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Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Sep 1875, p. 2

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H 1;! H W L5 Dr.McCo-h, tho venerable-ad “named tt WWW-nun” “we.“ ”mtg; President of Princeton University, who I? l "it"; in Jhfttht'2i. " 3 has completed tho math you of his , ' 30M connotation with 'huinstitutioet, In. just D Tri. W V ' ti account t urn or gum-us nu." - o ohmi- bgen who; {very intern. In; . .o a. this week the Jrtls of on. of our In. Alumni-mp. He begins by reminding Oldugmt populuud mm I tho nude-n. of tho physiological My aid-am. Cupt. J. R. Kalby. born " that - We of unatta- in tho body 2rtottAe/,ig,i.Se item no not in renewed - mm: yam-ad!» maqrw .v0 lug-01w A think. by m "mlogttua came ot "not chub “punched-ad 'l1'ig,"l"eilttt . . . . A-pain olomtot “helical In. tng that ho “I “0" fairly “In!" him. “than". _ many” be my,“ . no" An American, which ho dad-m to mift. noun-unmet nth the unveiling fool: every inch. a. dimaimqittomsrtng with. Illn- ttoth . gawk: when: . ' . irrtim-1mrriunana. u ft untu- "e"""i.t'fthtei-tftuir,ni. ”an”. yin tl lath-“5' I vanity under his Made-in or j of " .'s'flit'3TIT on , nova. stuck intention todoennatdaa-itfor himself iof rusem1'tkiiyii1rrMuuh hi. my. or In. colleagues, "daitt.tttht they have lies i'ttitl,t)tti,iiit'tr,iejl" pun- devoted thomulnv W to their M "93% _ "mlv.teliamtlutia. _ .. -. .lio 1limriii8iiitd.dr mum work. 'ro!ty"'y.r.!ett'ripfyritt ,1." 2'.aP.1lat m nodiibomlt_ittaaAuauaifiiiittutd m£l§liow 11:05:33 //ltlTll, "soou-dthoinrtitutimtralltho cram mourn loan. ler. n the mu 'ttit-o-ttei-d, 1tdo-aoadiThtt'..t',',elitthiir b--.-.. M. Priour, (curly A dinner of poni- Jonurio- under tho old “Mom, who an [ugly "tpotaautuatad, Ion this After noon with his funlly for St. Polyca- Quoboo, when he Wm at. up hi: rui- dense. lt m with this id. all! the pnbliouioa ofa “cry In“ been commenced. It k to be hoped Hm in merit.- will be mob u to render any a the: introduction, rather, to tho writer or Li: enough,» my. We will vow-bin “iv-no. “In in we shall bo unoatttoptiemttlot u to it. no es, times-d tho 10.60:qu to raise. Tho following pm Do rotstreded l Inning Vinita] the library of the that!!! Agency in London in tholntwookin Augustin-Kean. J. Tran" lawn, of man; F'. w. Kan, and John Hour gomory, M.D., otToeontm We publish this morning tho fimt in. nulmt ot A "ter- Ola-din tales written by a Caatadian . ‘3 you. Hunt, roputo--to with}: '0 di t tho “(cation of ourndai. [unbound tho pub. luben of this journd to prod-co . non- pnpor which will continui‘ indie luau. uitbuboou'mthowno be. aura. blo daily vicitor to the boil] cad iueitds Mr. O. W. Hal, [1,100 by the tmt o'clock pan. tmin yesterday for Konrad to “and tho gnu tow conven- tion, which begin its doliUmtimtn in that my tomorrow. liis WOW]; W Mt 'rtss who no I puma" by the “and“, sian, will much can. an. "ruin; ui' the “can" Qu- Victoria f: m MCI- and. HinLmuhiPthoBuhoporottaAoh" boon W .0300! tta' vhiton in tholibmryof tho man- Agency in London for the wool ending but of Sep- tomb-r. Mr. Sundford Homing Humid tm the cuty hot night from the Mumm- Pto- vino“. an‘AWA. TUESDAY, "Pr w 0mm lo out ADVIITIIIIIITI will!” ttt {In 'mt-ere." as“. for the In!” - Mammal EImem-Tum. Rn Dot-nae uo_. u. Burnout "--lotu' Huck-m. mum-mu IN bulk: " wu- lumen-d me am ”chum we! who not “our“ Liam, amoun- q ‘00:.9” In” I “N “I; twenty an. In. Men tun] uvor “on m the mun prmorttou. THE WEEKLY TIMES t'ltttrett ot mm“ Lulu 9etaoot.-Mi" Mum Henna" Wane] -Bun| Camp. Luau Motico-vtsNetr um. Mono} to Lo--.N Helium. t'rir m- Lou1tsHr.. In. t .". talus t'm--o. any“... hunt _. ti-r-te- m " puturHtor, trhPtfy?"APtF, And on trtiii'itTtikLWiir" ' _ -e "" F.“ mam-dam - nor u ”an. 1!..- 2,tpir, "yygmn. m 'il)ili; ttr'8 'W;'. P'lVK FEW - “NI-A U-A-IlAL' VENIMv T ",|u’. Thom!"- tn'tglti,' , "urtrrr'0.Tt'S9l"" dam A J: 1 .\-"*u- -r'r"F. Th on "r m mom-- I. TKN (FINN PEN um; 00! PMI men-um, 'or anomm “I awn Nou' TEN ens“ PM hill. and Pmm. tte w at New W Fumuuu ot . u. _e',1,1i'i0,hii,it.l'i'i' hum“ Oom- ph“ tsort "Bl-kn uh hrt'Sf'TI marten WJP§_ My has. I hm.» (Slut i‘imcg. 1ur,,'etrd 0" mm i.e'm, "I“. l " I)" (run tl “out. in“. - and “In. (“no Stu-yd or Huh-n. .‘D'-I In“. .‘Ql-I for In]. .. to _ Mn - (or “I. ct I. In". I Vale-l or to In... lam.- i“ m- mG a... a; WM" "M In“); have uni than that W hon and you”. an “mm to uvwco. u' mi; 'dtnt Don. "C. DR. mama's 800038 IN PRINCETON. - IMAGE DIET-l Nuan- ot mum, Mum-n and "out”. " delux- with menu can»: mind ' his - Nu my»: arrived. u'. WKKENNY AtlDs's0N8r, mum wrtltuaum turret, In". 1.3m mun-I. [an 31221 THE TIMES NOTICE. unmgmun' .-. and . Gama", - 86_Sparh stat, mum luv-Id It AMEH HL tCtittUNN tttth sum-Int unmet“ rrln 1n I” in: m t nts, Mn t4, 1375. A ard Mr. Geoit'rion, who has been hovering betweou life and deeth for the past three weeh. ie likely-, ecconling to the Intent uwunte,to be spered to further ueeihl- ni-ss. The utmoet sympathy he: been “proceed on ell heml- toe the friends end (may of the hon. gentlemen then when there in no more popular men in public life on either-aide of politics " the pre- eent dey. uu one bee been mart oriti. cel. eepecielly during the last week. when every hour the public end his own physi- cieue expected be would breath his lent. Yeutenlsp end the previous dey, how. ever. the symptoms heve been more fa. vourablo, en t there it now hope that un. der Provrdeuce hi: recovery is ensured- lt wee with pain end horror Uoneerv etivee learned thete iournU pulilielienl in their interests in Monti-ell hell the indecency to speculete upon the oUngos which hie prospective reunvsl by deeth might ne- ceeertete in the Government of the coun- trr-an cutrege upon the feelings of the family which no precedent could excure end no tonne ot'reeeoninrr could nerve to pelliete. We had hoped that the liner“. tho nempepcr whlch wee guilty ot this unfeellng conduct, would heve otlered seine-pow to the public, which wee the very slightest reparation that could hove been msde in the tsircutnrtumtea. The conductor of e hewspeper might be led into committing an indiscretion of thet kind without moaning eny injury, end withottt having ectuelly reelised the offence egeimt decency he wee committ ing; but herring made the unthrtunete error, nogentleinen would heve "stu-l or neglected to exprve his regret for it; end, notwithetending pullt'rorl uperitiee, we believe that the conductors of the organs ofputoropittimt In Cenede on. no e rule, semitive end high toned gentle men. Unfortunately, however, we heve not, seen or heard of.” apology on the pert of the Minerva, end no“ therefore force'd to some conclusion: which had probel-ly better not he expreeeed. At. I tention any eleo be directed to the but that, out of the many English Conserve- uve journal. in (Jennie, only one we- {found to Wow the exempie of the lie- ”rm-ml thet one in Ottewe. Wecen yourcely new tin 'euuinption that the iection of 'urooettotrtpome, wee e0 en- ‘tirelyheertless " it looks tobe. We (rather repel it " oneof the mother; l that silly dlepoeitlon to "rsgsmutruot" the j Cehinet. which the orgen in question he. i for some time menifuted. The attempt I Ao excuse the oftuet, would eceroely be worthy of e men of honour in his printe cam'oity, end when e newspaper drews‘ eeirh the veil that shields en] feniily from the vulger public gene, end specnletee upon the probeble reeults of the life end deeth struggle of the person 'whoee privecy is inveded , no empty pleti. tnrle about the good quelitles of that person or the estlmetion in which he is held will turn eeide from it the indignetion end recent- inent of ell rightminded people, or corn. peneete ellicted reletlves for the shock given to their tendereet end meet secred ieelinge. Th" “wheel Candle, believing else that these diegreceful disouuione have crime from thoughtleasnese, is yet es strong on lenguege permits in conden- netion of them. 'ru:Gasette, eating other things very pertinent end in good teste, seye : -"I‘here is en epperent went " of feeling in thu, which cannot but he "ahookiq tothefrie-ieofthe hohour- “ehle _ gentlemen, em) which elm‘ " creetes the impnuicn that our politicel i‘ dime-icon ere of no bitter e chereeter " that even the gave itself cennot mite " us forget that We would be carry to " believe that thin wes true of en] of our if ccntenzporen'ee. We prefer iethl1ir Dunn or l,iarraut KILLIY --ws about cisthin wuktmdmof on. of our 0 at. mast pop moat. "spouted 'itlmna, Cam». J. R. Kolby. born " I’m-eon, A. D., 1828., There at not mun, who up" behind them ”In... chub of sunbeam tsttetxmi {Ii-ads. " at one of at. 1'l,1'l'hl'il Lil. chum:- _ mnny’puu, he onjoyod a wid._ Iowans-ace In): the mulling publiq adag- both a gawk: who; ireri-domnatamke .us raglan“:- pogm 'list',,', rush: to Hindi-chip villi-Mas. "tuy'e tax-um been laid, put of which no the addition of two profououhipu, u tutor,- nnd the mummy buildings, but when the money u to coulofrom the vouunblo principal “y: ho doc. not you know. However, he fools cortain it ia going to come, old he points to the fact that where“ in the put tho greater proportion of thd fund: mumbuted have gone to tho erection of new departments, in the future they will be aimed solely M the direct promotion of learning. Tho record u I gcod one, bud tho oxlmrionoo of tho put fully J'ustifim Dr. McCall‘s hope. ol Iiboniity Monk tho college on the put of the lunatic-n public. ' 'inproofofwhn balm done in this ny,ho quoted the fact that than". tl,- 250px) in the dupe of donations had been received within the seven years. Tho number of building had been to behave that the “Inca which bu mounted Mr. Mm]: in " much regretted by then win) “or from him in political opinion I. by his My And political friend" “I! that all unit. in the earnest prayer that it any phase Had to radon him to health, and to h'u Eamon: lug plush. in: cheap amin and his country HUN. MR. GEOFFRION. 3940tt 0th.. Ct ind tua- _ irii'iiiaiii. tMeo, mug Block, Jlhht mm: Alumna oomplun' in 10 ”In. smut-t hodulnot 12il,rll,'tlg; th-rrrltttttuttoesc' Hymn!“ “again; he could hastytr-ptmtritttrd, Powder IN all other 'trettit1ttb-ttioad 'Mmld mum hf ligt't't M. boy of [rib autumn,- whon iwwm 'ate/std. If an “an, ttPptthte.itt.1 the ammo... and Wyn-ted, "Did yo in: try can?" _ Dunn sut,--0uring the past two year; I hares given your Compound Syrup oflly- pophonphibou a fair though somewhat ne- vm trial in my punk», Ind am able to speak with couthuttoo of in eif'sota, In 'ul,toetqTt,t, annexing from unwin- tion and o debilily following diptUria, it ha. done. wonders. I constantly ro- oommond its mo in all Infection- of the we» “111111131. 1n never-l cases can undead hopeleu it has given roliel,nnd u). pudenlsm {at mounting. Arno “no. In oynsutuptivo an I old brewing "testa, whose disc so.) have minted tho can: mod, no: acumen. db‘mimpnired ligation, and in tact, tar . . ity “on my come. I knowofnothinaoquol to it. “a direct who: in mummy the not‘ was system render- it Nibblo far the majotity of dint-u. ', to La, hull' its INHIIM‘GQL And to, in- atom! of u..hrg the good old Saxon, which mount. mmulhing. 1'vru, if it was course, wn Ah) ot' mm who Inn rublw-l the bunk, y that "x'wre il n (Idiom in his account..." iaud o. the man who Wendt money that. _toes not below: to him, that ho is “olnlig. I ml to coittproutiso with his creditors." I [down think that t mm is much suited I by this. Carrion meat may be culled high, but ihloo- not mm“ any master for tlust. [If 3mm hm robbed tperl do not,feel any better to be told that "In han unpro- if.“ my property to his own "s." t us on" n and; a v ale. tutits _r,iiii, . mod. and w. nlmll thaw better w an 5 There are lwmilv wwn Inmm _ tho vocation of a t Uiei' lu orti.ruat :dern times we hum invv-nlwl u tities-such as rolmdinmr, :lefu I 1lvfalcator- nu deseri,rtivo of m mom popular' malt-u oi ohcnli to Any vice a vrentle ruins. and to law "all' its gunman; A atom! of min-J the good old Sax mount. mmulhing. oval) if itw wu M) a!" onu mm " ,obl"sxl I that "I'm-re ii n deticit in his I fund m the man who apomh a 5 amen not bNorty to him, that ho ,wl to oompmmisn with hid arm Munoz think that new in nu I penny. You hold a rigbteoua chin) up on an Government, And no obliged to -iiims hn1t tho amount in order to ob. mig thtmoittr, _ _ mm, however. in the conclusion of tho who]. mower. Fraud is the crying " of tho nation, in high plum. and in low pus. The froodmon doposir their coming. in a union“ lulu bank, In" their money in fuelled from led,". Ia-. phoo' It", fund: in the hndoof uro- opocu la chisel), and luddouly he is of for parta unknown. You buy . hundred dun. of railroad nook mawa an. mo" aim! men, Ind wound h public land!2 In: and that. it in not wortg Bow long dill um was of thing. be moved to continue t Pun-smut», Ms, Much, 1873. Ma. Juana I. “new. ur the numberleu other way: in which the community no about“, the formation of stock 00m union based upon a dune of lies, where the little waving: or had-working men and tho purittroit of orphan sad widen. are v'J,ft',tt'hil,r, swallowed up-railroad bow I, Hound an . While by [one dividondu, paid with borrowed money' by which homUt people no etttieed to invent their 'ittile. ind when it noon sinks out, of sight 'ogq%te- outmode- honed by ex-gournorl, oom- ton, And ttreign minister- to begun. the ulnar] into some vnluelou scheme-of All‘thiu I in" no room to write. The raacalities of contractor: have never been exoeodod or equalled in any for-mar generation. Ono ti. job Is I fortune, and an easier way to who a fortune can badly be conceived. nary got the on signed, secure the money. on] nag?» are work " half price. Ind tho thing in done. How the work will be done, and with vim sort of menial» is soother manor. _ I” I’llwll WW A‘s-v“ -.__. ‘_r-_ V - a hand of Bound: burglars if, with in skill on an accountant and other accomplish- menu, be wild not do better by earning his living in some honed. way , to which he replied:, "Certainly, sir; was it not upon the whole’ a paying bunineu? but do you IPI 090 that. it in tho pecuniary return which nukes it, attractive to ma t by no menus; it in the plenum that! “he in bringin my will: to boar, no as To circumvent. td plus of others for tho perrvyion of their property." . Che-ting the (luvue'umvnt bywvuling tho payment of duties and In“, by quulluu, end buying goods known to be 'r'tttt"b ant unions other moon of fun in popularly regarded“ summertime veniul crime. A, fer I. the than-not morality of the doe-l in concerned, l do not see the ditrerenco between [mum III hand into tlo public trmuur I'd taxing out A hundr d dollm "at ll) not belong to me and abducting the meme sum from my ueighbour'u pocket. The derangement. of oeltein brnuclv u of trade, " well u tho louof revenue occuloned by thin evil, have recently aroused public attention, and the conviction of I few te,"tler" crimi'ul- may tend to ebe‘e the mud. ' The claw/“ion of hui-glu‘ly; to the rank of 1 menu science u ”mew at novel, but the intellectual pro-eminence of the pm- ‘ouiond robber my be justly diuputod by the accomplinhml awindlor, who never break: I look or mike. A blow or um a tool. Home breaking mquiroo only . certain mount of madam“! skill, but to get pauses-ion of mother man‘s 1r'0s pony by hoodwinkiug him, or playing upon " feelings, it in uncanny thut out should and! something mom tltan the mysteries o iron bola and ham. 'Nke, for nuance, the mendicuut. tluUG-uat one ot the mod logimont of bangs-u who no hrr, randy to pilfor whom" u not to be h in other “ya-but o well- drouod traveller, who handout his wollot or had hi- yocket Picked, or failed to oollool. o bil upon w Iloh he r. Had to mow. the expomoof his journey. Now lt in only by tho our-nine of omnidonhlo In,, gammy that my of the” “do anion can ho mule are.» v0. _ l would not like to tako tho monoy.with- out. leaving in your hood» in fowbookl which I brou ht with me trout homo " security for Jd loan." "What no the bookat" l in aired He then mentioned the title. of lu/d,' or four religious works tn' the highest ell-motor lying " the hotel in " trunk, such on only oven-y good nun would he likely to read, and the but we stand. li'l should outer into dew]: upon all we vol-mu. usodtu in which wa no now cheated, I could till all the forty column of the Ledger, A: it is, l ulmll coutine myself to I few, which usju-l now most ytx?y.1i.mmr: . " . . ' beet in the scale of thieveu, and Bl,. Logo r the must. respectable, in the IMO" fouioml burglar, who es'U " vocation by no Mtietious mule, sud is prepared to meet. the cnquuonceu furlv and squad ', if ho happens to be caught, tle tl',T1'lu'/y' been trained to his bud. neg: from childhood, uni u a mallet-of tube protons it 2lelf other. A lawyer in Boston once Ask tho cuppa of. P. took. 'lho youth Lt', hi: books-At' be our hand ttam-out nod “the low, and Mwutbhntlevor law or head of him. This in . very ordinary . ,cirnen of the manicu- doom u by ','gl',rfd,' mm of maladies!“ Ir/ills, obtain a living. A phi-lug young mm with An Inimit- able Add“. calls up Mt mo in mm" Inch Jinn-cu, and ukl tin. 3 simple I an of ton or "any dollars to roach hid homo "Now," he Md... "1 1umrb.ettsuttiuiqrttly familiar with clorlymn to know how liable they no to be impoood upon My Inch upris- ff mine,_snd_for this ragga th, le ,1me.t.ritau?r',_utuut Gere M “ultra-I Wnyl of Mull-[8 In. [lowe‘n Tau-on: Ml .tl “in sir, you" truly W. & ifiiii0co. THE TIMES OTTAWA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, Iurrr. NI Inmon by which ulvriuuated. In mo omtod a new out of ttor, Ilefuulter. and live of some of our oi oco'ttg. Giro Human-l it is said Mince for MOON! HHIIUI' ' GitiiiWNdiiiiu7iI .-- . y ‘ggéfli‘i'mfimnfi‘um. as“: 'l,'i'jtr'4lltlth1'l1'lttt 'l', a Ila-nul- tttte ' F be "--e"e --- my - :m "a'ilt,I'h2'li 't,'l'lt2t'gf rum-5': M- 't'i'7at2rlitti't'hiiiatiiiii _ “my utlilalhtrrfd - “$323: 3 'ui"t',ll'ru'"otelh2"lt, vlttttf,,t". ”W‘wwmwmw “112?: LU,, (dd awn-n...” T _.1', i ttdif, was. on or. was. A'httt, , lt/lWIt.i; HIM other M In,“ ONTARIO TO BE HE‘) AT OTTAWA, 0tttha20thtoMttssart,ttms. WWII tid m: km PROVINCIAL “II-11105 o. III Hm nd Ian-nun wout. Ttie, n et “mammal ”ML. 10 'et'tGWJlt or pr“! m- to F vb _ ll “Sakai! 'ricqmTaiio= ' stud Lt 'li'lltll'tl'dti'l,t't id!ll'ti,tt.i il,eit',iitii. Nance-n In realm Alter m. tho Wh rut-lamb“:- --- _ tl Tho pa Maw or!“ rnr 00mm! IAN!- money and have Wu: mm Iterrtrr' lumnul mo Pu 0 V. . Wine-n Mme ttttteq 1.“!!de U hummu- " Hrs. Ittt cannon Muck-o row but “In- tti-ttte ttuUttattt mu [Miran ~03me ulmllnodm It we“ 'ltr",'.",,', cyan-N o . ' u mum I l an t Pmtt volt, y run- ulna-:1] that molt 'JIU.' mum [mm in enjolpnry “gauge tp, __ ' A" r an ed lo Mann olr nun nunbnr ot an?“ tttr.. 'v"'lhr w. mural KATH- W what”. A 1le A. Gom- lllt'ee 'MrJa'g't""18, mum... .9, tNIS that tn lemon h "a. h wail!“ In!" the munch-o! an pum- an: an» If- ya t'h'llPy1 VIII h"dh21tit,t,Ntt,gt A . _ mm r I. run - teu mule. Po'nonl who ,tul ThlG'JMtil)lf; I'm-Ir my puma. on - mm l’hv etho!rter'!!t%ertrgyittttniop., r _ 4, Iii; - I 'wrriiuCioiii"Tiimm um: was .15.: “In am I n'l'mr: no u Tm n saloon-album all In! an, r Ilu, ',e2'ti'eht.he. 'fe1?l'4'lf,fltitt rum 'riiiGr"ruriT. "iii-Er Xiii',',?,",)'.)':')'.':,,)',',','??,' - t'l'JJ/AWd,"i' y um um. um I (no! Quantity [INA LIFE 1llSllllllltf tllllhillh m, urge nu v llublo Mack ot furnvure. cou- nmluu tu you"! “You! “4" [Indian]! u . In if“. In-p be loom In "ot, Yi" vuunl. and mu " "mum; tO ma tulle-l ll Ink tiolitt plum a ut "may "pm and Mir cloth. I. cud A . - . . _ ._ . m‘_....-_._I-.| Ill! K m: um Mn mum: a (”not ll 'RUl'llll'dlhlh"l.t ' l thy canvnmn "uni: mpterrunm not I on. . 3.]. Bomb” s'. iiiiiiGi74 mm“. N. B. Ito-Mame noun Ildeol Album '0“ at mm: a not. _ - The u' do? I not have boo‘I luv-WM by Mr. n. It t, (ltrn'hell, who In mum. Inn we rur- mun-n L all". wu-uu. I“! WITAMI. No. " RM an nun», on 1rsrrmeshA 7, "PT'. 15m, "tNY not. by Aruba “an. I t um I). on sun- I'- um“ um on Walnut” andTn t an: w d mm. and minnow In without "b " at put-ho Ml. un- on / week "" I F _ - .m istsi . nut ah' iii iiiah; bl'ro fi%l' 'tlu 'l1uttll' In tlat i"tl't fr: u MI Th Mluwuu “mu-hum yurntturet--tttit' fl w I-wu rll‘l wood “mu, mqu by lhMttttts Bro- th." "(NI-I anL T'uurntrtrumwrtittt"rtttt" new (rm. round cnrnonn, earred IMP' Ire-I tttw “.th tikupvrtorut<trot""r' Aim. u w return Lulu», bw chum. wh-mw, ul- vumru, mum-Ion dlllllIK 'ublu. can. churn, o ot In: Irma kitchen rumlturo. and th- oun- n-nw " tive mum-"nu, .m Ito-Idem“. human. wumuwu w, le'eu.\l|.dru "mum. lull uh- l-mh, quIm‘ue mlrmru, u qumlllyotct. nary. "tsttt"trtttrmWesrtr, Wtttt outer ullulu not elm- unrated T. una Cam. hide I" tik 0 Am. ROWE a EKKATI‘. Annular". (mum: Sam tid. MM my; granary“ u me "T" 'uuurtt, C0. The uuvl " “a Ind welt lurid. and will no mun IV‘NI‘JOINUI‘. unu- rm h [In] I “at AYHSHIHES at the fllllllllltll PRIVATE SALE. Household Furniture I mum MILD IN cmnu. CANADA- I In '/,iygtgegrt,,"t,'eg'f, mutant" bu 'll m til-“M u I n 0 . f? 'Old/l', t privllm on”. Tim"! Mltut ml uni-mun w " I I A! wine album NIH" m “I ttar" ttar Mr" W hm!“ If II-ln omnur 72:. my: 'lint wing: In an It p wiruertttat ut, In M " . IN a "d tr tuna. “We!“ we?! iiEiiitiiiiiiii rum. m Luv” rat,' tn ttupe' ie'f,.tl tbt'll1Ltr' long. an 'it/ik In! mama. elm tit'tcttn, “who M WWI!!! fif/.'.Y etttMuor with we " atLUt than“ m In. two.\1 mun mom" "yltruttswttt mil mum: in but , Innuv,nlk. Fil,':',?:)),'.")':?:', u- m h 'tr an“ aunt. -vortu "nun-mu M lull u 'ht an n mm” b u. (we... never» "e, “In In at‘"u .y.lmlurd an, 'sw we? u mm to Mm, mum-l “on“ “yum: I; tp'xtu and tio 00 v-nln am In“ rr dean,“ m mm mum!- Tur)! 9mm tn “In. ”gm: mum “my”; It, r,' “hit-mu, uphollwn npnn. hum. t nd n , ' Vv My ot "ttttr lumi- tuvo. Tu. mum um w i, my [um nit-ad]: molt»: with pnllu £7 spun; bod-s, ' nd a , two. Yuq mun mu ”powwow. by 'lyt irousohoW Furniture I IA‘RIDAYIIABATUIMMYi "an 1m. At lla.n..uu1mp In. pseudo, tittggt 1"v'."i///'rf'Wig' aria”: ImI‘ngL a a II . My. MIN , 5 run. a little, “mow Metrtittttet "rot my, I Puma: [rum Hm I-unnuy “in". In If m drum wand. a " “on” VIII be 3 Von l p w norm b, u mm ml. Inn-du- e -e uym 'tt mm- " an " u .wlwllouuvntlweo F- ~--,\'. Jun tterupt w n '-.- -Iv--u. All hank-In. u "t mm M 1m. r, -.. t m.- “who alum tttlt my. Nun” m In Ex , . I lied tor, Ml“. funn- ttttrattle-to 'tuso _ . . " mm lav-ohm":- un run». 7 H -____-- ___ _ All mm I under tith cub: over tall. man 1 'd Ilulu'm'l” In um: by-Iunuhw G7iiiua t ll h-Ilul "wer mu to (- hummus u to nu. and continue um; ramming any mini!!! , tth. = WALNUT FURNITURE! 'l he under-hm: Taylor“. null a nun Hulk snout (MM-h. Sin. t W6. mum“. 831759”: ----+ EXTENSIVE “xenon Hall. " OVEN 'cept. H. 1375 mu " Iuwnnni' Asuuuuouwum‘. READ AND “20an ' u‘n- mat 12t unwind no» wanna. JAS. BERMINGHAM. 'irc.", ik /GiGii7jaCGViiiiriifiiiAt' nunrnox wink vnuo new “no“...- TURON'N AND 011qu uc, "" DALI l7 _ Tton '" LII 15,000 DOLLARS WORTH FAD; WEEK, “In; (31mm. " '11 Auction 'ales. tat TUESDA Y, SEPT. 14WA, [NM ”and Pam». "brtoat Ullwr Arte!” £36.. A m 'Jtt'r"i'a"t',tt,', "deity'! mwunuc II“ In "tBA' "VN"' w1ieii'iiiiitii7Fi.iirr"t'i'6' w New and \‘aluablo "Aim... comm AUCTION SALE [H A CARD. TERMS OF BALE. or tulle mt 'llW'il l' Wm pr, Attctttttarttm. O! MAL J, 11:.NMlNuliAl. Aunt! hoot _ _ A NIL. . B. W DIOR!" A 1feJ.'33,'U. ‘0 bop" Inurunw by Mr mama)». A"er "Net. mm..." “Tiara: u l Emi'm 3'3! 2ll?, J, "HRH! UIIAN me mg. Ptltrgs In- W, 493) SQUARE MILES? (talt,piyIrti,ariainrps T""'"""""""" I'll-5W”. PHI-Mumm- us. l mt!“ im lnstmment Wanted Five hats; thmrrhttiomtPhit & Ttmtitttttniait t THE PRINUlPAh _ NORMAL SCHOOL, (MAWA -___ a -.f1uh_eE11h, Nd "CE “I TAIL 'nw-A “maul n wall- "I M Cutter and Uta-xx In a 010mm more. by one who undenund‘ the net In trll "i'l,'lv,'tiff,t. Rofon-Ime-t Elven If rammed. Enquire " P. L. M. I. REM! ANA. Manama unmet In the 'Pll"mig,',tte, we (In the mn- Grantee-0H a bmttiierutnruipr, Imam: mu prim IT me gthT0ttott our Aleut- on: III than, am when we have no "an“ no WM nuplv mom " the prim. nun-d: Halon Pun No. A , noun Ne In the an“ you dune! mind mull- _ on Palm 'llll'a'.'%td It 'lrd Itttntttnttrttn " lot ot tho moo- nobd 'ttttlan. of gum Ind IT/dt h- maitatn Jon r and f coup-un- twml. PIANO " FORTES, ORGANS, &c. MAT-HUSHEK PI AND The AW M law-Id with; up me than undo any“ . . . “New. J. " when no. In In In“ ttua' only an old- uunal we“ aperlonoodm and“. tra- um- 1hr “to undo. but all hun'troalof boh- unnon to mlfvdgol." . . About. tt of on an thot. n bttt9 They In aFiail7 ttte I.“ Indium [mm mm In the country-in ttre-te Inulo: Munr- Pnoo. our not." PM No. gunman. loot-w, "lil 'rgr uh "Pm-foil! “H.707! which nppllcann I: to be windy. can In haul by whinging. Carve rs A: I ' "(have LqM"oteo-t' and CLOTHING “Whitman; '. u _ . , TM PRINCIPAL m mo NORMA]. 50mm ' " mom»! to receive ammo.- l-n-nn rm": l,",",','),',',,",,',':,'),',',',',",',', reef" who can "Momma ate ill , II ur "' no rm mun-ll my. 17l'4h'r"til'lll'l -- 7 7 7 Ar Bond) will“: wlthom. mum. on] mount wllhum hoard. Table and moan nrnt- rum: Orrttrr Spurn and Hank "reettr, and Witttitt no minuv-u‘ walk ot lha Parliament llulldlhcl. ___. _ .- HIIUW OI NEH MA me 'ro ORDER. Mun-eh I3. "" m (garners s. (Gildcrs. an". low. l W75. (“M _ 0 My.) 00am alt 0... 'ltlttMa".t'te."""""'"' run. an": an 13103101“). In“ Pau- Our Ron" P o. b,t.otrte8.e '... up} mamas maul! “It". CORNER OF DALIIOUSIE HTRLET 'tANUPa0Tmtttgttt ”'60 Snarks'st. Drugftore. T, T. SHEPHERD NORRIS & SOPER, Okla“ and hub-Gum in an. In." PMoa, Oar nu The Fischer Piano. Chemist & Druggist, "stttttr' UM. I.“ PICTURE FRAME In out: (My. Town ml Con-awn! an ”autumn. ART IN " _ ., - ,, V. ".C.rr""r [grunt-Inn. 'rt-io-hit, _ I. mun-u. ' tif. ii', a. ii," PRINCE, :ORGANS. IMPORTERS, V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WILSON:& ORR, MATHUSHEK Agents Wanted La Belle Piano. oauutaturietrn PULL Illu- rniii"6te Arum“. moms & Saran, No. 8 Am Stud, .- A _ -._-- TORONTO. The "tatlulotttim Bum. an: anion; eraghmt on by Joseph Inn-uh ll now "MW lo the Firm or was our"! . co Mr. Smith’l Immune; orme hwy Midtown-- ln.__blll‘luou no mix, m Ind we.» Inn-un- to no, an in - Stott. to In -sdtismttatta.lar. Itmu-muvmb. I GUARMHII to Mr. low-1M all! Om.- ud the -it ”an. that ttwr will have my ‘Hmu-Unu In my]... _ uni-Mun. 'i)tatMjstsr. Wants. An P'tt 'ti :7 'l' mo DIAL-u IN 966 Wt m 716 000 Out tutatl Prion I”! 4h0 Our Real! New M Its. FOR t; . 93hr” thtr "WI Pri. um an M W 675 M 67;) F16 m fito m 05 4’6 4 w Mo 176 60 a o M i'ltiitdii.,1', a'iiii'l'it','i','t',a?s"i,i,'Se,'r'iai? u. ”I: "my; . van-u. ‘ Inc. $15. an ”my In T'"'"? a use can. an Emu-groom Ion. tfMUet'.5.a'f,,tattw, l 'WHup was: t “may!” _ . [Bnooauon In I.“ ATaoMPtNMr.t tll,51tFu'rdetratrarrtptat ..... 7 " LTL" a; Am AND com mums Hm" 'gi'".t,erttertrit9rmm--. Leg. 'm ttat, 1tgiltpitiit'fiie.iiiii"ti",ii'iii /?fird 'ii'i',thh'ii1th1'gttftvtll,t,j Inna-u. ”m" h I -eeyrrtStieiiGaiilG'ira" - 'rmn use!“ , a...“ cunt: Emu-groom ' no”. _ --e v -"'e-Hee%' ww-m tt'ttt52tilTaiiic',,iri,i',' - "a. Mlowlnc IMAM-m In not. - gmfitngwmxwwml a; a'ra' M‘m, ll _ _ Ttetuer5--psr 9tmnor (mm: In m. ",-.oeteRtiftttiitduidi.C.': a I [In F - ; I 'ifi%"el'tvtlii'l wttla%t8lr4lutiau.'e , '. 1" _ T ' F “a: We. mg” "aid td W“ “ham 'iil',N'l'rth'lg'g 1=tatti,'% , In. iiitii, l!,2!t,rit th0,t,'t,it,fitt3lftti: 'iltfy'i ..... - all! at-taw-tfre;. nor on " have!) at an: a CALL or "a an. omn- gA2t Inn-armed new WE‘JSE‘W‘fi'fihf‘kfiu‘i‘finS‘fi'Pflhf‘ an kTftiRYriiRirViiiii' in ' o Turn" --__ i: Tic..." 7iFG'rti""G"%'kW 'ls':',itii'i',tl;'itt I“ (M, m” "I w “I lt I 'ti'i,.iilli'Cttt,:r.,tt's.,i'htiy.l'lS, n 'tit “It” nop' 'ix', u " all: 3 my In“ l In“. row pa t2itllifS .5331 'Ill "In on?“ on. 6thtr um: tho I“. of um M was}; tho lumbar: Hunk no do Io. _ “magnum PumgL Me nun Fart.-' hlVO'fOld your km: with f,'g't', 1/eggM't"1,/'p,U'ltttl'2 1','fltll,rdtl't t'l'li1),%i'l,'ll'l 'Ill/lu/Ill', nua- bug" n '13 be worn! [alumna “House an tau- 'iiili,','itik', a. I . "no? VII-l an. I u. you a lyph "r'""N'lhl', d. . _ re t . *mmamm Aux; taunt-ox, log. _ , . Nico fund u the hang um tttter. Mom: Hon. Mg. cum. on. M, 31-inch. "on. r. and. In um and 'i1'ii?/iitk'ii'rii «um - o . ',v),'itslt'i,') if iik'i'i'ltliiil)t J'lltlld't ma . I on: wnh our Prov!” ' . - T -_ _A_LAx_,_atmmet1N_. N ",Wll, C"'"""' Imu- Commercial - Academy. 5 AI tweuli' thou-and mph-onl- “lxhlhmon Auumu" . " be In alum-um: Damn Ute and o! bxmbl'lon week. " will mum: III “nu-l- ltit.y/'fly1e tor NEWER. he - my 91-! of un- ro. " Ariti a 'J.1tSiltlrtiti,e mm Manama} paper com ' In 2tt'tkT. " autumnal» tor marvmuu ilG mum 01- "ttttet. Will b. , tr the (W. ttgtettttFatrtrf on". “I? ypuuon or ”no“ (not he“. ”to 'totam' pom mm at ”warm at an or- unoo) who will no not //v1tltt,'t'tp'gg will land to m 'iilhlE And ouvmuol of our- 29 2' may: . gum.» am up» “Tun Q'ht,"ll'g."u','Ma'tthtg tglll out; u, on mm, a I am I.“ mil-1W1”! a. tut “and {cram lacuna-o- ttou With the (Juan) tfat I Iona-ud- It to ouch mommy wherein the{l no he vol ltts Mum-dug patron- wmu v In. none ' of u stun-Hug udvenIu-nucm me I when m. ' of" -&ioTrfififiiiaii' "TE" GriF"iri"iiiT a. stt n trea t ta n 'ur, ','i'iiFl.1tkt1iC, H6. " hi iii5 Tiii'iaiu"'"Gs- SE iiiaifrii, "iii add Carmen to ttte -'Ill ret/tttip/tgg, mpg-MIMI? 2t In urpo-o o n- b" Wgrmz'... mm... mm t Mt".- Ld., 1htrldg'd'f,f,'%'l',l','itp 'ht 0“? ro . m . 'llh'fl, city}: " 1'l'lhllltf,,rlkllrtlhfgt, ram um... i (A mum of 'ttttf'""' and i Gupta Gum-an , Under (ha above this the 'mttqermar WWW“ I Inning. in “me tttr olrculmlon. previous to and Uttrtttv the Ipphlchll). Provincial annual: l to be new! in um any. I Hand Book virus! , ”pedal” for the use ot mum to the MN. I “on and of “runner: (1-hou- ot Mela. “I. I gluouml' (menu of Mon-ll and Mound I uawu. ' Ihrmu. Ichb, Bug Ibmtant the fyxetoitl 'ai;il'iltGrt “var: T. 0 an ot GI a “w. .elr"lillj.,7l'Gh1'hl'kl'lhN'li': hm:- 'la'a': and Public Banana. want with Innuen- llon. dlmunulonuo " "I6“.- Cu-pglew directory of the wnou Ptgl,'l"'l.' mmmuoo Ind m Wu“. amalgam“, vim night; tt' pm- crum- lair, mt tho muvculanoo “will NW!" reu. Portal, Train autumn-v. 3nd out" Infant- Hun Giiiiil to anollen. but ot public meow? atRt.rtNtp on“. a... In the oily daring I o exhlblwu wool. Tm, Government Bulldmp, the ”our, loos- mm or the .0qu Donn-ow ml pm- Itl put)“: can. The you: "ttto-o-int gamut: mu " _ flveuw um Impound. mace an! M! tit. arm-mun n to we mu" dtretn mode at .lnuncnng bum.“ -tttt. A, noun-m1. “(1.. MG? -. "'1' --. human» nomamoftu Sana and m a. Among I": comm will ML Aocnnue l' a." 's?k'iilatik's,ti'iii' mud- and tt,'lf,l'l//at with l duulpuou or the lane. ',lkttl, uni. in... do. f B L II "M Aurel , wedlynomo " I T'lll'lWfi or the Ionian! In ' Am An- uoolnuon to tar " td') “out. unman- And visitor- "tttset-ttton. ludeI lame locum or, an. no"!!! 01!” at stock and ullclu .ntiutmt, colour- ot PH" More". and all other mu ttaleutntid to t'el,'d vhllura In [nullmnuy enjoying the tf ny. Comm?“ Immoor the hum val trom tho M”. to up on“. ""gltte, at the c, V or om“, m prmttipat poi! P 'Ar. “Brawn. tttetetieyif9ft.1Er HAND _ll8llt for iirim of (lfltitli, {to The Provincial EXHIBITION ANNUAL, Cllu 'rtiiFih7iialrariiktfii'iTiiiiit'ii. 9191-}. ottawa, Aw I.“ 21tattiphA_tie ' - Cr-Nat-racial-Jin-ir-italy, 4t2 Blduu m. or “am-u one." Dunn 1?ttttst1tttf, ll!- Full Page . . . . . . .8.) 00 mar u - . F) . . . . " 8a'It, Pta. a; i aa,. 'dll'. Ms t ' I For “1:30! 'lht/Jlti'Mlggdt I 875 $500 REWARD Juneau‘s. A Guide to the Show Omnds. Bank of Ottawa. 'ctititigg)ittygtt,ti)t: Lem-Inna tor In ' " In mun.» "BF6tiiirGrit't7irG,'r'"'"' ' P. nonunion “TI“ " AD vim-mu NOTICE. To A DV Will”. TRUr'TsiB'El'“ T will!“ 11:91:“. _ Y our 43331). new“. 1130.” iiWiiririiigtr, 50338“. GHEML It All-mun“ ' .,,, .- all. Hangman lupin-ml not!“ 'iittltl?Jiiiiiiiif “*Wfifi - '3' 'iiifiitiif,i:ltli'litl' tri'h',4 _ - I'M - a use a m, - . gymfiw iiiir,iti'iiiiii. - “in" ETC Eirif,i,i Ftiftlti7,itiiffi?j w .3. 'iiti7ir'iirlitTtt'gitagr,t new man. hug-m the dtNiitii ettK. and m mango“ we Mullen. Iii'ii'iii, . w o. Jung??? tt lump”. on ”on, I. 0 tlll5llit'i'ilj.Rtir',itst.tti, tit,ilqis uunxs was“. mun. Bull-g, Perth-lung. iii-Darling “I'D- It mil Irma: __ - -7 ji5qtiiii iiiii'i'iil't'r,"iiq t9,t',,R'itg,ll?, "git,ii,ir',"9. I - 'tt',lh'lll'l but“ Jrdll'4'ii7, - - -- " Citizens Insurance Co'y CAPITAL, . . 32,000,“)0. York Stout“ nou- Sum Strut. but. “Md but Irving, ,r.",','lTst', in“): , It on. 0.. n c I. on . Dalila Gnu slinging! m was will no and. for mum magma w» fu cum-e clog-no. before mom“ new and. - may. Imohupporu. n can and and". Ill BOOTS & SHOES ftht . f'?fh'll',Q"llifi".tJf 'lr',1'ilSiii'i'i'g buying your hot wear It IAIN- Inna. an 19'9!!!'J _teitt.q.e,"Tttr0itgAg All". Account Book Mmuihotnm. TI. T-I Mutual Ufa Insurance Co'y., u Manon, comm. “Ilia-v In..." .0 " on I!” " at " *- mlu' In“ lather loom. a “.00. A_ud on": good! u pmporuonatotr lav put-l. Insurance Co. 7°" w-' 'e, "can ' fl‘gfia‘kw Lamb's Clearing urs, 1 coupon. _ a, it',ti'ig't Méfiéw BOOTS dt SHOES . or m. 9" WILL I!" t Ila-y. ' MIAMI) SI" COHEN“, ",h",' ='fltANeNli'..'y.:::::::: PM. Mum-AM W'tkttt2ttt A If o B T TI N E - F o a SI I I L.NuaaYAtNmtgttmtgt. " [cm " Cancer mmm BOOKBIN DE R, Flu, Lin, Ammun- A” Guam; tl'"""'. “41?.“ 'remrqeV an, nu. g “a. 1uMr'Si't' ittf,t,'iphSt? Ila-cu H.106. AURNT me OnAWA MN tt 10 1“." I mum SEYSSEL 1lpilltE Gui-Rum our $56,000,000 “DONABLB. Man. [qultahlc th lttmtt tummy. 'bo"aalr-. Mp... ARK In" DALI W an ”any.“ can, " Inn-um Ina-u Us BtkLtheegeagetgtifi. , ',toots ,W. E. BROWN, BAND IN HAND atisreuauGiiiL Btuthlrtattlets. PAPIB BULIB. m . DNA-Dill. General Agent 4PT. 22, 1875 A. mutant... Insurance. JteFsrtiEi.iiiiii.r'iG"i- “mm! J. T. Sutton, Raul! Hm. 8193b, WW?“ I 070! L R, G W. 3IaMR3, a'UUIuhfi"vds. OTTAWA. or 15 Sum Shot. 'hots. u _ v. M ESTAB- Dom-mu an...” um tgpafRitt'fi'tifg CI. tl','lr4,Wt."attfdlgttpgttFithfft.iit 0n luv-onto... . yrerq 1'.'t'd2'ldttkMr%itt a Siih,t'iti,tt' Maltat"d4 "' tu'lt mm "AM" imanE-a: Pt - in]. aai ie, h RrsltruetiPca.CGiGiJ"idi"ii -riiaF, In." ii TCTI "Nil%lll _ . (“A ttUN',', iihiiiiliidC'iil II: V “mm Oe um} ‘ '- iii'iiiiy='18'll' t's't','lfll1tu-. In _ 7 - . iiiiEaEihdfiiiuiFr3iRFhiirii" l ,etdigiej,Su -iimaariiir.i “WA 'ir,p,e, s." ALE; 3243.153. Aloha-d“ OI u “- tiiiii?'iii':i'ifir'iEib"e ~35. RIDE“! an cum a4lili, snow: 5 no: o'"' “'0'! -eraiq-t,-rggItf g,tutrti'iEii'i2'diEi'ltti, PM on“: "S5...tP. I -i"iii9ifi5iiT £553 $4331. :53: 'Jle,'lt MA'" m I an“ iiiaaiUFa4 in}; BANK align-AK m IBM‘MQM Jttg'aet2'gieS2fi.'te! JE. “I. Hint! II. " ‘ nun- “W on". an” a . Livery Status. Cl LIVERY SIABLES . mum-d“ £10m: & Each: mun my run aiiillt “47$ [If-8“." 1llllll an MI MllllltL' m oruun ”I." nav. Batth Botitta, Ths WM litatht titanium All math.“ "i _,pnovmm..u fth' in}; k. sd A. was a... PAM “*4 31' i)fs, “m hi, 'S) "ai-d a a...» d OW M, log“ . bud-la m 0'. may. shun-Ml m. in ”it and. can... an!!!» my» ee Md witch " It“. _tirheli'tg In! 'Pd In. “if“ " an Audit-r. I.“ M l w you won an. m m. a“ 'PN? t?Sii! "no! a "Mb d do.“ -bd unu- huh-i Ct'? at” = Wit. uni-sport older all!“ high = "an: m is?!“ “I! tu1ihss A“. EM “I.” “I" tttTil - -rtedap him- ”In - d" trad but} ‘0.“ “In; My! NC it " Ir.

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