\'mCl to ~win ;\ *"_â€" ow ners, Mucht» ) uints and all otheors interested who Aity past with . ommed 0# 46â€" aly . d have béen paÂ¥ing on‘s Arctie and kngine Olls omplaints inr the fature. i and arders sotietred;~ w . J. URAVEN4& Ca, _ i4 st. Puaiâ€"st., Montreal, $4 0 such, in one LKz3 & Co cCOX TRACEIGE { : works for the .61 Canal “vcflbâ€˜ï¬ sxTH fay of SRPTENâ€" ercial Hotel, Ontarte. EHIIDN E6 dably postponed to the | SEP TEMBER nest cifcations will be zeady N# opsued a Stom : nokier to adimission to AUTHORIZED lar gement. sappiled siany ut me Tok artac‘s . ad AG A ME « freight at oâ€" vpem TV NE & $1 ICKETS, $1, io one address '*â€"“.' .fl,zim xo s of bakriB EBOTH 4B T CONCERT, Whols Ticket, $ gg Powder, Works, ) Â¥. posts 0: all desoription ived uniil iokhn ces bit E ACRES, > in the Workd." WILL Hotel, PROPRIETOR. â€"_ Mt Faiser, Sevtei‘<y "of the Adrisory Board, said it aflorded him a great ueal of ure in addressing sueh an . i Aport on the subject of the Wm :u:»u- hext year.. He n‘ruhed that a good sxhibition there would develop ecemmerce, ‘The United States sold their produce to the West Indies and other countrier, why should we subject ourseives Ontario explained that the Provinge should be represented by commues in the matter of grain, at Philadelph=. . No definite action was taken in _re.ard to live stock; but they would depenâ€"i on the advice of the agriculturaiand \1is Associaâ€" noe . The .u;anigm be said of roots anil vegetables. He regrette«d| lhat a great ?A,v.ubud in nï¬rd 1 the exhibitio. manufactures. e trusted that all true lovers of their con::y would make «h e8d@atourto Bav~ he Exhibition _ Kingston being the lowest, dropped out, «ud the vote was next taken between Mr, lza Mosuaxr moved thet this n1eet log (~lHy endorses the action taken by the Dominion Government in having the pro ducts of the field represented at the Cen:â€" ténnial FXhibition 5!! Fhilade!phia, and recommend to the Ortario Government the favorable ohnstderation of the deâ€" airability of making a liboral #ppro Lvriniou for such purposes, and we ereby . imdividualy "i and . collectively pledge ourselves to further to the best of our ability the carrying out of the objects eemugrl'uad_bg_tï¬u comitiizsion. . _ Mr McDovoiii, the commissioner of is Worsuir the Mayor of Guelph, also handed in the necessary guarantee on bebaif of the town of Guelph. He thought the town was the largest contributor to the Exhibitions, and that on this account &†#trong claims to ihe Exbibition. .was of opinion Lhn.t'\mhi benefit all those interested in the welfare o( the Association. _ lt . was . said â€" Guelph m\l not accommodate . the % would visit the Exhi! ition, but 17, had aitended the Central Fair, and no imoguvenience arose from this great num:â€" ber being in that town. He expressed muth satisfaction at the grounds and accommodation in Uttawa, but thought the grounds in Gueiph would even excel these of Otiawa. â€" He would not advocate the clzims of Guelph in opposition to that of any other place, but heave it on its ow merits. The vote was taken on |hc"d-u-oq suln_co-, with‘the fohowing result! itodu ‘61, Guelph 33, and Kingston 23. _ â€" Bu'nfll.on and \vuvtph. ‘The Tmnd voue resulted in Hamilton 84,add Guelph 310 00 > _ * The Preswent then declared that Ham ilton was the next place at which thé Pro vincial Exbibition would be beid. z.â€"‘nu' tade with foreign markets h:-’ a mor® vigorous action would be tak: “!x the péople in regard to this maiter, , that every effort would be put forth to have a successful exhibition on the parpot the Dominion of Canada. The resolution was carried unauimously. ~ On motion of Speikee Curistis, seâ€" conded by Mr.J. C.: hyueut, a vote of thanks was accorded the Corporation and citizens of Uita®s for the handsome man ber in which they had furnished aecomâ€" modation: for the Provincial Exbibition. A vote of thanks was a‘so passed to the differeny : railway avd steamboat comâ€" pani¢s for the liberal reuction of rates. ‘‘fhe meeting then . sijourned. Ha Wouim»r yus Maros, on bebalf of the Corporation of Ottawa, réturned thanks tor the cordial vote ol the Asso Mox. Jaxss S«zgap returned thanks on béhalf of the local committee. to this system. He hought « goo i show hfifl;:hv-fl.m'.m opening _ Mr, Gromos Mertox, of (Grueiph, secâ€" onded the proposition. Mavou ~riiivaxn, of Kingston, rose to wove thai the City of Kimgston be the next place for hotdiog the Exhibition. He thought as the city was deprived of her um last year by Ottawa, she shoutd at least get it this year. He was prepared, en Lebal! of the Corporation, to yuarantee neeessary accommodation . Canadian Commission Pus (i omm “u*d power (:ou .\‘nnl;r Fxucrsonx, of Kingston, second ed the proposition. . They had erected permanent buildings in Kingston, and he trusted the delegates would do justice to the City of Kingston: . -'n;."n(tn gï¬nrum'- then banded in by the Mayor. . |_.a 0| _ 0| . 0| Ir beyortation of s.pcler ‘rap»mil eb t _ ty enternial Kslnbilinn +t Pâ€"tiedel hie a42 be by. the Canâ€"diso C rco Issid .a < l:x ‘nUoh m:mdu:- ho any leesâ€"ar date su 42 edâ€"by exlihifors The o!5 alsot=r ib old p> be «t Inacp lny "*‘* 4 Rutries cf +« on whit corporation were guarantec in this y es & :nlnud + a on r Novemher next. m ces to be dâ€"hyered in the diterant Fro ®¥umess not twer tiiin 1 1 0f Mareh, ‘® 6. ‘:"\lht-hm of on nsc tm *..-n:uhgmd Ocâ€" Â¥der, is®.._Liwmediate appicetion is nees waty to sac@te »pmoe, such applic i 1~ be for i-.uu' b 1@ Mir. W\ 'b(""r"o(a'ii% Reccetury Ml'ï¬ni.la * ou wrreet, Toroato &\ Me % A 4. Beriin, _ C YOL. VIIIL., NO. 3951 â€" Tual the Corporation of th ~City of < ttaw d atâ€"a meeciby o6 the <Z meul therect to Beid w1 ie huzhmu Iu the Cloy Hall iu the of Oupiwa . ou. ty frfst Mooday in loe h 0t NOV mber i exior ( iting a urceting lhat day, ‘Then st a mer! y of (h6 faii Cew .‘l'\::'&(’. th be lu-uunc.m v m-a!'m pass â€"Bw Lbpen uy ailies} eiwebn bing “'-Snï¬hwm’x in Ime sebd AJty O u.u:t ahail be wo » Pnatetion c/ Murray sti and weich ahad tbe â€"cGuaded sud deseribed as toticws : Comm:u it 5 4iih6 mu--ts:&nq «t l;n.:‘hml-:uno.xm.u« -Ldo 4 "'.; Ub@gure easé 1oâ€"C & Mx-nt upd» y°0 uhmu’n'le &Aud O! lof rumber Top on the. wosk aige J Nb on etrés am! ud lot nu» bar Ten ow m&o N ‘-‘T:.“' ana of it humber the wes a d=<f b .o!‘:-r -;r‘:‘s and ° “mm_mm‘ï¬.g et4 aid, of Goncester Shest Tierce mtA n ong" the oag R ree nc a ong â€" the a‘t #G. of sat iw t mentioned (0% @ ne o the: '-llwmwrn‘; tornceâ€"wost to King street atre w10 g in Homutert B )un® it e€of the rewae». i ention=d in# vaurrers ‘Toa and the ueribefs b ondary of +a d<0i Gumber Wievery them e sout nv-gâ€l-‘A-“»d r-nq s‘ eet ihe w! whiy wb ut pUr pose &..ï¬'t. is k4 . h;ar,-?m?fm 4. We ht h Wab M ber <a 8 w in £6 a#fl l"“'i#m u(h-“‘dhi(h"n hp?nfor New Advertisements. ATUC a Nutjer is beteby g GkKEAT â€"CHEAP SaLE ATASTUNISHINGLY <LOW PRICES ! Quaw», Sept 2 187. es hi Surt pirl® fatn aateenh * . ©oul8 . & ‘A% 4 mt He aid not then expeci 10. . i‘< 16‘ l of Ubt: but in that P £ OV > |asecuenrenies «xi «: 4J MAON BANKBLOCK | u6 PE P t atient apon the fuutin ..t;‘ Wetear .“‘p%.‘ «rae part of the * deaided To searall the 1 of &'{'%u« w mgre .‘., ,_:‘:.;‘AJ__,., i4 . Noï¬ ~\.f7;' Â¥ s ’l boouer 0 . * . o Ueatranger: s af heditialte lt .. * ! s k: e s e & +. + B Hats! Hats!! mHats!!! #%5! m i TO ALL WiLOM IT MAY CUNCEh | Intesnaticnal FXRibition oi i%76. BLIC XOTICE 18 HWEREBY GIVEN ï¬\{u tw 10 fos ue lo the a:u‘ill‘: Comm saioter, Ontario, 3 PERRAULT, Meere! gi ME oi ous" > _R uid FOR TMEQMLLAAQNX. THUE CENTENNIAL Y@TE o# Thaxgs. e rnpu«l to give ample is direction. Mertox, of Guelph, sec: fourlh page trat the av. ease *f ded snd deseribed ms ihe w---ut&nq 1hoâ€"enst »Adoe ‘.‘.} easé 10â€" Chap 4 W af . r"1.&TT, * t v.ty Ce rd iny of Sapt i b» 396 citin rirtpet £ me open:hg of the Normai ) MuUon ',’,.fl..::.:‘ ml‘y‘ma recently recited boomnE o t ime lethe A PCE | HHESLE hiat veon coduaaimet ebsviitie is ermin®t t tÂ¥ it inguoed "h':_ (Mr Mackensiop . w# proceesded m â€"/ "the _ @etablishment‘ _. of m the Legisls C ex.) HPAiintT! nlannanhs |~ 40 ~ + DAEr, /+ a s Eintk] Hheugdntuike O Mayor Eratwsrstox, in seocnding the resolution, apologized for the smallgess of the audience, remarking that the time and place of opening were not sufficiently known, and pointing also to the fact that he citizens were nearly all at the Exh â€" bition ‘n:ndn. ie re utt::lk that the formal opeming should have en place during J:‘q week at all, and uuuos the !nmlomn on the platform that the sparse attendancg was in no way the result of a lack of intprest in eduncational matters on the part of ike people. _ He reviewed br‘o(‘y xu’ bistory ot the movement in lavour oft| the institution of a Normal Schnol at this poout, so far as the citizens were «. oncérned, a d he congratuisted the City and u;e Provincial Government that now th0y Bad approached this important stage in tiie matter and were about to witness Lbe formalopelhghzl the Normal school. He welcomed the Lieut. Govâ€" ermor to the, city, who duming his‘ !1 amongst us had endeared himseif to a by his prigcely generosity and kindness of hearpand had besi ies taken a deep interâ€" est in Ultywa and the surrounding district as a publi¢ man. (Cheers.) He also wel: comed the Premer ::nl tho‘b‘ Provincial Governmeist (cheers) other = viemen :L) dii them the Mnou?‘& being present upon the occasion. Rev. Dr. K xuasox moved that the Lieut. Governor l‘.ko the chair, and in doing so said His Homour‘s kind consent to act had been| obtaincd. ‘This he was sure would be gratifying to the citizens and th s vuwtc tlemen: present, especinily when it remembered that he had bee n second to noune in his commercial and manufacturing nmotiom «8 prowoting the interests of éducation aad progress. (Cheers.) | Now he stood at t e head of the Government of the great Pruvince of Untario, a position he occupied worthily, (Cheers.) | His Honour the LagutBxaNt Goveryo®, on taking the chair, expressed the pleaâ€" sure hehad‘in being presemt to witness such an aispicious event. Both as the heuldflqund Untario, and as a native Canadian hailing from the eastâ€" ern portion of the Province, he was much pleased at hbaving the opportunity of veing present at the opening of s Nowpal school located in the east. ‘The population of unrox‘.npuhlho educational interests ot% h oo .;.l:o-'.d byâ€"th:s instituâ€" uon a i recoliectet.roughly, from l‘m to 175,000, +ni from “.sw;. trigal position, uu: ibol l‘wi.iur of comâ€" wihigation by rail sud water from e ery ’.dde'; he really thought that no botter location could have beenâ€" selected for it. {here wus a very large population in this very vidinity to reap ths benefits. There were ()ttawn with its 25,000 or over, the Whg:gfllh.. of hochesterville and New Edinburgh on esch side of. and ulmost farmsing part of it, and the City of Hull adjoining, . witi its 3,0U0 «or 10,000 ; mlh.o-, sccoriing to his cal & population of some 40,04Wâ€" within a radius of three milee, havi Normal School as a co;duo. 'l‘buo't‘hin: form@d & ygry atrong i usement the ‘ovenul’on!t't’o locaie the School at this point, enhanged as~its position was by wo railway lines giving it comaunication with the mwrior,n‘nd the great river Ote taw@o ting it with tho onst west. glowwmt in iddldom whn? bad alre «dy said as to the sources trong " Mich the h’onn-l School might expect stuJentis, there were the conuties of G#tewsand Ponuae lying immediately in front gud to the "?1"5:&:*' with. a ylu,r ulatign| {of 3t,00U ; am OEh they lay withim the l'wv:gc:"of Que :;dho folb asspured the . ie of Quiamo aad of viun:v;onh.q ‘L\lhnd‘{ estend to uf::' the > m offer: d by the Ortawa Normal 1. _ (Cheers) He was Upera House was obtained for the occaâ€" sion, which was attended by considerable celat. There was, however, a much smaller attemdance of the citizens than was ex pected and desired ; but the dounter uttraction of the Exhibition, and the fact that the place and time of the ceremony were not very well understood, more than agcounted for the cocurrencé. The body of the Opgra House was well filted with ladies and gentlemen, most of whom are well known for the interest they take in educational aflairs. Prominent amongst them were the several clergymen of the Anglican, the Presbyterian, the Roman Catholic, the Baptist, and Methodist Churches ; and Mesers. Buell and Brouse, members of the House of Commons for Brockville and Grenville ~respacâ€" tively, OJn the platform were liis HHonour the Lieutenant Governor of Untario, the Premwer of the Domimon, the Premmier of UOntsri0, the Chief Superintendent of Educaton, the Hon Adam Crooks, the Principal of the Normal .Nchoo!l, the Rev. D. M. Gordon, the Rev.. Father Dawson, the Rev. Father O‘Conmor, Mayor Featherâ€". ston, Mr. D. J. O‘Donoghue, M. P.P., &o., &c. | 0 [ l 10 1 The ofticial opening of the New Normal Nchool took place yesterday aftermoon at ‘wo o‘clock. The use of Gowan‘s Grand r-_ul with the location of the -chool" dngtber reason. He was aware, from a knowledge gained by a residencu of 1wo l)mi httdr midst that the people of Ltawa were remarkable for their intelli mhnr indusiry, their frugality, th: ir. en en o4. duct a&d prq)::ey oli ‘h.viour, an knew ~of no 6 in this country or for its maintenance of public order and its respeot for the suthority of the law, (Loud sheers). _ His Honour, who begged to be excused from making furthor remarks on account of the gentiemen who were to fol low hium, all o‘(h}vbom were well tiu:dd 1o speak on anything pertaini uoa tion, 1ooK M“MWM renewâ€" oi applause. â€" He Mhu-i‘ uced _ s Speeches by Eminent SÂ¥ateni =. . lion Mr Macesxzs, who was ‘received with cheers, : He prefaced his remarks by .hm;uâ€"quuh was alâ€" waya w to submit to authority, and oc.zu_."ndd obey the LearSowemn w when galled upon,. â€" lMe was hapy) is .0# W socordasd luim by â€"ndent to be present h&- mqma of the Normal Dr Ryerson recently recited th» lagty in a lettr $q gtbe public,.press, whiohé hall .. been 1 MGrmalvidlt / thiALIUEKLY / inguoed byh_h.m muâ€"tm o the _ establishment . of m Normal: â€"Nchool!s to paper. . ‘lhis ~.uh.u~h. (Mr. Mackentie) was acting as Premier of Ontiaro. ‘The neces: .\,}, of husing .:“:..c three additional â€" % : on Tet Mlhoy% be s '.uoud}l-. london . »He mflh‘wmflmk,‘, the Chief Superintendent of Education i. pefaimbant 0: Dutanle a Te dadk after the ogcurrence referred to by Dr, Ryerson, he hiad the pleasure, a» ong Of bis h; executive acts, of drafting an order in Council embodying his épitrioge. New Normal School. OPPFICIAL OPENING then expect to. .becould a . twebty §000009 L/ _ _ ) .agaid~that in usys se | mpueieatimantinane net e rapnes one mno‘:‘?ho programme, | fl-â€"-ï¬i-‘?s!&*_â€œï¬ The :* our political . institutions be peFfected, l:;i.s'::‘)d and equitable Government en» sul He bad ‘taken _ great pï¬y and _ paius to point out <to â€"sthe people" of â€" Great â€" Britain, _ during his recent visit, what he regarded as the superiority of our aystem of oï¬ tion, and how peculiagly gratified he > boat th:‘:y-um was harmoniously onri:dr out as beatwe 1 ciasses ) our M).ll‘gy' (Loud ï¬ ;m‘l Hon. Mr. Mowar sail, he bgqd attended the meeting more with the tinention of boi?i;flmf‘md- wlm.wzo:l.c PJ? ceedi m desire ;l:u more qm. N_lhm ‘ririond and leagag, g. ï¬ > 8/ :'ho .o.iffan ;,uu:n ha ve t. uch as it wmmï¬eol(vqï¬keglonguld be our first Minister of: Education for the: Proâ€" vince of Ontaria," (Loud chiers.) °,It was probably well km ::ol.;ho propriety of having a mem! ‘the tlu at the head of the Education D pow instead of a W@nrï¬lml ;mw of the ow “"ï¬o"â€" which had . cccupied public / attention Epee o ork 6. oh. uit ns . C e# uP the _ Clhuef .. Superintendent, ... unjer whose fostering care ‘our educational inâ€" stitntions and system had been ‘ for . the last thirty o+ forty years, had: expressed himselif nry::&uh its farour. ‘The op portunity soon be offered. him of having it: sried‘~and : tested. (Cheers:) Auélonn wmh‘mmuhm of Kaucation, it '-ro»l that we should ha ooo'rn} Onaa to tiend hiimal m noooed mh%:)" Tocak to in @, uon tiatier o the Oe 'u«-gh to } W& m He m& agreed . with opmox%n-odby Mr.Mackentzio that that itawa was the place â€"where \was appropristé the‘ first ‘movement int that direction should be inaugurated. He (Mr. Mowat) did ‘not‘agree with him in everything be said, however, and differed from him, as an example, when he stated in the persons of those who followed . it, better salaries would follow, and could hbe insisted upou. . HMeâ€"recited some very inâ€" terestinug~ experiences jot Mr. ~Horace Manu, in regaurd to the schools of Massaâ€" chusetts, which went to show that the greater this : iynosanoe of the people and the school trustees, the less respect was paid and theâ€"less encouragemen t offered to m really coftipetent teacher, 1t was the interest. of .parents and instruo+ tors alike to elevate the standing of th¢e teaching profession, and to make it an occupation that would be at once hon= curable and reraunerative, and the best w1y to forward this object was to increase as far as practicable the means of impart ing a higEor education. â€" Ho felt grateful ma‘m of. Ottawa that ou:h m n afforded to the people 0 section â€" of. Qnouio, and he trusted the same grivuo‘vqoum soon be extenied to the other portions to which references had been made. He believed «that on the educution of "the people, depended in a in 5 meresuble indfGemetiotnl respect in a mercapti 1e# i In pmpofl.ionq.u our educalional insiitu~ tions are sustained so, heâ€" contended, will ;u:t;â€";( ii.;â€Ã©bvm:o oou‘;‘(llod; th‘:n v ng it very much more of a stitution ï¬unr,m&l to him dpm in the interests ol tion. Our; Normal Bebool accom he a kud* was rmall us com o‘ tha‘Btaftes 0 ::;. A."::d‘ Repn vblol:m mor , +4 tle dum“'m%’: make ‘their calling w on _ 1Â¥ Seab)tdo Tréguent, & £ W mn :yuuou&eb,' ,cno mrnm as a pigans of obtaining .ather , and it was not ru::idld in the ll)i..hyd ar ont:ploy-“ ment which was to rmanent, and whith in stseif off wed all the opportanity for promotion which wes to bo desired The remuneration for teaching was not yet generally What it ought to be, but if the professiqn itself. were elevated. more woith 10e in iinnt. diat unzenie wat orâ€"ating the impression Untario was mothing . to, ,the,, Dominion. . He (Mr. Mowat), COnc@iveid.that.â€".INtARIOâ€"ria8â€" & great part of the Dominion ; she was the i0 io nslc ud Cemith Sivual be. largest, richest, and most influenti{l Proâ€" Aorigi h wl moll MEX that she sbouia of the Ontario Governtient, that the N oiet Sohoor it SofonnE / STNT very eiifbrent ly (von Iuotedig+ ips, indesd, all that e0be by deeigd fa‘k Atviont chool â€" was limited in its operations to 1 somewhat smail portion of the W'mfl&‘m it mamory. servedâ€" him 2}"“' he record showed that the county of York furnished as many of its students as the whole of the without ber. (Loud cheers.) But as On _ se tm LTLLL" WOE minion, it was on I,urng, that she should ake a hndmgï¬kfl in‘ regard to educa tion. â€" Than the subject of education there was none‘to which our public men could with better ‘d"nhï¬s give their attenâ€" t.on, and none in which he persoually felt u greater inverest, ‘The time was fortun â€" «wtuly long past when it was necessary to press the advantages‘of ‘education upon Lee people of Upper Canada, norâ€"was it neâ€" \cessary to tell them M&motmol our syrtem was aw object to all their energ.es should be wont.. He dwelt with ‘yreat empbasis apon tlis huppibess and that the Premier of Ontario would «c be able to carry aut tha mattdl‘y examiniatioh ha i shows biki/ Whilb\ist esting himself in this maiter as A Ri@gmber t ue oo wl t ht 5i cllic in ct W ced 66 04 concord, and alt the other blessings which ow : from the uhhnu;un-ft the péople of sound"‘information ahu broid views, which could oaly B# imparted by a -{Amd public « instructiou : â€"which : in cludes all, god he W ‘qut ‘how close the.eunnection & Mï¬â€œï¬ -uppdz of mnm h&t:‘o-mhlu o Leachers an IM , considerable number a"u«mï¬ were in operation in several countries ol Europe, and in the United States the were very platufah To “’Mfl‘ the numuer of them was very much gre er i 101% 4@\ + tN&n in 3’n'&rio,~:§ ‘mm:mdm were gene , in all essenti wm tound 10 be © most;, < fourishing : ant progreasive. . . He happeneg . to,. be 1647, and he remembered the Chief Su» mtwduu MMEM A N \’l:.' ::r.pu:l;lh he l:‘ New York in Now Â¥ Mowat) ‘was sorry 10. &ï¬â€˜.h‘;sfl much behind «Atat and â€" it . was. m».um'-u;hwk Sti0s of things should continue, he bad de termined this Nemnpmo@ should be proceeded with,. _ He hat experibhded h"-m“m s prt tho..p well Te lags m“w&-M Â¥ ht he recounted: ion, amnd thon, known steps which were opponents of the governtient to défeat is Bhint o un Pusioe won io wmw.wwm matter of education, but he would ‘also be frank d on t s eS s Wide eaistonce the country districts." "He ‘had beek , it $oo i rdinial sacdin‘e to tha tikonls sity, and the bigh standing .of â€"the .4 MA S want w o9 o oun ds n N j 0 O 0 M + 8001 Nor QTTAW A, PHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 2), 1875; person . how Imwwu the people of Ottaw#& and made a mattor of regs d bysthe Government ‘of Ontario. It was the fact that this city had looked:â€"more to the Federal than. the Provincial Government as the source of im advancement. aid. ‘prosperity, but ;he‘ desired to remind them that there were into: ests affocting them yery closely which were within the fuï¬ud&flon‘ of the Losal Administration â€" and. Legislature. _ uf these , interests education was ove, and the lumber Arade anothét, bofllfl hlll of very great importance to the city of (ittawa. . He .. reminded â€"themâ€"of the impetus _ which bad been afforded to the latter by ‘the ‘policy ‘ ‘insuâ€" gurated . by the â€"present .Government, the effects _ of _ which :â€"~had ~been felt from the Ottawa to the mt River, e spoke in enthtusiastic of . the prom nent position our system of educe tion had attained, and Dr. Ryerâ€" son in that. connedtion«: vrecently, h;:k?dmngd' th:dUnlud States were to an ucational,, model, ; &lqzmly the Canadian system was & Fn., b plased pur« uf:‘: in & m m.:(:o an aun%lo of a charnoter | even better adapted to the necessities of ‘a country than the â€" States. OQurs had muny : features borrowed ‘from the American system ; lmloï¬ it seemed to be a contbination of. ‘the ‘experience of all other mnui: Wio %ï¬ufl & m national in its c flz:z depending upon the yoluntary of the taxpayers. : We had also been able to overcome those difficulties as between . denominations, , which had caused so many heart buraings in, places. ‘ ‘To m.rm oar ‘ of _ education 4 stated the rate payors tax themselves at the. itdthdtin . uie oaly dbeddont tithe of that amount, 0f some.$300,000. H insisted upon the neobflw &hï¬ Cx isted for raising the standard of the . pror fession, and the increase of. salaries of. teachers} as ~all ‘as the eat ablishment of pther |.h-nl luu W for their traini e ‘reome ‘ | > U SaF . schinl eimaiitt dante vaiples nsin.â€"gs and other ‘ u;dt{n Ge uw mamer w‘:ll;nu, of they Germabs in wat. as very . striking . :mio.d'\bm Education â€"was one vof those things in which there‘was no res! point, but Kro‘rvu lust ‘be coatinua ng oa. ‘mhlnï¬vn’ like o:.nzwu it,, 1e« quired an npï¬â€˜romi :&Ql e part of him who would make it pnï¬bn.__ on. The _ Hon. Mr. (Crooxs«said. he ~scarce dpcuelint e mnwu:;m occasion . the . : npon _ his . shouldars _ would pmod the hr:'xmslhflhy of a â€" depart. ment which been for so presided over b{l «the> f Superintendent. .mumm far the purpose of‘ expressing in his own Aptrimudertip un be sire Can it hain boogd-urlyn t @ f ::;:.':.':w:?..m unbofrbate oora not boe a higher duty .than that of the me ;†MX in ies all inâ€" poite med‘ piporce the fakd of tho nation was thrown. (Cheers)» The Rev. D. M.*GbrHbox said he wilâ€" Dr. ;!yonon, L:O& put E&CD-“E ing!"p6€."because " he ‘id Anythibg, of in :~Or ~1mportance : to 9 «but &og.mo. i}?‘_evqnwn 3&&5 ‘fellowâ€" 5r & Novinal ~m& Uitawa. There wee many proofe of the prosperity and mosniegl po qmm"ng&& no muke'lvnll‘:drhgwtho pu&o'b‘i ymm in the matter of education. If cities were ha any one of these .colleges would carty -ityh him the stamp u::l r’:.oognilhn of the 1 aniv C © C ?l..’ e mmhagwuum of any such college might avai themselves ty mmentt be able wige "aney rrom not + i home bpunuomduu_flï¬; aml «0 the mt se mss ons [ awi number. There were some who m to see some such ~university system in Ontarjo, not conlining #o; Toronto the Cxâ€" pvid‘{ it6 of Lpublic: (tmoney .. fliotrl' education, but hlvin& several eges throughout the‘ Frov ""that» would both a wl cfroniche U uy eupi 3 ‘ doing -:?llu iÂ¥ it as integral pakts "of t ths University of Ontario; 1f such a system hopo EMRrin t(ï¬ OTene enb d in ‘Ottaws.‘ "While(we were exâ€" | WWNMMM‘ '°“M‘3 <s s ell db adt Ontaay anien, 1+ mightyby thoaght be fairly questioned ILUORLO & D. M.‘Gorpox said he wilâ€" t corutie Fequent of, (BBC stiow. | demurked that. New Am pening mu."‘d- , New ~§tate, which ) BAOdS" ‘L“d :i:n. b.n:ml\l l over wl;SIo: Bqut: T.: t'l;:ï¬# ï¬ï¬%:ï¬oin u.hl' :HP‘I .| \we ou + i ; ‘Woud | io onpenfepane se rengnent ce | r also| w. g ir proper rank in nobz Let Canade t.sh":m to award to teacberâ€"an i his profession, that high and honourable lace which rightfully belongs to them. Loud cheers.) So long as people were p::nt tho:uelm.:? long would they scontinue to treat with‘ indignity ‘persons Ll;om more ::lï¬â€˜ tened t,;unâ€zhn ta. who peopic BP mï¬w 4 e € ever, mt.hh m be no hng' culhb we‘ might: Tteasonably look with hope, but even in: the: present day salaries might and wfxm to be, increased, and much would thus be done to elevate the status of the teucher." (Cheers.) nations of the world, there were some of. tbo:o“unbfluuhly n;:o“?l th: greates themâ€"â€"engaged e mos miserable ‘political &;mh, and in their damnable persecutions which onf:i to have passed away in this age. . [t was Sm_ton a cause of trï¬: jJoy to find in 4 â€" OME .. were en en aorad ::;l pl::;lquuglh improvement . of we were greater even Mm{ho «ancient nations o†flxï¬o\n‘ history, and only a fTew years would elapse ere we should so prevalent of nprdl.n&.&hom as mere servantsâ€"on‘a par with (0) in wh:.d:: cut potatoes or held your plough wivocated <â€" ‘the â€" ~payment â€" of sucgh â€"reasonable.. ‘salaries to highâ€" ly » »qualified â€"â€"teachers â€" â€"as . wonld enable them‘to <make and maintain ‘:oin.:f Dr, . Ryreason mp\im?n.ubd the Ly Ottawa u eata ment ndpouphuou J"’&. Normal â€"School, which he had regarded as of the greatest lipse them in ont{' this noble ::.'1"3 ,&b,:‘niuu 0 m‘du would lift us be themall, So far as teach=rs Wwore ScuSerhotobe deprecated the @furtabt en "nnd . _ aolicitation . on. its &fld_ b @.‘P'-'h'.â€ï¬‚.. _Ev. The .w.“l.m.m who pive| ityâ€"and thqnm' i of ob prosper: was no m = servation vhohdld not see um.:o were soing boieth in pight abrides ane thile bebalf expressed by the gentlemen . who had spoken, all of whom had it in . their Wnrtodonnuhioflundvmm& e : were ~ advancing in _ material and the joy he felt at the expressions remarked u, the illustricus company io. which he Iound himeel‘; the gratiompy, upoan the platlarn befug among the mudet fx.‘i'}!"‘;u.io‘r"u‘fl foabiny rnk: 49y | yemerenl he pointed out that while there were only Muudoa:on&od the Toronto No:i-:lg m session,; : represen se it â€" did, r‘:dl _w‘;olo Provlno:* w'?“mid mwmv'y. ::.u with emphasis upon .. the necessity Aannk min met Lmatane n f & E‘.?;:o:ly“flfomo"i pwl untrained . class, e touched upm‘ao efforts he h.:om mu:of W‘ ‘existing s ’:iuuï¬ï¬, asserting that he Lly'leu'ned ome most useful lessons from mh mdodhu?w?:'kn of Hol! m bhl: mlnu&\ over d:f- Hiniplit we baihn orrm in itaneh the ind Peonsy!vania had twelve, obtaining a et‘ education, he hoped o o en n oi Jï¬ nens. o e 89&»1. (wfl ’d # f thay are oï¬m indebted to the Normal School for their proficiendy in the art of teaching, they are indebted to the â€"univer wlafl: scholarship, the. breadtly of viewpthe balance of judgment, and the habit of clear thinking which were amon the ohlof.&uhltu‘ of‘ the .mocnfl"‘ educato, the. sake, therefore, of Modm ) as well as for the of" & larger number the facilities for the firstohe;and Fennsy)vania had twelve, -.[n also recounted the number other Btates of the Uniou,. © Heradvecated the addition of a Model Scohool to the Normal School bereiat. the expense of the city of Ottaws, at whose door he pontended thatsduty; properly liy. . The ormaAl . School accommodation . of : the, ros.i'noo was only forh%)t), ‘::n&luhlld‘ to too little for the popula* tion, flmln the Gorerntreut must be impelied to build more schools in view these facts, _ He advocated the erection lueal authorities generally of Model Mmdlmnuod biniself gratified by the offer by the Collegiate l:ï¬ m.'l“n:ubundthomsohoi ( willinuness to give faollities for ‘he a model class in counection with ‘their for the t of Normal Bohool » a0g He nu&h:‘ (‘);- ‘tawa upot ‘m e uuhr::-md-ï¬ its wbo‘gh of every ‘grade, and be was especially glad that in bohboo! suflicient t & ra‘e %ww n:,fr'.‘.’{‘.?.x&.?ff CcallOn. a s ~be and for pphstoiatioe probably be the first to admit that, while whether the ) training of a Normal Boboo! was -'53-: to produce a first the maiter of .salgries , weo were ahead of WWWWA’.‘ D l w M" entyâ€"third Age,. an sen Te yen of t the fln atohien ince. c . F R&C ho that human t thi ;-:'m :ï¬:'?u lgflm l‘u: of anccesaful _ contradiction .. that he M-w good. al his country 'n(,h & his u-l_ludmwd to a,. .dï¬ tration .of. the. Dop:.tntnt on. :I:l subjeos éï¬n‘m W‘ék: y en en e ie not | ‘ favour ooo * "again : to tho new govermment, in 1 872, . Since then â€" be bad , never. ceased to urgasit Wbdid-fluly‘ï¬um-m predileo he was. able to say tiat he . U on ETT ARL oï¬ satis Aad in e enc n ces dog péuingd." A sebolnn, mayind 10 the ponher saae e bes All the influence of which he (D;- lq-f-_-) TokR?® Te sarsad ant Go pyoed in we mission WJ‘L mh“"' um.w be allotted hin (Dr. Ryerson) hore would <be devoied tomï¬ centleman‘s.service.. <+Cheass.) . He had fafurs thik itSHYad e avould soon stand is Reghorie lirake . o n. this: cog«sion, and !h:‘ illustricus company ereey mo mghooremntk th Ahaiime was mn&‘ from . box4, at. the corne 1 durmen put touk -' fligy ':ldnwufx ; a.‘ï¬v." Ryun‘s"dry goods ‘wtore on «'u.p..fl'.?:,“.:u.. from fls however, quiokly -muï¬ tinguished . #m ewever, quickly extinguished by the, Modien, wio mare coly apou‘ the Rbve The loss will probably amount 10 $500 or ‘ Biaxp,â€"The band of the Govâ€" .,.?:.;&.?“,...:..r.,..ms:fl;' Slayel s uen momams badeith epte‘s congreghted. to henr its melod ousâ€"straine was, immense, the gqusre and, promenade oo peianaiine cess‘, and it is to be hoped=zlis witizens; fa,.m.m-mmm cert é’wm&fl ng _ ‘ 20th ‘inst, in the Rirk Music Wl performed. by Dr. Hill, and, it is thought ht y the mesns of Prflag she foan‘s | Daxeprous. â€"A_man.,.wbile, in; a ft .0 es in aivor. â€" The aperntiont beimpwithessod & * : prownily did his ie tloppi To ie e fl’l}m ’i'.oJ.‘eundd y'ndvdthh 1 ag in 4 } m.h. .mug latter i; wo.:kn.nnhut c tagh. inimediate viewity." The e : conéladed: that: plumbe | was nost indi« gestible, someaadered.o stous: soel ad) a take plags toâ€"night in aid of tho Lihrory of St. Andrews Church Sabbath s&"& odo portpaned wss’ï¬mmm--r‘? droks, n oot ahint t heat Co) m.udhn interesting _ Â¥ . OB t was large pe i w&. i iiigaat io brome hss h uie o on S on meaink Iuumitxatiox or Paruunext Buitpixas.= W’m"?"&a‘y"“{q nkuss "of ho Ne mmwoi‘d.:'w'&:"m' y s be lit up as in Session in otdnl&v‘ m-ni o:n.ou mi:h}goe them. o: :hi:hl’wn:hhr, ::t‘l h‘*',“dg{i ooi"noidod Aidea, goad propised His., th would ..2&’""#} ‘-%&I‘d m‘.wm;%; lmd{&t but ‘ the hotice pivehn‘was too shott.©‘It would be a â€"gooi clues;, â€"and it c coiar i o amiam (enaite af e M C on ::ity .v.v’odd. valo \place -ndâ€t&ooauo' bands would ‘play‘ to night in Parliament _ The proceedings, which had been of ie @_%]?:mm?: "‘{;t ""hey. Dh V Cogmnasconaell ols inokinp, ilol O Hoal o Lecen ced ie mationt Mayor Fray:ssarox topon‘ osed. & vate of to the ldfllt-Goquw. t ‘s, Mownt, Auckenzio and Cro ; Rey, Dr. Ryerson and thoax + copdiagy wat ht aok t09 Ppportaniff it an 0 ‘ w‘%om;u‘m d,qmuot ‘éo{‘: in % ateo! mproveme ggho_gh_;l;'gconf years than any oï¬' ,W. 8, Gilbart‘s beautifu] fairy comedy Pygwalion and . Galates was . produced. hereâ€"‘last evening: ~before â€" ahouse crowiled ‘in every , To â€" ewch "an extent, â€" indeod, . m“ crush‘for seats ‘ provail, that bnmao time after the commencement ‘of the ‘‘performance no little noise and oonxdoum caused‘ in endeavours to'pmidom ssats for the mtx increasing 6 "“‘“““J"' many, of the elite, including some of the Mikistry, and @ gooily num ber of our general public were‘ presént 810008# mis Postrox@anâ€"The concert announced. i too High ‘praise.~ Her conceptiod‘of the | M‘:‘am throughout M'Md,!‘ und "ber: ‘maive> ‘and grasefab t‘m weli deserved the loud appiause‘ f which it was so frequently ted. â€"Mrs. m Btoddard > as cyud!-:;ui'ï¬f- paits dmm{“d Turn Him Out concluded the evening‘s !:AM ‘and ~afforded "a genuine P®hoar‘s . lsugh. â€" Mr. "F ./ 4.~ Bmith uis o eittamatimee, l utleranses v‘..d distinct tone. The however, rather thin, and, t to with ouch «Te es 00 MO] Of 10 fage mvou Tuls oV ns iE sn AHnbNP Seve s HWocri~@nteclltgecnce. GOWAN‘8 . OPCRA MOUSE, PKuay) & _ _ ; CIDOHMMNPREâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" | J j 3 .3 | \| y e \ | | ' &, \‘ N w i Pygwalion and Gniatea. poorpority, MM) e es | «Three burglaries haye bhean.reported as ol the en Gtewipron 0t bocies seven ifl:.n-m& Mfl':'nm e o o. s mt id pbca ue oiai ob wreriid Shy m i or ,‘ Ju@ge Mindélet, *who {b benich, anad who had wil aleng held the leation court to ‘be ~tB~ {used, to sit, 'wm ‘BremeP#*Yongé ‘Rtreat‘ me-‘\mum ‘clething nnd some cloth. was anade. F .l‘l‘. PH P3 a Ni wu ‘Rlection Cane=A ‘Jndge ‘Refurés to | <~,@It â€" MKon:|.Mr, Cartwright~Money Eï¬ D Fubs s se Tt / Abich»â€"from / duty, andcche ~ would f‘ii_‘&i:?:'l'â€"dm Witst ‘dabe + Adding, he.hoped mmm:i â€" The are given omml. io ho pooane oginy Ohiet Purube ie nds ruwx&m taltes th% mm irdrnak; y â€" hn hnd i MhsiMAQ) Mr.‘ ‘Phos . ‘ Moss, *MiP., " the ‘tatres, | O P mc in ie ie the i) | ane m It is mid m&‘&w% Bm i tiet metainngunin Bove mt in to b‘np:&mdhflxhxh " on ooo o it o io | .* . n mipep ied Incotmen] ‘fn ceonmtotin with ‘thenew appointmentes )* 00 «10 { emaly qeoonrgate wat then reepind in grap ind bringing tothe # drowned on ‘Bunday â€"last;| Atâ€"has â€"be‘n Hnn%u that . of, Otta, Mars, : Gen foen. "The hair trie Iound atont Treny by, Messrs, Rainville . as for . @R:, ;')W‘.";;h : i ' mï¬lmfl Ton/ Mr? O@rtwight . . $1104 . s“flh‘ul h at K for. Bank, 60. day; amounts at a 3 j quam't‘-‘mwu:F‘m and firm, Sat fat i ‘p 64 m :(deou; reentuiry hille quiet at ; atook» heary c Aatreat i ig dative * #8 M'Jwaw 2&‘1#3 }mu 10 shares sold &t > which was bid at theâ€"alose;; for &ve more ' s -\? at, gould . m»u # '-"" r.Lfr;, r“\"n.;.tt. mmtï¬ wWillbg, ol irari6c4~â€"4 08‘ ) ~~MeKindiy L.QOâ€"L Ne : 276 i tm colline uen n rerm in to the m%ho::d.- rolns‘ inen mesarfoagiee: shortly.to perform at ene:: of Ahe: apors m .: ‘g Iv.‘lh,xl- Ii ?Ww "--:‘wox' vadiâ€"enmoid | â€"!__ ‘mouyo® ‘cevusey.>~* wl ~.ouurtq 10 u_ sairhia Fodore h AiseanPoRiy. an jm’\’] DTAE U Andins Bck on ntolcn: T mhintihs: ‘$2 and sosts orsome wreek. «=~=~~. , " en titiom doonic ape Sned 83 and i%nï¬ AR_ Pro jop w DdnE t harcth ante t o Ms ‘‘Daniel ‘Cook, ‘drunk ‘On ‘theo‘ strools, was fiped ${ /and mum‘gs4 hhoey ~ s wney ~a 4 1 offered ‘at‘saide price.‘ Other‘stook /offer ed at yerterday‘siquotationki s #» «+>~0 waek. "“-hw“.dcntnk;: * was: 10 31977 _ ‘Williain Binks ‘was further | reinanded unï¬lwwmh'%u moq Â¥10 the usu.l number of lig gered who usually a M‘m th "jrj lon in our raldw6, _ . " _ __ _ _ fadcnr tm E‘ï¬gu% Ti Mr, J. Casprain of the Department o Afhat ‘;.;shï¬f.iz'ï¬a.... m‘g io fiou: fls pookat on the io dhogng * fX old ob se 4k se %’v& :Fr"m'm' s .;;i:;' thintdywio had juiturriFed ink zmumn% -A&nudou.“_:‘&"p Arotemertnae airued a leiter » oontâ€"yesterday at the Exhibition h hithokh haut abrer h-@ Pick pockets and work. to -ru--""_""'""â€"; @1 Glunjalo ol romarrren e eramat | +m magr e recoar it h B Wt : vam Kotireâ€" CA N A B L BA WN te: A CMAPTER oÂ¥ CRIM®E. MONTREAL, Wanrxznspar, Sept. 22 K 18100@®h) muinvus ( L 1AAA . 0 e eA mA §4 s ~the | w heet Commnriea un m Oe Touse los "«t the Union tiouse. The 4 vmww t“. e #e J.' n». doors having fl"".“ % %&?‘mw of ‘and ‘Rtrvou ~Me | wl c worre of liquor, and : henoe laus @"%Waï¬ rlwmu e exton‘t ~$7 wiich (they oontaiged): =oss ||~ .W dn w 0 + LiMyst® Â¥i tApicd e o hiot® ccteriiny, the ddurd in quic yo -.k_‘m ' "9"'0"'3“ "& Â¥run: Lo ibbrtam tatlers growhag Out g fulluse of : yhe Bauk, O D441000 i ies agarilt the " 4HE, ty nc\ ; i. ormdag* duvreloy ’-hn-q-'& % Cl &‘r"]’hz.% Live! ; toâ€" im be dimaue, ridlt to the Unlt 1 ""»URb0n05, 8. .. 40. E. 3 K A-,Qflt M â€"~mme n ngre e omm . M n Wirng) ;'Duo 1 ? «lt uy oiory bas Ai aue) dosys i ie viÂ¥de s 120b tA A v U f U P [‘SJ -;:«_; ‘ i;.; .45-55 PNCa lEE yone. (‘lhe detectives were soon on the wlert, but up to a late Lour insi evening RO trace of theâ€"stolsn mogey could be lost pontaiping $6%, at the 14 0 97 t vhoper it mas Chnacy 1 0h 3 mihon nc it ubont ces peace, but when he turned uround it was Mr. Gharles Moore, who is @b the Rugeeti ~touse; m day h:&zunu too..-‘ud beena durniag a & d * : mige rive m poole caae pard ie o L. _ The matter was at once plaoud in tor node Of tnt Seinpainge One of the men in charge of a turpâ€" stule adthe iixhivivion yroundé yesteriay, very; spoke ab in . Baitroad, May:Coal, .h‘.- trlaw: /. â€" «PELATRORM 400 . 00U0NDER!®â€"â€" â€" ©ant. 4 11908 GO0KS & â€"STATIONEARY ARTHUR L. HOLMES; TOTICE TO TAIL *RSâ€"A stust» a ofemern uhestetn Afgg Brins ns ./ yEiiol% T T M . (p@iss Will /ibe rosud.every article used in the odice of Manufge ured only by the Original Inventors Ot un wa WESLEYANâ€"CONFERENCE, i A 300 pisdyne eVDTdDG en ind . Pakih Staier,‘ A~ + wmo id ~ wl . FALIRRAANKS & CO. . SCALCES, Hatlwiatt, L. N sTATIONERY gHK PUBLIQATIONA QF THLE w ¢bls bote plote aus rriment oC youg lais ROOKBE UEA # #FT \FLONMR intwin Uh: O4Y, :.A pP‘I A0 MRA FOR PP d s«X