4+ d § i U the laged in the most re ons, tomatoes and cleaned entirely ou LW new t 1is tat that sir. Huckell gets his properiy burt, wikl J1", AODerison in HIG TOHRMET but pasâ€"er gers run a risk of Leing severely | sanlinc the resiguation of Miss Living, injured by the falling stones The quesâ€" and thought it was establishing a bad tion which naturaily presents kel{ to a / precedent for teachers at any time in the sensibe persons mind isâ€"what are the | year to violate their terms of engagement tunkeysmhout when the prisoners are in â€" with the Board. the ya d taking their exercise; surely they | _ Mr. Le Scaue said their could be no disâ€" are pot sei.t there to throw stones. The courles{ to the teachers referred to, when popu ar belicf is that they go there to they knew themsclves _ to _ be break them. disqualified by jJlaw. it was not t Lea ven Ar Leay as #8Â¥ 9. 30 ttaw e Riv N¢. Lawrenee ms a woung eaat ha amadse cenatral Rablwny Or been wDl W D ecu.l rOWingy ma DAL mi ) w e 9 wa Railway 0 4 o e mee b ut i H Jitt umond untiting them . e depi I.~ha-n;.n: of â€" teach I they were boing rej | schools. with no b \ those who were lea experience whate chances disturbedt schoo‘s, and worke them. Another th was the Committee power of allowing â€" her yearly engagen lle thought when t services of firstâ€"clas l insist upon retainin inducements for th i Mu Barng«@ den in â€" question | were stating that nearly certineates expired t He Th se their authorty. In regard to Miss | couple of months sojourn in the old coun:â€" ving, he was at first opposed to her | try. Mr. Archie Stewart who accompaniâ€" ving ; but tinding afterwards that | ed him on the trip, is expected to return arly all her pupils had gone to l.hoi in the course of a fortnight. lle ziate lnstitute, heoffered no objec «. ~â€" n to her leaving. Tus Burxs‘ Arrarrâ€" At a late hour Mx. Buvarzvo could not agree with tbo‘ last night there was a rumour that an merks of _ the last â€" speaker. _ He| arreâ€"t was to be made on account of the ought the Committice Ld pursued * alleged Burn‘s murder. ‘The police were arlitrary course in regard to the | looking after a near relative of the de smiâ€"sal of the teachers referred to.| ceased but up to a late hour they had Al‘er propo=ing to resigo, they had | not found the sought for individun{ en induced to resume work after the | wnnmtzes catton _ with the bope of continuing to _ Trs Gzoror Street, Pour.â€"A pump e end of the veir, and they are scarcely | has been fixed cn the old well ("Pond‘s immenced when they are discharged | relief," as it was familiarly called),sitâ€" e thought it was treating the young | uated on the junction o{ George and lic» unfairly, and thougbtsome leniency | Sussex :treets. The old one was a deâ€" oul«d have Lbeen exercised, He agreed | lapiâ€"lated affair; and the opening which ta Mr. Robertson in his remarks reâ€" | used to exist over the well was nearly the ndinz the resigaatinm of Miss hiving, 1 sause of the death by drowning of a child «d thought it was establishing a bad | somesix weeks ago. Now in addition to ecedeut for teachers at any time in the | the pump there is a drinking fountain for ar to violate their terms of engagement | persons, FTorses and cattle, the srrangeâ€" th the Board. . ;mmt having been contrived by Messrs. Mr. Le Scau® said their could be no disâ€" | Blyth & Kerr, and most ingeniously have urtesy to the teachers referred to, when | they done their work. The pump and ev â€" knew themsc!ves to _ be| fountain will prove a boon to the carters squalified by jlaw. it was not| who frequent that locality. toiRD oFr SCHOOL TRUTSEE® noe whatever. These frequent s disturbed the classification of the , and worked ultimâ€"te injury to Another thing he found fault with Uommittee taking upon itself the »l allowing Miss Living to violate rilv engagement .with the Board. uzht when the Board acquired the : of firstâ€"class teachers, it should pon retaining them and not offer nents for them to go elsewhere,. Garng«@ denied that the teachers stion were summarily dismissed, that nearly a year ago, when their ites expired, they were told unless nalified themselves their services be dispensed with, Independent [1c‘, the Committee had received ty from the Board, at its last meetâ€" ‘lassi‘y the schools, and, on this they egular Mecting â€" Dismissal of chers â€"Fizancial Report, &c. ditian of the two new ward ving rendered it expedient to the duties of the music teacher, man,in regard o‘ the time to be 0 each school the Committee lessvs. Lesaeur and Barber in h the inspector to do what they in necessary to effect the best is2Â¥ elâ€"jected to the character and thought that taken in ith the lotter from some ) had been somewhat sum: nssed, an â€" explanation was l1s thought the committee «dits duty in d smissing any out the express a thority of Fhe young ladies were on ~‘tning their pasitions, but ls d from this course by the ho asked them to complete ind it seemed ‘discourteous, ist of it, to afterwards dismiss e â€" deprecated the constant _ t>achers, especially when ing replaced by pupils of the no better certificate than ere leaving, and having no %, â€" ih> U nmittee _ of Management have the ievort â€" vhat _ pursuant _ to on of the boird pml at the ting hel t & 5th August, reâ€" ‘ein the report of the Examinâ€" a r4 directing them to make vation of the teachers as to t seem proper, they met on 23 d and atter due and gare on resoived to a.lhere to the e laud down by the Board dis: a the: services of the teachers doates had expired and who \ wivance one grade at the iwation was re ha 1 made up sositions to a is respect‘ully submitted. J. P. Lesoru®, Chairman. Eowazo C. Barse®r, Tuos. Lurrg. Ir. Lasugecr, seconded by 1t the report of the Com ol Management just read lat was presented trom the ie Public Schools praying ant «d their salaries for the onths. lt set forth that een issu=d but there ware them, and concluded with hpe that some means ted to raise the necessary npaning r, who tal eeting of the Roard of ‘rustees was held in the ht ; Mr. Hiram Robinâ€" Present : Messts. Barâ€" BRedard, lhite, le Sueur + close of the year, as it tha Normal School, unstances, he would i theirre engagement nev concluded to act i¢tion legiate Institute‘s the effect of de in the Central he very probable e_the said class , the Committee previous immeeting om Miss Hasty n in ber salary ead from several n their minds to attend the Nor of being misled i them they had to lake posses v "or the costs U NA uKMENT the following Trustees of [ronm Miss osition of ig to her Collesiate ut\to be ty ol tha Carleton, to $400 to â€" the a low 1 from Mrs. Curry, cleaning Rolton St. School to Ist July........... James A. Davis, excavating Ward SchoOL................2. R. Bishop & So;, school requis Fingland & Draper, school reâ€" YMIBILOS . â€"+ :12 200 ce e ts verr enss W. M. Beattie, &#Co., coal....... Uliver & Son, balance on school fUrNituUre®.ssllll.l2.. ©2,008 70 They further recommend that the Cbairman of the Finance Coinmittee be requested to coufer with the Acting Mayor, with a view to obtain the necessary funds for carrying on the Schools, and that failing to obtain satisfaction in the premises, that he be clothed with the necessary power to obtain the amount of the school levy. All of which is respectfully submitted. Epowauo C. BarserR, Chairman. LeSuguR, . J. P. Romrrsos, * W. G. Bevaro. Unâ€"motion of Mr, Barsuz@ seconded by Mr. Lz Surum, the report was received and adopted and the cbairman was ro: quested to sign cheques for the same, Moved by Mr. Ls Sugur seconded by Mr. Barber, that whereas it is obvious that the children in the Primary Depaitâ€" ments of the two Central Schools cannot but be injuriously affected in their health by being crowded as they now are in the basements : lt is ther fore resolved that the Building Committee be instructed to consider the expediency and propriety of providing better accommndat on, by the erection on the premises of an outside building in each case of a character not involving large expeuse. Un motion of Mr, Rossrtson, seconded by Mr. Luire®, the Secretary was instructâ€" ed to notify all teachers in the service of the Board, desirous of engaging for anâ€" other year, to present their applications at the next meeting of the Board, to be hel l on the first Thursday of October. The Board then adjourned. Goxe ror Surrites.â€"1r. James Young of the Government Stationery Office has gone to England to purchase the supplies for the next year. Hot !â€"It was only 90 ° in the shade at two o‘clock p.m. yesterday. This is almost enough to freckle the frontispiece of an Ethiopian. One man was heard to askâ€" "how high is it below zero?" & Persoxar.â€"Mn, Gormully of the legal firm of Messrs. Scott, Stewart and Gormully, has returned to the city after a couple of months sojourn in the old counâ€" try. _ Mr. Archis Stewart who accompaniâ€" ed him on the trip, is expected to return in the course of a fortnight. 4 Gexruemexâ€"The Finance Committee of the Board of Public School Trustees beg to report that they have examined the following accounts, and recommend them for payment : Moved by Mr. Le Surzur, seconded by Mx. Roswrrsox; that this Board atter much consideration feel bound to expie«s their regret that the Board of Trustees of the Collegiate Institute should have re versed their nrevious action and reâ€"estabâ€" lish a Primary Department in connection with their Institution, and they have no hesitation in stating it as their convic tion that the arrangement is one caleuâ€" lated to create injurious class distineâ€" tions, and to impair the eftiviency of the Public Schools. Mr. Barses next. pressnted the fol lowing : Tus Burxs‘ Arrarrâ€" At a late hour last night there was a rumour that an arre t was to be made on account of the alleged Burn‘s murder. ‘The police were looking after a near relative of the de ceased but up to a late hour they had not found the sought for individun{ To the Corporation of the Board of Public Trustees : The question of having a prep ratory class in the Collegiate Institute was next taken up and discussed, It ended in the adoption of the following resolution : _ â€" Mr.* Brvaro although not opposed to the general tenor of the resolution, yet he felt there was a principle involved that should not be violated. He thought an inducement was being offered for other teachers to break any obligations they might enter into with the Board. . â€" The resolution on division. Mr. Ross@tsqy trusted the mover would not press the résolytion, as he felt it was ad{ling only insul to injury, Miss Living hadl been allowed to violate her engage ment to the injury of the school she was leaving, and the resolution contemplated rewarding her for this course of conduct. lle respected Miss Living very highly, but he thought she was treating the Hoard very unfairly. _ ‘The mover should be satisfied that her resignation was allowed and not press for another division. le sincerely hoped the motion would be withdrawn . Mr. LeSuzoer ditfered from the ;_l'o?g_t speaker as to the propriety of the resolu Moved by Mr. LeScrur, seconded by Mr. Barser, that in view of the prospec tive withdrawal of Miss A. M. Living from the position of Assistant to the Principal of the Central® School West, for the purpose of taking emp‘oyment in the Col legiate â€" Institute, this board _ desires to _ convey _ to â€" her _ their _ sanse of _ the very satisfactory and suceessful mauner in which she has discharged the dut‘es of her oftice, as well as the appreciation of her kind and gen tle deportment towards her fellowâ€"teach ers and the children who were committed to her care ; also, that a suitable standard book be procured, and the foregoing re« olution inscribed on the fly leal, and that the rame be presented to Miss Living in the name of vju- Board. in mere seutiment in such imatters. . ie thought the mambers of the Board hould be actuated by no ocher considei . tions than the welfare of the public schools, whica were especially counlidedi to their care. e would not move an amendment to the iepos, but would record his dissent against the arbitrary proceedings of the Committee on School Management. The resolution to adopt t{e report was then carried oo tha fohowing division : Â¥eas: Messrs. Barber, lliffe and Le Nueur. _ Nays : Messr3 Robertson and Beduard, consented to her going was a credit to the pub one of their teachers coi able a position. Mr i{mn-ur«w said he by other persons. _ In regard t Living, it was only after they foun her leaving the Ceatial School West not be injarivus to it« interests, thi MLILRGIATE INSTITUTE PREPARATORY CLASS X NOTICE TO TEACHERS MORE ACCOMMODATION FINANCE REPORT DTE OF THANK Wws L then put and carried | $2,008 409 s () 0O 00 8Q 30 Daniel Mc Auley was up for being drunk on the Parliament IIilt .He was disâ€" charsed with the urgal caution, it being his first offence. W oor axo Hipks.â€"Wool ranged from 3Ue to 33¢. Hides $5 and $5 50, inspected. Sheep pelts about 55c. Burrks, Cusuer, &0.â€"There kas not been imuch doing in the products of the dairy, although n 1 steady demand bas been m de for m .Els-wero ve scarce, and 14¢c, wholesale, 15¢, reua was readily disbursed for them toâ€"day . Butter was also scarce. Tail was sold at from 18¢ to 2;0; while prints ranged from 25¢ to 26¢ per lb. Cneese has also been scarce for some time past, and the only sample on the raarket to day, and it was not a good on>either, brought 130 perlb. _ © 0(0 _ _ llay.â€"There has been a good supply of hay lately, and it h»s been of mo':fer- M.el{ gosd quality, Prices through the week _ been oacihmz, from ‘13 to $15 per ton. â€"Plent; of, it can be sold at those figures. i Cassimir Deault was arraigned on a charge of assaulting a Soo:‘o?mm, for which three men were tried a short time ago. The case was adjourned for a week. _ Crorus®s Ling Romsers.â€"On Wednes day . night last Mrs McLeod of Wilbrod Stroet was robbed 0 {about $100 worth of linen which had .eeu washed and laid out to gelx. The theft must have been comuut by the saime gang who were seen on the same « vening loafing about Daly street and the neighbourhood of Sandy Hill, aod alout the back prem: ises of the houses in that vicinity. A couple of notoriou:, thieves were seen about the city yes.erday, and it is time their movements w.re watched. Tuz Grain axo Frour Mazket.â€"There has been butllev; Mï¬r tions in this line of business late! mers appearing to be molned. to hold bu: Jo, in the Lopes of obtaining better prices, ‘Foâ€"day same excellent samples of oats were sold at from 380 to 410. Fiour, $6 25 to 6 50. Wheat $1 10 to 1 17 (fall); @1 05 to 1 08 (spring). _ Peas, $ Barley .and Rye, none offered. s Julia ‘Ring was rrraigned for bein, drunk and d%lonlerlj \lfno was fined $ and costs. Charles Simmonm charged with dis orderly conduct was let off with a repri mand. â€" _ Starislaus, Hotte. a car‘er, was charged with furiously drivigg his horses on Sun day last, He was raulcted in $5 and William Fingland Ottawa City and Office, Hay‘s Block, Sxearx Taisvss.» Some of those prow!| ing sneak thieves who at present infost Sandy Hill during the night, ltr;fl)od Mr. Tetu‘s clothes lines the night before last of a quantity of valuable linen. It is to Aicholas Ryan was up on a charge of assault. He was fined $2 and costs, or go to saol for a week. Before M. O‘Gara, P. M Fruit.â€"All kinds of fruit have been most abundant daring the week, and good prices have been obtained. _ Melons were most noticeably plentiful, and from *o to 80c, (a wide margin}, his been paid for choice qualities. Apples have averaged from $2 to $2 50 pe> nui., and were both in good supply un i demn4. Peaches to aay were somewbat scarcer than they have been any day throvugh the week, and $2 per crate wus easily obtaind for them . lPears were also scant, and from 28e to 3Ue per peck was the {:rbo at which they were sold. Crab apples may be quoted at 3Uc pet gal.; plums 60c per pail, and bluem!»?rrieu at 10e per quart . . _ _Povuitay.â€"This article has been lately conspicuous by its absence, and what chickens have‘ found their way on to the market have been disposcd tl;:t 6Uc per pair.. A few turkeys have been brought in, and have been sold at fron $1 to 1 50 each. | ta hoped the lurkh& scoundrels lâ€"lilvâ€"mwt l\;;; caught in t.ll:r thievish acts. + . M. Beattie, who lives in that neigh~ bourhood, had occarion the same night to go down town for a doctor and on his reâ€" turn was set upo: by some of these roughs, He manasal however to scare them #o that they© soon took ~to theit heels. The residerts of Sandy Hill are determined to 'fo ia for self pnhom and the end will in that somebody V sortancesâ€"Carrots 5o 5“ bunoh ; cauliflowers 10 to 20e, according to size, and there have been some heads sold, the size of which have never been equnhod. Potatoes (new)â€"wore plentiful during the week, and realized good prices, ‘The average being from 200 to 300 per bushel accordiug, of course, to the quality mt‘l size. ‘There was also « good supply of turnips and carrots, which were disposed of all round at J¢ por bunch _ ‘Tomatoes may b> set down gâ€"nerally as being worth l5c per gallon, at least that was the price they brorght t>â€"day. Cabbages were all prices, from ao to 10¢, according to their size and weight. 1 by acter, but also with the supper which brought the proceedinrs to a close, That sucking porker would have delightod the palate of Charles Lamb, the gentle author of the " Disseitation on loast Pig," so Fumed in the © Essays to Klin." OTTA +A MGRKET, f thanks to Mr. Ryan for his uonofluot in the chair, io a certain extent closedâ€"the procendinys, but Mr. Stevens, the hosâ€" pitable host, invited the gentlemen at: tending the imeeting to partake of a burbaocued â€"and wos*t succulent baby portker. ‘The board was spread in most bountiful style. Mr. Mackintosh occupied the chair, faced by Mr. yan, and the other scribes were mothing loth to tuck their logs under theâ€"mahogany of Mr. Stevens. Full justice was done to the viands, and the meeting dispersed, not only pleased with its harmonious char TtE Dowrx:eN Epnirofs AND POoRTERS AssoOCIATION. \ Eranch to be FRxtablished in OHAWA. rPoLICE CoURT i TTAW A, Tevrsoay, Sept. 2nd. Trvikspay, Sept. nd Oflicial Assignee for County of Carleton. Epark St. 3933i12 HRPINnA ME SUADNA] impraiouger Sanaing promatare youl m ace, wecay, nervous debliity, ac., hllv'llll tried in vain every known remedy, has found a simple se.fâ€".cure, whicn he will send FREE to his fellow» sufferers. Aidress, ‘ J. H. REEVES, P LE 1} Nassau st., New *qr_@,_ By L. 0. Exzzson and W 8. TILDE®, _ _ Prtor $1.00 $9.00, rma Dog®x. The ll:lmnne?u&m CHOILR is “dnlhr = ra.l dcd* o very popular« Hour g?:?:mol;" ich has been almost nnl'-'qg used in High schonls. ‘The present ftl- no;\:‘uylfl;remw its predecessur, and is entirely fresh a new BY H. 8. & W. 0. PERKI®NS. PrRJoR 38 CexntTs. resa Huspazo, «Rest in fl"ï¬. we Wh.-? Josus may a’: "Wandering Ohiid," "What are these *** W ma«n awake !" are s, ecimens of the titlés of the beautifai new hymas, to sweet n.w .m elodies, JUST PUBLISHED . THE SHINING RIVERH !ITHE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR! THE SONG MONARCH. Prro® 75 Czxts. $7.50 PER Dozzx. By F+ R. PALMER, ass‘sted by L O. Kx®Rsoxl mct think of teaching a Mi !glg_o‘uh ulln: thi« IMVQ..DomM% ULIVER ULTSON 400,, | _A liimited num ber of bw@irders can be roo- moated at the Borthwick Springs. TAvaiias wishiny to avail themselves of the benefits to b > derived from the use 6f the best Mineral ’ Water on the uontinendt, and partios wlual%lo apend a lalw Weeks in the country should visit these sortr ge, | Comfor ugle narters at moderate charges, | Aited with all n%oeuury requirements for A New Sabbath SchooliSong is hereb; that en ts ihies al and in the West of the roul‘ will be prosecuted as the iaw directs, oo *‘ ok 1 ongn, orgment o paoe weitath ore foles Fhge Qioymen{imud as Wine in f, Cl . ORODY NE is of such celebrity that it can Somposition being k ows to pride tioners. Many of tL s Ohlm bohno(.nmqnl in s rm.. 1.?&'?-'?“ y GKI ATINR~The purost mnrm-li Mor u(;:?l?llli' m .lml shippod. Orders made stioinas monson, o. son, 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON Relecteu, apd Shipping orders arequted . * u+ â€" deénateh 24A _ } _ {AGLSQe ""T)ï¬ln'ï¬'; Moatronuiâ€"Evnans, uw & Oo., W Drog * ‘"\‘r‘cyw & Owen, damiltonâ€"Winer & Ou, Halitexâ€"Avary Browo & an wun.uu’wwn‘mnu 'â€â€˜""'5',:{"‘2 m: uary U us, In T 8ex, or iounk, 'E‘m'u, and paing l‘:&o baod, w o)xt8, 48 61 each, by ail Cheinists and ~anger & Son~, Ustord gtreei, London. re rys J ty Ararragh ) hoA dny oo ie Wiprdulaire im t ver t tPbetiby tm so000 > 1 Apcthecarios‘ Hall Lincoin, Londote "4I XPORT AUEKNTA: L m«. i i bridge & Uo,, Coloman struot, Lon Newbery & 4. ns, 87 Nowguteé a : London. Eatoiny & B ».s, U frarrin@don sureet, Lnndon 16LB. Loo e Montresiâ€"Lyimans, Clare & Oo, f(:tmbâ€"l'?l?n;a C U%, Wiicinenis LEn . ME P«PBINEâ€"IThe popular and cing for lndige: () Wedialne ver uurs Are scld by Chotalsts amd Druggists laroughout the world. EF S on e e en nmee Pomer uone of its virtues by kee or tnmw tion, and that where ’!Nolyu en by in ood hea!th, heaith continues, invallds who canot vialt the Bprings the water can be as well ked in {neir own houses, whilst its low Cust Hlm- it within the reach of all. § Lelivered to all parts of the city in 8 gallon jJare, at 1) ots. per rllon. in 30 galion/barrels mt $2 50 each, barrels extr® â€" For to the Springs and other informution, -u.g to W. & T. BORTHWICK, 8 Nicholas street. Morson‘s Effectual Remmedies | Ek CHEMICALS AND NEW MEDLOLNX D A NCO REATIC N I 1 ascl{nt%o& uud wennine by SAVORY & MOoRE, 140 ana ced w _ Pure eountry air and freedom trom exolten m eut give tne muout the benefit of hygienic e mtiopuion ‘of the reader ts partioularly d The attention 0; 4 rected to the frct that this Mineral water loses Oitawa, 18th Ausust, 1875 Htock broksare now npen and applications for stock will be reseive 4 by the underfigned at his offlse on and after Mouday next the sixteenth in stant. . AAn'.Iulp-ted divijends when Company‘s works are in full weraion at least 2 per cent. per uhum . An early application is necessary to secure staiok. Fo: ms of application and all requisite information ma;‘ be obtained from the undersigned. W. H. WALKER. M s Oltawa d%th Ansinet 1k anaging Director N) UTICHE 4an. 22, 1875, gymen @opies sent, postâ€"paid, for retail Ottawa, J uly 24, 1876 Plumbago _ Company Juiv 1974 SHOWER ANO OTHER _ BATHS, XDIGESTION, AND WASTING oNsSUMPTION, NE BUX UF CLARKE‘S B<l PILLS ENGL \XD. J. D. Fuetowsr, Esq. Loxpox. . Auuuusen, Esq., Newoastu®â€"onâ€"TryE. 1. N. Sars, Esq., Loxpox, Borthwick springs. Worksâ€"toRNSEY A*"»> How®Rto® Of which 1,000 shares To jhe Proprietors of > . SEPTEMBER, 8, 187 THE DOMINION OF CANADA CAPITAL, £100,000 STG. In 10,000 Shares of £10. each, NUOTHTICE. nole Proprigtor, F. J. ULARKE, cing for lndigestion is Mokson‘s .t:_.""_'.{".!x!{"zc_&*y! principie of the CWG \J:““ to sgud guur _ addr cosn ukh. . Wiaike Ait thige in :-vsau se viw, â€" verg werk and vakinble Samples tee. #4~A post Curd . an which to seud puur _ addre costs but two cuad® . Write At dligr i MRemedics. i):NKASrS, ‘The most approved HrAREDIN: arg t approved $MLORY & MOORE Reiail of all Chemists; and Clcitfie S 19 aiag Oned a vo. Loxpox Cuatruaxâ€"]J. D. Fuatonze, Esq. Canapiax Do,â€"Hox. R W. Scort. Loxvox Ssoretaryâ€"â€"R. 8. AronBoun, Esq. Caxapian Do. axp Maxacina Dirzororâ€"W. H. Warke®, Esq. OUrrios, Loxpoxâ€"2 New Broan Srtrzet E. C. Do , Orrawa â€"Eugin axo Srarks StRzet. BaxxeRrs, Loxpo®â€"Tar Uxtion Baxk. Do., Orrawaâ€"Tus QuBBRO Baxx. CHASs. H. DITRON & 111 Broadway, g'i' i y enuen â€" T34 a week â€" Prog‘ i \'.nmm o"c-u-m and h. mot i vo mske . A 16 pege cmcuig , reserved for Canada, are now offered for subscription. DIRECTORS : (LIMITED), §gB io. till AB ©otild g B Ti Cornnetyftng aod ot Antiive Bioad 'blrrho. hndflu‘mu and 2.- otuldu-u:-‘ Teepsoun)â€" Shares. g 05. Dds Orters are CGUERARD BRo*+ Â¥or making all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT Norwich Egg Powder, Ask _ for LEA & PERRINS®" Sauce, uf:{e Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. Wholesale and for Exgr/ by the Proprictors, Worcester; Crossets Blackwell, London, &8 c., {8¢. ; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World, been troubled in the past with summmed o heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals : nd have been puving tancy price, use Oraven‘s Arcticand Engine Oils Aad s0 avoids.those complaints for the future. Ail: Olls guaranteed and orders solicited; 6k w‘.d.sgnuvmu C0,, C after this date, and without which mone w2 s _6 genuine. which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA & PERRINS have adopted A New Label, dbearing their Signature, thusâ€" In consequence o, .S)w:p'u;’[m‘umy Lea & ï¬en-ms Sauce, LEA & PERRINS‘ Mmss enshIRE,, _ $AVOE THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. * *43 WEREEs age. Role Agents !~+ Outario. which will be placed on cv'vry bottle of Worcestershire Sauce, 1P |51, Maliagtee| : s Hleh Tam. For sale by all Oilmen Dec. 4, 1874. CLOTHING Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. x I‘OIIOI'I.TAILOIIâ€"AMn w ntâ€" ed as Cutte: Clerk t ‘one who understands the ar in uif fiakaor® November 1874. _ * ‘This does not apply to shipments made prior to the date given. HUOGE GLA "N YoUR NOSE AND DIS erieden Prechansteregtes Agents Wanted, A Cem worth Reafing!â€"A Diamond warth Bosung SAVE YOUR, EYES! spmenams CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. u. ho otf400, pogent ZMiscellaucous. CaNADA. Hox. R. W. Scorr, Orrawa. W. H. Wauke®, Esq., Do. J. T. Prxnoor, Esq., Do. The relail Clothing Busi« ness solong carried on by Joseph Metcaife is now ransferred to the Firm of JJHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth« Ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" est prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Opnunln and the general public, that they will have every Wlotlting. I'.'fl'1“ Engu â€"AT THEâ€" TB 18 k. LLENT Maaiin IM) has P.Iu last 12 ‘years been by the leading Manuâ€" facturing establishments of the Dominlon. juired. Enquire £t P. L. A‘TManmeh prcsent -I .:---"r.,' eisee antiad o .11 ",_"120 200 proven Reqe: 'ugd'i- euied io in retane conniopus o potiet . a ts cbnet io beal" a, u0000000 0,doctinunt Eml post paud for $2.. Exclusive Terriâ€" Live Agents Wanted. TO SELL DrOHASES NEW RECIPCE ......“. m"#"“’m 700 nages. 1t conâ€" smbke Â¥ an w in .l.'.'r.‘!.d..y proven Reeipes, and is AGEXTs MoRE POUBLE THEIR MoNEY. Addreas, * MA B Ad iE Dr Ohares Sreams Toi. There are Numerous Imilations on the J roy warr coop srzan NONE IS GENUINE! Diamond Yeast Cakes. T.mv. JuBre SIGN WRITE~ HuUSE D.: }0RA â€" TOR, PALINTER, PA PX ,. HANGER, & m}:& nl__& & m-:ï¬&.%: adffe d leres spsortment of AEW PaAprms, Opposite the Mm.., Il.{.sw'iwâ€" Dec. 6. 1874 . these Gebentu assessed prop Qï¬;fl. and the 1 asro® 1 ES 1 as per schedule, in d t am Klnc:ton-â€"uu interest uln.:‘l-:nn rerest Cou, solutely liabie for the payment a "ln u:l'gmth‘noa.o :;: ven uflh.um, | of maturity wili be allotted to th Loo ima 0R CR L T MYRTLE NAvVYy, utioned worthless ‘ adverdsements, "Oormeaponts e iroitel ons Lmitations of our paints, and thoke white Bubâ€"Agent wanted in Ottawa, for County of Carlet on; a Lanark, sud MacNab. _Most liberal «rras will Aow:l.ono:fo(;onenl Amul;ONnuq EQ ll; New York Slate Roofing Company, New ‘ â€"AND TOâ€"â€" [ * S. A RUSSELL & Co., _ General Agents for Province of Ontario, 34, Front St., East, TORON FIREâ€"PROOF EXTRA R Ug‘?n RFELT. d fing fo ‘roofs, ie of graf‘v’&, rorinâ€"sized, vermin proof ga ed a.gd ainted. m&g:lt cheap and e k: f P Suil e makes cheap and . , hours aflcr upplying. As nearly all j UOppiee C3 â€"LPpiyjng. As nearly ul ; nraference for other Dehantumas _0 00 0 0 200 OO CCCR MECZCEE 2C Momi Tewnere nB preference for other Debentures. s 10NDON Dnuflrg $60,700.â€"These are all twenty year Dobe: :‘hï¬.:n“ht June, c ul Principle &and interesi are payuble, the intorest an The population of London is and, with i is nearly debt Pn tepenig it Co mm rap mer erinteaneetie e “M“:oby&:mmh?lm.â€" .u-‘i-.'g Md-tld Port way, amouu Lo m hich hdorlv-d.ummhnnw&ou&.n\hmlfllï¬- * * mA&dM Domwrmhrm no::ncu“:‘-l:: m ie ï¬.nt‘-r. To hey: m %ï¬&mm sold, on 22rd ‘April‘ Inst., on the Lundu l-& w'sho;’:-mvm&o:nde lgthohkmbnfl.:?l:.‘lom advice will uH bentures will be ready for dell yery inumediniely aiter the awheqh" O*0 * 47 B ntures will be ready for del â€"'Vï¬'"% ely after the awards _ _ _ _ =" n"wn At the Debentures, may be made throu Detailed of the Debenturer, Wi.‘\ form of tender, can be & Branches and Agencies of the Bank o .wufm'm.m * dosirans, may im, 1875 raint, For brick walls ou: bright red is the only r. liab ectnally prevent dam puess from peovetrating .L, dsc Em};’lfl':{ * l\"“‘h;". W.“-ol‘-ir-l. Lad Hlulrlttlu'h uu:l “Ifl m mwuwmummmm 100 a and ‘ per doilar, to which will be added accrued m.r‘wht‘od "::. I‘b“ onpn DeBeXTuRXS $35,000.â€"These bear date March, lï¬n‘ mature 1801 rnnolnl.m ore are payabie in Ottawaâ€"the interesi, at 6 per cent, hal mrqmwaonE Dity is now 24,253. Its debt, ater W k is mrmmnmmmu:mnmm redlavci limbie these debentu assessed property cuï¬u.n, Lm.lw nroperty, .%m'mw‘udâ€- ve debt, y ununnuultflo‘ W 14 ES Â¥00.â€"41hese bear date 3lat ecembor, as per schedule, in d t amounts, from 1879 to 1W1 Princlp«! and Kingstonâ€"the interest semiâ€"annuaily at 6 p.7., on the first days of J.nuary and . vePs (otal enb u) Rinpetin in 0400 and e remeame 1. vaaue or rroperty, air f '4?“"...."‘.‘;"_’“_.‘!':.!&!999‘_9‘_“.2 ‘Debenture®y 1 /5,1086 400. _ *‘ * w hts MWPAADOWVPELL TY P an Arep oort ns se lt Aeiep wamughcs.. d 2: o chande In cases of more than oue tender for the saime "«=â€"alure or i>abentures, given to mnm.m Debentans of s miiiar amount or less of the of maturity wili be allotted to the tenderers in oruer, uniess in their tende AT THE OIL DEPOT,; SUSSEy, L. e C. 8. sHAW & 00, treas, * MA N AGER, Dr Chates Stea :.4 @fo€ House, Miliington Mich®" Roofing who may j nuon_' wize the bouse. in the bar will: be fourd ail the W j , veuaily ned in first class establishments. Arrangements Are belig i of guests to and from the Railway depots and Steam boats. .. These premises, lately ocoupied by the Bank of Montrea! and previously Hotei. hvmon cm‘u-:lv Mmzflhrmmï¬d aud newly furnished th modern appointments.~ The Hote! is sentrally situated, in close â€"proximity to of the clty, and contains elegant wlmwo- Diring, Reading, Com merab Infmoting the greatont dagrec of com tort.onÂ¥ntionce and attentio, Atm "mnog prom ree com con e nto: ® who may patrohiss the bouse. in tgl)lrvlfl "‘be Foand ai the h 1",/ *4 MR. & MRS. GEORGE ACR Lamps & Chandeli¢ The Royal Exchange ®W. K WALALKE . . ... . . .. . . . . .1 «.+ raen 89Â¥ 4014805405 stou0¢h4, M. ‘KAVANAGH........... .. ... .. SAE Ehares can be subscribed for at the office of & W open for a iew weeks and where ail nofa:‘m-m Mexsrs. DRUMMOND, CASSELS & CU., Montreal, are authorized to &'onim‘gx n{as. u'u%n of'u.x'l‘t.“' TTAWA, KINGSTON, AND LONDO® DBEBENTUREs. C A PIT A L MUTUAL _ BUILDING : SOCIE OF OTTAWA. es â€"DIREC TORs.. , w. 2 Warese® UNLESS STAMPED B@~ALL OUR PAINTS ARE MIXED READY : OR USK. e ECoNOMICAL, ‘L' _ SAVES kEsBiNG: STOPS ALL ~LEAKS | ; CcaVTION. _Wellington Street, Ottawa, 3 A Firstâ€"Gass Family and Commercial Hotci, owned by To be Opened about September ist, 4GENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWXN. aithougn a slow dryer, rain * C hm?maflw »?.‘:‘.’.%f' * ':,‘,..'a;;‘“ Th nodut t afounh to s calope wiandConrep enote or red ©ol0ur 1: usually nreforrad (as. L220 DCHE ABJ J# $y C L | N E* $180,600, Six and Seven Por Conts. The Largest Bm L ommE YEew 1# usually preferred, one cont Patent Slate WILL JOHN OFFICER. THE TIMES ~ _ ®" Agents for Dominion of Cansda. MeePH BURNETT & Co, ©0370M The superiority of these Eatracts consisiv4 perfect purity and great strength. They Fanted free from the poisonous olls and enter into the composition of many of fruit flavors now in the market. ‘They rre W true to their names, but are prepared from of the best quality, und are so highly conces that a comparatively small quantity ouly B Om ingnes e i bricpe ean e inak t x n â€" .. _ Enese in are prefernable 10 thise from Auorroés TREES, SHRUBS, ContAlX8 NQ TA ...« . y__â€". _ _ PRESERVES D Aneey irelh in Abcsander it their <filse a« he City o Ottawe EY nor & Waller, where the informstion can be obtail Bumicttis, Extracte, | Bunett‘s "Extracts | Burnett‘s Burnett‘s Extrm For cuoking purposes, Burnett‘s Extracts qrems Bi. bet. King t in the C enits for the cou 4 Con Box 352 | PMoW,E â€"Parker Howse, Boston. |~ 43. 6 10 1i a. an. gives 4o d erovince . eï¬ by a + ew b‘;‘m UbMAWA, Privnie it steamm and May be con Lor mud Ad «Bttawa. C Corper % barveys 11 GJ) B _ »Ble corner A cut 0 ta Pate W Ad, W A July Â¥1, “' AL. @. Tai June & OFFIC rook , Or C O 10 retirh have ie 0 #FIC May 3@ “VAI & V OI £) A NUR LUx®: inÂ¥ (f ‘O@N 12 fa No Ar ie