Anals as and French dn io | Opeed ant, S repenh, Composition, Ottawa, August, 10th 1875 This Ipstitution: has *pecially in view the tratzing of youhg men for Commercial Busiâ€" Commercial Academy. HAY, STRAW & O4AT3. aAccom mod ate _Printed forms on which > is to be made, can te had by W TAE PRINCIPAL, â€" NORMAL 8COHOOL, OTTAW A, _ $ P, 0. Box 187, K | SUBHUOL, in red to receive applicaâ€" tions fromâ€" bofrdingâ€"house Reepore who can TSm SBrt is BBE i# , °0C C 5C ie GenCeman who lé‘fkul up & .J BABY‘8 SCARLEN gu.)l‘ll 3AK at the 8t 1.. and O, Railway Station, kindiyleaye 1t At this Uffice. _ â€" h *R a Ottawa, August, 23rd 1875 Ist Dyyâ€"Wednesday, Sept. 8th. No. 1â€"Montreal Hunt Hwo.flo Chase, tor a _ purse ?i :lm ngnu. H.nt. bus @boutt Llnl â€" Open to all halfâ€" horsen mnsl:c to members of the treal Huntâ€"Gentiemen riders, $115 to 18t ; $85 to Â¥nd. No. 4â€"Ottawa Hunt Steenie Chase, for a purse ?lf $180 ; wo:m. u‘)"n age. 6;}0n g&.u orses of the * wa Iu&'d tggt hmmmd'gh S.h: Uttawa Hounds. $115 to Ist; $35 to On Wednesday, Thursday al;d Friday, J . M. CURQIER, E#q,. M. P., President. Alonzo Wright, Esq., M.". Bher? Powerl. ¥‘d‘k‘u‘;“‘°.‘:‘"m“"' wP. W . oriren, Req: s G +, M.P. % M Dr, N?vo-eu-t:u." * Py o4 + Uraich, Neq A )bany ‘Treade r8, 1 |lmnnm::’-. 1bâ€"8de4w Caledonia Springs, Ont., Dr, Sweell=nd. ___________ Oapt. A. Howle. M, MoN:u.hw Keq. W.Oha»pness, Esq Ottawa. Augast, 2ra 1875 F‘ox Hunt Steepleâ€"Chase Meeting Otltawa, Aug. 2%, 1875, F arte THURSDAY EVENING A U‘!G. 20th, The: Great, The Original; and Only, Olhewns, Augu®®, 218 1976, G Fot particulars see poster» No Auguat 21, 1875 HRISTIAN BROTHERS‘ Engagement for 3 nights only 0P# THE GREAT AND UNHIVALI.II\' SECTEMBER sth, Pth and 10th, nder the patronage of the Ottawa and Montreal Hunts andâ€"many of the most prominent citizens of EALED Tenders will be reconived for the _ supply of R Cn M M CNCING MQONDAY EYVENING, AUGUST 34. NIRST ANNUAL With the Ottawa Pagk of Fox Hounds, at O8T. _ Will the Gentieman wno p‘eked up a COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. Its the best, 1OWANS G!AND OPERA HoUSE "inlasion Orehertrn rele t0eents, Bnloor io fla ar im 1y" m_fw?‘c‘l.‘m JAPANESE TROUPE, 3~â€"County Steeple Chase, tor a purse of $000. Catch â€"wei hts. ‘Open to mii norser owned in County of Prescott_ $000 to Ist; $00 to Â¥nd. HAY, STRAW AND Q4ATS, |_ e Provingig! EhiBitionjunii MONDAY, 2nd Day~Thursday, Sept. 9th, BC Crimping Iron in the Market OwWaANS GRAND OPERA HoUS® T‘ PATENTED 1873. 200 in Use in Canada. ROYAL YEDDO Anusenicuts. rehestrna Chairs, Z5 cents. Parquetto 8, Bnloon\ 50oents Gaildry 2 cents, t rt 1. and J. Go# abs 64 Sparks Bt. e stertainntent of (he spason . â€" Montreal Gazette August 4. 22 200008 FOnmanâ€" m;::lo (written and menâ€" TH E COMMITTEE AND GRAND of Canada. is during the term beginning W, H, AUMOND, M-h\'llfl.‘:. BRO, ANDREW wgont. and| 025in34 3024«thn4 1875. QOstawa. August, 1Â¥th 1875 The:course of studies will be resumed, Wedâ€" nesday{st Septem ner. â€" A in gwmontoluddnndsuver Watches, Lndlel? pera and Victoria Chains, gentiemen‘s Albert Chaing, Kings and Goid Sets, Hracel«ts and Jewellery cf overg desort HRf w-.rz{oloeh; at the lowest prices. qob inols stomn at Shiiep Dare me w aep ol aB eâ€" g:nu in the Dominion. 30 _ SIGN PaINTER aAXD GRINER, Wellington Street, ‘Neas Pooley‘s Bridge. onW ay £NotiPten of HOUSE sigN, anp ORNAM ENTAL WRUTING, Gliding ud Giase #6., executed in a Superioc Style. 8921â€"y| B@* 36â€"SPLRK® ~STREFTâ€" ‘wHOLESALE AND RETATI. Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c YOUNG LADIES LITERARY [ASTITOTE, ‘ _PICTURE FRA M E Have réceived ‘;of umr ‘Bpring Importations, 48 BALES UARPETS and CURTAIN®S. Embracing al: the novelties, out for the senson, o which the confidently Invite Inspection. inary, departme rmces | everything 10 be fougd in Ruwalt vegutet Bogee" The mate 1e positive, and as the furniture, et0., was alt pure e peng â€" trec wm.::n ,mmmiu’-m ? â€"â€"___ J. BERMJNGRAY, 3 oo esnt Auctioneer, â€" omn OARPET HOUSE. SHOOLBRED & Cco. August, 19th 1875. SHOW O#8KES MADE TO ORUER, March 12, 1274, Ih ab ts m futefinn Aoloii Ther beadsome narigr sove e on }x.‘n« Mhu.::nbgzm .nn i ehing 31:: AD _%m‘"fl.'o‘:."»«&‘::: ab t 'a.n. all bis handsome ie l ev lvuvnor. ho id park ; very fine T«octave case and plapoâ€" a very short tiime in use; some parior in brown and goid h&m&rflo eentre: table, rich 0x ote, hak in tm r on ap ol thaie ganoliens, nurm. Hevresind Parâ€" Modinat ol n esn won e narluatd ; carpe D %lh-kdmn':’m be lound the fin b â€"wainul,: marbleâ€"top: furnitare, ha H" «Carpets, rich bedâ€"room ching, qr.ua m igul. bianike ullts, dg‘ l‘l‘hc oul |me1.lnm ..:'ngn avAFYthing tathe PoodaiPiachie natenee ho 5 higu Pebress, On THURSDAY, 26th Inst., Caructrs & Gilders. The subscriber in nnnohncing this sale begs to mssure the public, that the goods were con» ll‘lll:d Abr{vo&.lve SAle,â€"aitt therefore each arliole must ba sold for whatever it may bring, more Iv, as the entire stosx m st ba o'omrm%hlnlrcw d-{n. to make room for othor eonsignim®nts previous to exhi f fivem, "Hiale Wvery evenite ht TB Prvgals vens v ev R Bd- dur tog the day at Auction priges, ~ i J. BERMINGHA M. Auctioneer Ottawa, August, 3Â¥th 1875 Household â€" Furniture Monday Ev‘g. 23 inst., at 7.30 boxes, J E Wâ€"E L L BE R Y _ N. MARKS, | TUESDAY, 3ist inst at 100 aumi, i OttaWa, August, 2ith 1875 Spocial Value in Lace Co>tains. wl P PP RTCTOPRUIC forgét the day TURSDAY, %l¢t ins The Hubscriber will rell by Public Auction at the above residence, on Toesday, 3ist lmll.. wt 1030 at m, all the household furnitiure and e[Tects therein, comprising in pert, ope handâ€" some 7 oct. rosewnod: case, co tage plano by Borman of Baniburg, one pilano «too!l‘ ¢olfl fime pler y‘nss, parlour suite in green and gol dlmuJ: B. W. book case with severni volumes #tandard workts, fancy tubles plerarm cbairs, camp chatrs, seif adjusting chandelier®, cur pots. _chromos, engravin®; window unml:fs, pariour ornamett=, eto., B, W, «ie boards, B. W, dining table, B. W eane seat dinjng ouurz l«mnm nflmu, sliver ware, omFs klase an eroeitery, bhil hitop«, hall oak table and chairg, Oll cloth, conl »tovi, stair carpets. etc., Oak and 8. W, beosteads, bureaus with glass attach» ed, enelosed wash s ands, window hangings, ©urpet®, feather plliows, bn‘ll-erll, heir and nrrln; maltreases, whrel4, blankets and house iinen An exeelient mmlldv bitllurd table seven feet Iong with quens and balls completa, Iftohe « and other stoves, ms weil as n }ange quantity of culinray viensils and «iteor on mrnltuo. The Hrnltum an* efléects mre all in ‘o order, ousekeepers preparing for the Exbhib.tion wili find thi< Sale well worth attending, _ Don‘t Paporat €1i2. us m t ahevin a en Cai C PC TWe _ Extensive and Unreserved quction Sale, CAatchnrahet Notre Dame du Sacre Ceur, RIDEAUSTRERT, OTTAWA. Charles. W. Leonard, MANUFPACTURERR @60# natksâ€"st. WILSON & ORR, Jarvers&Gilder ; J. BERMINGHAM. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE At the residence of 0. K. Sheppard, Ksq. O‘Gonnor Street, M Household Furniture, Rosewood Pianoâ€"forte, Rich Carpets, Pictures, Silverware, Handsome Gaseliers, Clocks, Beautiful VaseajChing, Glass, ... aud Kitchenware. NOTHER AUCTION SALE Bermingham‘s Sale Rooms, LOOKING=â€"GLASS and Auction Sales. CA R D. ac* ssox Street ELGLIN STREET, Warpcets. COMMENCING ON OQf Handsome 200 P OHNE 208 o BC I J. BERMINGH A M = OF BY=â€" Auctioncer at 10.30. 8924â€"11 192610 The whole of in Paris, large m%m 'l..(-h: C m n Pn un ie eereae ies tor u:ehd‘ r- uj Hro" the Ned m th cAnphaiie 2s the old ons PH000nt The Company Wwill fiÂ¥o gladly‘ efitertaih pro Nol tr: first.clase firms or umvlh-n*: Ena‘.condib§ fo hempnion in ha discrent oltes Applications for further Mfl be addressed to W. O. CALLENDER, 70 & 71 Mfljfluï¬.w Broad street, K. C kb i dene a eP ie clh 'hlelf‘wmonuuumm.rs admission to Grand Conéert Of wioRtever ‘L.f.t-v be l'll.d-‘h e whule tcket Tll Compagnie Generale des Mince â€" d‘Asphaites, who are now the 'E"eï¬f@igm---?-ï¬- uDt DOySE8L. A in, #‘ra0ce, are now prepared to pply to contractors Others, the produce Of gq ml::, ol_u:u‘l:-_l,l-e of the l!=.-fl or in â€"the form of . for us Dominiog ‘of Oasein, at ciek» TL3 RRDQâ€" Haliefdashery. White and Coloured Shirts, To be sold at cost, previous to Removing to lasnuny_l:oelr.’Wofl?n.m Street. PdtCen CH 200 oOd incom e the m?mm’ $200 06) from E% Wenerr! Agency for the &.-. District : mm We vinhan‘s rproind aaigar Colte :’Ad:Cr:-m wum and experience, if s BIMPSBON & ma l anality» 'l\ll Insurance Co. August, 17th, 1876 Broadway Tailoring ,’;",‘.’"‘l"c‘m Ticket, $5, which cansists Plflllx fecoud Capualiunun}::~::**~.... Seo.000. Wflhhhmm.udlu‘ Rer ponsible arents wan Ay orders for tickets mudlnot promptly Circulars, s fuil ol ies . ie arine setint m Partioviare Mlo'.:. mm“::‘.“ T ‘aad sent C, 0. D...if destred* > _ // ied sn OF DENISON, TEXAS, WILL GIvE a 8ECo N D â€" GRAND GIFT CONCERT Mutual Life Insurance Co‘y., HFRTFORD, CONN. | ~ lexas Gift Concert Association, A FOERBTUNE | F OR $1 milténges of mongy b,, ) _ . â€"â€") . ; «:.;. â€" K. COLLINS, Sec‘y, Denison, Tex. TIII "All orders for Books requl prinied beadings cxrefully attended In.:.q raxe® livag t York _ Steet, In aid of a Masonic and I. O. 0. ®, GENBRAL B Citizens Insurance Co‘y. Aug. 22. NPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Ruling, Perforating, Numbcring Jan, 9, 1875 Ataabade over first cost, at Lamb‘s Clearing r;ul;’. In r-oviryam can -‘nn Io'u a no uying your fret wear a T9h earimg wuloh"lll be opened to the Jhonl, & time, as the stock is fast di osrl.:a. A opportunity for b&ying out a good well on» taolished businets, Personal application to PAPER RULER, AND â€" â€" Account Book Manufacturer, Ajarge lot ofelipper®, at cost and unde kinds of Leather BOOTS & SHOES Lowest Gift To a Whole Ticket, $50. Aud other goods mt prf\po_rlltmuely low prices, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, PYRIMONT SEYSSEL ASPHALTE Firs, Lirs, Avorpext axp GvaRaxte® AGENT:for OTIA WA and vicinity Ma lith. * db Boots, Shoes, RUBBERS, &c., Ottawa, Jan, 23. BOOKBINDE R, 3Miscellauncouns. P. C. AUCLAIR, March 10, 1875 Cash Assets Over $26,000,000 Childrens‘ Rubbers at 35 ots M inson* ** at 40 ot=. Ladies‘ Loug Rubber Boots, at $1.059. CaAPITAL, Which will be sold CHEAP for Cask March 10, 1378 Equitable. Life Assurance Company HAS. DESJARDIN®, General Agent $250,000.00. HAND IN HAND MUTUVZA L EASONABLE. UST RECEIVED AND OPENED OUT, â€" 50 Cases of SEPT. 22, 1875 Boots & Shocs. LEGALLYâ€" AUTABORIZED li'uu' D., if dextred*>= 0 ~ 0 =00" all communicati¢ns and make all Mookbindecrs. A . ;(Dll'l‘l;;:n.-â€" Tusurauce. Temporary Office: J. T. Sutton, Russell ‘House Block, OTTAWA. W. . BROWN, dmufl-.*"- 42,000,000, . Temple, thel hirge and nged RikGrimant ut »ieanripet THOMAS ‘ANY, l:(:::t wur [Buccessors & THOMPSON. % J OEI“.L‘..-. G. P. HAKEK, Posmestor. st Office, Ottewa. June 1. 2. PORT OFFLCE BAVINGS BANK will be received at this office. interess nipienieee o Te "Oince hours from paad. to" m ela6 ".:t‘:l BTAMPS in * + Heepaalina On Money Order Officss (broughont the Doâ€" A'c'--':.- b will saxy ba "E“‘: -A_flz‘gflfll whie! Vim :o' :gn.-.u- evéry Monday and rggunb-gmml&n†ages the same night. Matter * lfll‘.l"'-..'ll. C al warded Kast and West in supplementary paok» 1.3 p.m., I'luhmu “’h-flh aAx» vemrourys, * "‘ which cannot be besten.‘ ‘Caritu lavd ' Sngrreminey t ftverace Pase Ing orders at the sa m Centre Town Livery 8tables, P.TOWICIOII:!A. + W# i 4 Arrival and Departure of Mails, W . the or ‘his pasvels ooo e hata Rvendences 22e eatonablt Tete Cllal Town Liveny Minbion in tite aroe, a"* es s hortnn sn po e ascuatit ooe Jumes M »0L b“ President. &hr"ï¬l w (obe P *ï¬ aeRyy 0n . "¢ * Ohure xiode o Fee npport iR Fraser, Req., Hen. Goor y o eR t o e im A Ge id ll.}i «* ~‘-n lowed on Deposits m(:o:.u ‘(“m and mn;'m.; Drafte Bavings* Department. A relected stock always on 10 parties. _Orders promp!:y dl& #0, Office : Yewrie nn einfinecer it Block of -@ DirRR0ToRs ; / RIDEAU AND CUMBERLANXD 186. SUMMKR «RRANGEMENT, . Jad" AiiMuilc ato closed By. Moutrogt Bririsu Liox HorteL, Ottawna, July 2, 4876 . 5i March 11. 1274 Livery Stables, C BANK OF OTTAWa LIVERY STABLES_ FLOUR AsD reed 11«3=75, & uies (ndler than UliAWa Gine, ~ FLOUR AND FARM PRODUGE elosed mt 1.3 ; & lour \\&,‘n‘i The Victoria Stables Bauhk Hotitg Carriages. BRLCIBH MAILA X. TAYLOR, | BROWNLEE & PoDe bert aild â€"OORNER OPâ€" NP :y altended #0, _ Price Will. be prid ES .5 _ ay (( m W stitution. x4 iyipgs ® of it drnv road will be Feer hes Seerkes is on each gven suc and rétail pots har ty oured Their wi are of th 18 and have taa is no (5ee upe House Mhbl which is fchw Fiusw