* be vummwuowmvohnn.hnd- ant supply of coals in Canada, which course of reasoningâ€"that having won all the laurels on the field of battle which any nation could desire, Britain will next Lecome the pioneer of a peaceful system of setrling internstional difficulties, and us obtain and maintain a preâ€"eminence : more glories than when accustomed . Jemand respect and obedience at the v.y onet‘s point or the cannon‘s mouth ; mithough still prepared to adopt such moeans when absvlutely necessary. : The exhaustion â€" of _ the eonlwpply:'d the British Isles, a very problematical thing at the nearest, is yet a far way in tne distance, and it may well be doubted, in view of the progress of scientific disâ€" covery, whether they will not in the near future be 1uch less demand upon that will probably , The question above expressed is ong wiich a great many patriotic Englishmen have put to themselves, discussed with others, and written about with a good wJeai of anxiety, and sometimes with a gzool deal of misgiving. It is not â€"to be Jenied that there are some factsâ€"facts which come prominently to ‘the front is pobiisned ex ‘ave‘t rmor conls por week, . : 1. < 5..M4ribe perkod 1s when any inquiry of this kind is institutâ€" «i1â€"which would lead to the conclusion tha: the decline of the British star, if it ha» nct actuaily begun, is at least imâ€" i sent,. in the first place, there is the precedent set by the great empires of the _ as>, every ome of them exercising in the beyâ€"day of its glory an influence similar beiiâ€"ve, as there were many of other countries who would have rejoiced to be able to believe, that nothing would induce ber _ to _ enter _ the _ lists _ again except â€" it w re â€" in _ self defence, and that even then she would prove in‘ capable of maintaining the prestige of arme _ Another and more practical set of men began to count the years when the home supply of coal must give out, and then, they said, the manufacturing interests by which the British people have not only maintained thewmselves but ruled the commerce of the world, must also {ade away, and by the very force of circumsiances fall into other hands. The incremse in the cost of production, he deviation of trade to other sources in msejuence of strikes, and various other _hases of the existing condition of things are aiso pointed to as subsidiary forces which are assisting in bringing about the great crisis. Of course there is anot <» sude to the question. . Discarding «. pesace at any price theory as impractiâ€" cable, there is yet a large number of people who have come to the conclusion â€"and we think after the most logical n many respects, and quite as overâ€" whelming, as was ever exercised by Albion. And yet what is there left of them : Not even in several instances, the ruins of their glory, and but a bare record ai best of a few of the great deeds by which their history |was distinguished ! .t is but natural, say the savanits, that the modern counterpart of these nations should also similarly decline. What is regarded as another gign of this delusion, or at any ruuofiuu,pm.ch,hlhop&:iï¬c policy which Great Britain has of late years uniformly maintaingéd in her relations with Foreignâ€" Powers. indeed, so far had she carried this poli¢y, that there {were amongst her own people who professed to â€" Jondeased .mma-.-nu'on the m-.x K# w bei “M TW S \ K _ CENTM _ and SNlpAnD-A-BAU kN 1 s oar emcu woitd over (wemty . The Adver Gowan‘s Hallâ€" Mac Evoy‘s Minst subscription Kates for the Daily Times. W ben pail week!y, Tweive and aâ€"half Cent. W hen Paid vexfiy. NX Doilurs in advance. » bet Te Tinres. UuTrawWaA, MONDAY, SBPT. 6, 1%75. ‘HE WEEKLY TIMES| wharenirch We chanderth. Shame d apose dour bund Mouses for seie. Mouses be Mewt. 1. ousom W iamssies, n Noticeâ€"Emmangel Crurch N sarsd and Leodging. gile Strayed or Stobem. »vuas Wauted. arms for Nale or to Roui. ive Stock for Nale or to Reaq osey Wauied or to Loan. mations Wanted. matienms Nacaul, &¢â€". &e. QLD ADVEKTISEMENTS INSERT®D IN ThHis vTICE ISs MERERY wiÂ¥EN OTHAW A AoRi_â€" ULTURA: 1RTMH®S, MAMKILAGES, DEATM®S. pees o Hirths, MarTiigss and DeaLlbs, & lealos wilh uceral nétces atiached $1 ~ _ New Goods just arrived. T.W. KENNY AND SONS Merchant Tailors do bal‘ lak) wl TH E TIMES w adgduocrilscments. > cor YTAnment . Adverumâ€"MeDt® (1» PEK LiNK nouw mensur mmertion __ For Nou TE EK LINE, and Parugraphe. N N O T IC K. every Friday morping, and couâ€" | the week froim «i\ pails of the ible agricuilurai nBatter ; and the n arucles of THE UALLY TLM ES roportic r Wanied Bom is iLORY.â€"IS8 IT OUN THE DECLINE! $ t e weo in wi im io advance. ustworthy Market Reports, De+paighes, Partiamentary her maller jacadent 10 a t# and Outfitters, 86 Sparks Street, Ottawa LiCENSE dated ear. wheu not exceedin : week, }8; twice a ween Is, each word over 1wen! M i S ix) news Canade or Paragrapbs, leâ€" cia} Stateimenis of HL A CK BU RN secretary tor a definite Fimg INSUR FIPTEE ~ ay purl profound convietion that Britain, in any great emergency, could raise more troops to ber population than either of them, and none could maintain those troops so long. No other country in the world, he asserts«, would submit more cheerfully to a drait if one were needed, " because no " other people hboid the lawâ€"making " and the lawâ€"executing _ power " so _ securely â€" in _ their â€" hands." Nobody, he says, can mix with the British people on their own soil, without feeling that in spirit and tenacity they are the sam« people that fought with Cromwell, Marlborough, Wellington and Nelson. The Rritish form of @overnment he regards as more republican in reality than that of the United States; there is no trammelling by a term of office, no undue tencing round of the executive, and a Govâ€" erument only remains in power while it gives satisfaction. This tribute, hearty and not overâ€"coloured as it is, from the pen of a not too favourably disposed critic, must be reassuring to every patri. otic British heart. But he goes further, and contrasts the costly uselessness of the immense standing armies of the continent with the inexpensive and comparatively use{ful army of Britain. In the former case, he is of opinion that if the expense necessary to the maintenance of such vast arthaments is not sapping the strongth of the several countries in which they prevail they aro at least most successfully preâ€" vesting that mapid accumulation of wealth which is so characteristic a feature of British colonization. 1f a stranger is thus forcibly struck with the immense inher ent power of the British nation, and thus calculates the efforts that nation is capable of making if roused to action, _ it . is _ hard to see why the sons of the soil should dsspair. There are several other features of the British people as they are to be seen on British territory at the present day which Mr, White regards as of vast importance ;o the intelligent discussion of Britain‘s standing and power, which are worthy of notice in & separste article. When news reached this city of the devastations caused in portions of the south western district of France, through the overflowing of the Rhone, the gravity of the situation there was at realized by those amongst us who h.pqaw be acquainted with the district in question, and to remember the misery which re sulted from the same cause some fow years since. Mr, F. Boncorps, a Parisian geutleman connécted with the Architect‘s brauch of the Department of Public Works, at once interested _ himâ€" sell in devising means for raising here subscriptions for the relief of the sutferers, and a little committee of workâ€" ers having been formed, they were sue cessful in obtaining in a comparatively short time a sum of $105.61, as appears from the following letter. Much credit is due M. Boncorps and his associates for their prompt and energetico action in this matter, _ If their efforts in this city have not, however, met with that success which the cause so eminently deserved, the shortcoming should, we imagine, be the sands of time have themselves run outâ€"a supply which would provide for all the necessities of this and the mother country, and if it did enrich Canada, so much the better, for are we not a portion of the British Empire too ? As to the deciine of the great nations of the past tho causes t.â€"at conspired to bring about that end are not at work amongst usâ€" There is much that is rotten in our social system, and a great deal of sham morality and religion, but it is no exaggeration to say that there is loss of either now than al. any previous period â€" certainly less open and delant criminality,â€"and that the â€" British | possessions, Imperial and Colonial, stand bettcr in those respects than snv ather country user tbe fnce of When we consider the almost complete stagpation in very many branches ‘of in duuq.udthomnl commercial deâ€" pression under w we labour, it will be acknowledged that the people of Hull have exhibi udlnobh‘cldw synapathy for those of their dear France in making so creditable an effort in their behalf Please acknowledge reasipt, and be Mahon, the volent patroness of the o;?nimm&nlhldh s orA‘Lr.g.Llo)papplnd. Hor exceliency: ..LI'I K.‘.‘ love me as well as conditions not only of Great Britain, but of all the leading Powers ; and be admits that experieuse has had a most saluâ€" tary effect upon his ideas regarding the comparative merits of their military systems, and their ability to maintain their particular standing in the conncij of nations. le confesses that Britain‘s standing army amounts to nothing; but then ‘ he is convinced ste needs none, Nbe maintains some 40,000 men in actual training, because she occasionally wants them to frighten some refractory savage potentate whose territory adjoins a Briâ€" uish colony, or for police duty at home. Notwithstanding that Italy with its popuâ€" lation of nearly 27,000,000 has a standing army of 40,000, and France with its 0,000,000, and Russia with its 71,000,000â€" have each a standing army of over a attributed to neglect in taking proper measures rather than to unwillingness on the part of the citizens to subscribe. The following is the letter of the committee to the Freach Consul in Quebec :â€" Orrawa, Sept 4, 1875. slow million ; Mr. White declares it as his Urrawa, Seq Tex Farxou Coxsti, Quenze THE INUNDATIONS IN FR ANCE To those citizens of foreign countries who visit Britwn with a desire to see the eflects s« they stand, with as little pre jntice in favour of their own land as possible, this is quite apparent. Mr. Horace White, of the Chicago Tribune whose . predilections _ as . & journalist are antiâ€"British of anything, has recently been on a European tour, where he has had the opportunity of studying the Colonial, stand better than any uther country the garth. To those citizens of owever, Come , organized a comâ€"| Comedians, Vocalists, Da Aa Es y o scX ols h i b’ + crowded and stt drvsmicat ns is | ileagne. oo > forssful in rakad 11 Gl.&g t1 9101 +1 properly so called, pc-eug of very muniLouA powers. in t i to minute esnc mony in favor of the expressiveness of dancing the ancients. Adam &lithn“.n.t?&udnmofflm is to be found in the fact that in early times people danced always to vocal music, which being naturally suggestive and exâ€" instrumental music as a rule, and this having no definite expression, the dsncers which it diregts as it were, inspi have lost u.:w m’h"’t‘ivo 3...-..:)?.":? f ';? admit dancing is ‘ble of any great expressiveness, Athouï¬ch adduced ‘The following appointments appear in Saturday s official Gazelfc A. V. McMillao, of Comwall, to be Landing Waiter and Searcher in Her Majesty‘s Customs. William Hook, of Ingersoll, Ont., to be Landi Waiter and Searcher in Her lï¬n&nm s NT HQaLl of Heauniltia: N 4 in he mno:‘thn with the Rom::;. Iumt: reign of Augustus, Pylades the inventors o(tfn,o p.ntgml:i.:_‘lg-lht u rlaps account for the low eabb to :‘h.n’m; conclude it has fallen at the present day. â€"Tinsley‘s Magazine. Havs you got one? If not buy a Magee Range at Esmondes‘. Hugo was about the Victor that the American Team mt?blr{nd. Adults The general estimate of the expressiveâ€" ness of dancing is a rather high one. Adam Smith, in his essay on the imitative arts, says thit it is much more expressive than music, and lporhpo more so than any other art. He remarks, indeed, that our dances of the present day have little imitation in them ; but ho seems to think that these were in some cases derived from more expressive types. Thus he tells us that the minuet, in which the woman, after passing and repassing the man several times, gives him first one hand and then the other, then both, was iginally a Moorish dance representing -glonuw‘uy the passion of love. Most writers, however, while admitting that our modern dances can hardly be said to imitate anything, assure us that orenire. Taong as Aoges a ve. t was mu.a'f:ï¬m to dance in private, and with them, as with most of the nations of antiquity, dancing was used in connection with lous and warlike exercises, as well as in the more serious departments of public and social life. The Pyrrbic dance of the Sruun- seems to have been a sort of mock fight, in which the warlike skill and prowess of the perâ€" formers were largely ca led into play. As Those requiring Mattresses, Furniture '&:nlrtbr?wmin;uhibiuu. would do to call at Geo. I. Docherty‘s 62 Rideau street, late Whiteside & Co. Costs nothing to examine. 391 8w3 A Saratoga belle writes home: " It is horrid hereâ€"not a man in town worth over $15,000." A tourist who was asked in what part of Bwitzerland he fo‘t the heat in the most, replied, " When 1 was going to Berne." If you want a good shave, or bairâ€" out stylish, to Gudmn'mo. 3 Rajotte‘s BloefWomw streek _ _ A tour through lreland in trod Hiterâ€" Rioon Minstrels, A inirnied company cf irian Comedians, Vocalists, Dancers and . 1 Artists in a highly amusing and l-mtr{ upt:‘yal by thein :or 100 comeouâ€" ts ai the 8l, James Mn{ fl.' Y&, crowded and deâ€"ignâ€"ed audiences, Speaking of his late barber, a Mont street man with a tender face, said, " He cut me and I cut him." Grand Organ Recital! B. H. Porter, of Granville, N. 8., to he a Sub Collecior ip Her Majesty‘s Customs. the chief place of business. ‘The amount of capital stock to be $40,000 divided into 4,00U shares o( ten «aollars each, for 1eligious dances, the incidents of Miriam dancing after the overthrow of BxiTHâ€"Brow N.â€"In this city, on the 1st Sept., by the kev. Mr. Randerson, Mr ~Jawes Smith, Registry clerk of the ‘ ity Post Ofâ€" Notice is given of an application for ; letters of incorporation for the " People‘s ; Darning Machine Uong.ny," for mantâ€" | facturing and selling Hosmer‘s darning machines and other machines for house: hoid use throughout the Dominion of Canada, and for establishing in the several Provinces factories and buildings for their mapufacture. The places of business of the company will be in the cities of Monâ€" treal, (Quebec, Toronto, Otiawa, Halifax and St, Johns, and the town of Brock= William Fingland, Officia! Assignee for Ottawa City and County of Carleton. Office, Hay‘s Block, Spark St. _ 3933i12 A whine from the Eastâ€"the claret is still fowing freely in the Turkish provâ€" inces, but the Porte is very nearly exâ€" _R Mackenzie, of Cow Ray, Cape Breton N. Â¥., to be Shipping Master for that port, vice Poppett, left. _ John Gunn, of Pictou, M tJarbor Master of that port, non, deceased. _The authorized discount on American invoices until further orders is 12 per cent. °__ NoTio®®. The Secretary of State gives notice Q']r the ina?onl.kmoflbo Bay of Quinte an Uswego Navigation Company. _ GOWAN‘S HALL. Oltawa _ Garrison _ Artillery. â€"James Black burn has been appointod Ist Lieuâ€" temant, provisionally, of No. 1 Battery, vieg Evans, promoted. | UIRCULATION ANXD sPECIK, R The circulation for the week is put down at $10,894,225 64. The excess. of specie over the amount required to be held by law is $117,633. _ â€" â€" 20 ville. The said City of Montreal to be crfl’-di.imriuusiuï¬.u.‘ _‘{-m&.ï¬ bodovdd'.to ‘.'o"fl.. THURSOAY, SEPT‘R. 9th, AT THE 917. rarniows cnusron, ; On Monday Evening, Sept. 6th, 1875 MATINE®Z, Satarday, 2 p.m. & AaTisyme rrio®s. New Advertisements. fiee to Sarah Jane, third danghter of Mr John Brown, (srmerly of Onondaga. & SPARKS STREET. THREE NICHTS ONLY, New Hibernicon. ve, PROF. V ED SEAT 3 on sale at H. , Sparks Street, MILITIA GENERAL ORDERS , on the contrary, dance to FRANK MAC EVOY‘8 CaNaDA GAZETE Appesarance in Ottawa, of ) @alled, made their and the accounts . dv.z REMEMBESR THE CELEBBRATED MARRIED. COMM ENCING Dancing. THE TIMES OTTFAWA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 6, 1875 N. 8., to be . vice McKinâ€" &. J. Gowâ€" ®J7in8 ots, 5: ‘Ttymmvv nv.l ""&'{nr"" 'Eh‘..'w“ in pfllï¬luvv w bmroctec‘ exhiol oo Hand: Hook ) 1t wiif Eneo ‘rh¢ed‘ by the A of Mr. :'n:ï¬.ï¬;-';’-“mw"â€â€™.%.-. IAbtB.OT 3° ® #8SmMF Rnblealion .in Under the above title tite subscriber purposen .’h‘:zlnc. in time for circulstion, mvw ng I’ m@u vincial to be ho‘ is city, a Hand Book prepared Erbocusy) of" neipe otonn nop io the Ranibe mw ©bjects of mhhm‘a awa. Among its contents will be found : 1 es Accurate P:ans of the Exhibition grounds and The "Feathers"‘ Hotel 33 to 37. WILLIAM ST. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars :zoule:‘(‘ aud the promptest afletion is, paid ue u â€" ‘ butidings, with full deseriptiod of the same, s Mn: w 13 ptiou of the same, # R» n"u‘.'muotmflmï¬f:r'uâ€'-mï¬ "socfation so far as m:m&umm nedtio ie in Hen vrvarps ctarmes or mzznd u.u'l"nd“ nhmzm" o(u-lg wwmm in intelligently m Compiete | rogram hibition week, ve ie rramene uts es w e on pung-of nt.ruuz'n.on‘u .,~ > i e ie 00-&‘- rectory ‘of the Benevolent, assodations, -"u{-u"m'-":'y‘m"' futmecdt ::: for the convenience of vlmhc brethâ€" Pou‘;,.n‘lh!l‘ mâ€"m .nd other informaâ€" \ im __* __* . [ bave ho besitation in givâ€" merg enc nane on ob in prarmuy, onl parsioninng, wane @gnomee: Mxr. BEN, HUCKELL begs to announce to the gemneral and travelling public, that he bas mnugod upon the: rfl.'&o 'w the above Hotel. iately conducted by Mr. . Kvans. ; of public meetings, e 7 """lu e oity auring the exhibiien 0i C The Government Balldivgs, the Library, 106aâ€" tions m se veral Departm ts and prinâ€" ras Paiget OiGen:" Enprota! ‘attention "Will ts of Exbibition week, it will furnish an unrival= hnd oc uns ror way ornining." 1 o pages (the hige Torm * ith edioured pager coreryhiree reodpnag it convenient for progeryation .u&......,.., ence. C t on «hneiattamenobor, information is waleon. Invlatain n....m-aï¬.&m tion with the Ontario mâ€".%g 1t ::,n -dvorluduvpm m%. of a slanding advertisement for a is‘ RATSS OF ADVERTTSINO: From the Hon D. Ohristis, Speaker of the Senaie ind hate Providelt the po. Gmada Progncial" Adraiealy near Bank street, onâ€"Puewiay, Hept. 7th , the n-uowm* um‘floh‘ @uous ; wï¬ur carpot, cantre t shle, chalrd, nges, enrtains, whatnol, -lclobmnh tabte and chair», box ‘stove, dooking mtove and utecsils, kerv and i.'l!.. hnntmfl buc .mn, and mattrasse®, blanke! quilts, hall carpet, stair carpet and hall lam p, Terms ot sule. cash 'wtu‘o be removed im« :mnllufly ufter sale. e to commence at .. P ROWE & ERRATT, . 1 Dinuer in ’nvud from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M.. at very reasons ((~i / © able rates. â€"As twonty thousand copies of the "Rxhibition Auw'.!gh be in circuiation ‘before the ‘end of Exbibition week, it will furnish an unrival= Carpeis, â€" Pictures. #e., b w Hide with u {rror back, hair cioth Dining Bofas, Dining Tabie, caneâ€"seated Olnlla.l 08, Glass and Crockery, Hall Of! Cloth, 1. l’-’l.lm.nn, b w and iron Bedstead®, M-ï¬.rule,l. Bureaus, enclosed Washstands, Chairs, Tablé®, Carpets, #c, Kitchen and other stoves, and & onantity af kitoben furnitute and cullaary utengils. _ Ottawa, Sept 2 1876 Household Furniture, Carpets, &c. ‘The undersigned have been instructed by Mr, (‘mLt_mrn‘g. lolsnl! al his mlgquglA!Ag‘.‘xl,!l‘. Household â€" Furniture all his household Mm‘vfldn in part : a handsome Parlour Suite in hair c Arm and Easy Chairs to match, b Â¥ Contre i0, Oard Tables, Whatâ€"nots, Window Curtains, *'u"":'ï¬. thout ""fn'fv"'mm" erve, as Mr. Priour is le Province. .fknoï¬!nmuodu. Puesday, Tth Bept., at 11 pevas: J. BERMINGHAM, l Auctioneer. (A 'zm“;:-nrlhormu "h..l‘tr::od by F. lhlx. rRI Eng. ae rexidence, ut., 0 08@ t BL Atban‘s Church, on * TUESIAY, THE Tth SEPTEMBER, HAND BOOK for the CITY OF OTTAWA. EXHIBITION ANNUAL: â€"AUCTION. 412 Rideau St, or My D#AR #ir.â€"1 have read your leliet with eat interest and vave pleasure in stating my C tiawa, Bept, 3, 1878 Qvawa Sept, % 1875 1875 AUCTION SALE g:.’n’ to this importaot uffice and fall Inâ€" mation as to the most direot modée transacting N-lnullulvul'..’ S TO ADVRERTISERS, ELEVEN O‘CLOCK, A CALL 18 SOLICITED. A Guide to the Show Grounds, Auction Sales. If Tagn WLILRY KB mar ‘hat? us EW (half page width) $% per half inch space, Theâ€" Provincial er varticulars ad:treas _ ALEX. ROBERTAON, L remain, yours First Edition " 25. i A8oib Ritran, BY or 'mhl. §§;§i (}E! | {1" SE 18 i Auctionéer®, PeC W zm}.’fï¬'é"%% TERMSâ€"Por Quarter (payable in adâ€" Tunnulmnp’nn.‘:f The undersigned is prepared to negociate for on n 14. r adinotle nee, a aiyoofained Caledonia Springs, Ont., On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, _ Our Agents w 1} call on shoi1y] Can be "Teas oo palormarpens, & # ar ,' “ 7 ‘- 8 . for *, and Gan . hots Agoniaiot o he BrBiaPis trmning ‘of $vong men Ror ‘Commergial mosl" aerien. 0t puch brancbes a1 w2o ‘atafanyte 493 SQUARE â€" MILES TIMBER LIMIT®S, Blitn{$4 on ie Povewavie, Kitipowi Sile Riyer > KHETOP 4 " 1f MeUILLV BA Y, ; Fox EHunt * h Cyscaet dony m srren Apratt bet to members of x ?g"'m:.é&.;:z‘.mmï¬; w s And Dayâ€"Thursday, Sept. 9th, No. Ly Btee Chase, tor a Of A I%ifl.::é“m"aï¬â€œm No. 4 â€"Bominion Steeple Ohase, for a / of J m To hok dnc iss mg&'gi nvl‘;‘l.-l?.on uo all oo mae on | * 400 me_.‘;:n" kâ€"keeping, Commeretal; Corâ€" f er, n due attention will be paid ‘to the hich more partiouâ€" EL% un Baisthe Apt or Oy PhfepuPearice. Flll'l‘ ANNUAL UOMMITTEE : : J. M. CurEIrE®, M. P. $ Mnce w h ces W Molt Wright; Heq ., M.P/ R. W . ofl“’:l q. ‘a.ldnhu'n, Keq: mmm lunmened . 1it Dayâ€"Wednesday, Sept. 8th. No/ 1â€"Montue@! ‘Hunt Steeple OChase, for a â€" Revdstswill iX regeived uaul _ W rbxks. vattieae ay WiiPeititie mes The plans and specifications ready fos $unlutlon (at the ~plkgts previously mom.u 'l‘hundqyz&f'elmuï¬ "day pt I.ROXt. J ol olil as 1o Nob © DOMESTIC‘ ie money .‘ MlkM"oiï¬Iï¬â€œï¬‚iE each » N6 ‘HPRINGS to get out of oRDER â€". Ni. Bo surc and see the Domentic before pur« Commercial Academy Steepleâ€"Chase Meeting ~Pandil d 1 Weoigh YE 14 yr8, 100 i1 w loe aoo n ingel i i h ol o uit Lethiionant eirrmadt E%' g:’x.mmmnd ty af BBP PBA noxt, is unsyoidably;; t Canal .. Enlargement WILSON & ORR, Carvers & Géilders SEPTEMBER sth, 0th and 10th, Under the patronage of the Ottawa and Montreal: Hunts® am{ many of the most, prominent citizens of Drawa, Sept. 2, 1875. BHOW CA8KB MADE TO ORD Ma roh 12 1874, Bapt. 1, 1875, Ottawa, September 2, 1875 Warvers & OGilders. Class will reâ€"open on the 1 Auguat 24, 1875 For payticulars see posters, RIDEAU STREET, CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET | a janyit OJ MMDY Aldl} itousl NoTiQK To GoNTRAOFORS. With the Ottawa Pack of Fox Hounds, at 6O SBnarks â€"st. Drug Store. T. T.â€"SHEPHERD. January #rd, 187« Chemist & Druggist, HRISTIAN BROTHER®‘ AST PICTURE FRA ME ioaar aRop wershy 18 roven. us all ï¬.flg_mnsam&"amâ€"; ioi aiea lech ocms for, a parse of UA prem bertont 1tck: _ fird Dayâ€"Priday, ::u.m.. ioA os ts Obake, for a purne or 450( COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. \ s ow ‘.. IiBâ€"the b6#ty Bank ‘of Ottawa. Orimping Iron, in the, Market LACEAIN E: (The Saratoga of Canada,) LOOKINGâ€"GLASS and 0 JHK N. :: Alrugagists, o1 $100; M MANUFACT URRRS AND GBAND W. H. AUMOND, , &0 ;4 yr8, 1M# ibs : 6 yrs. By Order, lnt weights ; who may ~H. HODGES®, aund longer If the whole is not sold within that Has received instructions from a large exportâ€" ing ano Colonial Sbirping House gn ‘L.ond’gn. England, to sell out the stock of particulars of which will be given in a few days SUN PROOF HATS, T. H. HARRISON Hatters & Fnrriers. The stock cons. sts lqnly of Cutlery & Domestic Goods, 'oa.lllt --‘“fln'p -.‘-- nud ‘;fl"‘ AT > ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES: HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLESt .| HOTEL PASTRY OVENS1!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! â€" : HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! \ HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES !!! Marg® %6, 1874. HAT! HATS! HATS! .. Juwt meopye» auntltme, yew)) ln‘mcwmmflm-mum:' m%’doddd to seil all the % Fantt bane «e, at.cost for aashy; | <\ V _Printed forms on which application is to be made, can be bad by nddressing, gurosnaxt Tls%fll‘;!(t).ll:u]:u'u, m«:.tmme NORMAL io pfiarppiiints frtorne odeces w a ur Jsn @1597 f 3 fiy, * dorine the term hnd Mills‘ ~Supply: Agency TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERAX | GREAT CHEAP SaLE § OTTAW A .On®., â€" â€" No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! Howse. OA.RD with or without rooms, and room# ou-.'("t'.:‘::».-"!‘:}i r.bll. “dk rooms Ilunl; within two mlu‘ ‘"walk "Parlianie B pubé & nm ‘",lE.f’{ l.h, Wmt memSsmites MRS. FORGIF. h TOWNS ELD‘S Wito, Agency of the.GLOBE GA LLGHT Hats! Hats!! rilats !!! dousined BLYTH & KERR‘S. * * 56 SPARKSST.,*© | j March 12, 1875, , p Bept. 1, 1876 Jndian . Helmets. and ;. Puggeries;, Ottawa, April ;1th, 1876, CoAL OIL COOKINGâ€" STOVES, AVOIODING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, ANNOUNCEMENT. 0. _g_qw'!;E".s’ TTA WA ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to _ order by f * Montreal Branch. ANTED a good Cook Htardware, &t. S AVING FUEL OEL 2BRATBD CORK® UINED FOR THE MILLIO®. T. H. Harrison, 82 SPARKS STRERT, RIDEAU sSTHEET, (<> . UNIJON BANK BLOCK TMants. mmmmene «f)â€"frmmame. ALL SIZES®, Apply at NOONAN§ RESTAURANT © _ Wparks ®treot. "DEVLIN®S. THE PRINUIPAL, NORMAL 8CHOO, oE AN 2 O AT P. 0. Box 181, GENERAL BOOKBINDING E8TABâ€" * All orders for Books requiring prinied ‘headi enrefully attended to. P ___†BPARKS STREERT, OTTAWA Ruling, Porforating, Numi 2 1 weomeres t Ts ooapnens frmonie o ies At a shade over ffst cost, Lamb‘s Ciearing | Rale, ’llhg:.youâ€nn uv:llm- af money :’I buying your feet wear at Lamb‘s Clearing Bale | which will ho-o&u-l to the :;'bllo only a short ] Oppofl-ui“l{; for b:l ‘: :'135 Al‘lu“ 0 oc woll enâ€" | taolished business. :‘.fl:’";l‘"lï¬ll,l_{g to. . | BOOKBIN DE R, Accou::rB’o!:)k M?;u:fxmrer. ‘l_\'bom.ia&gï¬mmu:“lfcmmn i tmary c ang es, elther, ‘of "the _ ‘Eï¬ï¬gï¬tï¬m mEss Taiee ropordan o ie Caovik d in id Missos‘ _______**___ at 40 ets. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Hoots, at $1.00. And other goods at proportionately low priges, Boots, Shoes, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale Citizens Insurance Co‘y. CAPITA4L; . .« / a $2,000,000. Haberdashery, White and Coloured Shirts, York Steet, near Sussex Street, ce ell.25} _ OFFAWA. Tlll P. C. AUCLAIR, Broadway Tailoring and > â€"General : Ontfitting ‘Establishment. Mutual â€" Life Ansurance Co‘y., HFRTFrORD, conn. Insurance Co. GRAND GJFT.CONCERT, Jn ajd of a Masontc and 1. 0. 0, #. Temple, â€"| SEPT. 22, 18756 â€" Childrens‘ Rubbers at 35 cte AI.:OM“IHM at cost and under, all nds of Leather March 10, 1876. Figs, Lirs®, Acoro®xt axo G@varhxre®. A _Fâ€"O RT U NE F QOR=â€"=$1 | Faras: DK . Conrelt â€" Association Besides Gifts in. proportion amounting in all to Which will be soid CHEAFP for Cask March 10, 1875, All k‘nds of Ottawa, Jan. 21. Jab.0, 1876, PYRIMOUT . SEYSSEL ASPHALTE, UST RECEIVED AND OPENED OUT, Cash Assets Over $26,000,000 EASONABLE. HAS, DESJARDIN®N, â€" General Agent Equitable, Life Assurance Company. Boois & Shors. | / Bank Hotices, â€"~RUBBERS, &c., HAND IN HAND MUVTUVA L AGENT!for OTHA W A »nd vicinity, BOOTS & SHOES OF DENISON, TEXAS, WILL Giv®k 8 EC o X D; #250,000.00. 3Wisctellancous. Mookbinders. a. MORTIMER, _ Ensurauce. 50 Cases of Temporary Office: J. T. Sutton, Russell House Block, 1008 W. MaoCUAIG, aniusi Ottewa and Viciolty, mt m ui i Robert Hlaskturn, l‘(rs:-. Il.l'..‘]u'ifl m h Bm inu 9e m i CHEAFP for Camh “‘â€"".;.9;':?""""""""- EC iy. | _A Ge Ban « W M & Interest Auowod‘; lw:':n: W.â€" 5. mBowny, _ 1 Sifeoi O tul And Hioring Drafte Puscnlig !_ dussex 84, OHAW® | Savings‘ Department, ____ _ _ Numbering N7B0 8t James Macl a P in mepdaetto. o nobon“;kd Furn, 10<¢ OfMlee : ria Bufldi Opposite | Wentes oc "of Partiamen Batlainges®" THOMAS SHORE & MPANY, [Buccessors to LEK & THOMPBON.) PuST OFPICR SAVINGH BAMK, Deposite :w~ be received ai this office. iuteross c haif ounce, if post paid ; if unpaid, $ couts. ""‘,ï¬% â€â€œE *"“f#.g" arurâ€"m from 8 , _1 _ _ AdidliatndiLnttéth ALEX. TAYLOR, _ Suceessor to D. MceLarnon, â€"O0RKER OPâ€" RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND ;'lg-o"fln nï¬ " 'ï¬;{rï¬fiï¬ï¬‚ for the AMolieh ao "nt hX i Amerter SORe Livery stables in the aity. Via ln:r&-‘dfl every Menda» and mnâ€".“mn‘rn“ On Mone» drait ofihs oib Iht Ad lected stock alwuys on hand to sult al partice. Urders mrompily snandes gp * whkded Last and WY ost in nuffpiefedtithny â€"pagh« , POBTAGKE SEAMPS Are no longer sold at this @ffee, but may e favor the A bu pplementary beg AND |VEHICLES, which cannot be beaten. Carefu Jur d n Lrivers uiway» in |iatiendange when : Con veyances can be bad aj all hours by jug orders at the 4 Centre Town Livery E8tables. W . CHAMPNEBHE begs to draw the of lils patrons @nd/the publis generaily to extensive | Livery ~Stables, . BANK OF OTTAWA. fuil bemiosne 5. PBE $omCtn ‘wimen ue ue Marcb 11. 1874 _ _____ _ O #, BAMKEH, Pee:mesion, a! Ofice, ()‘town., Aune i, iXTh. Ottawa, July #, 1875 | 1#6, SUMMKB ARKANGDEMENT, *4 thikiaths imater chine ‘Oifews C * e FLOUR AND FEED LIVERY~$TABLES EW FiXK®. 11 FLOUR AND FARMâ€" PRODUCE, ENTRE ToWwN #lour & Ferd, The Victoria Stables Carriages. BROWNLEE & CQO â€"â€"DBALERS INâ€" ronroornte faice," W it proage PATRICK Uashier wreby 1. j , _ Reirâ€" i bon E> remedy found to be rm-: Aret ‘.' Cure Of the aw 9. The Pile a O it @nving c Famttobs z-ug..‘:‘.lcu thgn io *h BBG 8, D 6 usea sure a bottle, and 12 ‘_‘M%"'h 1 JOB MDSHA, in have been \ for several medicines 1 ‘1 have bee for the last piefor wad fu. hï¬< Wuar I wor Tus J own horse h id â€"dtâ€" I Ind se th is on c-d‘ Soid by hal For rale by @d,1Dn nc where can Mr, Ann eumsian 4 URNIT Mr. W. A. large sto $s 1 ez Foocg m rooMm, library, : tho and retail H rmoi ty cured refund U Their wir are of the Ri.g W proved i (Bee spe ereey ï¬ have A N AN Horses r"tl'.& of pi gst for whiich i LC Fau KUN Tg