BL ES Carriages , e of Mails »e ° unseter y {tities. ARN ESS ir _ Wonser : 4 bel i mgpe, he Publie uo LOR, STORE QOUCE, A N Y «*, prom pt a, W KLâ€" »n venieni CO Lne is on e«ch \~Toronto, ( Roid by all This well known medicine is no imposi tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Fe male Difficuities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and altough a power ful remedy, they conta.n nothing hurtful to the constitution. f in all cases of nervous and Spinal A! fections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Pld‘l\;o on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powâ€" erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, amtimony, or anything bhurtful to the conâ€" s Full directions in the pamphlet around sach package, which should be carefully 10B woses, w yora, soLE PROPRIEZTOR i F1CE. P RIN CIPA L:o . . $1, and 124 cents for postage, enclosed K. W. BNOPLE, ESQ., B. A1 f to Korthrop & Lyman, Toronto, Untario, . L@le Sdbolar and Prisemian of Magdalen College, Orfordâ€"Graduate in Honors in Classics ard general agents for the Dominion, will in. [ § j t es warea bottle, containing over U pills, by [A 8818 TA NT MASTERS: It affords me great pleasure to bear testumony to the benetits | have received from using Fellows\ Compound Syrup of Hypopho phites, ! lave recommended it to many of my fmends, and it has proved an excellent curative for nervousâ€" 8 N. THOMAS Phdr, X. Â¥Y. Ard NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, 0. sole agents for the Dominion: ~Nerz.â€"Electricâ€"Selected and Elecâ€" For interpal and Externai Ure a\n-n ~URKEK aod perfect CURE for al Of Plles, Lep m sy Scroriuia, letter or Ring A. Maybee, Merchant, _ Warkworth, wnites, "i have soiu some hundreds of bottles of Eelectric Uii, and it is proâ€" nounced by the public, ‘ one of the L-t of horses ha Or several yeuls, AD lar the W ingate and retail ) warnded to a1 .31 Dr. E. Ma ontrea l Por full particulars, obtain free, of the ent, a pamphlet, or refer to advertiseâ€" Por sale by ail druggists Wait Pusy pel duw JOB BOSk® FKMALE PiLL~ ro . ed PILE aND HEOMOR CURE, W on NERYVOU®S N ES® imedical deaiers y M inde BUSINXESS NOTICR® FC be iuives of thousands saved durmng the past is due to * D‘rle". and Arabian Heave W nhe means ol savin member the name reparaion is being i exacts from all tue ming of the kinc has all as successful. or ave tried different one of the best ‘r used ;‘ it has g and nlievuï¬_ ad is worthy â€"Joseph Rusan, " l was persua o A Faw Facts are but few pre hich have with ient ot the peoâ€" thrup & Lyman ‘» tor Canads. deau street ea Ntore receipt of price tre Dame street, : free, of the i _ T. C. FAWCETT, K8Q., M. i. to advertise: | | a;e Semior Echolnr and Exfll&l«‘-nd'l‘r:::l\y. u&mm Graduate in onore, . are permanentâ€" e Uintment, or | per pot. Or six € and eople to allow on them rather or to sufter as different kind nce to the drux ns of seving 4 ="â€"~ The SummerQueen‘ enables a feels assur Screw Sieamers with speeds ranging up to 20 miles an bour, " nor elseâ€" Paddle Steamers, with draughis ranging down to 6 inches of water, :r é‘_"‘vjm Contracted for. _ Prices from £200 upwards. MACHINKRY CONSTRUCTEKD EOR BOATS BUILT ABRQAD. om ailing cure nhden ese «al very by paying Fleahk SCOTT, CAÂ¥LEY & CAYLEY, "*"" MACHINERY DEPOT, s effect Rheum. it has lescr ntreai & very Street NO sMOKE. NO HEAT, NO SMELL, a nerfect T re in a family during the Summer Season *."““ S -:r l!r P.c niex. or rarides going to the M‘nag‘. or in a sick «bamber, or for Phos. Cooks any and every thing that ma«y be done in the ordinary rites, waod or com! buroing stoveâ€"quicker and betterâ€" ; _ ai @ost of not more than from one {o one tism i } and a halt ceuts per bour. 18 Tth, w ho n or U niversity. | _ _ _ & l +.: 4 _ The course o‘ instruction wi . â€"include Lai.o, Greek, Ma French, German, Arithâ€" meti¢, Writing, English Grammar, Lnerature and Co-pum and Geography, both Avci¢bt an . Modern, Maturai Philosophy, Voeal and lost umental Music, A-'-.*_. and Wribing. â€" s _ oys i9. [Wi . A limf«l number of boys will be received by the as Boarders or Weekly Boarders and, Wilh the view of kedping tbe j uplis from improper umm thatiall be enterrd as Day bomuers, who wili dine in the bouse of _ Fuither particulars cgn be obfaiped from the becieisry, J. W. Holmes, Keg., 78 Victoria Ottawa Branch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street CLUFF & MILL, GENERAiZ AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE. is hereby given to our patrons and the pubiic gémerally in the Ottews “fleh that this O pany"d«:md to continue a Hranch @ffce in this City and bave and o modious: stone hï¬""" reee “"(l cecupied by Messrs. Angus & Co., No. 8 w they have OPENED N OFFICE, under the management of Messrs. CLUFF and ML C. 4 YDGES, Esuy. | HENRY |.YMAN, E8SQ. 6. A.ï¬wuuuuuï¬x@. F. MACKENZIE bs?. M. P HON, L. ®. HUNTHNGTON, M.P. N.J M cILLIVRAY, K8Q JOSEPH HiCKS N, RSQq. * N. ~EKCER, ESQ.° 7 he Montreal l’mmru Fehool bas been established Iod;muh a liberal education similar to that given in the Pubile Echoois of Ergiand. The c« urse of lustruction, bowever, wili pot be ex€ mlv:l'yé“-h-lcfl. uldub‘oal will be specially prepared either tor the University and Profesâ€" sions Or ercie Mosk dl?‘l..bp'cmbep have teen purchased for the Sebhool in MeTavish street, one of the most be aith locacities or the cliy, and im mediaicly adjoining the grounds of the McGil: P R A C T I CA L | PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM F[ITTEER. Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, O T T A W A. f Lite Assurance. ~ _ _|__ CANADA _0 = _ Agricultural Insurance Go‘y. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPIVL :1000000 GUs, Eaq. & %f-f';é_!'!_f!!- Eâ€"Q. J BE W E L‘L E KR Â¥ ewly appoinied Gener.«l agents for t (Late Yarrow & Hsougt,) E.\‘GIYTEERH AND| SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR, LONDON Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL |__ 70 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. > â€" Manutacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in lIron and Wood Working Machinery OF THE BENT CANADIAN, ENGLINH AND AMERICAN MAKE ENG[NES AND B()ILERS. NEW AND SECOND HAND COOKINC STOVE. MONTREAL . PROPRIETARY â€" SCHOOL. D POT im W®, A Send for Ctreulars apd Catalogues, OFFICE aND WAREHOUSEK )et, 17, 1874 Tus Rev. GAVIN LANG T. i. Bll-;VO% Ksq., Trinity Hali, c.nbmh? Mathematical Master. mMONS. CO of the University of n'm reach Master. H. a. KUCH® ibeq. of the University of ibere, German Master. J. W. GRAY, F=q., of the Sencoi of Art, <outh Kensington, Drawing Master J W.F. HARESON, ieq., Music Muster, * , a C. H. BOLCHINI, Esq., w riting and Shorthand, CAPFAIN BAKNJUM, Drilling. . pou. A Câ€" D,L tA BW OOE WILLIAM aNut. VICEâ€"PRESIDE PETER REDPATH, E8Q | R. SHECIAL w orking Mac mpany, &c., & MACHINERKY QF EVEAY )tders in TDÂ¥SMITUS a3p P. B. Ferguson, Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal. YÂ¥ A R R O WC‘S Y A RR O WV & C 0 ., TOQ MEET SPECIAT REQUIREMENTS A GH N FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LR ï¬.--oua'-:?’ Viceâ€" Presiden t WoRrk®k®s IN GALVANIZFD |RoN, AND CoRNICE WoRK leau Street, Uilawa, (0Oppos ‘te Daibousie St.) at McLean‘s Real Estate Exchange, Spark Street, EXAMINERS ; LANG. | _ Tas Rev. J. A. LOBLEY, M. A. Tur Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. Improved Coal Oil PRESIDENT ANDREW ALLAN, ESQ JAMFS JACK, ESQ. T > Kan alct CA T ED JAUR, 95e 5 wCBEAT P AITM M TY N+T w. F. KAY, £8Q. A. T. PATERSON lt.,; HENRY LYMAN, E8Qq. :mR JUBIIOE RAMSA Y. F. MACKENZIE req.. M.P. TOAN RANKIN, E8Q, President MASTERS ; PERIN CLP 4 L SECRETARY : J. W. HOLMES, Esgq.,* Machinery. ttawa Branch ©CoUNCIL ; Special Steam Pump; J, A. Fay, Cineinnati, 0. ompany, Treaton, N. Y. ; Joseph Hall Manutactur» (o) SHOOLBRED & CO. Have received of their Spring Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTALN®. for the season, Em bracing al: the novelties, out 0 which the confidently H Spociai Valne in Lase Curtains. EDWABRD A. GOEF, M JAMES A. SMI if.- TTAWAICARPET HoUSE Invite Desmarais and Adam. EORGE STEPHEN, ESQ is *Â¥ L. 70 SPARK ST, OTTAWA K DRILLS, BELTING, FILES, AND L1 E8. T. ». TAYLOR, ES h. o Ied ko =8Qq iâ€"tua ng Director Inspector. JOHN MCLENNAN, E3Q THE TIMES : OTFEFAWA, FRIDAY. SEPTE Agects for HALLET, l‘AVIS & CO‘S., J. & C, nscu:g. & CO‘8., HARDMAN & CO‘B, THE MATHUSHEK CO‘s. Pianoâ€"For‘es; W. BELL & CU‘3., Cabinet Organs and eo'mu'ad Orgauettes, ts _ __Of the above list we might single out The Hallet, Davis & Co.,, Pianoâ€"Forte«, and the W Bel: $ in Marble, Scotch Graniie, or Sandstone. . ~ !'h;o:‘::ncm-c?nny on ’mhb.ttlo vuhm u‘ tw W.ï¬ï¬amm $@~A good Fit Guaranteed, All Goods warranted Shrunk. March 11, 1875. _ â€" SELLING OFEF SUMMER GOODS. Shingles Clapboards, ?123“?1 ï¬'.'i‘é:".’n'&,’“‘é‘n‘i‘m' d and Unglazed oorg &c. â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" FRENCH FLOWEES & FEATHERS _â€"William Queale. LUMBER DEALER, CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY STRELKLTS. These Paperhangings ‘are imported direct frow the‘best Manufacturing Establishâ€" ments in England, France and United States. Great care has been taken in their selection with regard to colour, °* The ground tones are soft and pleasing to the eye, especially those toned with silver mipa; but above all, they are free from the mineral poisons that many of the tn.:'llg-eoloundWOfï¬o :i:y mg’:;xrcbnged :.i;b. Exo&uboc:ibor’l long experience as a colourist, and b.ini: oroughly acquain wi e chemical compound of the pigments used Painting, enables him to reject, in his selection of W those colouréd with poisonous pigments, so deleterious to health. P umlfly invited to examine his STOCK of WALL PAPER before purchasing ? , Asthoundenignodi-(#oing out of the Room Paper Business as soon as his gt_?nntswckildilpoud , the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city. 3827 NEW LINEN (“OSTUMES, FROM 82 a showing the best value in the,City in Bitik Warped DRESS GOODS, new Silk Warped seck, New Uhinege Cneck, New Pon . :0 Ailk»â€"decidediy the ic west goude t f( ho Demman. in Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, West of England Broadcloths, &c., &¢ , &¢., Which he is prepared to make up in the latest and most fathionable styles, A large Lot of Gentlemen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. W A L L. â€" DRALERS IN i1anoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, Music Books, etc., S pring Goods, 100 100 25 Ca 20 Ca 10 Ho 10 Ht Every instrum «r t folly guararteed. m.nte?wke l1« sent o:.muuum. Lâ€"O0 N D 0 N. _ H O U S E. __ HANEY % FORGCIE, | Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SiLKS, â€"A Large Consignment ofâ€" â€" THOS. PATTUTERSON Hogsheads Fine Old BRANDY, 10 years old, direct order Hhds, kin~Old PORT WINE, unrivaled in quality, some 2) years old ; different prices Cases BASS* Fine ALES, pints and quats, per order Casks NHERBY WINE, Y.P., fine flayour, fine brands INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTUREE wWor 4 boâ€"‘â€"‘ s ‘The Largest and Bestâ€"seiected assortment of Monuments, Headstones, Obelisks Purveror ro His Exoriuexor tus GoveRr®or Gererar, Eu:bvnm $ L WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. Barrels PUORE anNb UNAPULTH: ~ °C HED 184. Cases CLARET, Jas, Vioets, special order, very ffue CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL AGENT FOR MALLOCH & ADAMS, ARNPRIOR. J OSEPH DIMBL EB Y, D. 8. Nâ€"KINNON & CO., 78, SPARKS STREET,20TTAWA, P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. GUINNESS‘% PORTER, pints and quarts, put up to 0: der Has received and is opening out a large stock of HBMarble ‘Célorks. McKAY‘S 1 KExnilies‘ [( ESTABLISHED 1860.} & Ury Goods. sCumberers. At _ CHAS. BRYSON®S, 538 Sparks Street. A all Paper. lYWmloMflnvm br BR ET A T 1., irk, AGEKNCY OF No. 26, Rideau St. Ottawa. OTTAWaA, 1875. sDVU. MfNimvicitinBtvassiaca nc in 00 0Phear 283 in ancianontroniatidhove s omm . , * ‘MBER, 8, 1875 3819 Eacaksâ€"â€" e bcr o 200 P Y . en urpanti es “"'- “-" l feol 1t Ne en amaoaiint ngonly Mr. Pomk Berksieyeie. 1Atmea ie antt _ Rimmel‘s Extract of Lime Jnice and Giyse. rine, the best prepiration for tae Hsir, espe dm‘c c“-.u‘:l Soap, perfamed with Australian lmy:{n-. oint Ornérere Yorf amuring for Balle and Panesl mtA . Rimmel‘s Violet, Rose, Leaf, Rice, and other Toliet Powders. A‘fnnnil ulmuuumdp... Eugene Rmmei, Perfomer to H. k. H. the Princess of Wales, 95 Strand. 12s Regent Street .::‘l'\rh. &mh nmn::' 8* Boid by all Perfa mery Venaors. s After thirtyâ€"Ave years trial, it is still receiving lh.n“nrgllfli“ testimoniais to its virtues from persons of the highest ebarscier and reâ€" gon-unly..:avlehu «f the first respe( 4 io prmmentiatn e or pou o tremamran the best remeody over known "Inf Brujugh COuld, Burns, &c,, but for Dysentery or Oboiers. or any mï¬"flwfl complaint it hu: remedy nn. sur passed for efficiency, and rapidity of action. r for eficiency, and of action To lbe prpatest ciies of Imme: 200 ohoer nok ol mates, it has become nuwruu for all such com uvflcmm lnl;or Ounpl:ud: *nd otherâ€" kinred th mofl“i‘w.ntu::d ::o::l.nblq m e to be an inevitable medicine. 1 It is nsed Internally and Externally. Bold everywhere. Prite 3 ate, January i%, 16 uaed uoall pain for .m of time, ‘.‘aw ng ‘:‘;“mu.., benelit at .’1&‘ A‘%.;: Mbored tomiy unum State of healtb," Theine give Rimmei‘s llun"-'fhnu.m “'Q'na., .fll. g‘oge{u(sll:x.b. Frangipane, and other m-: &IIRM'I l..'vuuu Water, disilled from Mitcham Fiowers, Rimme!‘s Tollet Vinegar celebrated for use ful and sanitary proverties, > _ _ _ _ _____ _ Wuited States. _ _ ___ HARPER‘s MAGAZINE one year...... .. .. .$400 ulnnd:- payment of U. x. postage hy the w&lhwrlpdu- to Harrew‘s Magazt=y, W y, and BAagaR, to mme for one year, Eh; .a.l'.ol".n ,:' W%w hn mmamï¬tm‘mw“:- Il,y‘.ur Bazar ba ll‘ltg.d gratis Il(:m hnoa‘; u.g w q‘_{ without extra i suppited at e o m ammai art n lug, will ue maud uy exprom Nrolght at o Yhok e ce d e TERVE : Postage tree to all Subscribers in the t monthly proves its continned adaptm . n to Eu;pnur flu and needs. (ndo:.%. we nk into how many bomes it penetrates evi * manth, we must cousider it as ane ofllnc:: o. ie 'v:aufn::uhnly u-':::’v':wno.! gg_ stupid prejudice® ~~ *=praved tastes.â€" @f all descriptionsjat mwmmnn’""‘" circuiation Oof thi» excelâ€" lent monthly proves its contiuued adaptm 1 to 99 World. »ll.-‘ in the m on * Ul'..r. of the O-}E.! l * by this train nave time for at Prua:rl'mmn. f i Pullman or Sofa Oars on Nos llndlq nuneonuug'lu Wlmk and from both Ra«t and Wast, m.mmznym-v route. Train are run on Montreaiâ€"( ma. Ma‘d with P HOTOGRAPHE R urchaser, for $2, 25 per ve umae.Singiez foclum bir y mail postpaid. $104"oth canee, bir r‘ ;-..‘32 :ml,-"i'.oï¬::l‘m On and FROM TUESDAYv, !5th JUNKE., 1875 s Trains will run «* (llows:â€" The old reliahle. quickest, best and most direct route. rne&or,unlm.w.upum- Rast ano Wast, ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIMK THE ST. LAWRENCE Leave No. Prueou.‘ Connenti=» with. lArrive in |Junotion | Ottaw June 11, 175. @B" i.05p m. Train froum Lrockville maite close connection with Grand Trunk ï¬w Train from the West. arr‘*~c in Ottawa at 7. . NG.. 1 »u : nestions made nt Mand totmt with voate or the TOltawa, at Ranfrew to and m?:l’omhmke. A Trains run on Mon.real ttmme. _ LEAV» Brockvilic G. T. Junotion â€" 9.3%a.m Oltawsa s s s 0 t ite m Ottawa * . s 1.20 p m., 7.15 p.m. renfrew * â€" 0 > 2‘&.) p.m., 8.30 p.m. Hrockville > » & 2 pam , 8.15 p. m. *w~ l0 t . m. Train from Oftaws makes t cuauection with Grand Trunk Express Train for the West at2,00 ».ra., 1 For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EX*RESST :AINS DAILY ROTHERS on‘s GamoMiic. Pill applied to ioi ineaiannen saartagam nelauing Pain w a Nugls oo ume haring PEBRRY DAVIS / "~**. %ote IMMEL‘S CHOICE PERFUMES. 1875. COAL Brockville, June 7, 1878 OTTAWA RAILWAY. Of uniform Gauge with **e Grand Trank 2,00 P.M ARP HArRPERA MAGAZLINE J A R V I S . 69, SPARKS STREET. And acceleration ~* traing. (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) tha «xvrem oâ€"~las of HARPER $ ‘ HaFFHR FROTB FR Notices of the Press PAIX KILLER. 08 ce Matmays GOING Grand Trun« Wost and Rome & Wul tertown Ratt ways, ‘Grand Trur® ®xpress |Gnn¢'rnlll' Kast & West & Rome & Grand Trun® Express | _ from West | 14 A.M, Grand Trun® Rxpress| _ ppucipnig t from the West.......! 8.50 P.M. ARRIVR, Mathewmean‘s Block. W allington Stre . J, W. MeRaF$, Ar" M. Y>ung, 178 Greep NOR®PH COAL inmiainsiniene scene N oapernuga itc + ou o S enc s CC en ioi i onn eemiepnnn nepinerermer y FOBTER, Managing Directof, Tean ce ity CC PB W.55a.m., 445 pim. 2.30 a.m., 8.50 p.m. etor, Ottawa. . Suls | With steamers to Deux Eivieres Prunk Express will loave U;?n. Russell and Wi |_| at6 a i6., rockville maite MM&V& I Trunk Exprests l!lw.m at Ta. m., p Ottawa at 7.15 llVAIl.u I-;.Jiwp.-. ho nnt:il&h boata wï¬â€˜uu Point, on ow, stagen down trips. Bieamer Sir John Young leav lmmmen ) Chapean every Tussday and Fri 1875. 100 P.x Houses and Stores To Let in all Parts o Advertising, Registry & Geneâ€" when they embark on board of a steamer. _For particulars apply at the Office, Sparks :::“n:‘:.fl:fld visiting the points of inâ€" ‘DU CHESNE LAKE. COMMISSIONS UNDRTAKEN, i bprgdey en in ho uarhginghy bnge Avemyicecss â€"Mbregt FOR EVERYBODY ! w 400 To thit hrom the cigde avary Puont a lï¬uWnc“%fl = Sleamers Liverpoo! Mull line Nm from uv:p‘o.-l. every and toch Eremernd ues on es Passengers from aud mw.flaqua“ FROM QUEBEC; is one oT the inrgest, Iastest and safest in the ::1.‘. Vâ€"t:mo M-flm‘w Wiael un t so90. Retumning Homtay ais # en .:-arnl m to LT):?.II MI. Meals giii'iï¬ Jand or house prope: ty ior saie have kind of for sale ; i jGk Wihitt & aprÂ¥ishLOf sbote nosistant OF ho AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Will commence her Saturday afternoon trips to If you have & house to rent or want a house Union Forwarding & Railway Company Det <ts, singi< and reiurn may be secured al :blo,:'. Q.l:w'u Wn«l.'z'“nm Mr. J T. v@i®, rtusse Uniawa e o uo SAEPHERL, oonugfi;oiflgï¬i 7 Bowling Gree: uoULDEKHLT® & MUSsBQ VE Oitews Jitewa July 22 1875 Dopot,'â€"'m' y 7&. m. truin jor Lachine. «ssengers by ? kboat leave by 5 p. m. train jor Lachine. checked through o Montreai. Meais anu si&lerooms exiru. This route is one of th‘onutpbuu-‘u. in Canmam. ~Parties desirous of a pleasaul trip may obtain excursion tioxels, Ollawa to Grenâ€" :‘l..hwdhfl. valld ior one day. Tripa sinâ€" Pussengers for the Celebrased Caledonia Bprings wi i be landeu at L/~riguai. _ â€" SPECIAL TRAIN TO BRITANKIA, NIOHOLJ “& CO., NIGbT LINK Buwr. )UEEN VICTORIA, ‘, Macdonell: * sAinokg, _ * * nlonnk â€" DOWNWARLS, Passengers b Boatleave Queen‘s W hari u1o.n..!nmm" in Jlnar- by Night Hoat ieave Queen‘s n:nd. 6 p m, baturdays and Sundays exâ€" s UPW ARDS, _ Passengers by Day Boat leave Bonaventure hi taken jor au points iust. Compan) * Freigh\ taken ror au points m‘ A prnne oinee, quesn‘s W iL otiawe Bur. PES _ 1 *# PBi «M peau every Tussday and Friday mornings “1:1&-;'..31.“ Luvln( Uhapeat same d porticulars the office of .iwtnn.h- apply at the Compan g.“l';'umm Président, QTATWA RIVER MAVIGATIQN CKY, ___ RATiS OF PABsSAGiS; _ _ From NEW YORK t h J1L28G W, â€" LIVanPuuu, _ BE_FAST cA-':-a‘?:mm"' o uoncmgg h ippp oi nercny Sher Ti RSirORABS CONFPANYE OfFiGRG? Â¥ Bowiing Green, Oitawa River Navigation Company Rats« of Passags from Quebec :â€"â€" wmles of Passage from Quebec :â€" UNION FORWA i:4N% & HAILWAY Co. June iod 1875. ral Commission Office. 0‘COoN N OR STR EEIT, Next Victoria Chambers. is O LTIUTTMUT Y rrseee on sene es us HCOANDENAVATN .........» .... Ottawa, May 18in PIC NICS AND EXCURSIONS HNQQy biekDepyst t nsc byls CCC SOOH C LN Dnrres se n e ne ns n e Bz JOHN YOUNG........., JOHN EGAN................. H. 0. Kesers errecreges MR .. .ccsccsc caker0+ MEPEW &.:.::»:rrrsrarrreres3 cama | NION FORWA s:@M@% & HALWAY Co. « mede e \COarrames. | HIB CABBIELA. ... ~........-_Jm 0 ce rsenner ce ee e ces en e + M & 0 saqocr oree c sec se + . .+ Bomitt . 0] ABTHUR.............. Murphy. . | l?l................. .u...m Lrov 0 sevee ceesan s ee8 sns ceae as e â€" past "g' MERAD. .. 1c «n +m beae si ue 4s s ve ad a, J N trOULD:.+........ .. ... . . . BQAMOEL, chay B JOHN YOUNG...............Bratile, the JOHN EGAN................... ... Duggmn. the H. 0. K a se os oo e o+ + 4 ++ ++ »edDTO, Cane K .. .k cce css avencee s a: TEW A.. ... stt vcrsss srrpes se u. 1 X RIVIERES............. .. .. oid. whu . Steamer Jessie Cassels will leave Ayime! | of j ily, [Bundays excepted] at 8 a. m .. conbectin . | surv 3@?‘"- LLAX LIBE Td m T anton." An slhiets ns ons uinaare n me monsegin wroln Thew fimve, then ai aay ANCHOR LINE. uairep stares MalL STEANEHS NEW YURE AND unasuow. . _9;_;9}0_'!!'3 Pm T OV & HOORLAN . arv+ ser c ns +++ HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, ROYAL MAIL L1X« sSTEAMERS OYAL MAIL LIKE Steamer QUEEN VICTORLA QTTAWA > MONTREAL s#8¢ PX Steramships, ABTHUR..:.. .~ can be made with toe Canada y to carry Kxcursionisis by â€"BETW iNâ€" D. W. COW ARV & CO. Agents, 17, Sparkeâ€"st, W. WI}JIBD. . «... $10 to g* carried on eac) "{% 14 L dose muinine, medte ae indugements wem ple copies Seut uy mall Posts lX . S 3 Eu:-"u:o: LIVE AGEXTS WAXNTEB Ftates and Canada. Eniarged to 6# pages. 11 coniains ove: reeires, and is suited to all cls P "" d ues a un "uhister ton .; aapmbid C3uby and spones fsoels c Bheriff ‘s Office, Otta mnn-u-.“ By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out Rod to me difâ€"0ted aor "2t the imade and toce" “?‘M,lflh sult of Davi l l.-mt nave scissd and takes in exâ€"ou~ right, ie anu iniéresl of i0 Snld Ldward o broge: in aud «li ano Aing sat that certain “fl“flmyxw -h--h-uz wund u&pb aap of Mareb, in hd urn.w., ;-:.:.uc 4ih cougession of : be mud Jowiship Tor saie +4 «.?ruh.\',wu“uut Py «11:( DUV is at» A. D., at che hour of 120,ciock noou. Wm. I.w By JOHN NICHOLAUN, _ [ _ ar by deposit of h 7 Musitlpal ittuntie o bank sigelly as thr amount of five per cent on the sum of the contract, of which the sum sentin with th:r'l‘*vfllh‘w"“n.pfl.c inety cen! progress eaiâ€"| mvï¬mï¬hmdh Toui'r:‘adu'-mhomh:‘lh:fl signatures two responsible vent persons, residents of the Dominion, willing to conditions, as well as the due performance of 'o‘lfhk: n.....-.'.'.‘:'a.."' i, however, bind no itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. â€" uy > ons * [ c __ _ Sheriff‘s Sale of Lands. nnoanl en tmin J * ememiy The amount required in each case will be rn::-:'- -"d thus sent in, will be or sent returnéd to the: respeciive parties whose Mmmm For the due tdhaï¬ satisfaqiory security will be required on andâ€"in the case there ons alinthed the notent dignnemren tamavare of the occupation and of residence of each member of the ; and further, an mhukch‘:cflhm security, for the sum of from one to three thowâ€" c-_l_hï¬-gg,myï¬l‘b&ou_cgvga on the section, thust 200 each Tender, mmumtrm" vendering :odh--::u-u-u inooo‘.:nu w: W called to wl Tates Staied in the offer Submitied,"" * . â€" * of Wellington Street bridge, upwards, to the dm&nm‘n-u%: ©0o1 looks Cote ufl.:..'ï¬.'u -& down and reâ€" wuu:! the ".l- of the present lodes on sortt Pinome s poibing Pngriecnd Printed forms of Tendet can be obtmined. of a new aï¬.fl?ifl%flh formation of a channel basin on south or river aide of the entrance. The works will be h::\t- : : Mu. lengths :' â€" " cnes n en To noues oo o al Montreal, on and aiter Fripax, the Taim» day mf:-rm:m a-tt-du bear in mind Bealod Tenders addressed Becretary of Public Works, and -â€".& for the Lachine Canal," will al this office until the arrival of «oad .'f'“"q...."'_':.-::....* Aaera & consisting of the widening and deepanâ€" ing of the channel from near the anew basin east Canal Enlargement. ailchmen of their own choice to guard miy o ts es N’OTAOGBWâ€M this Board are prepared to reoeive from inâ€" leuling exhibitors at the dooxcly ids won, and to furnish all informatiou, forms ot wpplication, &6. Appiicn« tion is to secure The reoel ing and .nl‘h“.‘ the ts for will be «i the cxpense Usuadian ommigsion . The Janadan C wiki ide, ai their own all mpowr 'uamww.- ene, Fittinge, whice hey may requse, a â€"d all the ir cvuntersh«fts With their pullc, s, beiiâ€" &u , tor uhe transmuission Of power L as i.._ shuits in the Macawery Hulil _A "r. rangemenis of articles decorations m.s; Do in goulormily with the generai pige adopreu uy “*m Luinadiao Comamission wili take precanâ€" &bhï¬b‘u-:flu-hddl ..: M“‘“l wiil damages or loss of any kKind, ordor fire or otherwike. _ uy Ontario Advisory Board As be for & lln-" .‘w milit‘a purposes during Patierns may be seen and further information will be given on appiioation. the iowest or any render, Also for the manulaciure from Government Cioth of such +0( mmflm I8TRA TORK 0 @OV 4 JLN M iN LN NCIL cwmmens 0’;:' noa-d-.- of BRonorable a inimer of Customs, aud" usder the 10us Of the 8th sections Of Uhe ao: p".cx xnmbw&'ï¬â€˜m‘.y;;mm auâ€" ad«, held in the dist yeer c i2er mujesiy‘s ..r?:.. chaptered 6. and‘" An a6l respect. g the Customs." . His , b_ soau with the advice of the Quee‘s Council . tur &m-gmmnm toorder, and i is here an“lut(, that wn of inger=oli, in use nty of w‘:'l.lbol‘«ovln-dununu. ve «D. the saime is bw constitates an Oulport Of Custo®s an: Warebousing Pork unde: the t COVUCEHHiKiEi: Colonel Adjutantâ€"Genera! of Militia. Ottawa, Aug. 17, 175. Tith Dayâ€" Of September, 1075, NOTICE TO COONTRACTORS. International txbibition of 1876, FORAGE CAPS, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAW a. Militia and Defence. EPARTHEENXT residents of the Dominion, willing to AT PHILADELPHIA, U, 8. Wednesday, lith day 0° August, 187 LAUOHLNE formation apply io the Secreâ€" For th a Commission, @lMp.oy