INES, T ES , 8! HATSY | ) RYE â€" Wore COsiebrates t‘Ss. D OTTAW A HOT MNEKAL®A as tih 111198 . oÂ¥ 4*y NT) K 4 I8IN8, 16 ARS, P4 END‘ Sâ€" F HATS, * uUrtILers, rs & Co, a tie. AY CEVLINMS. t the city as cnon an pQG#Hie LW PRICHS GE 8 , !â€"00, value ""ga". takine w fdats !!! RALL BLUE mag~ TL x 1r «4 & -râ€"-:c â€" Prigce umvwee Porwge daily, evpeptes) al 7« ma, passongets arâ€" -w-'.v mEr muslks Maw: e C pms ) ©20e phex .. connectin r 2 bo Iniax : Wivieres * om mvuse «m jgave Union, Ruseail and W unisor couse w6 a us. for passenget® . _ _ 00 000 _ ) _._ to parties desirous waee they embark on dWA Aives waviGation C# Â¥,| Union Forwarding & Railway Company. vOL. VIHi.. NXO. 3953. &E"f}dï¬i‘iu%‘n‘o a . m‘ o TE Coamis Jaao Dib & Armacpenbes a < imupa â€" RailWay ï¬ï¬‚iflfl.fl LAANCE ......»â€" Walsiip m. Returuing HSotiny «o t bol ~uu-'..~uu..tï¬.h- wnutmw Jies ous We i UTqimm ;400 _ Meai+ mawe. May 18 OF Ez . AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS wone of SPECIAL TRALN TV BRKITAXNLA, Â¥ufle t receise w poard snd innd Mails 57. nimgerainer ol hok t m deross w Ffi"i"t-’ m the Ciyde ever «w |from Quebec on uf about every Te sito: chenpesi and qulckest _â€".h onl us uen w _m vokan. *Borihs not mant onl pate tor, ""â€" "m: be charged at the nn‘d*..m PIC NICS AND EXCURSIONS _ riles dewtraus visiting the potuis of isâ€" oÂ¥ a£ PKi .& VÂ¥ WaLkA _ Capt ~. «pDem Kiui 1t LLNE. U EB VICTUOKLA, â€" Cap. w~edoenpell Rails« of Pasmage from Quebeo ase prou LLAS LiRX Orumawe Juiy 23 108. Coxrapy‘®s Ub rBlCan: 7 Bowllng Grees, e c ie 1 f~ * mm ©o0LDTHEIT® 4 & ouxmewe Wl . â€"f > e PEW A iX M V LA MAC® E& Union Ferwarding Railway Co y. | * ® z\ & CoTLa x 1 xP>BIA = #e 4 y oT tA y a dn P 8 YCHO MANCY, jmiss of Prmage from Qnobee :â€" on soUL CHARMINS. * Sm arcall cho possous free, uy imaul, ces «ud. A quest book, Address be Steamers of the Ginagow L To Al who are ® DU CHESNE LAKE. lnthtisines ~A 4:3 Werâ€"~ Oy ~~‘uagesnnt nEW YuuX ANXD azistow. Aruros 1y momes toass. 1149 oob at aight, Veseib WU be usspmlobed as tallows â€" â€" Heture uokels al reduced rates, Bteorage aiways as low as an} owper Favourite route for iouria. Fipes: approsch to Great BritaD® #J who are sufe?tng from the ervors aw" 3'1"-7:“ ,..n_d,n-:vlr- '-..:..‘i ».M =’-~d03‘-.-1- Ames im ces o Soa‘h lana», Station D., ANCHOR LINE. ulars appy malb 24 % & n ie #% # Oc 14 C uarripters, Aitorncys, Sollcigges, < CHESNE LAKE. | veyancers, &€., « on . be made With 1 e Canada | f the late urm o# Lewis & Finhey ay Lo C@ffy Akourmouisi» BJ | UFFICESâ€" higin Street, Oiiawa. hi Eie C Vess y v n "4 W . suEr HERD, Uhromeos i0r §1. TDe 5200w001 CB se e h 4 c ie thrie t ho Try a varome :? m“ C We Sow york CHy Mn d ud ds L 0 make aftuigemeiile i# & 8. CAE _ «aFp. ASSKLA, ireaideii, D. W, OOW ARD & CO. # orta th, W aÂ¥ _ O0 e Uflice, *p<rk» AMtk"" | 0 oaot‘s Confettonary _ Figdiay. w osom‘s C Mulliyan. | A#~Money 10 lend oa Corn Nki . 1. Oal es Ung» . Howie y0 to 5* | ARCKHAMRBAULT, bhveirke 0. e pmerd | Netary Public and AqvocAté, «nB iet A w 'l\.o!AIP.M Advoecate, Soliciter, &e. | _ fSa. 1; L James "treet, . . m ur;)or ‘mw-s qC. a.J. -l'“l 4. _ pegick : Hanky‘® fVack: Sike “' ILLIAX MOSGROYVE, Uflice Over Mr. B. Iuckell‘s Flour Srre, wruer oi Susmes «2s Yorkâ€"stiecis OQliawa _ W “’ ALMKERK, CANRELE & EN AMAPDENe _ | &c., &c, #0. Holicttors, A Comeâ€" | a sarristera, n sigrim:, ao. ghe | Bass® Pate AJe and Guiness‘ Exira Stout Jffceâ€"uell‘s Wiock, opposite Russell Hhouse. | ALWAY3 ON HAXD, § .M. W aLKER | K.CasszLe,Jr. | P. PEXNOCKâ€" | Exbibitton V will be well accom» Jay 21, 4 ... a %m Has Opered ac mlice in the Vilieg®e 4 ul n.w ul Qqueres. fr .ae trangaction of wb artu! a 4 le al bu<vers, etther in the Provipee of (juebe¢ or «mtario. Speciai "are aven to !! e câ€"irchcn of a~counts in both Proâ€" D*..!***E» Rmtlie=co. Metonife Louse { : merly Cecupted by the Hon. i‘ Officeâ€"Master in Chancery Caambore, CO ipuso, . Liawa, Canada na RNISTEE ANXD ATPORNEYâ€"AYTâ€"! | w CITOR IN CHANUEEY, SoraRÂ¥, > vaxiks O‘Co®®Oo® . | ;.":'dw â€"‘va k.3 k¢:~« 5.1 ~ N. CHEYsLER, CM. Prxmx®n 00 A.J. Ourirri®.| bH.d i‘ V“me_»__'v__ e a gne w NARSH AL MATHESONX, e BHarrister, Attorney, Notary, &c. MHXMEY, CMRISTIE & HILL, «1y of QTTA W A, County of Carieton OFFIUEâ€"No. & Wesllngton St, wibel, OrtaWa, OBE _____________ " ALMER, CASSELS & PEXXOCK, W. W. WARLBD, G1BBS & COURSCOLTS, Wedical Cards. uccessor tw W . it. Thistle & Co. uffice, as Jormerty, over Mana‘s Ms W. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L.. Patents of ~Invention, (TRADE MAKK REQISTELED.) .i ToRIA ChamBERs, WELLINGTON paglnpmmamagy +0 7 M 334 Large Commission & Cash Premiums Agent‘s Outht Free! LiBnARY | If Jewels of Imaginative Literature: wp“vt-d“ 1 L2 1 dot coe ts‘ U ie s oTTtawa, omt __ 0_ _ olinity ihotared o wh $ fol pase on K OM i i rotlod Zegqal Cards. ETHUE Â¥. coTTtoN, "Provincial Land Surveyer and P ATENTS. , STEWAET & GORMULLY, , Comy Attorney, Solicitors, &0., _ | _ july 18, 1875 w ai ififki h M ~actvcndococndndioch d C Mz BEN. HUCK begs to Aitorneys, Rolictiore, uu:-.-l“m .-u':. Tout he bhas eyancers, &c.. ,m‘x the on‘:â€â€˜." es "a" 4‘ o toakeary | _ ‘The bes n-oq-t:::q--l nos Q o is * | are kept and ibe promptest Ti Afon is Pale K. W. soort, Q. © FORD & Cco,, at his Office, corner of ‘Conâ€" BULICLTORs OF Talee fom Arabian Nights, TDt Russeil House, j. J. Gonsi0LLy. cA w spdlbe | e is â€" nyw apen of Guests. This t SA l“.m;..':'m“-un u Street. gardioss o expense. ; ~â€"â€"â€"*~~ | _ Oholcest wines liquors, cigary, 46. Good Sta bling. DER . sol otter | VI.M-ISAM | _ Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1878 _ Sigml MNONTEEAL &e. tor the in Chas W Ni Mtink * | Angls Ameriean ‘The "Feathers" Hotel. 83 to 37. WILLIAM ST. .-'-rwfldnnb-.n # P.M.. at very reason* The Royal Oak Hotel, The above Hotel is weil suppited with the Choic, st Wines, Liquors, Cigars The Dufferin House, ll now open for business after being rencâ€" vated and newly ftted for the comfort and accomodation of the travelling community . is bea~tiful and furnished with the cholcest brands of Liquors, Cigar®, eto. Your call will be kindly soiicited. (Ridean Street, near Sappor‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Propriestor. and well furnished rooms on the . ,Phe Arett Lanebeon asd Dinits KHeoms in \ ontlemen bonoring thts Estabiishm ess Â¥ith Feing fak to thhus oetere o _"_ ‘~ _ * CC @muil us to and from the Cars and Hoats free OPPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRK S4or® loyful Tidings to Thousands. Ov‘awa, Sept. % 1878 BR .likT GRAHAM The REJUVENATING WATERS so muc! sought for in years long pastâ€" 4 i ies Anrenter of tss ohin. Alfections of n | inve j Urigars, invane mee Poriuivelr Corner Bank and Wellington sts., Dr "Wi. Hobertsop as The Elysinm of the Invalld Is again open U LP H U B, 8ALIK L and 6 A 8. in which the acUon of the WaLer # MERDE DC Inovam arma .".. e Vl“ in ed to health by the use of the waters. Luncheon served at al} bours krounds havo been mj and beautified, '-Bam-o-~‘a~d“ ovided. â€"1be trip thither by the Ottawa Wuiver in most and a raiiroad from dame tus eorine honie ce Rrtabre carringes will be . in 2-‘:. Invalids ! A CALL 18 80LICITED. Te td Ceeeregenr n Pn h in the world jor beaith ai Thousauds of tralimonials bus the reputation of the M m , °, gkï¬ï¬% 4 necessary 10 do s0, THE "LONDON," Ai.BIO0ON HMHOTEL, FOR EVERYBODY Wellington Street, near Advertising, Registry: & Goneâ€" nl W m t COMMISSIONS UNDRTAKEN, Books posted and batanced. and debts Housis and Stoves To Let in all Parts o l m _L,..L‘ If you have any Kii 1f you want a sorva A nmeume® RSONLO e c By 1he W O8K, .444 se ++ %e + %+ Hy the MOntH. .. .. »»coe6s se + NICHOLLS & v‘Con NOR aATEEET » Next Vistoria Chambers. _ ~ ::’-hhod m-:m-m â€"_IP.â€"~stnt CX Stacics shoee mt in 1%%:â€"*Bui the disease above all ; the action of the water is most deci« HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, have a house to rent or want & housa «art House Avrencs, QTTAW A, Ont. cusrons UKPARITME NT ...s... ... §$8.59 per day, LW of Ous Hotel, will take hie |~n-:nl repders i; upâ€" W tÂ¥ .t‘d )'l::l K 4‘b.lul-‘<- ~~hu¢oxl 'Q'; Btaod* at verlcus ppfni® in thj _ OlkY. A.n.nunmun.'l.,% ‘v AlTIt â€"Two WM-Chqantl tï¬:: dhe. «©4OhR rOrT a £B. ad Conothston, WÂ¥ "uor, botween Sparts and Wellington strcots, a general Servant Arr'xï¬';..“_' seven and eight oclock, p.m , with references K _ ntiped, goo.t niteminzce charges Fobsonâ€" ani#. Apply b> Mrs. dflo.’l. queen Hi.cet, between Paâ€"k and Hogn Wope® <, Sept. 14. 4 95. smeatt Neapedan Puv;n LOBDGINGAâ€"noâ€"ms well fur» â€" niabed, good nitrxim=zce charges reasonâ€" at 1 GEN1AAN‘s, 53 sussex streol Â¥% Ip with or withoot rooms, +nd roome without boart T::!“h.:’k mn:: Urate Thitle (We miuustew walk of thke Perdaniail ie hm n mauuer anqube s1 1. L OTTAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 25, 1875. W_Aif;..;n * en k Omao." on OCme t nos, botween Sparkts and Wellington International Exbibition of 1876. numl-hntagnn.uu the x“"“ of it pepcriation aticles tranamilted to the Lenteunial Exhibition st iPotladelhia w‘ll be borpe by the Unhadian Comwissio , that they wil be w::nuu-- for any loss or eustained by exb vitors. Thes will also all Bbow Cases, (ou tors. Sheiving, &0,., avd Canadian Commission will provide the requiâ€"ite conveniences jo*the "nlou-d-:'p:o‘tgvn shafte in J."u.. ie O ege o bovel Prome NAE "A 106 EM Artig o« iar exhibit ion vubomodug::-‘ less sold for use in the Un‘ted Staies, Al soid t~ be shipped to ctner countries will be Ol we on ist November next, Artoles to be delivered in the difierent Proâ€" Â¥inces not later then 1â€"t of 1 C _ is Exhibttion of animais in ember and Ocâ€" trber, 1876. 1---“‘0 m is neossâ€" sary 1o murnw t> be for» werded to Mr. W. H. of Adstecry Board, § Scott street, inted at a meeting of the Orubcil thereot, to hoi.ldu.umwhthnny hdh& City ot Ottawa on thefirst Monday in the month of Mn:-hn:-ul.abn w ' on that t nq. uuwi,i?\uwl u{‘:r-'o.‘; pors pass a w to n U street >’o nflW which shall be a continuation of v atreot, and which shail be bounded and desoribed as tollows: Commen ing at the southâ€"wesk \ of 104. rumber 2leven on the cast l.a‘ street aforesaid, ibonce eust to w ‘ aloug the southern b: und=y a: seld -.-1 woned lot and of lot uw on wesk i‘.ï¬l&nmud puw ber on a‘..u':u!u'd od is rԠo‘ umtuum‘mm. street, an of lot number Ten on the west side Adsis‘vy Board, §7 scolt 1. MebpdOUSGAUL Beriin, "-"""u-:'" ; ï¬ 'ii-i'h'i(.iâ€˜ï¬ m-oâ€"d"nu fowvers Tes Tnince south mithg whe onat is of Aong at out es rorke. City of Ottawa in enter «ron W :n- ot th: foregoing : each \ Pi ie ons womne ang hm t #Â¥m t ' | 'A ‘m.'.n Bept. 1, 1875 EXHIBITION ANNUAL, UARD 800X for the CITY Of OTTAWA. (A Ottawa, Sopt 21 1§73, That the Corporation of th* City ‘of Ottaws Inace Io the locasos or Th\ severni aleases of stock and ariicles exhibtied, i u- oi mirrnnnce 40 infoliigenty cnfering the display . T h n-:.J- H:Q?QP_'-, ho lt ERVANTS WANKFED.â€"Three or :our OTICE To TAlL@ORSâ€"A situation w nt ing, for the conveniencs of Visiting broth« mmasee. %n the city during th m!?": TheGovernment Buildings, the LAbDFMFY, | E.o This â€"E-n' 3‘.‘.'= gll* mtign as to the most direct mode of wancting busthces (bore#ith. ... :; ME ts o in traigtonopeg ts ten of EBxb bi m:‘vvd-u l"lï¬iilm"" led med‘um uvom is pages ‘the size of this prospectns) wil!t be a large pamphiet T A NTRBD â€" To or thro. well recommendâ€" ) " id you‘y «ds to t<k> charge uf News‘ usns iPo oib attal to fm“v'&o- a iis advoâ€" tixing patroos virtaally of a standing advertisement for a whole yoar, '"n-‘wu:;nc&i-&.‘ itie, Speaker ed «s Cuttâ€"r and Clork in a clothing store v _A MeNab, (Eeq., President Of he Eeg., f From .w % iz vour propored Hand Book my heariy AP Eï¬g fing is to be |-.umu-w Femnlned prtead o it d niats °_ ABRORW‘D. MeNAB. A. Ropg®rTso®, Heq., Oitmwa. : WARL TSE d fistu fer» senventeys fo; beecy $ e mno fatule relv The vast amount of information it will conâ€" a "Provin=ial Exalbi ion |{ubd» OO« Th _1 i. be a wor e ofvrevl vaine 40 visoms0o f bition, as a reference. 1 hope you meet with ‘umeion: «ncourag» ment to justify a year« BLIC NOTICE !8 HEREBY GIVEN :' s .:-::- a .".â€"'7: â€" ‘The fourth race*was a fiat one ofa mile Bsc pafearennr s mss ce curre.sner ieA 44. c sgpaaging 2s Jikeenet ,, 1 uon e rmen e teitins" * md Housem=tds can find em ploymentat Ts hodsh. "Apely mafediaiay"** ;â€"'â€":%-i-’i-&â€"- SUR" ‘. [? AnBx. MOBEmtsan, qs . ._) .!~ Lo d o (he V with nights and places of méetâ€" es divecury of the Â¥Ation A Guide to the Show Grounds, c roy SSRA ULFE, he re‘ary. "Mants. # . sqpthod #1m.â€"â€"L Linve read your anth f ind bave mufluz d .x! a n»‘ ‘.’ * I have po hesitation in giv« MRS3, FORGLIH, 3 61dgs 2 Thou sand ighls. day a success, The autumin meeting of thhg:‘élub was insugurated yesterday under the mp5t favouravle auspices. ~ The woeather ‘was delightful, and the attendance was large, which, after all, is the chief mainstay on such .codasions. . Adams#‘ Independent Cornet Band played some fine selections from the grand stand throughout : the afâ€" terncon. A large numberof ladies were present, which added to the gaiety of the meeting. _ ‘The ) yesterday was exoellent,and there was an absence of the usual delay between the Messre. with what they had seen. ‘There, was but o e eeerane accidents that befel two or three jockeys. m“{lrwl- Open to all horses owned and in the Provinces of Ontaric and Quebec, ‘T.C.W. Mile heats. | Maidens allowed 7 the. $175 to lat ; $25 to 24. u.ur.:.uag-:a:..u-ou-&sw 2. Mr. As Pisher <b, m Oeall by t anâ€" To e w ie e onen Ssd i oi * "Eetarben sarer Mirprer," Red and Ties + Sn parml in en aemns ons 8, Mip.3. iirsn‘ mmony‘ p. w Botta $ yeare by .q', & Mroce 1 15 \“‘bmn ® El-.’m.ugn 4 l. l‘r a"-â€":'%!:..n;-a.u-: * "oy Harper, dam by Lapidist â€" Yellow, I‘wo of the horses, Cecilia and Emily failed to come to the scratch when the race was called. ‘The other six however To d S toe magt c on ie boay mytom Minnis took ï¬.m roraatGrlaf= the lead teerans "The ue stretoh was very exciting, as a neok who was running a steady race, and Jim Christie,. ‘The latter, however, held the wpï¬d-d came in winner by a length. Mignoneite was a good MIG._ODCtO .....»«casees crrernes srtirn resmrs _3 8 !‘bo-l minute 48 seconds in the first heat, and 1 minute 481 seconds for the second race :â€" aq!"ï¬'dm 0? to all horses. One mile and a half, T.C.W. $200 to 1st ; $50 to 2nd. ‘ | biirteel Araprr B tip ic wl y Res M y wmariy n 21 _:-d= _' The first racsâ€"was for the Foster Plate 1. MX Fatt 9048 d). M Prince Antward, ‘6 m :. Jack Lane, out o: Mountain Hare. l e aomnira es * oo mc nc ns ds an t dlage AUTUNMN Pitot, Enquirer, We Emily scratohed leaving only four to come bh"h-h\%- The % one. ; tm tor "ihe tesd Teitoeeed, o7 Vicksburg. "A race was rum ‘all the way around. ~At the of the mile Vicksbury passed and but lost it again at the next + tion won by half a length. SPORTING ~INTELLIGENCE. ‘The : entmes .were made: for 'hndb'uu h-dl:,lll‘hnx rale ’.&-':ï¬om' Trorses. that have been starters in and~ not winners of an rirasim Sash. thowed 5 Tbs. $200 to ist, $50 to 2nd: 1, Dr. Omnith‘a b. h. Judge Pryor, uy Lightning: ‘The following horses entered for the «. seE imgplows gh. 1e mébsibbn, â€" yie . by nearing the first hurdle the leading w the hurdle and stumbled, ing Jim Lee, the Jockey, very he! u".'.'qw."' "'"Amx:"" king ‘&â€"fl\ a in three mwnï¬? lad in charge, and had him ‘removed to to the city. It was rumoured at ® late hour last night that he had died, but this w-ii sue Was.ington. . Red “‘w- Jookey, and he, too, became an inVAlld. Katie ?; m‘&-‘_"‘u. -":__E._."‘“ Katie P; took the lead, and was pressou o snn nds o) einiy third. On the home splendid race and Lély third. Un the home stretch â€" Lély fell on : the, last» burdle, ........‘fl»:‘h%a‘:& giving Jack on the Green third . The race resulted in the following orde .â€" 4 Jagk on the GTOOHN . .s.2.sl2re+» Cli in Forbes‘ 64,. m 40us,. agedc. F- ‘I-:" dam by C “‘M{z‘:‘ " Teasty fopdousta ti Ja Sxring , Tom_ 4 First Day‘s Races. 1487 RAQB. MEETING. ... Sm a1j s 00 Toh and 3 y» ‘T. R.w‘:‘*..'h. W‘z 8, Mr. K. Wel‘s o':‘-l ag b 1 Mlisksctont a Sohme repreny 250 acl & 3_. o. 34 9* Soie urni‘s on0 00â€"3 yeark by lug was the result at the close :â€" 4 â€"w' quirer out of i.cisure, 6 Gener 1 :nnl:l.d‘l:u : D’Mw Y 7i‘ mrwm j,eucl;uw w‘ .gt“- “oâ€:hb. ie m‘ "Tunumeg. dsn "ay imap. o _dam by A-muhi: the soratch. Vmflook. -w: and was closely .db{smma..n loh-k..x"ro the 'u:ln‘ shment of to;lk‘ M' -m. mmmmmMmï¬n the race in the best time yet recorded on m’" Ottaws turl, He was so m ~folâ€" Tuiee was frsh, "In: faot, the whore :’m in almost in a bunch.â€" The followâ€" t &md"tl 'at- by imp. Australian. Mr. Salmon‘s chestnut horse Reoinder was the only one that failed to come to ‘The Prince Imperial of France is about to take a tour ar rund the world. A:*hhna:ncuo:o â€" "An illicit distillery was seised by the _‘ Madame Jeaune Farrenc, a" celebrated French musician . and comporer, is déad, QMlgd'W I Sll.ll"dh?-t and .ud ‘v:'r{iflm?:: se 3 and Frehoh m Mons Dh':“m oc oeneimennarings ol m omporimnd Totnt, ma es wes scuidently Riled on toat Hoat ) the suit was originally brought for $20,000. . _| Advices ï¬_w ind atate that 1 of ::.};:a T uncs, W:;o}i:nltm ruey ) shitige the fedepondents of 10. & . hflwod:ohnbo-mi:tm Bept. 24.â€"The London Times m&w a special telegram from mrg near Luchan, France conâ€" taining following: Twentyfour hun: TRLEG RAP HIC.] Anroadicl oo virllaaniter n molnoly is Turoeey oo srosnthe fonisnt Poos on ing: 15/00 Ural Cossacks have been banishe | to the penal sett‘ement of Turâ€" kestan, for having. resisted the new milâ€" itary laws. Many more are likely to go, i thoae lawe ment with mush oppositin in the Ural Colonies. ‘ : Receut rams huve been very damaging to the English hop Mens Dias was ‘appointed | Rishop of St. Bseioraps, Sept. 24.â€"News jreceived from Sclavonic sources announces that beeti increased to 7,000. These hate divided into four corps, and are about to attempt the capture of Preszrin, which they intend to fortify and hold. â€" , ied heer n ige| oo oam Government soon reply to the note of the Papal Nuncio, ‘They .say.; that :no concessions will be made tending to preâ€" Loxpox, Sept. 24%.â€"The Times, in its Death of a ,.“..‘ o-n-w % r_aï¬wnhnmu:: Mapzeip, Sept. 24. ~Mons: ln is expested hete to repiace Cardinal Gumont as Papal Nuncio. The latter leaves for _ Loxpox. 4 p. m., Sept. 94 1â€"16, for w‘ Brie. 15 ; lll:.:nhm ; umulpfloï¬- 3 m Y‘ 1 «0 estern ; Whent, C M Jh&"x’?“}&g':'n} 5T for o.maE' ie ioi e ty uc tory yvesterday, at which several French 1 8c decline; 1340 for middling uplands. and sprices ‘ hmh;qmï¬oun% ed. Ryolb-dlll,d“â€â€˜ob Mmflwm‘%m % ï¬ u?m& 18 to m't‘llmgddwhtémim; §1 19 to 142 for do amber western ; $1 30 to 1 50 for do white western. itye ( ; BE in tee d uLh TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Â¥ote of the Rapal Xunole. ; , , Mavzin, September 24. â€"The Minis doil wnd Aesiming,‘auiee 20000 bnrioin at 70c to Tio for steam western mixed ; Tlo to 726 forsail do : T86 to 74e hhgl mixed and yellow.. â€" Barley.dull ;and deâ€" feaug Shy â€" yebioy m Africmmngect Sik, Pn fal 1 is o e n mm $oot ioy io t0) m t .de Ponoiyt 14 180 F0 R E 1 G N . CTimts officers at Brooklyn, N. °Y., on 0 M M E£ RC I A L. GEEAT BRITALX. is dead.â€"She was in her 724 London Markets. To be Repliaced: FRANCE, SÂ¥ERVIA. ITALY. +BPAIN. are likely to go, To ; rï¬?t"flio close : 185 ; Hogan 128 ; 8 nT.iT-‘o‘{é.a'iim. Douro, O‘Bullivan 194 ; Hogan 85 ; Sargent 10.‘ Asphodel, O‘8 ‘Mivan 156;‘ Hogan 104; Sargent 118. Burleigh to hear trom whily ow t ham, O‘Suilivan 92; roPinnrmnpnmeriar mag enagr uie i ralingins m 20 conthope; no | Cigaeo, September 24.â€"In the Insurâ€" *ï¬hcrn"'%"“ s & C C al.rk, Chicago. ‘The paper asserts that imementa ie "onnapt mt Pruttioes most 42 aneildoned in every dase.> No man must be allowed ‘to dommho‘l:-d C Contracta '&.ï¬;wuo e 'n-mm ttee on the causes of ‘confin= grations suggested, as prevention against Sreat fires, the arection of thick walls, practically fAre proof, ung |_ _ Freight Agents in Counnoll» . ... ,, At.a meeting of the | ï¬d‘;hu &h&ï¬.mml »lï¬nnm ndtovdbou.-ï¬- races : E n::uoq Glrmh.lnlgr% ‘10Q, pout \ in ; hd:og':ndu'mld:uflul"M'l‘ m'w"ï¬boï¬nu‘h Ist: of mext hp as M;mmdl-. 85. m'- MQy . $ l " bulE 45 ot u ] doult per FoUpoutiany -_«.’f?;u!-.tï¬ other points ;..there. will also be . a .Aifferâ€" ol with oorepuiat peduntion chorall m'w. W&: 2 l-‘-‘l"h"'v EC '-" P" Te yR tiiing uen on the maase tay: The National Insa@rance Coveution. | | The "National <Insurance © Convention mmhm“m% er of the H. | 2 tilk tily, was Tnvited To g body; © Dr. Lambert, of the\ Popular Life, Insurance Co., also mzu’gï¬- on the Fictions and Realities of |Life Inâ€" {;7 PA ow t oo t to mc o ons i. Aangt damates Railroad for the loss of her wï¬ the explosion of & locomotive. Sult‘ Wa brought for $20,000. " _ ‘***** "" * ** l_:;n.'."i.'zlt& x :u‘t: rétroy mw , 5 :é #16,000. ! he Ex«Prince Imporial of France. Arrived, steamship â€" Neckaer, from Liver Whie uinsd sutteel porvats wire seroce were los! t ty burned and obherelss injured, . \g proccs on Pritccc, Hresciih is "the on o onl Premabsae desally injured. Plerce esorp@l, .. , ep j , nm, ;‘;KQ-J* h ns tie) "op it renienan ts Rioder The height of imvpudenceâ€"the length of a book agent. dn i ht se toine, ‘Office, Hay‘s Bt.: â€"â€" 8088118 EAaS T PETERBORO. Pareute> orâ€" Iwvextio® HAPIDLT . curup, and information gratuitously A MERIOAN sonu», and information gritoitOds‘y E9D ° ied, by Messrs, Gibbs and l *.: P#ATEBRSUN. LINDSAY., 0‘Bullivan 87 ; . Hogas 14; NBE W YORK BALTIMORE. Agents. in Connceil. MV 80X 24. â€"State of the Ca NX A D 1 A W . A" Watch Owrindi« â€" A Fire â€" Appotnt meatâ€"Mayor it ennedy â€"â€" Locianders Arrived â€"Jud;uient to be Given â€"Cail Accepicd â€"\ Mandsom s Prosont. T ~ept. 24â€"A watch swindle has boen discorered â€"at Bifantford. 'n'; 10 f Popors bore a veluable whinh due mt bn m:g to a lady in reduo»d ciroumâ€" stances. When the advertisements were answored, the dupes were sent ; 0. D.a m;lflnmnt. n :g. ‘muw ite ai'l.l‘:&. and 4: done io theexies of 2000 â€" ivis novered hls the RP Justice Tascherean, is Popiine uy uty Rnprmat ovsec, byve â€" Yesterday‘s telegram gave the ALBJOT I Arcthid PEEARBBECOC y imï¬ dn mavend e dtarn io l_’-hm to ï¬mflvv About 200 loelanders, who have bean rking: on : the Oredit V BRailrsn« : mh- uahmnsx mm%u seitle. The, -uud& from Ahe Governâ€" J.d:‘-â€"unh be given ‘the ~election as Oegtous ol on the e on appeal The weather is splendid and warm. Professor Jones, of ‘Guil, has received and unocd a oall from ‘Bay Street Mowat‘s Privéte and now his leaving to reside in Oitawa. Mechanics® Bazkâ€"First Issue~Indge Mondcletâ€"In Townâ€"Klection Onsonâ€" The Financial Slituation | Monrkuir, Sept. uâ€"mm ï¬wh the Mechunios‘ Baunk more dissatisfied yc oi reason. Beveral: steps to call a j next week, and appoint a comâ€" to look into the afairs. ‘The baunk stated never to have had a working ‘dapital of over $200,000, and “â€w went in the enormous discounting ‘-'“fl" bilis being shave l every day week.â€" Boads aud: ‘gheques were cashed sometimes without making in _ / veorl e ids fourvis s?:x-huwï¬-h for Efl‘uï¬m Hook fiamemannl nra Put them up in :ï¬"l:‘ do * syed ts es rhu-k it to ‘ OU: l Wï¬m waiitersed t Molson‘s bank at the ruliug rate sof ie ies o tope oys »‘3'.“; lace. They a five yearsâ€"hasâ€"beonâ€"away most ol hls Uinb und ’.u little attention to bank ‘ouwwdpupuw ment been revesled, and TV .h:.n. hank was m-d-:::l{h: i made a ‘thoré smagh thus> has ‘the lrud wikhart @9 «ie sloyls ‘um.fl‘mMsg‘ nll,unukh-dwad ) operations next! November::â€" ® ‘When the Gourt of Review epened this "eumr uR:, JU9e! &D P m in# m W‘;m.i wal u.hï¬wm"‘ a uit vockrere if thk eme Aroe sad. w answered in the ve and m bound to believe him. ll-r“ reputation as his life and amust~warn «* 1 0B wit a ie td Sn 1e o P en hacs ..“w.u_-n- fested a reaction, and during l‘m m and this a m. market was q h“hbï¬nu aotive sales:" > 25 Montreal, proferred stook, 4 10 ; : 165 Mer 4 Z4 Merchants, 064 87 t with a sale of 1†100 T 1 143 ; Bb at 1@ug: Asdlus at Board : Montreal, 10 wharet 1804 preferred Merehants, 121 at 903 protented ; 88 ‘nt at from 8 o .Q. per oenk Ts she better than a band maid ? Josh ng xc they rup his way. want it to go oll. t» : #ik: have: y Arstâ€"dast/! was the .c.:t:., he gset up in PRICER C OEXNTS. MONTREAL TOoORoNXTO * 9y e ifrelrictable stkté of o aE Promdent Tor the Juss ladies projfess to and yet they do ~n0t at 1444 ; irblogtapiy