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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Sep 1875, p. 1

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USSEX.â€"sST w & Cco. OCIETY, A quiring nc proof and 1g, capâ€" p and xtracts e Hote] uis, Leq., ow n Nurseries at 3 ce of Quebec, has esâ€" xtracts 4 aoi Neison sys xtracts xtracts xtracts xtracts UBS, &c TTA W A, _ s aad Ornameoti » comsiets dn duiP in Lower Canade, American Norwe» atized. and betier eliers had on appiicaâ€" ow mu£ to ree [ 1s?5. artion ne in ordering. ELERY, wuT mc RONTO w hose c The paint is ex ston. 7 York. 8 of Kusseil e be made to r,_and i~stlng _This paintis by in, irom, felt, aslly appited tzs . 54â€"U w ‘ o s Dorany R IRON pY our > m en aresi d e Bunk of © |Dlerests a! revenue "nt with MNCSS pg e o. ‘® View o ot TS\ t ay © esltee um diffeoreni ASSEL3 CAr8, &g it Det ~, 3â€"l w Unl® io eal proy. hed Rleay it al GI1 BBS & COURSOLLE, City of l“o To $iw PE MONTH and ex» §100 "mSt XR doroaimer, that wil roulo"i&; iiiv. Joskru lnmaA», Station D House, New york City. Oot, T. IN7 6. #D1vd& 8 19 |'h: all wn ndiscreLion« deery, loss 0: W Pbysiciau, Sargeon and Accoucheur [TRADE MARK RiGISTEREKD.] VNICTORIA CHAMBEE®, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. wncd cb Patents of Invention, Homcepathic ihysician, Surgeon and Accouchear. IMHONMAS P. POR Y oOd OPE M . Bere, seliing our New Braided White W ire Opé Clothes L.ine. Helllw.'.'“z ure. â€" ~ampjes free. _ Address, BUDBO fl!l‘:fi.vufi‘. UQ., 76 King Hireet, west, Torâ€" # BiNdibY, CilKINTIE & HILLL ("! «> P ATENTS. Barcisier Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, 1J ETHUR F. COTYHON, \"III R. J.D R. MAiCDONELL, ® J.F.1Y R. LOG A N Provincial Land Surveyor and 1D rea i gg to ts n in an . Ruccessor to W . iIt. 1uistle & Co ce, as I.uei y, cver Maun‘s Hardware . @88 I9â€"LJ Ro TUPPER T LAMBLRTI all wno are «nfering from the errors an~ Telione of youll., nervous weakness, eatly .loss otm=nn d &c , 1 will send a neu: Â¥ili eure you, FikE OF CHARGEK, PeMedy was discuvered hy 2 missionary iD Amerioa. Soud a selfâ€"»ddressed enveâ€" tarrister, Aitorney, Noiary, &e coT?. STEWART & GORMULLY, Â¥. 14. FESRLAND, €. W. MaecUAIG W. w. WAri Y A ROCH AMBAULT, rlUSi} Notary Public and Advocate, Harrister, Advocate, &e. ior tt tiictuical Eavds. iers, soliciiors, Attorneys, Con cyancers, Notsri@s, &Cc., &6., M AdRsH \L MATMESON, JOH NSTO N NXNOR & Hogus A d vo on t [rade AsMgnee % & CHIXNLER, Wiso i> Aitorney, Solicitor in Chan . selicitors, Attorneys . and Conveyaucers, &c¢., Atiormeys, Seltci@@#s, Conâ€" vey ancers, &¢e.. )LILCITORS OF wl Attormeysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soll: Vouveynucers, &c., [LEY, B.€.1 @AsSSLLS & PENNOCK, lorney, Nelicitors, &¢., « A B D. W s Soltcitor, &¢ orneys, Selicttors, sis KVb bim rucy sâ€"at« Law, Solici» ry, Nownries, & 0. NCKES GLVEN ngton 10N MERCHANT, MAE KR EY W. K. THISTLE ink streets COllaws ie Village of Hul ne transaction > vess, either in the tario. Special sare counts in both PIC e Metcaife Streel the Hon. P,. Mit« OTâ€"Iv ~O. 3937. i1 4 M i my profesaion Ass‘stan:, Mr icd RKecords o nnd bave muct in as my suc IVYiLS. Centre Maria of the knife lizlmost pein o â€" arties sve ice hours from ecial ullentiOn menis of lhe et. near Giou eandin‘s, Mait #91yd& w 917â€"3m Heures, Sol citor 765=Lf Rajo u §840â€"L ., Olta wa Dou ETY Street 2401 Ly Mr. W. CHAMPNESS will open a goo! Livâ€" ery Slable, providing good carriages, hors s, saddles, &c. There is a good raceâ€"course on the property of the Comwu* Tbe PAN\jEAN WATERS ot these Sprivr will yet make Caadonia the greaiest res rl in the worid ior health and pleasure seok« rs, Thousands of testimoniais might be prucured, but the reputation of the Springs repders it unâ€" necessery to go 80. TESTIMONIA LS, *‘ Montreal, 28th July, 1876. "1 hereby certify that I enfertain a very favorable opinico of the saths and Waters of the Caledotia Springs in many forms oi disease, among which 1. would especialiy mention chronic kbeumatism, the nignelac of Gout, Nsuralgin, some of the varieties 0| Cutaneous disease, lsylpeplh, Chi rosis, and in caretuily serected cases, some of the diseases of the Kidâ€" ney and Biadder. (Signed) GEo, W. CAMFPBELL, A. M.,M.D, Dean of the Medical Faculty, MeGill College. Dr. Wrm. Robertâ€"or, of Montrer}, wrote as follows, in 1839;â€"* But the disesse above ail in which the action of the water is most deci« ded is Rbeumaiism. * * * 1 have known a few individuals who sufered much from improper use of mercury who were re» stored to nealth by the use of the watlers. Manager. Dr, Laing, Surgeonâ€"Genera!, will take up his residence at the Springs during the sâ€"ason, and may be con uited al any lime. Ottawa, May 6th, 18 6. xGu0â€"1f R CHAMPION SHINGLE â€" MACHINE ! _ Cutting and Rmy. Only one belt required for the two operations. This is the test shinele machine for biock sawing ever introduced into Canada. P undred: of Rheumat.cs have been cured by the Suipbur Bath«. Suflering is alieviated by the first, and cripries throw away their crutches after abou: haifâ€" aâ€"dozen buths. SELFFEEDING & SELFSETTING. _ The plans and specifications will be ready for e.xf:‘l’uuogr 15“ the &l‘ceo previously men tio on Thursday Bixteon: of fl-pu-zu next. tt dey Caledonia Springs. Joyful Tidings to Thousands. LAQIâ€"IINE Canal Enlargement ment of the Lachine Canal, advertised to take lace on the SIXTEENTH day of SEPTEMâ€" EER next, is unavoidably postponed to the following dates i _ _ _ 0 _ _____ _ ____ _ Tenders will be received until WEDNESâ€" DA Y the 29th day of SEPTEMBER next _ The REJUVENATING WATERS so muci sought for in years long past The above {;opmu Restanrant ha« been enlurged by the addition Of sev<ral > paious and well fuinished rooms on the secund si>ry. _ The ficest Luncheon avrd Dinivg Rooms in Gentlemen honoring this Establishment with their patrocage may rely on strict attention being paid to : neir orde»s. L'_quors, Wines ana Cigars of the best the city JOHN KENLY, (Rideau Street, near Sapper‘s Rridge, U LP H U R, S A LI N B and G A 8. 3906â€"1m Is beavtiful and furvisbed with the c brands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. Your call wiil be kindly solleited. E. J. HENRY, hal Proprietor Â¥. 11. CHALKER, U LLAVP GRA H A M ls now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly Alted for the comfort and accomodation of the traveiliog commmuaity, Invalids! Attention ! The Dufferin House, manil us to and from the Cars and Boats nm 8 The letting of the works for.the enlar Choic, st Wines, Liquors, Cigars &0., &0. 0. Basa‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout A FIRST CLASN The Royal Oak Hotel, Luncheon seived at all bours Dinner is xrovlqled from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" able rates, UPPOSITE THE GOVERNMENT Work 8 The "Featheors" Transient Guests By the Week.... By the Monthb.... NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Rheumatics‘! Read! Corner Bank and Wellington st s FRED FOOKS Qllawa, Sept Phe above Hotel is well supplted with the July Mi THE "LONDON." The Elysium of the Invalid is ugain open i BEKN, HUCK: ge nerel and tray ie l vpon the Pi el. lately conduet e bes brands of kept and the pr attached. One man attends to both PATENTED 1873. 200 in Use in Canada. Wellington Street, near Bank . 2iGQON |â€" HOIT EL. BCOTT, CAYLKY & CAYLEY, 70 Sparks Street, Otiawa, n j uit " fiikp. 33 to 37, WILLIAN C 21 1§ SOLICITED. HAIRDRESSER «srtori ___ _ H. LETCH, Proprietor. vTPaA The Bar ALWAYS ON HAND JAS. A, GoOUIN & CO., _ Proprietors. TER Y H Hotecls. )Â¥ 432 Avenus, nptest alt ng publie, thit r‘"to «hip of the by Mr. Fred. Ey $2.50 per day. *= Manager «Popric o Propricior 1875. Hotel TDht kept on the prem ises, 905 Sn _ olgars n is paid 3934mt holeest he has 9| . Insolvent Act. of 18669. JAS. HARTY & Co., Merchants, Kingston, C,. J. CAMPBE li‘clgr Messre (hnrbdl & (.lzzuellu. Ba%qrn. King Street East, Toronto MRS. ALEX, loBgBI'BON is pr pared 10 recelyâ€" a fow addi puplis at her resiâ€" ‘ Porn oAE Te e ed on application erms, &c., m amed on & as above, b.c-..u';i. hour« of two and five, any weekâ€"iay afternoon. Bideau St., Ottawa, Se t. 2 1875 $983m8 GKOCKRIES, WINES, LIQUORS, PROVISâ€" 1ON8, £TC., ETC., Liberal advances made on consignments. J. H. SEMPLE, Importer 53 St, Peter 8 Moatreal. > #too to ‘The so Sebcolsâ€"establist ed for the u'nlnlvg of Fir t and Hecondâ€"class Teachers in the Fublic :t.\;ohvâ€"'m open at nine o‘ck ck. -.-...:: nesday, the 15th lmh' n when all canuicates for admis are expeciled to present therr seives at the respe: tive schools. Nove can be received aiter Thursday, the 16th Eeptem ber, â€" i â€"incee The ression will continue until the 15th Juty, wB with vacation from the third Weanesday in urve;mmmm:nm. and from the Wednesday betore to the Tuestay altet Laster inclusive. A prospectus has been rublished containing the n':flecu ofthe Entrance Examination, the Gene Regulaiions, and the course of study. Applications tor the plupouu‘:nd for admisâ€" Uiees iDR AQmat the Pricapal of oo wa r Ottawa Normai Sflnl. ATION QPFICE j A ognet 18, 1875 #wâ€"lww ‘ Insolvent Act of 1869. | _ _Notice is bereby given that under and by | virture of the powers vesled in me as l-;!nu | nithe exlate and eflects of the above named Inâ€" | alvent, 1 will cfer for Hale by Puolic Auction. | @1 be lands and prem‘ses bereaiter mentioned, | in the Jownebip of North Gower, in the County | of Carleton, at the bhour of three o‘ciock in the | ufterncon, ou Monday the 6th day of Heptem ber, A. i‘, 1874 all the‘::? title, an i Interest of the said Insoivent myself as aas gnee ofthis estate, in and to, all and singâ€" ular that certain percel or tract of land and premises situate, lylnr and being in the Townâ€" | *hip of North Gowe., in the County of Carleton, in the Provinee of Untaric, in the Domiaton of Cun=da, t«i> g composed of the undivized one baif of a pnrt of a lot number twenty in the Fou:th Cuncession of the said Townsbip of | Nortb (hl)ver, a:l‘licd l:ld b unded M.Dti‘u.nflb- | ed as foll. wa, t is to say, comm on the northern limi® of the allowanee for road I between lots num bers t'ont{ an« twentyâ€"one, | in said Fourth Conceslov, at the distance of six hiundred and fiftyâ€"tbree feet from the south east &apgle of said lot number ;thfinm thence sovth sixtyâ€"six degrees west along the northeru |imit of said allâ€"wance for road, one ebain ana fity links from tbenees~rth thirtyâ€" | six degrees wes‘!, one chain and Afty lings from ‘ thence mortb,>ixtyâ€"s!x degrees east, one chain ana Afty links from thenoe south Ml-h.l.:y six degrees cast, «ne chainand to the piace beâ€" | gluning, containing by admeasurement two ] and one quarier square chains, be the same more or les#, From Gooderham and Worts Celobrated Distiliery, SOLD LOW. _ Perrons intending to exhibit will please take noucomuumr'h- of articles in the respecâ€" tive clezses must be made vn.h#!-fluy at Toronto, on or before the entioned d‘.‘.’"“".’.....- y o im s is ts Enadd o N T A RI O TO BE HEO AT OTTAWA, On the 20th to 24th Sept , 1875. Agricuitual ard Arts â€" Horxes, Ca h Swi Pou! T%p‘n‘n&* on or"'fl!! ‘&ufl raie, Mela an other Farm Products wacneneant esaetee m e "rtdenitarst‘ ts Ladies‘ Work, Fint 4‘;.."" 46., On before raay, September Prize Lisis and Blank for entries wq_-.&fi‘ .'.m make room for their Spring Stock. â€" 5 ibs. of sound Ten for $1.60, value warâ€" renteed, also, a reduction on s‘fl" taking 10 lvs. or upwards . a requction on No, 1 Labrador mertiugs, from 50 ots. to ‘L(fi ueonl:: to quan it}, or No, % Labrador Herring, lug» tion of $1.25 ver bbl., dry Codâ€"fish, Coarse Nale In iarge bags, Five Salt, 280 lbs, porh.g; Good Western Apples and Onions, also on ndhau of which are selling at a reauction for CASH. of all STARCH, RICE, RAISINS, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILS and BROOMS, also, i IGH WINES, PROOF AND RYE Are ofering General Gxooafloa Wines And Liquors n{ uousualiy LOW PRICEHS, to 10BACCOS, PICKLES, BALL BLUE | the R _ C, W. McCUAIQ, Assignee. Dated at theâ€"City of Ottawe, this seven(h, day of Augus!, A, D. 1876. Phere is a cheese factory on said premises in good repair and in running order, Teims of saie cash. In the matter of In the matter of GEOKGE B, JO‘ _N=TON and RoBERCT rHliHe M o JOHNSTON, of the Fowuship 0 Mastam in the County of Ottawa, Province of Qunbrc; trading toâ€" gether as Coâ€" pariners under ‘he rame,Orm and | tyle of JUuHNSTON BROSY., Geneial Aerebants, Insolvents, North Augusta June D, 1875. in the matter of 1D, 8. BAth b r, an Insotvent, A Dividend s"eet has Lbee objJeetion u..i. the Pth SEHT which Dividend wiil be paid Insolvent Act of 1869. Baskerville & Bros., _ No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, Alph. J. Steers & Co. Montreal, 19th August, 1874 xTAFPIO NORMAL SCHOOLS, TORONTO AND OTTAWA. ROVINCIAL EXHIBITION OUSEK EEPERS, RUSSELL HOUSK BLOCK, Commission Merchints, Vocal Music. [Opposite Sappers Bridge,] @mrocers. OTTAWA, ONT BASKERVILLE BROS. â€"â€"DEALERS INâ€" â€"W HOLESALEâ€" References ; veet has Leen prepared open to n';e Dpluyyfl:mgl HE‘K next, after T. W. HILL, BA th D, of Fitzroy Har ALEX MOFFAT, _____ Ausignee, _ y Assignee. JInsolvent. 3021â€"2w AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! Agent‘s Outfit Free! Large Commission & Cash Premiums In orver to cleat the Stock an. bie 1 have decided: to n-m ge-flatmt of Heis, Caps &c. at cost for cash .29"sâ€"2m COMPRIBIXG THE TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature: Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakefiold, Robiuson Crusoe, . Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, ~Elizaboth, _ ~ Vathel, ~, Picciola. Undinue, _ Tales ffom Aribian Ni#h¢s» > lete 1 v com piete in OBE Y L.U M Â¥ot over Lo pages TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCELX | GREAT CHEAP SaALE oF * Feli, Rilk and Straw BHats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &c., SUN PRSOF HATS, LBmAAY oF FAY@US ACtOn, whal (aread d Wns obte litke oi) who nnn'a-nn-nfl vill t:nim: can HAT! HATS! HATS! Meron &#, 1423 CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Maragers. Mills‘ Supply Agency Hatters & Furvrriers. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! o0 HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES1! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE3 !1! TOWNS END‘S Hats! Hats!! ajlats!!! FOR THE MILLION. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Oppositc the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 875. j aud longer if the whoie is period, Baws, Beiti Flles, Paokt Files reâ€"cu Au-..lm?’m‘- btandard d-g'nmon nnd" uudmumil Vaives, Steam :P=mps, Ruc‘s Linle Giait Inject B Also, Ageney of the GLOBE GaAbD LIGHT UOMPANY. &o 7b fou A DEVLIN‘S. Indian Helmats and Puggeries, Has recelved instructions from a laree expo t Ing uns coloniat Sbi ping House in Londoo r...g&ml, to reli ~ut the stock of their Cutlery & Domestic Goods, partt Uttawa, April ;ith, :876 T. H. HARRISON H. HODGE 8. BLYTH & KERR‘S. 3874 0. C O T E‘Ss, JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR 1875, AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, CcoaAL oIL COOKING STOVES ~ OTTAWA, TUESDA., SEPTEMBER 7, 1875 The si.ock consiats largely of TT :WA ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to ANNOUNCEMEN 1. IPORE s MONTREAL AND OTTAWA order by Mon{real Branch. ONE MONTH wlurs of which will be given in a few days sale will be UNRRESERVRUD, and exten) etiod of s ALL SIZES, SAVING FUEL SANDâ€". OEL 2BRATED CORK LINED FORD & CGo., tardrmare, RIDEAU STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. T. H. Harrison, w( ) f mm â€"ATâ€" 81 SPARKS STHEET, Utlawa H. MEADOW S & CO,, â€"ATâ€" DEVLIN‘S. not sold within that 85 Bussex Er";‘h 86 | _ Oswseo, Sept. 6.â€"Alex. Dueale and | | Foung monatoun 25 paths orugh meuper *., | Trom jail in this city on Saturdry night _‘ Axtwrrr, Sept. 6.â€"A disease similar to the epizootic has broken out among the cattle. Forty have died with in two weeks, and twelve yesterday, . Weekly Review of the Corn Trade. The Mark Lane Express in its weekly review of the corn trade says the bulk of the harvest has been generally in good order. New samples of wheat show a great variety. ‘The quality is much inferior and in some cases ur,vroor, The crop is short as a whole, and large importations will be necessary. Prices generally have only been firm in Paris and the home market, while in the provincial markets of France they have further declined one shillin quarter and in some places two lh'l{i:rp. In Germany havesting has gone well,, Prices were generally easier although for future dolinr{nmt, are above the present rates. Belginm rices have varied, but mos tly downwards e neey it d mame w .. At St. Pel m lower,. Harvest in the neighâ€" of Dantzig has been completed under :::ot fsvo:“_nbalo oimunn::: The neow luct is of a fine good: #t althoygh the tohfl.v‘:ulb below of last year, *J } LoxDox, Soat 6.â€"William Collie, who, with his brother Alexander, of the late firm of A. Collie & Co., is charged with obtaining money under false Ttrotenou, was again arraigned to day. e . prose: cution said they had not abandoned the hope of capturi.g Alexander Collie, who has forfeited his bail, and they therefore asked .:irn further post; nom::itlo of uel:l case, it was lcooni::" ) journ till the 18th of October. T _,__, _ _ Steamabip trrivals. Arrived out, the steamships State of Indiana. from New York, and the Ohio from Philadelphia. bellows signal. The whole of the pipes Mth the manual are enofozd in a swell, and there are two composition pedals, one moving the di:s.m and the other the full or?n. In ition to the f{hyiw of several fine pieces by Mr. Mills, iss Willis and Mr, Gourdeau sang some sacred selection. . The church was well filled, and the audience appeared to be well pleased at what they had heard. The organ will be taken to Almonte in about a month‘s time. excellence of the organ, the tone of which is at once round, sweet and powerâ€" ful in the extreme. Meesrs. 3 R War ren & Co., of Montreal, are the makers, and their handiwork is a credit to them. The‘case is of chestnut and black walnut, and the pipes are richly lgilded. and the following is the specification:â€" One manual and 2 octaves, pedals with 12 stops, viz, principal, 8 feet tone, 56 notes. Harmodic plate 4 feet tone, 56 notes Vial de gamba;4 feet, 66 notes. Open diapason, 8 feet, 56 notes. Srop diapaâ€" son. Treble and bass, 56 notes. ’I‘rumret., 8 feet, 56 motes. _ Fifteenth, 2 feet, 56 notes.. ‘Twelfth, 56 notes. Bone di 16 fegl, 27 _ no tos _ Podal_ooupler: and A Fixz Oreaxn.â€"Last Wt in St. Patâ€" rick‘s Church Professor Mills gave a grand organ lreoiul upon the fine ix:‘trul]nem. recently purchased at a cost $1,200 from Messrs. Orme & Sson by the Rev. Father Stenson, for his new church in Alâ€" monte. Of course, it need hardly be said Mt.h:mrhy was masterly fin the exâ€" treme, well calculated to display the Exmuaxuee Cuurorn Socitarâ€"The ladies o“i Emmanuel Church t:m ~hold a so;:ll â€"morrow evening in the basement of Knox Cburoh,%n street. â€" The chief abject of the social is to give the memâ€" bers and ftiendlofof Emumuu;xfl Ci)l:shourch an 0j «unit; meeting wi & Cumm in .oim intercourse, Addm£ will be given during the evening by the Bishop and by clergyvmen of the city. Tickets can be had at the bookstores on Sparks street, and at the door on the evening of the entertainment. _ ©$936i2 TELEGE APHIC. Iurxess or ths Lapy SuPERIORESS.â€"Rev. Mother Bruyere, the Lady Superioress of the Grey Nuns, Sussex street, is at pre~ sent lying dangerously ill. A consultation of five eminent r£hyliciuu of the city took place yesterday, when they came to the conclusion that it was " digease of the heart ‘" and that there was no immediate danger,. A good deal ofsympathy is ex pressed for this lld{ ‘ in her present affiiction, she having for upwards of 30 years presided over the above institution. Tus Durrerix House.â€"Mr. E. J. Henry bas lately opened on Wellington street, northâ€"west corner of Bank street, a neat and comfortable hotel, well stored with all sorts of creature comforts, both edible and drinkable, all of the most excellent quality, and furnished at reasovable rates Mr, Henry, whose advertisement appears in another column, makes a most genial and obliging host, and is well deserving of patronage. For Oysters in mfi style, shells or cooked to order go to Nooxaxs. the gentiemen was thrown out, and the horse was making a bolt when Foran stopped the »nimal, and served to prevent serious damage being done. Tes Wreruixotox Waro Marker.â€"The window frames have been ;{ut into the building for the Wellington Ward Market, [ and altogether the work is in a much more forward state than the similar ! operations in Lower town. Rewmovar or Sream TraysLcsrâ€"The steam traveller which has been doing such effectual work on the main sewer in the east end of the city, was yesterday removed to Slater street, at the west side of the Canal Basin. The other appurtenâ€" ance bolonfi"tho_nfio were also removed. Work will be commenced whenever the frame work necessary to run the traveller has been.constructed. Wihut I1R7URNED.â€"Burgeon Malloch, o. the Foot Guards, who went to Manitoba a ic .. weeks ago in medical charge of the reâ€" cruits for the Provisional Battâ€"lion, reâ€" turned to town yesterday morning, look: ing weatherâ€"beaten after his long journey. Mors Rowovisu.â€"A contractor named Wiw. Gnggoon, was attacked on Saturday night on his way home to Duke street at the Chaudiere by some roughs, and so uriom'lg injured that he has since been conlined to his bed. Rowdyism is truly becoming rampant in our midst. Lunou®s with c glass of ale 15 cents ANT. ReTVRNED.â€"Surgeon Malloch, F0 R E 1 G N . Late Firm of Coliie & Co. KLocal Entellinence. f GREAT BRITAIN. Eseaped from Jail A Cattle Disease. 98 \ EGO. cup of ‘Tea, Coftee, or s.â€"Nooxaxs‘ Restaurâ€" a Fight with Indians, Dexver, Col., Sept. 5. â€"An & occurred onlau Yuh A\w&t between ‘Garduver and Gennett‘s mdxmdn’c survey and a band* of Ures near the line between Colorado and Utah and near the north line of New Mexico. The fizht lasted twentyâ€"one hours, and reâ€" party of ail thett bepgege daser d nealy uit Y ige and n« mgmm ‘They all escaped withâ€" Serious Floods and Railroad Disasters â€"A Brakesman Killed and Several Passengers Injured. Onara, Sept. 5.â€"The water rose all day yesterday in the Boger Kiver and Logan Creek, on the Chicago and Northâ€" wesiern Railroad, and the bed is in many laces three and four feet under water. glov.rdm have passed over the rokd, but all the passengers have been ten off, The water also rose i all day in the Corn River and Walnut k. Un the Chicago & Rock Island and Pacific Railroads the track is in mang.shou four feet under water, and the road is badly 81. Lovis, Sogt t5.â€"Major .John N Edwards, one of the editorsâ€"of the St. Louis ?imes, and Col. Emery 8. Foster, theâ€"editor of the Avening Journal, left here last night for Winnebaro county, to fight a duel. Affairs bas been kept very private,. The affair grew out of an editorâ€" lal on the:action of citizens of Winnebago. county, in refusing to allow Jefferson Davis to speak at their fair, and a rejoinâ€" der by Foster in the Journal n:â€"xt «day, in which he cast ve% severe strictures upon the writer of the Times article. Th;&cnl at which the duel will be: fought be selected by the seconds after entering Winnebago county. T. A despatch from a member of the Ed wards party, in regard to the duel between the editors, Edwards and Foster, says the duel took place at 5 o‘clock on baturday afternoon, at M‘ five miles north of Rockford, in bago county, and one shot was exchanged, without effect. â€"The matter was then settied. without further dificulby. : Norporx, | Aug. 6th.â€"Theé Mercantile | SP®iton refinery works ; loss, $30,000. Zlfl:u_kdthbcity ng.p.ndod yesterday. f WVO or A en ; Carr masons is a hod it in slaimed that the sssets ‘will cover ; _ LATYIng up. btiks / damaged. The 3 f'.'.fiio"'m' press en. route west was thrown into a di mjl:twutol Commerce, lowa, twelve west of Des Moines, last evening. John Hu;m the brakesman, fell bet #+een. the cars was instantly killed. _ Several Ew were slightly injured. The water in Walâ€" nut Creek is three feet Hmhm was ever known before. Westâ€" passen: gers are laid up at Commercs and Des Moines. Eastâ€"bound trains left here last evening. Oxmuurces, Crrer Narion, Sept. 6 â€"A grand council of the Indian Jerritory is in session. â€" A full delegation attend~â€" ance from nearly every tribe in the terâ€" ritory. â€" The council will make an approâ€" priation for their subsistence, hoping they will be induced to enter into more intiâ€" mate and friendly relations. . The only business . to be considered is the new constitution, providing for the {:‘vemmmt of the territory, which will probably but with the proviso that it be mhmm to the National Council . for approval. The Council proposes to attend the Interâ€" national Fair to be held at Muskogee, Sept. 14th to 18th. uron each Catholic voter to seratch four of the proposed amendrents to the State Const.itutiond. f’l;hbeg drlenl.te l:o the public schools, and forbidding the appropriaâ€" tion of public monies fgr oochrunoglu tutions _ ~here is considerable excite ment. It is said the Protestants will gather in force to vote in favour of ‘the amendments above specified. i Morrirowx, N. Y., September 6,â€"The Roman Catholic priests in this neighbourâ€" hood from their~pulpits yesterday called Arrived: the steamship City of Brus sels, from Liverpool, and R’omrlso, Hull, A Threatened Famine _ A Havana letter says : ‘The surroundâ€" ing country near Puerio Princ ‘m has been so thoroughly devastated the inlublt;.nx are fsmhh lfiu:& and ?:ul &" ernor o e city is at Havana, coi with the Captain General for.gneuum to prevent a famine. Another small fort has been captured in the interior by the Cuban patriots. Wasemorox, Softomber 6.â€"Applice tion has been received at the Treasury Department toâ€"day for the transfer of about one million doliars in gold from New York to San Francisco. Nzw York, Sept. 6.â€"A dumh from Ryle Beach, N. H., says the direct cable was completed at 10 a, m. this mornlxy. and announces that it is workin.&orl‘oc y since. 1t has been tested with the most satisiactory results, and is pronounced in good condition. busy prepa bis papers for a second trin{ 1}; m ngu’:ut Beecher. Pearâ€" sall, another of Tilton‘s counsel, stated that the action was a bona fide one, and had not be: n the result of any lll-feeli:s betwean the counsel. The case is No. on the calendar, and will be reached nbouththo third fiondny in the present month, npnt A Memorial Church. At a session ofthe Methodist Ministers this mormn‘of resolutions were adopted, sgpmving the erection of a memori:1 church in honor of John Wesley at Saâ€" vannah, _ Proparing for a Second ‘Trinl. _ ExJudge Morris, Tilton‘s counsel, is it is now certain that an AntiThree Term resolution will be introduced and that being the case it.will be adopted. Principal Captured. George Mills, otherwise called Me: ers, said toré the pri:;isd of the Borre Lnk robbers was capt: here yesterday. Arrival of the Le.der of the National Jrish Party, New Yorx, Sept. 6.â€"O‘Cannor Power, M.P., leader of the Irish National party arrived yesterday. He will deliver a gourse of (iiontures throughout the Uniteg tates and Canada, on the itical an social condition of Ireland. pou The School Que#fion: A Sar. .a special to the Times say s the Republicu State platform will be in favour of harmonizing the school question and it will be made prominent ; kepubliâ€" cans deciding in favour of the °‘pl'ucnt :ynt.em and against any division of school unds. EK. C. Priests and the Public Schools. The Duelâ€"An Editer in Trouble. Antiâ€"Three Term Resolutfon. Meeting of Grand Council A ME RICA N . Direct Cable Completed, WASHINGTON, MORRIS TOW CoLORADO OKMULGEE. 8T. LOUIS. NORFOLK, OWA HA. NEW YORK. Arrival Cimts John Bell & Son olfGluyn. rad. will Mnuc. leave port on Wednesday uuw-rmufio Trinity Church on of October, having uooivoduulltodnmwyo} Trinity Church, Winuipeg, Manitoba. swam from Island Wha‘f in the Harbour to Longueiul without fatigue, accomplishâ€" ing the feat inâ€"exactly one hour and Cg the Pouigh nlate of e warer. Alderman McShane is shipping 50 head of cattle to Liverpool br,.g' imlm steamship Onrtario. The Allan steamsbhi (b-ldshkeoonr'lowcnms The suit engered by the Quebec Governâ€" ment againstiJohn Râ€" Middemiss to annul the Tannper‘s Land Swap came up this morning before Mr. Justice Johnston ; Mesers Ritchie and la-fl:pmentp ing the (#overnment, and . ADbObl Tuish o provprted fie pige pring ar leagts e presen giving at the reason for annu the ox»h.l:z udKr.Dmrfolow'%l‘onmm The only wilnesses examined were Mesars. Wm. Lunn and J. R. Middlomiss. The examin:tion of Mr. Lunn being merely for a formal ‘opening of the case, and that of Mr, Middlemiss so far eliciting no new On Saturday afternoon James Polar N. Y bâ€"A fAre at two 0‘Clock Tthis -'&-s&”w the roughs who had collected about the ceme. tery visited orckards in crowds. ‘The inâ€" habitants came out uddlud ‘fl::.r guns: laden with charges poud-rin } of intlaidlating thom, but f as the roughs pm out r"olnn:g fired back. Several persons had narrow esâ€" capes. _ As many as twentyâ€"four men were in Swell‘s orchard at one time and all apâ€" peared to be armed. The firing continuâ€" ed at intervals mhmn the day and it is remarkable y was shotâ€"among Inon}r)hl Simpson‘s their French Canadian confreres were disgusted with them. Rev. Cure Marshal warned his people at mase n 3t togo near the cemetery when ‘the burial of Guibord took violence, public, w. m tunmgflnl.fih.ndw'l:bordmum that should never have come before the courts mevertheless holds that the decision of the latter must be upheld, and that to by force the execution of their mnt,sbovi:md%dm of ‘the Privy Council, is an‘act un pardonable folly.= What will be the result of resistâ€" ante to the interment of Guibord? Does nn; one believe the authorivies will give in Dotboyto(knwthntbolnxnh Governtment would send an army if needâ€" ful> to â€"have the judgment executed ? Blood may be shed, numerous arre ts made and severe punishment inâ€" flicted, but no‘~ one can hinder Guibord‘s remains from being interred. Rev. Cure Rousselot has written to the in the Cotte investigation the assistant cashier of Jacques Cartier Bank was ftur ther examined, and stated that after a dilâ€" igent search with other clerks he had been unable to find the statement of accounts made by Cotte, which is looked on as Mayor ing him of. serious . o q“."‘.‘.‘?‘.'.h?.‘a”,. burial takes place past four‘ this the force being tfivhledhwlqm”udbdmo avenues In the ennin'g‘mof the roughs fired off guns and seven barâ€" «ells of a revolver were also ‘distharged, but no attempt at or an â€" attaok ‘on the vault or its guardians was made. .A lnrger body of men will be detailed this evening deghimation and t boip of poicé o td desecrati & ice is to be o:m&e spot. ih roughs have stolen great quantities of fruit from the residents in the ulfiwhood.nd this morning oné fired his revolver at one who was conveying away a quantity of after that. A gentlemen states that evident intention of the roughs on Tuesâ€" mmwdbunGmbad' "lboofln,uuny & grass near gates, satura udwiglo:odi:l,tohn a bed u-:’oh toâ€" deposit Beven policemen e been detailed tofiq: out to the lou'?fi bomdwi&m-m"mhmmf weapon yet provided for them.© Saturday and yesterday the owners of orchards had hot times about Cote Des Neiges. The 155} to 156 ; and 3 Peoples at 100. Sellers T eopens., artiens 2 4o 50; Commeres: ues to 80 ; lm to 127}. ‘Sales at t‘odtornoa: board :â€"381 Montreal at 188} ; 25 Jacques Cartier an 27. Tne late t turn in the Guibord case is that the French Canadians are plotting to attack the Protestant cemetery va ilt, and steal Guibord‘s m’l‘hm is great excitement ~again. following is what .. has -dn so _ far :« Saturday a‘ternoon avenue leading Tajat Comeiny ‘a gront maey ‘Troutk metery a great many Canadians were seen going ut‘ndu was feared they might have an intention of uw the cemetery vault; however no was made. Yw afterâ€" noon a number of men .bo:‘lt Mount Royal Cemetery gwm y with no purpose, comâ€" hoverpogac y loge d men n ""’m-.. and a body of men stood guard till hi The Money Marketâ€"steck Marketâ€"The Guibord Caseâ€"The Cotte Lnvessignâ€" tionâ€"A Swimming Featâ€"Shipments â€"Going to Winnipeg. Moxtrzar, Sept. 6.â€"The monsy market continues easy to borrowers on stocks, but very stringent to all those who wish to obtain advances on oommudn.';.rper, but have not regular accounts some of the banks. Sales: 3 City at 102, Y'.fl.‘..;.‘:"xfi" 102 ; es : ity at i to ; 6 Merchants at 101}, 5 at 1014, closing 101} to 1014 ; 25 telegraph at 156, closing J. Hotley, prmiewr of Fort Hamilton, tndinfi post at the junction of St. Mary and Belly rivers, is now here, and reports an increased number of rettlers, traders and 5;"1’"“" in that section. There are ung'»mnt coal, iron and gold disâ€" coveries. “m is sbundn:? fitl.uxlndi- ans quie! resence ountâ€" ed golioot, beuflchi Time expired volunteers at Winnineg To rure Soum rovoute of wiitey d i ture 8 i inâ€" fantry will be one hundred. movemnr Morris has returned from itoba House. He mede fresh tresties with six bands of Indians. The irrefl:l;rityia’ifi Minnesota Stage Company Mail Service causes complaint. _ The weather is fine. No grasshoppers Four Days Competition of the Rifle Asâ€" sociationâ€"Fort Hamiltonâ€"Importâ€" aut Discoveries Reported â€"To be Disâ€" chargedâ€"Governor Morris. Wixxipac. Sofi. 6.â€"The third meeting of the Manitoba® Rifle Association was held last week. The competitions exâ€" tended over four davs. The attendance was larger than previous years, but the shooting was poor. al se| > C 4 N A D 1 A N. MONTREAL. ELIZABETH MANITOBA of DGear SW â€"â€"LWen ugo 1 Wian Wu&m Qcean, and the cold and exposure omn lage abâ€" oooulobc--cuhl? .“m’oon tinually discharging. 1 was ded hy doctors in Liverpool, New Orieans, New York, and at the on Staten Isâ€" ie ie a. Fleuy, se pendeg one a ter patared, 9f actieng I wes poreaiadd 4e ‘lhcpu-h-ptfl-d the use of a mosquito canopy mpi:.’ it A new bfl%fi old maid is~ a woman who has made for a long long time. * $# try <your "Goiden Medical Discovery," and now, in less “lpnncnuudnr i 1 am completely cured, and for mlmdmhmymmputmylm Nb“.fi l_hl‘tronwly every evening to silisi any person of the dl-n’-iuhru::- tion. . J am, sit, respeot{ully, _2 _ Wusiiix Rrome, . De. e ary rgia men ®. 7 Gooky New Yony 4. Daig r., Almon! Whi Pembroke; Allap Friser, Kinâ€" rpprior ; .. L. Barpes, Burlington ; O Teriny, Prescott; Mr and Mrs G R Wure and boy," Boston ; SiF A P aufi.:u ronapa ns mm smke ville; Major Mattice, Brockville. > There are forty churches in Troy, there 9n Sanday Thas in uy other it e on any in the State. 20 YEARS A SUFFERER.â€"OURED BY THE GOL Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Norton, wife of the ‘editor of the Dallas Intelligencer; while standing by a train of cars â€"was aociâ€" dentally thrown under sud one o:: wheels passed over her arm, cutting i She lies in a precarious condition. beprtcstclnt" $ Wileh c Aigpctant Rrstweszies P es Nedaaincae M.G K D. J. Church and My,"‘.nd'hmb.’.r.&-. K. Thistle, Aylâ€" m g:fin, fimc ; James mp:l:: Guelph ; Rev. J. Rollitt, Buckingham ; H10AGO, 6.â€"The excursion 2 Pangaerived from the Soute resien: Wu?m Hoves Aravaisâ€"R g-"l,- Caioe Wit freiwy Thitiy Ayiiher | Jotn Viorssure, Sept. 6.â€"A despatch Clinton inuhfinntoodhnrhnogum place on Wu says that three whites were two mortaily wounded, and several Mdfl. Ten or twelve negroes were killed, as many more wounded, several of whom will die, Iwo bocetiy mangled, diek Leats Lolng bcasen t.octon!-vi fence rails, ‘This sevazery greatly incensed the whites, and several negroes who were known to have been en gaged in it were shot by friends of the in bhyers favour 17,000 bu; sales ropiy un 1 g ; receipts ]‘Wd’ us 5&)05“. Mdfil{'&:ihury to lower ; receipte buusin. 45, 00 bn'-h.t 1 24 tolBO;KA'. Chicago, 1 33 to 188 ; No. 2 Milwnukee wwlB;No.lqudn‘z 1 80; winter 1ed western 1 45 to i ;h-.umbc.:: . s R’m“(anflflhm favour $ receipts 180,00; sales 38,000, at 73¢ to lower ; receipts 57,000 bus=; saies 38, (Xll,db?cto“q,cu-iudm“o zo bÂ¥e ; old white do. ; 50c to $2¢ new -mr Pa:l EQ',“" salos 10,000 wbis. at 21, o 21 10, new Lard quiet; nk-‘l%mn n?-u. Butter 220 to 30c state, |. == _/ _ Loxpox, bept 6.â€"Consols for money 947â€"16 ; tor account 914 ; Erie 154, do. fo» 4i n oi which is ‘c-l:. below &.Bflkofl“ receipts 180,00 ; sales 3 at 736 to 150 4 stomm. werkien mined Tod) Salue im 7513'&:“*-&31& sales 770. 10 mixed and yellow. Barley quiet l#nndnn’d; receipts . 3,000 Inum‘ Bept. 6.â€"Breadstufls active. Tallow, 43s, 9d per owt. ' In the City Council tomight it »«s deâ€" .(,huhme;u‘d-‘wM udge. * f wnen sma&LDg a §00G third. in the . Mr. ‘s Seabi d w o e crag o gll. ve hav lost some of her fbmcwmwu M::"nl:: on account of a foul, and will be sailed over again toâ€"morrow nmun.m" wil-nw«molwuu.'?rimeol‘vn P Nee ealy wil coniety. | * ind luky m will compete,. | In.‘::uhumd her second season last night at the pern louse with unusual cclat. ‘The house was Well tilow, and the new company bide fair to become uro‘puhrulhodd. ‘The following is the complete list enâ€" ‘The following is the complete list enâ€" gaged for the iecture course at the Meâ€" uhum'u'mslmm: P.Y. Barnum, Henry Vincent, J. 4. Gough, Theodore ‘Tilton, Josh Billings, Kev. Robt. Collyer, Rev. Geo, Dawson. The course opens on Ustober 12th, with a lecture by ‘Tilton. & Dear Bir,â€"Twonty narrow escape. . ‘This sccident caused T"'u'."““"fi“"“"“"?.‘.,"‘”‘“' standly had carried away her ropmast when sailing a good third. in the ski# the sailing _master of the Mac were wushe overboard and were pickes up by the Dauntless, which was foi owing. 1 hey were swimming tor dear iife, and hed a km 1o Mayor Medcall Thue He» gaita a Great Successâ€"Lecture Listâ€" Engineer Johuston. _ Tomo: ept. 6.â€" Medcait ‘is expecw';ot'o:;npn h-...q: Wednesday ufterncon. He will be met at the by .. lurge deputati=n of Wm‘n‘g others, and will be escorted to his dence by a grand torchiight prove=sign, A bunquet will also be tendered hum. ; _ The regutta turned out a great su Towards the end ‘of the aay‘ the m dined and sailing wes comparsty: wasy uad very pieusunt. Deveral mishops oooum:uc none in connection luzh the ol a more seli0us mulure than a ucking. © Colonel bBuaw amd 87 Jefferson Btreet, Bullalo, N. YÂ¥. C 0 M M ER C I A L 10100, Bept. 6.â€"Receipts hogs 2,81 The London Stock Market. PRICE WOTEL ARCIYALE. Liverpool Markets VICKSBURG. ToROaATO CENG 114 8â€"8

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