q i. each, OUTTa W a g, Do. . De. countios GLING, 8 TIN OR IRO8 in ;umumed or he&â€" d have been paytug = & Co ions will be ready ubscription. 2E 2 T BP T aL 14 ON, " stic and Engine Otls nts fur the future. ders solictted; RAVEN& Co, 7 A D A of ui», trom, 7 h . smy c5eflle undersigned at his hem there. 1t flls i not aftect it a frw ge or marcon. The s to ald . mt kess tuced toat will efâ€" gement. BEX â€"S T ET Y, â€"% VAaNAG M, o . PHY, Freasurer . ~ in sisto be made to day of SEPTEMâ€" postponed to the lont. for the enll advertized to Cak es sl & per cenl. per liers ew York. «e whose copy our 4y TORONTO. ".f'-o-.“ and all othere tiai roof that RACTORS. sale givem. _ _ , Toronto. §4â€"4f Powder, any paint is ex» HBWy TW Barristers, Nolicitors, Aiterneys Conveyancers, &c., NCE Barristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Solt+ ciiors, Conveyancers, &c., OTTAWA, ONT. _ 00 _ 0_ -';'-....c, Conveyancer, &c., in Chancery . “'Al.ltl. CAsSSELS & PEA TOIM, Barristers, Solicitors, Aitorneys, Comâ€" veyancers, !ocu‘â€", #c.. &c., vYOL. VIIL, NO. 3917. ME Barrister, Atiorney, Selicitors, &¢., Offlce Over \Wr. B. Iuckell‘s Flour Store, sorner o‘ ~ussex «n Yorkâ€"streels Ut&lwl‘_ wromlnr oaeoâ€";ï¬:; ‘l;url. opposite Russell Hoose. w . H. W ALKEER | R.CasskLa,Jr.| P. PEXNXOCK. Barristers, Attorncys, Sollcigggs, veyancers, &¢., O( tha late unu of Lewis & Pinhey WV ‘v MARSH *L MATHESON, & Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢. Orficeâ€"Muster ia Chanoury Caa mbers, co Housâ€", â€" liawa, Canada > Has opercd an Of Prowince ol queve g Noturiai ail Le e of Quebe Wlou\oomkcu- Vinces. _ Easacn _ Haull, Oct. 4 1974. _ T-.m P. FORAX . Advocate, ®â€"|.. itor, &¢. LANIE cheil $ Mosgrove‘s Banmic] ng uspies bbotivibeinteniint P OFFiCKESâ€" Liglu Streel, Uliawa, . L Pimad®\ A. J. Ouristh®.| R.P. HrLE. 13. 80 cem{uily treated |‘ req=! â€"m‘bk FPhysician, Surgeon nmad Accouchear. MHeaidenceâ€" Albert Hireet. Office hours frot §to lia, in., and i to 4 p. m Special attentiOn gives io diseases and Jisplacements u"&u Sm May be cousulted al his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" Bor ard Albert streeis. Ottawa, Oct. 24, 1874. â€"_____ i Ottawa, South +ide of Rideau streel, near Glouâ€" ceeter . l Consuliaiions al a _ Ad Barrister, Advocate, &c. . rovinee o! Quebec BHarrister Attorney, Soliciteor in ery, &e., (of theti ovinee of UBimiio U lto mirrel.| Hull, ©. 4. s4 CHBC ESE (b:-:- cured without the use of the knife by a rew but cerim By speedy and eimust pein jess procees. Reference yiven io . arties seo Pbysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Orrawa, ONT. Lay Ofice â€"Fcnl- atreet, Centre Town Nignt ( Meeâ€"Ai his residence, Maria Streel Cente To# n. T 2 Sn on n e en s d R €. W. MacCUAIG. Trade Assignee. Ulty af OTTA W A, County of Cariei« No. 11 8t James Hept. 9, 1873 Harristers,. Aiiorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. INHEY, CHERISTIE & HKILL, voNNOR & O‘DOMEETY, H.u-u Public Buixlirg®s Green Houses, P:ivaie denee by mmw low pressure, steam and bot waler a s; ecially. CoNNXOR & HostG, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitier, Corner Wellingion and Bank streets Ort awa 7 LAAA M ose ROYVE, OFFICEâ€"Nn. 2, Wetlington Bioek, Uiiawa, Ob TALMER, CASSELS & PENNXOCK, Office, as Store . wW. W. WARD, in retiring ftem the preetiée of my profession, 1 have leff with my former Assistant, Mr. . F. CUTTUN, my Vigns and Kecords of c.m.uuunnun vkt.ll‘h ‘nd have much pleasure in recommeiding hi. as my suc» G1BBS & COURSOLLE, |TRADE WARK REGISTERED.] 11(CTORIA CBRAMEERS, WELLIXGTONX STEEET, OTTAWA wade w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L.. u?'o Commission & Cash Premiums fatents of Invention, R. LOGAN, Agent‘s: ‘Outfit Free! WMedical Cards. R. TUPPER may be consulted g::n -sonnll{ a% his residence. Metcalfe t e frmerly ocoupted by the Hon. :.1 lllb | t ’A LIBmARY 0F FAMOUS â€" FICTION, Jawels of feimgmwoive Lipersture mss mss e agrnaits ARCH A M BAULT, Netary Public and Agqveore:c. Vathek, I. 0. ©. Woop, EU G" ENAC v..'.“;_i.iu., age Engrayâ€" Cow plete in ONE VOLUM E of over 1,000 pages _ ltis the WORLWS =TU RY LOOK, and all wan! toresd it . Agent‘s OutAt free to ail who mean business and \ {i} f«ithfuily canvess. ., 3. 1874 Musiness Cards. LowBex ANDP ComMIssio® MERCHANT Two large frant and other rooms to rent 1 board, at Mire. KER®*, cor Hinter and E wtreets. . Day board furuished on the most P ATENTS. ETHUE F. COTTON, _ Provinc¢ial Land Surveyor and ruccegsor o 5 k. Thistle & Co. dlce, as ;Ritmerly, cver Mann‘s Hardware 2. EXCWwT CHEYSLER, Hon BL® N. JOMXSTON, T. LAMBERT 3. P. LYX®N, pyo® J. D R. MACDONELL, sSTEWAEKT & GOBRMULLY, BE*T OF REFERKNCES GILYVEN gal Cards. Elginâ€"st. > . W! ~oorT, q. t Le .‘l' hu:lâ€"nvur, e.her in the bec or «ontar Apecial car®e FORD & Co., i on Real Estate sOLLIOITORS OF Tales from Arabian Nights. " Nee BROK KB, «C Boarding. wk . Kaie n Nirek NEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLL \_ Nefaky, wTre [« ace~ :s in both PrO Rideau â€"st., Olla wa. w. J. JDOHERTY J 0% J. J. GoRMULLY hou W. K. THISTLE geaudin‘s, MAD pora‘+ relip sc ~map? w King surcet Wost Hem!ilton On, tiouse, . Over WONTREAL . Sol citer te‘s * it in Cham e of Hul! «silon of s clsâ€"gim asiâ€"Sm tor the 3917â€"3m #T66e U ' Xflglo-Atnerican Hotel, 1« now open for the reception of «uests. This Hotel has been fernished new thronghout, reâ€" gardless 0: expetse. Choieest wines, liquors, cigars, &¢. Good Sta bilng.\ _ _ _0 00 _ _0 __ _ _ Mr. BKN. HUCKELL begs to announce to the genersl and traveiling public, that be bhas entered .T- the Proj mv-nmm above Hotel. iately by Mr. . Kvans. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars are kept and lije promptest altention is paid to Guests Dinner is provided mh 12 A.M., until The "Feathers"‘ Hotel. ~_ _ _ 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" ~_____ | HOTEL COOKING RANGES! able rages. | â€"e. L CARVING TABLES!! A SALL 18 sourcirtep. | Hortk css Otrawa, Sept, 2 1876 sesemé | _ HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! The Royal Oak Hotel, | zoree mox sepstzaps: Wellington Street, near Bank. | HOTEL LAUNDRY sf_mvnsn The aboye Hotel is well supplied with the . | HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES !!! Choicst Wines, Liquors, Cigars Bass‘ Pale Ale and Gaincas‘ Extra Stont ALWAY3 OX HAND. Exbhjbition Visitors will be well accom» medated during Exbhibiâ€" The Dufferin House, r now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly filted for the comfort and accomodation of the travelling commubity. is beatiful and furnished with the choicest brands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. Your call wi.l be kindly rolicited. E. J. HENRY, Ottawna, Sept. 17, 1875 s'!‘:;';lâ€"'r:y' the addition of -ov‘..wm well fuinisbhed rooms on the story. “.'l'bo“‘nm Luncheon and lMining Rooms in e . mud.nen bonoring this Establishment with th«ir natrocaze may rely on strict altention quality _ [ Lunpcleon served at al) rours ‘n-u’ mn{: may rely on alrict a1I@NUON paid io their orders. [ Liquor», Wines and Cigars > the best OPPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRrk 8 o) 875. 1875. Caledonia Springs. Joyful Tidings to Thousands. The REJDUVENATING WATERS so muo! sought for in years long past. â€" ‘Invalids!| Attention ! pregrmeis, S mesomt hoi eifieciouen en tacrmak ccar Corner Bank and Wollington sts., | July 8, 1875 1. H. CHALKEE, OBERT GRAHAM P undreds ulxu-wu have been cured bJ the Bulpbur Baths. Sufering is alleviated by the first, and gripples throw away their crutches afier abou: ;nu- aâ€"dogen baths. TEBTIMONIA LS. +‘ Montreal, 28th July, 1876, "1 hereby certify that I entertain a very iavorabie opinion of the Saths and Waters of mmawupm many forms of disease, among Which 15 would especially mention ghmln lnu-flba. :!:‘ -ï¬n:!'to‘:l Gout, .u:"n‘tywnx‘. Chi_roat®, untllnwonl‘z selected cases somme of the dixeases of the K °_\ "f‘c'a"‘ W. CaxPBELL, A. M..M. D. . C e . M.. M. ~» alened) onb w, Carrinin> A MorMLP: U LP H U R, 8 A L1 NB and G #8. Dr. Wm. mnaolla-unl. wrote as follows, in 1830 : he discase above all in which the ol the water is most deol« ded in P ® * * 1 nave xnown a few ividuals who suffered much no-lnmmd-my'lomn- stored to by the use of the waters. manil us to and from the Carsiand Boats nâ€!o‘ idean Street, near Sappor‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprietor, a magnificent new hotel, capabi6 «. aC00M+ raddatiing 300 guests, will be :wnon.lmh for the â€" accom modation visitors. _ The giounds bavo been improved and beautified, Mmmumnm& and exercise :." The trip thither by the Oilawa ver is most .w and a raitroad _ roud ne evs T. the is in course of conâ€" River is most enjo; and & PAITTORAE 10ME the river t. the 4s in course of conâ€" struction. Until railroad is built, comâ€" fortable carriages will be in waiting at the wharf for the corveyance of visitors to the m:.l. The distance of the spn‘u from “:‘muu Uttawa respectiveiy is 66 and 50 miles. Mr. W. CHAMPNESS will open a good Liv» ery Simble, providing good carriages, ho#‘ #, .3.....“ .._._muun!wdwmouuu will yet make in tho'“'q'kl-‘?s â€"}?-‘nut\- Â¥. ‘"‘The PAN \ CEAN W A of these Spric will vet make mia the greaiest ros i1 wIn p$OP TT®T CC_CLk Snd wlanarme a in the world ior healith and easure sook« rB. Thousands of testimon‘ais might be pr.cured, but the reputation of the prings repders it upâ€" necessary to do 80. THE "LONDON," A..3I0N â€"HOTEL, Rheumatics! Read|! _â€"_â€" CHAMPION SHINGLE MACHINE ! SELPFEEDING & SELFSETTING. m.a.:‘d. mo-%..“b’:a one â€:'..'wa E two operations. This is the best shincie machine for biock sawing ever introduced into Canada. â€"* _ RO0OTT,CAYLEY & COAYLEY, _ JjOMN KENLY, Manager. Dr. uï¬aur-unonl. will take up his -? ;‘Tupix,d:nm the season, and ..!.â€" Maw -l.‘h m# «@up.tf ‘ DOMEsTIC‘ above gopnlu Reutaurant has been d by the addition of sevrral Fpacious TERM®. CVVE*VECI LC Gevast Otha 3908â€"lun To Sparks Htreet, Utlawa. 2000 C _ Cl rasge ooo 2o y the Week..... «> ?y ihe Montii... .. â€".«» 33 to 37. WILLILAM ST Elysiam of the Invalid Is again open surt Hoase Avengd® 200 in Use in Canada. The Bar CHAUDIERE, QTTAW A, Ont Hotcls. ACCOMMOVATIONS, May 6th. 186. PATENTED 1878. WM, ALEXANDER, â€" Proprietor. ns > m80MkF 4 oo JAs. A. GOUIN & CO., T HE IRONS 1N TDht «Poprihh o ‘HAT! HATS! HATS! Mills‘ Supply Agency CALDWELL & CO, â€" . Managers. No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel} House. Mare® #, 1874 BLYTH & GREAT CHEAP SaALE COOKING STOVES, HRHatters & $# urriers. Urtawa, April rlth, Felt, Silk and Straw Mats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &¢., AT A8STONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE, Haws, Belting, Files, Prcking, Files reâ€" a 228 J udaca‘s Standard Govrernors id " (Graduating Vaives, Steam Pumps, _ Rue‘s Little Giact Injectofly _ _ Also, Ageney of the GLOBK SkB uiest TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEhX | Hats! Hats!! alats !!! mmu\owuu?ntun-un-m i bave decided to seil all the assortment of Rats, Cape 46. SUN PROOF HATS, ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES FPOR 1875, FAIIIA'I" 1OWNS END‘S . HODGES. 56 SPARKSST., Opposite the British Lion Hotel. Hardware, &r. Railroad, Hay, Coal, DEVLIN‘S. Indian Helmats: and Puggeres, S AVING FUEL Kranb Demom. â€", * . *.; 6 CaPIT AL, $1,000,000. Manufactured only by the Original Inventors. 403 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. FAIRBANKS & CO. Ottawa, Rept. 16, 1875, ______________ $455 neerporated 1874. DOMINION WAREKOUSE, MONTREAL AND OTFAWA, FOR THELMILLIOHK. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, C O T E‘Ss, RIDEAU STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. CTTawWaA Onv., ALL COMPANY, &e. at cost fpr cash ANDâ€" H. MEADOWS & AÂ¥ DEVLIN‘S. OTTAWA, SATURDAY. â€"SEPTEMBER,; 18, 1876. f ~La this « A .. Rieh= ‘u‘n:'nE.Wlllll‘ n‘l“'l‘m!-‘e:r?l-n'h.lh%ly.:-v 1. in« | W Whe (soeral waks noe place, thâ€"day, â€l’d") the 1$th insi , at © & p m . ((om his late resiâ€" denee at Baimon‘s Ho e , Yoik BHt., to Beechâ€" wood Cemetery. â€" Friends and acquaintances ate respectfu‘ly invived to aitend . ; A WEEK to Agents,. Old a d Yourg. 377 Mae a d Female, in their foâ€"aliry, Tenf. "and OUTF T FRKR. Address P. 0. \'|(§fm RY & Co,, Argusia, Maine. GbWAu'u VaRIETY HALL. SPARKS ST.. Centre Town. COOL BURGESS, And the calebr t «l TOWNSEND FAMILY, 14 IN NUMBER. 14 Tragedy, Comedy, Specianities, &o. Adtaission, 2i @and 50cts, Roserved Seats, T5cts, Ottawa, Sopt. 18th, 1875 304715 Largest and most ‘ect Dramatic Organiâ€" The zation in u?o"bou.mw. Shaughraun Company. Open Every Night during Fair Week* MONDAY Evening, Sept. 20 For full particulars see Programmes Reserved Seats can be secured at On'? Bparks streot . _____ _ ._._____"_'_1'2 Temple Bar & Grounds Qn saturday, Sept. ROSED ALE. Between Louis Eustache, Orugnawaga Indian, New Advertisements. AXT R AO RDINARY OOIBIH" TION. Monday, Sept. 20th, BAWNK STR*KT ‘OAD The a\m m&mh‘o Mdm:& Ulhnl nde now managemen rl’ul.l‘.l'l‘l'. Proprietor, The exbibition of the plans and for u;:rwom Lachine Canal will be %twuhvmuum&d °s liinos#, J Â¥,. BRAUN, _ GOWAW‘S GRAKD OPEAA HOUSE in#t» L* Baween '#:g%an%.lgv "b.s jobes crortoh; C incipally or Bovervign?, the dote promat se m faribe Rarg at Salse@f * " * 8916 MONEY TO LOAN. KFell mom appraiser for the (h# N-u!nï¬gn C uvlnfn com ef Toats br" the. most, favouat io on the most favourablo terms on first olass Freenold securities, in "tho city ©r adjoins l.8r'l'm'n;--' N. 121, arst 8ooâ€", > parks. sttebl, opposite Brit‘sh Lion Hotel, QtawBs. . ;) . _( Four Ent MK. POLLITT has engaged all soris of attracâ€" Tront fail to call and see It _‘ wan: Bearing date the FIFTEENTH DAY OFf DEOEMBER NlY!‘ KEAM Yacht "EVA" For Sale. To be scen on Canal Basto, during Fair !‘o:k. RAND REâ€"OPENING Grand Ten Mile Match Race, oc of M Arpprio~, Sert. HMih 1475 0 o ‘&W?Q Netwl !0' ember, 10, b.‘.&-v_ WAURNISH ED Noted for EIGHT Spezial Advantages. Adâ€" rean ht_Pl._'_lwv:’&l-.t. q‘nd.n.d of Lester Wallack‘s Comedy Drama, The undersi rent his utuem.â€" moofl 0 a to Rideau Hall, . Of« for one ot yeark 1 is well aud :ur-ou{ furnished. comialngsix b d ovms®, wing, din n# and break! «t 1ooms, berk es Nibrary, sumwmer and 'ilh‘f.‘l'eheu, 8 ry nts bedroom«, â€" lathrooms, &o, . Good stabliPg. M~mednha. T. e groands ate well laid out with full gro sbade trees, flower be & law â€" and large kitchen «earden. The from the street nllvv.u ANeen minn‘es ® lunï¬ plank s :¢ Wa‘k 1o t e door, All can h%" tion u.ol e Rwynl Insurance s P € T. M. CLARK. ORAPIN, of Ottawa, 4 )r $100 a side Village of Arnprior, UNICIPAL D (1Are or PR5800TT]® w»%mmgw"‘ _ Puities reqniring a frstâ€"class arti¢l¢ can_toly #CAR LDRAMATIC TROUPE AND 1 DURING FAIR WEEK 10, 1875 $1000.00 in Muntcipat Debentures .__ or THE HOUSE TO RENT. anship #¢ _ SAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHEBLL, To Contractors. / 11 NOTICE. PROGRAMME NEW OP D. MeARTHUR & Co, hi Do C 1b Cit; Engineer, 80471 ¢ SALE , *19. TELEG RAPHIC. Preparing to Censure the Government. Loxnox, Bept. 17.â€"The Pall Mall Gaâ€" zette this evening publishes a special teleâ€" &u from Berlin, in which it is stated Ultramontane majority in the Bavarian Dlu.np'r:grln*hwoemmtboï¬vnm‘ ment by s ey will ask the King to change his ministers because they do not possess the confidence of the people. Builion. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England toâ€"day is . £50,000. Tarkey Preparing for an Emergency, ~ The Daily h‘s Vienna : corres M‘mmhv!‘wuh! The Morning Standard toâ€"day has a :g:nhl froms Vienna :fbioh contains following reports of victories Borvlq‘szn near Novie Narosch. h{ ho christine inhabilants of Gerhove next lios of Muwhvoï¬mmhd & declara tion to Deervish in which they say they have no reason to oonxnhln of ‘Iu’:x.rm'nflifls L“ nAllounbhd, wu‘l?y ve t Syriin regiments have arrived and proâ€" ceeded to the Montegrin frontier, ‘All frontier posts have been strengthened and The Monster Gun. + hues pam e oomhud';-!fl) pounds .m.::d.: 1,300 pound shot. ‘The result was not quite satisfactory. Marriage of King Alfonse. A letter in the Times this morning con* tains reasons for the probable correbtness of a report of the future nmoot King Alfonso of Spain with the daugbter of the Duke of Montsvensier. Papal Consistory. Roxus, Sept. 17. -w held a conâ€" sistory toâ€"day and MeCloskey the l:“ flrm Morie Sopra Minerva. Monsignor Anbici Mattel Pacca Rondi Semiâ€"oni Vetelleschi and Anw Rennes, whose names he reserved in tore at _ the Consistory of West. TN sise Appornted sevenal . srobbtabope 6 :D severa MR C w ceremony of con and title on Oudninl McUClosk ey.‘ Death of a Cardinal. Cardinal Gaspard Gnfllllmdwu born at Palermo in 1796, and to a Cardinal in 1836, died toâ€"day . The steamship Montreal, from New Thiers and Gortschakoff, P Sept. 17.â€"â€"The Bien, dh%â€banwm mmgm'mm the conversation related to md::ou bmaahlo“tbuhtu- ance of peace. rtschakoff mM_MHybfl‘Pm action. He thought ‘the solution of the Eastern question mldcnumll‘:; sist in the granting of autonomy to and Hersegovina, under the rich Duke Salvador or Jervor Pasha. everywhere, _ Several insurgent Chief had accepted the mediation of the con TB Wid c it t 2i t oota t t UL CE suls, Some, hbowever, deciared Thoir mistrust of Turkish promises, and deâ€" any emergency. The Turkish insurrection In the Papal Consistory toâ€"day the Pope LoxDox 6. W money o ouds, kmn F‘;os 187, lite, TT f ow Â¥ ‘Tallow 51 to 66.‘“' i " :8 declinine ; 146 midâ€" esnc jor. pte 8,009, sales superior state and western, $5 65 to 6 40 ; ©Ousasats MV CCCE CCR Oe sls 6 20 ; common to â€" extra state and woestern. Rye flour decreasing $4 40 to 5 70 ; wheat at â€" favour, receipte 164,000 bu 49iooo at $1 20 to se en piap t moe it ee, fl} j No. i 9 tolu’gmnd dllwhmndniu‘ at 81 25 to 1 45 ; do amber westerp. Rye F OR E1 G N . The Contestrd Elortion . Caso Josh -m..-mor.w-cn-b Quzezo. Sept. 17.«â€"In the Kamouraske contested election, Judge E. Tarchereru rendered judgment yesterday, rejecting election peVWNCTA An unusual case was tried before the Police Magistrate yesterday. . A deaf and dumb sailor charged with dessrtion, TB® inindt hÂ¥ int is of signe, and deâ€" in Buigared on a war W%flnfl.‘:‘v MI : 0O M M ER G 1A L: GREAT BRITAIN. Now York Markets. Ety Cl & 65 to to good| extraâ€" state, $5 65 to 6 CJi06 TURKEY. QVEBEC. & 1104. A Fearful Gnteâ€"?ts Destructive Effects New Yorr, Sept. 18. â€" A from Houston, Texas, say a fm has been blowing at Galveston since yesterday mh.‘kh'rh‘u sity is p-rï¬d'ly under water w is «<veral feet deep in the K:.:P‘. streets Several wreoks have reported. The Ocean House on the Gulf Beach is entirely surrounded vith water and the outhouses is gome. ‘The city hospital is filled with water, 'l‘hm workmen on the breakwater being Built K‘Gonnnent were cut off and are lost. Santa Fee Railrosd u::u across the bay has been swept away the Hous ton Railroad bridge is under water. The To Testify in the Great #muggling Suit, Edward Shaw, of the détective fo::%oothn'lYud.fandon,urfl in this city to testify in the great f case of the United States against Bax Frawomo0, Sept. 16.â€"â€"There was a meeting of the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday, at. which resolutions imposing .hoa-nhnlorpti'mtmv- rescinded. It is thought the will The Fiâ€"J+: Istandsâ€" . FKpidemic late mm‘g. Fiâ€"Ji Is= :..flu is learned that measles is still epidemic. One third zunuï¬n ï¬-b&ndhd from its in about months, _ The disease is said to have mï¬ona:flhhm-oï¬m which visited the some months #ince. The natives think the disease was brought there by whites to exterminate them. E:y were becoming civilized, but when discase blpl'ud became frantic nd‘l,xn'l‘boy will % use the whites roughly. The disease will kill the entire native population in a payitent is denitnded allke by the bishest in alike by the mdm:d{mflvld honest Government. Fast Timeâ€"Engineer Fainied. Bept. 14.â€"The fast mail train mmv minutes late, and arrived in Chicago five minutes abead of arrived in C five minu!t taeg. "The seginerr tainted pulled the train into the depot, s.pt.l‘l.â€"rnf.mnd n.i’fl'?&u, ., reached here last even ing, after haw successfully resoned Messats. Holman and Dallas, who had been left some weeks before to guard a supply camp on Dalares River. PreasE leave your oriers 10f sLOVe piping now at Esmonde‘s. soqoif Loox Hur®.«â€"For the Exhibition. For ::I:utoh.d.mhnndufvdd_amn'l’ Forks, very cheap, at uw Grxpanav‘s : sha and hairoutting amoon Nt $ haitie‘s Blook, Wellington EMEOMe PRRTEE -â€"vâ€"â€"'â€"nr'-“’u Meruopur: Dixixeo Hau, Exhibition Grounds. lpn:n:.o rsonoou.d:.‘: building to post m‘awp:a‘dl.m Pres ton & Son, Sparks sterot. 804618 â€" â€" Fa1a« Moparertt,â€"ror â€"people to allow dise». . to become seated upon them rather consult a physician, or to sufter as dolayan'uhhdmiunkht; :«“ï¬qmmumnmh gist for â€" Fowle‘s Pile and â€"Humor Cure, which is an infallible eure. d Wauar Tast Say or it | â€"A Fuw Faom wor Ttus Prorus.â€"There are but few pre m of -&h-yu?omw % MJ"’F“ ple for any great length of time, . One of Pavg tk oh. 10. Cl Leal OJne of whï¬w:i&_& the following and: be .comvinged +â€"~4 NOb Robinson, Farnham Centre, P.Q., writes, ‘I have been afflicted with rheumatiem for the last ten years, and. have tried mmmmmwl DI'.M'MUQJ‘M.‘I‘IW. then had no attack of it. commend it to a‘l,"â€"J. h Keeper, West Shefford, P. Q, have been troubled with liver medicines with little or no benefit until I tied Dr. Thomas‘ Rolectric Oil, which 'nmmulhï¬.ndlmu that 1 have used it since with the best x.s No one should be without it. 1 bave tried it on my horsen in cases of outs, wounds, eto, and think it is equally as good for horses as for . man."«= for several years, and have tried mï¬â€™m or no benef bottles ol Eoleotric Oil, aud A4t MA r: Mb'ï¬.&uflb,‘mof the medicines they have ever : used;‘ it has done wonders in mh.u.d.nl nnnfl pain, sore is worthy _h'mmil-fl-n_ is increasing and the b&rometor is Township Percy, writes : *1 was persus . ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil for a lame knee troubled me for three Or Ou: years, and 1 never found anything like it tor curing lameness. lthtv‘l'flh benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, uk!ï¬ writes : “hflmww y a swelled w me v much. hï¬mdm-“z me to try Electwic Oil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. _ It is a most remarkable medicine. Sold by all medicine dealers, _price 25 cents. 8 N.'rnommr.ll.‘!- And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, 0. A MERIOA N. The Pacific Stock Exchaage. (See 'w' ecial notice.) 4100 dgnnu a‘v'::;ud hfl‘ the Mndthcullthd- to Dum S In . LCC _ iect‘ Atctdan‘ Hianim ce Tt samaie n Fang m‘.b..dh..ammm the hichest nraise. â€"Nothing of the kind has ©Avemmstent -‘hâ€"l l"â€"aâ€"&ii l.‘ has ever m half as â€" successful, or given such universal satisfaction ; it canâ€" ant ha acualied. We can M xo LA h vwdâ€"it 1& th: means dfl:t your horse‘s Remember the name, ‘and see that the signature of Hurd & Co,, is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, Bold by all #uccessfully Resoued SANX FRANCINOCO,. NEW YORK. SYRACUSE. CMICAGO. CTimts away as he for ~stove time The Guibord Case en PME NE nds " case a motion was granted in (tambers Ly Judge Mondelet ordering the issue of a rule nist against ‘the Cure et Marguillier de Notre Dame, to sh0# cause ‘h’.%w AwL‘- hL--â€"'-l haine n-‘o e LC V M L y $2,000 owi to the burial being rerisd hom. teking place on the d of Bept. inst. by the closing : of: the Roman Catholic Cemetery gates, and the refusal of those behind to open them. .A writ of :.""".‘..."â€", ing said burial and of the Pdv;'ml decree m.‘b.:z duly N.w‘ï¬. 'ulï¬odï¬. d::: on P @@+ Paorigie ies se ndadsetntt the bo rial procession through the cemetery ‘ the guardian and sole official tion . of the Fabrique in. the grounds that ?m“;’%uam-mmw before Justice J A fine u% if eolleoted â€" would "be : equally:di between the Public Freasury and, Insti= tute Canadien,_ The date of another a at the burial is not yet Axed. A mï¬mx,x--m-dW'h Guibord case last evening states that they ‘Mmfl.dm’uifl:‘bg‘:' blll‘hl“i'h vmddno&hde,h getting the remains out of the vault vome of their own went in instead.; The to be abroad among unjettered people t} Slin t C tifely --f'%â€": @ takeo to s-d the; : cause d)(.l’ & friend, who sues A. Desjardin, M.P.,editor, for not baving as &ho"nl:'qcmï¬: 298 buvilsnere and editore with: the. Clerk id in in Paper toeapme t is propratom o o f en m ie e fesrermns has been se printed since the 15th July, Te nnt dayn axasore af Buninit tre Bubhop is in a dilemma and that his pasâ€" toral letter does not refer to, or prevent 187 , 202 ©xClusi Sungays and bolidays, so the fine legally recover en rgn t to Her Mejesty the Queen, and . one to the plaintiff who sues for recovery of said . penalty. ... The causes mmpftannt muong the larvenyp ave uhusm;' on also a lawyer, and ; hates Doutre amounts to $2U0, covered by a.poliey in thoflq-_ll,oluvcpul + 4 In the Temperance Convention to day a i mimabetiemnane to Montrzar, Bept. 17.â€"In the Guibord would pass it. Mr. Thompson of mmu?ï¬ï¬‚nï¬w in â€" Parliament, . Hon. Mr. .V in the s.wm.o.w.u-h»oxm. He dh-.n!unohuu' would have to be fought at the .polls, and coun .: selied on part of the convention reasonâ€" able submission to. the. views, of our Parlismentary representatives on this and. was.â€" in favour dmb whe tidocen, who bed maked " Pedismant e acccrrope o ?m:gl'w nemy to m 0 make upon Endh:l tm of us Pnolinniems ?fl__m:‘.-.: n seraer We m atia in s Sprereen o. Piws c o woan (< % is lfl;‘%‘ CA N A B1 A N Iis political exietence P oriia ) "Bie of ";'f{.“-..dm. %flnv) solnnciily 7 hi poddon onti Re mad terest in this h.mâ€"'io"u:f;g 10 meek ‘i‘l'd'“" lupon his side. nd‘m-fluï¬‚ï¬ money was on the other side, but he ‘did mnsudtesr ate harsttair Auey eP ~/ AL 7Nz frap‘\ 4M not believe it. and if need be the fl%“pâ€:! were on the Temperance side. . If the question ;'-Tuuq" ‘r‘:-dw FPhristmnnt he had but fear of the result. 1t was 70 : Aha~ uwahats ~ anfer. to leave it" to Rev. Mr. Cameron Ottews, said in regard hï¬â€˜lflkd&.d“‘b when we would h&m us and put us into the w’l*"‘z without some effert of our own, he c0n« sidered this was undignified and puerile flm ree '-Ezmhbm'-.h MONTREAL. to would . , frame Ti intalt ‘of tine Com» Parliament and make it effective again. Neal Dow had toid us this question must nlï¬nm{hodnfldu the ballot box. Even y it decided to urge the Dominâ€" mhmmsmu?b' subject to ratification by ogpul vote. mm-h.dop\od as follows:â€"|hat & ml‘ldaflm:ry Counsil be .comâ€" among the Proâ€" md%-mu;,’naw six; Nove Bootia, . four; ljnm-ï¬ m. E. Island, two; Mamioba ‘ Oolumbia, one e@th. Obijecis of g,“-“â€*w rM.~ in such a way as shull best pecumogmemey ‘und use of 1 4 feoregies Qhewew f ie in y en y Moiren 4 *'.ou#fl“-:?u answer had been retarned mbout :0; The n-: was tosause ~we were ‘w tixe: 4 C >â€"*wmâ€"w mented Mr. Wawon for having organized in O:taws one of the mosi succoe=s! ue ul Sunâ€" '-ll"""“""‘“"- country, 3&'».. ootfldnotmomuubom:zt that not more than thirty cOnsiituencies in +Wario vould>be ‘varried forprolabi tion... . Thereforey the, Ministry which exists by favour of these colistituencies shoul] stuke thiimeristence upon carry» ing us measure arouge Paruamieini conâ€" trary to the wishes of the people. lMr. Watsodti‘®s> reasoning was clearly wrong. According to him, at the very nexi Darâ€" liâ€"mentary electon the Mimisury would be swept out of jexistence. _ _ Mr. Wateon said the temperance men weld the â€"bailance â€" ofâ€" powerâ€"andâ€"souid as to secure a unitorm Council composed of the following gen Ontario, M ; I noee fvv? Witiiemt Booty ‘Mr. hovâ€" f n.mm’uuih‘;l ‘Noohmhmm alt» : usation. *I rate of discount on fl ; 8 to 9 per ceut, to % b but outsiders can hardly " on £ :n.-Yut,-‘hNh-m-fl" to leod ther=; closing rates -o7=od 4: gallâ€"und 8 to 9 per cent Tue svock market h-hd.‘-gdg-ho: 4 1c enc in senchs old for ‘Bloken _ i Provincial leagues, and organizations, 20 ToRoNTO, 11,â€"Hon. A. sofe Te ie WE Pesverang ahterntlon MM & more m &lï¬ï¬‚h.?w tather of the victim, on the recent wborlion cass here. Burke, who died from injuries received from street rowdies. It has for its object :lz.hd’.dâ€"-h mm dww-ï¬!flh&m A second post mortem: examinu‘i0n was made this morning of the body of Mr. 8. other cmuses than "Th¢é ‘effedie of vlows received. The remains were: buried this take time to consider what he would do h&'râ€"“whm' tumn of, Sir John A. Macdomaid for Kingston came Dourt of .q M ET _E that Mr, QMW ened them. The ba : would %’:â€"h&â€":m~ on spperred ‘m per son. ~ The petitioner mh":o has been collusion : between Jms â€" lawyers and those of the . aud ,, 3 W“‘W h" mvafll nhflhln: Justice Under the Act of 1873 they wouldâ€"bave had power to bry the Mr. Wilkesâ€"Then let us organize that they ud no such ‘power. The petition was, u..a:mn be removed ::. off. the uc‘l'd- mu"f..'t es( Aeaether Court. " Diâ€" Sremit has madé an resentment to Judee Duggan, sitting in the ‘timber dues would not be exnci¢u. uumhï¬q us decision. said mflhmfl w&hï¬â€™: % the case will be carried to the Court of Brror and Appeaiye o0 o oo lou ~ 000 hb&u‘dh.flï¬.ï¬:fl& Mhhhnum & A meeting of the creditors of the Sun newspaper was ‘held ‘this afternoon and with those dz A'.“Q'dm " Jimmuel Briggs" (J. P. Thomson) and K. A. Pierce as editors> The fimt num ber of the #un under the new auspices h-u.td'bnmll next week. U+â€" W H. Rarrett still retain the todry. ;’;..".‘."n.‘.“[-;u‘" m“"â€u"" pally, 1t is said. on the ground ‘of undue PRJCOE s~â€"FX@, . 2e u4 docvmred "4iod from affdavit that he ordered the o be plased in the Queen‘s the Act of 1874