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Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Sep 1875, p. 1

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equiring nc proof and ng, capâ€" p and * 6. I â€"i‘ AMume aCm. a pais, Eeq :::‘?;.J' T y Edatio® Hotel RUBS, &c N & LAWRENOE, Extracts Extracts Extracts rtrac‘s comnsints in CRBBP â€"ngih. They are W#Pâ€" Ex}racts Extracts Extracts liers New York. s «‘ste be made to vâ€"lter, and i~afing «uu«. This paint bs naâ€" no equmal, as 1t cCO C T Y, #% es. . Ronts covâ€" ‘Dbe paint is exâ€" ~"R IRON i Uruament®s £LERY o of I:u-n]m.ry ireerioa all & ebec. has e#+ asiiy appited ere. 1i flls lect it a few noen traked ( actitiou® » nog qealy 3 bw e De PÂ¥ aste M " €. *‘ R 1‘ D D Gl»BS & COURSOLLE, To »i1 who are sufering from the rflnnlll,‘ Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, eas deeay, los~ ;...'.nhu-:. &c , l will m-nfl that will cars you, FREK OF CHARGE, Ts feal m mely was diâ€"covered by a missionary &-u. Alue«’lcn Nend a selfâ€"addressed enveâ€" to the ItkY, Joskru inmaA», Station D., > House, New York City. n IWHOMAS P. FPORAN PDst. 1, 1674 h \i4. YÂ¥ AdoK icbGINTRRIED.] VICTo®ra (naMEERK®, WELLINGTON m RBbDT,. OFTAWA. waud *° Hareister Aif 4* P A& TENTS. atents of Invention, FAbl t b.C a vaa t W £4 A MB AL L G PERLA ND nelal Land sSurveyor and 23 a on oo qs in ts m i an . © N wR e N Erade Aseigneo A d v o c IneCUAIQ aad Steam Fiiter, UIDMXYSLERK iblic and Advecate, licuors, Aitormeys, Con tiormey, Notary, & ¢ oTFroNn ney, Solicitor in Chan C AB D. Il Ad vecate Lo me y en tâ€" Law tors, Attorneys . and sicinn, Surgeon and reheur. 1 A TH ESO N K1E & MIHLL i L8 & PENNOOCK yan cer®, . d Mb N P & GOMRM U 4.4. Y ywâ€"ai« Law, Solicts Neoqaries, & 0+ solicitors, &C nd â€"Acconcheur ltor, & c € arids. sSolicig@rs, Comâ€" xXU. 30890 N M®RCHANT Arids,. u‘s | Mandware w 19â€"L my profession Assimimni, M w tas®€ licttors, [ h Sol clter UREAd c c "nomEes %*~~‘ DOMESTIC‘ Heuses, lal care Rajot 4840â€"L { Hu K TY No it« Dyspepsia, 1>rangement of the Digestive Orâ€" gans, Dropsy, Diseases of the Nkiu, Aifections of the Liver and Urinary Organs are positively eured by usiny the water for a few weeks. P undreds of Khenmat es bave been cured by the Sulphur Hath«. Sullering is wlieviated by the . lirst, m@nd eripries throw away th-'l)r erutcbes after abou: haifâ€" aâ€"dozen baths "@ hereby ceitify Lhat I entertain a very | Opposite the British Lion Hotel. favormnie optuion of the !wthe and W»Inenl of the (U®jedonia Springs in many forms 0f disease, u) among . which 1. would e«pecialiy . mention Mareh 14, 1878, 379 chromle Rbenmatiem, the mignelac of Gont, Reomenirremttnienmatnnnnemam nsm coce cor nntenteaenave c on amemnern N suraigi«, some of the varleties o Culaneous disease, byspepsia, Chl reais, »nd in caretully Hats ! Hats ! ! flau ! ! ! sesected cases, somie of the diseases of the Kidâ€" ney and Biadder. FOR THE MILLIGAN_ 1879. 1875. Caledonia Springs. loyful TFidings to Thousands. CHAMPION SHINGLE â€" MACHINE! the Ma«nager. Ur, Laing, Hnt,‘etm-()enonl, will take up his residence at Lhe Kprings during the season, rod may be con ulled al any time. ("inwa. May #th, 106. ~eerp. t f The above enlarged by -E and well fii nish Gentiemen bonoring this Fxta thrir patrovage may rely ou being paid to their orders. Liquors, _ Wines ana Cigar quality . Luncheon served at all hours [Ridean Street, near Sappor‘s Bridge,} SELFFEEDING & SELFSETTING. Edger attached. One man attends to both Cutting and Edging. Only one belt required for the iwo operations. This is the tbest shingle machine for biock sawing ever introduced ioto Canada. The "Feathers" Hotel. Dinnmer hxrn\ tded from 13 A.M., until m; 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" | Ki able rmies. The Dufferin House, A CALI: IS SOLIOITENP‘. The Royal Oak Hotel, Choic;st Wines, Liquors, Cigars y n CHALKER Ub d IP G RA HA M A‘so a Band and Gasher Iron, com pased of mne lron and < attachmen‘s, a direction reesipt 0¢â€" ¢cm pabjles each iron _ The r-e'lrt alone is worth the money. All for $31.5\, eatra [rons $1.50 each . \‘‘ //_ HAIRDRESSER * Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guinesa‘ Extra Stout Be sure and see the Domestic before. purâ€" an‘.l( any other. ’ Our x.'nu w l1 call on '{on shortly, Can be seen at our shop ob Duke St., any time, V?un-ud to be as good a« represented, J. a W. ASHFIBLD,â€" Solo Agents b‘fh(:m;t ?"\;l Count?, and Gen t« for sale of territorry. ":'.:::." Wanted #very where No SPLUINGS to get out of oRDER To $ PER MoN %00 perses sure: to A where, seliing our New Hraided Invalids| Attention â€" ACCUOMMQDATIONS, A Maxnificent new hote!, capabie odu ting: 300 guests, Wiil be opeued (Signed) G®o, W. CaAN Dean of the Medieat Facul )r. Wra. Robertop, of | tlows, in 18# ;â€"*But the JUHN : KENLY, Tt Cornor Bank and Wollington sts. , Your call wid be ___ SCOTT,CAYLEY & CAYLEY, 340Gâ€" 1 m 70 Sparis Stl’!‘__({l\l'l_ w h The ahove Hotel is FRED FPOOKS Rheumatics TEATIMONIAL: ++ Mont real, i 1 hereby ceitify Lhat I e oratile optuion of the 4 the Umjedonia Sprincgs in many. ong . whieh 1. would. e«pe oale Rbenmatiam, the ~i irrigi«, some of the varleti ase, Dyspepaia, Chl tcais, (lnl cases. sumie of the dise Transient Guests By l.g: Weex.... By the Mouth.... Glossing. Sc?tlu’ug, Fluting and Crimping Iron in the Market t\ + -:* THE "LONDON,." m L L Kb JUVRNATING WATERS so muct sought for in years lOng past m P I U K, 8 A LI NB and G A 8. COMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. The Elysium of the Invalid Is again open t sTTE THE GUOVERNMENT WoRrk 8 Wellington Street, near Bank ploper use of n ) nealith by the us wlation Ki w Ole tifu PATENTED 1873. 200 in Use in Canada. h por lothes live. Sells readily at ovor‘ BUDBO <ar oo " t King Birdet, pooe bor 13 ie 37, WILLIAM ~ i s310N â€" HOTEL, and [ 10 in urt Houss Avenus TTAW A, Ont G®o, W. CANPBELL, A.M., M.D ALWAYS ON HAND The Bar ors, Clg ar &#0., &0. a0. Isrm JA8. A, GuoUIN & CO, the t Hotecls. 1. LETCH, Proprietor 3006 3+ nlar Restaurant has ! addition of several +pmc 1 rooms on the second ®t 1ta the bext, omp, of Montrea!, wrote ms But the disesse above mall of the water is most deci« n . * * * 1 have Aduals who suffered much TSR MS in the Cars and Boats free s sure to Agents every. New _M‘:V.u\o % ire ve!l suppited with the PER MONTH and ex* += *« Manager te «s after being ren for the comfort a1 liog community. Fxtablisbm ent wil on strict uttentic iyars >( the best al, Zith July, 1876 wileited ons /s T. H. HARRISON the w HENRY, Proprictor with the cholcest $2.59 pe 2.50 per day, Mctill College Read‘ Proprietor TDt «Popric» kept R enoâ€" CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Managers. GREAT CHEAP SaALE Mare® 34, 1474 AT A8STONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! AT No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel\ House. HAT! HATS! HATS! Mills‘ Supply Agency or / Folt, Silk and Straw Bats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &c., in orver to clear the Stock as soon as possible 1 have deceided to sell all the assortment of H=ts, Caps &0, at cost for cash _____ #90sâ€"2m HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! ‘The uale will be for a period of partiguiars of which will be given in a fow days SUN PROOF HATS, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN | Cutlery & Domestic Goods, England, to ® Bawe, itolling, Flles Paoki Files reâ€"cut, Axes, Judson‘s Standard (%'vomou and wuraiunting Vaives, Steam Pumps, urn-lmunL Yaives, Steam Pumps, Rue‘s Litrle Giant injoot ly Also, Agency of the GLOBE GA» LIGHT COMPAN Y &o. Agent‘s Outft Free! Large Commission & Cash Premiums Hatters & Â¥#urriers. LIBrAAY 0F FAMOUS FCTON, COMPRISING THB TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature : Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakeflcid, Robinson Crusoe, _ Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elisabeth, Vathek, Picciola. Undine, . Tales Nom AraDin® MIRMIN®. Com plete in ONE VYOLUME of ov 000 pages :...ufl';'-nu illustrated with 34 full P.:CL' kngray» ng#. It is the WORLD‘S 8TORY HOOK, and all want to read it. Agent‘s Qutit free to ail who mean business and v 111 Pnlihny can vase, Utlawa, April ;1th, 878 1TOWNS END‘S BLYTH & KERR‘S. II., HO D GE 8. The stovk Has receive AVOIOING HEAT IN THE HOUSE, HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES FPOR 1875, COoAL OIL COOKING STOVES, MPORTANT 0. C O T EC®‘S, Indian TT WA ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by ANNOUNCEMENT. HOTEL HOT ALIR FURNACES 1 HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! Montreal Branch. ONE MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. S AVING FUEL Ravdwiarc. &« FOR THE MILLION. OEL 2BRATED OORK LINED RIDEAU STREET, > UNION BANK BLOCK. FORD & Co., 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., DEVLIN‘S. Helmets and Puggeries, CTTaAW A _Onv., ALL SIZES, nstruetion« from ® largo ex il shir plug: House in Low out the stoek of their UNRESERYVKD, and extend â€"ANDâ€" 81 SPARKS ST&EET, Ottawa â€"â€"AT MONTH iW C MEA DOW 8 & CO,, DEVLIN‘S. 3 Hussex isfr":h 3874 379 xo4 U don ' AI'I"I‘I() v NAVC Household Furniture, BERMINGHAM‘S SALE ROOMS, EL GIN STREET, ON FRIDAY, THE 10th INST., COMMENCING AT ELEVEN O‘CLOCK. ’lvinu up hounloepln&‘ to selt at his rooms, 2'1:;‘-: street, on Friday the 10th inst,, at Eleven wclock, a quantity of Honsebold Furniiure eomprixing chairs, tables. sofas, carpets, picâ€" tures, hardsome bedsteads, bureaus, enclosed wash stands, bair, wool nna strow maltrasses, quilt«, sheets blankets, piilows, boisters, etc. cane ‘ and other chairs, dressing glasse® and several bâ€"d room stome china l_eanl.‘!nl: and Descriptions, Prices & Testimonials Every Instrument Warranted Five Years, CATALOGUK WITH FULL Tho American Trade Journal writing up ui plano truoe says: * * * O Messra. J, & Eischer, are, us we laye said, not only the ol est and n ost ex perienced maker« of the instri ments for the trade, but seli hunureus of the planos 10 o0 ! Judges." _ * * Abou; 17,000 . them are now in use . They are oerl«un‘y t best m«dium priced plano in the countryâ€"& have agratle treble : : Makers Price. No. 1 medium, (Made for Norris & Soper.) Containing ail modern improvements Over 15,00( of these in use. Makers Price. Our Retail 1 No. A 7 octave, __ $976 « Eomm o m en nc d [ rlor fancy matts, writing deek with rigacn Efle, two handsome three light ehln”lm complet», two very fine kitchen stoves for coal or wood complete, very nearly new box and other stoves as well as a large quantity of stove pipes and culinery utensils. In the mllowlud; cataiogue we give the mal ers prices of the different Instruments, and c relail prices opo site at which var A?nnl C sell them, and where we havo no ngents y wiil suply them at the prices named : Is the most powerfu}, durable, pije and mu c Plano made. ‘This is the unanimous verdlet cf the most noled musiclans of Kuope and Amerioa. Teaâ€" Limonials sent free, and con: parison Invited, W lll be solt on Eridny. 10th inst., 10 GO( HOR sb 8,â€"â€"suituble . or Ex pres® of teaming Lower Town Muarkel, FRIDAY, 10 A.aM, Opposite Rursell louse, + 1 r.m. MATHUSHEK PIANC( Remember vhe place, Bermingham‘s SHale Rooms, Eigin street, on FR!DAY, 10th. PIA NO â€" FORTES ORGANS, &c. _ BOAI\D with or without rooms, and ‘oom® without board. Table and rooms Arstâ€" class _ Corner Bparks® and Bank streets, and within two minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildings . â€" MRS, FOR 1: . Tll PRINCIPAL _ ot the . NORMAL BCHOOL4 is pn-‘p«red Ifirenha applica~ tions from bourdingâ€"house Keepers who can accommodate pupiis during the term Leginning "'5'.1:?-7:'!7-?.;:?:.'. which application is to be made, can be had by addressing, . THE PRINCIPAL, NOR M AT 2CHOOL, S OTPAW A All perrons are hereby warned not to apâ€" {amv.h the vlolnlld.ol the Taryets or Butls at he Rideau Rifle na:. or to cross the line of fire in any of the flelds or common. in rear Of pgre Putls as far Mcl_r'alt and south as the mdenh Blv"r. from ESDAY, the Th to Band Sue péecintng "of Reoidents‘ from nirnt ae e mec Ride bullomurlns the firing at the matches of the Dominion Rifle Association. Adnnurnmmu dn the top of the hill in rear of Buu”a,m the fring. _ A s «. ART., 399715 Reo‘y D. C. R. A. Utlaw»a, Sopt. °, 1870 The subscriber is instructed by a geutlemain Makers Oltawa, Sept. 7, 1875. BIGN PAINTER AND GRAINER Wellington Street, Near Pooley‘s Bept. 1, 1875 New Advertisements. NORRIS & SOPER, Mukers Price. BromeBorpnrich of B CABAIPO dPtD Office, Hay‘s Block, Spark 8t. . 3083112 e a a Office, Hay‘s Block, 8 | preparatory schools In a Bupsriar Biyle, &’ Spark St. . 3938112‘uw The Fischer Piano. VCTION SALE OTTAW A, ’l‘I‘lURS.I)AY , SEPTEMBER, 9, 1875. In every City, Town and County of the Dominion. Charles W. Leonard, NU )% 18, 14 10, 11, PRINCE ORGANS HOQOR $E $ ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 4} 4¢ Auction Sales. M AT HUSH EK Agents Wanted La Belle Piano. FULL AGRAFFE AND TRICHORD, ‘ : P C s30 9# 2 â€" M 0 f ks PH _ s ,\1‘\ * 6 n .‘;;"_J (4 ‘ «,:.. "--. â€" ;"‘.: c e es T 4A > h .,g,l sall cR is s t i) 35 > s aais /. â€" waar 3 SRNT FRERE ON APPLICATION h, 187 large NORRIS & SOPER, 7 OQidest and bestâ€"56,000 in use Bale sharp at Eieven c‘olock Prices uc(?‘\vo, % ++ 700 ITalants. $400 Caution. IMPORTERS, No. 8 Adelaide Street, TORONTO 22 J. BERMINGHAM, DEALERS 1N 180 T H E. OW JOHN McCBONALD, 425 700 115 025 Our Retail Prices 700 600 Our Retail Pr‘ce vur Retail Pric Our retail Pri P. 0. Box 187, Auctioneer. Auctio«eer, O O1 2 b75 505 6e 190 150 170 125 815 425 410 475 315 l::;wn, and is stopping at the Russell vila®, Firs is RusseiLLâ€" By a special deâ€" spatch from Morewood which n&peau in another column it will be seen that a fire on Tuesday the 7th inst., destroyed the barn,stable and shed, with their contents of Andrew Purvis in the township of Russell, There was nothing saved, and the loss amounted to eight hundred dollary. There is an insurance in the Agricultural Insurance Company for two hundred dollars. R. J. Rodden has been apppiuted manâ€" :fafor this district. The &nnpmy has Iways bad a high rog:bfion. its conâ€" dniouuwrromim ing so low, its system of insuring so satisfactory, its foliciu being non forfeitable ; and #o ight have been his exrnm and so large its business that the division of p'oflu‘ln consideration of the premiums paid bas been much larger than that of many older companies, Its management has been a great success and now that it is well represented in this section its busiâ€" ness no doubt will increase in a satistacâ€" tory manner. _ Mr. Rodden is about closing with one of the companie.s old agents to make a thorough canvass, and wants a few more to take hold with him. The Premier and Mrs. Mackensie gave a dinner party on ‘Tuesday night, for which invitations were issued to Sir A. T. Galt, Hon. Malcolm Cameron, M.P.,and Miss Cameron,the Acting Mayor and Mrs. Waller, Dr. Sweetland and Mrs. Sweet:« land, the Mayoress and Miss Featherston, Rev, Mr. Thompson (of Sarnia) and Mrs. Thompson, the Deputy Postmaster Generâ€" al and Miss Grifiin, the Post Office Inâ€" spector of the London Division and Mrs. Gilbert Griffin, the Premier‘s Secretary and Mrs. Buckingham, the President of the Council, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Fingnce, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, the Postmasterâ€" General, and the Minister of Agriculture. Tus Sreven‘s Hous®.â€"Last night the spirited proprietors of the Steven‘s House on York street, received a oon-ifinment.ol n{londid York B.(y O{Ifal‘l of the largest style, and hospitably regaled some of their friends therson, with a view of testing their qualityâ€"the fish were proâ€" nounced nulli secundum, XErxa Live Insuraxor Coxrany.«â€"We bave much pleasure in drawing the atâ€" tention of our readers to the advertiseâ€" a;nt in motbec;m column o{ tllu filtm ife Insurance y and pleased to see that our old m_tf‘ruupoow_ip townsman The question of granting the bonus of $200,000 to the Northern Colonization Railway was again discussed in the Coun:â€" cil of the County of Ottawa yesterday. It was decided by one of a majority to ‘déâ€" lay a consideration of it until the action of the Quebec Legif#ature is known in connection with the unfortunate road: Should the Government assume the enâ€" tire control of the railway the bonus will doubtless be cheerfully given. 6 The Ottawa County ‘Council at its sesâ€" sion in Hull yosterday granted a sum of $1,000 in aid of the forthcoming Provinâ€" cial Exhibition. . The money was handed to Mr. Alonzo Wright, M.P, who has placed the sum in the hands of Mr. A. 8. Woodburn, Secretary Treasurer of the local committee. MacEvoy‘s â€" Hieexrx1con.â€"This â€" great dramatic and variety troupe have arrived in the city, and will open this evening in Gowan‘s Hall, Sparks street. Every atâ€" tention has been paid to the preparation of a varied and entertaining programme. The annual meeting of the directors of the Canada ‘Central Railway Company was called for yesterday for the election of officers, but they adjourned until the 22nd inst., without doing any business. ‘The panoramic scenes are well painted, and convey a very favourable impression of the Emerald Isle. The St. Lou?n 4 imes in commenting on the performance says : "The guide, Barney, was persounated by Mr, W. F. Lawlor, who, in the eyes of the fair colleens, is surely a "broth of a boy," for he can sing a rollicking song, or a senâ€" timental one too, for that matter; can dance a jig to the liveliest measure, and crack a whip or a joke with equal Mr. Thomas McKay entertained Bishop Cummins, Rev. Mr. Collisson, and a numâ€" ber of gentlemen at his beautiful resiâ€" dence, Elmbank, on the Rideau Canal yesterday. ease or grace. Added to this, he is a genial, pleasantâ€"faced individual, whose smile is infectious.. Mr. Emil Ames as "Frite, Our American Friend," was irres istibly amusing, as "Old Black Joe," ho x‘uhll.nimitnblo.d Mr. il;'l:h wud ?xoellont. is songs and specialties, and frequentâ€" ly oncorl:x The young Ldiu, Misses Hayes and Byrnes sustained their respecâ€" tive parts well, and by their fine acting and singing added very materially to the success of the exhibition. All should at tend who wish to spend a pleasant evenâ€" The Jacques Cartier Bank resumes busiâ€" ness on the 11th. ‘The directors were arâ€" rested yesterday on the same charge as Cotte, and held to bail. Bishop Curmmins leaves for Toromto to day, to visit the Reformred Episcopal Church in that city and to hold confirma: tion services, Mr. J. E. Perrault, Secretary of the Centennial Commission of the Dominion has arrived in town, in‘." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Wixpsor House.â€"T Pearson, Toronto ; A M Smith, Potsdam, N Y T R Brown, S Taylor, Montreal; W R Conroy, W F Thick, LK Egan, Ayimer; A Tilly, Brockâ€" vilie ; R "Abbott, City ; T Swift, r rescott ; W } Church and wife, Pembroke; I Donnelly, Peterboro; F_F Cook, N Y ; Jack Kelly, Thomas H Duling, Quebec ; L Van Doren, McEvoy ; Edmund W Mur ray, Buckingbam. Arervars ar tes Russeut House.â€"D. lclnt{re, A. J. Scott, J. C. Spence and daughter, A. B. Chafiee, ‘Thos. R"l& Stuart Robertson, Montreal ; P. McC: L‘Original ; F. Jones, Kemptville ; A. Arberg, Switzerland; J. H. &rfiet%l‘o- ronto ; A. A. Humphrey, Quebec ; Hon. A. B. Foster, Waterloo; if. Ryan, Perth ; Toba ‘Usborne, â€"Amprioe ; C. D. Melgs Malone, New York ; Malone, New York; H. C. 8 g, M lomubsid, N. Â¥.; Capt. sCii Riogrias: William Finglancd, Official Assignee for Ottawa 1:“, and 'Oounty of &bton. MB RBLGL Wiaal Suoials K6 2028119 The Hon, A, B Locul Futcllinence. aes.. ... ... cmmmnitte ie ofmennece s «+ ~ . Foster has returned to quotations unolun%od. Rye flour in mo derate request at $4.60 to 5.75. Wheat dull, heavy and lower, receipts 85,000 bus r1els, sales 64,000 bushels at $1.22 w 1.27 for No.: 2 Chicago ; $ 1:304 for 83,000 bushels, sales 83,000 bushel at 70 to 730 steam westorn mixed ; 73 to 744c. sail do.; 75 to, 786. bigh mixed and yellow. h-rlo{ quiet and steady. Receipts 10,000 bushels, sales none. Oats quiet without decided change. Receipts 26, 000, bushels, sales 36,000 bushelsâ€"at 57 to 59c. for old mixed western ; 58 to 600. for old white ; 50 to 52. for new state. Pork heavy at $2120. Lard 13%c. ; steam 14}o. Butter 22 to 300. Nsw York, Sept. 8.â€"Gold 14}. Cotton quiet and easy, 14} for middling uplands, Flour dull, prices still in buyers favour, Receipts 9,&)0 barrels, sales 12,000 barrels, No. 2 Milwaukee ; $1.38 to 1.40 for No. 1 Spring ; $1.35 to 1.43 for Winter red westâ€" ern; $1.44 for amber do. Rye quiet. Corn without decided change. Receipts Loxpox, Sept. 8.â€"The rate of disâ€" count in the open market for 3 month bills is 1} per cent., which is } per cent. below the bank..â€" Consols for nonog' 94 9 16; for account 94 11â€"16; U. bonds, 6‘s old, 1064 ; rate for money at the Stock Exchange is 1 per cent. New York, Sept,. 8.~Two ltalians named Guillette l-ng Codone, were arrest ed bere yesterday. Seventyâ€"four counâ€" terfeit tens on the City National Bank of Philadelphia was found on their person. Failed. Peter Jones & Co., provision dealers, No. 1 Water street, failed yesterday. Liabilities not stated. Reâ€"organizing the Bank‘s Affairs. The ~Herald publishes the following communication from the President of the Baunk of California, who is at the head of the movement to reâ€"establish it :â€"" We are reâ€"organizing the bank‘s affairs with a view to enable it to pay all its debts and supply new capital. Success is now asâ€" sured beyond any doubt,and we confidentâ€" ly expect to resume regular business in a short time,. _ Rolston was indebted largely to the bank, but he leaves conâ€" siderable private estate groowh which will go far towards paying his liabilities.Tha assets of the bank are now in excess of its liabilities, independont of the new capital now being subscribed. The comâ€" munity here is ciowm; the greatest conâ€" fidence in our efforts at re.organizanation. Arrived. Arrived the steamship Amerique from Havre, and Herman from Bremen. Bararooa, Sept,. 8.â€"The Republican State Convention is in session here toâ€" day . Arcuisox, Sept. 8.â€"Early planted corn is fully matured, and the yald is : enorâ€" mous. Corn planted after the 'flnuhop- perlhudr:nodovorlutlp #, also promises finely, and if not cut off by early frost will yield as well as the early Sprinorteun, IL1., Sept. 8.â€"Governor Beverdge has instructed the District Atâ€" torney at Rockford, to take ineasures to {mni-h the parties to the late duel beâ€" ween the Missouri Editors. Livezrroot, Sept. 8â€"12:30 p. m.â€"Cotâ€" ton is easier, but not zéuoubly lower ; Uplands 7 116 ; Orleans 7}. ‘There were four entries for the Ottawa Hunt, Austrisn being first favourite and Jack on the Green second. â€" The latter led off, closely followed by Austrian, Count f(.flru-h pressing them ivd. At the second round Austrian fell into the water at the jump but recovered. At the t :ird round Jack repeated this feat and caught planted. Cmoaoo,August 8.â€"Flour dull, Wheat active, lower ; No. 1 Spring at $1 17 ; No. 2 do., at $1 14}. spot at $1 13%. Sepâ€" tember at $1 14%. October at #1 111. No. 3 do., at $1 124 to $116. Ref. 90¢. Corn active, lower; No. 2, 57¢, spot, 574e bid. October, 70jc bid all year. Ref., 55¢. Oats quiet, firm; No. 2, 35%e, spoh 34}0, bid for September 33 186. Barley quiet, firm, and higher, at $1 13, spot, $1 12 Reptember at, $1 06 for Ocâ€" Caurbor:a Srrixas, Sept 8th.â€" Early in the morning the gentry and farmers from the numun«?ing country commenced pourâ€" ing in. Not only is every yard filled with vehicles. but they line the approaching roads, and every foot of fance is utilized as tether ground. ‘There cannot be fowâ€" er than 5,00 persons in attendance. ‘The Montreal Hunt race brought out two starters, Shira and Jack the Barber. The run was gamely contested, but while Jack‘s chances were best he sulked and Shira won. j the Count, which was being splendid ridden l:iyElmondo. whonu nollolx over, and Austrian drew ahead and won, Jack second. The length of the course is a little over three quarters of a mile. tober. Rye in ?aod demand, but at lower rates; sales at 7540c spot, 76c September. rates; sales at 75%c spot, 76¢ September. Seeds easier;common to prime tinodlx’y at 2o to 2%c. Ciover at 80c to 820. Pork in firm demand, but at lower rates. sales at $21 85 per barrel for cgot. Lard uilet and weak at $12 90 to 12 95 per owt. %ulkl Meats dl;l} nlmd unoh‘:lngl. Whisâ€" ey lowor; at 2 P at p. m. call of Boara. \*IE:.Q umoulotr and lower, at $ lblus.Lpu bushel for September ; $1 11j per el for Optoberâ€" Umou&,, at 34 Zmr bushel for September ; 331 per bushel for Octobér. Pork irregular and lower, at $21 35 to 21 4030 barrel ; September, $20 85 per barrel; October has sold at $20 65 per barrel. October Lard easier, and 40 lower, n wie ut steniings shemiin matlade Have “you ptoult If not buy a Magee fault of bail sent her to jail The Prussian oa‘n'of cadets consists of the main institu! “u Bclhndx mummx,mdm C 0 MA M E R C I A L A negro Justice of the Peace in Jefferâ€" ‘ALEDONIA SPRINCS. LARGE _ ATTENDANCE A MERIOA N. Steeple Chases. London Money Market. A Successful Meceting. New York Markets. Liverpool Markets State Convention Chicago Markets. The Corn Crop, SPRENGPIEL D. The Late Duel. SARATOGA. NEW YORK. ATOHISON. Arresated siv us s , 14 inst | Moregwoop, Ont., t,. 8.â€"A fire de bumdmo;nb‘f%g:opnh,mhp, sists | to Andrew Purvis, of Russell. There i six | was nothing saved. The loss is about conâ€" | $800. _ Insured in the Canadian Agrioulâ€" . _1 tural Insurance Company for $200. Tom Sept. 8.â€"The Om Prohibi t were in * mu -ugcnod on: favourably roooiv:i, that prohibition be made a distinct issue at t.hd: Wu:l:l:lh year, Identification with eil 1 y was deprecated. A r«olm‘)u;:’-F was ..1":;.4 approving of amalâ€" gamation with the Western League and appointing two mucmen to meet deleâ€" gates from that body to arrange preliminâ€" at 1264 ; Merchants 1004, closing 4 Jnoq:quhr 27 md:ns'l.“m‘ mw}g‘: lomng m 1553; omwen The money market continues quiet, and there is no new feature to note. ‘The rauge for 60 days bank bills in round amounts continues at fmlm’t:m but the market is very quiet. . Th x The Ontariq Prohibitery League~A Jewish Synazogue â€"â€" Reception to Mayor Meteaifâ€"The T. G. & B Rail way â€"Inquest . market yesterday was active at easier rates. flhmlncith-md'fl!l-.nd _ Mr. L 8. Samuel bulngumhuod from Mr. Alexander Dixon of Mail a site on Richmond street for a Jewish 8: e, uo buitdig will be procesded whh mt resalved to arm the special duty men with revolvers, Ttghhohu_dn'.' f _ ‘The reception to night of Mayor Medâ€" tes Urugaigen mhs vefy onthanitstiy was very enthusiastic. There were six bands and about 1,500 in the procession, the streets were crowded with hdonftbouuofmroh.m ""‘E;... d..ia"'..a‘ Ts maivel s quanoly of on its val a tit mmmbcoflo of the D * t u-nlmnflnt ‘oronto, Grev and â€" Bruce way it was sidi n g lre s A':“mufin;dtbo Police Committee this u%mm resistance on the part of French members, it was once. The estimated cost of which will be $5,000. A party of men commenced to dig the foundation this forencon. _ _ _ last a Grand Trunk car was broden into some where between here and Vedreiul, .ni:h cases of gnows stolen. .Ih‘l.;zidg night three more P Mesers Mclntyre & m and by Kenâ€" nedy, of :n. dlh::moo. Main -mlo: to Stratfor peared in a simil manner, 'l'l'nlouby the latter robbery was about $1,100. From circumstances conmected with both affairs it v::uuu- ted some person or aoâ€" mud with the mm the cars was implicated, but the perpetrators so unfnll! conducted operations that the Grand Trunk detectives searched in vein for any clue to follow up the robbers. Eventually detective Cullen got a clue and last afternoon arrested Hudon and Chavor, on whose premises were found ‘l,Wd worth of stolen property. It mu:g; K:d that the cars were entered at neries Junction where Pml.n cars sometimes remain for short periods before nh:sffirmmcum.fuumm of the Harbour Commissioners, at Hon. John Young was reâ€"elected Chairâ€" ‘This forencon Miss M Wilson Robertson, daughter of AE« Robâ€" erison, wes . uvnited in mnrrlx to James Stewart Tupper, son of Hon. Dr. Tupper, of Ottawa. ‘The happy event for damage done his character by the ublication of certain police reports. T’hflrhlon hardly fail to reveal much dt:wddu‘flodh:nmu,fin:: Thias 2o mifiens menns ts pet bee vered to put to. The trial gf aulou-' contested they are fully made The prisoner Hu«’lon was, before hh“:l:lut,n bail to answer a charge of altering a one dollar bill to a five. Anowl.odcolodd Fellows is about to be instituted in this city. 1t will be called the Albert, No. 5. The trial of Sbualonges‘ contested oloofiueuowillbrucoh.nduho on the 10th inst, Judge Beaudry préeâ€" mondthd the Goverment aid the to the extent of $500,000 to assist in paying off the fioating debt of the Company, or else that the Government issue to tboCanryflvo per cent deâ€" bum:r, o;;.y“.}»le twenty years, to the amoun as securit; wwm%c:py.’ Mr. John Gordon was reâ€"elected Presiâ€" z&, and Mr. W. Ramsay Vice Presiâ€" 6. â€" At the inquest, this morning, on the | hodyo(GeorpEdwinOliphmt,lvadiot was returned as follows : "‘l‘hnhodiod\ from the effects of arsenic, selfadminis | case, it is rumoured. Mr. Doutre will try and have the burial take place next week, the continued troui:l‘o u‘hl:nnuin Comhe‘; tery is very an to trusteos, w would be |hdu3) see Guibord‘s remains taken away. ‘The Guards at the vault are to be doubled to-nl{l::,rwith severai civilâ€" ians who desire to a hand in its Jeâ€" fence. A scurrilous broadsheet headed "Great Lamentation of Jos Guibord," is boiuuonund about the city, inciting the nch Canadians to prevent the burial of Guibord, today. _ _ _ _ _ _ The sheet is decorated with a dead head, cross and bones. It was printed at the Minerve office, of course. No one knows wl:‘ohw:uu it. i Mr. Doutre intends uching on for d-nv a t ,t)bop rietors of the Noveau Jm upu::B against Alphonse Desjardin, M. P. for {looh-y county, the editor who is believed to have written the tered, while labouring under great exâ€" citement, caused by extreme mental deâ€" The Guiberd Caseâ€"Freight Car Roebâ€" beries â€" New Lodgeâ€"Meeting â€"Marâ€" riage of Dr. supper‘s Sonâ€"Sentenced â€"A Suitâ€"Election Trial â€"Meeting of Police . Committee â€" Money and Seocks. Moxtrear, Sept. 8.â€"In the Guibord cok place in Erskine Church in the resence of the largest audience which 0‘ I‘\h’“?‘!\u;‘ ‘h. }.&L?!.t Aw! C A N A D 1 A N. M 3REWOOD. MONTREAL. TORCNXTO A Fire, se, 126}, closing Masty Consumption Oured by Peliows‘ monswi&hom'hufifdm'n- teutions, deserves the gratitude Of . the services in war of a distinguished soldler and patriot, who stands at its head, (appluse.) ~ health was restored, and Lo iay AOL a more hfi;m?w be found on l{ohpg.d to be in W, H. Z4 son‘s the flmwuâ€"n‘: and took ngmmh-wmu brador, which he was very anxious to do, but bad no occasion to use them himsell, No other medicine will he ever presoribe, recommend, or give but yours. ~ . Tus (@urney base burner is Lhe Doss coal stove again this year. Only Esmondes have them. Boston has had eleven Postmasters since 1789, and all but Jonathan Hastings ndnro:wl!fllmw JUut of convicts in the i â€" majority being negro boys of ten aud I also recommended 1t to another con~ |pmpfiukrut have not heard from him since, as he lives in a distant part of the island. Hoping this will give you some firm refusai to exoept ior purposes olouuyd.ln.m.()oudunron, «nd u‘:Iwrl by those who “I‘:‘ . au y are in sympathy wuhm:’hspdiqnd will it. 2n. \\‘odc-mndlmycndmh every i ranch of istate und uatonal adâ€" -flmm investigation oF all charges of wrony doing and summary exâ€" posure, prosecution . and . punishment of â€" wroug _ doers. We _ cherelore heartily commend the action of ml} officers whether of State or Netional Govâ€" ernment,. in their honest efforis fot the correction of public abuses, We pledge 10 them our constant and faithful ) udnourponqno-imdm vention to coâ€"operate in every honorable way to secure pure government and to bring offenders to justice. _ ird. The people should nominate for legisiature ouly . men _ who _ are judged by vheir known charaoter to pro vide and sustain measures odoummp.; rescue and preserve the State irom every form of corruption and malâ€"«administration . 4th. ‘The guilty offenders in the munage ment of cunals should be brought to speedy punishment, and the exequtive under powers already on him mldw all ;ho hnv:{ the _ law,. | oth. The ofublm-' E:na has proved itrell from the Mm reâ€"nomination «nd with sincerest gratitude jor his patmiotic services we deciare â€"ar undunbuopednutb‘mm of any President for a third term, «whid apâ€" plause). Wth. Thefree public â€"school is the balwark of the American we theretore demand the cambine renance of our school system and and its support by equal taxation. We are opposed to all seotarian appropriations and we denounce as a crime against liberty und republican institutions any pro)ect for a sectarian division or proyision of vhe schoo! funds ol the Stute. â€"(Long voutinâ€" ned applause). 10to. The nauonal adâ€" mwmuu principles of hbLonour by its upposition o unsound financia; projects N ;' .iu IL j::o and ers by on f:'mmumumm of disputes, _oy.:: firm vmdl:;aon of pational dignity autuority, A MD #40 n mfion Probakeogmmpige with ev quick consumption fpaatturess room, having no side, nervous system hack» ing cough, &e. l'm ‘lrLM Myouruyrupoo\ddbm wb Mr. Dearin‘s in 8t John‘s, and immedisely our streets; and it is the opinion of all h:fhuoc‘n-i:aim-smiul: valuable Wl‘z pophosplilesy would now ne AN'."OL*... cobui encouragement, made it certain that the tax for the next year will be reduced about five millions of doliars Oth. further inflation of currency, under pretence, would be a publwot'hflz;%molm Mr. Jaxus J Fuuuows, pearing: altogether; pains laft his side E hudmud’h- usual steadiness, and before he finished ten botties his health was quite restored, and to «iay motb \lv‘bo hnv:11 VMM the u-.].’n:.. The e i firv proved it..dfum- the pnmw party ‘of practical reform and policy in the affairs of this Stave. 1t uas within the last four years provided for the payment of $70,000,000 of the public debt, and practically a general state of indebtedness, and by this action Lbas Drar Simâ€"I came to this country in May, 1869. 1 found a countymaun of mine laboring under an affection of ‘the lungs. 1 recommended your Syrup, ried their expense. However, in April, 1870, twelve. French gcuillotinist, war murried the otl day, the crowd to see her famous father threatened to be so large that the cereâ€" the speediest possible return to specie * plause.) Tth. T hole Patjeet of sefeilinnnight 4o orrmssataly and wisely reviewed, to the end that its burdens should be fuily known. smm as conclusive the President‘s public deciaration that at the druggists in Harbor Grace, but :wwl was ‘:.'"'“,'! “"'""'w_; Kararooa, N. Y., September 8,â€"The Republican Convention in session here to day was largely attended. made by prominent men from m is of the Stute were well received. R:- following is the platform in full. Republicans _ of _ New _ York faithfel to justice and liberty, to the supremacy of ihe Consutution, to ity and the uighis ul buu-.unkm declaration of principles:â€"list The Naâ€" tional Governmentshould remain in the hands of those who sustain guaranues of an amended Coustitution, abu in the pur suanceé of un_lp-t action of unl:nb lican party, Tue good and weitare of the country requires a generous and forbearing policy. mmmum.. mony was p€ the morning. .'""" y the other by his flock. ‘I :}.pmum:.m«.m > wu.un«huun-. have come i usage at Western fairs. lthwp: favour of such contests that. horses able to walk at the rate of four or five miles an hour are of more value to farmers, lor farm work, than those that can trot a mile in two twenty. dry, hacking cough but violent attacks, in effigy the other . Father Republican Convention. CarBoXRA®R, NuwrOU®DLAXD, Jan. 8, 1871 At Woonsocket, THE PLATPORM IN PULL. PRICE of Rhode Island, the kev. is, a French priest, was Lung i'uâ€"h.rnh-v 1t at five o‘clock in have come into ‘EN‘WS. of a house of manu ‘ac of

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