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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Aug 1875, p. 1

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Locoaine axlrufl. Cocoaine «e no time in orderia . K M 1 EU X, hiug and Neison Sts. Cocoaine equiring nc proof and ng, capâ€" p and ~# Cocoaine & CO. Cocoainge Cocoaine rreemille Oder, Cocoaine »oibg pouim, Cocoaine ed Scalyâ€"Skin. eliers RUBS, &c. Cocoaine ® QOTTAW a, s and Ornaments L CRE EC L‘F Cu.oaine CILTY, New York. st Lastre. Hotel, a Lower Canada, American Norse» H inlles of Russei se given. loronte. . 34 Mair Nurseries at 3 RONTUG a#urer which is ap. i yable im m \.‘ The it amounts ig er schedulg. N. Jr4 \ N AGB, =resl me 1i feremt AMB) RLag *IROR Â¥â€"iw on & hiedy Caveers cured without the us by a rew bat certa B sperdy a> nmtt-. Releresce given ce ty Wrealgd i‘ rea ired Homti P:ivate Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter Corner Wellington and Bank sireets Otl Pbysician, Nigbt Om« Cente Tow chell § to 11 given ui erus Utiawa, Soutt cexter . Office, as fimerly, over Buore May be F. MELNDL has opened out, as a Merchan Tailor and Outfitter, on Eigin st., opposite th Pos t Office. Firstâ€"class goods always on han« pd satisiaction guarnoteed. in letiring from the practice « 1 have left _ with my former A. F. CuTTUN, my Vians barveys in uttawa ano vielnity plessu e in recommerding D GBBS & COURSOLLE, City of OTTA % A Momwepathic IPhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheunr. [TRADE MARK REGIETERED.) VICTORIA CHAMBERS, WELLIXGTON L _ lik, STEEET, OTTAWAQL. se Tom porary O rtreet, rtull. mcui., March 9 Has oper.ed a Province o( Provinee 0 given to the fatents of Invention, Province oi ue bec Barrister Attorney, Solicitor in Chan eery, &e., for theP: ovince of Ouiania Maio sureet, Huil, P. Q a.48â€"6nn ()'P:(‘Iâ€"N‘.‘} loek , Otle w a, t TI‘IA! P. FOR a x MHouge, .liawa, Cana da Otha w Barristers, Aitorneys, Selici@@#s, Comâ€" vey ancers, &c., Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicis tors in (Cha mcery, Notartes, a > W . FNAILLON & CHRYSLER [ PM Barristers, Solicitors, Aitormeys, Con veyancers, Notaries, &c., &c., [EW Tailoring Establishment No. 12 3t. Jame« O Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" cltors, Cor . eyancers, &e., M\ P ATENTS. OrFT Barrisicrs. Solicitors, Attorneys . and Conveyancers, &c.. O @. Tamso® June $ iss ; K. Pix mn® y peb. 5. 1G4 Hariris ter 1 Â¥. M. FERLAND, LUMBER AXD ComMIssion MKRCHANT, BROK KM, d&c. PINHEY, CHRISTIE & HHLLJ \"ll L1AN WesckOYD RTHUR F. CoTFoN R. J. D K J.P. LÂ¥XNX BHarrisier, Aiiormey, Sollciiors, &c Kialslii1css R TUPPER m K. 106 A N HMedual Cards. Provincial Land Survcyor and Dranghtsman. Muccessor to W . K. 1 histle & Co. T. LAMBERT Barrister, Attorney, Notary, & ¢ W. JOH NSTON and # botim coTT. sTEWART a GoRWULLY w. P.COUTLEE. B.0.1 Cons A RCH A MBAULT lenee Narristers, Attorneys, Nelictiors \Conveyaneers, & c.. coxNOoR & Hoguun C. W. MacCU AlG w. w. wiarDb coyl NoR a o‘DenERtY Notary Public and Advocate, BEST OF RKFERKNC ES Barrister, Advocate, &c M. TAYLOR a o« A Lk bR. CASSELS a PENXNOOCH N ARSH iL M ATH ESO N ner he late Advocate, Selicitor, &¢ Put OfMcial Assiznee K. M ACDONELL, [Wis is woob, | Manuger. Surgeon and Accogucheur | _ Dr, Laing, Surgecnâ€"G " | residence at the Spring: OTTAWA, ONT, | ms{ be cod wited at wn â€" ®parks sfreel Centre Town tawa, May 6th, is 6 SQOLICITOR 3 OF Weilington 8t Oumistt®,. ; H.P. Hiu $84â€"$m N. R. THISTLE e of my profession, 1er Assistapt, Mr. s and hecords ol ty, and have much bim as my sucâ€" ». Beaudia s, Mail avils. n‘s Hardware jpimoast psin reets Ullaws Maria Street J836â€" 1 n Sed 3021 E:J ‘ P“'uml- :::lfl.l = | Agricuitural and Arts â€" A Agent‘s Qutfit Free! Large Commission & Cash Premiums | vorr pete in ONE YVQLU YE of over 1,000 pages beautlfully illussrated With 34 fuli page ingray» o N T &A R IOâ€" TO BE HELD AT ‘OTTAWA, On the 20th to 24th Sept., 1875. Persons lnl-“ll‘ to exhibit wili pleage take notice Lbut the entries of urtiâ€" ies in the respesâ€" (Ive ci»sses must be made with the Mecretary at Torgntio, on or the undermentioned daies, Viz. : Horses, Catllle, sheop, <wine, Poultr¢, Aeriâ€" eniturai Impiepents, on or before Na:urday August 21st, F Pr 'u-b-dlfl-xh-m for making the al 2 sh Adcormmolnguctmraed Meciaties In: Graip, Figid Roots, ui other Facm Product® Machinery, and Manufacthres genermily, on of before Saturday, A gust th. s Horticulture! Products, LAdies‘ Work, Fine Art«, 46,, on of before Satâ€"riny, September dtir gmpe, | Tt Caledonia Springs. loyful Tidings :o Thousands. JUHN NENLY it is the WORLD‘® NT RY b0OK, and all un‘ to read it _ Agent‘s OULIt free toail who ean business and w ill fallbfully can viss, y . Bt . OHA LE KR DbLRT GRAHAM Invalids!‘ Attention‘ Fldq-'n Ntrcet, near Sapper‘s Bridge The Dufferin House, 1LGH C. THOMBON Hecretary A‘:!‘-nu-lui Arts Asinglation Transient Guests By Lbe Weex.... By the Mouth.... Choic. st Wines, Liquors, Cigars Basa® Pale Ale and Cuiness‘ Extra Stout Tt Rheumatics‘! Read! Corner Bsnk and Wellington *ts., FRED FOOK 1*1 Ereqt A..3I0ON HOTF he Roval Oak THE "LONDON," ur call wi Th We FORD & Co., Elysium of the Invalid HAIRDRESSER U The Bar TTA 4 T KH waYs oN HANL Htoicts Ontario Ofice, C# alIfO!L® Arts _ Association luri LETCH, Proprietor King =treet W est Hamilton On, Unt HENR\ E and G A 8. Ki after bei: Proprietor pe 1875 A (Peet yor Rank Insolvent. The aboveilnsoivent bas made an Assignu ent Manager . of h ® l\hs:n?w me, and the Creditors are hereâ€" . by notified to meet at bis place of business St «Popri Andrew Street, Corner of Cumberland i : the said Cny, oo TOESDAy, the 3ist day of aUGâ€" UST, A. . 1878, at ten o‘cicek in the Ilm‘ Bouts free to receive statement of his affairs and to appoin 5@91 ‘ an a:signee. R. C. W. MeCUA@, aled TDt dn ad | H J A%. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston. C,. J,. CAMPBEL lbg, esurs Cam }l'mllq, Bu:;r-. il.- luun ‘oronto References ; J. H. SEMPLE. Importer, &c., 58 St. Poeter Bt., UlLOCKRIKS®, WINES, LIQUQKS, PROVISâ€" 10N8, £TC., ETC,, Liberal advances made on consignments. nived, Thew‘s Tedustion on S4gur: tnking:16 r i & ue AC: ulr upwuhl :” n&net::u.o:’u I uhnfl‘; Her: from + quaulfi.\.,' or No, z Labrador hmw‘ tion of $1. 23 ver bbi., d gn-lnn. Onarse Hale in large bag®, lrlno\ur{ lbs. per @Good Western Apples and Unions, also on all oi which are selling at a reduetion for C + Froni Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. 200 in Use in Canada. . SELFâ€"FEEDING & SELFSETTING «J as foll we, that is to say, commencing the northern limi‘ of the allowance hlfl bet ween lots numbers t'oax and twenlyâ€"qne, in said Fourth Concesion, the distance of «:x hundred and ln{o‘-lhrnloflflul the south east angle of said pumber tw , from thecce south siztyâ€"six degrees west the nort hern !in it of said alluwance for road, one ebain and fiity links from thence north thirty» nix degrees west, one chain and links from thence north, »!xtyâ€"six degrees one chain an ! fity links from MMM&I:? six «legrees east, one chainand to the pisce of beâ€" 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE HUHIGH WINES, CHAMPION SHLINGLE â€"MACHINE ! u& attaches. Une man afiends to 00 n!':“f"m ""mw ‘This is the best shingle Imachine «a wing ever introduced into Canada, In the matter of STARCH, RICE, RAISINS, vURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also. ' Insolvent Act of 1869 1 ated at Ottawa, this‘xth day of Augnst A. 1 1â€"78% In the matter of HEIMEN i GILDE ARCHAMâ€" pAv_!_.:r_._ Dry Goods Merchant, Ottawa, an In the matter of JAMES WELLINGTON DUFFY, of the City of Ottawa, County of Carleton, Tobacconist, an Insolvent, The above Insoivent has made an assignâ€" ment of r is Estate to me, and the Creditors are vottflâ€"d to meet at m{ office Russell House Boek, on THURS0AY, the 2th DAY OR AUUST next, at Two O‘Clock in the Afternoon, to receive statement of his affairs, and to apâ€" point an Assignee. R. C. W. MeCUAIG, ‘This is the best shingle machine for biock Deted at Ottawa this third day of August, A. D . 1875 Insolvent Act of 1869 North Augusta, June 2#, 1875. Dated at the City of Ottawa, this _ _ seventh, day of August, A, D. 1875 Iansolvent Act of 1869. Alph. J. Steers & Co. Moatreal whict Insolvent Act of 1869. ‘nsolvent Act of 1869. 1 ROBERT CHARLES WILKINS MeCUAIG (the Clty of Ottawa, Official +ssignee have een appointed Asaignee in this matter, and the redifors â€" are notified to file their elaims efore me, and to neet at my Office, N arks ‘reet, in ‘he City of Ottawa aforesaid, i TUKsDAY the sevebth day of SEPTEMBER, »., 1870, at ten «‘elcck in the forencon, for e public examination of the Insoivent and e ordeiing of the aff .irs of the «stete generâ€" A Div jeet io R U Commission Merchants, attached. One man attends to both ISSELL HOUSEK BLOCK, [Upposite Sappers Bridge,] matter c , an nsc ‘dend sheet has. been red open to m untii the 9th nnr'rtfl?u mx!fifur Dividend will be paid. PROOF AND RYE ©Grocers. PATENTED 1873. 19th August, 1875 OTTAWA, ONT BASKERVILLE BROS. â€"DEALERS IXâ€" ~â€"â€"W HOLESALRâ€" ( 1, 8. BAURD, of Fitzroy Harâ€" ivent. . . Tuailhs Soet ctiaws, ALEX MOFFAT, _____ Assignee, _ sMoilctes R. C, W. MeCUAIG, w. H, HILL, Interim Assignee. lnterim Assignes. Assignee 2w SUN PROOF HATS xnmorbelurmsvflun-uml*o I have decided to seil all â€"the assartment lof Bute, Caps, a0, at cost for cash, a90sâ€"2m ILEL ived by the Oor n of WE cl:_o'l'a.!:ngm é-_ro%.m Ortawa, August 17th, 1675, AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES | GREAT CHEAP SaALE Felt, Silk and Straw Wats and Cap#, Waterproof Conts, Umbrellas, &c., HAT! HATS! HATS ! Maro® 38, 1874 CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Maragers. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEhN | RIDEAU STREET, CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel\ House. Hats! Hats!! alats !!! oty®y Mills‘ Supply Agency 1 OWNS END‘ S DEVLIN‘S. Indian Helmats and Puggeries, Hatters & Furrviers. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES! 1 HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3 !t ! Dru,czl §tpre. T. T. SHEPHERD. Ba Belting, Fil Packi Files reâ€" A':'u. Judson‘s Standard Goverbors gud " “"53"'"& Valves, Steam P=~mps, aue, agoty thtide ihitnl RrM Liomr ‘ COMPAN Y , &e. Jannary Brd. }«"* Chemist & Druggist, H. HODGE S . ANT END 4 H. uug)wuag‘o.. Hussex #;reet, Ottawa, April ;1th, 1878 3821 0. CO T E*‘S, JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEwW STYLENâ€"FOR 1875, Opposito the British Lion Hotol. BLYTH & KERR‘S. AVOIOING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, CoAL OIL COOKING STOVES, ANX)@Z‘ES of the above, supplied to MONTREAL AND OTTAWA O TTAWA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1875. order by TENDERS. OELEBRATED CORK LINED HRardmarec. &c. S AVING FU EL FOR THE MILLION. Aruggists,â€"â€" RIDEAU STREET, Wt UNJON BANK BLOCK. 56 SPARKSâ€"8ST., w( O { e ALL SIZES, â€"ANDâ€" AT DEVLIN‘8, 3874 _C 0 M M E R C I A L Nothing was positively known. We have nolnlommku‘:ml uo'o;v what government chooses to publhh.“.}: the time the steamer Guagaquit left, no disturbance had taken place. of Quito. One o o Rayo first struck the hmm. wyo or shoulder with ‘a machette, and was inâ€" stantly run through by the sentry on duty, who fired his piece at the same i Papregns ane ndg men o had s thcl’nlmnc fired on the latter with theirrevolvers. ‘The President fell on his face mortally wounded, and has since died. The two young men . escap ed. _ A correspondent at 8'uqnqult gives another account of the tragic occurrence. It aj gun that the President was atâ€" tubf y five Granadinos, "Colombians‘ tacked by five Granadinos, "Colombians‘"‘ in Quito, one of whom was killed on the m and the President as well. The mH is that the revolution in favour of the Liberal candidate for the Presi dency, was got up by Gen. Polanco, who New York Markets. | * New York, A 25,â€"Cotton steady ; 14} for mmlh“:u:‘plmdl. Flour quiet, wiwo\;t'adfifldod change ; receipts, lg,onw; sales, uotations unchanged. Rye firm'q 21,000; sies, Zs“.‘&o"’:.‘ es. 1380 :o 134. Corn firm and quiet; receipts, 19,000; sales, 28,000 at 81 to 84; ‘steaim western mixed, 85 to 86; sail do. _ Barley dull. Oats quiet ; ue‘:i:u, none ; saies 18,000 at 62 to 64 ; mi western, 65 to 7O; white do. Pork heavy at 21.10. Lard, 134. Butter, 20 to 30. State and Pennâ€" sylvania cheese, 5 to 10}. Common to On the pier at a certain fashinable waâ€" ‘t‘uin.phagu a notice ":"‘“&“;' M'.rh,nppoud & lady made of gold." _ f There is a lody at Taunton so hand.ome nnd-om;xd.Mthonly one thing in the .w worth looking and that isâ€"a :mirror. + $b i Uplands, 7 1+8 ; Orleans, 7‘ Bréadstuffs ateady. | Lard, 608 to 615 DIA? Quup 0|nuwn.::l T;o d.l:li‘: thing in our country," said Teddy d are ie ie * No hu:”i-b-.l"hbomuâ€":‘ Take care, ou‘ drowned Dq.%â€" WIâ€"b a . dub lihl‘tlhl 1 was, I‘d be ashamed to show my face in Oban again |"â€"Punch. j 4 prime. Petroleum, crude, 5}. Paxaxa, \ Aug. 25«â€"President Garcia Moreno of Renverdo was assassinated in hh?boonQnifioon the 6th inst., news of which has caused agreat sensation along the comst. Details as brought by the steamship hhfl from Guyaqul? which arrived here on 13th are to the following effect:â€"The whole city of Guaya quit was thrown ~into: a _ state of excitement on mccount of the nows havingreached there o( the assas> nlndonof&mu Moreno: in his palace, at of the 6th inst., by an officer, whom he had displaced from some office, and by two young men of Quito. One called Comejo Rayo first Governor and Bishop of Seo D'Urwl will z:':l’l'owod to ':;p.rth.fne. Gen. snlo; 1e t roposition â€" an m 1{:.:»:24 hou:]: to consider his for an unconditional surrender. L‘ Evenement that ‘Gen. 'nw the Carlist oommdmt at Seo D'Ur'rl proposed to surrender that fortress if the ing for Rome of Duke Monpensier, > _ Cardival McCloskey. Paris, Aug. 25â€"Cardinal McCloskey Paris, August 25.â€"L‘Universe anâ€" nounces the intended marriage of King Alfonso, of Spain, to the eldest daughter partly owing to the a firobuâ€"â€" msions of itical complications, g;ut in a g’lounu due tg the mere absence of End Qursxsrown, August 25.â€"Arrived, the steamship Qu;u l‘;g: New York. th Continued Depression. The Times says the general depression oon_t{nuu_hor:’mgi on the o:.??m:. Loxnox, August 25.â€"A special from Vienna says the eldest son of the Sultan of 'l‘ .oln&'.to Crete with]a squadâ€" ron to prevent threatened insurrec TELEGRAPHIC. Hon. Mr. Mackenzig a ption on h“:rnmm from his vhitlsdd;; country. A ptiblic meeting will be held in the City Hall this evening at 7.30 p. m. with a view to taking further action. It is the intention to make affair of a nonâ€"political A postponement of the letting of the works on the Lachine Canal has been rendered necessary by reason of the illâ€" ness of the Chief Engineer, mr. Page, who will be unable in consequence to have tha plans and specifications in readiness for a period of two weeks from the time orgin« ally appointed for their preparation. Initiatory.steps were taken last night by a gommittee c}f qil.lunl towards giving character Liverroot, A\?M 25.â€"Cotton hardenâ€" g. Uplands, 718 ; Orleans, 7 7â€"16. es to Chartres on Friday thence to antes and Rouens to Pnr?:iofon startâ€" represent Algoma in the Ontario Legislaâ€" ture by a majority of 227 votes. Mr. Dawson will support the Mowat Adminisâ€" tration . Hon. J. @. Currie, exâ€"Speaker of the Ontario Assembly, and member for Wel land, is at present in the city. Dr. Brouse, M. P., arrived in the city yesterday from Prescott, and is stopping at the Russell House. Mr. James McLaren, & hoklngl;m; Ivsident of the Bank of Ottawa, arrived in town yesterday, South Renfrew, is in town :ndatopping at the Russell House, Mr. 8. J. Dawson has been elected Mr. John Lorne McDou‘dl M. P meNCIRO OA 0 oames d 0oi .' . . 137â€"8. E OR E I G N The Eldest Son of the Sultan. The Carlist 4 roubles, Liverpool Markets sOUTH AMERIC\ Intended Marringe. +t GREAT BRITAIN. Assassinated . ust 25, â€"â€" Consols, 91 merican securities qnb‘t. 2 rrival. by theâ€" President. 118} for WaurrenaLt, Aug. 25.â€"Mr. Ross drove frotn ‘Flatisblirgh to Schuyier Falle oarly this forencon, to see a child in possession of a French family, â€" It was not Chuhz Ross. The resemblance from the mout *‘ PHILADBELPHIA,. Aug. 25â€"Collector Ww. upwards was perfect. Br. Josrrs, Aug. 25.â€"R. H. Arnold, one of the injured mhu accident of the Bt. Louis ‘and Railway Company, is dead ; two more died last evening. Several others are in a critical condition, saw his lawyer rise ug,.n.fwr a long dive, at his side. * He, there, Sannders, have mhhn out a fuge warrant 3-!:;.& 1"‘ «He is in quod," replied the lawyer, and instantly ‘dived again, showâ€" ing his heels as a ‘paiting yiew to the Bararooa, Aug. 25.â€"The second day of the regatta opened with capital weather and a good attendance. Thoa water was not as calm as yesterday, but is yet smooth, . In the first race, which was @ single soull race for Semio~, twelve started, . Cartney won: the race in 18 minutes 584 seconds ; Riley second. Shot~â€"Wound Pr obably Fatal Newsuron, August 25. â€"Robert. Moâ€" Carroll, of Duchess Junction in this city, was shot by Dennis l(cCu-thf),o of Kq{ boro. They had a dispute about a case in which both were witnesses at the court now in session here. The wound is in: ternal, near the heart. and it is supposed will nrove fatal . client ; nor did the latter hear more of the interview until: he got his bill, conâ€" imm.nfln, * To ~condultation ut Musselburgh, ; anent the incarcation of B. Elliott has male wholesale »eizures of Weiss Beer brewers for failing to enter the correct amount of material purchased upon their Government books, and to make proper returns of beer pmlmod. BomengBorapy, Au#. 25.â€"The repairs. of flln canal break, five m'i‘l:;;o::f this city, were yes boats A terrific storm occurred at Sioux last night, lasting from eight o‘ciock until midnight. The damage to .crops and br\dr has not b _ ascer‘ained, but must be very great. uh 1i a : ‘ Rallroad ‘Accident. f Crioago, August 25.â€"St. Paul express train due here at 10.20 a. ‘m. tgdly bound North went through .a bridge about four miles South of thiwplace inâ€" stantly killing the Conductor E. W. amk, &oxdhm, L'l.‘hl(ann and fliu reman, Ed. A e passengers in the forward coach were slightly bruised and shaken ? The rest escaped with out injury. The train was running at a l?::h of speed at the time of t.go aoâ€" C t. Cn10a00, A:f. 25. â€"The Ohicago Burâ€" lington and Quiney R. R , declaved a semiâ€" annual dividend J 8 per cont. Judge Shipman, of the United States Cireuit Court, toâ€"day, confirmed the reâ€" cent sale of property and foreclosure ‘of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and their purchase by the committes ‘ra: presenting the bondhoiders, The «Comâ€" pany will now be reorganised ~by the ::::3 of preferred:stock to the holders of 8. ( vs. H. W. Boooh:y " "Tilton ve. Thomas Kinsella," and ilton vs .. .. Brooklyn Eagle"‘ by Morris & Perasall, Attorneys for the plaintiff. O‘Baldwin, the Irish Giant, says ‘he never was in better. health. Bail Accepted for Londer. * } Joseph Loader, upholster, charged . with. libelling Henry Ward Beecher, was to day admitted to bail ‘in $2,50U. Notiges of trial were filed with the cleik of the City Court in Brooklyn, in the suits of "Tiltan Robert H. Johnston, a emall cotton dealer, has failed. Died From Pestilential Vapours; A man confined in Raymond® street ‘Brooklyn d::ll for drunkeness, died a ‘week mn the pestilential .c’pom of that p , and the authorities of the jail have sent the body to the Morgue to have it buried. _ Two thirds of the prisoners in it:. jail are reported sick and suffocatâ€" g. The Police have not yet found the burgâ€" lar shot by Dr. Hammond, nor the burglar who nearly murdered Mr Noe. . The latter gentleman is very low. Another arrest of a noted burglar named Corbett has been made who answers more nearly the description of the man who beat Mr. city. Roufh- who endeavoured to break open a small hotel at Rockaway Sunday night, were fired on, and one is believed to be fatally wounded, as blood was traced a considerable distance on the beach. . The same ?n‘ attempted to rob two fientle- men, but although fired at and beaten with slung shots, they were driven away. The police of the town dare not arrest any roughs, as the latter threaterm to kill the ofticers. Noe, but the latter is too Jow and delerious to recognize any one. Iliness of a Pugilist, _Ned O. Baldwin is very sick in this A client, while bathing at Musselburgh, Important Meeting. The National Board of steaim navigh~ tion meet here next week. The object is to arrange .neasures to secure the * sage b’y Cozqireu of the amendatory nfim- zi‘nkg aw of 1872. lepresentatives of e, Itiver and|Ocean steamers from all parts of the country will be present reâ€" presenting over three hundred millions of property. _ A Pensacola letter of the 2ist states that Jeff Brown and Moris Morse were taken out of jail to a vacant lot and hangâ€" ed on two trees and riddled with bullets. They had outraged a womun. Roughs Shot w#w Youk, Ang, 25â€"â€"Wu. A. Perry. clothies ~â€" », is announced as failed. Liabilities i« _ :) dâ€"llars. Messrs, Dunuam, clothiers of this city, who failed last week nmade an assignment to Mr. Quigly for their creditors. ‘Their }hbflitien are one hundred thousand dolâ€" ars. Nuw Yo Necond Day of the Regatia. AJ".ERI (/'A.N. Important Decision Repairs Completed. No: Charley Ross Burglars jet at Large. SCHE » EOTADY. PHILADELPH JA Terride Storm. WHILTEMALL. ST. JO8SEPH NEWBURGH BARATOG A, OHIOAGO NEW YORK. t yached. Failed. allures. Cnnts There is an improvement in the stock mlrk‘:t.wz{onm 189, â€"Union 92, (Khu- meree 1474 Motizes Telegiagh 156. P A'lpinr;"l‘owi .‘:.flonn has oh‘ooun possessor of some fine specimens of Cane ‘dian foxes, » hich he sending to his foxâ€"hunting Mm Britâ€" As the result of Mr. Garneau‘s repatriâ€" ation scheme to date, over one hundred French Canadien families have returned from the States, and settled in the East bra Townéhips. =,s:0 058 . ) /s# (_" u' of E A. Boyer will hold a tneeting oh the 30th inst. The direct lisbilities amount to $36,073.78, and the indirect to $24,616.78. / In the former name of the m Boyer, Hudon & Co., the direct 1 ties are $113, 541.27, and the indirect $23,167.75. _ _Two young children of Mr, McCann, oged teipectively two and seven yeare Levis,: > The childreén by some means had ; day in that city. A sad accident occurred shortly before noon toâ€" day at the Bonaventure Lpot to a clerk in the dry goods establishment of Mr. H . J . Duckett. l!nnundn&&o track with a parge! in his ‘hand, and in atâ€" tempting wjmontho train, which was in motion, m his l‘oodn#u’l‘h. cars passed over him the thigh and groin to the perfectly fiatten, ing his body and %hfi- instantly . Verdict, accidental . The deceased *mw Dr. w,u. Genevieve, an much â€" zod P. D. Browne were fully committed for trial toâ€"day. Judgn Coursolies refused to hear the Inland Cut case toâ€"day referring it for trial to the Court of Queen‘s Bench, Examination : in the Postâ€"McMartin case was postponed until Monday.. _ _ aidont c:f :}l‘xodflu?‘o:l Cotton Mills and rocer in the diféculties owing ttly â€"to the :oppnp of the Jacques ?}:nizt Bank, It â€"was decided at :a meeting of the Anmo(oh;nd special . taxation candu: esterday not to more money évmut to mm Ottawa and Lopiaireaty given tham io the eppregett n given including the amount paid for fiom Gate B«rracks. & Copies of the writ in the Guibord case will be ready toâ€"morrow for the .city by inspecting the sites, â€" Mr. Lesage m.,...l: the m-m- to explain matters connected with said sites as proprietorship, etc. C ROr Thomas Kerr, of Kerr and Wilson, out on $10,000 bail, has been rearrested on a now charge of attempt to defraud his creditors. He was arrested and lodged in No. 1 Station. | ~ Ihe _ Market m-.“â€"'. mare Money to the Montreal, Ottawa and Wesatern Railway â€" Committed ~Ex« amination Postponed â€"In Difieul« tios â€"Sad Aod‘om-lllflllht.. Moxtrear, Aug. 25â€"The Market Comâ€" miltese have taken the first step this alternoon â€"dowards : securing abattoirs ecipitate manner; because he had inâ€" gmw the <effeot that it was his Amor‘s intention to leave the country . â€"_ j ?rl‘:gumbmn?dimwm ret night by the police, morning filteen of the inmates and keepers were before the magistrate. Fines were imâ€" posed in each case Pr.C. B. Hall, referred to in James Amor‘s mtimonydnl' mwnmu ton &iz west on the . Lai lquwuo-uedb:)dfinh' House onm 8th June to attend a female, whom he treated for typhoid fever, and that a few days afterwards Mrs. Davis called on him «nd told him the person was dead, and asked for a railway certificate. He expecting that the patient would die from bernyemeowhenho saw her, and at onod gave a certificate to the c&oot irho porlonm; died fza:l” mflmf ::: uu‘:: dom | wom. ; he saw on Mooemmnon like ¢: years of age than 23, and he draws the deduction that Mrs. Laing and the person he saw are not the same, and that the certificate he granted was not used for the removal of the body of that person. James Amor in his testimony awore that he gave the certificate to the baggage man on the train and that he kept it but. the police have discovered the train man to whom it was given, and he swears aocording to usual custom ho handed it back to Amor. «Dr. Hall siates that he attended Davis himself in sickness on several occasions. Detective Reaball arrested Jas. Amor in such a ‘The trial of James Amor, charged with being implicated in the Hamiiton abortion case will take place to morrow forencon at the Police Court. _ The Autumn examination of the College of Physicians and Surgeons will commence on September 28th. Ne In the Court of Error and m toâ€" day the final decision in the conâ€" troverted election case W. Barber, resâ€" pondent, was postponed till October 18. St. Lawrence Club owwn and the KEtnas of this city out a hollow affair for the Kingston Club, they winning _ It is stated in town that a nmgm man untg be !;roughtagt in si:uth as an independent candidate position to both Crooks and Hopkins. 'f'fia name of a prowinent cheese manufacturer is mentioned. Afall race meeting is to be held at $ o in uns daye, mt prouguee of ham wi two 8, ums P1 ouo s o0 O S o Oerdie o e by 20 :to 6 i1 be ready toâ€"morrow QM&EM accused of theft from To i mad that Mr . Viesor Huson, Pre Base Ballâ€"College of Physicians and Surgeous â€" Decision Postponedâ€"Inâ€" deprudest Candidateâ€"A Fall Race Meetingâ€"Trial â€"A Baidâ€"The A borâ€" tion Caseâ€"At the Rossin Mouseâ€"6th â€" _ aunual Meetingâ€"Reâ€"A rrested. ‘Toroxto, A t 25.â€"The base ball match played ltjf:.dt_agoon between the C 4 N A D I A N QUVEBEC. MONTREAL. ToroNTo dew from his en by way of his '“*"'W?’ that ?" said ive was shot and wounded despermiw mfimwr-&-:"'zqhfi «4 J I had u“‘l'.:m}w uo "3%;.{:2 Ne n you â€" 7 eccasionally in his d':l:.e“ who was won‘t to Intborle g U Shgrince of mocnttig: receive & dai NY and two mile back again.â€"Judys i 1:':3‘:. old fl up by the neck before discarding it for ever, but he wasn‘t ue on o. fae wltevore make torike to the town, my dear? I saw two loads of ore yesterday from the Tumamescori mine, 80 miles south of ‘h‘n:h:ol.dlmfl. The lode from it was taken yields from two to seven ‘feet of solid ore, and all that oo tan $r1400) par ton. ife elnomeang mb.ll,(m’cb. Cl:' say a worth Bilver %mflmyozwh. Â¥. Ame‘ica copper mine, 50 T i namamaiiindeante one muuflfu Francisco ave raged 514 per cent. plnum 80 miles south of this :hu, are making from #5 to i n en T ainhities fora disiencentaaaaiies. ns gimwwuhn out weighed $104, uggets of $90 and downward are not So In the Josephine, Mb-haufi:u fimdm native silver, A piese of aver fio::.thflbbdovuwm and it produced at the rate of $470.74 per ton. ‘The Jossphine lode nas been indications are that the two ledges come together a; a depth of thirty Ave or Sorty below lsiwwaZMblqm Tepees NWO . WHHlL . EATANY \w #% an was Biiy‘ts the antetrene uin thnns ie M?,umuum- tions, Nuggets were picked up aggregatâ€" ing 100ibs of pure silvet, Ihimndo half feet deep having been in many pluudm Mm-d some turn nearly per cent. of metal. . This ledge or lode is said to be from six to ten inches wide. Just below it, about twenty feet, is a quarts oo ui _"He did t" * *« Yes, he did ; and now he‘s under the sile and I‘m here | â€"I‘m ‘bleaged, Mr.â€"â€" lmvhnhth‘:ndwhlm #‘ shan‘t worry so much. ‘l?«n -&hc.'?“" @== * Well, I‘ll go home feeling better, 1It‘s kinder hard to have the old man go under Lord | that v&bfl I a‘pose the knows best. Bible says we cometh up to be md-:l.lh *-u-dnu- ing as Ab And she felt to see if her spectacle case * Yes, it was top bad.".,.; ....\| . 4 But he better, when ummfiffu‘m and told him and told up.) * THE .PRODIGLIOUS YIRLD ‘OF SONR SOLP AXD SILYER MINES JX ARIEONA, . . > . "I know it! He could drive mules or paddle a dug out with any man in Louisâ€" isng, but he couldn‘t swim worth cobs, His canoe flopped over, he went under, and that‘s reason he didn‘t come home," “Mwm\ the body exhumed so as to sure #" * :guh’udaâ€"wb .r’n... § lb e was y wWouldn‘t kno# him ond i don‘t Teel B wouldn‘t know him, and I Â¥eel like h“,:=w" "*;.:."" strung .’.n 4 aio t 'udm“ e * sen P *lt’odl’r& X'vohlt.hl’-q bones zt.udr“ ':huml'."l'; %, me it would at first. fl sorry, for Sam Aurraxerica1.â€"Touristâ€"How far is it "About twelve weeks agoâ€"let‘s see? I believe I did pull in a floater some ten or eleven weeks since." . ... ¢ * Was he a tall man ?" " Yes, I think he was." h“‘rl;l'noohq-ondhflm " Yes, | remember now." « Cowhide shoes and a yallar coat on ?" «" Yesâ€"I got that very man." " A ris to the surface and was pulled in here, :'t according to law, and daly «" He was, madam. And do you beliov. that the body was that ‘mm husband ?i‘ to business are certain to make him fa mous all over the State within the coming year, and when she was certuin of her she enquired : %mmmm,hur‘ " Well,nothing to brag of lr.m isn‘t anyâ€" thing old times." Bhe heaved a sigh, and continued : " Sam is missing." oc o to qianth m af man. It‘s on to twoln“vnzdnuhutducnuth potii '::n. I thought 1‘d .:r- getting an drop down and see if you rememberediof bhuving set on such a man." wiITE a MaTrERâ€"OPâ€"F10T coRroxaE. The other thin from omthorimd.’h:n:g'mm:rg until she found Coroner ll-x;m retiring disposition and prompt attention A MIND sHT aT REST BY AN INTBRViIEWE\ The annual retreat of the komah Cathoâ€" lio ole:fiy commenced mt the Basilica toâ€" day ; curaies h': this year been specially summoned to attend._ It is suid nuurdinpoflant;”.'ium pliace, and that Archbishop â€" Trscherezu intends to severely lectur® someé of them revarding their conduct during the recent elections. @ £Lot hold of a can d“&.‘ were atâ€" *empting to make a fire with it. New Treasure A Widow‘s Grief Ausuaged. PRILC i A fow

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