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Ottawa Times (1865), 25 Aug 1875, p. 3

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ils. i Stables )TTAYtt & W A E HARNESS t O QTORE. A 1 LOR, e Pubiic at sn this office. 1DLere#t ~â€"r cenl. per annum, aw» at any UnG@. _ ICLE®. very Stables NGs BA NK »pply Great Britain and A M PS LEE & CO office, bot _ may be be liceused stamp N. America, W KLâ€" nd musi conveni@nt % good rgs, prompt s and Lades‘ Rid* yCS. ery Friday at 14.00 n of the Public to ent of ail descripâ€" ppicmentary paOK gnuni'l cent. per ipaid, 2 cents. uuadian sieam ere in waich only up~ ABL ES A speciaily made of re of Mails,. OMPANY, Carriages, PRODUCE, 0 0 bull tng w C( ec¢d Monday and AND a: d altentive eubed e a:tention T81 ¢v suil al 06â€" Uf hasey Atam PILE aND HUMOR CURE, For Intercal and External Ure > Warranted a SUKE and perfcctCURE for all kinds of Piies,.Leprosy,Kcrortui2,1 etter or Ringâ€" worm, Saitâ€"Rbeum, and ali diseases of the akin,. One boitle warranied in cure all cases 0f Piles; from one to three botiles in al} cases of Humors. BERKXLEY, Sept., 18@ â€"Gentiemen, 1 feel it a duty 1 oweâ€"to you to express my gratitude for the great benefit 1 bave derive« by taxing C au + Thas Rurhnaprinr uon aiave Pliin r. r y e above TX wisd in hn -u;mmn.lmn which i .m'.a “‘am? pain for alength of time, having Wied nearly every remedy K:-enbod, but Without any benefit at all. After tiking lwo bOlties of you: valuabie piis i1 was quite reâ€" stored to my usus. staie Of neaith. . Plemse give t us puvlicityâ€"lor the Denefit uf LDose Who 104y thus be afflicted 1 am. Sir. yours lnuy,\ulnli ALLBABK io the proprietors of "‘Norton‘s Camonmile Piis.‘ $1, and 124 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Untario, gemeral agents for the Dominion, will in sure a bottle, containing over 5U pills, by return mail. This remedy bas been faithfully lulfinn'l found to be ap aimost infatlible cure the above ramed diseases. 1ts succeâ€"s has been so universa! that Lhe propriel r guarantees a cure to tnose who use his medicine, or in case of failure uo refund tre money paid. Since i1 wa» first introduced he has received many thousâ€" ands of lesiimoniais; ; roving i\s efficacy for the cure of the awlu! diseases it is recom im ended for. The Pile acd Humor cure is entirely vege table in its co » position, an : can be used with perfect safety in all caâ€"es, There is no canger Of it driving the bumor in, as it cures on the surface, and the palent‘s bodily hemith conâ€" Unually improves while under this treaiment. Pneou.%or bottle. Noid by ail uruggisus. _Dec 11. 1€4. _ _For full particular: agent, a pamphlet, or ment. 4A Consvrrtivz Curk».â€"When death was hearly expected irom Consum ption, a.l remeâ€" wies having failed, accident ied o a discovery w fl. H. sames cured his orly child & preparation of Canmabis Indicaâ€" He now gives receipis free on recipe of two lamps to pay expenses. There is not a single Jmptom <1 consum ption that it does not dissiâ€" a leâ€" Night Eweai, lrillvtion of tbe Nerves, Mfle uit Kxpectoratic n, Bbarp Puin in the ‘l(:, Aausea al lbe momach, lraction of the owels, abd wasling v: the Muscles. Addre«s, RAV DUCK & £o., 101 hace st.,, ‘ptlndeiphia, u¢iving o» m . 6f un: .( uper. Mecem uo * $ wo HUuson City, New Jersey. Mrs. Wm. [Lawrence, writing to Mr. Fellows, says: | cannot tell you bow many have called to see me to inquire if I reaily had been as ill as reported, and if it was the Syrup alone which so won derfully restored| me (a consumptive) to such good health. With gladness | tell them all that my recovery is due to Felâ€" lows‘ Compound ~Syrup of Hypophos: phites, with the biessing of God upon it Fellows‘ Hypophosphites being peculiar in its effects and composition, no other preparation is a substitute for it. derluily restore«| such good health them all that my lows‘ Compound phites, with the t JOB MOSES FFMALE Pliis. This well known me«iicine is no imposi tion, but a sure and safe remédy for Feâ€" male Difficuities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and altough a powerâ€" ful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. preserved In all eases of nervous and Spinal Alâ€" fections Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, lHysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powâ€" erfui remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" stitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully Nm is hereby given thmt any person or perso s found SHOUTING ulur:-\. or gvvho Wrespassing in and about the Rideau Grounds, and in the Bay, west of the main read will Inw-lllw law directs, equaily as gooud {or horses as ior ImaD. â€" A. _ Maybee, Merchant, _ Warkworth, writes, "i have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Uii, and it is proâ€" mounced by the pubiic, ‘one of the best medicipes they have ever used ; it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throai, &c., and is worthy of the greatest confidence."â€"Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes : " 1 was persu ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil for a lame knee whieh troubled me for three or ou: years, and 1 never found anything like it for curing lameness. [t is & .;“m!. public benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes : " For weeks | aras troubled with a swelled ankle, which annoved me very JOB MOSES, NEW Y a swelled ankle, which annoyed me yery much.. Mr.Maybee, of this place, induced me to try Electmec Uil, and before one bottle was used i was cured. [i is a most rem@rkable medicine. say that S ocu have b for se tmeu L commen Keeper, 8 N. THIOMAS Phelps, N. Y And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto is on eaci» Toronto, . nold by all paration: stood the these is Dr. Thomas Electric Uil the following and be couvinced Robinson, Fambam Centre, D.Q ‘l have been atthicted with rheu Or lu\.‘\vin‘ulg'\ h and retail by a wanied to n 7 Dr. E. Math ontreal. For sale by all druggists y markable mediâ€"ine. Sold by all medicine dea pet nole agents for the Dominion: Nots.â€"Electricâ€"Nelected and Elecâ€" Waar 4 M L1 wa A MAN OF Aa THOUSAND. 1 it to al,"â€"J. H. Earl,/ Hotel West ~hefford, P. Q., writes, " [ n troubled with liver complaint al years, and have tried different . Thomas Eclectnic (il, which immediate relief, and [ would 1 have used it since with the best No one should be without NOTICE. al th BUNINES®S NOTICRS Consum ptioua ed one should be without it on my horses in cases is, etc., and think it is tor horses as tor man.""â€" Merchant, _ Warkworth, sold some hundreds of ctric Uil, and it is proâ€" public, ‘ one of the best have ever used," it has in healing and relieving at, &o., and is worthy of e lives of thousands aved during the past x mt btain free, of the fer to advertise are permanentâ€" e Ointment. or ople to allow m tham rather U reudniaslis RIRT is a most PR A C T I C;A L * PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEER. , N.X ronte, 0. Sparks Street, 14 iss _ 3rd Door West of Bank Street, to s ature, are its effect Rheum. Cases t kind i hos ne of (Late Yarrow & Hsouxt,) liead ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR, LONDON has T SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, | " MACHINERY DEPOT, _ The ‘SummerQueen‘ SECRETARY : s J. W. HOLMES, Esq,* The Montreal Proprietary School has teen established to provide a liberalâ€"education similar to that given in the Pubiic Schools of England. The coufse ln-m'ua:mw. will not be ex.e!m"# classica}, and boys will be specially prepared either for the U and Profesâ€" stons or for Commercia Life C la&Mpflmhu have teen purchased for the Séhool in mw one of the most h« alt! localities or the city, and immediately adjoining the of the. MeGili _ The course 0‘ instruction wi .â€"include Latia, Gre>k, Mathematith French, German, ‘Arithâ€" tic, Writing, English Grammar, Literat and H and Geography, both rfa:'ngp modern, Naturai l’hlkiopb;‘. \?:n .nfm Music, vrawing, by-.‘“ and Uril Universitys Afllll romptly to fitting up Water Services, Baths, Sinks, &6,, Â¥ith Hot and Cold Water Pipes, (fi- Pipes and Fixtures, Hot Air Furnaces. jer Estimates for work in any ofthe above lines on lpprl;uon. R. B. ANGUS, k8Q. aure o mt W. T. BENSON, Kâ€"<Q. W. F. KaY, ESq. U. J. BRY DGES, C HENRY LYMAN, K8 G. aA, DRUMMOND, F. MACKENZIE irs?, HON, L 8. HUNTING T )N, M. P. N.J. M GILLIVRAY, JOSEPM HICKS »N, K3Q. N. mEnCER, ESQ. Late Scbolar and Prizeman of Magdalen College, Oxfordâ€"Graduate in Honors in Classicsand Modern fih'uv. in ASSIS TANT MASTPTERS: : Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting Tinsmiths and Galvanized Itron Rooters. Ottawa Branch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street. CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE, Late Senior Scholar and Exnibitioner of Trlllnlt.y. fl:l:. Cambridge, Graduate in Mathematical onors, &c. i € is hereby giyven to our patrons and the pubiic generally in the Ottawa d%tllll this Comâ€" pany bave decided to continue a Branch @ffice in this City and have leased and comâ€" modious stone buiiding, recently oecupled by Mesars, Angus & Co., No. 38 BIPPII w they have OPENED * N nrri{l’-‘, under the management of Messrs, CLUFF and MI newly appointed General agen® for the Ottawa Branch CANADA Agricultural Insurance voy. S mall S$teamers«â€" & 70 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. â€" Manutacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery or THEQ8ENT CANAL!LAN, HNGLIsil AND AMWERICAN MAKE Sole Agents for tbe Ne s Improvei l':NGlN ES AND “ull & Ordets m a COOKINC STOVE. MNTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. D POT Serew Stcamers with specds ranging upIto 20 miles an hour, Paddl¢ Atcamers, wll'h draughts ranging down to 6 inches of water, Contracied for. Prices from £200 upwards. , MACHINKERY CoNSTRUCTED FOR BOATS BUILT ABRQAD. awa, A Ti 6t EXAMINERS Tas Rev. GAVIN LANG. | _ Tas Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. Tuz Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. T. E. BEEVulb Esq., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Mathematical Master. MONS. COBRNU, of the University of France, Freuch Master. H. A. ruonablgq. of the University of Heidelberg, German Master., J, W. GRAY, Feq., of the School of Houth Kensington, Drawing Master. > & C %Olk_‘(?l?%‘l‘%'q C :-.:::iw }. H. L or s CAPPAIN BAKNJOM, unfln. COL PETEX KEDPATH, ESQ WILLIAM aNut BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL TO MEET SPECIAL REQULIREMENTS. TiÂ¥swITiis aNp WORKERS IN GALYVANIZED IRoN, AND CORNICE WoORK 1t Rideau Street, Ottawa, (0oppos ‘té Dalhousie St.) fiefs may be lefl at McLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Spark Street. P. B. Ferguson, NO HEAT, NO SMELI for Poc nies. or s ar les g FFiC Prospectuses may be ol isined at the Office of this Journal. INP YÂ¥ A R R O W‘S:! B LVT H & KE R R , 25 RIDEAU STREET, Y A R R O W & C 0., a Ni waod L HARWOOD, FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEAD OFFICE, : MONTREAL. CAPITAL, â€" _ $1.000,000. Viceâ€"Pr V A t &T. C. FAWCETT, K8Q., M. a Improved Coal Oil HZitte Assurance. eo«t of not m O T T A W A. FICE. P R I N COIP 4 L : E. W. BOODLE, ESQ., B. A. PRESIDENT ANDREW ALLAN, ESQ K1.L., a verfect Treasure in a family Beason es going to the seasice, or in a siek ¢ ber, or for: ry thing that may be done in the ordinary i burning stoveâ€"quicker and betterâ€" of not more than from one io one and a half cents per bour, VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; JAdLCD JAUR, NUGJ SSEA PTDATAT ETY CC w . F. Kay, KSQ. A. T. PATERSON d* HENRY LYMAN, KE8Q. _ :MR JUSTICE RAMBAY. P RINCIP 4A L U tlacliunery. np MASTERS ; CoUNCIL ; m (0) SbWARP A" OOE ring Dt sames a. sau hy "**‘~C | Ir EW AND SECOND llANl) hK DRILLS, BELTING, FILES,*AND SUPPLIES. t Desmarais and Adam. GEORGE STEPHEN, E8Q im Pum renton, J TJ SPARK ST., OTTAWA M.P, ‘JOHN RANK BQ. T. 4. 'rw A. WALKER, JOHN MCLENNAN, E3Q J, A. Fay, Cineinnatt, O. Y. ; Joseph é.u Inumno'mr- Inspector. THE TIMES ; OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 25, 1875 Â¥TTâ€"ly Agents for HALLET, DAVIS & CO‘s.,. J. & 0. FISCHER & CO0‘S., HARDMAN & UVS,, THE maATHUSHEK OO8. Pignoâ€"Fortes; W. BELL & 0‘)’&, Cabinet Orgauns and celebrated Orga ncttes; [3 Of the above list we might single out The Hallet, Davis & Pianoâ€"Forte«, and the W“Bd- Co‘s. celebra« med priced eunpol&h, cor .uy.‘r‘ ‘The %-m-fi.n.v 'n‘:d Hallet. .).3'..?‘13&{ Plu::-nun long been noon'n.m-d ‘anm a« being Hardman.‘ The Hallet, Davisa& Oo‘s. Pianos have been recognized fi?m"mu-a among the very best made in America. The reports tme Jntl’o- at the d‘ érent Exhibstions at which they have been ex .inlued, together with the opinions of the most “nnbhg Pianists and musicians in the wor 4 presen‘ a weight of testimony in their favor that , be resisted, and assure the purchaser w his receivinga superior instrument in every P 90 _____ In Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, Wist of England Broadcloths, &¢., &¢., &¢., Which he is prepared to make up in the latest and most fi«bionable styles, A large Lot of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. PBA good Fit Guaranteed. All Goods warranted Shrunk, March 11, 1875. y % Pianoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, Music Books, etc., : a the best value in th Bulltc W (DRESS GOO ow Sillk W Oback"Bow titink, Ohene, Sew on . s SAkpnaonanenoee Poieet aoct h en e T att â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" â€" FRENCH FLOWERS & FEATHERS Shingies Clapboards, ?il;El:g?%.i‘:s,wafi'ud od and Unglazed ore Jms ‘ . To t polr a c cce | | AGENT FOR MALLOOH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR, LUMBER DEALER, â€" CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STRELTS. sSELLING OFF SUMMER GOODS, Fainting, enables him to rajoo? ‘] l:l"?“d to m&'finéng of with poisonous pigments, so deleterious to health The Public are respectfull Inyhed to exmming his §bcx of WALL PAPER before purchasing w As the undersigned is out of the Room Paper Business as soon as his mtShokindhpoudo{flnGoodlwfllbofldddfihnwms These Paperhangings ‘are imported direct from the‘best Manufacturing Establishâ€" ments in England, France and United States.. Great care has been taken in their selection withr:gnrd to colour. _ ‘The ground tones are soft and pleasing to the eye, especially those toned with silver mica; but above all, are free from the mineral poisons that many of the tawdryâ€"coloured n : of the day are surcharged with. The Subscriber‘s long experience as a col and being thoroughly acquainted with the chemical compound of the pigments used. in Painting, enables him to reject, in his selection of. Paperhangings, those coloured To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city. 3827 W A L L â€"_â€" PA P ER. NEW LINEN CGOSTI OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. + _ In Francs, Eng!and, Holland and Spain, BRANDIES, PORT & SHERRY _ WINE, GIN â€" PORTER, &c PURE AND UNANULTE:A: xD () Fawilly use and Me«Jicinal purposes, wR OO }.s s m L BA NB O B ET A TL 100 100 .25 Ca 20 Ca 10 Ho 10 Ht S pring GQGoods, L 0 N D 0 N _H O U S E. _ HANEY & FORGIE, folly guarar fi:‘ tee? é.‘i?."n’."é‘.".‘m ol: wpuw'g' Monuments, Headstones, . Obelisks in Marble, Scotch Granité, ‘or Bandstone. ‘The newest desigin in OEMETERY FENOING, siltable for the varidus Oameteries. Teasâ€"Hlack, the finest im ported, Green, do. Coffeeâ€"Very superior, fresh roasted and ground daily, Syrupsâ€"Meple, A mber, Golden, &o., very fine. Sugarsâ€"All grades, for preserving very strong. A large and well selecte d slock of fancy grocer|es too numerous to detail always on hand. Glasgow Peas Meal, Mackenzic‘s Digestive Biscuits, and Angastora Bitters at THOS. PATTERSON‘8, Their Excellencies the Earl an! Countess of Dufferin. EBTABLIEHED 1834. STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SILK8,8 THOS. PATTERSON Hogsheads Fine Old BRANDY, 10 years old, direct order Hhds, kine Old PORT WINE, unrivaled in quality, some 20 years old ; different prices Cases BANS‘ Fine ALE®, pints and quarts, per Order Puryeror ro His Exosiurxoy tes Goverxor Gaxzzrit, Ear: Dorrermw. Direct Importations from the Producers Casks NBTERBY WINE, Y.P., fine favour, fine brands, William â€"Queale. *NCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTUREER Barre!s GUINNESS‘S PORTER, pints and quarts, put up to oider,. 34 WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. ~ _ Cases CLARET, Jas, Vioiets, special order, very fine CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL D. 8. RNKINNON & CO., JOSEPH DIMBL EB Y P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Has received and is opening outâ€"a large stock of Miarble CGMlorks. 78, SPARKS STREET,Z0TTAWA, DEALERS . IN McKkAY‘S Kailies‘ WAare, [( ESTABLISHED 1800, ) Tédall Paper. Dry Goods. »nftberers. At â€" CHAS,. BRYSON‘S, ~‘58 Sparks Street. AGENCY OF No, 26, Rideau St. Oitawa. OTTAWA, 1875. {11 sdDVU. 3819 $( n uce of all descriptions at A1 home, a ...ka m‘“m lkh'.u'- =“ l“: GU”. ® New Vark. stramt: : en For Coughs and Colds, Cunker, Asthm«, and Rheumatic difficulties. i‘ h>s been m the most @bundant and convincing 7 Pléb'i,m'l'u:.‘_fmfiu ' L. EEBSY, DAVIS » ~~â€" n‘ Proprietoes. After thirtyâ€"five years trial, it is stlil W‘ the most unqualified testimnnials to its ues from persons of the higbest «haracier aod reâ€" Ing, will be sent by expresr,freight at 0 | 1 i nthepadls ces menm W / und BxAl, to ane address Torune year; $1000; or, two of Harperts Poriodicals, to Snfi aneis in ire raualh a 4 on tYror Saknr witl ho nuppitedetntle ralloveryOing of Five _ Camplete® be Dt fubtean l AP 3 d one «> , now .gv‘vlnm s hur n:“ cl‘o‘t‘x\:u Ing, will be -nnio expresr,freight at o _ vpen purchaser, for .d!m!" ume.Singlexfocium lent monthly proves its coninuéd rdaptam ‘n: puin? dealres And needk :: tudesd, whe, We i oo paomer e in ; as Ang 0/ @ md'o!la ehtértainers ofthe public ‘niind, tor its vast ty has beeb wom apâ€" fi. 2 prejudiees n" Aspraved tastes.= Postage f rERIB:W C Su the ***uhited minage O HARPER‘s MaGAZtN® one year...... ..... .$400 Mll::- pay ment .of U .4. postage . by the c on mmorfotious 10. HXxkerk‘§‘ MAGAELTE, W&hl- train navo time for dinner a t: Junction. Pullman or Sofa Cars on Nos / and 8, _ and from both Ea:t and Wast. Notices of the Pross. s The nnm-lur-m‘ gircuirtion of thi» excelâ€" lent monthly proves its continuéd rdapta‘ ‘n to Rimmel‘s Tollet â€"Vinegar celebrated for use and . prOne & ) %--og’finfi m-e Suite and Glyce. rine, the bekt prepiration forâ€"the Hair,espe ml' c“”“&l Hoap, perfomed with 8 n Australian hfiv?‘u . Rimmel‘s Glycerine. Honey, Cos ums .:3 Floral Crackers, very amusing for Balls i "Unquestion al b{ all the World, Rimmel‘s 1 hang, _ Vanda, Hanna g‘oona%gnb and other perfumes Aaaont Psreate Whter, ditiied ‘frong ;fli}ifi'i "Lavan ter Atchaoy Fiowers,| _ $100 ; On and FROM TUESwaY, !5th JUNK, 1875 3 Traing Will in as (llowe :â€" The old reliahle. m hest and most direct route. Thes t hm to all points & Rast aho West, PHOTOGRAPHER ALTERATION OZ RUNNING TIMK And acceleration ~* ‘*tains, 1t is nsed Internally and Externally. #§m10.45 a.m. Train from Ottawa makes elose connection with Grand Trunk Express Train for the West at2.00 p.m., loce. 4.06 rum. “Nmn (MM Brockville make c connection lx‘pnn Train from the West. arrâ€"*~g ‘"1(‘;&;' at 7.16 p.m. for the Upper Ollswa, m Renfow, with stmges r T Ottawa, at Reanfrew to and from Pemhrote, ‘ Trains run on Mon‘real time. * Km&mw Brockville, June 7, 1875. gin« t No. Prescott; Connert‘~= witn, |Arrive in |Junetion | Ottaw LEAVH 0"‘.Bmokw" lle G. T. Junotion â€" ‘il.fism. :.22 p.m. ‘m .& ® = = , w pam. R ...ow ~ '.:(km.',' $.50 p.m. Ottawa Renfrew Brockvilie nta Onterin Brockville & Ottawa RailwaJs For Oftawa via Brockville. TWO EXPRESST tAINS DAILY. ure aonuection win umen / rail Bure connection with Grand | runk tne ’fflm At. lail. 8 / |4.45 P .x. June 11, 1875. CANADA CENTCRAL {Every aay. 1 I w""l 6x § 1875. COAL OTT‘AWA RAILWAY. Of uniform Gnufil\rll-:::‘- Grand Trunk IMMEL‘S CHOICE PERFUMES. mquestion a bi the best. snsial work of the l{l-‘ in *tbe World." 2,00 P.M. 9,30 P.M. ! | I'innd’r.-nnl Expross / 216, AM.| train tmm® Cast... (6.20, *p HARPERS MAGAZINE. _ Pobrorben a‘ 5) 0 oh. Jn one reiait Leave | J A R V I 8. 69, SPARKS STREET. Men or women . &34 a week, Proof furmshed FW'LCMW thie with no risk» A T6 page circtle Lnon‘ an nb nexs . W M a uol 4n the «aprems oâ€"dms of HARPER s AaRPEKR HROTH FB o0 S1. LAWRENCE PAIX KILYER. MRulmays. GoINQG GoING soUTH _ Royal Mail Line of â€" Bteamers, mute west and Central Vermont ailwar., | Grand Trur~ ®zpress Grand Trun» "xpress | from West _ TGnnd‘l‘rnn'Rxpm\ | from Weet......... Grand Trunk Sast & West & Rome & Waterinr® Qy, Grand ‘Trun« West| and Rome & Wa tertowo Rel!ways, 05 p. M from the Fast. 0B. RBEYNO »#, Managine ** . ctor, Ottawa. ACENTS WANTED. > | * 1.3) p m., 7 15 p. m. = | & 2,190 p.m., 8.80 p.m. â€"_ . __ 20 p,m , 8.16 p. m. Train from Ottawa makes with Grand Trunk Express ARRIV® ym â€"ANnâ€" J, W. Â¥cRaW§, COAL NoRrd 1875. Mauil 140 P .M 1.% Aa.M 8.56 P m $3 ukion." ‘4if aiigs $2.. McE rnscee Houses and Stores To Let in all Parts e HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, Advertising, Registry : & Geneâ€" ral Commission Office. COMMISSIONS . UND RTAKEN SPECIAL TRATN TO BRITANNIA, when they. embark on board ofâ€"a stemimer, FOR EVERYBODY ! to parties destrous of visiting the points of inâ€" c:reuqao, , k uon k snn to make m E: Cork 1 be charged 6 of “&"m P-nnmw&m w mes.9r, Liasars : e /8 t & in o. . . busnel m 6 dikeenanoit enpepenaal® The Steamers of the L4 lJne Snd from Liverp sof Ovzm and {roum beo every r-m e oyle to receive on board IAmsengers to and from ln_l_ ad t are intended to be desparohed > . > ; : ; ( 1f you have land or hoase prope: ty for sale ; If have any kind of â€"Tty for saie ; uy’:-mnumumm " Ll;mhn-h-obu-sor want a house If you have land or house prope: ty for sale ; #he chempest to ol Brc in ie Riphement en porgs 4 l gu Will ftieiscke UPWARDS, Pussengers by Lay Boat leave Bonaventure ie Aoeaeel Nee m Pos io kob ‘as rm m Lraiu 10r wx’mo Baggage checkeq through w Moutreai, mwm is ils Poule 18 oue most Caniua. . F‘urlties desirous oi nw“w muy obtain excursiou LoseL®, ULLaWa 40 4iren yi Je aud buck, vailu w one day, TrIpAL #iDâ€" Jace. ::'nn-ucen tor m.“c‘:um Caledon.a priugs Wi i be landeu «. rignan. i Teyflhi Liken io: ai pObuls awast. Compuny‘s Au.!l._‘lr-"{:nptx, Queen‘s W lhat, UUhaWk. â€" 1109 %, Bluyi . anu reiuru may~ve secured at the Qfflse, uccu‘s Wiarl, Of 400M Mr. J T. muuUe@® stusscil couse, uhiaWa. .____ _ _ .. IF Rhu AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sir. PELRLESS, U TELRLEBS, _ » _ _« / +__ Capl, DoOWie °n PHiNCE Ub WaLkb, _ Capt. shepterd NiGhT LLNE. Btr. ;QUrEN VIUTORL Macdonell. C P inusesg "" o a h Mowowal, DW NWARLE, f Passengers by Boat lea ‘s Whar: uommmfim"um * o rus.ougers wpht . mout ieave Qaeen! wun:ll.ué p M, calarisys and Sunduys ex« vep un n DU CHESNE LAKE. Arraugetients can be mMade with the Canada NICHOLLS & CO., A connection is mad. with the Qanada Cenâ€" }-‘l;ll'uu:flnm »t sand Poins, on ihe up and os“hsmfr"dn Jc‘»m Yon:‘“ Bryson for peau every Tuesday I‘riday mornings 5&7o'q10&°;2ml~.-vln¢ Ubapeat same in s Comnen momegs the Company in VUAWa. . QTATWA RINER MAVIGATIQN C0‘%. Union Forwarding & Railway Company “r‘g:;amei'.lm" _ Casse uu'.muvT"Eflnw , {Hundays exce . im.., Connecitn n LD sunnaare on uoue lnriacen "onemose. ml“lhnvu U::on. Russell and ‘Windsor souses a Im., Mrmmm Poriage daily , [Sundays exceptec) al 7 a. IA., PASSCD§ONS ar. Fiving us Ayimat ut mee pin. UNION FURWA4 B2 & HALLWAYX CO. Lt Aitawa July 22 1875 Books posted and bulanced, and debts Ratgs of Passags from Quebec :« June 2nd 1875. Ottawa, May isin 0‘CON N OR 8 TR E E T, Next Victoria Chambers. RhNO W _ BLGD, ce e a se es es e ce e se JABON GOULD. sc ie se eee 6e + Blx sOHN XOUNG......... IOLLN _ GAN : c ces en e es e pv se + H. C. OKEULY.necsesserrre PRIEB‘;RQWH vererere rerner ber K&‘) EW A. c sns +o ns +s cearrr ens DEKUX RIVIERES........... QRKGON........... ... sorp "";:;.Zl'.’.:'. revke o PIC NICS AND EXCURSIONS PRUSSIAN * RUSSLAN :u. Tik, ":.-::......... A ug. NWA-W i .0 ROYAL MAIL 418E STEAMERS â€" B ETW KKNâ€" particulars apply at the Office, Sparks OYÂ¥AL HAIL LOAE. ine, : Partionlarsfree.. Post card to 1t ANCHOER LINE, OQTTAWA axp MONTREAL FRBON QUKBEC ; DAY LINKE, m>nner for 1. W , 340 P B ERD, rreomdeul ifi e 14 Simeai en peenaatatna n i u.. d?‘rh-.-lzw Department however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. amount of five per cent. on ‘the bulk sum of the -?n !‘I:k filhml unless made the ease of firmsâ€"except there arc m::_té. Aanreris of ched mouber o the ns remptrinte of 17 tiposit of maney, ‘Duniic or 0 Brick, Oarpenter and Joine:«, 'qt.lndnfi the above. fo "-":r"‘r.f"“““‘- it Thit ofice on and id mohant To aae pros: where all uvoss til Thursday, the 26th iy"lg:'i'_;o;, fot the aftemest morke mgaitgy fop hy o Extension West Block," addressed. to th undersigned, jrill he reonired at this office un mets iD bo piid untipige eatpivhonnr ins signatares .m‘ and n:: "-‘"â€"'»‘...,,.....g i oie vm'fll:ditt“:. p s id e c ~ itself to uopnh: w.:"ny Tender. lwee Kn aut ignalienes e i n ) : k.‘ ty WW the ‘gum sent in with the ‘will be considered a part. rates stated in the offer submitted. _ _ _ _ _ â€"â€" The amount required in each case will be ‘ will th ue rteay maras ‘For the due of) the sutisfeolory Secutity apill be requindd »08 roal each ‘member of the samé{ ‘and further, an wocepted .bank: cheque, /or . @ther . available security, for the sum to three thouâ€" made strictly in mecordance with the printed Mw*--dhâ€"mmz andâ€"in the case .0f firmsâ€"excepi there o o np epinkaned on the section, must actompany each Tender, & . Tc finl B mpiiee Make perg tet soap works, when> called upon to doâ€"so, at the or thver side of the existing untrance.. . _ . line, which, Hi&eIber with plans and sfeoth. mefmTenmuiat. Montréal, ‘On (apd after Praxb day ‘!"’mm‘;‘l‘.fl:’- u..u..‘!f“" thiciibangets i inol keceoutidured "nnicks rane by m en ag rgavinne | onl oys( y af e mese i ‘ w " ‘.~ hi hok tanine Hhred Canal: ~Entargement. the lowest or any tender. be u-ll’nmdnm 4s ho ho e ized for milit ~ Patterns may be se mud fo "The Loretkment ait uo. . The Department will not be bound to accept Ontario Advisory ry Board Canadian Commission, International txhibition ‘of 1076, oth of such JACKETS, of Qustoms, and Warehousing .Port under: the mm&w« Costoms .uh-'m of Wooastock, to takeâ€"eflect from the is! Sepâ€" t+mb@r nexts MC 4 aorprend f fe d opal o. ber Mujestr‘s Reign, Nki i Apotssaire c KIB PAE ADMINISTRATOR ofiw lc.l'll.I&I IN QuUNCH, the Customs." His Excellency, by and with mumummy Couneil for &mmhlh:nzngmo&‘-.mnhm =n of Ingersoii, in Whthfivfl@«m ve B~.,1he, _ dnister of Oustoms, and u 2der the passes on ons (ecultran Btiirections olthe, a c passeo in the Sesalor "R t 0‘ Canâ€" GDOULLLLALL tl0licecs Tenders »will be recéivedamnt) Noon on the Colonel! Adjutantâ€"Genera! of Militia Ottawa, Aug. 17, 1875.© i um W. A. ORTH . ©2a . oo : Cmm trivy Dodnont. GOVERNMENT HOUSE,OTTAW A Wednesday, llth ‘day of Augu>t, 1875. NOTICE TO CONTRAOCTORS. FORAGE CAPS, Militia and Defence. Toth Day Of September, â€" 1075, To Contractors. AT,.PHILADELPHIA, U, 8. secording to the extent.of work won from Government of the Honorable an Oubport sum of for

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