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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Sep 1875, p. 4

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+ 44 #4, Lowrence and Ottawa Railway â€" Leares.....7.30 am., 1100 am. 200 pm., 250 pm. Artives.......8.30 a m., 7.25 a m., 3.55 p.m., â€" Mb tw . [2 aros * yjdenaburg...X.O am., 225 p.m Arrigea in New "4&.]04!' pm. 700 am Leares N~= York.... $@pm. 1100 pm Arrives in «(gdens» Crntral Vermont Railway Leaves Ugdensburg For Roston...4...6.05 am., 12.40 p. eares Pressott Junotionâ€" eaves going east......4.45 pm., 4.40 a. m Rome, Watertewn and Ogdensbarg Tc Aavellers‘ Cwico. |Dominion of Canada Rifle Asso 10 steams throw ir traged y A Wurcome Sociar.â€"The friends of the Revy. A. A. Cameron last evening gave him a bearty welcome bome from his tour after his late illness. _ The affair took the shape of a social in the Baptist Church, Queen street, amd it was most largely atteded by the members of his fAock. The expressions of kindly feeling were felt most keenly by the rev. gentle man and reciprocated by hiun most cordi ally. _ Addresses and music served to make the evening pass very pleasantly. son M M ea N« Sm aiiâ€"Pox Goxe.â€"It will be a pleasing anpouncement to our citizens to hear that the city has at last been md of this loathsome disease. Much credit is due Dr. Lynn and his assistants for the effect ive manper in which they have attended to the interests of the public health. ‘I he removal of stagnant pools in one or two parts of the city alone rem <ins to be done in give generel satisfaction. The owners of private property, on which such stagâ€" ~aut pools are allowed to remain . should : once be made to file an appearance in mves in Ogdensâ€" bury from bostor ea ie Miscox»vor on tus NtREETSâ€"It would seem as if our city was destined to rival all others in its character for rowdyism. Respectable citizens could searcely come down Rideau street yesterday evening without being insulted by knats of roughs collectod _ at different . street corners. Lalies were grosaly insulted and strangers at present in the city in attendance at the rifle match, were made the special object of abuse by these blackguards. Our informant who was in attendance at the Untario Rifle Match says be could not belp noticing the difference in the order prevailing in the two cities of Ottawa and Toronto. _ It is admitted that _ the police are wiil'mz to do their duty, but they are so w in number _ that the city would be as well wanting their Miawa River Navigation \ ompany A \ eetunyg o!l the A ake preparations al Exhibition al Exhibition â€" at â€" Philadelphia _ was lled for yesterday afternoom at 3 o‘clock it ac the appointed bour there was no‘ sufficient aitemdance of members t« arrant the transaction of any business mongst thosa present were Meâ€"rs. in organ, Ward n ; Mr. Wilson, of Brock le c IL Memill G. W. Eaton.: A. S e Tolce CourL i1 is e nuisance as a filthy yard aten ~erio / Walts Quedrille. ... .." Dinorah"..........Coote lGimlop (by particular request).." The Hinid POMnCH . . . sa+u 20 00. :062 0+ 0+ 0+ c s s« PA MPMAENE. The Regimental Quick Step. National eriniemident of ‘the grounds in tion with the Provineial Exhib ved in the city yesterday mo = London, and will remain to the the jaicn. â€" lle is stopping M uick Step . ..." Star of the North Canada Central Railway et in nducement w ars:sesssoâ€"w.....10@45 am., 4.45 pm. ° evesssâ€"sâ€"ce........ 1.3 pm., 7.40 p.m. | T Grand Trunk Railway. ‘ the ng ocal intclligaenes Jessic Casscis leaves revery morning al..... N s garrive abll.l. . 1.30 pou eave the Russell, Union a: or Houses at 6.30 am., to conne appear in Ruzis.â€"Mr. Lepage, of the Fire nt, is bysy at present prepariug s for the use of the brigade in Jne is just on the eve of com d presents a splendid appear ey will prove of great service to ers of the force during the apâ€" Reyal Mail Line Ot Le88 RO@RY@#. .....>. j Arrives........ m Victwria leaves ay as being somewhal sel he vicinity of the Chau: mminept danger from in The prisoner Condeli is n z the recovery of Mr. G x Coxcest.â€"The Ba: ieneral‘s Foot Guards ng programme on 1 ening at 8 o‘clock : the civic authorities as a reâ€" apprehension and conviction m or persons who were instru susing the death of the late ns. 1t is not improbable that ment will be the means o ittle light on this mysterious to Bav.â€"Mr. ureggson, o whom reference was u nc DMMITTEE.â€" 4n _ a< + Advisory Comm ......" Fantasia. rpsaball Taenze ROG R A M M E 1.15 am. 7.45 LX the manifest 0 ne â€"As wiil be seet he sum of $300 i authorities as a re axks CaRTER, Bandmaster The case of 00â€" e pretences lately rac lreland, late enevieve de Braâ€" 2......... Offenbach rysler has be gentleman c ronto. arrisle o|umn. 10 dse l to â€"Garland | se ; Mag & Kvyan, Aunders louse, N. s lonour and was that the commit Paruame m thibitior He ‘ned N m K8 The seventh annual prize meeting Of the Domimon of Cansada Rifte Association commenced at the Kideau Range this morning _ umler the most favourable auspices. â€" Thea weather was all that could be desired, bright and olear, and just as much winst prevailing from the north: west as h ;t the atmosphere cool, with â€" out interleriug with the shooting. The nactatore also miustvred in cood num out interlering with the anooung. [ 00 spectators also musteced in good nuin bers ind seemed to take a lively interest A Large Attendance, Spirited (Competiâ€" tian, and Splendid Weatber. in the proveedings, as weli they inight lo, for the s¢ene was a most animated one. â€" The various tents pitched formed quite a little camp, and the Union Jack tloated over many of them ; the bright um{orms of the wilitary contrasting »trnyly with the more sombre garments ot the â€" civilian _ competitors, _ created a _ panorama . of the . most pleasâ€" ing _ character. Lieutenaut _ Colonel Stuart with Captain Brown Wallis had charge of the Necretary‘s office and both ventlemen, with Col. Bason, the statisti cal otticer, were most obliging to the imemâ€" vers of the press in affording all the infor imation and facilities that laid in their power. â€" lhey provided a spacious table in he siatistics office for their use, thus they were saved the inconvenience of writing im the open air. _ The shooting on l!u! bitle lam ey, Capt. Weatherly M., Col. Chamberlin, lith Battallion, Lieut Wimbledon men,) Ma o officers of the U M., Col. Chamberlin, Capt. J. J. Mason, lith Battallion, Lieut. J. Adam, do., (both Wimbledon men,) Major W bite, and a host o officers of the Guards, many of the tier acting in thea capacity of register weejers a% the differest tiring points The bugle having sounded " Commence Firimy," the tarsets wore hoisted into their places, Col Poweil delivereda shot ut No. | target, sco ing a bull‘s eye. A zun belopging t> the Field Battery, sta moued on the hill, was fired, and the squads went to their posts and the match commenced in earnest. _ Most of the com petitors from a distance had never seen the Brunel target before, and were loud in their praises of both it and the siyle of marking. The arrangements aitogether _ this _ year _ are _ much vetter than they have been in any ,-rcvioun one. A line of telegraph was aid from the bu‘ts to the firing point, so thit in case of any dispute arising as to the location of a lit, the question can be set tled without the delay occasioned by a viat _ to [the â€" target. There was a‘s ) a telegraph office under the charge of M:i. George )Lcdoud-l, for the despatch ol messages to any part of the Dominion. thus those who wijml 10 communicatle the results to their friends at a distance, could dJo so easily. Uhe corps repreeented are the Ottawa Batiery of Garrision Ar vllery ; Gov: mor Gereral‘s Foot Guards, am| the Metropolitan Rifle Association ; [Uth Noyals and 2nd Queen‘s Uwn, Toâ€" ronto ; !Jth Battalion,; Hamilton ; 4ist Brockville ; | 42nd, _ Rameay ; | Hastings Kille Associrtion ; 7sth Battalion, Nova sootia;: 631d Baitalion, Halifax, N.~.; Sth Battalion, qQuebec ; Wakefield Infanâ€" try ; Prince of Waies itifies, )lom:rod_; In the All Co es Match there were 135 entries againet }1o last year, an inâ€" crease which shows the increasing pOpu larity of rile@ shooting in the Dominion. While the first stage of the match was being shot, a large addition was made to tha visitors, amoug whom were noticed the lionu. the Minister of Militia, Mr. Allan Gilmour, Mr. T. D. Harringtou, Mr. J. M. Currier, M.P., Mr. Jolin Langton, Capi. »tewart, Ottawh Field Battery ; Dr. Malloch, u.G.F.G.; Dr. Bentley, Otta@a Field Batiery ; Capt. Grant, Major Macâ€" dovaid, Mr. E. C. Barber, M jor White, winuer of the Elkington Cln:r.i Toronto ; Capt. Grabam, ll‘dihx Field Battery, and Garrison Artillery, Montreal; 50th and 60th Battalions, Rastern Townships »4th Batâ€" talion, Richmond: <th avalry, New Brunsâ€" WICk several others whose names our reporter was unable to ascertain. . By the way, here it may be as well to remark that the very officient staf of markers was under the charge of Capt. Weatherly, who acted as ravge officer throughout the day, having with him Nergt Major Keating. Mr. Cawdron was the armourer,but his services in the shape of repairing danm. to rifles were not required throughout day. At noon the lirst stage of the A‘l Comers was mot copclu.led, and the gun having anâ€" mounced the hour, the bugle sounded cease firing and a general dispersing was made in search ol edibles. A capital luncheon, given by Lieut. Col. Gzowski, Preâ€"ident of the Association, which was spread in a »pacious marques for the @uterta nment of _ a _ large _ number ot _ invited guests. The repast was got up by Mr. Kavanagh, of the Queer liestaurant, and it is only sufficient to wmertion his name as being the carterer to vouch for the excellence of the viands. Uul. Walker Poweil presided, having on his right the lHion. Mr. Vail, and on his left Mr. J. M. Currier, M.L‘. Most ot the yentlemen before mentioned were preâ€" sent. After a due amount of altention bad been paid to the comestibles Col. Waiker Powell said as there were several grnilemen present who were obliged to leave in a short time he would request all present to fill their giaeses and drink a toast which he felt sure a‘l would honour most loyally. lle gavo them " The health of the <QMeen." e _ The toast was honoured by three most vociferous cheers. The gallant Colonel then proposed the. " Governor General," alluding to the intereet i1‘s Exceliency had alweys taken in all that pertaine| â€"> the militia sysâ€" tem of Canada. Ihis toast was also ieceived witd o1 thiuei asna. The next toast from the chair was that of " the Minister of Militia‘ The chair man said in proposing it, that he had always found the Hon,. Mr. Vail during SKYENTH | ANNUAL PRIZB MEET!ING. the intercourse he hbad had with bim in the department of which he was the head, to be realy to do all in his power to renâ€" der assistance to the militia of the Do minion. HMe therefore called upon them »The Hon. Mr. Vail, rose to respond. Heasid when he visited the range that «ay he did rot expect either to make a long stay, or to be called upon to speak, and had there not been so many present, w! om he hal not had the pleasure of having met previously, he should not have made a speech at all. He felt glad to see so many who had come from the remote parts of the Dominion, as it was a proof that those who composed the Vol unteer Militia would not allow difficulties or swall affairs to deter them from doing tneir duty to their courtry, at cost of their time and their means, He looked upon such meetines as the one at present in progress as being a proof of their pat~ riots». (cheers). . in 4-%01 the competition for admittance 4o Wimâ€" ooo Sn e sen fuat is but Soek decrdod was glad to see that it been i it :r:&d take _ place this _ year im wa. _ He was not in the secrets of the Dominion Rifle Association, and therefore he could not say whether it was the intention to hold the competiâ€" tion every year in Ottawa, but he thought the open air. _ The shooting on the nole was excellent, several of _ the mbledon men fully sustaining their re itation as shots. _ At half past ten clock the muster of competitors for the a meeting was complâ€"te and a general ove was made for the 20 yards range in e All Comers‘ match, w{nen the first ot _ was _ fired _ by Col. Walker ivad) AÂ¥liâ€"iant (tGaneral. At | this to drink his Lealth with all the homours they could. _ _ _ Those around the table immediately stated in song that the hon. Tnuomn was " a jolly good fellow,"" and cheered him most enthusiastically, On silence being restored, _ â€" ut. Col. Bear, New Brunswick ; Major tchis, (late Necretary to the Provincial fle Association, N:'A.\-u"m). Lieut. Col. montagne, Quebec ; Lieutenant Col el Bacon, Montreal ; lieut. Col.. Wors y, Capt. Weatherty, Major Mattice, B les the _ oilicers i. Col. Bear, New Ady lant upon the Ve tafinp. | +t would be well to hold them over the OC:3l 1. | saime rauge, «o that all should compete to | the same advantage, thatis on the «ame | groun and the came weather. Tins was R1/K _ | s inatte:, ol course, for the association to | decide . The Canadian volunteers have | now carned tor thomselves a world wide ;reputation, an t he did not know whether ompert. | it was wise to send the teain to Epghnd lag: each year. â€" The money expendod in th‘u sns n ooa 2 { the + ht be applied to the uses 0 :n?x::" provincial associations, and he k of hoped that the in quirements of the luu:r P00 | would be taken i1to consideration. _ He oae | thought that the sonding home of the TN ! team once in three years was also a n}M: woukl | ter worthy of thought, s« it would l oetlp | @ saving to the funds of the Association, CCb 1 1o the benefit of those in the provinces, "*5~ | The Wimbledon team hak done weil, and s the people in Englaod _ know what aol ti-ey can do _ arnd they | could. uy afford _ to â€" forego â€" their _ trip _ for m= a jear or two. The hon. luem!omm; ceaded to say that during the nine or ,mm‘ukl r::bxuouth; he had been at the head o! M the Militia Department, ho had had reas: d ng on to be proud of the Canadian forces. whlwd He had l.ut.-n occasion to visit one‘ol the u;u“d“ largest camps in the Dominion this num‘ l mer, that at Niagara, and he was mol: P m-l gratified at what hbe saw there. The 0‘0‘::1 orderly and soldierâ€"like conduct of the .l » | whole was most creditable to the oflk'eu, a* the men and the system adopted. The Gem Dominion had reason to be proud of such nmfor | a force ; he also visited the camp at Hal: , is ifax N.’S., where he hui the pleasure of Te m dul;'ibuung the prizes to the successful i hey competitors in the matches, and he had, o ouigk n addressing thoâ€"m, pleasure in saying n The | that they were quite equal to the Volun: . the teers of Ontario. He thought those in the felr 1o" Lower Provinces, in a measure, lacked the I C tor i enthusiasm which characterised those in n the | the Upper. The Nova Scotians had the o hemn, advantage of hbaving Imperial troops: ce m quartere i among them, and of course that. o Erst 3luvo them an opprtunity of having a Â¥t fey thoroughly well dtsoiplined body of _ men l c at to copy trom. There were a class of perâ€" v.hul sons -L characterized the vâ€"lunteers as !mu':d playthings, _ but the very _ same l af | people were the _ most _ glad ons to fall back upon them on the tirst sign of ‘vm(c;:;\ a civil disturbance (hear, hear.) _ He e | | luoked upon the force as being a most ‘\\'\ 2 important one, both s a defensive mea:â€" f orl;' sure and also as one for the prevention L ason) [ Of comuotions in thes Dominion. For "Coor}: | himee!f he would say that he should be 1s hy most happy, either as head of the Militia aot tho oftice, or on' the floor of Parliameut, at o ivcer all times to do all in his power to further wot the interests of the volunteer service, and Srence | its members, more especially as officers i ns and men devoted so °cmch of their time ta thiok and mouey to it, and thereby supplementâ€" o Y ing the grant made by tGovernment y asi | =a very large extent. He concluded by i4 the n _ thanking _ them _ for _ the uen :"‘n:ld reception of _ his naine. fpsal The hon. gentleman at the tinish of his o peon remarks was greatly applauded. . He ‘oud in | then vroposed the bealth of the Presiden t a dcvis of the Domunion Rifle Association, Lieut. eurehts | Col. Gzowaki, to whom he said they wore ;emont; all grateful for the great amount of trou 5. any ble and expense boiad gone to in bringing Dh awe the associatiou to its present state of pros 28. io | pority. . He made a graceful allusion: also mth.: to the exertions of the gallant president _b:, t | in bringing to a successfui issue, the b” scheme of sending to England a Canadian s ",: team of riflemen, and for his attention to :m,of them while there _ (lHear, hear ) Col Powell on being callel upon to reâ€" spond in Col. Gzowski‘s absence expressed his thanks to the Hon. Minister of Militia and the gentlemen round the board for the manner in which they had honoured the toast. So far as the Association was concerned there was no person could gainâ€" say the fact that their president whatover he took in hand, he was bound to make it successful, and he had done so in that case. He had a spirit of energy which ; be had infused into the Association l Col. Gzowski had not allowed that spirit to lis dormant in Elflnnd, and to Lhn was due much of the ecla! with which the Canadians had been received in Greit Briâ€" tain. Anything he could do with regâ€"rd to mitigating the difficulties in bringing | teams from sll‘rnru of the Dowmidion to | compete for the prizes offered by the ; Association, he was always ready to | aes‘st in, both by giving his time and his | money _ In alluding to the present com â€" ; petition, the speaker expressed his conâ€" viction that had the presilent baen at it he would have been highly gratilied at | seeing the arrangements, both as regards the improved system of targets, butts and marking, and the system of telegraphic communication between them and tho' firing point â€" Me looked upon it as being | a great advantage to be »ble to get through in three or four days a series ori matches which heretofore would take a week to complete. With resprct to what the Minirter of Militia had said in â€" regard _ to _ the volunteers in the Lfsriumo Provinces, he â€" could vouch for the fact, that since he (the speaker) had heid the office as Deâ€" puty Adjutant Seneral and Adjutant Genâ€" eral, bhe had always found the greatest espril mn-rula the ooru« in bo& Novs Scotia New Brunawick. He belheved that in the course of a short time the forces of those Provinces would amaigaâ€" mate with those of the Dominion. (Cheers.) Mr. J. M. Currier, M, P., in a few brief and complimentary remarks, proposed the hodtL of the "Adjutant General of Canada." Colonel Walker Powell, in responding, said that when he held the position ot Deputy Adjutant General, he never exâ€" tecl to attain to his t position, ip:ofm so nany years it l::d d“i. been oecupied by an officer of the English Army. However, dun'”n" the 13 or HJurl he had been ;o.mlx::l with the Militia De ment 1ad seen â€" great progress lnns.onln the whole system, and he felt a certain amount of pride that such had been the case in that time. le took office with the idea of mtfi all he could to promote the welfare of the militia serâ€" vice, and he was glad to see it in so effiâ€" cient a state at present. Every man who was a friend to Canada, must feel that the Dominion was now possessod of a force on which the people coul | depend, in the event of the arising of any civil disturbance, and also in tfio case of an actual invasion. 1t was as natural that a country should take the best means to protect itâ€"elf from aggression, as a single man wouldâ€"hence the maivtemance of the force. As the imperial troops had been withdrawn, Cauada had only her own now to look to in case of an emer gency arising which should require the use of the military. e expressed his opinion tha* the money granted by Parâ€" liament was quite inadequate to the keepâ€" ing up of the force, and the meeting of the demands made upon both the time and the pockets of the oflicers an i men. Every officer oomm.ndinf a battalion, and every officer commanding a company, and every man servi in the ranks, alike bal to make mul"ffiou, and it was creditable to their jnlnouo feeling that such was the case. Justly m&h& they be proud of the sentiments which caused them to act in such a mauner for the pro tection of the Dominion ! The flrmt Colonel again expressed his thanks for the honour they had «done him, and reâ€" sumed his seat amid cheers. The Hon, Mr. Vail hu'fin meeting of the Ministers to attend, n took his leave and the party so0 i after adjourned to the ranges after spending a most agreeable hour, Open to all members of this Association, whether by direct contribution or th: ough Afliliated Associations 3rd |,, ith ,, Ist Prize 15 Prizes at $10 ALL COMBRS‘ MaTOH arsesssrsss @100 ... $360 150 position at the other ranges. .. ‘The Necond Stage to be fired for by the 60 competitors uukinlg the highest score in the First Stage. Highest score to reâ€" ceive $100,. Socond bighest, $50, Entrance Feoâ€"1!st Stage, 50 cents. Position â€"Standing at 200 yards, and any Entrance Feeâ€"$!1. Rangesâ€"800 and 1,000 yanis. Seven rounds at each range. Auy position,. ‘The Second Stage will be fired on Friâ€" day next _ _ 0_ __ e “'i‘l;:-f;llowin; is the score in the first stage :â€" | _ George larris was charged with being ‘drunko‘: the public streets, He was | fined $2and costs. Ds > 9t nd. â€" Qr.â€"Matr. Ulevolmd‘fifim Bat.5% 20| ird, Sergt Mitohell, 13th Batt. ...54 10 ith, Capt. Mason, 400 t 0...04 10 th â€" Private Little 10th Batt.......03 10 th. "‘rivate Ross, Ist P. W. R.....53 10 7th. Capt. Macpberson,G.G.F.G..52 10 Sth. Ensign Wright, 50th Batt.....52 10 Qth. â€" Lieut, McNaugbten, C.B.A....51 10 L0th. Sergt. Lipsett, 7ist Batt.......0l 10 lith. Lt. Col. glorril, Tlst Batt.. .51 10 12th. Private Blacktin, 6 * ......0l 10 13th, Sergt. l,oggio 80004 ......01 10 14th, Gunner Farrar, M.G.A. .......51 10 15th. Sergt. Taple, 63rd Batt. .......5l1 10 16th, Private Marshall, H.R.A.......50 10 17th. Capt. Palen,â€"N. B. Art..........50 10 The following also scored 43 points. Euch will come into the sixty men cligi ble to skoot in the second stage of this match, viz.; Sergt. Forman, “%l“n'l Uwn," Toronto, and Sergeant Winter, Tist Batt. Shooting will commence at 9 a.m. sharp, to«day The New â€" Library â€" Presentation â€" of Booksâ€"A Credit to the Enterprise Tem ple. * The members of the * Enterprise Temple" of the I. 0. G. T. J:tardny pre sented the Directors of Protestant lHospital, through their officers, with the 6 volumes recently purchased by them in aid of the Propoood new libng.of the institution. ‘The donation was the result of an entertainment held a short time ugo uiyler the auspices of the temple, and the idea reflects credit upon the members of the oryanization. _ be (GiextLex®x,â€"We, the undersigned, on behi.lf of the officers and members of the Enterprising Lodge of Good T::Hhu, beg leave to %x:oem. you with a s colâ€" lection of 62 books for the use of the Hosâ€" p'lll.!l. We hope that by God‘s blessing it may he the means ?f nl*cw..fin‘ and shortenâ€" ing the weary hours of pain. Trustiug tKat the ng:lo:im we have mdevwill meet your approval, We remain rs most respectfully F.)ult.ooln, W.pc..o'l‘. ‘T. R. Barxerr, P. W.C.T W. Arsott, w.T. _ The fol‘owing address accompanied the te«timonial :« (Ottawa, Sept. 7th, 1875. Mrx. Cousexs, Recretary of the Instituâ€" tion, on behalf of the Direetors thanked the committee for the trouble they had taken in the interest of the sick, and hopâ€" ed other societies would take a lesson from them, and do the same thing for the hospital. |f every society did a little it would be a great help to them. _ _ _ ADDRESS . To the Directors of the Protestant Hospi« The delegation after looking flmwh the new hospital retired well pleased with their visit. . _ James McGuire for a aimilar offence was ordered to pay a fine of #5 and costs, or in default 3 weeks in gaol at hard labour. Before M. O‘Gaza, 1. M. _John A. Belanger, for being drunk was rolievedhof $3 |l:ud o"ul:rflgnod a Josep! er was a or being drunk um??uordofly. His offence cost him $2 and incidental expenses. aJoseph Guertin was 0 with as: saulting one Joseph Mwhfl He ::l fined ‘S and costs. | â€" W t Lyman Smith was with the larceny of a boat homom at the Queen‘s Wharf. HHis case was adjourned till toâ€"norrow. Tux WGurney base burner is the boss coal stove again this year, Only Esmondes have them. tice, B.M., has received.information of the death of three of the 1812 veterans, in Lancaster, to whom he but a short time ago paid the bounty. They are named John Lewis Grant, aged 85; John Ferguâ€" son, 86, and James Urqubart, 83. Mors Busn Fires,â€"Yesterday several bush fires, one of them of very lnzo extent, were observed to be nsn&h e township of Gloucester ‘The brisk wind fanned them at one time into alarming dimensions, but b{ evening as the breese ca)imed down so did the fires, and but few traces of them were visible by six tho lst Stags, highest score to o‘clock. SoctaLr.â€"A pleasant gathering took place in the bu.og‘:lnt iof Knox Church, Elgin street, llg street, last evening, in order to give members of Emumanuel Church cangregation an apâ€" portunity of mskinql the acquaintance of Pishop Cummins. The attendance was large, and altogether the affair was a most enjovable oue. Mark, the horse stumhbled over a newly ohq«i_ysm_wgrh trench, and was nrl{ ously injured, the man narrowly esoâ€" & -iny;u'.“: fate. The horse had to be & home and put under the care of a veterâ€" iary surgeon. These accidents have been so fmqummd the warnings so reâ€" peatedly given, that contractors ought by this time learn to close these drains in a more satisfactory manner. Aocipext3.â€"A man, wh> was coming down Victoria Terrace yesterday to obâ€" tain the services of Dr. Sweetland, met with an accident that might have proved somewhat serious. . as he was nearly op posite the residence of the Rev. Dr. *William Finglanc, Official A-mo for Ottawa (Hty and County of eton. Office, Hay‘s Block, Epark St. _ 3933i12 Hays you got one? If not buy a Magee Range at Esmondes‘. J G OWA N‘S HAL L. a tour through Ireland introducing the Hitorâ€" nieon Mioatre‘s, * talented .mfiy <f Irish Comedians, Vocnlists, Dancers lr‘lv Artists in a highly amuâ€"ing and nove! enterâ€" taloment, as pluyed by theim ior 100 Oflm tive nights at the St. James ‘nlm York, 6 sfore crowded and delign ed ences. Admission Baloony . â€" uallery Adu‘ts = U = = « en Childron = ® = = * ® « REBERYV i D SEAT 4 on salo at H. &. an‘» store, Sparhs Street, | <‘ receive THURSDAY, SEPT‘R. 9th,. Dearu or 1812 Verzzaxs.â€"Major Mat TTAWA, WEDNERSDAY SEPTRMBER, 8, 1870 tal :â€" SPARKS® STREERT. THREE NICHTS ONLY PROTESTANT HOSPITAL. New Hibernicon First Aprerwance in Ottawa, of FRANK MAC EVOY‘8 _ New Advertisements. rPoLICE COoURT zecond highest p 20 15 next highest, $10 each COMMENCING CELEBRATED I‘vespay, Sept. 7. :96 §$40 Stook . baoks are now open and appiteations for stock will be rpeoived by the undersigned at his offise on and after Monday next the sixteenth in stant. Anticipated divi‘ends when Company‘s works ara in fill wperati on at least 25 per cent. per Annunt* An early application is necessary to secure sl06k. Fotms of application and all requisite information may be obtained from the undersigned. W . H. WALKER. Managing Director. Plumbago Company pliawa, lith August 1875 wishing to avail themse!ves of the benefita to bi derived from the use o the best Miveral Water on the uontinent, and parties wishing to apend a few weeks in the cofrntry should visii these Aprir ge. â€" ho Ee CL e muaiae "ft tns Boreh wigh Sgeitars" AMTaik: Pure country air and freedom {from excite» ment give the mum. the benefit of hygienic resulti impossible to be obtained elsewhere. ‘The attention of the reador is particularly diâ€" n ot‘:\‘-h.lmv.:to:n:‘ “;u ndiasipe lnn:pmu- noue vir y kee or m aud that whore tuolymon by those in health, health continues, By invalids who caunot viai(the Springs the waler cun be as well used in neir own honnt&'hun lis low oust rlaou it within the reach of all. Delivered to all parts of the city in 3 gallon jars, at W cts. per gallon, in 30 gallon barrois _ Comfortabie quarters at moderate charges, Alted with all nocessâ€"ry requre nents for at $2,50 each, barrels exir«. . For conyeyance to :no‘&pnnn ln}othe:lxnlormnu:n, ly:p{’ we Are ° sold by Uhowmicts and Druggist inroughout the workt. PKP3INEâ€"â€"The pz.ufi.%-:mu mediâ€" :-nnnjw l‘, Po'"“'l".‘lm m&“ boau d lA ++ â€"rad Armmcrd om pw! and as Wine in i, onuoronya® is of sach celebrity that it can scearcely be considered a speciaity it‘ Morson‘s Effectual Reinadias M tioners. Many of ts Chiorodyne esnt t Gluflll:-fi urest preparation is Mon Oarefully packed and shipped. Ord ade payable in mnfl- pred e ENAGLAND. J. D. Frerou®r, Esq. Loxvox. C. Aurausex, Esq,, Newoastumâ€"oxâ€"T‘vN®. J. N. S®ars, Esq., Loxvox, 1hHomaAs MoRSON, 4. $98%. 31, 83 & 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON nary in cithersex, ulred or constita: M ooR Urarsl, and paing to The past Sokt is v0%e®, 48 @1 each, by all Cbemisiz and Paten Madioine ve «ork () numâ€"‘%v?i. Merger & Oo,, W Wole Montroaiâ€" n#, Ola Torontoâ€"K1 %‘a_é;.. \'Jnfn?un'uu Nra it warrauted to oure al} disonarges from: the Ur =ole IP‘ropnetur, E. 3. CLA HIKK, Ap thesarios‘ mu\. Linouia, ioudou. PXPOF AQUENTS. a..t'%no. Ha briige a Uo., Colema® struet, Loo . â€" Newbary & 4 .1 8 N”\owufi Lndog, Sanger &Bon Uxiord mabeQ Loodon. * . me, Oat On, And & the futh#'l %fi'&lomm. Mantroni â€"!Av;‘q-. gnu a%n%lu-u Deuw a n1 / devpateh 1(0 6600 HW"'" r & Owen, Hamiitonâ€"Winer & Oo. Halltaxâ€"=A very Brown &4 1Â¥A youthfui imprudence, causing promature «weouy, nervous .debllity, 30.. lnfin;‘.lflod in vain every known umofiy. has found a simple seifâ€"oure, which he will send FRE® to his follow > URE CHEMLCALB AND NEW MEDIOLN Belecicc, and Bhipping orders executed P*+**®*FAtLAA . f Gannine sufferers, Address, JUST PUBLISHE . THE SHINING RIVER!! BY H. 8. & W. O. PERKISS. Prios 3 CExTs. $1 rea Muxopazo. "Rest in * ©Whit Josus ‘.‘V.”" «Wandering ," "W hat are these." *‘ Watchâ€" man & wake |" are specimens of the titles of the beautiful new hymus, to sweel new melodies, meral design to the yery popular®‘ Hour oÂ¥ Smm.k‘-?‘\m has been Rimost universaily used in High schools. ‘The present work g prrrol i Ll= "* U* mndeceaser, hug is PrIo® 75 Cants. $7.50 pER Dourx. â€" By H+ R. Parace®, ass‘sted by L O. Kxznsoxti t think of teaching a Mi Sch gf&::“m« lmunv‘o. ppm?u -;-“ _ Bpec!men copies sent, postâ€"paid, for retail A New Sabbath School Song |!THE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR!! vepe! ‘mept or puoig wrokes" SHOWER ANO OTHER BATHS, Ottawa, J uly 20, 1875, U( which 1,000 shares, reserved for Canada, are now offered for subscription. Borthwick springs. dan. 22, 1875, By L. 0, Exzaso® and W 8. TILDEN, Paro® $1.00. $9.00, pur Dos®kx, The MIGH SCHOOL OHOLIR is llnlhr in eneral design to the yery popular®* HouR oÂ¥ X"CC EBdA h, Ale most approved K is M ICDLI08 are ONsSUMPTION, THE DOMINION OF CANADA NB BOX OF CLARKKS® B4l PLLL8 THE SONG MONARCH. P arretsone ivash SHOUEiN ile e * Grgminins esd 14 [d Bay n wout or t# main Worksâ€"HomnsET Axp HoMERTON. ANHOOD RESTORED.â€"A victim of CAPITAL, £100,000 sSTG. In 10,000 Shares of £10.. each, Tau FOLLOWING 1# AN Extract from a Letter Dated l5th lx. 187%, from an old in» nmm':fum “i'f:':ko"h: towl.u.') tnntaron o 1 aevae abenient oeteine health, sound nm.‘ & good nprmfi this Inovtng‘o your Pilis, lam years old. Remaining, gentiemen, yours Menedies. searcely be considered a specialty, it composition being known to practi Loxbox Cnatrxanxâ€"J. D. Fuutour®, Esq. Caxaptax Doâ€"=Hox. R. W. Scorr. Loxpox Srorstaryâ€"â€"=R. 8. Arounouo, Esq. Caxapiax Do. axp Maxaoixe Dirrcrorâ€"W. H. Wau«ke®, Esq. NOTICE. and valusble Snmpl-â€"fiu BdA sost _ tard . on which h.vfldlul wililivins tosh two mad® n 0w 1 % { Hflgn CuF 3 m» a :d Genuine prepared only by SAVORY & Moone, 114 Bond street, London. F Retail« all Chemirts; and ) noicenle of 1.y man, Ulare & Co. M outrex! wud Toronto. W. & T. HORTHWICK, 8 Nicholas street. roor vomen | $14 a we Slell Â¥asinoss pleasant with n rigks : A 16 ps H. DITSON CBAS. H. D: ace T11 Broadway, N ib Uneogailq Pifte: London _\ J+ H. RERV lINa‘um-&ol:'Yo_q nuckhis WANMiLD Orrice, Loxboxâ€"2 New Broan Streur E. C. Do , Orrawa Euoi axo Srar«s StRset, Baxxers, Loxpoxâ€"Tus Uxiox Baxk. Do., Orrawaâ€"Tu® QuzaBzo Baxc. DIRECTORS : A 16 page cin uin s aFv Paties. (LIMITED), ~â€" 4i 4/ f"-éli&_légg been troubled in the past vnt'mod or hem» ted arbors, and journals 1. #d e been paving funcy price, use Craven‘s Arctic and Engine Olls and so avoids those com plaints far the future. All Oills guaranteed and orders solicited; ' + w > .5 wl N ‘ 3818â€" 3 *A e itb ie oi ond, ilf o uit 44 flls x CONTRACTORS & HUILDERS. 1 d h Hton Y;H- une onlc.l‘lo an .o&anx & 1&0& in eaineraent mt oo respectfuily solicited, for all mm Norwich Egg Powder, For making all kinds of Oakes WITHOUT CLOTHINCG Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. e which are calcuiated to deceive the Public, LEA $ PERRINS have adopted and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprictors, Woreester; C rosset3 Blackwel!, London, &c., 8. ; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World. COELEBRATEN WORCESTERSHIRE DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS TO B In consequence o Spuéb;}’ Imitations of Lea & fiemns Sauce, after this date, and without which none c 01 _ _ ts genuine. Ask for LEA &$ PERRINS®! Sauce, LEA & PERRINS‘ uy Hor sale by ali Ollmen Dee. 4 B4 A Cem worth Reading!â€"A Diamond worth Besing! SAVE YOUR EYESI y Restore yonrl%htl AHRQW AWAY your StBchicuss, "T n Worcestershire Sauce, Sele Agents (~r Ontarie. By reading our NMiase heC roeagavess S & tE s1 o T. â€"‘rells ~. WPP how to Restore *mpatir. *\ 4 ed Vistor: and Overwork R to cure Weak, Nate/y, m lonl-.lah-ud ¥¢*s, and all other cases o Hyec+» wWASTE No H”"’gm HUGE GLASSES ON YOUR ND FIGURING YOUR "ACK, Pamphlct of 100 THE ONLY GOOD SAUOCKE. w .;.'u!lod Free. Send your adrtrea Agents Wanted, Pill peructines sectetress â€" Write bnmediaiy i DR T. BALL & 00, t 0 por mr. which will be placed on a;ny_hlllof [.flcl TO TAILORSâ€"A sitnaticn want ed as Outter and Clerk in a clothing store m raser in ns u € * 4. mIEA.NB. ,’,‘8_, l'a'-It f To be had of all Grocers. H. J. WEEKES & 0o. November 1874. * This does not apply to shipments made prior to the date given. CaNADA. Hox. R. W, Scortt, Ortawa W. H. Warker, Esq., Do. J. T. Pexnoor, Esq., Do. FTHiscellancous. dearing their Signature, thusâ€" IL , OlL, interested who have A New Label, The relail Clothing Busi« ness solong carrled on by Joseph Mstcalfo is now rinsferred_to the Firm of J JHN SMITH & CO Mr. Smith‘s knowledge of the Ready Made Cloth« Ing bu«luess (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep the best class of Goods to be bad, and to sell at the lowâ€" eat prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalf@‘s old Customers and the general public, that they will have every satisfaction in _ buying their Clothing =AT HRâ€" +W :\ ~~_ owners, Machi« bY::.:: nists and all others Mathing. R EYESI o Sht.l AOLES, our Tiase Â¥s10LOGY MY of the T. ‘fells nloms ied l‘A‘!nu':y..‘ lsll and GUERARD BRO# Tl-l 18 . LLENT Manhin Oil has * Machin Oil bas for the last 12 years beau ’uod by the leading Manuâ€" tacturing / establishments of tie Dom{nion. pomce «. in Tofonto. Hity These premises, Intely occupled by (he Bat Hotel, have been enurely roâ€"rraunged, reau modern appolntment, The Hote! is sentrally 4 of the olty, and contain® elegant pariors, *patl pro m The Royal Exchange Hotel â€" AT THE OIL DEPOT, SUSSEXâ€"Sqp U. S, SB.AW & w. f';. Lamps & Chandeliers _ The population Of the City is now 21,253. 1t« debt, excinding the Water Works LisbNity, ts i c diniie es Aioo. i. Ageimet ums thiers wa ul Aonolnlet imow in nvpamann _ Kixasro® UKBENTURES $#°5,000.â€"These bear date 3ist tcoember, 157%, but mature as per schedule, in different amount4, from 1879 to IÂ¥01. Principal and interos re Kingstonâ€"the interest semiâ€"annuaily at 6 p.0., on (he first days of J»«nuary and July, f mw:uo lst juiy pext. are a‘tached, © ul The de Kingston ni«l,uuo. und the : E@@##a1 value of property, allâ€"of walchis * solutely liabie for the payment of the Deboutur@t . ,>,104,400. s & In cases of more than oue tender for the sane : nture or (ebeutures, proference Will ns is itself reproductive, is $730,808, Against this there are, ali absolutely limbie for y me these debentures, nssessod priumrty‘, sl"l',au,wo, Corparation nroperty, emEfim $233,000, and the Hinking Fund for the above debt, siremiy amounting to $18@,407. _ _ _ _ All of these Debentures torm secur.ities of the nz n.ymt character. "Ie indioate in Which Canadian Municipal securities are Eogland, it may be -‘ Ottawa Bix percent Debentures sold, on Zird Aprii inst, on the Londou Btock Heven per cent Promium. _ ___ _ _ ___ Coie ol ied The awands wili be made to the highest tenderer», to whom advice will h:rn-n.a the right is reserved to reject any proposals, and to m@ilot a portion only auy bentures will be %Mw‘? tely after the awards & _‘Payments to be e it Montrear ts the bebentarei may be nanade throuigh Tok MEBR Montreal. S atinboite hibnints. 6i Bc k Detailed Schedule of the Debentures, ® th formâ€"Of tender, cau be % at the . Branches and Agencies of the Bank u; Montreal, or from Mewsts. DRUMMUNL, C & CO., Montreai, Montreal, May 13th, 1875. NONE IS GENUINE! A"TNEHEEER RIBOOENETE vur con. SIGN.WRITEL HuUSE D cCORA g y_g_m'&u paid Tor "{' ,:,"‘;'.‘.'.‘.’.':.‘?:':'S? @ wmuwunufi olaring &0,, lone m‘mflmnfl :)Mmuull't .w: A of NEW PAP nofey d lareo sprortment of AEW rArERS. There are Numerous Imitations on the | Mark ot. AgENTs mrlfinonu THekIR MoXxy. « AG DrihasesSteam Pri Mdnq- T g A + ons m Uike Tenders may be for any. FIREâ€"PROOF, Live Agents Wanted. expands by heat, contiacts by cold, and will not corrude in the most 4 md'-:lth "u Sheathing lfolg can be imade waterâ€"tight at a small u ‘ mely MP- Two will cover 100 square foot of shingle roof, or 400 to 600 # quare matched boardsor an b-u:?l suriace, . Al the paintis heayy in i: witha brush, «na unflfmr eracks in winter mm n summer, * “t= n decear d shingles it flls up the holes an | purfi‘.nd ves a new for years. Curled or warped shingles it bn.:‘r to Ar and keeps up ail holes in felt roof, »tops the leake, a Mumnouw, rain hoursalter applying,. As nearly ail paints that are biack tar; be u«nulnoamcfl-.v ch are choool pclxr.dnrknbh.nd, bright red, chocolate colour changes imabout & to a uniform simie colour, = sl&e. %u tin roofs our red colour f*wsuully préferted, one comt | Plnl. ‘or brick walls ou: bright red is the only . liabt6 «hite muo % ectually prevent dam pnoss from penetraling and disrolouring plaster. * Kend for Ontario Testimonials. A roo! n vered with cherp «hing d b this at obe last from mfoa'f old N.!u\l:lc’;n ui’m"’& "m' -“‘ humm:lo"mnfiivlttbontr&:nu,urmw :.:.. Joally ugainst 8 embere, and iin mnd tron 5M_qpuxqfigp-mgw&,wfiumwm\u most exposed Diamond Yeast Cakas. Opposite the Post Office, Kigin Street. Dec, 6. 1871 New York Slate Roofing Company, New l â€" â€"â€" AND TOâ€" S. A. RUSSELL & Go., The public are cautioned against worlbless im‘tations of our pal those whose copy uvonmncnu. Oufl-w:s:.eelnvtm send for Cireular to nin mnd q For ready roofing for flat roofs, uiring nc tar or fi'ravel, rozinâ€"sized, varmlnr;qroor and _ tarred shecting, ready fliat roofing, capâ€" _ ped and D%ainted makes cheap and DURABLE _ ROOF. +A Kubâ€" A gent wanted in Oitawa, for County of Carlet:n} also, for the i Lenark, und Mach ab, â€" Most liberal arras gemonts wili h-fia Apply at once to General Agents for Oniario, 8. A. RU & Co,, Box R MYRTLE NAVY, E! ares can be subscrib TTAWA, KINGSTON, AND LONDON DEBENTURE® 8180,600, Six and SevenPor Conts. Â¥F YOU WANT GO0O0D BREAD g)DEBlCK RYAN . H. WALLEX, JAMES GILLIE, Roofing Paint. * PRUNEAU, ares can be subscribed for @1 The ofMce of O‘Oennor & W where open fora jew weeks ud Wheie all nebessary lmm- hw C A PIT A L 4 MUTUAL BUILDING $OCIETY, . _OF OoTTawa. General Agents for Province of Ontario, 34, Front St., East, TORONTG Jda EXTRA RUBBEER FELT RODERICK RYAN W. fl.“&'ALLER... D. U'CU.NN’?n M. KAVANAG! . R@"ALL OUR PAINTS ARE MIXED READY +OR USE. @4 %%oxumcag ooms%”%cm, $ ORNAMENTAL PRESERVES TIN ‘OR sSTOPS ALL LEAKS!}!}!} =â€" UNLEES BSTAMPED PAINTER, PA 2# HANGER, &o _Wellington Street, Ottawa, A Firstâ€"Class Family and Commorcial Motel, owned by UUBTOMS . DKLPARK! CcavTION. To be Opened about September Ist, , sunr., Comminmioner of Ougtoare 4 and prov MRS. GEORGE ACRES, P% AGENTS WANTED IN EYERY TOWN. ces o i9. The Largest Assortment in the 0)++ G L | NE‘ $ Coal Oil. Patent Slate WILLIAM KEHOK, JOHN HBNEY i. MeDPUGALI, OIRECTORS. OFFICER. "up _ ..â€" nture or Debentures, preference w »siuliinf amount or less of the neXt nearest onier, uniess in their tenders they Roch ‘S’Afii‘n Provinee of Quebes, i AN AGKNOY LN QPTAWA, :\.nutmy ot »Pcult s and Urus These Troes in Lower :'n preferable W u':'m To stand g"lu.u «a& «ols titres sn .mm pen buber en celve orders for wanting Trees lfiq’?&h on ___. Ottews St. bet. eleta The superiority of these Extracts consists in C perfect purity and great strength. They are W#* ranted free from the poisonous olls and acids whitl enter into the composition of many of the factitiou# {ruit flavors now in the market, ‘They are not ealf true to their names, but are prepared from frii# of the best quality, and are so highly concentrate® that a comparatively small quantity only nee* §# TREES, SHRUBS, &c .”.mn:'fit King and Nelsso Ste. every every LEMON, _ VANILLA, _ ROSE, highost character. ‘Io indicate the I Agents for Dominion of Censda. Byrnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts Burnrgtg.. Extracts * the Weh thows Rulbrics att . Viceâ€"Pres! .olicstor, Laxs‘ «.: N J »niporary Burcet, thudi, muli, Mmrct (msuce o c aak l)l NHEY. ® BRarrintors a tors in « Provimce oi hLouse f«t mier wghell, RNAILL@ON Office â€"Mast Hongo, AMaW May be consunt LOP is d Adber Uila wa, Vot lark bia vristerm, Bould: Cancer» urc by a 1 «ww ult .« es pmacesms. . cessiully tremt Olty of OTTA Baurmixters cite w.,"* Pbysiciamn LC Harristor, * M of Privace Te sloamne mnd in W Cornear Â¥ barveys in W pleast G BB V OI OFFIORS~ 3\ . M. Puraticy in retiring Al-,'um 0 os J une #&6., ts r(h Ry e3 uflce No. 12 €L 3 12 KAJ Â¥i0reors Barristor, Paten $ Wougro ~0oTFH, 8 OFFICEâ€"I tock , Oile W Floe ~O@N No Barriet LOnB®® Ale CON NO Bus HCH B0 WB 70 000 A PVECC Cous the la 33 l of

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